0 be foutnal filter & Deiuinser. Prosvietars - .v. ... . B. O.DKININGER. Associate Editor. HHlhciia.YUuisilai May, 10 Terms-$1.50 Por Annum. i.'j x. ■ ' Mr. Hayes has issued his procla mation calling an extra session of Congress to meet on the loth of October, next. The last Congress adjourned ou the 4th of March w it li mit having indc any appropriations for the support of the army, for the year ending June3oth, 1878, so that after that date, our officers and sol diers must serve Uncle Sam on cred it, until Congress again meets and appropriates money for that purposf. The reasons why Congress refused to make provisions for the pay ot the army, were, l>ecause the Democratic House keenly smarted under a sense of great tvrong, in seeing the country cheated out of its choice for President, under the forms of law. and because it could uot know what Mr. Hayes* southern policy would be, and so veiy properly refused to become a party to the additional in iquity of maintaining the bogus, carpetbag state governments of South Carolina and Louisiana, by the use of Federal aims. For this act the House very generally received the commendations of the Democratic and Independent press, and the thanks of the people at large. 15ut an extra'session of Congress is inev- j itable. The nation's brave soldiers can not long wait for their pay. i They should not be asked to wait a single day. Hayes should have call ed Congress together at a much ear- j lier day, and would have done so but for the political xe.isons that govern his action in the matter, j By reason of tiif peculiar relatiou to j the people—holding the highest of - * fice known to our laws without being j elected thereto—he finds it indi*- j pensably ue for his own coal fort, to oouciliate an outraged and indignant country, by a couserva- ■ live attitude toward the South. ! lleuce his cabinet, composed of every j shade of political opinion and pre- 1 judice. Hence his abject fawning i to representative ex-rebels of the South. Mr. Hayes can not be consistent. ' His very title rests upon falshood,; and so his course must be a contin- i ucdseries of coutradictionsaadbung ling. He and his illegal commis sions did their level best to crowd . N'oiioiD into the Governor's cliair of ; Louisiana, and Hampton into that of South Carolina, and yet Packard ! received more votes than did the. Haves Electors of Louisiana. Tims ! did Haves by his own act, throw in- ; to bolder relief the Great Fraud that elevated him to the Presidency. Is it any wonder, then, that the Radical leaders are out of all pa tience with the man whose position they secured at such fearful sacri fices of law and justice ? They counted lr.m in, he counts them out. TUey made him President, he gives the offices to their enemies. They are ready any moment to devour and cast him aside. They only await their opportunity to open their batteries against the gentle and ami-' able Hayes, and that opportunity is i the assembling of congress. Hayes j makes a hasty flank movement: against the Wildes and Blames of his party, and defers the meeting of Congress front tho early part of June, as first intended, to October. By that time he hopes, the fury of hie friends uazy be pretty well spent, and Hiejsuccess of his policy fully established. While we have but a very moder ate opimon of Mr. Hayes' integrity or statesmanship, we are willing to accord him all due honor for acts, the ejftetoi which will be the pacifica tion and general good of the coun try. THE WAR IN EUROPE. The war between Turkey and Rus sia '.has begun in earnest. The Turks seem to have been generally successful thus far. A battle was fought near Kars a few days ago, in which the Russians were repulsed with a loss of 15,000 prisoners. Any however, as to final results, would be entirely premature. Prince Gorischakoff has instruct ed the Russian representatives, in communicating his circular to the powers, to declare that Russia's on ly object is to compel Turkey to ac cept the measures necessary to in sure internal peace, such measures to be determined at the proper mo ment, not by Russia, butbv.the con cert of the powers. In this matter the Czar will limit himself to insur ing the reforms agreed upon between the powers. Count Schouvaloff was specially instructed to declare to