I |c Journal i >■ xn VN^NX,VN XVNNNN tV % filter & Deinmier. Proprietors. O.H KINIKOER . Associate Editor. HUlhcini.T'.iursdio Mar.29 Tarms—-81.50 Per Annum. *JIJ - -' Hayes' Appointmcuts. The people of the country irrespec tive of party who \ simla change iu the system of appointments lo of fice and a different class of men to fill the varied and responsible offices of our national government system do ami can not but feel a sense of re lief after untieing the appointments made thus far by the executive. Tue only exceptiou that may be taken is that or giving the Treasury portfolio to Senator saerman. Tuat Mr. Sherman . as financial anility no one will deny, but his political course has been ..bitterly scclio.uV and noil-conciliatory, lie bus been one of the desperate leaders, advo cating desperate means and meas ures and his connection with the approval of the Louisiana frauds and those who perpetrated them are of too recent date aud generally known to recapitulate. • 11 is course during the last political campaign and the settlement of the Presiden tial contest subsequent lo the elec tion has been on tue principal that "the end justifies tue ui.-ans," iu or der to reverse the senjiiuent and choice of the people as expressed at the polls and that the Republican party be thus continued in power. A disgraceful path he trod and ibe majority ot the people woresuost un favorably impressed With him at tue time of uis levatiou to tqewbership in the Cabinet family." But the couptry hopes for the bet ter, hopes that iu the discharge of his responsibly duties he will uiodc rate in his pblUibil toae and temper instead of agitating,-.sectional strife, give atteuiivu u> tae. promotion ot peace and tiie cause of civil service reform. To the balance of the cabinet no v*lid objections can be filed and the country at large will trust tbe cause' of official reform in their hands. Tae appointment mid distribution of the smaller officers thus far is generally commendable and satisfactory. That radical reforms wore necessary .iu the civil service was universally con ceded and any steps in thai direc tion, will be approved by the people. But thiii he curry out tiie necessary reform iu opposition to tue parly lenders to wuom belongs the credit of turning a terrible defeat at the polls iutu a victory, by countiug ac cording to their ide.i3 what the result should nave beeu and thus place upon him the erown he HOW wears. Tuey are the men who will prove his great foes in the introduction of re forms and who will endeavor to strangle this civil service infant, the President apparently desires to nurse and the country demand,shall be reared up to lite stability aud strength of manhood. Time will tell. ■ J. lfoo Leaiersblp. Seldom iu the history of a State does a single persdT or family wield the extended power and influence m its politics as . does the Cameron family iu our Commonwealth. A generation lias-passed sine Si mon the elder entered the Senate of the United States having secured a majority by illigitiuiate means. He has been ever siuce a leader in poli tics debauching elections, seeking and grasping-office tor pecuniary in terest an 1 power. During the List administration he was a power be hind the throne, priucipal actor in the arena of national politics aud legisLition. Jie exercised autocratic sway over his subject. Offi e.s wtre dismissed for uo other reason than that they honestly and efficiently performed their trusts aud were su perceded by men known to be Will ing to do tneir tuasLe. b.dd.ng. His soil Don was pressed into the cabinet us Secretary of war against the wish of the belter class of his own party. The war minister at the head of tae Pennsylvania delegation overthrew Blaine at Cincinnati by making them defeat themselves against their own wishes and that of the Republican party of the Com mouwealth, for BLiiue was their choice and-idol. - Their united power and energy was employed' in connection with the employment of all doubtiul means to secure the election of liayes. Being befVaied by a large popular majority pfjdieopooneiit, who into also u.vl a tlhijotiiy of the Electoral* they again turf. i - But waat.was the reward asked for these labors ?