The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 04, 1869, Image 3

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    • fjftifffi fllMjh.
Home and Around.
—.— - -
, r S-.'Pt. lfltti, passenger trains will arriveand
I . r t a* follows :
,il Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. m., ar
r , ,! Huntingdon at 420 p. m.; leaves Hunt
.t s 40 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at
11* a m.
A - Train leaves Saxton at 8.20 a. m.,
n : arrives at Huntingdon, at 1010 a. ra.: leaves
111 itingdon ato.ssp m.. and arrives at Saxton
at 7-41 p. m.
In grout demand—good butter.
Huntingdon has a new brass band.
Query—What is the Railroad Com
mittee doing?
The coal traders on the increase in
this town.
Stunning—the new style of gentle
men's neckties.
Huntingdon has apublic hall. Wnen
-hall this be said of Bedford.
The regular term of Court com
mences on Monday, Nov. 15.
The turkey market will be brisk, as
; inksgiviiig day approaches.
Juliana street is receiving a coat of
The new county bridgeat Williams',
j i Napier tp., will be finished this
l'lic radical brew at Ilarrisburg has
•• i-icd" (Dsiry's cabinet. Ho kicked
~ii me Brewster and took in another.
The pavements on Juliana street are
I) mg laid, "two by one." Slow but
sure, we hope.
['he business on the Broad Top rail
, ul i- represented as being in a fiour
i-hing condition.
Valuable timber lands, near Bedford
ire offered for-ale by Job Mann, Esq.
See advertisement.
Edward Harrison, Esq., well known
to many of our citizens, died very sud
denly, in Brooklyn, the other day.
That venerable person, the"oldest in
habitant," does not remember of a cold
snap, in October, equal in severity to
the present one.
Canines are cursedly plenty in this
village, and some of them have dog
matical ideas on the propriety of in
serting teeth, which we do not ad
Coon parties are plenty hereabouts,
mt the coons captured arc scarce. That
"same old coon" proves too many for
the boys.
I f good local- were as plenty as poor
,'ii--ip, our readers would have a treat
every week. Such as we can gather,
we give.
Country Merchants wishiug to lay in
-lock of school books will find it to
tiii-ir advantage to call at the Inquirer
B ><>k Store before they purchase else
where. 2L
Hie -ido walk from Spang's corner
to the court house is a miserable fail
ure in wet weather. Something should
be done to improve its condition be
fore winter.
Under roof—the magnificent build
ing of J. M. Shoemaker. When
finished, it w ill beoneof the finest im
provements in Bedford.
The Bedford House, J. J. Shoemak
er, proprietor, has lately undergone
improvements, which have enhanced
.il- appearance wonderfully.
In-peaking of the frequent disar
raogments of our water works, a friend
remarked that "if Bedford bad two
such water works the supply would
dwindle down to nothing."
A thoroughly civilized Indian can
Im-seen in front of < rouse's Resort, in
viting ail to call in andsee Dan's stock.
The stock is unsurpassed in quality
and quantity.
Now is the time to secure a home
stead. Remember Mis. Brashear'ssnle
of Town Lots, on Walnut Hill, on
Thursday, Nov. 11th, 1869.
J. W. Lixhe.nkketkk, Agent.
This cold weather has signed the
death warrant ot those abominable
pests—flies. They have been scut "up
in a balloon, liovs!"
On the sth in-t., Mr. David IVh r
son dropped dead in a field near Shir
ley-burg. He had been sewing clover
A John-town paper boast* that the
ladiesof that place the have prettiest feet
of any city under thesun. That may be
SO, but Bedford ladies have the pretti
est faces in creation. That question
has been settled long ago-
J. R. Donehoo, Esq., formerly of the
Fulton Danoivat, has purchased the
Indiana Dnnorrat J. 11. Ransom's pa
per. We wish the new and the retir
ing editor abundant success.
The editor of the Fulton Democrat
bits formed an "entangling alliauce"
with one of the fair maidens of that
county. How an editor could do such
a thing these hard times, we cannot
D. W. ('rouse has just returned from
the east with tiie largest stock of To
bacco, Si gar.-, Pipes, <fce., ever brought
to Bedford. Call and see for your
Front the fact that fires are frequent
it is very important to have one's prop
erty insured. To secure indemnity a
gainst loss by fire, call on Jno. G. Fish
er, at the Bedford Insurance Agency.
None but good companies representee?.
.Scull, the defeated candidate for Sen
ator of this district, is making some
very lame attempts to explain why he
ran so far behind his ticket in Somer
set c Hiuty. The best reason the peo
ple have given is th it they would not
vote for him on election day.
Mr. James 11. MeMulleti, formerly of
this place, and late division superin
tendent of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati
and St. Louis TeUgraph, was made the
recipient of a magnificent gold watch,
a SUibenvillo, by the operators and
employees under his charge.
THANKSGIVING. —Thursday, Nov.
18th, is Thanksgiving day.
General Grant has ordered it, and
Governor Geary has 'so proclaimed,
"srippiementarily" and officially.
The things for which we are to be
thankful are'specially set forth in a
schedule thereunto attached. "Only
this and nothing more."
Mr. President, we would resjectfully
beg leave to amend ,"the aforesaid,"as
follows, to wit
All ioii men, women and children,
including Africans, Chinese and Indi
ans, not taxed, should be specially
g 'atefu!, that radicalism has not been
swept from the face of the earth for
The friends of Grant should be
thankful for the presents of houses,
town lot.-, horse.-, carriages, cigars and
pups, received by that junketing func
The friends of Ooary should be
thankful that the reign of the "hum
buggedest" ha- been perpetuated.
That the honest hearted yeomanry
of this noble old Commonwealth have,
by stupendous frauds, been prevented
from driving a corrupt and imbecile
man from power.
That the bles-ings of a free and pure
ballot, vouchsafed to our race by the
laws of our fathers, have been turned
into a curse by the base manipulations
of our partisan rulers.
The nation at large should be thank
ful that a great number of the citizens
ot our beloved country are still groan
ing under the heavy yoke of a military
We believe in giving thanks.
We know that we should praise our
Creator for life, health and prosperity,
and every blessing which we enjoy.
