®|c journal. Walter & Deiniaier. Proprietors.; 1 B. O. DBINISOER. Associate Editor. I Hillhcim. Thursday Jail. 4 C— wm-Z * Per Annum. Volume Firty One. Tins number liegius the fi.'ty lirst voln ae of \he JOURNAL, according to the heat information we have on tht subject. Fifty years ago l):r O.'ifrr Bcrickter Vas started at AH- , ronsburg, ly Adutn and published by him for fifteen or six-! trt-eu years. Toe publishers that , succix-drd Mr. Geutz 1 were. J hn j Fiakel. Ludxig K uts, Fred Kurtz,! Thomas J. Kiate.*, John 11. Miller,! Fiiil. I>. SUiver and Geo. W. F-'Ote. | The Iferichter was published as a .German | taper exclusively for many years. Under Mr. Kurtz, his too a urn, Ge< rga and Fred introduced. English, first a column, then n ore, j until it Pacini® half and half. This ' system has its advantages, as well as its disadvantages, which however we wilbjiot now en urn rata. No change In this respect is contem plate I at the present tirna. It would to impracticable to do so. We are in no way responsible fortius change, and will continu® to publish the JoCUKAT. half English and half German, jut! as we get it. Ia many if not in must fa mi ies, where it pays > it* weekly visits, tiie older members j read the German part and the young folks Uie English. Ilegarding our prospects c v\ill ] say that we tei I encouraged. When | we toot oJrg3 of the I>\ •• in May hist, we did so with a tu'l de termination to succeed. Klowing that •he r e were many olstacles and . diOloulties i:i the way. we made up t oc" mind not to iie discouraged by \ anything short of alisolute impos-i-J bilities. The field of labor was new to us -everyibing to be learned, and .yet it affords ns no small degree of satisfaction to look at the results already achieve d. We have increas ed our ciiculalion very materially no* to 3a y largely, and our advertis ing and jobbing business is all that could 1-J expected, as limes are With the continued pitrouage of the public, wo expect to improve the - Joi'KXAL to the utmost of our ineaua ami ability. The Prospect. The political atm rspherc U b. ight rr.liuf. The conviction in settling i itself in the. public uiiod t'.iat Ttiden v* elected and that no amount of fraud or false count Lig must lie per mitted to cheat tiie twople out of i their rightful choice. The report of th® congressional committee will show up the Louisiana conspirators j in their true light. An organized system of ft and will lie revealt-d on ■the pad. of Kellogg and company that will araazi th® wholj country.! In Florida the Supreme Court has ordered are count of tiie vote, and the B ard, unlike that of Sjuth Car olina, dare not resist its madate. ! "Just now it h.is the appearance as if t the whole bottom of the Grant, j Chandler, Cameron conspiracy would j give way, and Tilden inaugurated President by in.ivcrß.il consent. Courage, friends. The Democratic State Com mittee held a meeting at llarrisburg, on tiie 22 id of List month to give ex pression to the views of the party on the present political crisis. The meeting was well attended, the pro ceedings cabn and dignifiscL Gov. BigW read an able and exhaustive report on tiie Louisiana case, which must convince every candid mind ttiat Tilden fAirly carried tliat state, and tiiat the unfamous Returning B ard deserves tiie condemnation of all fair minded people. The address voted to the people of Pennsylvania breathes the true spirit of patriotism and loyalty to the" Constitution and the laws. We ask our readers to give it a candid and deliberate peril- Bid. To the People f Pennnylvant t: j We address you in that spirit of >a-! triotisui which is coinraon to all the citizens of this Common wealth. T.ie political condition of our country is fraught with impending peril. The expression by the people of their in tention to support those constitu- i tioual means which will settle the I issue made on the question of the Presidency may prevent what other wise all will deplore. Whatever; violates either the letter or the spir it of the Constitution tends to weak en.and may destroy, our government.! There is not a question or a