the ft rifotl Hinie and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROADTOPR.R. _W T*TBB AKKASSESBST.—TI*BTAJ.*.—OI nd f*--r pmi-eager trains will*rriTend Jp*rtas follow.*: Mail Train leave# Ml. Dalla* at I.M p. . .ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 20 p.m.; leaves Hunt ingdoo at 8.40 a m . and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 11 52 a tn Accom'B Pr\in leaves Saxton at 8 20 a. m and srrives at Huntingdon. at 10.10 a m.;leaves Huatingdon at 5.55 p. m.. and arrives at Saxton at Ml p m. DEMOCRATIC lEETIIti: Monday fveniag, reh. 14. The Democrats and Conservatives of Bedford county are requested to meet in the Court House, on Monday even ing of Court week, Feb. 14). The extravagance, fraud and trick ery of the party in power, both Na ibnial and State, demand a prompt re buke from every good citizen. Let there be a good turn out ! Rally for Justice and the Right ! Able speakers will address the meet ing. E. F. KERR, feb3w'2 Ch'n Dem. Co. Com. DEMOCRATIC*COUNTY COMMITTEE.— The Democratic county committee -will meet at the "Gazette Office," in Bedford, on Mouday, February 14th, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Every mem ber of the committee is expected to be present as business of great importance relating to the rules and government of the party are to be discussed and sub mitted to a county convention. E. F. KERR, Ch'n Dem. Co. Com. Next Monday is St. Valentine's day. Busy—the army of snow shovelers. Weareall "Snow Bound"at present. February term of court commences next Monday. Everybody praises the new bridge in the Narrows. The coming man—the "Fifteenth Amendment." B. M. Blyrayer A Co. are closing oet their large stock of stoves. Our weather prophet has suspended predictions for the present. Send us local news, it you want your home paper to be interesting. Ice storers have our coldest sympa thies, for they need them. A fly which "pesters" this communi ty at present—"Shoo fly." Young ladies, like letters, require "stamps," or the males reject them. The Catholics of Cumberland have organized a Beneficial Society. Fresh Ground Buckwheat flour in Store and for sale by G. R. Oster d Co. janl&ml. The Bloody Run military compa ny are to "do" Washington's birth day. Bloody Run lias unearthed an "old Indian scalpingknite." Iroojkout for. bloody heads! Overholt, the manufacturer of the celebrated whiskey of that name, died the other day, but his spirit still lives. Fifty seven persons have applied for admissi n into the Methodist church, at Huntingdon, recently. J. Selby Mower, E-q., formerly of this place, is practicing law in Alexan dria, Minn. Several stores were entered by hold burglars, at Cumberland, last Wednes day night. The snow fell so deep on Monday night that the hands of the town clock were stopped. Fact. B. M. Blymyerfc Co. have a few second-hand Cook Stoves on hand which they will sell cheap, for cash. Tiie Senate and House, at Harris burg, are an unhappy famiiy. What the one "wills" the other "wont.' Family jars with elastic "rings." Horace Qreeley lectured in Belle fonte the other day ou "The Woman Question." Grandmother Greeley ought-to be posted un that subject. Memory is not always so bad as it seems. People can generally remem ber what they care to. If oblivious on paying debts, they are keen on what is due them. The rail mills of the Cambria Iron Company were stopped recently for want of orders. The Tribune says a part at least, will be in operation again soon. The other day we had indited a I beautiful rhapsody on the fair weather hut a three foot snow has knocked all the poetry out of it and we have stow- j ed it away for next summer. On hist Saturday two individuals with more benzine than discretion got iielligerent in our streets and had to he taken to Fort Keyser to cool off.— Street brawls are not tolerated by our officers. According to the Huntingdon Globe, that place has a "leetle" the smartest two year old "bub" this side of sun down. We presume that the editor of that paper is "Dad" of that precocious infant. A woman, dead drunk, with her arm broken and in a sling, was found on the streets of Johnstown recently. We suppose she was experimenting on , the efficacy of "gin slings" for broken bones. Mr. Surnner, in his late speech in vented the new won! "ridiculoitv."