• Tiiftr & Demimer. Proprietors. O. DRIKIXGRR, Associate Editor. ■Whelm. Tliursdaj Feb. < Verms—6l.so Per Annum. WBL -J. W. L. _ „X. . J The Great Qaestton. Wc had hoped to be able to give the readers of the JOURNAL some thing definite on the probable result of the Presidential struggle, but the beginning of the end is uot yet. The Electoral Tribunal now has the sase of Florida under consideration which is the first disputed stats in alphabetical order. If Florida is de cided in favor of Tilden, which is highly probable, the contest is virtu ally decided and little interest will be manifested in Louisiana and Ore gon. Even if Florida is "counted" for Hayes, which is not likely to say the least, we still have Louisiana with her eight electoral rotes, to rely upon, for the Republicans themselves have no hope of forcing that state into the Hayes lines, since the late devetoperaents by Knott's committee are making the rascalities of the Re turn Board more damnable every day. With a strdnge faith in the tri umph of right, we say Tihtcn xciU be President I Our member iu the House, Mr. Alexander, has introduced a bill ex tending the term of office of Assessors froin one to three rears. * The pro priety of such a law is apparent at first sight. The duties of au Asses sor art responsible and the labors rather complex and manifold. The public is interested in having adu late and impartial assessments made. Taxes bear heavily upon all classes of the People and it is of the utmost importance that tbey should be fairly and equally distributed. In order that this may be done As sessors should be competent men and have some experience as well. Oue year is entirely too short a time f)r most men to acquire any fair degree of efficiency in this business. Let the term be made at least three ysars, then elect men adapted for the work, and we will hare less complaint of inequalities, bungling and seeming partiality. Mr. Alexander informs ns that there is good prospect to have the bill passed. Philadelphia is groaning under a debt of *72.890,372, which in 1872 was only $53,272,012. The annual taxation has increased from $7,324,- 403 in 137 i, to $11,131,504 in 187 C. This enormous and ruinous increase both in debt and taxation is the di rect result of a corrupt Pilgrim Ring rule of which the present Mayor, Wm. S. Stokely is at the head, rhe better class of citizens of both par ties have united in a rigorous cam pa'gn against the present city gov ernment, and hare nominated Mr. Joseph L. Caven, one of Philadel phia's most worthy citizens, for Mayor. Every indication points to the election of Caven and the down fall of ring rule, at the coming mun icipal election. The bill authorizing the people of the State to vote upon the ques tion of removing the Capital to Phil adelphia, was indefinitely postpone! in the House at Hairisburg, on Tuesday, by a vote of 128 against 57. Judge Carpenter, at Columbia. S. C-, on the 29th iust., decided that neither Chamberlain nor Hampton bad been legally installed as Gover nor, aud therefore that Gov. Cham berlain, bv the Constitution, holds over until his successor is qualified. "We have received the January number of LEISURE HOURS, a hand some mammoth 16 page (64 columns) family paper, filled with the choicest literature—serial ort will be presented at the next regular meeting. Feb. 12. Sulscrip tion books for stock in the 3d Series are opon until that date. The series ia limited to 200 shares. Persons wishing to take stock will please call on J. H. Reifsnyder, Treasurer, or any of the Director*. The Irving Literary'lnstitute was organized over a year ago, and has kept up its meetings ever since. It meets weekly during the Winter and monthly during the Summer. Ques tions of practical utility are discuss ed, speeches made aud essays read. It is not the primary object of the Institute to manufacture prospective Governors and Presidents, but to disseminata useful knowledge, culti vate the art of public speaking and acquire familiarity with Parliamen tary laws and usages. A high order of talent is not claimed, but the In stitute is willing ta cultivate what it has. A public entertainment iras given last