6 fee Journal. o v^ -- > "V s. SXSNS.VN.S, ■S.-S^VNVVNNVWXNA Idler & Deiamier.Picprietors ? v.- 4 B 'J.liaiNi.vauit. Associate E li tor jiiHholm.Thiirsitm Apr. 12 Torura—Bl.so Por Annum, gr- ■■■ i.'U] :s'.ra on the L. 0. S. 0. It. It., nxs a I'opulf tlcni of 6-7-0, is a thriving .m-iuess cr ni ip, .md controls the mule of an uverajrw null as of over .ni.es. in w.licit ihe Joi'kn il lias a larger ctrcm.iti a ihau ali otaer county pa.H-is combined. Atiwrliikirs mUlpiaai*) mul ;c a note of this TUK BUAKEMAJi'S STiIRY. "Yes, sir," said the brakeman, JIS be stitod by the stove warming his mtmbicd hands, -nfur coming in from braking. "IVoplo think, as they sit in their warm seals and only hour us call out the different stu lions, that wo have a l ice, soft,easy time But wo know Ix-tter. Imag ine yourself out on a ll.tt car all bight, with the sr.otv dashing in your face, your hands on a .ld iion brake, and think if that's easy ; ar up on top f a lreight car, i nulling along, the wind cutting like a knife. &s dark as pitch, and watching f>r fear you may rush suddenly under a Widge *.id be s.vejg. off, and perhaps be h ft to die in the snow. I*. that easy ? Dan* that look like a soft job v To U* sine, when wo are transferred to pas-engt-r cars the work is nice enough, but the dan gers we have to go tluoiuh we generally have to go on freight cars first) entitle us to sbmetiimg bitter ► ca a passenger car, and we ain't sor ry when we get ordcis to tuko the bead entl of such a r gular train. ' Time arc verv few braketnen v/hovau.'t tell never to b— forg.it L n incidfUts conoeirted with lluir life ' on tiie rail. To ex pi tin. let me tell yon a story f.om m> own experience. I >eiiK*tal>er one nig k. was fear fully col!. right in tnc ihiddlt of i winter, and snowing hard. i was 1 braking in the middle of a freight j tram. It was running along uti slov% time tiiat night, and we were about two or ttirec miles from the station. I was standing ty the bryk-* of a flat car, trying to get warm by stamping, wishing that we j Wrie at the depot, so that I could go Ix.ck to the eal-oose out of the j titter cuki, when suddenly 1 felt tho ! 1 train burnt iig ami jumping like as j if a wheel had broken, and i knew something was wrong. The whistle : blew for brakes, and in a iuigh:y short time we luid the train stopped, j "With ihi rest of the men I went ! back to se- what Was the matter, thinking that 1 might get a chance j at the stow, f->r i was neatly frozen. j Going tack three bundled feet, we fornd one of the rails had got loose i and was out oi place, but, as we had been going slowly, we had run over 1 the spot safely. Our conductor. looked up. and seeing me, said : "Jina. get back aui signal the pas3ei ger train. She will be along j in a short lime now ; 'and take this,' iie said, handing mo a red- j light lantern ; 'we'll go on. You can come along with the oilier train.' "With that all hands got ou boatd, j . and soon there was nothing but ore j and the lantern left." "A cold su.*>t brought me to my-; self with a quick turn, Rial then I rcDii'iiilM'iMl what I iiail Id do. Hold ing the"lantern up I saw ti,e light was ffickeritig, a?:d shaking it, found it almost empty. Ti if 11 I t*?- gaii to feel Hie responsibility of tii\ position ; H lamp with no oil in it. the 11aiii due ui leu minutes wicll the chances of its being thrown off t; track, and no telling liow many poor people killed or wounded. In a case of that kind, sir, even ahiake inun will do his Lest to save human life, although lie sometimes loses hi* own iri the**ttem;>l ; and all he gets for it is having his name in the pa j>er and being called a brave fellow. "Quicker than I can tell, I jmule np my mind that, the train must lie signalled, lamp ov no lamp. But how to d it was the question. If I tan ahead without a light the en i lieer might think I wanted to stop the train for robbery, for such things have la-en done, you know, and i would not only cash on faster than lx fore, hut (amy he) try to scald me as the 1 comotive rushed by. 1 tell you I felt like praying jist then ; hot brakeoien are not selected for their religious feelings, so I didn't pray much ; but looked around and saw a light shinning in a window —some distance off. 11, tiff tlown my lantern carefully on the track, marie a iee Hue for the house, and soon brought a woman t' the door who I.x,ked more flightened than I was, at my excited appearance. It was useless to ask for sperm oil (the only kind we use), so I cried out. '•'For God's sake get me some straw.' " "She seemed to realize the posi tion, and quickly brought a bundle. Feeling in my pocket, I found three matches, and grabbing the straw I Diade my way back to the track. "Laying tho straw between the rails, I struck a patch and shoved it into the bundle. II dickered an in stant, and then went out. i felt and found the straw damp. "Just then a dull faint rumbling sound catue down on t.tie wind, and I knew she was coming : the train would sood Ik* there. 1 ' "I struck off the second match and touched off the straw—a blaze, a little smoke, and it was dark again, and raising mv eyes I saw the head light away in the distance. But tram's don't crawl, and a buzzing along the rail told me to be lively. The red light was burning but faint ly ; live minutes more and it would go out. For an instant I stood par alyzed, when a shrill whistle from the engine brought me to my sonars, and I saw that inside .of two min utes she would be there. "Seizing the lantern with one hand I struck the list match, and bending down laid it carefully inside the straw and then dashed forward, waving the red light. The glare from the headlight shone down the track and the engineer saw un\ but did not notice ihe red light—the sudden waving bad put it out—onlv screeching, he came straight on. When the train was almost upon me I jumped to one sid\ and sling, litkf Uie 1 mieni over ruy head dash ed it straight into the cab. The engineer saw the lamp as it broke on the ll M>r, and seeing the red gl.isi and lettered lantern whistled the danger t igual and tried to check up "Look down the track I almost screamed with excitement. The lust match had found a dry si>ot, and the st:\W was bluing up bright ly. The train came to u standstill. She was saved ; that's all 1 reiuein ber. "The next I knew I was in the b iggage car. They said they had found me in a (lead faint, and—ex cuse iuc, we are going to stop now. "Stamford !" lie sung out. The train stopjK d and the writer went tsoine, satisfied that a brake man's life is an exciting one. Thou Ms In tel u?c Moment?. What is the condition of the mrui whose mind is enshrouded in daik ! iir-ss ? He grows up like a tvast, { without me true conception of life, or u single exalted idea of its obliga tins. lie uses iiis physical p wers because their use is necessary for his suitsistence. Perhajw he has learned read, but he' has never applied it to the acquisition of ■knowledge. During the long win ter evenings he sits around the tire and gar-s upon it with a vacant sture, almost as stupid as the gaze of a cat, talks foolish taik, and re hearses t.iie common tattle of the neighboi hood. lie eau form no conception of the picturesque land scapes, tie beautiful scenes, the splendid ruins, or the wonderful pro ductions of other lands. He knows nothing of the habits and customs of other people, llis ruind is confined within the nairow limits of his own neighborhood, or circumscribed by the horizon which skirts his own blue hilis. He knows nothing of Hie physical condition of other coun tries, and their island, hikes, rivers and mountains. He knows little about the mighty productions of other men, little of the discoveries in science, and little of the wonder ful machinery used in the manufac tories of the country. 