.v ■ . . j READ ! ! READ!!! MI DDL ETON'S O X D E & F V L PAIN C 17 K £t A .-ore :im* ly for Raeusstuaa, Nou-algia , Lua ogo, GroWiUg Paiaa Sprains, cruises, hliffues oi cne Joints u 1 all iiaalar i-scares iai# r atourauce of. u excellent properties, rsad the following certth.-ates : &zuh>w>,H*j i, 1340. I take gt it pleasure itcme in my family, and find it to be ali you cliimforit Yours, truly. JOHN HAFER BCISVB&. May 13, 1860. Tais . to certify that I have used --Middleion's , Poia Cure lor Kheuasxtitss. end was very much j osusfi-ed by it. JOHN HARRIc Bsarottb May lb. 1869. Thisis to certify that I have used Middieton • Liniment, for the Kieumetisut which I had iu toy right saoulder so hd that I could not get my iiLd to my head without great pain, and after a few vpnlic&tk.us was entirelv relieved. r * L F DART j -- BRUFOBD. May I, ic69. M: Middieton, . ( Dsar Bir:—Mrs. Bowser was in much suffering ) for sitae four weeks with Rheumatism and got j some of your Pain Core and the first nigh; 1 j applied it it the pain, and alter keeping ,u using :t fir two weeks, sue was rest -red to hesito I teet it to bs my doty, ax it is* pleiasurs to write this recommendation fur the benefit of others. JACOB BriW.tEK _ B*DFo*h, May 14 1869. Mr W W. Middieton : nir—l procured a bittle of your Liniment for Rheumatism, and it gires me great pleasure m stytug caat after ustngitfur two days my rheuma tism was completely relieved My sister wat • saiiferiag. at tfia same time, with Inflamatory Raeumv ism ie her right hand and wrist—after asmgitfor several days she was relieved- 1 consider i. the bevt remedy I ever heard of. JOHN KEEFE BSDFJRP. May 24 1369. Tbla it to certify that I have used one bottle of Middletou's Liuiicent for Rheumatism, and think ' it a good curt, and would reco umeui it toallper sous that are afflicted with the above disease AUGCSTUSCARVER Btnroan, May 26.1339 Mr Middletun . Sir—l procured one bottle of yourmeiicine and used one-half of it for Rheumatism, which effect- ; ed a permanent cure np wi this tune t cannot hesitate in sayiug that it it the best remedy I ev er used. A B. CARN. This eioellent PAIN CURE isprepared only by W W MIDDLBTON. Bedford, Pa .to whom all orders for the medicine nhorld be addressed. jan4'69yl } IYER 1 8SARSAPAR1LLA FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Tne reputation this eiee'lent medicine enjoys . is ivrisoi from i's cures, many of which are truly mirvetioas. fnveterate cases of scrofulous dia usts. wuere the system seetned saturated with corruption, tiavo neeu purified and cured by it. Scrofulous alfeotiout and disorders, wbieh were aggravated by tue scrofulous contamination until tao/ were pai-uully liflictiug, have been radical ly oured in suen great numbers in almost every seotion of tne couu.ry, tbt the publte scarcely , need to be informed of its virtues or uses. 3-TofuioaS poison isone of the most destiuctivt j oueuiies of our race Olten, this unseen and un felt leoont of tne organism nndermiues the con stitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or ! fstal disbaaes, witaout ex ;itiug a suspicion of its produce Ag-un, it seems to breed mfectiox larosgn >ut tue o dy, as 1 then, on some favora ble 0.-csiion, rapidly dovelops into one or other of j its oideous .orms, either on tae surface or among the vitals. In tne latter, tubercles may be sad- j d :uly iep isiiel in the tungs or heart, or tumors for sil in tue river, or it snows its presence bye- , rup.ions in the skin, or foul ulcerations on some | p trt ot tne bo Jy. Hence the occasional use of s bottle of this darsapariila is advisable, even when uo astive symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted wun the following complaints generally fi id namediate relief, au.i, at length, cure, by the use of tnis darsaparilla St. Antnony sFire.Rose or Rrysipelas, Tetter, Salt lfneum, scald Head, Ringworm, Bore Eyes, 6oro Ears, and other erupt tious or visible forms of aomluious