il |c |oivrnal. filter & toiiner. Proprietors. Or*".'* - V 1.0. PRININGER, Associate Editor, j t* yyiHH MlilUoim. Tliursilai Jan. 18 Terms—Sl.6o Per Annum. ni. 1 - 'i ■ It is altogether irapowihle for a weekly paper of ordinary sue to give all the news, cvsu in a eond*used form, of the political muddle into which the country i* plunged hy the rascally acts of a few southern re turn board*. Thero is such a be wilderment of news, opinions avid speculations as to the status if things and the dual result thaf i| is (rfteu very difficult to g.t ahyiHing Clear out of the general chaos. One fact however stands out in b Id re lief, namtly, that upon anything like ui honest count Tildeu carried Florida by a small majority and Louisiana by a iiilh*r larjfs Believing in tlm triumph of i ight aud j istice, we thir.k he wiU le iu ... gugurated peaceably. |n ffingress much* will U* dor.e Mil the chmfhttttx-® rent to South Carolina, Liuisiana and Flor ida hare refSyteS, a flerci* par ty struggle taxy be Lvrked fr-uvtw their reports. > In Florida a Demncatic state government is inaugurated beyond dispute, whilrt South Carolina and Louisiana each have two govern ments, but the Democrats have by ! odd* the stroagcat.prestige in both, j Chamberlain in the former elate and Packard in the latter can not raain- j tain themselves for any length of time, uaku Grant should determine to uphold their 6iuking fortunes bj Federal bayonets. Uo to this time be refuses to do so, at least iu Lou isiana. * - 1 " n nt For a number of years past Philadelphia had a fraudulent regis tration-Drgdy iu excess of her ac tual vote. Before the laic Presiden tial election the courts ordered an aggregate of 21 251 votes to be struck off the lists, upon IVrarcrnt ic petitions , and sooietldng over lOuO upon Republican petitions. Of this ouuiiHT 11.G7J names were ieU. upon the lists after the courts had ordered th*m off. These facts are now being developed \y the Con gressional committee, and this is the way majorities are manufactured in the euod oltf Keystone State. The lhpcrter publishes the 19th annual report of the FA nil Ens' M. F. INSURANCE COMPANY. By it. we see that the total available assets' of the company at tois lime are $120,097.15, while the amount of risk now in force, that is the amount "property his a red is .32.7 )3,751.8*. Trie l.tases for the year ending Jan. Bth were Murray Brothers, $12.30 John Brett, 202.84 Franklin SeboE, 720.00 $741 11 fVr consider" the Farmers' Mutual one of the best local companies in the state. The annual expenses, exclusive of hisses by fire, are mere ly nominal, while every d 'liar of loss that the company ever had dur ing the nineteeu yours of iu* exist ence, was promptly adjusted and raid. . At the annual meeting of the company the following gentlemen were elected officers aud directors for the ensuing year : Geo. Buchanan,' President, Demy Keller, Vice President, Di F.Xnse, Secretary, Henry Wilraer, Treasurer, Directors—Geo. Buchanan. Hen ry Keller, J. \V. Krumrine, J -seph Baker, J. W. Campbell, John Itisbel, Levi Murray. RanFl J. Hering. John H. MUBSMK, John Huston nan, Sam'l Crumley, Anios Alexander. We have received the. .January number of LEISURE HOURS, a hand-' boumv mammoth lu page columns) fannry paper, fill-d with tlie choicest literature —serial and short stories, sketches, poetry, wit, humor, &e., &c. Li iseutei.taunuj;.aniuiiiguiid instructive, and is one of the cliap estjiapers amount and quality ofkiatter we have seen. The price is $1.20 per year, including as premium agenumefiiie- Jine steel engraving, called "Tlie Mithertcss Bhlru;" printed 0:1 22x28 plate paper j, which the publisueis olaiat is superior in point of merit an-1 attractiveness to any premium ever offered by any other paper in this country, aud is alone worth the money asked for lxith. The pi} Wishers-J L. Patten & Co., IG2 William York- authorize us to 6;iy, that in order to introduce the paper in this vicinity they make a special of tier to every one of our residers to send them the paper —a "trial trip" of four months, post paid, commencing with January number—for 25 cents. Our readers who avail themselves of this offer will, we feel certain, thank us for hnviiig called their at tention to it. Toe publishers of LEISURE HOURS would like to em ploy someone iu every place to can vass for this paper. 4t. Neutral Oil 75 cejrts per gallor. Best Machine oil in the world. No grit—no ftlogf ing where tuis oil is used." It is the best—buy no other. fcMd at foyer's, Aaronshurg, Pa. ifV b 1. rjf 4 .