The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 03, 1870, Image 3

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    ■Tltr ftflford ©asrttc
Ebme and Aronnd.
• Sift. pas-enger trxin* will arrive and
d?!>rt asfoltows:
Mti! Triin teavesMt. Dallax at 1.00 p. m .ar
rives it Huntingdon t t 20 p.m.: leaves Hunt
ive I>n at 8.40 a m., and arrives at Mt. Dal!at at
11 52 . m.
Aecon'n Trvin leave* Saxton at 8 20 a. m .
an t vrrives at Huntingdon, at 10.11 la. tn : leave*
Huntingdon it 5.55 p m., and arrive* at Saxton
at 7.41 p. m.
Monday tlveulnf. reb. It.
The Democrats and Conservatives of
Bedford county are requested to meet
in the Court House, on Monday even
ing of Court wt k, (Feb. 14;.
The extravagance, fraud and trick
ery of the party in power, both Na
tional and State, demand a prompt re
buke from every good citizen.
Let there lie a go<d turn out! Rally
for Justice and the Right !
Able speakers will address the meet
ing. E. F. KERR,
fel>3w2 Ch'n Dem. Co. Coin.
The llemocratie county committee
will meet at .he'"Gazelle Office," in
Bedford, on Monday, February 14th,
IS7O, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Every mem
ber of the committee is expected to be
present as businessof great importance
relating to the rules and government of
the party are to be discussed and sub
mitted to a county convention.
Ch'n Rem. Co. Coin.
Calico balls are ali the rage.
The aholiti* n of the death penalty is
besi gapitaitd in this State.
Read Da YVCS* speech, 011 the outside
of to day's paper.
Valuable real estate is changing
hands j n Souu r-et.
A ru w post i ffiee has been establish
<tl at Ursina, Somerset county.
Hon. A. 11. Coffroth is Fiudlay's at
torney in the contested election ease.
An ohl maid's love letter is common
ly called a romance of the middle age.
February, most diminutive of
months, steps in with a haughty, win
try mien.
Four bears were killed recently near
S wager's Mills, Allegany county,
Md., hy a party of hunters.
The stage line between this place and
Chambersburg has been purchased by a
Mr. Long.
TheHun'ingdon muiderershave been
B'ntenced to be hung. The day for the
execution locs not yet been fixed.
The new brelge in the Narrows will
be ready for the travelling public this
It is. said that one of the Hunting
don murderers is writing a lull confes
sion which will be made public in a
few .'ays.
The approaching anniversary of
Wasbii gtnn'fc birthday is to be made
ti.e occasion of a grand temperance re
vival throughout the country.
For a business man to stop advertis
ing would be equivalent to his saying:
"I have stopped business and ask no
jua ire favors of the peopie "
As sore throats are very prevalent it
may be of service to the afflicted to
know that a gargle of a little alum and
homy, dissolved in age tea, will re
lieve it.
The Altoona Tribune , claiming to be j
an independent paper, is beginning to ;
show the cloven foot of Radicalism.
1 udepeudetice in politics in a secular
p .per, is a humbug.
The name of Meyers Mills, a thriv
ing tow n on the P. A C. Railroad, in
county, has been changed to j
toai of Dale City. The place is said to
be growing rapidly.
Geary gave as a reason tor not at
tending the '-all on the night of the in
auguration, that "his legs were too
foil ol bullet holes to admit of such a
thing 1" 'shoo Fly!'"
Mrs. .Solomon Filler, formerly of this
place, died in Pittsburg on Sunday ev
ening last. Mrs. Filler was an esti
mable !aly, atid her death will be
mourned by tnauy friends and rela
tives here.
An incorrigible old bachelor suggests
that female suffrage would not amount
to much so far as single ladies are con
cerned, for few would admit that they
Were old enough to vote. Consum
mate brute!
TERPSICHOKEAN. — A party of the
"youth and beauty" of our town "Lip
ped the light fantastic toe" at the Bed
ford Hull, one evening last week. Ev
erything went "merry as a marriage
bell,'* and ail concerned enjoyed them
selves hugely.
We are indebted to "Adoipbus Dud
ly l>ury" alias George Rush, for la e
western pajiers and a "Guide to the
Union Pacific R. R. Lands" for which
lie will accept our thanks. Come again,
but no more ot your "tricks ou travel
it is stated by some wiseacre that
the heart of a man weigh- about nine
ounces, and that of a woman about
eight. As the age increases, a man's
hear! grows heavier, und a woman's
lighter. Some girls lose theirs at six
The ScuH-Fiudiuy case w ill I* heard
before the Committee, this week. The
following Senators comjMise the Com
mittee: Randall, Lindernian, Lowry,
Brooke, Ousterhout, Brown and Al
len—four "Itepufnicaus" and three
iJemocrats. We feel as-ureil that there
is enough honor left in the Committee
and in the Senate to give the .-cat final
ly to Mr. Fiudlay to whom ii justly
Somerse. complains of more renters
than houses. That was the case in this
place a few years ago, until our JK>O
ple found it necessary to make more
room for themselves, and the result is
that Bedford boasts to-day of thirty
five new dwelling ind business houses
more than she had two years ago.
The Huntingdon Gfofa, of last week
says, "The revival in the Methodist
church of this place continues with un
abated zeal. About seventy-five per
sons of la th sexes have sought forgi ve
ra s- of their sins, of whom fifty-seven
have applied for admission into the
church. This is one of the most suc
cessful revivals on record."
One day recently as some men were
engaged at work on Jones' Contract,
near Mineral Point.on the.'ittsburg and
Connellsville Railroad, a blast explo
ded jiermaturely, killing two men and
injuring two more. One man was
blown up in the air alioul fifty feet,
and alighted sixty feet from the place
where the accident occured. The de
ceased w ere Canadians.
NEW BAKK.—Bloody Run is to have
a bank. The stockholders are, J. M
T. Fisher, D. P. Gwin, W. P. Oroison,
W. JDorris, 11. U. Fisher, J. ISeott, G.
\V. Garretlson, and J. 11. Glazier, of
Huntingdon county, and 8. L,. Russell,
s. Nycuin, J. M. Eurodollar. J. B.
Williams, J. W. Harmful larand J. Du
bois. of Bedford county.
RAILROAD EFFORT.— At a railroad
meeting held at Somerset, on the 22nd
tilt., ?33.3-jh were sultix-ribed to build a
branch from ihe Pittsburg and Con
nelisville Railroad to that place. E
ieven meetings are announced in tite
several school distric s aooutSoin r-et,
ami a thorough canvass tor subscrip
tions is to be made. The people of
Somerset seem determined to have a
day evening last, the third of c series
of temperance It-ciures was itelivered
in the Court Hall, to a densely packed
house, by the Rev. J Q. McAtee. —
The subject, "Handmaid to Christian
ity" was a haopy one, and the lectur
er handled it with consummate skill.
The p'-ople of this place seem to have
an avYakeued interest in the cause of
temperance as is manifested from the
large crowds which these lectures
Court of Pennsylvania, Judge Read
delivering the opinion, has recently
decided that a bond drawn in the name
of one obligor, and signed and sealed
by him and four other-, is the joint
aiul several obligations of the five per
sons. If the words are "I promise to
pay," and there <re many signers, the
instrument contains the several prom
ise of each and the joint promise of
all. _____ .