11c knows little of the laws of nature. lie be holds the lieavens uiul thinks it nothing more than canopy for the earth, lie never asks himself which are stars and which are piauets. So long as the sun shines, the moon sheds tier inefi uv light, and the clouds sprinkle their waters over the thirsty fields, tie takes no con cern. He takes no nains to make his home pleasant and attractive, nor dies he make any effort to im prove the implements and uiH'diluery witti which he works. He opposes every innovation, ridicules every new invention, aud mak'-s war upon those who attempt to improve the community in husbandry, education, or morals. Were thev under his control the agricultural. mechanical and moral world would stand still, as the material world was supposed to stand in former times. Under liis control no improvement in sci enee or art would ever be made, no invention conducive to the hap piness of man wool 1 ever he discov ered, the evils of depraved passion would never ie controjed, and the race wmld never rise above the sen sualities of the baser world. llr is Mr a prey to all the foolish notions and vain alarms which ignormee and su;>eißtitiii engender. While he gorges his mind with such non sense. he swims with contempt all the revelations of science as absur dities too extravagant for credulity to entertain. It is evident that such a man can never experience that, nigh and lofty pleasures and feast of the soul that the man of science and learning enjoys, nor can he form that high estimate of the Deity which the grandeur and mag nificence of liis works present. A. A. C. Signs of a Prosperous Farmer. When you see a barn larger than his house, it shows that he will have large profits ard small afflictions. When you sec him driving his work, instead of bis work driving him, it shows that he will never Iks driven from good resolutions, and t iat he will certainly work his way to pros iter ity. When you always see in his wood house a sufficiency for three months lor tuore, it shows that he will be more than a ninety days' wonder, in farming nitrations, and that he | is not sleeping in his house after a drunken frolic. When he Irs a house seiaate from the main building, pui post-ly for ashes, an iron or liu vessel to transport them, it shows tlmt he never built his dwelling to bo a fun eral pile for his family, and perhaps for himself. When his sled is housed in sum mer, and his implements covered both in winter and summer, it plainly shows that he will have a good house over Ids lie id in the sum mer of early life, and winter uf old age. When cattle are properly shielded and foil in winter, it evidences that lie is acting according to Scripture, which says, "a m-rciful man is merciful to his beast." When lie is seen subscribing for a newspaper and paying in advance, it shows that he is shaking like a hook respecting the latest improvements in agriculture, and that he never ; gets his walking papers tJ the land j of poverty. Laying for 111 in. It having come to the ears of the United States officials at this point that Big English, the boot-black, had a handful of lead nickels in his possession, the b>y wis yesterday interviewed on the subject. "Yes ; I've got nineteen bad nickels In my truwscrs pocket," was his prompt reply. "Am' what are you doing with them ?" "Holding right to 'em. You needn't think you've got a case again me, for you haven't." "llo.v did you get those bad piec es V" "Uich man, who shall i>e nameless —black his (toots every m truing hands me out a lead nickel—thinks he's got a soft thing on me, but I'm luyin' for him I" "flow ?" 4 *\Vhy, lie's got a daughter 'bout my age. I*ll tie thinking of marry ing in two or three years more, and I'll shoulder a luig of his nickels, walk into the parlor, and gently say : 'Mister man, I love thv fair daugh ter, and I demand her hand in mar riage. Heboid the proofs of your vile perfi Iv, and come up to the rack <>r go to the jug !' Toil just | keep still ami let him sho.ver out his bogus coins. I ain't handsome, hut I'm a terror to plan !"—F,t r I'rcss. It Isn't So. Mr. Margaty. the H ston mission ary to China, either intended to de ceive or was baselv mistaken when he wrote to a Boston paper that : | "A kick and a few words in his own tongue telling him he is an iguora.it boor will make a common Chin ioia worship van.'' This item was copied into a I) droit paper, and ..fter read ing It a day or two ago a cigar mak er determined to try the experiment. He had a little gru Ige against Lung Sing, that excellent Woodward aven ue washerman, and he laid for him. L. S. was passing Dufii-dd's Church a bundle under his ami. when the cigar-maker got in three or four two mule kicks on him at the same time addressing the GVl< stiol on the sub ject of his ignorance. Man on the opposite aid-* of the street saw the affair, but by the time they bad crossed the street the cigarmaker had been d mbled up against the* ON fence, his nose was bleeding, his lip cut, and he seemed to lie Suffering with a brok-n back., while the Coi riumau, fieso as a daisy, called out : "Melican inao wautee any more!*' A RBMARX UIUK Wir.L —A MIL- I.IONAIKE I.E V VINO !1 IS WEAI.TII TO IIKLP PAY IIIS \ DOITED Cor:v -i'KY'B pKiir —Joseph T. Lewis, who was engaged in the stationary business for many years at 3J Xa - sau stieet. New York, was hurled from his hum", 32.) Bloomli dd street, floboken, New Jersey, on Ttiesdiv. Mo retired from active business some ten years ago. He was bom iw England, and was 80 years of age at the time of his death.* Tie cam - to this country when a mere b >v. and steadily worked until he was worth at least 1,000. It. is sain that he had no re! itives in thiscoun tiy or on the otiier side of the At lantic, and that he has willed all his vast estate to the United States Government, to pay its debt. Mj >r Geo. D. 11. Gillespie of the Manhat tan B. nk ug Company, has been chosen executor of the will. -S ■ Medical intelligence is more large ly diffused than any other informa tion. There is not a in town where one can complain of a sore throat or pain in the head that somebody will not tell hlra what will cure it. Will blue glass cure a smoke house thief ? VESETINE PURIFIES THE BLOOD, Renovates and Invigorates the Whole Systom. ITH MKDIfIMAL PKOPKIUiKS A!*K ALTEttAIIVE, HOLYFNT AXl> BIVItKTIC. VI'C.KTI XK is made exclusively from the i lulmsol carefully swlccted barks, runts ami i herbs, ami so slvonely ivnexMitratmi, Unit h will etfeetuiilly eruuleate from Urn system every taint of feeroftitn. Humor, Tumors, t'Kaopr, t'M'ircriiHM Humor. KryNlprlM, .Holt illicit in, H> {>ltMttlc HIM IIOW, Canlii r, liilut II* nt (lie Stoiawrh, ami all dlsea WS 1 that aiisr from impure blood. Mclotua, Iml tiiim itory ami Chronic Kheuiiiii'isui, Nouiulßta. (Joul ami Spinal Complaints, call only be effect u illy cured tur->ußli Mm? Ilk>.|. For I'lmu* and Eruptive Diseases of the Skin, Pustule*. Pimples. UlotclmH, Hulls, Te tter. .scald, hen! ami Kin/worm. \ KOLTINK has ii< vei (nlteil toeflfoet it MrtniMMlit eure For Pains in the !tn;k. Kidney Complaints Droitsv, Female Weakness. heucorrhmit. arising: fi ma Intern il uleer.n ion, ami uter 1110 diseases itlid (.oners I l>t'l>l:itv, VHilv Tl NKtundinwtly iqmn the (Trunin of tbcur complaints. It invigorates ami strengthens ttie whole system. a<-ts up,m the stu relive or ItHtis, allavs lull inunall m. euros uloerathui ami i•'FUlilto- - the bowels. For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual <1 'Stive- He's. Paipitation U the Heart, Heaitaelie, Piles. Norvou-uiess and thuieral Prostiiitioti . of the Nervous System, no imuiloino has ;dv- I on sueli }>er ect saH-fui'tton as the VU'Oli | TINF. It purple* 1 lie H-hhl. elcauses all of I the oijfun*, ami ;s.s,e.vs sa eoultnillUi; pow er .'VIM theliervus syxVin. I Tie* remarkable euivs effected bv VKOK | TINK hav" Induced many p.hy.h Inns ami , an>theearies .vieen we know to prescribe ami use if tu l heir own taml'les. In I let, VE'Jt\TINK is the best roupv'y Vet discovered for lh'.iU)Vo divusosuarnl is fltr "iiiv rellab'e I'l/HiD PUWFtEit ye I placed Indole the public. TTin 81355T EVT3SNT3. Th** following letter from Hev F.. S. Red. Pastor of M F. Cliu.rh. Nail -k. Mass , \\|i l>e tvml with interest Uy many physiei rn. AN,. r h.*se so Verlnt' from tie* same disease as afflicted 'lie son of the Ite v. #£. S. Hesl No person em dou'd tlm testimony, n; tlmre i no ls'uti* 'he cu.ativ® powers of VEUETINE: Natick. Pass., .lan. t. P74. Mr. If. 11. STEVENS: Dear Sir—We have pood reus .it for rfurarding your VKt.'TiNF. a medicine ol t>* grtNiUtst van". Wo hvl assured that it lias 1> *n the nteatisof saving our suit's life.- He is now seventeen varan' a;a*: for the last rwovonrs he ha,- suTered from nee.roslsof liis leu, caused try serofu. 1 hus u'Te-li' i. ami was so ftr red it wd that I 'ue.irtv all wltu saw liiin :■ oual" hi- rce/iverv I Uwpnssibie. A cmucli of able physician* I eoitld -_iv" tti lull tin' faintest hop** of his | ever ritlvlnjr, two f tie* number d m'arttm ] D: it lie wts tH-yumi Hi > reach of human re Imrdles, tit.il even amputation mnhi not sav" him, as Im uid not vh'.'r enouah to en dure the oner it i >n. .lon Mien \vecninm Auc e.l • i\itnr hint \'i:-.KTIN.:. and fruit that lime to the present he a rs V"?i eon!inn-ms ly improvin". IK* has lately resinned his studies. lUrowh aw >v his rrutc'n sai.d cane, ami walks an,).it c.ec-fut'v and- trorttr. Fliiuisrli there Is -.lid some di-eharce from the npenlmr where tm* limb was l.tnoed. we have the fullest coitddeiiee that in a little time In* will ts* prfeeHv cured. He lias t.ke; at> ml three d t/en tnftles of Vk IITINK. but lately uses hut iitt ;•*, as ho dec', ires that be is too well to Im takioK medicine. liesjieettultv vmrs, F. S. HCST. M.ts. 1.. C. F. Hiisr. ALL DISEASES 0? THE BLOOD. If VKir.TtvßWih relieve ;ui:, eteanse, pu i ify ml cure -'tea . lis- is*-. n*-n Pur the I afi'*nl to nerfee'. lie til It r In i n: di'fci cut ohvsiclans, uir.j remedies, s'pterlnjj for years, is it not e meiu-ive pned, if vD Pl'Kfl'lEli. The •:r*stf nnuree of d! ease origin ite in the li'uod; and no nusilctue that !•* not act direertv u;vm it. tu purify a i l rem. vote, ha> any just claim ;>utt pub lic attention. R3Commoncl Ic Heartily. •-.l' Til BOBTOX Fell. 7. (QUI MX HtIVIM: D a 1 ilr -I hiv • ik'*u set era! hut'.i ii v in • \ ■i it mis, nil ;t.n ana vimsnlT is a v i'ti ih'e rent.sjv f >r Dys-iepsli* Ki Inev t'oiiiulaiut, ami KC'ieral debility of the system. I opt heartily recmitntend II to all ing trout lie' al*-,c co.npkiints. ♦ Vours :es.n-etfu!' Mlii yl-'MKir PAHtvfllt. Athens Street ; Prejars-J Sy H. R. Stsfens, Mai I!. is Sold by All Drujg-ists. Bsatty's Parlor SOROANS.'J E%"V s r vt.ns. with Valual'ie lui'.MV'M.i ds. Nt-.v mi lt.*Ail'l. > •'> ; Ist >,*■;. "Vt'lt ONI- THOl'.-s.VNi) Orjcanists I an I d-.isi.-Mtis -n.I >r-e rte'sc u ' in- ..in ns ; COillilletiii f Ilefb *.s STItP'TI.V Flljs r ('!, \.**S ;in t-u'. x le *it iiiis.n and durability. War | r tnie i lor six years. Must atiJ l:il'si IntprovpA ■ liva lir.i t vi.Mc-l Hi? il'HllPsr Pit. MIUM i.i •i n i "tu ia vi:n -.e is the s.\ FiisT am. K 11'; it ue s iust.c.il.tue.'lisle, prudu -h k he I:I a '1 ii* |i s't ides ->f H a.* : or Hi-" w ,: dues <>p sT VIN t!i • MCIN. an I is ca-oy applied. It is asi imi ti'd .?••;:,,*.i'i >:, on. i faco; ite up in ey.*rv well nyp doted T<>i c for J.ady or .i-'utle.ii.tii. >u". i !>v i>'-uk i.s*,s. J.CUISTADrtUO, P.O. Bn, la a. Now Yotl.. "OT.I & AYO; i. Ja. * ri sss 3S3T IN TTSS. 3.-13.1 D AN!dIL F. BHI ATT Y. Vfiislilnkton, New Jersey, I'. S. A. HI K*KrjttUOrF HuUS£. FIRST-CLASS IIO^EL. D* JOHNSTON SONS, Proprietor- BKLLKFQ. Th f'A. BE ATTY 1'IAVO! Grand Sinare and Upri^n^. BEtfT Oi-TKlt Et'Sß GIVEN NOW lIKADT. DANIEL F. BEATTT. Wisliingtoi,*New*Joivsey. U.S. A. Dil. D. 11. MINGLE, Oflers his professisnalservices to the put lie. Answers calls at all hours OFFICE AND residence, Hillhcim, Prnn'ji lßxlv. BEATTYM srasasflr&FHaa ri i AH 6 K-iVABM.SIUCI) IV Anv flro.class SBtJN PAIXTEBt AND LETTEIIEI can learn "umoiliine to ids advant iKC by addrestins tiie iivinufacturer DANIEL F. BFATTY, Waslrington, Nsw Jerwy, U. S. A., BE&TTV Piano&,) u&mki ■ I I spszessaßsuss Best ui tse. DANIEL f. mi ATT Y Waislungton, New Jersey, U. S. A. Mlwinwww EPHRAIM BARTHOLOMEW, Boot & tfhooraaker, JIIMHIIN, PA. Would most iVH|K-irul!v inform the public that I t- is prepared to do :iU kinds of work in his line in the most .satisfactory and workmanlike man ner. Prices moderate. A share of the nuhlic patronage respectfully solicited. 41-tiiu nr s f n f nu pianoi I 9 Al 3 a H 3 \ 8 0 fIfIJRAVI) NJI'AKK RBj I 'D & •! H 4rj-AKe.it* wutaed 5 \ *i~r v* 1* . * ' drHS, W I)ANIEL K. Bh.Vl r\, Wus)iiii{{tmi. New Jersey, t!. ,s. a HARDWARE! i Z* THB~B33T~! 1® u- *3 ; j *M| ! j: b I CHEAPEST :: . ;> SS Eoggis Eros. !; UP Q |f Exchange Building, * HAH STREET. j gag * Look Haven. m M ■" i SHVAOH?H I THE JOURNAL OFEIjE as for sale the celebrated PHOTOGRAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES PHOTOGRAPH FAMILY RECORD, BAPTISMAL ULHTIFICATSS, and C DNFIEMATION CERTIFICATES, linaliHherl by CKIDEK & 15 K OTHER, TORS, Plxsa. Thf.-P Certifies res are n net put led lv nnytbincr of the kind out. TTundieds of them are sold annu ally bv Ministers of the Gospel a:nLn'her. tTe wore so Yu'hlv ile;sel with the senodes sent ns, th*t we ordered a larce '>t ;p one**; nnd niadpiinNnpp. tnents with the publishers for the rurht of exelnsive sole in IV nn, Grew?. Potter. IT tines and Miles townships. We res'tnet fully invite Mir : sters ;i!UI > tunc couples to come and see For sale singly or by the doKn | t;eo. L. Potter, -no L Kurtz (J SO. L. POTTER & CO., General tarance Agency BELL EFOXTE L'A., s ronj*es Agency In the County. 1-utiei* ssued m> tlic Stock and Mutual PUo. ISXi DAN. F. BKATTY'S Parlor Organs, Tlmse rem urkable Instruments powyra •c*itif'r musical effects and expression never icfme attained, adapted for Amateur ami Professional, and an n'tiauieut in any parlor. EXCEL IN QI'AMTY OF TONF., THOK OUGIi WORKMANSHIP. ELKOANT DE MONS AND FINISH and Wonderful Variety of tliilr Combination Solo St|>s. ft?uße:iu'iful new Centennial Stylos now ready. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. I". S, A. Late Immense Dowries bv STANLEY and othersareJ#f added to the only com plete. Life ami Lnhcrs of Lmnustono. This veteran ex plover ranks am one the most heroic 11 "tires of the century, and this book Is one of the most . tractive, fascinat intr, rlehlv ll'nstrated and instructiv vol umes ev t i -.u '. Hointr the only enth e and ar.then e li'e. the millions are eauer for it. and wi le-awaxe rectus arc wanted nulcklv. Foi proof ar.rt terms address liUBBAHD BROS.. IV.