— Exchange. Sumner is the author of more "ridieu- ! losity" and downright deviltry than any man we wot of. "Shoo Fly," the chorus of which is being hummed all over the laud, is an old song, having been sung long be fore the war, by the negriles. \5 e have, therefore, concluded to try a dif ferent plan, of which due notice is hereby given. We are now sending to each delinquent subscriler a statement of his account, with the proposition that if it be paid by Feb. 19, 1870, a certain deduction will be made. If not paid by that time, full rate* will be charged, payment enforced by lair, and the paper discontinued in aU east* of more than one year'* arrearage. Up wards of ten thousand d'Alars of unpaid subscriptions and advertising have ac cumulated oo our books during the last five years. This is a load we can not carry any longer. Will our friends assist u in lightening it, or must we summon to our ai that vexatious and detestable instrumentality, The Lau-1 LITERARY.— the following practical and interesting questions were lately discussed by "The Independent Deba ting Society of Buyer's School," in an adjoining county : "Resolved: That a cross and cleanly woman is preferable to a dirty and good uatured woman." ' Beeotred: That a preacher eats more chickens than a fox." Well, that will do. That "debating society" should be turned into a Soro sis at once. Fortune telling with "cof fee grounds" should be practiced.— Chicken bone breaking, for luck, ( should be ioduiged in. Broomstick gymnastics, in company with a "dirty ! ****• PU but good natured woman" should be exercised liberally. Lectures, rt la Mrs. Caudle, should be delivered by 'a cross and cleanly' female, with strong minded proclivities. Anything to keep up the fun, boys. COURT BUSINESS. —In examining the records of the Prothonotary's office, we find 405 cases on the Continuance Dock et for February Terui, 1870. This has kept the new Prothonotary busy at his post. Bubwhile that officer has been kept moving, the Sheriff has not been idle, for we find that 124 executions have been placed in his hands since he took eharge of that office. This is the largest amount u! business done in eith er office—with a few exceptions as to the Sheriff—for twenty six years, for at the August Term, 1843, the Con tinuance Docket reached 532, while the number of writs executed by Sher iff MeVieker was 200. The amount of business done in the Prothonotary's of fice is a sure barometor of the financial atmosphere, and as monetary matters are exceedingly depressing and with no fiat lei ing judications of Improvement for some time to come, we may reason ably look for more entries on the Dockets, more executions by the Sher iff, and more pecuniary distress gener ally. Surely the present is a sad com mentary on the "good times" which were promised to the people on the ad vent to power of the present radical re gime. We are afraid t ey w ill fail to it iu that light. PUNISHMENT IN SCHOOI S.--Two deaths,one at Chicago and the oti er in New York State, have resulted lately from whippings in school, and suits have been instituted against teachers in various pa its of the country for se verely flogging children under their charge! It seems that the "spare the rod and spoil the child" doctrine, which originated a long time ago, is still pertinaciously adhered to in this enlightened age and country, notwith standing it has been shown that chil dren in. schools, at least can be more advantageously managed by means of other than eorjsoral punishment.— Whatever argument may be urged in favor of Solomon's doctrine, it should be practis-d, if practiced at ali, by the parents of the offending juvenile. Few men or women are willing to have their children beaten by strangers, however they may delight in beating them themselves. It might be shown, we think, that flogging children at ali has a brutalizing tendency and engen ders in the youthful heart far more of evil passion than i expels. It is gen erally inflicted in anger, or from a re vengeful feeling, and evil must beget e vil. There may l>e instances in which corporal punishment is necessary and beneficial, but in most cases other pun ishments might lie substituted with ad vantage to ail concerned. There can benoquestion that excessive flogging is brutal, as well as brutalizing, and ought not to be tolerated even when administered by a parent : certainly not when done by a stranger. Corporal punishment has long been entirely banished from the public schools of Philadelphia which are a uaong the b*s-t and best governed in the world, and we see no reason why it should not be banished from the schools of all othir cities and school districts. Human mature is about the same everywhere, and what answers so well in Philadelphia would an swer equally well in other parts of the world. It Is far better to stimulate than mortify the proper pride of a child, and better to win than to alien ate its affections. If one be found per fectly incorrigible under proper treat ment, it is not likely that it could l>e reformed by means of physical torture. The best way to di-pose of such chil dren is to banish them from the schools. HYMENEAL.