VANDALISM.—WE learn from the
Somerset Standard, that Mt.Ziou It,-
f rimd church, iu that County, was re
ceutly eiitered by some viilians and
de-ecrated in the most shameful man
ner. The carpet and a tine lal.le cloth
—a present lroni the ladies of the cou
gregati ,n—YY'ere carried off, white t; e
hymn books and a German bible Yvere
mutilated and the leaves scattered a
bout. The lajrpetrators of this heath
enish outrage should be ferreted out
and punished to the utmost extent of
the law.
NOTICE .—All persons knowing
themselves indebted to me either by
note or book account are requested to
call and settle soon, as I nee,l money,
and money I must have. Those who
givethis their immediate attention wilt
confer a great favor, and those who
neglect complying with thlmy re
quest, can blame only them-elve-> it
costs are added. Pieaae remember this
and do as yuu wish to be done by.
jaii27*'3 A. L. DEFIBAUUH.
- ■ -
are aware of the importance of check
isg a cough or "slight cold" in its
first stage; that which in the IH
niug would yield to a mild remedy, if
n-glected, often attufiva 'he Plugs.—
' Browit's Bronchial Troches" give
sure and almost immediate relict.—
" i'lie t roches" have proved their etii
cacy by u test of many years, aad have
r-reived testimonials from many emi
nent men who have used them.
at and around Dudley, and ou ibe
Six Mile Run region, have been on a
strike since the 10th inst.; also 2 mines
on the Back switch, have been idle the
same time. On Tuesday, lllh, the
miners of the Broad Top, Carbon and
Cook Vein Collieries struck, but there
are hopes that tliey will resume work
1 A large meeting of miners was held
on the 10th ; between five and six hun
dred were present. A more stalwart
lot of men in a single community, I
j dare >ay can not le fount* in the coun
ty, than the dark faced miners of
Broad Top .— Huutinydon Gtobe.
WHITES." — Kd. iscul! alia* Jul.U Cess
na, in his petition in the contested e
lection case in the State iseiiale, alleges
thai some poor white people voted tor
Ftudiay and lor this rea>ou Mr. Fine
lay should be ousted Thus, this se.f
constituted nabob declares lliat indi
gent people, no matter what U< gree of
lateliigence they may pou-ess, sliad be
deprived of the-4tcred right of the bal
lot, jud because they art poor ami un
fortunate. Such is the tendency of
Radicalism. Theloil Treasury thieves
and thi shoddy aiistccrats of to-day
claim the exclusive privilege of voting
and being voted for, and the poor of the
land, who have no rights which the
rich ate bound to rcsjtect, are mere ci
phers in the government and should
be disfranchised lorever! Shauie on
the uian who would resort to such a
miserable subteriUge to jsiesess him
self of an office Which the people have
Ueclard at the ballot box be shall not
Fresh Ground Buckwheat flour in
Store and for sale by G. 11. Osier dr to,
| jaaidiul.
Ufyt 0r ******* MtmwSi*
Mrs. Gruff, residing east of Berlin,
while mixing up buckwheat cakes one
day last week, used arsenic instead of
soda, and did not discover the mistake
until after the eating of the cakes,
when the entire family was suddenly
taken ill. Medical aid was at once
summoned, and, at last accounts, tlte
family were supposed to beuut of dan
ger. We have not been informed
whether the poison was kept lying a
b.iut tl-.e hotts', or uh-lher it was
bought for v.da. but in either case it
shouhl serve a- a warning to house
keepers and those usually -eiiiug these
articles. — g Sumtnif f Dtinncrot.
TEM. —The merchants and dealers of
Somerset county have published a card
in which they announce their inten
tion of eventually abolishing the cred
it system entirely," and give notice
that hereafter they w ill strictly adhere
to the following rules:
'"No goods soid on longer eedit than
six months.
That interest at the rate of 10 per
cent, will tie added to all accounts run
ning over due.
All running accounts will be consid
ered due and payable July 1-t and Jan
uary Ist of each year.
That we w ill not sell on credit thear
ticles of flour, grain, butler, eggs and
11 in r hunts and dealers would
'strictly adhere' to rule- like the above
ii would lie far better fir the buyer ami
seller. 1 xpeih nee teaches every one
that lung credits are ruinous and a
raw tike to product r and consu
mer. "Pay sou go." i the :rue
jihio-phei 's - lone.
grown tired of printing duns in tliis
shape. Our friends in arrears are
proof again-t all suvh missiies. We
have, therefore, concluded to try a dif
ferent plan, of which due notice is
hereby given. W T e are now sending to
each delinquent subscriber a statement
of his account, with tlie proposition
that if it be paid by Feb. 19, IS7O, a
certain deduction will tie made. If not
ptid by that time, full rat?* will be
charged,payment enforced by law, and
the paper discontinued in all cases of
more than one year's arrearage. Cp
wards of ten thousand dollars of unpaid
subscriptions and advertising have ac
cumulated ou our bonks during the
last live years. This is a load we can
not carry any longer. Will our friends
a-sist us in lightening it, or must we
summon to our ai that vexatious and
detestable instrumentality, Tht Lav f
List oi Grand Jurors drawn for Feb
ruary Term, 2d Monday, 14th day, A.
!>.. IS7U.
C W Artr-am. Faremm John P Weaverling.
llixon. Axirinh BUck^am,
Samuel Wj 1 1ht-lin, J ,hn C Wright,
Ji-bG iS h VViJliim Hartley.
Alb, r Cortey, uf J , Churls stoickwao,
L-is Kixws, John Fulton.
Alex Twie, Daniel Buyer.
John Uillcpie, I:rwe! 1> ,ri.
A** Willi-m*. lisietio stiafer,
Heuty I ajlor. George W Anderson,
• i-urite M*n, Jesse Ueller.
Tubio* shafer, YVa-hiegioa Miller
List of Petit ~urors drawn for same
Aianill Dib-rt, Henry Fbafer,
Aa >* BriJeust ine, G D. Trout.
Jeriueiab Kubinett, SaijiUr-i Beekley,
J„m-. M. steek I'hi'ip Cunpett.
Dl:ie! 31 stier, Jacob Bwkley,
Ley! Hr tuiau Smue! Bender,
Sxinuei ft Feather, S-tnuel betwiler, '
Michael Wer'x. Willi* <a YY'eimer,
Alex. Ei -helberger, 1) A. T Back,
Edwin V. YVrtgbt, Uri*b Mellott,
Jauiec lirnwilen. John Sh*ir.
Js ph C May, JacobS Brown.
Ileury Boor, Richard '1 Fo",
C W Mopre, Wei-ley X Uoarsare,
Martin Boor. Jacob H YVright,
J . me* B B Cessna, J 'bu JJiabelberger,
Siepnen McCreary, Michael ffiilegas,
1.- ac K Little, Cafper strcup.
Adutn tiuyer, Jauitss A Horton.
Draw n and certified, at ILdlord, the
13, h day of Jan., A. R., I*7o.
J. U. Fish r, WM. KIRK,
Clerk. Jury Corns.
f. b3w 2
The Fn-emasons of France, as well
a of Norway and .Sweden, have refus
ed to give the grip u the King ot Pru—
if A Ml IE I).
