The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 17, 1870, Image 1
BY M3YERS & MSNOrEL. i'ubliratioips. 1870. A, A,l "' Y 1870. NEWSPAPER FOR EVERYBODY. "THE PATRIOT," A Daily and Weekly Newspaper GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS. Only Democratic Paper at the Capital. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT is an eight page sheet/and contains forty-eight columns of reading matter. In its columns can be found tale-i, sketches, correspondence, spoches. agricultural facts and experiences, receipts in domestic economy, science and art, discovery, travel, incidents, anecdotes, historical sketches, state news items, local occurrences, foreign and douiesiic news, noted evei ts. tele grams from all parts of rbe world, commercial re ports, sto'fc and general market quotai ions and a ore it variety of curreut miscellany, besides edit orial and communicated discussions ot and criti cisms upon 'he past political events ot the times A tie I to these varied subjects will be lull and freth reports ofcougressioual and legislative pro ceedings fBRMS OF THE WEEKLY : Ore copy, one year, cash in advance $2 00 One copy, six months, " " ...... 1 00 Four c >pies, one year, " " 760 f:a copies, one year, " " '8 no T aoaty copies, one year,*' " 25 00 Thirty copies, one year, " " 5. 00 Fifty year, " " 81 00 0 i hundred copies, " " 136 00 With the following premiums to persons getting up clubs. Agents sending us clubs will he pain the following premiums in money : To a.iy person sending us a Club o four for $7 60 cash. $1 00 ten for SIS 00 cash 2 00 " twenty for 35 00 cash 400 " thirty tor ssl 00 cash 600 " fifty for s6l 00 cash 10 00 " one hun iicd for $135 00 cash 25 00 The cash to accompany every order. Agents may retain amount of their premiums. Y' ineo devote your leisure time to gett;ng up clubs for the PATRIOT There is not a vil lage or township in which, with a little exertion, a club mny not be raised Here is an excellent oppartnnity to circulate a good weekly paper nd intke money by the operation. No such offers wers ever made beforo by the publishers of any newspaper. Send your orders as soon as possible. THE MORNING PATRIOT is a first class daily newspaper, containing full associated press repot ts special Washinglon dis patches from our own correspondent "Delta," the most complete and accurate market reports, ful I accounts of tho proceedings of Congress and Legislature, spicy editorials, etc., eic. TERMS OF THE DAILY : One copy, one year, by mail $7 00 Five eopies, ope year, by mail 32 00 Ten copies, one year, by mail 60 00 Larger clubs at the last named rates. P.perg may be separately addressed, but must be taken in one package. Tho money must accompany the order to insure attention. Address B F.MEYERS A Co, deo2tf Harrisburg. Pa. \TO\V IS THE TIME TO SUB SCI E FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. The People s Favorite Journal. The Most interesting Stories Are always to be found in the NEW YORK WEEKLY. At present there are SIX GREAT STORIES running through itseolumns; and at least ONE STORY IS BEGUN EVERY MONTH. New Subscribers are thus sure of having the commencement of a new continued story, no mat ter when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each number of the YKH YORK WEEKLY contains several Beautiful Illustrations, Double the Amountof Reading Matter of any paper of its oiass, and the Sketches, Short Stories, Poems, etc., are by the ablest writers of America and Europe. The NEW YORK WEEKLY dues not eonfine its usefulness to amusement, hut publishes a great quantity of really Instructive Matter, in the most condensed form. The X. Y. WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS have attained a high reputation from their brev ity. excellence, and correctness The Pleasant Paragraphs are made up of the eoueentrated wit and humor of many minds. The Knom'edge Box isconfiaei to useful in formation on all manner of subjects. The Sews Items give in the fewest words the m >i notable doings all over the world. The. Gossip Vfith Correspondents contains an-wers to inquirers upon alt imaginable sub •ects. AN UNRIVALED LITERARY PAPER 19 TOE NEW YORK WEEKLY. Etch issue contains from EIGHT to TEN STORIES nud SKETCHES, and U vLF A DOZ EN PofiMS, in ADDITION to the .SIX SERIAL STORIE-i and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. TUB TERMS TO S ÜBS CRIB BR S One Y'ear—-inglecopy Three Dollars. • 4 41 Four copies ($2 50 eacii). .Ten Dollars. " •' Eitht copies Twenty Dollars. Those sending S2O for a club ot Eight, all S' nt j at one time, will be entitled to a sepy FKKE. , Getters-up of olubs can afterward add single j copies at $ 50 each STREET A SMITH, Proprietors, I nov2smft. No. 55 Fulton Street, N Y\ 'JMIE WEEKLY SUN. BALTIMORE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY A. S. ABLE A CO., FRO* THE "SC.