r'riiw- IM m. ft I', fotmral Tf'.ier & Dcinmjer. Proprietors. • B 'LDSINTNGRR, Associate Editor. MHlftciiii.TltursdA) Mar. la ■ 1 IT 1 III" ~-^=~.-. ,--„~7~7 Tarma--®1.50 Per Annum. UL-LU '- - L - "- Tbe House. The conservative elements of the country—those who care more for substantial prosperity than for mere partisan vUtory—must now look to the Democratic House as their hope in the near future. The Forty fifth Congress will be organised and con trolled by the Democrats, who have only a small majority, it is true, but a tough and decided majority still. The record of the Democratic Forty fourth Congress presents a happv constrsst to its profligate Republi can predecessors By its rigid ad herence to economy and reform, some thirty millions of dollars were saved to a tax-ridden and debt bur dened people. It has also placed itself squarely and proudly upon reoord against the great iufamy of counting in a Presi dent, by passing a resolution that Tiiden and Hendricks are the duly elected President and Vice President of the United States. This resolu tion will be a sharp thorn in the of ficial pillow of Mr. Hayee, and will serve as a standing notice to bim that he holds the office of President only by courtesy and sufferance— not by the will of the people, and that any attempt to continue the system of misrule and plunder so daringly pursued by Grant's admin istration, will meet with a swift vengeance by the House. The House also holds the purse strings of the National Treasury, and the new administration already has sharp notice that not a dollar will be appropriated to austain the rotten carpet-bag government iu South Carolina and Louisiana. The duly elected Governors in both these states will be recognized and sus tained. agaiost all the bowlings of Blaine, Morton and Cameron, and thus will ba swept from the face of tbe earth, a system of misrule that will ever be a black page on our history, and a sliame on the civiliza tion of the age. Again, the action of the Demo cratic HOUBO will be fully sustained by the ooun'ry. To-day the Demo cratic party and its co-markers the Liberals and Conservatives, have a majority in the country of at least three hundred thousand votes. Courage, the cloud has a silver lining. THE CABINET. As a matter of news we give the names of Mr. Hayes' Cabinet offi cers—with remarks in italics. We feel little or no personal interest in the matter, as our intercourse with these gentlemen will be very limited: WM. M. EVARTS, of New York, Secretary of State.—First claw. JOHN SHERMAN, of Ohio, Secreta ry of the Treasury.— An intuit to the country. GEO. W. MCCRARY, of lowa, Sec retary of War.— Fmr. RICHARD W. THOMPSON, of In diana, Secretary of the Navy.— Very Good. CARL SCHSZ, of Missonri, Secre tary of the Interior.— Creditable. DAVID M. KEY, of Tenessee, Post Master Genera).—No. 1, of course. CHARLES DEVBNS, of Massachu setts, Attorney Genera!.—Good. If swearing is a finable offence an Washington as it is in Pennsylva nia, the national debt might be large ly reduced if not altogether paid from funds derived by a strict en forcement of tbe law. To begin with, Mr. Hayes insisted in swear ing tvcioe while all his predecessors were entirely content with swearing but once. But then that is nothing. The Pennsylvania Radicals swear by the wholesale, by the entire cargo, because Don is left out in the cold. Simon, the old breach-of-promlse sinner, swears down one side of Pennsylvania Avenue and up the other, winding up by calling it "a h—ll of an administration." Mor ton swears, Blaine swears, Beast Butter swrars, they all swear. If any of these Radical chaps ever come to Millbeim we will see to it that they be made to behave decent ly : Peacably if we can, forcibly if we must. TOWNSHIP ACCOUNTS. —The Legislature last winter, by .au act approved Maroh 31, 1876, fixed the time for annual meeting of the Au diters of the several townships and boroughs to settle accounts, on the second Monday in April. It was formerly fixed fr r the first Monday in June. These accounts are re quired by law. to be published under a severe penalty for neglect. By many odds the best resolu tion passed by the Radical Cameron Legislature, is the one to adjourn on the 32nd instant. Bellefonte and the Ball Road. ; The TTafcftmrtn of last week puts { in a very strong and practical plea for the spevdy construction of the projected rail road from Bellefonte to Lemont, to intersect our road at the latter point. To us it is a matter of surprise that a project soabsolutely essential to the future prosperity of ; Bellefonte should so long lay dor- 1 mant and probably fail altogether, for the want of a little energy and* enterprise on the part of those most to be benefited by its construction. BellefonU Is widely and justly cele brated for her wealth, for the intelli- j gence and public spirit of her citi- i reus, her manufactories—her great j men, living and departed, vet, here j are a few mileß of rail road to be built, an artarie to be oix?ned that i would iafase new life into her vari ous business interests, and the neg lect to build which must inevitably result iu com UIH; rial decay—and she hesitates -falters, until, we fear, the golden opportunity is lost for all time. The proud inland town that boasts of uaiatial residences that cost $40,000, refuses or neglects to give half that sum to an entcrpiise that to her is as necessary, in a busi ness point ot viow, as the daily bread is to the human body. Can this be * Will Bclltfonte be wise and act on the first law of nature— self preser vation—or is she willing to step down from her prond position in Central Peunsylvauia to the rank of an indolent, insignificant village ? Her destiny is in her own hands. Let her act quickly for her own good. If she does not, hers be the loss, tbe fault—the shame. Penasvalley does not absolutely need rail road connection with Belle fonte. True, it would be a great convenience to us. We would have aasy and speedy access to our coun ty seat. Would prefer, as a matter of choice, to give her our produce in exchange for her wares and merchan dise ; but if she will not, if 6he thrusts us aside, there are yet other places that will bid us welcome. If Bellefonte can stand it without a rail road to Penttsvallev —Penusvalley can staui it without rail road to Bellefonte. Reborsburgr Seinet School. The Bpritig Session of this School will begin on Monday, April 9,1877, and continue ten weeks. Every ef fort will be made to tender satisfac tion to both students and parents. Owing to the short session of the County Normal Institute, a NORMAL CLASS, auxiliary to said Institute, will be formed for the benefit of those who aro preparing to teach, and special attention will be given to brandies pertaining to tbe profession of teach ing, including Latin, School Govern ment, Algebra, Vocal Music, Ac. TUITION ranges from $2 50 to $5.- 09 ; one-half iu advance and remain der during term. No deduction for lost time except in case of sickness or bv special arrangement. BOARD and furnished rooms may be had at reasonable rates. Books used can bo procured it Rdiersburg, Students may save expenses by bringing their textSbooks along. For further information apply to C. L. GRAMLEY, " Teacher. . ■■ 1 • m m We have received the January, number of LEISURE HOURS, a hand some mammoth 16 page(64columns) family paper T nil>sd with the choicest literature —serial *nd short stories, sketches, poetry, wit, humor, &c., Ac. It is entertaining, amusing and Instructive, and is one of the chap est papers—the amount and quality of matter considered—that we have seen. The price is 51.20 per year, including as premium a genuine fine line steel engraving, called "The Mitherless Bairn," printed on 22x28 plate paper, which the publisheis claim is superior in point of merit and attractiveness to any premium ever offered by any other paper in this country, and is alone wortu the money asked for both. Tliepublishers. J L. Patten & Co., 102 William st.,New York, authorize us to say, that in order to introduce tbe paper iu this vicinity tliey make a special offer to every one of our readers to send them the paper —a "trial trip" of four months, post paid, commencing with January number—for 25 cents. Our readers who avail themselves of this offer will, we feel certain, thank us for having called their at tention to it. Tne publishers of LEISURE HOURS would like to em ploy some one in every place to can vass for this paper. 4t. The Philadelphia Weekly Times is before us, and a splendid papar it is in the fullest sense of the word. It is a large, eight page double sheet, with a mechanical make up second to noue. In politics it is indepen dent, like the Daily, its literary de partment is filled by some of tbe best writers of the day, while in news matters nothing remains to be de sired. Altogether it is a first class paper and will hare a wide circula tion. Terras per annum, postage paid, 1 copy, $2.00 ; 5 copies SB.OO ; 10 cop ies, $15.00 ; 20 copies, $25.00. Subscriptions received at the Jour nal office. At the annual election of the stock holders of the Bellefonte, Aa ronsburg and Youngmanstown Turnpike Company, the following managers were elected : Theodore Ilartman, Adam Weaver, John Stoner, Henry Kiumrine and D. O. Bower, the board organized by elect j ing John SLoner President, and J. O. Motz Secretory and Treasurer, Michael Willow and family, re turn to Centre Hall, in Spring. Michael Strdhin has taken charge of Laurlmore's store at Cen tre Hill. Success to him. Two shares of stock in Series 1, Milll.eim 11. & L. Association for sale. tApVb' at this office. I). 1.. Zerby expects to open a subscription school some time in April, ..Barents, wufco js note this. Those of our subscribers who contemplate cluipgiug their P. O. addresses this Spriug, will please in form us of the fact. At the regular meeting of the M. 11, L. Association on Monday evening, money sold at 85 j per cent. premium for permanent loan. ■ ■ - ■ ■ The I'euns Valley Banking Co., intends erecting a three story brick building at Centre Hall. Banking must l>e good business up there. Workmen are now engaged in putting up the bridge at Coburn Station. It will be a first class job throughout, aud, best of all, the county pays for iL 7 * "* ' 1 t Our ueighbjr, * Mr. Wm. 8. Ilarter is slowly recovering from a long spell of sicktiess. May he soon be fully restored to health: The place to buy cheap goods just now is Aarousburg, and the man's name is Boyer—liotac I), or Jim. Don't make much difference whica. Go and see for yourself. Our thanks are due and tendered to lion. L. A. Mackey for a finely bound copy of the Memorial Addres ses, Life and Character, of Vice President Henry Wilson. Court next week aud for several weeks thereafter. We wish folks would settle their differences them selves, and the Sheriff would not bother us with jury summonses, so we do. The Lewisburg Journal savs a two foot vein of hard coal has been discovered in Sugar Valley, Clinton county. Hope it may prove to be tbe geuuiue article. One of our worthiest eltizeas has the same initial letters to his name as Mister Hayes- It. B 11., and he don't feel one bit proud about it either.- SITUATION WANTED. A good compositor desires a situatjon after May Ist. Willing to take moderate Wrtgeß. Reference given if desired. For iurther particulars apply or write to "W." care of JOURNAL office. • * The Miller Brothers, cabinet makers at the old Willow stand, are doing a very good business and fully deserve it. They are good mechan ics, clever fellows, industrious and attentive to business, and, last but not least, tluy advertise in the Jour nal. With so many good points in their favor, failure would seem to be impossible. - . ■ MR. DANIEL F. BKATTY, of Washington, N. J., is constantly in receipt of the most flattering testi mony from all parts of the United States and Canada, as to the beauty and excellence of his pianos and or gans. Send for catalogue and list of testimonials. Address Daniel F. Beattv. Washington, Warreu Coun ty, N. J., U. 8. A. The Radical papers pretend to rejoice over the counting in of Hayes. Hollow and hypocritical as their joy is it will become bitter as gall and wormwood before three months of the Unsurpers' reign shall hare passed. Mark it! White, smooth and soft any la dy's hands, arms or neck may be- j come, who uses Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Pimples or other disfigure ments of a complexional nature, are surely obliterated by this healthful promoter of beauty. Depot, Crit tenton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, N. Y. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, 50 cts. One of the best Book 8- ores in Central Pennsylvania, is that of James Welch in Bellefonte. Full to repletion in its various depart ments, Mr. Welch sells at prices that defy coio|>etetion anywhere. Just now he makes a speciality of paper and envelopes selling the lat ter at Jive cents per pack, and note paper at 7—lo cents per quire. We advise our readers to visit and buy at Welch's store when they go to Bellefonte. Spring Mills Items. H. C. Beamer has gone to Oil City. Col. Moore has a gang of men here distributing ties along the rail road. A Mr. Bell expects to open a Hardware store on South Water street during the summer. Capt. George Ilassenplug of Mifflinburg will open up in the mer cantile business at the old stand of R. H. Duncan, by April. YONET. MARRIED. On the oth instant, at the resi dence of the bride's parents, bv Rev. | Robinson. "Mr. Alfred Miller, of Spring Mills, and Miss Jennie Mc- Cormiek, of Potter township. 4 *May the happy couple have a ! pleasant life, and finally reach the golden shore, where porting is no iar>re." W. Public Sale Register. 111 1 " t 4 The following sales Are advertised in to day's pator or by posters printed at this of lli'v. ' •.♦ - . . 4v raised in (his paper. . . t CHURCH DIRECTORY. f • —• Rev. G. W. Bouse will preach in the M. E. tibxt' Sunday evening.' Preaching.' in the Lutheran V i ' . ' Church, Anrohshurg, next SulibaUi evening. English, o > • Lodtfe and Society Directory. The Millheitn Cornet Hand will meet in the Town ilall oh Monday and Thursday evenings. • ; Providence Grange No. 217 P.ol U,. meets in Alexander'# block on the 2nd Saturday of each month at tj P. M. and oti Mie fourth Saturday: of each month at 1 j P. M. The Irving Literury Society meets it\ the Town Hall, every Friday ev cuing. The Millheim B. A L. Association meets in Town Hall, on.the evening of tlMMecond Monday of each month Millheim Council, No. 303, (J. U. A. M. meets on Ist nud 3rd Sat urdays of each month, at 7 o'clok, r. M.*, in their Lodge Rooms, Wilt's Building. IHSORAMMEN ! TAKK NOTICK. AGENTS WANTED —eon TUS— New MAUD Mutual Life lis. Co. The oldest!mutual In the country, Cbartecad 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. MAItSTON A WAKEUN. General Agents, 133 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. F. * * Milton iuld Jewelry ■ 'oinWtnatlon I Hfl ut. Uihtsitii g uf fitpui ■ ■I vateh chain, la, ■ .It's' handsome ■ ►roveh, end car ■ Ivops, p dr ele f sut st'id-stnnd, 1 v ee\ c bnttbn'v k> .iiiml stun.*, col'.ii ..uu>n, heavy pliifn wedding rtiig. add gertiC Parisian diamond pto. Th* tbove articles sent, post-paid, lor BO I'M. have been retailer! for 16. Hank rupt stock end mut he sold. Solid Milton Gold Wat-he*. dlo each, for speenlalleq. pur poses, good timers. equal In sppesrance to s fese genuine gold. "His rvyatatlon for honesty, fair dealing and liberality is un enualed bv any advertiser in this city."—-V, F. Day li nk, Dec. 11 187 F. rt Mir AG K. SrA M PS TA K F.N ABC ASH. F. STOCKMAN. 27 BOND ST.. New York. ffconn A Month. AGENTS WANTED on our THREE GKEAT-Rl BOOKS. The BTORY or CHARLEY RQ3S. A full account of ttflnineat Mystery, written bv his Father, br.us Koblnsiin fVr.soe In thrilling Interest. The Illustrated hand-book to all religions, a Complete Account of alt i!i*hoiuiu.iiion> .mil -vets. .too Illustrations. Also the ladies' medical guide, bv l)r. I\vi coast. 100 lllustrat'ons. These inxtks sell at sight. Male ami Female Agents coin money on them. Particulars tree. Copies by man $2 each. Julia F. Fetter & Co., Phll.i, am Water-Wbeel Aieardedic Centennial The most practical, sim ple, ami elective. Its su-, perlor advantage at partial pate is .universally ac knowledged. Address. c. r. aico r r a SK.\. Mfrs. of Wheels aim Mi 1 Machinery. Mot' NT MOLLT, N. J. Will give manufacturing ri'jhts. PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY TIMES _ . - Tlic Lnr£p*t and bprlzlilllest Weekly In ibt Kaslfrn Cities. 56 Columns filled with the Choicest Reading. Independent In In Xotbfng. Tie l'KinnEtPHU W*k*lt TIMES, an in meuse qiiarUkshuet of Mtv-s|x Qoiujun*. will lie issued otr batilrday, March iSTT. ami every Saturday thereafter, containing a most compiete the bust ness and professional reader, and for all classes who desire a thorough, sparallug. Independent journal, as can be published auy where on the Continent. tj TKRUNpEK A.V'SrJI. Single eopies, postage j repaid, . 42.00 Five copies. " " .... *.<*) Ten copies. •• " .... 1.5.00 Twenty copies. " M .... 25.00 And at the same rate (11.25 per ropy pef annum) for any additional number over twenty Subscribers at ditlerent post unices' can j dn In a club. frAn Lxtrn t'opy sent free to any per- 1 son sending a club of ten. , s THE TIMES. A First-Class Independent Morn* ingf Newspaper, - > v Is published every morning. (Suiulky ox eepted). Mail Subscribers, (postage free.) P> per annum, or $0 cents per month. Tujs TIMES Newspaper l'rliiting Establishment Is the most complete in the United States, , and has the iinest in ichinery that the world can furnish, capable of printing one thous and copies of the daily edition per minute and in the very best style of the art, and Its j facilities for news are unsurpassed by any i journal In the Union. dWTHK CIRCULATION of TIIK TIMES far exceeds that of ALL tho other Fhiladel- , phla Morning I'apeis COMBINED, except one. Remittance* should be made by draft or post-office order. Address, THE TIM EN. Time* Building, Philadelphia^ HEADACHE. - Dr. C. W. ItKNSON'S CICLERY AND CHAMOMILE. PILES rt are prepered expressly to cure hivk Head ache, Nervous fl- .t l lche, NvSpeullC Mcad ache, Neuralgia, Nervousnsss, Sleeplessness, and will cure arty case. Price *>o cents, pos tagefree. Sohfbv all druggists in country stores. Office, loG North Kutaw Street, Baltimore, Md— REFERENCE- Howard Bank, Baltimore, Md.j" AGENTS NEW ROK GREAT CTSNTENNIA JJ EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED Demand equals the crowds at the Kxhlbf j tion. One agent sold 40, two?. 9 each In one ! day. Over 4*K) Fine Engravings, costing a&'.OOO.OO, show the best exhibits. Wide awake Agents are quiilng all the Inferior books for this. Get the best. Send for cir i cular, terms, and sample enjiravinas. I I^ f & 00., JT Aivh Street, A HOME AND FARM OF YOUR OWN- On the line or a GItKAT ItAiI.KOAD with gitiKi m.irkeus both EAST and WEST. HOW IS TMt, TIME TO SECURE IT. Mild Climate, Fertile Hull, bett Country for Stock U.using In tliu United states. Itoak's,Mil pa, Full luforiiialloii, also "THE PIONKEH" seut free to all parts of tue world. .. Add rots, or. DAVIB. f i j ivd i larud Com. U. P. It. H. r;v. :t5. :• OMAHA, NEB. I )\TJ-NT ~ DESK^UATKiT, It? *l il'J, 1; A.. .. . / IN ONi; SLATK, DRAWING SURFACE A WRITING DESK, 60 cents. Uudoubtebly the moat instructive thing ever invented fur the youthful tuiiul. MOTTOES! MOTTOES 5 Each. o Each. PICTURE FRAMES 1 Fine Rustic Frames, varnished, with giußnand black complete. Note •' the ivinai kaldy low prices ; 4i by 61 at 25 cenu. 6 by H at 30 eta. 8 by Itfat 33 cents. 10 by 12 at 40 eta. • AU other aiies low in-proportion. . - MOTTO FRAMES, With large gilt bead, Varniahed, with iihuff.and lUck. SPLINTS FOR FRAMES, All Colors, and sizes. STEREOSCOPIC VI K W S. { . r ,hi great variety. " BEAUTIFUL CHHOMOS, . "* ' for Scents each. ' ;PLANT()GUAPHS FOR • ' " DRAWING, a new and complete invention which all visitors to the Centennial iftust have seen In use. Only 25 cents. WELCII S C IIE AP ROOK, STA TIONARY A VARIETY STORE, ' i No. 1 Humes' Block. llfl • We will atari yon In a buMnoas -V , l ■ you can inakc a week without II(ill P Vcatdtal; easy aud respertable for .Tllgflßl 1 either sex. M. A. Young, *6l ■ Bowery;>. Y. , rW .The iAriner*hlp existing b- K'Frank & Son i- this day dis consent. The books will be ifff, *OtU >. Frank -WherhkkH persona 1 indebted will please. .califfucTisaiut aeltleweut without delay. ? FHasK, J as. P. FKAKI. < Behersbtarg, Feb. II 1177. mercantile business will be can led on by the uudersigued si the ohl stand where he will be happy to serve tils fricuds and old custooiers. R. FRANK. JOHN ROYER7 Cabinet Maker XOBTU aiUHKIX, PA. All kinds of Furniture on hand or promptly made to order. Coffins a sociality. Lowest cash prices. Sat isfaction guaranteed. 43xSui. || ARDWARE & STOVEg Complete Line of Hardware, in all tha aarious De partments. .t . Spear's Anti-Clinker Silver Moan Parlor Stove, superior to all others. Susquehanna Cook Staves, Improved Sovereign Portable ; Range, warranted to give satisfaction. all kinds of Cheap Parlor Stoves, at the lowest ' • prices to suit the TRADE. ;•* j- s* t. 3t|* ■ _ • . • THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. \j. > : *l. •• - ■ f -■■■ ! m til •mmmm —n i I———————— BOOTS & SHOES . jWJ \ * • • I > The Centennial Election la over and it ia flxad beyond doubt that Samuel J. rilden is elected President of the United States, but the • treat Excitement at the store of J. BIMfcNIIfJTBI In MILL MAIM Htill continues. He lux Just telurned from the East ' em Cities with a larga and well selected stock of Boot* and Shoe*, which can not tie surpassed la Point of (JualitT and Cheapness by any store ia Ihecotuity. MeV* Ron* f—m $2 50 to r~t\ $4 00. Mr. EIAF.!fHVTH has been a practical shoemaker for the last f 36 years and is thersfore more IT" l seinpetent to make a selection t '' 'V than other retailers whs i l - •'! J have not hsd the bene- LJ r Jr At of his experience. | •X J Any person who doubts this i i £l, ... M : •; cj. ALSO.! Q If you are in want of pure DRUGS, CMEDICINES, P"f OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, FANCY GOODSapd ! nOLLIDAT TOYS, go to EISEXOUTH S DRUG STORE, r^' where you will be accommodated in these aereral linesJJ of good* at the lowest cash prices. " SHICMVO =? SiCtff FURNITURE ROOMS. W. 'si. MXX.LEJE, BRO, Would most respectfully inform the citizens of Penns and Brush Vallies that they have opened a Furniture Store, three doors east of the Bank, Mill hoim. whero they will keep on hand all kinds of Furniture, such as CHAMBER SETTS, EXTENSION TABLE 5 , . BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, WHAT NOTS SINKS, BRACKETS, DOUGH TRAYS, TABLES, PICTURE FRAMES, CORNER CUBBOARDS, and all other articles in their line. Repac'init done. Orders promptly at tended to. Prices chean, to Miit the friause. A haw of the public patrw is rwpeetfatty soMohed. /TAJtD.—TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTO- V-/ MKKH. It U Impossible for me tu sell goods on credit ami continue my liusine.-s, tor those to whom I give credit will not puv prompt ly—lll many cases not at all. lor this rea son i r iii not lucp my stock sullloieiitly full to meet the wants t M Philadelphia, L'a. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Lettetfof AdmiulHtialion having been granted toUie undersigned oitjlie estate of KlUabeth iiolloway, late of Aaronsbtirg. deeoased, all person* indebted to said estate aiu hereby notified t make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent then, duty authcull'-ated, for settlement. Hartley Township, Jacou IIOIJOWAT, Union Co. • Administrator, Feb. Mil 1877. EMPIRE CLOTH fliG STORE J. F. Chambers, Proprietor, POST OlfiCK Building, Millheim, Pa. Keeps A t'ull line of Clothing Hos iery, uiul Gents' Furnishing Goods always on hand, and sells at the lowest living prices for can h. 17 ly QERAI BOOK DEPOT ! * y . r •" Any bok wasted can be had si H. Y. BTITZER 8. Stationery, Books, Toys. This old and well known establish ment is the regular depository of the American Sunday School Union and American Tract Society and will sell exactly at their CATALOG UK PRICES ! He would say to those who favor him with their patronage, that he will sell at such prices and upon such terms as to maku it an object for all persons, teachers and Sunday Schools to purchase at hie store. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac.. not on hand when inquired for will be obtained on short notice, as an order is seat every Saturday. IJ. Y. STITZER, v ' *- Brockernofl How. •RTIATTY'SParIor Organs m ai*sß Asl'd. la ISM. Relieving II to be BY TAR the best Parlor and Orchestral Organ luanufaetured. we challenge any manufacturer to equal them. The celebrated Gulden Tongue Reeds Id this orgau In c-mjuurllon with the Perfected Reel Hoards produce, sweet, pure and pow erful tones, Superb cases of uew and elegant detlgus Ministers, teachers, churches, schools, lodges, etc., should scad for price list and discounts. Dealers will find it to their advantage to examine this instrument. It has improve ments found in uo other. Correspondence solicited. Best offer ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by me (Daniel K. Beatty) both ways if unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five dats. Organ warranted for six years. A gent* dis count given everywhere I hive DO agent. Agents wanted. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, W walking ton, New Jersey, I'. B. A. PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS, Which may be done with one-fourths the usual expense. lv using our PATENT SLATE PAINT (Fifteen Years Established.) MIXED READY FOR U.SE. Flic-proof, Mnler-proof, Durable, Economical and Ornamental. A roof may be covered yvltb a very cheap shingle, ami by application Of rhi* slate l e made to last from to 23 years- old rof can be patched and coated, looking much better and lasting longer than new ahiugica without the slate, for One-1 bird the Cost of ll-liingling. The excuse of slating new shingles is on ly al>oiit the cost nl simply laying theni. 1 lis paint l< PIKE rxooFuirainHt sparks or tlx lug embers, as may Lc easily tested by anyone IT arOI'SBVKKY LEAK, and for tin or Iron has no equal, as It ex pand* by beat, contracts by cold, and VJCVkk CKACKH M r .-kialcs. Itoofs n yored wlt li Tar sheathing Felt can le made water-tight at a 1 •uia II expense, and preset ved for many years. This Slate Faint is EXTREMELY CIIKAr. Two gallons will cover a hundred square feet of shingle roof, while on fin, Iron, felt, matched boards, r any smooth surface, from two quarts to one gallon are required to ICO square feet of surfnee, ami although the paint has a heavy body It is easily ap plied with a brush. No Tar in uned in Ihig Composition, therefore it neither cracks in Winter, nor runs in Summer. - Co decayed shingles, it Alls up the holes and pores, and gives a new übstanlial roof that will last for years. CL'HI.ED OK WAKFKU shingles it bt'itigt to th!r places, and keeps them there, it Alls up all holes In felt roofs, stops the leaks—and. alt hough a slow dryer, rain does not affect it a few hours after ap plying. As nearly all paints that ar black contain TAU. I* suie yon obtain our gehuine article, which (lor shingle roofs) Is CHOCOLATE COLOR, when first applied, ch mglng In about a month to an uniform slate color, and Is, all Intents and purposes SLATE. On TIN ROOFS our red color Is usually preferred, as one cat is equal to Ave of any ordinary paint. Ker .BRICK WALLS Our BRIGHT RKD is the only reliable Slate Paint ever introduced that will effectually prevent dampness from penetrating and discoloring tlie plaster. v These paints are alsolargely used on out houses and feuces, or as a prim lug coat on Site buildings. Out only eolors are CuocoL.vrr, RED, RIGHT RED, and ORANGE. NEW YORK CASH PRICE LIST. 1 Gallon, can and box |i 50 2 44 " ........ i 35 .5 " " 550 l 0 " ker 950 20 ** half barrel moo 40 M one barrel so ro 10 lbs., cement forbad leaks 1 25 We hare In stock, of our own manufacture, roofing materials, etc., at the follow ing low Prices: 10"0 rolls extra Rubber Roofing. at 3 cents per square foot. (Or we will furnish Rub ber Roofing Nails, Caps, and slate Paint for sn entire new roof, at 41$ cents per square foot.) 2nro rolls 2-plv Tarred Roofing Felt, at 13£ cents per square foot. NX® rolls 3 ply Tarred Roofing Felt, at 2U cents per square foot. 2000 rolls Tarred Sheating, at V cent per square foot. .Vjf® gallons fine Knamel Paint, mixed rea dy for use, on inside or outside work, at $2 per gallon, all shades. 1000 Bbis slate Flour.. per bbl. (3 00 1000 " Koup-,tonc Flour " 300 lflOll " Grafton Mineral " 300 1000 " Metalie Paint, dry... •• 300 FjK-clal pliers per ton or car-load lots. All orders must be accompanied with the money, or subject to 30 days draft on well known parties. IV. Y. SLATE PAIXTCO PAX Y. 102 & 104 Maiden Lane, New York. FANCY CARI>S 15styles with name 10 Lv ets. Tost paid, J. B. HCSTED, Nassau Ren*. Co.. N. Y. $200,000 1N GOLD"! AND OTHKK VALUABLE PREMIUMS. QIVEX TO THOSK WHO Workforthe Times: TOF. CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMFS Published for 33 years, has a National char acter ami Influence. with patrons in every State and Territory iu the Union, and of ail shades and politics. Its new department', HOMES FOK THE PEOFLE In the Bouth and Flir West. win he invalubte to all looking out for NBW PLACES or Kxai DBNCK. 1 y 1 * JPeery Patron of the Timet is presented, free of charge, with an Illustrated Year- Book of valuable information, for 1877, alone worth the price of the pajier. Enterprising men wanted everywhere, to solicit subscribers, and secure our Gold and other Valuable Premiums. A sample copy of the Times, our Illustrated List of Premi ums to be given to Agents, and other docu m r.h, wlu tie sent free nnapp'icnNon to CIXCJXXA Tl TIMES CO., . 62 W. Third Alt., Cincinnati, O, RPAT , TY§ Farloror ® l 111 wgsro The best and most lasting parlor organ r.ow in use. No other parlor organ has ever attained ibe same popularity. It has been tested by thousands, many of them competent judges, and gives universal .satisfaction to all. The music is adapted to the human voice, ranging from the softest flute-like note to a volume of sound unsurpassed by auy instru ment. This instrument has all the latest improve ments, and everv organ is fully warranted forstx years. Beautiful oil polish, Mack wal itutranelled cases, which will not CRACK or wi RP, and forms, in addition to a splen did tmifnitient of music, a beautiful piece of firnlture. This organ needs only to be seen to be ap preciated, and is sold at extremely low fig ures fur cash Second-hand Instruments taken in exchange. Agents wanted, male or female. In every county In the United States and Canada. A liberal discount made to teachers, ministers churches, schools, lodges, etc., where I have no agents. Illustrated catalogue and pri ce list free. Correspondence solicited. Agent discount given where I have uo agents. Best offer ever given uow ready. Address, DAMEL F. BEAT7Y, Washington, New Jersey, U. S. A, FARMERS CO. I would respectfully call your at tentiou to the celebrated Keystone Hand Made Chains. These chains have been thoroughly, tested by farmers and teamsters in this neighborhood, and are pro nounced by all who have used them as far superior to any other chains made. Having secured the sole agen cy for Centre county for the sale of these chains. I am prepared to fur nish on short notice anything in the line of CHAINS, from the n heaviest stump machine chain dow to the smallest chin chain, all hand wade, of the best refined iron, and war ranted for one year. Call on or address A. O. Deininger. MiUheiro. I>ee. 14. IWB. TRIFLING WITn ACOLI) IS ALWAfS tfANGRJtOvt. USES WELI/S CARIttL.tC TABLE*' a sure remedy for COl'GllS, and all #W: of the THROAT, LI NGS, CHEST and . COL' 6 MEMAKAXK, But U( uiiiv ill BLUE Bogfg. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C .11. Ciiir iKMON. 7 sixth Av*x:+. New York. Active Axei.u wanted /njdouu'F lo lut. dure the 1 CENTENNIAL EIPOSITIt-r DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. . * Nearly Paget; only #2.50; rich lllnwr lions; i'.pd n tr.e Organs bear .r tradc-inak, Golden Tongue, and all my Pia now have t-e word n&lvO under 11 ted and also have my and ta tlcnor, DA>TEL F. BE.ITTT, Washiutom, b. J., wtUiout which none U genalM. Address, 1 DANIEL P. BEATTT. Washington, X. J., U. 8. A-. BEATTyS:;-- 1 ?; Parlor Organs. Messrs. Geo. P. Sowed &00.,(N. Y Newspaper Reporter, says: "Daniel F. Beat;y, the organ builder. <■', YYashlKgton, N. J., presees forward wit. greatest vigor." From WE. Peal, Klagai RE Fall*. N. Y. ".Several mouths u*e of the decent TarP * Orgau you rent me satisfies me that It van > of the best made. It has h rich true; i vaiious Duies are RKMI pieasant. I ict: heartily reeoinmeud your or; for park., school, church or otlier use." Best offer ever given. Money rcfacdr-i upon return of organ and frciuht chart" J paid by ine (Daub I F. Realty) both wsvs uiisatisfaciory. after a test ti ial of live dav Organ warranted for five years. Bent! catemled list of testimonials before l-uyii. a pallor Organ. Address. DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washingtou, Kcw Jamejr, U. it. A. THE cheapest AND BKST FLAC•< IO BUY YOtJft BOOTS.SHOES, CAITEES & SUFFEt' la Blialon or Centre eouuHM W it J". LOCK IIAVEN", FEN'N'A. where a large *:> d nice stock for firing *rd Summer lias just arrived. Ceapd tec tlya; 03-BOOIS AKD eirOES AT V ROl X*A TR.XL DAVID K, IOBTNEY, BILLLF-CNTB, 48x1 Y. Pji. Awarded Ike llifbesf Medal a! lint E. iB. T. ANTHCNTI GO. 591 Broadtrqy, Aik? IVA:. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) SlnnafnetMrem, Imporfsts dh B-", lorn in EB£raTin& ClrcEos mi Fmt STEREOSCOPES & WEW!< Albums;GraphogcGpes. rbologiapl. , Andkiudied goods-Celebrities, AeWMOCc PHOTOGRAPHIC MITEBHIA We are Headquarters for everything la IE: way of STEREOPTICeKSABW MICICLASUD i. MICRO SCIENTIFIC UKTERV, NTEKEO PANOPTICON. UNIVERSITY STEHKOFT-TICON ADVERTISERS STEREOPTICH ARTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTIL PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being the best of its elaee In I: market. ■ . I 1 1 . . f Catalogue of Lanterns and Slides, with c rectious for using, sent on application. Any enterprising man can make jhoimv witli a Magic Lantern. Visitors to the Centennial Expoaitier. will do wisely to defer purchasing -goods i our lhie until they come to our slot e in Ne- York, where they will find greater variei ' and more inoc pursued IT. your own neighborhood, and is strictly hon orable. I'articulars free, or samples wortk several dollais that w iil enable voa t**o V work at once, will be sent on reoeipt eiftttr OMItS. Add row LATHAM h CA T0xt.154. **' Wasbtpgto* St., * •