Sftr ftdford tbasrilr Home and Around. 11U NT ING DON AND BKOADTOP R.R. _W UREA .VUIMIIM. —'TW*TA*I., —Otand '":er .-Jjt 1 *U, pissenger trains will srriveand iepart as follows : Mail Train leavesMt Dallsj at I.CO p. 80.-ar rires at Hantingloc at 4 20 p m ; leaves Hunt - lon at S 40 a m , and arrives at Mr. Dallas at tfi2a tn. Aefcun'n Train leaves Saiton at 520 a m.. ar.d vrrires at Huntingdon, at 10.10 a. m : leaves Huntingdon at 5.55 p m , and arrives at -axion at 7 41 p. in. A PARTING WORD.—WE have grown tired of printing duns in this j shape. Our friends in arrears are proof again-t all such missiles. Vv t have, therefore, concluded to try a Gif fcrent plan, of which due notice is hereby given. We are now sending to each delinquent subscriber a statement of his account, with the proposition that if it be paid by Feb. 19, 1810, ft certain deduction will be made. It not pti lby that time, fa" rates rci'l be charged, payment enforced by lair, and the paper discontinued in ad cases oj ■' 1 j," than one y> ire cm**'rage. t p wards of ten thousand dollars of unpaid -üb-eriptious and advertising have ac cumulated on our books during the a_-,t five years. This is a load we can not carry any longer. \\ ill our friends a—ist us in lightening it, or must we summon to our ai that vexatious and detestable instrumentality, The Ixacf Looking up—the matrimonial mar ket. Huntingdon is profiting by a Metho dist revival. The houses in Hollidavshurg are to ye numbered. The country road- are represented as being in a very bad condition. Fr -sh Ground Buckwheat flour in Store and for sale by G. R. Oster A Co. janl3ml. There are 90 tribes of Red Men in this State. This does not include the Winnebago of which Simon is chief. Ice-storers are indulging in the fear that the ice crop will be provokingly -hort this season. The citizens of McConnellsburg are raising money to purchase a new five engine. • - Three hundred and two deer were -rought to and pa—ed through Tyrone, during the deer killing season. The County Commissioners have ap >ointerit in advance. May hi- tribe in crease ! A bill has been introduced in our Legislature making it a penal offence to put up medical prescriptions, unless the operator has serveda two years' ap prenticeship in a drug store, or is a graduate of a medical college of phar macy. As the New Year is always an oeea -ion for making good resolutions we hope that some of our friends through ait the county will resolve to send us items during the present year. They i will tie welcomed by us. The Bellefonte Watchman is respon sible for the following: "The bigge-t chick enjeoop ' n the* state is the I apitoi at Harrisburg, now filled with roosters." And they "set" and habit out "ways and means" to plunder the Treasury. Kbensburg boasts of a sewing ma chine which has been In use for eigh teen years, ami is as sound as ever. — Bed ford has a score I hat ln use for over forty years, that art 1 a little' s nituler than ever. Tliat's vehement ly i rue. {'or NT v Av DlT. —The County Audi- , t*r- were in session la-t week. Owen 1 MeGirr. Esq., the newly elected mem ber, taking iiis place ic the board, yjr. MeOirr is a practical business man and in ikes a good officer. The rejiort of the auditors will he published in a few weeks. Xeglected Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, which might be checked by a simple remedy, like "Brown's Bron chial Troche~," if allowed to prog-res - may terminate seriously. For Bron chitis, Asthma. Catarrh, and Con sumptive Coughs, "The Troches" are used with advantage, giving often times immediate relief. Stagers and public speakers will find them al - > excellent to clear the voice and co der articulation wonderfully easy. TAVERN LICENSES.—A number of persons have requested u-, by letter, to publish tavern license notices, 'ihis we cannot do. Petitions for license must be filed in the Prothonotary's of fice, after which that officer furn .shes us with a list for publication. Parties desiring license had letter attend to this jnatter at once, for after next wee* the ntimber of insertion- required by law cannot be had. SKVEUE STORM.— On last Monday afternoon a severe storm of rain, accom panied with thunder and lightning, passed over this place. We learn that ; in some districts of the county the storm was more severe than here: whole lines of fences yielding to the furious elements. In Last Providence the barn of Wr. William Whetstone was entirely destroyed by the storm. M >X IC A I'PUISTM EST--—A lex. M. Lloyd, of llollidi ysl urg has bee n Hpjiointed Deputy District Grand Mas ter for the counties of Cambria, Hunt ingdon, Blair and Bedford. J. King MeLaughlan of the same place, has been re appointed Deputy Di-trict Grand High Priest for the counties of Blair, Cambria, Hunting don, Mifflin, Juniata. Bedford and Fulton. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.— On Friday night last, the extensive Tannery of Rowland Austin in Licking Creek Township, caught fire from the boiler, and was burn' to the ground. There was an insurance on the building, but to what extent, and the amount of 10-s we were unable to ascertain. This is the third time it has been burnt.— Ful ton Republican. STILL BELLIGERENT.— The guerril la fight among the Huntingdon radi cals still goes bravely on. The crimi nations and recriminations of the sev eral factions are rich, rare and racy. "Dad" Lewis' efforts at explanation as • to what party he belongs toare"trooly phunny." With the same stoic indif ference which the woman manifested when her husband ami the bear were fighting, we "don't care which whips." I Go in lemons! HYMENEAL.