The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, January 06, 1870, Image 1

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TH gBRDroRi> GiiETTßis published jveryThure
,ay morning by MITERS A MBSSEL. at $2 00 per
,nnnm,i/ paid strictly m advance; $2.50 if paid
vritbin fix months; J3 00 if not paid within six
months. All subscription accounts MVST be
nettled annually. So paper will be sent out of
the State unless paid for IS ADVANCE, and all saoh j
übseriptions will invariably be discontinued at
t he expiration of the time for which hey ar
"All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
three months TEN CENTS per 1 ine for m!h In
sertion Special notices one-half additional All
eaolations of Associations; communications of
imited or ind.vidual interest, and notices of mar- .
riages and deaths exceeding 6ve line?, ten cents
per line Editorial notices fifteen cents per line.
All legal Notices of eery l-ind.and Orphans j
Court end Judicial Sales, are required by law
t be published in both papers published m this
pi ace
Ijf All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows :
3 monthc. 6 months. 1 year.
*One square $4 60 sti 00 S,O 00
Two squares - 000 000 16 00
Three squares - - - 8 00 12 Oil 20 00 j
quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00
Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00
One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 :
*One square to occupy one inch of space
JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
neatness and dispatch. TBF. GAZETTE OFFICE has
just been refitted with a Power Press and new type,
and everything in the Printing line can be execu- j
ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest
rates. —TERMS CASH
letters should be addressd to
opposite the Menge! House,
The proprietor takes pleasure in offering to the
public the following articles belonging to the
Bock Business, at CITY RETAIL PRICES :
Large Family Bibles,
Small Bibles.
Medium Bibles,
Lutheran Hymn Books,
Methodist Hymn Books,
Smith s Dictionary of the Bible.
History of the Books of the Bible,
Pilgrim's Progress, Ac . Ac., Ac.
Episcopal Prayer dooks,
Presbyterian Hymn Books,
Congress, Lega...
Record. Foolscap,
Letter, Congress Letter,
Seruion. Commercial Note,
Ladies' Gilt, Ladies' Octavo,
Mourning, French Note,
Bath Post, Damask Laid Note.
Cream Laid Note, Envelopes, Ac.
.Several HundrU riifforent rtguie.-, the
lot ever brought to Bedford county, for
sale at prices CHEAPER THAN
EVER SOLD in Bedford.
Day Books. Ledgers, Books, Cash Books.
Pocket Ledgers, Time Books,
Tuck Memorandums, Pass Books,
Money Books, Pocket Books,
Blank Judgment Notes, drafts, receipts. c
Barometer Inkstands,
Gutta Percha.
Cocoa, and
Moroceo Spring Pocket Inkstands.
Glass and Ordinary Stands for Schools.
Flat Glass Ink Wells and Rack,
Arnold's Writing Fluids,
Hover's Inks,
Carmine Inks. Purple Inks,
Charlton's Inks,
Eukolon for pasting. Ac.
Gillot's, Cohen's,
Hollowbush A Carey's, Payson,
Dunton, and Scribner's Pens,
Clark's Indellible. Faber's Tablet,
Cohen's Eagle,
Office, Faber's
Guttknceht's, Carpenter's Pencils
Atlantic Mon :hly,
Harper's Magazine,
Madame Demorest's Mirror of Fashions,
Electic Magazine,
Godey'g Lady's Book,
Lady's Friend,
Ladies Repository,
Gar Young Folks,
Nick Nax.
Yankee Notions,
Budget of Fun.
Jolly Joker.
Phunny Phollow,
Lippineott's Magazine.
Riverside Magazine,
Waverlv Magazine,
Ballou's Magazine,
Gardner's Monthly.
Harper's Weekly,
rank Leslie's Illustrated,
Chimney Corner,
New" York Ledger,
New York Weekly.
Harper's Bazar.
Every Saturday,
Living Age,
Putnam's Monthly Magazine.
Arthur's Home Magazine.
Oliver Optic's Boys and Girl's Magazine Ac.
Constantly on hand to accomodate those who want
to ourehase living reading mattter
Only a part of the vast number of articles per
taining to the Bonk and Stationery business,
which we are prepared to sell cheaper than the
ebeapest, are aboveenuraerated. Give us a call
We buy and sell for CASH, and by this arrange
ment we expect to sell as cheap as goods of this
class are sold anywhere
CJUTATSISG Full Instructions and Practical
Forms, adapted to Every Kind of Business, and
to all the States of the Lnion
Of the United States Bar.
