fie § * $nt\U Homo and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROADTOPR.R. -WI.tTIR ARBASOEMKSr.-TIMFTABI.It. — Oi SDJ f., r Sipt. I ">th, passenger trains will arriveand depart asfollows: Mail Train leaves Mi Dallas at 11 .00 p. "J-*"'* rives at Huntingdon at_4 2# Vmi ! v Hunt ing lon at 8 40 a. m.. and arrive? at Mt Dallasat .Acrom'n Train leaves Saxton at 8 20 a. m , an I arrives at Huntingdon, at 10.10 a m;leavet Huntingdon at 5 55 p. m., and arrives at feaxton at 7 41 p. m. Court is in session this week. A bakery has been established in j this place. McConnellsburg has ordered a new fire engine. A new planing mill is being erec ted in Altoona. Those who advertise most have most ; success in business. Representative Longenecker is in town, attending court. $40,400 have been subscribed to build . a branch railroad to Somerset. The .Methodists of McConnellsburg are going to build a new church. The "Fifteenth Amendmentists" > are having a religious revival in Hun- j tingdon. The lawyers of this place have a law lie-brary in the court house. Quite j natural. We are indebted to Senator Find j lay and Representative Longenecker for official documents. The Johnstown Tribune has Akers as j agricultural editor. The Perches are not taken into account. A proposition to make the legal rate of interest 7 per cent, is before the Legislature cf this State. Wendell Phillips thinks William I Penn would have been a 4 dough face'- had he lived in New England. The Presbyterians of Cumberland j have inaugurated a movement for the j erection of a new church edifice. The Huntingdon murderers have both made confessions, hut as one flatly contradicts the other, the presumption j is that they both lie. Over one hundred persons have pro fessed religion during the revival in j the Methodist church at Huntingdon. I The revival still continues. Ten bushels of suckers and catfish were caught at one haul in the Junia ta in Huntingdon county, recently.— What has become of the fLh law ? A little child about two years old was strangled to death in Altoona, by a small screw which i: had put into its mouth slipping into its throat and lodging there. Governor Geary has ordered the ex ecution of the murderers of thePeight al family, in Huntingdon county, to take place on Friday the 9th day of March next. The Bloody Run military company has adopted the name of the "Russell : Zouaves," in honor of our former townsman, Hon. A. L. Russell, now j Adjutant General of the State. The Legislature is considering the propriety of repealing that section of the registry law that abolishes spring lecti<*ns. Better repeal the whole t e d-oomed to repent in sawdust in a clime where the thermometer runs high! Two men entered an ore mine near Mount Union, Huntingdon county, a few days since, carrying lamps. A spark from one of the lamps fell into a box of powder, and a fearful explosion oeen left at our office for examin ation. The brown and black hema tite are found at a distance of le-s than a fourth of a mile apart, and in quan tities that it is thought almost inex ! hatistible. Examination has disclosed ! the fact that one of these deposits of hematite is the continuation of a regular vein leading from Yellow | Creek and Hopewell, Pa. This vein | of ore is represented to be fifteen feet ! thick, growing in richness as it ex pends Southward. The other hema i tite is not found in Pennsylvania, but from the point alieve staled, the East ern slope of the Warrior mountain, to Oldtown. it is represented to be in enor mous quantities. Our Informant tells us that the whole face of the mountain appears to be a .solid mass. List of Jurors drawn for Adjourned' Court, 4th Mondfy, 28th day of Febru ary, A. D., 1870- Orbn Elbin Aaron liana A H Jenkens George Sbirer George N- Ellia Philip Wemrerling James H Woy Jacob Koona Fred G. Beegla George Gardill Reuben R Colrin Abraham F'uck Samuel Dubbs Michael Wendle A. H H ill George W. B iwaer J *hn K Jordan Samuel Carney Michael Diehl Samuel Nioolemis George Hartle Simon Uarclerode Henry D*irs*-y I) F H-rrclerode Jobn C Figard A J Middleton George Lysinger M irtrn L. Miller William J Palmer Lewis Porter Leonard Birmer Joseph Griffirh Josiah Griffith Junes Cornell John Gephart W J. Patterson Heury H Fisher H. Olay Lashley. Drawn and certified at Bedford the 13th day of January, A. D.. 1870. Attest:— ISAAC KENSIXGER, Jno. G. Fisher, WILLIAM KIKK, Clerk. Jury Comm's. Harrisburg houses are plastered over with "For Rent"—a result of radical good times. — Johnstowners want the jurisdiction of their court enlarged. wit Mvmmtt !