— Our friend 'Jenkins,' who was there, gives the following | description of the wedding party at Bloody Run, last week. Hear him : "Bloody linn was the scene, last j evening, of one of the most brilliant weddings known U) our community. ' The occasion was the marriage of 1). S. i Elliott, E-q., editor of the 'Bedfurd ■ County Pres-,' to Miss Rebecca Harris, | daughter of Josiah Harris, B*}., all of j bloody Run. The parties were mar | ried at the'Barndoliar' M. E church, at 7 o'clock, P. M., by Rev. G. W. Van Fossen, assisted by Rev. Wm. M. Deatrick. The church was densely crowded long before the hour fixed for the ceremony, and at precisely 7 o'- clock the bride and groom, attended by Miss Anna Barndoliar, of Wood bury, bridesmaid, and Dr. F. M. Mas ters, of Bloody Hun, groomsman, ap peared before the aitar. We taiuld not do justice to the elegant appearance of 1 the bridal party at the altar, and as we ! are too much of an old bachelor to veu j ture into a description of dress, we will I content ourselves by saying that every ! article of dress was of the most appro i ved, uo,t!y and elegant style. After | the ceremony the parly returned to the residence of the bride's father, I where they received the eongratula i tions of some two hundred invited ! guests, and then repaired to the dining i hall, where a supper, such only as a | skillful caterer could prepare, was spread before us. Everything that the Eastern markets could afford was a bundantly served, to which uedid am ple justice. When supper wasdisposed of, the party returned to the parlors, and were entertained with vocal and i instrumental music; quite a number, however, preferred "tripping the light fantastic toe" and repaired tathe spa cious dancing hall, where the Bloody Run String Band was in attendance discoursing some of their finest music. We are informed that our ter}ichore an friends lingered in the giddy maze until the 'wee saia' hours' warned them to desist; for ourselves we cannot say, as we do uot dance. Refreshments were serv t(! at 4- o'clock, in the dining hall, and a more rictiiy t at >'G it has never been our pleasure to our eyes upon. W'e had almost forgot to say that the 'Harris Building' was brilliantly illuminated during the en lire evening. Altogether, this was the most brilliant wedding jarty we have ever attended or known in our vicini ty. Mr. and Mrs. Harris spared noth ing to add to the comfort and enjoy ment of their guests, and few indeed know so well how to entertain. Our genial friend Stewart, who has so gracefully siided into matrimony, will be missed from our bachelor list but he will accept our kindest wishes for his future happiness. JENKINS." Feb. 3, 1870. Hard workers are usually honest. OIL NEWS— We are indebted toO. E. Shannon, Esq., for a copy of the East Brady Independent, from which we clip the following items which will interest many of our readers, and especially those of our citizens who have invested in the "Stump Islands" and other oil companies in that sec tion : The Parker Oil FMd.—The "Island King" well commenced pumping 300 barrels saR water about Ist Deer day. From Parker up to Foxton then- is a continual line of derricks—wells produ cing, and wells going rapidly down. By spring there will be double the pro duction there. Viewing Parker from the East side of the Allegheny, it real ly looks like business, and may justly claim to be king of Oildorn, A new well was struck back of Parker yester day, {I did not learn the exact locali ty), and i.