i.jse fonrnal. - ItKet & Proprietors. %^ \ s%wsv. iK* " . O.l>r*:sr:c vis* .Associate Editor. i_U - -—- " lilll!\e:M.Tliursiln} Feb. 22 Torma—®l.so For Annum. i # * v *■ *As c'j )K$ i'ot' A'^r^oe^TMsl now all but certain that Hayes wills be counted into the Presidency.3 True, Oregon is yet to le disposed* of, and we do not see how the Na-| UoOaLEetuhung Board can logical-I |lv go back on their own record ini ' gthc Florida-case, but the hare alrea-1 swallowed Camels and will not! Bong strain at nuts. Tilden, withal jjpopular majority of 250,000 votes.! Pfud a .majority of 23 electors, isl ■counted QUt by fraud, and Hayes isl acounthd In by fraud. The greats - Jennie of the country is about to bel gconsuimnated — LIBERTY weeps—3 rat itssox or lottsuxt. v We giyo elsewhere the text of the decision of tbo electoral commission in the Louisiana case. As its tech nical terms and legal nicety of lan-! / i * -j • gunge mat make It rather obscure : to tl;e\nas3 oTthe people, we can pointedly illustrate the scope and j meaning of the judgment by t wo fa miliar iliustr.it ions. In l#t>3, certain Democrats of the % TSbfftth wan! in this city, under the ** fnsofr.ition*bf Chen AUtfni.ui and now Councilman William McMullan, returned 3J3>J m iioritv fer. II uatio BeyaaouV I-vVr-V kieat frora that ward*—Utfftnt rabre majority than '.He whole legal vote of the ward of all parties. The return.Wiuwnode with all the ceremony ot law ; the vote it purported to compute and certify was cast on day ard at ths proper places as directed by law, i,l the dldy officers of the -Taw attested the fraud. Had that fraudulent majority controlled the ▼ole of Pennsylvania, and tha elec toral vote of Pennsylvania decided tbo election of Horatio Seymour over -Flysees S. Grant, the electoral com mission teaches us that it would bare been conclusive, and that the nation is powerless in all its legisla tive and judicial tribunals, to extri cate itsolf from a gang of Fourth ward rounders and ballot-staffers. In 1572 Mr. Nicholas F."" English was the president of the board of re turn judges in this city, and he ad ded bv a few strokes of the opn.pen, some 4,000 to the Republican, ma jority of this city. It was done when -.+ Pepnssiviinia was the pivoLU grate in the nation*! contest of tliat year, and had such alteration of the re turns controlled the vote of Pennsyl vania, and the vote cf Pennsylvania given Horace Greeley a majority of the "elsStora! collygo instead of Ulys .aes -S. Grant, decision of tlie elec toral commission declares that all *" the laws and nil the tribunals and all the tcuapjqg of justice in the land, could not have wrested victory from 4 fraud; and stored it from enthroning j£*elf in, Ugliest sanctuary of the nation. y —tsach is the trno Interpretation of the judgment of tlie electoral com mission in the Louisiana case.—Phil adelphia Times. IW? :j"' ■' THE GAXJE LAWS.— Eveiy ses sion of Pennsylvania Legislature tinkers the game laws. Tlie Perry county Democrat says : So far as these laws tmd to the preservation of the game they might as well not be passed. never known a single one of them to be worthy the name, for they do not only" protect, but rather lepd to the destruction of gnmc' "Ah act tnat authorizes the; hunting of sqirrels hr July is yn in-! - vitatioa to gunners to open the sea- j *on at that early date against all bjpds of game. A tew to fie effec i-'titteand us..