&♦ PeuMflTMi* Cl. Iron nd Oil Pro* duel ion i From the annual report of the ex- ; ecutive committee of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, we derive some im portant statistics relative to the coal, iron and petroleim interest of Pennsyl vania. The anthracite coal production of the State during 1869 amounted to 1*1,388 - 457 tons, against 13,674,257 tons in It-68 ; bituminous coal, (transported by the Pennsylvania Central road alone.( 3,- 329.338 tons, against 2 1)65,309 in 1868, an increase of 265,809 tons, and mak ing a total of anthracite and bituinin ous of 15,714,696 tons, exclusive of that transported by the Monougahela slack water and othe" wes'ern transporters of coal, which would carry the quantity of Pennsylvania coal brought into use up to very nearly or quite 20.000,000 tons, and to a value of fully $60,000,000. The production of iron in Pennsyl vania for the year 1869 was 96*5,000 tons, against 872,000 tons in 1868; in crease 93,000 tons, the sales of the pro duct being about *34,000,000, or very tittle beyond the lesser quantity of last year. The added value on the manufactured article may he fairly es timated as *35,000,000, showing a total quantity from 1,424,157, tons to 1,563- 000 tons. The total production of crude oil from Pennsylvania wells during the yeAr amounted to 189,681,390 gallons, an increase of more than 22,000 over 1868 and 33,600 gallons over 1867. The exports amounted to 102.568,831 gal lons, at an average price of 25 cents, so that this product has furnished ex change for fully *25,000,000, or more than half the value oi the gold export from San Francisco for the year, aud the three combined would show val ues: For coal, as above, say *90,000,000 j ron t 69,000,000 Petroleum, including domes tic consumption 40.000,000 Vgregate for the three arti p les *165 000,000 The total amount of coal consumed in this country In 1869 was $29,839,014 tons. In England, in 1868, 103,141,15< tons were u-ed. The culture of indigo is to he intro duced TICE.—An election will he hold yj pt the public House of Emanuel Brosins in the Borough of MoConnellsburg. on Monday the 7rb March 1870 between the hours of 12->'e!oek M and two o'clock P. M . to elect five mans gersofthe Chambersburg and Bedford Turnpike Road Company lor theensuin t vear. tebl7w3 T B KENNEDY,Pree't. T?ARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE IN -BURANCE COMPANY. OF YORK, PA. The heft and most reliable Company in the State. CP-All i nformation giv9n by JOS. E NOBLE. Agent, feb I7M3# W*ATERSIO a PA "VTOTICE OF APPEALS.—Notice UN is hereby given thit appeals from the As sessment for the year 1870 will be heard at the Commissioner's Office, in Bedford, for tba several districts of the county, as follows : For Juniata. Schellsburg, Hat tison. Napier. St. Clair and St. Clairsville, on Monday, March 14 For Londonderry. Cumberland Valley, Colerain, Rtinsburg. Southampton. Monroe and East Providence, on Tuesday. March. 15. For West Providence. Bloody Run, Hop well, Snak** Spring, South Woodberry, Middle Woodberry and Woodberry B*>r , on Wed nesday. March 16 For Broad Top. Coledale. Liberty, Saxton. Bed ford Borough and Bedford Township, on Thursday. March 17 No subsequent appeals will be heard except in cases where it is shown that the persons appealing were unable to attend at the time and place a b*.ve indicated PETFR M BARTON, Attest: DANIEL P. BEEGLE, Jno. G Fisher. GEORGE ELDER, Clerk. Cotumisioners feb!7w4 Tl!8T OF CAUSES put down for j Trial at the Special February Term, 18?ti. (28'b day.l Middle Woodberry tp., vs Bassler A Longenecker. Thomas Growden vs Archibald B'alr et al. name vs Same. Charles W. Colvtn vs Wm. J. Rook ef al Georgs Roades vs Edward A F- ckler. FreJericka Miller vs John Mcllwatne. Sophia W M tllin vs George Mullin's Executors. J M. Shoemaker vs William A. Powell George W Gump vs Philip Lebselter W B Huffman vs George W. Gump Henry D Mock vs Win. Hammers A'lex McGregor's Adm'r vs Wm A. Reininger Isaiah Collins, widow and children vs Eliza Col tins et al. Shannon and Aldstadt vs Emily and A. J Cris man. John B Weaver va John Bowser e Same vs Same Barnard Clabaugh va Isaiah Mills Wm. M Lloyd, Indorsee, Ac., vs Hopewell tp. Scholo District. John B Weaver. Trustee vs John Bowser. William Bowles vs George Stuoky et al. Certified, January 18,1870 ja D27W4. JNO P. RERD. Prot'y \\T ; Established in 1830.) YV ELCH & GRIFFITH S, SAWS ! AXES! SAWS! SAWS of "11 descriptions. Axes. B-lting. and Mill Furnishings. Circul ir Saws with Solid teeth, or with Pa'ent Adjustable Points, superior to a't inserted Teeth Sates. Ijf Prices Reduced , arj IJT Send for Price List and Circulars jrj WRLCII A GRIFFITHS. Boston, Mass , or Detroit. Micb. 4 GENTS WANTED r\ for our new illustrated book of 468 pages. "THE EXPO-E, or Mormons and Mormonism." Containing a full and authentic account of their social condition, religious doctrines and political government, with nartlwf fa--ts and fulldiselos ure* of rites, ceremooies and mysteries of POLY GAMY Sold only by suhteription and exclu sive territory given No charge for canvassing books Send far circulars, giving full particu lars with notices of press. BLISS A CO., fcb!7w4 _ __ _ Newark, N. J. AGENTS! READ THIS! We Will Pay Agents A Salary of s'io Per rteek a-d expenses, or allow a large commission to sail our new wonderful inventions Address M WAGNER A CO. Marshall, Mich. eb!7w4 i IMvfrtiSfHwnts. rpHE NEW YORK METHODIST I Publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for the Faintlv. a new Children's Story every week, Chats with the Little Ftdks, Editorials by the best Methodist writers and others Foreign and domes tic Correspondence, full Departments of Religious and Secular Intelligence—in short, whatever goes to make a complete Fmnily Paper. Price, $2 50 a year. Liberal premiums to canvassers. Toar ly subscriptions commence at an y time. For specmen, enclose a two febl7w4 114 N St New York. RAMSDELL NORWAY OATS- For those who wish to experiment in a small way with these giant cereals, we have con cluie l to offer DOLLAR SAMPLE PACKAGES, thus giving everybody a chance to profit by their in reduction. Any man. woman or boy who has a farm rar len or village lot. can make SSO by sen- j ding $1 at once, for a package, enough to grow 10 , bushcis. Seut, post-paid, with printed history full ot interest to every farmer. Look out for j counterfeit seed Order only from the originators D W R AMSDELL A Co., 218 Pearl St., N Y., or : 171 Lake St , Ohioage Circular free. j 4 rornatie Vegetable Soap. COLGATE A CO'S O I L E T SOAPS NEW YORK - - ESTAB.IBO6. Forthe Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ORILLARD'S | is an excellent article o I granulated \ irginia , wher- A II i ever introduced it is uni "hl KhKA j yersally admired. It is put SMOKING TOBACCO | up in handsome muslin bags, • n which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily picked. LORILLARD'S I is made of the choicest v ki'irr ('i ur ! leßf g rown ; il ' anti ' YAtll t U LIB nervous in its effects, as SMOKING TOBAOCO Nicotine has been ex tracted ; it leaves no disagreeable taeteaftersmuk ing; it is very mild, light in color and weight, heuce one pound will last as long as 3 of ordi nary tobacco In this brandy we also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes. 'lry it and convince yourselves it is all itclaims LO be, "THE FINEST OF ALL " LORILLARD'S I This brand of Fine Cut f F V T TT It V I chewing tobacco bas no to Hi 2N JUXV l equal or superior any CHEWING TOBACCO J where It is without doubt tbe best chewing tobacco in the country. LORILLARD'S I baye now been in general c, a- tt r- o use in the United States 5 N U t r £5 | (>ver HO years, and still acknowledged "the best" wherever used. If your storekeeper does not have these artl ; cles lor sate, ask him to get them ; they are sold bv respectatoe jobbers aluiost everywhere. Circular of prices msiled on application. P LORILLARD A CO.. New York. MOUSTACHES forced to grow in six weeks. Recipe sent for 50 cents Ad -1 dress H hICHARDS, Box 3986 New York P.O. PUj OI'KET REVOLVERS. WettVe Six Shooter. A neat, durable weapon, I f.iur-inch bsrrel. Price $1 50 pott-paid Ad j dress S. G. AUSTIN. Elsie, Mich DR. WHITTIER, 9 Wylie St., Pittsburgh, Pa . of Uuion-wide reputation, treatsall venereal diseases; also, seminal weak ne s. impotency, Ac., the result of self-abuse Send 2 stamps for sealed pamphlet. 50 pages. No matter who failed, state case. Consultation free P~ SYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION OR SOULCHARMING —IOO pages cloth. This wonderful book bas full inslructions to en able the reader to fascinate eilber sex. or any animal, at will. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, and hundreds of other curiou: experiments It can be obtained by sending address, with 10 cents postage, to T. W- EVAkc A CO., No. 41 so. Eighth St., Philadelphia. MANHOOD and WOMANHOOD. —Essays for Young Men free, in scaled envelopes HOWARD ASSOCIATION. Box P, Philadelphia, Pa feb!7w4. BTbis is no Humbug Y sending 33 cents, with age. height, eolor of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct picture ot your fu'ure busb -nd r wife, wrib name and d*t of marriage. Address W.FOX P O. Drawer No. 24th. Fulton ville, N k feb!7w4. _ I\R C. W. MILLARD'S KE M A L E SILVER P I LL S. An unfailing remover of obstructions, snd a cer tain regulator ..f the monthly turu Infill b/e, U i trnd T "stworthy Sent free by mail to any a olress 'o reee'L of In* 1 Dollar. P 0 BOX 3620, Nw York City^ MAN HOOD ami the Vigor of Youth Restored in Four Weeks Success guar antee 1. DR RECORD'S ESSENCE OF LIFE restores manly power, from whatever cause aris ing. The effects of early pernicious habits, self, abuse nd climate, give way at once to this wonderful medicine, if taken regularly according to directions (which are very stnple and reauire no restraint from business or pleasure) Fail ure is impossible Sold iu bo ties at $3. or lour quantities in one for $9 To be bad only of the -ole appointed agent in America, HERMAN GERirZEN, 105 Third Avenus. New York npHIRTY YEARS' Experience In L the Treatment of Chronicand Sexual Disea ses—A Physiological View of Marriage —Tbe cheapest book ever published—containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravincs of the anatomy of the human organs in a stateof health and disease, with atreatiseon enrlyerrors its deplorable consequences upon he mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment —the only rational andsuccessfulmodtofcure.agshown oy a report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married and thosecoptouiplating marriage who entertain doubts of their obysioal condition. Sent freeof postage to any addrcsson receipt of 28 cents, in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr L 4 CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albeny N. z . The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which bis hooks treat, either persons ally or by mail, and medicinesient to any part o he world. jan2ow4 f npilE GREAT CAUSE OF HU- I MAN MISERY Juit Published in a Seated Envelope Priet Six Cents. A Lecture on the N iture. Treatment, and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness or Spermatorrhoea, induted by Self Abuse, Involuntarv Emissions. Imp itency Nervous Debility, and luipe iiinents to Marriage generally; Consumption Epilepsy, and Fits' M ntal and Pby-iial Incapacity, A: —By ROB. i J. CULVERWELL M D . Auth >r of the Green Bo"k," Ac. Tbe world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture. clearly "roves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordicals. pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be. may cure hiuiselt.cheaply,private ly and radically THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS ANDTHOUS ANDS. Sent under sea', to any address, in a plain en velope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps Also Dr. Cutverwell's "Marriage Guide," price2s cents. Address the Publishers CfJ 4vJ .C. KLINE A CO.. 127 Boaserv. New York, Post Office Box 4,586. ju1y33.'69y1. Sales. \T ALU ABLE FARM AT PRI VATE SALE. The subscriber offers for sale a good improved farm, situate in Snake Soring township. Bedford county Pa , two miles from Mt Dallas Station, on tbe Huntingdon and Broadcop Railroad, containing 230 acres Lime stone land, about 180 acres cleared and onder good fence (800 panels post fence), and the balarce well timbered, having thereon a good Urge Frame Hou-ie, large Rank Rafn and all necessary om-buildings, 3 never-tailing Springs of water. 3 Orchards. 2 good tenant bouses and a good Saw Mill The above mansion (arm i in a good state of cultivation, and is well calculated for 2 farms. For further particulars, address the subscriber, HENRY HER>HBERGER, jau6ui3* Bloody Run, Pa. 'TANNERY FOR SALE OK RENT. —The subscriber offers for sale or rent, his T.ioncry. with Bark Mill and Tools; also his fine s ore room tor rent. Poeseasion given on tbe Ist of April, 1870. This property is located in the boiougn of Schellsburg. Bedford county, an ex oe lent location for both siore and tannery. For further particulars, address JOHN S SCHELL. jan6ni3. Schellsburg, Pa. G1 RAIN DRILL.—The Celebrated f LANCASTER GRAIN DRILL, the best, an i 25 per cent cheaper than any Drill in the Market, tor sale by JOHN NELSON. St. Clair tp —july!6tf. fJICKLINUi ANI) FAMILY VIN- Jl EOAR. Superior White Wip,s and Cider Vinegar of Ft ne F-avor, Utrength and Purity. For Sale hy G. K OSIER A CO. aagtVoiS*. r pERMS for every description ol Job JL PRINTING CASH' for the reason that for every article or use. we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low a it can be done in the cities r pilE LATEST STYLES OF JOB I Work done at the Bedford Gazette Cffic.e Xrgal Jotirrs. A NNtTAL REPORT OF THE AUDI ■TV TORB >F BEDFORD COUNTY. ISAAC MENGEL. Esq. Treaeurer of Redford County in of count teilh said County from Janu ary 7th. A. I) 18(59 to January B lb, A. V. 1870." TREASURER, OR. \ To ba'ance in Treasnrv at last settle ment $11603 31 f To amount of tax received frotn old col lectors. as follows: John Kero<*ry, ScbelDburg bor 29 69 . Isaac f>. Farnest, Bedford tp 4 0(1 j Jacob Evans. Londonderry tp 291 5(5 S. S. Flu.-k. Liberty tp 60 60 Solomon Barley, M. Wondberry tp......... 297 19 To amount received on unpaid lists for 1868, pla ed in (be bands of Justices of the Peace for collection: John A 'lump. Rainsburg borough and Colerain tp 55 75 Isaac Kensinger. Liberty tp 66 34 William Adams, Southampton tp 13 78 Jacob Mrenneman. JL Woodberry tp 297 20 David Points, Bedford tp * 512 05 D. A. Plank, St. Olairsville bor 15 59 j S S Fluek. Saxton bor 19 51 , To amount received frou. tba several townships before placing lists of un paid taxes in the hands of Justices of the Peace: Bedford borough 1756 13 Bedford tp 2974 -16 Rloodv Run bor 733 97 Broad Top tp 953 82 Coleda e horo 166 45 fo'e-ain tp 2041 79 Cumberland Valle* tp 1886 46 Harrison tp 804 33 Hopewe Itp 1260 96 Juniata tp 826 12 Liberty tp - 833 52 Londonderry 1179 22 Monroe 1262 24 Napier tp 2179 10 Providence E tp ; 902 89 Providence W tp 1088 6" Raiosborg boro 238 86 S.-hellsburg boro 369 30 Saxton lairo 2"9 61 St. Claiisville boro 141 38 St. Flair tp 2159 42 6nake Spring tp 11 9 9 93 Soutbami ton tp 999 48 Union tp 11 Si* 53 Wondberry M tp 3166 69 Woodberry boro 297 46 Wondberry S. tp 3953 85 To amount rcce'd on unpaid lists placed in the hands of Justices of the Peace for collection: John W. Bowen. Napier tp 523 80 Jessie Hoffman, Snake Spring tp 152 00 ■lames Cessna Cumberland Valley'p 2!7 04 William B Lambright. Union tp 155 00 James Carnell, Monroe tp 140 00 M O- a'v. Bedford tp 900 00 Adam H nlerman. Wondberry S. 311 67 Jacob L. Albright. Londonderry tp ....... l s s 52 John B Fluek. Hopewell tp 120 00 David Miller. Harrison tp 35 00 John A Gump. Bloody Bun boro 190 83 John C. Figard, Broad Top tp 500 oO j Michael F Stock, Woodberry horo 75 68 j Joseph Snowden, Woodberry M tp 180 00 A W Swope. Coledale boro 56 55 Isaiah Morris, St Clair tp 319 35 Henry Geyer. Juniata tp 350 "ft losepb Fisher. Providence W, tp 149 61 Peter Dewalt, Sch ilsburg horo 82 18 John Hohlerbaum, Colerain tp 125 00 Jno A Gump. Rainslmrg boro 2t 0(1 John W. Sams, Providence E tp 200 00 To costs ree'd from James McDonald 100 00 To taxes ree'd on unseated lands I t 00 To arnou tof ten day tax ree'd 8 81 Total receipts ,$53,401 96 TREASURER. OR. By amount paid Jurors during the year 1869: Grand Jury, February Term: 188 39 Petit " " '• 329 ('5 Jurors adjourned Court. Feb'y Term... 344 24 Grand Jurors, April Term 138 26 Petit " " " 367 2 Jurors adjourned Court. July 372 53 Grand Jury, September Terui l x 482 Petit " " " 34' 5- Jurors djo >med Court. Sept 363 *6 Grand Jury November Term '79 36 Petit *• " *" 401 62 By am unt of Sundry checks drawn by tbe Commissioner- as follows: Court Crier 163 31 Tin Staves 198 99 Scalps - - 3093 21 Wibtam Kirk, service? as Jury Coram'r 94 80 Isaac Kensinger " <* '* 87 88 Moses Points, special services " 15 00 Jno. G. Fi-her, Clerk t,o Jury Comm'rs... 49 50 ConsMblesireturns . ...: , 714 94 j Road Views 198 DO Bridge view and expenses >9 50 Assessors making assessments 466 On Registration of voters under new hegis try Law 693 50 George Kder, services as Commissioner 18 Oh Peter M. B irton " " 44 163 25 Dan'l P. Beegie " " • 168 00 David Howsaro " " " 'BB 00 Micb'i 8 Ritohey " ■' " 32 00 Jacob Frise, erecting bridge at Williams' 1200 Otl Part psy erecting bridge at Stooers' >wn 3eo "0 Erecting bridge in Bedford tp 2549 ' 0 Dan'l lli'ecbew for bridge in St Clair tp. 350 00 William Osier " " ' 580 o0 Record Books for Prothonotary's Office... 2n9 15 J W Dickersoji fee and per oentage on collection 1.0 53 Sheriff Keyscr boarding and conveying prisoners to Western Penitentiarv 244 56 Robert Steckman boarding prisoners and summoning jurors 1049 77 Robert Sterkinan conveying prisoners to Penitentiary and House of Refuge 324 50 Attorneys si lary to Commissioners 100 00 Meyers A Meuge! advertising •• 540 2" 0 " printing b1ank5.,,,,,...,., 277 00 John Lutz advertizing , 543 16 S. L kussell services as counsel 100 00 John G. Fisber salary as Cberk 350 00 0 E .shannon, Esq. tees as Prothonotary 181 04 H J Henderson, curbing, paving and erecting Court House steps 840 87 Shires A Jordan railing for Court House steps 200 00 Mary Morris cleaning offices and Court House 53 To Charles Merwiue ser ices as Janitor 82 70 Josbua Mower repairing Conn House A Jaii 37 13 Joshua Mower cleaning and repairing Court House 42 75 Wood, coal and pine (or Court House A Jail 136 43 J L Lessig repairing Jail 2 00 Moi ey over-paid ou duplicates and tax refunded... 118 06 Costs of requisition in C >se of Common wealth vs. Gfowdeu 157 15 Costs of Justices on coi-ecing taxes 24 55 Costs in Commonwealth cas a 18 >7 71 Costs of holding Coroner's inquest: 26 13 Enrolling militia and holding militia ap peals 125 94 Maintaining prisoners at Western Peti'y. 845 "0 Medical attendauce upon prisoners 5 00 D. Wishab.iugh, auditing account of 0. E Shannon, Esq 22 50 Advertising for unseate 1 lands not sold.. 31 00 Keeping inmate at House of Kefuge 96 90 M. J. Henderson services as appraiser of Poor Iloqse damage* 14 00 John R Jordan do do do 14 00 John Fulton do do do 22 00 L. Defibaugh, hobbling prisoners 3 75 Reiniuger and Beegie arresting horse thieves - 47 20 Wm. M. Hall, fees in Com. vs. Gibson... 2o 00 M. S. Rite hey interest on note 18 Oo Jno Sill prin, and interest on oounty loan 452 00 John Mowery interest on loan 96 00 State tax as per order of Commissioners ou County Treasurer 2792 77 Money overpaid on subscription to bridge 24 46 John G Fisher making oat tax duplicates and enrollment iists 73 00 John G Fi-ber service- at special Courts 36 o0 Postage telegrams aud stationery 36 39 T M Lynch goods fur Court House 26 56 Tax duplioaes for iB6O tl s'i Fi.-hcr A son 2 bbls. of cement 7 00 Insurance on Court H >use and Jail 74 00 Barnhart A Mc.Vluiiin shade uee 15 0(1 Hartley A YJe'jgar goods fur C. House.. 36 12 CharUs Merwine w >rk at Court House... 9 50 R W Berkstresser canvas for duplicates., 4 25 Paid Jacob Carper road tag on unseated land 2 40 Treasurer's commission for 1868 1000 00 <• '• " ]sA9 1000 00 By amount paid to State Treasurer 3579 02 " •• " William Bowles, Poor House Treasurer 5000 00 Expenses of auditing accouLt 160 00 Treasurer's salary 300 00 Amount paid Charles Merwiue attending auditors o 00 Stationery 25 Mi Expenses of County Institute.. 9> 90 General Election, October ... 563 64 " Spring <• 321 70 Special election iu Harnsuu township 10 00 Total credits $39641 00 Receipts .$53497 96 Expenditures 39541 00 Sala .ee in Treasury SI3S?B 9* ' Amount of taxes in the hands of o id eol j lectori 471 75 lAm lunt ot uupail (axes in the bauds of Justices of the Peace for 15f15...., 47 95 y mount of unpaid taxes iu the bauds of sCegal potim. Justices of the Petce for, 1869 650.> 02 Total s"<•24 73 I Money cured by Bedford County: John Sill, on note S3OOO 00 John Keinmery, on note 2000 00 John Mowrry, on Rote 800 00 Total SSBOO 00 : BEDFORD COUNTY, S. S. The undersigned auditors of said county do hereby ceitify, that in pursuance of the acts of • A*setnbly in such cases made and provided, they met a- the Court House, in the Borough of Bed ford. and did audit and adjust the accounts of j Isaac Mexcm., Treasurer for said county, for the year A. D. 1860, as ascertained in the foregoing 1 statements, and that t.bey have examined the j foregoing accounts due to and owed by said eouu- | ty, and that they have found the same to be cor rect. Witness our bands ibis Bth day of January A. D. 1870. S. WHIP, M A. HUNTER. OWEN McGIRR. J. M. REYNOLDS. Clerk. Tot he Auditor General of I'erinsglcania: Treasurer in account with the Commonwealth of I Pennsylvania from January Bth, 1859 to Janu avv Bth. 1870: THE A SUtt EH, I>R. To amount of tavern and restaurant Li censes S7BO 80 To amount of retailers' licenses 977 50 TREASURER, CR. By treasurer's per centagc.... 87 91 By ca-h paid iVm. G. r.icboltz, services as Associate Judge... 386 00 By paid G. W. Guinp. for services as Associate Judge... 315 30 By Pensions lOtiO 00 By cash pai l for printing 25 20 BEDFORD COTNTY, 8. 8. The undersigned auditors of said county do hereby certify that iu pursuance of the act of as sembly ii such eases made and provived. tney met at the Court House, in the Borough of Bed ford, and did audit and adjust the accounts be •ween ISAAC MKNGKL, Treasurer of said County and the c.minotiwealth of Pennsylvania, as ascei • lined in the foregoing statement. Witness our hands this Bth day of January, .A. 1). 1870. S. WHIP, M. A. HUNTER, OWEN McGIKR, J. M. REYNOLDS, Clerk. Aud.tois 4feb ___________ INSTATE OF DAVID BUCK, dec'tl. j—Letters of Administration upon the Estate of David Buek, late of West Providence town ship, dee'd , having been granted the undersigned by the Register of Bedford Couo'y, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those haviDg claims, to present the game for settlement, to JONATHAN BUCI, Adm'r, or his Attorney, Edward F. Kerr, Bedford, Pa. feb3w6 J AST ATE NOTlCE.—Notice is here- j j by given that Letters testsmentary to the estate of Nathan Robison, late of Southampton tp., dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bedfor . county. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, for settle ment. HIRAM ROBISON,Ex'r fel 10w6.* I) ILES. A MISSIONARY WHO 1 HAD suffered 22years with Piles, was eured and will send the receipt free. REV. FOSTER DIX. Jersey City, N. J. feb!ow4. A~ GREAT CTIANCE! AGENTS WANTED ! SIOOO per year Bare male by Agerts male or female, selling our ttOI'.LD-RE • NOIVNED PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE CLOTHES LINES. Cheapest md beat clothes i lines in the world ; only 3 ctg. per foot, and will j last a hundred years. —Address the Hudson Riv j rr Wire Co., 75 Win. St., N. Y., or 16 Dearborn I St., Chicago, 111. feblow4 lAOR DEAFNESS—THE PATENT i ORGANIC VIBRATOR.—It fits into the tar. is not peroep'ible, removes Singing Noises io ■be Head, and enables Deaf Persons to hear dis t tfnetly at Church or Public Assemblies Treat j ise on Deafness, with Means of Cure, gent free. | DB T HUNT STILLWELL, 762 Broadway, N. j Y feblow4. CIAN VASSING - BOOKS SENT / FREE FOR PARIS BY (SUNLIGHT AND GASLIGHT. A WORK DESCRIPTIVE OF THE MYSTERIES VIRTUES. VICES, SPLENDORS and CRIMES,of the CITY'OF PARIS. It tells how Paris has become the Gayest anti moat Beautiful City in the world; how its Beauty and Splendor are purchased at a fearful cost of ; Misery and Suffering ; how visitorsareSwindled j by Professional Adventurers; bow Vrrtue and ; Vice go arm in-arm in the Beautiful City ; how I the most Fearful Crimes are committed and con cealed ; how money is Squaudered in useless lux ury ; and contains over 150 fine engravings of no ted Plaoes. Life and Scenes in Paris. Agents wanted. Canvassing Books sent free Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. feblOwl. I AN T E~D—A GEN TB. *75 to S2OO PER MONTH, Everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuok, quilt, cord, bind, braid embroider in a most supe rior manner. PRICE ONLY 18 DOLLARS. Fully Warranted for Fivo Ysars. We will pay SIOOO for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the ' ELASTIC LOCK STICH " Every second stitch can be out, and still tbe cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that a moant can be made. Address SECOMB A CO., Piltsburg. Pa ; Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. CAUTION.—Beware of all Agents selling Ma chines under the same name as ours, unless they Can show a certificate of Agency signed by us. We shall not hold ourselves responsible for worth less Machines sold by other parties, and shall i prosecute all parties either selling or using Ma chines under this name to the full extent of the law. unless such machines were obtained irom us by our agents. Do not be imposed upon by parties who oopy our advertisements and circu lars and offer worthless Machines at a leu prise. feblow4. DISSOLUTION NOTlCE.—Theun dersigned hereby give notice that they have | dissolved the partnership heretofore existing be- : tween them in the mercantile business, by mutu al cousent. Tbe books are in tbe hands of Simon Hersbmaiiforcolleciion, wbowillalsopay alldebta owed by the late firm. SIMON HERSHMAN, sept9s9tf SOLOMON GREEN BAUM- I? LECTION.—The Stockholders of j the Bedford and Stoystown Turnpike Co~. pany, will hold SD Election for five Mongers to serve for the ensuing year, at tbe House ef Charles Colvin, in the Borough of So hellst urg, betweeD the hours of twelve aad two o'clock, on tbe first Monday in March. A. E SCHELL, Sec y. feb lUw3. SPIDLE et quail ty. J >IIN W. lARNDOLLAR, I Bloody Run Station, oct7ai3. SOMETHING NEW!—Every one their own Artist. Desirable for ladies or | gentlemen Address BELTZ A JOHNSON, * apr2;:3 Lonaeoning, Md, XTEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J M. SHOEMAKER'S BARGAIN STORE NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Stow NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker't Bargain Store. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M.Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Fish, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats. Boots and Shoes Queensware, Leather, Fish, Notions, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ac., at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Grocerite, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware, Notione. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ac., at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats. Boots and Shoes Queensware, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ao., at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware. Notions, Leather, Tobacco, Fieh. Ac , at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. Bedford, Pa., June 11, 1889. TO CASH BUYERS. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to SAVE your Gp.sskbj.cks ' J Go Sbk and se cokyikced! G. it. OSTER A CO. I are now receiving a labqe and Scpebicb 3Q Stock of new and desirable P3 | i a; j WINTER GOODS, Is; > ; > ~ and are now orrsßiso extbaobiiixaby i*.jjj SUCEMEXTS for CASH ' s' Is 03 Brikoaloxs tock Greexiacks and we -jj ? w | will guarantee to SELL yoa Goons ac HEAP Oi o r. as the sake make, sttlb and quality can V. r*. . ibe sold in Cehtbal Pbxx'a. Doh't Fail to call and get poeted on! ; the new CASH prices before you buy.— 1 !It will save tou moxbt. Bedford, Nov. 18, 1889, m 3. TO CAS~H~BUYE REDUCTION i IN PRICES OF I j DRY GOODS, TO CLOSE OUT WINTER STOCK! BARGAINS FOR CASH I I A. B. CRAMER A CO. Jan. 12,1870 If. ___ I was curt d of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will end the receipt free. MRB. M. C. LEGGETT. Hoboken, N. Y. t feblOwt.