JAME C —SCHIEFfEH —At the residence "f th*
Bri te'g }>ren's. "U Joi 27 b.'ytheKev J. Q
M A fee. M'. Jltr rv .Jnu>f 6> VI < Sophi* s ■ i>f
fr >t-usrht-r i-f It nry Sshs.ff-r, ml of Friends
C •*. BDT R<l CITI'V. P I
<- IIA FF EH -1C K RS_ On the 23-i inst.. by lb*
Ear C. I' Uiltnvn, Mr. he <rse >V 6b ff.-r and
MissAtnsii'i I k">. botbof Union tp., this county.
. ■ _ '
1)1 Eh,
LEADER— At his rest 1no in Pokegta. Can
county, Michigan. Dr Henry Leader, aired 48
years. Cbatnbersburi PIPERS please copy
|Utr gVslwtiscracnts.
ISAAC MESGEL, E"j . 7reantr.r of ftedford
C**uuty in nrwith raid C**Hnty from Ainu.
ary 7th. .4. O 1869 to January SO., A. It. 187''.*
TU ba.anm in Treasury at last cetde
ment $11603 31
Tu mi -uut f t-i* received from uid col
lect RS. ft- fulli.wa:
John Keuiery, M-bell-bur; b.r.. 29 69
I-aae 11 Ear. e.T, Bedford tp 4 Oil
JACOB Ex aa-. LONDONDERRY tp 281 56
6. s. Huek, Liberty tp 60 #8
Soi.imou Bar ey, VI. W- dberry tp 297 15
1(> awimai leevuel on unpud tun i..r
ot toe Fence i *r collection:
Unleiaio tp... ,77. 55 73
Ifaae Kin- r. .i eri rp „ 66 ;;4
• > i. iatu A*. JS •uib.uui'' n 'P 13 7S
J Ji-ob urcimeuian, .d. W -"iio-rr, tp 297 20
David Point*, B iliord tp 512
D. A. I'iauk, at CM NII.E M.R 15 59
s s Fine*. SUA: u i 9 at
luansbip- beture PLACING LIS:* ol un
paid taxes M :HE B>|lD, of Justices of
the Peace:
bed I rd borough 1756 13
Bed lord tp 2974 46
it ond. Kuu b HI 733 87
Broad T -p tp 953 o2
Coleiia e oor • lb6 45
Cue am tp 204 l 79
Cuuibcilatid Old tp 18s6 46
Uariiiaiu t, 804 33
Hupewr 1 tp 12MI 9o
Juoia.'a tp 826 12
LTM rty tp 853 52
Li.n'iunderry 1179 22
Mouroe 1262 24
.Napier tp 2179 10
I'ruvtdeuce L. tp o2 69
Fr rid-BM VV tp loss 60
Haiusoorg bor-j 238 s6
S- beiltburg buro 369 50
SaXlon born 209 o4
sc CiJM'avii e i< -re 141 36
M. Clair tp 2I u9 42
snake Sp I!.; tp 1119 93
tviutU.iiu, too to V'.i9 48
1 iiiuu ip 11a.t 55
W..odbe:iy M. tp 6J
k iiuiiu'. try 297 4b
W oon berry S. tp 3903 85
lu amuo. d ou utipal i ill!.- piand
lb li e i.*r d.- ol Jukticct ol the I'm c
tor ra.itci.ou:
John A. lietea, Napier tp 523 io
3Utt- rtiscmruts.
Je-*ie H-'ffuian. Snake Spring 'P 131 0.1
| jarnes Ces-na Cumberland \ alley ip 217 04
W itliaßi B Lam bright, Union l P l-> 5 00
dam** Ca oell, Monro* tp 140 On
! J,.bn McCnary, B dlord tp 0 " 00
Adorn HvlvrSaa, Wowdberry S. tp *>ll 67
j Jacob L. A.fright, Looilmiderry tp 1-5 32
John B Fiuck. H >p*weU tp 120 00
j David Mider. Harrison tf 35 00
J hti A Gut. p. hi--dy hun bor |< ,-,3
Jin C'. i i;anh Broad Top tp 500 no
Mici uei F Sto. k. d'oodoerry bor.. 75
Jo . ph -nowden, Woxlberry M tp lts-t 00
A *.t S*-pe, Coiedale bor 36 5j
; 1.-aiati Mot i*. st Cut r tp fit 3$
iirnry Geyer, Juniata tp 36U 00
J - Soph ii.-ber. Providence M. tp 119 61
! Pel. i 11-wait. Sch-' is burg born .-.J lb
J-din 11 .!■ erbauut, I'oleraiu tp 124 00
Jnu A Gump. Rvicsbuig 24 00
J. Lu Cains. Providence E tp 200 00
To Cuit- rte'd fr -m James McDuna.d....* 100 00
To taxes rte'd .m un--eat*d lands If no
X., am JU tol ten day tax ret d ail
Total reee pt* $43,407 96
By am >unt paid Jurors during the
Grand Jury, p'et.ruary lerin: ljiS 39
Petit " " - 329 04
Jurors a-.journed Cou r t. Feb'y Terra... 314 2l
Grand Jurois, AprilTvrin 138 26
Peril '* ~ " 367 02
Jur r> lidj urned Court. Ju y 372 43
Graud Jury, September Ittai IM 62
Petit " " " .. 34 4->
Ju ors adj .-iriied Court. Sept 3.,;; aft
Grand Jury November Tefm ~ '79 36
Petit " " *' 401 62
i By ••ui.uiiiof >uuJry che as < b_v
the C- uiu-hsioneis as loliuws:
i Cou.i Crier l'ij 31
Tip Staves - I=6 99
tt H.iaus K ra, -e. vice.-as Jury vontm'r 9l0
1,-aac Keiisi. ger "
Mums Points, special services " ii tU
Jeo. li. 1 isiief, tilers to Jury Con in is... 49 Ju
. ns ani.a . urns . 714 94
ft.-ad V lews la 00
l,ii,; r e nts aiu vi t euses c 9 t>
... js mowing a.-ses .ueut.- 46. (I-
Ke D S rat.on ol . ote.e uioler new . cgia
ir,. - 600 50
tse r„c h it.., as e ouinrissioner IT lis
I'ele. *'n. n irton ** 160 2i
r-aii . P. ticeg.e 11 " ib& 00
i i'ail! iroWsa.e •* " f8 l>o
M ti I > n.icosy " " 32 00
oa. b dris , tree ttug bridge at lJOvt 0-.
