I o|e Journal I Tiller & Daiflinpr. Proprietors. Iff O.t>Ktnr SOF. p.. Associate Editor. I Ktllhelm,Thursday liar.29 E Torm3—-31.50 For Annum! K B • Hfe fct'.ilislm on the 1.. C. S. 0. It. !-. Nasa R fcpnlf.Uan ot o—7oo, Is a thoivitiK business K centre, an-1 controls the trade of an average H|j )tubus of over eiuht mites. In which the K Jockn ul has a larger circulation than ail II etlier canity papers combined. || Advertisers will pt&ue nia.Cc a nofc of this. i CLEAR GRIT. Sj About thirty years ago, Said K Judgo P , I stepjied into a book m store in Cincinnati in search of || come books that I wanted. While jt there a little ragged boy not. over H twelve years of age, came iu and iu j|| quired for a geography. H "Plenty cf them," was *he salos- I man's reply. jf "How muoli do they cost ?" P "One dollar, uiy lad." E "I did not know they were so H ' much." if Ho turned to go out, and even If *peed the door, but closed it again, II auil came back. If "I have got sixty-one cents," said m he ; could you l*-t me have a geogru jf phy, and wait a little while for the K iest of the money ?" K How eagerly his little bright eyes St looked for nil answer, and how he 1 *-med to shrink within his ragged 1 1-ith-s, wlien the man, not very I kindly, told him he could not. The i disappoioted little fellow looked up I to me, with a very poor attempt to K smile, and left the store. 1 followed 1 him, and overtook him. I "And what now ?" I asked. I "Try another place, sir." 1 "Shall I go, too, and see how you I iuooecd V" I "O yes, if you line," said he, in I 'surprise. different stores I entered B with him, and each time he was re h! fused. R "Will you try again ?" I asked. £ "Yes, sir ; I shall try them all, or I should not know irhetUer I Bl|f could get one." B • We entered the fifth store, and 9B tbe little fellow walked up manfully, BB and told the gentleman just what he B wanted, and how much he hod. H "Y'ou want the book very much ?" Dpi said tlie proprietor. ■ "Yes very much ?" 3B "Why do you want it so very Bl much ?" SB_ u To study sir. I can't go to L borne. All the boys have got one, B \ and they will get ahead of me, Be mt sides av father was a sailor, and I kL want to learn of the places where he to go." am "Does he go to these places, B now ?" asked tlie proprietor. Hi "He is de;id," said the bay softly ; M then he added after awhile ; "I am W going to be a sailor, loo." H "Are vou though ?" asked the ® gentkmau raising his eyebrows cur iously. ? tl Yes. sir, if I live." "Well, my lad, I will tell you what I will do I will let you have • new geography, and you may puy the remainder of the money when you can, or I will let you have one that is not quite new for fifty ! i oents." "Are the leavea all in it ; and m Juat like the other, only not new ?" M "Yea, just like the new one." i "It will do just as well, then, and fc I w'll have eleven cents left towards | buying some otlier look. lam glad B they did not let me have one at any L- . i f the other places, f The bookseller looked up inquir ingly, and I told him what I had •ecu of the little fellow. He wn pleased, and when lie brought the k, book along, I saw a nic-s new pencil. ! and some clean white pajier in- it. "A present, my lad, for your per eeveranco. Always have courage like that and you will make your mark," said the bookseller. "Thank you sir ; you are very good." "What is your name ?" "William Ilaveily, sir." "Do you want any more books ?'' I now asked him. "More than I can ever get," he [replied, glancing at the book 3 that filled the shelves. I gave him a bank-note. "It will buy some for you," I said. Tears of joy came to his eyes. "Can I buy what I want with it?" "Yes, my lad, anything." "Then I will buy a book for mother," said he. "I thank you Tery much, and some day hope I can