die fountal. fliter & Deimier. Proprietors O. DeinI NGKii,Associate Editor RtUhcim. Thursday May, 31 Terms—sl.so Per Annum. THE REVOLT Afc'AIXST HAYES. Secret Sleeting mid Orynn lent ton Of n Now Party lu Washington. WASHINGTON, May 25.—Accord ing to previous arrangement a secret meeting was held in this city, last night, for the purpose of organizing a national party. About 150 jx>r sons from different* States were pres ent. Those from the North express ed themselves strongly against the course of the President and his cabi net, alleging that they retained in office men who arc Opposed to the principles of the Republican party to exclusion of its tried and true ad herents. Representatives from the South declared that the President had discarded the States which had elected him and given office to the enemies of the party. Resolutions were adopted organizing the meeting into a national secret body Perma nent officers were elected i with pow ers to institute branches throughout the country, with headquarters at "Washington. GOVERNOR ROBIXSO X. of New- York, is doing the tax-payers noble service by his faithful following in the footsteps of his illustrious pre decessor. The people usually hold tho House of RepresenLit ives re sponsible for any extravagance, but Governor Robinson is mindful of the fact that though the House may originate schemes for spending the public money, he is equally responsi ble if these schemes receive the ap- | proval of his signature. A veto of ; an appropriation bill is a novelty,! but be has taken advantage of the opportunities he has had to familiar ize himself thoroughly with the finan ces of the State, and has gone through the supply bill item, cutting out a number of appropriations. He ob jects to no less than fifteen items, ! amounting in the aggregate to al most "SIOO,OOO, and some of them as small as SBOO, on the ground that "the work is not absolutely neces sary and that the canal revenues are not likely to be sufficient to warrant the doing of any work that can safe- r ly be dispensed with." Sucli a close watch over legislation can baldly be expected of a Governor, but it is all the more fortunate for the Empire State that it has a Governor who looks so closely to the finances. — Tinus. RUSSIAN DARING. BLOWING IT i TI'RKISH MONITOR. Darin? FxplolM of Two Tonnj Ei?lni>BrN with D.rnamite Torpeloe*-.\ Review o*" Reront oprrationN mid sketch of Future 3Xove menU. LONDON*, May 28 The Standard" s Bucharest corres pondent telegraphs as follows: The bill proposing the issue ot paper money failed to obtain the neceessa ry majority and will be withdrawn. The following details have been re ceived of the destruction of the Turkish monitor by torpedoes. Two young Russian engineer officers at tempted to reach the monitor early ia the evening with torpedoes, but were discovered and driven back by a heavy fire. At 3 o'clock in the morning they returned in two skiffs, carrying a chain of small torpedoes filled with dynamite. No look-out being kept aboard the monitor they sccurly lodged the chain across her bows. "On their return they discharg ed the whole series of torpedoes bv means of an electric battery. The vessel immediately disappeared. Another railway accident has oc curred, by which four soldiers were killed and many wounded. Mukhtar Pasha reports that an additional force is required to defend the Southern reads, as the Russians evidently intend to gain possession of the river Arras or Euphrates. The Bedouins are becoming trou blesome in Palestine, and there is a panic at Jerusalem. Fears for Czar's Health. LONDON. Mav 27. Since the Czar his returned to St. Petersburg he has shown such excitement and uneas iness as to cause great fears for his health. lie constautly expresses dissatisfaction at the nieagerness of the news. This has induced his physicians to recommend his return to tin army, at any rate until some decisive victories are obtaiued. It is not yet decided whether he will undertake supreme co mraand. The physicians oppose tins idea. RculKiUklloii of the Turkish Minis try. LONDON, May 27. The Standard's Vienna correspondent says: The Turkish Ministers of War andfinance have apparently tendered their resig nations. The Sultan's decision is still pending. The Grand Vizier wishes to mediate with the Chamber and has confered with some of the .'ending members oil the formation of a new cabinet. Alaluaoud Dainad Pasha declares in favor .of unbend ing opposition to the Chamber. The Mexican Border Troubles. W ASHINGTOX , May 28.