— Jordan, junior editor of the Inquirer , being disgusted with the state of "single bie-sednes-" lias "went and gone" and emigrated to the state of matrimony. Venturesome youth! Plucky editor! May you ev er rejoice that you have joined the no ble band of benedicts ! To the Senior we would say, 'go and do likewise,' and escape the horrid idea of dying an "old maid!" NEW TREASURER.— With the coun ty audit the term of I-aac Mengel, E-q., a? county treasurer, closed, and he has handed over all books, paper.-, Ac., to his successor, Hugh Moore, Esq. Mr. Mengel wa- an excellent eflicer and rendered satisfaction to the county and the people. Mr. Moore's well known bu-ife qualification- leave no <1 iiibt of his ability to render a good account of the trust which the people have im po-ed upon him. PUN TO. — A few days ago a Sin-riff's jury had a "long sta—ion" in a case to a—damages for the otistruetion of a road. A Mock, a Slick and a Dull were interested as plaintiffs and de fendant-. During the progress of the ease one of the jurors got off the follow ing: "Do they intend to make a Mock of this CRse by Slick ing it over in the/)//-est manner?" Cruel puns tor! TEMPERANCE LECTURE.— On Mon day evening last the first of a series of lectures under the au-pice- of the Good Templar's lodge, of thi- place, was de livered in the court house, by the Rev. Thomas Heyden. The rootn was filled to overflowing and the vast crowd ii-.- tened to the venerable lecturer with the most profound at'ention. Father Heyden piead earnestly and eloquent ly for total abstinence from the use of a'eohoiie stimulant-. We tru-t that hi- word- of admonition and warning may not have been uttered Iri vatn, but that the cause of temperance may recei% - ea new impetu-from this and the public lecture- which are to follow on the -übject. For the lecture, which will be given on next Monday evening the Rev. H. Heckerman was an nounced. BA=SJN THE JUNIATA.— We learn from the Huntingdon Globe that at>out ten days ago three hundred has- were placed in the Juniata river about a mile anil a half above that town. They were brought in a barrel from the Potomac, and with such safety that only one died during the pa—age. A few years ago a few enterprising di-r tuples of Walton put a dozen or two of Potomac bass in the Ray-town branch, but whether there are any there now is a question that ha- not been solved as yet. We e e iture the prediction, how ever. that our Huntingdon neighbors m ill beauetx —ful in their enterprise, as they have gone about this piscatorial matter in a business like manner, and -in m determined to test thoroughly the question of (xtpuiating their waters with the delicious ba-s. SNAKY.— The Hollidaysbnrg Regis ter i- responsible tor the following -nake -tory: On Monday morning last, in HoJlidaysburg, a- Mr. C'. F. Eccleston was going out of his front door, he found a small snake, measur ing about two feet in length, trying to get up his front door -tops. The night was cold and windy, and where his -nakesbip came from, and how he liv ed, is past our comprehension. The most singular part of the matter is, that Mrs. Eccleston dreamt during the night that a snake w1- tlying to git into thecradle to the baby, and -he re luted the dream to her husband before b • went out and found the snake. The liberal proprietor of the Phiiu. Public Ledger bo- published an alman ac fr lS7'i which lie he- presented to his numerous subscribers as a New Year's gift. It is ornamental as well as use ful and is replete with valuable infor m ;tion. The publisher wilt accept our thanks for the copy which is oefore us, j tjTiT 33fTifWn LOCAL EDITING.— Apropos to the es tablishment in Washington College, Va., of a department for education in journalism, the Cincinnati Tunes thinks that the special profes-orship for instruction should be, as follows: "The student in the local business should have a great deal of -xercise on his legs each day—taught that it isn t brains so much as leg talent that is n - quired to make an efficient local repor- i tee. e must learn to smell an i'ein at a long di-tauoe, as the mode! war horse "souliesh the battle fronialar, and spare no extra exertion in finning it. "ilis fancy and imagination to be cultivated somew imt, and his in vention quickened and encouraged, in order that he ms*y have something to fall back on in case things persist ently refuse to happen, lor the public demands local news every day, remember, whether there beany or not. Deprive them of able 'leaders and they may stand it for a day or two but they won't give up their local news not for a single issue. "1 he would be loi-ul will require tit tie Instruction in regard to receiving presents of t "jots, hats, clothing, bot tles of wine, oyster-, dead-head tickets etc., etc. '1 hey learn that \ ry readily. The professor can do us he pleases a bout advising them to accept or refu-e such perquisites. If any conscientious young lta-al -houid have any -erupt, s about accepting, we would remind him that he has a- high authority as the President of the United rstates lor tak ing in any pre-euts offered him, and lis can imitate it or not. "The student should be taught to mi-s his meals often, -it up late at night, eat all sort- of festive suppers, and sit patiently to hear long and dull speeches from after dinner orators.— He must learn not to fe aiarmed by threats of horse whipping, and must be licked occasionally by the professor to accustom him to any incidents of the kiinl that are not improbable to oc cur. • He must t>e taught to have no emo tions of his own, to look upon all ca lami! ie> with a purely professional eye, to observe and describe the convulsing humor of a popular comedian, and catch the la-t sigh of an expiring vic tim of the hangman, with the same stoical indifference. The profc—or of ii>cul rejKjrting ought to hang a man oc ca-'tonally in the presence oflheclass, in order* that they may become aide to report executions. And finally, the candidate for the 'local' chair should learn to live on a moderate income, sternly subdue all inclinations for more than the nec—arie- of life, and tie will ing to give poverty a smiling welcome, until fate or his own exertions hoists him to a higher place." PLBIO uitALS. THE DEMOCRATIC ALMANAC, for l-70, i- now ready fordistribulion, and i- one of the best of it- kind issued in the United States. The political scholar, the agriculturist, merchant, manufacturer, and industrious work ing-man, everywhere, should have this Almanac where he can lay his hand upon it at any moment, for it i replete with miscellaneous informa tion useful to all. The voter, especial ly. should have it. for it make- known many political point- that are of vast importance to him, if he would vote understandingly; and as an old-fash ioned, home-circle ALMANAC, it is well up in the astronomical calculations these issues generally embrace. Price for single copies, 10 cts., 7 copies, $1.00; 1") copies. s2.tKt, post paid ; by ex pre--?, $12.0!) per hundred. Addres Van Ev rie, Horton A Co., No. IG2 Nassau st., N. V. THE LADY'S FRIEND FOR FEBRUA RY. —The Febuary number of this fa vorite magazine leads off with a fine steel engraving of "The First Ball" —a -eene which will t>e particularly in t--resting to young lady readers. Thin follows the large -lieet of Colored Fash ions, tasteful and stylish ; and a varie ty of superior wood-cuts, illustrating the la e-t mode for costumes, bonnets, hats, &c. The music for this month is, "I wish that I were Young Again." The literary department has excellent articles in prose and poetry. Publish ed by Deacon & Peterson, 319 Walnut .Street, Philadelphia. Price $2.00 a year which also Includes a large -teel- I engraving . Four copies, SG. Five copies (and one gratis , SS. "The Lady's Friend" and "The Saturday Evening Post" - and one engraving:, $4.00. BRAIXARD'S MUSICAL WORLD.— The January number of this valuable musical monthly is at hand, as enter taining and in-tractive as ever. The present number contains three beauti ful new pieces of music—"Striving for t lie Mastery," new temperance song and chorus ; "Under the Hazel Tree, * a l>eautiful song, arid "Annie Waltz," for the piano, one of the prettiest waltzes we have ever beard. The mu sic in this number is alone worth the subscription price a year, which is on ly $l.OO We advise all our reader- to subscribe at once, as a new volume be gins with this number, or send ten cents to the publishers R Brainard & Sons, Cleveland, 0., and they will -end you specimen copies by return mail. PETERSON'S MAGAZINE.— The fir-t of the monthlies to put in an appear ance on our table for February, is Pe tersons Indies ' Xaitonal. Our better hall assures u- that it cannot Vome t early. As a book <>f fashions it lias no rival. Mrs. Ann S. Stevens' great -to re, "The I'ris nor of tho Hastlle, ' is at present running through the page- of this magazine. The above is worth the g ibseription j rice. Send $2.00 to C'ha-, J. Peter-.n, Tri Chestnut et,, Phil adelphia, and gel it for one year. PACKARD'S MONTHLY.— The Feb ruary number of this sprightly maga zine is on our table. It is the livliest journal on our li-t, and we eagerly await its monthly visits. Packard discards fiction, hut the pages of his magazine are enriched by the every day life of men and w< men of yester day and today. Enlarged and im proved for the present year it bids fair far a long life of u-efulness. For term-*, AT., address, S- S. Packard. t37 Broadway, New York. BAI.LOI S MONTHLY.— This month ly magazine is a marvel of excellence and cheapness. The February number is on our tabic, arid the best that we can say for it is, that it is as interesting ;ak, both of Bed fori. DIED. \ CAHN—Departed this life- on the looming fof January the I#!. W- Mri Hannah Cam. aged 63 years. 1! in nth* and 2S days. ! Moiher Cam w*4 well known m 'ni: community, j * Di m*BJ were they wb<* syippfctniied with her in ber severe affliction. God - ways are inyste ri,ra ._ .*hat r know not now we shall know hereafter"' —"at evecingtimc it sh II belight^ iUu - torments. OUBLH; SALE OF V* VALUABLE RE YL ESTATE - By virtue of an order of the urpbans' Court, the undersigned will expose to sale, at public auction, on FRIDAY", the lltb day of FEBRUARY', lS7y, on the promises, in Bedford town-hp, a desirable farm, adjoining lands of John f Spruit, Jons tbett Die til. Jacob Shar;/r Sastn Carney and others, containing 'JO acre-", about acres cleared : and under fence, 10 acres of which is good mead- ' ow. The improvement# are a ore and a half story j log dwelling house, log barn, and her budding* ; Also a large orchard of choice apple, peach and cherry trees. The above farm is in a guod neigh borhood and within a mile d Bilord Sale to t minence at in ■•"el-.'.-k f said day. J. W LIXGENFKLTER. J Aim'r of Mis. Georgians R Reamer, dee'd. jan2ttw4 1 SHERIFF'S SALE"*-— By virtue of sundry writs of Veodt' I.tp.nj*. I'itri JErtae. and Liriri Fart a* to tue directed, there will be exposed to sale, by public vendue or out crv. at tbe Court llouse. in the B >rough of Bed i ford, on Satardov. the 12-b day of February, A. D 1870. at lOo'cloek. a m . the following de scribed Real Estate. to wii : All Defendant's interest in and to two lots of gr ur.d. fronting 16S feet a Main St.. and run ning back to an alley 210 feet with a two atory frame house, frame shop wash bou-e. smoke house ar i 1 -• stable there I. erected a-tj ;ning I ts ~f H W Rt-.-ler and Geo. Shaffer, also two back j lots fronting on an alley !