The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 04, 1869, Image 1

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YRTZBKOFORI) GAIRTTR is published every Thurs-
Hv „,orning by MEYERS A MBNSBL, at $2 00 per
, num. if paid strictly in advance ; $2.50 if paid
I . thin six months; $3 00 if not paid withinsix
w .,nths. All subscription accounts MUST be
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the State unless paid for i* AUVASCK and all such
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the expiration of the time for which they are
All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than
three months TEN CENTS per line for each In
sertion. Special notices one-half additional All
.•solutions of Associations; communications of
isuited or individual interest, and notices of rnar
r ages and deaths exceeding five line?, ten cents
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AH legal Notices of every kind,and Orphans'
Court and Judicial Sales, are required by lair
t be published in both papers published in this
All advertising due after first insertion.
A liberal discount is made to persons advertising
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JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with
nestness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has
, u ?t been refitted with aPower Press and new type,
and everything in the Printing line can be execu
ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest
raies,— TERMS CASH.
letters should be addressd to
$01) gmting.
Having recently made additional im
v.revements tf our office, we are pre
pared to execute all orders for
With dispatch and in the most
Our facilities for printing
Printed at short notice.
We can insure complete satisfaction
as to time and price
opposite the Mengel House,
The proprietor takes pleasure in offering to the
public the following articles belonging to the
P,.h,k Business, at CITY RETAIL PRICES:
N O V E L S.
Oarge Fau-ily Bibles,
Small Bibles.
Medium Bibles,
Lutheran Hymn Books,
Methodist Hymn Books,
Smith's Dictionary of the Bible,
History of the Books of the Bibie,
Pilgrim's Progress, Ac., Ac., Ac.
Episcopal Prayer Books,
Presbyterian Hymn Books,
Congress, Legal, ,
Record. „ Foolscap,
Letter, Congress Letter,
Sermon, Commercial Note,
Ladies' Gilt, Ladies' Octavo,
Mourning, French Note
Bath Post, Damask Laid Note, ;
Cream Laid Note, Envelopes, Ac.
Several Hundred Different Figures, the Largest
lot ever brought to Bedford county, for
sale at prices CHEAPER THAN
EVER SOLD in Bedford.
Day Books. Ledgers,
Account Books, Cash Books.
Pocket Ledgers, Time Books,
Tuck Memorandums, Pass Books,
Money Books, Pocket Book 3, I
Blank Judgment Notes, drafts, receipts, Ac
Barometer Inkstands,
Gutta Percha,
Cocoa, and
Morocco Spring Pocket Inkstands,
(Jloss and Ordinary Stands for Schools,
Flat Glass Ink Wells and Rack,
Arnold's Writing Fluids,
Hover's Inks,
Carmine Inks. Purple Inks,
Charlton's Inks,
Enkolon for pasting, Ac.
GUlot'e, Cohen's,
ilollowbush A Carey's, Payson,
Duuton, and Scribner 3 Pens,
Clark's iudellible, Faber's Tablet,
Cohen's Eagle,
Office. Fabers
. Outtknecbt's, Carpenters Pencsia.
t Atlantic Monthly,
Harper's Magazine,
Madame Deinorest's Mirror of Fashions,
Eleetic Magazine,
Godey's Lady's Book,
Lady's Friend,
Ladies' Repository,
Our Young Folks,
Nick Nax,
Yankee Notions,
Budget of Fun,
Jolly Joker,
Phunny Phellow,
Lippinoott s Magazine,
Riverside Magazine,
Waverly Magazine,
Batlou's Magazine,
Gardner's Monthly,
Harper's Weekly,
rank Leslie's Illustrated.
Chimney Corner,
New York Lelger,
New York Weekly,
Harper's Bazar,
Every Saturday,
Living Age,
Putnam's Monthly Magazine,
Arthur's Home Magazine,
Oliver Optie's Boys and Girl s Magazine Ac.
