■The gtflfaid Home and Around. —.— .• * ——- HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP R.R. -SI MMKR ARRANGEMENT. —TIHBTALB. —On ami after May 24th, passenger trains will arrive end depart as follows: Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at t .00 p. m . ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 20 p.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at S. 40 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at i f 52 a. m. Express Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 6..J a. M and arrives at Huntingdon, at 10.10 a. m ; leaves Huntingdon at 5.55 p in., and arrives at Mt. Dal las at 9 20 p. m. LAST NOTICE. —The books and ac counts of the GAZETTE Office, have been placed in the hands of II- Nico demus, Esq., for collection. Those in arrears will save costs by settling at an early date. All accounts prior to the Hrst of August, 18(k8, are included in the above. I>E.KK'BATIC COUNT* COMMITTEE. The Democratic County Committee will assemble at the Court House, (in the Grand Jury Room) on TUESDAY, Sept. 7th, at lj o'clock, P. M. Import ant business will be laid before the Com mittee and every member is urgently requested to attend. The following named gentlemen compose the Com mittee: David Stivers, Bedford tp.; Daniel Roland, Broad Top tp.; P. G. Alorgart, Bloody Jinn ; A. W. Swope, Coaklale; Geo. \V. Deal, Colerain; Daniel R. Anderson, Cumberland Valley ; John J. Powell, Ilarrrison; J. B. Flack, Hopewell ; A. T. Burns, Juniata; Jac. Kensinger, Liberty; Samuel Lehman, Londonderry ; Daniel Fletcher, Mon roe; A. J. Crisman, Napier; John Fil ler, E. Providence; Jno. Mortimore.W. Providence; And. Mortimore, Snake Spring; W. C. Snively, Schellsburg; S. Beekley, St. Clair; James Northcraft, Southampton ; F. JL). Beegle, St. Clairs ville; E. 11. Turner, Saxton ; John H. Walter, Union; W. M. Pearson, Wood berry bor.; D. B. Koehendarfer, Mid dle Woodberry; John I. Noble, South Woodberry. E. F. KERR, Sept. 2. Chairman. + . - - The September term of Court com inences next Monday. Apples and potatoes are plenty on our streets. Irvine, of the "Regulator," sells none but the best groceries. The buckwheat crop is said to he almost a total failure iu this county. Sad to reflect on. A new post office has been establish ed at Tatesvilie, and M. A. Hunter ap pointed postmaster. Astute astronomers are announcing the next eclipse of the sun for the year 1900. Get your smoked glas-. ready. - ■ ♦ Dull, duller, dullest, is the cry of our business men. It is therefore just the time to advertise. The best place in town to buy qaeensware and glassware, is at Ir vine's Every Democratic voter should ex amine the Registry list and see that his name is thereon. Buy your boots and shoes at H. F. Irvine's. Cash buyers can always get bargains at the "Regulator" estab lishment. ATTENTION is called to the notice of Dr. Wm. Watson, Executor of Dr. Wm. 11. Watson, dec,d, printed this week in another column. If you want your neighbors to know all about you, just give a party and forget to invite the folks who live next door. The income returns prove most con clusively that gold watches are going out of fashion not only in our own county, but all over the country. # : The water in the reservoir is very low, and if we don't soon get a soak ing rain our water works will be left "high and dry." A patent has been obtained for the manufacture of water-proof paper. By and by it will be no uncommon thing to carry a quart of molasses home in a paper bag. An old criminal was once asked what was the first stej that led to his ruin, when he answered : "The first step was cheating a printer out of two years' subscription. When I had done that, the devil got such a grip on me that I could never shake him off." —• THE CORNER STONE of the new Re formed Church at Fishertown, this county, will be laid on the 4th of Sep tember, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on which occasion the Rev. L. Cort, A. M., of Juniata Collegiate Institute, of Mar tin-burg, Pa., wili preach. Everybody should go to D. W. ("rouse's Tobacco Store, on Pitt st., to buy the best cigars, smoking and chewing tobacco in town. Dan manu factures his own cigars from the very best brandsof the weed. 0 _ FATAL ACCIDENT.— James Dolan, of Tatesviiie, was killed on last Wednes day, by a fall of ore in the mines be tween Aft. Dallas and Bloody Run Station. The remains of the unfor tunate man were brought to this place ami interred in the Catholic burial grounds. SEVERE ACCIDENT.— We are sorry to learn that our candidate for Commis sioner, Mr. George Elder, and his esti mable lady, met with an accident which almost proved fatal to the latter. The facts as we heard them are as follows : Mr. Elder and his wife were passing the steam tannery at Mann's Choice, in a light wagon, when thesteam whistle blew, which frightened the horse,caus ing him to run away. The occupants of the wagon were thrown out with great violence and much injured. Mr, Elder was severely hurt about the arms and hack, while his wife received terrible cats on her limbs, face and neck. Skillful medical aid was sum moned and"both are doing well. Gulch mining iu the lied River country of New Mexico is reported to b ■ a failure, and many miners are leav ing for Colorado and Arizona. COURT WEEK.- Remember, friends and patrons, that the printed direction on your paper has a date affixed to your name which tells you exactly how many years you owe us for the paper— you know our terms—and as next week is Court week, it will afford you a good opportunity to bring the amount duo us along or send it with some of >our neighbors who will be hereon that oc casion. _ STATE FAIR— It will be seen upon reference to our columns that the next exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society is to be held in Harrisburg, opening on Tuesday, Sept. 28th and continuing until Oct. Ist. The premium list is more than usual ly liberal, amounting to about §IO,OOO. As the society is about to hold consec utive exhibitions at a fixed locality, its officers have had leisure to perfect con veniences which will add much to the comfort of both exhibitors and visitors. A new feature in agricultural exhibition is introduced into the regulations of this year, indeed it is but an experiment which we hope will prove a successful one. It is the admission of all articles and animals/rcro/ charge upon com pliance with the requirements of the society relative to entries. Other de tails relative to the lair can be obtain ed by addressing the Secretary at Har risburg. A REUNION of the veterans of the war of 1812-13, is to be held at Put-in- Bay, Lake Erie, Sept. 10, inst., the an niversary of Perry's victory. MAJ. L. TALIAFERRO, of this place, one of the heroes of that war, has received thefol incitation : Grand Rally at Put-in-Bay, Lake Ee rie, Sept. to, 1800.