fhe f edfotfl Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROADTOPR.R. W ISTBB ABBAJOEKBST—TIBETABLE —Or n called the pigolette and is made of a pig's tail. The outrageous scalp law has been repealed, so far as Bedford county is concerned. Good! Bedford concrete pavements—two brick-bats and a piece of board, with a mud hole at intervals. All kinds of dye stuffs can be had cheaper at Heckerman's drug store than elsewhere. A figure that takes—That of a fash ionable young lady—takes lots of stamps to support. Speculators in bread stuff will l>e chagrined to learn that the grain so far has sustained little or no injury. A man tame to town the other day to buy a dictionary, but would not have the plagued thing because it had no index! Cumberland is to have a daily. The first number of the "Cumberland Daily Transcript" will be issued on the Bth inst. The companies in the Cumberland coal regions are being consolidated in to two independent companies. A third one is talked of. The "Bloody Run string hand" scra ped catgut for the Good Templar's en tertainment, in this place, last week. They did it well. A Western paper suggests, "in view of the price of eggs, that hens could make piles of money now by paying strict attention to business." Mrs. Wheeler's nursing syrup for children is sold at Heckerman's drug store for 25 cents a bottle and every bottle guaranteed. The March number of the Lady's Friend, contains a piece of music enti tled the "Bedford Springs' Polka." We'll "trip" it next season. The editors of the two radical "or gans'* were on the same committee at the reeent meeting. "The lion and the lamb, ersons who gave but $?0 each, which was perhaps far more in proportion to their wealth than those who subscribed their hun dreds. We refer to this merely to show that the people of that sec tion feel the necessity of a railroad communication and are determin ed to have it if a united effort and lib eral subscriptions can accomplish it. And we have no doubt that they will suceed in having the boon for which they are so earnestly laboring. PITTSBCRG FEMALE COLLEGE. — The present term of this sterling insti tution will close with the Essay eon test by members of the senior class, on the evening of the 11th of March.— Preparations are in progress for the closing exercises which promise to be unusually attractive and interesting. We are pleased to learn that the term now closing is more prosperous than the corresponding one of last year, and that the prospects for the spring term, which will commence Tuesday, March 22, are unusually flat tering. Applications for the admis sion of boarders and day pupils are re ceived almost daily. Though a month will elapse before the opening of the spring term, but very few vacancies are left. We trust our readers will un derstand that we mean what we say, when westatethat persons desiring ad mission to the boarding department must make early application. The eon tir-n ed pros fieri t y of t he Col lege, while so many schools are declining, is the best comment on its excellent management. It richly deserves its large and widely extended patronage. PEBIOVICAUI. Messrs. D. Loth rap & Co., of Bos ton, send us a package of six juvenile volumes, entitled (Teachers' Gift Books) of 18 mo. size, neatly done up in paper covers, and containing about 60 pages each. The stories are sensi ble, high toned, full of life and zest, and teach noble lessons, such as little people will be likely to learn, remem ber and profit. They are fitting pres ents from a teacher or parent, and the books are cheap as well as good.— They can be obtained of the publishers by mail, postpaid, for 40 cents a pack age. Messrs. Lothrop & Co., have issued, and are still sending out, many of the best books for the young that can be found in the market. Their eight vol umes of SSOO Prize stories are hailed in every part of the country as something especially excellent, A leading relig ious journal says "their appearance marks a new era in the history of ju venile literature." Their "Bright Day Series," "Crown Jewel Library," "Rainy Day Stories," and many other volumes, are amoDg the best of their class. They are to send out a fresh list the coming season, of rare merit, for whose coming our readers