- .*• Court next week. Laiß'astei Ctihgham, 10 cts. a yard, at Bayer's in Aaronshurg. J. O. Deiainger sold his new brick houso at Centre Hall to Ira T. Cottle, for s29uo. That's business, Yony. Tiie annual meeting of the Cen tral iVuia. Conference, Evangelical Association, will flottieience at Wii liatasport, Thuisday, March Ist. - . DJ F. Lute, of Centre Hall, has luventod a new chopping inachino, and the Ktporter thinks it is a great impruvment on the old block uia chine. On Saturday evening Maj. Isaac Stover, of Aaroiifbmg, had the mis fortune to slip and Jail an tl side walk fufroniof Boycr'sstore,break ing his arm near the wrist. A mine of nickle ore lias been discovered at Kaurhbs Gap, Clinton Co.; Pa. The mine promises to Vh*a vi ry rich one and can be made very profitable by thy erection of woiks, it is thought. Our county commissioners have recently unadu Lire followingappoinl mehts t Cletk —I>-*ck ; Mer>> can tile Appeaiser— Howard Barnes; AUorivT*—Akx indor it • llower. i Adl df them arc U 4 >-lop Nof 1. fel lows. * : . • JPoplia Alpaca Dress goods, 27 •• "t a ya>-d, at I. 1\ IV'jei's stoie," Aarohsmirg. I*v °* '*" Hull, oldest son >f Abrxmj Iloil, who was k:ll-d in the summer of 19.i1. at W Mt 11 11. I\., dropped dea 1 in a hotel in Oil City cn the 28. of heit month. Mr. 11. was about 32 years old and leaves a wife ; and live children. Just nine ltepuhliean patriots are willing to serve their country in the capacity of Post Master at Look Haven, as BOOH as Hayes is inaugu rated President. However as that little contingency will never hap pen the whole uine will be disap pointed Poor fellows. The IFrtlcAmom boasts that about fifty sled la-.ds of wheat with an av erage of forty bushels to the lajd, pass its office daily. Yes and aordn a great many sled loads of whent and 1 cither substantial thfiifca pass our of fice dady, but it grieves as that none of them ever think of stooping to deliver. i ' The Watchman is never at a loss for a name. Dr. Potter, well known asoueoftlie most skilful of aur georia, recently had occasion to per form a very p iinful if not dangerous operation ppon a Mr. Switzer, and this is what t!u? Watchjti'irh calls a brilliant operation ! How cruclv . Joints an& Muscles, stiff and painful with-rheumatism and gout, are promptly relieved by Gienn's Sulphur Slaa Local diseases of the skin and defects of the c implcx f ion are also remedkxl by this stan dard article. D*pot CrittentonV No. 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's llair & Whisker Dye, block or brown, 5) cts. T:i Belief out© licpuhiican call* ! the Philadelphia Fb/ie*"tlat dilnled imitation of tlie New Yor'<>ua,"oi words to that eff *ct. Wnilst we hope .that Col. McClnre may he able to survive this cruel, crushing blow, we leg tave to differ most radically witVhrfcther Tiiien. The Times is one of the most orujinal as well as the most able and fearless napcr in the country, and for the latest and most reliable trews, it is a standard authority with all classes. The Lock Haven Soup House is doing a gv>d husinesa. The number of destitute cltiz tns being relieved is rapidly on the increase. For the week ending Saturday night there hud la-00 distributed 1.298 loaves of bread and 2tfU gallons and 2 quarts of soup. This is an increase of 391 loaves of bread and 98 gallons anil 2 quarts of soup over lust weeK, NOTHING l>e fairer than Mr. Daniel F. BaatLy's mode of doing luisiness, and which evitiocs his con fidence I.i the superiority of his in struments over all others. He war rants his pianos and organs for six yr'rtrs, gives a few day's test trial, and refunds money if purchasers are not satisfied. By this means his in stilments are bro.igiit into competi tion with others, aud invariably come out victorious. Address all communications to Daniel F. Beat ty, Washington, Warren County, N. J., U. S. A. Bee his advertise ment. 4w. t ~,,, NEW ENTERPRISE. The West Branch papeis have now fairly open ed the moustache canvass. The Jer sey Shore Jhraid has a man with a moustache 13 inches long from tip to tip, and the Lock Haven Demo -1 end knows of another chap with a moustache 14 inches, strong. One thing of the two must lie true. Eith er these two men have the biggest moustaches ever hetwd from, or the River editors are the biggest . Well we dislike slander iu any shape or form ; and as the entire West and the Yankee states are to hear from, we rwerye our opinion. Apple