-Pul must prohibit the; killing of any species of gjnc up to say the Ist of 15th of Bepteihb' i and must punish ail found hunting prior to that time. The hunting "season i for all kinds of game Bhoubl;'Com mence qa- cji,certain and end on a cer tain day, Their there wouLLU- lit ""tle'or no'game killed out of season. How many hunters after squirrels in July would permit a fine, fat, full grown cock pheasant to peck his eyes out ? A large majority of them, would kill him ancLput in the plea of self-riefenje. Weliope some Se nator or Member of the House, pos sessed of good sen >e and knowledge df fcheJiabitV and nature of trie vari ous species of gam*'which should be protected., agaiust w&olbflu destruc tion, will frame, present and have pissed a biil embodying the provis-1 ion "above referred to. As to the to tal prohibition of all hunting for ten years, as some persons have peti tioned for, we have only to say that sucba law would l>e respected in no county in the State. It would prove a nullity ;md be repealed at the next ■session. —Exchange. ibh annual election for mana gers of the Bellefonte. A :ronsburg and Youngmanstown Turnpike is oomiag fast. - We *do not - know whether the two Great Powers will again raarsUall their forces and con tend for the mastery, or not. * ■ggcp^^Vr TOWNSHIP ELECTION'S, 1 rEJIN TOWNSHIP. Justice ef the Peace, JACOB EMERIUK. Constable, MICII A EL LAMY. Supervisors, JOHN' KEEN, Sr. Wni. WiHT. Overseers, JOHN HA 111, GEO. W. HA LITER. School Directors, SAMUEL N EES, D. S. K ERST Err ER. \ AsSesssor, Wm. K L'HSTETTER. Assistant Assessors, A. HOST Eft.MAN, JOHN SMITH, Sr. Judge, C. W. HART MAN . j InftptfrtoY, JACOB ALTER, . P. H. STOVEU. Auditor. G. W. STOVER, Sr. Town Clerk, A. C. MUSSEU. HAINB3 TOWNSHIP. - Justice of the Pence. Qr I1ENIU" RLi Nil ART. Constabrt*."* JOHN KETNER. Supervisors, JOHN ROTE, JOUN C. SI'OVEK. Overseers. ADAM BARTGES, JOHN HURLER. [ bchool Directors, J. P. CO BURN. CORNELIUS BOWER. AsSeßfiOi*. J. W. RUSSELL, Assistant Assessors, JOHN ORN i KMUr\ Jr. Wia. CON DO. J ud go. SAMUEL BURII ELL. Inspector, A.J. LiOSXERMAN, SAMUEL DEUIL. Auditor, JAICHALL FIEDLER, Town Clerk. THOMAS J. MINGLE. * MILES TO .YNSHIP. Justice ot the W. IF COUMAN. Co.istable, JOHN F. WATE. Supervisors. JACOB BRUMGARP. LONG Overseers, School Directors, 11. G. ROVER. H. \V. KREAMER. Assessor. S. M. WINTER. . Assistant Assessors. JOHN B. SHAEFA'R, GAURGN BR U MG ARD. - Judge, JOIIN W. MALLOUY. Inspectors, S. C. ROUSH, JACOB BURNERT, Auditor. JOSEPH MILLER. Town Clerk, J. K. WEB Fit. " GREGG TOWNSHIP. Jusi ice oi lie Peace, JOHN RISHEL. C instA'de, REUBEN KLINE. Supervisois, ISRAEL RACTIAU, SAMUEL IIARTER. Overseers, PHILIP SHOOK, GEORGE SPA ID. SctuioJ Directors, JOHN !-d inven tive genius, no mediocre productions can attain the celebrity to which his pianos and organs have reach. Send ■ for catalogue .of prices. Address ; Daniel F. Beatty, Washington, \ Warren County. N. J , U. S. A. r ♦— 1 9' K: i The Mifflin burgers exjiect to dedicate their new school building ■ today, Washington's birth day. / Very appropriate Cmo • r *. | The Texns fever is getting start ck Ins • i cwn son to the penitent im v iiMvut l.v iHo was aw irdod a term of one jp.ir , and thi'iie months f hsnj labor. Tbo New Building Assoeiatirn . i of l/>< k Haven. so|l at its test uioet ing $1,200 at ;ui average premium of 'SO per i rforuvuve | in their toan. Geo. W. Foote lHted as Chief .Marahnll ami greet::) i msn:!g*r of tlie oceaaien. end rfiade J a good Job of it. George understands . how to do it. A free 1-eture will bp delivered j in Hie Town IT df. Milllu-lm. on the , evening i>f Washin •lon'w pirthdav. ! f he 22' id inst . nod* r the mispices of | tltc order f-0 U. A. M., who will j ej ocar in fuU regalia. . The Band , will pe Tee public, and la dies especially, are cordially invited to attend. FIP.E AT TYLKHSVILLK. — About noon Tuesday lest, in Tvlersville. tlio house of Mu:ha 1 Bressler was discovered to IN> on fire, and in alout ! two hours it and co tents were in ash.ee—nothing saveii of any ; value. The fire originated from a stove-pipe running through thr roof. ! Emanuel Brtssler occupied the; liouse ; there was no insurance on ; b.is goods nor tnc house.