—All veterans of the war of IXI2-13, and every patriot desi rous of doing honor to the heroic peri od of the nation, are invited to attend the celebration. The undersigned will meet them on that interesting occa sion .* CHAS. S. TODD, W. T. TALIAFERRO, JOIIN NOKRIS, Survivors of the battle loth Sept. 1813. and of the "Moravian Town," Canada West, Oct. 1813. Maj. TALIAFERRO hopes to be able to attend, but the veteran is stricken in years, and if he shuuld not be pres ent iu body, his old comrades may know that he is with them in spirit, fighting, mentally, "his battles o'er again." GRAND JURORS, drawn for Septem ber Term, Ist Monday, 6th day, A. I>., | 1869: (1 S Mullen. Fortn in Daniel Bayer Solomon Shearer Josiah Huffman Nicholas Sleighter Adam W Miller James Burns Geo W Zimmers Jackson Ripley Joshua Points Hugh Wilson John liitehey Wm Phillips Sr W T Chapman A J Kegg John Harris (ieo Whitehill A J Wisegarver John Shoaf Philip Swartzwehler Jacob Corley Shadriek Hinton Joseph Luman Jacob W Miller List of Petit Juror- drawn for same Term: JohnNvcum Henry Rose John P*Mors Hex O'Neal Jeremiah Bennett Westley I'erdew Isaac D Earnest John Louderbuugh John Yont Albert Wright Chas JJarklerode John C Ling Michael Keagy Daniel Earnest J T Barkley David F Diehl John Filler W W -Shuck Norman McElSsh Michael il"gan Henry Sill R S Mapes Richard R Sill Joseph W Elder William Elder James Mountain D F Mann Henry Shaffer A K Bottomfield Michael Ritchey of W ' Jesse K Smith John Mowry J J Bnrodollar George W Horn John Rush William Mason Jos Mortimore of J Joseph M Taylor Drawn and certified, at lied ford, the 27th day of April, A. D., 1869. Attest: ISA AC K EXSI NCEK, J. G. Fisher, WM. KIRK, Clerk. Jury Corns. aug26w2 A great many side hit- are being made at the Plantation Bitters by a score or two of disinterested friends, who are endeavoring to imitate or counterfeit them. It is all of no use. The people won't be imposed upon. Plantation Bitters are increasing in use and popularity every day. They are in the same sized bottle, and made just as they were at first. They make tlx* weak strong, the languid brilliant and are nature's great restorer. The recipe and full circular are around each bottle. Clergymen, Merchants, and persons whose sedentary habits induce pis-dude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appetite, liver complaint, Ac., will find immediate and permanent re lief in these Bitters. But, above all they are recommended to weak and delicate females and mothers. MAGNOLIA WATER.—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. The September "Riverside" is intro duced by a picture called "Town and Country," and is a good natured char acterization of city and country child ren when brought face to face. Two old favorites reappear, Porte Crayon, with his picture and stories of Virgin ia life, and Abbe Sage, with a new sto ry from the old English poets, the sadly | sweet "Patient Griselda." Dr. Abbot j describes "Snaring Shanks;" Miss Bis : hop publishes another of her pretty fairy poems and pictures. The num ber is particularly noticeable for its j show of illustrations, twenty-five in all, many of them being large and striking. Published by Hurd and Houghton, New York. i2-->U a year. It appears that the good weather in I Spain has, according to cable advices, had a depressing tendency in the ; breadstutr market, buyers manifest ! ing a desire to lower prices. MA RULED. WHITAKBR—FEATHER— On the 2th Inst , J by the Rev. C. U. Heilman, at the Reformed Par sonsge in St. Clairsrille, Mr. Peter Whitaker and S Miss Leah Feather, both of this county. DIED. CRAMER—Aoguat. 13. IStW.in Greenfield, Idcla, ; inlant daughter of John and Larch Crauier, aged I month ami 11 dayt. LAUCk—On theltrth alt/, in Middle Wood her ! ry tp., Michael I.aack. formerly of Germany, aged aboa' bd years. DJRHL—On the 22d nit,. William Elmer, and : on the 24th alt., Henrietta, children of Samuel md Emily Jane Diehl of this place The occa sion of the death of (he first was sad, indeed. A box of Brown's Vermifuge Comfits had been left an the table in the bed room, u&6 had been given him, which he took for sandy, and in the abeenpqof his parents, be got the box and ate eight wore before he was discovered. He was soon thrown into convulsions, and notwithstand ing the prompt and skillful medical aid, after suit ring about twelve hours,he dtdd ageJ2 yearv II months and 14 day*. Henrietta, lha younge* child, was aged 4 months. Truly, afflictions come not single-handed EDr a3?XJsov3J> SM& Pat Doolan, at the battle of Chancel lorsville, botVed low at a cannon ball which whizzed just six inches above his head. "Faith," said Pat, "one never loses anything by being polite." Special Notice. Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Childrens' SPRIXO AND SUMMER CLOTBINQ. OUR ASSORTMENT is now full and complete, we have every desirable style, kind, and aixe. EVERY ONE CAN BZ SUITED from the stock—we have all the different style of cut, adapted to all tastes, including the medium and subdued preferred by many, as well as the latest and most fashionable style. OUB LARGE STOCK enables us to keep at all times a full assortment, so that all can be fitted at once without delay. OUB PURCHASES ALWATS BEING MADE FOR CASH, and having purchased largely of late, since the decline in woolens, our customers share in the advantage we have thus secured. OUB SALES BRING - FOR CASH EXCLUSIVELY, we have no bad debts to provide for, and are not obliged to tax the paying cusL-mer to make up losses through those who do not pay. OUR KKADV-MADE GARMENTS are superior to any other Stock ot Ready-Made goods in Phila delphia, any one can be as well fitted from them as by garments made to order anywhere, they are as well made, and equal in every respect, and much cheaper. Being manufac tured Br THE HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS, they can be sold cheaper than when made up singly ; but for the accommodation of those who preftrwe have also a CUSTOM DEPARTMENT TO MAKE UP TO ORDER, with a choice solected stock of Piece Goods, com prising all styles and qualities. Foreign and Domestic, which will be made up to measure by competent and experienced Cutters and Workmen in a style equal to the best. SPECIAL NOTICE. —StyIe, fit, and make of our gar ments surpassed by none, equalled by few. Alt prices guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, and full satisfaction guaranteed every purchaser, or the sale canceled and money refunded. Halfway between I BENNETT A Co., Fifth and > TOWER HALL, Sixth Streets, ) 51S MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 600 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OctlSyl To CONSUMPTIVES.