But we do not believe in being "most
earnestly advised" to do so by a party
in "high authority" whose every step
to power is marked by base fraud, low
intrigue and vile corruption.
Neither do wo believe in a Procla
mation of Thanksgiving, which bears
on it- very face, misstatements and
For it is not true, that "civil and re
ligious liberty are secured to every in
habitant of litis land."
It is well known that to oppose, in a
certain section of our country, the po
litical whims of the "powers that ho,"
is to be a slave.
Is this the "civil liberty" for which
we are to he thankful ?
National Thanksgivings have be
come national humbugs.
The day has become one of feasting,
pastime and revelry.
There is something radically wrong,
which the present manner of observ
ing Thanksgiving day will never set at
right. It lies in the hearts of the peo
But there is one thing for which we
should be thankful in all sincerity.
We should rejoice and give thanks
ihat our national wickedness has not
caused us to be wiped out us a nation
before the heavens.
And for this we cannot be too thank
Anti! racite Co v i,. —We call the at
tention of consumers of that article to
the advertisement of Mitchell & Ilag
gerty, in to-day's paper. These gen
tleman are now shipping anthracite
coal to a number of parties in this place
and the article they are sending is giv
ing great satisfaction, being of th • very
i best quality. Persons who use an
! thracite coal cannot do better than 3end
their orders to Mitchell & Haggerty.
An Agricultural and Mechanical
| Fair will bo held in Cumberland, on
the hth, loth, 11th and 12th of this
i month. Extensive preparations have
been made and the affair promises to
i be one of more than usual interest.
They conic! they come! and
i whither shall 1 fly? Why, as winter
: approaches, go to Garwood's Regula
tor t Irvine's old stand) and get your
hoots ind shots. A good pair of boots
i or shoes is essentially necessary to pre
vent colds and other ills. Garwood's
is the place to get the goods.
Mr. John W. Knox, of Boydstown,
received a premium at the Holiidays
burg Fair, for the best two horse wag
; on. John knocks them ali in getting
up a good wagon.
The Orphans Home Lodge, I. O. of
O. F. of Williamsburg, will dedicate
their splendid new Hail on the 4th
inst. Dr. C. N. Ilickok, of this place,
will deliver the address and assist in
the dedicatory ceremonies.
The contract for building a new
turnpike bridge across the Juniata, in
"The Narrows/' below Bedford, has
1 been awarded to a Mr. Bell of Harris
burg, for $5,800. The work is to be
completed about the first of January,
' next.
The new church, erected under the
i auspices of the Reformed congregation
at Now Paris, this county, will be ded
icated to the services of God, on Sat
urday, Nov. 6th., ai 10 o'clock, A. M.
Delinquents will please notice by the
yellow slip pasted on their paper to
what date their subscription has been
paid. They will thus be enabled to as
certain how much they owe us.
! A new post office has been lately es
; tablished in St. Clair township, at
Beck ley's store. The new office is cal
led "Six Roads," from the fact that six
roads run together at that place.
Stoke Buen*ed.—On last Thursday
j week, the store and contents of the
Messrs. Wishart,of Wells \ alley, Pul
ton county, were destroyed by fire. It
is supposed to have been the work of
j an incendiary.
Some rude rascal, who feared neith
er man nor "devil," recently stole tiie
overcoat and dress coat of an Altoona
editor. A man that would steal any
j thing from an editor is capable of do
ing the meanest act mentioned in the
catalogue of crimes.
Cornman, of ihe Huntingdon Moni
tor, says he has lieen swindled, to the
tune of twelve dollars, by a traveling
conjuror, named Signer Rubini. The
loss of greenbacks is not so deplorable,
but to be "taken in" by a Rub-in-i is
I doubly cruel. No wonder Corn man is
i cross.
myt asr&fovxi
List ol Grand Jurors drawn fur No
vember Term, 3rd Monday, 15th day,
A. D. 1869:
Thomas Gilchrist, Foreman, Joseph Mulliu,
Isaiah Morris. Andrew Rouser,
Jeremiah Clark, Peter Stockman,
James B Farquhar, Martin Uortz,
Jacob Barton, Saml. F. Shonp,
Abraham Curl, John Griffithof Jos.
John Wolford, Calvin Tobias,
Abraham Morgart, Levi Fluck,
Solomon Snter, Solomon Wilkinson,
George Knisely, Henry Boor.
Josiah Whetstone, B F Williams.
HtzekiitU Logue, Robert Montgomery, Jurors drawn for same
George Barefoot, James Medara,
George W. Points, Amos Berkheimer,
C C. Uarlick. Hiram Rohm.
David Brambaugfa, Eli Holsinger,
Thomas G Walker, Hugh Kinton,
William Simpson, John tV . Walter,
George W. Stoel, John Lafferty,
Michael C. ii/illler, John Shoemaker,
Daniel R.Snyder, H. U. Fisher,
Daniel Barley, K 11. Barley,
Jacob S. Brovn, Matthew Pearson,
George Smith, Levi Carpenter,
Daniel Stayer, George W. Vickroy,
Christain Miller, John S. Itnler,
Archibald lilair, Matthias Smith,
William F Foutf/., IV B. Armstrong,
Jonathan Cable. Philip Holler,
John O Mi'ler, H. H Dasher,
Philip Smith, John P. Williams.
Drawn and certified, at Bedford, the
Bth day of Sept., A. D., 1869.
J. G. Fisher, WA, KIRK,
Clerk. Jury Corns.
township has lately been erecting new
school houses, which are a credit alike
to the.Directors and builders. The one
on "Walnut Hill,'* just outside the
borough limits, is certainly a tine
country school house. The builder,
Mr. B. F. Harelerode, did his work
faithfully, and took no advantage of
the public as a great many contractors
are known todo. Improvements like
those in Bedford township are much
needed to take the place of the misera
ble pens which are to be seen in every
school district in the county.
REAL ESTATSALES. —The following
sales of real estate have lately been
made in this neighborhood :
Patterson's Administrator, a line
mill property and 80 acres, to 11. F.
Weber for $7,650.
Same, a farm adjoining the above to
W. J. Patterson for $8,550.
Riley's Trustees, a farm in Juniata
tp., to Wm. Riley, for $3,800.
L. F. Dart, three lots on the Cum
berland Valley road, to John Alsip,
for S7OO.
