flu fdfwi smiit Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP R.R. _W INTER ARRANGEMENT.—'TIMETABLE —Op and after Sept. 1 6th, pas.'enger trains will arriveand depart as follows: Mail Train leavesMt. Dallas at I 00 p. in. . ar ch CS at Huntingdon at 4 20 p.m.; leaves Hunt ii.g lon at 8.40 A M., and arrives at MT. Dallas at 11 52 a. m. ACCENT'n Train leaves Saxton at 8.20 a. RO., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 10.10 a. in.; leaves Huntingdon at 5.55 p. M., and arrives at Saxton at 7 41 p. in. Grouse's is the place to buy cigars. Go to Grouse's for the best navy to bacco. , The good old times promised by , Grant's election are being daily realiz- "like the old woman kept tavern ; i n Indiana!" Buy the Rustic Pipe and Mounlian Flowers tobacco at Grouse's. Now that the holidays are at hand, go to G. R. Oster A Go! where you will find a store full of useful articles for gifts. decOinl. - Good old cigars by the box at Grouse's, ; from $2 to $lO per box. Boys should learn a trade—it teach- i esthem the value of time, gives them away to make an honest living jo an i extremity, and above all, makes men practical in pursuit of any calling. According to the most recent, if uot reliable revenue decision, boarding house keepers, who serve hash, are o bliged to take out a license as mniiu factuiers. The season of skates and sleds will soon beat hand,and Young America, of both genders, are prepared to "let the union slide;" without regard to politics, of course. Buy your Tlats and Gaps of G. R. Oster & Go. They have just received an immense assortment of the latest st vies, from CO cents up. dec9m 1. The man who won't take a paper because he can borrow one from his neighbor, is at work trying to invent a machine to cook his meals by the -moke from his neighbor's chimney. Beautiful by Billings. It is highly important that when a man makes up his mind tew bekuin a rascal, that he should examine hitself closely, and s?e if he ain't better konstructed for a phool. Inebriated individuals were out last Saturday evening, singing "We won't go home till morning." They ev idently had too much of a load on to get home before that time. Bryan, the burglar who was con victed at Somerset sometime ago, es caped from the sheriff, near Greens burg, by jumping from the cars. He was not recaptured. No doubt theoffi cer exclaimed, "Fare ye well, brother Watkins-ah."' Ninety deer have been brought to Tyrone from different points of the Clearfield railroad, since the hunting season opened, to say nothing of those that have been brought in from other directions. It is folly to think that you can make pork out of pig iron; that you can become a shoemaker by drinking sherry cobblers, or that you can keep posted as to how the "world wags" without reading the GAZETTE. NEW BOOT AND SHOE DEPART MENT.—For Ixadie-i, Gents, Misses, Boys, Youths, and Childrens superior Custom-made Boots and Shoes, go to G. R. Oster A Go. They have just re ceived a large and varied assortment at reduced priees. dec9ml. The Hollidaysburg Register says: The Bedford Inquirer complains -greatly at the difference in time, (ac cording to the town clock, ) between that place and towns to the north. Probably this accounts for Bedford be ing so slow an old town. Davy, you oughtn't to "go back on a cove what you knows," thusly. Rev. Joseph Waugh, Principal of the Hollidaysburg Seminary, will ad dress some of the county teachers' in stitutes this winter on "What shall our girls study ?" G. R. OSTER & Go. have just receiv ed an immense stock of new Winter Goods, and there is but little use of our telling you, for most Ladies have .already decided and bought their Cheap Goods, and are pleased to find a store full of Bargains. decOinl. SENTENCED.—Peter Young, (color eel) and Lizzie Hall, who were found guilty of larceny at the November ses sions, and whose cases were held over until the adjourned court, on Monday last, were sentenced on that day, Peter being sent over the mountains for one year and four months, and Lizzie to meditate over her follies in the county jail for a period of nine months. "The way ofthe transgressor is hard." The shelves ofG. R.Oster A Go's spa cious new Store, are filled with cheap and attractive new Winter Goods, that soon make you feel for your purse and bid good bye to your Grren'ja- ks for articles that please you better, and are more useful. deeOml. FESTIVAL.—The ladies of Schells tmrg have made arrangements to hold a festival, commencing on Christmas eve, the proceeds thereof to go for the benefit of the Lutheran church of that place. We know that the ladies of that village understand how to get up a festival, and we trust that in their present effort they will he properly sustained by a generous community. All are invited to attend. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.— On last Fri night the store and tlwe lling of Mr. W. W. Lamburn, of Mowry's Mill, was entirely consumed by tire. None of tie contents were saved,and the oc cupants barely escaped with their lives. The loss is very severe on our triend Lamburn, but we are pleased to learn that he took the piecaution to have $4,000 insurance on his property, which will at least partially indemnity Ji im for the loss he lias sustained. Diptheria and putrid sore throat will bo common among children this win ter, and, if allowed to run for a few days, may be very difficult to cure. Mothers should watch children closely, and when languid and febrile symp toms appear, take a spoon and with the handle press down the tongue, when the little white pus sores may be seen. Muriateol iron and water, in equal parts, make excellent washes for sore throats. Apply them with a soft rag-swob or small camel's hair brush. lIIIOMBOII EDKAL I RON ORE.—A large bed of this valuable ore has just been found near "Todd's Spring," a bout one mile west of this place. This discovery, taken in connection with the fact that inexhaustible beds of fossil ore exist for miles around here, will soon awaken capitalists to the fact that Bedford is the place for the erection of furnaces, rolling mills and all kinds of iron manufactories, Hematite and fos sil ores worked together make the best iron in the world, and the vicini ty of Bedford and is now ready to fur ish them. THE BROAD TOP MURDER.