— The Advertis er, having- been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption, is anxions to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free oi charge.) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asth ma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the af flicted, and spread information which he conceives to bo invaluable ; and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad dress REV EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York mayltyl ERRORS OF YOUTH.—A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De;ay. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sakeot sufferingbaman ity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy which he was cored. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar street. New York. mayltyl Words of Wisdom for Young men, On the Ruling Passion in Youth and Early Man hood, with SELF HELP for the erring and unfor. tunate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address, HOWAP.D ASSOCIATION, Box P., Phila., Pa. raay2rt/69yl 2Uir ! XTOTK E.-Ali persons having 1 un -11 settled accounts with Dr. W. H. Watson, dec'd , are hereby notified to call upon the under signed, executor, and settle the same without de lay. WM WATSON. Executor sep2tf. ! A CHANCE FOR BARGAINS! I The undersigned, desirous of closing oat his | business, will soil BELOW FIRST COST, | His entire Stock of Goods, consisting of Clothing and Dry Goods, I the latter including calicoes and muslins of the best prints and makes. Now is the time to buy cheap 1 Remember the place, next door to the office of Dr. W. Wat son. on Pitt st. Call and see for yourselves, sepdtf. ISAAC LrPPEL _ K ArT,MN isia G . R. OSTER & CO., ! Are now receiving a large and well assorted stock of new FA L L 000 DS . ALL are invited to eat! ami examine for them thcmselves No trouble to show goods, whether j you buy or not. —TERMS CASH- Bedford, Sept. 2d, 69m3. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIE TY. THR Pennsylvania State Agricultural | Society will hold its next exhibition at HARRISBURtf, TUESDAY, SEPT. 28TH, 18G9, And to continue POUR DAYS. Exhibitors will not be required to pay an En ! try fee —but will make their Entries under the us ' ual regulations at the office of the Secretary, I free of charge. Entries will open Sept. 7, and close Monday Evening, Sept 27. at 10 o'clock, P. AT., at the Office of the. Secretary in llarrishurg, after which none will be received. For Premium Lists and other information ad dress either of the Secretaries, Harrisburg. AMOS E KAPP, President. D. W. SKILKR, Rec. Secretary. ELBRIDOK M'COXKEV, Cor. Sec y. sep2w3. rIST OF CAUSES put down for j trial at Adjourned Court, 27th day of Septem ber, A D . 10. Susan Bradley vs Jnsiah Mowrv .las Madara et al " Abrin Eversole S. S. Fluok fit at " Jas Putt same Arnold Uoupt same " Levi Putt same " Juhn Besser same *' l>anl. Weaver saota " Abie Putt same <f .Jacob Rahm same '' Mich. L- Putt same '' Jas. Bowser Jos. Garlick " Abrui. Garlick Thos Gmwden " Arch Blair et al Jaeob S. Brumbaugh " Thos A. Sleek Adam Leonard " John Yont Geo. Roadee " Edward A Rockier J.W.Duncan,trustee,Ac " El. Hammond et al Frederick Miller " John Mcllwaine Diehl A Dibert " Barclay A Shoemaker Jas. Patton " Sam Heffnor et al Saml. Mixel " East Prov tp, R. Kirkpatriok ACo 1 G.R.Barndollar'sadm't Sophia W. Mullen " U Mullen s Ex're. , J W Dunoan.guard'n Ac " Elsington Hammond .sue " John Kemp et al W. B.Huffman " Geo. W. Gump Henrv D. Mock " Win Hammers Certified, Aug. 30, 1869. 0. E. SHANNON aep2w4 Prot BCH >IY AGENTS WANTED. We want Ten Thousand good, reliable a- j gents to solicit for OUR N E W WES T, To whom the Highest Commissions will be paid. No other work selling half so fast. Beautifully illustrated, over JoOpp . and sold forg-t. The ra ciest and best book on the Great West extant— so say all the leading journals ami eminent men. Semi for Circulars, with full information and terms. Address HARTFORD PUBLISHINGCO., Hartford, Ct. f L' MWTI.SSEMRNTS. QOLB URN'S PATENT RED JACKET AXE. Is better than our regular shaped Axes for these reasons. First—lt cuts deeper Second—lt don't stick in the Wood. Third —It does not jar the hand. Fourth—No time is wasted in taking the Axe cut of the cut. Eifth —With the same labor you will do one third more work than with regular Axes Red paint has nothing to do with the good qualities of this Axe, for all our Axes ars nainted red. If your hardware store does not Keep our goods, we will gladly answer in quiries or till your orders direct, or give you the name of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axes; LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole owners of Colburn's and Red Jacket Patents. AGENTS WANTE D FOR HOMES and FORTUNES In the boundless West and sunny South. It speaks to the young man of a home and fortune, and tells him why where and how to seek it; it tells the capitalists where to invest; the laborer, to find good wages; the farmer the best lands ; the merchant, the manufacturer, the pro'cssional man and the machanic of the greatest chances open to them; it tells everybody just what they ought to know, about the vast resources an l won derful progress in every part of this great coun try. New, fresh, interesting and popular. Send for circular. Enterprising men ean learn of a money making business by addressing POEPLES PUBLISHING Co. 614 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa; EN. RUSSELL'S SCHOOL, New f Haven, Conn—FALL SESSION begins Sept. 13. Catalogues sent on application. Young Ididies desiring to become theoretical and practical Musicians and Teach ers in the shortest time and at the least possible expense upon the Piano, Harp, Organ A Guitar, will please apply for catalogue VAL E . the Principal Music Vale Sunt inary, Salem, Ct. sep2w4. 4 romatlc Vegetable Soap. COLGATE A CD'S TOILET S O A P S. NEW YORK KSTAB. 130b. For the Delicate Skin of Ladies and Children. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. rriHE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN I is the best and cheapest. Contains the lat est improvements Vox Humana and Vox Jubilaute. J. ESTEY A CO., Sole Manufrs. Brattleboro Vt. , $9 A Day for all. Addreaa A. J. FULLAM, N. Y. VSK your Doctor or Druggist for SWEET QUININE—it eounls (bitter? Qai nine. Is made only by F. STEARNS, Chemist, Detroit. mrl9w4 1 Employment that pays. For partic j ticulars address S. M Spencer A Co., Brat tleboro, Vt. \VrOItDS OF WISDOM for Young T ? Men on the Ruling Passion in Youth A Early Manhood, with self-help for the erring and unfortuaate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free ol .'barge. Address HOW ARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Phila, Pa. l/ \ t u\A AGENTS W A NTED FOR IVM It r PRIEST AND NUN. This most exciting and interesting book, by a popular authoress, is now ready, and those whe wish to canvass for it should apply immediately for circular (with stamp enclosed), stating terri tory desired, experience, Ac. Agents wanted ev erywhere for this and other first class books and engravings, by CRITTENDEN A M< KINNEY I3t>B Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. fflfilßTY YEARS' Experience in 1 the Treatment of Chronic and Sexual Disea ses —-A Physiological View of Marriage.—The cheapest book ever published—containing nearly 3(H) pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human rgans in a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful modeofcure. as shown by a report of eases treated A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage who entertain donbts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to apy address on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr LA CROIX. No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. l. The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his books treat, either person ally or by mail, and medicines sent to any partof the world. sep2v4 jftffg. ttaluable land for sale J —The undersigned offers for sale the follow in'' valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county. State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of t'rbana, and one mile fiom Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of wateruponit The city of Urbana contains about 4.000 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. ALSO— One-fourth of ri trart of /and, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO — Three Lots in the tourn of Coalmont, Huntingdon county. j66-tf F. C. REAMER rrHVO FARMS AT PRIVATE X SALE Now is TBK TIME TO Bur CHEAP HEAL ESTATE. A FARM IN MORRISON'S COVE A SPLENDID FARM WITHIN TWO MILES OR BEDFORD. The subscriber will sell at private sale, on very very reasonable terms, and at reduced prices, the following described, very valuable real estate, viz : A TRACT OF LAND situated in Morrison's Cove, about one mile from Lafayettsville, and four miles from Wuodberry, in Middle Woodberry twp., containing 102 acres, more or less, about 45 acres cleared and under fence, with one and a half story log house, log barn, blacksmith shop and other outbuildings, adjoining lands ef .Tack son Stuekey on the east, Christ. Kocheuderfer on the north, John Keagy on the west, and Ignatius Brant's heirs on the south This can be made one of the neatest and most pleasant little farinsin the Cove with very little expense. There is an abund ance of water, plenty of fruit and splendid timber upon it—all that is necessary to make it desira ble. ALSO, A MOST EXOELLEXT TRACT OF LIME STONE AND RIVER BOTTOM LAND, within two miles of Bedford, containing 228 acres, about 150 ycres of which arc cleared and in a high state of cultivation and the balance wall timbered. Thero ape excellpnt new building erected thereon with a well of never failing water at the door. There are two orehnrds of choice fruit upon it. 75 acres of meadow, (River Bottom) can be cultiva ted with trilling expense. The upland is in a good state ot cultivation, well set with clover and under good fence. There is sufficient timber upon it to pay for the farm several times if thrown into the Bedford market. Apply to J. R. DURBOKROW, Attorney at Lw. 14maym6 Bedford, Pa. DR. GEO. C. DOUGLAS will give prompt attention u all professional business submitted to his care. Especial fttfpßti l "! given to Obstetrics. Diseases of Women, and ail Uhrunio diseases 4 OFFICE —Opposite Inquirer building. Resi dence at Maj. Washabaugb's. Office hours from 10 to 11 A. M., and 4 to 5 P. M. augl9,'69tf. VTEW RESTAURANT.—I havefep- X T ened a restaurant in the basement room of the GAZETTE BUILDING, under G- H Spang's Law office, and am prepared to servo cold lunch at all hours of the day. Ham, eggs, cheese, crackers, ale and cigars always on hand Give me a call and I will inure you a good meal —Don't forget the place—in the GAZEETK BUILDING, under Spang's Offiee. BURTON ED3ALL. aug26w4. J W. KNOX, Builder of first class LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS, invites attention to his stock of finished wagons and seasoned wood. WORK SHOPS one-half mile west of Bedford. aug26.'69tf A IHG FUSS OVER NO PROF IT —We are just selling for a little amuse ment 10 009 yards choice Styles of standard calico prints, at 8. 19, 11 and 121 cents, and you should see 'em grab after it. It'rao OHHAP. is the reas on. G-R-OSTER A CO. Bedford junlßm3 t>RiNTKRS*ItfK tfasinade manj]! X business man rich We aik °a te try if fa j th? tuiamns of TEB OAII'SI ) G1 RAIN DRILL.—The Celobraled I LANCASTER GRAIN DRILL, the best, and 25 per oent cheaper than any Drill in the Market for sale by JOHN NELSON. St. Clair tp.—julylfftf. / 1 ROCERIES.—Go to G. It. Gstcr \J A Co. for ohoioeSugar, Coffoe, Ten. Syrups, Ac. Choice Sugar 121, 14. 15, 16 and 17 cents. Syrups t>(l, 80, 100, and 120 cents fornhoioe Golden Syrnp ; and as good ltio Coffee for 25 ets. as is Hold in Central Pa. * julylfim.'t. "VTO.ICE.—We respectfully notify i_ x all in our debt—knowing their obligations to pay us are over due—rk.it unlets p lid in a very short tiniQ, costs will be added without re spect to persons. Thanking our friends who have paid us promptly, weuotify all, who imagine tbey have a right to use our me,ant for years, they will receive our especial attention. No business can be sustained without money and we purpose handling some of ours "peaoebly if we can. forceblyif we must.' augl2tf. A B. CRAMER A Co_ riX) BRIDGE BUILDERS I—The I undersigned, Commissioners of Bedford Co., will receive sealed proposal* for the building of two county bridges across Dunnings Creek in St. Clair tp., the one near Henderson's mill and the other where the public road leading to Pleasant villecrosses said creek near George Knisely's. Proposals must bo banded in at the Commission ers' office, or sent to the Clerk, on or before WEDNESDAY, SEPT. BTH, (Court week) by 2 o'clock, P. M. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office. Attest, DAVID lIOW3ARE. Jons G. FISIIKH. PETER M. BARTON, Clerk, D. B. BEEGLE. <, augl2w4. Commissioners. I~7OR~S^ALE. PURE BRED HOGS AND FOWLS. WINTER SEED WHEAT. And other FARM SEEDS, from DEITZ'S EXPERI MENTAL FARM, Cbambersburg, Pa. Diehl's and Boughton Beardless; Week's and Treadwell's Bearded White Wheats; French White and Rod Chaff; Purple Straw Boarded Red Mediterranean, and German Amber Beard less, are the best.earliest,hardiest and most produc tive Wheats that can be recommended for general cultivation Price $5 per bushel. 