I ar! i. y bridge at JSivMiers' .wu 300 00
tiecmg ori ige iu Deli'.rd tp 2si9 00
liau i D i.ecu, * lor in St C air tp. 3ull 00
Wn.iam " ~ " 43d oO if'-oks l->r Protbonotary'l 08ce... 2.<J la
J M D.ckeis u tee-and per cenUge on 170 u3
r-be iff Keysei 00-rding and Conveying
prisoners to Western Peiiiteuiiarv 244 46
Rvbert ateckinau noaiuiug p.isohera and
Fu.noiouing jurors 1049 77
Robert conveying prisoner! to
Peu.teuliary audUouseol Ibeluge 324 40
Attorney s si lary t-. Com mission is luo <0
Meyers d auverus t.g Jul 20
•- •• prinung O.auKs 277 00
John Lutz advertixiug 443 16
r>. L Russet! services as counsel 100 00
Jubu G. J:tuber salary as Cieik 340 00
U h cbannoti, Esq. ices at Prutu .notary 101 04
II J llrliUelsOU, cuitilug, paving and
erecting CVuri li. use 640 67
c-biroe a dorua.i;, I r Cou.i itouse
steps ..... ..... 200 00
Mr. i .Vlurn- craning uuicvs r.l turn
li oU&e 43 74 Me. w.oe eer> iCeo as Ja .i.or 62 70
Josl.Ua slower lepalnag Loan li /asa X
Ja. 37 13
Joshua Mi*aer ereaolug aau repaifrog
eeuri m use 42 74
Mood, C a. and pine lor f- nil iiuuse A
dan 133 42
J L be.* .* g .I,
M Ic, I,V.r-pal l ill uup.l auu I.X
lelaaueu US 06
to-la ol in c.*se ol four aau
ssaiiii vs. oTo a ue'ii...............147 if
f osis el Jurt.Ces oo CUt.eC lu 0 laXe- 24 a4
f sis IU Ci.u.Uloi.WeailC ca.-.c i 8 7 71
Costs ol tiaidi g L- r nei a iaquesis 26 13
hu. iu e tni ttiu sti i nmu.i. B ui.iiiia ap
p. 124 94
Man ialu.. a piisuuers a. \S istern Peu'y, af4 74
... edicai uri-i. daii e up iu pris iner5.,...... 6 00
It. M 4au-u.iU e u t aualilug aceuUuv of O.
it, Mian ii u,
Ao.e tisin s lot Uuseaieu .anus u„t sold.. 31 Oo
tsecpiua lumw eat nouse oi Relugc ..... 96 90
it. J. fren ,viSi.n services as appraiser of
Pool Xf'Use Usui ages. If fiQ
aba ii aordau uo do do 14 00
; Jouu i uiiou do do do 22 01
i>. ueuoaugn, h-.bouug prisoners 3 74
Reiuiogcr auu heej i* sues.f.g h rse
tUleves 47 20
Mlu Ju. liaii, tees iti Coin .g. o|b-0u... 2tl 60
Al. . ttl.tuej inieie. i u|i u ,w J- oo
Juu Stn on vouuiy losa 44.' 0"
■ übu Mowury loieierl on 10an............... 96 bO
i Bists oaa r per oiuor of fuQiiuisShtuers
en County frcasuier 2792 77
I Money oveija don saOscripli. nto 0. idg 2f 4L
J- uu U I Saei uiaS'Ug uulirl uupi.Cr.tS
ai.u ceiouuieul„ yj Uj
J. LB 'j t isue. seivice B [ Sjiec a, c uris .6 1.0
I Pus.age. veiegtauis SA.4 slali .ery 36 39
1 41 i.j ne.i - a 'j -s lor ouufi Louse 26 4o
laX Ü es to. .-69 11 4
i r. ner a coo 2 oois. o| e.U".-ul 7 up
insurance ou Loare ii' Use slid Jail 74 0
sr liuui a4l c4l o.lin nare ifc-vs ......... 14 0o
II a. - ley a rie Ij.r fc o-ds tor f. tiu aSe.. 36 12
b-si.i* .ueiWioe w,.a a. C-.urt House... 9 JO
il M essci canvas lor du r ilea es- 4 2e
i a - I uaceo ea load tsi en unsealed
i-uus 2 40
llaasuie. 3 C Ural -ssloii f.r io3 1000 Oo
" leos iowu 00
LJ -UI 1-ul , a.'i La t-i.te Tieasuier ;io7;i #.
vv i.iiaui u,.w.cs, r' .or
Lo-.-e i rea.ure. 4oOU 00
i-rp Uus oi B atleoU 1 1*6 00
f. ISO . s Salary .. - 300 00
.la sul j-4il lur.itii -lie Wiuea .cuUiug
• al is 6 00
. i uery 2J "0
, * uses oi CoaUlj I .sl.vU C 9> -0
uttin i.'lel 1-li, Me tower ... 44.3 64
cpiiug •• 321 7o
bpeisi eiecti .n iu flarr. swu
L.Wasbii. 10 00
Twist cr-.di s a $39441 00
Receipt. 433407 9#
Expenditures 39441 oO
liai-oe in Treasury ~.. ...flnfi-'ti 96
Ain-unt of taxes in the bands of old col
lectors.. 471 74
Amount I l U< paid iaXes in tile baods of
Justices -.1 ibe Peace t-<r 1668 47 94
Aui >ußl ol unpaid laXes in tbe bands of
Justice* id toe Peace for, 1*69 6404 03
Total fTnJi >3
Monty owed by Bedford County:
J win. 41.1, On U"le .■■■■■ ••••*.......SiJutil* 01)
J bn Ri mmery. ou note 2000 00
John Jrowery, on aote 600 00
Total ..ssßl/0 UO
LEi'FURD CGLMY. &. vj.
foe tudtiv uudtlois oi ssld county do
beieoy eeiiily, tnat iu puisnancc of tne acts of
/i-.tlirf'-y in iliuil laser Uia?|e aUli provided, lliej
met al ihe f 'Uii H use, to Ihe Borough ol iieu
f -id, and uid audit and a ijust ibe accounts ol
ISAAI Sis.vutL, i.tasurei i.f said c lunty. tor toe
ytai A. ii- 61'9 as ascertained to .be long -lug
Siatemeuis, and lusv Uoy Ua's ex unine 1 toe
loiegulug aeeooots uue to - wed oy said c .u.i
ty, auu iiisi tbey ua.e 1 .'U-ii ine same to oe cor
rect. |
W t ess our bands tbi-s 6tb day of January A |
D. loin. 6- VV flip,
41 A liCN XEK.
Ui N lUCuifiK. j
J. M. RLVNOL.'S. Cierk.
To the Auditor General of Peunsgivania:
i reuru.t r in ..ccouut witu its t ouiuijuweui-bi ut
Peunsy .vauis l. "UI January 81U, 1009 fo Janu
ary fr.b, teiu;
/7.'AA4e ttt-R, I>R-
To amount ul Uveru and restaurant Li
censes - $.50 60
To ainwuul ul leiaiicrs neeu5e5.............. 9. 1 40
J UEASC tit ti, CR.
By tre.vsure.'s jter ceulage 87 91
Ly easb paid •• Ul. U. olcboliX,
services ar Associate Judge... 366 00
By eastl paid G. M.fjdmp, !"F
services as Asswo.aie Judge... 345 30
Ey Peuetou* Di(.o 00
ty c.asU pa.d lor printing 2j 20
foe undersigned uud.iurs of said county do j
be. coy ce.lUj lu illa j ui -uaace of tue act of
eeuibiy la rucii Ca.-e's made and pr .vifed. vbey ,
met *1 tue Court fionsc, m luc Lorougb ut ted
f '.u, a .dulf audit and aUJUsI tile acouuliis oe
IWtvu tsaae ktiVlitL, tiewsdier ol said County
and itt' com .. i.wea u oi Penney lvut*, iisce!-
lul ed ... tne luil „..log • a.einent.
\\ 1 tin on. nanus vuis iu ay ol January, A.