—The motion for a new trial for Kane, Lynch, Dowers and Mulvahill was heard by a full bench last Friday. The argument on both sides was very able, as was Judge Taylor's reasons for refusing a new trial. At 11 o'clock Saturday morning the four prisoners were brought into Court and sentenced to seven years and eleven month impris onment in the Western Penitentiary, each. Sheriff Neely started for Pitts burg with the prisoners Monday even ing.—Monitor. NEXT .sum titer is the time for taking the census ofthe United States. Offi cers will be appointed for every town ship to gather statistics of the inhabi tants, and of all the agriculture pro ductions, manufactures, Ac. xYs these reports will be called for in June, it will be necessary to give in the crops, gathered this fall, and the suggestion that we would now make is, that cul tivators write down, while fresh in miud, the number of acres of each kind, the amount per acre, and the gross amount of pork, beef, Ac., will be asked for, as well as all kinds of fruit. Goughs and Colds are often overlook ed. A continuance for any length of time causes irritation of the Lungs or some chronic Throat Disease. "Brown's Bronchial Troches," are ottered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy, giving almost invariably sure and im mediate relief. Owing to the good reputation and popularity of the Troches, many worthless anil cheap imitations are offered, which are good for nothing. Be sure to obtain the true "Brown's Bronchial Troches.'- Sold everywhere. OLEAGINOUS. —The Clarion Demo crat, of the 4tli inst., has the follow ing in reference to the Stump Islands oil territory, in which quite a num ber of our citizens are interested : xY new well called the Lone Star, on Stump I-land, immediately above the mouth of the Clarion river, was finished on Friday of last week. On Monday it pumped 24 barrels of oil in 24 hour-, giving promise of being one of the largest in the region. It is owned by Ed. 11. Long, Ed. Sing leton, Wm. Hartley and others. There are now two wells on the "Stump Islands Oil Company's" land that are flowing oil in paying quanti ties, with very good prospects of large i ncrease. Jeff, living, did not frighten us much, and it is hardly likely now that we can be scared by his shade or that of any of his imps, like the local of the Ga zette.— Ilotlidaysbiirg Register. We like to stir up the animals occa sionally, to see whether they are in good condition for the show. The merest touch of our "switch" sets Ov er to roaring and showing his teeth, that one imagines himself in an East India jungle, or among a set of hungry anthrophagists, and in imminent peril of being instantly devoured, without the benefit of clergy. Davy must have dyspepsia. 'Tis true he was not "scar ed by Jeff's shade," tor during the late "onpleasantness" he did not venture within shadow-seeing distance of the now ex-eheiftan. Like that other ani mal, hut one which makes far less pre tensions to ears, he "smelleth the bat tle afar off." Selah 1 BUCKWHEAT CAKES.—These are pe culiarly adapted to cold weather. The appetite craves them, and they supply the system with warmth, to enable it to resist for a long time the feeling of hunger. But they must IK? made just right, and here is a prime recipe: Make a thin batter with a quart of flour, half a cup of yeast, warm water and a little salt. Let it rise over night. Bake on both sides on a griddle. xY little of the batter left in the rising dish will serve for yeast for the next batch. It is better to add a tea-spoon ful of salaratus before baking in the morning, and it is very essential that this is good and be strictly pure. NOT GENERALLY KNOWN.— It is not generally known that there is an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature providing that no estate shall be be queathed, deviseu, or conveyed to any body politic, or to any person, in trust for religious or charitable uses, except the same be done by deed or will, at least one month before the decease of the testator or alienor. It is an impor tant provision and persons who con template charitable bequests, should prepare their wills in due season. We have recently noticed several instances in which such bequests have failed be cause of the wills not being executed a month prior to the deathsof tlie* par ties. Last week Mrs. Sophia Meylin died in Lancaster, bequeathed SI,OOO to Trinity Lutheran Church, and SIO,OOO to Zion's Lutheran Church. Both be quests are void, because the will was executed less than thirty days before her death. Not long ago llenry Law son, of Norristown died with a be quest of a large amount of money to a Philadelphia association which failed for the same reason. ££()? |^A* rEßioptrtui, THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN.—A Valuable Premium to All —This splen didly illustrated weekly journal of Papular Science, Mechanics, Invention, Engineering, Chemistry, A rchiledure, Agriculture and the kindred arts, en ters its Twenty-ji.it h Year on the first of January next, having a circulation far exceeding any similar journal now published. The editorial department j of this journal is ably conducted and some of the most popular writers of : this country and Europe are contrihu- ; tors. Every number has 16 imperial pages, ernbelished with fire engrav ings of machinery, new inventions, tools for the workshop, Ac., Ac. To inventors and mechanics this journal is invaluable, as it contains a weekly report of all Patents issued at Wash ington. The publishers offer for 1670, SI,OOO in cash premiums for lists of subscribers. Persons wishing to coin pete for these prizes, should send at once for prospectus and blanks for names. Terms of Scientific American, one year, $3.00; six months $1.30; four months, SI.OO To clubs of 10 and up wards, terms $2.60 per annum. Speci men copies sent free, address the Pub lishers M u N N A Co., 07 Park Row. New York. How to get Patents. —A pamphlet to Inventors sent free. PETERS' MUSICAL MONTHLY.