.J. B. Cessna, a lot in the Shuck ex
tension to W. L. Horn, for $450.
School books are -filing cheapo at
the Inquirer Book Store than any
where else in town. 2t.
Corrected every week.
FLOUR. —The quotationsare—
Northwest superfine, $5.00(5.50
Northwest extra,
Northwest extra family, 6.25(5-7.00
Penna. and West'n sup., 6.<X)(V7.(H)
Penna. and West'n extra, 5.75<5,6.00
Penna. and West'n family, 7.00(5,7.50
Penna. and West'n fancy,
Rye flour, 6.13; t6.25
GRAIN.—We quote-
Pennsylvania red, per bus., $1.15@1.58
California, "
White, " 1.G0(3/1.60
Rye, " O.fHX'tl.2s
Corn, for yel., " 0.88(5 O.OS
Oats, " (aoSc
SEEDS. —We quote
('lower seed, per bus., at $6.20(5 7.00
Timothy, " ;{.;{.">( 3.50
Flaxseed, " 2.47 ("2.50
WONDERS— MANGE3—On the 7th inst . in
Napier t'wr*hip. Mr. Jacob C. Wonders and Miss
MaggieC. Manges, by Rev. J A. Dunlap. both
of Bedford county l'a. York Gatette will please
ROO'IZ—LEANY —At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 27th of October, bv the Rev.
John A . Nuner, Mr. Daniel A. Bootz, to Miss
Emmy Eeany, all of Cumberland Valley twp..Bcd
fo:d Co.,Pa
KERR—On the 9th of October, 1869, Mrs. Ma
ria Kerr, aged 44 years. 5 months and 16 days.
Vmitk u rn
]_\ ly elected Justices are requested by law
to file a notice of their acceptance within thirty
days after electron ; therefore, all such must send
said notice to me immediately
rrov!w2 O. E. SHANNON, Fmth'y.
|> Ic; P A D Is OC K !
Eureka Fodder Cutters.
Corn Shellers,
Dark India Buffalo Robes,
Lap Rugs,
Horse Blankets,
Sleigh Runners,
Sleigh Baskets.
Steel Sleigh Soles,
Sleigh Bells —in great variety,
Fancy Sleds and Skates,
Lamps, Shades and Lanterns,
Light/it in,' Meat-rtrtter *.
The best Saussage Meat Cutters in the worl'..
Great assortment of Butcher Knives. Butcher
Steels, Carving Knives, Pad Locks. Ac. Choice
Sole Leather, Calf Skins, Sheep Skins, Saddlery,
and all kinds of Hardware. nov4lf,
Shippers and
Would respectfully beg the attention of
consumers of Anthracite coal to the
purity and cleanliness of that which
we are now sending to Bedford,
nov 1,'69m3
Jnt Published "I a Sealed Envelope.
Price sis rents. A Lecture on the Nature,
Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea,
or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Emissions.
Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage
generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsey
and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, result
ing trom Sell-Abuse, Ac. By ROBERT J CUL
VER WELL, M. D , Author of the "Green Book,''
The world-renowned suthor. in this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience
that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may
l>e effectually removed without medicine, and
without dangerous surgical operations, bougies,
instruments, rings, or cordicals, pointing out a
mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by
which every sufferer, no matter what his _ con
dition may be. may cure himself, cheaply, p-ivsfe
ly and radically. THIS LECTURE WILL
Sent under sea", to any addross, tn a plain en
velope. on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
Stamps' Also Dr. C'ulverweli's Marriage
Guida ' price 2b cents. Address the Publishers.
J27 Bowery, New York, Fost Office Box 4,656.
C£ £ V s
now prepared to furnish all classes with con
stant employment at home, the whole of the time
or for the spare moments Business new, light
and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn
from 50c. to $5 per evening, sud a propor
tional sum by devoting their whofe time to the busi
ness. Boys and girls earn nearly as much a 8 men.
That all who see this notice may send their ad
dress, and test the business, we inaUe this un
paralialed offer . To such as are not well satis
fied, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of
writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample,
which will do to commence work on, and a oopy
of The people'* Literary Companion— one of too
largest ana best family newspapers published—all
sent free by mail. Reader, if you want perma
nent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEN A
CO., Augusta Maine. oct2Sw4.
M A 11 K T W A I X ' S
•'The Innocent. Abroad.''''
With all its humor, and all its richness, is ready
for agents. The whole press of lhe country is
praising it, and every person who has read it is
kuown by his cheerful looks One agent at Ro
chester took 74 orders in one day We hvo
reports like this constantly. We pay the largest
commissions and extra premiums as above.
Send to us for our explanatory circulars, and
sample which is sent free, and judge for yourself.
BLISS A CO.. Newark, New Jersey, oct2Bwl._
J To Canvass for Mrs Ellett's new Book, jast
published in beautiful style, and sold at a low
Now selling in immense numbers in all sections
of our land. It is fresh, lively, and sparkling;
snlendidly illustrated with elegant Steel Por
traits Every lady will want a copy ; gentlemen
will want it for them. No family can afford to
bo without it. Agents, particularly ladies, can
do better with this book than with any other
extant. Great inducements offered, and Agents
wanted in everv township in the United States.
To good energetic men or women, in addition to
our regular terms. Send for Circulars, with com
plete information and terms. Address HART
FORD PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Conn.
oct2Bw4 . . ": ■ '
This most exciting and interesting book, by a
popular author**.*, is now ready, and those whe
wish to canvass for it should appiy immediately
for circular (with stamp enclosed), stating terri
tory desired, experience, Ac. Agents wanted ev
erywhere for this and other fir. t class books and
engravings, by CRITTENDEN A M< KINNEY,
EJUS Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa
I.IEMALE COLLEGE, liordmtown,
A r . —Beard and tuition S2OB pr. year.
For catalogues address Rev. JOHN 11. BRAKE
LEY, A M , Pres't.
(a.a - v FOIITEDWA III) CO Iff. E-
Ol )? ). (HATE INSTITUTE. —pays
board,tuel, washing, with common English branch
es for term of thirteen weeks, boginning Dec. ltb.
Students admitted at any time proportionally.