-> fet and running bark 24U feet, adjoining lots f A J. Robbins and Vim McClelland, situate in Kainsburg Bor ocgh, Bedford county and taken in execution as the property of A C Vaugban. ALSO—AII defendant YY in Bennett s interest in and to a tract of land situate in Southampton township. Bedford county, adj-tning Moses Tewell on the North, and James Northcrc.lt on the East | and Win, Lash ley on the West, containing ISO ; 1 acres, m re or leas, with log boa*e, stable and other out buildings thereon erected, also an ap f-le orchard thereon, about o l acres cleared and ondorcultivation,seized and taken in execution as the properiv of YVm Bennet. WM KBY'sKR. Sheriff Sheriff"s ogee, Bedford, Jan 20th I t7O. 1) ! I.isTEK's NOTICE—AR per- V sor.s interested, are hereby t tiffed that the toll, wing acc untants bave filed their account# in tbe Register #Office of Bedford c icty. and that the same will be presented to the Orphans Court, in and fur aaid county, on Tuesday the lath day of Feb . next , at the C-mrt House, in Bedford, for confirmation : The account of Rov. John C.-s.ua Executor of the last will ar.d te.lament of Mr* Kate Ham no nd. late of Bedford Borough, dec-eased. The Account of Oliver E Shannon. Guardian of Jackson Mills and Sarah E Mills, minor children of John Mills, late of M mroe township, deceased The account of O E. Shann c, G urJtau of the minor children of Samuel 11 late, late of lie iforu Borough, deceased j Tbe account of John T Keagy Guardian of Emma W.. Richard Me Henry W . and Emory H Soiaerville, minor children of Abner Snmer ville. Sate of Southampton township, deceased Tbe account of John A Gump. Executor of tae ■ la*i will and testament of Keoeea Kitehey, late of West Providence township, deceased. The account of John T. Keagy. Trustee to sell tbe Real Estate of Henry Brant, late of Cum berland Valley township, deceas- d. The account" of John P Reed. Guardian of Ja - t> B ehell, minor son of E D. itehell, ia'.e ; of ibe Borough of Sehellsburg. deceased. The account of Satnuel d hip and Martin Boris. Administrators of ihu Estate of 1- rederick Borta, j late TCumberland Valley township, deceased. Tbe firs: aceouat ot Frederick liillegass, Ad mifii*traior ox iii© oJ Juhn CorlfiJ, ; late ol Juniata township, deceased The account of A M Horn and D- J Horn. Administrators of tbe Estate of Andrew lini, late of St Clair l wnship, decease i. The acci UDt ot John ReeX, Trustee to stu tue Real Estate ot Jacob Howaare late ot Southamp ton township. dcoKvaed The account of John F.ckcs. Administrator ol the Estate of John W. Fickes. late of I nion tp . decessad. . '1 he account of Thoisas J. Croyle, Administra tor of toe Estate of Thomas Oldbatu, Esq , late of Union township, deceased. jsu2u* l JOHN P. REED. Register. | FOT OP OA! SEU I'L 1' DQWJN I 4 FOR Tlil.xL AT FEBRUARY* TERM. 1S?0 : i4.n day ; i Frederick Miller veJoha Mcllwaine. Middle W oodberry tp., v Epnraiin Longenecker et ai . , i SfipixU W. Mailm vs George Mulliu sKx J M Shoemaker ACo v# itii.iam A. Powell. George . Gump. Esq .vs Philip Eebselter. Certified January 10th. ih7o. janl3w4. _ J tiS P REED, ProthT. / IREAP IT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF DRYGO O D S , TO CLOSE OCT WINTER STOCK! BARGAINS FOR CASII ! A. B. CRAMER A (O. ! Jan. 12,1870 ff. SIJi.OOO - A I!AXTK '-- BUCK LEAD excellsall other LEAD. Ist For its unrivalled whiteness. 21. For its unequalled iurabiiiiy, 3d. For its unsarpsssed Covering Property Lastly for its economy. £uk~lt CGSTS LESS to paint with BUCK LEAD, than any other White Lead extant. The saiuv weight covers MORE SURFACE, i* more DURA BLE. and in-ikes WHITER WORK BUCK LEAD is the CHEAPEST anl BEST. SIO,OW GUARANTEE. BUCK ZINC excel!- all other ZINCS. Ist For its unequalled durabillity. 31. For its unrivalled whiteness, 3d. Per its nnsurpassod Covering Property. Listly. for its Great Bcooouty. being tbe CHEAPEST. HANDSOMEST, asd ! most DURABLE White Paint in the world, BCT OSLV BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC; Try it and beeonvincad. i Fjf: \fartio •. G.HtTtmutd in 1 r -V- •r Patnling CITT AGEn. OUT BUILDfNG-* of everv Je •eription FENCES. 1; THIRTF-FIVE DIFFERENT COL ORS. Dura ble. Cheap. Unifonn, and Beautiful shm lea. Sample eard* sent by M vil if desired. Dealers'Or-iers will be promptly execute! by the manufacturers FRENCH, RICHARDS k 00.. N W Cor , Teri'b asi M irket , jauSe*7hyl Streets, Philadelphia , jvaurrtisrmrntjs. f to UIIT P B O CL A MA T lON7b Vy tkr Coroner, the J'ltHcr* of the 7'for. and Comtmi/ts tn the different Totrnihtpr in the \ County of Bedford. Greeting; KNOW U, that in purvu-nee of a precept to trie directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING. President of the several Courtsof C 'inno-n Pleas, in the !s:h L'istiict. consisting of tbe eoun : tie* of Franklin. Fulton. Bedford ar*d Somerset, and by virtue of bi# office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Generai Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gei - | eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and Q. IV. Gtvr, and WILLUKU. EICHOLTX, Judgeaof the same Court in the same County of Bedford, I Y'ou and each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper person* with your Re •••rd*. Keeognixanees. Exatnicarions. and other RomembraDeee, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to beholden forthecour.- tv of B-.-dford, aforesaid, o t th> it Muttdam of t PeK U3ry .{being the 1 kth Jay.) IS7O. <7? 10 o'rtori; in tlu fort,toon of that day. there aad then to da : those thing- 10 which your several offices appertain. Given under my band and seal the 2titn day of January, in toe vearof our Lord. Icri). WILLI AM KEY'SER. SBERIFV 'S OrvtCE. ( Sheriff. Bedford. Jan . 2U. It' | 4 / 1 OLDEN.SHEA VES.-Moiipy itiftti** \T •• ,sv M'-t. • r women any -.ere A idrt.-s ZEtGLER. McCUBDY* 4 CO . Phils . Pa 'SMii: U LL \R Sl'N. CiIAS A. DANA. EPIT IB The* eheape-t. smartest, and be-; New Y'--rk , newspaper Everybody like# it. Ibreeediti'-n- DAILV sj; Sem-WKEALT. $2 : and WFEKLV. -*1 A year ANN THE News, at half price. Pull i reports of markets, agriculture, Farmer# ai. i Fruit Growers" Clubs, and a complete story in every Weekly an i cemi-weekly number. A preseDt of valuable plants and vines to every sub s ribei induvm-nis to -arvas-e s uoearpassed. $1.00(1 Life Irisurenee, Grand Pianos. Mowing Machines, Parlor Organs, Sewing Machines. Ac, among the premiums .-pscimens Dd lists free, 1 Send a Dollar arid try it. 1 W. ENGLAND. Publisher Sun. N Y jat 20w4 iORILLARD'S j is an excellent article of i granulated Y'irginia ; wher • *i- rin't' \'t ; ever introduced it is uni -I*U ItKiv.A - rerfally admired. Iv is put SHOXSNG ToXAi tu j up in handsome muslin bags, in which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily picked LOB.ILL.ARD S is made of tbe choicest YACHT CLUB grown; it U anti nervous IB its effects, as SwoKtxo TUBAOCO j the Nicotine has been ex tracted ; it leaves no disagreeable tasteaftersm--k -tng : it if very m-ld. ligbt in color and weight, beuee one pound will last as lor.g as 3 of ordi nary tobacco In this brand we also pack orders every day for first quality Meerschaum Pipes Iry it BD! convince yourselves it is all itvlaJms to be, "THE PISEST OF ALL " LORILLARD'S Ibis brand of Fine Cut CENT Uli Y chewing tobacco has no _ * equal or superior any CM wise TOBACCO. ] w Uere- It is without doubt the best chewing tobacco in the country LORILLARD'S j bave now been in general .. v I" tc L" i: i use in 'he United States Si -> Lr r . i over yeers, and still acknowledged -the best'' wherever used If your storekeeper does not have these arti cles t'-r sale, ask him to get them ; they are Sold by respectable jobbers almost everywhere. Circular of pti es mailed < n application P I.<-KILEARD A CO.. New Y'ork. A romatic Vegetable ,Soj. 1 X COLGATE A CO S O I L E T SOAPS NEW YORK ESTAB.ISO6. Forihe Djli.-ate Skiu of Ladies and Children. SOLD BY* ALL DRUGGISTS OOLOMOVS CHILDREN'S UN- O BER CLOTHES SUPPORTER—Is tbe most 1 perfect article of the kind ever offered to the public; made prettily, fits nicely, gives ea*e and cmfort and is just what every Miss wants. M itbers interested in the comfort and bea! h of their daughters should exxmine its merits. For sale by A B CRAMER A CO BEDFORD, PA M iouf.l -tared by D B. SAUNDERS A CO, S6 Sumner St , Boston. Mass. AGENTS READ! THIS ! ! .~\ YVe Will Pay Agenvs A Salary of $3O per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new wonderful inventions. Address M WAGNER A CO,, Marshall. Michigan. 1 EMPLOYMENT. —#200 a month JI with SteDcil Dies Sample* free. S M sPt.XCER A CO., Bratilebore. Vt. jan?iiw4 iour Doctor or Druggist for -WEET QUININE —itcquals outer Qui nine Mfi by STEARNS, FAKR ACO Cttrn sts. New York. jan2ow4 rpHIRTY YEARS' Experience in J_ the Treatment of Chronic and Sexual Disea ses—A Physiol gical Y'iew of Marriage.—The cheapest book ever oubiished—containing nearly 300 pages, and 13U fine plate: aad eiigravinc# of the anatomy of the human organs in a stateof health and disease, with atreatise >o eariyerrors, its deplorable consequences upon the mini and body, with tbe author s plan of traaiuient—the only rational nad>uoeo.stultnodeofcure,assh -n which fiis book? treat, either person ally or by mail,and medicine#sentto any part of tbe world. jan2fiw4 RJMIE MARRIAGE RING.—E-.-UY< g for vuung u>#o, tree, in staled envelopes. HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Box P. Philadelphia, Penn. jan2t'w4 DR. WHITTIER, 9 Wylie St., Pittsburgh. Pa , of Union-wide reputation, trestsall venerea- disease#; aLm, aetuinai weak cc -. impoten- y, 4e., the refult of self-ahuse Send 2 stamps for sealed pamphlet.fib pages. No matter who tailed, state ease. Consultation free I)SYC H< >.M A NCY, or SO UL CH AIT MING A wonderful book ;it shows how either sex can facilitate any one they wish, in stantly. (AH possets this power. 1 It teaches how to get rich. Alchemy. Dr" Dee's and Allen's Cabalu. Bindings. Sorceries, Icoantaxiuu, De monology. Magic. Mesmerism, Spiritualirm. Mar riage Guide, and a thousand other won der: Sect by mail tor 2j e tnts. Address T. WILLIAM fcC) . Publishers. Sooth Seventh St., Philadelphia, Pa. /"IURIOUB HOW 8 11! A N (JE. —Tte 1 Married Ladies Private Coin pan ion oon •ains the desired vDfortaatit-c sent free for stamp Address MRS C HEN hY'. flasover. Pa. RPIIK REGULATOR. \Y. C. GARWOOD take# pleasure in informing me citixens of Bed ford and vicinity, that he ha* taken The Old StoreofU F. Irvine and i ntend# keepißg noth ing but the best good# atthemost REASONABLE PRICES. Remember al way tto call at No 2 AWDSBSOS'S Row. whereyou willal<*iysfind W C.GABWOOD prepared fosell ascheap a? the cheapest. BOOTS AND SHOES. Everybody i n search of Boots. Shoes and Gaiters, should call at Garwood's Regu lator GLASSWARE. Everybody in search ofGlass ware. should call at Gar wood's Regulator OUi: ENS WARE. Everybody in search of Duaensware, should call at ds ttegalalor. SPICES. Everybody in want of Spicvs of "sr.y kind, should not fait to cill at Garwood's Regulator TOBACCO. . V Men loving good Tobacco, should call at Garw,e*d Regulator, as. h* keep* tbe i#t NOTIONS. E - cry hdy w as, iu g gaw Neck-tic.*. Collars. A'.. *h m d call at onee at Gar wood's Regulatoi. sept33,*fi9tf. ft 1200 AND A Li. EXPENSES PAID!—' See Advertisement of AWKMCM SHt RRLE SEWIXC , Mtcaiv* in ouradvertising column*, novfiyl Slotirfs, At. riMU'STEE ACCOUNT foreonflrtna -4_ tiun at February Terra oftheOnihans'Court of Bod Dad county. 