— We have received the December number of this admirable monthly, which is a sample of those that are to follow for 1870. Jt contains 37 pages of music vocal and instrumental. In order to j outstrip all competitors, the publisher has concluded toomitall literary mat- j ter and devote the whole space to music, for the small price of Three Dollars per annum. We feel confident this will prove acceptable to all, and will j a!ford lovers of good Music to get it j at a very low price. Now is the time j to subscribe. Address J. L. Peters, 899 Broadway, N. Y. PACKARD'S MONTHLY. —This unri valed literary periodical stands at the head of its class. Original in every department, its articles are more read able, and of more practical benefit, than the trashy fiction that fills the pages of most of the literary journals of the day. The January number which is before us, comes enlargt d and improved in many respects, and the wonder is how so much good intellect ual food can he given for so little mon ey. Sample copies sent for 2o cents. Address, S. 8. Packard, 937 Broadway, New York. A CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S PTESENT. —XV monthly or a weekly publication for young people makes one of the most acceptable presents that can he given during the holidays —and for this purpose the Youth's Companion, of Boston, is admirably a dapted. It will make its appearance new and fresh with each succeeding week, is always sprightly, entertain ing and practical. Some of the mo'st brilliant writers in the country con tribute to is columns. BALLOU. —This elegant literary peri odical for January is on our table.— Age seems to improve this jour nal, if indeed improvement could he possible in a magazine that has always held so high a rank in American literature. Published by Elliott, ThomesA Talbot, 60 Congress Street, Boston Mass. The opening of the Twentieth (Ecu menical Council took place at Home on the 9th inst. There was a brilliant assemblage of crowned heads and no bles in attendance in the galleries of the Hall of the Counii. Several hun dred bishops were present. xV Western paper announces the ill ness of its editor piously adding: 'All good-paying sttbscrilrers are requested to mention him in their prayers. The others need not, as the prayers of the wicked avail no.hing, according to good authority." The estimates for the heads of the various departments at Washington for the coming year amount in the ag | gregate to $210,970,608. MARRIED. DAILEY- LAMBERT—In Scbellsbuig, by I'c tpr Dewalt. Esq., on the 2nd of September, 1869. William Dailey an.l Miss Rachel Lambert, all of Somerset County. SURINER—EARNEST—In St. Clwrsvi'.le, at ! the Lutheran Parsonage, by the Rev. J Peter, 1 Dec 9. 1869, Mr. John 11. Sbricer. St. Clair tp., I to Miss Mary A. Earnest, of Bedford tp. SCHWARTZ—DIEHL —On the 2d, by the Rev • H. Hecktrman. Mr. x\brah im Schwartz. ot Snake | Spring tp.. to Mi.-s Elizabeth Diehl, of Colerain I township. WHITFIELD—ZIMMERMAN—On the 2nd ! inst , at the Lutheran parsonage, by the Rev, G. j C. Probst, Mr. Wm. C. Whitfield and Miss Mary | E. Zimmerman, both of East Providence, tp. DIED. Kariis—At ber residence, in Efwt Prov tp., i on the 3flth ult.. after a brief illncs, Mrs. Eliza j beth Karns, in the 56th year of her age. V 5 r ANTED $19,000.00 DUE US ON I W OUR BOOKS.—We wish it distinctly un derstood that all unsettled accounts on our BOOKS i rrnst be closed, by CASH or note on or before the i Ist of Jan.. 1870. Please Settle at once and ! greatly oblige decl6w4. G. R. OSTER A CO. "117" x\ NT ED !—All persons indebted If to Hartley k Mctzger who will close their accounts by note before the first of next January, will be given a reasonrble time to pay such notes. All accounts not settled by the Ist of January, will be collected without further notice. decl6:; HARTLEY A METZGER. rpRUSTEE ACCOUNT for confirnia- tion at February Term of the Orphans' Court of Redfoad county, loth February, 1870. The account ( John T. Kcagy, Esq., Trusteo for the sale of the real estate of Henry Brant, late of Cumberland Valley township, dee'd. deelOwfi. JNO P. SEED. Reg't. INSTATE OF PHILIP DEVORE, j DECEASED. —The undersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford county. Audi tor, to report upon advancements and make dis tribution of the balance In the bands of Joaiah Miller and Jacob L Albright. Erqs., Executors of the last will, Ac ,of Philip Devote, late of Lon donderry tp., Bedford county, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at bis office, in Bedford, on Thursday the Oih day of January, A D., 1870, at 11 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when and where all parties interested can attend. deol6w2. S L. RUSSELL, Auditor. INSTATE OF JEREMIAH MOE- J KIS, DECEASED.—The undersigned, hav ing been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bed ford Connty. Auditor, to m ike distribution of the balance iu the hands of 11. J. Means. Adm'r of J crcraiah Alorris, dee'd, hereby notifies all per sons interested, that he will attend to the duties of his appiontuients, at bis ofijieo, in tho Borough of Bedford, on Wednesday, tho 19th day of Janua ry, 1870, at 10 o'elock A. M. K M. ALSIP, deolOw.l Auditor. Hew Mmtbcmcntsi. IMIF.SH OYSTERS! FRESH OYS TERS ' —lf you want a nice dish ot LARGE j FRESII OYSTERS, slewed or frird. at any hour 1 ofthe Jay or evening, go to the Oyster arid Ale | Saloon In the basement of the GAZETTE Build- \ ing, on the corner of Jutianna Street and I'ubtie Square. Families and and Parties supplied with the largest, freshest and best oysters brought to Bed- j for i, at all times. Give me a call dccifiuil. . B. EDSALL OFDFORD (OI MY. S8: At an J[!) Orphans' Court held in Bedford, on the 15th —■— day of November, A. D , 1869, before the j ( SEAL f Judges of the said Court, on motion of j —John P. Reed, Esq.. the Court grant a rule on the heirs aud legal representatives of Christian Aibrigh!, deceased, to wit : Maria, intermarried with August Stuer; Re becca intermarried with Barman Lcploy, residing j in Knox county, Ohio ; Hannah intermarried with Samuel Burket ; Henry, residing in Clay county, Indiana; Christiana C. Delilah, inteimarried with Samuel Carpenter: Jacob 1. and Samuel, all residing in Bedford county, but those above named residing in Ohio and Indiana, to be and appear at.au Orphans Court to be held at Bedford on the 14th day of February. ne.