—Secretary M'Cravy and Generals Sherman and Ord had a long conference with Sec retary Evarts this morning on the subject of the Mexican raids on the Texas frontier. This question is now in the hands of the state depart ment, and if it fails to induce the Mexican authorities to lend an hon est effort to protect the frontier, the policy of sending United States troops across the Rio Grande into Mexico in pursuit of raiders, as sug gested by General Ord, will no doubt be adopted. Gereral Ord explained to the secretary of state iu details the*operations of the raiders and bis efforts to protect the frontier. lie also explained how secret encourage ment was given the raiders by the Alexiean authorities. The Prospective Hanging at Fotts vlllc. POTTBVILLE, May 28.—The GOV ernor having issued the death war rant of Thomas Duffy to-day, to be huug on Juno 21. this swells the nuniberrf Molly MagKires to In 1 ex ecuted on that day to six, the others I being James Carroll, Jaiues Jloyle, Hugh M'Gchan, James Roarritv and | Thomas Mini ley. Already a large number of persons have signified their intention to be here on hang man's day, as it is called, to see all that can be seen, though the Sheriff and other court officials have given notice that very few persons will be allowed inside the prison walls 011 that day except those whose pres ence is absolutely required. Among the large number ot applications al ready made to witness the execu tion only one female, an English lady, wife of one of the Molly Ma guire victims, expressed a desire to sec "with her own eyes" the murder of her husband avenged. The offi cials docliuo "for good reasons"' to admit her. Three >e#roes Lynched for the Mar dorol a Woman. COLI'MUIA , Ga, May 28.—Last Friday rooming before day break Mrs. C. C. CI iambi iss, of Stewart county, was numlered by three ne groes. They tired the fences and drew her hnsbaml away from the house. The negroes proceeded to the house to rob it and were met by Mrs. Cham bliss, aged eighteen years, armed with a gun. One of the ne groes, Jerry Snead, took the gun from her and lodged its contents in her head, causing her death instant ly. The negroes then tied. They were pursued and captured. Jerry .admitted the* deed and implicated his companions, Stephen Abraham and W. Booth. They were brought to Ohanibbss* house that afternoon and it was unanimously decided by about 300 whites and blacks present that they should bo hanged. A gal lows was erected and the murderers were hanged with trace chains. The IDgus kuhlui Story. WASHINGTON, May 28. —Gov. Nicholls' course in ferreting out the truth of tliQ Laws assassination case in Louisiana has had a good ef fect here and will delay, if does not prevent, any letter being written bv a mernlua* of the cabinet on that and kindred affairs.which, on close in vestigation .do not grow out of po~ litical troubles. T K e department of justice, for instance, was alarmed over the reported intimidation of John Dula. who telegraphed from New Orleans that he had been serv ed with a kuklux notice to quit the town of St. Francisville, La., and barely escape with his life. On in quiry the departm nit of justice found that Dula had not received any ktikiux notice, unless a petition to the j>ostmaster general, signed by near!) all the citizens of St. Franc is ville, white and black, praying for his removal from the post offiee there on the ground of incompetency* and bad character, could be called