The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 12, 1869, Image 2

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    ®lit U.etlfcrcT (OaMte.
I InirvtUr Homing, *■*• !*.
Govt rn or,
ASA PACKER, of Carbon County,
.twig* of the Siipttwtr Court,
C, 1, PERSHING, of Cambria Co,
.1. IT. TtlCKtuKfiOS, of Bedford ro.
iSubjtet todecision of District C'fft'tnct.)
if. 4 sett I EEFER, of ll'-dford ro.
!Subject to derision of District Confereud
■fan V I'. V. I f. it. of BrdfpM Bomur/h.
HIII.IAM H ETHER. of.Jufita tp.
HI t.H MOD HE, of Bedford '/>■
OED RUE BLUER, of Il'trriMOf. tp.
Poor Director,
AD J V K. EESCYE, of Bedford tp.
Off EH M'fi I TIE, of lied ford tp.
It. li t "ITS. of Sooth Waodhn-rtf tp.
Read. Think and In !
Oar appeal it to the intelligent. the candid and
b idepen>ler.t. We a;k only ik&t people shall
,uuDr\tand the issues belore ihem. and that, un
deriunding tbem, thej reflect upon their duty
in the premises and then discharge what thej he
ller® to he that duty when they come to cast
their ballots. In order that the questions to he
roted upon at the coming election may he fairly
and fully presented to the public, the btor >ui>
OSIUITE will he furnished for the easripuijrn at
the following low rates
One copy $0.50
Three copies 1-20
Fire copies '-'5
Ten copies - ...3.00
Twenty copies
In all cases the cash must accompany the order.
We respectlal'.y ask the active men of our party
to get up clubs for the campaign at every post
office in the county. In no other way can the good
cause he more effectively supported than by the
circulation of Democratic newspap rs It ought
to be SB easy matter to raise a club of twenty at
nny post office. Address MERUIT* A MKIGRL,
Bedford. Pa.
rif r* r*
*% 1 i 1 T 1 it *H s pairuKH.
Resolved, Ttia. we wholly approve the princi
ple* and policy of the administration of General
Grant, ami wc heartily endorse every sentiment
contained in hir irmugural addrew and expeeiat
ly do hereby ratify and approve the late amend'
rncut to the Constitution of the United State*
■proposed Ay Cotipress. known as the Fifteenth
Amendment . Rod teal Platform tulopted at
Philadelphia, .Tune 2t, lei'J — See iiedjord ln
•/uirtr of July 2.
j* hhk k> h fa h \
a -Jk *ui m 4 -i *--+ M* i - *'■*
Does there remain among radicals
the smallest modicum of decency, the
faintest resemblance of honesty, the
dullest sense of shame? This question
is particularly suggested by the course
pursued by the federal administration
toward Virginia.
it will he recollected that President
Grant, in ordering the election in that
State, allowed a separate vote on the
lexl oath and (liH/ranchus?merit clauses of
the Underwood constitution, in order
that the people might have an oppor
tunity to strike them out of that instru
ment, if they so willed. The election
was held and these odious features were
expunged from the constitution by an
overwhelming majority, even the
Wells party professing opposition to
their retention.
Hut the will of the people of Virgin
ia, expressed according to the forms
provided by the reconstruction acts and
President Grant, is about to he set at
naught. The test oath, defeated at the
election by permission of Congress and
the President, is to be enforced in the
qualification of the newly elected
members of the legislature. The Vir
ginians, white and black, have voted it
down, but Boutwell, Cress well and
company have determined toannul the
popular decision. A large majority of
the legislature is composed of adhe
rents of Walker, the newly elected
Governor. They do not belong to the
prescriptive faction of which Boutwell,
Creeswell & Co. are the exponents in the
cabinet. Hence the dead and buried
teat-oath with all its loathsomeness and
stench, is to Ih> exhumed and forced
down the throats of these Virginia leg
islators. The only alternative left them
is to refuse to take it, and sutler their
seats to be occupied by their defeated
op{K)!icnts. Of course 'hey will prefer
to accept this alternative, which is pre
cisely what their enemies hope and ex
pocf. A more convenient and effective
plan to get rid of an adverse majority
in a representative hotly, could hardly
l>o devised. As to its morality, fairness
and decency, some scrupulous people
may entertain serious doubt. But
i tootwel I,Cresswei I and company throw
ethics to the devil and look only to re
Mean while it is clearly understood
that President (Jrant disapproved the
test oath and disfranchisement clauses
of the Underwood constitution, and sub
mitted them separately at the late elec
tion, knowing that they would be de
feated. It is also well known that he
opposes the application of the test oath
in the qunification of members of the
newly elected legislature. He regards
it, as every intelligent uian must re-
gard !i, an untmffg all that has4*ecft
done toward the restoration of Virgin
ia. The question, therefore, arises,
Will. he permit himself to be overruled by
the extremist* in hi* cabinet f If yes,
then he i totally unfit to be Presi
dent and merits the contempt and
seori. of honest and right-thinking men
of all parties. His own plan of recon
struction has Iteen faithfully carried
out in Virginia. Will he strangle his
own child, and if so, is there enough
independence left among "republicans"
to protest against the murder?
A Startling Fact!!
Who are the Thieve*?
The Harrisborg Patriot makes the
charge that duringthe filial years 1
and 1868, upwards of Seven Milium* of
Dollars were squandered by the State
government in appropriations out
side of those made for payments on the
State Debt. The reports of the Aud
itor General for 1867 and 1868, taken in
connection with the statements con
tained in the last annual message of
Governor Geary, developed the as
tounding fact that during the last
two years upwards of Pleven Millions of
Dollar* have been taken from the State
Treasury, only Four Miliums of which
have been applied in payments on the
State debt, leaving Seen Millions to be
accounted for in appropriations for the
current expenses of the Common
wealth, interest on the State Debt,
and other experuliturets.
At the end of the fiscal
year of 1866, there re
mained in the Treasu
ry. $1,741,033.27.
During the fiscal year of
1867 the receipts at the
Treasury, exclusive of
the State loans,amount
ed to 5,423,330.07
During the fiscal year of
IS6B the receipts at the
Treasury were 5,210,049.55
Receipts in two years $12,380,412.89
Balance in the Treasury
at the end of last fiscal
year, Nov. 30,1868 1,012,925.37
Taken out of Treasury
in two years $11,367,487.52
These figures are taken from the re
parts of the Auditor General for 1867
and 186S, and the reader is referred to
thoe documents for verification of
them. From these statements the fact
appears that Eleven Million *, Three
Hundred and Sixty-seven Thousand
Four Hundred and Eighty-seven Dol
lars were taken from the treasury dur
ing the fiscal years of IBG7 and 186s,
In Governor Geary's last Annual Mes
sage, transmitted to the legislature,
January 6, 1860, is found the follow
"By report of the Commisioners of
the Sinking Fund for the year ending
September 3, 1867, the loans redeemed
amounted to $1,794,569.50, and by their
report from September 3, 1 s<]7 to No
vember 30, 1868 'the loans redeemed'
amounted to $2,414,815.64, making a
total reduction of the State debt, in
two years and three months, of $4,209,-
By the Auditor Gener-
al's reports, we have
learned that the sum ta
ken out of the Treasu
ry during the two
years of 1867 and 1868
was $11,367,187.
By Geary's message we
ascertain that the
whole amount of the
State I )ebt paid off dur
ing a period of two
years and three months
anterior to Nov. 30,
1868, was 4,209,386.14
L eaving for current ex-
pensCs, Ac. $7,158,101.38
It now remains for the defenders of
Governor Geary's administration to
show what became of the set en miUoins
and upwards remaining in the Treasu
ry after the payments made on the
State Debt. How much of this sum
was wasted in extravagant appropri
ations ? How much of it was squan
dered in increased rates of interest
on the State Debt? How much of it
was given to radical State officials
and a radical legislature, in the
shape of increased salaries? How
much of it was stolen by radical
pasters and folders and other officials
of the legislature who did not render
a day's service to the Common wealth ?
And let it aiso be explained how it
comes that upwards of One Million
Dollars are (icrmitted to lie useless and
dead in the Treasury, when that sum
might be applied to a further reduc
tion of the State Debt and the saving of
a large amount of interest to the tax
payers of the State. What has ie
come of the seven millions? Who gets
the interest on the One Million ?
Where does tl.e money go and who
are the thieves?
and upwards of the funds of the Com
monwealth are now in the hands of a
private individual and converted to
his use, and this the ra ieal journals
dare not deny. Is an administration to
he re-elected which deals in this man
ner with the people's money.
Sty? SeirM i&Hwm, airnfi?, %s*
Tennesasee Delivered from tire Thral
dom of Radical Oppression!
Close upon the heels of the disastrous
defeat of prescriptive Radicalism in
Virginia, follows the almost total wi
ping out of that party in Tennessee.
The whole weight of the administra
tion at Washington was used to bolster
up the waning cause of the party in
that state and to defeat the Senter
movement headed by Andy Johnson.
The result is before us. Senter, the
candidate of the Conservatives and
Democrats has been elected by a ma
jority of over 65,000! The Legislature
is overwhelmingly Democratic! This
secures a Democratic United States
Senator from a state that has so long
been groaning and agonizing under the
iron rule of radicalism. The result is
most gratifying to all who are longing
for a deliverance from the Intolerance
and oppression which characterizes the
party now in power.
Freemen of Pennsylvania! Ixt us
rejoice in the fact that the end of radi
calism draweth near in this country !
And above all, let us do our part to
wards achieving the great victory in
our state, which is assuredly in store
for us.
GKANT has l>een "swinging around
the circle" to an alarming extent.
When Johnson left the White House
for a little trip, all the radical pack set
up a hideous howl. Now their junket
ing President can travel from one wa
tering place to another at expen
sive government transportation, fare
sumptuously with his office-holders,
receive presents of fast horses, valua
ble town lots, fancy bull pups, adfini
(uin, and these same howlers are as
dumb "as an oyster." But, then,
Grant is none of your common fellows
and must bo feted to suit his fancy.
Great President!
THE York Press says Win. McCand
less, an active Radical politician of
that borough, has come out squarely
for Packer. Mr. McCandless has al
ways been opposed to the Democratic
party heretofore, and is a man of con
siderable influence. The Press says
there are hundreds of honest Republi
cans in the county who will not touch
Geary. Look out for thunder from old
The whole power of Grant's Cabi
net was thrown in the scale in favor of
Stokes, in Tennessee, but as those
members are only "light weights," it
effected nothing. Andy Johnson step
lied into the other side and sent Bout
well, Cress well Co., bounding into
the air. They received a shock from
which they are not likely soon to re
cover. Poor fellows!
The partial eclipse of the sun on Sat
urday last was preceded by the total e
clipaeofthe "shining lights-' of radi
calism in Tennessee. The latter could
easily be seen without the aid of smo
ked glass, although no radical, herea
bouts, had heart enough to look in that
direction at all.
GKAKY might have vetoed the ini
quitous acts of the last legislature and
saved the people taxes, but he didn't.
Is he to be re-elected in order that the
"King" at Harrisburg may continue to
have a supple tool in the Executive
THE LISTS of voters are to be posted
up by the Assessors on the doorsof the
election-houses of the several districts.
Let democrats look at these lists and
see that every democratic voter is reg
istered. Attend to this matter at once.
GEARY sold the Lycoming Judicial
District to Peter iierdic, in order to
get the delegates to the radical State
Convention from Lycoming county. Is
such a man to disgrace the gubernato
rial chair three years longer?
LARS appropriated in two years un
der Geary's administration for expen
ses of the State government, etc., etc.
Think of that, taxpayers, and groan !
RADICALISM is receiving heavy
blows everywhere. Virginia, Ken
tucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Mon
tana have spoken in tones of thunder
against the radical party. Now, for
GEN. ROSECRANS declines the demo
cratic nomination for Governor of Ohio,
on the ground that he is no longer a
citizen of the State, and regrets that
this fact precludes him from leading
the democracy of Ohio in the coming
GKANT is still dealing out otlices to
his favorites. The last instance is the
appointment of his negro barber to a
lirst-classclerkship. We expect a good
barber has been spoiled to make a very
poor clerk.
■ -4JW 1 ■ i)? -JtF*
DiSiKScRATK' victory in Montana !X-
Hon. J. M. Cavanaugh has been elec
ted delegate to Congress by over two
thousand majority. This is double
whai lt was last year.
Tksjs hsaEE is a naughty State. She
has elected Seuter by an immense ma
jority, and sent Boot well and other Ad
ministration advisers through a small
"hole in the sky." Let us have {>eare!
AUIUMA, by the grace of Grant,
held an election and more than doubled
her democratic vote of last year. Four
out of the six Congressmen are Demo
Of eight apprentices appointed to the
Government Printing Office at Wash
ington, the other day, two were color
ed and -.ix "plain." "John Brown's
body— ing, bruddern!"
A PACKER of experience will salt
down the Radical party in October.
The brine will be procured at the head
waters of Salt River, to which place j
the Radical herd will be transported
on election day.
Senter, the Conservative candidate for
Governor of Tennessee, ran far ahead
of Stokes the radical candidate. He is,
therefore, properly, a-Head 3(C)enter.
BOUTWELI. looked through that
"hole in the sky" for the returns of the
Tennessee election. He was disgusted
in a very short time.
THE friends of Andrew Johnson
claim that he will be.elected United
States Senator from Tennessee.
Tennessee has made a Settler shot.
Letters received in Washington from
Cuban leaders state that the insurgents
have captured and hold as hostages a
sufficient number of Spanish prisoners
to prevent the instant execution of
captives, which has heretofore been the
policy of the Spaniards. Communi
cations between Puerto Principe and
the coast has been entirely cut off by
General Quesada, and also telegraphic
communications with Havana. In at
tempting to open communications,
General Letona, the Spanish comman
der has suffered heavy losses on sever
al occasions. His whole available
force is estimated at four thousand
men, while that of the Cuban General
is reported to be nearly nine thousand.
A number of minor contests are men
tioned, in which the Spaniards were
repulsed with great slaughter. At Vil
la Rica they are said to have lost over
two hundred men, and in a fight near
Trinidad,eightv-fivekilledand wound
ed and three hundred prisoners. Gen.
Jordan reports Ijlmself and troops in
excellent condition.
Spain will now have a taste of
Grant's neutrality policy. All thegun
boats which have been fitted out in
this country are to be siezcd. Eight
were taken possession of by Marshal
Barlow at New York. Deputies were
sent to Greenpoint, Long Island, to
sieze seven more, and officers were al
so despatched to Mystic, Connecticut,
to lay hold of fifteen others. The ves
sels have been seized upon informa
tion that they were intended to be us
ed against Peru, and were to have
guns sent on board before leaving, in
violation of the neutrality laws.
The Louisville Courier-Journal pub
lishes the statement of a reliable corres
pondent, that Stokes intends to seize
upon the Government of Tennessee,
and hold to it vi el annix, supported by
the Grand Army of the Republic, and
counting upon the assistance of Bout
well and other Radicals at Washing
The "regular Republicans"of Texas
have requested the National Republi
can Committee in Washington not to
recognize the Houston Convention
which nominated Gen. Davis. Govern
or Pease has published a letter stating
that General Grant assured him that
he will not interfere in the Texas elec
Ex-President Johnson addressed a
meeting in Maryville. Teunesee, on
Monday. He duly denounced Presi
dent Grant and the Radical Congress.
The meeting was twice broken up by
fights between Stokes andSenter men,
in which several persons were injured,
but none fatally.
A riot is reported to have occurred
in Casey county, Kentucky, on Mon
day, in which a house was attacked
and three men and a woman were kill
ed. A battalion of militia in Louis
ville are held in readiness to proceed
against a band of some thirty regula
tors, who are ssiid to have committed
the murders.
According to advices from Key West
the yellow fever has been very prev
alent in that place, and many deaths
have occurred among thetroops in gar
rison. It is stated that about the 17th
ultimo a part of the rations regularly
ordered and issued to them was six
coffins per day.
An English forger and his accom
plices were arrested in New York last
week on the arrival of the steamer
Russia. The instructions for their ar
rest were received by cable.
It is reported from Paris that Queen
Isabella, of Spain, will abdicate her
claims to the throne iti favor of the
Prince of Asturias.
AdVices from Spain via Paris, repre
sent that Government will
shortly call out the reserves. It is
said that formidable uprisings of Car
lists have occurred at Tortosa and Tor
rel. Several scattered bands of Car
lists have been defeated within the
past day or two.
The agents of the British Govern
ment have been making efforts to ob
tain the release of quite a number of
Englishmen who are held priosners in
Paraguay by Lopez.
s —r ••
The report of the Board of VtsTtora
to the military Academy of West
Point commends that institution
for the good it has done, and is still do
ing, hut recommends that such im
provements shall be made in the sys
tem of instruction there as will raise it
to a standard unsurpassed abroad. It
is also recommended that the acade
my be enlarged and the number of pu
pils increased.
A convention has been concluded be
tween France and the 'United States
and also between the latter and Russia
by an additional article in the treaty
of commerce and navigation, for the
protection of "trade marks," and giv
ing legal remedies to the citizens of the
respective countries against all persons
who infringe on them.
Major White was arraiuged last week
at Boston, lie ischarged with the wil
ful murder of a Mrs. Ifobbs. It is
stated on his behalf that he had
known and loved his victim for sever
al years; and as an evidence of that fact
had attacked her with a knife as far
back as IMSI, and was thereupon sent
to a lunatic asylum for six months.
An intelligent Pennsylvanian em
ployed at the "Salt Well," near Titus
ville, on Monday last, undertook to oil
the machinery under his charge with
nitro-glycerine. An explosion took
place, by which Fetterrnan was blown
to pieces, and his brother James and
a man named McNally, seriously in
The corn crop of the United States
for lSf8 was nine hundred millions
of bushels; of this about four millions
were exported. The wheat crop was
two hundred and twenty-five mil
lions of bushels, and of this the lar
ger portion was exported either in
hulk or in flour.
A fire occured last Wednesday even
ing in the United States Bonded Ware
house at Philadelphia causing the de
duction of thirty thousand barrels of
whiskey, and a loss of two and a half
million of dollars. Two lives are be
lieved to have been lost.
The estimated value of goods stored
in the bonded warehouse at Philadel
phia is put by a later dispatch at from
ten to eleven millions of dollars. Up
to one o'clock Thursday morning the
flames defied the efforts of the firemen
to suppress them. Four children had
been killed by falling bricks.
There is a speck of war looming up
betwern Turkey and Egypt. The Sub
lime Porte has recounted itsgreivanees
in a letter to the Egyptian Viceroy,
concluding with an ultimatum.
According to a special despatch to
the New York Sun, dated Tuesday
night, the Spanish gunboats at Mystic,
Connecticut, were at that time in pos
ession of the United States Marshal.
A new freight tariff over the Union
Pacific Railroad is published in Omaha.
Its rates are from twenty to forty per
cent, lower than the existing charges.
The Cuban Junta protests against
the proposed purchase of Cuba from
Spain on the ground that two-thirds
of the Island is owned by native Cu
Frank McCappen, the present incum
bent, has been renominated by the
Democrats for Mayor of Sau Francis
Twelve Millions of gold are said to
be locked up in the United States Sub-
Treasury in San Francisco.
The Peoria, Illinois Marine and Fire
Insurance Company has suspended
The Kiowas, CamaneheS and Arra
pahoes are behaving well upon their
New Reservations.
Government expenses last month
were $16,538,353.
terprising publisher of this popular
Magazine is the first In the field in] an
nouncing, among the inducements to
subscribers for the coming year, the
finest premium yet ever offered for a
single subscription to any magazine in
this or any other country. It consists
of a copy, retailed at ten dollars, of
Mrs. Lilly M. Spencer's great picture
of a "Pic-nie on The Fourth of July,"
the engraving of which artists were
sent for, specially from Europe, to
Demorest's Monthly is in itself by
far the most complete and attractive
Magazine for ladies published in this
country, and requires little extra in
ducement to persuade them to become
subscribers. It is really a saving of
money, however, to pay three dollars,
and get in addition so valuable a prem
ium—and Mr. Demurest will undoub
tedly find his list doubled on the
strength of it. Published at 838 Broad
way, N. Y.
This excellent little periodical is con
stantly adding to its reputation, and is
certainly the most sensible, practical,
and best edited of all the juvenile mag
azines. It is not composed, like some
others, of a certain number of stilted
articles, but it enters right into the
sympathies, interests, and occupations
of its young readers and patrons, al
lows them to speak for themselves, and
stimulates them wonderfully to activ
ity of thought and expression. We
consider it he best investment of $1.50
that any parent can make. Published
at 838 Broadway, N. Y.
August, hs been received, and is an
excellent number, one that should l>e
in the possession of every lover of mu
sic. It contains eleven pieces of choice
music—instrumental and vocal—be
sides about ten pages of musical infor
mation and other literary matter.—
The music in one number of this
monthly is worth a year's sub
scription Terms—s3 per year. Ad
dress J. L. Peters, IDB Broadway, N.
BALLOU.— The September number
of this excellent magazine opens with
a biographical sketch of Geo. Peabodv,
followed by the choicest literary mat
ter. This periodical has attained a rep
utation which all others may well en
vy. Published by Elliott, Thomes <k
Talbot, 63 Congress St., Boston, at $1,50
a year.
Schenck'* Pulmonic Syrup,
Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake ['ill*, will cure Con
sumption, Liver Complaint, and Dyspepsia, if ta
ken according to directions They are all three
to betaken at the same time. They clean* the
stomach, relai the liver, and put it to work : then
•he appetite becomes, good , the food digests and
makes good blood: the patient begins to grow in
flesh ; the diseased matter ripens in the lungs,
and hepatient outgrows the disease and gets
well. This is the only wsy to cure consumption
To these three medicines Dr J H. Schenck, bf
Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the
treatment of pulmonary consumption. The Pul
monic Syrap ripens the morbia matter in the
lungs, nature throw* it off by an easy expectora
tion. for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a
slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heal.
To do this, the Seaweed Tonie and Mandrake
Pills most be freely used to cleau-e the stomach
and liver, ao that the Pulmonic Syrup and the
food wiil make good blood
Schenck s Mandrake Pills act upon the liver,
removing all obstruct ions, relax the dnets of the
gall-bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver
ts soon relieved ; the stool* will show what the
Pills can do ; nothing has ever been invented ex
cept calomel (a deadly poison which is very dan
gerous to use unless with great care), that will
unlock the gall-bladder and starts the secretions
of the liver like Schenek's Mandrake Pills
Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent
causes of Consumption.
Scbenck's Seaweed Tonie is a gentle stimulant
and alterative, and the Alkali in the Seaweed,
which this preparation is made of. assists the
stomach to throw out the gastric juice to dissolve
the food with the Pulmonic Syrnp. and it is made
into good blood without fermentation or souring
in the stomach.
The great reason why physicians do not cure
consumption is. they try to do too much . they
give rottiicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to
stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing
they derange the whole digestive powers, locking
up the secre'ions, and eventually the patient
sinks and dies.
Dr. Schenck. in his treatment, does not try to
stop a cough, night sweats, chilis, or lever Re
move the cause, and they will ail stop of their
own accord. No one can be cnred of Consump
tion. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Cataarh, Can
ker, Ulcerated Throat, unless the liver and stom
ach are made healthy.
If a person has Consumption, of course the lungs
in some way are diseased, either tubercles, ah
sceases, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or
the lungs are a mass of inflammation and fast de
caying In such cases what must be done ' It
is not only the lungs that are wasting, but it is
the whole tytdy The stomach and liver have lost
their power to make blood out of food. Now the
only chance is to take Schenck ? three medicines,
which will bring up a tone iff the stoinacb. the
patient will begin to want food, it will digest easi
ly and make good blood : then the patient begins
to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body begins to
grow, the lungs commence to heal up,aDj the pa
tient gets fleshy and well. This is the only way
to cure consumption.
When there is no lung disease, and only Liver
Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck s Seaweed
Tonie and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without
the Pulmonic Syrup Take the Mandrake Pills
freely in all billious complaints, as tbey are per
fectly harmless
Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health for many years past, and now weighs 225
pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in
the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption,
his physicians having pronounced his case hope
less and abandoned him to his fate. He was cured
by the aforesaid medicines, and since his recovery
many thousands similarly afflicted have used Dr
Schenck s preparations with tho same remarkable
success. Full directions accompanying each,
make it not absolutely necessary to personally see
Dr. Schenck, unless the patients wish their lungs
examined and for this purpose he is professional
ly at bis Principal Office. Philadelphia, every
Saturday, where all leters for advice must be ad
dressed He is also professionally at No. 32 Bond
Street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at
No 35 Hanover Street, Boston, every other
Wednesday. He gives advice free! but for a thor
ough examination wilt his Respirometer the price
is $5 Office hours at each city from 9 A M. to 3
P M.
Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton
ic each SI.M per bottle, or $7.50 a hulf-dozen.
Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all
may2Syl 15 N 6tb St, Pbilada , Pa.
PRICES greatly reduced for eash. New T
Octave Pianos ol first-class maker* for $275 and
upward New Cabinet Organs for slj and up
ward. Second hand Instruments from slft to
$175. Monthly installments received, and in
struments for rent. Warerom*. No. 4SI Broad
Men-Women—and Children !
Men—Women—and Children !
"Cooling to Scalds and Burns."
"Soothing to all painful wounds, Ac."
"Healing to all Sores, Ulcers, Ac."
Is the most extraordinary SALVE ever known. It*
power of Soothing and Healing for all Cuts, Burns,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Chapped Hands and Skin,
for Sore Nipples, for Piles, Ac., Ac—is without a
parallel. One person says of it,'l would not be
without a Box in my House, if it cost $5 (Hi, or I
had to travel all the way to New York."
1 N. Y. Evening iVcwf, Sept. 5.|
All Druggists in Bedford sell it.
"That Cough will Kill you,"
Try "Cos tar's" Cough Remedy.
"Colds and Hoarseness lead to death,"
Try "Costar's" Cough Remedy.
"For Croups—Whooping Coughs, Ac.,"
Try "Costar's" Cough Remedy.
"Costar says it is the best in the wide world—
and if he says so—its True—its True—its True;
and we say Try it—Try it—Try it." [Morning
Payer, Aug. 26. J
L# J AH Druggists in BEDFORD sell it.
Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms
Bottle, $1 00—Three for $2 90.
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ac., Exterminators.
"Costar's'' Bed Bug Exterminators.
"Costar's"' (ONLY- PURR) Insect Powder.
"Only Infallible Remedies known "
"18 years established in New York."
"2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily."
"! Beware !!! of spurious imitations."
"All Druggists in BEDFORD sell them "
"COSTA II," 10 Crosby St., N. V.,
Or, JOHN F. HENRY, (Successor to)
DEMAS BARNES A CO., 21 Park Row, N. Y.
TARRH treated with the utmost success by J.
ISAACS, M D., and professor of Diseases of the
Ey and Ear in the Medical College of Penn
sylvania. 12 years experience , (formerly of
Leyden, Holland), No. 805 Arch Street Phila.
Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medi
cal taculty are invited to aoooiupapy tholr pa
tients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti
ficial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for
examination. julyVfiSyl
for Young Men on the interesting relation of
Bridegroom to Bride, in the institution of Mar
riage,—a Guide to matrimonial felicity, and true
happiness. Sent by mail in sealed letter envet
pes free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSO
CIATION, Bo* P., Philadelphia, Pa.
Special Notice.
Men's, Youth's, Boys' and Children* s
Sr:s X*N SCSMKB Ct//ri*c
Ot K Aaxo*trxß*T is >* f*f! awl complete, w
have every desirable style, kind, etui sire.
ErKßTow* br nrrrzn from the *fe*k_ We
have all the different style of eat. adapted to
all tastes, including the medium and sabilqcj
preferred by many, a* w*H a* lb* latest a;,j
most fashionable sty W.
Ovu LAKLT STOCK etai-ie- at to keep at all times
a fall assortment, w that ail can be fitted at
once without delay
On* rtuciAfens At-waxe MJV. asjoe tor cash
and having porehaaoi iatgc.y of late, j uce
the decline in woolens our customers share in
the advantage we have thus acctrvi.
have no bad debts to provide for and are not
obliged to tax toe paying customer to make
up losses through those who do not pay.
Ore REABV-MADB GARUB.VTS are superior to any
other Stoek (A Ready-Made goods in Pbii.
deiphia, any one can be aa well fitted from
them as by garments made to order any who re,
tbey are a * well made, and equal in every
respect, and much cheaper. Being mnciii<>
sold cheaper than when made np aiugly but
for the accommodation of those who prefer we
have also a
a choice selected stock of Piece (rood?, com
prising all styles and qualities Foreign and
Domestic, which will be made up to measure
by competent and experienced Cutter? and
Workmen in a style equal to the best.
SPECIAL NOTICE. —Style, fit, and make of our gar
ments surpassed by none, equalled by few
AH prices guaranteed lower than the lowest
elsewhere, and full satisfaction guarantee !
every purchaser, or the sale canceled n.j
money refunded.
Half way between i BESSETT A Co.,
Fifth and J TOWER HALL.
Sixth Street*, ) SLS MARKET CT
To CONSUMPTIVE*. —'The Advertis
er. having been restored to bcal'h icafew week?,
by a very simple remedy, after having suffered
several years with a severe lung affection, and
dread disease. Consumption, is amion* to make
known to his fellow-sufferer* the means of cure
To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the
prescription used free oi charge. ) with the dirt -
tion* fur preparing and using the same, Li-.-;,
they will find a sure cure for Consumption. At;:
ma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser
in sending tbe Prescription is to benefit the af
flicted, and spread information which be conceive
to be inv&taabie; and he h "pes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad
Williamsburg. Kings County. New York.
may 14yl
who suffered fur years from Nervous Debility
Premature De:ay, and all the effects of youthful
indiscrttLD, will, for the sake of suffering human
ity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and
directions for making the simple remedy by which
he was cured Sufferers wishing to profit by tbe
advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing,
in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN,
No. 42 Cedar street, New York.
Words of Wisdom for Young men.
On the Ruiing Passion in Youth and Early Man
hood, with SELF HELP for the erring and unfor.
tuuate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes free of
charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION,
Box P., Phila.. Pa may2S.'fi9yl
\ —The undersigned offers for sale the follow
ing valuable bodies cf land :
containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois
Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of
Illinois, 8 miles from the city of I'rbana, and one
mile ftom Rentus! Station on said Railroad Two
of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never
failing pond of water upon it The city of Urban*
contains about 4.060 inhabitants. Champaign
the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois.
ALSO — Oiu-fourth of a tract of land, situated
in Broad Top township. Bedford county, contain
ing about 45 acres, with all The coal veins of Broad
Top running through it.
ALSO — Three Lots in the town of Goalmouth
Huntingdon county.
Jan 26. "66-tf F. C. REAMER
REAL ESTATE—By virtue of an order of
the Orphan's Court of Bedford county, and autimr
ity in the last Will and Testament of Daniel Buz
zard, late of West Providence tp., Bedford county,
deceased, contained, the undersigned. Executor
of the said last will and testament, aDd Trustee
for the Real Estate of saiJ deceased, will exf* -o
to sale by Public Vendue, o.t Saturday, ike 21-"
day of August, A. D.. Wts9, upon the premise
all tbe following described Farm and tract of land,
situate in said tp., to wit : all that certain traet of
land, adjoining lands of Philip Snyder on the
East. Mountain Survey on the \V est. John Buzzard
on the North and John Meneh and ethers on the
South, containing 192 Acres, more or less, about
60 acres cleared and under fence and tbe
balance is well covered with choice timber. The
improvements consists of a Good two story L 4
Dwelling House. Log Barn and other out Build
ings. There is a never tailing Spring of excel
lent water near the Dwelling House and there is
also an Orchard of choice fruit upon the premises.
This property is favorably located, in a pleasant
neighborhood,convenient to Schools and Churches,
aud is within three miles of the terminus of the
Bedford Rail Road, at Mt. Dallas
Sale to begin atl o'clock. P. M ,of said day.
when due attendance will be given and Terms
tnade known by
Executor and Trustee for the Sale of the Real
Estate of Daniel Bustard, dee'd. (jullfiwt
J ESTATE. —The uudersigned, Executor of
the last will, Ac., cf John Miller, late of Cum
berland Valley Township, dee d., will by virtue of
the powergiven him by the said Will, sell at public
sale, on the premises in said Township, on Wednet.
day. the 25t/t day of August, inst.. at 10 o'clock,
a. in., of said day, all the Real Estate of said de
ceased, situate in said township, consisting of a
TRACT OF LAND containing 67 acres, more or
less, part improved, with an orchard and never
failing spring of water thereon adjoining laud
of Lorenzo D. Cessna, Henry Miller and Henry
Miller, Jr's heirs, Adam Zembower, Thomas
Growden and Jacob Miller, Jr. Tnis tract would
make a snug farm and is in a pleasant neighbor
Terras, —One third cash, and balance in two
equal annual payments to be secured by bonds
aud mortgage, or jugments. J AS. CESSNA.
july2.'lw4. Executor,
The subscriber will sell at private sale, on very
very reasonable terms, and at reduced prices, the
following described, very valuable real estate, viz
A TRACT OF LAND situated in Morrison's
Cove, about one mile from Lafayett-ville, and
four miles from VVoodborry, in Middle Woodberry
twp , containing 102 acres, more or less, about 45
acres cleared and under fence, with one and a
bait' story log house, log barn, blacksmith shop
and other outbuildings, adjoining lands ef Jack
son Stuckey on the east, Christ. Kochemlorfer on
the north, John Keagy uu the west, and Ignatius-
Brant's heirs ou the south This can be made one
of the neatest and must pleasant little fartnsiu the
Cove with very I i,tlL expense. There is an abund
ance of water, plenty ot fruit and splendid timber
upon it —all that ia necessary to maks it desira
two utiles of Bedford, containing 22S acres, about
lot) yeres of which are cleared and in a high state
of cultivation and the balance well timbered
There are excellent new building erected thereon
with u well of never failing water at the 4wor
There aro two orchards of choice fruit upon it. ~o
acres of meadow, (River Bottom) can bo cultiva
ted with trilling expense. The upland is in a
good state ot cultivation, well set with clover and
under good fence. There is sufficient timber u(ui
it to pay for the faiui several times if thrown into
tho Bedford market. Apply to
i. R. DUUBOUROu', Attorney at Law.
Mmaymli Bedford, l >8 -__
PRINTERS' INK has made many a
businessman rich We ask Out* try it is
the <olumns of rni Uaxarvs