* IRON BUILDING," At the S. E. corner of Baltimore and South sts. Terms Cash in Advance : For One Copy for Six Months or les3 $1 00 For Oue Copy tor One Y'ear - 1 50 THE WEEKLY SCN will rerew its best efforts as a firat-claec News and Literary Journal Ev ery improvement <>f modern journalism—by which ;t "is distinguished—will be maintained, and such attention be given to its several departments as * ill in ure their continued interest, and whatever rnty be necessary to render tbem more complete will not be lost sight of. Through no o her medium can families and in di. i luals in the towns and villages and rural districts of the country be so well supplied with proper literature, and a full knowledge of the world's whole news, from week to week. MAKE UP CLUBS. Whilethe WEBKLT SL'N is afforded at the low r ire ot $1 50 per annum to single subscribers, the OLI B r,.tes are still lower, carrying the prica 1 ■ in as low as one dollar peryear wntretwenty fi ve copies or more are taken at one post office at a time, vi* : C ib of Six Copies. One Y'ear $8 00 A' ob of Twelve Copies. One Y'ear 15 00 Club os Fifteen Copies,Oue Year Is 00 Club of Twenty Copies.One Y'ear. 22 00 0 nu of Twenty-five Copies, Oue Y'ear 25 00 Club ot Tnirty-five C iptes, One Year 3o 00 Parties, then, should gel up CLUBS in their t 'w us. villages aLd r eighborboods, and thus se ure the advantage of these very tow rates. Any p istmaster or storekeeper in the county may eaa iiy ao tomplish this among his acquaintances, or aoy active persou, male or female, do the same. The regular diffusion of the light and intelligence which such a journal affords will be a moral and social advautage in any neighborhood To those pariies gelling up clubs for the Week ly Sun. sent to one post office, we will mail here after to the address of any one sending us A CLUB O TWELVE SUBSCRIBERS An extra copy o' the Weekly Sun. gratis, forone year ; for a CLUB or TWENTY SUBSCRIBERS We will send a copy of The Daily and Weekly Sun for six months; for a CLUB or TWENTY-FIVE SUBSCRIBERS We will send a copy or the Daily Sun for one year, and to the sender of a CLUB OF THIRTY FIVS OR MORE We will mail both the Daily and Weekly Sun for one year. FJ RE S H G ARDEN, FRUIT. ! r. r , H . ERB : T , REK - SHRUB and EVERGREEN I SEEDS, with direction* for culture, prepaid by j mail The most complete and judicious assort ment in the country. Agents wanted. 25 Sorts of ether for $100; prepaid by mail j Also Small Fruits, Plants. Bulbs, all the new P 'tatoes. hn., prepaid bv mail 4 lbs. Early i Ko-e P.itati, prepaid, for $1 00 Coonver*s Colnss.l Asnsrxgu? $3 pr 100; $25 per 1000, ! prepti l. New her ly fragrant everblooming Ja- I pin II "iey-ni tk le. 50 cts each, prepaid True Cane 0,1 Cranberry, upland or low land cul ture. SI.OO p-r 100. prepaid, with directions.— 1 ri is i Catalogue to any address, gratia; also tr lie list. 8a ,ds on Comiai 'sioa. 12 WATSON Old C doujr Nurseries and j j-VaiV''PljMontS. Mats. Kstabli.hcd 40 jan64. TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THE BI'.DFORD GAIETTF i published every Thurs day moraing by MEYERS A f ENGEL, at $2.00 per i annum, if paid strictly in ad vassee ; $2.50 ifpaid within six months; $3.00 if not pain withinsix months. Alt subserip a accounts MUST he ,etlUd annually. No paper will be sent out o ihe State unless paid for IN ADVANCE, and all such uhscriptions will invariably be discontinued at he expiration of the time for which they are aid. All ADY'ERTISEMENTS for a less term than i hree months TEN CENTS per line for each ln ertion. Special notices one-half additional All : esoluti< ns of Associations; communications of mited or individual interest, and notices of mar riages and deaths exceeding five line , ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen certs per line. All legal Notices of every kind, and Orphans' Court and Judicial Sales, are required, hy lam l he published in both papers published in this place. All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows : 3 months. 6 mouths. 1 year. •One square - - - $4 50 $6 00 $lO 00 Two squares ... 600 900 16 00 Three squares - 8 00 12 00 20 00 Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 ♦One square to occupy one inch of space JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing line can be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.—TERMS CASH. UTAH 1 etters should be addresed to MEYERS A MENGEL, Publishers. PterfUaufoiis. r |MIE INQUIRER BOOK STORE, opposite the Mengel House, BEDFORD,PA. The proprietor takes plefture in offering to the public the following articles belonging to the Book Business, at CITY RETAIL PRICES : MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. NOVELS. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, &C.: Large Family Bibles, Small Bibles, Medium Bibles, Lutheran Hymn Books, Methodist Hymn Books, Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, History of the Books of the Bible, Pilgrim's Progress, Ac., Ac , Ac. Episcopal Prayer looks, Presbyterian Hymn Books, SCHOOL BOOKS. TOY BOOKS. STATIONERY, Congress, Legal, Record, Foolscap, Letter, Congress Letter, Sermon, Commercial Note, Ladies' Gilt, Ladies' Octavo, Mourning, French Note, Bath Post, Damask Laid Note, Cream Laid Note, Envelopes, Ac. WALL PAPER. •Several Hundred Different Figures, the Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county, for sale at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD in Bedford. BLANK BOOKS. Day Books. Ledgers, Account Books, Cash Books, Pocket Ledgers, Time Books, Tuek Memorandums. Pass Books, Money Books. Pocket Books, Blank Judgment Notes, drafts, receipts, Ac INKS AND INKSTANDS. Barometer Inkstands, Gutta Percha, Cocoa, and Moroceo Spring Pocket Inkstands, Glass and Ordinary StaDds for Schools, Flat Glass Ink Wells and Rack, Arnold's Writing Fluids, Hover's Inks. Carmine Inks. Purple Inks, Charlton's Inks, Et.kt.lon for pasting, Ac PENS AND PENCILS. Gillot's, Cohen's, Hollowbusb A Carey's, Payson, Dunton, aDd Scribner's Pens, Clark's indellible, Faber'c tablet, Cohen's Eagle, Office, Faber's Guttknecht's. Carpenter's Pencils PERIODICALS. Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Magazine, Madame Demorest's Mirror of Fashions, Electic Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Galaxy, Lady's Friend, Ladies' Repository, Our Young Folks, Nick Nax, Y'ankee Notions, Budget of Fun, Jolly Joker, Phunny Phellow, Lippincott's Magazine, Riverside Magazine, W'averly Magazine, Ballou's Magazine, Gardner's Monthly. Harper's Weekly, rank Leslie's Illustrated, Chimney Corner, New Y'ork Ledger. New York Weekly, Harper's Bazar, Every Saturday, Living Age, Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Arthur's Home Magazine. Oliver Optic's Boys and Girl's Magazine Ao. Constantly on hand to accomodate those who want to purchase living reading mattter Only a part of the vast number of articles per taining to the Book and Stationery bus ness which we re prepared to sell cheapo; than the cheapest, are abeveenumerated. Give us a call We bay and sell for CASH, and by this arrange ment we expect 'o sell as chean r goods of this olass are sold anywhere J*n z lß7o. TGEN I'B WANTED FUR - X CHAM BERLIN' 8 L II A O VV O K FOR THE PEOPLE! CJHTAIHIHG Full Instructions and Practical Forms, adapted to Every Kind of Business, and to all the States of the Union. BY FAANXLIN CHAMBERLIN Of the United States Bar "There is no book of the kind which will take rank with it for authenticity, intelligence, and completeness."— Springfield (Mass.) Republi can . This is the Only New Book of the kind pah lisbed for rn&nv years. It is prepared by an able Practical Lawyer, of twenty-flive years' ex perience, and is just what everybody needs for daily use. It is hightu recommended by many eminent Judges.including the Chief Justice and othi' Judges of M issachusttts, and the Chief Justice and entire Bench of Connecticut. Sold only by Subscription. Agent* Wanted Everywhere. Send for Circulars. 0. D. CASE A CO., Publishers. Hartford, Conn.; No. 1 Spruce St., New York ; Cincinnati, 0. ; and Chicago, 111. CAUTION. Anoldlaw-book. published many years ago has iust been hastil, re-issued as''a new book," without even a suitable revision of its obsolete statements. Do not confound that work with CHI*RKRL!<I'S LAW-BOOK FOR THB PROPL*. july3om6. I A T E 8 T STYLES WINTER GOODS MRS. K. V. MO WRY Haa-just returned from Philadelphia and New York, and now opened a st>ck,ot the latest styles M. LLI.VER Y. nHY GOOD I *. FAVCY i A,, R W v 9 4-C... 4-C ia/ 2 ,a *ll' ** s •' r * r J short Profits Bedford oet*Boi3 I BEDFOED, PA. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17,1870. pew 3Mcrtistmfnts. C 1 OLDEN SHEA VES.-Money made X easy Men or womeu any where. Address • ZEIULER, McCUKDY A CO , Pfaila , P*- 'JMIE DOLL A R SUN. CHAS. A. DANA, EDITOR. The oheapet. smartest, ard best New York newspaper Everybody likes it. Tbreeediti ns: DAILY. $6; Sesii-W KKKLT. $2; and WEEKLY, $1 ayear ALL THE NEWS, at half prioe. Full reports of markets, agriculture. Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Clubs, and a complete stoiy in every Weekly and Semi-weekly number. A present of valuable plants and vines toevery sub | seriber ; inducements to eanvasse s unsurpassed. SI,OOO Life Insurence. Grand Pianos. Mowing Machines. Parlor Organs, Sewing MachinM, Ac , among the premiums. Specimens and lisi\ free. Send a Dollar and trv it. I VV. ENGLAND, Publisher Sun. N Y. jan2()w4 IORILLARD'S I is an excellent article of . | granulated Virginia ; wher ..ri'nri.- * M I ever introduced it is uui l(r,K A l yersally admired I f is put SMOKING TOBACCO | up in handsomemuslir.bags, 'n ivbicb orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily p eked. LORILLARD'S | is made of the choicest VAt ill iLUIii leat B ro . WB >' ' allli i nervous ID its effects, as SMOKING TOBAOCO j (j)" Nicotine bas been ex tracted ; it leaves no disugreenble tastr aftersniok i' g; it is very m id. light in color and weight, hence one pound will last as long as 3 ot ordi nary tobacco In ibis brand we also pack orders every day tor first quality Meerschaum Pipes. Try it an I convince y urselves it is all itcluim tube, ••THR. FLNTST OF ALL " LORILLARD'S I This brand of Fine Cut f W V T IT If V* chewiug tobacco bus no | equal or superior any CHEWING TOBACCO. | „Lere It is without doubt the beet chewing tobacco in the country. LORILLARD'S j hnve now been in general :VITP L' U use in the United States S* A L r 1* o | ~v er fly years, and still acknowledged "the best" wherever used. If your storekeeper does not have these arti cles tor sale, ask him to get tbem ; they are sold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere. Circular of piicea mailed on application P LOKILLAKD A CO., New York. Vegetable Soap. COLGATE A CO S O I L E T SOAPS NEW YORK ESTAB 1806 Forthe D ilicate Skin of Ladies and Children SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ntll.OMON's CHILDREN'S UN IO DER CLOT HPS SUPPORTER—Is the most perfect article of the kiud ever offered to the public; made prettily,fits nicely, gives ease and comfort and is just what every Miss wants M ithers interested in the comfort and heal h of their laughters should examine its meriis. For sale by A. B CRAMER A CO .BEDFORD. PA. Minufactured Ry D. B. SAUNDERS A CO, 96 Sumner St , Boston, Mass. AGENTS READ! THIS!! Wo Will Pay Agents A Salary of S3O per week and expenses. or allow a la.-ge commission, in sell our new wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGNER & CO , Marshall, Miebigan. I .EMPLOYMENT.—S2(Ki a month 2j wtth .Stencil Dies Samples free. S. M NCER A CO., Bratilebore, Vt. jan2ow4 ASK your Doctor or Druggist for SWEET QUrMN'E —it equals (bitter) Qui nine. Mfd by STEARNS, FAItU ACO Chem sts. New Yoik. jan2ow4 R |EIIIRTY YEARS' Experience in I the Treatment of Chronic and Sexual Disea ses —A Physiological View of Marriage.—The cheapest book ever pub ished—containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human organf inastateof health and disease, with atreatiseon earlyerrors its deplorable consequences upon he mind at d body, witb the author's plan of treatment —th only rational and successful modeoi cure,as shown oy a report of cases treated A t'uthliil adviser to the married and those cont-inplating marriage who entertain doubts of tbeir physical condition. Sent freeof postage to any address ..n receipt of 26 cents, in stamps or po-tal currency, by addressing Dr L \ CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albany ,N. i . The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his books treat, either "persons ally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of he world. jan2ow4 TIIK M A RRI AGE RING.-E>.-ays 1 for young men, free, in sealed envelopes. H IH AKD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. Rutin. j-tu2ow4 DR. WHITTIER, 0 Wylie St., Pittsburgh. Pa., of Uuion-wide reputation treats all venereal diseases; also, seminal weak ne s. impotency. Ac., the result of self-abuse Send 2 stamps for se iled pamphlet. 50 pages. No matter who t tiled. State case. Consultation free i ssY<"HOMAN( Y,orSnUL('H AR 1 MIN'4 A wonderful book ; it shows how her sex can fascinate any one they wish, in s'sntly. (All possess Ibis power.) It teaches how to get rich. Alchemy. Br. Dee's and Allen's Caballa. Bindings, Sorceries, Incantations, De monology. Magio, ...esinerisui. Spiritualism, Mar riage Guide, and a thousand other won ders. Seut by mail tor 25 eints. Address T. WILLIAM t C ).. Publishers, South Seventh 6t Pniladelphta, Pa. CIURIOUS HOW STRANGE.—The I Married Ladies Private Companion oon earns the desired information Sent free for tamp. Address MRS. C 11ENKV, Hanover, Pa KILL THE DEMON OR PAIN Woloott's Pain Paint removes pain instant ly, and heals old Ulcers Wo eott's Annihilator cures Catarrh. Bronchitis and Cold in tbe bead Sold by alt Druggists, and Ihl Chatham Square, N Y. jinUw4 r PHE MAGIC COMB will change X any colored hair or beard to a permanent black or brown. It contains no poison Anyone can use it. One sent by mail for sl. Address MAG IC COMB CO., Springfield. Ma.-s dec 23 m.5 A GIFT Agents wanted— Ladies and Gentlemen for their spare moments. — A sewing Machine, a Gold W'alcb, a Bible, inon ey and other goods given as premium. How. When, Where What, and all other part ctilars free Address C L Van Allen, 171 Broadway, Y- j>-n2U4 HI N K LE Y K N I TTING MA - CHINE for fa">>lf/ u*r — simple, cheap, reaable A nitiiug. AGENTS WANTED. Circu lar and sample stocking FKEE Address HTI<A ley Knitting Machine Co., Bath. ALE A GENTS WANTED FOR THE X SECRETS OF INTERNAL R E VENUE. EXPOSING The Whiskey Ring, Gold Riug. and Drawback Frauds, Divulging systematic Robherv of the Public Treasury. Organized Depredations, Con spiracies and Raids on tba Government—Offl ial Turpitude, Malfeasance, Tyranny and Corrup tion.—The most Startling, Fascinating, lust rue, tive and Important Book yet published. Con taining authentic facts, m.lUputab e evidence, sworn testimony, complete and accurate details. Legislators. Farmers. Merchants, Mechanics, every Citizen and Taxpayer, are directly inter ested in the Stratagems, Artifices Machinations and Crimes of Corrupt Politicians. Illicit Distil lers, Gold Gamblers, Drawback Forgers and craf. ty Malefactors. —Published in one attractive vol ume. about 500 well-filled pages, witb spirited illustrations. Price low to suit the times $3 00. Sold bv subscription only Send lor circular and special terms. WM. FLINT, Publisher, Phila. delpbia, Pa Jsn2ow4. AMATEUR CULTIVATOR'S GUIDE, FOR TH* FLOWER AND KITCHEN G>KD-N. 24th edition of this popular work, which has met with so much favor in the past, is now ready. It has been rewritten aDd improved, printed with "bw type, on fine paper, illustrated with a beau tiful Lithograph and many other fine engravings from nature It contains full description and theculture ol over 1500 leading vaiietiesof Flow ers and Vegetables; a so discriptive list ot the i OT Hies of tbe present season ; to which is added collection of 200cboice French Hy hridGladiolus This w< tk we feel con fid en t, will compare favora bly with any similar one From Levi Hartlrtt. Warner, N. 11. "I have received a copy of vour superbly got ten up Amateur Cultivator's Guide I think it tar ahead of anything of 'he kind ever before is sued from tbe American press." Sent to any address upon receipt of 25 cents for paper cover, and 60 cents for tas>, fully bound inelntb WASHBURN A 6n. jaa2ow4. Boston, Mass Lite BSeMffrtl smtk r . Jl DGK lII.KH'N LETTER TO ATTOR NEY fiESERAL HOAR. Mr. lloar'a Eulogy on Ikv Isite Secre tary Stanton. WASHINGTON, Jan. 18,1870. Hon. E. E. Hoar, Attorney General. Snt I was not present in court yes terday to hear your remarks on Mr. Stanton, but to-day I was shown a newspaper report of them, which I presume to be perfectly accurate. The following' paragraph has struck me with surprise: "But it is not of the lawyer, eminent as he w as in the science and practice of the law, that men chiefly think as they remember him. His service to man kind was on a liigner and wider field. He was appointed Attorney General by Mr. Buchanan on the 2u; h of December lMili. in one ol the darkest hours of (he country's history, when the Union seemed crumbling to pieces, without an arm raised for its support; when without the public councils was doubt ing, and within were fears; when fee bleness and treachery were uniting to yield whatever defiant rebellion might demand and good men everywhere were ready to despair of the republic. For ten weeks of that w inter of na tional agony and shame, with patriot ism that never wavered and courage that never quailed, this true American, happily, no! alone, stood manfully at his post, "between the living and the dead," gave what nerve ho could to timid and trembling imbecility and met the secret plotters of their coun try's ruin with an undaunted front un til liefore t hat resolute presence the de mons of ir-ason and civil discord ap peared in their own shape, as at the touch of Itliuriel's spear, and fled bai fled and ho vlingaway." This statement was carefully and de liberately written down before you de livered it. You spoke for the American bar as itA organ and head, and you addressed the highest tribunal in the world, knowing that your words were to go upon its records and there remain forever. I take it for granted, under these circumstances, that no earthly temptation could make you de flect a hair's breadth from the facts as you understand and believe thein.— The inevitable conclusion is that you must have in your possession, or with in your reach, some evidence which convinces you that what you said is the truth. lam sure you will excuse me for a-kiug you to say what thai evidence is. The paper I have trans- ; cribed from your address sounds like I the authorative summary of a liistori- i i an, as lie closes the most interesting ; chapter of iiis book. You can liardiy j consider tiie curiosity impertinent • that prompts an American citizen to inquire what your judgment is found e l upon. Besides, I have some friends wlmse reputation is deeply involved in the affairs you pronounce upon with so much confidence. Moreover, 1 have a personal concern in your remarks, for lam one of Mr. Stanton's colleagues ana am as liable as any one of them to be *aken on your statement for one of the "secret plotters of their country's ruin." Be pleased, there ore, tu give me the in formation I seek. Do you find on the records of your i fiioe any thing u hicli shows that Mr. Sianlon was in violent or dangerous conflict with "demons of treason and civil discord ?" or any other descrip tion of demons?" Did Mr. Stanton himself ever lay claim to the heroic character you ascribe to bim or declare that he had performed those prodigi ous feats of courage while he was in Mr. Buchanan's cabinet. Has any other person who was in a condition to know the facts ever given you that version of them which you repeated to the court? If yes, who are the wit nessess? what particular danger was he exposed to which tested his valor, and made his "undaunted front" a thing so wonderful in the description of it? Whose "feebleness and treach ery was it that united to yield whatev er defiant rebellion might demand?" and how did Mr. Stanton's courage dis solve the combination or defeat its pur p< isse ? You say that for ten weeks "hestood manfully at bis post, between the liv ing and the d< ad " Now when the first jaw officer of the United Siates ad dressed the Supreme Court on u spe* cial ntnnsion, and after elaborate pre paration, he is presumed to mean something hy what he says. How is this to be understood ? You certainly did not intend to assert merely that he stuck to his commission as long as he could, and gave it up only when he could not help it. Standing manfully at a post of any kind, and especially when the stand is made "between the living and the dead," has, doubtless, a deep significance, if one could hut man age to find out what it is. Who were the dead and who were the living? and how did it happen that Mr. Stan-' to got between them? What business had he between them, and why did he stay there for ten weeks? These ques tions you can easily answer, and the answer is needed; for in the meantime, conjectural interpretations are very va rious and some of them injurious to the dead and living aforesaid, as well as to Mr. Stanton, who according to your representation, stood between them. I can comprehend the well worn sim ile of IthuriePs spear, but I do not see what on earth was the use of it un- I ss you thought it ornamental and orig inal, for you make Mr. Stanton, by his mere presence, and without a spear, do what Ithuriel himself could not do with the aid of that poweful instru ment. The angel with the spear com pelled a demon to lay aside his dis guise, while a mortal ijfan dealt with many demons, and not only made them all appear in their proper shape, but drove Lbem "baffled and howling away" out of his "resolute presence." I do not object to this btn-ause the fig ures are mixed or because it is an ex trvagant outrage on good taste. The j custom of the times allow men who make eulogies on their political friends to tear their rhetoric into rags, and if you like the tatters you are wel come to flaunt them. But I call your attention to it in the hope that you will talk like a man of the world, and give us in plain, or at least intelligible, prose, a particular account of the very important transactions to which you refer, together with the attendant cir cumstances. I suppose you have no thought of being taken literally. Your description of Mr. Stanton conjuring demons is only a metaphorical way yon have of saying that he frightened certain bail man. I beg you to tell mo who they were and how he scared them. 1 repeat you are not charged, and in my opinion could not he jus'ly charged with the great sin of fabrica ting statements like these. You have, no doubt, seen or heard what you re gard as sufficient proof of them. What I fear is, that you have been misled by the false accounts which partisan wri ters have invented, not to honor Mr. Stanton but to slander others. If you had known the truth concern ing his conduct while he was Attorney General, and told it simply, you might have done great honor to his memory. He was at that time a regular built, old fa hioned democratic union saver. He believed in the Constitution as the fun damental law of the land, as the bul wark of the public liberty, and as the only bond by which the States could be rightfully held together. He regar ded his official oath as a solemn cov enant with G<>d and his country, never to be violated under any circum stances; and he had a right whole some contempt for that corrupt code of morality which teaches that oaths are not binding upon the rulers of a free country wnen they find it inconsistent with their interests to keep them.— He uniformly behaved with "modest stillness and humility," except when liis opinion was asked, and then he spoke with becoming defer-nce to oth ers. From that part of his life at least, you might by telling it truly, have de rived a "lofty lesson" indeed. But this quiet, unpretending, high-princi pled, democratic gentleman is con verted by your maladroit oratory into a Hectoring buiiy of the abolition school, rampaging through the White House and around the department, trying to frighten people with big looks, I beseech you to re-examine your au thorities. If you still think them suffi cient to sustain you, 1 cannot doubt your willingness to communicate them for the scrutiny of others who are in terested. If on the contrary, you shall be satisfied that you have made a great mistake, then justice to all parties, and especially to the subje -t of your well mi ant hut unfurl mime eulogy , requires Some amends to be made. It will be for you to say whether you will or not a-k the Court for leave to withdraw i that part of your speech from the rec- j ord. J. s. BLACK. 411 AXIS 4l MAltltlA(>E. lii olden times, says' a Frenchman, who with llie usual assurance of his countrymen, pretends to know some thing about woman, female beauty was so fascinating that it was a certain means of securing a husband. Now adays, he adds, men have reflected up on the subject and it is seldom that a girl is married for her personal attrac tions, whatever they may be; so she runs a risk of always keeping her hon orbie title of maid, if her parents aie not rich enough to pay a handsome sum to some gallant or other to change it into that of wife. It is an accident, or in fact a sort of prodigy when a man marries a woman solely lor her beauty, a quality which has singularly fallen in value in our mercenary days. If it ever should take a rise, it might be well to adopt the Persian mode of reducing the num ber of old maids, This consisted in sel ling ihe beautiful girls to those who were willing to buy them, and giving the amount to the ugly; so that the handsomest endowed the ugliest ; the second in beauty, the second in ugli ness. et cetera. But this plan would be, we fear, In applicable in our days; for there would be but few bidders for the beau tiful women, and the ugly, ifthenmn ey was to go with them, would he the only ones to find takers. Seriously, continues the Frenchman who it must be borne in mind, is speaking in France and not in the United States, marriage is tending to disappear frotn our social habits. The number of old maids, es pecially of the middle class, is increas ing daily. A laborer or mechanic has no diffi culty in getting married, for his wife takes her share of the work. In such cases matrimony is a joint stock asso ciation. The working man spends leas wheu marled than single. His clot his being made and kept in repair at home, and the more wholesome and less ex pensive nourishment more than com pensates for any additional expense of having another person to provide for. This we need not say, alludes to France, and may he more or less true, as we hoje it Is In our own Coun try. Among the rich especially where the women brings a handsome dowry, marriage is also possible; but in the middleciass, how can it he nowadays? All the young girls were brought Up in the same way. Each one is so exclu sively adapted for the great prizes that there are none suitable for the inferi or ones. What are now culled the ne cessaries are far more thau v. hat were f irmerly considered Iheluxuriesoflife. All kinds of equality have been tried at various times, but oue only has been retained, and that the most dan- gorous and most fatal of all-—the equal ity of expense. Every girl is brought up with the idea thatshe will draw in the lottery of mar riage a first prize. It is imagined that style and accomplishments will make up for aw ant of fortune. It is a mis take; they will only make it more ne cessary ; in fact, absolutely indispeusi ule. Marriage is the greatest luxury a man can indulge in. When we reflect that all ihe women of the middle class are nowadays brought up to shine in society, that there ate no longer any maiked distinctions as far as expense is concerned, and that the standard of necessary living is fixed according to tliatot tho richest, a man must be in deed greatly in love if he does not hes itate before the "mountain of velvt , siJk, and jewelry tiiat he must consun e all bis days in accomplishing, in ord< r tint, his wife may be properly die-. ed." For men of this class, woman is not a companion, to take a share in propor tion to her strength of the common cares and labors of l ife, but an idol that he must pass his days in adorning ba the admiration of others. A poor man who marries such a woman without dowry would be capable of buying a a horse which had to be fed upon topa zes and emeralds instead of oats. So it is now rare to find a husband of the kind, and soon it will be impossible. This is what they are coming to in France, according to a very good au thority. Let our countrywomen take this warning fresh from Paris, togethi r with th' other fashions they are so fond of getting fiom the same quarter, and thus using the one as an antidote to the excess of ttie other, avoid throw ing away the chances of marriage. THE I.EST USE OF THE BIBLE.—"My mother {rave me a Bible for my giit last Christmas," said a little girl, com placent, "and Louise gave Cousin Har ry one, at the same time. Now just look a! them, and see the ditfeence!" Harry's was a little worn. Its git edges were tarnished, and the newness was gone from the cover, but it look ed as if it had been read very often. Here and there I saw pencil marks near favorite verses, and in one or two places it seemed as if tears might have fallen. Little Harry Gordon had become a christian, lately, and his Bi ble had evideutly been very precious to him. Minnie said triumphantly, after I had finished my look at Harry's, "Now see mine!" She unfolded the tissue p persfroinit.and there it was just as fresh and fair and uninjured as when it came out of the shop. "I've never had it out of the drawer but once," said Miss Minnie, "and that was to show to somebody." "Minnie," said I, "if your father was away from home, and should send you a letter, telling you just what h< wa.-.ted you to do and be, would it he good treatment never to break tie >< at, and my it away in the drawer unread? Would it not rather be bes ter to take it out every day and read ii over and over, trying all the mere each time to obey its injunctions?" "Yes!" said Minnie, blushing ar.d hanging In-r nead, as she began to ste my meaning. "This is God's letter to you, mj love! Litte the man who folded awa\ his talent in a napkin, you have folo ed up your precious Bible. Hereafter, my child,use it as God wants you to. 'Search the Scriptuies, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of nie.' " That was a profound philosopher who compared advertising to a grow ing crop. He said: "The farmer plants his seed, and while he is sleep ing the corn is growing. So with advertising; white you are sleeping or eating, your advertisement is being read by thousands of persons who never saw you or heard of your busi ness. nor never would had it not been for your advertising." An editor out West became a cap tain, and on parade, instead of saying "Two paces in front—advance," he un consciously exclaimed : "Cash down, two dollars a year in advance." He was court-martialed and sentenced to read tiis own newspapers for three months. A new style of bonnet is announ ced for the spring. When viewed through a microscope it is said to be exquisitively lovely. It is, of course, high in price, the diminution in the size of the article having greatly enhan ced its value. An old fellow being visited by his pastor, he asssured him he could not be a good christian unless he took i p his daily cross. Whereupon he caught up his wife and began lugging her e bout the room A hog was killed in Springfield, Il linois, the other day, and in its stom ach was found thirty nails, half a saw, one file and a suspender buckle. It is surmised that at some period the ani mal swallowed a carpenter. A body of infantry arrived at Knox vilie, Tennessee, the other day, from Virginia, on a train. The ears con taiued forty-seven babies. The man who is so fond of his de: r little wife as to caliber a bird, must not he disappointed if she asks him to buy her feathers. Wonder if the "pillars" of liberty are stuffed with the feathers of the A merican eagle? llow may a man be known from a fatigued dog? Cue wears'a shirt, the other pants. It is the tone to wear only ore glove. VOL. 65.—WHOLE No. 3,355. FAK.UKKH COLUMN. j There is something in a kind of J bree<l, but not so much as we imagine | —not so much as in good treatment in ! dependent of the breed. The two to gether do well. Bo does good farming, good anything. The Western Stock Journal says the very best food for milch cows is wheat bran. Nothing has so great a tenden cy to increase the flow of inilk, and as it abounds in phosphate-, it is highly nutritious and healthful diet. Give ! tuecows ail they will eat of it, and if convenient, mix a little corn-meal with it. Don't over-feed, but give just what they will lick up witn a rel ish, and you will be rewarded with an abundant supply of milk, ai.d your cows wili keep in good condition. Hone Gears. There is a great deal in gearing a horse or mule so as to ena ble toe animal to work easy, and use a certain amount of power with compar atively small animal lorce. Much de pends on long or short leverage. The draft may be too high or too low; —the one will draw too heavy on the top of the neck, the other will choke the ani mal. The collar may be ton large or too small—either of which will cause sore shoulders. A tender-mouthed horse should have a large, smooth bit, and not to be reined up too tight, or tne mouth will become so sore as to lose its sensitiveness to a gentle draw either ins. Every part ol'the harness sliould be as complete a tit as auaudy's coat; touching everything and pmeh iug nowhere. The harness should he kepi suit aiid clean. The iiorse is like its driver, and the dog like his master. A nervous, tim orous man is utmost sure to have a skittish horse, shying at everything un ceady, and a runaway if uegets a cnance. Many a cow is sponed by iack of patience and quietness in tne maker, and the amount 01 uaik de pends more upon tne milker tnau the pasturage, it a man is airaid of a nurse, tne animal knows it beiore he goes into tne staole. We have seen tne most iuotieusive cow in the herd so wrought upuu by the nervououess of a greeu-horii sou of Erin, as to dex terously plant her foot iu his breust and send lam rolling'. A noisy boisterous tellow about lalteu ing siaoies win cause a serious I .ess in gaiu ol flesh to tile auiuia s. Bo im portant is quiet to lueoi wneu they are uigesliug tneir lood. Looking for a Place.— Persons look ing lor a laiiu ought to have a dis tiucl aua clear idea ot What they want, a sol iof a scute ot points, which w lil „reatiy aid them in the seiectiou. No place may fully satisfy the require ments ol such a schedule, but u will be luund useful nevertheless, to fix iu mind w hui is wanted, and approach n us nearly as possible. We suggest the following points to oe lookeu to, lor a residence in the country : Faciu.y of access. Water and its character. Eocatiou as to health, Ac. Educational and religious facilities. Beauty of prospect, exposuieas to winds, character of the land itself. Prospective value of the property. Eacnnies tor purchasing tamiiy sup plies. There are otuer points, and we only present these as among the more im portant.— Ploughman. A Fact in Regard to Horses' Feet.— There is perhaps no more marked ex mbuion of nature's law of adaptation of means to ends, or of supply to Waste, lhau is shown in the arrange ment ot a horse's lout. There teinii nale the various ducts of communica tion and supply, reudering it a poiut of amiuial ecouomy of no little impor tance. The extremity of the limb be ing of such a vital,character, anu com ing iu contact with the ground, ueeds protection; accordingly the hoot is constructed, especially, it appeurs, to prevent injuring the inner pan ot the foot in coming against the ground, and not With regard to injury Hum above or on the oiues of the loot. A consist ent tact, since, in a state ol nature, iiiese portions ut tlie loot are not sub ject to injury any rnoie than is the .est ol tile animal. Thedirectiousaud arruiigeiueut of the iiores of the hoof proves this point as lo practical tests, also. A nail driven into the wail ot the hoof from below, on account of ihis arraugemeut of the libre, occa sions no pain, and in some instances where horses have become lame Irom no apparent cause, it lius beeu simply the result ot an inner irritation, caused oy pouudtug the boot. Ibis is an im portant point, and Should not be over looked oy horsemen. An arrange ment by which the nails on a horse's hoot could be clinched without u.->itig a hammer wouni evidently be an ad vantage.—Atw Lngiattd Homestead* Preserving Grape'Cuttings.—Grape cuttings made in cold weather, w hen it is 1101 practicable to bury iheiu in. the ground, may be kept in a cellar by simply tying iu bundles and theu placing compactly together. With an occasional sprinkling, they may be kept for a mouth or two without re ceiving the slightest injury. Ui cour&e it wouid be a much beuerplau 10 pack iu damp moss, earth, sawdust, or some similar material, but neither of these is usually attainable at this season of the year, and yet a delay in making the cuttings would not be advisable. Cheap (Xtkt. —Two eggs, one-half cup butter, one cup sugar, oue-haif cup sweet milk, oue-lialf tcaspounlul cream tartar, one-quarter ouuee of soda and flour to make as stiff as cup cake. Cheap Ojokies. —One cup good sour cream, oue cup sugar, one half-half te.- spoonlul saleratus, nutmeg. Do not knead very stiff. Hull middling thick.