\l. to acceptor re fuse to Luke the real estate of said dee d, at the valuation which has been valued and appraised, in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuation issued out of our said Court, and to the Sheriff of said county directed, or show cause why the same ! should not be sold. In testimony whereof, I havo hereunto set my hand and the seal of said court, at Bedford, the I 26ib day of November, A. D., 1809 Attest 0. E. SHANNON, Clerk. WM. KEYSER, Sheriff. decltSwd. pEDFOItD COUNTY, SS:-At an | Jf) Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in and for I the county of Bedford, on the 51 th day of i t SEAL )November, A. D., 1869, before theJudg- ' —v— es of the said Court : On motion of G. | 11. Spang, Esq., the Court grant a Kulo on the j heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Miller, ' dee'd, to wit: Washington Miller; Jacob Miller, residing in Cumberland Valley tp; George Rice, husband j of Sarah, a daughter and Emma and Steven Rice, minor children of said Sarah, residing in Alle- j gheny county, Maryland ; Ruth intennained with ' Samuel Hemirickson, residing in Cumberland Valley township, Bedford county, aforesaid , John j Miller residing in same place, to be and appear j at an Orphans' Court to be hold at Bedford, on : the i 4th day of February, next, to accept or refuso j ! to take the real estate of said dec d, at the valu ation which has been valued and appraised, in pursuance of a writ of partition or valuatiou ; issued out of said court and to the said Sheriff of I said county directed, or show cause why the same I should not be so'd. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my j hand and the seal of said Court, at Bedford, the ; 26th day of November, A. D-. 1869 Attest 0. E. SHAFMON, Cle-k. WM KKYHKB, Sheriff. decl6w4. IyEDFORD COUNTY. ss ; — xYt- an | Court, held at Bedford, in and for - the county of Bedford, on the 15th day of J SEAL ) November, A. D. 1869, before the Judges _of the said Court, on motion of J. W. Lingenfelter. Esquire, the Court grant, a Rule on the heirs and legal representatives of Thomas Cook, late of Harrison township dee'd, to wit : Catharine Cook, widow ; James Cook.a son resid ing in Johnson county, lowa , Aim Elizabeth intermained with Jacob Fletcher, residing in Bedford county, Pa ; Joseph M Cock, residing in i Bedford county. Pa ; Eykiet, residing in Bedford i county; Emma, a daughter intermarted with A. j 8. Burket, residing in Bedford county : and to the 1 issue of William, a son, names and residence un i known, and to B F. Tucker, husband of Delilah, a daughter now dee d, and Joseph Calvin. Thom ' as Howard andMsry Catharine Tucker minor chil dren of said Delilah, residing in Schclisburg, Bed- J furdoounty, Pa ; and to Cornelia Jane, a minor of i Mary C. Cook, dee'd, who was a daughter of j Xhouias Cook, residing in Bedford county, to be I and appear at an Orphans' Court to be held | at Bedford, on the 14th day of February, our next, to accept or refuse to take the j real estate of said dee'd, at the valuation j issued out of our said Court, and to the Sheriff ; of said county directed, or show cause why the i same should not be sold In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my I hand and the seal of said county at Bedford, the 25th day of November, Anna Domino, 1869. Attest O.E.SHANNON. MM KBYSEH, Sheriff. Clerk. decl6w4 rjHIE WEEKLY SJIN. BALTIMORE PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY xY. S. ABLE & CO., FROM THE "9TN IRON BCILDING," At tlir S. E. corner of Baltimore and South 'ts. Terms Cash t,i Advance : For One Copy for Six Months or less $1 00 j For One Copy for One Year 1 50 THE WEEKLV Srx will renew its best efforts as a first-class News and Literary Journal. Ev- I ery improvement of modern journalism—by which i it is distinguished—will he maintained, and sueh : attention be given to its several departmenfs as will m-ure th'cir continued interest, and whatever i may be necessary to render them more complete ! will not be lost sight ot. Through no other medium can families aud in | dividuals in the towns and villages and rural districts of the country be so well supplied with proper literature, and a full knowledge of the world's whole news, from week to week. MAKE UP CLUBS. While the WEEKLY Sun is afforded at the low rate of 31 50 per annum to single subscribers, the CLCII rates are still lower, carrying the price down as low as one Hollar per year where twenty fiive copies or more are taken at oue post office at a lime, viz : _ Club of Sis Copies. One Year 38 "" Club of Twelve Copies, One Year 15 00 Club os Fifteen Copies, One Year 18 00 Club of Twenty Copies, One Year 22 00 Club of Twenty-five Copies. One Year 25 00 Club of Thirty-five Crpies, One j ear -15 00 Parties, then, should get up CLL tbeir towns, villages and neighborhoods, ana I ' IUS se " cure the advantage of these very lew rates. Any postmaster or storekeeper in the county may eas " ily accomplish this among his acquaintances, or any active person, male or female, do the same. The regular diffusion of the light and intelligence which such a journal affords will be a moral and social advantage in any neighborhood. To those parlies getting up clubs for tho Week' ly Sun, sent to one post office, we will mail here after to the address of anyone sending us A CLIB or TWELVE SUBSCRIBERS An extra copy o' the Weekly Sun, gratis, forone year ; for a CLUB OF TWEXTV SUBSCRIBERS We will send a copy of The Daily and Weekly Slin for six months ; for a CLUB OK TWBSTY-FIV* SUBSCRIBERS We will send a copy of the Daily Sun for one year, and to the sender of a CLUB OF THIRTV-FIVK OR MORE We will mail both the Daily and Weekly Sun for one year. rj 11iI: ONLY RELIABLE CURE X FOR DYSPEPSIA IX THE KNOWN WORLD. Dr. Wishart's lireat American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial are a positive and infallable cure for Dyspepsia in its most aggra vated form, and no matter of how long standing. They penetrate the secret abode of this terrible disease, and exterminate toil, root and branch,for ever. They alleviate more agony and silent suffering than tongue can tell. They are noted for curing the most desperate and hopeless oases, when every known means fail to afford relief. No form of Dyspepsia or Indijestion can resist their penetrating power, DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. It is the vital principle of the Pino Tree ob tained by a peculiar process in 'he distillation of the tar, by which its highest medical properties arc retained. It invigorates the digos tive organs and restores the appetite. It strengthens the debilitated system. It purifies and encrichea the blood, and expels from the system the corruption wbMi scrofula breeds on the lungs. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops toe air passages of tho lungs Its healing principle acts upon the irritated surface of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and suhduiog inflam mation It is the re.suft of years of study and es pei*ueut, and it is offered to the afflicted with positive assurance of its nower to cure thefollow tng diseases if the patient has not too long delay ed a resort to the means of cure Consumption ot the Lungs, Cough, Sore Throat and Breast, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough, piptheria, &o, A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate diplomas, devotes his entire time to the examina tion ofpatients at the officii parlors. Associated with him are three consulting physicians of ack nowledged eminence, whose services are given to the public free of charge. This opportunity is offered by no other iustitu tion in the country. Letters from any part of the oountry, asking advice, will be promptly and gratuitously re sponded to. Where convenient, remittances should take the shape ot DRAFTS Oil POST OFFICE ORDERS. Price of Wishart 8 American Dyspepsia Pills, 31 a box. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Price of Wishart's Pino Tree Tar Cordial, $1.50 a bottle, or sll per dozen. Sent by express. AH communications should be addressed L. y. C. WISHART. M. D , No, 252 North Second streat, dee!6ni3. Philadelphia. #eir YYi;li '8 8 A lis ATA R1 LL A, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. The reputation this cxee'lent medicine enjoys, is derived from i* cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system soetued saturated with corruption, navo been purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and disorders, which wore aggravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radical ly cured in such great numbers in almost every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous prison isnno ot the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and un felt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution, and Unites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seerus to breed iufectior. throughout the body, and then, on some favora ble occasion, rapidly develops into one or other of its hideous tornis, either on the surtace or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be sud denly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, os it sliows its presence by e ruptions on the -Iftn, or loul ulcerations on some part oi the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons attlieted with the following complaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this Sarsaparilla : St. Anthony aFire,Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald lieati, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other erup tions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Drop sy, fleart Disease, Fits. Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases cured by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medi cine. But long continued use of this medicine willcur< the complaint Lcucorrhoea or Waites, Uterine Ulcerations and Female Diseases, are Commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Di rections for each case are found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and (>out, when eaused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Com plaints, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflammatiofi of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising, as they of ten do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system, lhose who are Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evi dence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER SL CO., Lowell,Massachusetts Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. decJyl B. F. IIAKRY, Agont. A GENTRI WANTED FOR PARIS BY SUNLIHGT AND GASLIGHT, A WORK descriptive of the MYSTERIES. VIRTUES, VICES, SPLENDORS and CRIMES of the CITY OF PARIS. It tells how Paris has become the Gayest and most Beautiful City in the world ;how its Beauty and Splendor are purchased at a fearful cost of Misery and Suffering; how visitors are Swindled by Professional Adventurers; how Virtue and Vice go arm-in-arm in the Beautiful City ; how the most Fearful Crimes are committed and con cealed; how money is squandered in useless lux ury ; and contains over 150 fine Engravings of noted Places, Life and Scenes in Paris. Send for circulars, and specimen pages. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. nov2sw4. A DENTS WANTED—/OA' HOW IX. TO M% K E Til EFA RM PAY. A sure, I safe and practical Guide to every Farmer, Stock ; Kaiser, Gardener and Fruit Culturist. By this book yearly profits may bedoubled, land increas ed in value, poor men made rich, and honest la bor rewarded. English and German. Evtry hody buys it. 000 sold in a few townships. Hun dred# in a single township. Agents can find no better work during the Fall and Winter. Far mers and their sons can each make SIOO per month. Send for circular. Address ZEIGLER, McCUKDY A CO.. 1)14 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa. SOMETHING in the Star for Etery _ hody. Star in the West, 1870. An 8-page Uuiversnlist family weekly, giving current secu lar news. Edited by Rev. l)r WILLIAMSON A ■ J. S. CANTWELL. $2.50 per year in advance, j Premium to new subscribers. Send for specimen. ! Address WILLIAMSON A CANTWELL, nov2sw4 Cincinnati, Ohio. j ' \\T () ME N O F NEw YORK; \F OR THE UNDER-WORLD OP THE GREAT Crrv. The sins of every clas3 of society exposed. Avoid the Railroad to ruin. Signals of danger are up. More Money In It For Live Agents Thau Any Other Book. Takes three presses all the'one to print fast enough. One Agent took 178 order- in 10 days 740 pages, 45 illustrations. Price. $3 50. Agents Wanted. Address N. Y BOOK CO., nov2svr4. 145 Nassau street, N. Y. 13 11 EE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a handsome prospectus of our New Illustrated Family Bihlo to any book agent j free of charge. Address NATIONAL PUBLISH -1 ING CO., Philadelphia. Pa. nov2sw4. 66 I I UNTER'S GUIDE." —THE |~| REAL "original.' 22,000 sold. Tells i how to hum, trap and catch ALL animals from j tnink to bear. $lO tanning secrets. 64 pages, j well bound. Every body needs it It will PAY. Money refunded if not satisfied Only 25 cts., post paid Address HUNTER A , Publishers, Hinsdale, N. 11. BOOK AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL i"OUR N E W W EST.'' BY SAMUEL BOWLES. The most popular, valuable, and in every way ; the BEST BOOK on the Great West ever published. OVER 25,000 COPIES SOLD | in first sis months, and an increasing demand ! daily. Agents will find this the most profitable.as well as the easiest book to canvass for extant. The most liberal term# given, and exclusive ter ritory assigned. Semi for our circular, with full , information. Address HARTFORD PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Ct. HOLIDAY JOURNAL FORISGO. CONTAINING a Fairy Story for Christ mas. Plays, Panels and Wonders. 