4 pounds of any kind by Mail, post paid, for $1 Twenty heads of different varieties sent post paid for $1 Twenty other varieties of Wheat, Barley and Oats of lust years importation. See Deitz's Expermental Farm Journal; send and subscribe for it; only sl.so*per year ; the most useful Jour nal printed. Address" UOE. A. DEITZ, augl2w4 Chainbersburg, Pa. NOTICE.— Notice is J hereby given that letters testamentaey to the estate of David Sparks, late of West Provi dence tp.. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county. Ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tnose having claims against the suine. will present them, July authenticated, for settlement W. W SPARKS, P. W SPARKS, julyfWwd Ex'rs. 4 DMJNiSTRATOR'S NOTICE,— j\ Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Henry Culp, late ot Schellsburg Borough, dee d., have been grant ed to the subscriber, by the Register of Bedford county. Ail persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, properly au thenticated, for settlement. julyJUwti. JNO. RININQER, Adm'r. INSTATE pF JOSEPH BOYER. JAJ DEC'D Letters of Administration, with the Will annexed of Joseph Boyer, late of Juniata township, Bedford county. Pa., dee'd, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Bedford county, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement SAMUEL BOYER, Adin r With will annexed of Joseph Boyer, dee d, auglttwrt. j / lOVERNOR'S CAMPAIGN VJ CAPS, CAPES, aD Campaign Torches. Price of Torches, $25, s2h, S2O. $35 and S4O per hundred S?nd for price-list and engraving of i Cans and Capes. PHILIP IULL, ManuPr, 204 Church St. Bet. 2d A 2d, ab Market, Philadelphia, i Ufr- 'Military Companies' Uniforms made toorder. aug2f w4. STILL AHEAD.- The O.VLY dustp and useful Sewing Machine. Does Ajj. any j machine Can do. SIB.OO only. Sampl*<?r rust. | S2OO a mouth to agents. Address ASHUELOTJS. j M. CO., Hinsdala, N.H. aug2fi4. rpiIIS IS N< MEMBER. By seuiT- J ing 35 cents, with age, height, color of eyes j and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a eor ■ reet picture of your future husband or wife, with i name and date of marriage .Address W. FOX, P. I 0. Drawer No 24, Fultonville, Jf. Y. DEAFxisi, CAtTrRh7~A lady who has suffered for years from Deafness | and Catarrh was cured by a simple remedy. Her sympathy and gratitude prompts her to send the receipts, free of charge, to any one similarlv af flicted Address Mrs. M. G LEGGETT. flobok en, N. J. aug2ow4. A QUITS WANTED VOB THE S I G II T S AND S E C It E T S OF THE NATIONAL CAPITOL The most startling, instructive, and entertaining book of the day. Send for Circulars, and see our terms Addres U S. PUBLISHING CO.. aug26w4. 411 Broome street. New York. AG ENTS WANTED FOR THE '•WONDERS OF THE WORLD" " Over One Thousand Illustrations. The largest, best selling, and most attractive subscription book ever published. Send for Circulars, with terms, at once. Address U.S. PUBLISHING CO., 411 Broome St., N. T. aug2ft w4. 4 GENTS CAN NOW GET TERRITORY FOR MARK TWAIN'S NEW BOOK WITH 234 ENGRAVINGS. Who has not heard of the author? Who has not laughed over his quaint sayings and queer ideas, and fairly succumbed to his racy stories I THE INNOCENTS ABROAD Is the quintessence of himself, the condensation and concentration of all his powers. No stoicism can withstand its geniality and humor. It is the most readable, enjoyable, laughable, and popular book printed for yoars. 20,000 Volumes Printed in Advance and now Ready for A emtt. Address for an agency BLISs k CO., Newark N. J. AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., Hartford, Ct. aug2ftw4. 4 GENTS WANTED FOR SIX' RETS OF THE GREAT CITY A Work descriptive of the Virtues, and the Vices, the Mysteries, Miseries and Crimes of New York City. If you wish to know how Fortunes are made and lost in a day; how Shrewd Men are ruined in Wall Street; bow Strangers are swindled by Sharpers; how Ministers ana Merchants arc black mailed; how Dance Halls and Concert Saloons are managed; how Gambling Houses and Lotteries are conducted ; bow Stock and Oil Companies or iginate.and how the Bubbles Burst, read this work. It contains 35 fine engravings, tells all about the Mysteries and Crimes of Now York, and is tb* Spieiest and Cheapest work published. ONLY Ri.so PER COPY. Send for Circulars and specimen pages of the work. Address JONES BROTHERS A CO., Philadelphia, Pa aug26w4. MANHOOD; IIOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just published, a new edition of DR. CULVER WELL'S Celebrated Essay en the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, lot potency, Mental and Phisical Incapacity, Impediments b> Marriage, etc.; also. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, or sexual extravagance. in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife ; pointing out a mode of care at onec simple, certain, arid effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheuply, privately, aud radically, tjpThia Leetureshould Uo in the hands of ev. ery youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt ot six cents, or two post stamps Also, Dr Culverweil's "Marriage Guide,' price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, CnAS J- C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New lork, i'ost-ylfice Bwx 4,586. jul/23:69y 1. ! SI2OO AND ALL EXPENSES PA ID ! j See Advertisement of AMEKICAN SHUTTLE SEWING J MACHINE, in our advertising coin inng. novfiyi j Election proclamation. P EN Klt A L ELECTION PROCLA \ K MATION. WltKtii, in and by an act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,etiritled'An Act to regulate thetlen eral Elections within thia Commonwealth," it is enjoined upon me to give public notice of said e lections and to enumerate in said notice what offi i cers are to be elected, I. ROBERT STECKMAN, ! Sheriff of the county of Bedford, do hereby make known and give this nublie notice to the electors of the county of Bedford, that a General Election will be held in said county, on the SECOND TUESDAY\\Ztk)OEOCTOBEH, 18A9, at the several election districts, viz : The electors of the Borough of Bedford and township of Bedford, to meet at the Court House in said borough | The electors of Broad Top township and Coal ; Bale borough to meet at the school bouse in said I borough The electors of the borough of Bloody Run to i meet at the House of Daniel B. Ott, in said bor ; ougb. The electors ofColerain township to meet at the house of And'w Pennell in Rainsburg in said town ship. The electors of Cumberland Valley township to meet at the new school house erected on the land