pay you back." He wanted my name, and I gave It to him. Then 1 left liiin stand log by the counter, so happy, that ; I almost envied him ; and it was many years liefore I saw him again. Last year I went to Europe on one of the finest vessels that ever plough ad the waters of the Atlantic. We had very beautiful weather until very near the end of the voyage ; fe; then came a most terrible storm, that woulu have sunk all on board had it not been for the captain. Every spar was laid low, the rudder was almost useless, and a great leak had shown itself, threatening to fill the ship. The crew were all string, willing men, and the mates were practical seamen of the first class * hut after pumping for one whole night, and the water still gaining upon them, they gave up in despair, and niepartd to take to the boats, though they might hive known no small lioat could ride such a sea. The captain who had been bWow with his charts, now came up. lie saw how matters stood, and with a voice that I heard distictly above tlie roar of the tempest, ordered every man to his post. It was surprising to see those men bow before the strong will of their captain, and hurrv back to tin* pumps. The captain then started below to ex tmi'ue the leak. As lie I Kissed mo 1 asked if there was any hopes. lie looked at me, and then at Ihe other passengers, who crowd | i-tl up to hear the reply, and said, rebnkingly : "Yes. sir, there is hope as long as one inch of this deck remains alaive water ; when I see none of it. then tsi all abandon ill' vessel and not la-fore ; nor one of inv crew, sir. Everything shall lie done to save it, and if we fail, it will not be from inaction. Bear a hand, every one of you, at the pumps," To rice during the day did we des pair ; hut the captain's dauutles.- c.Mirage, proeveratice, and powerful will, mastered every man on board, and we went to work again. 4 I will land you safely at thftdock in Liverpool, said lie, "if you will be men " And he did la id us safeL ; but the vessel sunk moored to the dick. The captain sto • t on the deck of tli * sinking vessel, re *eiviug tlie thanks and blessings of the passengers, as they passed down the gang plank. As I passed lie grasped uiy banc?, anil said : "Judge P , do j-ou rccogaiz" rae ?" I told him that I \va3 not aware that I evr saw him until I stepped aboard his ship. "Do you remember the boy in Cincinnati ?" "Very well, sir ; William Ilaver- Iv." "I am he," said he. rt God bless you !• '•And God b'* c s noble Cantaiu Haverly !"— Baptist Union. ■ A SAGACIOUS COW. I can vouch for the truth of tlie story, as in was told to me by th*- gentleman wiio sold the cow. and whom I have known from boyhood He moved fiom K"tinebec countv. M time, to iYiscnns'ii, several year*, ago settling iu a sectj mi at that time but sp irscly popul ited. In time a friend of his came, with his family, and took up land iu Minnesota, over two hundred miles distant. The friend, while he went on to look u. his claim, and put up a hut, left his family with his old townsman, ami when he was finally ready to push on bag and baggage, lie bought of his host a fine cow, which lie knew he Should want the first, thing uixin I his arrival, as he had several young | children. It wis a new-uiilcli e >w. ; having a calf just old enough to wean. If" might have found cows near Ids Minnesota local ion, but ir was doubtful if he could have found | on*, of so go>ecia!ly, one in full milk. A t tlie expiration of two week" from the date uf bis friend's depar ture our Wisconsin farnmr received a letter from him, written when within a day's journey of lit* di-sti nation —written Ikmjbus:- he had in-*r on his wav, and stop|>ed witii over, night, a traveler going east. "I have more than oiico aim st wislmd that I had not bought old Snow-face," the writer said, speak ing of the cow, '.