"There is no book of the kind which will take
rank with it for authenticity, intelligence, and
completeness."— Springfield Mass.) Rtpitlii
This is the Only New Book of the kind pub
lished for manv years. It is prepared by an
able Practical Lawyer, of twenty-fiive years ex
perience, and is just what everybody needs for
daily use.
Tt M highly recommended b V many eminent
J Wdyw, t ucludiug the Chief justice and other
Judge* oj M issachnsette. and the Chief Justice
and entire Bench of Connecticut.
Sold only by Subscription. Agents Wanted
Everywhere. Send for Circulars
0. I>. CASE A CO., Publishers. Hartford,
Conn. . No 1 Spruee St., New York : Cincinnati,
0. : and Chicago. 11l
An old law-book. published many years ago
hat |ust been hastily re-issued as "a new book,"
without even a suitable revision of its obsolete
statements. Do not confound that work with
J A T E 8 T 8 T Y L E 8
Has just returned from Philadelphia and New
York, and now opened a stock of the latest styles
AH of which will be sold at very short Profits.
Bedford oet&mS
I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh
bv a simple remedy, and will send the receipt
free >IKS M. C LEGGETT. Iloboken, N. Y
A thief.
has been traveling about humbugging drug
gists and private parties, mixing up and selling a
base compound which he calls WOLCOTT 8
PAIN PAINT All of Wolcott's genuine reme
dies have a white outside wrapper (tcitk signa
ture large). Look out for counterfeits
Catarrh and Colds in the bead, or one Pint of
Pain Paint, for Ulcers or Pain, sent free of ex
press charges, on receipt of the money at 181
Chatham Square. N- Y : or one Gallon of Pain
Paint double strength) for S2O. Small bottles
sold by ali Druggists R L WOLCOTT.
dee9w4 _ .
METRIPOLITAN ORGANS are the best in the
world is proved by the almost unanimous opinion
of professional musicians, by the aarard to them
of Seventy-Five Cold and Stiver J\Tt ilals ijT oth
er highest premium?, at principal industrial coin
petition? within a few years, including the Medal
at the Paris Exposition, and by a sale very much
greater than that of any similar instruments.
This Company manufacture first-clc** instru
ments, and will not make -'cheap organs at any
price, or sufier an inferior instrument to bear
their name. Having greatly increased their fa
cilities lor manufacture, by the introduction of
new machinery and otherwise, they are now
inakir;g Better Organs than ever bei -re. at in
creased economy in cost, in accordance with
their fixed policy of selling always at least re
munerative profit, they are now offering at Pri
ces of Inferior Work. Four Octave Organs. Plain
Walnut Case, S4O. Five Octave Organs, Double
Heed, Solid Walnut Case, carved and paneled,
with Five Stops (Viola, Diapason, Melodia,
Flute, Tremulant), $125 Other styles in pro
Circulars, wich full particulars, including ac
curate drawings of the different styles of organs,
and much information which will be of service to
every purchaser of an organ, will be seat tree,
and postage paid, to any one desiring thein
151 Tremont St., Boston ; 556 Broadway, N. Y.
Is presented to tbe public as the most
Knitting Machine ever Invented.
This Machine will run either backward or
forward with equal facility ;
but far superior in every respect
AND DO PERFECT WORI , leaving every
knot on the inside of the work It will knit a
pair of stockings (any size) in less than a half an
hour. It will knit
Close or Open, Plain or Bibbed Work,
with any kind of fine woolen yarn, or cotton, silk
or linen' It will knit stockings with double heel
and toe. drawers, hoods, smoking caps.- comforts,
purses, muffs, fringe, afghans. nubias, under
sleeves, mitteDS. skating caps, lamp wicks, maps,
cord, undershirts, shawls, jackets, cradle blan
kets, leggins, suspenders, wristers, tidies, tip
pets. tufted work, and in fact an endless variety
of articles in every day use, as well as for orna
Can be made by anyone with the Anierran
Knitting Machine, knitting stockings. Ac., while
expert operators can even make more, knitting
rouey work, wbicn always commands a ready
sale* A person can readily knit from twelve
to fifteen pairs of stockings per day. tbe profit on
which will be not less than forty cents per pair.
Can sell their wool at only forty to fifty cents per
pound ; but ;y getting the wool made in yarn at
a small expense, and knitting it into socks, two
or three dollars per pound can be realized.