owned by John Whip's heirs in said township. The electors of Harrison township to meet at the house of Jacob Feightner, in said township The electors of Juniata township to meet at Key ser's school house in said township. The electors of Hopewell township to meet at the school house near the house of John Dasher in twill township The electors of Londonderry township to meet at the bouse now occupied by Wm H. Hill as a shop in Bridgeport in said township The electors of Liberty township to meet at the school house in Stonerstown in said township. The electors of Monroe township to meet at the bouse lately occupied by James Carnell in Clear ville in said township. The electors of Scteellsburg borough to meet at the brick school house in said borough. The electors of Napier township to meet at the brick school house in the borough of Scbeiisburg. The electors of East Providence township to meet at the house lately occupied by John Nyeum, jr , in said township. The electors of Snake Spring township to meet at the school house near the Methodist church on the laud of Johu G. Hartley. The electors of West Providence township to meet at the house of Philip Hollar in said town ship. The electors of St. Clair township to meat at the school house neir the residence of Joseph j Griffith in said township. ! The ejectors of the borough of Sc. Clairsvillo to 1 meet at the school-house in said borough. The electors of Union township to meet at the schoolhouse near Mo wry'a mill in said township. The electors of South Woodberry township to meet at the bouse of Samuel Oster, uear Noble's mill in said township. The electors of Southampton township to meet at the house of Wm. Adams in said township. The electors of Saxton borough to meet at the schoolhouse in said borough. The electors of Middle Woodberry township to meet at the house of Henry Fluke in the village of Woodberry. The electors of Woodberry borough to meet at the bouse of Wm. M. Pearson in said borough At which time and places the qualified electors will elect by ballot : ONE PERSON for the office of Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for the office of Judge of the Su preme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- I nia. ONE PERSON, in conjunction with the counties of Somerset and Fulton for the office of State Sen ate fur Pennsylvania. TWO PERSONS, in conjunction with the coun ties of Somerset and Fulton, for the office ot Mem bers of the House of Representatives of Pennsyl vania. ONE PERSON, for the office of Prothanotary, Register, Recorder and Clerk of the several courts of Bedford county. ONE PERSON, for the office of Sheriff for said county. ONE PERSON, lor theoffice of Treasurer fur said county. ONE PERSON for the office of Commissioner for said county. ONE PERSON for the office of Poor Director lor said county. ONE PERSON for county Auditor for said county ONE PERSON for Coroner fur said oouuty. NUTUE IS IIEKEBV Grvsx, That every person excepting Justices of the Peace who shall hold any offico or appointment of profit or trust under the United States, or of this State, or any city or oor |K>rutcd district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed under the legislative, execu tive or judiciary department of this State, or of any city.urofany incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercis ing at the time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Common wealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or other of ficer of such election shall be elegible to be then voted for. And the said act of assembly entitled --an act relating to elections of this Commonwealth." passed July 2,1819, further provides as follows, vix : •That the Inspector and Judges shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding the election in the district at which they respectively belong, before 8 o'clock in the morning of the SECOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER, and each said inspector shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. •In case tho person who shall have received the ! second highest number of votes for inspector shall not attend on the day of any election, then the per son who shall have received the second highest number of votes forjudge at the next preceding election shall act as an Inspector in his place. And in ease the person who shall have received the highest number of votes for Inspector shall not at tend. the person' elected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in his place; and in case the person e looted a Judge shall not attend, then the Inspec tor who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in his place; and if ar.y vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of the election the qualified voters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall e lect one of their number to fill such vacancy. •■lt shall be the duty of the several assessors re spectively to attend at the place of holding every general, special or township election, during the whole tune such election R kept open, for the pur pose of giving information to the Inspectors and Judge, when called on, in relation to the right of any person assessed by thom to vote at such elec tion. and on suoh other matters in relation to the assessment of voters, as the said Inspectors or ether ot them shall from time to time require. 'No person shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, than a white citizen of the age of twenly-one or more, who shall have resided iu this State at least one year, and In the election district where he offers to vote, ten days immedi ately preceding such election, and within two years paid a State or county tax. which shall have been assessed at least ten days before the e luction. But a citizen of the United States who has previously been a qualified voter of this State and removed therefrom aud returned, and who shall have resided iu the elcctiun district and paid taxes aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote af ter residing in this State six months Provided. That the white freemen, citizens of the United States, between the age of twenty-one and twen ty two years who have resided in the election dis trict ten days as aforesaid shall he entitled to vote, although they shall not have paid tax. •'No person shall be -permitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of taxable inhab itants, furnished by the commissioners, unless : First, he produce a receipt of payment, within two years of State or county tax assessed agreea bly to the constitution, and give satisfactory evi dence on his own oath or affirmation of another that jjefcqs paid such a tax. or in failure to pro duce a receipt shall make oath to