- ' j Peairat. ikKAD! READ! ! READ!I ! j MIDDL ETON'S 0 A L> E R FV L P A I N CURE vsit t.. ij ly fur Rueuuiitism, Neuralgia , Last -1 .-ugFuiua, Braiies. Sttffues if T -e J i : , tui ail simitar dtseaees. i' ji* r - i terfut reujeJ/ n couipoied entirely of , reg.taj:.' tdgreiteou. There are no injurious u.a.. u:ll o * ing eeruficsHs : Heopokd, May 8,1839- I ■ t-e st pleasure iu gtrtug uiy testimony to ! the value i "Jtul-liSfei S vouaerlul PatbCure.' I j.tre ojan x uiartyr to Kncumausui For two ! mi 11.:, -j.-;uas to Feb. 2ftn, last, t wassutlering lot.'jiely van pom so severe, tni during all mat liaf .' I ut t not one utght of eomlortaOle sleep. 1 - ooa I u ii pat my nanus to my tae, coulu not coat i in/ ova aatr, nor feed my=ell ; but alter it-tv! idt t'atu Cure applied oooe, J touud relief out-; - -,' i ve ute c-jutfortabie steep, and wttOltt -•--•a t■ J i o->iiuuued to get better, and now al j tai . i deaf from us first application, I ar: :.y free use ot iny bauds, sleep wall , - -tod to oustueas. It baS done me -r. • ii - other medicines I nave ever all t .r. and I obeertully give tnis cer- I iiuco. 1 - >ktue. ELIM FISHER. BSUKURD. April 14, 1869. Mr. W -i Middletoc, _ fois , r > certify tnat I was taken with Khen i uatisas, iu cay rigal suout ler, on the evening ol the 9tu i f - , s® tuat I was uuabte to raise my j nini 11 :-/ , .Co. I got svtne ot your Paiu Cure | aol a/,. tic lit twice, and was entirely relieved. 1 woo; t retoufuieud to every one wno suffers with Haeu.umain to give it a tnal aud Dc cuied. ijo re Ac.. A F. MILLER. | BgDfOHr, May 17, 1869 Mr Mi'ileton, Dk.e.i -si t—l oave used several bottles of your j ma lie iii iu uiy lamtly. and bud 11 to be all jou ; delator it Yours, truly, JOHN HAFER BEPPOBD, May 13, 1-.69. Tail u ' jcortify that I nave used Jliddlatoc's Pti i J a. e, ' tor Raeauiatisa. and was very much booed el nj t JOHN HAHKia. BanroßO, May 16, 1869 t Tiis - > er'.ify that I have used M.ddletoii s • Liu: a j i', lor the rttteuuiattsm which 1 bad in uty rig it • i iui Jer so bid tnal I could not get my : oiu 1 > uy ueai without great pain, and alter a few ipoiicatioa# was eutuely relieved. ,L L. F. DART. BEDFORD. May 1, 1869 Mr '-li I lie ton, . ■ ir si r . - .vlrs. B-wser was in uiueh suffering ; 1 . -a: ur wesks with Rheumatism, aud got ' s>. f year Fain Cure, and tbe Srgt night I . - -iit it easel the pain; and after keeping ! iig it for two weeks, she was restored to - 1 i i feel it to be my duty, as it isa pleasu r, j : lis recommendation for the benefit of V ... JACOB BOWSEK BkdfoKD, May 16 1869. : 51 ■>' W Mid ileton : -I procured a bottle of your Liniment for j it, . i t i '.n. ad it gives me great pleasure in j : t tat after usingitfor twodays.my rheuma- j ti- i o co upletely relieved My sister was s at tne same time, with Indamatory it i.i isui in ber right hand and wrist—after „ ■ ;:i>r several days she was relieved. I ; o ... • i rt. the best remedy I ever heard of JOHN KEEFE BEDFORD, May 24, 1309. , * .ii is i. certify that I have used one bottle of i i ■; n's Liniment for Bbeuuiaiism,and think j j I care, and would recommend it to all per- | are afflicted with the above disease i AUGUSTUS CARVER. BEDFORD, May 26,1309. .Mr Middleton : . Bir -I procured <>ne bottle of your medicine and | used one half of it for Rheumatism, which effect- ! od a perm inent cure up to this time. I cannot | hesitate in saving that it is the best remedy I ev- , eru sed " A.B.OABN. Tiiis excellent PAIN CURE is prepared only by j W W MIDDLETON. Bedford. Pa .to whom all orders for the medicine should be addressed jun4'69yl j Y E R ' S BARSAPABI L Is A | FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. I 'fiie reputatioa tnis exce'leut medicino enjoy* , is lirivej ito-a i'S -uros. mau/of which are truly 0 irvellcus. Inveterate cases of Serufulous dis- , • use, wnere the system se-smed saturated with ; Cvirrupti->a, navo beeu purified and cure*! by it. . tcrjfuUus affections and disorders, which were vr.f tvstsd by t ie ssr ifolou.s contamination until ; tut'/ were psiitully iifliotiug, have beun radical- j ly c ire 1 in such great cumbers in almost every settiia of the ooumry. that the public scarcely j need to be informed of its virtues or uses UcfofulOas poisou laoue ot the most destructive enemies of our race. Otteu. this unseen and un- , fsit leutut ot me orgauism uudermiues the cou- ; s:it.j isu, audiuvues tile attack of enfeebling or : fital I. so isss. without exciting a suspicion ot its , pr.Hsiijs Ajtiu, it seems to breed infectiot , iu ojgj-ul tue b J ly, aud then, on socio tavcra- J bio u.-ajtou, rapidly develops into one or other ot its niiejus loruis, either on tne surface or amoug the vitals Iu tne latter, tubercles may be sud- j de-iiy lepjsiteil in the lungs or heart, or tumors - form il tu tne liver, or H shows itspreseuceby e rupuous ou the skiu, or toui uleeratiou* on some pire ot tne body. Uouce ibe occasional use of a oittie if tat-i 8 irsap trilia is advisable, even vrbeu ui 11 :ve symptom* of disease appear. Persons a,S. itei -vita ,a< foikswiug oomp-aiuts generally ti 11 .oi at liats relief, aud, at leugth cure, by tbe use >f tuis Bars*p trill * : at. .\atoiuy sFire.Rose or Ery bpoias, Te.ter, Balt Rheum, -Scald tlead, R-ag-v n.u, Bere Eye.