*fr tho has given , us an immense amount of troubV ; She misses tier calf, and I wi-di I i had taken it as you proposed ! but we are almost ther*\ and I guess a good rest ai.d good feed will soon quiet her." Mr. Locke (he will pardon me for! telling his name) received this iett-*r on Saturday evening. That night his wife aroused liiui and informed him that "old Suowface" was at | the gate, crying to come in. lie J listened, and heard the lowing of a cow, and the answering cry of the calf in the barn.—Arising and light ing a hmtern, he went out to the gate, where, sure enough, and to his great surprise, he found the cow which he had sold two weeks before, with a broken rope dtngling from her neck. And so the cow had come home ' to her calf—hail come over two hundred miles bv a tortuous way, crossing many streams, great and small, and must have come direct. An intelligent cow, most certainly. A young widow was asked why she was going to get m irried so soon after the death of her husband.; "Oh, la !" said she, "I do it, to pre-; vent fretting myself to death on ac- > coout of dear Tom." J b * His Valentine. Big English, the boot-black, la not what might be called it bv.v of beau ty. hut lie is a good boy. Ills heart la located just right, and it beats just the ught number of times per i minute. As lie yesterday stood in fiont of a window tilled with valen tines Ih was heard to muse : "Two cents apiece, eh, and comic l at that. Well,- I'm tlie boy who has four cents laid away t'or this occa sion. and here goes to make tvv> | souls happy." He entered the store and looked over a Luge ntuufier of Valentino*, mid dually selected ouefoi his moth sr. It was printed in seven beautiful colors, and represented a woman holding four children in her arms and rocking three more in a cradle "That represents our happy fami ly in the day* gone by, b.-fore any of ns w-re able to sell papers or black hoots," expl lined tin buy. "Moth er and I don't always agr-e on cer- Miu points, and there are days when I d|m*. " —leui'isayas it is," replied the thiv. "She's kind of a lame giil. >ou know—father fail -d— uotliei •omuiitted elopement—family sort o' disorguiiiz d, but stie's A 1, she i-i. a.id I'm kii.dei lending Iter tm influence till .ho family comes up ag *i." "Case of lo ye, I suppose !" said ttie dealer. "P-purty near it," faltereil the boot-black. *'l kinder hang oat aioiind her house a good deal, and she kinder appears on the front steps and 1 kinder f*el weak and shaky. 'Taiu't uuihin' to be ashamed ot. and I know it, but there comes little Pete, an I I want vou to tell him that I'm gittiu' these valentines on speculation. lie liaiu'C got no wealth nor culture, and he'd be -ueau enough to lacerate my feeiings afore u hull crowd." That Stuffed fat. The other day when a Detroit boy of fourteen bought a stuffed cat at auction the crowd derh'leU hiui and had a great deal of fun at his ex pense. Tuey didn't know that the boy had a luap of genius and a mountain of bright ideas, aiil he didn't t II him. Yesterday morning toe tad opened out in a vacant lot on Cass avenue, having the iielji of sev eral other geniuses. A clothes line was stretched fro in a jag diiveu at the si lew ilk to a fence lifty or sixty feet away, and not over a foot from the ground. By means of straps around the b sly and two iron rings, with a stout fish line to pwll on, the cat could be drawn along the rope like, a flash and hauled through a hoi-in the f.-nce. When things weri in workmg order the stuffed feli i- wisj a -ed at the stake, the I bovs got behind the fence, and the | liiiuiner of dogs which tried to giv j that eat a coid shaking up w;i3 al ! most beyond count. They strained | every nerve to catch Iter as she was drawn al nig tlie rone, and as Llrey followed her through the fence, Wtj heving they liad a dead sure thing, two hoys on either side of the hole b t fall four stout chihs with milita ry precision. Each dog seemed to realize tle whole j ke in a minute, and the way tie snarled fir home nearly killed the j >fcers.— fCx. ■ - - - ♦• ♦ m ~i Kncta.es. TTiv yon enemies ? Go straight on, and then not. If th v hl'iek HP v oir pdh, walk around | hem. and d i yoip- duty regardJes* of their spite. A in an who has no enemies is s*duom go .-v, will go out of themselves." Let this he your feel ing while endeavoring to live down the scandal of those who are hitter against you. If you stop to dispute, you do but as they desire, and open the way for more abuse. Let the poor fellows talk ; there will he a reaction if you perform hut your du ty, and hundreds who were once alienated from vou will II ICK to yon and acknowledge their error.— Alex I antler's Messenger. "What do we csll money 7Vi bune. Well, by several or more names. Some describe it as "spon dulix," some as "the stuff," some as "tlie sugar," some as "rhino," some as "spoons," some as "the ready," others as "brads." Tlie French call it *T argent," the Eng lish "the need fill," in Mexico, "cast ing." In the South it is "rocks," in the East "tin," in the West j "rags," in Canada it goes by the name of "spelter." Hereabouts it [is "short." VEGETINE! Strikes at tIM root of dlseasn ly purifying ilu' blood, restoring Hit* aver and kidMuys io healthy actiuu, invigorating the aoi voua ay s ic 111. Vogetina Is not a vib*, nauveous compound, whtcli simply purges Uu* tHiwoln, but .v -*a <*, picas, aul remedy which Is sure tonurlfy the blood, and thereby restore Ibe health. Vegetiiie Is now prescribed hi cases of Scrofula and other diseases of the blood, toy m oi.V cs not deceive invalids Into false hopes by uurgiie: and creating a tlclttious aopetite, nut assists uaiare In elearlnic and purifying i.te whole system, loading the paUeat g;ad- Hilly to perfect health. Vegetino Was looked upon as an experiment, for some time oy some of our best physicians 'ait i hose most, iiicreduiou-i in regard tolls merit are now its most ardent friends and supporters. Vegetino Ravs a Boston phvslelan, "has no equal as a idood purl tier. Hearing of itMiiany won derrui cures after all other remedies had .ai.e.l, 1 visited thelalsnatory and eonvineed mvseif of lis genuine merit. It is prepared rum harks, rm>is and tierlis, eaeh of which is highly effective, and they areeoinpoumled oi such a manner as to produce astonishing results.'' Vegetino l acknowledged and recommended by phy sicians and apothecaries to be the best purl •if,- an,| cleanser of the hlood yet discovered, and thousands speak in its praise who have beeu restored to health. PROOF. WHIT IS NEEDED. BOSTON, Feb. 13, IS7I. Mr. It. lL Stkvkns: Dear nL—About one year since I found mvs-ir in a feob.e condition from general teblMtv. VKGKTINK was stronj:'v recoin oo'lo'd to me hv a friend who lai teen much tK'neiiled lv Us use. I procured the irtle'e. and after ushm sevenil iNitlies, was restored to heatfli aubiliMJontlnued lis use. I ieel uui'e eoii'iilent there is no medlii.ie .(l ienor t it for tliO'.c complaints 'or which it is cspeol t'.iv prepared, and would cheer fully ev iinmended Si to lhos who Lei that they tieel soutelhi'iK to reslore Uiem to per fect health. llopeetfully yours, i*. L. I'wi I UN..1f.1.. firm of S. M. Pcttluu'ill & Co.. lb State sr., Boston. CINCINATI, NOV. 2C, 1572. air. H. It. STEV.TNS: iiear Sir—The two bottles of V K n awar ied th.c HIGHEST 1 RE Ml EM HI coinp -tittup with others for Simpiit-iI v, lara biiit y, PROMPTNESS, AND FIANO LIKE ACTION r'l-KK, S.YKfcT, and K \ H M BIL WIIKD TDM K, llUriiGSTttiL V.t- Ki'Krsin l IMSTI.M i'A.MKOUS UCKSS WiltCH MAY RK HAD T.) iHKKDEBb. Seud for Price List. Address, DAM El F. BEATTY, Washi.uiton, NewJeraey, U. 8. A CRIST ADO RO'S HAIR DYE. Crista biro's Hair Dye is the SAFEST ami BEsi'sit acts iustaut.incouslv, proiuclr.c tic m .st n itu-' iEs i i i.-s of B:ack or Brown; I i.;s x'tir SF Vl\ ta • S:\IN. ail I is easi v ip iile i. It is a st.in.la.d prepirafio.i, and a favorite upon every well appointed Toilet for Lady or tiautle.n.tn. s 1I bv Druggisls. J. CRISTADOIU. P. O. B , 1513. Now York. BEATTYS BEST IN TJS3H. Grand Square and Unright. DANIEL F. BEATTY. WiishfnKton, New Jersey, IT. S. A. h h lIuUSE. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. D* JOHNSTON & SONS, Proprieton BIJLLEFOUTE PA. TtF ATTV PI ANO! Grand Siuare and Upright. BEST OFFER EVER UIVKN NOW READY. DANIEL F. BEATIY. \Vis!iin;?ton, Ni?\v Jersey, U. S. A. Dit D. 11. MINGLE, Offers ills professional services to the put lie. Answers calls at all hours OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Mlllhclm, IVniTn 18xly. BEATTY^ Ju J Jilt 0 ESrABLISIiKI) IX 185fi. An vft est. class SIGN PAINTER AN5> LETTERER can learn sometlilajr to his advantage by addresting the manufacturer UAXIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U. s.-A,, REATTV p isM &w rtfCis ik'&t 111 tse. DANIEL F. BEAITYI Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A.! EHBAIM BAPiTBOLCMLW, Boot & Shoemaker, s MILLIIEIII. I* A. Would most respect full v inform the public t lirtt tie is prepared to do all kinds of woik in liis line HI the most .satisfactory and workmanlike man nor. l*t ices moderute. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. 41-oni A f fi< IVl! PIANO! 313 2 Q Q'S 1' BWWSWBWaaii v ßt 71 U * h GIIAND StJUAUK ■ 3- I] S J ■ AND UPRIGHT. T5 7? S t'in 8 3 H -Mr*Ageiits wanted BPlai'u h n K everywhere. Ad g v 13 S dross, DANIEL K. MATTY, WiwhhictOß, New Jrwy, i. S. A j HARDWARE! I | TEES BEST jj §© CHEAPEST || W T} • T"5 N ;; Boggis Bros, 'j g_ Exchange Building, }j W jj SIAIA' JiTRELT, fej Sgl ij Lock Haven. ™ rl j! £4 * i aRvmaHVH — THE JOURNAL OFFICE lias for sale the celebrated P .IGTOGBAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES FHOTCGRAPH FAMILY RECORD, BAPTISMAL CiIKTIFICATES, and CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATES, ],nlished by CKIDEU & BROTHER, YORK, . N KNN.I. ThDB Orl ifiearoß pre unequajed hv anything of the kind out. TTundipds* of them are sold annu pllv by M'uMersof the (Jos wl and o*hers, were so biffhlv pleased with the samples sent us. thsi* we ordered a lanrelot at once: and madearnuiere mopiV\vith the nn'dis'iers for the n rht of exclusive sale in Prnn, C T rerT. Potter. Unities and Miles townships. W resneetfully invite Miu I i-Iter'sand y ung couples to come and set? For sale singly or by the dozen Leo. L. Potter, Jno L. Kurtz* GEO. L. POTTEH & CO., General lasnranco AEency BEL I EFOXTE PA., R ronges Agency In the Connty. Lolicis ssued 011 the Stock and .Mutual I lao. lkxi DAN. F. BEATTY'S Parlor Organs, Tlie*e remarkable Instruments posses* ea mcities for musical effects and expression never b-fore attained, adapted f->r Amateur and Professional, and an ornament in any parlor. KX'TKfi IN QU ALI TM' OF TONF. THOK (iL'GII WORKMANSHIP. FLF.GANT DF SIUNB AND FINIBH and Wonderful Variety of th iir Combination Roln rttops. grQußeautiful new Centennial Styles now ready. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washlncton, New Jersey. U. S, A. I ate Immense Discoveries bv STANLEY and others arc just added to tho only com pletc. Life and Lnbcrs of Livingstone. "hisveteran explorer ranks among the most iioroie fl ores of the century, and this book is one of the most attractive, fascinat ing richlv Illustrated and instmetiv vol umes ever' issued. Being the only entire and authentic life, the millions are eager for it, and wide-awaae agents are antl quickly. For proof and terms address HUBBARD BROS.. Pubffsherp,733Sansom St., Phvla. IJt ( J OIIN C. 31UTZ & UU. BANKERS. J MIL HI LIN. FA. * I ■ J T' Rccievc Deposits, Allow Interest, Discount Noter• Make CoUfiticm fiup and Sell Government Securities Gold and Coupons, Issue Drafts on Xctc York, Philadelphia or Chicag't and possess ample facilities for the nsaction of a General Hanking, ! Jiusiness. JOIINC. MOTZ, A WALTER. President, Cashier. B^aYT¥ PIA - NO Grnnd Kqnnre anl rprlght. From Ceo. F. Letcher, firm of YV,TU If. Letcher & Bro. Bankers. Fajette, Oido. ♦•We received he tdano and think it a ' very flue fntied one mt here. Wailed a -diort timo t.) five it *i enml test, if you "111 a word in favor of it we will clival fully; iv** it/ James It. Brown, Esq., Kdwardsvilie, 111. snvs; '♦The Rentty Piano received gives entire satisfaction." A rents wanted. Scud for catalogue. Address DAMEL F. BEATTY, Washliigtoa, New Jersey, U. 8. A ' N B wm Mr*. M. A. Rourbeek and Mrs: A. Cham bers, have established a MUlenerv Shop In MiUkeim. Baaaets, Hats RiStions Flowers and all goods entering intothteir line kept, and sold .is cheaply as possible for cash. Call at the i'ost Oilice Building and be convinced. Satis, faction guaranteed. 18x1 v. ffV T>ARNER PATENT TA •> FOOT POWFR f/X MACIIINFRY ClßClT jfi.jt( I LAK AND SCROLL SAWS. LATHES, ETC., FANCV WOODS AND "I FT different machines V rw AM-f.suited to the wants gx U. of mechanics and ama t<*urs. MEN, Bors and L.VDIRS aremaking fiHim #3 to *lO per dav using them. The old style thrown aside when these are known. Say where ytmread this, and send for 4-S page catalogue FREE. V- F. & J. BAKNM, wßekford, Winnebago Co., lllipoi*. iWy. I THE MILLEEIM GROCERY, BY GEOIiGE ULIiICH, Has just A little the best COFFEE, SUGAR. SYRIFB TEAS, CPCGLATI DFIKU I'ttun, CONFECTION ARIES, CIIEESE AND CRACKERS, in TOWU. Also a general variety of NOTIONS and Stationary. Country Produce taken in exchange lor goodes, at the highest n.tike rates CALL AND SEE. lfcilv JOHN D. FOOTE, Dealer in General Merchandise MILLHEIM. PA. Manufacture* Hi* Marl.ines, always on proved II or so Tin a,ul Power, Shakers, ll '' l ' W; !< ties. All kind- ji&F" 0i < h r. Rcpr * of Castings uiude jnoiiij t# aiiti ! ?Q"S|)Ocial inducements to cash buyers. A share of the | &*iT* [mtronagc is respectfully solicited.* 3. r >xfm. CH ASTII. HELD, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Clocks, Watches and JEWBLRT. of the latest styles. AU kinds of Clocks, "Watches ard Jewell T repaired en ebcrt notice and WARRANTED. The iadios and too public ecrcrally are in vliol*io call. Room—Second Floor of A exander's Block, Centre Co., IFenna. J. W. WALLACE & CO., En?ggis?s, Ccmer ILvllain _A.nd Q-rove Streets, LOCK IIAVEN, PA. A fall stock of Drugra & Cheinicale constantly on fe&nd. All the IJILUPPAIAAU JL Jli JIASA— aiats. Oils and Gass, at loweet prices The undersigned Jjj or'any other work would again call fi£Qj HA* [|| 3cf * euterir.g intotheii the attention of Our piici-s the public to the L ai e todf rst'e fact that they are jf 0?- Xliil* while cur work still engaged in WHOjgra is second to none Hie inanufacturt in this j art of the COUCiICS, roIn 1 riprr ,<• CT.CI ; ; ' J &'' Suore, EAST of BUILT, F, W.LLLIKIM, ) A UEININGERA CESSER.- FURNITURE ROOMS. Ezra Krumfeine. (Successor to J. O. DEININGEIt.) Would most respectfully, inform the citizens of Centre county, that h* has constantly on hand all kindsot *UItXITURE, made ut the best tcrial and in the most approved styles. BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, HASHSTANDS, V'TNKS, TABLES, DOI'GH TRAYS, - CORNER CUPBOARDS* and all other articles in'his lire constantly or hard. FrirrsVl fv] t* s"i the times Tim wants of voune married eonples canecially suited. <