intimidation. RE3ETS3URG- ITEMS. C. 11. Stroheeker, Jno. " Kreamer and L. B. Frank left on Monday for Virginia, Maryland, and the Nation al Capitol, where they intend to make their homes until old Sol brings us summer, when they will return to abide with us. Their principal object undoubtedly is, to gratify self-curiosity. Dr. L. G. Mover, of Mmroe Co., formerly of near Itebersburg, has been here on a fivmg visit to see his many friends, but has again returned to hi 3 field of labor. He reports the community where he lives dread fully healthy for a doctor. Call agaiu. That mysterious phenomenon known as Aurora Bor< alit was seen to shine more brilliantly on Monday evening than was witnessed in these parts for a long time. The tlames flickered up. washing, as it were, the very face of zenith, then receding only to reappear more beautiful and blight than l>cfore. Our town l*>ya seem to enjoy that old and familiar play known as qr-O'tiiKj very much, and pride them selves with the belief that none of our sister towns can beat them. Be careful boys, not to challenge them all at once. AXON*. George Harter in North Millheim lias trimmed up and painted his new home until it looks as fresh and pleasant as a May flower. John B. Smith, of Suiithville, is building ouite an addition to his house, to be occupied when com pleted, by the firm of Wm. F. Smith it* lady. School Boards arc by law required to publish a financial statement of their doings at the end of the school year. Neglect of this duty subjects them to a fine of §3OO. THE R.YIL UOA D . By the time this week's JOUR NAL shall hnve reached its* readers we will have a rail road in Penns Valley. To-morrow, as WT are most positively assured, the locomotive will emerge from the Seven Moun tains, and cast its first astonished look into one of the most fertile and beautiful valleys in Pennsylvania, if not in the United States. Thus will the dreams and hopes of years be realized, and we will no longer be an isolated and secluded people, but will have the same commercial and traveling facilities in common with others, the want of which were so long and so keenly felt. Penns and Brush valleys will i>rartiralhi be a part of the noble old Keystone, of the United States and of the world. We will be annexed to the vest of mankind by the strong ties of trade and commerce. Agriculture, busi ness, the mechanic arts, will receive an impetus heretofore unknown to a quiet and steady people. Let, us hope and labor that virtue', knowledge art and literature may not lag be hind our more material interests. Our rail road men are now pushing matters with commendable zeal. Col. JSlifer, the efficient President of the road, passed over the fine the other week, trying to settle prospec tive litigation in Harris township and holding a conference with the citizens of Bellefonte with a view to the early completion of the road to that place. With the Harris town ship difficulties adjusted and a bonus of $20,000 secured in Bellefonte, the success of the enterprise will be as sured. The JOURNAL office is your place for Hills, rosters, Envelopes, Letter Heads, in fact for Job Mr ork ot all kinds, neat and cheap. Rumor has it that W. \V. Rog ers, of Aaronsburg, has boon ap pointed agent for the Forks R. R. Station, and Wallace Duncan for that of Spring Mills. * #■ No clothing establishment in On tre county was ever so deservedly popular as that of J. Newman, Jr. Hollefonte. At Newman's you can buv a suit of clothes for SI, and a suit of boy's cloth ng for $8.50. The corner stone of the now Re formed Church at Retiersburg will le laid on Sunday, Juno 10. Minis ters from a distance are expected to be present. The christian public is kindly invited to attend. W. M. Landis, l'astor. F. I'. Musser, of the Treasury Dcpa tment, paid our sanctum a vis it last week. Fierce does not coino very often but when be does come his visits are of sonio account. Call again. The delegates of the late Democra tic County Convention will reassem ble at the Hush