if be |oitrnal g l.lttr & DfiiniaißT- Proprietors. W ! M**- I U. Petninoku. Associate Editor. Titursiliu Feb.! • 'SorvU3—3l.s3 Per Annum. r&prmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt m ihii ■■ ■ ini.'dtr: ou the L. C. S. C. It. K.. Nasa ftjaiU *h:i of it—7 is a thriving business i w tr® u4 ooutro ; sttietra(lcofauaver.uipj *.\a on tire in a Tninute." Another man eh'outed. "•The water is coming in and we will be drowned." The cur seemed lying partly on one side. In the a man caught hold of me -aad cried nut, "Help me ; d >n\ 3ave rae !" A woman cried from •sine corner of the car, "Help me; ;ave ray husband " lie was caught Oiider a berth and some seats. 1 *wa3 feeling around in the d.u k, try ing to release hiin, when some man 3it tiie other end of the car said they were all right, and would help the VBiin out. I groped along to the loor. crawling over the heating ar rangement in getting to it. The fire *iad not yet krokeu out in our car. "While I was getting out through the door the others uore climbing •out through the windows. Oa tlie 'left the cur 3 were in : blaze. On the right-a pile of rubbih. as hig'i as I could see, barred csc ipe. In t rout of ixie were some cars stahditig -on end, or in a sloping p isiii in. 1 Toll o.veda man who was trving to scale a pile of debris. I got oa to a ■coach which was rest ing on one edge of the roof. The side was so sbppe ry md icy that I could not walk <>n it, and so craw Lid uioug over it. The car was dark inside, and oh, what (heart-rending groans issue 1 from it. ft eeemtd tilled with people who wero dying. Two a Mr. White, of Chicago, and ;i Mr. Tyler, of St. L >uis, helped me flown from the end of the car. Then L was in .anew up to my knees. Mr. TjUm Was badly gasiied about the face, auu was covered with bloo !. Ton flee ( r o the rcoorter) this stain on iny sleeve, Taat was blood from his wounds, ltiglit under our feet lay a man, his ln*ud down in a hole, -and his legs under the corner of the ■car. He asked us to help him, at d ' Mr. Tyler and Mr. White released bis legs somehow, and some oilier ' anen carried liiui away. It was jjtormingly terribly. Tne wind was blowing a perfect gale. l)j this 4iuie the whole scene was lighted by ; the burning cars. I could see that the bridge had broken oft' even with the abutments. The abutments looked as high as Niagara. Away above us I could see a crowd of spec tators. I) ova in tlie wivtk there was a jHjifect panic. Tne people were beside themselves. Some were m bally frightened and panic strick en that they had to bo dragged out of the cars to prevent their being burned up. I draft, want to apjiear invidious, but I must s;iy that the women, the few who were not killed outright, behaved more courageous ly than tiio men as a rule."' ' H3AV THKV CU K THK TI'TOR. lie was the pink of po; feet ion. If j the cream of human excellence w is to be churned the butter would lump ! up in the sha;ie of Professor For- j teoua Prye, tator. !!♦ liadcontiaot- i ed the habit of stealing up stairs uv \ his stocking feet to see ii the lights j were out at ten. Ii is hard teaching old dogs new tricks, but boys some- j times succeed better with old pro j feeaors Tommy Tayre is a ?adaver >us youth, with a sulphur-colored mus tache, hut the iron had entered iiis soul, siiul he s.ud he. must do what he could. So he brought tin *e papers of cai pet tarks one nig!it, and stood the iinioeiMit li tie nails, bnsi I ness ends up, all the way up nod down the mails ami rctuxl with liis faithful followers to tlie w >od c | set above to await lvsults. Promptly the chapel liell slrue.a ten, then ;i sea no n of waiting aid whispering followed. Piesently came * furry. cr epiug s mud like wofteu st i king feiding their way over rough boards. Tommy tucked iiis hat in his mouth —his iiunit Ii runs deiir an und. ex cept asm dl isthmus which connects the top of Ids head with toe uaoe of , his neck—and held his uose till the first burs! of glee had subsided. Now cauie a sui|n;ssxl seream, oe fiioi on the sialism then another f..ot down, then a scream that wasn't suppressed ; then a howl ; lie • had struck the second stair; ti-en he cat d >wn on the m-xt st**p. but he got up again, and a groan, witn exchon.ition points after it, came trilling tip to the wood cl iset. The boys stood bark to ci-ve '!'• winy room to lock ; then ,"arrt a scrub, tiling and shouting of heavy woids. and distinct mention of the "father of iniquity," and i'oin prompt lv ap ; |>eared and asked, in a voice fresh j from tho valley of Xod. "What seems to le the matter V' "Mat* i ter ?" "Tlieboys;" "the demons;" | ' confoiiiid it ;" "see here;" "help!" ! at d he shifted ah nit and hung to | tfce lading, and tried to tand on his 1 knes. Tom brought - 'Hgld and lire boys carried tlie wounded man to his room, and offered sympathy ; got a • claw hammer and d-ew out. the | tacks. The professor wears slippers ! and sits on a cushion. Tom sits oir I nettles, for seventeen b .ys know the >ecr-t. and it is spreading like small pox in an Indian camp. Detroit Free Press. • A MODKL VILLAGE. John G. Hichaulson, the great manufacturer, of lireus, seems to have successfully resolved the pr b --ieiii of giving employment to a coui rnuiiily of 4.OUU |iersons, wliil • at the mi tne time greatly benefiting them bv surrounding them with evety incentive to temperance and moral restraint. M*. Richardson, is the owner of B.OOJ acres t land at IL ssbrook, Ireland, on whiclt-uire quarries of blue granite and farms tiiat are success ullv wot ked, attv r wlteii Webster, Clav, Critteuton a* d otiieig came in ; w!i"ther from the finny io which they came, or from the heat, of the ro m. tlieir faces were a little flushed, and they all looked .somewhat flurried. Aftei the appiause with which these gen tleraen were recei-ed had subsided, and sile c • was restored, the ;sec > >d part of the eoiicert was opened bv Jenny Lind with "Hail Columbia." slavery quest ion,•;md the comnro- This took pi tcu during the bight of the deb-ate and exc4temui l. >i !■ I over; he couhl sit n longer, and rising like Olympian Jove, lie add-d his deep sonorous hiss voice to the cho rus, and I vent ure to s.iv, never in the whole course of her career, did she e\vr hear or receive one half of the ippl lose as fh it with which her song aio vVehstei's chorus was i greeted Mrs. WVhsteiv who sat ] imm
  • r ilia s n, md which e.-li.s.* I lro.aiv's best Jenny Lind, blushing at Hie dis*inguished honor, euirteshnl to tietl mi ; ill * au li '.ice applauded t.) toe veiy echo. Webster, d.-ttn mined not to be outd me in ii'*ss. tin wed again Miss Lind re enrt-'si d. the h *usu re- ipplau HI, and 111 is was repeated nine limes. A I*at n rim's? litLL A p-iiu er bad bee.i employed to repair a tinm bur of pictures in a convent ; he did it, and presented a bill in full for tlfty-iMue frances and eleven centi ; mes t* the curate, who refused to pay it, say in* that the committee would require a c tmplete detaile Tiio painter produced the following itemicsl account ; ; Corrected and renewed the Ten Commandments. 5 12 E nb llished Pontius Pil.i'ean l t put. new ribb in on his bo.met, 3 ot> Put a new tail on the rooster ! of St. Peter and mended bis I comb, 3 *2O Uaplnm d and gil led the left wing of the (u irlian Angl. 4 IS Washed lie* servant of the Iligh Priest and put cai uiiuc on his checks, 5 I*2 Renewed Heaven, .adjusted two stars, grided the sun, cleaned the mo. at. 7 14 I!-animated the times of pur gatory and restored smue souls, 0 0> C -wived the fl on *s of hell, put i a new r lit o i the d-*vil in mil- I ed lib ! -tt ho f an I did serr , al jobs for the damned. 410 lie b nirrpd tlie robe of Herod and rc adjusted ids wig, 4 01 Put new spatter dashes on the sm of Tobias and dree sing on his s.iek. 2 00 ■ Cleaned the ears of Bal ianPsass and shod him, 3 €7 Put ear-rings in the ears trf Sa turn, 2 04 Put- a new stone in D ivid's Ming enlarged the iie.t I of- G diah and extended liis legs, 3 02 i Decorated Noah's ark, 3 00 Mend-'d the slijrt of Iho Prodi gal -Sou and cleaned tlie pigs, 4 00 Total, 50 U Donation Party Fiends. The B irjiiigt-wi 11 iwk< ye thus ob serves ; Toedon iti-M party season ' is opening rath*r ei lv this year, and the mi outers ;r<- wis d-tg they ha ' put £' their C- ntenubil li fli d ivs. Tue oth t nfght ihev had a , donation pirty it a mim-tei's out on North Hill. t\i?y brought him tw>d dins' vorth of beaus, f uir d diars' w rt ii rtf w > and i 1 din s' worth of pit it ins. an 1 ate up five doll-.rs' worth ot cake, one dollars, w>i tli oi ere in, oie d >ll iru' w rth of apples, two dollars' worth of nuts, brokes V.m d-dla-s" vorth of furni- j tu-e a id k lick kn-i -ks •obi d i six iv d II ir eirpo ty breaks g a I imp on it. all fi iall." we if aviv aid left ! t.h- g ite op mi. a i I a fort y five doll ir cow g c out and ii.isn't he ui seen ' no *he ird of since. To* next day the siilT iim' Wt'jp ro'Md and rallied the ehv gym mof the ei:y, ail flier f m d an **aiiti-ilnation s icieiy league. 1 ' - - . —: - t'onti'JKl'u; With the Snair Storm A dispatch from Susquehanna, l*i . stys that on the J {f M*son rail ro 11 • (inning fr nn th it, id ie.e to Co b i "I tl *. a r> Hsenger train after hav ing olungMj I !ir nigh one drift run two lengths of He* train further and st'*u rk as io v h oik fi'*fe.ii fen d'—p. I rue engine !>.i';ke I mt, and tried to j tiiis'i the train luck tfir nigh the j drift, but c nll not. Tne spot was i a ItV ikons, where the wind hid fnl! a nreep. For niiiu hours train m-n and passmnrers were kept con si a illy eui d ivc'l in keeping the flv ing snow from coveting the train. The I tb i was most exh msting, and ; mmy f? ;nd hands were ft\>7/> i. At sml w i tli wind Ml, and then an elf rt was mil• 11 cut a pis-sag for the train. It required six hours' . labor to clear the track so that the I train could move oa it? way. VESETiNE Purifies the Blood, Re novates and Invigo rates the Whole System. ITS MKIiICAL I'UOPEKTIKS ARK . t/t.'/'afire, Tonic, Solvent \ AND DIURETIC. Ve.ctiue Reliable Evidenco. .. . Mil, 11. 11. STKVIiN*: * • 'gCHUO 1 '(Mr Mr -1 v\ ill most cheer- ! fullV uiM my testimony to 1 _ t the greiit uti'iiber v ( u h.ivo Vct'tilie alreiup icecived in favor of ° your tried :uid u.m.,1 no* II lii.o. \ EOITINt. for I do Hot V'.oiotiiw* 'Miou; o ran In* s.il-l In • ' l ''H itsnifttir, lor 1 w.is tumbled OVfl' Ulii lV Vi'.l I*3 with t!| It ! -- . dreadful dl-e-asc, I'atai'rli. \ CilOtlllC and It I>l surli tint c ii.ghinu *!> ell* t'l it it would seem as 111 oi 111 i evercould breathe \'i. r/tt ino an - v 'iioM*. aim Via.r.rtNK has cured no*: and Ido fee sto thank Hod all tin* thin* (hit , . tlu'i ♦* Is m Rood a medicine \ I a< \'Y ;RWSH. and | ;Uo think it 'i\' of l hi' best mod. i< I *s for foio'lis and weak. Vi-orti'H* Mukhtj: feelings at the do •- iti.o'h. and advise everybody to iak' the V'rfiKTfNß," for 1 ' . ran .'ifcsim* them it it our of A (.'o-'-tllT Hit* bi'.st me lkdnei that ever I was. Mi-.S. L. fJORF, Vio=i'fiik <"or. Mana lne :ml Walnut • SU.Oamh i l K e, Mass. V on, 11 no IT( , n , 1 AND AI'PKTITK. \ OTRCUIIC My .1 Murtiter has received prr.H benefit from the Uc -.1 . Tk.IKTINK. HIT ihv'inln : V''TII'LUPO HEALTH WAS a PONRCE of ine.lV ANXIETY loali lie.' friend*. A few bulliesof YI::IETI\E re Vior, T IN,! stored ker he.iflh, STRENGTH 'gf ime .nd aj.pt ii'e. X. II TIMJKX. . Insurance and Real Ftate A OH"'"tlilO Agt.. No. 4'. Sens' Building, Huston. Mas*. Vegctinc CANNOT BE ; EXCELLED. ! I ° "I Cii AKi.KSTtiwN. Mar. 19. *6?. 11. it. STKVKNS: "VTA Iv ,r s,r — Tl * s i* to r-rllfv \ I that I have used >our "Blond Breparatl HI" iu uiv faniiiv . for several years, and think \ OTotinC that, for Scrofula or Can or- OIIS liumorsor Uheunuitie af- VeiTCtillC feciioiis.it cannot Is* excel!* I *~ ~ ftl: and as a blood purifier or spring inctllcli.e, it is the l est Miim.' I have ever u ed,and I. > CgOll llo hate used almost everything I can eheiifuby tee'iiinieiid It to any one in neod of such > e r t i 1 y . WTH ItosrtiN, i'yii. 7.l*7''. MU. STEVENS: I"(' r Ctitif? i fH-ar Sir —I ha* e taken ser w oral bottle* of vour YKOKTINK snd an convinced i' is a val uahie reiudy f**r Dyspepsia. I L 11.10 Kidney Complaint ah.l ger.er I al debl'ltv of the system. I orotiiif I can heartllv rcccnmmend it to ail sttfTeiiiiK from the above comidaints. t- ,• I Yours respectfuMv. 'g0tll0 MttS. MUNItDK I'AIJKHR. 8> Athens street. Prepare! 1)7 S. E. Ste?eDS. Bcstou H. Va'inoi33d! Jb7 All ts Beatty's Parlor isrOBBANS.** Btgwsaw'.r'T 1 E!.F.i\r MYl.r\ with V.iVtinbi* I veiiKutit. NVT.MI4 Hcinfl!'.ii s.do | St > w. • organs and te. ' ritnrrvnrt theui isnTKIFI I.YFIKST ji'itmc. Mo -u.i'ii;n and (taraLliity. War. ! rattled for *:x years. Host Klrg.int ami l atest lraoroved. • lav l>een awur-lfd the HIGHEST THE Ml L AI in c >iii;Mtitii>n with others foi Simrjlirsty, Ikiralti ily, PROMPTNESS, AND I'IAXO LIKE ACTION* Fl'K E, SWRJvT, and E V K N 15\l tXUKO TOY K, ORCiTKSTKU KF- F"ETSan I !\sn\ mi fPH IfTESR Hiuru \i\\ BKII.MTO rE REEDS. Stil l for Price List. Addr.ss, DAMLL F. BEATTT, Washington, New Jersey, U.S.A. CRIST ADOHO'S i HAIR DYE. f'. ht 11 >r >'s til* Dvr h the SAFEST and ads ii*tAt-niu*or t slv, producing ton :i liti•i! s 11 [>•* f Back or R, own ; if o* y USr vl t t'i vilN, and Is trashy ijin'in I. It is tst in la d preparation; and a : tr ao >:t •■r%-y well a ] L !rd Toßci for I. ulv or io it!o n in. s >iii !>v Ih unpin*. J. CRISTA pouo. P.O. Box, 1553. New York. BEATTYMS BEST IN TJSBU. Grand Squaro and Upright. ; DANIEL F. B3ATTY. VAMhinitXtii, Now Icrney, V. H. A. >• K V H'rsH. FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. j D Jo ;NSTON k SONS. Proprietor- i /{ P LLP J O. Th Pa. BE ATTY PI ANO! fiMßSaeafiesnn Grand Siuaro and Upright. BKST orrn EVIJ* GIVPN SOW READY. DANIEL F. BBATTY. I Wishingtoa, NVw Jersey, U. s. A. : D t. D. 11. MI NO I E, ! 1 OTors III* nrofc*'n>s SIKY P.tlXTKlt AN"T T.KTTCWEIK e;n Icon •-oinfilfinp to his advantage by add resting the manufacturer, DANIEL F. BE ATTY, Washington, New Jersey, U. f?. A* p ' 21!ll&0r !i ails lufecM I fl 9 1 I BcsSt in tse. DANIEL F. BKATTY Wiinhington, New Jersey, U. S. A. ????*???????????????? EIIRAIM BARTHOLOMEW, Boot & Shoemaker, MII.LIIKMI, PA. Would most rusjnrtfullv inform tho public that In* is prepared t> do nil kinds of work iu iiis line mthe most Hut is fact trv aml workmanlike man ner. l'rh'vvi miMlernte. A share >f the public patronage respect fully solicited. 41-Gill i Ivinr p i a noi *B9. H I d 5 eswwcskw^sa If H S fIItVNI) HQUAItK ;* a S I li SAND t'Puwuir 111 'S 3 C J-AWIIU wanted HI" I 1 V | dless.^DANtKl'. V K."' BKATTY. Wafchiorton, New Jsrsey, L'. *. A I HARDWARE! I m \-l TES3 BEST j |gs |®* ! j! CHEAPEST | © | Boggis Bros. t iAS Exchange Building, ' j! MAIX STREET. r-3 | Lock Haven. * | M i aHVAtGHVH j_ — THE JuUKHAL OFFICE itut! h-jr tW 'oak* Urn ted PHOTOGRAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES I PHOTOGEAPH FAMILY RECORD, BAPTISMAL UEIHTIFICATES, and CONFIP.MATION CERTIFICATES, j ..sliVlied hj- CUIOEII sf iittraeffve, fascinat ing, rlehlv ll'n--trated and lustrne'iv vot- ever is'o 'd Relo<" tlm on'v enti e and | niPhenMe H f e, the mll'lnnHave encer nr r and wide a wane apenls a'e wanted oolek'v. t Fat proof and terms address HUBBARD Pobftshers, 733 Sar.soin St.. Thlia I3t J OWN C. MOTZ Sl CO. BANKERS- ! MILLIIEIM, FA. liccievc Deposits, Allow Interest, Discount Note*- Make Collection! Buy and Sell Government Sccuritie Gold and Coupons, Issue Drafts on Xew York, Philadelphia or Chicat/n \ and possess ample facilities for th l ansiotion of u General Htmkin'j e Business. JOHN C. MOTZ. A WALTER. I t'reHiitvnt, Cashier. : BETTAY-^M Poor POWER P>X M ACHINKUY ClliCU- JiA LA It AND SCROLL f SAWS. T, \ THKS, KTC^ DF doNs VO °i )S ANL> lAdi'fevent maclrlnes AWuiited to the wants .. • 8k M f'f mechanirs and atr.a tenrs. MEN, BOTS and X? LADIES are making from sltf*lo per dTV uslnc tiicn. The old sivle thrown aside when thes are known. Say where yon read this, and send for 48 page catalogue Fit EE. W. ' F. & .L BARNES, Rock ford, Winnebago Co,, ' Illinois. 4oxly. \ TBE MILLHEIM GROCERY, BY GEORGE ULRICH, i j F7as just n little the best CorrE*. SUGAR, STRIPS TEA?, CTTCCLATS DIM ED FRUIT, OONFECTIONABIES, CHEESE AND CRACKLES, in town. Also a genera! variety of NOTIONS and Stationary. Country] Produce taken in exchange fur goudea, at the highest mark* rates CAW. AND SEE. lSxly % JOHN D. FOOTE, Denier in General Merchandise MILLHEIM, PA. Manufacture* A'full line of v,?,,fT',iv ( l'i! "=• and Office Stovn : proved Horse an d Sheet Power, Shakers, ' ron Wane on Stoves and Kit- .band or made to order. Repairing of Castings made • promptly at tend- inducements to cash buyers. A share of the public,.®® jpatronage is respectfully solicited. SftxCia. CHAS. H. HELD, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF * I Clocks, Watches and r ■" -r, JEWELHT. I of the latent styles. i ! A.ll kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jeweb \ repaired cn short notlc* and WARRANTED. The ladies and tne public generally are I*- vltod to call . Room — Second Floor of , A exander'e Block, ]S/01heim, Centre Co., IPenna. J W WALLACE & CO., I | Diuggists, Corner _A.nd Ghrove Streets, i j LOCK lIAVEN, PA. A full stock oi Drugs & Ohomioala oonstantly on "hand. All the >•. 1 x> . > 1. M ; l ji 1) J tiati. Oil 3 ail G-ass, atlfwcstprioea The undersigned A or any other work would again call en * ei * n ® the attention of \ line. Our piice* | the public to the ar'o moderate fact that tht v while fur mrit still engaged in filSSi * ** Eecond t0 non 6 the manufacture || rart CaU j Couches, ft Jlfriiii r. and V / Snore, KART of BRIDGE, MILLHEIM, PA DEINIXGER & VUSSER FTONITURB ROOMS. Ezra Krumbine. (Successor to J. O. DEIXIXGEU,) Would most respectfully inform U*e citizens of Centre county, that h* hasconstantly ou hand allkindsof FURNITURE, made ot the best m terial and in the most approved styles. BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, IfASHSTANDS, VINKS, TABLES, TV)UGH TRAYS, CORNER CUBBOAIID* and all other articles in'his lme constantly on hand. Prices'cheap te*ui the times The wants of young married couples especially suited. Gome and see. SHOPS. .MAIN STREET CENTRE HAI.L, PA. 21xly. THE PEOPLES' DRTJG STORE. 4LLKGIIANY STREET, NEXT DOOR SO r TII OF HICKS & BBC'S HARDWARE, BELLEFONTE, PENNA., Has baen re-opaned, re-fitted and re-stocked with the best and rco6t popular Drugs and Mediciues. Particular attention given to the wants of Farmers and those living is •he Country. 21xly W. M HERRIN'rTON, Agent.