the payment thereof; or seoond, if he claim a right to vote by being an elector between the age of twenty-one and twenty-two years shall depose on oath or af firmation. that he has resided in tho State at least one year before his application, and make such proof of residence in the district as is required by this act, and that he does verily believe from the account given him that he is of the age aforesaid, and gives such other evidence as is required by this act, whereupon the name of the person so ad mitted to vote shall be inserted in the alphabcti ical list by the Inspector, and a note made oppo site thereto by writing the word "tax," if he shall be admitted tu vote by reason ol having jutid tax, and the word "age" if he shall ha admitted to vote by reason of age, and in either case the reason of suoh a vote shall he called out to the clerks, who shall make a like note in the Hit of voters kept by them. "In all cases whore the name of the person claiming to vote is not found on the list furnished by the commissioners, or his right to vote wheth er found thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified eitizen. it Shall be the duty of the In spectors to examine such person on oath as to his qualifications, and if ho claims to havo resided within the State for one year or more, hisoath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he has rosided within the district for more than ten days immediately preceding said electiou and shall also swear that his bona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling is within the district, and that he did not remove withiu the district for tho purpose of vo ting. ••Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof if required, of his residence ajd payment of taxes aforesaid." shall be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside. "If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre vent any officer of an election, under this act from , holding such election, or use or threaten auy vio leuce tu auy such officer, and shall interrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, shall block up or attempt to block up the window or avenue to any window where the same may beholden, or shall riotously disturb the peace of such election, or shall use or practice in timidation. threats, force or violence, with the design to influence unduly or overawe auy elec- . tor, or prevent him from voting, or to restrain the 1 freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall (Hrrtion ¥rtfftamation. he fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred i dollars, to be imprisoned for any time not less than C one nor more than twelve months, and if it shall he shown to the court where the trial of such of , fence shall be had, that the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward or district where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, on conviction, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine not less than oq hun dred or more than one thousand dollars, and be t imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. "If any person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result of an election within the commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such | bet. or wager, either by verbal proclamation there of, or by any written or printed advertisement, or invite any person or persons to make such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet or , offered to be bet. And the election laws of the commonwealth further provide that "The Inspectors, Judges and elerks shall, before catering on the duties of their offices, severally take and subscribe the oath or affirmation hereinafter directed, which shall be , administered to them by any judge, alderman or justice of the peaee, but if no such magistrate be present, one of the inspectors of tho election shall administer the oath or affirmation to tne other ' judge and inspector, aud then the inspector so qualified shall administer the oath or affirmation to him. "The inspectors, judge and clerks required by law to hold township and general elections, shall take and subscribe the several oaths and affirma tions, required by the 19th, 20th and 21st sections of the act of the 2d day of July 1839, entitled "An act relating to the elections of this common wealth," which oaths or affirmation? shall be prepared and administered in the manner prescrib ed iu the 18th aed 22d sections of said act, and in addition to the power conferred by the 18th sec tion of said act, the judge, or either of the inspec tors, shall have piwer to administer the oaths prescribed by said act, to any clerk of a general, special or township election. "The following shall be the form of the oath or affirmation to be taken by each inspector, viz : 'I (A. B. ) do that I will duly attend to the en suing election during the continuance thereof, as an inspector, and that I will not receive any tick et or vote from any person, other than such as I shall firmly believe to be. according to the pro visions of the constitution and the laws of this commonwealth, entitled to rote at such election, without requiring such evidence of the right to vote as is directed by law, nor will I vexatiously delay or refuse to receive any vote from any per son who I shall believe to be entitled to vote as aforesaid, but that I will in all things truly, im partially and faithfully perform my duty therein, to the best of my judgment and abilities, and that I am not directly, nor indirectly, interested in any bet, or wager on the result of this election.' "The following shall be the oath or affirmation of each judge, viz : 'I (A.8.) do that I will as judge duly attend the ensuing election daring the continuance thereof, and faithfully assist the inspectors in carrying on tho same ; that I will not give my consent that any vote or ticket shall be received from any person other than suoh as I firmly believe to be. according to the provisions of the constitution and laws of this commonwealth, entitled to vote at such election, without requiring such evidence of the right to vote as is directed by law, and that I will use my best endeavors to pre vent any fraud, deceit or abuse, in carrying on the same by citizens qualified to vote, or others, and that I will make a true and perfect return of the said election, and will in all things truly, im partially and faithfully perform my duty respec ting the same, to the best of my judgment and ! abilities, and that I am not directly or indirectly , interested in any bet or wager on the result of this election.' "The following shall he the form of the oath or affirmation to be taken by each clerk, viz : 'I (A. B.) do that I will impartially and truly write down the name of each elector who shall vote at the ensuing election, which shall be given me in charge, and also the name of the township, ward or district, wherein such elector resides, and care fully and truly write down the number of votes that shall be given for each candidate at the elec tion. as often as his name shali be read to me by the inspectors thereof, and in all things truly and faithfully perform my duty respecting the same to the best of my judgment and ability, and that I am not directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager on the result of this election ' The qualified electors will take notice of the following act of Assembly, approved 12th day of March, ISfifi: Ax ACT, Regulating the mode of voting at all elections, in the several counties of this commonwealth. SECTION 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the qualified voters of the several counties of this commonwealth, at all general, township, borough and special elections, are hereby, hereaf ter, authorized and required to vote, by tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows : One tick et .-.hall embrace tho names of all judges of courts voted for, and to be labelled, outside, "judicia ry. ' one ticket shall embrace the names of all state officers voted for, and be labelled, "state one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers voted for, including office of senator, mem ber. and members of assembly, if voted for. and members of ongress. it voted for, and be labell ed, "county;'' one ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and be labelled, •'township;'" oneticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and be labelled, • borough;" and each class shall be deposited in aeperate ballot-boxes. SECTION 2. That it s'utill be the duty of the Sher iffs, in the several counties of this commouwealth. to insert iu their election proclamations, hereafter issued the first section of this act. J.AMES R. KELLEY. Speaker of the House of Representatives. DAVID FLEMING, Speaker of the Senate. APPBOVED —the thirtieth day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. A G. CURTIN. Election officers will take notice that tho act entitled -A Further Supplement to the Election Laws of this commonwealth," disqualifying de serters from the army of the United States from vo ting.has recently been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, is now null anil tvoid, and that all persons formerly disqualified thereunder are now lawful voters, if oroerwise qualified. The act deoided unconstitutional by the Supreme Court provided as follows : "A KfRTUEIt SUPPLEMENT TO THE ELECTION LAWS or THIS COM HON WEALTH. Whereas, By the aot of the oongress of the U nited States, entitled "An Aet to amend the sev eral acts heretofore passed, to provide for the en rolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes," and approved March third, one thousand oight hundred and sixty-five, all per sons who have deserted the military or naval ser vice of the United States, and who have not been discharged, or relieved from the penalty, or disa bility therein provided, are deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and- forfeited, their rights of citizenship, and their rights to be come citizens, aud are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof : And whereas, persons, not eitizens of the Uni ted States, are not, under the constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this commonwealth : Section 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the oommouwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met. aud it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That in all elections hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspectors of any such electiou to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person, or persons, embraced in the provisions, and subject to the disability, imposed by said act of oongress, ap proved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be unlawful for any such person to offer to vote any ballot, or ballots. Section 2 That if any such judge and inspec tors of election, or any one of them shall receive, or consent to receive, aDy such unlawful ballot, or ballots, from any suoh disqualified person, he, or thsy. so offending, shall be guilty of a misdemean or, and, upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, he shall, lor each offence, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment, iu the jail of the proper oouuty, for not less than sixty days. Section 3. That if any person deprived of citi zenship. and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any election, hereafter to be held in this common wealth, vote, or tender to the officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot, or ballots, any person, so of fending, shall be deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and on eouviotion thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, shall, for each of fence. be punished in like manner as is provided in the preceding section of this act, in the case of officers of election receiving such unlawful ballot or ballots. Section -1. That if any person shall hereafter persuade, or advise, any person, or persous, de prived of citizenship, aud disqualified as afore said, to offer any ballot, or ballots, to the officers of any election, hereafter to be held in this com monwealth, or shall persuade, or advise, auy such officer to receive any ballot, or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, spch person, so offending, shall be guil ty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of thia common wealth. shall be punished in like manner as is pro vided in the secund section of this act, in tho case of officers ofsueh election receiving such unlawful ballot, or ballots. JAMES R. KELLEY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. DAVID FLEMING, Speaker of the Senate. APPROVED— Tho fourth day of June, Anno Domi ni one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. A U CURTIN." And the Judges of the respective districts afore said, are required to meet at Bedford, on the Fri day next following the holding of said election, then and there to perform those things required of them by law Given uniler my hand, at my office in Bedford, this 2d day of Sept., in tho year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-niuth, and in the ninety-fourth of the Independence of the United States. ROBERT STECKMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offiee. Bedford. ) Sep. 2 IB6S. J rplIE LATEST STYLES OF JOB X Work done at tfae Bedford Gazette Offiee,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers