&'|e Journal. 1 Ttßir SCoiniaEsr. Proprietors. BO.DitmixoßH, Associate Editor MlHUelm.Tiiuiv.las Mar. 8 !■" ■ 1 ■--■=== Terms —51.50 Per Annum. M'JliS'.ai en the L. C. a. 0. R. R, nas a I emulation of 6—700, is a thriving business •uatre, and controls the trad*? of an average radios of over eight mites, in which the u. has x larger circulation than all cttier county papers couiblued. A4rertit*rt wiUideasc make a note of this. A Narrow Escape. Fair Haven was a peaceful little fishing hamlet on the rock bound coast of Massachusetts. Yet even in this quiet-looking place Love and Hatred, Pride and Jealousy were aa actively at work in men's hearts as in the more crowded cities. There is uo place so poor but that it can afford at least one wealthy in habitant. The magnate of Fair llaven was Richard Devine. Pow erful by reason of his tvealtl, he was also universally feared and hated. Mxi knew him as a grasping, close listed, and avaricious man. The women of the place lab d him be cause of his excessive insolence and freorium of speech toward them. Btill, as Deviue owned the greater part of tho houses in which they liv ed, aad as he was quick to avenge any fancied insult, they bors it all in silence. Of Devine's previous history thoy nothing. He had come among , them some three years before, and brought with him a sweet young girl as his wife. Tho latter, nrruer his harsh and cruel treatment, had pined away and died. Ti.e husband had not appeared to greatly grieve over his loss. It was only six months, now, since his wife had been laid away, ; and the sharp-eysd gossips of the j place were prophesying that he was looking around for another wife. The belle of the place at that time i was Nancy Sheppard. Who her pa-j rents we e nobody knew. .She was j the only survivor of a wreck that i had been cast upon their shores, i The only thing about her which ; seemed t hold a possible clew was a j small cold locket, with the initials "N. S." She had been adopted by the child less wife of a sturdy fisherman nam ed Tom Sheppard. She hud named i the infant Nancy, aud so it remaiu !cd. The infant girl had now grown into a finely-developed, mad-cap girl nf eighteen. There was not a young fisherman ia the place but would have been happy as a king to have won Nancy fur a wife. Iler choice, however, seamed to be made. Jos Crawford was her escort at all the merry-makings that trans pired, and he successfully defeated all projects to "cut him out" of her ' favor. Sit was on a pleasant July morning that she and her lover were engaged in raking up sen-weed for the cot tage garden in wliich she lived, i While talking over their prospects, they were suddenly interrupted by j I the sound of an approaching horse- i man. . * | The next moment Richard Devine n-iued up his horse close by the gill's side. "Good morning, Nancy," he ex claimed, chocking her under the j chin with coarse familiarity. "Seems to mo you've been particularly care • f:il in keeping out of my sight latc r H." The girl's black eyes flashed Arc, and her hand wa3 raised as if to ttriko him for his presumption. • In an instant, though, she had re gained self-control. If she angered the man, her lover 1 would be persecuted for revenge. Controlling herself as well as she : * cculd. she replied : •T did not know that my move- 1 Burnt a were of any consequence to j Mr. Devine." "Ha! ha ! you're a sly puss," j ehncliltd the man. "Well, I'll tell ! you something so there will be no chance of your making such a mis again. I'm coming down to "Widow Sheppard'a to-night on pur pose to see you. So remember and stay at home." "You may save yourself tho trou ble, then," replied the girl with spir it. "Mr. Deviue can have no busi ness with me of any consequence, and my way is free to go as I please. " "Ha! you're a spirited lass," re joined the man, with a scowl. "Well, it's all the better, so long as you don't fly into temper with me." ; As he spoke, he again attempted | to lay his hand familiarly on her ! shoulder. "Hands off her, you hound !" ex claimed Joe Crawford, every nerve t his body tingling to avenge the intuit. "Hands off, I say or I'll break every bone in your body !" j The horseman's face grew black 1 with rage, and he raised his heavy ridingcane threateningly. The blow was never delivered. With a sudden bouud, Joe wrested the weapon from bis grasp. Breaking lt in a dozen pirees, he threw them contemptuously in De vine's face. "Now leave I" he shouted, "or by all the jiowers, I'll do as I threaten ed ! If 1 hear of you attempting to persecute Nancy again with your in sults, Til have your life 1" "An ugly threat, that, mv man." said Deviue, scowling blncklv. "I see how the land lien now, and I'll make this town too hot to hold you iu less than twenty-four hours." With these words he rode off. "Oh, Joe," exclaimed, the girl, bitterly, "you've ruined yourself now! You can do nothing ngalnst such an enemy as Richard Dovino." "The world is large, Nancy," he replied. "We can go away and be v.i i life somewhere else." "But not without money." "That is true," lie answered, gloomily. "I need two things llrst —money and revenge." Fearing to say more lest she might further excite her lover's auger, lite girl remained silent. Soon afterward Joe made some ex cuse and left her. By twelve o'clock the qniet Utile hamlet was in a state of intense excitement. Richard Devine had l>ein found badly wounded on the roadside. In answer to their inquii ies be denntinc ed J>e Crawford as bis assailant and , would-be murderer. The village physician was hastily j summoued, and pronounced lbe case a critical one. There was one chance j in a hundred for Devine's recovery, lie said, and he might not live until midnight. The wounded man was informed of his danger, and a wiek j ed glitter iMinf in his eyes. "B: ing Nancy Sheppard here while I make my dying statement," said | he, "and lei a few of tlie villagers be cad eU in a.s witnesses." Terror-stricken at. the accusation resting upm her lover, and dreading it to lie the truth, she caiue. Rich ard Device then said that ho had met J. Joe Crawford is inno cent. Give my fr rtune to Nancv Sheppart)—it only justice. She |is " He died, leaving the sentence un -6 wsht d, 4i l have lived long enough to see justice dore," said the stranger, i sinking to the fl d bye, doctor, seems like spring, doesn't it Detroit Free treat. _ . A TRAMP CUKE.—The IIv. El ward Everett Hale proposes in Bos ton a specific solution of the tramp problem, viz., that the Governor of Massachusetts should issue a private circular to the town authorities urg ing t .em, on a day indicated, to ar rest and prosecute all vagrants iu their jurisdiction the nignt before. The result, Mr. Ilale thinks, would be that 1,500 lazy loafers would be at work the next dav, and from tnat time, for five years, there would bo no trauips in Massachusetts. Any .erusode against these nuiapncea by a single town is ineffective. Tue movement should be "simultaneous, unexpected and vigorous—a prompt advance along the whole line." VEGETTNE Strikes at the root of dlseaso tv purlfvlnfj vh* Mood, icstoilnu the liver and kidneys w> health} action, invigorating the uci touusys tem. Vegetiue Is not a vile, nautcous e impound, which simply purges the luwels, but a sue, picas apt remedy which is sure to purify the blood, and thereby restore the health. Vegetine Is now prescribed in cases of Rcrofula and other diseases nr the bluo I. by in my of the best physician*, on in.; to its ureal success In cut lus ail disease* o( this ualuro. Vogetine Poo* not deceive invalids Into false hopes by nurului: and ereallnu a fictitious aop*Ut : , out assists nature i clearing and purifylne the whole system, leading the patient grad ually to perfect health. Vegotiae Was looked upon as an experiment fnrsomo time by soninof our best pli.xsb'inits, lu;t those most incredulous in regard to P* merit are now its nioit anient friends and supporter?. Vegetine Savs a Boston phvsielan, "has unequal as a bl.Mu! puritler. Hearing of its uisny won derful cures, after all otlmr remedies had failed, l visited the laboratory and convinced mvseil of its genuine merit. It Is prepared from barks. r the be t pu-i --ller and cleanser of lit" bio d yet discovered, and thousands *:>ak In its praise who have been testoivd to health. PROOF. WHAT IS NEEDED. BOSTON, Feb. 13, I*7l. Mr. R R STl:vks9: Hear Si- *bouf one year since I found m.s- tf in a tV,-bl< condition from general ibbiiitv. VFtFN N1 was strouglv recom mended to mx* bv a fil-ml who lai teen much ?s*n*!ltM by lis u*?. I pronucd the article, and after ttsinu sever.;l bmtlea, was p*sTred to health anb discontinued Its nv 1 . 1 feel quite oonlhh at there is no medicine superior t.i n for cn.npbilnt* ? r which it is espe,datK prepar.-.1, and wtei'd cheer fully nnmeiub d it !'• tlie wh< fee! that Ibex need sumcthiur to r-sioie litem to per feet health. Respertfu'b sours. v. i. pettingit.L Firm of M. M. Petllnglll Si Co., Id St., | Boston. CIVVPUTI, Nov. 2'<. 1572. air. If. R PTgvaNS: j IH.Mf Sir—rite l.vo IvdtV* of VFC'TIN'E furnished me bv Your agent, my wife has used wiHi me t' • u-tit For a tonu Mmesp.* h:t* he n tronhVd witL di vine a and c >*tive e,s : those ttiKtbbs M% n i *■ enli:e!x rem .ve I bv the u *• i>( YHOE -lI\K. Alto wa a'satrouhl" I with Hy ptipsla and iieurt'ttl Dcbl.ltv, and V; - be -:t • hem. io 'illdloltß, 22A'--, Y.'atuut St.eet. FEEL MY>KLF A NEW MAN. Naticr, Max* , June l. 1372. Mr. TI R. . c T."ivjis: pear lr—Through the a Ivlc- and exrne t pers.t.t-l n of Key. •'. >. IV a.of this P te-\ I It tve been taking V> <• fIV" 1V K for liys;Mjniit, of xvhich I u tve stiff- > d fur ye ir*. 1 have use t o.t!y tv/a b ?t'..*st t i l already !eth mvse.f a ttc.v niau. U-* pec; 7n ix. l)a. J. \V. CARTER. Raport from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary.^ Boa TON, Jan. I- 1574. Dear Sir—ThW ht ienl'y that I have so'd if ret U I t 1 ? dozen (l>7. r > Unties) o* yout VKtitl'lNi siuct A*ri! 12, 1*57 *, ami can ti illy say that it has civeti the U-si stlis "action of any remedy f >r the complaints for which it Is rccoin.tvn led (hat 1 ever sold, sei'vclv i >i.i\ fttWM wltlKHlt Mine of MtJ customers testifying to Its merits on tiit.n se'.xes >r their ft IIJ'.S. lam i>erfect'y cog nisant of v-verr.l eaecs of scrofulous runmra being cured by VKtiKTISIi alone lu tiiis vicinity. "Verv rcspe. tfulJv yours, AJ ill I.MAN, Broadway. To If. R. STEVENS. Esq. Proparei by S. R. StsTas. Bostca M. VejotiaoisSjldby All Druggists Bsatty's Parlor reksssww; aaH2US99 ATYLEH, with Valuable lin •rovettiviils. New atxi Be.tutii'u. So .•> 81 MM. OVKB ONK T i iui' AN i OiptlMS a id "Ju-i ians emt''.".e iacse organs and ic- Miiiiiiriid tliemas STKIb'Tl.y ITKn t* tdI.ASS in t-ui". Mec'ianisin and durability. War ranted for tfix years. tSo.it antl T.Rteat Lnproretl. Iliva tee:i awarded Uie ;t!0n"BT TKS MlU.xl In compctiliou x:ih others foi SimplicUr, OurabiUty, PROMPTNESS, AND PIANO LIKE ACTION iTRK, HiVKKT, and EVhN BIL- WlY.il Ti>N!\ 0U( lIKSTHIL Kf- FtKTSand IXrtTAXTAXKOI'S ACCESS 1V:IIC MAY 3K HAD TO fHtliEliDS. Send for Pries List. Address, DASIEL F. BEITTY, Washington, New Jerey, U. S. A. ORISTADORO HAIR BYE. Ori. la luro's llair Dye Is the SAFEST ami Bam ; it a' ts i.istatitatunntslv. producing the most natural shades of Riack or Brown ; does NoT STAIN the SaIN, and is easiiv ajipijed. ir Ha standard preparatloti, anil a favtirilc upon every xvell appointed Toiiet for i.ady or rientleman. S.)!d by Druggists. J. CItISTADOHO, P. O. Box, 15!3. New York. AmnnvpiATO! IHjH 2 B W TiJEEsa BEST IN tjshi. Grand Square and Upright. D ANI EL F. BE ATT Y. Wauhiugtcti, New Jersey, 11.I 1 . 5. A. "DiIUUKERUOI? v HOUSE. FIItST-CLASS HOTEL. I)- JOHNSTON & SONS, Proprietor? UKLLEbO: Th PA BE ATTY.I'LVXm Grand Squaro and Upright. BlidT Ot'Flilt EVKK CIVKN NOW HUADT. DANIEL F. BEATTY. Washington, New Jersey, IT. S. A. Dil. V. 11. MINGLE, Offers his to the pul He. Answers callt. at all hours OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Milihelin, LfßiPa 18x|y. BEATTY® fcJTABt.ISIIKD IX 1810. Anv ?Irsass SStJN FAIVt'FK I.ETTEttER can leirn somethinu to hi* advantage by ad-Treating tbe manufacturer DANIEL P. BEATTY, Washington, Now Jersey, U. P. A., RPATTVIMjftggi licsl Hi use. DANIEL F. BEATTY Washington, New Jemejr, U.S.A. EHRAiM BARTHOLOMEW, Boot & Shoemaker, HI Ll.■■ Elsl, FA, Would most ivsjHt-lfullv inform the public l !nt lit'is prepared to do all kinds ol work in his line in the most satisfactory and workmanlike man ikm*. Prices moderate. A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited. 4 Mini ■ill II IT 8131 PIANO! jjBB 8 8 3 S BstmaM&Ht Ha □ ■ IIKANI) SQUARE "cldl U □ 9 B AN|> ITPltlli lIT. If u 4#~ ivcuis wanted v> • ; ri ,'j m S"V *rvxx here. Ad- Bp*/ W sf *i | danikl K. BHATTY, Washington, New Jersey. tJ. S. A i HARDWARE! f 'I B*^3 3i (i 04®® Em I CHEAPEST j| ® Q I Bog-gis Bros. , | Exchanga Building, j * " | MAI.I STREET. | I Look Haven. f I ™t gffg |j 1 f j WHYIAQVLYIL the Journal office U.j fur aal rtiu !eWalsid PHOTOGRAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES 0 PHOTOGRAPH FAMILY RECORD, i BAPTISMAL UfiiKTIFICATES, aad CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATED, paolishoii hy CKIDKR A BROTHER,' Yoix, Tsnxa. Thf r * CertificAte*" 1 a-p uretpinlefl I>t anrtiiinc of the kind out. Hundreds of them are sold asnu jOly bv Ministers of the Gospel and oi hers. Me were so hiThlv pleased with the samples sent as. that we ordered a larore lot at once: and made arrange ments with the publishers for the n:ht tf exclusive sale in lVnn, Gregg. I*otter. Haines and Miles townships. XVe resneetfully invite Min iuteriTiind >->inig couples to come and see For sale singly or by the doaen Geo. L. Potter, Jno L. Kartr GEO. L. FOTTEE & CO., G-ensral Imnu Apaci BELL EFONTE FA., Stronges Ageneyla the County Pullets ssucd oil the Stock and Mutual l'Uo. DAN. F. 15FATTY'S Parlor Organs, nRHKSsseF3!SKEH These remarkable Instruments posses* ca nantios for nmsif.il . iTfcts and expression iifvcr b-fore attained, adapted r. . gTLßeau'lful new Centennial Styles now ready. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wnshlncton. New Jersey, U. S. A. Late Immense Discoveries bv sr AN LEY and others are Jttst added to the only com plete. Life nnd Labors of Livingstone, This veteran explovcr ranks among the most heroic !1 ur® ->f tlm century, and tins book is one of the most attractive, fnseinat in". richtv llUi dialed and insfcructiv vol utiles pvt thP only £iiti c inu authentic life, the inHUnns are eaarer for it, and wide awane agents are nniokly. F( proof and terms address HLBBAKD BWW . PtibiWter*, 7* Sansotn t., PkPa. Wt 'jOIIN C. MOTIS & CO. BANKERS. MILLIiEIM, PA. Recteve Deposits, Allow Interest, Discount Jioft' JUuke Collections \ Buy a d Sell Government Sec untie i I Gold and Coupons, . Issue Drafts on 9 ' New Philadelphia or Chieat^) i and possess ample facilities for thi I ansuction of General Banking j Business. JOHNC.MOTI. A WALT tit. t C*hir. !H^aTY¥ PIANO u! ca.H 5B E Wrand Square ntid I'prißtit. From Geo. E. T.ptclior. fani of Wm. 11. l.etclter & Bra. Bankers, hayette, Ohio. "We received the piano and think it a ▼ery fine r.ined one out la-ie. Waited s short time to pix-e It a rood ti ?t. If vou ish a woid In favor of it we wUleheerfully p : ve it.' James K. Brown, Esq., Fdxrardsviile, 111. says: "The UeaMv Piano received sives entire satisfaction." Agents wanted. ind tor vaiatoiue. Address B.ISIEL T. BEATTY. Waxblnirtna, New Jjr*or, U. S. A Mf E W \!! Mrs. M. A. Sourhrek and Mra. A. Ch*n hers, liavw st;bli ARNFS' PATENT Vff J> FOOT POW EH MACHINERY CIRCU- J& /[ I LA It AND SCROLL SAWS. LATITKS, ETC., V J. yttzzmi FANOV V;OODS AND designs. 1 n different machines SL vk (I Av-'snited to the wants ' of mechanics and ama teurs. MEN, BOYS and &2ai£yahJtiS[sM LADIES are making from SsSto tlO rer day using them. The old srvle thrown aside when these are known. Say where you >ead this, and *end for 48 pace eatalofirue" FREE. W. F. Si J. Rabkb*, Waikliyr#, Wlnnabaffa Co., Itttnow ftxuT- THE MILLHEIM GROCERY, BY GEORGE ULRICII, lit* just a littU the BEET COFFEZ, SCGAB, SYRUPS TIAS, CffeotULts DIUKD EH LIT, CONFKCTIOXARICS, CHEESE AND CRACKERS, in Uwu, Alto a general variety of NOTIONS and Stationary. Country Produce taken in exohauge for goodcg, at the highect mark* rate* CALL AND SEE. LLZLY JOHN D. FOOTE, Dealer in General Merchandise MILLHEIM. PA. Manufactures Jsf A full Kn ot tclj celebrated Cooking, Tsrlor *"™ y ' oo *"*• proved Dorit Tin and BhM Power, Shakers, Iron Ware on s -''Vos an.l K.-t- hand or made to tha. All kinds V ■order. Repairing of Castings made promptly atteud- J£CT" SPECIAL inducements to cash buyers. A shire of the PUBLICUM TIZTIT patronage is respectfully solicited. 35x6a. GHAS II HELD" . DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Olodks, Watches and JEWELRY. of the latest style*. ll—>l <, —J ■ All kinds cf Clocks, Watches and Jewel/ 7 repaired on short notice and WARRANTED. The ladies and cne public generally arc in vi; edto C3.il. Room—Second Floor of A exaader's Block, IfcAillheim, Centre Co., 3?enna. J. W. WALLACE & CO., Druggists, Corner HvEain And C3-rove Streets, • LOCK HAVEN, PA. A full stock of Drugs dk Chemicals constantly on handl. All the 15 4,11.i ;f Putax's j*ili3laj—aiati, Oihi and Qase, at lowest prints The undersigned jfa A/'- or any ether work •would again call entering lots thek the attention of 1 li n * Our piiets the public to the are uo do ret.e fact that they are while eur work the manufacture C- ; n this part srf the COHfhCS, jgj *roser tfid Snors, EAST of BKILOK, MILLHEIM, PA DEININGER& MUSSEB. FURNITURE ROOMS. Eira Eruiabiuc. (Successor to J. O. DEININGER,) Would most respectfully inform the citizens of Centre county, that he has constantly on hai.d all kindsof FURNITURE, made ot the heet as leiial and in the most approved styles. BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BASHSTANDS, SINK?, TABLES, DOUGH TR \YS CORNER CUBBOARD§ and all other articles in'bis line constantly on hand. DricesVbesp to set the times The wants of yomur married couples especially suited. Come and see. SHOPS..MAIN STREET CENTRE II ALL, lA. 21XIY. THE PEOPLES' DRUG STORE. ALLEGHANY STREET, NEXT DOOR SOUTH 0/ 7 HICKS & BUO'S HARDWARE, BELLEEONTE, PENNA., Has been re-opened, re-fitted and re-stocked with the beet end meat popular Drugs and.Medicines. Particular atteution given to the wants of Farmers and those living in tb Oewrtrj. Hxlr Vf. M HEBBISSTO*.