I fjt fournal TUter & Damp. Proprietors B. O.PEININGER, Associate Editor ■ilihcini.Thursdaj May, <7 Terms—Bl.so Per Annum. Sherman Reforms. The appointment of Senater John Sherman, of Ohio,'to the Secretary ship of the Treasury, was about the most unpopular that his Excellency, Mr. Hayes, could have made. Sher man had shown but little ability and less statesmanship in the Senate, while his extreme partisan course during the infamous Presidential "count," disgusted not only his po litical anemias,but a good portion of his partv friends. But Sherman as Keeper of the Tieasury, has taken it into his head that "reform is nec essary," and he has begun to cor rect a system of chronic abuse*, which, if faithfully and persistently carried out will tesult in great sav irgs to the nation. For instauce, the building in Chicago used for custom house, courts, etc. for which a rental of $25,000 ler annum was heretofore paid, is now leased at $12,000 per year ; the rent of that used in New York city for apprais ers' stores, has beeu reduced from $89,000 to $58,000 per annum ; a ware house in New York has been cut down from $2,500 to 2000, and so with other buildings for which unreasonable rents have heretofore been paid. In the Department proper, a large number of superfluous and idle clerks had been employed. Up to the 11th inst,. over five hundred have been discharged making at least standing room for the balance, and the work Is as well done as before the great reduction of force. The pay roll shows a saving of aboutS7so per day, or $263,750 per year. Think of it : over a quarter" million saved on clerks, in one Department alone, and the work done as well as before. This sounds like an official confes sion that the Administration of (J rant had sunk to a very deplorable depth of corruption, and that a Democratic House sought to serve the best interests of the country in materially reducing appropriations, which would have still l>eea further reduced, but for tlie stubborn resist ance of a Republican Senate, backed by the bowlings of the Radical press. Mr. Sherman has made a good be ginning, let him go on in the good work. lie has already brought about that kind of reform which an oppress ed and suffering people are most rendv to appreciate. Reforms that lighten the Durdens of the masses, are welcome, even if achieved by a fraudulent administration. The followiog letter was written to Hon. Samuel J. Tilden on the day on which Hayes was inaugurat ed President, and is now given to the public for the first time : BOSTOX, March. 5. Hon. 8. J. Tilden, New York. —MY DEAR SIR: On this day when you ought to have been President of the United States. I seize the opportunity to bear my testimony to the calm and dignified manner in which you have passed through this great trial. It is raauy years since I ceased to lie a party man, hence I have endeavored to judge of the public affairs and men, rather by their merit than the name they take. It is a source of grati fication to me to think that I made the right choice in the late election. I could never have been reconciled to the elevation by the smallest aid of mine of a ierson liowever respect able in private life who must forever carry upon his brow the stamp of fraud first triumphant in American history. No subsequent action how ever meritorious can wash away let ters of that record. ■ Very Respectfully Yours , (/HAS. FRANCIS ADAMS. A ROUGH LEGISLATURE.—Re pubIican i>apers are apt to cast re flections upon the Democratic House of 1875 .and 1876, but it was no com parison to the Republican inob of last winter. We find in a recent number of the Beaver Argus and Radical, edited by senator Rutan, the following scathing rebuke of the Legislature. For a Republican pa per it is something wonderful to ad mit even the small credit the Argus allows to the Democrats of the Se nate : "The Legislature which has just adjourned passed a few baa laws and perhaps a few good ones. Many bad acts were defeated in the Senate the tost week of the session. It is evident that the people must look to the Senate U* protection from in-, iquitous legislation of all kinds. The House is little better than a mob at best, and one shrewd, deter mined man can pass almost any bill through that body. Almost every proposition to take money out of the Treasuryobtainedthe requisite num ber of votes to secure its passage through the House, and but for the Senate half a million of dollars would have been taken out of the Treasury for the benefit of private corporations having no claim whatever on the State for aid. It is only just to say that to Democratic Senators much of this credit is due, although the motive which actuated them was not a worthy one.