15:h February. I*7B. The account of John T. Kcagy. Trustee ft r (be sale of the real estate of Henry Bract, late of Cumberland Valley township, dec'd. deelfiwfi. -'NO P. HEED. Reg t. V EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The un dersi&red, appointed Auditor by the Or phans' Court of Bedford county, to make distri bution of the balance in the bands of Leonard Bitner. E-q , Aden mis! rator ol tbe Estate of D.iniel Meyers, dee'd will aMend to tbe duties of bis appointment, at hia office in tbe borough of Bedford, on Taeslay the 27"h day of January A D ,1*79 at IP o'clo-k. A M where persona latere fed can attend if they de-if jlllM HiU .AKI) h KEKR. Auditor N 7 OTIC E TO BUILDERS AND i _ BUY"EUS The c cbool Directors of Bedford township, will let the contract* for the erection of three school house** one at Boydatown, one : MillUiwn. and one at fraier's iu Dutch corner to tbeloweat an 1 be.st bidders. on SATURDAY, the _".i:h day of JAN EAR Y. 1370. at the fcheoicaker Hotel ia Bedford, at 2 o'ei wk in the afternoon, on which day plan and Speeifiss'ions iney be | teen. They will als.; seii a*, the same time to th* high est and best bid iers the three o d Schools Hou>es situate resp--tiivaly in Sbovers's Valley, Boyds t'>n *nl MM town Bv order of tho Board . j tnl32 TIL 'MAS GILCHRIST .-e y / vFFICK I] '■ R- T. M. ;f. K. CO., \ / 417 YV ,:lnut Street. PaiLAHELr-atA. The .Annua! Meeting of the Stockholders of tbe Huntingdon an 1 Brosi Top Mountain Kailroa t and Coal Company, w i'l be bi l l at the idfise of the Company, "it TUESDAY. FEBRUARY" J- - ls7o. at 11 o'clock. A. M., wieo an election will he held for a President and twelve Directors for the ensuing year. I. P AERTSEN Sec'y jmE>w3. * Is IT YOl"?—To those of our pa trons, who have promptly called and settle! •. i.ir account- we return our .hank- There are o hers, however who have carelessly neg-eet ed thisdutv. Is It Y*ou ' J leise reflect, and if it is. remember that W your act unt, if of four month-standing, is note!;—rd by Cat/, or .Yo.- before the Ist. of Feb. I7c you wiil ask us for further credit after ih't on pain of being refusal, and that we shall proceed to enforce settlement by law without further notice, we mean busi ness It you can't pay us, you can give your ob ligation to pay. and thus close your account janlo TOml G. K- OSTER A CO. W M. LLOYD, }} . BANKER, Transacts a General Banking Business, andinakes collection* on all accessible points in the United I States GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SIL VER. STERLING and CONTINENTAL EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD. U S REVENUE Stamps of all description* al ways on band Account* of Merchants. Mechanics Fanners and all others solicited. Interest allowed on time Deposits janl3,'7otf. r. | " - A month made by agents •}j• )• ) -ellirig OLIVE LOGAN'S great work BEFORE THE FOOTLIGHTS ATD BE HIND THE SCENES The msi spicy, rapid selling book out. 19.000 ordered the first month. Agent-can-ecure field and a $2 00 out-fit free, by cutting this out and addressing PAKMELLE &CO , Publishers, Phila.. Pa and Midiletown, Conn. jdcc23w4 pup TIDINGS TO CONSUMP * X TIVES—A grateful .'ather wiil Bind to all wbuwishit. the directions by which his daugh ter. after teing given op by physicians and de spaired of by her father, was restored from CON FIRMED CONSUMPTION to perfect health, without use of medicine. Sent free Address MR GREEN D FRANKLIN. dec23wi Jersey City. N. J . IT RE E TO 800 K AGENTS. We will send a handsome prospectus of our NEW ILLUSTRATED FAMILY' BIBLE to any B-. Ik agent, free of charge A i ire*- NATION AL PUBLISHING CO . Phils., pa dec2dwj I taRMKR S HELPER SHOWS P HOW TO DOUBLE THE PROFITS OF THE FARM, and how Farmer- and their son* can each make fl!00 PER MONTH in Winter. 10 WW copies will be mailed free to farmers Send name ai d address to ZEIGLER. M-CURDY A CO , Phila . Pa _ dec23w4 II E BES T! TII E BEST! SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN A weekly illustrated journal of 16 pages, de voted to M tchinery, Agricultural Improvements, Chemieal Science and New Discoveries A Splendid Journal $l.5£K) Cash in Prites will be paid for clubs of i subscribers, on the 10th of February. A handsome large steel plate ENGRAVING of 19 distinguished American Inventors, presented ' to :übscribers Specimens of the paper, prospectus, and blanks for came.- ant free. Term®. $3 a year :St 50 for 6 months. Discount to Clubs A book of im portance to ail about to apply lot patents sent free Write tor full partieula:* concerning prizes and patents to MINN A CO , Publishers and Patent Solicitors. OU#)IF*T AND X Ftn-ift VFtU •!? Cured —A Clergyman's Wiodw suffered for years with the above diseases: will send the means of her own eure free Mrs DIM Jersey City. N J dec23wi im THE Xt'KSI'RY, 187Q The best and Cheapest and m nrbly ILLUS TRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR CHIL DREN. $1 50 a year in advance Subscribe we. and get the last"number of 1-69. FREE. Address. JOHN L SHOREY. dee23w4 J3 Washington Street. Boston. rpilE MAGIC COMB will change X any colored hair or beard to a permanent black or brown. It contains no poison. A . u e eana-eit One sent bv mail for fl. Address ..1 AG IO COMB CO.. Springfield, Mass. decglmS I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy, and will send the receipt free. MRS M. C LESGETI. Hoboken, N. \" jaclSwd' ILL THE DEMON of Pain. Wolcott s Pain Paint remove* pain instant ; ly, and heals old Ulcers Wo'cott's Annihilator j cures Catarrh. Bronchitis and Cold in the head Sold by ail Druggists, and Isl Chatham Square. ! X. Y jtnlSwX A GI FT Agents wanted—Ladies /A and Gentlemen for their -pare m ■■aents i A Sewing Machine, a Gold W a eh a Bible, mon ey and other goods given as premium. II >w. When. Where, What and all other part cnltrt Pre*. Address C. L Van Alien, 171 Brui-iway, N Y. ju2ou4. HIXKLEV KNITTING MA CHINE for family its—simple, cheap, ' i.-liable /,.♦;„(•. AGENTS WANTED. Cirou- I lsr and sample stocking FREE. Address Htni I ft it Knitting Machine Co . Bath. Me 4 GENTS WANTED fttfl THE IA SECRETS OF INTERN AL R EVEX UE. EXPOSING The Whiskey Ring. G> Id Ring and Drawback Frauds, Divulging systematic Rofbtry of tkt Public Treai fy. Orgamied Depredations. Con -pirrcies and Raids on tba Government—Official Turpitude. Malfeasance, Tyranny and Corrup tion.—The most Startling. Fascinating. Instruc tive and Important Bowk yet published COD j tainicg authenUc facts, lndi-putab'e evidence, sworn testimODT. complete and accurate details. Legislators, i'armers. Merchants, Mechanics, every Citiien and Taxpayer, are directly inter ested in the Stratagem-. Artifices, Machinations and Crimes of Corrupt P liticians. Illicit Distil lers. Gold Gamblers. Drawback Forgers and craf- I ty Miiefaetors.—Published in one attractive vol ume, about 500 well-filled pages, with spirited illu-trations Price low to suit the time.- $3 09. Sld by subscription only Send fc.r circular and special terms WM FLINT, Publisher, Phils, delphia, Pa jn2ti4 ATEUII CI"LTIV ATO R ' S **" GUIDE rtß rae FLXYAVER AND KITCHES GAIID. X. j 2Hb edition of this work, which b s 1 met with so ituch favor in the past, is now ready j It has been rewritten and nnpjrored, printed with new tvpe. on Sue paper, illustrated with a beau tiful Lithograph and many utber tine ei.grartrtgs from EElurc. It contain? lull doicnpUOß fitd the culture of over 1509 leading varieties of Flow ets .mJ Vegetables; a'so discriplive list ol the JCT Hie- of tbe present sc. -on .to wnteb is added a colleeiiou of 200choice French UybridUUdioEis This wcrh eft! cocfident, wi'ii rnpeafe t tv< ra lly with any sin-ilarorse From Levi Bu h'rtl, 1 Fan cr, IS. Ji • I 1. ve received a copy of your superbly got ten up Amateur Cultivator's Gui le I thtnk :t : r *h-l of anything of the kind ever before is ; u-i from the American press. ' cent to anv addre-s upero receipt of 25 cents for p .r< t cover, and 59 cents for tastefully bound in cloth WASHBURN' 3 CO , jmJOwi. Rswton. Mas* \ VALUABLE FARM AT PRI- V VATE SALE—The subscriber offers for "ie a good improved farm, situate iu Snske twin? iowt ship. Bedford eounfy. Pa . two miles from Mt Dallas Station, on the Huntingdon aDd Broadtop Railroad, eontaining 239 acres L:iae stone land, about ISOaerescleared and uDdergood fence {*oo panels p-.-t fence), and the halart-e well timbered, having thereon a good large Frame U -u-e. Urge Bank Barn and sit necessary ©ut-buifdir,g. 3 nerer-failißg Springs oi water. 3 Orchard- 2 g-->d tenant houses and a g-scd Saw Mill. The above mansion farm i in a good state of cultivation, and is well ealeeiated lor 2 farms For farther particulars, address the subscriber HFCNRL HEU-HBKRGEE. janfiaui* Bloody Run, Fa. F.LILH SALE OF VALUABLE REAL E-SIATE—On MONDAY. FEB. 7tb. 1079, tbe undersigned. Adin'rrf the estate of An. Fraiier. late of Juniata tji . dee'd, by vir tue of an order of she Orphans Court of Be-iford e unty, wiil sell at public sale, on the premise*, all that farm a d Tract of Land, of which said dee d died seixed. situate in the township of Juniata, aforesaid, containing 355 acres. 25 perches, about ,50 acres cleared, having thereon erected a dwtlhng hrusc and barn and necessary outbuilding®, wtiti au orchard thereon : adjoining lands of tne un itrsigne 1, s-amuel WI" Eiusey. Jnures Burns, Wm. McKinney ai d Joca -huii*. lerurs one thiril to remain a charge upon the premises durn; the lifetime of tee widow, the interest payable ancnsliy to her. and •at her death the principal to the heir-, one third in hand at confirmation of sale, and the rsmairi ing third in two equal annual piayment? thereaf ter -sle to begin at 10 o'clock. A M. of svid •day. Possession will be given at . nee. J.!ii6*4 JAMES W. FSAZIER. ALM'r. ijYANNEItV FOR SALE OR RENT. JL —The subscriber t ffers for sale or rent, his Tvunery. with Bark Mill and Tools: also hi* fine store ivom torrent Posatsaiuugiven on the Ist of April, 170 This property i- located in the b-srougn of Schelleburg, Bedl.rd county, an ex ec lent location for both -tore and tannery For lurthcr particulars, addres- JOHN 5. SCUELL. jir,Sni3 tschellsburg. Pa. rriHE ONLY RELIABLE CURE 1 r 'R DYSPEPSIA IN THE KNOWN WORLD. Dr. Wishart'-Great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial are a positive and infaHable eare for Dyspepsia in its most aggra vated f .-rm and no matter of bow long standing. They penetrate the secret abide of th:.- terrible disease, and exterminate to it, root and branch,for ever. They alleviate more agony and silent suffering than tongue can tell They are noted for earing the most desperate and hopeless cases, when every known means fail to afford relief No form of Dyspepsia or Indijestion ean resist their penetrating power, DK WISH ART'^ PI X E TRE E TA R CORDIA L. It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree ob tained by a peculiar process in 'he distillation of the tar. by which its highest medical properties are retained. It invigorates the diges tive rgans and re-tores the appetite. It strengthens the debilitated system It purifies and eneriches tbe blood, an I expels from the system the corruption which Fcrofula breeds on the lungs. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air passages of tbe lungs Its h iling principle acts upon the irritated surface of the luags and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and subdniriginflatn mation It is the result of years of study and ex periment, and it is offered to the aSi-'ed with positive assurance of its nower to cure thefollcw ing diseases if the patient has not too long delay ed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Lungs. Cvugh, Sore Throat and Brea--.. Bronchitis. Liver Complaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Diptheria, Ac. A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate diplomas. deTOtes his entire time to the examina tion ofpatients at the office parlors. Associated with him are three consulting physicians of ack nowledged eminence, whosa services are given to tbe public free of charge Tfcisopportanity is offered bT no other institu tion in the country. Letters from any part of the country, asking advice, will be or-.mptly and gratuitou-ly re spmded to. Where convenient, remittances shoaid take the shape of DRAFTS OR POST OFFICE ORDERS. Price of Wishart s American Dyspepsia Pills. Si a b >x. Sent by mail on receipt of price Price of Wishart s PmeTree Tar Cordial, $1.50 a battle, or $ll per doxen. Sent by exprci- A:1 eommu-iicationsshould be addressed L. Q- C WISHART, M. D No. 232 North Second treet. declfim3. Philadelphia CATHARTIC PILLS, For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no one Medicine i- so universally re quired by everybody as a eathartic. nor was e-er any before so unireraally adopted into if. in ev ery country and among all clashes, as this mild but efficient purgative Pill. The obvi-. us reason . is, that it is amort reliable and far more effectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it curei them, those who have not. know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what it does once it does always —that it never fails through any fault or neglect ! of its composition YVe have thousands upon thou sands o'certificates of ibelr remarkable cares of the folluwiDgcomplaiDts. but such curesnreknown in every neighborhood, anil we need not publish them Adapted to all ages and conditions in all | climates: containing neither calomel or any dele ter: us drug they may be taken with -atety by anybody Their-agar coating preserve-thein ev er fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while i beingpurely vegetable no harm can ai -c from their"use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy acuun—remove the obstructions of the stomach, boweli, liver, and other "rgans of tba body, res.oring ibeir irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, suck derangements as are the first origin of disease. Minu'e directions are given in the wrapper on tbe box. for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly care : For Di'si Ei si A or XxpisnsTtox. LISTLKSSXXSS. LAXSCOS and LOSS of Appetite, they snouid be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore healthy t-.ne and action For LIVES C hi laist anditsvarioussymptoms, Bmuoi s HEADACBS. SICK HKADXCBE. JACSBI- E j or Green SICKNESS, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fe i vers, they sh >uld be judiciously taken for each I case, to correct tue diseased action or remove the j obstructions which eause it. For DVSKXTEKV or DJAREH AA. but one mild dose is generally required. For R.iKt tfATisx, Got T. GRAVEL PAU ITATIOX of THE HEABT. PAIN IX THE SIPK, BACK and Loiss. they should be continuously taken, as re quired, to change the diseased action ot the sys tem. YYHth such change those complaints disap pear. For DBOPSY and DEOPSICAL SWELLHSS they should be taken in Urge and frequent dusts to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For Spppbes a iarge dose suuJd be taken as it produce* the desired effect by sympathy. As a DINXER Pil:.. take one or two pill* to pro mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores tbe appetite, and invigorates the system. Ilcnee it is often ad vantageous where no serioas derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, c-ften fiDdsthat a dose of these PILLS makes hitc feel decidedly better, fr .in their oleansinu and renovating effect en tbe digestive apparatus. UK. J. V AVER A CO , Practical CAcmi IX)WELL- MAiRV. S. A. dec2'69yl B F HARRY. AGEXT_ DISSOLUTION NOTICE.—The un dersigned hereby give notice that they have dissolved the partnership heretofore existing be tween them in the mercantile business, by mutu al consent. The book? are in the hands of romon Herrhmanforeolleetion. wbowilialsopay alldebta owed bv the late firm SIMON HERSHMAN, sept9s9tf SOL' 'MON GREEN BALM. HINKLEY KNITIIN S ' MACHINES—The mos: ]-erfe<-t ma chine yet invented. Will widen and narrow, turn a heel, or point the toe. It will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stockings, drawers, shirts, hoods, comforters, tnittens. de Ac. It is cheap, simple and durable. It sets up its own work. USE-- but -DP needle, and requires NO adjusting whatever. It will do the ssme work that the L imb machine will do,and costs less ihan half as much, and has not the tenth part of tbe maehine ry to get out of order Circulars ami samples mailed freeon application. Agents wanted. All machines guaranteed STRAYV A MORTON Gcn'l Ageti'i No 20. St Pittsburg Pa cov2s 69yd L BEDFORD HOUSE*TOR SALE ffOR RENT—Possession given at any time be tween this date and the Ist of April, I*7o. Foi further particulars inou re of norSfi'Mtf J.J SHOEMAKER ORDERS from a tlisLmt-e for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended t>7 send to TilK GAZKTTK JOB OFFICE, Bed f.rd. P. Vf E RCHA NTS anti MECHA N ICS, ifJL and Business men generally will advane* th 'irown interests by adyertiting in the column* TB G*KTy* IT. lit SALE — Two dwelling Hou-je with valuible !ot§ apparteuant thereto in B ivd-towa. Terms aasy Inquire of J- W L"NGKNFELTER, Bedford. IVnna. tclitf.