will do well to keep on the lookout. THE LADY'S FRIEND FOR MARCH. —A beautiful steel engraving of Wind sor Castle, the residence of Queen Vic toria, is the opening embellishment of the March number of this "Queen of the Monthlies." Then we have the large plate of Colored Fashions, giv ing the latest styles from Paris. This is followed by a charming spring scene, "The Swallow's Nest." The music for this number is "The Bed ford Springs' Polka." Among the -numerous wood-cuts illustrating the latest styles for Jackets, Suifs, Ac., the ladies will find a riding-dress of the newest fashion, The literary matter }3 pnusually varied and attractive.— Published by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadephia. Price £2,50 a year. THE OLD GUARD for March has a continuation of ''The Heir of Gay inount;" "The Supreme court and the States vemus Congress;" "Fair Eliza beth;" "Und r Supieion;" "Down A luong Dead Men;" and other interest ing readiug inater. The splendid hu morous stories of the "MeDoodle Club" are still kept up. The old Guard is thoroughly democratic, and fights manfully against the fanaticism that governs the party in power. Publish ed by Van Evrie, Horton A Co., New York. "Sambo, did you ever see the Cats kill Mountains?" "No, sah ; but I've seen um kill mice." Linn county, Mo., is having an in dex of Sweedish immigrants. Eight suits for divorce were filed in St. Lou's on Monday. Switzerland has 394 newspapers, of which 48 are dailies. Want of funds is the greatest want of the age. California ha- 40,000 Indians. Life culminates at sixty. Toledo has paid firemen. MARRIED. RIFFLE— G I'M P—On 220 d alt., at the Friends Cove Pap">nge. by the Rv WM. M. Deatrick, Mr. Abraham P Riffle and Mis Mary Ellen, sec ond daughter of J. Alexander Gump, Esq., all of Rainsburg. this county. CLABAUGH-FLKTCHER-On the 17th uH , at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev G. C. Probst, Mr. John T Clabaugh and Miss Sarah Fletcher, all of Monroe tp. DIED. ZELLER3 —On the 17th ult. at the residence of her son-in-law John Sprout, Mrs. Sophia Zel lers. aged 66 years. She is no more with us. Sae has gone to a better family—Go I s family. Like as the wearied mariner, when he draws near the harbor of security forgets the storms and tem pests which encountered his voyage, so she witn patience and resignation, murmured not at the allotment of Providence but with a heart full of thanksgiving for deliverarce from so many perils in past life bowed her head aud die 1 in tranquility and comfort. The day of her death was to ber the joyful triumph and the entering in upon a life of untold and eternal joy and hap piness. Me. Heiv \I) MIN IST It ATO R'S NOTICE. - Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the undersign ed, by the Register f Bedford county, upon the estateof John H. Walter, late of Union township, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will pre sent them, properly authenticated for settlement. mar3w6* W B LAMBRIGHT. A dmjr. 4 NNUAL REPORT OF THE AUDITORS OF BEDFORD COUNTY WILLIAM BOWLES. Esq , Treasurer, of the Poor and House of Employment in account with the county of Bedford from January lit, A. D., 1869, to January Ist, A . D , 1870. Treasurer, Dr. To amount in Treasury at last settle ment $2,670 73 To amount received from county Treas ary 9000 00 " " old collectors 742 23 Total Receipts $12,412 96 Treasurer, Cr. By amount paid out on checks as tol follows : Forsurport ot out door paupers $1348 90 Hardware 60 64 Merchandise, (including dry goods A groceries.) 917 77 i Coffee 206 38 i Tea 43 65 Sugar SW 60 Syrup 25.v 00 Fish 151 49 Tobacco 38 50 Beef 1714 48 Bacon 295 84 Mutton 33 #7 Pork 65 06 Coal HI 75 Oat I 20 15 Cora 46 25 Butter 160 93 Stoves and tinware 113 70 Wollen goods for J . I Noble A Bro. 288 84 Repiaring Poor House •'* '5 S. A W. shuck. 200 bricks 2 4o Insurance in Poor House property 12 00 &"?' 26 00 Potatoes &i) John Lutx. printing "6 25 Meyers A Mengel, printing liooo Miil License 10 00 Chairs M 00 Coffins 24 50 Shoes 223 05 Brooms 6 50 Vinegar 21 00 Straw 1 50 Books 75 Lumber and work at Mill 48 16 , Blacksmithing 40 03 | Cider, apples, and applebutter 121 32 Saddlery 24 75 2 cows for use of Poor House 31 06 I issuing orders for removal and relief ' and conveying paupers to Poor House 79 70 Maintaining paupers at Lunatic A sylum 649 90 | Removing paupers to Lunatic Asylum 158 04 ! Leather and Bogs for Mili 37 50 ; Heckerman A Son for drags 93 50 Michael Diehl service as Director 48 00 ! J. I. Noble " " " 48 00 Henry Eguif •' " " 4S 00 Samuel Defibangh Salary as Stewart 500 00 , Mrs L, Defibaugh " Matron William Bowli" part Salary as treasurer 50 00 I Dr. F. C. Reamer salary '63 and '69 125 00 ! A. J. Sansoai for clerking 20 00 W. C. Scheeffer " 90 00 Samuel Defihaugh, as per bill filed in 1883 200 69 Note of Mrs. Mary. A Wills 424 00 j Interest on note of Mrs Mary A Wills 53 00 Interest on check of Samuel Defibaugh 126 49 Expenses of auditing account 40 00 Total credits. $10,063 23 Receipts $12.412 96 Expenditures 10,063 23 Balance in Treasury $2,349 73 Amount in the hands of old collectors and owed to Poor House Treasurer, subject to percentage and enumera tion $3,622 16 We, the undersigned auditors of Bedford coun ty. do herebvcertify, Lhat we have examined the accounts of William Bowles, Treasurer of the Poor and House of Employment of said county, from Jan. Ist, A- D., 1869 to December 31st, A. D., 1370, and have found the same to be correct and true. Witness our hands and seals, this Bth day of January, A. D . 1870. S. WHIP. J 3eal.] M A HUNTER. (Seal. 1 Attest. OWEN McGIRR, (Seal.] J M. RgvsoLDS, Auditors. feb24w4 Clerk. STEWARD'S STATEMENT Kumber of paupers remaining January Ist, 1569 "5 Number oi paupers admitted during the year 58 Total 133 Number of paupers discharged during the year 54 Number of paupers died during the year 7 Number of paupers bound out during the year 3 Total 64 Number of paupers remaining January Ist, 1870 69 Number of meals given to wayfaring persons 1250 Number of out door paupers provided with food, clothing and medical at tendance during the year 35 MANUFACTURED IN THE IIOCSE. Shirts 92 Drawers 87 Pants 90 Shemise 52 Coats 28 Skirts 23 Vests 9 Aprons 51 Stockings and Socks 105 Caps 8 Drawers 8 Towels 23 Handkerchiefs 23 Table cloths 5 Bedticks 9 Bonnets 12 Sheets 35 Bolsters 14 Pillow Slips 30 Comforts 9 PRODUCTS OF THE FARM AND GARDEN Bushels of potatoes 400 lbs of wool 205 Bus. of ears of corn 450 Pork 2675 Bus. of oats 200 Veal 400 Tons of bay 20 Bus of onions 33i Bus. ot little onions 2 Bus. of bejji 3 Heads of cabbage 245Q Bbls. of Krout 4 ® us - Cl ueeis 25 " eucumbers It The garden supplied all kinds of vegetables for the house during the whole of the summer of which DO statement is ma-le. POOR HOUSE MILL STATEMENT. J. K. Wills, To amount of toil given as per monthly reports. I)r. Wheat I Rye | Corn Buckwheat 435 bus I 21 bus. | 16 bus j 15 bus. J. E. Wills, By amount of grain used in Poor House and sola sundry persons as per monthly reports Wheat, 1 Rye, I Corn, Buckwheat 450 bus. | 19 beg. ! 19 bus. 20 bus. SOMETHING NEW!—Every one their own Artist. Desirable for ladies of gentlemen. AddressßELTZ A JOHNSON. apr33m3 Lonaeoniag. Md. #cu* JM. REYNOLDS, ATTORNEY AT # LAW, BEDFORD. PA All burincM intrut ed to bim will be attended to with great care. Up on notice will appear for parties in suits before Justices of the Peace iuanypm of the county. Office with J W Dickereon. Esq., on Juliana St next door north of Mengel House. mar3'7otf. 4 UCTIOMiLR. —The undersigned has taken out an Auctioneer's License, and will cry sales of rteal or Personal Property, for all parties who will employ his talent as an Auction eer. at reasonable prices, and will endeavor to give general satisfaction. Address CIIAS K ALSIP. marchJiaS. Bedford. Pa 4 LL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN i\. are hereby notified, that on the 10th day of February, 1870, I purchased at Sheriff sale all the furniture, pictures, statuary, dental in strument. Ac., belcnging to Dr. C. N. Hiikok, o! Bedford,Penna., and have leased the same to bim during my pleasure. All persons are cau tioned against buying or otherwise meddling with the same. W. 0. HICKOK. Feb._2Bth, 1870. _ I)UBLIC BALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans" Court, the undersigned will expose to sale at public auction, on SATURDAY, March 19. 