On receipt of |2o we will forward a machine as
We wish to procure active AGENTS in every
section of the United States and Canadasto whom
the most liberal inducements will be offered.
dec9w4 Boston, Mass . WSt Louis, Mo.
Y r INEGAR.—How made in 10 hours
9 without drugs For circulars, address L.
PAGE Vinegar Works, Cromwell. Conn. [sov2swß
P. T. BA R N U M.
It embraces Forty Years Recollections of his Bu
sy Life, as a Merchant, Manager, Banker, Lee
turer. and Showman. No book published so ae
ceptible to all classes Everyone wants it. A;
zeats average from 60 to 100 subscribers a week.
We offer extra inducements. Illustrated Cata
logue and Terms to agents sent free. J. B.
BURR, A CO , Pub's Hartford Conn. JnovllwS
BY A. S. ABLE & CO.,
At the S. E. corner of Baltimore, and South *rs
Terms Cash in Advance :
For One Copy for Six Months or less $1 00
For One Copy for One Year 1 50
THE WEEKLY SC>" will renew its best efforts as
a first-class News and Literary Journal. Ev
ery improvement of modern journalism—by which
it is distinguished—will be maintained, and such
attention be given to itR several departments as
will insure their continued interest, and whatever
may be necessary to render tbem more complete
will not be lost eight of.
Through no other medium can families and in
dividuals in the towns and villages and rural
districts of the country be so well supplied with
proper literature, and a full knowledge of the
world's whole news, from week to week.
While the WEEKLY Sus is afforded at the low
rate ot $1 50 per annum to single subscribers, the
CLVB rates are still lower, carrying the price
down as low as one dollar peryear where twenty
fiive copies or snore are taken at one post office at
a time, viz :
Club of Six Copies, One Year $8 00
Club of Twelve Copies, One Year 15 00
Club os Fifteen Copies, One Year 18 00
Club of Twenty Copies, One Year 22 00
Club of Twenty-five Copies. One Year 25 00
Club of Thirty-five C >pies, One Year 35 00
Parties, then, should get up CLUBS in their
towns, villages and neighborhoods, and thus se
cure the advantage of these very low rates. Any
postmaster or storekeeper in the county may eas
ily accomplish this among his acquaintances, or
any active person, male or female, do the same.
The regular diffusion of the light and intelligence
which such a journal affords will be a moral and
social advantage in any neighborhood
To those parties getting upclubs for the Week
ly sun. sent to one post office, we will mail here
after to the address uf anyone sending us
An extra copy o f the Weekly Sun, gratis, for one
year ; for a
We will send a copy of The Daily and Weekly
Sun for six months; for a
We will send a copy of the Daily Sun for one
year, and to the sender of a
We will mail both the Daily and Weekly Sun for
one year
And a general assortment of Smokers and Chew
era' articles, BEDFORD. Pa.
OHDEILS from a distant* for any
kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended
ford, Pa.
flu gfdford i&Mtiit.
"Ticket, ma'am," said the conduc
"Yes, sir, in one moment;" and
Mrs. Herbert sought in her pocket for
her portmonnaie, in which she had de
posited the article in question. But it
had mysteriously disapeared ; and tiie
lady rose hastily, and cast a rappid
searching glance under and about her
"O, sir, I have lost my ticket, and
not only that, my money and my
checks for my baggage!"
The conductor was a young man
who had been but a few weeks upon
the road in his present capacity; anil
he felt himself greatly elevated in
his new position. He prided him
self in his ability to detect any
person in an attempt to avo'd paying
the regular fare, and he earnestly wish
ed that an opportunity might offer,
which would enable him to prove nis
superior powers of penetration, and
the ease with which he could detect
imposition. Here, then, was a case
just suited to his uiir.d ; and he watch
ed Mrs. Herbert with a cold scrutini
zing eye, while she was searching so
eagerly for the missing ticket. With
still extended hand, he said, "I must
have your fare, madam."
'But, sir, I have no money; I can
not pay you."
"How far do you wish to go?" he
"lam on my way to Boston, where
I reside. I have been visiting rela
tives in Wisconsin."
"Well, you can go no further on
this train unless you can pay your
A bright thought occurred to Mrs.
"I will place my watch in your
keeping," she said, "when I reach
Detroit I will pawn it for money to
pursue my journey. My husband will
send for, and redeem it."
"That will do," said the conductor.
"I will take your watch, and give you
a check for Detroit. I have no author
ity to do so from the Railroad Compa
ny, hut may upon my own responsibil
But Mrs. Herbert's em harassment
was nut to tie relieved so readily as
she hoped. Searching for her watch,
that also was not to he found.
"Oh, what -hall i do?" shesaid, her
face growing very pale. "My watch is
gone, too ! I must have been robbed
in Chicago."
"You can leave the train at the next
station," he said quickly and decided
ly ; that's what you can do."
"The whistle sountled for -'down
brakes," and the conductor stepped
out upon the platform of the car. Mrs.
Herbert looked around her. There
were but few passengers in the car;
some were reading, some were looking
out upon the town they were just en
tering. No one seemed to have heard
the conversation between the conduc
tor and herself, or at least to become
interested in her behalf.
The train stopped ; the conductor ap
peared ; and taking her shawl and
traveling basket from the rack above
her head, bade her follow him. In ten
minutes more the train had gone, and
Mrs. Herbert sat alone in the ladies'
waiting room of the L depot, try
ing to decide upon the course best to
pursue. She had no money to defray
her expenses at a hotel, she had noth
ing to pay a hack man for taking her to
one; but, after a few moments of re
flection, she resolved to inquire the res
idence of the clergyman of that church
of which she was herself a member,
and ask him in the name of christian
charity and kindness, to give her a
home until sh * could send her hus
band a telegram, and he could furni.-h
her money to pursue her journey.
Inquiring of the ticket agent the
n a me ot the clergyman she hoped to
find, and being politely directed to his
house, she was soon at the door and
rang the bell. He answered the sum
mons in person, and in a few hurried
sentences she made known her
misfortunes and her request.
The Rev. Mr. Ripley was thin, tall,
and straight. He was apparently for
ty-five years of age; polished, but
pompous; no particle of dust could
hive been found on his fine broadcloth;
or nicely polished boots; the tie in his
cravat was faultless; his hair was brush
ed carefully forward to conceal a com
ing baldness. Very dignified, very
important, very ministerial appeared
the reverend gentleman ; but as Mrs.
Herbert looked into his cold gray eyes,
she felt that benevolence was by no
means as strong an element in his
composition as selfishness. Her heart
seemed to chill in his presence; she
could not help eonslrasting him, men
tally, with the good Mr. Weston,
the pastor of her own church at home.
Ah, not often had the hand now thrust
into the bosom of his tightly buttoned
dress coat been prompted by the cold
heart beneath, to place a bright little
coin upon the palm of beggared child
hood—not often had his footsteps
found their way to poverty's door!
Yet this unworthy representative of
the Christian church preached charity
to his rich congregation at least twice
every Sabbath ; and so far as he him
self was concerned, made preaching
supply the place of practice.
"Madame," he said, after eyeing her
from head to foot, *'you have a pretty
story ; but the streets of L are full
stories at the present day.—
Did 1 listen to oue half I hear of the
the kind, I should have my house fil
led with joor miscreants all the time,
and perhaps few of them would be
worthy of my respect. I cannot keep
you as you request."
Mrs. Herbert turned from the inhos
pitable door of the Rev. Mr. Ripley.
The cool insolence with which he had
treated her hail almost driven courage
from her heart; but she determined
now to seek a hotel, where at least she
might rest herself and decide upon
some new course of action. She had
eaten nothing since morning; indeed
she had not even thought of food, but
now she felt faint and weary, and the
consciousness that she was alone, in a
great city, friendless and penniless,
with the shades of evening already
falling, quite unnerved her. As she
glanced up and down the street, the
first thing that attracted her atten
tion was—not a public housesign, but
in large gilt letters—the words "Ma
sonic Hall." Her heart gave a quick,
joyful bound. Her husband was a
member of the Masonic fraternity,
and she knew that the duty a Ma
son owed to his brother he owed e
qually to that brother'- wife or daught
er. She remembered also, that to that
noble Order she was indebted for near
ly all of the happiness she had known
in life. But, familiar as she had been
with its workings in her native city,
she had never realized its universality;
had never understood how, like some
great tali-manic belt, it circles the
earth, embracing all mankind in its
protecting fold, softening the asperities
of dissenting religionists; shedding
the purple light of love on the fierce
rapids of commercial life; enlighten
ing and ennobling politicians, and har
monizing their conflicting sentiments
upon a sense of kindred.
Mrs. Herbert paused irresolute. —
What would she not have given for
the knowledge of one mystic sign, by
which to call her husband's mystic
brother's to her side.