Constantly on hand to accomodate those who waut
te purchase living reading ujattter
Only a part of the vast number of articles per
taining to the Book and Stationery business,
which we are prepared to sell cheaper than the
shrapest, are above enumerated. Give us a call.
We buy and sell for CASH, and by this arnuige
meat we expect to sell as cheap as goo ls of this
class are said anywhere
L E C T It I C
Nos. 23 & 2.") Nassau Street,
Organised under special charter from the State
of New York.
CAPITAL $5,000,000
Hon ANDREW G. CURTIN, Philadelphia.
PAUL S. FORBES, of Rusrell A Co., China.
FRED. BUTTERFIELD, of K. Bu ttorfield A C
New York.
ISAAC LIVERMORE, Treasurer Michigan Cen
tral Railroad, Boston.
ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer American
Express Company, New York.
Hon. JAMES NOXON, Syracuse, N. Y.
O. H. PALMER, Treasurer Wcstein Union Tele
graph Company, New York.
FLETCHER WESTRAY, of Westray, Gibbs A
flanlcastle. New York.
A. G. CURTIN, President.
N. MICKLES, Vice President.
GEORGE ELLIS (Cashier National Bank Com- j
monwoalth,) Treasurer.
HON. A. K. MeCLURE, Philadelphia, Solicitor. J
The Chinese Government having (through the
Hon. Anson Burlingame) conceded to this Com
pany the privilege of connecting the great sea
ports of the Empire by submarine electric tele
graph cable, we propose commencing operations
in China, and laying down a line of nine hundred
miles at once, between the following ports, vtz :
Canton 1,000,000
Macoa 60,0(10
Hong-Kong 250,000
Swatow 200,000
Arnoy 250,000
Foo-Chow 1,250.000
Wan-Chu 300.000
Ni&gpo 400,000
Hang Chean 1.200.000
Shanghai 1,000,000
Total 5,910.000 j
These ports have a foreign commerce of $900,-
000.000, and an enormous domestic trade, besides
which we have the immense internal commerce of
the Empire, radiating from these points, through
its canals and navigable rivers.
The cable being laid, this company proposes
erecting land lines, and establishing a speedy and
trustworthy means of communication, which must
command there, as everywhere else, the commu
nications of the Government, of business, and of
social life especially in China. She has no postal
system, and her only means nowofcoinmuuicating
information is by couriers on land, and by steam
ers on water.
The Western World knows that China is a very
large country, in the main densely peopled; but
few yet realize that she contains more than a third
of the human race. The latest returns made to
her central authorities for taxing purposes by the
local magistrate make her population Four hun
dred and Fourteen millions, and this is more
likely to be under than over the-actual aggregate.
Nearly all of these, who are over ten years old,
not only can but do read and write. Her civili
zation is peculiar, but her literature is as exten
sive as that of Eurepe. China is a land of teach
ers and traders; and the latter are exceedingly
quick to avail themselves of every proflered facili
ty for procuring early information, ft is observed
in California that the Chinese make great use of
the telegraph, though it there transmits messages
in English alone. To-day great numbers of fleet
steamers are owned by Chinese merchants, and
used by them exclusively for the transmission of
early intelligence. If the telegraph we propose
connecting all their great seeports, were now in
existence, it is believed that its business would
pay the cost within the first two years of its suc
cessful operation, and would steadily increase
No enterprise commends itself as in a greater
degree renumerative to capitalists, and to our
whole people. It is of vast national importance
commercially, politically and evangelically.
IjfTThe stock of this Company has been un- !
qualifiedly recommended to capitalists and busi
ness men, as a desirable investment by editorial
articles in the New York Herald, Tribune,
World, Times, Post, Express, Independent, and
in the Philadelphia North American, Press,
Ledger, Inquirer, Age, Bulletin and Telegraph.
Shares of this company, to a limited number,
may be obtained at SSO each, $lO payable down,
sls on the Ist of November, and $25 payable in j
monthly instalments of $2 50 each, commencing
December 1, 1868, on application to
34 South Third Street,
Shares can be obtained in Bedford by applica
tion to Reed A Schell, Bankers, who are author
ized to receive subscriptions, and can give all ne
cessary information on the subject. sept2syl
combine style with neatness oi fit.
And moderate prices with the best workmanship
[epll,'B,yl |
I choice brands of chewing Tobaccos and Ci
gars, at wholesale or retail, is at Oater'a. Good
natural leaf Tobaccos at 75 cents. Try our 5 cent
i Yara and Havanna cigars—they cant be beat,
1 uneHim3.
SJnj-ftoottis, &c.
NEW GOODS just Received at J.
M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
NEW GOODS just Received at J.
M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
NEW GOODS just Received at J.
M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
NEW GOODS just Received at J.
M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
NEW GOODS just Received at J.
M Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries,
Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware,
Fish, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M.
Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries,
Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes Queensware,
Leather, Fish, Notions, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M.
Shoemaker's Bargain Store
BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries,
Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. Queensware.
Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ac., at J. M.
Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries,
Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware,
Notione. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ae., at J M
Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries,
Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queensware.
Notions, Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ac., at J. M.
Shoemaker's Bargain Store
BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries,
Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes. Queensware.
Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Firih Ac., at J. M.
Shoemaker's Bargain Store.
Bedford, Pa., June It. 1869.
/ 1 R. OSTER & CO.
We are now receiving our usual extensive and
well assorted STOCK OF NEW AND
And are now prepared to offer SMASHING BIG
In Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Car
pets, Oil Cloths, Cotton Yarns, Carpet
Chains, Hits, Boots, Shoes,
Clothing, Brooms, Baskets,
Wall and Window
Papers, Groceries, Queens
ware, Tobaccos, Cigars, Fish, Salt, <4 c.
He invite everybody to call and see for them
BRING ALONG YOUR CASH and we will guarantee
to SELL you Goods as CHEAP as the same styles
and qualities can be sold in Central Pennsylva
Be assured that CASH in hand is a wonderfully
winning argument, and that those who Buy and
SELL for CASH are always masters of the situation.
june!Bm3 G R. OSTER A CO
I —The Examinations of Teachers for Bedford
county will be held as follows :
Snake Spring, Hartley's, Friday, Oct. 8;
East Providence, Householder's S. H., Saturday,
Oct 9;
Londonderry, Bridgeport, Wednesday, Oct. 13;
Harrison, Buffalo Mills, Thu-sday Oct. If ;
Juniata. Buena Vista, Friday, Oct. 15;
Napier and Sohellsburg, Schellsburg, Saturday,
Oot. 16;
St Clair. Eight Square, Monday, 0;t. 18;
Union, Moses', Tuesday, Oct. 19 ;
South Woodbury. New Enterprise, Wednesday,
Oct. 20;
Woodbury borough and Middle Woodbury, Wood
bury, Thursday, Oct. 21 ;
Hopewell, Dasher's, Friday, Oct. 22;
West Providence aud Bloody Run borough, Blood
y Run, Saturday, Oct. 23 ;
Liberty and Saxton, Stonerstown, Tuesday Oct.
Broad Top and Coaldalc borough, Hopewell, Wed
nesday, Oct 27 ;
Monroe, Clearville, Thursday Oct. 28;
Southampton, Adam's Friday, Oct. 29;
Colerain and Rainsburg, Brick Church, Saturday,
Oct. 30:
Cumberland Valley, Centreville, Monday, Nov 1 ;
liodford borough and Bedford township, Bedford,
Tuesday, Nov. 2;
Special Examinations at Bodford, Saturday Nov.
6, and Saturday Nov. 13.
No other special examinations will be held.
Alt examinations will begin at 9 a. m Appli*
cants will be examined only in those townships in
which they have made application for a school.
Bedford, oct7w4. Co. Supt
"VTOTI'JE.—I hereby give notice to
all persons no - , to harber or trust my wife,
SARAH, on my aovount, as I will not be respon
sible for any debtushe may contract—she having
left my bed and board without just cause or pro
vocation. ANDREW POTK.
Union tp. Aug 12 w3
J HEADS, and KNVELOPESfor business men
5 rinted in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE
"Be off from here you little beg
gars!" said Oscar Ronalds, imperious
The speaker was a well dressed boy
of fourteen, and the words were ad
dressed to a boy about his own age and
his sister of eight. The contrast be
tween outward appearance was strik
ing. Oscar was of a light complexion, j
and looked like the petted child of the
aristocracy. He held a club in his
hand, which, it might be judged from
his scowling face, he would not be un
willing to use.
John Walton, who confronted him
without fear, was a stouter boy than
Oscar. His complexion was dark, his
hair, black as raven's wing, hung over
Ins forehead. His clothing was coarse
and well worn; his pants were tucked
up nearly to his knees, and shoes and
stockings were luxuries which he dis
pensed with. His little sister terrified
by Oscar's rude manner, clung to her
brother in affright.
"Don't be scared of him, Lizzie,"
said John. "He won't dare to touch
"Won't I though?" said Oscar,
clutching his stick tighter.
"Not if you know what is best for
yourself," said John, looking fixedly
at him.
"You have no business here, you
beggars," said Oscar furiously.
"I'm no beggar," said the barefooted
"This is my father's land. Can you
deny that?" demanded Oscar
"I know it is, and I suppose it will
be your's some day."
"Then why have you intruded
here ?"
"I did not suppose it would be any
harm to pick a few berries, which
would otherwise decay on the vines."
"Then you know it now. I don't
care for the berries, but I don't want
any beggar's brats on my father's
"Stop there young master," said
John, firmly. YAU called me a beg
gar, and I did not care much ; but if
you call my mother by that name, you
Will be sorry."
"I?" said Oscar very contemptuous
ly. "What will you do?"
"I'll beat you with that stick you
hold in your hand. - '
"Then I do call her a beggar," said
Osear, furiously. "What are you go
ing to do about it ?"
"You'll see."
John Walton let his sister's hand
fall, and springing upon Oscar, he
wrenehed the stick from his hand, laid
it over his buck with sharp emphasis
tiirpo times, and then threw it in the
pond near by.
Leaving his young enemy prostrate,
lie took his terrified sister by the hand,
saying :
"We'll go home now, Lizzie."
Osear picked himself up, mortified
and furious. He would have pursued
John and wreaked instant vengence
upon him hail he dared, but in the
hands of the young savage, as he men
tally characterized him, ho had felt his
own utter inability to cope with him,
and resolved that vengeance should
come in another form.
"My father shall turn the beggars
out of house and home," lie muttered.
"I wish they might starve."
The father of Oscar Ronalds was the
proprietor of a handsome house and i
large landed estate, including several j
tenements which he rented out. In
the poorest of these lived John Walton
and his mother. They lived poorly e- j
nougb ; how, it would be hard to teli, j
but at all events they lived and never
sought help.
When John told the story of his en
counter to his mother, she was disturb
ed, fearing that trouble might come of J
it. So, indeed, it did.
The next morning Squire Ronalds,
with his stilf, erect figure, was seen
approaching the widow's cottage.
Mrs. Walton opened the door.
"Won't yon come in, Squire Ron
alds;" she said, nervously.
"No, madam, I have but word to
say, and that is soon said. Are you a
ware that your boy grossly insulted
my son, yesterday ?"
"He told me that Oscar cal'ed him
names, and he knocked him down.
He has a hasty temper."
"Your son is a ruffian ma'am."
"Not so bad as that. He is a good
boy to me, Squire Ronalds."
"It is a pity lie cannot treat others
with respect."
"Do you think he was wholly to
"Certainly he was. My son caught
him trespassing on my land, and he j
very properly ordered him oil", i don't
care to urge the matter. If he will ft
pologize to Oscar, I will let it pass.
Otherwise, as your month is up to-day,
I shall require you to leave this tene
John, who had been inside aud heard
what nad been said, came forward,
looking resolute and self-sustained.
"J shall not apologize to Master Os
car, sir," he said. It is he who should
apologize to me."
"Apologize to you! That would
look well; would it not?"said the
Squire scornfully.
"It would be ri dit," said John,
"You are an impudent young ras
"Mother," said John, quietly,
"there is no use listening further. I
shall not apologize and am ready to
take the consequences. Do not lie a
larmed. 1 will take care of you."
"You must leave this house to mor
row," roared the Squire in undignifi
ed rage, stamping his gold-headed cane
upon the grouud.
"Very jvell," said John. "Good
day, Johii, closed the docy.
leaving the Squire under a vague im
pression that he had got the worst of
the encounter.
"What shall we do, John?" said
Mrs. Walton, dismally.
I'll tell you mother. There is noth
ing for me to do here. We'll go to
Brandon, where there are wooden
mills. There I can get a chance to
work, and I'll rise, never fear. It is
best for us to go."
Tne next day Mrs. Walton's tene
ment was empty, and no one knew
where the family had gone. Oscar ex
ulted in what ho regarded as his tri
Twenty years passed. To the bare
footed boy they brought wonderful
changes. At twenty-four he found him
self superintendent of the mill where
he had entered as a poor operative,
earning a salary ol" live thousand dol
lars a year. lie had built a handsome
house, over which his mother presided
with raatroney dignity, llis sister Liz
zie was the wife of a young physician
in successful practice in the same town.
One winter evening they were all
seated in a luxuriously furnished room,
before a glorious fire. Ilis sister had
come to spend the afternoon, but was
prevented by the violent storm from
returning to her own home.
"What a storm it is!" she exclaimed,
wonderingly. "I pity those who are
out in it."
"Y r es," said her brothej, "it is the
most violent storm of the year. The
snow must be two feet deep at least.
But we need not find troubled. It is
summer in-doors."
"Who would have thought, John,
that we should come to live in such
comfort?" said his mother. "Twenty
years ago we were poorly off."
"I well remember. It was a Lucky
thing we came to Brandon."
"So it has turned out. But I was a
larmed when you quarreled with young
Oscar Ronalds."
I have forgiven him. The harm he
intended has only done us good."
"Have you heard of him lately?" j
she inquired.
"Not lately. His sister died ten years
ago, and I'm tokl Oscar is very extrav
agant. That is all."
The storm increased in violence, sha
king the house, firm and strong as it
was. All at once the door bell rang
"I'll go myself," said John. "The
servant may not be able to close the
door again."
He opened the door and a sharp cut
ting wind entered with a flurry ofsnow.
"Will you give me shelter?" said a
faint voice.
Jt was a man who spoke, slill young.
He .stepped in quite exhausted, and
John Walton closed the door.
"You have had a hard struggle in the
Atotuif iittvo you
"I have indeed. lam chilled to the
"Come to the fire," and John threw
open the door of lie sitting room.
He perceived that the stranger had
no overcoat and appeared thoroughly
chilled. Warm bricks were ordered,
and in half an hour he was more com
fortable. He looked thin and haggard,
his face bore the impress of dissipation,
lie more than once looked earnestly at
John Walton. Finally he said abrupt
"Will you tell me your name? Your j
face looks familiar."
"My name is John Walton."
"What ?'' said the other, with a start, j
"Did you live, when a boy, in the town !
of M ?"
"Yes, but I don't remember you."
"1 am Oscar Ronalds," said the other,
in a low voice.
"Is it possible?" exclaimed the three,
and they in voluntarily glanced at the
ill-clad stranger.
"1 see what you are thinking of. 1
do not look much like the boy you used
to know. I have been wild and extrav
agant, and lost and squandered all my
property. I have gone down hill—you
have gone up."
"I am sorry for your misfortunes,"
said John kindly. "If I can be of any
service to you, I will."
"I came here hoping to get the post
of clerk, which I understood was va
cant. If I had known that you were
here I would not have come."
"And why?"
"Because you cannot have forgotten
my ill-treatment of you."
"It is not forgotten, but quite forgiv- j
en," said John Walton, kindly. "Un
consciously you did me a service. The
clerkship you seek is mine to bestow.
You shall have it, and I will guarantee
your conduct. The salary will be small
—only eight hundred dollars."
"It will be a fortune to me, who am
penniless. God bless you, John Walton, j
for your generosity. You shall notfind
your confidence 111-bestowed."
I have no more to tell, except that
then and there began a new and better
life for Oscar, who was after a while
promoted, and now has a modest and
cheerful home of his own, with a good
wife to add to his happiness. And this
was John Walton's revenge—a noble
aJid Christian revenge, the only one
worth taking for an injury.
Brida* breakfast parties, two days be
fore the wedding, to show off the pres
ents, are a Jate invention.
A fashionable woman the other day
undertook to make a sixty dollar bon
net for herself, and did it at a eost of
two dollars and lifty cents.
While a clerk In the Boston post of
fice was stamping a letter last week, it
exploded, injuring his arm severely.
The letter contained a quantity of per
cussion caps.
A single English colony tins lately
bought 30,000 acres of land 111 Kansas.
The tract is to be divided among no
fewer than 1,200 families, consisting of
well-to-do farmers and artisans. Ger
man and Swedish colonists have also
" purchased largely.
The lady flounced out in a rage.
Two young damsels and a spinster
aunt followed, and after a lengthy in
spection of the premises, came to a state
council in the parlor.
"I like the house very much," said
spinster auntsolon n y,"and with afew
alterations, I will engage it for my
brother's family.
"Very well, ma'am," said Nahum,
rubbing his hands, and scenting a
speedy termination to his trials. —
"Name 'em."
"The door handles must all be gil
ded, and I should like the house new
ly papered in velvet and gold, and re
painted, and a partition between the
parlors taken down and replaced by an
arch and an extension dining-room
built on behind, and a new style of
iange in the kitchen, and a dumb
waiter put in, and new bronze cliande
ilers throughout, and—"
"Hold on, ma'am—just hold on one
minute, said Nahum, feebly grasping
for breath. "Wouldn't you like the
old house carried away and a new one
put up in its place? I think it would
be rather less trouble than to make
the trilling changes you suggest."
"Sir!" said the spinster loftily.
"1 don't think we can agree
"Very well—very well. Come,
With prime dignity the lady mar
shalled her two charges out, muttering
something about the "extraordinary
ideas of landlords now-a-days."
While Nahum, wildly rumpling his
iron-gray hair with his hands, solilo
■ quized:
" Well, if Job had been alive, and had
a house to let, there never would have
been any book of Job written. There
goes that everlasting bell again! I'll
haul it out by the roots if this thing
goes ou much longer. I'll tear down
the bill and put the place up at auc
Another lady—but quiL" different
from the other—a slender little cast
down lady, with a head that dropped
| like a lilly of the valley, ami a dress
(J'brown silk, that had been mended
nd turned and re-trimmed, and even
Nahum Briggs, man and bachelor
though he was, could see how shabby
it was. Yet she was pretty, with big
blue eyes -and shining brown hair, and
checks tinged with a fair fleeting col
or, where the velvet roses of youth had
once bloomed in vived carmine. And
a golden haired little las.sie clung to
her dress, as the tiny lilly buds to a
! blooming chime of flower-bells.
As Nahum Briggs stood looking at
her, there came back toiiim the sunny
days of youth, a field of blooming elo
| vor crimsoned the June Sighw like
waves of blood, and a blue-eyed girl Uie ieuce will, bar hriffki
hair barred with level sunset gold, and
he knew that he was standing face to
face with Barbara Wylie, the girl that I
he had quarreled with years and years j
ago, and whose blue eyes had kept j
him an old bachelor all his life long.
"This house is to let I believe?" she j
asked, timidly, with a little quiver in
her mouth.
"I believe it is, Barbara Wylie."
She looked up, starting with a sud
den flush of recognition. And then j
Barbara turned very pale and began .
to weep, with the little golden-haired j
girl clinging to lier skirts, and wail
ing :
"Mamma, mamma—what's the mat- j
tor, mamma ?"
"Nothing now," said Barbate., res- ;
olutely brushing away the tears.
"If you please, Mr. Briggs, I will j
look at the house; I ain a widow now, |
and very poor, and I am thinking of |
keeping a boarding-house to earn my
daily bread. I hope the rent is not ve
ry high."
"We'll talk about the rent after
ward," said Nahum, fiercely swallow
ing down a big lump in bis throat that
threatened to choke him.
"Come here, little girl, and kiss me;
I used to know your mother when she
wasn't bigger than you are."
Barbara, with her blue eyes still
drooping, went all over the ho.use
without finding a word of fault, and
Nahum Briggs -walked at her side,
wondering if it was really fifteen years
since the June sunshine lay so bright
ly on the clover field.
"I think the honseis beautiful," said
meek Barbara. "Will you rent it to
me, Nahum ?"
Well yes," said Nahum, thoughtful
ly. "I'll let you have my house if you
want it, Barbara."
"With the privilege of keeping a few
boarders ?"
"No, ma'am !"
Barbara stopped and looked wistfai-
Iv at him.
* "But, I don't think you understand
how poor I am Mr. Briggs."
"Yes, I do."
"And that I cannot afford to take
the house without the privilege of
boarders ?''
"I tell you what Barbara/' said Mr.
Briggs, dicta tonally. "I'll give you
the privilege of keeping just one boar
der, and him, you have got keep all
your life long, if you once take him."
"I don't think I quite understand
you, Nalium Briggs," said Barbara,
but she blushed very becomingly, and
we are rather inclined to think that
she told a naughty little lib.
"What do you say to me for a boar
der, Barbara?" said the old bachelor,
taking the widows hands in bis. "Bar
bara, we were young fools once, but
that is no reason why we should be old
fools now. I like you just its well now
as ever I did, and I'll do my best to be
I a good husband to you, and a good
father to your iittlegirl if you'll l>e my
! wife."
Barbara blushed again, and liesita
-1 ted, but Nahum was not obliged to bo
: deluded thus.
"Shall I take down the sign 'To Let,'
1 Barbara?"
VOL. 65.—WHOLE No. 5,515.
"Yes," she murmured, almost under
her breath. *
So Naliuiri went deliberately out,
and coolly tore dowu the bill, to the
great astonishment and disappoint
ment of a party of rabid house-hun
ters, who wero just ascending the
"And when shall we be married,
Barbara !" he next demanded.
"In the summer, perhaps," said Bar
bara slyly.
"To-morrow," said Nahum, deeb
ively, and to-morrow it was.
"Upon my word Barbara," said Na
hum, on the first day of May, as he
watheed his wife behind the coffee ui 11,
you can't think how much jollier it is
with you for a house-keeper than that
old hag, Mrs. Parley."
Barbara only laughed, and said, "be
was a dear good old stupid."
So the probabilities are that neither
Mr. Naham Briggs nor his brown
stone house will be in the market a
gain, "To let—inquire within."
A XurrccrcriuKt Bigamist Arriv-lotl after
Thirty Years* Concealment.