House, Bellefonte, 011 Saturday the 2nd inst., to appoint delegates to the State Convention which is to meet at Ilarrisburg in August. (J. W. Stover, Esq., has broken ground for a new hotel at tne Forks, within a few rods of the promised depot. Mr. Stover proposes to erect and run a hotel tirst class in all re spects. He bits the lumber, spondoo lics and mountain tea sutlicieutto build and run half a dozen. A change in temperature of fifty degrees in a few days is enough to make people growl who are less even tempered than e liters, ltd degrees on Sunday and 42 degiecs and snoic in 7 on Thursday morning, makes a fellow sweat and shiver at rather short intervals for comfort. Harry Tomlinson of the Milllieim Grocery has just received a new sup ply of goods. His store is now well stocked with Groceries, Dried Fruit. Oranges, Lemons, Confection aries. Notions, Hosiery,Ac, which he sells really cheap for cash. Fat rouise Harry. Tuesday, the day of appeals for IVnn township, was very lively in Milllieim. Appellants were very numerous, but the adjustments and corrections made by the commission ers were satisfactory i:i the main. Centre county never bad an abler or more efficient board of commis sioners. There is a wide difference 111 the api>earance of grain fields this year. About half of the fields are Very good, while the other half is just as poor. Nearly all that was sown le --foro the heavy rains last fall, is good while all sown after the wet snell, is generally poor. Soma fields will not pay cutting. What a blessing to tiie poor would lie such a wholesome purifier and pr Tallow 7 Soap 7 Dried Auples 4 Dried Peaches Dried Cherries 5 -\TOTICE T(> STOCKHOLDERS.—'The An utial Meeting of the Stockholders of the LSWISUCKO, CP.NTKJ? AM) SPKITK I'HKEK KATI.UOAI) OOMPANT will ic held at the of fice of the Company, No. 233, South Fourth Street. Philadelphia, lYnna.. on Tuosdav, 12th. H77, at 12 o'clock, x. Klectlon for President and Directors same day aud Place. .J A M I>S K. McTLUItK, 21 3w Secretary. 6 New piece* ••licet music, retails for *1.73, sent for lOcts. and stamp. Cheap Music Co., Middlcboro, Mass. 4w Of ELKO AN T (LVUDS all stvles with name, oJlhcl-u, post paid. J. B. llusted, Nassau. Co., N. V. 4w PTTUI copy curmus love letter, I pk. comic f UU cards 1 park popping question ear* all for Id rts. & stamp. Fun Card Co., Miu dleboro, Mass. 4w Best barL'iins in America.Pi niTU J. F. Maps and Catalogue free. l iHUuO MANCHA, Dover, Del. 4w LIEE & HEALTH WITHOUT BLUE AND REDKS^L'w^'h T TttFTT [NOW READY 'FOR AGENTS. The onlv book practically treating this now universally absorbing topic. Shows how to apply the treatment, and tells of many suc cessful cures made by the use of this wonder ful medium. Circulars and l>est terms to earlv applicants. .1. M. BTODDAKT & Co., 723 Chestnut St.. Thila. 4w Miss L. Harter IIAS JUST RECEIVED A FULL LINE OF MILLINERY GOODS, which she offers to sell at the lowest price* Dress Making a Speciality. A share of public patronage respect fully so licited. 20-4w fit B#Soe this- Onlv <>1.50 capital 18398 required to start canvassing $ % n* ; -gwAiN-s S&. K-NiiSSfoK CANVASSERS 139 Hast Eight St., New York. 4w The Black Hills. By H. N. MAGUIKE, who has spent 12 years in this region. Latest accounts of Gold aud silver prospects, Agricultural and Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Fishing, ludi-. ans, and Settler's Adventures with them, Mining and Wild Western Life, the Water falls. Boiling Geysers, noble Scenery, Im mense Gorges, etc. With 27 fine illustra tions. and one map. Price only 10 of* Sold bv ALL N KWSDBALKKS, or sent post-paid for 12c. bv DONNELLY LOYD & CO.. I'ubs, Chicago, ILL. 4W ■VI ANO ■ I#BEL IB Sheet* Note Paper, 18 1 Envelopes, Pencil, Penholder, Oold ■ ■ ■ en Pen, Set of Elegant Gold Stono Sleeve Buttons, Gents' I-ak Oeorgo Diamond Pin, Ame thyst Stono Rliirlnlnld with gold, Amethyat Stone Scarf Pin. Gold plated Wedding King. Bet Koao>od La) Drop*, i.adlcs' Flowered and Hllrarod TlatPln, Ladle* J'""'* f** Pin and Drop*. Gold plate Collar Sutton, tienta' UohMßat wl Watch Chain aud Set of HU| IFx Three Geld-plafst Btud*. 