Men were passing rapidly up and
d >\vn the street; elegantly dressed la
die< were out enjoying the delicious
coolness of the evening, for the day
had been sultry, but among all the
busy throng there was not one whom
she felt at liberty to accost.
A gentleman was passing her, lead
ing a little girl by the hand. With a
quick gesture she arrested his steps.—
She had observed nothing in the stran
ger's face; indeed, she had not noticed
it at all, but a Maltese cross was sus
pended from his watch guard, and the
moment she discovered it she had
involuntarily lifted her hand to pre
vent its passing her.
The stranger looked at iter inquir
ingly. She pointed at the cross, and
"That, sir, is why 1 stopped you:
will you excuse me for addressing
you, and please tell me if you area Ma
son ?"
"I am," he replied.
"Oh, sir, my husband is a Mason,
and perhaps you would be kind to a
brothers's wife."
"Where does your husband live?"
"In Boston. His name is G. W.
Herbet; he is of the|firm Herbet, Jack
son A Co., of L Street. I was on
my way to him from Wisconsin, but
have been robbed of the means of pay
paying my fare, and the conductor re
fused to take me further. 1 have ap
plied to Rev. Mr. Ripley, and he turn
ed me insultingly from his door."
"The old hypocrite," muttered the
gentleman. "Mrs. Herbert, my house
is but one block distant, and it is at
your service. My wife will make you
welcome and comfortable. Will you
accept our hospitality ?"
"O, sir, how gladly!"
Half an hour later Mrs Herbert was
refreshing herself at the weil-spread
table of Mr. Henderson, first officer of
the Eureka Commandery, No. 12.
When supper was over, Mr. Hen
derson said to his wife; "1 have a few
minutes' business downtown ; will re
return immediately. Make Mrs. Her
bert feel herself at home."
He walked directly to the office of
the Western Union Telegraph Com
pany, and addressed the following
message to his brother in Boston
"IsG. W. Herbert; L street, a
member of our Order, and is his wife
in the West. Answer immediately."
When lie returned home, he found
his wife and Mrs. Herbert engaged in
an animated conversation ; and lie was
surprised to note the change in the
strange lady's appearance, now that
she felt herself among friends. Her
face was so genuine an impress of
sweetness and purity; her conversa
tion was expressive of such lofty senti
ments such real goodness of heart, and
betrayed so highly cultivated a mind,
that Mr. Henderson found himself re
gretting that lie had taked the precau
tion to send a telegram to Boston, in
order to prove the truthfulness of her
Mrs. Henderson seated herself at the
elegant piano, and after performing a
few pieces, invited Mrs. Herbert to
play also, fshe gracefully complied;
and after a low, sweet prelude, began
to sing:
"A gtranger I was, but they kindly received me''
She sang the piece entirely through,
her voice quivering with emotion;
and when she had finished it, both Mr.
and Mrs. Henderson were at her side,
and the gentleman said :
"Mrs. Herbert, it is we who are
blessed, in being permitted to form
the acquaintance of so entertaining a
converser and musician. Vou are a
stranger, but a dear friend, a sister, a
brother's wife; you have a right in
our home. A Knight Terapler's home
is ever open to the unfortunate. But
you must not leave the piano yet: play
another piece for us, your own favor
"I do not know that I have a favor
ite of my own."
"Your husband's then," suggested
Mr. Henderson."
Again Mrs. Herbert's practiced fing
ers swept over the keys; and then her
clear, rich, cultivated voice arose in
the popular masonic ode,
"Hail, Masonary Divine "
As the last sweet echo died away*,
she arose, saying, "That is my hus
band's favorite*"
Mr. Henderson was standing with
his arm at>out his wife. Tears were
in his eyes, and he drew her closer to
him, as lie said :
"O, Jennie, will you not learn that
piece for my sake?"
"But I never could make it sound
like Mrs. Herbert," she replied, "for
you know 1 don't tike masonry."
"And why do you not like it?''ja>.ke<l
Mrs. Herbert.
"Because it rises like a mountain
between me and my husband. 1 am
jealous of masonry," and thg glance
she cast upon him at her side, told
Mrs. Herbert how this wife loved her
; husband, aud she almost pardoned her
for her dislike of masonry, upon the
j ground she had mentioned. But she
felt that Mrs. Henderson was in
i error, aud she said :
"Will you allow me to tell you why
I love masonry?
"O, yes," replied Mrs Henderson.—
j "I should be glad to feel differently
? if I could."