to n A Muslin, ouly'Jj cts. i per yard, at Buyer's in Aarousburg. llebersburg will have a shoot ing match 011 Fiiday and Saturday v Jan. Jo. and 27. for a cow and three fat i i hogs. Torn out, marksmen. We aie positively assured tliat the rail road track in completed tq within two mile* of Faddy's Tunnel. Courage, friends it is coining. The Farmers' Mill* Cornet j Hand paid our town a visit on Wed i nesday evening of last week. It ; gives os much pleasure to May that I litis Hand lias made rapid progress hi music since we l ist heard tnein. Come again, genUemeia We received a iv.t* letter frcua Col. Slibr, the President of our It. U., in which lie says: "I can see wo reason vhy iix working weeks should not bring Uru rail road to Swing Mills." We hope the pre diction mav he verified. We had 'loped that the hog re , turns were all in and that, our man. j Mr, Jacob K-rsU tter was; ami i now conn s smnctkMly Miiilv miis ilmt j an old fi ieiid of some one down in I NorthfUiuWiland county killed two i Logs Weighing oSO and 58G pounds ' 'We are simply disguste<l with tluS i aftcrclaps and don't lielieve a word of ttiein. Tildeii is elected Pi*i dent ami .fuke Knrstetter Inu 5 the biggest hog. is rloMtaU so dry up and don't bother us with any more returns. , . During Wwlnrwhy night of last week some animal visited Mr. John Yargei's lietic<vp, vtear Aarruieburp, f and killed some twenty full John I tracked the animal to the mountain ! in xt morning where it had cxjrkd one uf the fowls and hurried i'. in the enow. He sot a trap where ttie fowl was bunie.l, covering it with feathers. In the afternoon lie visit ed the trap and was surprised to find caught a full grown catamount, lie stuffed sain at his house wlatae any person wishmg can ece 1U i ■. *— A ineetincvof the West SumpiO hnnna Classis will shortly le held at Centre H.iU, ii\ relation to the I loos er ville Reformed Church, which is to be sold at slieriff's sale on the 2d inst. It is proposed to divide the Aaronshurg, Banishing and Ilonoer ville charge*, •> that each charge will have hgt thra cougregati<nis.> Under this arrangement St. Pauls, Aaionshurg and Sulems would cou atttute AarmiwlMtrg charge ; lVnns Creek, Centre Hall aud Liaip would bo Centre Hall charge, and Bads burg and House, villa would be Boalsnurg charge. jil M —^ —r —- *—; Thfe llfilkieiin B. wt U Associa tion is no 1 mt ( X4eriaient. but h proud succee*. The Board of Di rectors fuvc much reason to con gratulate themsi'lves on tneir safe and economical management uf the concern. In this resjtect it cn fin tares favorably witii any iipstttution in cenfn*l Peinisylvani.*. Toe second year is just c:osed and tle annual "report will l>o presented at* the nex' tegular meeting, Feb. IJ. Suhserip tion biSiks for stock in tfie 3 \ St-ries are op-m until that date. Tim series is limited to 290 shares. Persons wlsMng to take stfX'k will please C4II op J. 11. R-'ifsnvder, Treasurer, or any of the Directors. Sp:iug Ikiiils Itema. The String Bstid of this place promises to give us a concert soon* The School Direjtors a id Citi zens of this township held am en' ing liere on 1 .st Saturday. Result, n new school house near the toll gate. Any one needing a good article in hanics# should call on onr enter prising saddler, Mr. J. I). Long. Mr. Win. Fahrion has a singing class in Georges Valley. His repu tation us a singer is un disputable.' May success attend him. Messrs. T. J. Dicker !k Jno. Col dern are the contractors for live of the It It. bridges, and Messrs. J. W. Leitzcl & F. P. Jamisou the remain iug one near this plnee. The con tractors will commence work this Xbii look* as though we nnght have tiie ara at Duucuu S.a- I'Oii noon. , The Methodists are holding a protracted meeting now and quite a number are forward to the altar see ;ing pardon. May the goxl woik continue and nmny more embrace the golden oppoi tunily •of giving their liearts to G.