1878, on the premises, in Harrison township, a DESIRABLE FARM adjoining lands of Daniel Earnest. Hez Miller. Hugb B Wertz and ott ers. containing 140 acres, about 70 acres cleared and under feDce, 20 acres of which is good mead ow. The improvements ate a Two B'ory L ; House, a Log Barn and other buildings Also, a small Orchard of choiee apple trees The above farm is in a good neighborhood and within a mile of Black a Steam Tannery. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, JACOB FICHTNLR, mar3w3. Adm'r of Thos. Cook.dee'd. I EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VALU j ABLE REAL ESTATE —There will be sold at Public Sale, on the premises, in Londonderry township, on FRIDAY. MARCH 25th, 1870, the following described property, to wit. The MANSION TRACT, containing 202 acres. 160 acres cleared, 6(1 acres good meadow, and 100 acres bottom and limestone gravel, all in an excellent state of cultivation, having thereon erec ted an excellent DWELLING HOUSE, large frame ( barn ana other out buildings, also a story and a half log house, with kitchen and stable, in the town of Bri Jgeport. and a GOOD SAW MILL on Big Will's creek, with unsurpassed water pow er and in good running order. This tract is situ ate at the junction of the Bedford and CON NKLL3VILLE RAIL ROADS. There can be little doubt that a Depot trill he ereettti upon or immediately adjoining it, thus rendering a con siderable part valuable for BUILDING LOTS. The above Farm will be offered tn parcels, as fol lows ; No 1 About 76 seres adjoining where ttie pro posed depot is to'be erected, about 56 acrescleared and 20 acres timber includ ng Mansion House and Barn. No. 2, Containing about S5 acres, about 60 acres cleared and 25 timber, including house and lot in Bridgeport, Saw Mill and wster power No 3, Containing about luO acres, about 60 acres cleared and 40 acres timber Draft shown on day of svle. N. B. Widow's dower to remain in this prop erty until her death. Sal® to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.. of said day, when further tarmo will be made known. HENRY MIULKR, Ex'r of the last Will of John Miller, dee d. mar3w3. Sales. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE FARMS —ln pursuance of an Order of tbe Orphana' Court of Bedford Couatv, the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Christian Albright, late of Londonderry town ship. dec'd. will sell at public sale, on the premi ses situate in said township, on Tuesday, the 23d day ofMarch, A. D. 1870. the following describ ed valuable Farms, to wit: No I—Mansion Place, Containing 136 acres 112 perches, about 125 acres cleared and under culti vation. having thereon erected a dwelling bouse, bank barn, blacksmithshop, spring house and other outbuildings, adjoining lands of James Mattingiy. John Sturti. Alex. King and others. No 2 Containing IS2 acres 52 perches, about 250 acres cleared and under cultivation, with a dwelling house, back barn, and other outbuild ings thereon erected, adjoining lands of Jacob Witt, John Lowry. WE. A. Porter's Heirs, John M. Buchanan and others. These very desirable properties are favorbly lo cated on tbe line of the Pittsburg and Connells ville Rail Roap, near the Cumberland Market, and in a very pleasant neighborhood- convenient to churches and schools, with facilities of springs and running waters, Ac. TERMS, one third in hand at conflrmatioa of sale, and the remainder in two equal annual payments thereafter. Per sons desrnng informafioli, or view ot me premi ses. are invited to call upon the subscriber, or up on John P Reed, of Bedford. JACOB L. ALBRIGHT, feb24w4 Adm'r. \T A LUABLE FARM AT PRI \ VATE SALE—The subscriber offers for sale a good improved farm, situate in Snake Spring township, Bedford county, Pa , two miles from Mt. Dallas Station, on the Huntingdon and Broadtop Railroad, containing 230 acres Lime stone land, about ISO acres cleared and undergood fence {BOO panels post fence), and the balance well timbered, having thereon a good large Frame House, large Bank Barn and all necessary out-buildings, 3 never-failing Springs of water, 3 Orchards, 2 good tenant houses and a good Saw Mill The above mansion farm is iD a good state of cultivation, and is well calculated for 2 farm?. For further particulars, address the subscribe!. HENRV HERSHBERGER. Jaa6m3* Bloody Run, Pa. 1 TANNERY FOR SALE OR RENT. —The subscriber offers for sale or rent, hirt Tannery, with Bark Milt and Tools , also his fine store room for rent. Possession given on tbe Ist of April. 