The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, January 13, 1870, Image 1

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To 'he Senate atul Home of Representa
tires of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania :
Gentlemks :—From the days of
William Penn, the great and pious
founder of our Commonwealth, it baa
been the universal custom of my pre
decessors, when making their
communications to tbeGenera --- -
bly, to acknowledge their
and dependence upon the Great Law
river of the Universe. In imitation
r.f tiiier noble example. iet us earnest
ly invoke IDs blessing and guidance in
our efforts to perform the great work
of legislation now before us :n sueh
manner as to meet His approbation, as
well as that of our common constitu
In transmitting to you toe sexent \ -
ninth annual message since the organ
ization ofthe present state government,
it affords me the highest gratification
to congratulate you and our fellow-cit
izen-generally on their enjoying, to an
unu-ual degree, the hle-sing- of heahh
and unstinted prosperity; and that our
principles and institutions —the pride
and boast of every true hearted pat riot
—although tried again in the crucible of
a l eafed political contest, the heayings
of popular passion, and the collusion of
; artie-, from which we have just.emer
ged, remain unimpaired and vital in
every part.
Under such auspicious circumstances
you have assembled, for the purpose of
Ili-. barging the important duties, and
uming the special responsibilities
which devolve upon you. It is ex
tremely difficult; even with the great
est caution in your deliberations, toen
act laws that will fully meet the ex pec
tat ions and approbation of all the peo
pie; but much of this difficulty may
be overcome by avoiding legislation
for per* >nal and special intcrists and
cot being unminbiul of the magnitude
of the interests of the State, and
of its rapidly advancing copulation,
wealth and influence to destinies bey
ond the reach of human vision. A no
bier heritage was never given to man
thauthat which we {ossess geographica 1 -
,y and politically of the greatest impor
tance, an area of more than forty tour
thousand -quare miles;diversified with
mountains, valleys, plains, rivers;
mountains covered with uiajestic for
ests of valuable timber of almost every
variety: plains dotted with comforta
ble homesteads, and presenting well
cultivated farms and luxuriant fields
marked by the advancement of agricul
ture— the'parent, supjwrter and stimu
lator of every speeies of industry, ex
change and commerce ; hills and val
ley- with teeming mines of all the va
rieties of coal, iron, oil, salt and other
minerals; with farmer-,manufacturers,
mechanics, woolgrowers, coal and iron
miners, oil producers, and merchant
full of activity and confidence; with
thousands of miles of railroad- and ca
nals to transfer vast products to mar
ket, and accommodate the travel of
four millions of happy and properous
people. Nor should we be forget fu lof
education in all its branches, of the
public charities, prison-, reformatories
the collection of properly imposed tax
es the speedy reduction of the State
debt, the preservation of order, and the
more certain protection of life, busi
ness and property. AH these interests
and perhaps others of equal importance,
demand legislation of the most enligh
tened, liberal and comprehensive char
In conformity to the requirements of
the Constitution, I proceed to invite
your attention to such measures as are
deemed necessary for your considera
tion, and to assure you of my willing
ness to share with you the anxieties
and responsibilities of all legislation
calculated'to advance the prosperity of
the people and the best interests of the
Com rnon weal th.
From the reports of the Auditor
General and State Treasurer, the follow
ing statement has been carefully pre
pared, and exhibits the receipts and
disbursements for the fi-cal year end
ing November 30, 1869 :
Ik ceip's.
Balance in Treasury. Xov 30, 1*69 $1,015 925 o.
Ordinary receipts during the fi-cal
year ending Xi-t. 30,1869 5.24J.711 2s
Total in the Treasury during the
year ending Xov. 30. 1809....... 254,636 65
Ordinary expense# paid daring the
year ending Xov.
361869 $2,485,114 27
Loans, Ac redeemed at
Treasury 109 641 09
Loans redeemed by
the Comiss itinera of
the Sinking Fund . 362,762 09
Int'st paid at Treas'y 270,665 74
Interest paid by Com
missioners of Sink
ing Fund 1.725,587 97
Balaaeeln Treasury,Ner3o.lß69 ... 1,400.852 49
It will ho observed from the above,
that part of the loans and part of the
interest are paid at the Treasury, and
part of both by the Commissioners of
the Sinking Fund. This produces a
complication of accounts; which in or
der to avoid, and to simplify the finan
cial statement, I recommend that au
thority be given by law to charge the
Commissioners with the whole amount
of the State debt, and also with all the
money applicable to the payment there
of, and that they alone be credited with
all payments on both principal and in
terestof State debt.
Public Debt.
The following is a statement show
ing the nature of the indebtedness of
•he Commonwealth, on November 30,
Funded debt, Tit
6 per cent. loan*... .$25,311,180 (XI
5 per cent. loan#—• 7.277,384 38
4' percent, 10an5.... 112.006 06
Unfunded dbt. viz :
Keleif notes in circu!ations96.397 00
Interest certificates out
ttandisg 13,086 52
Interest certificates un
claimed... 4,448 3*
L iineetic creditor'# cer
tificates 44 67
-.mount of public debt, Sox 30,'69 32.814,540 95
The public debt N.W. 1868 33,286,947 13
lieduct tbe amount redeemed at
the Treasury, during the year
ending Xov 36.1869, viz :
5 per cent loans $472,387 18
Relief notes cancelled.. 19 00
PuUic debt Xov. 35,1669 as above. 32,614,540 95
Reduction of the Public DM.
At the commencement of the present
administration in January, 18457, the
total outstanding indebtedness of
the State was thirty seven million, seven
hundred and four thousand, four hun
dred and nine dollars and severity seven
cents. Since then, and up to Novem
ber 30,1 669, tbe sum of four million,
eight hundred and eighty-nine thousand,
eight hundred and sixty eight dollars and
eighty-two cents have been paid, aui at
live per cent., the sum of $244,493 44, in
interest, is annually saved to tbe Com
mon wealth. Consequently, the to
rn! amount of indebtedness of the Com
monwealth on November 30, 1*69, was
'< irty-txeo million, eight hundred and
. u risen thousand, five hundred and for
ty dollars and ninety five cents.
The reduction during the year end
ing November 30, ISC9, amounts to
four hundred and seventy-two thousand
'four hundred and six dollars and eigh
teen cents.
Assets in Sinking fund.
The assets remaning in the Sinking
Fund are as follows, viz —Bonds of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, j
-ix million, three hundred thousand
dollars. Agreeably to an act dated
March 30, 1869, the Sinking Fund
Commissioner* delivered all the obli
gations of the Sunbury and Erie Rail
road Company, being third mortgage
bond-, to the Allegheny Valley Rail
road Company, and received therefor
thirty five second mortgage bonds of
one hundred thousand dollars each,
making in all three million, five hun
dred thousand dollars,executed by the
-aid Allegheny Valley Railroad Com
pany, and guaranteed by the Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, the North
: ern Central Railroad Company, and
the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad
Company payable to the Common
wealth as follows, viz:
The principal of one of said trends
slt>o,ooo -had be payable each and ev
ery year beginning January 1,1875, and
so continuing annually thereafter until
the -aid sum of three million,five hun-
I dred thousand dollars shall be paid,
with interest thereon from January 1,
The citizens of Pennsylvania have
always borne taxation uot only pa
tiently but cheerfully, and they are
still aw illing as ever to contribute to
the payment of alitheobllgat ions resting
upon the State, but they expect their
public servants who are intrusted wiih
the management of their affairs, to act
upon the tu >t prudent and economi
cal basis, .in a word, they demand re
form in the management ofthe finauaci
al affairs of the State, arid.fci* far as pos
sibte, the retrenchment of all unneces
sary expenditures.
Onthe3dthof January last, reply
ing to a resolution of the Senate, I
-aid :
1 have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt, through the Clerk oi your
Ilonoroble body, a copy of the follow
ing resolution, passed uu the 12th inst.,
to w it:
"Resolved , That the Governor lie re
quested to submit some plan to the
Senate to secure the State from loss by
the accumulation of large amounts ot
surplus funds in the Treasury.
"In reply, I beg leave to direct your
attention to my message of January 8,
1668, in which* I say, 'the balance now
in the Treasury might be rendered
productive by b ing invested in the
bonds of the State, bearing six per
cent, in teres t;'and tothe message of Jan
uary 6, 1669, where I remark, 'when
ever there may be. surplus funds in
i the Treasury, they can with safety and
benefit to the State, be employed in the
purchase of its outstanding bonds, ami
in saving the interest on them which
would accumulate prior to their ma
Since making these suggestions, and
maturely deliberating upon thesubject,
1 have seen no reason to change my
mind in relation thereto;and now sub
mit the same plan, more specifically
set f< ith, based upon the follow ing
statement of the loans of the Cuuiuion
| wealth, viz:
Amount of eoreHue, loacsiuclading bank charter
l iao# aud relief noteaunreiiei'iaeii $ 3 9 4-< 25
Am t pavable in st IH7O. ins p. et 1.483,815 65
d 0.." 1871.-d0..6..d0.. 2.820.750 00
do 1872. .do. .6. .do.. 4.907,150 00
do 1872..d0. .5..d0.. 92.850 00
do IS 7..d0..6. .do.. 7 9:t9.00 00
do 1877..d0..5. .do.. 3.9-34 400 (Ml
do IS7B. .do. .5. .do.. 321.000 00
do 1879 .. do.. 6 .. do. . 400.000 00
do 1582. .do. .5. .do.. 9 273,050 00
do 1882. .do. .5. do. 1.185.950 00
do! 18s2. .do. .4i.d0.. 112.000 00
Amount of loans 32,810,047 90
To the liquidation of these loaus the
surplus funds in the Treasury could,
with great propriety, be applied. This
indeb'edness is held in bonds bearing
interest; and it will readily he per
ceived that this intere-t will be saved
to the State upon whatever amount of
these bonds may be redeemed, and the
State be saved from all ri-ks of loss by
the accumulation of large amounts of
surplus funds in the Treasury.
A few illustrations will show the
beneficial workings of this plan. At
the termination of the fiscal year end
ing November 30, 1838, there was an
unexpended balance in the Treasury ot
$ 1,012,915.36. If the suggestions here
| tofore made had been carried out. by
the investment of one million of dol
lar-.'at that time, in the five fa r cent,
bond-that will fall due July 1. 1870,
and which 1 am credibly informed
could then have been purchased at
-omething less than their par value,
the intere-t on the same, from Novem
ber 30, 1868, to July 1, 1869, would be
seventy-nine thousand, one hundred
and sixty seven dollar* and sixty-seven
j cents, which has been lost to the
State. Again, on the 30 hof No
vember, 1869, there was in the Treas
ury an unexpended balance of $1.40",-
.862.49, If one million, four hundred
| thousand dollars of this surn had been
iu vested in the same kind of bonds at
par, on the 1-t day of December, 1869,
the interest for the seven remaining
He alths, ending July 1, 1870, would be
$91,833.35, but which, in consequence
I of non-conformity to this plan, will be
lost to the Commonwealth. I cannot
reiterate too strongly my recommend
ations on this subject, and would,
therefore, recommend that a law be
passed making it the duty of theCom
mis-ioners of the Sinking Fund to in
\ vest all surplus funds as rapidly asthey
accrue in the Treasury, in the pur
; chase of the bond- ofthe Common
wealth next falling due.
I beg, once more, toreniind the leg
islature that the salary of the State
Treasurer should at least t>e equal to
' that of the Governor. 11 is only seven
teen hundred dollars, a sum entirely
insufficient to command the services of
any responsible man, who is required
' tu "furnish a bond with good and ap
proved sureties, for eighty thousand
dollars, and to run the risk of hand
ling at least five or six million of dol
lars per annum, u ithout the unlawful
use of the State funds, and subsidies
from soura-s that dare not toe revealed
to the public because they are posi
tively prohibited by law, under penal
ties of no ordinary magnitude. Yet
there are but few men who have held
I this office, however poor they may have
been when they took charge of it, who
have not become rich. There is cer
tainly some advantages to be gained
' by the holding of the position of State
Treasurer, unknown to the public, but
which readily accounts for thedisgrac
ful scramble, and for the political and
mural debauchery which the people of
this State seem to be doomed annually
to witness, in the elect ion of that officer;
and Ucause of the disgrace it brings
upon their representatives, the people
i.inig their heads in indignation and
shame. Then, in thenameof the good
Ijeople of Pennsylvania, I call upon
the members of the Legislature, with
out distinction of party, to rise above
] the murkyness of the polluted atmos
phere of the past, to the true dignity
of manhood and exalted patriotism,
ar.d purify tlie election of Treasurer as
u-L-li as that of every other officer with
! iu this Commonwealth, and punish ev
; cry one who tampers with the purity
! of elections, whatever may be his posl
tionor pretensions. And then every one
who shall have performed his whole
duty to sustain the true interests of the
State and to maintain the high digni
ty of her character, may return unpol
luted and with a clear conscience to
, hi* constituent,who will receive him
with open arms, and with the joyful
j exclamation of "well done good and
faithful servant."
Liberal appropriations are made an
nually to our penitentiaries, lunatic a
sylumS, ond other charitable and ben
eficial institutions, without requiring
from those who receive and disburse
the money any satisfactory evidence
! that it has been faithfully applied to
the objects intended. This is wrong,
and should be corrected without delay.
All officers ofthe .State who receive pub
| lie moneys, not excepting the Governor
are required by law and usage to set
tle their accounts, on proper vouchers,
in the Auditor General's office. This
is right; and there is no good reason
i why the same accountability should
! not be enforced against all those who
receive annually such large -urns of
, money from the bounty of the Com
monwealth. I, therefore, recommend
tiiat a law be passed requiring all per
! sons who receive and disburse State
appropriations, to take proper vouch
er.-. for all moneys so expended by
them, and to make quarterly settle
ment- of the -ame in the Auditor Gen
eral's office. This is important, not
only to protect the interests of the
Slate, but also ihegodd name of those
! who receive and disburse the money,
at t of the members of the legislature
through whose influence the appropri
ations are represented to be procured.
For many years the general appropri
i at ion bill- have been signed on the day
j of the adjournment of the Legislature
and I here repeat my suggestions of
la-t year on this subject. "The Gov
-11 nor has been forced either to sign the
bill- without proper investigation,
notwithstanding any objections he
may have; sti-pend the means to de
fray the operation- of the government
for the ensuing year; or call an extra
session of the Legislature. It is there
| fore earnestly desired that the appro
i priation bill be taken up, discussed
and passed at a sufficiently early period
| during the session to enable the Gov
I ernor to give it that thorough exam*
3 ination its importance demands."
Common School*.
The peculiar interest which is al
ways manifested by the people in the
: subject of education, i* an inducement
j to lay before you, more at length than
would otherwise be done, the princi
pal statistics of the system drawn
from the report of the Superintend
ent of Common School-.
There are within the State 1,971
school districts ; 13,930 schools ; 2,445
graded s bonis; 12,9005ch00l lirectors;
70 -u|eriritendon ts; 17,142 teachers,
and 815,753 pupils. The average cost
of tuition for each pupil is nintv
seven cents per month. The whole
cost of tuition for the year is $3,500,-
704.26. Total cost including expendi
tures of all kinds during the year, $6,-
986,148.92. Estimated valueof school
property sl4 015,032.
Notwithstanding the fact that our
' school law was made gen ral in the
year 184s, it is remarkable that there
-tin remain five districts within the
State which have not yet conformed
thereto. Hopes are entertained that
four of these will soon accept theeon
i ditions of the law, and the remaining
one, known as the Harmony District,
under the control of the "Econo
mites," having a good school of its
own, w ill probably not adopt the pub
lic school system so long a.- the present
organization of that society exists. It
is, therefore, a subject worthy of hearty
congratulation that our school ,-ystern
has been so universally adopted bv the
voluntary consent and general aequies
! eence of the peopte.
As important auxiliaries to oureom
uicn schools, the Normal #chools are
entitled to assume the front rank.—
Their flour ishing condiiion may be un
derstood from the following statistics:
The whole number of students that
have attended the four Normal *ehooi*
i- 10,237, of whom 321 have graduated.
During the past year there were in
these institutions 76 teachers, and 4,-
j 178 students. Since my last annual
communication, a State Normal school
ha.- been fully es abli-iied an 1 recog
nized at Bloomsburg, Columbia coun
ty. It- buildings are of the most tin-
I ished and substantial character, and it
commences its career under the mo-t
auspicious circumstances. Another is
| now in a state of preparation at Cali
fornia, Washington county, and w ill
• probably be completed during the eur
! rent year.
Your attention is again Invited to
the fact that there are about seventy
five thousand chiidren in theStatethat
do not attend schools of any descrip
i tion. and who are permitted to grow
up in ignorance and without employ
j ment, and, in many in*tances, from
lack wf industrial and edu -ational
training become not only the.votaries
of vice, but a prolific source fro*,
which the inmates of our prisons and
i penitentiaries are supplied.
The number of children throughout
the State attending private schools, is
• estimated at eighty-five thousand.
The aggregate of thee lueationa! con
dition of the children of the Common
wealth, may be thus stated :
• Attending the public who 815.753
Attending priv' asturel* 85.01:9
Mot attending schools of any kind, 75 000
W T hole number of children. 975,753
The subject of non-attendance by so
large a portion of children, i- specially
and mo-t earnestly commended to your
consideration, ft is true economy on
the part of the State, if possible, to
save these children from ignorance, va
grancy and crime. To neglect them
j would be inexcusable, if not criminal.
| Doubtless in your assembled wisdom
i you will be able to devise some etfect
< uat mode by which this evil can be
; remedied.
Many <>f the recommendations con
tained in the report of thu Superin
| tendent are of the utmost importance,
and eminently deserving of serious at
tention an I legislativeaetion. The facts
above set forth illustrate most forcibly
' the practical value of our most admi
rable common school system, and bear
! testimony that cannot le misunder
stood, to the wisdom and liberality by
which it has been conceived and so
successfully carried iuto effect.
Soldiers' Orphans' School#.
Attention is invited to the report
j of the Superintendent cf the Soldiers'
Orhpans' Schools, for the year ending
May 31, 1889, in which is exhibited
their condition, circumstances and ex
The whole number of children ad
mitted intt> the-e schools from their o
rigin to the 31st day of May, 1869, is
four thousand five, hundred and nine;
of whom three hundred and seven
have been discharged on order, five
hundred and eighteen on age, and flf
, ty-three have died ; making a to
tal of e,iglif hundred and seventy
eight, whicn left three thousand, six
hundred uud thirty-one in the schools
at the end of tile year. Dp to May 31,
18 ..i, the number of discharges from
1 the schools have exceeded former esti-
mates by one hundred and seventy
five. The number of applications tor
admission on file and not acted on, was
seven hundred and one; some from ev
ery county in the State except six.
The sanitary condition of the chil
dren in these schools has lieen remark
ably good. And from the foregoing
statement it appears that during tlje
four years in which they have la-en in
operation, the whole number of deaths
has been less than one-third of one per
cent, per anuuui.
The entire cost for maintenance, ed
ucation. clothing and general expenses,
for the year ending May 31, 1669, dif
fers but little from the original esti
mate of the Superintendent, and
Am-'onts to $500,971 62
To pay which there was an
unexpendri balance 0f... s*.(>o4 74
Appropriated April !1 6S 400 000 00
Appropriated March 13.'69 50,000 00
456,004 74
Balance unprovided for 44 966 88
For which sum there should be a
special appropriation without delay,
to meet the pressing want* of the
teachers of the different institutions,
who have been already compelled to
await its payment lor more than seven
In his la.t annual report, the
Superintendent estimated the ex
penses for the current year termina
ting May 31, 1870, at $494,700. The
sum appropriated for that year, by aet
of April 16, I*B9, was $450,000. As the
Superintendent report- the expenses
will not materially vary from his es
timate, there will therefore be a defi
cit of $44,700 for the current year, to be
provided for during the present ses
For the maintenance of these schools
during the year ending May 31, 1671,
it is estimated that $534,500 w ill be re
quired. Which sum 1 recommend to
be appropriated, with the po-itive un
derstanding that the expenditure* shall
not exceed that amount.
We are admonished by the rapid ex
pansion of the system, ami by the con
stantly increasing desire to obtain ad
mission in these schools, that some def
inite limit should be determined upon
by law. It i* therefore recommended
that tlie indigent children of I'ennsyi
vania -oldiers, who served in Pennsyl
vania regiments, and who died prior
to Jan. 1,1866, from wounds received or
disease contracted in the service of the
United States during the late war,
-hall be hereafter admitted, and nunc
With unsparing patience, well con
sidered measures, and earnestness of
purp. *e, many defects li ve been erad
icuted, and the schools have been ad
vanced to a more perfect and efficient
sys'em than that by which they were
at lir*t characterized, and elevated to a
condition not second to any similar in
stitutions in the country. This humane
and philanthropic service is lieing ]>er
formetl hv intelligent officers and faith
ful teachers, which w ill be more fully
shown by their reports, communicated
for the Information of the Legislature.
n-.e < -tablishment of these institu
tions, where the destitute orphan chil
dren of the soldiers who last their lives
In the suppression of the late rebellion,
arc fed, clothed and educated at the
public expense, continues to command
the cordial support, approval and en
couragement of our citizens, and tends
to elevate, everywhere, the reputation
of Pennsylvania, (the first State to es
tablish such school.*,) to the highest
degr e, for her justice, patriotism and
Most heartily have the people en
dorsed the past action of their repre
sentative* in relation to these schools,
and there exists not a single doubt but
that they will most cordially approve
all necessary appropriations for the
continuance of the support, education
and guardianship of these adopted
child;en of the Commonwealth. To
the honor, State pride and humanity
of the Legislature i* confided the guar
ding and maintaining of these sacred
interests, and in the faithful discharge
of thi* noble duty, you shall receive
from me a special and zealous concur
Agricultural College.
Tneestablishment of thi* college was
undoubtedly intended as u progressive
movement, and under the impression
that it would contribute much to the
e: sy acquisition of a combined knowl
edge of agriculture, science and litera
ture, and to promote the practical edu
cation of the industrial classes in the
several pursuits ot life. It has been
fostered by the most iiberal legislation
and i* endowed with the sum of $381.-
590, invested in Uuited States and
Pennsylvania bonds, yielding an ag
gregate intere*t this year of $2-5,c0l 540,
which has been {(aid to the trustees of
the institution. Thus far the most sat
isfactory results from the workings of
the college have not lieen realized. But
it is now under the direction of a pres
ident and six professors. It receive*
for it* pupils only male* over the age
of fifteen years, qualified for admission
by a good common school education.—
There are in at present forty-five stu
dents, with a fair prospect of a consid
erable increase in number. Tuition,
board and the ordinary necessaries of
life, are there furnished at a less rate
than i* generally demanded for board
ing alone, thus "affording an extraordi
nary opportunity to the youth of the
country to acquire an accomplished d
ucation with comparatively small ex
pend iu res. Under these circumstances
the college deserves the indulgent sym
pathy and support of the people.
Three experimental farms are con
nected with the college, purchased at
an aggregate cost of s43,Sso -50. One is
located at the college, one in Indiana
county, and one in Chester county.—
Operations have been commenced up
on them under the prescribed pro
grammeof a series of experiments with
promises of complete see; ess; the re
sult* of which are to be reported annu
ally to the Legislature by the Professor
of Agriculture. It is confidently ex
pected that the record of these experi
mental results will prove highly inter
esting, and greatly beneficial to the
conirii unity.
The military department is one of
importance to th • honorable history of
the Commonwealth, and to thai of her
citizens individually. It is the custo
dian of all the military records of the
.State, embracing that of every officer
and private soldier, and the hi*tory of
every military transaction performed
by the State for the suppression of Ihe
rebellion. It has also in its custody all
the regimental, State and National
flag* borne by our soldiers, and many
trophies of war won by their valor on
the field. All of which should be .sys
tematically and carefully preserved and
During the last three years all the
staff officers rendered necessary by the
war, and the different offices establish
ed for the convenience of the soldiers,
have been discontinued, und the duties
performed by them, as well as official
books and papers, have been transfer
red to the Adjutant Genera!depart
ment. He is, therefore, the i>w!y mili
tary officer remaining, to whom re
course is-constunlly htd for statistics
and information, not only by the
soldiers, and their relatives and attor
neys, but by oth-r States and by the
War Department at Washington. All
these circumstances, connected with
the present flourishing condition of the
volunteer militia in the State, induce
me to request the continuance of legis
lative favor for the Adjutant General's
department, and that it may be gener
erou*ly supplied with -ueh appropria
tions as have been requested by the
Adjutant General for that office.
An unusual martial activity prevails
throughout the State, but more partic
ularly in Philadelphia. The encour
agement which has been afforded to the
uniformed mil ilia has been responded
to with alacrity, and is exhibited as
follows: In 1866, there were eight vol
unteer companies; in 1867, thirty-eight;
in 1868, sixty seven, and in 1869, one
hundred and eighty four No less than
one hundred and seven companies were
organized during the year ending N'o
veinber3o, 1869, of which fifty six are
in Philadelphia, and fifty one in other
parts of the Stale.
This is a small but efficient and well
equipped force, which, In case of riot,
rebellion, or other public danger, would
be ready at once to imperil itself for
the enforcement of the laws, and the
protection of the lives and property of
the citizens. It is, therefore, desirable
that the Legislature should give the
volunteers -ucn practical aid as would,
in sorue degree, compensate them for
the time and money expended to main
tain their organizations, in which the
people are as much interested as the
volunteers themselves.
The report of the Adjutant General
will be found a very interesting docu
ment, containing much valuable infor
mation and many important sugge*-
tion-. A careful perusal of its contents
and sueh action thereon, as steins to lie
demanded by their importance, is re
commended. Gen. IX B. M'C'reary
has been elected to membership in one
of your honorable bodies, and with his
last report he closed his career as Adju
tant General. In losing his valuable
services from a position he has so ably
titled for more than two years, the hope
i- indulged that the department will
gain an intelligent and devoted friend
and an able and efficient advocate in
the hails of legislation.
Military History.
The report of the State Historian is
deserving of your careful attention. In
it you will find a detailed account of
the'operations of his department from
its com men cement to the present time.
The work entrusted to hi* care is one
of no ordinary character and responsi
bility, requiring talents of a high order,
patient industry, careful research, and
unbiased judgment. The labor to be
performed i- immense, and can only be
properly appreciated by those fully ac
quainted with its magnitude. It em
brace# a faithful account of all the or
ganizations of Pennsylvania troops du
ring the war of the rebellion ; the col
lection and adjustment, in a compre
hensive form of each military organi
zation, and an unprejudiced description
of all military transactions of irn |x>rt
ance, so far'as the volunteers of this
.State are concerned, in the camp and
in the field, throughout the most ter
rific conflict of arms that has ever oc
curred' in the history of the world.—
The propriety of such a work mu-t be
apparent to every intelligent citizen of
the Commonwealth. Certainly it is
due to the citizen soldiers, who offered
their lives in the defence of their c*>un
trv, that their names should, at least,
receive a place in the archives of the
State, toward whose honor ant! glory
their galiaut deeds have so 'argely con
The work of the Historian, when
completed, will embrace four large oc
tavo volumes, in which thenameof
every Pennsylvania volunteer will
have its appropriate place. Two of
these volumes are already completed,
in a manner highly creditable to tlie
Commonwealth. The third is rapidly
progressing, and with a generous ap
propriation on the part of your
honorable body the entire history will
be executed, if not before, soon after
the close of the present year. Most
other State* are publishing histories
similar to this, and it is due to the im
portance of the subject, and to tlie
credit of the State, that Pennsylvania
should not he behind in this patriotic
Home for Disabled Soldiers.
There is," probably, no State in the
American Uiii 'U that has contributed
more liberally toward the support of
charitable and benevolent institutions
than that of Pennsylvania. The ap
propriations annually made for the
benefit of tlie soldiers' orphans' schools,
a-ylums for the deaf and dumb, blind
and insane, and many -imilar worthy
establishments in which the poor,
helple*.* ami otherwise friendless are
cared and provided for, reflect great
credit upon the Legislatures who have
donned the requisite means for their
support. But there is one ether insti
tution needed, and the claims for which
are more strongly urged by every prin
ciple of humanity and patriotism, than
any other now in existence, which has
not yet received the attention its va*t
importance imperatively demands.—
This is a home for the soldiers who
have "borne the battle" in defence of
the honor, integrity anil perpetuity of
the American Union. No men living
have as powerful claims upon the gen
erosity and nurturing care of thetom
monwealth of Pennsylvania, as those
who, upon the battle field, fought to
protect it from threatened devastation
and destruction, and who in this patri
otic service, endangered their lives,
sacrificed their health, lost their limbs,
and became enfeebled and disabled for
life. And yet we daily see these men,
and who drers not blusii to see them?)