7')/ entire Lot sent post-paidfer BO ■ ■ , tents. •_j F XTRAOR DIN AR Y H Wv H A IKB UCBMENTS TO A CFSTS ■ w . N J. BRIDE, Clinton Place, Now York/ HARDWARE JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, J\'o. J. Brockcrhoff How, BELLEFOITTE, FJL. MrOI.DFJT HARDWARE NTORE IN CEXTBE CO."fc Complete lino of Hardware of all Kiiuls at tho LOWEST PRICES. The Celebrated Barley Sheaf Cool Store & Anchor Heater. CALL ADN SEE. HARDWARE ________ . 1 .•? HARDWARE WHY WASTE YOUB MONEY WHY WASTE YOL'R MONEY WHY WASTE YOUB MONEY IN arm JTARD TIMES ]N SITII lIAKD TIMES IN SUCH lIAKD TIMES IT WIU. PAY YOU IT WILL L'AY YOU TO COMK TO OUR STORK TO COME TC OUR STORK Tor au\thing iu tho line of Dry Uoodi, Cloth lux. C'nrpet*, Oil CloliK, Boot* A Khor*. l>ro Good*. Notion*, Trim - utlnr*, Ac. Wo arc wiling—LADIES SHOES at ♦I.OO eta We are selling—Ladles ltatton Shoes at ♦1.50 We are selling—Ladies White Hose at 6cts We are seillng-Ladles Handkerchiefs at 5c We aie selling—DßESS GOODS at 8 cents We are selling—Dress Goods at 10 cents We are seIIing—CALICOES at 5 cents Wc arc seIIing—SHIRTINGS at 8 cents We arc sclUng-SPOOL COTTON at 2 cent* We are selllng-LADIES DOLMANS 12.50 c. We are selling—Ladles Trimmed Hats at 1.50 Wc are selling—Ladles Trimmed Hats at 1.75 We are selling—Ladles Trimmed Hats at 2.00 Wc arc seIIing—CARPETS at 20 cent* We are seIIing—CARPETS at 2" cents Wo arc selling—lngrain Carpets at OOeent* We are selling—Brussels Carpets at ♦1.0) We are selling—MEN'S SUITS at £*>.oo In f\ct we are selling everything usually kept iu a ami well se lect til stock for less than any other house in Centre County. It will pay you to call and eeo for your selves. S.&A.LOEB. j J. SELLER & SON, j No. 0. Brockerhoff Row. BELLEFONTE, FA. DEALERS IX Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. I o ' A Full Stock of Goods of Superior Quality always on Hand, j CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cents and upwards. CARRIAGE 1 SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards. A share of the public patron age respectfully solicited. ~ j NOTICE.— Whereas letters testamentary on tlie estate of Barali Zelgler, late ot Oregg township, Centre county, ra., deceas ed, have l>een granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against the same, to preseutthem duly authenticated, for settlement DAMSL ZKIOLF.R. Ct. Executor. CAUTION.— All persons are hereby cau tioned not to sell my son Harvey any thing on credit as I will pay no debts of his contracting. MRS. SVSAN SMITH. enn llall, May 17,1*77. 29-3 !! FRAMES!! PITIBE& MOTTO FRAMES. .1 ust received at WELCH'SCIIE Al® ItOOIv ami STATION A HY STORK next door to the Host Olliee, a largo assortment of Motto and Picture Frames, embracing many New rProprietor. Only First Class Hotel In the City. Charges moderate. WAR ! AVAR ! WAR! In Hi#! gro.it Dry Goods Battle In Lock llaven the BEE HIVE has come off victorious on account of the wonderful low prices at which Dry Goods are sold at this old and reliable store. The third Immense stock of Dry flood*, <"*rpet*. &c.. for the Spring anil Summer trade is lust wing opened at prices below any ever before known. 5000 yards all SII.K GROGItAIN RIBBON beautiful shades, only 15 ets. jcr yard. 300 new PARASOLS. Srnixo STTI.M. com mencing at IRcts. a piece. Large IoH BLACK KID GLOVKS, all sizc s 25 cts. a pair. 500 Packs PINS, at .1 cts. a pack. 10N0 yards DItKSS LINENS, ALL PCKE I.IN ES, from 1 cts. a yard up. 3000 yards BEAUTIFUL STRING STYLE PRINTS, warranted fast colors at sc. sc. sc. sc. sc. sc, 6c. sc. sc. jier y. SX) Pair MENS" HA I.F HOS Eat scts. a pr. 200 Pair LADIES' HOSE at cts. Large Stock beautiful ready mad* LA DIES' SPRING SKIRTS, 57 cts. Immense Stock ready made LINEN SUITS roK LADIES, very cheap. Our Stock of STRIPED A PLAIN SILKS. BKILLIANTINKK, ALL WOOL, I)E BAlttii- ES. PLAIDS A SUMMER DRESS GQpDS, comprises all the choicest styles in endless variety. The largest and cheapest stock of PANT IN OH, SHIRTINGS, TICKINGS, MCLHW,TOWL IX<;s. T ATU.K LINKS.