Great Britan that Russia entertains no plan not intended exclusively for the improvement of the condition of the Eastern Christians. It seems highly probable that Aus tria will soon take a hand in the matter, while the British Parliament is engaged in a heated discussion of Mr. Gladstone's resolution thcit "The house is of the opinion that the Porte by its conduct towards its subject population, and by its refusal to give guarantee for a better government, has forfeited all claim to the more material support of Great Britain." Europe may have its long dreaded general war before many weeks. (The following article appeared in the { JORRNAX, of March 15th, and is to day re ! published by request :) Bellefonte and the Krtil Road. The lFufcAiinm of last week puts i in a very strong and practical plea for tho sj>eely construction of the projected rail road from Belle font o i to Lemont, to intersect our road at the latter point. To ns it is a matter of surprise that a project so absolute ly essential to the future prosperity of Bellefonte, should so loug lay dor mant and probably fail altogether for the want of a little energy ami enterprise on the part of those most ' to be benefited by its construction. Bellefonte is widely and justly cele brated for her wealth, for the intelli gence and public spirit of her eiti j .'.ens, lier manufactories—her great ! men, living and departed, yet, here 'area few miles of rail road to be built, ail arterie to IHJ opened that I would infuse new life into her vari ous business interests, and the neg lect to build which must inevitably I result in commercial decav —and she hesitates—falters, until, we fear, the golden opportunity is lost for all time. The proud inland town that boasts of palatial residences that cost $40,000, refuses or neglects to give half that sum to an enterprise i that to her : s as necessary, in a busi \ liess point ofview, as the dailv bread is to tlie human body. Can this be ? J Will Bellefonte be wise and act on j the first law of nature —stlf prcsrr vttfion, or is she willing to step down from her proud position in Central Pennsylvania to the rank of an indo lent, insignificant village? Her des i tiny is in her own hands. Let her : act quickly for her own good. If j she does not, hers be the loss, the j fault— the siiauie. ! Pennsvallev does not absolutely need rail road connection with Belle ; fonte. True, it would be a great ; convenience to us. We would have ' easy and speedy access to our coun ty seat. Would prefer, as a matter ' of choice .to give her our produce in : exchange for her wares and luerehan ; disc ; but if she will not, if she I thrusts us aside, there are yet other places that will bid us welcome, i if Bellefonte can stand it without a rail road to Pennsvalley—Pennsval ley can stand it without rail road to Bellefonte. Corn planting was interrupted for several days by copious rains. The rains however are verv gracious and • ™ i seasonable Thank Providence for 1 sunshine and rain. - —— ♦e • ■ - If you want a good wagon made, George Fehl of Auronsburg will do it for you as well and cheaply as tho next man. Head his card in another column, then try him. STRANGE FREAK OF NATURE. In Centre llall, a village at the foot of Nit tuny Mountain, in Potter I wp., the trees grow right up through the middle of the side walks. It seems that even trees are determined to be eccentric i:i some localities. Mr. J.J. Everett, the cutcrpris- i ing proprietor of the Bee Ilive store, Lock Haven, has just returned from New York, with the largest, l>est se lected and cheapest stock of Dry Goods ever brought to Lock Haven, The Bee Ilive is your place for Dry Goods. The Spigelmyers at Woodward have just received a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which they promise to sell as cheap as the cheapest. They are men whose word can be taken any day. True as preaching. Mr. Alexander is up to time. 113 was to Philadelphia last week and is now busy as a beaver unpack-; ing and marking goods. lie marks J his goods down—down —down, far below the freezing point, in fact 1 very near to Zero, Smart, active ! chap, that Villyum. We feci ever so proud of our former pupil—so we do, What a blessing to the poor would be such, a wholesome purifier and pre ventive of contagion as Glenn's Sulphur Soap, could it be distributed among them. Why dont some philanthropiataet on this 1i it ? I>. - potCritteuton'sXo. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair £ Jacob Kamp, in Lock Haven, is one of the best in Central Pennsylvania. Mr. Kamp makes number one work and sells very cheaply. He is a square business man and a liberal advertiser. Our readers who go to Lock llavcn will find it to their interests to buy of him. Head his advertisement in another column. "Important events east their shad ows before." There is a repairing and painting and papering and tiress making and trimming up generally going on at both ends of town, that is a joy to mechanics and an amaze ment to the outside world. The on ly possible reason we could give for all this extra activity Is that preach ers and treasures don't know what to do with all their money. Thafs all. The highest musical authorities, as well as all who have purchased the Beatt.v Piano, air equally charm ed with its beauty and purity of tone. The manufacturer lias succeeded in imparting to it a roundness, fullness and richness of tone, perfectly aston ishing. None should lie without one. See bis advertisement. Ad dress Daniel F. Beatty, Washing ton, N. J., U. S. A J. Newman, Jr., the King Cloth ier of Bellefonte, is one of the most liberal as well as successful nier cliantsiuCeiitreCounty. llesells an immense amount of Clothing, and the more he sells the more lie advertises, and the more he advertises the more he sells. The rule works both ways and works well. If you go to Bol'.e oirte on business or pleasure, go to Newman and get suited from head to foot. You will thank lis for hav ing sent 3*ou there. To CORRESPONDENTS AND MIN ISTERS. — Cotomunications, marriage and obituary notices, to insure inser tion the same tceck, must reach us by Tuesday evening at the lattst. Wether the singing exercises held in the Academy Building at Penn Hall some weeks ago, were a success or not ; whether the floor was peop led or not, and what amount was realized, are questions that are now sufficiently discussed for the present. The public feel little interest in such matters. YONKY. YOU wefc too late for insertion last week. Please make time. What is a good, clever fellow ? Weil, the definition has a very wide range and it depends entirely on how and to whom you apply the term. A fellow is often said to be clover when he invites you up to "take something." When we ap ply tho term to Mr. Jaines Mont gomery, whilom Chief Manager MeMauigal's Hardware store, in Millheim, now Book Keeper at j Mann's Axe Factory,near Bellefonte. j we intend that it shall mean a very , high grade of qualities, both of head and heart A more generous and > genial fellow than James one can not , find in a da> 'J travjl. Fas The country is flooded with llorse and Cattle Powders, many of which are about as valuable as so much saw dust. People should show some, discrimination in what they feed I their stock. J. Zeller & Son, prac tical druggist, Bellefonte, P.i. sell an article in that line, of thrir turn manufacture, from well known and standard ingredients, which has real merits. This Powder at once acts, upon the secret ions, consequently wil] arrest disease in I logs, Oxen and Cows, as in Horses. If you goto Bellefonte, get some and try it. You will be convinced of its superior mer its. Price, 25 els. per pack, 5 for SI.OO The suit of Adam Grenoble against the L. C. ft s. c. R. R., better known as the Gregg township rail road case, was tried in our court last week, and a verdict rendered for Mr. Grenoble for $562 and costs. This amount is specially made for the re* inovul of out buildings, destruc tion of apple troes and garden, and for the building of fences. Nothing is allowed for right of way,the jury no doubt considering tho ad vantages of the rail road fully equal to any losses on that score, This relieves tire citizens of Gregg township, who bad given bonds tc the It. It. Co. guaranteeing a free right of way, from the payment of any damages. This is but right. Gregg has done lier duty fully, without paying dam ages and the costs of an expensive law suit. AVe congratulate our neighbors on their good luck. F ortlio JournaL MR. EDITOR : —ln the last issue of your paper I see that "2-Forty and