measure relating to the pejice and happiness ( of the whole people exciting contro-' versy aud pretending discord for which the Constitution fails to pro vide. The election of President and Vice President of the United States is a high and solemn duty of the ! people of the several States. To at tempt to evade obedience to the po pular will by any effort to distort the meaning of the Constitution or the interpretation of law to seek to set up barriers against the face of this declared will is subststuting re volutionary exjHidients lor the con stitutional methods. Tne Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States nave by the Constitu,ion the tole and ex clusive power to settle all questions which relate to the validity of the electoral votes of the several States. In one event the Constitution gi\*-s the House of ltepresei tatives the power to elect a President. We therefore earnestly invoke from you every effort cognizihlo hy law in the execution and Blip)tort *' l(i constitutional nietlmds by which is to he determine*! who are the lawful ly elected President and Vico Presi dent of the United States. We invite those who feel the pre sent danger to aid in all lawful j means wnieh may induce the Sena tors and ltepreseutalives of the States ami people in Congress as sembled to obey the plain intent and meaning of the Constitution aiul I laws, and not in d. times thereof at tempt to place in the liigh otti ses ot th government in MI whose title is tainted with fraud. As free citizens 1 of this Common wealth we suggest l that you conshlr these measures ; w.iieo such a contingency may in- . vite or coimnaiid. We believe a large number of om cltijc MIS who are too patriotic to be j hound hy the designs of the man-j agcrs of the present aduvnistration of the general governiii ait are piv- i pared ojienly to condemn the oisjm sitioa tuey manifest to plunge the , country into a sea of dangers, lather than return to the people the i trust committed to tin an for a s;eei- j lied period of a President! d term. Il the people Will with courage? ( and calmness, in tail faitn i.i t ten i s wreig.itv as tae source of all po ll.ival pinver. ill tke thesa de.d.ira- I ti*us, t.ien tlieir servants may listen 1 and OK v. lkdibvitig that these opinions are j eiiHi'taiuol by all Inmost and patri* | o! ic cittz M .s, we declare that SunuM j J. T.ldeu and T nm is A. ileudricks were, on tue scveutu day of Novem lier last, elected President and \ ice j Pre ideiit of the Cuibsl States.J Self-gratnlation tins no tliis our soieiim statement of tiie fact u.Min wnieh we intend to rest our future conduct. - And secondly, that we call upon the ineuiliers of totn 11 eisas of Con gress to adopt such lawtul means as may lead to the olhcial declaration of tne fact that Mr. Tilden and Mr. Ileudricks have la-en elected, and we urge them to resist with all their power the piojnsal to settle the as certainment of a fact already ac complished, bv a reference of it to any other tribunal than that already appointed to decide it by tlie Cou stitution of the United states. Prepare for the tax collector. Fresh oysters at Bollinger's. John 11. Musser is recovering slowly. - Hon. L. A. Mackey has our thanks for public documents. Five weddings in one day. Who says times are hard ? Our neighbor, Wm. S. Ilaiter, is contined to a bed of sickness. Reading has a population of 40.1U9 ; Mlllheira has a few less. __ There are six Molly Magui.es in the Pottsville prison sentenced to be hanged. J. C. ILtrper," *E,u.. of Bj.le fonle, smiled iu upon us for a few moments, yesterday. Win. F. Smith was in town on Saturday for the lirst time after a protracted ilhies3 by typhoid fever. We are still willing to tako a limited quantity of wood on sub scription. Bring it along—a half cord pays for a year, a cord for two years. There is a revival in progress in the Evangelical G.iurc'i at ti.is place, tireor six ijenueuts presenting them selves at the altar of prayer every ev ening. Rev. M. J- Carotliors, P. iv. is on dot j*. M u. JACOB SUULTJI, near lte bersburg, killed four hogs that weighed loSi