16 large pag es, illustrate t. Sent FREE on receipt of 2 eeut stamp for postage ADAMS A CO., 25 Bromfield Street, Boston. Mass. I NOLOMON'S CHILDREN'S UN : O DER CLOTHES SUPPORTER—Is the most j perfect article of the kind ever offered to the j public; made prettily,fits nicely, gives case and | comfort and is j what every Miss wants, i Mothers interested in the comfort and heal h of I their daughters should examine its merits. For i sale by A B. CRAMER 4 CO , BEDFORD, PA. Manufactured by D B, SAI NDERS & CO , 96 Sumner St i Boston. Mass. RN I T—K N 1 T—K NI T . AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell | the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE, the only practical Family Knitting Machine ever in vented Price $25 ' Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. oct2Bw4 j PATENT * RED JACKET AXE. Is better than our rogular shaped Axes for these reasons. First—lt cuts deeper. Second—lt don't stick in the Wood. Third—lt does not jar the hand. Fourth—No time is wasted in taking the Axe cut of the cut. Eifth—With the same labor you will do one third more work than with regular Axes. Red paint has nothing tqdo with the good qualities of this Axe, for aft our Axes are painted red If your hardware store does not keep our goods, we will gladly answer in quiries or fill your orders direct, or giye you the i iiaue of the nearest dealer vybp keeps our Axes. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWgLL, Pittsburgh, Pa. i Sole ownersof Qolburu'a and Red Jacket Patents. 4 romatie Vegetable Soap. ! COLGATE .T GO'S | T O I L E T S O A V 8 | NEW YORK ESTAB, 180(1. For the DMicate Skin of Ladies and Children. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, rip IIE MYGICCOMB will chande I any colored hair or beard to a permanent | Black or Brown O.io Comb seat b v mail for $1 For sale by Merchants ft Druggist# generally, Address M igic Co nth Co., Springfield, VSK your Doctor ar Druggist for SWEET QUIMNE-lt equals (bitter) Qut ! nine. Ml'd by STHAKNS, FARR A CO.. Cheay I ists, New Yorjt ieptWw4 iflriv 3UmtisifmfntSi. TO THE WORKING CLASS.—We ! are now prepared to furnish all classes with eon- j stant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the spare moments Business new, light I and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn j from 50c. to 15 per evening, and a proper- ; lioual sum by devoting their whole time to the busi- j ness. 14. .ys and girls earn nearly as much HS men. j That all who see this notice may send their ud- j dress, and test the business, we make this un- [ paralleled offer To such as are not well satis- j tied. we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of j writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample. ' which will do to commence woik on, and a copy ; of The people'* Literary Companion —one of the I lurgcstanu bestfamily newspapers published—all j sent free by mail. Reader, if you want perma pent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN A j CO.. Augusta Maine. oct2Bw4. j "QTAR SPANGLED BANNER." —ft still waves, better than ever Rich, Rare, Racj. Ledger size. 40 columns. Wit, Humor, Fun, Humbugs exposed. Elegant $3 steel plate "Evangeline" OKATIS to KVKRY sub scriber. Only 75 ets. for a whole year—Steel piste FREE. Specimens 6 cts Address BANNER. Hinsdale. N. H j L*ll4o How I made it in six months. Secret and sample mailed free. A ■ J Val ium. Tf. Y. nov2sw4. DR. WIHTTIER, Wylie fit., Pittsburgh, Pa., of Union-wide reputation, treats all venereal diseases; also, seminal weak ne it, impotency, Ac., the result of self-abuse Send 2 stamps for sealed pamphlet, 50 pages. No matter who tailed, state case. Consultation free FSItFECT MA N HOOD.—Essays for ' oung Men, on the evils of SELF-EX NERVATION, with certain help for the erring and unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, fiee of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIA TION, Box P, Phila., Pa. nov2sw4. rpHERTY Y EARS' Experience in 1 the Treatment of Chronic and Sexual Disea ses—A Physiolfcgical View of Marriage.—The cheapest book ewr published—containing nearly 300 pages, and 136i5ne plates and engravings of the anatomy of t'bet human organs in a state of health and disease, with atreatiscon earlycrrors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment —the only rational andsuccessfr.ilmodeofcure. asshown by a report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married and thosecont-eigiplating marriage who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent freeof postage to any address vn receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postal currency,hy addressing Dr I.A CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. 1. The author may be consulted upon aasy of the diseases upon whieh his books treat, either person ally or by mail, and modicinessent to any paa£ of the world. Bep3ow4 rn H E YOUTH'S COMPANION A WEEKLY PAPER FOII YOUNG PEOPLE AND THE FAMILY. The Companion Is An Eight-page weekly paper—practical in its character, wide-awake and entertaining. It gives a great variety of reading, interesting alike to young and old —and has for contributors such writers as Rev. Edward E. Hale, Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton, Miss E. Stuart Phelps, Harriet Beeeher Stowe, "Sophie Mav," Mrs. Helen C. Weeks, Together with many well known and popular authors. Subscription price, 51.50. Send lor a specimen copy to PERRY, MASON A CO . Publishers Youth's Companion. nov2sw4. 