-, sore E irs, aud uiuer urupt ti .is jr visio e i'orm-1 of .Berotuioue disease Also iu -.lie more ooujealed i'ermi, as Dyspepsia. Drop -y. .1 ■ u"i J -me Fits. rf iiidpi/, Xeuralgia. aud tai/i to is J. e it -is aJejtieas of the muscular an I nervous systems. At p iti is or YeusreilaQd Mercuriul Diseusesare cured oy it, though a Loug time is required dot seedoiog .nose oos.mate m iladies by auy medi cioe. liat loug ouutiuued use ot this me-diotue w.itour toe jtetpiatoL. Loucorrhoea or VV n'.es, litei'iae Uiceratloos aod Female Diseases, are uool a >u;y s > -a relieved aud ultimately cured by its p j '-f/t-ig au I mvig iraliug effeot. Minute Di ree.ious for eich case sre louud iu our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rueumitism aud Gout, wueu caused oy accumulations of extraneous matters i n the o ii.yi Id quickly to it, as also Liver Com ij' *tuis. f urptduy, Congestion or Inflammation o. tue tuiv-sr, 111 J m ilie -, wnen arisiug, as they of iu 1 1, trim the r lukiiug p iisous tu the ntood. Tui* 6 UISAPA&ILI.A .a a great restorer for the s r.: igth sud vigor ot tno -ystem 1 nose who are L 1.1 goi I *ui C "lieis, D jsp >u lent, Steeptess. aud troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, or iiy of tne ajcctious symptomatic <>f Weakness, will fin d immediate relief and convincing evi dence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY DR. J- C. AVER A 00., L iwetl,Massachusetts. Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DKUGUISLO EVthYH HIRE decdyl D F. lIAKBY, Agent /11 IT ZEN 3' U OOF EtiAIT V £ MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY O? BEDFORD, PA 1:i • >■•{ yfittpJ, M.irf'h, I 3rt9, Uy Spcrla A -t of (. B>r.-'iip !d- is jff.uled ac e.riiug to theugeofthe o'.olieani.and is lower th ir. other m ituai eompuuies I'-itt pty.n ot of i" tiismhoralilp irp * itltlas the mem her to t policy Ev'ery :a t u'n i in Tii> fo iipany ha.6 vol# ia controlling the funds of the-oinpany s i i has au oqusl ihare in the funds. Uiioa'aouut ofm hd/v paid ilittle thvt every use can ioiure. l'liis C > ti piny i- purely ; HOME COMPANY OFFICERS II si. S VVfUEL L. MU3-iELL, Brest. J. R. DL'RB'iaROW. Vice Brest. E. F. KERR. Sn-retary. i. E -'MANNOX, Treaaurer. DIRECTORS: J. M. Siioeuiuker, J. B. Williams, I'. H. Lyons, J. W. Dickerton. D. R. Anderson, GEO. A"nnt, W. A. EDWAKD*. ,r • I'.irs, Pi-nphletk rmf the out pan f. or to VV. A EDWARDB, Gen Age-al Bedford, Pa 3tttorn?tts at £au'. A LEX. KIMi, Jr., ATTORNEY x\_AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA —All business en trusted to hit cure will receive prompt end eare ful attention. Office three doors south of the Court Houte.late ly occupied by J W. Dickerson [nov2s,'69tf t L. BtTSSELL i . LOSOEXBCKEfc RUSSELL & LONGENECKER, A/TOE-YEY* ASD COCSSELLOES AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA . Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their caro. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac Oi I, on Juliana Street, south of the Court House _ aprs.'o7tf i MCD. 9HABPB. 8 *• KBBB. OHARPE CT KERR, ATTORNEYS 0 AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of i Reed A Schell. |M*™b2, , 66. T R-D U R BORR OW, f J ATTORNFV AT LAW BEDFOBD.PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to Lis care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. He is. also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent tnd will aire special attention tothe prosecution ofclaitns against the (jovernujent for Pensions, Back Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands. Ao. Office in the second storyot J. W. Ltngenfelter's New Building, adjoining the -Mengel House. '* augSlmA I"is"pY M.ALSIR, ATTORNEY AT J LAW, BEDFORD, PA Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis eare in Bedford and adjoining countie: Military -laims. back pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, t >o doors South of the Mengel House Jan 22, 1664, t * KIMMBLL. | i W. LISGBNKELTER. f/LMiIELL A LINGENFELTER, *\_ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South ofthe 'Mengel House.'' GT H. oFAXG, ATTORNEY AT IT. LAW BEDFORD. PA Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to bis Care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office in the GAr.grrn Building, onJulianna reet. ulay 13, 1864 _ ' B. t. MEYERS | J. . DICKKBSM. MEYERS a DICKERSOX, AT TORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford. Pa., office same as formerly occupied by Hon. S. L. Russell, a few doors south ot the Court House, wili practice in the several courts of Bedford county Pensions, bounty and naek pay obtained and the purchase and tale of real estate attended to. inayll,"6o. A YEH'CJ CATHARTIC FILLS, A r or ali the purposes of a Laxative Medicine i'ttiiisApa no uuc AlodiciLb. is ao universally re q'iirou by every booy us a cathartic, uut was e-?er aoy oetore So uuivosully aUupled tutu Use, in et cry country ami among ail classes, us tnis mild but eineieui purgative Pill. I'll a obvious reason is, thai it is a m >re reliable and far more effectual remedy than any other, d hose who nave tried it, know mat U cured them ; those who have not, Know that it cures their neighbors and irieuds, and all kuow thai what i, does ouee U does always thai it never fails through any tault or ueglecr 01 its composition I> e Usi a IhouSaUds upon thou sands of cerlilicaiesot the.r remarkable c otes of the following complaints, but such cures a re known iu every neighborhood, and we need not pdblish them Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing ueuuer calotuel or any dele terious drug. they may be taken with salety by anybody, ineirsugar coaling preserves them ev er tresh anil makes mem pleasant to lake, wnile being purely vegetable uo harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on tbe internal viscera to purify tbe blood aud stimulate it into healthy autiou —remove tbe obstructions of the stotuacb, bowels, liver, and other organs ol tho body. restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements are ibe tirst origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box. for it.e follow iug complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure For DYSPEPSIA or IXDICESTIO*, LISTLESS.VKSS. LAKGCOR and Loss ot Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone and action. For LIVER OOMPLAIRT and its varioussymptoms. BILLIOCS HEADACU B. SICE HEADACHE, JACSDICE or tjreen SICKS ESS. Billons Colic and Bilious Fe vers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct ibe diseased action or remove the obstructions whieb cause it. For DYSENTERY or DIARRBIEA, but one mild dose is generally required. For KMEIHATISH, HOLT, GRAVEL, PALPITATION OK THE HEART. PAIN IN THE BIDE, BACK aud LOINS, they should be continuously taken, as re quired , to change tbe diseased at lion of the sys tem. With such-change those complaints disap pear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS they should be taken in Urge and frequent doses to produce the effect ot'a drastic purge. For SUPPRESSION a large dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy As a DINNER PiLt., take oue or two pills to pro. mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorate the system Hence it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds! hat adose of these PILLS makes htin feel decidedly better, from thetrcleansin and renovating effeot on the digestive apparatus DK J C AVER A CO , I'ractita! Chemists, ROW ELL, MASS., V S. A dec3'69vl B. F HARRY. AGENT I;*ALL and WIN " EH FASH IONS. J" _MRS M A BINDER has just arrived from Paris and London with the latest designs, personally soleoied from the greatest novelties; ! al*o the most eleg-tnt trimmings to be secured in ; Paris. Lvoes. Ribbons. Velvets .Bridal-veils Flowers, j Fine Jewelry aud trimmed Paper Patterns. D es, and Cloak making Exclusive agent tor Mrs. M. j Work's celebrated system for cutting ladies ' dresses sacques, basques, Ac X. W corner ot B levonth and ObestDut Bts .Philadelphia [spt23m6 | PORT ANT TO FAR ME RS CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY. We furnish Farmers with tha BEST SEED WHEAT IN THE WORLD. Perfeotly free from insectiform or other irnpuri ties; grown from Australian and Chili Seed.yield : ing, on good toil, SIXTY BUSHELS TO THE ACRE, And Weighing | 6"> Pounds to the Measured Bnshel. The EARS OF WHEAT, when mature, are asu | ally ELEVEN OR TWELVE INCHES LONG. Put up and securely tied and sealed in lin | en bags, and sent by mail free to all parts of tho country on receipt of price PRICES. Samples.. .10 Cts. Each | Bags.. .50c and $1 Each Or in larger quantities at reasonable rates Address— California and Oregon SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, j febl2tf California. J> I G P A T)~ LOC K ! ONDERFUL COLLECTION OF HARDWARE FANCY AND FURNISHING ARTICLES, AT HARTLEY A METZGAR'S. Eureka Fodder Cutters Corn Shelters, Dark India Buffalo Robes. Lap Rugs, Horse Blankets, Sleigh R unncrs, Sieigh Baskets, Steel Sleiirh Soles. Sleigh Bells—!D great variety. Fancy Sleds and Skates, Lamps.Shadesand Lanterns. Lisrktntn/e Al eat. cutter s. Ihe best Siussage Meat Cutters in the world. Great assortment of Butcher Knives. Butcher Steels. Cvrvhiic Knives. Pad Locks. Ac. Choirs Sole f.father. Calf Skins. Sheep Skins, Sadd'ery, and all kinds of Hardware. novftf, RROVERS.-TDMI j ] 1 A B T B It Co., have erected a large : and convenient Cirtle Yrd t Mt Dallas for the pu'pose of arc< tnaioilatirg Drovers and others - from Bedlotd and sdjoicirg ct urlies. Slock cars will fcc futriiltd e si! tin es J MCKILLIPS, i feb2Df _ St. p.. ! |PRINTERS' IXK ha* madf> many - ' borinesi tear rich We ask uto try Ilia 'ha lvuisl 181 FINS"! Bs* V&ntvttt* 3?hUaddp&ia /\UKEN OF ENGLAND SOAT> IV QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. X • For doing a tainily washing in the best and cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world' Has all the strength of old rosic soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile Try this splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia. sep4 t>B.yl )G. GARDILL . * ITB STILZ& ME LICK, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, No. 325 Market Street PHILADELPHIA. marl3yl J IIENRY HCTTON, . - WITH A. A. SHUMWAY, A Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 221 Market and 210 Church Streets, PATLSNGLPHIA. Your patronage is respectfully solicited Aug3o,'6T. rpHE OLD PJSTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICH A RDSON A CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PUILAD'A,, Is tho largest Mauufa luring Confectioners and Wholesale Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, Ac., in the United States, marfiyl MABY RICHARDSON S. S. CAMI-BELL. JJ. RICHARDSON & CO , , Manufacturers of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, and Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS ASD NUTS, No 126 Market st , Bet. Front A Second, dec6,'67yl. PHILADELPHIA, PA. LIST NATI ON A L Will T E LEAD, the best purest aad cheapest! Satisfaction guaranteed fir whiteness, dura bility and briliiancy. It has no equal. F Sold by all dealers in Paints I throughout the country W R BARKER, MOORE A MEIN, II S successors to T Morris Perot A Co., I T Sole Proprietors, T Phil'*., Pa., E dealers N in all kinds A of L T Drugs. Paints. Oils, E I Glass, Dye-Stuffs, Ac. A 0 CAUTION: D N Owing to the popularity of A our First National Lead, other L parlies have been induced to offer a Spurious article under the same name thereforekjf Beware of counterfeitshe genuine is put up iu Extra Heavy Tin Paint Pot with patent Mctaliu Wire Handles, and the name of BARKER. MOORE A MEIN on each Label. janß.'69y I A ENGLEMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGAR MANUFACTORY, No, 307 NORTH THIRD STRYET, Second Door below Wood, P II I L A I) E LPHI A. j i. W. WAUTMAN H. P. EHG[.EMAH. apr2.'69—yl | yy r AIN WRIGHT & CO., W HO L ES A L E G RO C E R S AND TEA DEALERS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, AND No. 139 Arch Street, PHILADEDPHIA. mar26y 1 S CHERRY PE(TORAL,~ For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, IUCII as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in tbe whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely aud so deep ly upon the confidence of mankind, as this excel lent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long seriesof years, and among most of tbe raoes of men it has risen higher and bigber iu their e : timation, as it ha.s become better known. Its uni form character and power to cure tbe various af i fections of the '.ungs and throat, have made it known as a reliable protector agaiDSt them > While adapted to milder forms of disease and to : young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that o.u be given for incipient : consumption, and the dangerous affections ot tbe | throat and lungs. As a provision against sudden j attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand i n ev | cry family, and indeed as all are sometime sub , jeat to oolds and cougns. all should be provided ; with this aatidote for them Although sealed Consumption is thought in ! curable, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, bave been completely I cared, and the patient restored to s >und health by the Cherry Pectoral. ,So complete is its mastery ] over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that ; the most obstinate of them yield to it. When I nothing else oould reach them, under the Cberry • Petto-al they subside and disappear. tingers and public speakers bud great protee ! tion from it. Astbuia is always relieved andoften whollycur j td by it. Bruncbittsls generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses Bo generally are its virtues known that we neea not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. A Y E U' S AGUE CUR E, Fo r Fever and A%ue, latermittent Fever, Chill Freer, Rr mil tent Fever, Dumb Ague, Peri odical or Hillious Fever, Sfe., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. Asits name implies it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arseuio, Quinine, Bis muth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous subs.ance whatever, it in no wise injures any pa tient. Tbe number and importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratifitgi by tbe acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obiticate cases, and where other reme dies had wholly failed Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or traveling through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity ol the Ltver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating tbe Liver into healtby activity For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cures, where other medicine* had failed Prepared by DR. J. C. Ares A Co., Practical and Aaalytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., snd ( sold all round tbe world. PRICE, sl.')o Per BOTTLB dec2'yl B. F. HARRY, agent. ARCHITECTURE. —General uud detailed plans and drawings, for Churches auu other Public Buildings, Private Residences, Ac.,furnished at short notice and at reasonable prices Q. N. HICKOK, jan29tf Bedford, Pa. 1111 E Local circulation of the BED . VORD G AIETTX is iarger than that of any othe r 1 paper in this section ol country, and therefore of | erstbe greatest inducements to business men to fdvnrtise in its columns / 1 UNS AND LUCKS.— under- VJ signed respectfully tenders his services to be people of Bedford and vicinity, as a repairer t Guns and Locks. Ail work promptly attended to U DKFIBAUGH ep 28 '66-tf "VrO'fiCE—All jiersons having un- Aq settled accounts witb Dr. W. H Watson, dee d.. ars hereby notified to sail upon '.be under signed executor, and settle the same without de lay WM WATSON Executor sepSlf. O EIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES O POSTERS, and all kinds of PI "IN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done witb neatness and despatch. atvn GAXCVTK office W. CHOUSE, " „ DEALI* IH ALL KIKDS or S EG ARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, And a general assortment ot Smoke: s and Chew ers' artieles, BSDFORi/, P. ju' 11 ,'6Byl $1 100 and A i.i. EXPBNPFJJ PAID!— See Advertisement of AMICRICAH SHUTTLE SBWIMU | MACdiivi. in noriilvtttMrr n rn r pilE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the t I best Advertictag Medium n Southern Pens •ylvaoia A*"YJEK'S" H A I R VIGOR, For restoring Gray Hair to its natu- ; ral Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, betlthy, and effectual for preserving the hair Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color and the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is] thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness of ten. though not always, cured by its use. Noth- j iug can restore (he hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Bat such as remain can he saved tor usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigor ous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently j prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious ! substances which make some preparations danger- j ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can he found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye. it does not soil white j cambric, and yet lasts -.onger on the hair, giving | it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., , PKACVICAL ASP ASALVTICAL CHXKISTS, I LOWELL, MASS. Price $1 00. Dec2'6yl B F. HAHHV, Agen:. riMIE ONLY RELIABLE CURE JL FOR DYSPEPSIA IN THE KNOWN WORLD. Dr. Wisbart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial are a positive and infallable cure for Dyspepsia in its moat aggra vated form and no matter of bow long standing. They penetrate the secret abodeof this terrible disease,and exterminate toit,root and branch,for ever. ; Tbey alleviate more agony and ailent suffering than tongue can tell Tbey are noted for curing the moat desperate and hopeless cases, when every known means fail to afford relief No form of Dyspepsia or Indijestion can resist their penetrating power, DR WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree ob- J tained by a peculiar process in 'he distillation of ; the iar, by which its highest medical ! properties are retained. It invigorates the diges tive organs and restores the appetite It j strengthens the debilitated system It purifies and eucriehes the blood, and expels from the system the corruption which scrofula breeds on j the lungs. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air passages of the lungs Its j healing principle acts upon the irritated surface ofthelungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and su'oduinginflam mation It is the result of years of study and ex- ! periment. and it is offered to the afflicted with positive assurance ot its nower to cure thefollow ing diseases if the patient has not too long delay - I ed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat and Breast. Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, YY hooping Cough, Diptberis, Ac. A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate diplomas, devotes his entire time to the examina tion ofpaltenls at the office parlors. Associated with him aro three consulting physicians of ack nowledged eminence, whose services are given to the public 'ree of charge. Thisopportunity is offered by no other institu ! tion in the country. Letters from any part of the country, asking advice, will be promptly and gratuitously re- J ; sponded to. Where convenient, remittances 1 should take the shape of DRAFTS OR POST OFFICE ORDERS. Price of Wishart s American Dyspepsia Pills, ; $ 1 a box. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Price of Wiahart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, $1 50 a bottle, or sll per doxec Sent by express All communications should be addressed L y c WISHART, M D., No- 232 North Second street, deelfim.V Philadelphia. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS, With Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass and Agraffe Bridge, MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS, Tho best manufactured ; Warranted for 8 years. Fifty New and Second-hand Pianos, Melodeons aLd Organs of six first-c! ass makers, at low prices for Cash, or. one-third cash and the balance in Monthly Instalments. Second hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustrated Catalogue mailed. Warerooms. 4SI Broadway, New Y'urk. HORACE WATERS. TESTIMONIALS, The Waters' Pianos are known as among the very best— N Y. Evangelist Wecan speak cf the merits of the Waters' Pi anosfroru personal knowledge as being of the very best quality. — Christian Intelligencer. The Waters' Pianos are built of the very best and must thoroughly seasoned material —Advocate and Journal. Our friends will find at Mr. Waters' store the very best assortment of Pianos, Melodeons and Or gans to be found in the United Mates.— Graham's Magazine. Mt'sieai-Dotaos.-Since Mr. Waters gave up publishing sheet music, be has devoted his whole capital aud attention to the manufacture and sale of Pianos and Melodeons. He has just issued a catalogue of his new instruments, giving a new scale of prices, which shows a marked reduction from former rates, and his Pianos have recently been awarded the First Premium at sereral Fairs Many people of the present day, who are attract ed, if not confused, with the finning adeertise mentsof rival piano houses, probably overlook the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters; but we happen to kbow that his instruments earned him a good reputation long before Expositions and "hon ors" connected therewith were ever thought of, indeed, we have one of Mr Waters' Pianofortes now in ourresidence (where it has stood for many years.) of whioh any manufacturer in the world might well be proud. We have always been de lighted with it as a sweet-toned and. powerful in strument. and there is no doubt of its durability ; more than this, some of the best amateur player, in the city, as well as several celebrated pianistas have performed on the same piano, and all pro uounce it a superior and first-class instrument. Stronger endorsement we could not give.— Home Jourval. ja815.'69, E W GOODS- The undersigned have now open a targe and well assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. The credit system, BEING NEARLY "PL A YED OUT" we will sell cheap lor CASH OR PRODUCE. Interest charged on all old account* after ninety clays. A, B. CRAMER A CO. ! Bedford, Pa , June 18.'89 CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis. Asthma, and Catarrh eured by inhalation. Abbott's Inhaling Flaid is the only rortedy known that operates on the lungs— dis solves the tubercles. which are thrown off, tha savities be. I, and a cure is effeeted. Treatment by letter or tn person ean be had only of X VAN aCMMELL, M D,l6Westl4t St. N. Y ssrtmlf) THE BEST REAPERS A MOW* I ERA. GRAIN DRILLS. HORRB BARBS' DICER MILLS FODDER COTTERS, and nil kinds of farm implements, wairranted the boat made, for sale at MJSTZGXR'SI Hardware and Farm Implement Store ■artt.'Tdyt. gob £rittttng. rjpHE BEDFORD GAZETTE EOWEH JHHES PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, j I BEDFORD, PA. NEW TYPE, NEW PRESSES, NEW STYLE. NEW PRICES. i CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, j i BILL HEADS, BANK CHECKS, CARDS, ENVELOPES, j SHOWBILLS, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, INVITATIONS, j LABELS, AC., j Printed in any style to suit customers and at the lowest rates. We have one of POTTER'S DRUM CYLINDER POWER PRESSES, the best made, for rapid work on hand bills, and THE ONLY GORDON JOBBER between Chambersbnrg and Uniontown, We arethusenabted to do finer work, at lower rates, | than any office between these two places Every person should have his business oard printed on his letter paper and envelopes. Every business mun, who is not en old fogy, will have bill-beads printed Every person who wants to drive bis business, will have cards printed. Persons having bills printed tor sale of per so- j nel property, who will also advertise their sales j in tbeOaxBTTC, will be entitled to optcift] aud j favorable rates. We have Just obtained a large sup ply oi NEW JOB TYPE, which with our improved Pressee, en ables "is to do all kinds of printing in the neatest style and at the shortest notice. Send in your orders. MEYERS A MENGEL. Dec t 1870 " I|: 1870 The ability of Tm W ORLD is beyond question I Ralttgh (N. C.) Sentinel We regard it the ablest Democratic newspaper i iu the nation— St. Joseph (Mo ) Herald. The New York WOHLD the ablest Democratic j journal in the United States.— Cincinnati Times. The leadiug Democratic journal in the country, 1 and as able a? it is eminent, the New York WOULD — Boston Traveler. _ The New York WORLD, the best edited paper on the continent is wonderfully fertile in good i things. —Raleigh Sentinel. The New York WORLD, the ablest, most infiaen ; tial, and most widely circulated Democratic newspaper in the country. — Syracuse Journal. THE NEW YORK WORLD.— The WORLD is now | beyoad question the best newspaper published in New YoikCity. Courier, East Saginaw, Mich- Sipi., 25, 18ii9 WE always read The WORLD with hearty adini- | ration if its superior ability, often with warm ap : precUtionot its eloquently uttered sentiments. — j Worcester Evening Gazette. Those who want a Democratic paper will find THE WORLD, on the whole, the smartest, most en- i tertainiug, and Complete newspaper on that side of ! the bouse.— Chroical, Penn Yan.N. T. THE WEEKLY WORLD, a large quarto sheet, printed throughout in la'ge j ' rype and published every Wednesday morning, bat now the largest circulation of ar,y week'y newspaper in the United States, with possibly, a single e rooptioe. Among its prominent features are 1. Its very fall and accurate mark't reports, em bracing the l.ive Stock markets of New York, Albany, Cambridge, and Philadelphia ; and New York Country Produce Market, and General Produce Markets of the courtry , and full reports of toe New York Money Market. ■ Each of the reports are complied with great } care, and contain the latest quotations that j can be obtained upto thetime of putting the paper to press. 2 lis Agricultural Department, which contains each week articles oo practical and scientific farming that are of great value to American farmers. A special feature of this depart ment is a weekly summary of the condition ! of the flop Markets at home and abroad. 2. A very tull report of the proceedings of the , Farmers' Club of the American Institute is ; printed in each issue of the Weekly World, j the day after the meeting of the Club. By > this arrangement the report appears in the j Weakly World one week in advance of its i publication in any other w ekiy paper 4. A portion of tbe Weekly World is reserved for lauiily reading matter, including original j and selected stories, poems, waifs ot humor. ! and extracts from books and periodicals— j Particular attention will be given to tbisde- j partment during tbe year 1870. 5. A special feature of the Weekly World is a ; carefully complied summary of the news of ; each week it is made so complete that no j one who reads it can. tail of being well posted j on all the important news of the day. THE SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD, published Tuesday aud Friday, is a large quarto sheet, containing ail the news published iu the Daily World, with the exception of such local j reports as may be of no interest to non-residents j jf New York City. Its market reports are as full .ts those of the Daily edition, and it contain, j resides interesting literary matter, on Friday of j j each week a full report of the Farmers' Club. THE DAILY WORLD j contains all the news of the day that use be ob j t&ined by mail and telegraph from all parts of • the world, and the thorough discussions of all top- j I icsof interest. THE WORLD ALMANAC FOR 1870. j j "THE WORLD ALKAKAC" for 1870 will contain ! a vast quantity of political information of use to ' every voter, aud of such a character as ean be ob i tained in no other publication In it will be prin- j i ted tull official returns of every election held in 1869 , tbe tote of New York State oy eleetiondis -1 triots. and Connecticut by towns ; the names and nates of each candidate for eaeii branch of tbe New York Legislature : list of members of the , United Slates Senate and House of Representa tives , obituary record aDd list of important | e vents during ihe past year. As a compact polit ! ilia! manual it will have uo equal TERMS BY MAIL. WEEKLY WORLD. i Oue Copy, one year $2 oO I Four Copies, one year, separately address ed 7 6# Ten Copies, oue year, separately addressed 15 00 And at extra copy to getter up of Club. Tweuty Copies, one year, to one address.. 25.00 And an extra eopy to getter up ot club. Twenty Copies, oae year, separately ad dressed 27.00 And an extra copy to getter up of club. Fifty Copies, one year, to one address.... 50.00 And the Semi Weekly, one yet.", to getter up of club. Pifty Copies, one year, separately address cd 55.05 And tbe Semi-Weekly, one year, to getter up of club. Ode Hundred Copies, one year, one address 100.00 Anl the Daily, one year, to getter up of club. I One Hundred Copies, one year, separately addressed 110.00 And the Daily, one year, to getter apofclab. SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One copy, one year - $4.00 j Four Copies, one year, separatelv address ed 10.00 I I Ten Copies, one year, to one address 20 00 ' And an extra copy to getter op of club. Ten Copies, one year, separately addressed 22 0 And an extra copy to getter up of club. DAILY WOM.D i O.ie Copy,one year $lO 00 j | One Copy, one year, with Sunday Edition. 12 00 j TBR WORLD ALMANACS. (For 1808, 1869. and 1870.) I Price, post paid, Single Copies 20 | j Seven Copies, post paid 1-00 j DIRECTIONS. Additions to clubs may ho made at any time in > j tbe year at the above club rates , Changes in club lists made only on receipt of : persons receiving club packages, stating date of ; | subscription edition, Post-office and State to j which it haspreviously been sent, and enclosing j twenty-five eenls to pay for trouble of the change to tepraafe address;' rem* —Cash iu advance. Send Post-offioe M'.-ney Ordei, B ink Draft, ot Registered Letter. Bills sent by Mail will be at the risk of tbesender. We have no travelling agents. Specimen cop ies, posters, Ac., sent free ot charge, wherever i and whenever desired. Address all orders and letters to -THE WORLD,'' 35 Park Row, New York. Q^REAT REDUCTION . IN PRICES OF DRY GOODS TO CLOSE j WINTER STOCK! BARGAINS FOR CASH ! A. B. CRAMER & CO. Jan. 12, 1870 tf. _ ! MAMMOTH SALE BILLS, print. Ed at short notice. Large Bills snake large **!••. We knew it to be so. TRY IT! It will much more than pav the extra erpense of print lug COI at Tta hums Jon h ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THR GAZETTE JOB OFFICE. Bed ford. Pa T?ILLIES, 8H AFTS. Pneß, Spokes JT and Hub#, ere sold by HABTLBY A MBTZG HRta mqnafiaolwrnr's prices *pr*sf \\f ASHINGTON HOTEL, BED v* FORD, Ps.—This large and commodious house, having been re-taken by the fabecr i, now open for the reception of visitor.) and . i. era Ths rooms are large, well vmtilattd. d comfortably furnished The table will always be supplied with the best the market can afford Ihe Bar stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Thaukii g the public for past favors, respectful ly solicit a renswal of their pa tronage. N. B Hocks will run constantly between tbe Hotel and the Springs. may W DrBKRT, Prop'r 0 EDFORD HOTEL.—TIie ~an if derrigued having taka charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col John Hater, an nounces to the public that he will be able to af fori the best accommodations, both to tbe travel ing- public and home -ustom. Tbe house will be impn ved aud re-fi ted and the Bar will always be well supplied with ouoice liquors. His table wiil be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, and be will spare no pains to make it suitable for ail. His stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. Ijr"Boarders taken by tbe week, montb or year. Terms reasonable. Tbe public are respectfully in vited to give biin a call JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER Jan. 15, '64 f p HE MENUKL il OU S E 1 Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa. t'be subscriber respectfully begs leave to iniorm the travelling public that he baa recently enlarged, improved and refitted his house, both for the ac commodation of travelers and boarders, as well as country customers. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by a caretul hostler. Also a safe and convenient car riage house. AH are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGKL. Proprietor April 15, '64. tVx( 'H A NGE H< TEL, l j HUNTINGDON, PA. luis old establishment having been leased by J. MORRISON, formerly propriety of the Mom son House, has been -intirely renovated and re furnished and supplied with all the modern im provements and conveniences necessary to a first class Hotel. The dining room has b sen removed to the first Hour and is now spacious au-i airy, and the chain burs are all well ventilated, ana the proprietor will endeavor to make his guests perfectly at home Address .) MORRISON, Kxcaasee HOTEL, junlStl Huntingdon, Pa. JJXION H O T E L WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA : V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel i< now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9, '62. R H7SIPES' MAKBLh WORKS. s R. 11. SIPKS still continues the manu factory of McnuineuU, Tombstones, Table-Top, Counter Slabs, Ac., at Bloody Run, Bedford coun ty. Pa., and having on band a well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic .Marble, is prepared to fill all orders promptly and do work neat and in a workmanlike style, and on the most reasonable terms AH work warranted. Jobs delivered to all parts of this and adjoining counties without ex tra charge. aprl9,'6By[ CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! iue undersigned, desirous of closing out his c asiness. will sell BELOW f I K i I COST, Uis entire Stock of Goods, consisting of Clothing and Dry Goods, he latter including calicoei and muslins of the oest prints and makes. Now is the time to buy ebeapl Remember the place, next door to the office ot Dr. W. Wat aon, on Pitt t. Call and aee for yourselves. sepStf.. ISAAC LIPPEL r pilE GREAT CAUSE OF UU- X MAS MISERY. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Puce Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment aud Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or spermatorrhoea, iuduced by Self Abuse, luvoluntary Emissions, Impotency Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consumption. Epilepsy, aud Ens; Mental and Pby.-ical incapacity, Ac —By ROB. J CULVER WELL, M D., Autlior of the Green Book,'' Ac. Tue world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture.clearly oroves trout his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordicals, pointing out a mode of care at once certa .u and effectual, by wnicti every sufferer, no matter what bis con dition may oe, may curebimseii,cheaply,private ly and radically. Tlliß LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON i'O THOUSANDS AN'LTflOlb- ANDS Sent under sea', to any address, in a plain en velope, on the reoeipt of six ceuts, or two postage stamps Also Dr. C'uiverweil's ■ Marriage Guide, price 25 eents. Address the Publishers. CHAs. J . C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4,586, ju!y23.'69yl. _ LETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADS, and ENVELOPESIor business-men printed ia tbe best style oftbeart. at rHsUAiETia loa Orate* D~ TYNTeI BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO POODS WKST or THE EBB FOBD ROTEL. BEDFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY, SPECTACLES, AC. He keeps OD hand a stock of fine Gold and Sil er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re ined Glasses, also Bootoh Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand. Oct. 20, 1865- CT N. Hickok, /, DENTIST, Offiee at the old stand in IL*K BTHLDIHO, Julian na Street, BEDFORD, Pa. All operations, pertaining to Surgical and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with care, and W ARRAXTKD. Anaesthetics admiMistered, srhen desired. Ar ttfical teeth inserted, per set. SB.OO and upward UTAs I am determined to do A CASH BUSINESS or nono, I have reduced thepricescf ARTIFICIAL lEETU of tbe various kinds, 20 raa CBKT. and o GOLD FILLINGS 33 pan KBKT. This reduotion will be made only to strictly CASH PATIENTS, and all such will receive prompt attention. feb7,'6Btf I IDLE U MINNICH, PAINTERS. PAPER-HANGERS. Ac Tb above firm are prepared to do a>l kinds o PLAIN and FANCY PAINTING, GRAINING, and everything in that lice, in town and country Paper hanging promptly alended to. Shop on the corner of Pitt and Richard streets opposite Hartley A Metsger'c Uariward store. oct2Byrl. nARMEK•>' MU rUAL FIRE IN 3URAN CK COMPANY, OF YORK, PA. The best and most reliable Company iu the State. ISTAII information given by JOS. E NOBLE, Agent, feb.l7m3* WATKRSIDB FA., j I NO. G. FISHER, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, BBDPORS. PA. Fire Ins D-KDOO effected perpetaally or for aay j term. i Life Insurance oa the Interest Bearing Plan. Losses spec lily adjusted and promptly paid. | juira 68. j f W. KNOX, | t) Builder of first class LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGON'S, invites attention to his stock ot inished wagoa and seasoned wood. WORK SHOPS one-half mile west of Bedford. aug26.'Wtf A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED r\_ ALL PERSONS To display their Goods; Tt toll their Goods: v To gather information; To make known their want As., Ae. Ae. Ao., Ac., Ao., Ao., *o., hv