winter, which was a markfd suocess, and another will be given before long. Feeling a deep interest in the con tinued success of the Institute we should be happy to see more general interest manifested in its behalf, especially bv the young men of Mill hvim and it* yicinit v. - , v -. DEDICATION. The new Re formed Church at Jacksonville this county, will be dedicated to the aer | Vice of the Triune God, on Sunday the 18th of February. There will be religious services during the even ings of the week previous, commenc ing on Tuesday evening. Several ministers from abroad will be pre sent on the occasion. There will be services on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, in the German language. Rev. J. G. Shoemaker 'will preach tl|e sermon cp.Sjunday morning at 10 o'clock. The Christian public are cordially iuvited. Contributions toward the liquidation of the debt resting on the church will be gratefully received. I'ASTOU. The St. Cloud Hotel, Philadel phia, is certainly one of the most comfortable and complete in the ci ty. Situated in the midst of the wholesale and retail busiuess houses, and convenient to all the places of amusement. Since the Exhibition the house has been thoroughly reno vated ; the frescoing IN beautiful, while the new carpets and painting generally add a cheerfulness scarcely to be imagined. Mr. G. VT. Mullin has admitted hie eon, Geo. K. Mill lin, and Euward L. Bean, of Fort Wayne, Ind ,to assist him. In the future the firm will be G. W. Mul lin A Co. This house is certainly deserving of patronage, as it was the only.one which did not raise the priee Wn fccemiut of the Centennial, and endeavored to extend the same comforts, as it has previously, to ertry one. We advise all contem plating a visit to the eity to stop at the St. Cloud. RAND'S NEW YORK CITY BUSI NESS DIRECTORY.—TuIa is the title of a valuable work of commercial reference, just issued by WALTER HXUGH ACO . Printers and l\ih Ushers, of 14 Paik Plane, New York. It contains nfull and complete list of all the IMPORTERS, JOHUKKR and MANUFACTURERS doing business ii: the ffi**at metropolis, classified and arranged by Trades and (tceupat ions, and giving their street and nuuiitei address. It is an invaluable work for the Country Merchant. It tells hira where to obtain anything from a needle to steam engine, of first or second hands. The work w ill be sent by the publishers to any address, pottage prepaid , upon the receipt of the price, which is as follows : Cloth fall bound Edition , per copy, ONE DOLLAR ; flexible cloth bound, SEVEN TY-FIVE CENTS ; paper covers, FIF TY CENTS. Kepli to Cltyzea. Correspendence to the Vallev Record. Eleter Record. —l hav ten thepece in the lait "reDublican," and as one who waz in that crod I will repli : He sez that tha maid woornoiz than tur fourpaug's show. Fouriiaugs •Uo wus ontly in this plaiseonse and I think a man ho wnld rite a p*ee of that klude wuid !>ee to mene aud slingey to spend 60 Cents to go tu sho. 8o he dont no what kind ov ooiz it waz. I wuld aa that that krowd wiu* orderley, behave them celves wel an whatever noiz wus maid waz maid by the sleds an knot by the krowd. The edvter prints evy bodies nam but his bruthers. He skreens him. He wsz their I saw nim now why dux he let him go clear. I dont no myself but I heard their was not half duzmd words in "eityzens" letr speled rite. I thynk the man what rote that iwce ort to go to Nrlsin'a roeetin sn sine the pleg an sine a pleg toqnit lien fur he lied on a gud cityzen Mr. Jo. Hager tv, he wuz not in the krowd at all. The miei shoed his gud cense hi pain no attenshun to that leter. Let us hav Pece. LOOKER ON. A GRKEAT ICC GO&GK. Sudden and Tremendous KUeofthe West Branch. KEATINO, Clinton Co., Pa., Feb ruary 3.