D. IsTO.
S. rtHIP.
M. A. utNTErti
OVV a4 areuinlt,
J. .VI. ltfTaoLl).-, Clark, Aud tois
.too j
/ 1 OLDEXSHEAVES.-Mmipy made
VJ ej Men or women any where Address
2EIULER, McCERDY A CO , Phil* , Pa
The eheape-E smarter!. and be.-l New York
new-paper Everybody (ike* it. Tbreeeditin*
year ALL TH NJWS, at ba!f price. Full
report* of market*, agriculture. Farmer*' and
Fruit H rower*' Clubs, and a complete *tory in
every Weekly and Semi-weekly cumber* A
present of valuable plants and vines toevery sub
scriber : in lueeinents to eanvasse s unsurpassed,
fl 000 Life Itnurenee Grand Pianos, .Mowing
Machine*. Parlor Organs. Sewing Machinist. Ac ,
among the premium- Specimens and lisiS free
Send a D >lUr and try it.
I W ENGLfNi). Publisher Sun, Jf.
IOLLLLLARD'S ; is an excellent article of
I granulated Virginia : wher
•■l- I*l4 f-'W \> ever introduced it is uui
, Llu ' ua vers ally admired It is put
SttoKtso TOBACCO - up in handsome muslin bag*.
in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily
LORILLARD'S I is made of the choicest
YACU r CLUBI 1(, " f s™ WD ; '
0 „,. I nervous in its effects, as
tracteii; it leaves no disagreeable tasteafter simk
i"2 : it is very in Id. ligtit iu color and weight,
hence one p >und will last as long as 3 of ordi
nary tobacco iu this brand we also par k
orders every d >y lor first quality Meerschaum
Pin's, dry it an 1 v>nviuec y ur-elves it is alt
ttclaim to ba. ••TUB FIX-ST OF ALL "
LOKILLAKD'B This brand of Fine Cut
C E ,N i' L* It V i chewing tobacco has n
,, _ I equal or superior anv
CHSWISO TOBACCO, j w \ ere Xl f je . 1!B OU*t
doubt the best chewing tobacco in the country.
LOKILLARD'S j have now been in general
j e I- op | use :u the Uniied States
I over 110 years, and stili
acknowledged '-the best' wherever used.
It your storekeeper does not have these arti
cles tor sale, ~.k him t,, -et tbeui ; tbey are sold
by respects, be jibbers almost everywhere.
Circular of p t res mailed on application.
Aromatic Vegetable fcoap,
Forthe D-licateSkin of Ladies and Children.
perfect article of the kind ever offered to the
public; tnide prettily,fi.g nicely, gives ease and
c>iafort and is just what every Miss wants.
M ithers interested in the comfort and heal b of
their laughters shoald examine its merits For
Manufactured by D B SAUNDERS A CO ,
96 Suinocr St , Boston Mass.
We W li Pay Agents A S-larv of S3O per
week and expenses, or allow a large commission,
tosellour -e* wonderful inventions. Address
M WAGNER A CD . Marshitl. Michigan.
M i'Lo VMEN 1. - i ;t 1111 >lllll
I j Ste sli Dies Samples free. S M.
SPisXCER A CO., Bratilebore. Vt. jan2o*4
VrsK your Doctor or l>riis<;iM for
SWEET f(j f I V E—it equals (bitter) Qui
t .me. M f-i bv STEARNS, FA MR ACO Chcm
fits. New York. jac2ow4
rpHiUTY Y '.A IW Experience in
ff the Treatment of Chronic and Sexual Disea
se- —A Pnysi ilogieal View of Marriage—The
cheapest book ever pub: ished—containing nearly
JOtl pages, and 130 fine plates and engravin.s of
the auatomy of the human organs in a stale of
health and disease, with a treatise on early errors,
its deplorable consequences upon the in'ind ai d
boiy, with the author's plan of treatment—the
only rational indsucceesfu! tnodeof cure asabown
by a report of casei treated A truthful adviser
to the married ant those ;ontinplating marriage
who ei.iertain doubts of their uhysical condition.
Sent free of po-tage to any a Jdresson receipt of 25
cents, in stamp- or pi-'t al currency, by a idres-inc
Dr LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albany. X
i The author may be consulted upon any of the
diseases upon which his books treat, either pergon
al ly or by mail, and medicines sect to any part of
the world. jac2ti4
' rH E MARK! AGE RiNG-E^y*
1 for young uien, free, in sealed envelopes.
lioW ARD ASSOCIATION. Box P, Philadelphia.
Peun. jati2ow4.
Dli. WIIITTIER, 9 Wy lie bt„
Pittsburgh. Pa., of Cnion-wide reputation,
treats all venereal diseases; aiso, seminal weak
ne -. impoteuey, Ac., the resu't of seif-abu-e
Seud 2-tamps fir sealed pamphlet. 5h p.So
matter who tailed, state case. Consultation free
I \ SY' 'HOM AN(' Y. rS' l'Lt HAH
L MIX * Aw mderfu! bo ik ;it shows bo*
either sex can fastiu ue any one they wish, in
stm!y (Ail posse— this power) It teaches
how to get ri h. A 'benv l>r D e's end Alien s
Cabalta, 8i..-lia j-, Sirerrie.-, 1 noantations, I>e
inoool i-y. >1 agio, -e-merisin Spirliuaiism, Mar
riage Gaits. anl a thousand other Woc
der- Sen: he in ail tar gi emu. A tires- T
VA ILL I.AM t'< . Paainj.r-. South Seventh St ,
Poliadelpma, Pa.
Married L oiieg Private C' nipacti B cr
aius the itsucd ir.f ruintioti Sent free fur
.tmp. Adores? MRS. C HENRY H'tver,P.
K 11/ l 11 1 P: DEM(>x of p i( in.
_ Woloott'g Pain Psint rem ves pain instant
ly, ..od heal, old I'loers. H'o eott s Arinibilator
ouri Catarrh. Bronchi'is and Cold in the Dead
SojJ by all Druggi-ts, and lal Chatham Square.
3 I janL<*4
r |3HE MAGIC CGMB will chance
1 any colored htir or heard to a permanent
black or brown. It contains no poison Anyone
catiu-eit One sunt by mail forst Address M.AG
IC COMB CO , Springfield, Ma-s dec2'im3
4 GIFf Atfenis vvwittui—lvitiie- i
/ \ and Gentlemen for their spare moment*. — ]
A t-e*itig Mt.-hine, a (Jold Watch, a Bible, mon- J
ey *nd other goods given as premium- How. j
When, Where. What ana all othur part culars !
Pre*. Address C. L Van Allen, 171 Broadway, j
N Y. jn20*4.~
CHINE for —simple, cheap
retiabl e tnitmig AGENTS WANTED- Circu
lar and sample .locking FREE Adifrcas If*"f
teu K:iitt n<? Machine Co . Rath;.
The Whiskey Ring, Gold Ring and Drawback
Frauds, Divulging systemaic Rub-' ry of the
Public Treasury, Organ.x>d Depredations. Cou
spireeies and Raids on the Government—Offi i-• 1
'iufpituie, M.dteasanee, Tyr.uuy and C.irrup
ti m —l'tie must Start'ing, Fascinating. iutru--
tire and Important Bout yet publisaed. Con
taining Mun.feutio facta, to iisput.ab e evidence,
sworn testimony, complete aul accurate details
Legi-Ja'ors. Farmers. Merchants, Mechanics,
every Cittieu and taxpayer, are directly inter
eeti-j tu toe S ratageiu-. Artifices, M icbiostiuns
and Crimes uf Cnrrupt Politicians. Illicit Distil
ler*, liold tiauib •-!*, Drawback Forgers and oral
iv M uef tutor* —Publish* I ia one attractive vol
ume, about bit'! well-filled pages, with spirited
illu-tra ions Price low to suit the time- #3.00.