* reported at 75 hbls. This w ill again increase the excitement ou the hill. Leases are bting taken up. List oi Grand Jurors drawn for Feb ruary Term, 2d Monday, 14th day, A. | D., 1870. C W Asbcom. Foreman John P Wsxveriing. ' T ewis B Hixon. Axariah Blackburn, Samuei Willhelro. C Wright. Jacob Griffith, William Hartley. A!ben Corley, of J., Charles Struckman, Lewis Koons. John Fulton, Ale* Tate, Daniel Buyer. John Gillespie, Israel Davis, Asa Wiiiiams, Gideon Shafer, Henry Taylor, George W Anderson, George Mann, Jease Qeller, Tobisa Shafer, Washington Miller. List of Petit Jurors drawn for same Term: Adam H. Dibert, Henry Sh&fer, Amos Bridenstioe, G D. Trout, jermeiaij li- bine it, Samuel Beck ley. James M. Sleek Philip Cuppett, Daniel Miller. Jacob Beckley, Levi Hardinan, Samuel Bender, Samuel H Feather, Samuel Detwiler. Michael Wertt, William Weimer. Alex. Lie-be!berger, D A. T Black, Edwin V Wright, Uriah Meilott, James Growden, John Sbakr, Jos- ph C May, Jacob S Brown, Henry Boor, Richard T Foor, C W Moore, Wesley N Howsare, Martin Boor, Jacob H Wright,. James B. B. Cesrna John Eichelberger, Stepnen McCreary, Michael Hiliegaj. Isaac K Little, ' Casper Stroup. Adam Gayer, James A Morton Drawn and certified, at Bedford, t'ne i3th day of Jan., A. D., 1870. Attest: ISAAC KENSRNGEB, J. G. Fish;r, WM. KIKK, Clerk. Jury Corns. feb3w2 List of Jurors drawn for Adjourned Court, 4th Monday, 28th day of Febru ary, A. D., 1870. Otho Elbin Aaron Dams A H Jeukens George Shirer George N. Ellis Philip WeaFerbng James H \V u y Jacob koons Fred G. Beegle George Gardill Reuben ft Culvin Abraham P'uck Samuel Dubbi Michael W'endie A. H Hall George W. Bowser John R Jordan Samuel Carney Michael Diehl Samuel Nieojemus George Uartle Simon liarclerode Henry Dors-y B E. Haroieivde John C Figan} A J Middieion George L/amger Martin L Miller William J Palmer Lewis Putter Leonard Bitmer Joseph Griffith Josiah Griffith James Cornell John Gephart W. J. Patterson Henry H fisher H Clay Lashlay Drawn and certified at Bedford the 13th day of January, A. D., 1870. Attest:— ISAAC KENSINGEB, J no. G. Fisher, WILLIAM KIRK, Clerk. Jury Comm's. Base ball is being played by our ju veniles. It is a base gauie and tend eth much to sore heads, sore shins and oilier like ills. Encouraged by the weather, a New York milliner has issued cards of invi tation to a private view of some "new spring bonnets." In Europe women can now receive the degree of M. D. in France, Russia, Switzerland, Sweeden, and Scotland. Providence has recently been supplied by Newport parties with ice which was gathered four year- ago. "J7 LECTION.—The Stockholders of I j the Bedford and Stoystowu Turnpike Com pany, will bold an Election for five Manager* to serve for the ensuing year, at the House of Charles Colvin, in the Borough of Schellsbarg, between the hours of twelve and two o'clock, on the first Monday in March A. E SCHELL. Sec y. febl#w3 INSTATE NOTlCE.—Notice is here j, by giTen that Letters testamentary to tha estate of Nathan Kobison. late of Southampton tp., dee'd. have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bed for i oonnty. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make iin mediate payment, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, for settle ment HIRAM ROBISON,ExT. feblQrtfi.* ' PI LES. A MISSIONA RY WHO HAD suffered 22years with Piles was cored and will send the receipt free Rev. FOSTER DIX Jersey City, N. J. feblftwd. AG HEAT CI 1A NCE! AGENTS WANTED * SIOOO per year sere made by Agents, male or female, selling oar WORLD-RE NOWN ED PATENT EVERLASTING WHITE CLOTHES LINES. Cheapest and best clothes lines in tbe world , only 3 eta per foot, and will last a hundred years.— Address tbe Ilndion Rir ir Were Co.. 75 Win. St., N.T., or 16 Dearborn St., Chieago, 111. feblow4 1710R DEAFNESS—THE PATENT J7 ORGANIC VIBRATOR.—It fits into the Ear. is not perceptible, removes Singing Noises in tneHead, and enables Deaf Persons to bear dis tfoctly at Church or Public Assemblies. Treat ise on Deafness. with Means of Cure, sent free. LB T HUNT b'TILLWELL, 762 Broadway, N V. feb!ow4 CI AN V AStsING - BOOKS SENT / FREE FOR PARIS BY SUNLIGHT AND GASLIGHT. A WORK DESCRIPTIVE OF THE MYSTERIES VIRTUES. VICES, SPLEXDORH and CRIMES.of the CITY OF PARIS It tells bow Paris has become tbe Gayest and most Beautiful City in the world; how its Beauty and Splendor are purchased at a fearful ocat of Misery and Suffering ; how visitors are Swindled by Professional Adventurers; bow Virtue and Vice go arm in-arm in the Beautiful City ; how tbe most Fearful Crimes are committed and con cealed ; how money is Squandered in useless lux ury , and contains over 150 fine engravings of no ted Places. Life and Scenes in Paris Agents wanted. Canvassing Bookssent free Address NATIONAL PIBLItHING CO., Philadelphia, I Pa, feblow4. I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will send the receipt tree MRS. MC. LEtitiETf Hoboken. X. V feblt)w4 W ANTE D-A GENTS . $75 to S2OO PER MONTH, Everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense FAMILY SEWING MACHINE This machine will stitch. bem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid embroider in a moat supe rior manner. PRICE ONLY 18 DOLLARS. Fully Warranted for Five Year? We will pay $1066 for any machine thai will aew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes tbe ' ELASTIC LOCK SUCH " Every second stitch can be cut, and still tbe cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twiae that a mount can be made. Address SBCOMB A CO., Pittsburg, Pa ; Boston, Mass , or St. Louis. Mo. CACHON. —Bewrare of all Agents selling Ma chines under the same name as outs, unless tbev can show a certificate of Agency signed by US We shall not hold ourselves responsible for worth less Machines sold by other parties, and chall proaecuta ail parties either selling or using Ma chines under this name to tbe full extent of the law, unless such machine* were obtained Irtm us by our agents. I>o not be imposed upon by parties who copy our advertisements and circu lars and offer worthless Machines at a less prise. feb!ow4. "VTAMES OF APPLICANTS for \ Tavrn and Restaurant Licenses at Feb ruary Sessions, IS7O (2nd Monday, Hih day) Michael Ott, Bloody Run bor, Tavern William Weimer.Clearville, Monroe tp John k Ready. Coaldale bor , Levi Manges, Juniata tp , I-ai. Meiigel Bedlerd bor M illiatn M Pearson. Woodberry bor , William A Peterson Vniou tp., " Henry Rose. Centrevllle, William Spiers, Coaldale bor , Alexander Taylor. Broad Top tp.. '• O'Doncell A Manly. Bridgeport, Londondery " Adam B Cam. Bedford bor.. Restaurant John Harris. " ■' Jacob Barahart " John P Weaverling. Bloody Run b-jf., Tavern no B Amick. St Claireviile, Ceitified, January 24 tb. 1678. yn37w3 JNQ P. BEEP, Cl'k. ASSESSORS, AT TEN CION I—TNE Assessors of tbe several districts of Bedford county are hereby requested to meet tbe Board of Commissions* at their ■ ffi.-a. m Bedford, on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 16th , to receive tbe bouits, instructions. A-, for the assessment for the year 1671) All are enjoined to be present By order of the Board. jtn2?u4 JNQ. G. FISHER. Clerk RPRUSTEE ACCOUNT for eonflrma -1 tion at February Term ofthe Orphans' Court ol Bedfoad eounty. 15th February. 1-S7O. The account ol John T- Keagy. Esq., Trustee for the saie of the real estate of Henry Brant, Sate of Cumberland Valley township, deed. decißwfi. JNO P. REED. Reg t TESTATE OF DAVID SUCK, Uec'D. —Letters of Administration upon the Estate of David Buck, late of West Providence town ship, dee d , having been granted the undersigned by the Register of Bedford County, all persona indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims, to present the same for settlement, to JONATHAN BUCK Adm'r, or bis Attorney, Edward F. Kerr, Bedford, Pa. leb3ws A YER'S SARSAPARXEEA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOI>. The reputation this excellent medicine enjoys, is derived from is cures. n.any of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system seemed saturated with corruption, havo beeu purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and disor Jers. which were aggravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting. have been radical ly cured in such great numbers in almost every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses Scrofulous poison is one ol the uiust destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and un felt tenant of the organism undermiues the con stitution, and invite* the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence Again, it seems to breed infectiox throughout the body, and then, on some favora ble occasion, rapidly develops into one or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be sud denly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tuinora formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by er ruptlous on the skin, or foul nloera'uous on some part ol the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Saraaparflla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear, persons afflicted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and. at length, cure, by the use of mis Sarsaparilla St. Anthony s Fire.Rosa or Erysipelas, Tetter. Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Kingworft. Sore Eyes. Sore Ears, and other erup lions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Drop sy, Hear; Disease. Fits. Epilepsy. Neuralgia. and the vr.rions FlcepS! *hotiou ol the muscular and utrvoiu systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseasesara curad by it, though a long time Is required fur subduing these obstinate maladies by any medi cine. But long continued use of this medicine will cur< the omnplaint Leacorrhoea or Waitea. Uterine Ulcerations and Female Diseases, are commonly aoon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Di rection# "for each case are found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and flout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters In the blood, yield quickly to as also Liver Com plaints, Torpidity, Congestion or loflamaattMß of tne Liver, and jauulioe, when arising, as they of ten do. from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SAKSAPARILLA is a greet restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or, or any uf the affections symptomatic of WeaVnvss, will find immediate relief and convincing evi dence of its restorative power upon triul- PREPARED BY DR J- C. AYER A CO., Lowell. Massachusetts. Practical oW Analytical Ci'mtst.i. SOLD BY ALL DKCGufSTS £ VERY H HERE, decly 1 B F. HARRY, Agent. /IONS U M PTION, \J Bronchitis. Asthma, and Catarrh cured by inhalation. Abbott's Inhaling Fluid is tbe only rot ledy known that operates on the lungs— dis sol 'es the tubercles, which are thrown off, the ca7ities beat, and a cure is effected- Treatment by letter or in person oan be hsd only of J VAN HCMMELL, M. D , 16 Westldtb St., Y acgimlft. frual Notice*. A NNUAL REPORT OF THE AUDI -TV TuRS UF BEDFORD COUNTY. ISAAC BEX GEL, A.y , Treasurer of Bedford County in account icith said County from Jo * it cry 7th, A. D. 1869 to January B <*, A. li. 1870: TREASURER, />/? To balance in Treasury at last settle ment ......SI 1683 31 To amount of tax received from old col lectors, as follows: John Kenicry, Scheibburg bor 29 69 laaac I). Earnest, Bedford tp 4 <'B Jacob Evans, Londonderry tp 281 56 S. S. Flock, Liberty tp 60 65 Solomon Barley, M. Woodberry tp 297 19 To amount received on unpaid lists for 1968, plated it, the hands of Justices of tlse Peace fir collection: Join A. Gump, Rainsburg borough and Colerain tp 55 75 Isaac Kensingcr. I.ioerty tp 66 :-:4 William Adams, Southampton tp 13 78 Jacob Breoneinaa. M. Woodberry tp 297 20 David Point*. Bedford tp 512 05 D. A. Plank, St. C-airsville bor 15 59 S a Flock, Saxton bor 19 51 To am-ant roceieed frnu. the several townships before placing lists of un paid taxes in the hands of Justice* of the Peace: Bedford borough 1756 13 Bedford tp„ 2974 46 B'oodv Run bor 733 87 Broad Top tp 953 62 Coleda e boro 166 45 Co'eraiu tp 2641 79 Cumberland Vallev tp 1996 4- Harrison tp 804 33 Bopcweil t;> 1280 &: Juniata tp 826 12 Liberty tp 833 52 L'.nd- cderry 1179 22 Monroe 1262 24 Napier tp 2179 10 Providence E. tp 902 89 Providence W'.tp 1688 60 Kaiosburg boro 238 -6 schelisburg boro 369 30 Saxton boro 209 64 St. Claiisvkiie boro 141 38 St. Ciair tp 2159 42 Snake Spring tp 1189 93 Southampton tp 999 48 Union tp 1189 53 Woodberry M. tp 3386 *9 W oodberry boro 297 46 Woodberry S. tp 3953 "-5 To amount rece'd on unpaid list* placed in the bands of Justices of the Peace for collection: John W. Bowen, Napier tp 523 80 Jessie Hoffman, Snake Spring tp - 152 00 James Cessna. Cumberland Valley ip 247 04 William B Lam bright. Union tp 155 00 James Carnell. Monroe tp 140 00 Jchn McCienry. Bedford tp 900 00 Adam Haderman, Woodberry S. tp 311 67 Jacob L. Albright, Londonderry tp 165 52 Jbn B Kluck, Hopewell tp 120 00 I David Miller, Harrison tp 35 00 John A Gump, Biotniy Hun boro 190 83 John C. Figard. Br >ad Top tp 500 00 Michael F Stock, Woodberry bero 75 68 Joseph Snowden, Woodberry M tp ISM 00 A W Swops, Coleuale boro 56 55 ! Isaiah .Morris, St Clair t.p 319 35 i Henry Ji*} er, Juniata tp 350 OU : losepb Fisher, Provideuce W. tp 149 61 Pi ter Dcwalt, Schell*burg boro S3 18 John H Iderbaum, Colerain tp - 125 00 • Ino A Gump. biro.,., 24 00 John W. .-am*, Providence K tp 200 00 To costs r-o'd from James McDonald 100 00 To taxes ree'd on un.-eattd land*... 