pounds, an average to I each Img .f 42JV pounds. We sup pose Jacob don't complain of liaid times, at least lie should not. LARGS IIOG. Mr. Jacob Kcrs tetter killed a hog the other week, weighing odd pouues. Tuis is the largest porker we heard of this sea son, and tiie returns are about all in. Go head, Jake, trap the whole class at once. And now we are very much fa voied as far as inaaic is concerned. The Milliieiiu Gornet Baud has its headquarter right under us. To bo a little more specific, tlie Baud occu pies the lirst floor ol Musser's Build ing and the JOURNAL oilioe the sec ond. > The report ot tne io.nl-viewers, for a road from the toll gate at Aa rousburg, to intersect tiie road from MillheiO) to Unburn Station, was set aside for iuiformalitv. The Aa ronsburgers don't propose to light it out on that line. They will take a new departure. On Sunday the sheriff of Clearfield county arrested two men, John C*nd and Frank Gray, in our valley. The sheriff caugh l Gray at Spring Mills and Cool at Daniel E. Cental's at l'enn's Creek. They are charged with having fired a lumber yard in Clearfield Co., and robbing the ex press otlice at Tyrone, and are re puted as bold and desperate crimi nals. < ♦>< Joints a.id Mns-les, stiff and painful with rheumatism and gout, are promptly relieved by Gienn'a Sulphur Soap. Local diseases ot the skiu and defects of the complex ion are also remedied by this stan dard article. Depot Crittenton's No. 1 Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or Lrown, 50 eta. I • LAUGIC APPLE CROP. Mr. John Ruhl, near Rebersburg, has an orch ard of less than six acres, the pro ducts whereof were. 8(H) bushels of fine winter apples, 00 barrels of ci der, and enough apples gone to waste to have made 1" or 20 barrels more. Mr. Ruhl has some of the llnest apples in this section, and it makes our month water for some of them as we wiite this. Among the admirable propre ties of Glenn's Sulphur Smp it that of cleansing the head of dandruff and preventing Its suiweque nt accumula tion, by opening the pores of the scalp and thus Re-ping it healthfully moist. Depot Celt teuton's No. 7 Sixth Avenue, N. V. Hill's llair & Whisker D>e, black or brown, 50 cents. 4 w. < ■" ■ " Yesterday was uncommonly lively in M lllieim* We commenced counting sleighs and sleds in the morning tnit wore soon coiupellsl to quit as the j>b wis to pr&lijha*. Wlyi •very body "and tlie lest of j m itiklud" was in town, on busiioss or pleasure. Who dire say that Miiltteiin is nt a big pi mu or that it has not a tirst class paper ? Let the wretch step up and try, our I).*vil will knock liiui out of sight in less than no time • Cil n IST it AS came and passed pleasantly, but rather qoietlv, in Millheitu. Tiiere were no festivals, no parties nor public d on mstrnttoos of any kind, and yet on- people ctj joyed themselves very well in aqui*t s >cial wav. The town was full of people Irom the surrounding coun try, and we are happy to record the almost entiie absence of drunken ness and rowdyism. Home eiijny-> mauls are slowly growing into favoi. The beautiful—we are almost dis posed to say pious custom of prepar ing the historical ChristnwQ IVce for the little folks, is becoming" more general every vear. This is a good indication. The family circle is, af ter all. the real place for enjoyment, and parents should strive to make it the happiest pi ice on earth for their children .and themselves. On Tuesday constable Carey and Mr. A. A. Frank had quite a chase in arresting .% certain Win. 11. Kiusel, a young man of about 18 yeais, living with his parents some where in the "Loop." They trucked young Ktusei from Potter's Ilank to his father's, about two uiiles. En tering the house they demanded to know whether William was there, but were told by his mother that he had not been home for several weeks. At this momeut however the young man mede his exit from the house and was off. Aland Dan followed, chasing Bill over fences and through snow driits. He made a detour and entered the hou.->e again, where lie was found secreted iu t'.ie chimney. Kiuscl's sins are getting goods from several of our merchants on forged orders. He now has leisure in Fort Muusoa to reflect and re pent. THE HAIL ROAD, ah yes ! the rail road— and when is it couung '( \ THere's the lub. The question re verberates along Prims Creek, j sti ik-s tiie rocky cliffs of Beaver Mountain and Paddy's Mountain j and the echo answers ; "When ?" What's the matter, anyhowTt Tne bonds are paid, or secured to be paid ; the rails are stacked at Lau relton by the hundred tons ; ties are plenty and labor abundant! and cheap, and— Presi fenf Milltr ts out of the way. N iv, what's to hinder a sjieedy completion of the load ? When slvili tle oft-disappointed liope of the peon In of Peons Valley be realiz \t '{ When will those in au thority—at whoso mercy we are— say "Enough, we are coming !" We had hoped and were encour aged to s.iy so t'r .u tuany sour ces—official and otherwise—that trams woald run to Coburn .Sia tioii by the holidays, or soon utter, and now it is said that September next may not bring the trains to Pciins Valley. There must tie bung ling souiewitere, it c.n uot be other wise ; and if we just knew to a cer tainty where the fault rests, we would go for soiacb hly heavily—so we would. Well, there is some consolation in the reflection that teamsters should have something to do these hard times and that horses should not be entirely idle. Patience, friends, some of us may yet live, by the will of Providence, to see a locomotive in Pen us Valley. MARRIED. On the 28th ultimo, at the Ev Parsonage, Mtllheiin. by lie*/. J. M. Price, Mr Hubert F. Von ad a ami Miss Sue E. Mutz, both of Wood ward. At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. Phllio Frank of Re nersburg and Miss Ka e ilaaght, of Madisouburg. On the same day, at the house of A. O Demi rigor, by the same. Mr. Thomas O. Keen, of Penn twp. and Miss Lucinda Scholl of Miles. On the 28th ultimo, at Centre Hall, by Rev. M. Sloat, Mr. Harri sou Sipe of York county, and Miss. Anna Zetile of Centre Co. On the 28th ultimo, at Centre llall, by Rev. W. E. Fisher, Mr. J; mjs Stall of Earleytown and Miss Yary A. Stove" of the same place. DI^O. On t!io 29th, ultimo, in Potter township, Surah Catherine, daughter of Samuel lloyer, aged 28 veins and 29 th.ya. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Ttov. (;. W. Rouse will preach in the M. K. Church, MiUhuiin, uext Sunday evening. Lodjo and Saoiaty Direotor". Millheitn Cornnt lktnd will mept. on the Hist floor of the Journal oiilee I mild in? on Monday and Tlttusday evening. Providence Gran at* No. 217 P. of il„ nieetH in Alexander'* Idoek on the 2nd Saturday .f each month t ti j I*. M. and on Lite fourth Saturday ot eauli mouth at 1) P. M. The Irving Literal.v Society meets in ihe Town llail, every Friday ev eninp. The Millheini 11. vt L. Asaoci.trtcn meets in Town Hall, on the evening of tltesecond Monday,of each iqonth Millhenn Council, No. 3itf, O. y. A, M. meets on Ist nud 3rd S.tt unl iyfl of eacli month, at 7 o'cloU, p. M., in their Lodge Itooins, Will's MailJiu g. P tJBLIO REPORT POLICEMAN. 1 have Utit enj iyut| go id hC.ilth fIMKNTtI years pas', yei have not atiuwej it to inter fere wif.'i in.v 1 iKr. Frerv one tMbmchei t* the lab II lug class knows Hie i.icon veulenco ol being obdged to l.itsir whet) the body, litui debidty alino..t refuses t*> issrlorm Its daily task. I nevei was a ticliever in do*i ig wit a medbdncs: but litvkiu: heard the VS'.K TINK *;• -ki'ii of s nigiilv. was deteraiioed tr> it. and shall nevr regret that determl llMU in. As at ut" (whieh every o-ie need* at s m.e Uiuc) it snroa-Ms anything 1 ever he*, d of. II invigorates tie >.hiiie *y*U:iii; J' is a great denser and put i ler >f Hie b'.ood. There are many of my acquaintances who hase taken tl, alio all unite in praise of its satisfactory edect. i;s|*-.-la!ly among t're aged class of people, it imparts in tiieiu the one tiling most need ful in old age— nights of calm, sweet repose, llterebv strengthening the miml a* well as the Nwlv. Hue aged l:uiy. who hs been suf fei log tiirougii life from Scrof-il*. and was ligcimie Wind fro II Its effect*, having tiled many remedies with no favorable rosu't, w i in !Toed by ft leupa to try t'i V ROETINE. After taking a lew iuittles, site obtained Micirg.e-.it nj'i'f that she expressed a wish for iter sight, lA:' she might be able to look upon the man who sent her u>'U a blaasing. Yours respectfulir, O. P. H. HOUGH. Poil.-eOfficer, btation 6, Ikwton. M;vss„ May V, 1871. HEARTFELT PRAYER ST. PxiTL, Aug., 22. 1864. 11. K. STKvr?i. hM}: I Kir—l i>hoiul be wanting In gratitude. If I failed to acknowledge what the VEOK TINE li.is il.tnc fur me. I was aI lacked abo.it eleven months since with Bronchi! is. which settled Into Consumption. 1 bad night sweats and fever OUIIIH; was distressed Tor breath ami frequently soil blood; was all ont.iN itvd, very weak, a id so low that my friends thought my case hopeless. 1 was advised to make a trial of the VROB TIN®, whl -h, under the providence of God, he* cured ae. i u.it e mi\ d#ss tle use of your■medicine to others* as he has to ine, and that, ids divine grac J mxy attend you, is the heartfelt oraverof vtmr admiring. hum bit 4 servant. HaNJAMIN FETTISGI IX. P. B. dine is but one among the many cures your medicine has allected in this place. It. T. MAKE IT PUBLIC. sorm BOSTON, Feb. 9,1871. 11. R. SEEVENS. KSQ: DrttrMr-i have iward from very manv sources of the great succes of NEOBTINB In cases of Serofua. Rheumatism. Kidiu-v Complaint, Catarrh, and other jliscases of kindred nature. I m ike no hesitation tu saying that I know VEOETINK to be the most reliable remedy for Catarrh and Gen eral Debility. My wile iias been troubled with Catarrh for many years, and at times very badly. She lias thoroughly tried every u':osed remedy that we could hear- of and with all th:s she has for several years been gr.ulu.ih 1v gr iwiit)* worse, and the discharge from the ut.i-1 was excessive and very o&easiv*. She was lit tuis condition when she coin fncti ;ed TTAKE VKUHTIXK: I Coiiht see that uh.r was inuirovlng n.i the second bottle, she continued hiking Ue V'E< KTINK until SHE had U K-d from twelve to tittecu bottle.*, 1 am now happy in i iformiug you and the pub lie (if you eu >os'* to make it pontic) thatsho is en*ireiy cure I. and VKSEfIUE accqju pl shed the care ..Iter nothing else wouli. ticuei l leel Jastldcd in siving that VEGS TINK is t)M m si rcUabto remedy, UN woabl advise all su.fering liuma iity to try It, tor J liedeve it to be agon i, h inr.it, voge tabic i.icdt.-tu and i shall nm hssii.ite to reoo men I it. l am.&c., respectfully, !_ ('. CARDEIts stoic til Broadway. VEGKTINK arts directly :iiHn the cause* f theiu complaints. It Invigorates and .strengthens urn whole system, ae.s Ui*. the secretive orga is, allays fnltamatl n,MIIM and cures ulceration, cures constipation, and regulator the Dowels. Has Entirely Curod M?. BOSTON, October, IS7I, MR. BTBVEXH: lie tr sir— .My daughter after having a se von Attack ol Whooping e mail. w .s left in a f>?ale sta.e f health. Being advised ly a ft lend, sue tried tha VEdririNH, and after uungaiew igitt.es was fully retlurM to tien.Ui. i I a ivb"eu a great suTorur from It'ieu m itLs.u. I hive taken seversil liott.cs o; tic V eailiflN K for tnis co.n.il li lt, a id am hap py to viy it. Ii i* entirely c-.i ed til I have rec Jiiini 'ude t th* Vehliil'lS.. to others wi II sue same g >I rftsud . It is a great c. en user and purl ler of tuc iI< • I; it is pleas ant to UiXu; and I can cheerfully recom mend it. J AXIEd MORHK, ;VM Atiior.s Street. Vd^stia^isS>lib/All 0.-ugrrists . and Dealers Every when*. a- r VNOY C tUDS 11 styles wi h na.ue 18 - > sts. Fist p.UD, J. a. ilusrca, NASU. it-ns, Co , N. V. HEADACHE. L>r. •. W. UI£.4.W*N'M CEI.KKY AMX.-iiAMoMILK PI LLC an: prtyered expressly to curs BlT'k lled --.iciu*, NerT iuv lleud;vclie, livspvplie Ilend u;h', Neuralgia, SerToususss. Sleeplessness. and will cure any case. IVlce V) cents, pos free. Sold by all druggists in country sioi 's. OlVtcc, l'ti North Lutaw Mieet, Baltimore, wld. 5000ASFV sr'Bg'iv'si liSARL£V ROSS Written by hlstathur. A complete account ofthism r Mr*ter- er.il. Also Agents wantedo.i our Magniil cent Family Biolcs. vVitu invaluable lilus trated Ai is and Superb Itui lings. JOHN K. rorTBU * Co.. Pubiislicrs, I'.iiladeipiiia. D it. D. 11. MING LB, Offers his professional services te the put 11c. Answers calls at all Lours OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, Billheia, PewTii 18xlr. A.BS. BARTER, AUCTIOXEEH, MILI.IIEIM, PA. Tenders his services to the public. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. RAW SON'S >. SPRING-BED supersedes all outers in price and duraldlity. to any address for 45.—A business as sistant wanted inthUand adjaeentcouutles. Circulars free. 0. D. KAW SON & CO., 921 Arcb St., PLUa. Kr\ r\nf\ SCBSCUIBBIU for 1877. I 01/AJI/W Everybody is Reulug ) PoTTr It'H AMKHIHAN MONTHLY,arI-h --ly Illustrated, ably edited K.unllv Magazine at only ti %ye or. Specimens fSct*. HUKXT TRHMRT TO otnns. JOLLM M. I'O RTKU& 00.. Tubs., Philadelphia ESTABLISHED 18U9. H. 8. & A P. LAOEY, Atto noyr at-Law, 529 Seventh Street, Wanhinijton, D. C. InTeutor*. We procure patent* in nit oo untrte*. No CROUNBY ran* IN APVANCK. No charge. IN * lliojpalciit is granted. NU (NH for mak ing preliminary examinations. No addi tional fee* for obtalniuu and conducting a rehearing. Special ATTENTION given to I titer ference CASES Itefore the I'atent Office, Ex len-D Ml* IWFOREl'(ingress, litfrniK'itnent Suits in different STALES, and Munition appertain- Inu TO Inventions or Patents. KKNI> STAMP K)r IMMFHI.KT UlVfMll POL.L INSTKT'I TL" A8 . ItiilcU AIMM Courts & Department. Claims prosecuted In Hie Supreme Court f the Culled States, Com t of Claims, Court of Cum mis*!, .intra of AlabaiuaCLUuis, Sontli ei u Claims Commission, and all classes of wat cuum* before the Executive Depart* went. A rreari F Pay aad Homily. YiFruKK*. aoi.iMKut, and ttaiLO.ta of the late war, or their heirs, are ii many case rallt.ed.io MI tiiay from the Government, of 1 wftlcli tln-y have tin atniwljd *<•. Wrbefull his tiiry of service, and state amount of pay and bounty received, enclose stamp, and a lull reply, alter examination, will be given you without charge. Penaioia. All orriitiw, BOLDIAAS and IT* wounded, ruptured, or iii)uri.d in HIE late WAR however slightly, are entitled to, and can obtain a TTENSION. Fiillea KUIM Urneral Laud oilier CputesM latad Chutes, Private Land Claims. Alining, preemption, and Homestead Coses, PROSW triad before the General Laud '►CLAR and L>epartmeut of the Interior, laind Warrant*. We pay aab for Bou'ttv Land Warrants, and WC LUVLVC correspondence with all par ties having any for sale, ami give lull and exp.lcic iustructhms w ire re ASSIGNMENT* are IN perfect. AV> etuiduct our BUSINESS in seperate Bu reaus. h iving therein the cleric IL assistance of aoie and exoerieaoed lawyers, and give our closest pe.-snual su.ii.vlslou to every Important patter prepared in e it'll ease. I romp lent attention thu< secured to ail busi ness eutrusted u*. Address. U.m.+ A r. LICET, Attorney*. w A.HIIING r ON, D. c. Any person desiring informal ion AS to the ■btiidl.ig and respotisinl.lly of the member* of the Arm will, uu request. be furnished with a satisfactory refeieuoe in his vicinity or Congress! N II district. BOOTS & SHOES • • The Centennial Election Is over and it Is fixed beyond doubt that tanmel J. i'llden is elected President of tae United States, but the Great Excitement at lite store of J. KINfeXIIVTH ill MILL -11EIM still continues. He has just returned troiii tuo host* ern cities with a largo and well selected"*slock of Boo RSNDER,*' a jfve dMar ctigrzrinp, to the person gating up th S Club. 4 Copies for *>.*'• I With an extra copy of the ?.laga/iue for 1877, as a premium, to the ! a " '• B.VO' y person getting ui- the Biub. A Conies for g.i.dj / Wltn both an extra copy of the Magazine for I* mium picture, njiee UXlar engrscina, to the person getting up the 9 u M 13..