>d. One day last week two young men took a trip to the Old Fort, ami when they returned they went by lie re at the l ate of 2b iniles to ih* hour and iu all probability would have gone to Millneiui had not the horse run to the side of the road and spilled them ont of the sleigh. Al ways take care not to get to much of the tutoxicalion. T A YOKEY. MARRIED. ~ On the 4th inst., by Uev. W. C. McCool, Mr. iluyes ioltaud Miss L. Zerby. On the 14th inst., at the resi dence. of the bride's father; bv itev J. M, Price, Mr. A. 11. Neidigb, of Haines twp., and Miss Mary M. Peck of Gregg, aii of OentreCo. , In MifHinburg, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. E J. Wolf, D. D , assisted by Uev. W. L. lleisler and Ltev. Isaac Grier, D. D., Prof. Philip M. Pikle, ot Gettysburg, and Miss F!in nia J., daughter of Henry G. Wolf, of Miffi'nb'irg, On the2o, ult., At ICKgUill, Uyllev. G. tV. li aise. <fas. It. Stiohui, of Centre llill, and Miss Maggiu L. Kv4ui. of K 11 ill. CHURCH DIRUOTORY. German preaching In the Lutheran Chin i 11. Aaroiisbnrg, next Sunday at 2} o'clock. Lodgu and Socio! y Directory. Millheiiu CoVid't Kind will meet oa the first thiol <>f Hie Journal • liico building on Monday itud Tnurrtdny evening. Providence Orange No*. 217 I'. of 11,, meets hi Alexander** block on the 2nd Saturday of each 'tfpontli ni d) P. .M. and on the fourth SaturvTay i>! <MC!i innutb at It P. M. The Irvine Literary Society meet* in the Town Kail, every Friday ev ening. i'iie M Whelm It. & L. Assooi*ti(it llhvls in T al'li Jl.iTl, oil the eVnltillQ oi i n*'second M ttid.iv uf each inontii Mijihciui Council, N'o. 30P, O. IT. A.*M. meet rf on Ist mid 3rd Sat.. uc<ht\S of each moot h. at * n'elok. r. .M.. nitneir Lodge Booms, Wilt's Building. PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS, Whr-li nrny he l nie with one fourths the iiMiat expense, by tid.u: "Or PATENT SLATE PAINT (Fifteen Years Hata'diafifd.)' Jl .TT W DY fOR USE. Wafer-proof, ligraMe, Economical anil (lrnaiittttal. A roof may be cmvn-ti w|Ui a very cJh'RP *!d iru\ and l>v :••; i'-ntbw of thi* I* madr 11 i*sl frm "• to2*> years. id n*>f i*an hr put< tied an I c >;yift, 1> :lug much briirr a d ln->(Lig lunger Uian now .-hingr* W l£.i Ul lilti v!<itVp Ur One 1 hird t lie Cost of He-shingling. The-<ms.> of sluing new sht<\jdex it on ly about tlm e •<;? r simply l.ivpi# iik"U. Th paint is rati: r:f*>r agaiojrf spam* or fly! >tr :.• may l* - |TM((( Ly at.j *:• f ; i rr stors every ** and for tin ( .r Iron ha no rqinj, 45 'it pi p itMs by ufht, counsel* J* Cilif ami NEVKK oucxs noejo-.ih--,. iti-ofsc vrini wltnTar Sfiearlifng TVllcan bo in i In w.uer-tlKht Rt n smallo\p n*r, ami ;>tvci f;i formally years. TUL sluty i'.tiat is EXTREMELY CHEAP. l T*vo pillons will e >v#r a lenvlred square <t s|)iii|ii'roof, wjjj'een tin. Iron. felt. Uiafclip'l iMuird-*. >r£any smooth surface, from two quarts tb on" (ration are r-quired to lOsquare feet of surfa-s and although thp inint lias:i ii.nry body it is eaaUy sp li.led with at: u*di. No Tar is used in this Composition, therefore tt up It her craets i:i Winter, nor runs in Summer Ou decayrd shingles, it fills up the holes ami pores, and gives a i,rw substantial roof that \v|!i last f.i years. Ct'iujcn oi< wiKPKt> sjjlugVs brings to tii'-ir pla •. and keei* 11 tn tliP! p. It fills iiri all lirtips 1:1 fed r.tof*. stops the leaks—si ad alllmajfc a slow dryer, rain d >es not aleat it a few hours after an piybu. As nearly all paints th it ar black Contain Tan, I*- sin t vou obtain our giHulue article, which (for shingle roofs; la CHOCOLATE COLOR, when first nbp'ied. eh iiprt**fT i;i about a unuUi tuau miifoini slap- -jl >r. and is, all intents And purposes slate, on TIN* ItOOF-5 Olir re 1 enior Is usaC'v preferred, as one cut Is c iaal to five wf any ordinary paint. For BRICK WALLS Our aaitntr R*o is tae only r Hi.Wile Mate Palst •vev% \Vruducttd Uiat wid effect u illy n dampness from jlSilomniig a .d discoloring tiw paster. Tucv p tints are alsnlarge'y u. id on out "otisiy, m 1 fence*, or as a prima,; coal on Hue buildings. Our oily co\vs arc '':io;ji.vt;i, ItEts Hkuuit Rks\ and >:uv;g. nsw YOII&C ASH PBICE LIST. 1 (iaiioii, c:tn and b.ix *1 W 2 " •• z t\ 5 " " 5 h) l j " kej' . 9 fs; •' hi<fh.uip! U> t"> ■t) *' ode b iiffl it 10 I illxr., wincut forbad leak* ] g.' We mve iu stick, of oar own in ynutactu.'p nviling uuUcii.tls, <:c., a. the fo.i jwiin? low p.i>es: i .\fa Tinbapr Hooßup. *♦ 3 pn*s i>V&d|iyrsJbyt. ( tr we wilt furnish Rub ber R' hinr: N li's, c vp. and s.ate Paiut for anen i/e new roof, at t l 4 c:nts per squire foot ) roils 2 uly Tarred Itoanng Tolt, at 1?; ecnts jr square fool. 3VV) rolts3 p!y Tdrr.M It todng Felt. Rt 3'A cents per square fot. 2- roili Tarred Sheatiag, at hy cent per squ ire foot. .VXvigaMons Ine F. iamel Faint. tnlxd rea dy fur use, oil inside or uutsi lo work, at <id per gallon, all shades. Lan Hh.s -tile Flour. per Mil $3 00 ldfiil " Soajistoae Flour " 300 10>> " craftuu .Mineral " 3od IJUd " Caint. dry... *' 3no f ineln 1 pri f'spc. ton ot re load Juts All orders most be o0om;anl-d with the mane.-', or siitlct to 3J days draft on well known partite. \.¥.SL\TE PAUTCOmM, 10J X 104 Maliion Lane, New York. TZUPr., NQ: WITH A COLO ISAi.WRVOHANaEP.OUS. U33 - - WICU/S (MKilHi.l'' T V TJLKTS a .sure rtinedv for Conaild, and all diseasps Of the THROAT, LL'NcK, CIIKSI and MU COUS MEMARANE, I'ut l • ''il\ in Tl LI J K '' X"P. SOf.D BY VI.L nUUUWTS C..Tf OHIt fENfuN. 6i*tii Avenue. New Ywk. Active Ac-mti' Wbnv I / it in:.':/ n iutro dtm thts UEHTENNIAL EXPOSITION DlvSCltinkl) AND ILLUSTRATED. Nearly &i 0 uage* ; only flfti; rich tllnstr*- tlons: and a trfaxnr. as the lh-st and ciic vil est History of the Great Exhibition En dorsed hv Oflleiais, Press, and Clergv. Is selling imiMn*Kly. One lady esared |3Wln four weeks. Act quickly. Now or never, For full particulars. Address HUBBARD CltOS., Publishers, 733 Sanson Street, Rhila. AGENTS N "ROOK GREAT CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION ItLCUTUA T Kf) Demand equals the crowds at the Exhibi tion. One agent sold 4', two 39 each in one d*v. Over 4KJ Fine Engravings, en-Hug ♦Jk.<WU,OH, show the best exhibits. Wldc awake Agents ar£ fpii ing al the inferior books for this. Met the best. Bend for cir ca i.v, terms, and sample engravings. V. w. ZIK H.ER & <;o., 118 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. { - IIEAT)ACIIE. _ l)r. O. \V. BENSON'S CELERY AND CHAMOMILE PIU S are prepered exiiix'ssly to cure s*.-k ISeaJ ache, Ncrvoui Ilead ichn, Dyspeptic llead ache,' Nouralgla, Nervousa>;ss. Sleeplessness, and wilt cure any a*e. h} cents, pass t igefree. Said bv all druggists m country stores. Ofllce, 1 ti N r-i!| Eutaw street, Baitimoro, Md—Rkfeubncb: t*. .J. I,ESTER, Cashier Howard Band, Baitiuiory, Md. RtWSON'UsislPßlMir supersedes a'l others in orice and durability. Bent to any address for <T>.—A business as, sis taut wanted in this and adi icent counties. Circulars free. C. D. RAWBON & CO., • Aroli St, Ftiba. A/\A Sensciuiii i:u for 1f77. II /U hvor> !u!y it pu it.ia 1 <> i . ~ •> .>, J.ICIC A N .Mo Ji rttLV. I. I !|. t> taustiiiied, niHy edited Futility at bu.y let a yi*.tr, Specliueas .yets, out; at TKHJIB TO FL.CIMt do. IN L. I*o L I'KU.v CO.. rubs., I'tihadeudil:'. SOOOMtns sb&h UMAitLsy KOSS \\ rnie.a uy uis iauie . X ujiiplue account of mi* i4oH .dysum ins Aulu iiou .nut L.x ,ld.a v oca. wttrt i-'ac .-sua.e l.ew-iSHiid UtUiUatioiiM. Ontv';!-, ii ul.ier IPjoXs. line •w eul uiak oo ore!rit lu i>e ilay. Ie ins itii. • AMo ACC.its WAiKtf.tOii .nil .itaubl .- ecui i nuiliy M iles. oilu luv iluabie lilin tiuled At is 1.1 I HIT I'll Hi i liat;s. JnMN t. a CO.. Pubusaei*. t' ili.iU''j;C.i.i. A.3S. HAtITER, AUurioNEi;u, ' Xlikf.UKiM, PA. TendciJt his bprvices to the puhlie. Sittsi.i lion CnargcA moderate. \l! s. >ll LLC It. Fashiimaliie Tailor, AAKOXHHI'ItO, Il.tvinaf opetusl rooms on the Ist floor of .John U ipp's building Me is ;<j. pared lo iMaiittun-turu ail kinds vt _uieu'a and boy's garments, accoed iucr to t!ie latest styles, and upon hlutust notice, and all word war ranted t rende; s. .tin fact ion. Cuh ling and ropainng done. BOOTS & SHOES _ I . 4 The CcatCHinai Eleetian is over and it It f.xed lyoJ diaibt tlißt Bahi 1 i i'wsim-nt >! i.m t ,uu >atcs. 0111:44 R,tc %; i.x.ivenivtti. at tuc ytate of M. lllst hHUU'II iu I itEi.d .s4il uuuiLiutia. Htritis jasl retanico iiuu, ine h ist | ai iaii*s a,i.i a l.ugc aid iw.i :d >lin'K of Una a d i u-Cfc, a )iu-ii > su, not te silt pass* din lMut of 1411 tiiiy and Curapnei-s i'i auy store 111 ,'otliily. >4.5 y. . ,-•?• ?U to rf~\ l tlr. ft'lf aa been 's/d; ' * pii-tia.ii >o..aser :• r i;e fast f , ID years and is mwrefore .uoso . "T" 1 j co.ti,_-ic it ;o .1 jcic'.mi 1.1 l p ™"1 j lu W.I utUer retailer* who ' I have nut had toe b/ne- I x litofuise\ierlenee. I Any pei ton who V uoubts this . IMMJ I call and . ' • >ve. C\J a B ' r If you are in want of puro IHIUUS, MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS. VA UN ISIIES. FANCY GOODS and | IIOLLIDAY TOYS, go to KIsKXJbTU S DKItibTOKE, whero you will be accoinmo in th*se several lines of goods at the lowest cash prieoe, . saiaxSC y<h3L§& oil' i r OTia ITd fi£EuCtt& Ezra Knmihine. (Successor to J. O. DEIN^NCEIt.) WouM mwtt respectfully inform t!ie citiziMis of (Vulre county, that he ,t:3 constantly on hand all kinds of r HitN iTL*JtE. inadv ol tLi list iu U'tialHud liMiit mosL .i;>irovul stylts. uT'KLAI Sr u BDsi a<iEDß t -p ha Hstands. I N&*< TABLES. D )HOH TH \YS, * CoRNEIt CEPBOAItD^- ami ill nther articles in his line eonstnntly 011 hand. Prices cheap te sui t'jctiin *8 Tip w tuts of youriT 01 ir ied .MMales espccbilly suited, ('nine and sac*. Simrs. >IAIN STREBT CENTRE IIALL. PA. Ulxlv. •J. W. WALLACE & CO., %* • Dmggiß:s, Corner IMI iin _A.nd Crove Streets, LOCK HAVEN, PA. ■i: 1 ■■■ 1 *. t , - - A. full atock of Drugs X Oha viical? ®on3' antly on he.nd. All the lalittli li*. Ijli)ii3- ainta. Oils and Gttaa, atloweot pHce Rw , ' Y- # s TSE JJUUHAL OFFICE H ; j- ii**a > . m „ , • ,i kns for sale the cclchifited v | *. \ !* i i- x %' 1 'ii f '% A .1 - PHOTOGEAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES PHOTOGRAPH FAMILY RECORD, BAPTISMAL UhIKTIFICATES, and ■ CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATES, w. f j;itnHßlietl Ly CJNDEK A grk, ■■ " " i :?v • n • • . Th* p Orfiticiitea, tire uneqnalcd by finvthing of the hind out. nuvdfpAwnf them arc sold an'. ally hv Ministers of I he Gospel arid o'hers. ITp we're so hichlv pleased with the samples sent ns that we ordered a hircre lot at once; and made area ncre nients'with the publishers for tlie rmlit of exclusive sale in Penn, Gregg, Potter, Haines and Miles townships. AVc respectfully mvitoMin isters and yonDg couples to conif- 3Dfl see. F ci oy .he dcefD STRAY HWFEIW. t'it Mll' lu tiie ittioulsei of tho : tuusciiber oil or about lla' 2a of <>c-t. List two nitity mti heifers—-JIUJ of A D.irlt ml Volor wiiti m illtlii v.lute at tin' lip of iiif litn ; the othor h also iet willi n u nc White at the beity and bark. I'.iicii aUon: a yen' tml a iutii out. tiwowi ur |s refill I "tii*J t i prove property, pay and l ike uieiu away 01 tuvj wiii ho stoid aa Hit* law (lireel*. „ .. J. I. hllßlMrtU. Miles township, l>ec. 11- ht'b. Q_KKAT BOUK ]>EP.;T I Any bvftk wanted c*au Wo had at N. VS STITZEU S. Strtiwnery, Books, Tpys. That old and well known entttbliah ' tAi'iti is tin; insular depository of the Ain"i i(.Mii Sunday School Union and American Tract society and will sell exactly at their CATALOG UK IT*ICES ! He would s:ty to thofce who rttvor him with their |Mtion-are. that he ' will seil at rtneii piieea and upoirMich I let ui* as to make it an object lor H persons, teaciiei? and Sunday Schools j to purchase at ills store. BOOKS, STAI'IONLin, *e.. not on lmud when inquired for will le obtained on short notice, as an order is cent every Saturday. 11. V. sTiTZFJI. ftrackmnolT How. FANCY CARDS 11 styles with name 10 UtS. I'ust pith I, 111-rtrlfi*v N, Urns, Co., a. Y. EST A liLl SI IIC J> UliO. R. S. fe A .P. LACEY, Atto noye at-Law, 029 Seventh Street, Washington, D. C. Inventors. We procure patents In nil countries. So IN AD\ asck No *liirirc air leo* rue patent N ghttued. Iff*. for in tK- Ing pie,hnl istry evamiii.ilions. No .ukii tionai fee* |ir nlituiiiitig end coiiuucthig a ielicitil air. Hpscla! aku nll'ti given to IIIIT. forcing case* before the I'uieni Office, hx fe fodnri* N"f.fe 'tiiiffren, lltirin'Rimient Hults hi tllilerrnt Mala*, uud lllig.iti.m upper' AM* login tnveii:l ms or l'afeuts. TteNi>iTAMp ror rtui'ULueuiFiSi* rgi.i. INSTUUOTIOSS. I'e'ipil etsti'H Cnr( & l)c|tui'<iiiciif. ClaliiiN prosecuted ill tlie Hu'U'eniO Court of t:i United States, t"on11 of CiuhiH, Court of l net s of Alabama' :iuim*,Sputh ••i ii CniltiiM Conitnioslou, imd all classes <T waJ ciatais tie/ore the Executive Deparu luciit. Arrears of I'ny and Aoonty. (tprt;isiis, UOLIIHSU*. aUL B\II>O.IH O£ the J t'e vt.ti, ui t,.eir Jit'irs. are hi many eaten euifc ttl i J m<m£y limn tin* (Livrrnfni'nf, of w.deliiitCy li.ivt nonn,m let!pi*. \Vrttefull hi* copy of sorvlre, ami slate amount oi pay and iMiunty received. Kucio-e Mump, and a lull < i''it,>, allei ex i-rtiiutl in, will Si 1 given yu without, cufttg*.- Tcsionf. All office*!*!. coi.hiF.ii4 nr l Saw f>: %v<iinideii, i ui'trtred, or tiijuri d hi Win late I liowever slUtiliy, ate entitled t, juid j 10 '. I ••ill l IMHI'HI. I tatted stm ten flcaoral I am! OfHec. i'oiiirtci! I.tiid Ca-ei, Private hand rutin*. .<H:iion. nroeuietl I'MiiilllmitNßiil I CiiN-"*, It-US' .'tiled beluiv 11oi General hand i (WlCe atuß*•> irtineut of tlic Inte.lor. I null Warrants. V.V JUV cix'i foi It unity l.unl Warrants, and wo invi e correal iiulenec with nil par ties 11-tving any far t*k*. aul give fail seal ex|i!| i: in-;t ruction* w tie re assign n , .ut! an* in ycriVd. We eoiiduct our business in xc;iTnt® Bu- having therein the a*et-c:itieo of ahie and ' x,>e. K'aCi d i.i ay. rx, an.! give ur<'!n e<t pe mil s,HrrW'ili to evry lioiKiriaot.y i;iei p.'eli i> ed IO e ir.h Mse. Proinp'exf attention lhu< secured to all 1)0*1- ne.44 eiitru*e i n. • Address. R f A A I*. Lii'Kt, Attorney*. \V A dUoG TuN, I>. C. Auv jvrx >:i d-Mttug information at 1 tlie 1 star.i.'l 4: ati<! ie>|ioiei.ii ii> of the luciiits r | d tile tii til wid. on re ;lies', be fond -lied j \ I:ti a s.iti-i'a. toi v releieuec ill l' \lcf. i<\ Oi Cuiif.i'UHMuli A uisliicl. • tSOTwsf. j Relieving It to be BY PAR the t**st Pulor : and 'irrliestial ortoin inauutacturetl, wt. ■ ••.iiadenge any luauufactuier Ui ejnai theui ; Ttn> o IMnated '.'olden Tongue fipedslu tills organ hi c>injunction wlui the I'nirvted Reed hoard'' prunuce sweer, jhtic S'ln pow- Clip! I'llicS- Bn|intOUsesof in wdidegalit !r:|gns Ministers, teaehers. rburclirs, .4.di(Ki*, lodges, 1 te.. thouid **ml for price list ami div-ouats. Dealer* is 111 And It to their advantage to examine 1 lis instrument, it has improve tneiiis found la 110 otlier. Correspondence Kolteitid. . Pest offer ever given. Xfoiiev refunded UfHiu return of organ ami freight charges I'.dd by it.- (U.uiiei t\ ISe.itty) lsdu ways if unsalisfaeluiy, a-ter a test tiial of five uat* warranted for -ix w.n. Agents<i|s. count given eveivwieTc I tn'.ve Agents wanted. Aiid.ess, D.WIEL F. BEATTY, RMhtufrtflu. A'ew Jersey, V. H. A. IYUV p TElf IUIR ißiXflßl Adopted by a'l flie •iticns of fahiojtu . w 'end for ei fit ar. F. 1 VlNs. No. 2Dj5 North llhli M.. PhJ ivieiphia. l a. JOEN ROYER, L >A e - Caliuet Maker KOKTH KItLDEIX, Ti. All kinds of Fam it urc 011 hand or promptly m.itie to ortlcr. Cotiiiis a ! sprciaiity. laiwi st cnsli pnccN. Sut t isfaction garaiiteml. 43x3ut. $200,000 IN GOLD ! AND OTHKit Y'AIUAUI.f! PIJI MIUMB. | G'/rr.Y TO THOSK WHO WorkfortheTimes I THK CINCINNATI WFF.KI.Y TIMES Pul'dshed for A, years, has a National char* ac.Vi and, ni u putioita in every Mate and Ter*it<>ry in the tuioii, and of ail shades and polities, its new depart uient, HOMES J'OU TIIE PEOPLE Iti the South and Far Writ, will be'.riva.uble to sii eut ior N*;w l'uciis of ltc*l iitNcr.. Al*r, Patrcn of the Times is presented, free of th.itco. with an illustrated Year- HiK.kof valuable iutoi illation. 101 is'iT, uluitc worth the pi ice ui ilie paiur. Knte'prisitiK men wanted everywhere, to solicit Mihsciibcts and secure our (li>.d and [ other YgitiaMe Pi'iilltirti'. A sample copy of lhe 1 iinis. otir ituisfrated of i'renu urns to be given to Agents aut other uooa luvnts, v*i.i te -Joel free 111 applleatlnfi to C/A C/.V.Y.1 Tl TIM is CO.. t2 H'. Third at.. Cincinnati, 0, j BEATTYSSSfiS The lies, and irnst lafi'ms parlor oryati ! ROW in use. No iftu?r patmf oVijau has ever 1 attained i he (i.trao popaiaruy. It ha* been tested by thousands mtuv of tiic-n •!• i tetem jadg'.'S and gives universal , satisiaclba: to ah. Tl uiueie is acaptcdAo the human voire, ranging from the < .fie.r: lla'e like to a v 'unitt 01 sound uasnrpasue.l by any lastru meant Tltts histruihent has all the l.itest improve men s-nid overv o-r.,11 m fuily warranted f<rsix years. IV.iutllul oil polish, ldaek wal iHitprnei'eil eases, which v.l't uot CUACK or WAid'i and funns, in adilitloii to a spieu ,llo nincut of iniidc, a Lc..utltul piece of uic. 'l Ids orsrau needs only t<i') • seen to be ap pivciateil, and is * d nt cvncinely low fig ures for cash Socoud-hand inst.umcnu taßen in exchange. Agents wanted, male or female, in every county in .the United Mates and Catnula. A ■Mfial discount matte to teachers, intuisters churclie.s schools, liMlyes, etc., where 1 have no agents. Illustrated catalogue and price list free. Correspondence polici ed. Agent (ilscmtl given where 1 have 110 ayciv. s. Best oEer ever given now ready. Address, DAMEL F. BEATTY, Washington,-New Jorsty, U. S. A, * fits Ait N Fft* PATENT X> FOOT POWER f-X MACHINKItY CIECU* Jj\ I J, Alt AM) SCKOI.i. SAWS. LATHES, ETC.. "S FANCY. WOODS AND -J AX different machines I? J-v/suited to the wants fe of mechanics and ama : o( teurs. MEN, HOIS and &ft hi.. LADIES are making from ai to ill) per day using them. The old srvle thrown aside when tiiese are known. ShV where you read this, and send for 48 page catalogue PR Eli. YV. F. ft .1. BAKKEM. RoCkfoid, Winnebago Co., Illinois. Asxly. laite Immense Discoveries bv uJANLFY and ojlheisarc Juff added to the only com ptcte. ! Ufp and Lnl>crs of LPinpstoiie. ".Ms veternn explorer ranks arncng the most heroic fl iocs of the century, and this book i one of the most attractive, fascinat ing, rich'v U'u"trated and instructiv vol umes ever issued. T. inv the onlyenti e aftd nuthcnMe life, the mllliotiK are eacer for u, ar.d wide awaxe agents aie Wanted nnlcklr, Foi.proof and terms address HEFBAKD rubiisliers; T.Z tvaasoii) St., PUia T^lf i ' EMPIRE CLOTH IHG STOR£ J. F. Chambers, Proprietor, • PosvOffiCK Hftilding, MilllieluaJV i Keeps a full lino of (Jlotjiiug lit r iery , itiul Gents' Furnislihiff Goon-, always on Lund, and soils at lie CA'.'TIOS.— I The reputation 1 have er.i<:< * nvd tlm wn brityid m\ UrflonN hnve Tudu.- • ed some unnHndplod pat lies attd ap nts • ti ooplt m> c.'U'Ulars, and aiisrepfescut my , ill-tl Ullieilt't (KM,l".t !;,U.II:c littUWl'* \\*as I;ia. S. A. | FARMERS OF CE.YTRE CO. t I would respectfully eall your as j lejitfon to llie cflrbrjted 1 ■* . Ke73tone HandMadaCtfiiUfe. j TJiose chains have ltecn thprmicUj? 1 tfste'l ity fttrniei's and ttki'mstm in • this nearlirmrhood, and are prr,. • I iiotiuced by all who have usetl tlieui : as far snjieilof to aiiY other chains tiiMclc. Ha ving securedihe sole | e? for CVntre cotsAty fat the ftStle of I theso citains, lam prt paii'd to iUir- , l njsh art si aut tb'tict' ;uiy ihing in ijie line of Cll .'dxc, from f lie lTesrvltVf ' {nturnp machine chain down smallest eliin chain, all /wnd invt*, of tlai itd reilta-d nwu isnd vtar ranled for one year. (.'all en or mitLrss r * A. O. Deining'er. Millheim, Rfkf. JI. !b7n ** BIATIYSf^I Parlor Organs.; Messrs. (Jn I' Row ed &Co , CX. J > Newspaper Boporffr. y: w D.mi-i p. iwwtry, no org-ta binder, of tmhiNgim:, N. J., presmxt forward with grfirtest vigor.• . rroi'. Wm. Peol, THag*i *Palis. N. Y. "M-vcial mouths ip-c l the ci< vrm Parktr Orgsn y. u •-eiit me *;lKf>s ?e that ft is 1 l eH i the Lest in.ide. It Juu a ri'-h tour J aK vaii.>i:s bmes are most ple.ivnnr. I jßunyi hcsiuiiy n conan-nd your orggts fat iathu, si'lino], church or othei kst. ** r * He-it offer ever cfven. Monwv ofmneturu of organ and fui-iht Hitixtni paid liy me (Drmkl F. aitv) both wars if misatisfactory. after a test tilal of Ave Oarx. Organ warranted for f' e yearn. Kcud lor extended iist of teatlmoMithi before Luyibg a pallor Organ. Address. DANIEL F. BEATTY, V.Viiinti,, New Jersey, V. f*. A. r\ OFHCIAL HISTORY OF THE JM CEHTEMI EXHIBITION 1. .< o kitauany o.ncr L:a'k. On Agent S4.d s4 e:ipi"? in one dxy. This fcitU tmlv auihi-ntie. and complete hGiniy ucb Heud for uui extra fcrnu toAcehte. > 4XMKU. LI EUSAINO CU.. I LAM.. DA, THE CHEAPEST AND REST PLACE TO BUY A'ut u EOOTS.SBGES( CAITEES & SLIPPEF.S a y- £ In (Miuton or Ocntra coucitM to at J". IC^.Zs/T^'S, LOCK HAVEN, PEXN'A. uhere a large and nice slock for Pprirg nr d Niitamer bmijuslarrived. Ooarottititm TOR BOOTe AND tUOLS AT WUULESALK.J9* DAVID F. FORTNEV, • * - ATTORJIEY-AT-LAW, EELLITFOKTB, 43xly. |A. Laf •' Awarded thr BiflifM ffdtl R.T Ahim. E. & H, rijgST f',o - Broadvcy, Atw FT*A*. (Opp. Metropolian Hottl.) Mannfartarrri., Xinpoiicra Sc feci lerw In EnjrayiiiEs. Ctromos M Fr&a. •'IT.Ri 0S( tti l 8 & VI. V,,<, Übarrs,Gra|>ny:pes, rhcfogirjfci. And kindled goods- Crleiritkt, Atlr*ei<r, PECTCGEiFM MMIF.I/IS We are Headquarters for ever jibing in tk way of ... smE(lPTlfflSSiSßXlCl€tl!tTril, MICRO SCIEMfFtC LAYTEIfJI, MKKI O P tMll-TK oN, < RNITEHkITY STKREVi TICOM, ADVLKIIM B S 81 EREOFIUOJf, AUTOPTIC ONT, ' ' SCHOOL LANTERN, FAAUJ.Y LANTERN PhoMLE S LAN'iERN, Each style being the best cf its elau if tko market. Catalogue of Lanterns and Slidos. wfih di. reetions for using, sent on appHcatltß. Anyeuicrprisini man can make marcv with a Magic Lantern. to the Centennial ExpHdtim wiii do Widely to defer purchasiufi goods in our line until lliev cr nie to , ttr sto, e in Now York, where they wii] find greater raiiety mid more moderate prices, and can select more at their leisure. But ve hate.acor* cession to sell s< me styles of our got d|utko building of the Depailff.eiit of rubfic Ci m fori. and those not coming fo N w York aic invit dtorall.on Qnr Kjitttntati'n ftl.. A full slock of Views of fh'c Exiesl. tion Huildings and tiieir contents, : -Cut out this ad. for referecce*Cb , _ ' ; , ■ - ! W4\TFD WO HIN FL J C if -1 il 1 JL>IJ # meo and women Business that will Par frpin Wto ts per day, can fe rur*d m ttotjiira sieifjihcrlood, ard isstriatly hr*- .ofSW? - Particular* free, or samples woi tl' Saj#W3l dollars rhut w ill enable sou to co 10 wot* at oßce, will be sect on receipt of fifty eeots. Address LATHAM & CO.. f f*nc 8.104. (fii tA. Bc*9D T 3iiUfli. k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers