fhf frdford 6azrttr. Home and Aronnd. HRXTIWGDOH AND BROADTOPR.R _W !*TSB ARRi*I*B*T — TIMTASLE —CH *IY /er Sapt t'tfa, passenger trains willarriTeand jspartasfollowe: Mail Train leaveiM*. Dailaaatl Mf - nrea at Huntingdon at 4.20 p. m : lir Hunt in3.l nn at S4oaso -. and arrirea at Mt. Dallas at r42 *. at. Accom'B Train leases Saxton ate 20 a. in., ad srrire* at Huntingdon, at 16.10 a. m ; leave* Huntingdon at 3,a pm . aadarnvesat saxton at 7.41 p. m Lent commences March 2d. The Legislature is to adjourn on the 17th of March. The Legislature is after the baggage smashers. Serves them right. Judge Rowe will hold a special term of court here next week. Johnstown is again agitating the re moval of the county seat to that place. Hollldaysburg has organized a buil ding and savings association. The strike of the Broad Top coal miners has been amicably settled. The Somerset Stwtdard is published in a church. That ought to make it a good paper. Sharpers have been swindling Hun tingdon county foliss with bogus silver ware. Mean, mercenary marauders manip ulated Methodist minister's meat, last week. The Pennsylvania railroad company is erecting an iron bridge across the Juniata, at Tyrone. A friend of ours who was there says that musquitos were not at all touble some in the Narrows, on Monday last. A man was frozen to death last week in Somerset county. Too much spirit congealed the body. The Rev. J. Medsgar has been ap pointed to the Schellsburg charge, by the United Brethren Conference. John Cessna held a meeting in the court house last week, and had him self endorsed and recommended for re nomination as "our member." Court lasted till Sunday morning the last verdict being rendered be tween twelve and one o'clock. The last jury had no doubt concluded—"We won't go home till morning." Our friend Jones, who is an inveter ate bachelor, in speaking of the ladies' chignons says a girl seems to be all head until you speak to her. The wretch! It costs but thirty five cents to insult a decent female in Aitoona. That must be a cheap place. In most com munities the scoundrel would fare worse. The Uniontown Stcut'lard sports an eagle at the head of a column of mis erable twaddle about the adoption of the so-called "Fifteenth Amendment." The bird, judging from his looks, feels bad about it. A pair of beeves, which together •weighed 5,500 pounds, were shipped from Broad Top to Huntingdon, last week. The price paid to R. Hare Powell, under whose direction they -were raised, was $5OO. The new census law was defeated in The Senate, the other day, and the cen sus will now be taken under the old law. Hereabouts there is a great scramble among the trooiy loil, for marshafahips, <&c. Abraham Baker, of McConnellatown, had his jaw broken at the Huntingdon Manufacturing Co's shops, week, by a pieee of timber flying from the circular saw. John Kitts, the only Revolutionary soldier living, was in Washington last week, and was granted a pension. He was born in Bedford county and is mow 108 years old. So says an ex change. Mr. Miller, aged 77, and Mrs. Hen ry. aged 6-3, joined hands and hearts for life, in Somerset county a few weeks ago. Let old bachelors and old maids take courage. Huntingdon county had two first class fires, last week, destroying house?, furniture and clothing. Both originated from pipes runuing through the roof. An inmate of theCainhria county almshouse claims to be the original in ventor of cork legs. The first one he manufactured was for the wife of a sea captain, iu 1826. Thislifeisa checker ed affair. Is your property insured? If not, eall at the Bedford Insurance Agency, where Jno. G. Fisher will place your risks in good and reliable companies, at fair rates. Delays in this matter are dangerous. John Mosser, Sr., of Todd township. Fulton county, died very suddenly, JaT week. He was shoveling snow, and complained of being unwell, and before he could be conveyed into the house, he expired. John Cessna, in his late speech, said, " The I>enaocrats always opposed war measures." lie had reference no doubt to the time when he said that "unless Lincoln withdraws his eman cipation proclamation, the war will be a failure." He was a so-called "Cop perhead" then. There are thousands of kegs of 'Glade butter' unsold in the eastern mar kets. Much of the stuff that will have to be sold for "grease," at a great sac rifice to the producer, would have been used for home consumption, if it could have been bought at a reasonable price. The Fulton Democrat has arisen from its ashes greatly improved in appear ance. It has added four columns of reading matter, and is now a paper of which the gallant democracy of'little Fulton" may be proud, and one which merits and should receive their hearty support. St Valentine's Day was a failure hereabouts. We did not see a single missive, comic or sentimental. Sigh ing maidens and love sick swains neg lected to transmit their tokens of love to each other. Perhaps the miserable weather of Monday dampened their ardor and drowned their affections. Who knows? ADMITTED. —J. M. Reynolds, Esq., who read law in the office of J. W. Dicker-on, Esq., was, last week, on motion of O. E. Shannon, Esq., admit ted to practice in the several courts of this county. The committee appointed to examine Mr. Reynolds speak in very flattering terms of his qualifica tions to enter the practice of the law. We wish our young friend every suc cess in his profession. LICEXCESGRAXTED. —The following tavern and restaurant licences were granted last week by the Court: Taverns —Michael Ott and John P. Weaverling, Bloody Run ; O'Donnell A Manly, Bridgeport; William Wei rner, Clearville; Isaac Mendel, Bed ford ; William M. Pearson, Woodoer ry; Henry Rose, Centervilie; Levi Manges, Juniata. Restaurants- John Harris, Jacob Barnhart, A. B.Carn, Bedford. THANKS. —We are under many obli gations to those ot our subscribers who have come to our relief by paying the amount of subscription due us. There are, however, a great many to whom bills have been sent, who have not yet responded to our appeal. Now in or der to give such the advantage of the reduction which we promised those who would promptly pay their indebt edness, we have concluded to extend the time to Saturday, the 12ih day of March, next. All who pay on or be fore that date will be entitled to the reduction noted on the bills sent. Again we tender many thanks to those who have paid us, and hope that those who have not, will see the propriety of doing so soon. THE WEATHER.—The weather for the last week has been m changeable as the hues of the chameleon. Rain, then fair weather, then snow aud a thaw, and a freeze, gave us all sorts of weather. On Sunday last we had an old fashioned snow storm, and that night and on Monday and Monday night we experienced the coldest weather of the season. Gewilikens! how cold it was! Of course, ice storers were delighted, and what made others shiver, proved comfortable to them. As we write—Tuesday—everybody is busy as bees, gathering the ice crop for next summer's warm weather. Those who imagined they had a monopoly of the refrigerating substance, have learned how easily the clerk of the weather can knock their calculations into smithereens. Ice-cool lemonades will not be such an expensive luxury j sifter all during the heated term. "OUR member" has been heard from at last. He announced to his handful of admiring constituents on Tuesday night of court, that, "I—" ego, me, myself—"had the honor of proposing an amendment" —think of it ! an amendment. Which said aforesaid amendment is to do the business, as declared by the author "his OWD self. Copyright secured according to the laws of Congress in such case made and provided. If the before mentioned, aforesaid said amendment becomes a law—and what loii mind dare doubt it?—oid women are to be thrown into incurable hysterics, and timid youths, upon attaining majority, will instinc tively jump into the radical harness and vote for "our member," and "sich;" ail by virtue of the wonderful amendment aforesaid. Cracky! what fun we loil fellows will have! CESSNA'S POW-WOW. —The radical meeting on Tuesday night was a flzzlw in the fullest and broadest sense of the word. "Our member" made a speech, and it w as the same old "Mother Hub bard" that we have listened to a hun dred times. All the rodomontades of Cessna are as similar as two drops of wa ter. The same ranting, blu-tering and blowing; the same prating of ioilty and of deeds of valor in which he, like Falsiaff, has slain his scores of "men in buckram," is giv n to his audience. On the occasion of Cessna's last ha rangue we imagined ourselves in the veritable china shop, with the infuria tad Taurus tossing demolished crock ery-ware about our devoted head, and we were obliged to give our nose an impulsive twitch before we were able to realize the situation. After all it was but "our member," tickling the fancies—what a pleasant phrase!—of the "trooly loil" to induce them to re nominate him for Congress. "Only th is and nothing more." O! bow well does John understand the art of man ipulating men into his support. How he subdue men and factions who dare attempt to oppose his political aspira rations! Truly, be is monarch of all the radical camp. All things must be subservient to his aims and ends. In this respect alone has be great forte.— His loyally is a myth, his patriotism a dream, but they are "a good enough Morgan till after the election." It is not necessary to add that Cess na's resolution endorsing himself was "read and approved," by the few who bow the knee to this radical Baal. But the people will have something to say hereafter. READING THE DEATH WARRANT. —The death warrants for the Hunting don murderers have been prepared and read to the prisoners. The perpetra tors of the inhuman crime have but few days more to prepare to leave this scene of action. The execution takes place on Wednesday the 9th day of March, next. The Huntingdon Moni tor, says:— .About three o'clock Saturday after noon, Sheriff Neely, in company with a few witnesses, visited the prisoners and read the warrants. Lodenburg was visited first. He seemed much moved during the reading and when the Sheriff had finished remarked: "It is all right, Sheriff. I aru willing to die. lam not guilty; I said this first and will say it last If they hang me it is all right. It is against the — 1 - - * ill HU _j 'll!MpiMlijbiir.Miuu*iWiwttWiiWßi'wiiijiw'r*^?"JL-JLa, -1^ — 33r5jfov5( 53£tjfaF$L pa> Bible; I know what is in it." He was apparently much affected, and seemed to fully realize his terrible condition. Bohner's cell was then visited and the warrant for his death read to him. At its conclusion he replied, apparently very unconcerned "All right." "All right." The Sheriff replied it is just three weeks from next Wednesday, when Bohner replied "I know it. We understand that both the con demned have written a history of their lives, but as yet neither have given out a copv of it. We suppose the execu tion wiil not take place till one or two o'clock of the fatal day, and that but few will be admitted. COCRT PROCEEDINGS.—But few cases were disposed of at court, last week. The Commonwealth list was unusually small, which must be taken as a healthier condition of public mor als. The Grand Jury was not organi zed until Monday afternoon, and, in the absence of the regular foreman, the Court appointed William Hartley, as foreman. On Tuesday the Grand Jury was dismissed. But two civil cases were tried by juries. The following cases came up in the Quarter bessioDS. Commonwealth vs Peter Kramer. Surety of the Peace on oath of Wm. Karns. Case heard and dismissed at the cost of Prosecutor. Same vs George Troutman. Selling liquor to minors. Found Guilty. Mo tion for new- trial filed and case contin ued to April Term. Same ts W. W. Snyder. For. and Bas. Guilty. Motion in arrest of judg ment and for new trial. Case contin ued till next sessions. The follow ing cases were tried in the civil list- Ephraim Longenecker and Jacob S. Bossier vs the Township of Middle Woodberry. Appeal by Plaintiffs