14 00 T.,am >u tof ten day tax ree'd 8 81 Total receipts $53,407 96 TREASURER, CR. ! By amount paid Jurors during the year J SCSI; j Grand Jury, February Term: 188 39 Petit " " 329 05 Jurors adjourned Court. Feb'y Term... 344 24 Grand Jurors, April Term 138 26 Pe-it 367 02 Jur- re adjourned Court, July 372 53 Grand Jury. September Term... 184 82 Petit •' " " 341 56 Jurors adjourned Court. Sept 363 56 Grand Jury November Term 179 36 Petit " " " 401 62 By amount of Sundry check* drawn by the Cotumissiojers as follows: j Court Crier 163 31 Tip Staves.. - 168 59 Scalps 3093 21 W'ii.iaai Kirk, services as Jury Cotum'r 94 80 ' Isaac Kensitiger " " " 87 88 . M ose* Points, special serviets " 15 00 Jno. G. Fisher. Clerk to Jury CoQ.s'r* 49 50 i Con fables returns 714 94 j Bosd Views 188 00 Bridge view and expenses 89 50 Assess- ra making assessments 466 00 Regig'ration of voter* under new begis try 1 it 605 50 :Ge rge.E der. services as Commissioner 18 60 Peter M. B-rton '* " " 163 25 Dan'! P. lieegie " " 188 00 David Howsare " " " 'BB 00 Mich'i S Ritcbey " " " 32 00 Jacob Frisc, erecting bridge at Williams' 1200 0o Part pay erect ng bridge at Stonrrs' -wn 3'o 60 Erecting oridge in Bedford tp 2549 00 1 Dan'l Hi'echcw for bridge in St Clair tp. 350 ©0 1 William Osier " " 530 Ot) ' Kec< rd Boi ks for Prothonotary'* Office .. 299 Is J W Dickerson fee- and per cectage on col See ion 170 53 | Sbe.iff Keyser boarding and oonveying pribintrs to Western Penitentiarv 244 56 i Robert Sleek man boarding prisoner* and summoning jurors 1049 77 | Robert Meckman conveying prisoners to Penitentiary and House of Refuge 824 50 Attorneys si lary to Commissioniirs...... „ 100 M 0 Meyers A Mengtl advertising 540 20 *• " printing blanks... 277 00 Jvhn Lutz a-dvertiiing 543 16 s. L Ru#>ei! service* a* C"unR. To amount of tavern and restaurant Li censes <7BB 80 To amount of retailers' licence*. 977 50 TREASURER, Cll. By treasurer's per centagc 87 0! By ea-h paid Wa. (9. fcieholtr, services a* Associate Judge... 36G fn By each paid G. W. Gump, for services a* Associate Judge... 345 30 By Pensions 11)80 0# Br cash paid for printing 25 20 BEDFORD OOT.VIY, S. 8. The uuder-igned auditors of said county do hereby certify that iu pursuance of the art of as sembly i.t aueh cases made and prorived, they met at the Court House, in the Borongii of Bed ford, and did audit and adjust the accounts be tween Isaac MtXOiil, Treasurer of said County *nd the commonwealth of Pencsylracia, as ascet taincd in the foregoing statement. Witness our hands this Btb Jay of January, A. D, 187. S. WHIP, M. A HUNTER, OWEN McGIRH, J. M. Reynolds, Clerk. Aud tore 4ieb T> EGISTER'S NOTICE.—AII per il sons interested, are hereby notified that the following accountants bare filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans Court, in and for said county, ou Tuesday the 15ih day of Feb., next, at the Court House, in Bedford, tor confirmation : The account of Hon. John Cessna. Executor of the last will and testament of Mrs. Kate Ham mond. late of Bedford Borough, deceased, The Account of Oliver E Shannon. Guardian of Jacksra Mills and Sarah E Mills, minor children ot John Mills, late of M'mroe township, deceased The account of 0. £. Sdsnnon. Guardian ot the minor children of Samuel H Tate, late of Bedford Borough, deceased. The account of John T Keagy. Guardian of Emma W., Richard Ms.. Henry W.. and Emory W Somerville, minor children of Abner Somer ville, late of Southampton township, deceased. The account of John A. Gump, Executor of the last will and testament of Kebeca Ritchey. late of West Providence township, deceased. The account of John T. Eesgy. Trustee to sell the Real Estate of Henry Bract, iat6 of Cum berland Valley township, deceased. The account of John P. Heed, Guardian of Edmund S. Scbell. mint r son of E. D. Sehelf, Iste of the Borough of Sohellsburg, deceased. The account of John P Heed, Guardian of Jacob B Schell, minor aon of E D. Schell, late of the Borough of Schellsburg. deceased. The account of Samuel Whip and Martin Bortr. Administrators of the Estate of Frederick Bortz. late of Cumberland Valley township, deceased The first account ol Frederick Hiilegass, Ad ministrator ot the Estate ol John Coriey, Jr., fate ot Juniata township, deceased The account of A M Horn and D J. Horn Administrators of the Estate of Andrew Horn, late of St Clair township, deceased. The account of John P. Reed, Trustee to sell the : Real Estate of Jacob How-tare late ot Southamp ton township, deee&oed The account of John Fickes, Administrator ot the Estate of John W Fickes. late of Union tp . deceased. _ The account of Thomas J. Croylg; AJminiatra ; tor of the Estate of Thomas Oldham, Esq , late of ; Union o"Tuship. deceased. jan2ow4 ' JOHN P REED, RegDder_ I qHERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas. Fieri Fieias, and Laviri Farias to me directed, there will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or out- Cry, at Ike Court House, in the Borough or Bed ford, on Saturdoy the lthh day of February. A. D . 1870, at 10o'clock, a m., the following de scribed Real Estate, to wit: All Defendant's interest in and to two lots of ground, fronting 188 leet on Main $., aid run ning back to an alley 240 feet with a two story frame house, frame shop wa&b house, smoke bouse and log stable thereon created, adjoining lots of H W. Hessler and Geo Sbsffer. also two bach lots fronting on an alley 165 feet and running back 240 feet, adjoining lots of A. J. Bobbins and Wm McClelland, situate in afainsburg Bor ough. Bedford county and taken in execution as the property of A. C. Vaughan ALSO—AII defendant Wm. Bennett's interest in and to a tract oflacd situate in Southampton township, Bedford county, adjoining Moses Tewell on the North, and James Nortberaft on the East and Wm. Lashley on the West, containing 188 acres, more or less, with log house, stable and other out buildings thereon erected, also an ap ple orchard thereon, about 60 acres cleared and under cultivation, seised and taken in execution e the property of Wm Bennet WM. KEYSER, Sheriff Sheriff's office, Bedford, Jan. :lvtb. 1670. I IST OF CAUSES put down for J Trial at the Special February Term, 1870. (28tb day.) Middle Woodberry tp., vs Bassler A Longececkcr. Thomas Growden vs Archibald Blair et at. Same vs Same. Charles W Col via vs Wm. J. Rock et ai Gaorgs Roades vs Edward A Fockler. Fredericks Miller vs John Mcllwaine. Sophia W, Mallin vs George Mutlin's Exeeutors J M Shoemaker vs WiUiain A. Powell George W. Gump vs Philip Lebseiter W. B Huffman vs George W. Gump. Henry D Mock vs Wm Hammers. Alex McGregor's Adm'rvs Wm A Reininger Isaiah Collins, widow and children vs Elixa Col lins et al. Shannon and Aldstadi vs Emily and A. J. Cris is an John B. Wearer vs John Bowser Same vs Same. Barnard Clabaugh vs Isaiah Mills Win M. Lloyd, Indorsee, £., va Hopewell tp. Scholo District. John B Weaver, Truatee vs John Bowser. William Bowles vs George Stucky et al. Certified, January 48.1870. jsn27w4. ' JKO. P. RERD. Prot'y. LIST OF CAUSES PUT DOWN FOR TRIAL AT FEBRUARY TERM, 1878, (14th day.) Frederick Miller vsJohn Mcllwaiae. Middle Woodberry tp.. vr, Epbraim Longenecker et al Sophia W. Mullin vs George Mullin's Ex'rs. J. M. Shoemaker A Co., vs William A. Powell. George W. Gump. Esq.. vs Philip Lebseiter. Certified January loth, 1678 jan!3w4 JOHN P. REED. Prothy CO URT p ROOLAMATION .-7b the Coroner, the Justteee of the Peace, and CoustaUes in the different 'rosen ships in the County af Bedford, Greeting Know ve, that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal ot the Hon. ALEXANDER KING. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the 13th District, consisting of the coun ties of Franklin. Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Ponce; and G. W. Gump, and WilliamG. Eicholtj. Judges of the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to be aod appear in your proper persons with your Re* cords. Recognisances Examination*, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to beholden for the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, OH th* id i 'louday ot February, (being the 14fji day,) 1870, at 10 o'eloe/., in the forenoon of that day. there and then to do those things to which your several offices appertain Given under my hand and seal the 2utb day of January, in the year of our Lord. 187# WILUAM KKYBER. SherifFs Office. i Sheriff, Bedford. Jan . 30, laftd. \ *4 TS IT YOU?— To those of our pa- I irons, who have promptly called and settled their accounts, we return our thank*. There are others, however who hare carelessly neglect ed this dutv. Is It You ?—Please reflect, and if j it ia. remember that if your account, if of four ' months standing, is not closed by Cash or Jfote, before the Ist. of Feb 1878. you will -ash • for further credit after that on pain of being refused, and that w shall proceed to enforce aculenseo* by law without farther notice, we mean busi- S iiess. it yuu can't pay us, yon own give your ob -1 ligation to pay, and thus close yonr account. janiyWinl. G. B OSTEK A CO_ r pHE LATEST STYLES OF JOB I Work done at the Bedford Q&iettt Officn.