To whom owe the preservation of
our government, the homes we enjoy,
and almost everything we possess,
hobbling about our streets upon crutch
es, with missing limbs, and otherwise
so enfeebled as to be entirely unfitted
for any "remunerative employment,
begging their bread from door to door
or sitting upon the corners of the streets
turning an organ for the few pennies the
1 charitable passer by may feel disposed
to bestow. Everyone of these helpless
men, whose patriotic devotion to his
country has brought him to this de
plorable condition, is a burning re
proach to the State for whose welfare
he has met the most serious and la
mentable of all misfortunes. All of
them appeal, by their wounds and des
litution, to the"peopleof the Common
wealth for that care which, in such
contingencies, was promised the soldier
of the Union, his widow, and his or
phan children. It is time that all such
promises should U. redeemed. The
wounded and helpless soldiers have a
claim upon the State which should not
aud cannot be ignored. And I do earn
estly recommend in their name,and in
their behalf, that measures be taken by
your honorable body, to Cofobii-h for
them a home wheyu they -Greil be am
ply provided with tlie necessary com
fort* of life, ainrtia longer be compelled
to be pensioner# upon the .--canty chari
ty of tlie worl This a debt the State
! absolutely owes, and no lime-hcmld
be lo*t in its honorable liquidation.
Insurance Depa. true,it.
fu two former ca.u nua.e tains your at
teLt.ou was called to the importance of' es-
talli-iiiriF in the Bta(e an insurance depart
nient similar to tho#e esi-uinp in other
I States. But the LgUlamre has thus far
; failed to give the subject that considerr.tiun
which interests of such magnitude to the
people seem to demand. Lu-urance depart
ment# in some of the State# are regarded of
paramount importance, as they effectually
guatd ibe interest# of the insured, and
through their hiaithy influence frauds and
spurious companies, so common in Pmn-y! I
vania, are it ndered a:inost impossible. The
greatest hem-fits would certainly accrue both
; to the companies and policy folders as has
alread-. Iteen d< nionstrated in the States of j
New Yolk and Ma saehusetts, where the
j suhjrot of insurance has received the most -
i carful study and attention, aud teen re- j
ductd 'o a science which commands the ap
' probation and confidence of al! who setk its
I f rot etion Tbe necessity for sueh a de
partnitnt. with f'u'l powers to organize and
j examine all insurance companies, is stnc
| tioned by the w .-dom of experience. And
a# I have heretofore remarked, tbe result of
i the protection thu# afford--d, is, that whilst
foreign companies do immense bu#inc-s# in
this State, so little confi it nee i# had in tho#e
of i'ennsyivania that their bu-ine-s is a!mo#t
j tutirely C- nfinf-d within the State limits ;
i and even here foreign companies maintain
' an afcoendencj-. To this same defect is at
I trihutahle the operation# of the number of i
■ worthless companies that have suddenly j
I sprung into existence without any soad ba
: sis. and as suddenly expired to the injury of
those whose contid oee thev obtained and
j to the dishonor of tbe Commonwealth.
In view of these facts. 1 earnestly repeat
the recommendation n.ade to the Legisla
fure at its last session, that an iu-urancede
' parfment be established, ;jid a superinten
dent appointed by law. who shall have su
pervision and control over all insurance com
i panics allowed 10 transact business within
. the State. The community i- deeply inter
j estt-d in this matter, and demand# lcgi-lative
j protection.
Our laws in r< la'ioo to rite in-urance com- .
j pauir-s are dof etive and netd rwisiou aud
correction. Without the protection referred
to these law- bear unequilly upon our own
arid foreign ccmpaaies. The latter, iring
i protected by h gi#lative enactment, are tn i
abied t.> tran-act an*e amount of
business within the limir# o! this Coiumon-
Wi-altii wii>i#t our eompani-s, havir-g no
'i:cb jjr t cti'>n. cart d■> but little in other
Stats. To" eon.- que dc i-. that foreign
conq aru s <an readily afford to pay a li
cense of fire hundred dollars to conduct j
their extensive i perations in l'tnnsyhania.
j whilst >ur companies would be sorely op
pres#ed by the imposition (>f the same li
-1 oe- #e tax in states where their operations
are excteiineiy limited. And vet these
other States have ret diated ujion out be n-e
law. by adopting its- provi-i bs and demand
ingTrom our companies the same amount of ,
license in each .State that we demand of
their companies iti our#. This i* not only
oppre-#ive to our own neglected companies,
1 but it Li's to fun ha ju#t and equitable
revenue ftoui the various companies for the
amount of '>u#in:#g iran.-acted. The tax
sh uld he made to bear equally upon all
companies, whttber borne or foreign, and
be adjusted proportiot.a'elv to tbe extent of
their several opei*tic<n. This aiTangement
would be jn-t to all—oppressive to none, l'he
a! olisbu ent, there fore, of the liccn-e law,
and tlie substitution in iis place of treason
able and equitab e tax, wou'd meet the ap
probation of'ali companies, in fav ( r ofequal j
and exact justice, wltc'her belonging to this j
or any vt tier rtne. At tlie same tjrne o
wou'd in-ure a larger income tn the Treasu
ry. For in-tanee, there are thirty-seven life
insurance companies from other .States do
iuz hu-ines# in Pennsylvania, who each pay
a lic nse of five hundred dollars, making the
itim of eighteen thousand at d five hundred
dollars. Not one of the companies would
Jject to paying an equal tax < f say one half
of one per .-eat upon ti.e amount of their
: bu-im This, in the aggregate of tbe
thirty-seven companies, i# more than five
n iilions of dollars, on which a tax of one
half of one per een. would be twenty five
thousand dollars, increasing the revt nu 3 o
the S ate turn this source more than six.
thousand dollars, ami at the same time j
equalising the tax in iccordanc-e with the
' business done and profits received. Aneffi
! civnt law. e-t*bli-hing an In#ur;ine: Ifopa't
ai. nt. #uch as is recommendtd, would meet
this and all matters connected wirh the #ub
ii-ct of insurance, in all its branches.