- A con tin mince of power with the. reappo iilxnent of J. Don as War Minister. Witness tiie a aerify of the trained office-holder and office seeker. Tae Governor and his lieuteuauts in office, the Con gressmen, the Republican iKirtion of the Legislature, the Pilgrims of Philadelphia, office- holders' iu the state in general rushed to Washing ton to secure his reappointment. Yet all this is in opposition to the w ishop i%eiif authority, which has ! been lie* sole hindrance to the iar j toiatiou of jieaee and good govern- I ineht in Louisiana, there would have ! been no oppoitunily for UisturlHtiwe jnf any kind, t.hc authority of the | Xichulls government would h<*ve j br-eii quietly recognized and the J probh in which now perplex-s the j President would iiave lieen set lei forevt-r. But lis courage fail, dh ui at the tnnuiciit coinage was iu st. re quired ; tie fabered when he nio-i levded to k'o foi ward with firm step; and though the existing.state of af faira ii not of hi* creation, it in h who has tuade its continuance le, and whatever hdsctm f . may apnrig from it now the responsibili ty will tie Ids al->ue.— Ti:ne%. m ♦- secretary Schtirtz to Oflfce.Seekfrs. WASHINGTON'. March 2-3 -The following ha* t*-oii addressed ny -Sec retary "Sienti it zlo all tiie heads < f bureaus of tiie Interior De|urtiuent : • DEPVKTMKNT Or TUK IXTKKIGR. ' WASHING ION, Muich 2U.—sir : 1 i desire yon to report to me in writ ll. g, at as eat LY A day as J>ossible, on the following (minis : Find. Tne organization, distri button and ni thuds of buaiiiess of your bureau. Second The force employed ami the character of their employment in detail. Tnird, The efficiency of that ! force.- giving your judgement us the changes that may tw desirable in the personal interests of the ser \ ice. Fourth. \Vhat reductions may lie practicable. Fifth. Your observations as to existing abuses, if a v there be, .iiwl as to thv remedies to be applied tibxth. Your view a as to the changes, if any, that may lie desira- I ble in the iiusiukss 111-tli-nis of your bureau. • Y"air rejiort will serve as the ba sis of future examination Very raijieit fully, ('. Sciiuicrz, Sec'ry. ♦♦ ■ ■ S!00 FOB tid: ro n. A XGBLE Ciivi.nT rnoM AV HOXORAULE MAN.—A gentleman 'of our iMiroiigh who was, quite against his will, on the day of the | la*t elec'ion. drawn into a bet of one. ' hundred dnllnrs that Hayes would le elected President, ami wa i his just received the wager, has plnc-d the ; money in our hands to lie distributed ! among ttie most deceiving charities iu our town. The editor will tie ob lig-d to all who will ly h-tter call 1 nis attention to such |MMM MIHI or other charities aa they may think deserving, that tie may dispose of this trust advisedly.— Be : Ufvitie lie publican. Toe Philadelphia B'VJ-ty Tine* is b-'f-re i, and a splendid impr is In t'e fn||e>t sense of the word. It is a large, eight page rinunl-sheH, w-ith a niechani -aI make up second to n ne. Iu IM!| i-s it is itide;*>n dent. like the DiL. its liter;,rv de f paitrnent is fiU* 1 tiv some of ttie IsMt writers of the <1 iv. while in news matttrs nothing rem-iius to Is- de sire. pogetiier UJs a fi'et odass pajier and will have a wide circuLt lion, .-j per annum, postage paid. I ; 2d copies, ?2">.00. Sui.scriptious received at the Jour . nal oiticf. AV-of. puettg. .Quar tette and Choruses, in which gbbd ~performers will participate. Assis tance will be given by the Millheim Cornet Band. Everythi ig will be ' done to give the Public a first-class Mqkjcal Eatertainnrent'. a- • .. • . 1 e : . FOUND.— Mr. J. T. Wallsa ha found two Rheep March, the22ud on the mountain aliow the Texas mill, wldch can b fetched at his fathrr'a place In Texas by the right ful owner. ■ --- a# • +•— - Ou Saturday of last week the Commissioners Gregg. Hall ar.d Mingle were down at Cobum Sta tion to examine the County llrld/e, which is now completed. Thev pro nounced tlie same a very g'*nl job I and took it off the hands of Contrac tor Murry & Company. Temi>erance iu Mifflinlnirgis 011 a first rate footing. Meetings have lieen held for many successive evrn ings. and old King Alcohol ma ny ha d knocks. We trust the spirit . will lie kept up until his reign w ill lie entirely aladished in tlmt la>anti ful borough.