Franklin,"bothgofor" Yoney." Now sir, to do "Yoney" justice, I will just say the amount taken in the evening of the will not exceed three dollars, and also de nying it to l>o a convention, while in progress they were very selfish with tho convention they were hold ing without the assistance of any of their neighbors. They say, a crowd was not expected, why did they prop the floor if they did not expect a crowd ? That's what puzzels the boy and rather think itpuzzles them too. It is true, Spring Mills did boast about having a concert, but no doubt they thought like the Penn-Hallers, we'll postpone it because teacher aint here. I rather think Penn- Ilall has nothing to crow about post poning. In conclusion I woukl say, if they had given the printers a few dollars for posters, it might have been a case of necessity to prop. "Yoney" wrote the truth, and noth ing but the truth. I am always willing to give every one his due. Penn Hall, Pa. DEXTER One of the host Hook S oros In Central Pennsylvania, is that of James Welch in Bellefonte. Full to repletion in its various depart ments. Mr. Welch sells at prices that defy competition anywhere. Just now he makes a speciality of paper and envelopes selling VKKTISK!P HAND-HOOK KOK 1H77. The pre paration of the work has involved much careful labor.information hav ing been sought from every city, town, and village where even the smallest newspaper is published. The leading facts are given respecting 8,674 separate publications designat ing the political or other distinctive character, the frequency of issue, the name of publishers, etc., and showing how manv of each edition | (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.l arc published in each State and Terri tory in the I'nited States and I'rov inee in British America. The book is elegantly printed from new tvpe, and, beside its mine of information, it contains portraits of leading New York journalists, and illustrations of the extensive offices where the publishers transact their business in New York, Philadelphia and Hostnn. it is sold at the low price of §I.OO per copy, and is cer tainly cheap at the price to any bus iness*man who does advertising, or to any person who is interested in the extent of the Newspaper busi ness in America. - - - ■ DIED. Near Harrisburg, several days ago John Bright, father of Wm.L. Bright of Aaronsdurg. (Age not given.) CHURCH DIRECTORY. Services in the Lutheran Church, Auronsbuvg, next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. German. The elec tion for church officers will bo held at the same time. Rev. J. IE Betel's will preach in the Evangelical Church, Millheim, next Sunday morning. English. Rev. G. W. Bouse will preach in the M. E. Church, next Sunday eve ning. Lodjye and Society Directory. The Millheim Cornet Band will meet in the Town Hall on Monday and Thursday evenings. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of 11,. meets i:i Alexander's block on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Oj I'. M. and on the fourth Saturday of each month at 1 j P. M. The Irving Literary Society meets in the Town Hall, every Friday ev ening. The Millheim B. A L. Associatirn meets in Town IJail, on the evening of the second Monday of each month Millheim Council No. 302, O. U. A. M. meets eveiy Saturday at 7 o'clock, p. M., iu their Council Room, Will's Building. Degree Meetings will bo held on or before the full moon of each month. B. F. MILLER, C. CIIAS. 11. HELD, Sec. Bffx BN:-ee this- Onlv ♦i.A) capital v 8 i S K required 10-start canvassing y>MSu for MARK TWAIN'S BJC\* Scrap-Bonk Ap- SSWff.SEfcSCAH VASSERS LiJ Last Light St.. New York. 4w The Black Hills. Hy 11. N. MAOCIHE, who has spent 12 years in this region. Lutes' accounts ot Gold and Sil.