Superb brick buildings ; fifteen teachers; stu
dents can pursue a course, either College-pre
paratory, Commercial, Scientific or Musical, or
may select their own studies out of fifty classes.
The best sustained boarding Seminary for ladies
and gentlemen in the State. [ jjpA Professor
will a company students from lirandrotb Hotel,
New York. See catalogue. Address REV JOS
KING, D. D., Fort Edward. New York.
THE BEST ti<i I \ !J(i I 'ST Weekl >' Newspa
per, with the *-- vlv * 1 - ' circulation in the
Protestant Episcopal Church. Sent FREE for
one month fur examination, and till Jan. 1, 1870,
to new Subscribers for that year $3 a year, in
advance. M. 11. MALLOKI A CO., Hartford,
Conn. oct2Bw4.
JUST NOW! The Publishers of
the Largest Double B eekly,
The oldest and Best Family firms paper, are off
ering it to new subscribers on very favorable
tern -'. Sample Copies with circulars, sent free
to any address. $3.50 per annum
0r.t2.8w4 37 Park Row, New York,
Made and furnished by
(I oo*l Seioiid Hand Cylinders for Salt.
AGENTS WANTED overvwhere to sell
oclv practical Family Knitting Machine ever in
vented. Price $25. ' Will knit 20.000 stitches per
CHINE CO , Boston, Mass, or St. Louis, Mo.
k, l JOW SHALL we PAINT our
2'O p. $1 50. Free by mail on receipt of price.
UJ A T E R S '
I Fith Iron Frame. Overstrung Brass and
Agraffe Bridge.
Mclodcons and Cabinet Organs.
The best manufactured. Warranted for 6 years.
Pianos, Melodeons and Organs — Price* greatly
redncnl for Cash. New 7-octavc Pianos $275
and upward. New Cabinet Organs sls and up
ward. Second hand instruments S4O and up
ward. Monthly instalments received. 5V are
rooms, 481 Broadway, N. Y'. HORACE WATERS.
1 CENTS WANTED.--fT". to |3Qp
per month to sell the original and improved
Common 5'( Family Seining Machine All
Complete for sls. It will hem, fell, stitch, bind,
braid and embroider in a most superior manner,
making the celebrated "Lock Stitch " Caution
—Do not buy Machines under the same name as
ours from any one except those having certificate
of Agency, signed by us, they are worthless cast
iron Machine.'. For circulars and terms, address
or apply to C. BOWERS A CO., 436 Spruce Street,
Philadelphia, Pa. •otißtt
WANTED—AGENTS. $250 per month to sell
only $lB. Great inducements to Agents. This is
the most popular Sewing Machine of the day
makes the famous "Elastic Lock Stitch ' —will
do any kind of work that can bo done on any
Machine— sold and the demandconstantly
increasing. Now is the time to take an Agency
Send for circulars, Brurare o) infring
ers _£ 3 Address SECOMB A CO., Boston,
Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., or St. Louis, Mo.
Known as - Railroad" Colors Guaranteed to
be more economical, more durable and mare con
venient than any 'Paint ever before offered.
A book entitled "Plain Talk with Practical
Painters," with samples, sent free by mail on up
plication. MASURY A WIIITON,
Globe White Lead and Color Works,
ill Fulton St., New York
Beware of Imitations Established 1835.
) man in each town aud city to manufacture
and sell Weather Strips and Rubber Mouldings.
Patent ran out, fire to all From $lO to 120
worth needed upon every building, from 300 to
500 per cent, profit Send your address upon
stamped envelope, for full particulars and price
list of Materials, ready to be put together, to
REA HROADSTKEET, BOX 285, Boston. Mass
oct2Bw4. _ ____
of S3O per week and espouses, or allow a large
commission, to sell our new A wonderful inven
Hons. Address M. WAGNER A CO., Marshall,
Mirh. , _
Stints ON HOUSE paixt-
JTjL ING." By J. W. MASURY. CI , 48p ,
40c Free by mail on receipt of price. MASURY
rpilE MAGIC COMB will change
I any colored hair or beard to a permanent
Blaek or Brown. One Comb sent by mail for sl.
For sale by .Merchants A Druggists generally.
Address MagieCsmb Co., S pnugJUld, Mass.
1110 How 1 made it in six months.
wS Secret aud sample mailed free. A. J. Fal
lam. N. Y septJOwil.
i .)/•/ Y/Y A YEAR f/uarantecd to
OOOUU Agents. Address J. AHEARN,
5 p. 0. Avenue, Baltimore, Md. oct2SwL
Li.)", A DAY.—S3 new articles for
Agents. Samples free. If. B. SIIAW,
Alfred, Me oct2Bw4.
3Uic mints.
A .SK yuur Doctor or Druggist for
xl. SWEET QUININE—it equals (bitten Qui
nine. MTd by STEARNS, FARR ACO Chem
ists. New York. sept3ow4
Vegetable Soap.
For the Delicate Skin PF Ladies and Children.
rpnißTY 1 YEARS' Experience in
JL the Treatment of Chronic and Sexual Disea
ses —A Physiological View of Marriage.—The
cheapest book ever published—containing nearly
300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of
the anatomy of the human rgans in a state of
health and disease, with a treatise on early errors,
its deplorable consequences upon the mind and
body, with the author's plan of treatment-—the
only rational and successful modeofcure. as shown
by a report of cases treated A truthful adviser
to the married and those contemplating marriage
who entertain doubts of their physical condition.
Sent free of postage to any addresson receipt of 25
cents, in stamps or postal currency, by addressing
l)r LA CROIX. No. 31 Maiden Lane. Albany, N.
i. The author may be consulted upon any of the
diseases upon which his hooks treat, either person
ally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of
the world. Sep3ow4
f~l ANGERS CURED without pain,
V_y use of tht knife, or caustic burning. Circu
lars sent free. Address DR. MARIANNO, 225
North 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. oct2Bw4.
LAR of 3 most useful and indispensable ar
ticles ever invented. address MADAM DUVAL,
P. 0. Box 242b. N. Y. City. eet2Bw4.
Dll. WHITTIER, 9 Wylie St.,
Pittsburgh, Pa., of Union-wide reputation,
treats all venereal diseases; also, seminal weak
neoi, impotency, Ac., the result of self-abuse.—
Send 2 stamps for sealed pamphlet, 50 pages. No
matter who tailed, state case. Consultation free
If Men on the Ruling Passion in Youth A
Early Manhood, with Self-help for the erringand
unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free
of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, EUJ
P, Phila , Pa
Is better than our regular shaped Axos for these
reasons First—lt cuts deeper Second—lt
don't stick in the Wood. Third —It does not jar
the hand. Fourth—No time is wasted in taking
the Axe tut of tho cut. Fifth—With the same
lnhor you will do one third more work than with
regular Axes. Red paint has nothing to do with
the good qualities of this Axo, for all our Axes
ars painted red. If your hardware store does
not keep our goods, we will gladly answer in
quiries or fill your orders direct, or give you the
name of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axes.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sole ownersof Colburn's and Red Jacket Patents.
$.3 0 0 , 0 0 0.
5 Gifts, each $20,000 j 40 Gifts, each SI,OOO \
10 " " 10,000 j 200 " " 500 |
30 " '• 5,000 ; 300 " " 100 i
50 Elegant Rosewood Pianos - each S3OO to S7OO
75 " " Melodeons " 75 to 100 ;
350 Sewing Machines " 6ft to 175 j
500 Gold Watches " 75 to 300 i
Cash Prizes.Silver Ware.Ac..valued at $! .000.000. j
A chance to draw any of the above Prizes for i
25c. Tickets describing prizes are sealed in '
Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 25c. a j
Sealed Ticket i drawn without choice and sent
by mail to any address. The prize named upon j
it will be delivered to the ticket holder on pay- i
raent of One Dollat Prizes are immediately sent i
to any address by express or retnrn mail.
You will know what your Prize is before you j
pay for it. Anj' Prize exchanged for another of I
same value. No Blanks. Our patrons can de- |
peud on fair dealing.
REFERENCES : —We select the following from j
many who have drawn Valuable Prizes and kind- :
ly permitted us to publish them : Andrew J. |
Burns. Chicago, $10,000; Miss Clara S Walker. I
Baltimore, Piano, $$00; James M Matthews, j
Detroit, $5,000 ; John T. Andrews, Savannah, j
$5,000 ; Miss Agnes Simmons, Charleston. Piano, j
SOOO. We publish no names without permission.
OPINIONS OK THE PRESS .—-'The firm is reli
able, and deserve their success " — Weekly Tri
bune, May 8 "We know them to be a fair deal
ing firm."— A -I - IJrrafrls Mny 2tv "A friend
of ours drew a SSOO prize, which WHS promptly re
reived." — Daily AVer*, June 8.
Send for circular. Liberal inducements to
Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every pack
age of Sealed Envelopes contains One Cash Gitt.
Fix Tickets for $1; 13 for $2; 35for $5; 119 tor
sls A;! letters should be addressed to
oct2Bw4. 173 Broadway, New York.
Shows how to Double the Profits of the Farm,
and how farmers and their sons can each make
SIOO PER MONTH in Winter. 10,000 copies will
be mailed free to farmers Send name and ad
dress to ZEIGLER M.CIKDY, A Cu ,
oct2Bw4 Philadelphia, Pa.
\\ taNTEI)-Agents-, Teachers, Stu-
W dents. Clergymen, Farmers' Sons and
daughters and all to sell
B E 11 I N 1>
The Great Keformcrof the Stage, who having
abandoned stage lite, now exhibits in vivid col
ors the whole show world Before and Behind the
Scenes. Being Truthful, Moral, and High-toned,
h- well as Sensational. Kich, and Uacy, it outsells
all other books. Beautifully illustrated with 40
Spirited engravings, 24 full-page cuts, 650 pages,
on rose-tinted paper. Greatest inducements yet
offered. Prospectus, Sample Copy, Boxes, aud
Stationery, Free. For Circular, explaining, ad
dress. immediately, PARMKRKE A CO,, Pub
lishers, either at Philadelphia, Pa , Cincinnati,
Ohio, or Middletown, Conn, oot2Sw4.
Aro being read by people of every elan and de
nomination all over this country and Europe
They are lull ol vital, beautiful roligous thought
and feeling. Plymouth Pulpit is published
weekly, and contains Mr Beecher's 6ermons and
Prayers, in form \uitahle for preservation and
Hindtng. For sale by all newsdealers. Price
10c. Yearly subscriptions received by the pub
lishers ($3) giving two handsome volumes of over
400 pages each. Half yearly. $1 .75. A sew and
superb Steel Portrait of Mr. Bcoohcr presentod to
all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer!
UNION i 52.60), an linsectarian. Independent,
Weekly Journal of Christianity—with Lecture
Room Talks and Editorial Articles by Mr.
Becehcr —sent to one address for 52 weeks tor
four dollars. Special inducements to oanvas
sers and those getting up clubs Specimen cop
ies, postage tree, for sc. J. B. FORD A Co.,
Pub's, 3k Park Row, N Y. |oeU4w4.
eiS J \ IV/ for Agents, male and female ; buai
nes permanent. Enclose 3c stamp. \an AUan A
Co.. 171 Broadway, New York. (Cllpout and re
turn advertisement-j oct!4w4.
4 WATCH FREE.—Given gratis
/\ to every live man who will act as agent in a
new. light, and honorable business, paying s3(l a
day No gift enterprise No humbug. No money
wanted in advance. Address R. Monroe, Kenedy
A Co., Pittsburg Pa oet!4w4.
f 100 lbs of the Pkcora Company's Col
— obkd Paint (costing $12.50 will paint as
. much at 350 lbs. of Lead, and wearlon-
oer. For particulars addressS. Brown,
I See'y , No. 150 N. Fourth St. Ph lada.
/ T BOGERli:s.—<io to (}. R. Osier
\T A Co. for choice Sugar, Coffee, Tea. Syrups,
Ac. Choice Sugar 124. 14. 15, 16 and 17 cents
Syrups 80. SO, 100, and 120 cents for choice Uuldeu
Syrup * and as good Rio Coffee for 2 o cts. as is sold
in Central Pa. julylfimit.
| yllKlUFhM SALES.-~
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fhcia* and
i Ven'd Exponas to me directed, there Will be ex
posed to public sale, at the court house, in the
[ Borough of Bedford, on Saturday the 13th day
1 of November, A. D., 1869, at 16 o'clock, A. M.,
| the following property, to wit.
No 1. Adjoining Valentine Fickes, deceased,
j on the North. Conrad Itnler a"d William Cook
I on the Bast, John George on the Snath, Joseph
j Cook and Thomas Cook on the Nest, containing
j 190 acres more or less.
No. 2. Adjoining Edward Sboennerger on the
; South, llenry Boquet on the West, Peter Sboen
berger and William Cook on the North and Wil
-1 liniu George on the East, containing 310 acres
; more or less.
No. J. Adjoining John Rerkhimer on the
I South, Jacob Fisher, now others on the West,
John George on the North, John Coapeis im
provements on the Rust, containing 27U acres
| more or less.
No. 4. Adjoining lands of John Fetter on the
East, lands of llenry Johnson on the South, Ed
win Sboenberger and William Geerge on the
West, and John Cessna on the North, containing
I 166 acres wore or less.
No. 5. Adjoining the Summit of Dunnings
Mountain on the East, James Watt on the South,
Wiliiam llerkhimer and others on the West, and
W illiarn George on the North, containing 289
acres more or less.
No. 6. Adjoining lands of John Akc on the
North West, Conrod Claycomb on the North East
and John Bouscron the South West, containing
SO acres and 90 perches more or less.
No. 7. Adjoining lands of Adam Shaffer on the
East, James Johnson on the South, Dr. Shoen
berger's Heirs on the West, Jacob Eckbart on the !
North, containing 259 acres more or less.
No. 8. Adjoing lands of Edward Evans ou the I
West, Mary Dyce on the North, Prysels heirs on
the East, Charles Williams on the South, contain
ing 250 acres more or less.
No. 9. Adjoining lauds of Conrod Itnler on the
West, l dward Evans and James Jhnson on the
North, and lands of Samuel Barclay's heirs on the
South, containing 180 acres more or less.
No. 10 Adjoining lands of the defendant on
the South East and West, and John Hhea on the
North, containing 173 acres more or less.
No. 11. Adjoing lauds of Charles Petit and the
last described land on tire Suuth and East, lands
of John Shea on the North, lauds ot George
Crtiugham ou the West, cuntaing 173 acres more
or less.
No, 12. Adjoining lands of John Shea, John
Little on the South and West, Edward Evans on i
the North, and Charles Williams on the East, con
taining 121 acres more or less.
No. 13. Adjoining lands of John Boyer and
Dr. Shoenberger heirs' on the North and West,
Edward Evans on the South, containing 88 acres
more or less.
No. 14. Adjoining lands of John Boyer on the
Couth East, Joseph Ake on the South West and
Dr. Shoenberger heirs' on the South East, con
Lulling 124 acres more or less.
No. 15. Adjoining lands of Defendants on the
South West, the Blair county line on the North
East, Joseph Eckhart on the South, containiug
100 acres more or less.
No. 16. Adjoining lanas of Matthew Potter on
the South West, Emanuel Bolinger ou the North
West, Jacoh Burket's heirß on the East, and oth
er lands of defendants on the South East, contain
ing 100 acres more or less.
No. '7. Adjoining lands of Dr. Shoenberger in
right of Juines McGormick on the North and Ja
< oh Burkets heirs on the South containing 74 acres
more or less.
N„. 18. Adjoining other lands of Defendant
on the South, Margaret Bowman on the North
West, and the Blair County line on the East, con
taining 150 acres more or less.
No. 19. Adjoining the Blair County line on the
North, Margaret Bowman on the South East, and
Dr. Shoenberger's in right of John Swagert on
the Sontb, containing 117 acres more or less im
No. 26. Adjoining other lands of the defendant
on the North East Jacob Burket's improvement
on the South East, Leonard Swagert on the South j
West, Philip and George Swagert on the North |
West, containing 4071 acres more or less.
No. 21. Adjoining other land of defendant on j
the East, Peter Stifiler on the South East, John
Linn on the South West, John Still and Philip
Swagert on the North West, containing 4ld J
acres more or less.
No. 22. Adjoining other lands of defendant on
the North East, Peter Stitfler on the South West,
by llenry Loutz and others on the South, and
Hugh Porter and Wiliiam Long on the North
West, containing 426 acres moro or less.
No. 23. In the name of Wm. Laughan adjoin
ing lands of Michael Shaffer, John George and
others, containing 50 acres with a two and a half
story log dwelling house and stable thereon erect
ed, 20 acres of which are cleared and under fence,
being the same land now in the occupancy of I.
L Fickes.
No. 24. Adjoining lands of Jacoh Beard on the
South, Henry Loutz ou the West, John Linn on
the North West, and Frederick Stiifler on the
North East, being a part of the Frederick Stifller's
tract 200 acres, GO acres cleared and under fence,
with a story and a half log dwelling house and
log stable there >n erected.
No. 25. Adjoining Simon Claar and Emanuel
Bollinger on tho North. Matthew Potter and
Jauies Sterling on the South, Frederick Stitfler
and Adam Bowman on the West, Frederick and
others on'thc North, containing 252 acres, ten of
which are cleared and under fence, with a story
and a half log house and log stable thereon erect
No. 26 Adjoining James Sterling on the West,
W. Kennedy on the South, George Laih aud Dr.
Smith on the East, other land, of defendant on
the North, 3961 actcs, with one and a half story
log house and log stable thereon erected.
No. 27. Adjoining William Long on the East,
M. Taylor on the North by residue of same tract
now held by John Wysoog on the West, and
land of Peter Cassidy on the South, containing
111 acres with a-one story log house thereon
No. 28. Adjoining other lands of defendant on
the South East, and South West, Hugh Barclay's
on the North, P. Ritchey on the North East 4184
No. 29. Adj ining 11. Barclay now P. llitohey
on the North West, other lands of defendant on
the North F.ast, lands of L. Swagert now defen
ant on the South West, containing 420 acres.
No. 30. Adjoining land of defendant on the
South West. Blair County line on the North and
South East, by L. and J. Swagert. containing 138
No. 31. Adjoining iands of J. Martin and Grif
fith Evans on the West, and Blair County line on
the North East, J. Swagert on the South, contain
ing 125 acres.
No. 32. Adjoining Hugh Barclay now P. Ritch
ey on the North, Abraham Whitener on the East,
John Martin on the South and West, containing
356 acres.
No. 33. Adjoining lands of Hugh Porter on the
East. William Peirson on the West, Alex. Sjott
and Griffith Evans on the North containing 439
No. 34. Adjoining lands of Hugh Porter on the
South, Jeremiah Jackson on the West, John Tay
lor on the North, and John Martin on the East,
containing 440 acres.
No. 35. Adjoining lands of William Peirson on
the East, aud on the South by the part sold to
Joseph Ake, 00, taining 314 acres.
No. 36. Adjoining William Hunt on the North
and East, and Jeremiah Jackson on the South,
Robert Evans and Israel Jones on the West-, con
taining 440 acres.
No. 37. Adjoining land of Kbenezer Hranhune
on the South, John Messer on the Wost, Daniel
Roes and John Human on the North, and John
Taylor on the East, containing 430 acres.
No. 38. Adjoining lands of Wilson Hunt and
John Taylor on the South, Alex. Scott on the
East, George Swift on the North, and John Thom
as on the West, containing 439J acres.
No. 39. Adjoining the Blair County line on the
North, Daniel Rees on the South, and Hugh Rob
erts on the West, containing 432 acres part in
Blair County.
No. 40. Adjoining lands of Wilson Hunt on
the West, Daniel Rees on the North, Alex. Scott
on the east, and William Pierson on the South,
containing 438 acres.
No. 4i. Adjoining lands of John Taylor and
Daniel Rees op tha West, the Blair County line
on the North, Philip Stein on the East, Griffith
Evans on the South, Alex. Scott on the West,
and the Blair County line on the North, contain
ing 300 acres, seized and taken in execution as
the property of George T. MoCormiok-
ALSO, all the defendant's interest in and to One
tract of land, containing 235 acres more or less,
100 acres cleared and under fence with two and a
half story frame house, log bank barn thereon
erected, with an apple orchard thereon adjoining,
lands of John Carr, Casper Straupp, Joseph Dull,
John Ilolsten, Situate in Juniatr Township Bed
ford county, and taken in execution as the prop
erty of John Q. Holler. (
ALSO, a traot of land situate in Southampton
twp., Bedford Co., adjoining lands of Peter
Clingermaa, Am'.hony Smith, John Robeson and
others containing one hundred and fifteen acres
and one hundred and sixteen perches more or less
composed of two tracts, one of which wss sur
veyed on a "warrant dated, February 17, 185!,
granted to William Nycutn and the other tract of
land conveyed to Joseph Clit.german by Michael
Miller and wife by deed , dated October 25. 1862,
being thereon erected a good story and a half tog
house aDd about fifty acres cleared and under
fence, and taken in execution as tlie property of
Anth ny Clingerman and Joseph Clingerman.
ALSO, all that certain tract of land situate in
Southampton twp.. Bedford Co., containing 146
acres, aud 135 perches, adjoining lands of John
Johnson on the South, John Frail and Ellen Row
lan I on the West, David Uousare and Moses
James on the North, and Susan Tewell an the
East, with about 45 acres cleared and under tenco.
h iv .ng thereon erected a log house one story and
a hall high, and a lp£ stable with a thrashing |
% fpt
floor attached, with some Apple, Cherry ami
I'eaoh trees upon it. Seir,ed and taken in execu
! (ion as the property of the defendant ifezekiah
ALSO, one lot of ground, fronting on John
I rt., 180 feet, and also fronting on Thomas St., 7tl
feet, adjoining lots of George Berkstr'er and
widow Radebeaugh, having thereon erected a two
story log house, plank stable, situate in Bedford
Borough, and taken iu execution as the property
of Win. Nyeutn.
ALSG, all the defendant's interest in and to the
j following Keal Estate to wit: One tract of land
containing 70 acres more or less all cleared and
; undet fence, with a two story frame bonse, frame
barn and taw Mill thereon erected, with a small
apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of John
Wertz, William Wertz, also, one tract of land
containing 400 acres more or less, about 60 acres
cleared and under fence, with a two story frame
house, log stable thereon erected, with a young
apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Juna
than Oster, Robert Derimore, Jacob Drenning,
James Deremore, and James Drenning situate in
Cumberland Valley twp., ami taken in execution
as the property of Jacob Werta.
ALSO, all the defendants interest in and
to a tract of land, containing 78 acres more
or less, with about 8 acres cleared and nnder
fence with one and a half story log house,
log stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of
Joseph Hemming on the Sooth, J. R. Dur
borrow Esq., on the East, Jerry Shea on the
West, Ctidwaladet Evan's heirs on the North,
situate in Cumberland Valley twp., Bedford
Co., and taken in execution as the property
of Edward Whan a.
ALSO, all the defendant's interest in and to
| one lot of ground fronting on east Pittst,. 40
! feet, and running back to an alley24o feet, with
a one story log bouse thereon erected, adjoin
ing lots of Mrs. Catharine Charleston and
Frederick Crawford, situate in Bedford Bor
ough, seized and taken in execution as the
property of Elizabeth Thompson.
ALSO, all the defendant's iaterest in and
to a tract of land containing 49 acres, more
or less, about 25 acres cleared and under
fence, with a two story log house and log
stable thereon erected, adjoining lands of
James Ilockeuberrv, Henry Bridenthal, Sam
uel Ickes and John Todd, situate iu Napier
twp., Bedford county, seized and taken iu
execution as the property of Valentine Dull.
i Sheriff" a office Oct. 10th. 22oct
the Coroner, the Just tees of the. Peace, and
Constable* in the different Townships til the
Con-uty of Bedford, Greeting: KNOW YE, thai
in pursuance of a precept to me direoved, under
the hand and seal of the Hon ALEXANDER
KING. President of the several Courtsof Common
Pleas, in the 16th District, consisting of the coun
ties of Franklin. Fulton, Bedford and Somerset,
and by virtue of hia office of the Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery for thetrial ol
capita! and other offenders therein, and the Gen
eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and
the same Court in the same County of Bedford,
You and each of you, are hereby required to be
and appear in your proper persons with your Re
cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other
Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at
Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses
sions of the peace therein to be holdcn for the coun
ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the H Monday of
November, (heuig the 1 j th day.) 1869, at ISo'efoei,
in the forenoon of that day , there and then to do
thosethings to which yourseveral offices appertuiii
Given under toy hand and seal the 21st day of
October, in the year of our Lord. 1869.