- C.'tn ton , Democrat. nrmn thp Stm do not vis ibly diminish its brilhaney tnt ••pots, pimples or tltches nnin the face, reck or arms serhm-lv detract fi"m female lieaufy. Tiiov" ir.ar. however. mmrleL ly rt moved bv the daily use if Gletitrs ">ubhtir S-ap Dennt. Critteuton's Tfi'h Ave.. N. Y. Hill's II ri Whisker j Dye, black or ir wn. 50cts. Robersburg Select School. The Spiilig Session of this School j ! will hegui on Monday. April St. 1877. j and continue ten weeks. Every ef fort will be rn de to lender satisfac tion to both students and parents. Owing to the short session" of the J Count? Normal Institute, a NORMAL CLASS, auxiliary to said Institute, will le formvd for Hie benefit of those who J are pr paring to tearh, and snecial attention will he given to branches j pertaining to the profession of teach ing. including Latin, SclpNtl Goyeru ; nieoi. Algebra. Vocal Music, &•:. TI'ITI 'X ranges from 50 t, 00 ; one-half in advanae and reiiiain rier during term. No d-aluctiou for lost time except.in case of sickness or bv bp 'sial arraugeiuent. Bo Ait u and furnished rooms mav bi had at, reasonable rafen. Bonks used can lie procured at Rebershurg, Rtudents may save pxn*ns>es by bringing their text-bonks along. For furtlier iufmmati >n apply to C. L. GRAMLEY, Teacher. The Clinton Democrat says : Quite an excitement has la-en raised ! about the coal discovered in Hit- west end of the valley We saw coal which was brqught from the mine by refqxmHihle parties, which pur • potts . On tiin l*t, at Woodward, Tlavrv, sou of Ralph and Lama Spigeliuyec, iS d 1 year. In L ck Haven, on tho 2tUli of .y % Mrs. Annie McClintie, wtv t f eMail).a McCUulit, aged 20 yi-aia. ;* I i New Yoikc'ty. Jan.2o, ofpneu tipioi.t. J i:vs Tinev Halo, Jr., son • d i.e u(o ll iii. Jainci, T. Rule, oi II i! I mil'. i>u the avariina of tho 10th inst., at I'oitoiM Mills, Win. Allison, Sr., | aj; it 81 yeata. On ihn evaniiiflt of tho 10th inst., ; in pottei Tri., Peter Ruble a#ed I7J ynnis 4 luoutli* and 2 day • Near FHMIUM'S Mills, liwantirl Tayinr. sou of John Taylor, aiji'd l< n-Kis. 1 inontli, and 20 clays, clitd s>h It.Sl, Public Sale Register. j 1 lie following salt s:n • advertised in to i day's paper or by posters primed at tlhs ol io*. l"ei. it. .T ieb II >Uow.iy, Administrator, j hou-e and iol in Aainmsburg. ; Feb. 22 Furor Weorteh dregs tows * 'y. ' farm stock ami household goods. j March I. Aaron Urouse. Gregg township, j farm mock. ! --v-i el 3. Israel Confer, Perm township, far ni stock. —March 6. Thos. 11. gcholl, Gregg township, farm stock. —March 10. Jesse K reamer, North MIII - hciin, li uisehold goods. —March 14. Samuel Lame, iVnutowusJnp, farm stock and h lusefcold goods. —March 33 Samuel Gramly, Miles town ship, farm stock. Ma'-cU il. Andrewlmmel, Gregg Town ship. Farm Stack. *9*\\> charge nothing for putting nanu s . In t :e alvve M-t. provided tug hills are j tu tnt'M at this ohlce or the stile advertised j iu thio paper. Lo'lso and Society Directory. | Tlih MiUheim Cornet Band will | play to for llu* O. U. A. M. : on stmet imtatie anil in tint Town Hall, si iviiade {o-iuorrow tiltfht in A.iioi.stiUi if. and play for the Litem i y Society on Js.i Uiday. j' Providence Gronije No. *217 I'. h! : U,. ui'tiis in Ali xaiuWd block *tii j the 2nd Saturday f each month sit I d.l )'. M. and ou ivtt- lo'jrtit Snturdny | ni' each mouth at I'. M. i I'iip irvrnu I,iter.try Society ineef* jhi i he Town ilall, every Friday ev ' Pi.ii.jr. I 'I lie Millli'im B. & L. Associatirn meets in Town Hall, on the evening of the second .M'Uidav of cacti month Milllu liu Council. No. Bu9, U. I*. A. il. meets on Ist mid 3rd Sat urdays of tMch mouth, at 7 oVlok, r. M .. in their Rooms, Wilt's Building. Turnpiko Election. An election by the stockholders of the j "Belle.o .le, VatoUshuig and Youngtmms i lumii iurtijfike Company." for Managers. Miii-lM henlkil the puhde liou-"- .—TO MY FIITeNDS AND CUSTO |V- M&KS. I: is for me t sell gauds an : credii and continue iu> ouslnesa, lor those I to wh mi I give credit will not pav prompt ly—in iai:i, oas.-* not A', all. Fee this e i son - e u not K e;> i.v stock suhlcieu;!. - fu'l to mecttns wants of cash ens'omers. Fruin tUB lime for*rtfd I wiii Knit for c t>h and produceoiuy, ex epting on orders from In- | divl lu lis or friends that pay urotnnilv. Thankful for past favors i liop* *to\>e able i to net ve all who may fav rim with tii -ir ; patroaajrelu the furure, at price* Ik it wilt ! I coroioife taViirircy wjlh any of the large j busi W. It. AUIiSDSS. j Mi'.ih-tm. Feb. 23. N77. PHILADELPHIA" WEEKLY TIMES | The Lurgt f l nn.i hprlghtllpst Weekly In ibe Lairterit Cilltte. iJCtOfUfans filled wUh the Choicest 11. adlng. Independfntln Kierj thing—nti*al In >u thing. THE l*iTTLArE!.pnia WKSKI.y an I In mouse f J at tides running through the first year, in j every number, giving chapter* of "the Uii : written History f Our Civil War, from lead • ing acto:vi on lai'h -idea, in t -e thnPiiiK civil I ;iid military f thst mhctiiuary strife, it will be in every respeel as com plete a Newspaper for tli'o l-amil v. Hie busl nesa iud |r."U si niaJ le idor, antt for all chi'-scs wig, dusire a Vhpi'ongb, sifaraiiiuT. Indi" e nleilt J u nal. as can be publlshcil anj where on the Continent. . ASSTH. . Si.icla c.-pi t-r, postage prepaid, .. . SC-Od Five c Mile*. " " .... *.OO i Tea eopi >, u •• .... IS.ijo Twenty copies. •• " .... 25.00 Ami it the saute rate (il.2> per copy per Aiii'U'ii) for iiiv. addiMoual uinbor bver tM-eßt.v KUlmm*i lNre at different post, offices in j-.io Jii a c ah- r , ii ! *jr *n Rxlmcvpy sent free to any per nor. Sending a clubot ten. 1 THE TIMES. ' A Flrat-Ciaes Indepondont, Morn | inar Nowapapor, I* published every morning. (Sunday ex eeptOil). MiUi .su KCtiiiorM, (postage froe.) per annum, or 5U cents p.jr month. Tua 'JIM:;:* Newsjper l'liniiug Lsiablishmcut is ti.c n.ost c..ni>.e,e iu I lie I uited i and b is the ttnv-t m lofflnery Ih it the worhl c.i n fiiruish, capable of printing one titpns- MKI coplvscf the dally udlttuu pur minute am! io the very best stylo of ths art, and ite ' facH'ic*far Men's are uusurpaascd by any j Jouma; iu tup Vulbn. , 49TbE( lItCUL VnON of THE TIMES J far exceeds that of A I.L the other Philadel phia Morning PapeiH COMBINE I), oxevpt one. lieinittanccs should be made by draft or post-otfiee order. Add reus. Til K TI ,n EH. Times ItuUdiup, Ptiilnllphivs|N'nUe Head ache. Neuralgia, NVi V.HISUSHH, Sleeplessness. • and will cure any case. Price 50cents, pos i tage tree. Sold by all druggists in country stores. Office, 1K North Eutaw Street, ,Mi tim >re, ''—ltEFEitENOß—Howard Bank, ! B i ti.no e, Ml. ! AGENTS BO i 888 AT, I CENTENNIAL J EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED Demand equals the. crowds at the Exbibl i tiyn. One agent sohl 40* two 39 each in one (lav. Over 4*l Kim* ffngravluis, costing %J).000.00, show the best exhibits. Wide awake Agent* are quidng ad the inferior books for this. Get the laest. Send for cir cular. terms, and sample engravings. P. W\ ZIKGLF.R & CO, MS Arch stre.