Cold by subscription only trend for circular and
special terms. WJI FLINT. Publisher. Phila.
delpata, Pa j m2(t*4.
* GUIDE, ron Tits
24th edition of this popular work, which has
inct with so much favor in the past, is now ready,
it has been rewritten and improved, printed with
new type, on fine paper, illustrated with a beau
tiful Lithograph and many other fine ecgrarings
from nature It contains full description artd
the culture ot over 1500 leading varietie... < f tlow
ers and Vegetables ; a,so dijcripttve list ot the
toy ltlos or the present seasor . to which is added
a c election of 1100 choice French Hybridllladiolus
This work we feel confident, will compare favora
bly with any similar one
From I *!"{ Bart/'tt. fPaioer, A T fS
t>l nave received a copy of vour superbly got
ten up Amateur Cultivator Guide. I think it
tar ahead of anything u f ihe k.ud ever before is
sued from toe American press.' 1
tseot to any address upon receipt of 25 cents
for* pa per cover, and 50 cents for las efa!!y oouud
in cloth. WAcUiJ'JttN A CO..
j ui.'Oad Boston. Mass
IN.STA PE OF DAVID tilK'K, dtv'd.
Lutters of Altuioistration up m th Estate
o: V i vid Buck late of West Providsnoe town
ship, deu d , bavtug been granted tho uo
by the Register of li jdtord County. , persons
indebted to saiu Estate are ri*^ a otet| Q,
payment, ai.d tbo*e ti;iv't s claim*. In present the
gamo lor settlement, to
J'.IN ATBAN BUCI . Adta'r,
orbU Attorney, Ei*ara f. Korr, Beitord, Pa.
llotu'fg, ul.
OFFICE H. -t B. T. M. 11. It. CO.,
4U Walnut Street, *
The Annua! Meeting of tbe Stockholders of the
Huntingdon an I Broad Top M untain Railroad
and Coal Company. i 1 be held at the office of
tbe Company, ott TUESDAY, FEBRUARY l*t
IS7O. at II o'clock. A M . when an ele-tinw wili
be held for a President and twelve Directors for
the ensuing year. 1. P AERTSEN, See'y.
( Hth day )
Frederick Miller v* John Mcllwaine.
Middle ft'oodberry tp.. i s Epbraim LongeueeJrer
et al
Sophia W Mallin vs George Mallin's Ex'rs.
J M Shoemaker A Co.. v* William A. Powell.
George ft - Gump. E*a . vs Philip Lebselter.
Certified January (otb, 1870.
isuldwi JOHN P. REED. Pr-.tby.
Tv Tavrn and Restaurant License*. at Feb
ruary Sesafob*. (2nd Monday, I4tb day)
Micbsel Ott, Bhtody Run bor.. Tavern
ft iliiani Weimer, Clearvflle, Monroe tp . "
Jobn K Ready. Coaldale bor , "
Levi Manges. Juniata tp , *•
Isaac M-ngel. Bedferd bor ; -
ftiiiisniM Pearson, ft'oodberry bor .
William A Peterson Union tp . "
Henry Rose. C*r,trevilie,
ftidiaai Spiers. C.aid ale bor, "
A iexai der Taylor Broad Top tp., •'
O'lb.imt ll A Manly. Bridgeport, Londondery ••
Ada ui t Caru, Bedford bor.. Restaurant
John Id-iris, " •
Jacob Bnrnhart. ** <
J .Iju P We.verling. Bi'widy bor.. Tavern
sno B Amick. St CI • irM . de.
Cei rfiel.J nuarv 2dth. 1 b7O
j. iA7 a d " JNO P. REED, CFk.
I IsT <>F C.\F.SEs put down for
J J Trial at the Xpert i! February Ttrai.
•■oil. (2n ii day.)
Middle vt -idberry tp.. vs Btssler A Longeneekor.
Thomas Growdeu vs AnUioald B air et al.
ibsme vs Same.
Charle* )V Colvin r? ft'oi. J Rvck et al
George Rnade* vsEiwarl A F -tkler.
Frc lericka Miller vs John M flwaine.
Soi-t.ja ft J1 jjiin v- Ge<rge Mul'in's Executors.
J M Shoetiiiker v* ftiilitu A. Poaeil
Ge-irge ft Gump vs Philip L'-bselter
W. B Huffman vs George ft Gamp.
Uvnry D M >,-k vs Kin. H 'turners.
Alex McGrtgor - Adm rv ft'tn A Reininger
i- iih Coiiin? widow and children vs Ehxa Col
lins et al.
Shannon and Aidsudt vs Emily and A. J. Crie
Jobn B. "Weaver vs Jobn Bow-er
Same vs Same.
Barnard Ciabaugb vs Isaiah Mills
Win. M Lloyd. Indorsee, Ac., vs Hopewell tp.
Scholo District.
J bn B Weaver. Trus-ee vs John Bowser
William Bowles vs George Stucky et al.
Certified. January IS. 1470.
jan27w4. ' J SO. P. RERD. Prot'y
l\ sons interested, are hereby notified that the
toiiowing accountants have filed tbeir accounts in
the Register".-Office of Bedford county, and that
tbe same will be presented to the Orphans' Court,
in ami for said cona'-y. on Tuesday the 15th day
of Feb . next, at the Court liouse, in Bedford,
tor confirmation :
The account of IF n. Aohn Ce*-*a. Executor ol
the i.i-t wili an 1 testament of Mrs Kite Ham
n ond. late of Bedford B ,rough. deecaed,
TL A-> an! ot Giver E Shannon, tiusriianot
J-.-k- > Mill* -rid sari!; E Mills, minor children
• , John Mills, laic i t M mr .e township, deceased
Th- ui ' 1 0 E Shannon, tluariian of
■; '■ i. idroii i.) Samuel H Tate late of
Bedford B,rough, d vea-ed.
Tne .-c uui of John T Keagy. Guardivn of
Emm ift Richirl Mt. Henry ft', and E uory
ft S mci .ilie minor .-biidren of Abner Somer
viile. I ne of Sou hainpton township, deceased.
Toe account of J ihn A Gump. Executor of toe
lu-t wili and lestament of Keoeca Ritcbey, late
of ft est Providence township, deceased.
Tbe a-count of John T Keagy, to sell
ibelteil E-'ate of Henry Brsht, late of Cum
berland Valley township, deceus- d.
The account of John P Keei. Guardian of
E mund Schell. uiiiw r son of ED. Sehell, late
•■I in R-to gh j I Sjfiei.sburg. deceased.
The aeooant uf John P. Keed Guardian of
Jacob fa t-ebell, miDor s->n of E D. Schell, late
• 1 the Borough of stbellsburg. deceased.
The ace .unt of Samuel ft'hip and Martin B-irtx.
Administrator* of ihe Es'ute of Frederick Bortx.
late of Cumberland Valley totenship, deceased.
The first account of Frederick Hillegas*, Ad
ministrator oi tbe Estate ol John Coriey, Jr..
late oi Juniata township, deceased.