—at 4.30 P. M. the ice gorge in the West brauch started a few miles above this place. For five minutes it moved down the river all right, but at 5.05 p. M. it gorged about one mile below, at a place called S *reezy Bar, and then com menced a never-to- be-forgotten sight. At this place (Keating) the Sinnema honing creek enters the West branch, and the icj ami water im mediately began to rise at a tremen dous rate. Ira men so piles of ice were backed out on the boitum farms, ;ujrl in five minutes the en tire fiat was in undated. At 5.15 P. M. the ice was on the level with the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad bridge, which spans tlie Simiema h.Kiitig tlihty feet above low-water mark. The loss to the farmers and lumbermen of this section will be enormous. Thousands of feet of tiiuler and lics are either in the gorge or tossed from the numerous pile* that liue the river and creek readr for floating in the spring. Fences are all down and houses bro ken aod destroyed by the vast cakes ..of ice that have piled on them. fcjuch a flood has not been seen since 1847, and great want and suffering will ensue. The scene it one of great desolation. At 11 p. M. the gorge | had not moved. Public Sale Register. The following saloa are Advertised In to day'! paper or by posters printed at this of fice. Feb. 21. Jacob Holloway, Administrator, house and lot in Aaronsburg. —Feb 13. Personal property of A. Dutwell er, late of Haines township, dec'd.. Farm stock and house hold goods. —Feb. 22. Peter Wenrieh Gregg township, farm stock and household goods. —March 1. Aaron Crouse. Gregg township, farm stock. —March 3. Israel Confer, Penn township, farm stock. —March €. Thos, H. Scholl, Gregg township, farm stock. -March 10. Jesse Krearaer, North Mill heim, household goods. , —March 14. Sainnel Bame. Penn township, farm stock and household goods, —March 33. Samuel Grandly, Miles town ship, farm stock. charge nothing for putting names in the above list, provided the bills are printed at this office or the sale advertised in this paper. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Key. John Tomlitison will preach in the Lutheran Church, Aarons burg, next Sunday morning at- TO o'eT'vk. Goririsn. .. ' jif - • f 'J *• . . . Lodge and Society Directory.. The Millheiin Cornet Hand will Rive a Concert Ht Woodward this evening and at Mifltinburg on Satur day evening the 10th. Providence Grange No. 217 P. of H,. meets in Alck4ej '# block on, the 2nd Saturday ef each month dt tty P. 11. and on the fourth Saturday of each month at 11 P. M. The Irving Literary Society meets in the Towq Hull, svery Friday ev euing. i The M'illheim H. A L. Association meets in Town Hall, on the evening of the second Mouday of each month. Millheim Council, No. 300, O. U. A. M. meets on Ist mid 3rd Sat urdays of each mouth, at 7 o'clok, r. M.,in their Lodge Rooms*, Wilt's Uuilding. v '■ WONDE&rUL SUWJDW! 36.0UU of the Sold in 60 day*. It be in* the only complete low-price work (770 pases onlv 50), treat ins "f the entire history, grand buildings, wonderful exhibit*, curiosities, nrr.it days, etc.; illustrated, and #1 slieaper than any other; everybody wants It. Oye new agent cleared #360 tn four weeks. 3,000 agents wauled. Beud uulckty for proof of above, opinions of officials, clergy, and iii mi, sample pages, full doacriptian, and our extra term*. Hcubako Hbotueks, Publishers, 733 Kausoin Street, PhlUdelphla, Pa. t , , , pifTipinM Beware of tklfely cislmed'hf baUllUH fficlal and worthless books Bond for proof. ADMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE. Letters of Administration having hern granted to the under signed ou the estate of KII/a be th Holloa ay. late, of Asronsburg, deceased, all persons ludebtsd to" said Potato are thereby notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against ths same to pre sent them duly authenticated, for settlement. Hartley I'owuship, Juti Hoi ia> at. Union Co. Administrator, Feb. Bth 1877. •i, I'll We will start you in a business •""" you can make #ju a week e ithout Ul easy and respectable lor illIFIbl cither sex. M. A. Young, '*l Bowery. N. Y. IflPVpa 12 KI.EG ANT Oil. CHEOMOB. Auull 10 beautifully framed, sent by mail for #l. sell at sight. Nat. Cuuomo Co.. Philadelphia. A LICRATIYE ItISIXKSS. Urxie Muni /rift) mure first-< lass eewine AUrhiue A-cou, and men of energy anil abllltj to learn the business of Selling Kewlnz Ms rhlnes. Compensation Literal, ht varying according to Ability, Chr niter aud Qualifications of the Agent. For Particulars. Address Wilson Sewifli Machine Co. C&Raio W7 A I3P Broadway, New York. or NtwOC leans. La. To the Voters of Peon Township. The undersigned hereby announced him self as a candidal for Constable, at the coming election, and respectfully solicits the supt>urt of hit fallow citizens. ' Jan. 85. 77. MtcU.IEL Li.MT. Executrix Sale of Valuable Farm Stock and Implements. ThennderMgned Executrix of the estate of Aaron Lhirwciler. dewased. will offer at pub lie sale at tue late residence of said Uecedant In liaiues township, tpe iolJowiiiß valuable personal property, viz: 2 Horses, 6 Cows—3 of which are fresh, p Head of Cattle, 2 lleif ers 7 Hogs, Breed Sow, ry iiig Wagon. Two 2 Horse Wagon*. Double ftled. Buckeye Reap er. Hone Rake. Corn Planter. Corn Scraper, large Cultivator, Corn Plow. Pious and Har rows, Sleigh, Double Sett Harness, Double Sett Yankee Hears, Saddle and Bridie, Power Cutting Bench. Tanning Mill. Two Setts Hay Ladders, Rakes and Porks, Cow Chains, Log Chains, Cooking Stove, Corner Cubboard, Bed hte:uls. Table Sett of Chairs, Carpets, Iron Kettle, Meat Vessels, Sett of Carpen ter's Tools, together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Kale to commence at lu o'clock of said day, when due attendance will be given and terms made doowrn by LYDIA A.DUT WKILER. ▲ HAKTKK, Executrix. Auctioneer. p.VTENT DESK SI.ATES, COMBINING IN" ON IE SLATE, DRAWING SURFACE A WRITING DESK, 50 centa. Undoubtedly the most instructive thing ever invented for the youthful rniud. MOTTOES! MOTTOES 5 Each. 5 Each. PICTURE FRAMES ! Fine Rustic Frames, varnished, with glass and black complete. Note the remarkably low prices ; Mi by 6i at '25 cents. 6 by 8 at 30 cts. 8 lv 10 at 33 cents. 10 by 12 at 40 cts. I All other sites low ir. proportion. MOTTO FRAMES, with large gilt bead, Varnished, with Glass and Hack. 50 Cents. 50 Cents. SPLINTS FOR frames. All Colors, and sixes. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, in great variety. BEAUTIFUL CHROMOS, for 6 cents moh. plan tog u a pus for DRAWING., a new and complete invention which all visitors to the Centennial must have seeu in use. Only 25 cents. WELCH'S CHEAP ROOK, STA TION A ICY A VARIETY STORE, No. 1 Humes' Ulock. ATTENT ION ALL! GREAT BANKRUPT 8 A LK OK JEWELRY. On rec"ipf fSO cen'.s we wil: wnd you bv m.d*. post paid, all ol tne rotlowiiig pieces of Jewelry, viz: 1 p.tlr Ooid Plated Engraved Sleeve Buttons, tine sot Gold Front Shirt Btuds, 1 Collar Stud, I Wedding Ki .g, 1 Roll Plate Watch Chain and I Gent's Rose Coral Scurf Pin. We oflei tkH GKBvr bargain merely to draw attention to our business, as we liave all kinds of watches and Jewelry at low urloes. bead for Catalogue. COLK3 & CO.. 735 Broad wax, New York Cltv. TRIFLi.NO™ WITH A COLD IS ALWAYS DANGEROUS. USE WELL'S CAR HUM'? TABLETS. a sure remedy for COUGHS, and all diseases of the THROAT, LUNGS, CHEST and MU COUS M KM A R A N K, Put tit! only in BLUE Boxes. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. C .H. CHITTENTUN. 7 Sixth A vena*. New York. Active Agents wanted instantly So Intro duce the CENTENNIAL EIPOSITIOH DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED. Nearly 8-K) pages; only $2.50; rich lilustra lions; and a treaxure as the best and cheap est History of the Great Exhibition. En dorsed by Ofilcials, Press, and Clergv. Is selling immtnmly. One lady cleared $360 In four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never. For_JuU . particulars, Address HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, 733 Sanson Street, Rhila. AGENTS JSSt NEI BO K GREAT CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED Demand equals the orowds at the Exhibi tion. One agent sold AO, tern .39 each In one day. Over -HW Fine Engravlugs, costing $29,000,00, show the best exhibits. Wide awake Agents are quiting all the inferior books for this. Get the beat. Send for cir cular. terras, and sample engravings. P. W. ZIEGfFR A <**, PlPArch V*. dlflft A MONTH to Active Meu selling our VwWV laUer Copying Book. No press or water used. Sample copy worth #390 FREE. Byhd stamp lor cteeular. EXCEI-Molt M F . tXi., Madison and 132 Dearborn 8t„ CHICAGO. J. S. MILLEK, IF'ashletiable Tailor, AAIOXUBKIIO, Having opened roorus on the Ist floor of John Hupp s building be is prepared to manufacture all kinds of men's and boy'sgnrmenls,accord ing to the latest styles, and u|H>n ■lntent notice, and all word war rauttto render satisfaction. Cut ting toid topairing done. OUT-SELLING 1M MEN BEI.Y —TIIK JMBNLRSH. The only complete, richly illustrated, low price work. 750 pages, ouly #2.60. Treats of the entire lilitorj' grand buillding*. wonder ful exhibit*, curiosities, great day* ect. The best chance of hit years to eoiu money fast, as eveyy bodv wants this work. 1.000 agent* appointed gr*t four weeks.;,iloo wanted. For full particulars address quickly. Hcbbaku 2!fsAi^l. 7ss Hansom st . Phllada, Pa. HATITIOM ?* dw, ved by oremature ball 1 lull books, assuming to be "official." ELBOW-ROOM. ■A*. Al>'.l.KK' Nrw K, Kap* !fl^'.L outi f4 s " * Cabinet Maker JSaf - . jitlTl VILLIKIM, FA. Ail 'kinds of Furnit are on hand or promptly made to order. Coflius a speciality. Lowest cash prices. Sat isfaction guaranteed. 43 x Sua. ST. CLOUD HOTEL, Arch Street, between 7th and Bth Six., PHILADELPHIA,PA. DIAKSIH: —Sine* the eleee ef the Exhibition the St Cloud has been re peiateed and freedoed, parlors re furnished, new carpets, *e The house in ail its appointments la uonr passed'for comfort; the culinary department being excelled by noae. During the Centen nial the St. Cloud adhered to its regular rates, and ais scored to exfe ad the name com ferts te its patrons as It had previous!?; iu lhit particular It stood alone. .Mr. G. W. Mullle has associated with him his son. Geo. K Millln, and Edward L. Bean, of Ft. Wayne. Ind.. under the firm name of G. W. MjUla Is >o. . Thanking vou for past patronage and heptag textend the hxsplialitiee of the St. Cloud with tne same encouragement as lu the p*t. We re. nH-intfdlir, G. W. MULLIN & CO. J. T. mKILES, Cashier. ixlm. |_| ARDWAEE & STOVE g Complete Une of Hardware, in all the various De partments. Spear's Axil-Clinker Silver Moon Parlor Stove, superior to all others. Susquehanna Cook Stoves, Improved Sovereign Portable Range, warranted to give satisfaction. All kinds of Cheap Parlor Stoves, at the lowest prices to suit the TRAD 13. THOMAS A. HICKS & BRO. BOOTS & SHOES • . < The Centennial Eleellon Is over and it D**fixed beyond donhtthat Samuel J. Ttlden is elected president of *he United States, but the Great Excitement at the store of J. EIMKKMDTM lu MILL HEIU still continues. He has Just returned from the East ern cities with a largo and well selected stock f Boots and Sheet, which can not be surpassed la Point of Quality and Cheapness by any store In the county. Poo*# fr *w $2.50 to rf\ $4.90 Mr. EISEXHVTM has been i \Ja practic.il shoemaker for the last r- -w So years and Is therefore more [t~] competent to make a selection p—l Iban otlier retailers who have not had the bene- ' - 1 r~jT fltofblsexperleuee. X J Any person who i doubts thle t M ' tO O , d 2 • also - o pj If you nrs in want of purs DRUGS, MEDICINES, W OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, FANCY GOODSand IIOLLIDAY TOYS, go to BInKSUVTITS K(J8T0IK, where you will be accommodated In these several lines of goods at the lowest cash prises. "SHIONLYO V SAOX~ FURNITURE ROOMS. -W. H. MILLER 4c BEO, Would most respectfully inform the citizens of Penns and Brush Vallies that they have opened a Furniture Store, tliree doors east of tlie Bank, Mill heim, wlter* they will keep on hand all kinds of Furniture, such as CHAMBER SETTS, EXTENSION TABLES, BEDSTEADS, WASH STANDS, WHAT NOT, SINKS, BRACKETS, DOUGH TRAYS, TABLES, PICTURE FRAMES, CORNER OUBBOARDS, and all other articles in tlieir line. Repairing done. Orders promptly at tended to. Price, cheap, to soit Hie times. V.hare of the public patron age is respe.'tfidtj solicited, Ow*. r| ITINS* PATENT HAIR CIIIKERI. Adopted by all the queens of fashion. Bend ; for circular. K. IVINS, No. 29U3 North Fifth ; Bt., Philadelphia, Pa. CKVfEYYIAL CASISBT" i) 1 Illuminated I of Centennial and ItfiT VIEWS I State bu idlngs, a* prluted nu the grounds during the Kxhtbl lion; size of each, price 50c. pro naid :liberal reduction to dealers; sent toauv part of the U. 8. or Canada, post jiald *•- Wh|te. Printers and Engravers, 4iti Walnut 81., Phila. j EIPIfiE CLOTHIHG store J. F. Chambers, Proprietor, , TOST OIHCK Building, Millheint.Fa. Keeps a full line of Clothing Hos iery, and Gents' Furnishing Goods always on hand, and sells at the lowest living prices for taiA. 17 ly QREAT BOOK DEPOT I Amy b—k wasted eaa he had at '! H. Y. STITZER'd. 1 Stationery, Books, Toys. t This old and well known naLtbliah mrnt is the regular depository of the i American Sunday School Union and American Tract Society and will sell exactly at their CATALOGUE PRICKS ! He would say to those who favor ' him with their patronage, that he I will sell at such pi ices and upon such I terms as to make it an object for all persons, teachers and Sunday Schools to purchase at his store. BOOKS, STATIONERY, *c.. not on hand inquired for will tw obtained on >!iort notice, na an order is sent every Sat urn av. H. Y. STITZER. Brcckernoff How. BEATT Y' S PFloMlrgK Brllevlng it ti b BV FAR the hest Parlor ami Orchestral Organ manufactured. *c challenge any mxniifACturer tn equal them. The celehraicd Golden Tongue Heeds in this organ In conjunction with the Perfected Heed Board* produce sweet, pure and pow erful tones. Suiterb cases of new and elegant designs. Ministers, teachers, churches, sch'iols, lodges, etc.. should send for price list and discounts. Dealers will find it to their advantage to examlue thts instrument. It has improve meuts found in uo other. Correspondence solicited. Beet offer'ever given. Money refunded upon return of organ and freight charges paid hy ine (Daniel K. Realty) both wave It unsatisfactory, after a test trial of five days Organ warranted for six years. Agents div count given everywhere 1 have no agent. Agents wauled. Address, DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washiagtoß, Mew Jersey, V. B. A. PROTECT YOUR BUILDINOB, Which may be done with one fourths the usual expense, by using our PATENT SLATE PAINT (Fifteen Yt-ars Eitablltlied.) MIXKD KKADY FOR ÜBK. rite-proof, Hater-proof, Dorable, EfMißlral and OrnaairntAl. A roof .may be eewred with, a very cheap Ihlnglc, and by application wf this slate be made to last from SO Ui *. yeara. fad roofs can be patched and coated, looking much better and lastlug hiuger thaa new shingles without the slate, for One-third the Coat of Ite-ihinglinx. The expense of slating new shingles is on ly about the cost of simply laying them. Th * paint Is ruts rntKir against sparks or flying einbeis, s> lu ay U auily tested by xay oi. IT BTOPB EVRRY LEAK, and for tin or Iron has no equal, as It ex pands by heat, con tracts by cold, aud Ncvax CNACKS nor seal**. Roofs c vered w Ith Tar Sheathing Fell can be made water-tight at a small expense, aud preserved for many yeara This mate Paint Is EXTREMELY CHKAP. Two nllon* will cover a hundred square feet of shingle roof, while on tin, iron, frit, matched boards, or any smooth surface, from two quarts to one gallon are required to 1) square fret of surface, and although the paiut has a heavy body it is easily ap plied with a broh. No Tar is usttl in thin Composition, therefore It neitlier cracks in Winter, nor runs in Kummer. On decayed shingles, it flUs up the holes ar.d jwires, aud gives a new substantial ruif that w 111 last for yeai a. CUKI.BII o WAKPKU shingles it brings to their places, and keeps t iem there it lIIU up ail holes tn fed risiN. 1 stops the leaks—and although a slow drver, rain does not affect it a few bottr* after*au Plying. As nevrly all paints th it are black contain T.tK. be nie von obtain our genuine article, which (for sbiuglc roofs) is CHOCOLATE COLOR, when first applied, eh aging in about a month to an uniform slate color, and is, all intents and pnri>oses SLATE. On • TIX ROOKS oar red color is mually preferred, as one coat is equal to five of any ordinary paint. For BRICK WALLS Our PKIOWT RBD is the only reltaMe Kate Paint ever introduced that will effectually prevent dampness from peaei rating and disc during the p!ater. These paints are also largely need on out houses and fences, or as a priming coat on fine buildings. Our only eclors are CnoooLsni RED, BRIGHT Kko, and Obapgk. NEW YORK CABH PRICE LIST. 1 Gallon, can and box 81 50 2 " " * .TI i* ; . 500 '0 * 4 hex 9 ,S0 TO •* half barrel 16 00 40 M one barrel Si 00 l lbs., cement forbad leaks 1 jb We have In stock, ofourown mannfactnre, roofing materials, etc., at the following low prices: IOC rolls extra Robber Roofing, at 1 cents per square foot. (Or wc will furnish Rub ber Roofing Nails, Caps. n l Slate Paint for an entire uew roof, at 4)4 cents per square foot.) % TOOO rolls inly Tarred Roofing Telt, at IK cents per square foot. SHOO rolls A ply Tarred Roofing Felt, at 2)s cents per square foot. 880 roll* Tarred Sheatlng, at % cent ier square foot. 5000 gallons fine F.namel Paint, mixed rea dy for use. en Inside or outside work, at $Z per gallon, all shades. 1000 Bbis Slate Flour per bbL ftS 00 1000 " Soapstone Flour " SOO 1000 " Grafton Mineral..'... " 3Ou 1000 " Metaltc Paint, drv... •* Sou Special priees per t*>n <>r car-load lots. All orders must be accompanied with the money, or subject to SO days draft on well known parties. YY.BLVTE FAIYTCO FAS Y, 102 & 104 Maiden I jtne, Vew York. •k rANCT CARI>B 15 styles with name 10 t. Post paid, J. B. HUSTED, Nassau Ca, N. Y. $200,000 1N GOLD I AND OTHFR VALUABI.R PRKMIUMft, GIVES TO THOSE WHO Work for the Times! THF CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIM EH Published for 33 year*, has a National char aster and influence, with nations In every Htate and Territory in tha Union, and of aa shades and politics. Its uew department. HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE In the South ard Fbr Wort, will beluvalnble I to all looking out for NEW PLACES or RESI DE WCE. LYery Patron of tho Tfniet | presented, j free of charge, with an Illustrated Year. Book of valuable info, .iwtion, for 1177, afons worth the price of tlie pajwr. Knterprlsing men wanted everywhere. t solicit subscriber*, and secure onr Gold aud other Valuable Premium*. A sample eopv or tbo Times, onr Illustrated List of Premi ums to be given to Ageuts, and other docu a:nts, win be sent free onapidtcalion to C[XCISSA TI TIM AS . t>2 IF. Third St.. Cincinnati. O. BEATTVSggg Tke best and most lasting pa'kir organ now In use. No other parlor organ has e\ei attained the same popularity. It has been tested by thousand*, many of (hem competent Judges aud gives universal satisfaction to all. The musk is adapted to the human voire, ranging from the. softest flute-like uoto to a volume of sound unsurpassed by any tn&ti u tuent. This instrument has ail the latest improve nieuts, and everv org*n Is fully warranted for six year*. Beautiful nil polish, black wal nut panelled cases, which will not CRACK or WARP, and forms. In additku to a splen did instrument of mnsic, a beautiful pturo of furnitnre. This organ needs oalv to tn seen to be ap preciated, and is sold st extremely low fig ures for cash. Second-hand lustruuiouts taken in exchange. Agents wanted, male or female, in every county in the United .states and Cauada. A liberal discount made to teachers, minUters ehurche*, schools, lodges, etc., where 1 have no agents. Illustrated catalogue and pri ce list free. Correspondence soltotted. Agent discount given where 1 have no agents. Best offer ever given now ready. Address, BAKIEL F. VEATTY. Washington. New Jersey, U. 3. A. FARMERS OF CEYTRE CO. I would reßj>ectfiilly call jrour at tcntion to the celebrated Keystone H n M eO h ins. These chains have been thoroughly tested by farmers and teamsters in this neighborhood, and are pro nounced by all who have used them as far superior to anv other chains made. Having secured the sole agen cy for Centre county for the sale of theee ohaing, I am prepared to fur nish on short notice anything in the line of CHAINS, from the heaviest stump machine chain down to the smallest chin chain, all hand made, of the be At refined iron, and war ranted for one year.. Call on or address A. O, Deininger, I MiWuim. I>?o. 14. feT*. f*&BLIS WANTED riM HISTORY |i lENTEN'L EXHIBITION It cvnUin* 330 flue Piifcraring*of bnild;# and xceutH In the Great hxhli.itlon and I* . ki! , L . ben,tc * ,, d complete b|*t,.,rv WumfiMrfMl o, . th f F* nd wonderful exhibits, curioaltles, great evenV etc. >er> chain aim seiis at sight. Olc Agent sold 411 copies In one day. hend fwr ?.£ l0rm ?/ w A;uts and u full Cwrlp tion uf tlw work. Addrrss NATIOXAL "•2J2SJ&. Philadelphia, Pa. HA FITMN >ifllable and worthfow boons yJIU Hull, <• the txhlMilim are beluir cir culated. 1K not be lUrrivfil. bee haiti r engraving*"* cwnU,lw ** ** aßd Mi* T Alf T? i4&s. n r den pen, und JI toltf I of \ jUiitKl Jowvtrjr. t ••Urtw 1 # ***t j*id a:ul l.iOlf* fa-!ile:<.*l>lof nrvMW.pti J r*H, c R|ciie. wl'.h m*<>-wl Jjwu-rj, CI l. flV* fhM f. ! SgcNiU. B-dPI ft CO., 7C9 Broadnjy, N. V, TWELVE ; ti'tuars (uiveiraa. mn ' **< l** * rncu. i/.lrr, ml IVn, l'-ur.l'rc*-:f* , C-iW. J—- Ktrtj, * J. . c "* rr - •*'*■ ft r.* Awta'.. tuna* t | Uotk. *nt 1..,-%, - FtiH.t I'Me?."* *• keA:y elckei pUtr.i, .nd m: : u : 5Ji. "Iff Ad*!*-* r rettitn* muni v i *l i tI.I-iM I bnt Mllina art!* • r- t. Hump* Mi-n'*, * (• r •I* ~ ? ; ' l ^, l 'l |i 'w ' b4*t#mni|tii/rn t *"5Ji uj ri-v. **o-irt r •BIDS a CO. 70® Croadwa-. ff. Y. 4% IJ mdr jrATiovcnY rAri'-i'-s. .-j SSX'-^m^: Daniel F. Beatty's CAUTION.—TIc reputation I Uxvr gai.ifd aid the Lirlty oi iq\ Olgn., lute Indue cl some unprincipled par>k* a j liaim aod Cert deuce. I> si XL I*. Bimr, Waldui*m, N,. J-, without tvhlcU none is xf-nui-t*. Addle**. DANIEL P. BEATTT, Washington, N. J., U- S. A. DCA TT V'O c K1 KBBI DC A ITT Parlor Organs. Messrs. Geo. r. Xowed ft Of ,(N. Y.) Newspaper Reporter .jays: Wohhtoim t^j y * <,rCAI } of ?r£&r?evr ' f ° rw * fd * Uk rroutWm. Peul.NUftar,,Falls. X. T. •"Several month* use of the element Parlor } ou s * l,t B,e ie that Ula one of the best made. It has a rich tone * Its I *** mo*t pleasant. 1 must heartily recommend your orccns for parlor school, church or other u*e. pwrior Be * tev i* r *l v en. Mouev refunded upon return of orgMii and freix'ht ehsrxci - both WAV* if unsatisfactory, after a test til*j of Ave days Orjan warranted for five tears. Seed tor extended list of tesilinouiaia before buvlne a pallor Urjin. Address. DANIEL F. BEATTT, WMfcincton. M.w Itmj, v., A A OmCIAL HISTORY Of THE SI UENTEN'L EXHIBITION It sells faster than any other book. On Aeent sold s4 ooptes in one day. This Is th only authentic and complete history pub. llshed, bend for onr extra terms to Ageuu. NATIONAL PTEUSWKO CO., l'tila.. Pa. T 1 " cn "T^ T o/i&S" "-* BOOTS JSBOES. CAITEES & SLIPPER* In CllßUm sr C'eatre counties |% at 0". LOCK HAVEN, PEXN'A. • where a large and nice itock for Bprir.g sr.d Summer has Just arrived. Go and st e th m ftSPBOOTS A>D tuots AT W LC'I SEAH ftV DAVID F. FORT.nxy, ATTOaXEY AT-LAW, BELLZTOKTB, 48A1T. PA. i * Anrsnlfd the iiigiheit Ktdsl st Viicct. E. i fl. T. ANTHONY ft CO. Broadway. Aug Ytrk. (Orp. Metropolitan Hotel.) It ana facta rem, laipsrten A Hca lerw In EngrayißEs. Ciromcs si;i Freices. yri.KKtiscoi'Fs & Ml.ns, ilbiims.Grapnoscrpcs, I bolrgfaphf,. And kindled goods-Celt brllle*. Afrticssee, PHOTOGRAPHK MATERIALS Wc arc Headquarters for every thinK in Ike way of STISREOPTICBJI&AJiII MACICIAMriI.I, MICRO SCIENTIFIC I.AMXKJf, MTF.REU-PABfOPTICOM, FBIVEBNTY HTEREVi fltOX, ABVEBTINER'R B1 EBEOPIHftM, ABTOPTICO.Y, SCHOOL LANTJKJtN, FAMILY T ANTKItJf PKOPLE'B LATaLKN. Each style being the best cl its class la the market. Catalogue of Lanterns and Slides, with di rections tor using, sent on applisuttou. Anyeuterprisiug man can make merer with a Magic Lantern. Visitors to the Centennial will do wisely to dercr purchasing uocds la onr line until they come to our sto, e In New York, where they will find greater variety and more moderate prices, and can select more at their leisure. But we have ac< u cesslon to sell some styles of our goods iu the building of the Department of Public Com. fort, and those not coming to New York are invited to call on our representation tlisie , %ft- A full stock of Views of the Expect, tion Buildings and tlnir contents. B9~Cut out this ad. lor referenee"Vß \YA\TKD W * * ,n ktyc enorgetU is aif a nw, men and w oiuew Business that will Fay from hi to (8 per day, can be purvced tn your own ueighvorhood. and is strict;, hon orable. Farticviars free, or samples V orth several dollars that w ill euable yon to to to work at once, will be sent on receipt ef fifty •euU. Address LATH A M ft CO.. Hot fit, P, M*u