The Aremdale Disaster.
The recent disaster in the Avondale Coal
Mine, Lu-'uc e -un y. i# still fresh in the
min-is of the people. It esu td a thrill of
honor to spread throughout ihe country ;
tori even in Europe it ha* been productive
of the niu#a painful emotion# and deepest for the sufferers. Women and chil
Jioa who hid l>een accustomed to rtgard
the occupation ofthe uiner a# ore of ordi
nary character, now 1 <ok upon it as fraught
with dansc.-r, and part with relatives and
friends, when ah >ut t> pur-u- their perilous
' tK-' pati"n, with fearful forebodings Aud
ev.'U the "-turdy miner, h't:i#.|t, trembles at
his daogeious ca! inc. aud demands gre- a
protection than ha - bisherto bet n affordid.
The history of tcrr.b'e calamity seems
to be a- follows: Early on the morning of
the 6th of September last, one hutidred and
. eight men entered the Avondale Mine to
prosecute their avocation. None of lhen
anticipated danger as they de.-c-ndtd tbe
fatal s! aft : n.-t one -upposed that be was
entering a t< mb in which he wa# -doomed to
be huri-.d alive. But the d stroving anith
j hovered ovt r th m, ai d the shaft, i-oa.-tiuct
; e.i prineipabv td e- mbu- ib c ma'e ials. 1 av
ina btivHv ignited from some cause, jet
undettriniu d, wis soon a -beet of flame,
and huvc burning timbers came tumbling
frt m above, ch- k tig up with fire and smoke
!th - only a enuc of e-capc. Sensible of their
peril, 'ho unfortunate tpen sought a price
of -a'ety. but n a- not to be found. Th'y
i eri d f.r #uecor but no earthh ami ei u'd
1 give tleni help; hopeless they hudditd to
! gather, and clasped in each oth-r# arm#.
; utct des'h in one of its to-st frightful and
i agonizing forms.
Whilst this fiarlul scene was transpiring
below the immense wooden struct ure above
the shaft took fire, and burning with fright
ful rapidity, was soon reduced to a crumb
line mas*. Thousands of men. women aud
children ronn surrounded the price, and
being unable to afford the slightest relief to
their suffering friend# b-low, filled the air
with lamentation, appalling even to the
1 stoutest hearts. Never before was a scene
more hear re ndering witnessed within the
' limit-* of this Commonwealth, and it is trust
ed that through your prompt and t fficient
legislative aettoo, another #ueli will never be
permitted to occur.
! The mines in many case# are constructed
and managed iu the most #eiti#h aud par#i
motilou* manner, the owners exacting the
i largest amount of pare tit Irom them, from
i the least possible outlay ; consequently some
of them, like that of Avondale, arc nothing
but underground man traps, without any
other outlets than woolen cbimnie#, &;.d
these co.isfaDtly liable to bv-c me blazing
volcanoes, through which e-ca; e # impi-s-i
be Tie i vc# f so useful a class of im-ii
a- ur in ner# should n -t. -.nd mu#t not 1c
ncrmitteJ to be thu - *ucr tic d U[ on the ul
ter of bum an cu, iduy. set a repreln :#i
ble n g'eci to give tli-m thai protection by
iu# wbicit their \ aiuabfo xcrv i-.-es, at best
!a' or:, u#.. <1 ]aueos". nqm. -ticr.ably de
s'-rvcs, r-i.c ' # . ur ii irdic: .#•;, *:eta
than il.a' i f any Oib-T ccun'rv. whilst our
iu oii.-.- interests are unwj'.ta" c i by iho*e of
any oth-*r ( art of :lie word.
Tiic m>-t appalling accidents on reco d
h-iv • k n truocd to un#a! - methods ot v. i:
tiJri; >n ai Im< r especial I}' 1 }' to the cnip'oy
m-. Nt .1 ur * c # at or near the bottom of
the shift*, Where the furnace is used, and
th- .# 0 kc is carried through a woudeu
chit.."Cy, if seems almost cnuln that, sopn
-4 tr or la cr. by the inevitable accumulation
VOL. 65. —WHOLE No. 3.850
of soot or carbon upon the frame work, it
tnus ignite frcni the ascending spark* or
from the heat of the furnace, an 1 a e icfia
• grarion ensue To guard again-t this, it
should t>e made oWieifory, if the vc t:la
tiug furnace be still sl owed, to build the
cbimnies.the sides of the shaft, and the
buildings surrounding it at the top with in
j combustible materials. But even tl is | re
camion is not a sure safeguard, for the fire
i is liable, at any moment, to communicate
with the "firedamp" or other gas.** us va
pors, that, dc-pite of all known means cf
prevention, will generate in the host tegula
j ted mines. The propriety of dispensing en
tirely. therefor.', with the furnace, ha- re
ceived the serious consideration of sehntific
miners and cuginetrs. sod the fun in that
instance, has be?n -übstituted, which being
worked by machinery at the surface, pro
duces a mote constant current of air. dis
penses it more freely through the gangways
and chambers, and. in ail respects, aecom
j pli-hes the object de-ired with better effect;
and when tbe shafts and surface bui dings
are fire proof, without tbe possibility of dan
• ger. This system of ventilation, with ad
vantages so palpably obvious, will, no doubt,
be universally adopt- d. But the very na
ture of rninng opt rations subj-ct* thonr to
other danger-. The wails and roofing of the
mines, from the off ess of blasting and oili
er causes, frequently give way and fill up
'he gangways so as to render them to>passa
ble, a- in the more recent cjlamity al Stock
, ton. which resit ted in the death of ten per
sons. Hence it L- absolutely necessary, and
,-lWd be imperatively demanded, that
every ntine should have more than a single
avenue of ingress and egress. Whether as
regards fire, or any other source of danger
to which the miner is exposed, this is his
surest promi-e of safety. Whale vt r sys
tem of ventilation may be approved, or
safety lamp adopted, the means of escape
from the mines, when danger occurs. will
depend very materially upon the provision
made for the exit of the miner.