The Dubuque Times has the follow
ing : For tiff-last fifteen or twenty years
there has lived, about a dozen of miles
south of this city, a farmer named Cos
tello, who, in his own community, and
among those with whom he was ac
quainted, has enjoyed the reputation of
being an upright, honorable, and fair
dealing man. Matters prospered well
on his farm ; he was all attention to hi*
duties, and was considered a good hus
band and father.
Cost el lo was born in Ireland, and liv
ed there until manhood. He had set
tled down, and rejoiced in the posses
sion of a wife and several children. But
an unlucky day came, when, in a dis
pute, which we will hope was caused
by temper or liquor, and not in cold
blood, he struck the blow which made
him a fratricide—a brother murderer,
an outlaw, and a fugitive from justice.
Escaping the officers of the law, he fled
the country, embark d on an emigrant
ship, and came to America.
After many years of rambling thro'
\ this country, he came to Dubuque,
| where, by industry and economy, he
, succeeded in securing a good farm.—
\ Meantime, his wi/c and children still
remained in the old country, entirely
ignorant of his whereabouts. He could
not write to have them come out to
America, for that would only lead to
his discovery, and bring him surely to
the gallows. So he adds another, the
crime of bigamy, to that of fratricide,
by taking a wife, and, unhappily, has
brought others into the world to share
his shame.
But his terrible secret has at last
crept out. Last week his nephew, the
son of the murdered brother, arrived
poro, omi, oftop eeuriu2 the necessary
legal papers, proceeded to the farm of
| Gosteljo an/J had him arrested for the
murder committed thirty years ago.
He is now on the ,way to Irelaud to lie
I tried, and if no circumstances can lie
! adduced to justify the fratricide, U) SJJ f
! for for it to the full exteut.
In Indianapolis, a few days ago, a
rare exhibition of animal sagacity was
exhibited by the elephants of Baily &
Co.'s great combination. Ttiere are
two elephants—mother and baby—with
the caravan. When the elephants ar
rived at the bridge the large one refus
ed to enter the long dark covered
way ; and the lttle one of course clung
to its dam. The latter however, seem
ed to explain the matter to it with a
few touches of the trunk, and the little
one came over the bridge alone. The
monster elephantess backed and took
water, but instead of going above the
bridge where the bank is most slo
ping on the side of the river, it went
below, to the astonishment of all.
here the bank is almost perpindjc
ular. Instead ofcoming directly across,
it obliqued to about 100 yards below,
where theexvation lor the foundation
of a building had been almost to the
water's edge. Although the way of
egress was not visibie from the bridge
as the cut strikes, the river at an angle
down stream, the sagacious animal
doubtless saw the track made by the
horses,and wagons and argued that
there must be away out, and acted ac
On Cunningham's run, Harrison
county, West Virginia, a disease called
typhus flux, has been making terrible
ravages. The Clarksburg Conserva
tive stales that a daughter of Walter
Cunningham, aged six years, died on
the 29th of August, on tke day follow
ing, her brother, aged about sixteen,
on September 1, another brother,
agwd about fourteen; on the 7th, an
other brother, aged alxiut 8, ar.d on
the Bth stHI another brother, making
in one family ,bye victims in little
more than a month.
A gentleman doing business in New
York city, but who resides in New
Jersey, has commenced a suit against
the Long Island Railroad for $50,000
damages on account of injuries he re
ceived in the accident on that road last
April, the worst of which was the loss
of his eye-sight.
Mrs. Elizabeth Keckley, the colored
dress-maker, who published a sketch
of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln in book form
has commenced legal proceedings a
gainst the publisher who induced her
to commit her recollections to him, on
the allegation, that, promising her
one-half the profits, ho has failed to
pay her a cent.
Governor Clafiin, of Massachusetts,
is said to have lost s6o,ooo.lately by the
failure of a St. Louis firm.
Somebody reports the following i.s
Humboldt's opinion of Bayard Taylor:
"Of all the men I ever knew he lias
traveled most, and knows least of the
countries he has visited."