**h p -r% 733 tjaavmi St., Phila. Ist | J OIIN C. MOTZ & CO. BANKERS MILLULIM, PA. flecitve Deposits, Allow Interest, JDtfcccn.tif Notee. Make Colleclxcn Buy ami Sell Government Securities * i Gold and Coupons, , Issue Drafts on A 'en- York , Philadelphia or Chicaqn and possess ample facilities for the si'Mn of a General Banking, Business. JOHN C. MOTE. A WALTER. rtMidrat, Cashier. BPATTV PIA -NO ; fZ-. £"* N b Si izs&sf-^.ea Grand Kqnnrp and I'prfftlit. From Geo. F. !.oteher. firm of Wm. H. Letcher X Bin. Rankers. Fayette. n >vfsh wont ill tutor of II wo wl lichee ifnlly give It.' James U. Brown. Esq , KdwaiV.svilie, ill. says : "The Boatty Piano received piveseuthe satisfaction." Agents wanted. Seud for eataloune. Address * DA MEL F. BEATTY. Washington, Now Jersey, U. S. A N E Will Mrs. M. A. Sourheck and Mrs. A. Cham tiers, have established a Mitleuerv Sho:> ii. Midheiin. Baanets, Hats Ripens Flowers and all g >o FOOT POWEI: P*X MACHINERY riltrr Jt jl I LA It ANI> sritor.l J 8 Aws. lath FS. Kir . F\AXrV WfR)I)S AXP in machine' t wf suited to ilie want" /\p pi of mechanics and ama tears. MEN. ROTS ana LAW ES are making from *3 to *lO per d'iv u c iii" them. The old srvle thrown aside wliev these are known. Bay where yon read this, and send for -18 paee catalogue' FKEE. AV. K. A J. Kockford, "Wlnuehapo Co., IHinoi*. aly. ** ! THE MIILHEIM GROCERY, BY GEORGE ULRICE, Has just a little the lest GOFTEE. SCGAB, SYMJPS TEA*, DRIED I'RUIT, CONFLCTIONARIES, CHEESE AND CRACKERS, in town. Also a general variety of NOTIONS and Stationary. (.ountry Prcduce taken in exchange for goodes, at the highest market rates CALL AND SEE. 18X1J JOHN D. FOOTE, Dealer in General Merchandise ■ i MILLHEIM, PA. vatnr, Tl.r.-siiinj " nd ° ffic * Btor ' 6 Midlines, Im- always on hand, proved IForsn Tin and Sheet Stoves JMMI kVt- -Jslf hand or made to • l'*\ An k ' ,,,Js order. Repairing to promptly atteml | . j fl£ir*>p<>cial inducements to cash buyers. A share of the &£y patronage is respectfully solicited. f • f r.sx6m. CI I AS. H7HELD! DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Clocks, Watches and TZETW^JXjZRTY". of the latest styles. All kinda of Clocks, "Watches Brd Jewelry repaired cn short notice and WARR ANTED. The ladies and me public generally axe in vito lr,D 03.11. Room—Second J?'!oor of A oxander s Block, iS/Hillhtim, Centre Co., 3?eima. J. W. WALLACE & CO., DMGGISTS, Corner UNdain ,A.nd Grrove Streets, LOCK HAVEN, PA. A full stock ol Druars & Chemicals constantly on hand. All the I . 1.1; P 1.53.13 4 j li ;ii3j-aiits. Oils and O&ss, atlowectprloss still engaged in * 8 secon d to cone the manufacture in this part of the . 'AliiitemAlarileAV eris a-. ■ CaU COUeheS, T>el wlnyer A- XVnsser. . B BOd * * * 4 4 Suors, EAST of BKIDGK, MILLIIEIM, H*A LEININGER& YCSSER. FL'SS. ITUKE ROOMS. Ezra Krumbinc. (Successor to J. O. DEININGER,) Would most respectfully inform tlie citizens of Centre eounty, that h IIHS constantly on hand nil kindsof f UUN ITU HE, made otfcthe heat m terinl and in the most approved styles. Bl REALS, BEDSTEADS, HASHSTANDS, SINK*, TABLES, D M GH TR.WS, CORNER CT T PBOARDB ml all other articles in*l is lire parstsrtly en hard. Prirf r*il fri •he titers The wants of voting ntanied couples especially suited. Gome and see. SHOPS. M AIM STREET CKXTR IS II ALL. PA. Slxly. ■ - * THE FEOPLES' DRUG STORE. ILLEGHANY STREET, / NEXT DOOR SOVTH 0/' HICKS & BllO'S HARDWARE, BELLEFONTE, PENNA.', Has been re-opened, re-fitted and re-stoeked with the best and most popular Drugs and Medicines. Particular attention given to the wants of Farmers and those living in the Couutry. W. Agent.