The b ?t method of constructing, ventila
tion and working the mines, should be un
ht sparingly adopted; and th -ystdn adopt
ed rigidly enforced. The inquiry, therefore,
into the causes which produced thi- shock
ing catastrophe—the various theories that
have betn promulgated concerning it, the
r tmd'es hr the prevention of similar oc
currence hereafter, the construction and
ventilation of collieries, and the tm-d?s of
conducting their operations so that the op
erant, s may prosecute their labor without
j imperilling ihiir iives, ar proper subjects
for legidative cor s deration.
Such law- a- you rnav enact car, most cer
tainly be enforced by competent inspectors
in the mining districts, who should be cho
- u with strict regard to character, integri
ty. capability and scientific knowledge ; and
wbo-e duti-s should be s.o specific-tily de
; fin d that they cannot die misunderstcf d.
I. therefore, most respectlu! v and earn
• estly recommend that this whole su'ject re
ceive the attention its importance demands,
and that a law be passed so general in its
character and so stringent in its provisions.,
tha* the people of this Commonwealth will
never again be appalled by a calamity with
in her limits, so sad as that of Avondale.
li'xird of Puhlic Oharitie*.
In ax-ordanee with an act of the last Leg
islature, a B ;i'd of Public Charities has
been ap jointed. consisting of the following
gentlemen, v z t; eo Th .ma- L. Krne, for
five year-; F. B. Penniman, Esq., four
years; II or. G. Dawson Coleman three
years ; George L. Harrison, Esq., two rears;
and. . one 't hK-. ■.,,4 r.,-
gantz-d bv rlect'ng drCD. Kane, President,
and Hon. W timer Wonhingtoo. Secretary
and Geneial Agent. From the establish
m~ sit of this board, and especially from the
high character and qualifications of the
gentlemen who have consented to a--umi
tts important tiusts and responsibilities, we
have rea-on to hope for the most Is neficia!
resu'ts. This change in the manac ment
. of our charitable affairs is deemed if the
highest importance by many person; inti
mately conversant with the workings and
management of these institutions,
A thorough review of all the establi-h
--ncnts receiving appropriations front the
State by this board, will give an a—uranc..
to th- Legislature and the people, which
♦ hey have never heretofore possess-, d, that
• th< ir benefaction- will be worthily bestowed
and properly employed.
Some time during the present sea-ion. tbe
board will present to the I.legislature, a re
port of the condition and requirements of
the various tn-ti utious that have he< n re
cipients of apptopriafions from th- State,
wi; h -nch rrcommendation? as may be deem
ed necessary: and, therefore, no informa
tion concerning tbera. except the annual re
ports of the superintendents, aid at present
he Did before yon.
Geological Sum y.
Many t rominent cit ; z ns have represoat
ed that the re exist* creat necessity for a
more complete geologic*! and minora logical
survey of the St te than at present exists.
There i- n > doubt but the developments
of mineral weaith that would result from
such a survey would be immense, and tho
beneficial returns to the State would many
times more than reimburse the Treasury for
s the expenses attend ns it, including tho
printing repot to maps, Ae., sufficient for
tbe infortnation of the people.
Should the Legislature concur in these
views, and pass a law authorizing such a
survey, it wih meet with Executive approv
i al.
Inspection of Rax.
At the last session a law was passed er *a
ting the <>ffi.*e of inspector of gas and g*s
iii' tre* for the county of A h-theny : a- d in
accordance therewith. I l ace appointed an
inspector pos.-- ing tie necessary S'ientiffie
qu Ji'acations.
The necessity for such a law has 1 ten
long and esren-ivt ly felt, and it hi- ! e.-n
earnestly demanded by a large number of
highly respectable e:tix*ns, whose opinion*
ate eminently worthy ol eon.-ideratn n. I
therefore respectfully recommend that tho
just and equitcbie provisions <f the Al!e
ch ny county law be extended tooth',-r coun
ties in which gas is largely consumed.
Revision of the Civil Code.
The law on this subject dots not e ntem
plate a fail report from the Commit-ioners
to revise the genera) statutes of th< State,
before the session o( IS7I. It may. bow
erer. be important to state that t! is work
his to iar progressed as to make it almost
ceitain ttiat it i 1 le completed and ready
for the prc-s so soon after the dose of the
present scssiou ns will allow time to bring
wi'liin the code such of jour enactments as
■ may with propriety he incorporated.
. The Commissioners wi 1 report ?crv\tur
consideration, the revised school lws. as
the present edition U exhausted, and it,
would le inexpedient to re-print ihent,
wb-. n they might be superseded by ohers
in the eou st cf the current year.
A general road law and one for the sup
port and maintenance of the joor. have
hereto'ore been repotted but not definitely
acred ut on, and the frequent demands n ade
for such enactments to correct iaan\ exist
ing abuse-, and supply a common public
want, rend r it desirable thst these enact
ment should receive your early attention.
The State census will be taken Ju,ing the
year, a-d the law for its regulation having
iu it some provisions not now requited, a
revised bill will be presented by the Com
ut'S-ior.f-rs for legislative action.
jn vit w of the change- which the revised
cole is exp cod to produce, it is desirable
that no more laws of a general character he
enacted than is indispensably necessary, as
tlipy might occasion a necessity for a revi
sion of ah t has already received appropri
ate attention, and cause delay in the con*
i pletiou of the wotk.
A great convenience has long been felt in
ev ry department of the executive and leg
(Contiunet on 4tA page.)