The account of A M. Horn and D. J Horn,
Administrators of tbe Es'ate of Andrew Ham!
lute of St C!*ir township, 'jeeeoaed
The aoCuuot of J<i,a p. Reed, Trustee to *ell the
Re*! Estate ut Juoao H -wr-are late of Southamp
ton township, deceased
The account of John Ficke*. Administrator of
the Estate of John W Ficke*. late of Union tp.,
dece sad.
The account of Th ima* J Croyle. Aiministra
tor of the E- aieof Toomas 01 Jhsm. Esq . late of
I nion township, deceased
JOHN P REED. Register
HERIVv -b SALES.— Ry virtue of
I ijl sundry writs of V, ■iditmai Expanse, Fieri
i F r/-, and ljiv,r\ Facias to me directed, there
| will be expurtal to -*le, by public vendue ur i.ut
| toy, ai the C-mrt U iu.-e. in the B iruugh of Bed
: f rJ, on baturdoy ioe IJ b day of February. A.
j i> ls7o. at 10 i clock, a. in., the fallowing de
| senbed Real Heine, to wit :
Aii Defendant's uiiere.-t ia and to two lots of
i gi uiid, tpiuti.-g It-i test on Main St., and run
; mug baa uan oliey HO teat with a two story
j frame b iue. irainc shop w-.h bouse, sm -ke house
! and 1 'g ttiert'O.l erec.ej. a-ij lining lots of
| H Vi .it -entier aud Geo. en .ffer, aiao two back
j tuis (routing on an alley IfiJ feet and running
b*ck 210 feet, adj iiuiug iuo> of A J. Koboin?
; and \ui M Oiel.o ,tl. Situate in Kainsburg Bur
| ougb. beiiiord county and iasen in execution as
; the property oi A C Vnughan
j ALSO— AiI defendant Win. Bennett's interest
in an 1 ; • a tract of land situate in >ou: Dauiptou
town-hip, Bedford County, a i joining Moses iewel:
mi tUe .N r;u, and Jauii-s NurtUcraU on the Has
and M Ui. Lash ley oil the IV esl containing ltkl
acret, ui re ur has, with 1 g house, stable and
otner out buildings tbcr<on erected, also an ap
, pie or-jtiard toereo.i, about fit) acres cleared and
uudorcultiva ion, seized aud taken in execution
j as tbe property of Win Rennet
WM. KEYSER, Sheriff
Sheriff's office, Bedford. Jan. 2uth 1870.
/ the Coroner, the Jnsticfi of the Ptare. ani
Vinstaller in fi * Jijfcrtut To tea skips it. the
| Z'-'Hiyuf Bedford. (Ire,ting; ks.v r*, that
i in pursu mee of a precept to use directed, under
| the band and eaaS of the Hon. ALEXANDER
KING. president of tbe several CourUuf Common
Plea., H. the loth Tisilict. consisting of the cun
| ties of Franklin, Fulton, Bt-dford and Somerset,
and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer an l General Jail Delivery forthetriai of
capital aud other offenders therein, and the Gen
eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
G W. GIMP, andWipuvHU EIVBOLT*. Judges of
the si me Court u= :n c atue County of Bedford,
y.,0 and c..- b of you, are hereby required to be
atiJ :.fpur in your proper persims wi h your Rt*
cords Recognizances, Examinations, and other
Remembrances, before the Julge aforesaid, at
Bedford, a' a Court of Oyer and Terminer and :
General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses- j
sions the peace therein to be boiden for thecoun- j
ty if Bedford, aforesaid, on the 2 1 Monday or
Feb a iru bcag the\hth dap,) DS7O, at 10 o'efoei, ]
in the forenoon of that day. there and then to do ;
tho-o , tii Qgs to whic.i your several offices appertain
Given under my hand and sea! the 2t'th day of
January, in tne year of our Lord. ltvO.
SHEUIFF'S OFFICE. 1 Sheriff, i
Bedford, Jan . 2u. IS<VO. j w4
,~\ Afsossurs of the several districts of Bedford
o,<u y arc tiereby requested to meet the Board •
of Ootnoiissiooers at t..u;r itfi e. In Bedford, On
WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 16th , to receive ,
the b • •*", instructions, Ac , fur the assessment
for the year 1 STO Ail are enjoined to be present j
Bv order of the Board,
j ir-Twd .INO.G FISHER, Clerk
r pitUTEE ACCOUNT (or wm fir ma.
X tion at February Term oftheOrphans'CouTV
oi Redfoad county, loth February,
The acceuut S Joßn T Keagy. Trustee |
fvvr ths sale of tne real estate of Henry Brant,
late of Qduvheriand Valley township, dee'd.
de iflwfl JNO P. REED, RogT.
IS IT YOU? —To those of our pa- j
trons, who have prompt;J called and settled i
their accounts, vre return oar thanks. There
are ohcrs, however who ha re carelessly negiect
edthtsdqt. Js ft T'U ' l'lease reflect, and if i
it is, remember that if your account, if of four ■
months standing, is not closed by C<i*h or .Y oi*. |
before tbe Ist. of Feb lb?®, you will ash us for >
further credit aftej thsl "R pain i,( being refused,
aud tha'wa shall proceed to enforce settlement
bv law without further notice, we mean busi
ness U voq oan't pj us, you can give yoar ub
ligation to pav, and thus close yur account.
janlA'.buil. G. K. QsTER A CO.
Transacts a General Banking Business, and makes
collections on all accessible points in the I Liltd '
T S HLVEN EE Stamps of all descriptions al- :
ways on bai-d.
Aeeoanu of Merchants. Mechanics Farmers and j
ali others - jlicite 1.
Interest allowej on time Deposit.*.
janl3,'7otf. '
£al u
sale a gK"(l improved farm. .
,Spring township, Bedford count
from Mt DalU* station, on tbe
Broad top Railroad, containing \
atone laud, about lSliacrea cleared
fence (HOO panel* port fence), ant _ce
well timbered having thereon ,j large
Frame Hou-e, large Bank Barn and alt necessary
out-building*. i o'ever-failicg Spring* ot water.
3 Orchard*. 2 good tenant house* and a g' od Saw
Mill. Tbeabor* mansion farm is in a g'od state
of cultivation, and i* well calculated for 2 farm*.
For farther particular*, address the subscriber,
yatsSmS* Bloody Run, Fa.
7th, ls7o, the uudeisigned. Adm'r of tbe estate of
Wm Eraxier, late of Juc.ata :p . dee'd. by vir
tue of an order of :be Orphans' Court of Bedford
county, will sell at public sale, on tbe premises
ail that farm a d Traut of Land, of wbteb aid
dee'd died eeiied. sitnute in tbe township of
Juniata, aforesaid, containing 365 acre*, 26
perches, about 5b acres cleared, having thereon
erected a dwelling bouse and barn and necessary
outbuildings, with an orchard thereon ; adjoining
lands ot the undersigned, Samuel Ficgit ft m.
Rinsey, James Burns, ft'rn Mckinaey and Jonas
r-bulti. Term* ; one third to remain a charge
upon tbe promises Jur to tbe liletime of the
widow the interest payable annual;} to her, and
at ber death th< principal to the beits, one third
in baud at confiruiati-'u i f sale, and tbe r*main
ing third in two equal annual payments thereat"-
ter S-te to begin at 10 o'clock, A. M of said
day. possession will be given at once.