After all were comfortably seated,
: Mrs. Herbers began :
"My father was a commission mer
j chant in Boston, and in consequence of
j causes which I could never fully un
derstand—for 1 was very young at the
time—he failed in business. Our beau
tiful home was taken from us, and lie
removed mother and me to an hum
ble, but comfortable cottage in thesub
erbs, while he procured employment
in a dry goods establishment.
lie was disheartened by his sudden
and heavy losses. It was seldom, in
i deed, that he was heard to speak cheer
fully. His health declined, and, before
! we had ever dreamed of the threaten
ing danger, lie was a confirmed con
sumptive. But he was a mason, and
we were not allowed to feel that his in
ability for labor had deprived us of the
comforts of our home. Supplies of
provisions, clothing and fuel came reg
ularly to our door. But one still e
vening in September, we were gathered
around the bedside to take the last
farewell. The friends of our prosper
ous days were not there—they left us
with our riches—but a circle of true,
manly faces were there, and tears were
brushed aside which were the overflow
of sympathizing and affectionate
hearts. I stood beside my grief-strick
en mother, who knelt beside thecouch
of death, her head bowed helpless upon
the emaciated hand upon 'which she
had always depended for guidance and
instruction. My father kissed me
tenderly, and turning to his mason
ic brothers, said: 'I can but leave
my dear ones to your care, and I know
that I can trust you. 1 feel that poor
Alice will not long survive my loss,
and then this little one will be a help
less waif on the great sea of humani
ty. 1 give her to you, not as the child
of one, hut of all—the child of the
lodge.' "
"A few moments and I was father
less One of those strong, noble men
lifted me in his arms and bore me
from the room. I had heard what
my father had said, and i lthough but
a child of seven years, I co nprehend
ed it all. I threw my a m around the
good man's neck, who held me so ten
derly, and sobbed, 'O, sir, will you be
my father?"
"Yes, my dear little girl,' he said, in
a broken voice, 'you shall never
"Mother, was a frail, delicate creat
ure, and her constant watching at fath
er's bedside combined with the last
terrible shoe!;, threw her into a fever
from which she never recovered. We
remained in the cottage until my sweet
mother's death, and my father's ma
sonic brothers anticipated our every
want. And when I was at last an or
phan, my new protectors took me a
way. All felt that I was a sacred
charge. I was placed under the care
of the most reliable instructors and
my health was carefully guarded. I
lived in the house of him whom I had
asked to be n>y father, and I believe
he loved me as When I ar
rived at the age of twenty years, I
was married-with the full approba
tion of my guardians—to Mr. Herbert
then a confidential clerk in a dry good
house. The young man was a mason ;
he was honest and attentive to busi
ness. Now he is partner in the same
house. We have an elegant home,
and a wide circle of friends; but none
are so dearly prized as the tried and
true; and once every year our parlors
are opened to receive, with their fam
ilies, the few who remain of those
who, at l he time of my father's death,
were members of the lodge to which
he belonged. You understand now,
my friends, why I love masonry.
Mrs. Henderson lifted her eyes to
those of her husband. He was look
ing at her wistfully, so pleadingly.
"My dear wife," said he, "Mrs.
Herbert's story is but one of thous
ands. It is the aim of masonry to re
lieve the distressed everywhere, and
elevate and enoble ourselves. Our la
bors take us often from the loved home
circle; but it would not be manly in us
to spread the knowledge of the good
we do. To many of the recipients of
our charity it would be bitter relief, if
trumpeted forth to the world."
"Mrs. Henderson placed both her
hands in those of her husband, and
said, her eyes filling with tears. I will
learn to play that piece for you, and I
think that I can give it some of Mrs.
Herbert's expressions, for I think dif
ferently of masonry than J have eyer
done before,"
The next morning, when breakfast
was over, Mrs. Herbert said, "now
Mr. Henderson, I must send an imme
diate telegram to iuy husband, for I
am very anxious to meet him, and 1
must not tresspass upon your genuine
hospitality longer than is necessary."
"Will you entrust me with the mes
sage ?"
"Yes sir:" and it was soon ready.
"Ah ! I was about sending the an-
swer to your telegram to Boston,"
said the operator to Mr. Henderson, as
he entered the office. He took the pa
per extended towards him, and found
the message to be as follows:
"G. W. Herbert is a Worthy Knight
Templar. He stands well, socially
and financially. His wife lives in
Mr. Henderson called upon a few of
his masonic friends, and then hasten
ed home. Taking a roll of bills from
his side pocket, he laid it beside Mrs.
Herbert, saying "I did not send'your
message. I have taken the liberty to
draw from the Bank of Masonry a de
posit made by your husband for your
"The bank of Masonry? A deposit
for my benefit? Ido not understand
you," said Mrs. Herbert.
"Well, I will explain. Kvery dol
lar a man contributes towards the sup
port of the masonic institution, is a de
posit to be drawn at any time he or
his family may require it. I know
positively, that your husband is a
worthy mason, and this money—one
hundred dollars—is as really and truly
yours as if he had handed it to you
himself. If you wish to continue your
journey to-day I will see you safely on
the one o'clock train.
Mrs. Herbert's lips quivered, but
she only said, "O, 1 shall be so giad to
"Now, I havo only to, say beware of
pickpockets," said Mr. Henderson as
the train began to move.
A week later, the Secretary of the
Eureka Commandery announced to his
brothers, in regular conclave assem
bled, the receipt of a letter from which
he proceeded to read as follows:
"To N. F. Henderson, E. C. and
Sir Knights of the Eureka Command
ery, No. 1?.
"I enclose you a check for one hun
dred dollars, the amount so kindly
furnished by you to my wife, who ar
rived at home in safety yesterday.—
My gratitude to you for your timely
; sympathy and care, is only equalled
by her own, who says that her experi
ence in that city has added a new
chapter to her "Reasons for loving
"Should any of you visit Boston, do
not fail to call upon us, that we may
return you our thanks in person, and
invite you to the hospitalities of our
| home."
Dr. Livingstown's last African dis
covery is of a tribe that lives altogeth
er iu underground houses. Some ex
cavations are said to be thirty miles
long, and have running rills in them.
A whole district can stand a siege in
them. The "writings" threin, he has
been told by some of the people, are
on wings of animals, and not letters.
They are said to be very dark and well
made. Geographers and ethnologists
will look with impatient interest for
further information concerning this
remarkable people.
Archbishop Dupanloup, of Franco,
will load the minority of the (Ecumen
ical council, against the infallibillity
of the Pope. He has publicly asser
ted in Rome that he hopes to succeed
in crushing out the idea of Papal infal
libillity, that "St. Bernard whipped
into his disciples seven hundred years
ago, and which it was left for the rad
icals of the Society of Jesus to resusci
tate in our times."
A man who had purchased a pair of
new shoes, finding the road to be a
rather rough one, decided on putting
his shoes under his arm, and walking
home barefooted. After a whiie he
stumped his great toe, taking the nail
off as clear as a whistle.
"How lucky," he exclaimed, "what
a tremendous kick that would have
been for the shoes."
An old man named Fisher, at Pi.!o
ka, Indiana, told his wife he was go
ing into the celiar to commit suicide.
She heard his pistol and kept on knit
ting. In about an hour Fisher came
up, thinking they didn't miss him at
"Mother," said Ike Partington,
"did you know that the 'iron horse'
had but one ear ?" "One ear! merci
ful gracious, child, what do you
mean?" "Why, the engineer, of
An old lady, being asked by her
minister what she thought of the doc
trine of "total depravity," she replied
that she thought it a very good doc
trine if people would only live up to
"What a fine head your boy has!"
said an admiring friend "Yes," said
the fond father, "he's a chip of the old
block ; ain't you sonny !" I guess so;
my teacher said I was a young block
A Western editor has placed over
his marriage heading a cut represent
ing a large trap sprung with the motto :
"The trap down; another minny
"My Son," said an anxious father.
"Why do you use that nasty tobac
co?" The boy, declining to consider
the question in the spirit in which it
was asked, replied, "to get the juice."
Xeck-ties in the shape of streamers,
and floating over the shoulders, are all
the rage among our nice young men.
Chicago boasts of one day last week
when it had no murders and only one
Household Words—"Bye, bye," or
"buy, buy !" Just as circumstances
Old men are mowed down, babies
are cradled.
Syntax is the only tax revenue as
sessors are not up to.
VOL. 65. —WHOLE No. 3,349.
Among the many modes of fattening
fowls, which are from time to time,
presented to the public, none is more
highly commended thaD the following,
which is the method largely practiced
in England, and it said, always with
great economy and perfect success. lu
this method the custom is to put the
fowls into coops as usual, but where
they can get no giavel. Keep corn in
feed boxes all the time, and also give
them corn-meal dough, well cooked,
once a day. For drinking give thera
fresh skimmed milk, with a sprinkling
of charcoal well pulverized. Fed in
this way, it is said they will fatten
nicely in from ten to twelve days. If
kept beyond that time, it is customary
to furnish them with the gravel to pre
vent them from failing away. One
extensive English fowl breeder states
that he has tried this method for years,
and has never known it to fail. In
this method ,as in all others, it is of
course necessary that the fowls should
occupy coops protected from the cold,
and kept perfectly clean and dry.
A Correspondent of the New England
Farmer relates the experience of a
neighbor in destroying apple tree bor
ers by plugging up the holes they make
in the tree. He says that his friend,
while making an examination this
spring of some of his trees, found sev
eral holes with signs of borers at work.
He soon found it too much of a job to
follow them with wire or chisel; so he
dug around the roots, scraped off the
rough bark from the roots and trunk,
and found all the holes. Then he took
common putty and plugged them per
fectly tight. On the thirdjday after do
ing this he visited the tree, and on re
moving the putty found, to his sur
prise, four borers dead, all of which
came out with the plugging. By this
process he destroyed the borers without
cutting the roots or trunk of the tree,
which is as injurous as the work of the
borer, as 1 have often found it necessa
ry to cut quite deep in order to reach
the rascals. From the irregularity o
the direction of their course, I have al
so found much difficulty in fishing
them out with a barbed wire.
A correspondent of the Small Fruit
Recorder says: Au experiment made
last year by myself may not come a
miss at this time with those who grow
strawberries. I procured a half hogs
head, filled it with rain water, and put
into it one-quarter of a pound of am
monia, and one-quarter pound of com
mon nitre. When the strawberry
plants were blossoming out, I gave
them a sprinkling of the solution at
evening twice a week, until the fruit
was nearly full size. The result was
double the amount of fruit on those
where the liquid was applied to what
was obtained from those vines right a
long side of those where none of the
liquid was applied.
Mash, five or six boiled p tatoes
while hot with a teaeupful of flour, add
boiling water til Lit becomes a batter,
put in a tablespoonful of brown sugar
and oue of salt. When luke warm,
add half a pint of yeast, let it stand
behind the stove till it begins to fer
ment, then cork tightly and set in a
cwl place. Haifa teaeupful is suf
ficient to raise four or five loaves.
If one cannot get yeast to start with,
she can make it herself by taking
a teaspoonful of flour, molasses
and water, mixing it well and let
ting it stand in a place a day or two.
This will raise the yeast without any
A number of the Hermiker County
Farmers' Club, states that last spring
he plowed an old sod in which there
was an immense number of grubs.—
He sowed upon three acres and three
quarters, soon after plowing, two
bushels of coarse salt. This was dis
solved by rain which came a day or
two later. The ground was then thor
oughly harrowed and planted to corn,
about half a pint of leached ashes be
ing placed with each hill. The yield
was very large,*and there was not the
slightest injury by worms. He has no
doubt that the crop would have been,
quite destroyed had there been no ap
plication of salt.
It has been settled by numberless ex
periments that cooking food for cattle
or hogs adds about fifty per cent, to its
value. If a man has but few animals
to feed it will cost him but little to get
his corn ground, and then thoroughly
cook or steam, before feeding. If he is
a large stock feeder then he should
have his own machinery for griding
corn and cooking it on a scale com
mensurate with his wants. No out
lay on a stock farm will pay better
than a grinding and cooking appara
tus. Try it on a small scale and le
A reliable gentleman in Mississippi
furnishes one of our citizens the fol
lowing receipt for the hog cholera.—
He tried this remedy successfully on
three different occasions. The receipt
is this: Take one pound chloride of
lime and one pound bluestone; dis
solve in water; let it stand for twelve
hours, then pour over one bushel of
corn; let it soak for ten or twelve
h jurs after which give it as feed three
d ys in succession. If the hog is hun
gry he will eat the feed freely.
The New York Farmers' Club say
the following fertilizers are best for
the respective crops: White beans-
Barnyard manure. Onions—-Hen ma
uure, salt and lime. Irish Potatoes-
Marl. Sweet Potatoes—Little or no
manure. Cabbage—The rankest barn
yard manure, lime, ashes and no pig
manure. Sweet Corn—The richest
manure to be obtained. Tomatoes—
Well-rotted stable manure on poor
soils; on rich soils, no manure.
It is best to handle calves as much as
possible, and pet them, lead them with
a halter, and caress them in various
ways. Calves managed in this way
will always be docile and suffer them
selves to be approached and handled
both in the pasture and in the barn.