1870. This property is located in the borougn of Schellsburg, Bedford county, an ex cellent location for both store 3nd tannery. Pot further particulars, address JOHN S. SCHELL, jan6m3. Schellsburg, Pa. OF APPEALS.—Notice i.l is hereby given lhat appeals from the As sessment for the year 1370 will be beard at the Commissioner's Office, in Bedford, for the several distriota of the county, as follows : For Juniata, Schellsburg. Harrison, Napier, St. Clair and St. Clairsville, on Mondav. March 14. Fcr Londonderry, Cumberland Valley. Colerain, Rainsburg. Southampton. Monroe and East Providence, on Tuesday. March. 15. For West Providence, Bloody Run, Hopewell, Snake Spring, South Woodberry. Middle Woodberrv and Wgodberry Bor., onWed nesday, March 16. For Union, Broad Top, Coledale, Liberty, Saiton, Bedford Borough and Bedford Township, on Thursday, March 17. No subsequent appeals will be heard except In cases w here it is shown that the persons appealing were unable to attend at the time and place a bove indicated PETER M BARTON. Attest DANIEL P. BEEGLE, J no. G. Fisher, GEORGE ELDER, Clerk. Oommisionera feb!7w4. SPRING AND SI MMER IMPORTAIIO VU 1 8 1- ' RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. AILMSTOXG, CATOR, & CO., Importers and. Jobbers of Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, Bon net Silks. Satins and Velvets, Blonds, Netts; Crapes, Ruches, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments, Straw Bonnets and Ladies Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Shaker Hoods, Ac 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE MD. Offer the largest Stock to be found in this Country, and unetjualed in choice variety and cheapness, comprising the latest Parisian nov elties Orders solicited, and prompt attention given. fe ti2liu3* INSTATE OF DAVII) BUCK, dee'd. JTj—Letters of Administration upon the Estate ofDavid Buck, lats of West Providence town ship. dee'd . having been granted the undersigned by the Register of Bedford County, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to mKe payment, and those having claims, w present the same for settlement, to JONATHAN BUCK, Adm'r, or bis Attorney, Edward F. Kerr, Bedford, Pa. feb3w6 INSTATE NOTlCE.—Notice is here j by given that Letters testamentary to the estate of Nathan Uobison. late of Sonthamptun tp., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bedford county All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, ani those having claims will present hem, properly authenticated, for settle ment. 'HIRAM ROBI3ON,Ex'r fwb.low6. "VfOTICE TO DROVERS'.—Tne H. k B. T. R. R Co., have erected a large ani convenient Cattle Yard at Mt Dallas for the purpose of w--ouinmodating Drovers and others from Bedt->rd and adjoining counties Stock oars will be furnished at all times. J McKILLIPS. feb24tf Snpt. rjlH E AM E KIC A N FA Mi L Y I KNITTING MACHINE Is presented to the public as the moat Simple. Durable, and Com pact and Cheap Knitting Machine ever invented. PRICE ONLY 25 DOLLARS. Ibis machine will run either backward or for w*.d with eqoal facility ; makes the same stitch as by hand, but far superior in every respect Will knit 20,G00 Slit-he* in one minute, and do perfect work, leaving every knot on the inside of the work It wiit knit a pair of stock ing* (any site) in less than half an hour. It will knit Close or Open, Plain or Ribbed work, with any kind of coarse or fine woolen yam or eotton, silk or linen. It will knit stockings with doable heel and toe, drawers, hoods, sacks, smoking caps, comforts, purses, nofi, fringe, afghans, nubias, undersleeves. mittens skating caps, lamp wicks, mats, cord, undershirts, shawls, jackets, crtdle blankets, leggings, suspenders, wristers, tidies, tippits. tufted work, and in fact an endless variety of articles in every day use, as well as for ornament. FROM 5 To 10 DOLLARS PER DAY Can be made by any one with the American Knitting Machine, knitting stockings, Ac . while expert operators can even make more knitting tancy work, which always commands a ready pale. A person can readily knit from twelve to fifteen pairs of stockings per day, the profit on which will not be leas than forty cents per pair. FARMERS Can sell tbeir wool at only forty to fifty cents per pound; but by getting the wool made into yarn at asmali expense, and knitting it into socks, two or three dollars per pound may be realized. On receipt of fia we wili forward a machine as ordered s We wish to procure active £„BNTS in every section of the United States and Canadian, to whom the most liberal inducements will be of fered Address AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE COMPANY, Boston Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. feb24w4 INFORMATION in the "People's Journal.'' How Teachers, Students, Retir ed Clergymen. Energetic Y'oung Men and La dies can make $75 to $l5O per month during the Spring and Summer. A copy free. Send name and address to People's Journal, Philadelphia, Pa. feb24w4 HI XKL EY K NITTIN G MA CHINE—FOR FAMILY USE—simple, cheap, reliable, Knits everything Agents wan ted Circular and sample stocking free. Ad dress HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO , Bath. Me. or 176 Broadway N Y-, feb24m3 IN 31 DA Y S.— | *) mm , Made by one Agent, selling Sil ver's Patent Elastic Broom Over 50.000 n,w in use. Recommended by Hon. Horace Greely and American Agriculturist. One county reserved for each Agent. C. A. CLEGG A CO, 38 Cort landt St.. K. Y or 126 Washington St. Chicago, 111 feb24w4 1)1 LES. A MISSIONARY WHO HAD suffered 22years with Piles, was cured and will send the receipt free. Rav. FOSTER DIE, Jersey City. X J. feblow4. A GREAT CHANCE! AGENTS WANTED : SIOOO per year sure made by Agents, male or female, selling our WORLD-RE NOWNED PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE CLOT HE* Lists. Cheapest and best clothe.* lines In the world ; only 3 cts per toot, and wilt last a hundred years.- Address the Hudson litr es IFtre Cj., 75 Wm. St., N. Y , or 16 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111 feblow4 TX>R DEAFNESS—THE PATENT I ORGANIC VIBRATOR —lt fits into the Ear. is not perceptible, removes Singing Noises in the Head, and enables Deaf Persons to hear dis tfnctly at Church or Public Assemblies Treat ise on Deafness, with Means of Cure, sett free. Da T. HUNT STILLWELL, 762 Broadway. X. Y. feblow4. C1 ANVASSING - BOOKS SENT / FREE FOR PARIS BY SUNLIGHT AND GASLIGHT. A WORK DESCRIPTIVE OF THE MYSTERIES VIRTUES. VICES, SPLENDORS and CRIMES, of the CITY OF PARIS. It tells how Paris has become the Gayest and most Beautiful City in the world; how its Beauty and Splendor are purchased a! a fearful cost of Misery and Suffering ; how visitors are Swindled by Professional Adventurers; how Virtue and Vice go arm in-arm in the Beautiful City ; bow the most Fearful Crimes are committed and con cealed how money is Squandered in useless lux ury ; and contains over 150 -fine engravings of no ted Places. Life and Scenes in Paris. Agents wanted. Canvassing Bookssent free. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. _ feblOwl. A N T E D-A G E N T S. $75 to S2OO PER MONTH, Everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, .bind, braid embroider in a most supe rior manner. PRICE ONLY 18 DOLLARS. Fully Warranted for Five Y'ears. We will pay SIO6O for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the ' ELASTIC LOCK SUCH.'' Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be palled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month aud ex pen?"/, or a commission from which twice that a monnt cap be made. Address SECOMB A CO., Pittsburg Pa ; Boston, Mass., or St. Louis. Mo CAUTION.—Beware of all Agents selling Ma chines under ths same name as outs, unless they i can show a certificate of Agency signed by as. We shall not hold ourselves responsible for worth less Machines sold by other parties, and shall prosecute all parties either selling or using Ma chines under this name to the full extent of the ; law. unless such machines were obtained from : us by our agents. Do not be imposed upon by : parties who copy our advertisements and circu ! lars and offer worthless Machines at a less price, i feblOwf. rpHE BEDFORD COUNTY BANK, BLOODY RUN.PEXN'A. Accounts Solicited from Banks. Bankers and others. Interests allowed cn time deposits. Col lections made on all accessible points. A general banking business transacted, stockholders indi vidually liable for deposits. STOCKHOLDERS: J M. BELL. G. W. GARRETSON. W. P. ORBISON. D. P. GWIN. JOHN SCOTT, H.G . FISHER. THOMAS FISHER, J. H. GLAZIER, W. DOKRIS, —of First Nationa' Bank of Huntingdon. Pa. S L. RUSSELL. Bedford. Pa. S. NYCCM, Ravs Hill, Pa. J M. BARNDOLLAR, Bloody Run. Pa. J B WILLIAMS, J W.BARNDOLLAR, " J DiBOIS, feb24tf, J. BcBOIS, Cathier. Dissolution notice.—The un dersigned hereby give notice that thej have dissolved the partnership heretolore existing be tween tbem in the mercantile business, by mutu al consent. The books are ia the hands of Simon Hershn anforoollection, who will alsopay alldebu owed by the late firm. SIMON HERSHMAN, septflaStf SOLOMON QREENBAI'M. "VOTICE.— AII election will beheld il at the public House of Emanue. Brosius in the Borough of McConnellsburg. on Monday the 7th March 1870, between the hours of 12o'clock M .and two o'clock P. M., to elect fire mana gers of the Chamharsburg and Bedford Turnpike Road Company for the ensuing year. fcb!7w3 T. B KENNEDY, Prest. A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED J\ ALL PERSONS To display their Goods; Tc sell their Goods To gather information; To make known their want Ac., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by advertisingin the columns of ran Gaixtts VERY VARIETY AND STYLE OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low atesat Tbs Bbdfobd Gaiittb office. Call and leave venr order*. T \V. KNOX~ e Builder at first class LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS, invites attention to his stock of finished wagons and seasoned wood. WORK SHOPS one-half mile west of Bedford. angi&.'Bflif A NTHRACITE COAL.—I have /Vfor sale a lot of WILKRSBARRE NUT C<3aL which I recomwend as of the best quali ty. JOHN W BARNDOLLAR, Bloody Run Stati-.n, oetTmS. JNO. G. FISHER, LIFE AND FIRS INSURANCE AGENT, Bedford, Pa. Pire Insuranee ejected perpetually or for any term. Life Insurance on the Interest Bearing Plan. Lories speedily adjusted and promptly paid, julyi 68, HE LATEST STYLES OF JOB Work done at the Bedford Gasette OSica ATEW GOODS JUST RECEIVFI > 1A AT J. M. SHOEMAKER* BARGAIN STORE. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M . Shoemaker's Bargain Store NEW GOODS just Received at J. M . Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW GOODS jut Received at J. M.Shoemaker's Bargain Store NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Stc re. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware. Fish, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Ac.. at J M.' Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing. Hats. Boots and Shoes Queensware, Leather Fish. Notions, Tobaeeo, Ac., at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Ilate, Boots and Shoes. Queensware Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ae., at J. M Shoemaker's Bnrgain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Notione, Leather, Tobacco, Fish Ac., at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ac., at J M Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, tlata, Boots and Shoes. Qneenaware. Notions. Leather, Tobacco. Fish Ac , at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. Bedford. Pa., Jane 11.1569. TO CASH BUYERS. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to SAVE your GREENBACKS ' Go SEE and BE COSYIBCED! G. it. OSTER & CO. ! are now receiving a LARGE and SIPERICR STOCK of new and desirable y a WINTER GOODS. Z >< : > and are now OTTERING EITBAOBDINART IS nvcEMEKTs for CASH ! a i M -1 ; |K I BRIKG UOXC YOCB GREENBACKS and we -£ < < W will guarantee te SELL you Goons as CHEAP g_. as the SAME. MAKE, STTLE and QUALITY can be sold in CENTRAL PSNN'A BOS to call and get posted on the new CASH prices before you BUY.— :IT WILL SAVE TOC MONEY. ! ! Bedford. Nov. IS, ISM, -nS. TO CASH BUYERS" QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES M OF DRY GOODS TO CLOSE WINTER STOCK! BARGAINS FOR CASH! A. B. CRAMER & CO. j Jan. 12,1870 tf. I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will aend the receipt free. MRS MC. LEGGETT. Hoboken.N. T, feblflwd.