Bedford, Oct.. 16. 1869. j w4
sons interested, are hereby notified that the
following accountants have filed their accounts iu
j the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that
I the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court,
I in and for said county, on Tuesday, the 16th day
| of Nov., next, at the Court House, in Bedford,
j tor confirmation :
The administration account of John P. Reed,
Adm'rc. t.u of the estate of James Taylor, lato
of the State of lowa, deceased.
Theaccountof Lewis Putt, Esq. Adm'r of all
and singular the goods and chattels, rights and
credits which were of Joseph Crisman, Merchant,
late of the township of Liberty, county of Bedford,
Pa., dee'd.
The account of Samuel L. Russell, Trustee (o
sell the real estate ot Doctor William Watson,
dee'd, and administrator with the will annexed of
Eliza Watson, dee d.
The account ofSainud L Russell, adm'r with
the will annexed of Eliza Watson, late of Bedford
tp. dee d,
The administration account of William Unwey,
adm'rof Martin T. Foor. late of East Providence
tp., dee'd.
The account of John S. Sproat and John T.
Gephart, Ex'rso, the last will and testament of
Maj. Joseph Sellars, late of Bedford township,
The account of John Stayer, guardian of Jacoh
B. Miller, one of the children of Daniel T. Miller,
late of South Woodberry tp., Bedford county,
The account of G II Spang, guardian of Henry
Ziminers, minor child of Samuel Zimtners. late of
Bedford tp , Bedford county. Pa., dee'd.
The first administration account of Jacoh L.
Albright and Juaiah Miller, Ex'rs of the last will,
Ac., of Philip Devore, late of Londonderry tp.,
The account of David F. Steele and Thtiuas
Steele, Executors of the last will, Ac., of George
F. Steele, Esq., late of Liberty tp , dee'd, who
was guardian of William Rufua Entrekin, minor
child of Alfred Entrekin, dee'd.
Certified October X7, 1869.
_oct2lw4 0. E. SHANNON, Reg'r.
Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in and for
——- the county of Bedford, on the flth day of
•j SEAL [September, A. D. 1869, before the Judges
—of the said Court, on motion of John
P. Reed. Esquire, the Court grant a Rule on the
heirs and legal representatives of John Corley,
Jr., late of „ uniata township, Bedford county,
deceased, to wit: Mary Corley, widow; Rebeoca,
intermarried with Jesee Geller, residing in Juni
ata township, county of Bed'ord ; Joseph Corley,
residing in California ; Michael Corley ; Albert
Corley and Eliiabeth Corley, residing in Juniata
township, aforesaid ; Amanda, intermarried with
Jacob Walker, residing in Somerset county, Penn ;
George Corley and Annie Corley. minors, rest
ding in Juniata township, aforesaid, to be and ap
pear at an Orphans' Court to be held at Bedford,
in and for the County of Bedford, on the 15th day
of November, next, to aocept or refuse to take the
Real Estate of said doeoased, at the valuation
which has been valued and appraised in pursu
ance of a writ of Partitiou or Valuation Issued
out of our said Court and to the said Sheriff of
said County directed, or show cause why the same
should not be sold. In testimony whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Court,
at Bedford, the 6th day of September. A. D , 1869.
Attest; 0. K. SHANNON, Clerk.
ROBERT STECKMAN, Sheriff oet2lw4.
Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in and for
—the county of Bedford, on the 6th day ot
SEAL [-September, A. D , 1869, beforetbeJudg
—es of the said Court: On motion of John
P. Reed, Esq.. the Court grant a Rule on the
Heirs and Legal Representatives of Robert
Glossen, late of Londonderry township, dee'd, to
wit; Luoinda, wife of William Madden, residing
in the State of lowa : Minerva, wife of George
Defibaugh, residing in the State of Illinois; Ju
lian, wife of George Kihener residing in the State
of Indiana ; George Giossen, residing in Allegany
County, Maryland, Harriet Lanoe, a grand daugh
ter and daughter of Louisa wife of Daniel Lance,
both dee d, said Harriet a minor above fourteen
years of age, residing in Cumberland, Maryland,
and Margaret, with of William Myers, dee'd, re
siding in Londonderry township, Bedford county,
to be and appear at an Orphans' Court, to be held
at Bedford, in and fur the county of Bedford, on
the lath day of November, nest, to aooopt or re
fuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased at
I the valuation which has been valued and apprais.
Ed, in pursuance ufa writ of Partition or Valua
tion issued out of our said Court and to the said
Sheriff uf said County directed or show cause why
the same should not besold. In testimony where
of I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of
said Court, at Bedford, tbs 6th day of September,
A. D , 1369.
Attest; 0. E. SHANNON,
ROBERT STKCKMAN, Sheriff. Clerk.
IST OF CAUSES put down for
j trial at November Term, 1869, (15th day.;
Jacob S. Brumbaugh vs Thomas K. Sleek
Sophia W. Mullin vs Geo. Mullin's Ex'rs.
Henry D Mock vs William Hammers
Thomas Growden vs Archibald Blair et al.
W B. Huffman vs George W. Gump
Mary Ann King vs Thos. P. Studebaser.
Certified, October 14th,1869.
oct2l w4. 0. E. SHANNON, frothy.
5 J DECKA SED.— Letters Testamentary hav
ing been granted by the Register of Bedford coun
ty to the undersigned Executors of the last Will
and Tea-lament ot Levan Weiiner, late of Monroe
township, deceased. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will present tnern
properly authenticated for settlement.
net 49.1869. Exeeutors.
RIS, dee'd.—The undersigned having been
appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford Coun
ty, Auditor to make distribution of the balanoo
in the ltands of U. J. Means, Adm'r of Jeremiah
Morris, dee'd, hereby notifies all persons interes
ted that he will attend to the dunes of his ap
pointment, at bis office, in the Borough of Bea
lord, on Monday, the first day of November, A.
D , 1869, at 16 o'oloek, a. m
I oot2l *2 S. M Aysr?, Auditor.