*, IF ENS & BOYS' SI M MBit WEAKS, ever brought to Lock Haven, at the BEE HIVE Just being opened thts week. New Stock CARPET, Handsome INGRAIN CAurET. only 2X ets. a yard. FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 2yards wide, only 75 e. I-argc Stock of 3 PLY AND FIXE CAUPET CHAIN and WINDOW CCRTINS, cheap. Remember the Great BEE HIVE DRT GOOD STORE, 65 HU M Silt 111 I, LOCK HAVEN, PA. J. J. EVERETT, [Proprietor. tfiTWanted—NDOO lt>! Good Tl'll WASHED WOOL in exchange for Dry Gest and most lasting parlor organ now in use. No other parlor organ has ever attained ihe same popularity. It has been tested by thousands, manv of them competent judges, and gives universal satisfaction to all. The music is adapted to the human voice, ranging from the softest ttute-like note to a volume of sound unsurpassed by any iu.stru ment. This instrument has all the la teat improve ments, and evcrv organ is fully warranted for six years. Beautiful oil polish, black wal nut panelled cases, which will not CItACK or WARP, and forms, in addition to a splen did iostrumcnl of music, a beautiful piece of furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap preciated, anj is sold at extremely low fig ures for cash. Second-hand instruments taken in exchange. Agents wanted, m ile or female. In every comity In the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc., where 1 have na agents. Illustrated catalogue and price list frac. Correspondence solicited. Agent discount given where I have no agents. Best offer ever given uovr ready. Address, DAM El. F. BE ATTY, Wasliiugton, New Jersey, V. 8. A. READ THIS!! A chance for all to make orsave money, .VXDOKTTHK UFST (.OOOS IN THB M.UtKET. TEAS. COFFEES, &(., sold at lower prices than the same qualities ran bo bought at any other house in this country". All goods guaranteed to IK* s.vtls fs' fory and as represented, or the money will be refunded on return of the goods, which may be done at oar expense. The reputation of our liouse for selling stand,aru goods at lam Prices, (forCSyears), has given us a standard in New York City and vicinity, that is not en loved by any other house in the trade. After mature de liberation we have determined to offer our good* to housekeepers in the interior, at ihe Lowest Wholesale Trade Prices, when a Club is formed large enough to ir.ake a small case. The goods of each memi er of the club will be put in separate packages, and mark ed with name and cost, so as to avoid con fusion ill distribution, Good* will be sent by Exurcss to Collect on I)ellv< ry. All wishing to save money dy purchasing family sun. plies at New York Wholesale Prices (an talk tlie matter over among friends and nelgh- Ixii's, and send to us for Club Circular, Price list, Ac. We give a present of either g jods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble ect. Hamples or Ti!A & COFPKK sent by mail. Send for Price-list, and Club Circular. 4w ' Stiner's New York & China Tea Co., M. H. MOSES, & CO., Pioprietors. 77, 79, 81, 84 andSC VESKY' Strcot N. Y. W A \'T!?IA An oJ( ' established N. Y. and I* A.I I Bilv Havana firm want a General Agent in Millhelni, to control the sales of their Cigars. A permanent paying position for an acceptable man. Must bo energetic and reliable. Address, RAMON, LOPKZ & Co., 147 lteade Street, New York. NERVOUSDEBILTTY. Vital Weakness or Depression, a weak ex hausted feeling, no energy or courage; the result of Mental over-worn, Indiscretion or Excesses, or some drain upon the system is always cured by Hraslirey's Homeopathic Specific No. 28. It tones up and Invigorates the system* dispels the gloom and desopndencv, imparts strength and energj—stops the drain and rejuvenates the entire man. Heen used twenty years with perfect success by thous ands. Hild bv dealers, ri ice, #I.OO per sin gle vial; or *.'