disease. Also in the mora concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Drop sy, Herrt Disease, Fiu. Epilepsy. Neuralgia, and tue va IOUX Ulcerous affections of me muscular aud uervous systems 3/poilisor Venereal ani Mercurial Diseasesare cured by it, though a Song time is required for suniuiug these obiunate maladies by any medi ums. But long continued use of this medicine will can- tne oomp.aint. Lsucorrhoea or W sites. Uterine Liberation* and Female Diseases, are commouiy sou* relieved and ultimately oared by its purifying and invigorating effect Mi -.ate Di reetioas for eseh ease are iouud ID oar Almanac, supplied gratis. Kneainatism and Gout, when caused by accumulation* of extraneous matters in iUo bicoi, yiel i quickly to it, as also Liver Com plaints, Torpidity, Congestion or IntUmmaiicn o us uiver, ani Jau jd.cr, wnen arising, as ihey of en 10, fron the rankling poisons iu the blood. Tui 8 vR o AFA&ILLA n tothe ih* •tapany. or*i W A BDWARDJ, rl9,'69ytv Hen Afe'it'Belfrd Pa at £a:. I -V- 4 LEX. KING, Jr., ATTORNEY J.TLAT LAW BEDFORD PA —AH business en ' i otied to his car# will receive prompt and ca.it fai attentioa. Office three doors south of the Court it ,a*e.iate IJ occupied bj J W. Dickeract [nor 2i 6jil I L. BIJKLL J- *. LOAG**CCB* RUSSELL d LONG ENEL'KER, ATTO**BT ASH Conßixui AT LAW, BEDFORD PA., Will attend projwpUy and fiitbfully to all busi ness entrusted to tfceir eare. Special attention given tel>eetiocs and the proMcatmn of el aims for Back Pay, Bounty, Pension*, Ae Orvict. on Juliana Street, south of the Court Hose apr3.'67tf i. uen. ssiai'C A r ISIR OHAHFE & KERR, ATTORNEYS O AT LAW BEDFORD, PA will practise in tseeosrts of Bedford and adjotniage-wiEties Of fice on Jo'iaca st opposite tne Bsokiug Honse ot Reed A Seheli. [March 2, r 6& 7 B.DUfiBU 880 W. #1 . ATT'>RNFY AT LAW BEOFOES. FA . Will attend promptly to all business ictrneted to kit eare. Collection* titade on the shcrteat no tice He if. also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent and will aire specie: etreation tothe prosecution ofclaims against the Government for Pension*. Back Pay B unty. Bounty Lxr.di Ac. Office in the see'-.rd story of J W Lingenfelter's Now Building, adjoiniag the --MeLgel House " aagSlasft Ebl'V M A LSI P. ATTORN EY AT LAW BEDFOP.D. PA W.l! fakhfaily and promptlT attend to all business entrusted to hi* care in Bedford and adjoining counties Military laims, back pay, bounty. Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street. ' t *o door* South of the Mengel House. Jan 22. 1864. t * KIWWIt-L i i W LI-*GESFLTEB. KIMMELL st LINGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA Rare formed a partnership in the practice of the Law Office oa Juliana street, two dooriSooth I of the -'MesgeT House. " / 1 H. SPANii. ATTORNEY AT ' J • LAW BEDFORD. PA. Win promptly at ; tend to collections and all basines* entrusted to ti: eare in Bedford and adjoining counties Office in the OArsra 3uili.og, ocJaliacna Street. May U. 136-4 . F. KSTEST J W DTCMRSOS MEYERS a DICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa. office tame a*formerly occupied by Hon. 5. L Russell : a few doors south >.t the Court Hocae, will practice I in the seeeral courts of Bedford county Pensions. I bounty and tack pay obtained and the purchase j and sale of reai estate attended to mayll.'W. \ YEU S CATHARTIC Pd '-L.b, a or all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine i'erhaps no one Medicine ,* o untvereatly re >uirej by every tiniy a* * cathartic, nor was e-et any helure so ssivsualiy ailopteu into uee, in eT ry country ajsu au-ung aii ciaaces. as this mi.u KutemcienipuigaUVc Fill, fus obvious reason is. that it ts a most reliable oau far more eiitsc.ual remedy than auy other. Inose wnu nave tried it, know mat it cureu mem; those who have not, kuow that it curea taeir netgnbers and mends, and all snow tfiat wliat it aues once it dues always —lhaiit never tails inrouga any fault or neglect