— Lewisburg Jour nal. Decoration Day is fast coming. Preparations are making all over the county to celebrate this day as be comes a people grateful for the he roic achievements of our patriot dead. Is anything being done here to keep up the beautiful and sug gestive custom of decorating the sol diers' graves with flowers ? The O. 17. A. M. seem to have this matter in charge, and wo hope they will not p delinquent. The wheat crop of Sugar Valley Is very promising. ■ ■ ■ The organ grinder came as far west PS Lewisburglast week. Guess he will be along one of these days. At the regular monthly meeting of the M. B. L. Association on Monday evening, money sold at 39f per cent for permanent Loan. A tramp, convicted of outraging a ten-year old girl, has just been sen tenced to nine years imprisonment by Judge Harding, of Wilkesharre. •-♦♦♦ ♦> Miss. L. Harter has just received a full lino of Huts and Millinery Goods, which she offers to sell at very low prices. See advertisement. According to the Lewiftburg Jmtr nttl, Apples are not going to be very plenty in that section this year. Just here they are plenty already. - ■ ■■ Did you see Alexander's large stock of new and cheap goods? If not, you had better go at once before they are all sold. ■■ ♦♦♦ Track laying is expected to pro gress up as far as Eiaenhuth's, this week. Really, matteriare getting serious. ■ ■ ■■ Rev. W. R. Fisher and lady were very substantially remembered a few days ago by the good people of Cen tre Ilall and vicinity. Eminently proper act. The Penns Valley Banking Com pany are about erecting a three sto [ rvbrick building, at Centre Hall. Per renting must be good business up there. The Democratic state convention will meet at Ilarrisburg, August Bth, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Supreme Judge, Au ditor General and State Treasurer. P. n. Stover has the proud distinc tion of lieing the first man who cross ed the new iron County bridge at the Forks. The Important event hap pened on Tuesday morning the 15th instant. ♦ - ■ Potter township is getting to be so big that they can't all vote at one place any longer, and so our court kindly appoints two Ex-Sheriffs and one lawyer to divide the township into two election precincts. Much dissatisfaction seems to pre vail in Penn township, with the manner in which the triennial assess ments were mode, and our county dads may expect a lively time on the 29th, our day of appeals. -> ■ ■ The Duncan lots are sold. 11. G. Smith and G. W. Stover, Jr., are the buyers. We understand they will make preparations to build al once. That's business on the first floor. About ado zen others ought to do the same thing. The Philadelphia Time* says that Mr. Haves owns several thousand j acres of valuable mineral lands in j Virginia. Hope he may have a bet-' ter title to these than he has to the office of President, else his heirs may be most woefully disappointed some day. The Millheiin Marble Works, es tablished thirty four years ago, has stood the best of all the panics and hard times since. Monuments, Couches. Headstones and other mar ble work, made of the best stock and jat veiy reasonable prices. The con tinued favor of the public respectful ly solicited. -■ ♦ The finest lot of evergreens ever brought to Millheim were sold out last week by A. O. Deininger. We understand that Gust is going into the tree business in earnest, and he certainly needs no better recommen dation than just such trees as he sold last week. In fifteen States there are Repub lican Governors and in twenty-three Democratic. In eighteen Legisla tures the Republicans are in a major ity, while of the remaining twenty the Democrats have nineteen and 'the Independents one. Rev. W, 11. Scott, the muruered South Carolina preacher, to whose memory the New England Methodist Conference paid a tribute of respect, has had an interesting interview with a Charleston News and Courier re porter. He brags about his pleasant relations with the white people, and isdelighted over Hampton's triumph. SUITS BEFORE J USTICRS. An act was passed at the last session of our I/egislature, requiring Justices of the Peace and Aldermen to render judg ment withiu ten days after a final Rearing of any case. Failure an the part of a Justice to comply with this law is a misdemeanor, and subjects such officer to a penalty of SIOO. Heretofore Justices had twenty days in which to pass judgment. The Murphy Temperance move merit \% sweeping the country like wild fire. Meetings are held and speeches made everywhere. Judges and lawyers, ministers and lawmen, unite in making common cause against the demon ot intemperance, aud thousands aro signing pledges promising to abstain from all in toxicating drinks us a beverage. We hope that some substantial good may result from this work. We see as yet but very few people clothed in new Spring suits. The general reason for this is that times are very hard and people must make their old clothing do a while longer. But the special reason that new suits are not more general is that folks wait until business calls them to Bellefonte, where J. Newman, Jr., the popular King Clothier, can suit them in all respects, and at prices that are very low even in these cheap times. Newman is your man for good and cheap clothing. Go and see for. yourself. In order to en Joy good sound sleep, several things are necessary, of which the following are of primary importance: First, a good con science ; secondly, regular and tem perate habits, and lastly, Bartlett's Adjustable Spring Bed, manufac tured by Daniel Derr, Bellefonte, Pa. Whether you enjoy and prac tice the first two requisites, we do not pretend to know. If you are thus lucky, better get the third one and have your repose complete. If you are without the first and second, you had better secure the third at once and have some sleep, bee ad vertisement in another column. The JOURNAL IS growing so popu lar and beloved that fault is round with It but rarely. Irately however, a friend suggested that we might use the pronoun "we" a little wes fre quently, Intimating that too much of it sibaeked a little of egoism. We plead guilty at once, to save costs. But the fact is we can not write at all, unless we are: permitted to use the word v as often as we wish. It is a weakness we have. That's all. -■■■■■ - - ♦l n ' ■ Have you straightened up and white-was bed your fences, cleaned up your yard, removed the stone, old boards and other rubbish around the the premises ? If so vou should next in order trim up the flower beds, clip your trees and ornamental bushes of awkward and useless branches and then look around to see whether there is not something else to do in the same line. Don t be satisfied with a few hours of work in the yard and garden, In the Spring. We would like toaeyou keep things in the best kind of trim all Summer, the fact that it is none of our busi ness,how you do your work, "to the contrary notwithstanding." ■ ' ■ 1 m ■ - One of the best Book Stores iu Central Pennsylvania, is that of James Welch in Bellefonte. Full to repletion in its various depart ments, Mr. Welch sells st prices that defy competetion anywhere. Just now he makes a speciality of paper and envelopes selling the lat ter at Are cents per pack, and note paper at 7—lo cents per quire. We advise our readers to visit and buy at Welch's store wheu they go to Bellefonte. w♦♦♦ ■ . i ■ Trlbnte of Respect. At A regular stated meeting of Millheim Council, No. 309, O. U. A. M. held In the Council Chamber, May sth, 1877, the following tribute of r aspect to the memory of our late brother, A. Jackson Hosterman, was unanimously passed: Whereas God, the Supreme Ruler of all mankind, has in his infinite wisdom taken from our midst by death, our Late esteemed brother, A. Jackson Hosterman, therefore Resolved, That we bow our heads in humble submission to His will and extend our heartfelt svmphathy to the bereaved widow and orphan Resolved, That in the death of Bro. Hosterman, we feel the loss of a highly respected member of our order. Resolved, That we drape in mourn - ing for tlie space of sixty days, the Charter of our Council. Resolved, That these resolutions be published in the MILLHKIM JOUR NAL, and a copy sent to the widow of our late brother. ABS. CoNrr.it, I JOHN YAROER, A. O. DRININOBR, C. 11. Uxi.d, Committee. RBBBRSBURQ ITEMS. The sick are convalescing. Henry Brungart and Mai shall | Hall Are building in East Ilebersburg; hope many more will follow. I The Cherry crop promises to be good. The foundation of the German Re formed church is fast approaching completion. Our Supervisors have commenced operation on tlie road, a good step in the right direction. Some of our fanners revel in tlie hope of replanting some of their corn, having planted it the first time dur ing the winter. Rcbersbxrg should not only lie a moral but a religious village, judg ing it from its many weekly proceed ings, two or three sermons, three Sal>- hnth schools, three Bible classes, three singing associations and sev en prayerraeetings, (the Lutherans, Uuited Brethren and the Evangel ical Association having them bi weekly.) besides other raettings of a religious nature. Who can beat us ? AXON. ■ - PETERSON'S MAOAZINE for June opens with an exquisite steel engrav ing "Sybil's Swans." In addition it has a double-size colored fashion plate, about twenty other fashion il lustrations. and dozens of patterns for embroidery, netting Ac., Ac. It has also a pattern for a tidy in Java canvas, largo size, which is alone worth the price of the number. "Pe terson," it must be remembered, is only two dollars a year , and in clubs can be had as low as $1.50. How so elegant a magazine can be published so cheaply, is only to be explained by its enormous edition, which tlie proprietor claims is tlie largest of any lady's book in tlie world. "Pe terson" has long been celebrated for the superiority of its fttories, and the present number fully sustains this reputation. Mrs. Ann 8. Bte phens, Frank Lee Benedict, the au thor of "Josiah Alien*# Wife," Ac. Ac., being among the contributors. A new volume begins w'th the next uumber, so that now is just the time to subscribe. Undoubtedly "Peter son" is (1u best and cheapest of its kind. Specimens are sent, gratis, to those wishing to get up clubs. Ad dressC'KAS. J, PETERSON, 306 Chest nut Street, Philadelphia. MARRIED. On the 30th ult., at the Reformed parsonage by Rev. W. M. Land is, Dr. D. J. llillbish of Rebersburg, to Miss Emma K. llillbish of Free burg, Snyder Co., Pa. DIE D. On the 12th inst., in Penn t wp., an infant son of Jacob Dutweiler, aged 1 year, 2 mouths and ft days. On the 12th inst., near Penn Hall Mrs. Fayette, wife of John F. Heck man, aged 40 years, 6 months and 1 day. Although Mrs. Heckman had suffered long and severely, the messenger mt death came at a time and under circumstances least ex pected ; up to e few days ot her death she had been in her usual health, but death came suddenly and finished his wore. The deceased was a consistent member of the Reformed Church, and when her last hour came, she was ready for tt. The bereaved family have sustained a severe loss which nothing but divine grace can heal. We commead them to that comforter, who is able to heal every wounaod and broken heart. "Earth has no sorrow which heaven can not heal." On the 5 th inst., Catharine -E. Miller, of Rebersburg, aged 67 years 8 months and 4 days. On tlie 6tli inst., in Madisonburg, infant son of George W. and Annie Hasel. On the 9th inst., Amelia, wife of John C. Suiull, aged 49 years, 5 mouths and 8 days. What a blessing to the poor would he such* wholesome purifier and pre. ▼entire of oouUfion ae Glenn's Sulphur Soap, could It be distributed among them. Why dont some philanthnvplstact ou this hint > De- SitCritten ton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, ew York. Ill's Hair a Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 ete. 4w The highest musical authorities, as well as all who have purchased the Reatty Piano, are equally charm ed with Its beauty and purity of tone. Ttie manufacturer has succeeded in imparting to its roundness, fullness and richness of tone, perfectly aston ishing. None should be without one. See hie advertisement. Ad dress Daniel F. lleatty, Washing ton, N. J., U. S. A CHURCH DIRECTORY. Rev. J. H. Peters will preach in the Evangelical Church, Millheim, next Suuday evening. English. Rev. ,T. M. Smith will preach nest Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, in the U. R. Church. Lodge and Society Directory. The Millheim Comet Band will meet in the Town liall oil Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of H,. meets in Alexander's block on the 2nd Saturday ef eacli month at 61 P. M. and on the fourth Saturday of each month at 1J P. M. The Irving Literary Society meets in the Town Hall, every Friday ev ening. The Millheim B. A L. Association meets in Town Hall, on the evening of the second Monday of each month Millheim Council No. 309, O. U. A. M. meets every Saturday at 8 o'clock, r. m.. in their Council Room, Wilt's Building. Degree Meetings will lie held on Tuesday on or before the full moon of each month. B. F. MILLER, C. CIIAS. H. HELD, Sec. /"lAI'TJON.—AII person* are hereby c*u \J Honed not to sell my son Harvey any - thing on credit as 1 will pay no debts of hits contracting. Mat. BCSA* SMITM. Penn Hall, May IT. 1177. 20-3 THE ADJUSTABLE SPRING BED, BartletCs Patent, Jane 21,1870 A LITCBIOIS BED WITH ONLY A SIXOLE M ATTIC ESS. For Durability, Clcanllneas and Adjustment it has no Equal. Spiral Spring Elastic Slat MANUFACTURED BY DANIEL DERR, Bellefonte, Centre Co.. I*a Miss L. Harter HAB JUST RECEIVED A PULL LINK OF MILLIMERT GOODS. whlch>he offers to sell at the lowest prices. Dress Baking a Speciality. A share of pnbllc patronage respectfully so. licited. JWw ■% MB# *hla Only st..V> capital ffl 1111K u l£Ti l S* r L < 2S Y V£'.f John K. llaNowrll, Unit TAoUUUU 139 East Eight Ht., New York. 4w The Black Hills. By 11. N. Maocihk, who has spent 12 years in this region. Latest accounts of Goll and Kll/er prospects. Agricultural and Grazing resources, Climate, Hunting, Fishing, Indi ans, and Settler's Adventures with them, Mining and Wild Western Life, the Water falls. Boiling Geysers, noble Scenery, im mense Gorges, etc. With 27 Hue illustra tions. and one map. Price •ssljr !• eta, Sold bv Am. Nr.wsoKAi.iKft, or wiit post-paid for 12c. by DOMNRLLY LOYD * *•.. Pubs, Chicago, ILL. 4W DR. BANNING s nermancntlv located at the ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Pittsburgh. Pa. Diseases and Deformities of the Hpine, Vl terlne DiipUcements, Dyspepsia, llerula and Piles successfully treated by the BAN NING BYHTKM of Mechanical Hupports. Call wr send for descriptive pamphlet, "The House You Lire In." rlai'cu free. rUTDY POT TITTD *7*' w ** wounded or uVliiil ttUbiJiblt contracted perma nent disease lu service, can get a pension by wrriting to John Kirapatrick, Cambridge. Ohio. 6Netv nieces sheet music, retails for $1.75, sent for 10 eta. and stamp. Cheap Music Co., Middlcbnm, Mass. 4w ftf FI.KG ANT CAltlW all stvles with name, 6JIO cts.. pest paid. J. B. Rusted, Nassau, Co.. N. Y. 4w piTMI copy curious love letter, 1 pk. comic 1 U Hoards 1 pack popping question cards; all for 10 cts. & stamp, run Card Co,, Mid dleboro, Mass. 4w Rest bargains in America.pi T)||n J. F. Maps and Catalogue free.l AitMu Mancha, Dover, Del. 4w pmil package comic Envelopes, pk. comic I ÜBeards, pack scroll cards, 21 p. book of Fun: all for 10 eta. A stamp. Novelty Co.. Mlddleboro, Mass. 4w mm m gM Tht Tip TM farkftg* la Mt* lsrgsst rn I'ti. Mof CHraot Sold SloM BUeia Rattofta. Oanta' Lk Uoocga IHoaaood Kin, Am*- ihrotßion Blnglnhdd with ftld, AtooQiyat Stonaaeorf nit. Quid plstad Weddlnß Mac ftat Ko-wbud fcf Drooa uadloa' flowarod and Sllrer-1 fUtrie. Ladtoi' Ksnc; Bat ft andttrona, Oold-ptolo Oullar llaitwi, Oonu' Ootd put sd Wsteh CTialn and eat rf ■■■ BP^h theasM.id p;atwl Bttida. tnUrt LM M/ fttt-fmid/*" SO M rentt. . t.XTRAORDINARY ■ ■ A INDUCtUhSTS TO AChATS ■ ™ A |gj. BRIM, Ollnton Plbol Mew York^ Bulldluff Lots for Sale. The subscriber offers for sale three build ing lots on Water street Mlllhetm, near the Brick Mill. Theee are choice sites for homes and will be sold at a bargain. For particu lars apply at the Journal Office, or to W. C. PCKCAN, _ Lewlsburg. Pa. S , •T1 A3I on the estate of Harah Zelgltor, late of Gregg township. Centre county, ra., deceas ed, nave been granted to the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment , and those hav ing claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated, for settlement. Dahikl ZUULEH. At. Kxecutor. PATENTS! Fee Bedaced. Entire CMtsss. Patent Office Fee $35 In advance, balance S2O within 6 months after patent allow ed. Advice and examination free. Patents Bold. i. VANCE LEWII* A CO., U-3m Washington, D. 0. HARDWARE !l JAMES wmT ft CO., J jI I I 1 Dealers in Hardware, Xo. 5. Brockerhoff llow, BfTTT .T .IGFOITTE, PA. i B PH ' £ 3L. . : JH L ; irI per sin gle vial: or A'.no per package of live vials and 100 vial of powder. Hent by moil on receipt of price. Address Humphrey's Homoepathic Medicine Company, MS Broad way. New York. 51x13 ly. mm KNT M fit on ■■h HH Jewelry VVroni nation I H H ™ot. Consisting M of •leg ati t K MB watch chain, la dies' handsome I brooch, and ear m B rant stone B BPI deeve buttons, sci spiral stuas, collar nutton, heavy plain wedding ring, and gemts' Parisian diamond pin. The above articles sent, post-paid, lor fteCTM. have been retailed for s*. Bank rupt stock and tnnst be sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches, slo each, for speculative pur poses, good timers, equal In appearance to a fano genuine gold, "His reputation for honesty, fair dealing and liberality Is un eqnaled by any adrertLser in this city."—2Y. F. Day Boair. Dec. Id. 1876. POSTAGE STAMPS TAKKN AS CASH. F. STOCKMAN 27 BOND ST- New York. TRIFLING WITH A COLD IB ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USB WELLS CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases of the Til BOAT, LUNGS, CHEST and ML'. COUS MKMARANE, Put up only in BLUE Boxes. HOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C .H. CRITTKNTON. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. THE PLACE TO BUY YOt It Boots, Shoes, Baiters, Slippers and Babbera FOR BPRINO AND SI'MMER IS AT KAMP'S ! For Ladies, Misses, and Children's trench Kid Button and Laced Shoes. AMERICA* KID IKB BIJTTBJf LACED SHOE. Calfskin, Kip, Goat and Grain Leather, Pegged and Sewed Shoes. Calf, Kip, Dpr ant Split Leather Boots ani Shoes. Great Bargains for Cash Bayers 1 NO OTHERS NEED APPLY. JACOB KAMP, LOCK HAVEN, FENXA WAR ! WAR ! WAR! Jn the great Dry Goods Batik in Lock Karen the BEE HIVE ha* oome off vli'toriuu* on account of the wonderful low prtact at which l>rv (foods in sold at tula old and reliable store. The third Immense stock of Dry liaadu, ('•ryrta, he., for the Spring and Hummer trade is just being opened at prices below any erer before known. 5000Tarda all KII.K GROGttAIN 111 RHUS beantlful shades, only 15 eta per yard. !*JO new PARAROLB, KPUINO STTi.r.s. com mencing at 1§ ets. a pteee. IJirge lt BLACK KID Cf LOVER, all slze„ 25 eta. a pair. 500 Packs PINS, at 3 eta a pack. 1000 yards DREBH LIXENB, ALL IfBE LIN EN, from IS eta a yard up. 3000 yarda BEAUTIPUL SPRING RTYLK PR I NTH, warranted fast colors at se. 6c. Bc. Bc. Bc. sc, sa. oc. Sc. per y. 200 Pair MENB' HALF IIOREat 5 eU. apr. 200 Pair LADIES' HOSE at C 4 eta. I-arge fPock beantlful ready mad# LA -1)1 KM' SPRING BKIKTS, 37 eta Immense Stock ready made LINEN SUITS res 1 A DIMS, very cheap. Ourfttorkof STRIPED ft PLAIN SILKS, RKILI.I ANTINKS, ALL WOOL, 1)K B.YWII KS. PLAIDS ft HUMMER DUES*GOODS, comprises all the choicest styles In endless variety. The largest and cheapest stock of PANT INOR, SHIKTJNOS.TK KINO*, MLMNS, TOWL isoa. TABLE LINENS, MENS* ft Bors' Srx WEK WK.VKS, ever THOUGHT to J-ock Haven, at the RKR HITS Just belug opened this, week. New tttoek CARPET, Handsome INWKAJN CaftPßT, only ets. a yard. FLOOB OIL CLOTH, 2 yards wide, only 75 e. I.arge St.wk of 3 PL>' AND Frx* CAKKT CHAIN and WINDOW UUBTIKB, cheap. Remember the Oreat BEE HIVE DBY HOOD STORE, U I.UX STXKKT, LOCK HAVEN, PA. J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. m-Wanted—sooo ft. Good TUB WASHED WOOL in exchange for Dry Goods, for which the Highest Cash Price will be paid. George Fehl, Wagon-Maker, AARONSBI'RG, PEm. All kinds of Wagons made to Order. SI rARCT CARPS IS SjiH with name 10 Aw ts. Post paid, J.B. Husrsn, Nassau. Reus Co., N. Y. BEAITY'SSffiS KsTTufflS The best and most lasting parlor organ now In use. No other parlor organ has ever attained the saute popularity. It has been tested by thousands, many of them competent judges, and gives universal satisfaction to all. The music is adapted to the hnman voice, ranging from the softest Bute-like note to a volume of sound unsurpassed by any instru ment. This instrument has all the latest improve ments, aud everv ore„u is fuilv warranted for six vcars. Beautiful oil polish, black wal nut panelled cases, which will uot CRACK or WARP, and forms, in aildilhHi to a splen did instrument of music, a beautiful piece of furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap preciated, and is *oM at extremely low fig ures for cash. Second-hand instruments Uken in exchange. Agents wanted, male or female. In