from Auditor's, settlement. Verdict for the Plaintiffs. Motion for new trial filed. Sophia W. Mullin vs G. Shannon Mullin, ft al, Executors of George Muilin, deceased. Jury find for Defen dants. List of Jurors drawn for Adjourned Court, 4th Monday, 28th day of Febru ary, A. D., 1870- Otho Elbin Aaron liams A H Jenken? George Sbirer George X Elba Philip Weaveriing James H Woy Jacob Soons FreJ. G Beegle George Gardill Reuben R Colvin Abraham Fluck Samuel Dubbi Michael W endle A H Hull George W. Bowser John R Jordan Samuel Carney Michael Diehl Samuel Xieodeinus George Hartle Simon Harelerode Henry B F Harelerode John C Figard A. J Middleton George Lyaiager Martin L. Miller William J Palmer Lewis Potter Leonard Eittner Joseph Griffith Josiah Griffith James Cornell John Gepbart W. J. Patterson Henry H Fisher fl Clay Lashley Drawn and certified at Bedford the 13th day of January, A. D., 1870. Attest:— ISAAC KENSINGER, J no. G. Fisher, WILLIAM KIRK, Clerk. Jury Comm's. Ax ARTICLE OF TRUE MERIT.— "Rrown's Bronchial Troches" are the most popular article in this country or Europe for Throat Diseases and Coughs, and this popularity is based upon real merit, which cannot be said of many other preparatious in the market which are really but weak im itations of the genuine Troches. About a dozen converts to Mormon ism have recently been made in Fran klin county. Polygamy is "drawing feelingly and sensibly near." "Shoo fly !" and look out when Congress gets after you. How to make the winter pass quickly —give your note to the bank for nine ty days and the spring will come as -oon a- you are ready for it. PEBinmrAts. The March "Riverside" gives for a frontispiece, another of Stephen's fa mous animal pictures, illustrating La Fontaine's fable of "The Cat, the Wea sel, and the young Rabbit." A new series is begun, in "Pictures from Frolssart,". Travel is illustrated by two papers—'On the Ice in the Baltic,' and 'Chile.' Some of the stories are 'How Little Patrick found his Way over the Sea,' 'Princess Eva,' and 'How the Captain came by a legacy.' The drollest thing is 'The Roqjaunt of the Sleepy Princess,' with its killing pictures, although Anne Siivernail's •Little Quaker Artist' aud her highly excited drawings will make house holds merry. Published by Hurd & Houghton, New York. $2-50 a year. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. —The March numler of this favorite ladies' magazine is on our table, The usual array of beautiful engravings appear in this number. Godey is in its forti eth year, but is as fair and lovely as a maiden at sixteen. No household should be without this splendid com panion. Address L. A, Godey, Phila delphia, Pa, PETERSON,— Peterson's Ladies' Na tional Magazine for March has reached us, and is as interesting as any of its predecessors. The steel engraving, "The Morning Kiss" is a perfect gem. The colored fashion plate is superb, and the literary matter is excellent.— Address Charles J. Peterson, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DIED. Bt'RK—On the 6th int. in Union tp . Clara, daughter of JF*iah and Anniaßurk. aged 2 year*. 3 month* nnd 18 day*. MOOREHE4D —On the 10th inat Mri Lucia j& Movrehead. aged 36 year*, 8 month* and 1# days WALTER —On the 12th inat, John 11. Waiter, of Union tp . aged 4t years. 7 month* and 22 day*. GORDAN.—On the 16tb inat., Calrin U.. son of Isaac Gordan. aged 3j;ar, 4mon'.h*and 26 days WEVENT —On the Itih inat, Jaeeb Weyent, of Blair county, sgtd 53 years, two month* and 5 day*. ITIE BEDFORD COUNTY BANK, BLOODS' RUN, PEN'N'A. Accounts Solicited from Banks, Bankers and ethe.-s Interests sllowed on time deposit*. Col lection* made on all accessible point*. A genera] banking bailees* transacted stockholders Indl- Tidually liable for deposit*. STOCK HOLDERS: J St. BELL. G W GARRETSON, W. P. ORBISON. D P GWIN. JOHN SCOTT 11 G FISHER, TH•*• oreeted a large i and convenient Cattle Yard "Jf Dallas for the purpose of aecommfditisS Drovers and others . froui Bodtotd ani adjoining C!>UlU'®B - ears will be furnished t all timex J McKILLIPs. feb24tf S °P t SPRING AND SUMMER IMPORTATIO JKT 1 87J) . i> RIBBONS. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS ARMSTONG, CATOR, A 00 , Importers and Jobbers of Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, Bon net Silks Satins and Velvets, Blonds. Notts; Crapes, Rncbes. Flowers. Feathers, Ornaments, Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Shaker Hoods, Ac 237 and 239 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE MD. Offer the largest Stock to be found in this Country. aDd unequaled in choice variety and cheapness, comprising the latest Parisian nov elties Orderr solicited, and prompt attention given frbMmSe ORPHANS' COURi ttABE OF VALUABLE FARMS —lnpursnance of an j Order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, ; the undersigned Administrator of the Estate of | Christian Albright, late of Londonderry town ship, dee d wi'fwil at public sale, on the premi ses situate in said township, on Tuesday, the 22d day of March. A. D 1!|70. the following describ ed valuable Farms to wit : i No I—Mansion Place. Contusing 136 acres 112 perches, about J25 acres cleared and under culti ■ ration, having thereon erected a dwelling bouse, bank barn, blackmithsbop. spriDg house and other outbuilding*, adjoining lands of James Mattinglv. John Sturtt. Alt* King ana others No 2 Containi! £ IS2 acres J2 perches, about 250 acres clearet and under cultivation with a dwelling house, bans barn Di other oalbuild ing: thereon erected, adjoining lands cl Jacob Witt, John Lowry. Am A Pvrter's Heirs, John j M Buchanan and others These very desirable properties are favorbly lo j eated oa the line of the Pittsburg and Connells vilie Rail Roap neat the Cumberland Mi rket, and in a very pleasant neighborhood, convenient to churches and schools, with facilities of springs and running waters, At- TERMS, ona third in hand at confirmation of sale, and the remainder in two equal annua! payments thereafter Per sons desiring information, or view ot the premi ses. are invited to call upon thf subscriber, or up on John P Reed, of Bedford. JACOBL ALBRIGHT. feb24w4 Admr. INFORMATION in the "People's Journal.'4 How Teachers. Students, Retir ed Clergymen. Energetic Young Men and La dies can make $75 to $l5O per month during the Spring and Summer. A copy free. Send name and address U> People's Journal Philadelphia, p a feb24w4 INK LEY KNITTING MA CHINE—FOR FAMILY USE—simple, : cheap, reliable, Kruts everything Agents wan ted. Circular and sample stocking free Ad dress HiNKLEY KNITTING MACHINE CO., Bath, Me. or .'76 Broadway N Y,_ leb24m3 Q-O.) IN 3 1 DA Y 8.- nj I ')_ Made by one Agent, selling Sil vers Pateni Elastic Broom Over 50,000 aw in use. Recommended by Hon Horace Greet/ and American Agriculturist. One oounty reserved for each Agent. C. A- CLEGG A CO, 3c Cort landt St . N Y. or 126 Washington St. Chicago, i 111. fe'o24w* rpilE A M ERIC A N FAMILY J KNITTING MACHINE It presented to the puolic sa the most xmple Durable, and Com pact and Cheap Knitting Machine ever invented. PRICE ONLY 25 DOLLARS. i This machine will run either backward or for ! ward wuh equal facility; makes the same stitch as by hand, but far superior in every respect. Will knit 20.000 ,Sti od Part pay erecting bridge at Stonera' ,wn 309 00 Erecting bridge in Itedford tp .... 2849 60 I'ati'l Hiiitchew for bridge in St Ctiur tp. 350 00 William C'ster '* " " 530 06 Record Books for Prcthonotary's Office . 299 15 J W Dickereon fees and per cenlage on eoliectivii 176 53 Sheriff Keyser boarding and conveying prisoners to Western Penitentiarv 244 56 Robert Steckman boarding prisoners and summoning juron 1049 77 Robert Stockman convey ing prisoners to Penitentiary and House of Refuge 324 58 Attorneys s; lary to Commissioners 100 60 Meyers A Mengel advertising 546 20 " " printing blanks 277 00 John Lut* adventziag 543 16 S. L Russell services as counsel 160 60 John G. Fisber salary as Clerk 356 00 0 E shannon, Esq. fees as Protbonotary 181 64 H J Henderson, curbing, paving and erecting Court House steps 846 97 Shires A Jordan railing for Court House steps ........... ..... 206 00 Mary Morris cleaning offices and Court H >ue - 53 75 Charles Merwine services as Janitor 82 70 Joshua Mower repairing Court House A Jail -'.7 13 Joshua Mower cleaning and repairing Co art Hoase 42 75 Wood, coal and pine tor Court House A Jail 136 43 J L Lessig repairing Jail 2 00 Money over-paid on duplicate* and tag refunded 118 66 Costs of requisition in c in of Common wea-'h vs. Growden - 157 15 Costs of Justices on ooliecting taxes 24 55 Costs in Commonwealth cases 1837 71 Costs ot holding Coroner's iaquests 26 13 Enrolling militia and holding militia ap peals 125 94 Maintaining prisoners at Western Pen'y. 845 75 Medical attendance upon prisoners - 5 00 D. W sshabiugh. auditing account of Q, E Shannon, Esq 22 50 Advertising for unseated lands not sold,, 31 09 Keeping inmate at House afßefugo 96 90 H. J. iieqdgrson services as appraiser of Poor House damages 14 00 John R Jordan do do do 1400 John Fulton do do do £2 00 L. Dofibaugh, hobbling prisoners 3 7k ReiniDger and Beegle arresting korae thieves 47 26 Win M. Ilall, fees in Com. vs. Gibson.,, 20 00 M. fi, Hitchey interest on note 18 00 Jno Bill prin. and interest on county loan 452 00 1 John Mowery interest on loan - 96 00 Stats tax as per order of Commissioners on County Treasurer 2792 77 Money overpaiion subscription to bridge 24 46 John G Fisher making out tax duplicates and enrollment lists., 73 00 John G Fisher services at special courts 36 00 Postage, telegrams and stationery.,.,,™,, 36 39 T M Lynch goods for Court House - 26 5S Tax duplicates for isB9 11 50 Fisber A Son 2 bbls. of cement 7 00 Insurance on Court House and Jai1...., 74 60 Barahart A McMullin shade trees 15 60 Hartley A Metzgar goods for C. House.. 36 15' Charles Merwine w >rk at Court House... 9 uU R W Rcrkstresser canvas far duplicate*.. 4 25 Paid Jacob Carper road tax on unseated 1and5....,,.,. 2 40 Treasurer's commission for 1809 1800 00 " 1860 1660 00 By amount paid to State Treesnrer 3579 02 " - " William Bo -ties, Poor House Treasurer 5000 00 Expenses of auditing account 166 60 Treasurer's salary 300 00 Amount paid Charles Merwixe attending s-aditors ~..., 8 00 Stationery .... 25 00 Expeuses of County Institute 95 90 " Geueral Election, Cctober ... 553 64 " rpring " 321 70 " Special election in Harneon township - 10 00 Taxi credits $39541 00 Receipts $53407 96 Expenditures 29141 09 Bala_.ee iu Trea5ury..,..,,™.,,,, „.$l3PB*6 96 Anuuut of taxek fat the hands of old edl •eotors™ 471 75 Amount of unpaid taxes in the hands of Justices of the Peaoe for 1868 4" 9a Amount of unpaid taxes in the bauds of Crijal 2latirfs. Justi-es of the Penoe for, 1869 -... 6660 03 Total - *7OM7S Money oved by Bedford County: John Sill, on note $3090 09 John KemmeTy. on note 2069 66 John Mowery, on aote 860 66 Total $5960 66 BEDFORD COUNTY, S. S. The undersigned auditors of said county do hereby certify, that in pursuance if the acts of Assembly in each eases made and provided, they met at the Court House, in the Bon High of Bed ! ford, aßd did audit and adjust tht accounts of i Isaac MENGEL, Treasurer forsaid oiunty, forthe year A. D. 1869. as ascertained in the foregoing statements, and that they have examined the foregoing accounts due to and oved by said coun ty, and that they have found the same to be eor | reel. Witness our bands this Btb day of January A. D. 1870. S. WHIP, M B I NTER. OWEN McGIRR. J. M. RETMOLDS. Clerk. To the Auditor General of PettTwglvania: Treasurer in account with the Common vealth of Pennsylvania from January Bth, 1859 to Janu ary th, 1870: TREASURER, DR. To amovit of tavern ac i restaurant Li j censes - $7BO 80 , To aunount of retailers' licenses 977 50 TREASURER, CR. By treasurer's per eentage 87 91 By cash paid Wis. !>. Kichollt, services as Associate Judge... 366 60 By cash paid G. W. Gump, for services as Associate Judge... 34:1 30 By Pensions 1660 66 By cash paid for printing. 25 20 BEDFORD COTNTT, S. S. The undersigned auditors of said county do hereby certify that in pursuance of the act of as sembly in such cases made and prorived, they met at the Court House, in the Borough of Bed ford, and did audit and adjust the accounts be tween ISAAC MENOEL, Treasurer of said County and the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as ascei tained in the foregoing statement. Witness our hands this 6th day of January, A. 1). 1876. S. WHIP, M. A. HUNTER, OWEN McGIRR, J. M. REYNOLDS, Clerk. And tors 4feb ESTATE OF DAVID BUCK, DEE'D. —Letters of Administration upon the Estate of David Buck, late of West Providence town ship. dee'd having been granted the undersigned by the Register of Bedford County, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims, to present the same for settlement, to JONATHAN BUCK, Ada; r. or bis Attorney, Edward £. Korr, Bedford, Pa. feb3w6 £ ESTATE NOTlCE.—Notice in bere- A by given that Letters testamentary to the estate of Nathan Robison, late of Southampton tp., dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bedfori county All persons ! indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate piyment, and those having claims will present them, properlv authecticHted, for settle ment. "HIRAM ROBISON Ex'r feblow6.* PILES. A MISSIONARY WHO HAD suffered 22years with Piles, was cured and will send the receipt free. RET. FOSTER DIX. Jersey City. N J. lebl6w4. 4 GREAT CHANCE! AGENTS* ,~\ WANTED ! $lOOO per year sure mrde by Agents, ma'e or female, selling our WORLD-RE NOWNED PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE CLOTHES LINES. Cheapest and best ciothft lines in the world ; only 3 eta. per foot, and will last a hundred years—Address the Hudson Riv er Wire Co , 75 Win. St ,N. Y., or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. feblQwd DEAFNESS—THE PATEN I Jr ORGANIC VIBRATOR.—It fits iato the Ear. is not perceptible, re.joves Singing Noises in tteHead. and enables Deaf Persons to hear an tfsctly at Church or Public Assemblies Treat ise on Deafness, with Means of Cure, sent free. DB T. HUNT STILLWELL, 762 Broadway. N. Y. fehlow4. /CANVASSING- BOOKS SENT V/ FREE FOR PARIS BY SUNLIGHT AND GASLIGHT. A WORK DESCRIPTIVE OF THE MYSTERIES VIRTUES VICES, S PLENDORS and CRIMES,O/ che CITY OF PARIS. It tells how Paris has become the Gayest and mct Beautiful City in the world; how its Beauty and Splendor are purchased at a fearful cost of Misery and Suffering ; how visitors are Swindled by Professional Adventurers; how Virtue and Vice g-i arm in-Brm in the Beautiful City : how the most Fearful Crimes are committed and con cealed : how money is Squandered in useless lux ury and contains over 150 fine engraving? of no ted Places. Life and Scenes in Paris Agents wanted Canvassing Bookssent free Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, I'a febi6w4. ANT E D-A GENTS. $73 to $260 PER MONTH. Everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This maehine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, .bind, braid embroider it a most supe rior manner. PRICE ONLY 18 DOLLARS. Fully Warranted for Five Years We will pay $lOO6 for any machine that win sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than our*. It makes the •ELASTIC LOCK SUCH Every second stitch can be cut, and Mill the cloth canaot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to $266 per month an ! ex pense* or a commission from which twice that a monnt can be made Address SECOMB A CO., Pittsburg. Pa ; Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION.—Beware of all Agents selling Ma chines under the same name as outs, unless tbey can show a certificate of Agency signed by us We shall not hold ourselves responsible for worth less Machines sold by other parties, and shall prosecute all parties either setting or using Ma chines under this name to the full extent of the law. unless such machines were obtained from us by our agents. Do not be imposed upon by parties who oopy our advertisements and circu lars and offer worthless Machines at a lea* prite. feblOwA D~ tSSOLUTION NOTICE.— Tfaf un dersigned heraby give notice that tbey have dissolved the partnership heretofore existing be tween them in the mercantile business, by mutu al consent. The books are in the bands of Simon Hershmanforcollection, who willalsopay alliebu owed by the late firm. SIMON HEBSHMAN, sept9s9tf SOLOMON GREKNBAUM "V"OTICE,—An elee-tion will beheld _j_N st the public House of Emanuel Brosius m the Borough of MrConnelltburg, on Monday the 7th March 1870, between the hours of 12o'eiock M , and two o'clock P M , to elect five mana -sers of the Chambersburg and Bedford Turnpike ,od Company for the ensuing year. febl7w3_ T. B. KEMNgDY, Pre. 1 ELECTION.— The Stockholders of the Bedford and Stoystowo Turnpike Com pany, will bold an Election for five Man*gars to serve for the ensuing year, at the House of Charles Colvin, in the Borough of Sehellsbarg. beiweeu the hours of twelve ani two o'cloak, on the first M.-niay in March A E SCHELL. Secy. fehl9w3. A RARE CHANCE IS UFFERED ALL PERSONS itpiay their Goods; T< sell their Goods; To gather information; To make known their wast Ac., Ac. Ae. Ae., Ae., Ae., Ae., Ae., by *dvr*iinein the columns of TB OAS*V*B VERY VARIETY OF JOB PRINTING neatly **eeted at low atesat Tag BBDFOBD GAIETTE office. Call and leave Vur order# J W, KNOX, Builder of first elasa LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS, lnvitesat:ention to his stock of finished wagons and seasoned wood. WORK SHOPS one-haljmile west of Bedford. aug26.'69tf A NTHRACITE COAL.—2 have .Afcrsale a lot of WJLKESBARRE NUT PIAL which I reooßimend as of the best quali ty JOHN W BARN DOLLAR, Bloody Run Station, oet7m3 rpHE LATEST STYLES OF JOB | W „rk done at the Bad ford Qaaatte O^ee. SOMETHING NEW!—Every one their own A relet. Desirable fbr ladies at gentlemen. AddretsßElTZ A JOHNSON. aprJSmJ Lonaeoning, Mi. srg-6oods, &£. VTEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED 11 AT J. M. SHOEMAKERS BARGAIN STORK. NEW GOODS jast Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Stow NEW GOODS just Received at J. M Shoemaker 's Bargain 3tor* NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M.Shoemaker'sßargain Store. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Efy Goods, Groceries, Clothing Hate, Btiots and Shoes, Queeaenare, Fish, Notions. Leather, Tobaeeo. Ac., at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats. Boots and Shoes Queenswara. Leather. Pish. Notions, Tobaeeo, Ac., at J M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY vour Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hau, Boots and Shoes. Qncensware, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Fish. Ae., at J. id Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes. Qaeensvare. Notione. Leather. Tobacco, Fish, Ae., at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats. Boots and Shoes. Qaeensvare, Notions. Leather, Tobaeeo, Fish, Ac., as J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing. Hau, Boots and Shoes. Qaeentvare. Notions. Leather, Tobaeeo, Fish Ac., at J IS. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. Bedford, Pa ,June 11, 1569. TO CASH BUYERS, NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY t SAVE your GBXESEACKS ' ; a Bmm and as cos TI a can G. B. OSTER A CO. are now receiving a l AB;B and Smajca X STOCK of new and desirable -j K WINTER GOODS, a > ] > and are noworrxmisG BSTBAOBBISABTIS DFCBBESTS for CASH ! mm fc-t *** j X BRING ALONG TOUR GRRSSRACSS AND we jr < < vill guarantee te SELL yon GOODS as CHK AF O r* c , as the SAME MAKE, STTLE and crAt.ii> can , tr H be told in CBSTBAL PEES A. DOST FAIL te call and get posted on the nev CASH prices before yea acv.— L IT VILL SAVE roc MOEET. Bedford, Nov. IFT, 1566, JB3. 1 TO CASH BUYERS REDUCTION IN PRICES OF DRY GOODS, TO CLOSE WINTER STOCK! BARGAINS FOR CASH! A. B. CRAMER A CO. Jan. 12,1870 tf. I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple reined v. and vill send the receipt free MRS. M. C."LEGGETT Hohoken,N. T. feblw4.