of its composition be lkave tbousands upon tnou sands of Certificates ol Che,r remarkable cures of the folio wing com plaints but suehcuresare known in a very neigh boibood- .tu we neeu not pubiistt theoi- Adapted to ail ages and conditions iu all climates; Containing ne.tber calomel or any dele* teriousdrug tbey may be taken with saiety by anybody, ineii sugar coating preserves item ev er irech and makes ibein pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity ihey operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to puruy the blood aud stimulate it into healthy action —remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, uver, an d other organs ol tba body, restoring tbeir irregular action to health, and by Correcting, wnerever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Fills rapidly cure : For Dt spbfsia or inciazsTios;, Ltsri.kss.vKSß, LAVOCOB and Loss of Appetite, tbey should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone and action. For HLVXB COMPLAIXT and I ts various symptom?, BiLLIOCS HkAtIACBE, SICK UKADACBK. JACVDICX or Green Sicxvsss, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fe vers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct ihe diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For DYSX.VTBKT or DIAKBBCEA, but one mild dose is generally required For KOBCUATIS* , Goer, GKAVEL, PACFITATIO* or rat HEART. FAIR IV THE IDX, BACX and Loivs, they should he continuously taken, as re quired, to change the diseased action ot the sys tem With such change those complaints disap pear For DROPSV and DROPSICAL SWELLISGS they should be taken in large and frequent dctet to produce the effeet of a drastic pnrge. For Scppßkssiov a large doee *h"uld be taken at it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Diss BR Finn, take one or two pills to pro mote digestion and relieve Che stomach Ai< occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorate,* the system Hence it is often ad vantageous where so serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose oftbese FILLS makes bim feel deci >edly better, from theircleansin.' and renovating effect en the digestive apparatus DR J- C ATER A CO , Practical CAtmiits, LOWELL. MASS. V S. A doc 2 6yl B- F. HARRY, AGENT tJVALLAIID WIN DER FASHIONS. JIRB M A BINDER has just arrived j from Paris aud London with the Istest designs, ; personally selected from the greatest novelties: I also the molt elegant trimmings to be secured ID I Paris Laces. Ribbons. Velvet* .Bridal-veils Flowers, Fins Jewelry and trimmed Paper Fatterrs D ess and Cloak making Exclusive agent for Mrs M Work • celebrate! system for cutting ialies Irenes sacque*, basques, Ac N W corner ot E ; leventb and Chestnut hi* .Philadelphia |spt23in6 j PORT ANTTOFA RME R S CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY. We furnish Farmers with the BEST SEED WHEAT IN* THE WORLD. Perftetly free from itsectiform or other impuri ties. grown from Australian and Chili Seed.yield ing, on good soil, ,SIXTY BUSHELS TO THE ACRE. And Weighing 65 Pounds to the Measured Bnshel. The EARS OF WHEAT, when mature, are usu ally ELEVEN OR TWELVE INCHES LONG. |y Pat up and securely tied and sealed in lin en bags, and sent by mail free to all parts of the country, on receipt of prioe PRICES Samples. ..10 Cts Each | Bags.. ,50c and $1 Each Ot in larger quantities at reasonable rates Address — California and Oregon SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, feblStf California. J) I G PA D LOC K ! ONDEKFUL COLLEOTION OF HARDWARE FANCY AND FURNISHING ARTICLES, AT HARTLEY A METZOAR'S. Eureka Fodder Cutters Corn Shelters, Dark India Buffalo Robes Lap Rags, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Runners. Sleigh Baskets. Steel Sleieh Soles, Sleigh Bells —in great variety, Pancy Sleds and Skates, Lamps, Shadciand Lanterns, Lifktni*# Mea'-cutttts. The best Saussage Meat Cutters in the world. Great assortment of Butcher Knives. Butcher Steels. Carving Knives, Pad Locks ke Ckoiri Solfl.tatktr. Calf Skins, Sheep Skins, Saddlery, and all kinds o f Hardware. novgif. CR Y3TALHTEAM MILI.H."— Our M.ll Wagon irtll deliver Flour, feed. Ae., every afternoon at * o'oloea, ia Bedf rd. and re aeivegrist*. All work warranted. Tarmsoaah /TO O * WM HARTLEY Orders may ty left at Mill or Hartley A Met gar'a Hardware Btore. aprSOtri _ "SPRINTERS' INK tia* mad * many a (T businessman rich *tk Ska try it I# ha lnsitaaf TFIAS'*9 aSTtffoySi JBeHfotrSi* pa* grade. QUEEN OF ENGLAND BOAT) QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP X • QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP Fr doing a tasaily washing is the best and aheapesr manner Guaranteed eqnal to any in the world' Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genain* Castile Try this solendid Soap. Sold t>y the ALDEN" CHEMICAL WORKS, AS North Front Street. Philadelphia. *ep4 SS.yl JG. GARDILL W^TU STILZ O* S. 3. CAKPBXLL. JJ. RICHARDSON A OD, . Manufacturers of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, and Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS ASD NUTS, No 126 Market at.. Bet. Front A Second, dec,'67yl. PHILADELPHIA. PA III RST N ATI ON A L WHITE LE AD, the best purest and cheapest Satisfaetiocguaranteed f>r whiteness, dnra bility and brilliancy. It has no equal F Sold by all dealers in Paints throughout the country W R BARKER. MOORE A MEIN H S successor* to I Morns Perot A Co.. I T Sole Proprietors. T Phil'a., Pa., E dealers N in ail kinds A of L T Drugs. Paints, Oils, E Glass. Dve-StuFs, Ac. A 0 CAUTION: D N Owing to the popularity of A our First National Lead, other L parries have been induced to offer a Spurious article under the satne name therefore^Beware of counterfeits .#.ll ha genuine is put up iu Extra Heavy Tin Paint Pot with paten: Meta'.K VV ire fliniiea, and the name of BARKER, MOORE A MEIN on each Label janß,"6Sy 1 \ITARTMAN&ENGLEMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGAR MANUFACTORY, No. 307 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WARTMA* a. P. KVGLEMAS apr2.'fl9—yl \ITA IN WRIGHT & CO., \V IIOLEBALE OEOC ER S AND TEA DEALERS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, AND No. 139 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. raarftyl : YER'^CHIHtHY PECTORAL^ Fur Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history 0} medicine, has anything won so widely and u deep ly upon tbe confidence of mankind, as ibis excel lent remedy for pulmonary complaints Through a long seriesof years and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher in tbeir eg timation, as it has become better known. Its uni form character and power to cure the various af fections of the lungs and throat, have made it koowD as a reliable protector against them While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the mosi effectual remedy that can be given (or incipient consumption, and tbe dangerous affections ot the throat and lungs As a provision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on band in ev ery family, and indeed as all are sometime sub ject to colds and ecugns. all thould be provided with this antidote for tbem. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have beea completely cured, and the patient restored to s >und health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most ob-tiuate of them yield to it. When nothing else could reach them, under the Cnerry Pectoral they subside and disappear. Singers and public Speakers hod great protec tion lrom it. Asthma is always relieved andoften whollyeur ed by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. so generally are its virtues known that we neea not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are tully maintained. A Y Eii ' S A G U E CU II E, For Fever and Ague. I,itermittent Fever, Chill F'ver, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Peri odical or Billions Fever, 4-c-, and indeed all the affection* i chirh arise from malarious, marsh, or mtai matir poisons. As iis name implies it does Cure, and does not fail Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bis muth, Zinc, nor any otbei' mineral or poisonous subs Lance whatever, it in no wise injures any pa tient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical curec effected in obstinate cases, and where other reme dies bad wholly failed Unacclimated parsons, either resident in, or traveling through miasmatic localities, will be protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity o! tbe Liver, it is a.n excellent remedy, stimu ating the Liver into healthy activity i For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re mirkaole cures where other medicines hadfailed. Prepared by DS J. C AVER M CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass , ind.sold all round the world PRICE, % 1 00 Per BOTTLE dec2'y 1 B. P. HARRY, agent. ARC HIT EOT U R E.—GENERA J AND detailed plans and drawings, for Churches and other Public Buildings, Private Residences, Ac furnished at short notiee and at reasonable prices C. N. lifCKOK, janSVtf Bedford, Pa frHIE Local circulation of the BEI,- X roRDGaxiTT* is larger than that of any otbe* paper in thia section ol country, and therefore of erf tbe greatest inducements to business men to frtvertiae in it* column* G1 UNB AND LOCKS.—T>e under r signed respectfully tenders bis services to be people of Bedford and vicinity, as a repairer I Hum and Loeka All work promptly attended o L DKFIBAUGH acp 28 dd-tf N'OTICE.— All persons having un settled accounts with Dr W. H Watson, dee'd.. are hereby notified to call upon tbe under signed, executor, and settle the seme without de -1"? WM WATSON Executor sep2tf. SLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and ail kinde of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness end despatch, at re a GSIKTTX offle* \V7 GROUSE, DEALER IS ALL KIRSS or SEGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, And a general assortment of Smokers end Chew era' articles, BBDFORi/, Pa. jnHl.'Myl 11200 AND ALL EXPENSES PA in I Bee Advertisement of AMERICA* FBCTTLE Bwt*a M*cn In rn rede artisan* rein nr novdyi THE BEDFORD GAZETTE ifTthe y"T.rtt AdvertVxgMedUm a BwiUwrßPeM SttisreUaueous Y VER S II A I i VIGOR. For re*orui£ Gray Hair to it* natu ral Vitality ani Color. A dressing whiek is at once agreeable. healthy, and effectual for pit-erving the hair. Faded or gray hair ii aor. j r-stored to iu original color and the goM and frtshuess of youth. Thin bniy ii thickened, falling nair cheeked, and baldness of ten. though not always, cured br iu me Xoth tcg can restore the hair where the follicles ard de stroyed. or the g 1- tr .1 t.:c 1 ani decayed But *ach as remain can be saved ior usefulneH* by this application, instead of foaling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigor ous Its occasional use will prevent the hair from taming gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness ?-*ee from tbose deleterious substances which make some preparations danger ous and injurious : > the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable Contain ing neither oil nor dye. it does- not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Preparttd by Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., PRACTICAL ASD ASATRRTCAU CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS, Price $1 00. DecJ 6yl B F HARRY, Agent. riMIE ONLY RELIABLE ~C URE JL FOR DYSPEPSIA IN THE KNOWN WORLD. Dr Wishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial are a positive and ir.failable care for Dyrpepsia in its must aggra vated form snd no matter of how lone standing Tbty penetrate the secret abodeof this terrible disease, and ex:er r nnate to it, root and branch, for ever They alleviate more agony and siient suffering than tongue can tell They are noted for curing the most desperate and hopeless ca-es when every known means fail to afford relief No form of Dyspepsia or Indijestion can resist their penetrating power, DR. WISBART S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of tbe Pine Tree ob tained by a peculiar nroceee ia 'be distillation of tbe tar. by which its highest medical properties are retained. It invigorates the diges tive organs and restores tbe appetite It strengthens the debilitated system It purifies and encriches tbe blood, and expels from tbe system tbe corruption which scrofula breeds oo tbe lungs It di- olves the mucus or phlegm which stops tbe air passages of tbe lungs Its healing principle sets upon tbe irritated surface of the Tangs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain ami subdut ngi tdta mation It is the result of years of study and ex periment. and it is offered to the afflicted with positive assurance oi its sower to cure the follow ing diseases if •he patient he not too long delay ed a resort to the means of cure Consumption of the Langs. Cough, Sore Throat aDd Rreas'. Bronchitis, Lirer Complaint, Blind and Bleeding Pile?, Asthma. Whooping Cough, biptheris. Ac A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate diplomas.devotes his entire time to tbe examina tion otpatients at the office parlors Associated with him are three consulting physicians of ack nowledged eminence, whoa* services are given to the public Tree ut charge Tbisopportanity is offered by no other institu tion in the country Letters from any part of the country, asking advice, will be ur-iinpily and gratuitously re sponded to. Where convenient, remittances should take the shape of DRAFTS OR POST OFFICE ORDERS Price of Wishart a American Dyspepsia Pills, $1 a box. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Price of Wi-hart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. #1 50 a bottle, or sll per dotec. Sent by express All communications.-h.| s7)( Ibe ability of Ta I World is beyond question— Raleigh (N. C.j Sentinel We regard it the ablest Democratic newspaper in the nation— St. Joseph (Mo ) Uera/d. The Xv York World the ablest Democratic Journal in the United States — Cincinnati Timet The leading Democratic journal in the conn try, and as able a* if is eminent, the New York WORLD — Boston Traveler. The Sew York WORLD, the beet edited paper on the continent ie wonderfully fertile in good things.— Raleigh Sentinel. TbeXev York WukLD, the ablest, most infiueo tial, and most videty circulated Democratic newspaper in 'Jit country. — Syracuse Journal. THE New YORK WORLD —The WOELO is now beyond question the best newspaper pub -bed in YoikCity. Vourtei. lias! Sagij.au-. Mick- Sept , 25, 1569. We always reed Tho WORLD with hearty admi ration "fits superior ability, often with warm ap preciationot its eloquently uttered sentiments Worcester Evening Gazette. Those who want a Democratic j mail aLd telegraph from all part* of !De ofid, and tbe thorough diflCiiKsiona of all top ics of interest. THE WORLD ALMAN AC FOR 1870. Tre World AlmaKac'' for 1670 "*iil contain a vast quantity ot political information of use to every voter, and o; such a cnaractcr as can be ob tained is no other publication In it vill be pnn ; ted lull official returns of every election held in | 1860 I the sote of New York State oy election dis ' tricts. aDd Connecticut by towns ; the names and ■ dates of each candidate for each branch of the Xew York Legislature : list ot members of the United Sates r-eoaie and House of Kepresenta tives; obituary record and list of important events during the past year As a compact polit ical manual it will have no equai TERMS BY MAIL. WEKKLV WORLD ' Obc Copy, one year ' $2 00 Four Copies, one year, separately address ed 7 00 ! Ten Copies, one year, separately addressed IS do Ana in extra copy to getter up of Club Tweaty Copies, one year, to one address.. 25.00 And an extra copy to getter up ot ciub. Twecty Copies, one year, separately ad dressed 27 90 And an extra copy to getter up of elub. Fifty Copies, one year, to one address.... 50-00 And tbe iiemi Weekly, one year, to getter up of club. Fifty Copies, one year, separately address cd 55.05 And tbe tsemi-Weekly,one year, to getter up of club. i One Hundred Copies, one year, one addreas 100.00 And the Daily, one year, to getter up of slub. i One Hundred Copies, one year, separately addressed 110 00 And the Daily, one year, to getter upof club. SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One copy, one year $4.00 Four Copies, one year, separately address- Ten Copies, one year, to one address 20 00 ' And an extra copy to getter up of ciub. Ten Copies, one year, separately addressed 22 0 ' And an extra copy to getter op of club. DAILV WORLD One Copy, one year $lO 00 One C large and eoKßodiou house. having been re-lakes oy the tubeenoer s suv open f-ir the reception f vtaitors ami board er*. The room* ar large, etl ventilated. *Ld eorn.'ortab'v firnuned The :*r.s v. a *; r.t in( plied v'th the heat the market can afford Tee Bar it stocked vith the eh >ie**i liquor*. Insbcr ■ it U my porpoae to keep a FlftST-CLASS HOTEL Thauki g the public fur past favors. I respectful Ij solicit a renewal of their patronage N. B Hacks will ma ejEstantiy between the Hotel and the Springs mayl7,*S7yT W. DIBERT, Prop'r BE i) PO BDHO T B L.—The un dersigned baring take charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col John Hafer. as ooances to the public that be will be able to tf ford the bet; tecum u datioct, both to the travel ing public and home istom The bouse vill be improred and rc-fi ted and tfceßir will alwxyt be veil supplied vith eu>iee liquor* Hit table viil be supplied vitb the choices; ed:' les of the season, and be vill spire no pains to m ke it Testable for all ilis stable is one of the best in Bedford. and a good hustler vill a!ways be in attendance Boarders taken by the week. month or year Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully to ri ted to gire him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMA IK Jan 15, '64 _ >l 4 it E MEN GE L 11 OI'SE Juliana Streu, Bedford, Pa. the subscriber respectfully begs leave to in'orm the travelling public that n-i has recently enlarged, improved and refitted his bouse, both tor tine ac commodation of travelers and boarders, as veil as country customers. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling ts attached to this Hotel, whieh will always be attended by a careful hoetler. Also a safe and convenient Car riage nouse. All are iuvited to give him a eall lb AAC MEXGEL. Proprietor April 15. 64 _ Exchange hutel, HUNTINGDON, PA 4is old establishment bavmg been leased by J M )itPlsdN, formerly propriety ot the Morn son House, bas beeu enurety reuorated and re furnished and supplied with all tne modern itn provemeuta and conveniences necessary to a first class Holed. The dining loom has been removed to the fi.-at door and " -row spacious and airy, and the chain ber are aid veil ventilated, and the proprietor vill endeavor do make bis guests perfectly at b tn Addreas J JdoKltlcOli, EXCFLAJUN HOTEL, junikti Huuiingtlun, Pa. NIONII O T E L WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA ; V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is nov prepared toaccum mod ate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May if. 62. Kil. SIPE.-S MARBLE WoRKb. . K. 11 SIPES still continues the manu factory of MonumenU. Tombstones, Table-Tops Counter Blab.?. 4c., at Bloody Kan, Bedford coun t;jr, Pi, and Laving on band a well selected stuck of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to £ll all orders promptly and do work neat and in a workmaniik style, and on the tc >st reasonable terms. All work warranted. Jobs delivered to ail p irts of this and adjoining counties without ex tra charge. aprllf,'6Byf CHANCE FUR BARGAINS! iae undersigned, desirous of closing out his ousiness will sell BELOW f IKST COST, ilis entire Stock of Goods, consisting of Clothing and Dry Goods, he latter including calicoes and muslins of the oest prints and makes. Now is tbe time to buy cheap' Remember the place, next door to the office of Dr V,. Wat son, on Pitt at Call and see for yourselves. sep3tf. ISAAC LIFPEL r PHE ~G RE AT CAUSE OF HU | MAS MIBERY Just Published in a •it tied Envelope. Prist £ix Cents. A Lecture on th; Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of aemitai V\ eakneet.. or Bpermatorrncea. induced by Belf Abuse, Involuntat} Emission*. impotency Nervous Debility. and Impediments to Jdarrigo generally, Coneumptiuu. Epilepsy, and Fi.s Mental and Pby-ical Incapacity, Ac—By KOR. J CUEYEKWEEL, M JU., Autnor of tae Green Book,'' Ac. iae world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture.clearly oroves from his own experience mat tne awful Consequences ut Belt-Abuse-mey be effectually removed without medicine, ana wild out dangerous surgical operations, bougie?, lnstruoieuts, . ings, or curiicais. pointing out a mode of cure a: once certain and effectual, oy wnich every sufferer, no matter what Lis con dition may ne, may cureuiuiseit.cheaply, p ivate ly and radically. Tills htt'llltfc HILL PROVE A BOON i'O TIiOtEANOSANisTHUi.s. Ah'lls Bent under sea', to any address, in a plain en velope, on tne receipt of six cents, or two posing - stamps. Also ldr. Cuiverwell's Marriage Guide,' price Jo cents Address tae Panliahtit. CMA, J - C. KLINE t CO., 127 Bowery. New York, Post Office Box 1,586. juiyjd.'bjyi. LETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADi. and EN VKLOPES for business men printed ia the best style of the art. at tb Gaiitte • a Ovvirc ALLEY, FARRELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF LEAD AND BLOCK-TIN PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD AND ALL KINDS OK PlunsbtrP, Gas and Sitem Plttsrt Mattrxals NO. IST aMITHFIELD STREET, Baud for a Price List. Pittcß(S, Pa. aprii'Siyl DANIEL BORDER, Pitt street, two books west or the bed roan hotel. Bbdpord. Pa. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY. SPECTACLES. AC. He seeps on han-i a stock of fine Gold and Sil sr Watches Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand. Oct. 20, 1865- CN. HICKOK, • DENTIST, Office at the old stand in Bavie Bvildiso. Julian na Stree„ BEDFORD, Pa. All operati'ns, pertaining to Surgical and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with care, and W ARRASTEr. Anaesthetise administered, trhen desired. A r exfictil teeth inserted. per set. $8 00 and upward LjfTAs I am determined to do A CASH BUSINESS or none. I have reduced the prices cf ARTIFICIAL lEETH of the various kinds, 30 per cert, and of GOLD FILLINGS 33 per rest. This reduction will be made only to strictly CASH PATIENTS, and ail such will receive prompt attention. teb7,'6Btf J NO. G. FISHER, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Bxdkord, Pa. Fire Insurance affected perpetually or for any term. Life Insuranoeon the Intereet Bearing Plan. Lowes speedily adjusted and promptly paid. lut .t 6k. J VV. K NOX, Builder of first elass LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS, invites ittention to his stock of finished wagons ami seasoned wood. WORK SHOPS one-half mile west of Bedford. _ aug£6, Cv; r A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED nL ALL PEESOSS To display their Goods; TT sell their Goods: To gather infomation; To make known their want 4a., As Ac. 4c., 40., Aa, 4c.. Ac , bv "tfriainri' the nnlomni of Tn R ADIES7 THE NEW BAKERY 1 J has open id ! you need not burn your fing -rs aar flour dour dresses any longer it you will eal! at FRANK THOMPSONS BAKERY. for ROLLS. RUSK and RRBAD. Cake wade tc order. Brown Bread that will cure dyatepda qui* ker tbaa medicine febl7m2 SOMETHING NEW I—-Every onts their owa Artist Desirable foi ladies gentlemen AddreasßKLTt 4 JOHNSON. sprVf.ut Loaaooning, MA VERY VARIETY ANI) STYLE OP JOB PRINTING aeatly executed at LOW ates at The Bedford Gaxettb office. OallaS'l leave par ar4trj,