every county in the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc.. where I have no agents. Illustrated catalogue and price list free. Correspondence solicited. Agent, discount given where I have no agents. Bes 1, offer ever given now ready. Address, DA\l El, F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U. 8. A. READ THIS!! A chance for all to makeorsnve money, AND OFT TUB IEST DOOUS IN THE MARKET. TEAS, COFFEES, sold at lower prices than the same qualities can be bought at any other house in this country. All good* guaranteed to be satis factory aud as represented, or the money will be refunded on return of the goods, which may be done at our ex|*nse. The reputation of our house for selling standard goods at low Prices, (for36years), has given us a standard in New York City and vicinitv. that is not enjoyed by any other house in the trade. After matnre de liberation we have determined to offer our goods to housekeepers in the Interior, at the Lowest Wholesale Trade Prices, when a Club is formed large enough to make a small ease. The goods of each member of the club will be put in seperatc packages, and mark ed with name and cost, so as to avoid con fusion in distribution. Goods will be sent by Express to Collect on Delivery, All wishing to save money dy purchasing family sup plies at New York wholesale Prices can talk the matter over among friends and neigh bors, and send to us for Club Circular, Price list, Ac. We give a present id either goods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble ect- Samples of TKA ft COFFEE sent by mail. Send for Price-list, aud Club Circular. 4w Stirrer's New York is China Tea Co.. M. H. MOSES, & CO., Pioprietors. 77, 79,81, S4 and 86 VESKY Htreot N. Y " lIT 4 ITVn An old established N. Y. and IV AiiloU Havana Arm want a General Agent in Mlllheim, to control the sales of their Cigars- A permanent paying positku for an acceptable inan. Must be energetie and reliable. Address, RAMON, LOPt/- & Co., 147 Reade Street, New York. mttfl pack acquaintance cards. 1 pack hdkf. I UUflirtation, 1 pack scroll, all sorts,for only 10 cents ft stamp. Fun Card Co., Mid dlehoro. Mass. 4w TTII comic oil chromo. 7xll, mounted, worth fla2sc. 1 Pk. love cards, 1 pk. comic envel opes, 1 pk comic cards, 1 pk, scroll, 1 24 page book Fun, ail sent for onlv 5 Sc. stamps. Noveltv Co., Mlddleboro, Ma*?. Iw §' Alcottl fiter-Wle.: ' Awarded the Crnfennfa. Medal. The most practical, slm p)c, and effective. Its sr pertor advantage at panit. gate la universally ac knowledt < . fort, and thfwe not coming to New York are invited to call on our representation tbvio fiS- A fullstock of Views of the Kxposi. tion lluiMiugsaiid their contents. - *a-Cnt out this ad. for reference"lta W 4VTF.D v, e Pive energetic If .t.l 1 KilF. men and women Business that will Pay from 61 to *S per day, can be pursued m your own neighborhood, and Is strietlv hon orable. /•artimlars free, or samples "worth sevcrai dollars that w ill enable vou to go to work at once, will be sent on reecurt of fifly cents. Address LATHA M & CO., Box 2.154. 419 Washington SL, Boston. Mars BEATTY' SParlo^ps Believing it to be BY FAR the best Parlor and Orchestral Organ manufactured, w challenge any manufacturer U equal them. The celebrated Gohieu Tongue Reeds in this organ in conjunction with the Perfected Reed Boards produce sweet, pure and pow erful tones- Superb eases of new and elegant designs. Ministers, teachers, churches schools, lodges, etc., should send for price list and discounts. Dealers will And It to their advantage lo examine this instrument. It has improve ments found in no other. Correspondence solicited. Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (Daniel F. Beatty) both ways it unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five davs Organ warranted for six years. A gents dis eouut given everywhere 1 luve no agent. Agents wanted. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washißgtoß, Sew Jersey, Rj. s. A. Tbe STORY of CHARLEY ROSS. A full account of this greafcMgatery, written by his Father, beats Riflgtaatm Crr.>e in thrilling Interest. The lllupkatgd baud-bi)-. Also the ladies' medical guide. Pan coast. lOOlllustrat'ons. These book*sell at sight. Male and Female Agents coin monev 'Hi them. Particulars rrce. Copies in niit ii ♦2 each. John E. Potter ft Co., Phfla."