>) S Car Address, post paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, IN Chestnut M., I'hllndelpbfa, F# 4 SORD| eelmess MI gratis, if wutten for. FURNITURE ROOMS. —— Ezra E rii m bin*. {Succefssor to J. O. DEININGER,) Would most respectfully inform the citizens of Centre eountv, that h* ItaiconsU.itly on hand nil kinds of 1- URNITUUE, made ot the list i teriul and in the most approved styles. BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, HASHSTANLS/ iTNKS, TABLES, D )UGII THAYS,. CORNER CUPBOARDS, nil all tther articles in his line constantly on hand. Trices cheap tosni ♦lie times. The wants of vountr married counlcs especially suited. < 'nine nd see. SHOPS. MAIN STREET CBXTKK ll a i.l. PA. 21xlv. H v . J W. WALI ACE & CO., Dinggists, Corner IMlam JSgnd C3-rove Streets, LOCK HAVEN, PA. A full stook ot Druijs Ac Ohomicals ooiißtantly on hand. Alt she (vdinir alent Ms* loin es-*sinte, Oils and Gats, at lowest prices | THE SUN. 1877. NEW YORK. 1877 The different editor* of TUB Br* during the next year wi I be the sain* a* during the vear that has Just passed. The dnllyedlflou will on week day* be a sheet of four pages, and on Sunday* a sheet of eight Pages, 01 .'Hi broad columns; while the weekly edition will le a sheet of eight pages of the name di mension* and character mat are already fa lullllar to our friend*. TUB SI N v\ ill COIII Inue to bo the si tenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution or statesmanship, wis dom. and Integrity for hollow pretence, lin - I beclUty, and irauo In Hie administration of puhllc alTalrs. It wllleoutcud for the gov cruiueut of the people by the people and for the pcojilr, as opposed to government by fraud* in the ballot-box and In thecoiUitltUf of votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor Pi supply Its readers—a body now uui far from it million of Mills-with j the most careful, complete, ani trustworthy accounts of cut rent events, and will employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected stall of mentor* and correspon dents. Its relents from Washington, espec t tilv, will be full, accurate,and fearless;anil I. w li ibni'itli-st cjiotliiuc to deserve and u Joy the hatred of those who thrive by plun dering tim Treasury or by usiirpltig what Hie law da*s not gl.e them, while it w ill en deavor to merit the confidence of the public ly defending the tight* of Hie iwo pie against the encroachment* of unjust tfled power. The price of Hie daily NUN will be bS cent* A month or #d.Mr a ye N, post paid, or with the ihinday edition *7.7t> a year. The SPNUAY edition alone eight jiages, $1 l?a year po*i paid. The WTKM.T SON, eiclit page* of M col umus. will Is* furnished during 1877 at the rate of at a year, p st paid. TUB WbKKi.r can le enjoyed by Individ ual subscriber* without the neeessitv of loading u i club*. Ai the same time, it any of our friends choose to aid In extending our circulation, we shall la* grateful lotheiu. ami every such p r*on who send* its ten or more *u'*e"'liber* front one place will be entitled to one copy of Hie paper for himself without charge. At one dollar a year, postage paid, th ex|H'iises of paper and pi luting arc bare ly repaid ; and considering the of sheet and the quality of its contents we are confi dent the people will consider TUB WI'FKI.T Kn* the cue I pest neu*p.i|>or published In the world, and we trust also one of Lie very best. , „ Address, THE SUN, NEW York City, N. Y. KTiltY HEIFKKS. Came to the premise* of the iVAara&l subscriber on or about the •Pri* 23 of Oft. last two stray ■r T i HI heifer*— me of a d irk red color with a little while at the tip of the till; tlie- other Is also dark red with a little white at the belly and back. Each about av ir and a half old. Ihe own er i* requested to prove property, pay costs and take tbem away or they wl.l be sold as the law direct*. . „ .. J. ft. Kur.AMJK. Miles township, Dec. 11. 1870. THE JOURNAL OH ICE |f 11 baa for MIO Cbo celeb™ud PHOTOGRAPH MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES il PHOTOGRAPH FAMILY RECORD, BAPTISMAL OEKTinOATEB, erd CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATES, J )nlirhel sto cenie ai d tee. For sale sil gjy or ley the done* Any hook wanted can te had a! U. Y. STITZER'S. Stationery, Books, Toys. | This ohl and well known rtablit>li-j merit is the regulardepository of the American Sunday Scliool Union and American Tract society and will sell exactly at their CATALOGUE PRICES! ] He would say to those who favor him with their patronage, that lie will sell at such pi ices and upon such terms as to make it an object for all persons, teachers and Sunday Schools to purchase at his store. BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac., i not on hand when inquired for will be obtained on short notice, as an order is sent every Saturday. H. Y. STITZER, Brockernoff Row. ~ r nua crmr'ERST~ Adopted bv all the queens of fashion- Send , fur circular. R. IVINS, No. 2903 North Fifth 1 St., Philadelphia. I'a. JOHN ROYER, Cabinet Maker XOBTU SIUHEIH, ri. i AH kinds of Furniture on hand or promptly made to order. Coffins a speciality, laiwest cash pric s. Sat isfaction g-aranteed. 43X3M1. 8200,0001N GOLD! AND OTHKB VALUABLE PRKMIUMB. Gll'hW TO THOSE WHO , Workfor the Times! T!tK CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMF.B Published for :ti years, bus a National char acter and influence, wtih natrons in every State and Ten it.try in llie Union, and of ail shades and politics. It* new department. HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE In the Smtt i and Far W>*f. will beiuvaiubl* to ail looktug out for New PLACES OF J.ESI UENCK. Frvry Patron qf the TYo.e* is presented, freesf chaice, with an Illustrated tear. Book of valuable inforniatiou, lor lk. .", alcne worth the pi ice of ilie p:i|u-r. Kiiterpi ising men wanted everywhere, to solicit suhsci loots. and secure our (>od ai d other Valuable Premiums. A sample copy ( of theTiir.es. our lhustiated List of I'remt-1 mns to IK- given to Agnus, and other docu ments, will I e sect fiee on application to t CryCIXFA TJ TIM/ 8 CO. 152 U' Third St.. C>nc(nuat(. O, T> AUNTS' TATENT V 1! J > FK'T PwWtlt M ACHINEI.Y CHU.U JS. 71] LA it AND SCKOIL I /Txl2>l SAWS. LATHI S. ETC., FANCY WOODS AND "(1 difTerent machines ra to the wants fck Pa of mechanics and :iina I VM tears. MEN, BI TS and I WL' '.-AIF LADIES are making fiom \ ■■■* in m *lO per da\ using Ihctn. The old sole thrown aside when t hose arc know n. Say where you read this, and send for 48 pas" catalogue 1-IT AN pjn EST PLACI TO BUY YOLK EOOTS.SHOES.CAITERS ft SUFFERS • ill ilo Clinton or Ontrr~ceunt!ea la |t — 1 — J". IKI L _A. IE- 7 S, ; LOCK HAVEN, TENN'A. _ ' where a large and nleesfotk for Fprieg ard Rummer has just ariivsd. Cesnureetbeai tarBOOTS AND SLOES AT WOOLJALS.9" •DAVID F. FORTNJCT, - ATTOBXKY AT-LAW, IEI.LEFOKTB, 4My. PA. - ■>* Awarded flic lliffcrsi iirdil at Ti< BE a i F. CO. 59f Lrcadtrey, J\ lern Ist Enirarais. Chrcmcs and Frsmcj. Nit.kl (fctopf 8 & Vli MS, Albums, riictoprarit, Aadkiuditd goods- Cctebritlcs, Actieuaa, PHOTOGRAPHIJ MATEFIIL3 Wc are Headquarter* for everythinß in tha way of STEREfiFTIfONS AMI N.'GICI AKTFIRI, MICRO S4 IENTIFIC LANTERV, NTEMEOPAXOPTICOB, r.YIVLBMTY STKREOI TK'OJf. ADVKB'I INFR S SIF.BEOPTUOE, 1 ART>PTICON, SCHOOL LA NT FEN, FAMILY LANTKJtB, I PEOPLE'S LANTERN. ' Each style beir.c the beet cf its class In Hn 1 market. l ' Catalogue of Lanterrs and Slides, with ill ( recticns for using, sent on application. Au> enterprising ir.an can make bMT with a Magic Lamei n. •a-Visitors to the Centennial Expos!! la a a iii do wisely to defer purchasing g ods ia our line until thev cine to . ur sto. e in New York, where they will find greater variety and more moderate orices, and can aeiecl mofe at tlieir leisure. But we have a con cession to sell some styles of our got dstuthia building of the Department of Pub ie t'oro fort, and those not coming to New York art invit d to call on our representation thera A full stock of Views ol the ExpMi. lion Buildings and thrir contents. < out this ad. for refrrecee"W* IV 4\TF,IA Wa * i:i RIY onorgati* it .1;11£D ( men and wemea - Business that will Par from >4 to B8 per day, ean be pursued la tour own neight o. lu od. and is strictiy hon orable. FarticulHrs free, or samples worth revet al dollat s U at w ill enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of tfty Address _ _ LATHAM * CO., f Fox a.l*A 419 YFaahlnceee ft.. Beetea, tfaiM.