-t-r pros,!, cts, Agricultural and Grazing resources, Cit'nat, Hunting, Fishing, Indi um. ami Sitter's Adventures with litem. Mining and Wild Western Life, thtj Water fall*. Bulling Geysers, noLl- Sccneiy, im mense Gorges, etc. With 27 fine illustra tions. and one map. Price 10 vts, Sold bv AI.INr7VSk VLI:IW, or sent post paid lur 12c. by DON NELLY I.OY1) & CO . l'ubs. Chicago, ILL. 4w DR. BANNING s uorma'icntlv located at the ST. CllKi.rA IfOTKL, Pi'tsNirgh, Pa. Diseases and Deformities of the Spine, I*l - Displacements, Dyspepsia, Hernia and Piles successfully treated by the BAN NING SYSTEM of Mechanical Supports. Gall or semi for descriptive pamphlet, "The House. You Live In,'' MaPou free. rVPDV CTil TlirO who was wounded or I)Vbill OULiJIDn Contracted perma nent disease in service, ran get a jrension by writing to John Kirapatriek, Cambridge, Ohio. GNcw pieces sheet musie, retails for 41.7", senl for 10 cts. and stamp. Cheap Music Co., Middleboro, M us. 4w nrFt.KG ANT CARDS all stvlcs with nanie, tfJlOet*.. postpaid. J. B.Hosted. Nassau, Co., N. Y. 4vv Ml copy curious love letter, 1 pk. comic cards 1 pack popping question cards; at! for 10 cts. A - stamp. Fun Card Co., Mid dlcboro, Mass. 4w Best bargains in America.D A DMQ '*• U. Maps and Catalogue frce.f illHuO MANCH A, Dover, Del. 4w Ml package comic Envelopes, pk. comic Cards, pack scroll cards, 21 p. book of Fun; all for 10 cts. & .stamp. Novelty Co.. Middleboro, Mass. 4w Mutjil M nrv THr TlpT.'p 1* the lorg'st TP'S Nat selling out. READ AND Hi S MVBEE. IB t horn* Not.. I-Ht.ci. IB 0 SI fcp IVi.rll, INmi holJ'T, Uokl- Dl Hi <-11 Pun. S. t"t u.'lil BtciiC Fletor Button", Gent*' l-nkc Oejt Stone Scarf Pin. O'lM plated \V..(1.11n Itiu**. "-ot KimnU>ii, Qold nNteCollar l'.,nt"ii, r.-ii* -d Wutrl, t'hMln an.l Set f OWH jrfKJh ThreeOolt)-|i.atf I Sm.l 7 ,.r H enCirt Lot srut CiO Q9 Ml BB ! I .\~l K.UVin/\,lKrm ■ . JNDUChMhNTS TOACI NTS ■ " 4 J. GtRIDE, Clinton Plnco, Mew York, Buildingr Lots for Sale. The subserllicr offers for sale three build ing lots on Water street. Millheim, near the Brick Mill. These are choice sites for homes and will he sold at a bargain. For particu lars apply at Ihe Journal Oflice, or to W. <7. DUNCAN', Lewishurg, Pa. NOTICE.— Whereas letters testamentary on the estate of Karah Zeiglcr, late of Gregg township. Centre county, I'm, deceas ed, nave been granted to the .subscriber, all IKU soiis indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against the same, to presenttliem duly authenticated, for settlement. DANIEL ZBIOLKR. 6t. Executor. PATENTS! Fee Retail. Entire Cost $55. Patent Oflice Fee *35 in advance, balance *2O wit bin 6 months after patent allow ed. Advice and examination free. Patents Sold. J. VANCE LEWIS A CO., l*-3m Washington, D. C. HARDWARE | JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardwaro, ,Yo. S). Brocherhofj' HCRC, S ; BELLBFOITTE, PA. i tHj Cu K? HH .. |j j> !i hi L •rf ttI.WMT II litIMVARK KTORC IM < E\HtE < <>.•%* I fV . , 5 Complete line of lluitl ware of all Kinds at the j □' 1 r LOWEST PRICES. ! htf W . t IM Tbc Celebrated Barley Sheaf Coat Store & Anchor Heater. • 1 j' CALL AND SEE. m;iv mh vh WASTE YOU It MONEY WHY WASTE YOUR MONEY WHY WASTE YOUK MONEY IN SUCH HARD TIMES IN SITU II \KD TIMES IN SUCJI IIA KD TIMES IT WII.E PAY Y(H: IT WILL L'AY YOU TO COW K TO on: STOKE TO I UilK TO Ol'K STOLE For anything in the line of Dry <>oot. t'lothliw. Carpels, OH Cloths, Stools A Shoes, llross (jootltt, Notion*. Trifu uilnsit, Ac. W'e are selling;—LADlES SHOES at *!. CO ct We are selling—lndies Button Shoes at *1.50 We arc selling—Ladies White Ilosc at 5 cis We are selling—Ladles Handkerchiefs atse We arc selling—DßESS GOOIJS at 8 cents We are selling—Dress Goods .at Id cents We are selling—C A EICOES at "5 csius Wc arc selling—SHl IITING9 at * cents We arc selling-SPOOL COTTON at 2 cents Wc arc selling—LADlES DOLMANS #;..-oc. We are selling—Ladies Trimmed Ilats at I.jo We are selling—Ladies Trimmed Ilats at 1.75 We arc selling—Ladies Trimmed Ilats at 100 We arc seIIing—CARPETS at 20 cents We are seIIing—CARPETS at 25 cent* Wc are selling—lngrain Carpets at 30 cents We arc selling—Brussels Carpets at 01.00 Wc arc selling—MtiN'S SUITS at **>.oo jj In fact wc five selling everything usually kept iti a largo uud well se lected stock for less than any other house iu Centre County. It will pay you to call and sfcfc for your selves. S. & A. LOEB. J. SELLER & SON, Xo. C. BrockerhnAT Kow, BELLEFONTE. PA. DEALERS IN Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. o A Full Stock of Goods of Superior Quality always on Hand. CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cent 3 and upwards. CARRIAGE SPONGES, 15 cents and upwards. A shar3 of the public patron age rospectfully solicited. BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, FA. F. I), M 