-t, 1 Il'.llndelphta, P.u p ATEST j DEBK SI.ATRS, COMBINING IN ONE SLATE, DBA WING SUBRACE 1 xA WRITING DESK, 50 cents. Undoubtedly t!d' most Inst-uctlve , IhiiiV i ver invented for the youthful mind. MOTTOES! MOTTOES 5 Each. 6 Eitcll. PICTURE FRAMES! rtue Rustic Fiiiiites, varnished, with g;l:is.s and tilaek complete. Note the remarkably bw prices; H lV (H at 25 e.enis. R hy 8 at 30 otn. H ly lu at 33 cents. 10 hy 12 at 40 ets. All otlici'sizes low ii propurtiun. MOTTO FRAMES, with large {tilt tieud, Varnwhetl, with ; <'A S uial Back. 60 (Jcuts. 60 Cents. SPLINTS FOR FRAMES, All Colors, and size*. STEREOSCOPIC VIE WS, in ureal variety. BKAUTIFUL CHItOMOS, for 5 cents each. ' PLANTOUIi A PUS FOR t DBA WING, a new and complete invention which all visitors to the Centennial must have seen in use. Only 25 cents. WELCH'S t HEAP HOOK, ST A* riONARY VARIETY STORE, No. 1 Humes' Block. I'A We will start ymi In a busings i*"' vuu can make Vi a neck ut;h mi easy and respectable for £< 1 either s*x. M. A. Young, 2dl Bowery, N. Y. "VJ oTII'U. The pirine-diip ixixtlng lo tea S. Frank & Son H this day dis solved by inututl etmvent. The books will be lc,; wiiii s.- Frank wheje sit persona knowing theiuselvet indcbia t wih |da*c call and matte settlement without de'ay. S. I'UA.S'K, JAS. P. I HANU. licVrsbur,'. Feb. 12. P577. 'f tie mercantile businesa will eafihvi oti by the undeisigned at the oh! Fin rid where he will be happv to serve Ilia friends and uhi ettbl tm re. S . FRANK. JOHN ROYEE, t Cabinet Maker KOP.RU MILI.HEIU. RI. All kinds of Furniture on hand or promptly made to order. Collins a s)H: ia.ity. Lowest cash prices. .Sat isfaction gaurunteed. 43x3ut. ST. CLOUD lIOTEL, Arch Street,between 7IhaadBIhSIs.,PHILADELPHIA,PA -I)EJLUSI:—Since tlic clow JF tlio FxhihltlJii tiic St. Clu1 ha* been re-paintee.l and frescoed, parlor* ixj taruiihsd, cv caii*-t, :c. Tue H as ? i.i aI Us .ap.iui.ilmeuu is unsur passed 10. ccnn'oit: tlie culinary dep i.tuteiil belii exce'.te Inv n me. During the Ceuteu nisi the Sr. •' ml 11 uU .d:i iririi, u 1 •11 •iv ire I t -x'end lue Muiecom foils Uiits j a CiHisns it lti i r; i.i nils i* S') d alone. Mr. AV. .\1 uliitt lusasswetated with hi;u hD i. j-s . K I il.ln, .tad Edward L. Bean, of i t. Wa\ne, Iti|., under the linn IA u* f . W. .1 i.ii i i 01. Thankin* vm for j> i*t patn>ns< and h ipi.ig' exte i I t.i • n epiUiltles of tlie St. Cloud I with tin* same ci • ntiaseiiient a.i in tlie it. Vi G. w. MQLLIN & CO. J. T. SKILLS, Cashier. 6xlm. H ARBWARE & STOVE gg Complete Line of Hardware, in all tha various De partments. Spear's Anti-CiinKer Sliver Moon Parlor Stove, superior to all others. Susquehanna Cook Stoves, Improved Sovereign Portable Range, warranted to give satisfaction. All kinds of Cheap Parlor Stoves, at the lowest prices to suit the TRADE. THOMAS A. HICKS & SRC. BOOTS & SHOES • . ; • " I The Centennial Election Is over .and it. is "fix-ul beyond doubt that Samuel J. I Eden is eloi-ted I'resiueut uf the United Stales, but tne Great Excitement at the stole ol J. KlMi KIII'TIi in MlLL llhilM still continues. He n.is just returned from the East ern cities Nvitii a and well selected stock of 800 < ami Shoes, which can not be surpassed in Point of Quality and Cheapness by any store m tlie county. "n->*ufr n- <*,2 50 to rr\ $4 O'J Wr. EIRE* IIVTII lu* been i : a practicaf shoemaker for the last | f -• ! r > years and Is the refute more ~T~I I competent to make a selection j f " than other retai'ers. who I have not had the bene- j ' • S'"! fit of his experience. ; X I ! Any person nnUo ' w ■ • a 1 doubts this . L. . . . , I "H call and m ! ! * - - atc - j a ■ ~.:.r § ' ' If you are in want of pure DRUGS, MEDICINES, r\ f-r-T! LA-- i—< I OILS, FAINTS. VARNISHES. FANCY GOODSaud i j- lIOLLIDAY TOYS, so to KISKNJirTII S DRUG STOKE, where you will l>e accommodated in these several liues * of goods at the lowest cash prices. i . - * ■ • ' S"IT(l.\ r V.) -Y SAOJ. FlißN!TUil£ ROOMS. ,W. H. nVCIZDIILIEIR, &o BRO., j Would most respectfully inform the citizens of Penns and Brush Vallies i that they have opened a Furniture More, three dooi'sehstof the iiank, Mill -1 heini. wher** they will keep oil hand all kinds of Furniture, such as CHAMBER SETTS, EXTENSION TABLE , BEj TEADS, WASH STANDS, - . WHAT NOT£ * SINKS, * I RACKETS, ' ' HOUGH TRAYS, TABLES, I PICTURE FRAMES, CORNER CUBBOARPS, and all other articles m their lino. Repairincr done. Orders promptly at ' tended to. 4 Prices cheap, to suit the tinus. A share of tho public patron as?e i* respectfully solicited. 4x6 m . HPS' P TLW HAIR (BiIIPERS Adopted by al! tho qncens of fashion. Kentl ! for eheu.ar. K.. IVINB, No. 21CJ3 North Hfllt • M., Philadelphia, Pa. | A DMINIsIIIATGR SNGTICi:. I.i tlfrsrf J\ Administration having '■••" ii granted b> the uudt*islgn'(l on the est te f Kltzabelh . ilnfiuwav, 1.0* of Aarmisbur; d nased, all ; persem* indebted to said estan .o- hereby i nat Pled lo make Immediate payment, and 1 those having claims a;..inst the same top.* i sent them dniy i.idhenlic.iiod. forseit.rnient. Hartley lowushlp, JACOA HOIXOWAY, Union CO. Administrator, i'Vl). Bth 1K77. EMPIRE CLOTHING STORE J. F. Chambers, Proprietor, POST Office Building, Miilhfdra.Prt. Keeps :t full line of Clothinf* HpS itf' v ami Gents' Fwrnishini: Goods : always oa hand, and sells At the | lowest living prices for cash. J7 ly G1 REAT BOOK DEFUT ! r Any book wanted ean bo had at 11. Y. STITZEB &. j Stetiniiery, Rooks, Toys. ' This old and well known oatablish . incut is the regular depository of the ! American Sunday School Union and American Tract Society and will sell txuclly at their CATALOGUE PRICES! lie would say to those who favor \ him with their patrouauc, that he ; will sell at such pi ices and upon such terms as to make it an object for all persona, teachers and Sunday Schools to purchase at his store. , ROOKS, STATIONERY, Ac.. I not on hand when inquired for will ; . he obtained on short notice, as an order is sent every Saturday. 11. Y. STITZKPv. Ihoekernort Row. BEATTY'S^ES i at d. In ,.*<}. r Ih-xhig it tu I t r.Y TAU th* to-iO P'.jlor j ami >:vm ->li:it Grprtn irai.ufarrurt-d. wn rh*ll;ig<- a:o 11titm1f4ctu1-t-rtoeqll.it t!l*'n The c!-brat c.i Golden Tongue L--.t< in this oigiii in oojuncitmi nith lite Peifecu-d Kei-il P aid< p.oducc K\ve*t, pore ami jwm erful TENT* b CH - of .• a- and e'IC ji;t drstgi.i Mine'ers, tH;" l ters. cliurcl'.HH. (•choo's, lodges, etc., -xhotbd fcet.d tar price lint and discounts. Dealers ui'.i find it to th-(r advantage to exainh-Q tidx instrument. It lias Improve m".i> found iu no otuer. Correspondence soiii'it *d- Best offi-r ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid by ni* (Daniel P. He C.ty) IK!!I >.