.00 per nackage of five vials and #IOO vial of powder. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Address Humphrey's Homoepathie Medicine Coropant*. Wl Broad way, York. 51x131y. Aicott's Water-WfeD 1 A jSP Atcarda(l Cenlenntttl flHm The mrwt practical, HU pic, and effective. Its .-• pcrior advantage at partff mBH gate is universally ERfIHHr Enowledgcd.. Vtl dress. C. T. AL.COTT A SON*. . M 1,., ot Wheels art Mi' Machinery, MOCNT HOLAT, N. J. U'iU ci <• manufacturing rights. INSURANCE MEN! lAK,; xot.CE. AIIE.VTS WASTED -RIB TIIK — Hew Eufflaail Mntol Life to Co. The oldest mutual In the country, t harteud 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MAR It N A WAKI I IN, Gn.rm! A geltb, 133 South Fourth Htrect, Phlhdelphh. Daniel F. Beatty's CAirrtox.—The reputation have gained and the celebrity of niv Orgons, have indue, ed some unprincipled parties and agents to copp my circulars, and misrepresent mi Instruinents; against this the public me hereby cautioned. All my Organs liear ntr trade-mak, Golden Tongue, and all my Pla no* have the word PI V IVO underlined., and also have my ■><( te#K dence, DANIEL F. BKATTV. Waskiiiion, N. J., without which none D genuine. Addie.s*, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, X. J., U. S. A. BMTTW™& Parlor Organs. Messrs. Geo. P. Rowed ACo., (N. Y-F Newspaper Reporter, says: "Daniel F. Beatty, the organ builder, of n ashlsgton, N. J M presses forward Willi greatest i igor." From Wm. Peol, NlapmrjiFalls. N. Y. "Several months use of the elcgeut Parior Organ you scut nic satisfies me that It Is one of the la st made. t has a rich tone; ft* various tones are most pleavu nl. most heartily recommend vour orggns for parlor acitool. church or oilier use."' Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charge* paid by tue (Dankl F. Beatty) lioth wavs if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five day*. Organ warranted for five years. Send for extended list of testimonials before buying a pallor Organ. Address. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wiwhlugtoo, A'ew Jersey, r. 3,A Awarded Hie Highest Krdal fit Thnia. E. & If. ANTHONY ¥ CO' 591 Broadway, JWu? Ycrk. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) NnnnfnclurcrN. Importer* 4k Dc lers In Enaravliiss. Chronics ani Frames. STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Graphoscopes, Photographs, And kindled goods-Celebrities. Actresses, PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS WearcJleadquartcrvfor everything in the way of STEREOPTICOSSASB fiACICIAMEIW r MICRO-SCIENTIFIC I.AATRRIf, STEREO-PANOPTICON, rXIVEHSITY STEREOfTICOX, ADVEBTIKERS STEREOFTICOM ARTOPTICON. SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being the best cf Its class la tfcw market. Catalogue of lantrmsand Slides, with dt reel ions for using. 3ent on application. Anyentcrprising man can make money with a Magic Lantern. O.VWtors to the Centex nial Exposition will do wisely to defer purchasing good* in our line until they come to. ur sto. cin New York, where they will find greater vsiiety and more moderate orices, and can select more at their leisure. But we have a em. evasion to sell some styles of our goodstuthe building of the Department of Public Com fort, and thosj not coming to New York are invited to call on our lepic.Mutaik u tHnr _ A full slock of Views of the Expos!, tiou Buildings and their contents. fifA-Cut out this ad. for referenre^ca W4\TED V,e v,n pir " energetic II A.ll Lir. men and women Business that will Pay front Wto per itny, c-in lo p turned in your u.vn neighborhood, and is stiietly hon orable. fnrticti!nrs free, or samples worth several dollars tl*r w ill enable you to go be work at once, will be sent oti receipt of fifty cents. Address LATHAM & CO.. Box 2.154. 419 Washington Sc. l.'otou. Aiare BEATTY'SParIor Crprr. ssmsE Relieving it to I* RY FAR the best Parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, challenge any manufacturer to equal them, fhe celebrated