'ill L 0 M , Late Chief Clerk of ihe ftolrinsoiv House, PITTSBURG, Fenua., Proprietor. Only First Class Hotel in the City. Charges moderate. !! FRAMES!! PITIRE & MOTTO FRAMES. .1 ust received at W ELCII 'S C 11E A P 800 K and NT AT IO S AI I V STO li K next door to the Pnst Oflice, a large assortment of Motto and Picture. Frames, embracing many New A Beautiful Designs in Kuntie, Knum cled and Solid Wahmt, which will be sold at greatly Reduced Prices Motto Frames, with Back and Glass, SO and 35 cts. Rustic Frames, Bxlo, with back and glass, 30 and 35 ots. Mottos, many New Styles, 5 cents. Envelopes, 4, 5 and 0 cents per pack. Note paper,-5, 7 and 10 cents per quire. Fancy Box Paper, 2 Tints, only 15 cents a box. "WALL PAPER A Great Variety of NEW STYLES just received, and selling lower than ever before. Good Styles of Brown Paper for 7 cents per Bolt. Best quality of White Paper II to 14 cts. per Bolt. Brown and White Splints* of all .Sizes from 8 to 25 cents j>er bunch. Our Goods are all plainly marked in Figures and sold at one price only, and to do 110 injustice to any, the terms are strictly cash to JAMES WELCH. NER V OU S DEBILITY. Vital Weakness or Depression, ft wenlc ex hausted feeling, no energy or courage; the result of Mental Over-worn. ImuMTedOit or Excesses, or sf lite vial* and *2.00 vial of powder. Sent hy mall on rs-eipt of price- Address Humphrey's Ilomoepathic Medicine t'ompanv, A"J Broad way. New York. 51x13 ly. set spiral studs, o dlar Imlll> 1 i!n wedding ling, and Keats' Parisian diamond piu. The above articles sent, post-paid, lor 50CTM. have been retailed for P"h nipt stock and must le* sold. Solid Milton (told Watches, *lu each, lor speculative pur poses, good timers, equal In appearance to a *2OO genuine gold. "Ills reputation for honesty, fair dealing and laterality is un equaled by any advertiser in this city. —A. 1. IMV Jtooi', Pre. 16, IK7B. POST AG K ST AM I'S TAKEN ASCASII. V. STOCKMAN 27 BOND ST.. New York. TRIFLING WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases of the THItOAT. LUNGS. GUEST and MU COUS MKMAKAXK, Put up only in BLUE Boxes. SOLD BY ALT. DRUGGISTS. C .H. CiHTTENYON. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. THE PLA.CE TO BUY YOUR Boots, Shoes, baiters. Slippers and It libbers ro:t SPUING ASU SVMMEH IS AT IKIA HvX IP' S ! For Ladies, Misses, and Children's trench Kid lfutton a)id Laccd Shoes. AMERICAN KID AND BITTOX Llt'KD SHOK. Calfskin. Kip, Goat and Grain Leather, Pegged and Sewed Shoes. Calf, Kip, Upper and Split Leather Boots and Shoes. Great bargains for Cash Buyers ! NO OTJ IE US NEED APPLY, JACOB KAMP, LOCK 11 A VEX, FENN'A. WAR ! WAR ! WAR! In the great Dry Goods Battle In Lock Haven the BEE HIVE has come off vielnriotK on accouut of the wonderful low price; at which Dry Gotitis are KOM at thin old ami reliable More. The third Immense stock of Iry < r|wt*. &<• lor the Spring and Bummer trade Is lust li-lng opened at prices below any ever before known. 5000 yards all SILK ORofjRAIN RIBBON beautiful shades, only 1.1 cts. per yard. SdO new PARASOLS, SPRIMO STYLES, com mencing at 18 cts. a piece. Large Lot BLACK RID GLOVES, all size. 21 cts. a pair. HO Packs PI NS, at 3 cts. a parte. 1000 yards DRESS LINEN'S, AIL rullE LIN ES, from 18 cts. a yard up. 3000 yards EEAUTIPUL NPItfXO STYLE PRINTS, warranted fast colors ;rt Ic. sc. sc. sc. Ic. sc, fit. sc. sc. per y. 200 Pair MENS' HALF IIOSE.it 5 cts. a pr. 200 Pair LADIES' DOSE at >',< cts. Laigc Slock beautiful ready made I.A DIJJS' BPIUNG SKIRTS, 37 cts. Immense stock ready made LIN EN SUITS eon 1 ADIRS, very cheap. Our Stock of STRIPED & PLAIN SILKS, RBI 1.J.1 AN TINES, AI.I. WOOL, DE B.YISIt- IS. PLAIDS & SUMMER DRESS GOODS, comprises all the choicest styles in cudle*s variety. The largest and cheapest stock of PANT- 1 INGS, SIIIKTING*. Tic UNO A. McsrjNa, TOWL- j ings. Taiu r LINENS, MeNs' & Boys' Kow j Micu WV..ML*, ever brought to I>>rk Haven, I at the Br.r HIVE J;el ticlr.gojiecvd tlU< week. New Stock CARPET, Handsome INCRAIN CARPET, only 28 ets. a yard. FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 2 yards wide, only 75 c. large SOtk of 3 PLY AND FINK CARPET CHAIN and Wnrow CI'IITINS, cht ijK Remember the Great BEE HIVE DfiY GOOD STORE, ! 63 M.llS STREKT, LOCK HAVEN, PA. I J. J. EVERETT, Proprietor. rWanted—sooo It,. Good Tl'li WASHED WOOL in exchange for Dry Goods, for which the Iligliest Cash Price w ill be pakl. George Fehl, W agou- Maker, A AROXSBIRfi, PEXXA. T3HS3A All kinds of Wagocs made lo Older. )*: FANCY CARDS 11 styles with name 10 ci.s. P.,ST paid, J. B. HOSTED, Nassau, H-iis Co.. N. Y. BEATTV'Saas EsrU.laiS.3G i I The best and mc*t lasting pai lor organ now in use. No other parlor organ has ever attained I he same popularity, It has Iteeii tested by thousands many of them cotupete.il judges, ami glvea uui versa) satista'ctioii to wh. The music is aaaptrd to Hie hitman voice, ranging from tlie softest ifutc-like iltde to a volume of souud uasurpasssd by jaiy insii u ineut. This luEtrumcnt has all the HWr.t improve ments ana cvervorgu is fully warranted for six yfar*. Beautiful oil polish, black wstl liut panelied eauet. which will not CRACK or WAIfP, and forms, In aldllloii to a splen did iiistmiitenl of music, a beautiful pieCeof funitture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap preciated, and is sold at extremely low fig ures for cash. 'Second-hand Instruments Liken In exchange; Agents wanted, male or female* in every counlv In the United-States and Canada. A liberal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc., where 1 have no agents. Illustrated catalogue and price list free. Correspondence solicited. Agent discount given whfere 1 have no agents. Best offer ever given uow ready. Address, DAME F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A. READ THIS!! A chance torall toinnkeorsavenioney, AND UKT Ttltr t)EST GOOOS IN THC MARKET. TEAS, (OFFERS, AC., sold at lower prices than the same qualities can be bought at any other house in this country. All goods guarautced to la* s.-.tis factory and as represented, or the money will be refunded on return of t ie good*, which may lo done at our expense. The t eputation of our house for wiling standard goods at laiw Prices, (for 36 years), has given us a standard in New York Ciiy and vicinity, that is not enjoyed by any other hotise In the trade. After mature de liberation we have determined to offer our foods to housekeepers in the interior, at the x*.rc.t Wholesale Tr;4de Prices, when a Club is formed large enough to make a small ease. The goods of each member of the club wili be put in soporate packages, and maik ed with name and cost, so a a to avoid con fusion In distribution. Good* will IK* sent by Express to Collect on Delivery, All wishing to save money iy purchasing family sup plies at New York Wholesale Prices cin talk the matter over among friends and nelgh l>ors, and send to us for Club Circular,- Price list, ko. We give a present of either goods, or money to the person who gets up the club, to compensate for trouble ect. Samples of TEA & (X)FFKK sent by mail. Semi for Price-list, and Club Circular. 4w Stiner's Now York & China Tea Co., M. H. MOSES, & CO., Proprietors. 77, 70,81, 84 and 80 YESEY Streot N. \.Z li r 1 \Tl?ft established N. Y. and ~ Ail 1 ul" Havana firm want a General Agent in Millhcim, to control the sales of t heir Cigars, A permanent paying position" for an acceptable man. Must be energetic and reliable. Address, RAMON, LOPEZ & Co., 147 Readc Street, New York. milJl acquaintance cards, 1 pack lidkf. I ÜB flirtation, 1 pack scroll, all sorts, for only lu cents & stamp. Fun Card Co., Mid dleboro, Mass. 4w IT k 1 comic oil chrouto, 7xll, mount* d, worth 111125 c, 1 pk. lovo cards, 1 ik. comic envcl- O|K*S, 1 pk comic cards, 1 pk, scroll, 1 24 page bonk Fun, all sent for onlv 5 3c. stamps. Novelty Co., Middleboro, Mass. lw Alcotrs fEter-flb' j* 'yjr fnntenr raPpWPflffißk? The uios* practical. •'• I'hv and effective. Its Bg&L> 4 pc.lor ndvau tarn < *,* YMofKsf3ie/ gate. Is universally r Address. ~ Mfi-s. of Wheel* and 111 ; , Machinery, MOUNT lioixr, A. U. ~ m nnn/u ct uri n*j rigl. If. INSURANCE KEN ! *£! .WESTS WASTED ! —FOi! TIIK— New Englana Mrdus! Life Ins. [" l he oldest mutual in the country, Charter M< 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. ; M AR.STON& WAKF.UN. General AjjCLf ; l.'l't South Fourth Street. Philadelphia. Active Agents wanted h utuntiy to Intro dueu the CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DF-S< liIHMD AND ILT.USTRATKD. Nearly i'uO rapes: onlv $150; rich Hhnir;- Units: ami a treasure as tan best ami CIKMW est History of the Great KxUii iflou. Lr dorsed by ofucjals, iYcss, and Cle.gy. u selling immcr.tdy. one iadv cleared i four wit A*. Act quickly. Now or Lever. I '•': v DartIcu'.ni *, Aidrm UUEUAKH | BdOS., Punliahen. ,38 Sanson Street, Khiia. f\ AG TS WANTED POrt HISTORY l/EBTEN'L EXHiBITIOI It ci.ntalni nearly CO fine engravings oi buildings and scenes in t he Great Exhibition and ,s the only authentic and complete his tory pttbll -.lied. It treats of the grand build ings, wonderful exhibits, ctuioM les, great events.etc. Very cheap and sells at sight, fine Agent sot-J (soopie.; in ihic d-iy. z-emt for out extra terms to Agent* and a lull dcscripUon of tl.-c work. Aldre/n NAfuSXAt. Tlihwiimil'o. Phlladelphh, Pa. Pt IT'TTA'rf Unrialabm and worthless book., UiiU i pjn, on Urn Mxhttdlioii areb4-lus eulatcd. Do not U deceived. Sec that the iKiok * t u buy c**nlolin \Kt pages a :d neariy 4'M flue engravings. DanicTl F. Rsatty's 9reSsSE2Saa2faaffleßßß3sßM FTa aos cv OIK;A MS PAuriON*.—Ti c repetition I have gained v.#t the cc'cli.lty of tnv urgon.s l.avc tw.im ed Mome uupjiiu-lph'it panics and j. gents to coup my eireulais. and m'sreprcEcnt nr iiistrumeuL< this public ;r# hereby cautioned. AH my Organs bear ot.V trade-nude* (toldeii Touvite, and aij my p|,j nos have the word PI O ucdcrllaeu. ami alsotiavemy tesi Parlor Organs. Messr®. Geo. P. Rowed & Go., (X. Y.| Newspaper Reporter, sayn: F. Ueatty, the organ builder, of WajuuNfeton, N. J., presses lor ward with Bica test vigcr." From Wih. lVol. Niagai - Falls, N. Y. " .Several month* use of the elegeiit Parlor Organ vera sent me satinth-s w: that it !a ,ee of the best made. It lijs a licit tone; its various tones are most pleasant. I most i < eerumt!nd yoar orcrgos for school, church or other use. Beat offer ever given. Mohey refunded upon return of organ and frciuht cliaiKca paid by me (Dann IF. Be.Uly) fcoth v avs II uusatUfactory. after a tc-st trial of lire dart: organ warrauted for five years. Semi for extended list of tesffmotiials before buylus a patloi Organ. Additss. DANIEL F. BEATTY, V.nsn||; g tu, Sc Jersey, V. . A Awarded Hie Bifliis! Kfdfil ct limta. E. i H T. ASTHOHY & CO 091 Broadway, A'av Icr'A*. (Orp- Metropolitan Hotel.) Xannfariurcrs, importers A Den lcr% in Eii£ra?iii2s. Ctroacs end Fraes, STKRKOaoiT'i & YIkMF, Übnniß,tirapbcs€orcs, I totcprc; Ly, And kindled pJods—t'elcbiitlcs. AcllfKCii PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS Wc arcikadquartirsfor everything in tiid way of STLBEGPTICONS AXli KACICLAHTUKS, MICRO SCfENTItTC I.AXTEEN, KIfEEEO PAXOFTICOBf, FNIVFRSITY bTKItr.O) IT CON, ADYESTIS&BS STMBLVIIHtdf ARTOPTItON, SCHOOL LANTI RX, FAMILY LANTLLN PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Eftcb style being the best cf Us class In ll.tf market. Catalogue ef Lantcrcsaud Slides. wßlt di rections for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man cau make money with a Miigtc Igmteru. tS-Ylsltorstothe Cehtet nlal ExpoMtDn will do wisely to defer purchasing goods in our line until they come t Junction with the l'erfectff lued Boards produce sweet, pure ami pov - eiful tones. Superb cases of new and elegant dftßigns, Ministers, teachers, church-*, schools, lodges, etc., should send for price list and discounts. Dealers will find it to their advantage to examine this uistrumonr. It has improve ments lound iu no other. Correspondence solicited. Best offer ever given. Mcnev refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (Dauiel F. Beatsv) Imtli ways if unsatisfactory, a iter a test trial of five days Organ warranted for six years. Agents nisi count given everywhere I hnVc no agent. Agents wanted. Address, DAVI EL F. BEATTY, Washington, Sfcw Jersey, I M. A. f?s9oo A Month, AGENTS W ANTED on uur THKKPJ GREAT W 800 lib The STORY of CHARLEY ROSS. A fullaeeount of this great Mystery, written bv Ins Father, bents Robii son Grr.sne in thrilling interest. 'I he Illustrated haiul-boi k to all religions, a Uoiujdete Account or at denominatioiis urfd sets. ;m Illtistratim Also tlie ladies' medical guide, by J)r. I'au coast. ICO Illustrations. books sell at sigh!. Male and Femak: Agents coin mi i„. v on them. Particulars Iree- Conies th. riai'i 2c*:;*h. JMi.i E. P.dter & Co.. Pldfra.