Janfiwt JAMES ft' FRAZIER. Adm'r.
r |a a X X ERY fokSALiTvhl* EXT.
X —The subscriber offors for sale or root, his
1 .unery with Baik Mill and Tool* : *i*, his fine
* re room torrent. Possession given >.n the Ist of
April, 1*571' This property is located in the
horougn of Sobell-burg. Bedford county an ex
tc.leui location for both store and tannery For
further particulars, address
jtti6ni3. Sehelieburg. Pa.
Dy virtue of an order of the Orphans" Court, the
undersigned will expose to sale, at public woe I ion,
on F'KLMY, tbe 11.h day of FEbKUAh V. IsTO.
on the promises, iu Bedford township, a uetirable
farm, aujlining lands of John tj. Sprout, Jons
then Diehl, Jacob Shartzer Susan Carney and
others, containing SO acres, about 7l>acrescleared
and under tence, iu acres of which is good mead
ow. Tbe improvement* area one and a ualfstory
log dwelling bouse, log burn.aud other building*
Also a large orchard of cb-ioe apple, peach and
eberiy trees- The above farm is in & good neigh
borhood and within a mile oi Bedford
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day.
Adm'r of Mrs. Georgians R. Reamer, dee d.
Dr. ft'ishart's Great American Dyspepsia Pills
and Pine Tree Tar Cordial are a positive and
infdllable cure lor Dyspepsia in iu most aggra
vated form, ami no matter of how lotg slabbing.
They penetrate the set ret abodeof this terrible
disease, and exterminate to it, root and branch,for
They alleviate more agony and silent suffering
than tongue can tell
They are uoted for curing the moat desperate
and nope!ess cases, when eveiy known meats fail
to afford relief
No form of Dyspepsia or Indijestion can resist
their penetrating power,
It is the vital principle of tbe Pine Tree ob
tained by a peculiar process in he distillation of
the iar. by which its highest medical
properties arc retained. It invigorates lhe diges
tive organs and restores the appetite It
strengthens the debilitated system If purifiea
atid eneriches the blood, and expels from the
system the corruption which scrotals breeds on
tbe lungs. It dissolves the tcucus or phlegm
wuiah stops the air passages oi the lungs lis
hetiing principle act* upon tbe irritated -urface
of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each
diseased part, relieving pain and subduing inflam
mation It is the result of years of study and ex
periment, and it is offered to the afflicted with
positive as.-urance of its newer to cure thefollow
irg diseases if the patient has not too long delay
ed a resort to the means of cure :
(LuiQmplian of tbe Lungs. Cough. Sore Throat
and Broiaat. Bronchitis. Liver Complaint, Blind
and Bleeding Piles. Asthma, Whooping Cough,
Diptheria, A
A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate
diplomas,devotes his entire time to the examina
tion ofpatients at the office parlors. Associated
with him are three consulting phyeioians of ack
nowledged eminence. whose services are given to
the public free of charge.
XhisopportuQity isuiferei by no other institu
tion in the country.
Letters from any part of the country, asking
advice, will be promptly and gratuitously re
sponded to. Wnere convenient, remittances
should take tbe shape of
Price of Wuhan s American Dyspepsia Pills,
$1 a tux Sent bj tnaii on receipt ot price.
Price of Wuhart's Pine Tree Tar Cordi si, SI sl>
a battle, or $U per dozen. Sent by exp ess
All communication*should be addre*vd
L y C tt'ISHART. M i ~
No 232 North Second * isit.
deeldmS. PbiUiHl • ma.
t or all the purposes of a Laxative Me£ : fiae
Perhaps no one Medicine is go universally re
quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor nag ever
s any befuie so universally adopted into u; in ev
ery country and among ali classes, r.s tois Biiid
, but efficient purgative Pill. The olivine. reason
' is, that it is a m irt reliable and far more ■ ffectcal
remedy than any other. Those who have tried it,
know that it cured them; those who not.
: kjow that it cures their neighbors and friends,
aud ail know that what it does once it does always
that it never fails through any fault ur neglect
! of its composition We have thousands upon thou
sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of
, the following complaint*, but such cures are known
i in every NEIGHBORHOOD, and we need not publish
| them Adapted to ali ages and conditions in all
| climates, containing neither calomel or any dele
i terious drug, they may be taken with safety by
anybody Their-sugar coating preserves • beta ev*-
er fresh and makes thetn pleasant to take, while
i being purely vegetable no harm can arise from
j their use in any quantity.
j They operate by their powerful influence on tbe
' internal viscerate purify the blood and simulate
it into healthy aclior—remove the obstructions of
the stomach, bowels, liver, and otberorgi.nsof tba
body, restoring their irregular action to health,
and by correcting, wherever they exist, such
derangements as are the first origin of disease.
Minute directions are given in the wrapper on
the box. for the f dlowiug complaints, which these*
Pills rapidly cure :
for Drst'EPsiAorljiiuaESTjos. LISTLKSSWESS.
LASOCOR and Loss of Appetite, tkey should be
taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and
restore its healthy tone and action.
For UIVSR CoSHAixi and 1 tsvarioussvmptoms,
or Green SICK.H ESS. Bilious Colic and Bilious Fe
vers, they eh >uid be judiciously taken for each
case, to correct the diseased action ur remove the
obstructions which cause it.
For Di-SESTKRY or Dj ARBBCEA. tut ore mild
dose is generally required.
LOINS, they should be continuously taker. as re
quired, to change the diseased action of the sys
tem. With such change those complaints disap
ForDaorsrand DROPSICAI, Swrinxes tbey
should be taken In large and frequent dose* to
produce the effect of a drastic purge.
For ScppEßsstoy a large duae should be taken
as it produces the deaired effect by sympathy.
As a DISSES Pint., take one or two pills to pro
mote digestion and relieve the stomach.
An occasional doae stimulates the stomach and
b iwehtntc healthy action, restores the appetite,
and invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad
vantageous where no serious derangement exists.
One who feels tolerably well, often fludstl at a dose
of these PILES makes him feel deci.iedly better,
from theircleansinc and renovating effect on the
digestive apparatus.
DR. J C AVER ACO , Practical Chemists,
deeryt BF. HARRY. AGENT.
dersigned hereby give notice thai they have
dissolved the partnership heretofore existing be
tween them in the mercantile busines-. by mutu
al consent Tbe books are in the baßds of Fimon
Hersbmanforoolleetion, whowillalsopay al debta
owed by the late firm.
000 MACHINES.—The most perfect ma
chine yet invented. Will widen and narrow,
turn a beel, or point the toe It will ktit plain
or ribbed- It wilt knit stockings, drawers, shirts,
t<*ols, comforters, mittens. Ac .Ac. It iscbeap,
simple end durable. It sets up its own work,
u*es but one need!#, and requires no adjusting
whatever. It will do the ssuie work that the
L imb in achine will do, and costs less than halt as
much, and has nut the tenth part of tbe machine
ry to get out of oNer. Circulars and samples
nuiled freeon applimtion. Agents want*d All
machines guaranteed STRAW A MORTON.
Gcn'l Aden's. No 20, Sixth St., Pittsburg Pa
1t I and Business men generally will advance
tsuroim interests by advertising in tbe CO1*d