— Lev'taburg Chronicle. MH. DANier. F. BEATTY, ,")f Washtngion, N. J., ia cuitiitly in receipt of the most fi.itteiing testi mony from all parls f the United ! Siatia and Caiisila, as to the twauty aud cxcr-lieiice . Sei d f*r catalogue and list of testimonials. Addiess Daniel F. Boa;ty, VV.wlnugtou, Warren Coun ty, K. J.; u.s. A. The spring te l ur of the Penn Hull Aca*U'iiy will begin ou Monday Aptil lfilli next. Tnis Institution ; has earned for itself a reputation . which is jerhape second t> none of i ita class in Pennsylvania, lis able . piiiicipai. Prof. D. M. Wolf, lauks higli us a christian educator, and ; parents caii eafel> cotnuiit Ihelrsona to the caie of a gentleman who 1 manifest suca de.-p nolicitule for , the moral us a ell nS the intellectual I trai.img of lus pupils. May the ! Penu G.J I Ac.demy have cotitiuuej SUCCesS. dt- White, smooth and soft any 11- d>'n hands, aims or neck m.iy le- I come, wli u>e.* Glenn's Sulphur iS ip. - Pouples or other disllguie i ineuta of a complexlonal uatme aie. • surely otiliterau-il by tins iieaithful ! promoter of IMMUIJ. Dejmi, Ciil i teuton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, X. Y". Hill's llaii A Wliisker Dye, black or orowo, 5J cl*. The Poor H >a*e Qnei.loa. The sentiments of the citlz 11s of this uoitiou of the coun'y are univer sally 111 decided >pp iHitionbh.>Yl g 1 P.Htr House, and such desultory facts as have reached us as to the -.vol king <>f such instit uti ns in coun ties where tiiev have kKsm adopt ed, warrant us t oppose the project, in the interest of the tax payer*. It shall be our purjume how-ver to gather ail |HWa : bie iiifortna'ion on the sut'ject and pi ice it liefore our readers that they may be U*u*r eh | abled lo anive al an bitelligent coa -1 elusion ou the question. ■ ■■■■■ One of the la-Rt Book S ores in Central Pennsylvania, is that of .iaiues Welch in Bellefnnte. Full Lo repletion in its various depart iu**iits, Mr. YY'elcli Hells at pi ices that defy coiu|>etet'o:i anywhere, .lust now lie makes a speciality of pa|>er and envelopes selling tue Lit ter at Jice cents per pack, and note paper it 7 -10 cents ier quire. We advise our readers to visit and buy al Welch's store when they go to Beiljfoute. The following "local" is from Hie Wilbamsport Gaz-tte & Bulletin: "Samuel C. Bryan, formerly of IhG -Ity. is engaged running a portable saw, mill for Mr. J. F. Fillruau. near Laurelton. Union county. lie writes; "Oau-rs tf oak timtrer near litre have received large orders for car building material from the L-high Vailev railro el co:npa' y aud other roads. The timlrer on Perm's C.eek { s of excellent quality aud is much sought after by cur builders. The le-wisbiirg Centre and Spruce creek railroad will open up a large I scope of good f itiiVier lands. Track . laying !s pnrgressing slowly but surelv under the superintendence Col. Moore, contractor, and iv early spring 1 think it will be ready for ! travel as far as Spring Mill •*, Centre | county, twenty miles west of hen-." Lcicisbury Chronicle. ■ . ■■ ,-i I1H MARRIED. OB the 27th of F-hruvr, bv ! Rev. A:-banne, MR. Louis Eisle. ami Miss Auiieta Crater of Pvitler t twuship. DIBD. On the 14%'h inst,, Lvdia Dash em. of P tter towns up, aged Ofi i years, y rn uiths and PJ days. Near Madisonu-g, on the lS'h inst. v Mrs. -Ninth Hzel, wp f Jt- I %b Ilaz-1, Sr.. aged GJ yerrs, 2 1 month* aud 23 d tvs. Our loss is'ber gain. Blessed are the dead yvhioh die iu toe Lord. L. On the 20th insfc . at Pel in Hall, Miss Buckie 0 Bir'ges, aged 17 years, 9 in niths and IG days. In Memnrf of Heckle. Over the river the boatman pule , 1 Carried an 'tber. tie housed Id pet. I Her brown lialr waved iu the gentle gala Darline Beckie! T see her yet. 1 ' She crossed on her bosom her dimpled - i hands, I j;' "Anl fearlessly erttered the phantom bark; 1 We felt it glide from the sliver sands, And all our suushine grew strangely dark; i 1 Where all the ramsonts and angels be. )! Over the river the mystic river— ! She Is waiting, for Mother, Brother and *1 ay}.: * lIBOTaSK. | Public' Sale Register. • The following salon are advertised In to day's paper or oy posters priuled at lids of lice. —March 3d. Personal Property of harah Grundy, In Milihelni. —March ;il Personal Property of ltebcoca Musscr. In Mlliiieliu. ; —Api II i Peter S. Hteilv, Building Lota, in Keucrsliurg. erWr charge nothing for putting name* In the above list., provided the bill* :KC printed at tuts mite* or twe sale advertised lu this paper. | n ■ i ■ ' in .i ii. ■ Lodge and 9joioty Direotory. The Millhcitn Cornet Band will meet in the Town Hall oil holiday 1 nnd Thursday evening*. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of | llmeets in Alexander'* block ou ! the 2nd Saturday or each month at til P. M. and on the fourth Saturday of each month at If P. M. The Irving Literary Society in the Town Hall, overy Friday e\- ' eiiing. j The Millheitn B. AL. Anociatirn ! meet* in Town Hall, on Hie evening of tUenecoml Monday of each uioulli. MiUhenn Council, No. His, u. : U. A. M. meet* on Ist nnd kid Sat ' unlay* of each mouth, at 7 uVlok, r. at. % in their Lodge Liooui*, Wilt'* Building. 20 LADIIB FAVORITE CARD* all sty IF*, l with u.une loe. P>*t paid. J. *J. lliwTtu. I Nassau, tie lis, Co., V Y. **p win agree v> dlJ column nlU'trate I Pa • per, FJtLK for 3 n• st i*. IneiOM* 1 ■ yMt* '•* PIVP.MIAGE. AMC.IM wanUwl. KiiSUALt Co., ojsl<>:i, MAS*. TKIFL NO WITH A COLD I.HAL >V AYS GANG XHO U.S. ' j USal ! WKLL SC \K a..t * T \ BL V . I S a sure re meal v for CdCUHS and all dptcasr* of foe I'IIKOA I, Ll'Ni.s, Ciitdor a.td Ml ! COt'S MEMAHaNW, ,| l'i| II !| RU'C : SX •*. sOl.l) BY Al.l. PKD'JGIHTS. C .11. Cia t'TEN I'ON. 7 aixiu Avenue, New York. ftfjAn A Mouth, AGBNTH W AN (pz JU im . TIiUEK t.UtiAiß MKx •in* SCORT of OH Ail-.a/ HO3S A fu.l arc.u it or tld* great Mystery. wrPien to hi* l atir-r, IK-.H* U ibius.ni Yi.,.e In i th.llum linnesi. i h-l'.iu.lr-t vt hm l b.'k to a.l .e.igi • a C 'iiipleu? Ae s'liiit of ati de.tmini nation- ~iid sect*. Sen II u*tra:lot.*. Also tor ia.lies" medical guide, by 1 r. Pan coast. lie li.ustiat IIS. iliesc .k* .<*•); at slgut. .Vale and Female Agenl* imlii money on them. Particular* tree, t>.fiea by man $J each. John 1.. Potter & Co., Plum. A LUCRATIVE BINIVEH far lie w nil .el) in lie lß**i-t'lav .vwiiii V.ichlne Agents *n:l Wo HUM of enecg) NOD nkllhjr to IF*™ Ihr business of villus Sewing Ya chine*. linn peniatl mt Mirrul, hat rar>iug dcrortflng to Ability, ifcir wrter a id Q ia hUtlori*ol the Agent. Fcr l\irtlruiarn. tddre** Wilson S3? m Kl3i ii: Co. CidiG . i B.M Uiuadi av, New York, or New tin leans La. raw |3' l>rt. '1 rsper. ISfiulo;**. )<*< '..Ma-. g.-> JCH I* .. it -.4 lit taj.. J *•• I C' Irn cur !***r fnj i. • I umu. B!3i a C 9.. 7i* Brortfwari W. Y. TWELVE w-i:cJcln in# (W. fr.* bs I*4 SI • rm!l.ron , *. ,'i.r r4 r >n,Enmr Ttnk 'J*, SaTlc;jJ. p- .tr.er rr-ti>, Thr.-ii 0 -f. # i-r k-j~\ * C;l sr eg a*o. rn 11....*, r .etc..*. i r t-'.i; r * - vii enia n ii |wu.-ti,l h#vl i;r e> jC.-I.d.ir.i , I I* I ■ Orailot. Mir r)<4ili°< fsur r in) ► Ii Is the lrt •r'.llng o"t. *aiMi. • J*r ■.. ft t* MI . Kx-r .rl!-. .rrl lirr—.'ll, TO ATTHIC. t.tUr hji** I*" • aud r-*srn 1 t i*'f t % a lT9:a'". YCO v. y A ua 3 road war, N. I, -piCTURE FRAMES! GREAT CENTRAL DEPOT FOR PICTURE FRAMES. A large and rotmdeto assort men of Picture Frames. ' v • At Greatly Reduced Prices, At the Lowest Possible Prices, At About Ilailf the Us'al Prices. S7/* and styles not on hand will tie procured at short notice. Call at Welch's Chr..[) ROOK & BTA riON AAV store, No. 1, lluine's Block. MOTTO FRAMES varnished, witii glass and back complete for 3<" cents. BEAUTIFUL CIIROMOS Bxlo for 5 cents. GOOD NOTE PAPER at 7 cts. quire. HOOD ENVELOPES at 5 cents pack. MOTTOES for 6 cents. SPLINTS for Picture Frames of eveiv .sizr- and color. 61x13 J AS. WELCH. NERVOUSDE3ILITY. Via! Weakness >r a wenk ft ha.i-vc l lecliuu. no enertrr or coar;tjf; rue remittor t >p* the (Papi and rejuvenate* the entire man. B-en n*-d twenty year* with-id-feet tv thou*- | and*. SUd by dealer:. * vie#, kl.nrfper in (Tie va!: or *'.oi) per nivkare of five vlils and *2.< V vi oo' powder. Sent try mni! on receipt of price. Hhmnrwev's*. Hoinoeo ithic ttedi dne Company. M 2 Broad w.iv, \e%v York. fiixl.div. aev spiral emu • • s ! wedding ri.ig. ami fro Is' I'a i*laii til tmoud pin. The above articles sen*, postpaid, for 'SO €TH."Tiave lieen retiliksf f>r *r>. K*nk-- 1 rupt stock and must be sold. Solid Milton Gold Watches, $lO each for speculative pur • po*es, good timers, equal In appearance to i a frarX) genuine cold. "His reparation for | honesty, fair dealing and liberality Is tin equaled bvatny advertiser In this city."—AT. j 1 POST * * 1 F. V.UOiHD pi+b'w Verity A HOME AND FARM ,0? YOUR OWN On tm- line of a liUKAT UAILHOAD with Roinl market* iHdli LAST and WEST. NQtf IS THji TIME TO SbCURK IT. Mild Climate, Kertlln Noll, best Country for Sitook K tHlug In tnc Called Stairs. DooKiL Maps, Full Information, also "THK PfON LKU" *iit free to ail part* of tm world. Ad tire**, •. t\ DA VII, Land Coin. U. P. It. It. OMAHA, Nb'B. PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES ike L*rgci and Nprlghtllent Weeklj tu tbe L uc rii title*. aSCtlnaniK filled with tke l'kultet • kendldg. ' I Independent In K*r>tiling— Nvitral lu .Nulblng. Tua PNIL4UBI.PUU Wetmi.T Timb*. an In inense nuarto sheet of tillv --*1 a column*, will t>e |s*ued ou Saturday, Maren 3, 1H77, and every sour day tiiereaiier. containing a most co iip.Vfe digest of llie current new* of tin-week. Political, socia.. l.Uciuiy, Flnan cial, Loiu.uerci il and General; fearless edi torial* on iup public (*sii<-* and actor*of the day; Saeclai(airre*p..ideuce froin all ceu "■rt'ii Inierest throughout tiic country; tue t golden gicaniuiL* Ir on the leading public oii>if. HI ail o:y.ir!., and the la* est iirs* y r.'learaph from all uuarter* of the glolie, down to Hie hour o| printing A special featureof l U* WKIEI.T TIMKS wi ; iniiii* which will teaserle.sof through lire first year,- In ( every number, giving chapter* of the Cn wr. ttcu History <>f ugb. soars line, liiu-pe idem J Kii nal. as can bo puldisued any wuet e ou the Continent. Tf.RX*lt'B AAtt l Silicic c>pl *, postage | iepani. ... ICflfJ rfvec|de*. *• •• .... H.t Ten eo,de*, •• •• 15.C0 Twenty copies, " •• .... X'..OU Aud it the sane rate j>er copy per .nnu n) for *nv atdiHoual um'ier over iweiity- Subseiifieit at di tereut post 021 •* •all J du in a e oh. x-r tlt INtr* Copy *mt free to any per son seudiug a club o{ w-n. ' '^THETIMES. A JfrMt-ClAva Alora nis t * in? , - verv m iriiinr. (-rwMjaper Printi.ijf LslabiisllHieut Is tne limit eompX.- In ite t'liiied Mates, and ha* CwHue- i-i'ing one thous vid c.iplv* Of tne d.iilv edition per minute nH In lh<- tcry nest style of tlte art, and It* taci Kies f.ir news are nn*iirpas*ed by any the Union. *#-RIJHITIU;CLA riON #R TIF* TIKKS ftir thiit of ALL the dher Plii'.hAel- I'UU aoriitug I'ajie, s CO.* Mi is Al), escept one. Kcmlttances *lioti!J 'e i*-de by draft or |HM>t-nfl)ec older. Addreu, THKTI*m. Timet Uuiidiitff, I'hUchitlphlc. JOHN ROYER, Cabinet Maker <; •^i f „ * FO&TH MILLHEIM, PA. All kinds of Furniture on lutnd or jiromptly imule to order. Coihns a Lowost oash price*. Sat i*fnctioti gAiiranteetl. 43x8iti. |,| AEDWAEE & STOVEg Complete Line of Hardware, in all the various De partments. Spear's Anti-f linker Silver Moon Parlor Stove, superior - : to all others. *•". * - Susquehanna Cook Stoves. Improved Sovereign Portable Range, warranted to give satisfaction. S* I! , , * . a:L kinds of Cheap Parlor Stoves, at the lowest Iprices to suit tho TRADE. THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. ' . V|. • V, BOOTS & SHOES The Centennial Flection ia over and It I* fixod beyond doubt that •Samuel J. i'iiden clctded President of the United stales, but the Uie.t Fxf-itement at the stove of J. Msrl.HlTH in MILL lit.l -I *:II: comiuur*. He lu> Jusi leiuriaru tiMin the East ern cities wuh a large and well selected Mock of AJoa'.f. and hh*eii which can not I e surpassed ia Foint of Qutlity and Cheapness by an> store ia the county. :*lc •* 1 • *** 50 to rf\ *>4 00 Nr. CIKKTUTTH lias teen J J ! a practical shoemaker for the last f j So years and ts ibere.'ore more |T~I J . competent to make a selerlUk J than other retailers who ' 'd . bave not bad the N*nc ! • fitolbl*expr!euee. 4 X J ; Any person who doubts this I SPJ 04! laud cat JZ. ; g- Q o If yon re in want of pure JURUGS,"MEDICINES, rps OILS*P.\ IN TS, VARMSIIES, FANCY GOODS and . IIOLLIDAY TOYS, go to EISSXRUTH S DRT6STOKK, where you will be accommodated in these several knee of goods at the lowest cash prieea.) s:jT(mvo% v saojT - FURNITURE ROOMS. 52 " *Vr. jIHL IMIILLIEIR, 6c BRO., Would most respectfully inform the citizens of Penns and Brush Vallies that tiiey have opened a Furniture More, three doors east of the Bank, Aiill iieiin, wiiei'M Lliey will keep on hand all kinds of Furniture, such as CHAMBER SETTS. EXTENSION TABLE 1 , BEDSTEADS, . WASH, STANDS' WHATNOTS i SINKS,- • BRACKETS, DOUOH TRAYS,.". ... , , - TABLES, PICTURE FRAMES, -> CORNER CUBBOARDS, and all otiiwr articles ity their line.-.. Repairing done. Orders promptly at to. Prices cheap, to suit the timss. A share ef the public patron 1$ M &:'£ ' . CARD.— TO MY fkIKSDS AND CUBTO - Kits. It I* Impossible for tne t sell good* on credit and ooullnue my oadness, lor those to whom I *lve creull will not b.iv piompt ly—ln many casus not ai all.. For till* rea son I c oi not It cp my stock sufficiently in'l to meet the waul* of c.nh cnstouieis. From ttil* iliue forward 1 'will s*dl for cash and protlucconly, ck'-epllng on order* from in- Ulvidu il* or (ilcnd* that pay promptly. 'lbanktul for past fnvo * < hope in is' sble to sri ve nil who may favor me with their pntrouarc In the future, at prices t*tinl ll I*ll i*tion Having been granted I to t lit- undersigned oil the estate of Elizabeth j MOUOWHY, Utc of Aaro us burg, deceased, all persons Indebted to said esiale are hereby 1 notified to make Immediate payment, and { those having claims against the same to pre . sent theiu duty nut ueiitlcutcd, for settlement. Hartley township, JACOB HOI-IAIWAY, Union Co. Administrator, Feo. kin 1877. EMPIRE CLOTHIMG STORE J. F. Chambers, Proprietor, I'OST OfficE Building, Millheim.Pa. Kpeps a full litiF of (Tothing Ilon irrjr. and GenU' Furtii*hiug Goods a] WHY* ou hand, and sells at the lowest living prices for ca th. 17 ly QUEAT BOOK DEPOT ! Awjr bosk vraatei can be had at H. Y. STITZEU'S. I I Stntionery, Books, Toys, j j Tin* old Htid well known establish- j ' Mient is the regular depository of the I J Aiuei°i<*Mtt Sunday School Union and : ▲ lucriran Tract Society and will sell 1 exactly at thwir CATALOGUE PRICES! Be would say to those who favor hiiu with their patronage, that he ill m-li at •'.lt'll pi ice* Mtid U]xvti such tertus ** to tu-ike it an object for all fwi>rti:k, teachers and Sunday Schools to purchase at Uiswtove. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac.. not on kfind when inquired for will be oktMined on short notice, as MM order is seat every Saturna). 11. Y. STITZER. Brwckernoff How. £?Sn?i US. Ecllcvlcr It tu be BY FAR the best Farlar aim UrehMtMl Urpaii niaiisiactuied. we i ck-AlieuKC any to ejual tUriu J 7 ye Crktuled ioldvu longu- ti.-ed* m lliia •rgau in C'tajuiiclluii with Uie Perfected P ei IP.a.d* produce sw.-el, pare and pwr. erfui tunes, aynerb ca*es of new s.id elegant design* MLa*t*r, teaclmrs. stiuiclus. sch.Mii*, Uxl ■/•*. etc., Miuu-d send fur price list and discnuiits. Dealers will find It t their sdvant*?* to examine t ii* lustraiitent. It ha* improve ment* found in uo other. Cwrrespondstic* solicit rd. Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of orgau and freight charges paid by me (D.tuie. P. Realty) both ways If uuaatlsfactoiy, alter a test trial uf live days, organ warranted for six year*. Agrnlsdi*- eount given everywhere I hvve uo agent. Agent* wauled. Address, DANIEL F. BEAUT, Wakblagtsa, S* w Jensy, U. !u to 2i> years. uld roofs caii be patched and coated, looking much betier and lasting longer lliau new shingles without the slate, for One-third the Coat of Re-shingling. The expense of slating new shingles is on ly about the c ~u of simply laying them. Th* paint Is ring ritnor against s|arh* or flying ernneis, as may Lc chM!> tested by any one IT STOPS EVERY LEAK, and for tin or Iron has no equal, u It ex pand* by I en', contracts liy cold, and niter CHiisi nor M-sile*. Roofs ctvered wlili Tar Nhexthing Kelt can be made water-light at a < small expense, and preserved formauy years. 1 his male Paint is EXTREMELY CUKAP. Two gallons will cover a hundred square feet of shingle roof, while on tin. Iron, felt,- matched board*, or any smooth surface, from two quart* to one gallon are requited to lud square feet of surface, and although the paint ha< a heavy body it Is easily ap plied with a brush. No Tar ia uiwd in.this Compoaition, therefore It neither cracks In Winter, nor runs iu buimr.cr On decayed shingles, it flHs mp the heles and pores, ami gives a new substantial roof that will l*t for years. Curled OK wsarau shingle* it brings u> their places, and keen* 11 cm there. It fllis an all boles In felt roof*, stop* the leaks—and sl.ho K h a slow dryer. I rain does not a fleet It a few hours after sp plying. A* nearly ail paints that are black contain TAR. I* sine you obtain our genuine article, which (for shingle roofs) Is CHOCOLATE COLOR, when flrst applied, changing in about a month to an tuiifm m slate color, and is, ail intruu and purposes SI.ATX. On TIN ROOTS our red color Is usually preferred, as one coat is equal to five of any ordiuary pa'ut. For BRICK WALLS Our rkioivt RED Is the onlv reliable Male Paint ever introduced that wit! effectual'* p-event dampness from penetrating anil discoloring the plater. - These paints are also largely used on out hruNes and fences, or as a priming coat on flue buildings. Our only colors are Cbocolats, Hxd, biuiit ksi, aud 1 'Ranoe. NSW YORK CASH PRICE LIST. 1 Gallon, ean and box ; si 50 ? " " 23' ,5 " 5 50 JO kec 9 50 20 •* half barrel 1A CM 4rt " one barrel 3n it. 1 lbs., cement for bad leaks 1 25 Be have In stock, of our own manufacture, roofing materials, etc.. at the follow lug low prices: bill rolls extra Rubber Roofing, at S cents per square foot. (or ou.-.de work, at (2 per gallon, all shades. lmhe same popularity. It has been tested by thousand*, many of tbcm competent judges, aud gives universal satisfaction to all. The music is adapted to the human voice, ranging fioin the softest flute-like note to a volume ol sound unsurpassed by any instru ment. This Instrument has all the latest Improve ments, and everv organ H fully warranted for six years. Beautiful oil polish, black wal nut luuelled oases, which will not CRACK or YVAItP, and forms, iu addition to a apleu dld instrument of music, a beautiful piece of furniture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap pieciated, and is sold at extremely low hg uie* for cash. Second-hand Instruments Uken In exchange. Agents wanted, male or female. In every county lu the United Mates at.d Canada. A liberal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc., wrhere I have no agent*. Illustrated catalogue aud price lint free. Concspondence solicited. Agentt discount given w here 1 have no agents. lies offer ever given now ready. Address, BAYIEL T. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A. FARMERS OF CESTRE CO. J would respectfully call your at tention to the celebrated Keystone Hand Made Chains., These chains have been thoroughly tested by fanners and teamsters in this neighborhood, aud are pro nounced by all who have used them as far sujierior to any other chains made. Having secured the sole agen cy for Ceutre county for the sale of these chains, I am prepared to fur nish on short notice any thi nar in the line of CHAINS, from the heaviest stump machine chain d wn to the smallest chin chain, ail hand ma 4, of the best refined iron, and war ranted for one year. Call on or address A. O. Deininger. • XHUMoi. Pec. 14..15G*. •)>', # I. - fiter-mc! 4 V W Awarded the OmUr/.n'ol Jg Medal. The meat praellcal, *' >• pie, and ellectlve. It* - HHui potior advantage at pint, gate universale kuowledged. Add.os*. C. T. AI.COTT f. 1 -,v Nfrs, of WhceH aim I Machinery, Mot jit Hollt, N. J. WiU l> , manufacturing right*. INSURANCE MEN! TAKE not 10. AWE.WS WASTED l-OH TI:K— New rcglaiifl Mitcal Life Its. i\ The oldest mutual In the country, Uiaitci t if 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MAMSTON A WAHKLIN, General AgtM-, 133 Heutb Fourth Street. I'blh.delphla. Active Agents wanted instantly to iuti-- ducethe CENTENNIAL EIPOSITIC* DESCRIBED AND ILI.I'KTKATLD. Nearly tk* Paget; only (2iO; rich Um.Wf* tious; and a frcd*re as tlie best aud cl.cn r e*t History of the Great Exhibition 1.. doiMcU bv < riiciau, Press, and t'lergy. )' wiling imnicntelj/. Uuc latiy -learril four wteks. Act quickly. Now >r neve.. For fulll partieulais, Aildre** HUhBAEi. BROS., Publikher* 733 Sutisou Street, Khl *. J. S. MILLER, Fashionable Tailor, |AAROHBVR, llavirg opened rooms on the l?t floor of John Uupp's building h \r prepared to utauufactore all kind* \ of men's and boy's garments, accord, ing to Uie iatt styk-ff, and upon slirtest notice. nd all nord wir rauted to render aatisfHction. Cut ting and ropairiiigdone. Daniel F. Beatty's ES ri, Cauno*.—The reputallon I Lave gr.KiM ard the celt-bitty of m Oigi-ns, have ii:lne ed some uupriiH.-lp!ed parties and ••get.is tncopp inj drculars, and niiarepicsi,i my :u>trumeiit; aga.nst (bk u.e inble .*e here'.>> cautioned. All my Organs bear no trade-mak, Golden Tuogue, ai.o *ll my Wa uus have t e word ri O undetrTlT.f.l, and also haveand .crl •;nce, Daniel V. bemr, vVashinlor, S. J., wiu,out which none j* genuiu*. Addres>, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washingion. X. J., U. b. A. DCATTV f 6 fnfPsl SEATTY Parlor Organs. Messiw. Geo. F. ltow e ,l *Co.,(N.Y ) Newspaper Repm ter . says: "Daniel F. Ite.aty. the orgau builder, of wasblMgbiii, N. J. t ptewH-s leiwaid with greatest vigor." Prom Wm. Pool, Nlnjnu -Falls. X. 'several inoi.ti,* use of the eh-Keiil Pallor 7 you wnl uie satisfies me that it isre •f the best in.itle. It has a lieh tone; Ita variotts tones are mu*t pleasant. 1 n.>s; heartily recommend vour orggus for Darkir school, church or other use.^ Rent offer ever given. Money refunded "P*** l return of organ and Irtlsrlit cltalics paid by me (Daniel F. Fealty) Ixiih wa*s If unsatisfactory, after a test trial ol five das*. Organ warranted for sve veais. Hud lor • xteuded list of tea:ilunula!* before Uitinir a pallor Organ. Address. • DANIEL F. BEATTY, VMhlßttai, St. I:, k. k T" "is r, -' ICE BOOTS.SEOES, CAITEES £ SLIPPERS in Clin too ©r Centra couctlss Is *1; J". KAMP'S, LOCK IIAVEX, PEXK'A. t . - • " ' ' w here s large and nice stock for ffprlng and Summer has just arrlvsd. UoaiidtcrUaiu rOOTS AND SHOLS AT WKClttAlt T DAVID r. fortxey, JAttoknby-at-law, BKLLKTONTB, 4xly. PA. Awarded tbr OffhfM Irdd at lltuta. E. IH. T. ASTHQITI CO. 591 Broadvay, Jtoir Ycrk. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) Xaaafarturrr*. Intpartcrs lcrn In Ennrarass. Cticmcs mi rim vn.KKObtOl Ft &. vuvs, Übunis,(lrpßOßfpff*, Fhcfcgr&rl, And kindled gpodfr-Celebrities* Attusfc*, PHOTOGRfPEIJ MATES UU WeareHeadsuartciffor eveij thing iu the way of BTEIEOPTire?i> AM SACK LAH! 1! 8 XICRO M lE.MiriC LAkTERH, aiEKEOPAXOFtIiVN,' ESIVEBAITI' MfcUEViIICOX, ABVFKIIkI K H klEHL(imitfX AKTOriItON, SCHOOL LANTERN,* AM14.1 LANTERN . PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being the Lester Its claw In tfeu market. -i Catalogue of Lanterns and Slides, with di rections for using..sent on application. Any cuteiprising man. can make money with a Magic Lahtei 11. ' **_VisU<.rsto the Center nlal RxoositUn win do wisely to defer put chasing gcius iu our line until they come to our sto. e in New York, where they win linu grtatet vuiiety and more moderate prices, and can sewti ; more at their leisure. Rut we have a j,. cession to tell some styles of our gd)u the bulkllngof the Department of Public Ci*b. fort, and those not coming to New York are : luvtt: d to call on our representailcn tLoa I tS-A full stock of Views oil ke Kxi-esl. j tion Buildings and their contents. I e.Cutouttblsad. lorrefercnee-ES VV 11TF.1I We wfU **▼ encrgett# j H iI.ULI?, weuaudvunw* i Business that will Pay ; from #4 to |6 per day; ean be puieued jn ! your own neighborhood, and Jssu kth hen orable. Particulars free, or samph s woi Ifc several dollais that w ill enable ven logo to work at once, will be sent on receiprof fifty • Address _ LATHAM A CO., . •For Mtts.Al&TCalfcft-anm ?t. p.ii?*##"