101 Washington St , Boston, Mass. | j') —I ~ ' M/to Agents, salary or ' commission, to sell our Patent White Wire Clothes I Lines. Address Hudson River Wire Works, Wm. i St., N. Y.. Chicago., Richmond or Memphis. iQOM MO N SENSE!!! WANTED—AGENTS. $250 per month to sell the only GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE —Price only $lB. Great inducements to Agents. This is (he most popular Sewing Machine of the day— makes the famous "Elastic Lock Stitch'"—will do any kind of work that can be done on any Machine—loo,ooo sold and the demand constantly increasing. Now is the time to take an Agency Send for circulars. [Jf'Btwnre of infrmg er\ Address SECOMB A CO., Boston, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., or St. Louis, Mo. oct2Bw4. BEDFORD COUNTY, SS. The Commonwealth of Penn". To the Sheriff of Bedford County Greeting : WHEREAS. Jacob Dull and John Reininger, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Dull, Sr., lato of Napier Towpsbip. dw'd, re spectfully represent that Jacob Dull, Sr., iato of Napier Township, dee'd, on the Bth day of No vember, A. D., 1867, in the county aforesaid, and sometime prior to his deoease, to wit . on the 8(h day of September, 1861, made his last Will and Testament, wherein and whereby bo gave, devised and bequeathed, after the payment of his debts and specific legacies, inter aha, as follows ; •'and my son Jacob l)ull to have the farm I now live on for two years after my death, free of iout, and after the two years after my death, then the farm is to be 'praised by fivo good freeholders, and if my son Jaoob eau make arrangements to pay for the place, he is to have it at the 'praise ment, and if my son Jacob do not take the farm, then my Executors is to sell same to the best ad vantage and make a deed for the same as I could do myself if living," and the petitioners further state that the names and residences of the heirs and parties interested in said real estate are as | follows: Widow, Maria Dull Ist, Maria wife of Henry Corloy, 2d George, j dee d, leaving four children, to wit : Martin, John. Elisabeth, wife of Richard Leo, and George, ; ,ird, Jacob Dull, 4th, Elisabeth, wife of Benjamin j Ilousel, now dee'd, leaving issue, Solomon House! | residing in Somerset co , Pa ; Martin Ilousel, re ! siding in the state of Iowa; Abram Housel dee'd, | leaving Justice Huusel, a tpinor, residing in Indi ' ana County, l'enna; Sarah Housel, wife of Peter Miller, sth, Solomon Dull, residing in Indiana county, Pa ; 6th, Abel Dull, residing in Indiana oounty, Pa; all the others residing in Bedford county. Pa ; and praying the Court to appoint suitable persons to appraise said real estate. — Whereupon, on motion of Att'y Kerr, the Court appoint, William Rock, Sr., Henry Egolf, John Kemery, B. F. Will ams, and Geo, W T . Williams, freeholders of the said county, to make said ap praisement, and do award an inquest to the said Sheriff for the purpose of having said appraise ment made, who is hereby direoted, authorised and empowered to take said freeholders to the premises aforesaid, and in the presence of all parties interested or their representatives they having been severally, warned according to law, having respect to the ttue valueof said real estate, appraise the same and make report of their pro ceeding therein according to law. By the court — In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and soal of said court at Bedford the 26th day of November A. D., 186y. O. E SHANNON, Clerk. To the Heirs and Legal Representatives o Jacob Villi Sr., Dee'd By virtue of the above writ I will proceed to hold said Inquisition, on the above described premises, on Friday the Hist day of December, 1668. at 12 o'clock, when and where you can attend if vou see proper. dee2*v4 WM. KEYSER, Sheriff. Us Q A HINK LE Y KNITTINO \ ' MACHINES.—The most perfect ma chine yet invented. Will widen and narrow, turn a beel. or point the toe. It will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stockings, drawers, shirts, hoods, comforters, mittens, Ac,,Ae. It is cheap, simple and durable. It sots ap lt own work, use but one needle, and requires no adjusting ' whatever. It will do the same work that the Lamb machine will Jo, and costs less than half as much, ami has not the tenth part of the maohine ry to get out of order. Circulars and samples mailed free on appli jatiou. Agents wanted. All machines guaranteed. STRAW A MORTON. Gen'l Agents. No 20, Sixth St , Pittsburg Pa. nov2s'6flyl LEX. KING, Jr„ ATTORNEY AT L AW, BEDFORD, PA.—All business en i trusted to care will receive prompt and oare ; ful attention. i Office three doors south of tho Court House.luto !ly occupied by J. \\\ Uickerson !nov2s,'62tf. L,adies aud Gents sbott'J visit our store, Examine our goods, if t'oy do nothing more, With prices so low to them we appeal If Oster A Co.. is not the right piece to dea'. j decPml. / \RPHANS' COURT SALE OF * " REAL ESTATE —The undersigned, ad ministrator of the Estate of Jbn Coriy, Jr. latg bf.luriiatfl tp., deceased. by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, will sell the real estate of said deceased, at public outcry, onthe premises, in said township, on Tuesday, the 30th day of December. A D., 1889, to wit : No. I—Mansion1 —Mansion Tract, composed of two tracts of land, and containing 84 acres 37 perches, pat ented to Mrs M Straney. the other containing 11 r acres, being part of No. 12, Ok ur 'b lands, leased to Geo. Kit ter for 911 years—renewable for ever, subject to the payment of an annual rent of s7.Bß—about 80 sercscleared, with a fine dwelling house, barn, and other improvements thereon erected, adjoining lands of Michael llogan, Jacob Belts, Alvey Hoy lan, Peter Keighard. Bastian Wolf and Jas Lcasure watered by the Juniata River. No. 2—Part of a tract of land, warranted in the mure of Jeremiah Hoods, containing 265 acres, 79 perches, about 170 acres cleared and under cultivation, having a dwelling house, barn, and other improvements thereon ereeted, and an apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Adam Gelle*, lands in name of James Daily, Jobu Harvy and Martin Gray. No 3—Composed of four parcels of land,, con taining 97 acres, 35 perches, about 35 acres under | cultivation, with a house, stable and small orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Peter Hillegass, Abra ham Skelley, Lewis Hashirer, Henry Belti and others. These lands are all favorably situated, with conveniences of roads, Schools, Ac. Term* —One third to remain in the hands of the purchas ers for use of widow during her lifetime; one third down at confirmation of Sale, and the bal ance in two equal aDnual payments thereafter without interest. Sale will be opened at 10 o'clock, A. M , of said day, on the mansion place, in Juniata tp., when due attendance and all particulars will be made known by FREDERICK HILLEGASS, Adm'r. nov2sw4. T)UBLIC SALE.—By virtue of RJI | order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, the undersigned Administrator ot and Trustee for the sale of the lieal Estate of William Susouse. late of the township of Middle Woodber.- ry, in the county aforesaid, will offer for sal#, and sell on Saturday the 18th day of December next, all the followingdescribed Real Estate, con sisting ot a tract of land containing 11 acres neat measure more or less Ihe above land is favor ably located within one mile of the borough of Woodberry, on the Woodberry and Pattonsville Turnpike ; the whole of the land is cleared and under fence and in a good state of cultivation. There is, also, an orchard upon the premises of two acres, planted with choice apple and olhor fruit trees. This property is alsoconvenient to Church es, Schools and Mills, and is on the direct line of the contemplated Morrison's Cove Rail lioad.— Terms will be made known on day of sale. Sale to commence at one o'clock, P. M. ANDREW N. BAKER, Adm'r and Trustee for the sale of nov2sw4. Wm. Smouse, Dec'd. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE. —The uudersigned, Ad mipistratwr of the Estate of Peter Mowry, late of Napiej totwnaiup, deceased, will sell at public sale, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford Copnty, the farm of which said deceas ed died seticd. on Tuesday the 2th day of De cember, A. D , 1869. to wit : All that fine farm, situate in said township, on log Siawnee Cabin Creek, containing one hundred and eighty-nine acres, and 87 perches, adjoining lands of John A. Burns, Charles Colvin, John Dollard and others ; about '.50 acres cleared and under cultivation, having thereon erected a dwelling house, barn, and other improvements. This is a beautiful traet of land, fine meadows and creek bottoms and upland, near the village of Schellsburg, conven ient to churches and scbools*hnd agreeable neigh bors. Terms : one third in hand at confirmation of sale, and the balance in two equal annual pay ments thereafter, without interest. Sale will be opened at 11 o'clock, A. M. when due attendance and full particulars will be given by nov2sw4 JOHN A. MOWRV, Adm'r. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of IllißoU. 8 miles from the city of Urbana, and one mile fiom Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of (hem has a never failing pond djf wateruponit The city of Urbana contains about 4,<150 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growipg county in Illinois. ALSO —One-fourth of a tract of land , situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all thecosl veinsof Broad Top running through it. ALSO — Three Lots in the. town of Coalmont, Huntingdon county. Jan 26, '66-tf F. C. REAMER ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF REAL ESTATE!—The undersigned. Trus tee appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bedford county, to sell the Real Estate of Robert (ilossen, deceased, will sell at Public Sale, on the premi ses, On WED NES DAY the 22 nd day of DE CEMBER, 1870, the one undivided half of a tract of land, situate in Londonderry township, in said county, containing 78 acres and 145 per ches, about 45 acres clear d and under cultiva tion. with a dwelling house thereon erected, ad joining lands ot John M. Buchanan, Christian Albright's heirs, and William Pott's heirs. Terms —Cash. Sale will be opened at Uo'clock, M., of said day, whendue attendance will be giv en by JACOB S. ALBRIGBT, nov2sw4 Trustee. SHERIFFS SALE.—By virtue of a writ oiplnriusJi.fa.io me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court Houso, in Bed ord.on Wednesday, 29th day of llooember, 1869, at 10 o'clock. A M , the following property, to wit A tract of land in East Providence tp., con taining one hundrod and twenty seven acres and allowance, adjoining lands of D. A. T. Black, George Mcgraw, Tobias Peterson, and others, a bout 1"0 aires cleared and under fence, with a ftwo storied log frame bouse, bank barn and oth er buildings thereon erected, and more particu larly described by motes and bounds in deed of record, recorded in record book A. M., page 82. Seized and taken In execution as the property of John M and Hannah S. Van Horn. Sheriff's office, WM- KEYSER, Bedford, Dec. 2,1869. Sheriff w4. rimUSTEES' SALE OF 1 VALUABLE BEAD ESTATE. The undersigned, Trustees appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford county, will sell, on the premises, in Juniata township on MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th. 1869. the tract of land lately owned and occupied by John Beily, deo'd, con taining 337 acres. The improvements are two good log houses and a large new hank barn.- - This farm will suit well to divide into two farms, Ahoip ltlQ acres are cleared, 60 of which are good hottom—well watered, and the land well timbered. Terms one-third in hand on confir mation of sale, and the balance in two e<|ual an nual payments with interest thereon from Ist of April, 1870, to be secured by judgment bond or bond and Mortgage. W.M.HALL, G 11. SPANG, dec9w3 Trustees, g m. blymyerT CO will IN T R 01> UC E THIS SEASON several new paterns COOKING, PARLOR and HEATING STOVES, which they will sell— AT CTTY PRICES, FOR CASU' Our terms will be rash unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties, and at most, only a short credit will be given. Wo desire all persons having unsettled account with Geo. Blymyer, Geo Blymyer A Son and B M. Blymyer A Co., to call and settle on or be fore the Ist of October, as after that time the Bookswill be left with H. MCODEMUS for set tlement B. M. BLYMYER A CO. spl6m3. TV ENT A L NOTICE.—NotickTS I ' hereby given, that the Licenso for the use otßubbor in dentistry, held by Dr. W. J. MUL LEN, Schellsburg Pa., is hereby Revoked aud de clared Null and Void. Persons are hereby cau tioned against purchasing Rubber Dental Plates of said W. J. Mullen or of any parties NOT Li censed by this Company, as by so doing tbey render themselves equally liable to prosecution for infringement A REWARP will be paid for in formation that will lead to the conviction of any parties of unlawful use of our Patents. Boston, November 19tb, 1869. JOSIAII BACON, Treas. Goodyear Dental Vulcanite Co. 4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.—The un ■ dersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford county to report a distribution of the moneys in the hands of John P Reed. Ad ministrator with the will annexed of Jaiues Tay lor, lato of the State of lowa, doe'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in Bedford, on Wednesday, the 29th day of Decem ber, A. D-, 1869, at It) o'olock, A. M , of said day, when aud where all parties interested can attend if tbey see proper. A KING, Jr., Auditor. deo9w2.