-• if un-ail-f;'.cloi y. aUer a test tiiai of five da*-.s itl£ady ran use. Flic-proof, Muter-proof, Durable, j Kcnuomlral and Ornuwttital. j A roof may bo covered with a very cheap ! M.ingie, uJUI by nation of ihi< slate to 1 nuide to ;kt from !>i to 2.*> ye ir* t!iv|ne thorn. 1 hi ' Pnljit \* ri,tn pttoo? acihi-u sparks t-r fyftt* j rui iters, as may letatiiy ttriAid ty anyone TT RTOrS EVERY LEAK, an.t for tin or Iron has no cqufil, as It ore- J p.irutr by heal, contracts by cold, and t.EVEit I CKAettM i o sexto*. hoofs ci Tcrcd iiii Tar i yheatljt g It can lie ir.-tdo water-tight at h sutauexpt ose, and |wc*trvdforniuuy year* I fill* t-Ute faint 14 ! i EXTKKMKLY CIULVP. Two gallons sri'.l covr a hundred equate feet of rhiiigiti roof, while oi, tin, iron. Ie;. malcliM boards, or any nnooth i.i'ac", ji'Oia two to one u.i.ioi are r ocsied I to bit) square fiH-T of sui'ttcc, and aifuout h the pain? hs a hoavv body it Is easily wo. ! pkea with a brush. N'o T.tr is used lu tnis Composition, j therefore It net: her cracks in Winter, nor i run* in sumiuir fin d*eared shine'**, it (ills up the holes ■ and p-'ic*. snd jnvc* a new Mibfivnfa! roof that vv i.l last fur years. Crxi.tu Oit w'Akreb sUinif.f. It brines to lt*ir places, ni.d kqm • them Iheic. It liiis up all bolus in felt lords. ! stops the leak*—wo d| aiih*>neh a slow dryer. I tain d'cn not aif Oct f. a fe.v inuiis after "ftp ' piyln. Ah nearty ail p ihtsriut arc b'ack ! c<<; lain lau, be *u.e jou obkiiii ou gci.nir.c ! arU-.e, Vhlca (for abl jj.ic coupJ ij CHOCOLATE COLOR, ntnitn Py* app'ied. ch UCiag in aV*t r ; Uicnth tt> .u uniform si tic color, ai*.i is, a>l utc:.ls ami parpoees cLiTa. ua TIN KOCF3 s rur r ruietwrrei.A : i-.i ie lhs., heob-nt forund lea!t<..'..T 1 V.'e hare la stoclt. of our own mantifactu: c, rmating materials, etc., at the following low p.ice*: ITO r rolls 2 nly Tarred ItooOnK r.t cents per square foot. •WO rolls .1 ply Tarred Roofing Felt, at 2'* cents per squat C bwl. 2*o rolls Tarred Sheatir.g, at cent per square foot. •WOgalliHiß fine Ruamel Paint, mixed dy for u*-e. on Imdde o; outside wo, h, at tr.ited Ye.ir- Hor.k of valuable inforntatiou, lor iSI7, alouc worth the price of the paper. EutcrprisiiiK ineu wanted everywhere, to SoHWr snlfsci ibcrs, and secure our Gold and other Yuluablo l'lemiutßs. A sample coiw o! the Times, our lliust rated Li t >t I'n na. uuis to be given to Aueuts, sr.d other ni?nt, win lie tent fr-o cuappliealion to ■ C/.NC/.V.VA 77 TIM JUS CO , Ci IF. Third St., CiiKinuuti, O. BEATTY'SSSigj tsl'il. 11l IS.SI Tli bet and in-st lasting pailor orftan now In use. No other parlor ors&u has ever x'.laaued he same popularity. li has tven leatod by tin)•Js.^lld^ , . irar.y of them oorapeteut ludjes, and gites auiversui satisfaction to ail. TUv n.usic is Koap'cd to tho human voice, I rauiiny; fi .mt the sjftv3? ftdtt*-li!:e not? to 4 , v luuie ol sound uas.u;asi*td by any Insetu tncut. j TM < intra:iu % iit has alt the tntes* liaprore -1 mcuts, and evcrv H ftuly warruoSer fcinalo, in every county in t.lO United Slates and A Hiatal dlHCvfunt made to toacbers. ministers cliurchos, sclctois, lodges, etc., where 1 nave no agents. Illustrated catalogue and nri re list free. Correspondence sobered. Af -rt (fisconnt. given where I have no agents. Ct-it ullgr ever given now ready. Address, DAMEL F. BEATTY, YYashfr.gtcn, New Jersey, U. S. A. FARMERS OF CENTRE CO. I would respectfully call your at tention to the celebrated Keystone HandM&ia Oh ins. These chains have been thoroughly tested by farmers and teamsters in* 1 this neighborhood, and are pro nounced iy all who have wed them as far superiorto uiiY other chains made. Having secured the sole agen cy for Centre eour.lv for the saio of these chains, I am prepared to fur nish on short notice anvthj nj* in the Jine of Vn A INS, from thOii heavieat stump machine ch.iip dow to vl:e smallest chin chain, all hand made, of the befit refined iron, and war ranted for one year. Call on or address A. O. Deininger. M"illhcrm. IVe. 14. ISTfi. Tn:p:,*Ko WITH A COLD lii A (AVAYS DAMOL£* * US 53 WELL'S CAU uUC TARLK' .1 sure remedy f. r COU< I Rm, and all dl*rr . of the TIU'MAL. U.\AA,UtGUi uisil CWI SMIIMAKANt. i'tr U" i> in r.IXF. I>< XfP. ROl.n HY.AU. IlltUtitittTH. C .* J CKITXjTk I"ON. Ave! v ITevr Vnrk. * Active Asoutx wanted f|iiWV| ■** itdf- CB?3 TF E NIA LIIFO SITIC AMI Fl f. : KTr! ATKI. ~Sr.ni wape*; oiliy ML&'i, UlfW > ■■ Um : and >t twirrr its thPU-U si-t cWr 6: ri-::dt r * t Cftv tintf .nd ropairli.f tLunn 4 Daniel F. Deatiy 5 s • 2ZZJ2BS& P!ANUS & 01®?NS .; 5 * • f r 0 a tn* tvfrt rfi vot m o, p. i*vir.ve fi-d.,; #4 .'-.u:* ,t:ir.avii ! a }it . -xxv #t iifiiiucd, pl-i a;A av< imv y*-.•* * mid • eai.C.l AWU. 2. Lla.>. 2> J., wjibcn! v.nlcii aoUv isiteutfivie. AdSi'fcs?, . - ■• *a S DANIEL F. BEATTY, s r rfc t. FRB A 3 l&Uzpil l 4 ii VtNtj; Eaiios Organs. Mey '". : <;t-o 1 t.V.v.rrl Y.) A wipdpar ycr . S4i 14 - ••P*nlo] F. Cystlv.fhc onsm Wilder, c J., j.reysca tofwaril vita nrcatest vU r.r." y From Wm. reel, N'l ipkJ :I Falln. ?t, "rsfver:-. nroiVt :.h P e .f the vieeer.t F;.; v>r Orgja u.u sent :r;etl.*t li Uc v-iii.'us 1 arr ia.i>t pjoay&ft!. 4 4 ueaitlly rccitsmend voarwrgw psuivr scLt;:. ckc.rcii or older u Kes; offer crr pivca. ?loreji rdurdns upon icfurr 't tr3tß : v.i fa-lilt rtin.fes 1 l>y tis' • K. Uca.ty) t'otb -*avs i£ sP• r vf.-ndetl M*:t isUoio tuyii s A iiatlo; Oi p in. Addles. * • ■ . . DANIEL F. BFATT'Y, IVfctfcintlPii, Sew JTciitcy. W. s A rpilK CHIiAPtsT AND FEBT TLACK X . 10 tli iOl'K i,v 5' wsfi- P COTS.SHOE 2, CAJTEES SSIIffiiFS la O'dr.toj! or CeV.tfe "cfui.tks iw zl • - 1 : i I 9'fi. Mi> 0". LOCX IF A VEX, TENNIS;. whore a ard r.lce stock for Fjwiup s.k.l S;iinntej h::s Justl iVcd. 1.1 JV.Jw*SH-r :.t AM. £1.1)1.6 AT TVIX: IMII. DAVID F. fokinhv, ! i :a/ :ja -jv> i.i.Aw V .ATTOKX2Y AT-LA\r^ •> , k BFLtrfCK^E, 4S.\!y. ' , PA. Awardsd llii liisfcui Jtutl . I S K. T. ill S tS 1-91 Brccdvay, J\ pp. Metropoti?pti FrtfT )* llaaufMtiireiri, lc:prttn A. fcc: IC " rsptlsfs. (treses ai Frsici; fsTl.Kf.oStoltt ii. VU.Vi s, Au. y?;c. flrutinwr ts, Aud kindred pccds-Cckiiitics. Aitiinuit •) V, -r.TO- til ■ psofcssAFiio, Mmm V. 4;eil^aiU i nu?u > if way of - x>* kM.iMAr7l r tJr-, : U LAIiO fit iE ATinci t.A WlfclMt. hilpt u f 1 h'i't.Ktes fKo* Axrvsßlf.sp.Rsi fci AKTttniCOJl, ' ■ < SCIiCOL LAi.l kli N, I" AKJ J A I A K JUfi Jf FMorul'S LAAiKil^i. Hack style tielng the trest ct its £ia* la tfct niarkefi - * £.• - . tr ■• V ' Cente).i,ial Expe!n' will do wl.se,y to defer purobusiiu; rt-iIV i V rur llue uepil tliey e|.*u- to -at ttnN, Nork.wyeietjiey will fuil,ivatcr iir.d &101 C DiitTcii, afcii cun li'oicat tkeli' Lie-iiawe a cJL cession to set) some stvlcs bHutr kw ds 11 < hi, KuilUuip oUh,, itivn (i toeali u our 'repuiseMatith ti.n _> A ''nijUxik Af Views o! tLe Mit , tion L.ii unif sand tiu-ir contents. , , KK-Gut out this ad. fei'rcfri'eiVce'Sßid * 11 :%it x. UJL n-ej, arstl ¥* Business that wit! i*g from tt to K por day, can l-o purfw. •„ your own neighborhood, and is strictlv h, I, 01 aide, t arttculars free, cr samulee r /P several dollars I hat w ill ei:afcle vl 1 tH wjk at onee, wiU t sent on receipt of?/!? WasWr£v4st IA Ht r|i^..