■ ■ r". ■ |B She TfiUcnl r r , 's^ - -s ■ K*." TTIFIRVUI Augmt 3, I* >&. VLMiMJUMIC TA Th XICj t > Wr,!'!T. kU PACKER, of Carbon County, Ju4* *. In ilfiKap of Jfiti'irl Can 'cw ■ | % urttffjfiTir, H, C. S( jfl fyi EK. Of lUrtffY'i CO. {Suirjtrt ie it'mionej Pu'firt t'wt/c**" ; J'r'/tholvUirp, JO//.V 111. Ll.>, OJ lift,l-.:. ujh. ISkenjl, M lhl.lMt KLYS Lit, '/ ./<*. lf '£f:i'rtr, mtiJi if none, nf //. C„ 71. li' ' • ' imt i ir.tnn, of fr>ll L V Mot, run, of lltfl/orit lj>. Cortm*?, ,1. li. 11l J IS, ' i H'UtU H'UKU rrr,./ tji. FOR THE CAMPAIGN! It % I.f.Y TS TO! !t UK.'t TT ItMil, Tbttik mid .1< ( ! Oar appen! i to th* th. otindid and th* iodefwsn'lsn* Wc nrk oijly the fc-nl utidurrhiH/t the i*sßr briars thfid. and thn(, nc- Sar-'wling thett lby rcfiwt up.n tb<-ir -..."j In 0-> prcici#*!* stiS 'hen dihrg: what they bc lier t k* h#t auty when they " their Saiiot' fn ■ rJer that ths f. fo ♦ot"'l opttß a' flic cb-ction may h f iiily an-1 roily prtrenteS e> Ibr patlic th Bet ham 0 Mv.itf. wit! he- farcfthtd far ft,' q> -■ the fijtowing law rrt' Oae Copy. '■ ix Three eoplft ' 211 Pi re copies,,.. • • • • • ' 1 J Toa<: >pi' ! 'l*l Twenty eopiM.'.j. •' ,)u In ail car ■ the en- - annst Beiy |k ''[• l'-r. Wo reaper.liuliy atk the active nieu ol rur j i'y U. get uj, etuba l'.r the eiuii|>aign a: evary p'.'O ..Hi *j IU the rounty. In tt '>th< r any can the go i can e be mure effectively -'•ipjortfl than by tho circulation * f Democratic new l j.aji it. Jl ought to be m eay matter <■ rnisn n eiiib of twenty ,t any j.wt ~f,re, A,t4re Sfe.ridts 4 He.lf-.r4 Pa. v r r r; r- f r r " F < .LAITY'S I'LiriUßH., Ketn/rrd. That we wholly approve the prim pie-: ami policy of the iidioii i-tiation ot (ieneral a -S .•- - h - •> s s J M -1 □ U ' . .* li * UEART AMI TIIE AWEMUIIA'T. When Congo - passed tlic XVth A ivientlmcnt, ffov. (learv tlid not wait a -Inglo day to examine the in* a tire, but In hot haste trau.-miitt *1 it to : iie legislature, with a message recommi n ling *to use hb own language) "its prompt ratification." There are many pcr-on- callin c them selves "Republicans" who declare they will not support for re-election tho.-e members of the legislature, who vote*! for the ratification of the Amendment. In this county hundreds have an nounced their opposition to Mr. I. ng ♦'iieek* r, on this account. But Mr. l>. a mi the rest of the Radicals in the leg islature only enrrfod out the recom mendation of Gov. Geary, in voting for the ratification of the Amendment. It follows, therefore, that those "Re publicans" who cannot support I.ong eneckcr, l>ec;n;®e of bis vol" f r the XVth Amendment,cannot c •n-.istent ly support Geary. The defeat of Eong euecker and the election of Geary, would he like hanging the acce-sorv to a murder while rewarding the princi pal. These two candidates are iu t!e same Uat and should be sunk together, only that Geary is tho pilot ann Eong eiucker only a willing pas®* ogee,'and a larger stone should be tied around the neck ol the former than that which is to produce the political death of the latter. Resides, the Radical State Conven tion adopted a rcsoiutiou < pre-sly en dorsing the X Vth Amendment. Geary accepted the nomination on tills plat form, au*l every vote; given for him will lie claimed by tiie advocate.-, *>f the Amendment as approving its ratifica tion. Tlion-aiuD" of "Republicans," throughout the Male, petitioned the legislature, la.-t wiut r, to reject the Amendment, or postp* ue action on it until the people could be heard in t!io election of a new legislature, but tiu*'.r prayer was scoffed at and despised^—- day, August JOih. i f P#it X V'thvtw ■ 4n'ut, fh** princi pal plank In d<*> not enlarge, but contra*'in, popular right-. VluUfT the ii 'HUH iliHti the itsalai* of ; VY-Mangion, Hamilton, Frank#* and M>Y ->U, (7n ut a verification of theadage j that "power 1 always Mealing from the many to the few.** When the peo ple give up the right to control and regulate the electiv*? frarichi-e for tliffi! "-! v*s, they yit '": the only -af - 1 guard of republican ir-litutfon , Im perial; m '}■ at the Ik Otn of th Fif ; t■< nth Amendment. 1, is admitted by the i lade a2 jotir | naia that the legisialtiftt* of the la-t three yearn have if en tin- most oor ' rupt that over a TTJ il< • k-hy-jowl with j the "ro*e'er-*' and "pircher®" of t! • - : legislative department. He belong Ito the "ring© ' Uiat iufot tin capital, i antl hi-i dgualure gnu.-'.-. * very little ! lull that iKtys ; "divid*". I" to the <■ 1 legislative broker-, I- -ue'i a mart to j be continued at the head .of our state government tioee yea; - long* r? L'. t honest and well meaning men, of both 1 Jail * leu, an-V. -r. ' Tim following we eliy from the Frederick Ttrpuhll''! 1 y through hi - own exertions, make a for tune of twenty million* of dollars, is pretty sure to be a clear-headed, wide awake man. Wendniire energy animj!y be'- e e the jr *or is not a Jteji'ibiican. I TWK liedforx! fnqnirrr, during the • \v r, liorrov.ed from ' ora" follow it uii cal "-!ang-u hanger," the epithet "Coj - peril*-ad,' - \fhich it -ajttietimi s alibrt viale-> into "Cop.," and which it con siders so exceedingly smart that not a 1 -ingle i-.-'jc uj); ear- without ic ing lib ca! papers have long siace grown tired of tiiis infamous term, and not caring to be -e- jon us like the tiger from hi- lair, it is" i opposed to masfl meetings anil a long campaign; it wants the contest to be "short, sharp and decisive." The ReniocivF will have something to say to liii-- They will be on the looit-out for tliQ Radical animal no matter iiow I iwv. it may. lie. DEMOCRAT* will romernber that { their jio'.itical opponents are otily i> t waiting opportunity to -trike. Re on your guard. Yoil can expect no fa vors from rhc c:. my. A. i ordingly as you act mui.lu'iy ar.d iiuuoi'ably in the , caiiiisiign, sli llyou.be csUcim-d by i your party friends in tiie future. 'JVie : J)r at j cracy ho a: dt '< rmiiiul that ercry utun i.a iheir !u l:el t mtust Mid n/ttUt £*< c leisUu. Dm every Democrat -o act that he may shave in our triumph. W\i. Mi l. lu.h.ii, iis-p, of Huston, has tjcen appointed Cfuirnmu of tho Ideflioeratic Hfate Comir.itteo, r/er "W*. A. G.dbraftli, d* clim !. Col. Mutehb r is a'mau of ability aud will organize tii- D 'tnoemcy for victory. Gold, quicksilver and coal oii are u mong the discoveries in Wyuuiing Territory. Wt) r JSvTJforls i&mvttt> : -rrs: ■ ■ hi ti M; 4* uoritwi M MOV. M L rx< ti r.K % NI MO*. 1 1TRI * f.. rr.iciiiMi. The following is the letter of Judge I'.v ! r aitvpllng the Iv iiic-raHriwrni-' j 'fMIA'OT fffi Mini nwim TH . "■ Hon. (\ if lUo-h-ti ./•, Isu-'t* <. t'c.fl'hj a,,ti Jf /e Monfttfh'm, pjfjXi* Committee: —-OI;M EX': —At the hi t convenF-nt ootuent I reply to jmor ootnmuhhartion informing me of tuy nominatioa by the Dewocratic -tale Convention of the 3 >lh iu-'ant, for the of Governor of R rmsyi vaiiia. i desire to make due acknou !- Igue iit for thin iiigh evidcie eof cs teetn and friend-hip of rrtf felfow-citi zert-. and te say that I accept the nom iu ition tendered uie, having at th<; ilciPdJon of my friend®, though with unfeigned reluctance, lieen inducisl to fK'rniit the u-e of my name for the ' nomination. My acceptance becomes a m itter of course, if not duty, but 1 announce it with a deep -ense of the re * pom.-bilfty; —nfied. >fy reliance in s<*i pting the fo-itiotiof camlidatoand , ; -■■ipporl, and upon that wiperiutcadiog Providence which can th labors of public men. if i b<- by <]• Vot'- oftil' |lf*o - in tin* gubernatorial chair, f -hall c idi avor to iius ; the '.xpcctatioos of my friend and ail who h tve at heart I true in tw-: of our great Comrnon- Wf dlh. To this end i Miail labor to - cure tho-c obj.-cts in which we fcoj a ( .'tjrimon Intercut and concern, among which arrr the preservation of the state (Tedit, the reduction of the expense* of tl. StaN-government to tie-ir lowest pr :clic. i {Kiiftt, thereby lessening the bunien- and taxation of the ptsiple; the ..■•ourageLO* ritof a iiis-ral system of iinprov roent for intercourse and n ie, in oruer thai production may he .•.(:;■■■ i, lc ; x>r more amply rewarded and general prosperity -ecurr®!. the just ex.saition of the law*© involving a cautious and sparing use of power in the purdon of orleiifiers, so tlial good , itsi -hall F- kept among the people and crime be uppres-rad; promotion of the c t'ucation of our youth by a ge; era! system of orgaui/. -d schools and by -p< :al Institutions ofltoirning, i> that knowle Ige and virtue shall IK.*- come more and more solid foundations of our fr* e political -vstem; and last ly, the r< stonition of purity and char ; t* rto oar government by the putting f,a. or preventing of-:> -i d and cor rupt legislation and of all improper u - or management of public funds. To thegeneral objwrts, however, i jld - add; d a careful attention by the gov rnment to tiie interests of la bor. Ifaviug vrnicl my bread by tie i. ! or of my hands during the many, a ;d i may add, the happiest years of my ii; -, and owning whatever i pos c--, under tiie providence of God, to patient and honest toil, i CJin pever be unmindful of the inter', .ts of those with whom my entire life ha- been a— -ociatcd. Inasmuch as my pursuits and training have not qualified ni" for : - h-tnakmg, or for solicitation of v t* , it will not be expected that I -11 :1 understand the* performance of ac'iv duties in theeanvsiss about to gin. But my life, conduct and char acter ar ijefore my feilow-citiwns for t:' ir amiaation, and they will af .l -m bdter means of judging of my fituessas a candidate for popular support than anything i could now - .v. 1 am, g* ntlemen, very re-peet iravw. Ira, ASA PACKER. The following i- Judge Pershing's ! letter of acceptance: I'ifrr.AOELi'HiA, July 22. To Hon. < ' (li !■ ii. if- trig ('. ('•>.- fitly uud it. E. Monayhnn, Esq*., ('onnuittn : -G ex :—Your note of t he 21st in-', has b< en receive*l. informing me of my nomination as democraticcandi- ' ' te for Judge of the supreme Court by the State Convention. Thisdi-tin vdshe i honor i.s mo;e valued as it in ■. n conferred without solicitation. I accept the nomination, and should thf action of the Con %' ntion IK- ratified by :!••• pt".*ple, I shall end' avor to dis- i charge the responsible duties of the po iti'-n with impartiaiitv and fidelity. CYRUS L. PERSHING. B ot >P.d Srßixr. -. -A writer from D dford Springs to th Morning Patri o" talks in the following-train of mat er-and things a* they appear on the route to and about our watering place. I arrived here on Saturday night la-t af'.er a pleasant ride over the Pennsyl vania Central and Huntingdon and Broad Top railroads, supplemented by ah althfut trot in one of Barclay & tsiiot matter's ea=y and cosy coaches fro.n Mt Dallas to this place. It wa one of the plea&intest of quiet aft*, r noons, on which I po--ed up the syl van valley af the Juniata, that seem ed to be asleep in the embrace of the rugged mountains. It was Saturday, and even the gentle noise of rural iu dtr-try were hushed. The eniptv wain, with wheels well "scorched," SUKKI in the ©tubble on the hill-side, whilst here and there a -hock of wheat, leaning towards a gradual fail, dotted the surface of tiie harvest field grow ing green again in the swift growth of springing clover. "The hills seemed farther and the streams sang low," the scene recalling to the mind Buchanan Read's pretty thought, 'The ru*"jt yer inhaled :he dreamy air. Like some tanned reaper in his hour of ease, When all the fields are lying brown and bare." As we thundc-red along on the 11. A B. T. B. It., there was just light e nough to enable one to obtain a thrill ing view of the trestle work below Sax ton, and twilight fell gently upon u* a* w -at down to a delicious supper of ham and eggs and coffee at the "Wa vrly Hon-*'," Sax ton, after which the trip was speedily resumed. A few .minutes' rides brought us" to Riddles burg, where is located the newly erect ed and v. ry extensive furnace of the lveiubie Coal aud Iron Company, it \vy quite dark when we aruved at tins point, but the scene presented by the long row of coke ovens in fnll blast, illuminating stream and hill-side, was truly aubiime. It seemed as if tiie geuiu.-> Broad Top looked forth from the Ricl'shurg gorge, with many fi. ry gleaming eyes, and, though silent ti the sphynx, prophesied in its muteness the future wealth and glory of tin: re gion. But 1 forget that lam trying to write a letter, having been betrayed by The ls*vaties of the -eenery along the rout*', into a poor attempt to sketch a landscape. Ib'venom a tios inoutun.*.— And this last remark reminds me t!>at Ave are at Bedford Springs, for here we ever "return to our mutton," which is always fresh and tender. The number of visitors at Bedford this season is quite as large us at form er ones, but I do not find so many dis tinguished personages here as at other times. The L. U 1)'-and the N. P's (noted politicians) do not ab )*} as formerly. The Springs are under the superintendence of j. J. Anderson, Esq., one of the proprietory with Col. A. tb Alien as manager ami Major A. J. .Sausom as clerk. The guests are comfortably lodged, the tables are well supplied, and the grounds were never in better condition. New York is compelled to follow the example of Philadelphia, by getting her Board of Health to clean tho streeas. Anna E. idekison favors the Chin ese. j ItUIM newt ITJ.IM Jt i~ reiwirted that a number of rafts men. who hud tak'-n on th tfWTM-f l>odK|Uf, ht Il tiiijif/itt. on the Mi • -ippi, atiiojstHed U> uutkf free n-; of the cabin, an 1, on ta-iiijjejux-D-n Wii- found a nutniser of -securi li r roblxM from the N'ew York Ocean Bank sonic time ago. fiie Cuban insurgents have lately burned and otherwise destroyed much in the vicinity of Trinidad. They attacked Puerto Principe in large force a few days ago, but were rejul- -d witu considerable loss. Gathering of blackberries, the pres ent watson -hould not be neglectoutclH- brt-'sJ was recently sold at Ge u ;va, N. Y., forio.oiXl. A. J. A.'exan der, of K *ntucky, was the reckless pur chaser. 1 he principal gamblers at Monaco are Russians and Americans. Among the latter are several females, who may , IjC scan morning and evening at the rough et nolr tables. A f/w that died recently at Waterloo, Canada, was dissected, and three suck ers, one two feet long, and two small ones -ix inches each, were found in her stoma' h. A lady in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, ; has made 7 p vests within the past twenty five years, by hand-work a lone. There is a lady in Button, New York, who was marrie/J at twelve years of age, who i- the mother of sixteen ehi!- ' dron, weight 210 pounds, and is "fair, fat and forty." Hon. I*uac Toucey, ex-Secrelary of the Navy, who has been ill for some time, died on the 30th in -t., at his resi dence, in-llartford, Conn. A Cincinnati man who recently vis ited Maine wrote home that it was no crest it to the people that they were temperate as a class, since their water wa- so good and whisky so poor. A Frenchman has purehaeed live thousand acres of swamp in Teunesee and propose- raising frogs for the Memphis market. Chicago men have made contracts for the regular delivery in that city of fresh grapes from California by the Pacific llailroad. C m- ripaon i- said to be immensely popular among the loyal Cubans, es pecially those who have managed to keep out of the field heretofore. Napoleon 111., according to a Paris report, will issue a general amnesty for political offenders on the loth of August. A party of Carlists Feroscon, at Spain, was defeated Monday. The Govern ment has received offers of assistance in putting down the insurrection from various quarters in Spain. Among the offers is one from Espartero. A brakeinan named A. Patterson, living in South Bethlehem, was killed on the North Penn. railroad, on the night of the 13th inst., a short distance from Qnakertown. Judge Mercur, of Towanda, was on Tuesday morning victimized to the tune of four hundred dollars on the Pen usy 1 vania rai I road, by pick -pockets. Josit Bi CLINGS says ' "Givethedev il his due, reads well enough in a prov erb; but rai friend, what will become uv me and you if this arrangement is carried out ?" A minister at a camp meeting said : "If a lady with the blue hat, red hair and cross eves, don't stop talking she will be pointed out to the congrega tion." The Indians continue to commit murder and outrages in Arizona. Three soldiers, forming a mail escort, are among th"ir recent victims. Several guilty New York broker-are to be sentenced on the 10th of next month. A New York paper thinks the "girl of the period" is the "American Girl," because she is rather "fast." Tin.' Spanish garrison at Lis Tunas, (Jitha, is suffering for want of provis ions. The failure of the crops in Norway anil Sweden is sending many emi grants to America. Some of the coal companies in Lu zerne and Carbon counties propose em ploying Chinamen as miners. There is said to be a man in Lancas ter, Pa., named Joseph Herr, who has not had half an hour's continuous sleep for nearly four years, A negro is under arrest in Nashville, Tent)., charged with having uin* wives. There is a fault In Ihi* Atlantic cable of 1866, be lieved to be about a hundred and thirty mile" from Valencia. ' BPE rpcj *i* jf la k w.'stdtng u> Tbjr are *ll tbr* le be Uaej. at tbe Mac slum;. Xbev rie®*el. rrix tie liver *n4 pat it u, work ibvm b appetite be**®/;* prk . tfa i<*A digeru act IBikMeapd Mood . the patient begir-. to grow ia flesh ; the diaeaaed otucr ripen ■ in the lottcx, *ti bap*nit outgrow# the likck wud gjj, well Tfci* i* the out 7 way to ear* eoMampiitiß To tbe#* three atediein** Dr J H Sefceaek, of Philadelphia. over bu unrivalled eaeeew in the ' treatment of pal/nonary eoßtoecrnioti Tbe Pol u:'tLic -jnrp ripen* the morbid matter in Use tang*. nature throw* it off by a& ea*y ezpeetora ti. for when tbe pblegtc or matter ia ripe a alight eoazb will throw st off, and tbe patient ha* rest atsl the iengt begin to heal. To do tai, tbe Seaweed Toste and Mandrake Phl in oat be freely uaed to clean** tbe •tntaaek and liver. m that tbe i'almonie tyrap and tbe ta. 1 bio,i without fermentation or wourmg in the rtouacb. Tbe great reas-.-n why physician* do not care consumption i*. they try to do too much ; tbey give me iieine to *top tbe eoagb. to stop ehillr, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing tbey derange tbe whole digestive power*, locking up tbe eecrs'loa*, and eventually tbe patient sink: and diet l>r Seiieoek in hi* treatment, does not try to -t/ip a o ugh. night sweats cbiii*. or lever Re move tbe cause and tbey will ail rtop of tieir own accord No one cab be cured of Coascmp ti-,0- Liver Complaint, Ityspepeia, CataaTb, Cac ker. d erated Throat, unlets the lirer sod (torn aeb are made healthy If -i person has Consumption, of course tbe lung- i in some way are diseased, either tubercles mo sce- .e*, bronchial irritation. pleura adhesion or tbe lungs are a in*** of icftamtaatior. and fast de- ; eaying In ach eases wnat must be dote It | i- not only the lungs that are wasting, but it is the whole body. The stomach at>4 liver have lost ■ their power to make blood out of food. Now tbe only chance it to take Scheack * tbree medicines, which will bring up a tone to tbe etoiuacb, the patient wtil begin to want food, it wii! digest easi ly an i insk . good blood : then tbe patient begin* to gain in flesh, and at soon as the body begins to | grow, tbe lung* commence to heal up. and the pa- ! tieat gets fiesby ani well. This is the only way j to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease, and only Liver 1 Complaint and Liyspepria, Scbcntk i Seaweed . Touie and Mandraxe Piils are sufficient without tbe Pulmonic eyrup lake tbe Mandrake Pills freely in ail billious .ompiaints. as tbey are per fectly harmless fir Scbenek, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many year* past and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, bis physicians bating pronounced bis case hope less and abandoned birn to hi fete lie was cured by tbe aforesaid medicine*, and since his recovery many thousands similarly agisted have u*ed Dr Seheack s preparations with tho same remarkable success Full directions accompanying each, alike ionot absolutely necessary to peraonaliy see Dr Sebenck, unless the patient* wi-b their longs examined and for this purpose be is professional- ! ly at bis Principal Office. Philadelphia every j lsy. where ail let ers for advice must be ad dr*-*ed. He is also professionally at No. 32 Bond Street. New York, every other Tuesday, and at | No. do Hanover Street, Boston, every other Wednesday. He gives aivi -e free, bat for a thor ough examination with hi* Respi rxneter tbe price i- i'j Office hours at each city from 9 A M to 3 P.M. Price - f the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each $1 50 per bottle, or $7 50 a balf-doien. .Mandrake Pill* 25 cents a box. For sale by ail <1 ruggi *ts Db. J. U SCHENCK. inayisyl 15 N. 6th St., Philada , Pa I )1 AXO.S AND ORGANS. 1. PRICES greatly reduce.] for cash. New 7 Octave Pianos of first-class makers for 1275 and upward. Now Cabinet Organs for $45 and up ward. Second band Instrument* from $4) to j $175 Monthly installments received, and in- ' struments for rent. W'arerooms, No. 4s! Broad way. HORACE WATERS I HOUSEKEEPERS ! HOUSEKEEPERS ! Mon—Women—and Children ! Men—Women—and Children ! READ—READ ' Ceding to Scalds and Burns " "Soothing to all painfu! wouDds. Ae. ? ' -Healing to all Sores, '.'leers, Ac" 'CO-STARS' BUCKTHORN SALVE j Is the most extraordinary salve ever known. Its | fiower of S-othing and Healing for all Cuts, Burns, j Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Chapped Hands and Skin. for Sore Nipples, for Piles, Ac., Ac—is without a parallel. One person says of it, 'I would not be without a Box in my House, if it cost $5 W), or I bad to travel all the way to New York." | A*. F. Evening Xewi, Sep/. 5.j All Druggists in Bedford sell it. I ' That Cough will Kill you," Try "Costar's" Cough Remedy. -Colds and Hoarseness lead to death," Try "Costar's" Cough Remedy. -For Croups—Whooping Coughs, Ac.," Try "Costar's" Cough Remedy. •'Costar says it is the boat in the wide world— and if he says so—its True—its True —Us True; and we sav Try it—Try it—Try it." | Morning Paper. A'isf 2d | lAll Druggists in BEDFORD sell it. "COSTAR'S" STANDARD PREPARATIONS ARE HIS BEAUTI P I E R ! THE Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms - AT One Bottle. sl.oo—Three for $2.90. IIL* "Costar's'" Rat, Roach. Ac., Exterminators. •Costar's ' Bed Bug Exterminators. "Costar's" (OSLY PORE Inseet Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known " "IS years established in New York." "2.(H)0 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." "t I ! Beware ! 'of spurious imitations." "All Druggists is BEDFORD sell them " Address "CO-STAR," 10 Crosby St., N. Y., Or, JOHN F. HENRY, (Successor to) DEM AS BARNES A CO., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sol 1 in BEDFORD by If Hier KKRMAX A Sox. fcbl'Jyl DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success by J. ISAACS, M D. t and professor of Dtita tea of the Ef* and Ear in the Medical College of Penn sylvania 12 years experience, (lormerly of Leyden, Holland), No. SOii Arch Street Phils. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medi cal tacuity are invited to aceompany their pa tients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination Julya.'fiSjl Ruins AND BRIDEGROOM.—Essays for Young Men on the interesting relation of Bridegroom to Bride, in the institution of Mar riage,—a Guide to matrimonial ielicity, and true happiness. Sent by mail in sealed letter envel pes free of ehargo. Address, HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box P , Philadelphia, Pa. * ang2S'6Syl I Special Not it*. Men's, Youth's, Boys' and UffH&ntv.n' SPAIVE A RUUE CLOTHING Ota A*.*JKTMIST IT ow (alt end complete we kir every desirable kind ud tiw IfutMKM m wiWi< fna tfce saric-m fair* all tie liferent stjle of cat, adapted to si! uwteas. ieelading tb medium aci subdued preferred by many. a? vet! a* tie latest sad m>rt fashionable *yle. Ot s LARGE STtecx enable* uf to keep at all timet a fall acaortztiotii ao that all eaa be fitted at ob est without delay. Or* FPHCHAMS ttvirt **T* ICADE FOB cava, AND having purchased largely of late, sinee the DECLINE id woolens. our CUSTOMERS share id the ADVANTAGE we hare that seeared- OCK SALE* ELSG ro* Can* ESCirsrvELT we hare NO had DEBTS to provide for. and are OUT obliged to TAX toe paying customer to make ap LOWER through those who do not pay Or* READY -MADE FTIUIIN are superior to any other .Stock 'A Ready-Made goods in Phila delphia. any one eaa he at well fitted from them F by GARMENTS made to order anywhere, they are AT well made, and equal in every respect, and MUCH cheaper Being manufac tured Br THE HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS, they can he •old cheaper than when made up singly : hat for the accommodation of those who prefer we bare also a CUSTOM DEPARTMENT TO SAKE rp TO ORDER. with a choice selected stock of Piece Goods, A priaing all styles and qualities Foreign and Bmedie, which will be made up to measure by competent and experienced Cutter- and WORKMEN in a style equal TO the best. SPECIAL -Vonci —Style, fit. and make of oar gar ments surpassed by none. equalled by few. All prices guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, and fall satisfaction guaranteed every purchaser, or the sale canceled and money refunded. Half iriy between. < BENNETT A Co., Piftk and Tow K* HALL, Sixth Streets, J 518 MAP.APT SR.. PBILADELPBiA. AND 896 BKGAD w AT. Saw YOKE. Octlfiyl To Co-v-i'MiTiviu-.—The Advertis ler. havini' been restored to health in a few weekf. by a very simple remedy, after having suffered ' several years with a severe lung affection, and that ! dread disease. Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used free oi charge, with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption. Asth ma. Br.aehitis etc The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the af flicted. and spread information which be conceives ; to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer aril! j try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a Messing Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad dress REV EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County. New York. tc ayldfl Error-- of Youth. —A gentleman j who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature be: ay. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion- will, for the sake of suffering human ity. send free to all who need it- the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the . advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, i in perfect confidence. JOHN E. OGDEN. No. 42 Cedar street. New York. mayldyl Words of Wisdom for Young men, j On the Holing Passion in Youth and Early Man ! hood, with SELF HELP for the erring and unfor, i tucate Sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Pbila.. Pa. may2S,'69yl Salrs. \ VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE —The undersigned offers for sale the follow ' ing valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND. containing IfiO acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county. State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbana. and one mile from Rentual Station on said Railroad rrlwo of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbana contains about 4.000 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. Also —One-fourth of a tract of land, situated in Broad Top township. Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. Also— Toree Lott in the town of Coalmont. Huntingdon county Jan 26, fifi-tf P C. REAMER PJBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE —By virtue of an order of ; the Orphan's Court of Bedford county, and author- I ity in the last Will and Testament of Daniel Buz , sard, late of West Providence tp . Bedford county, deceased. contained, the undersigned. Executor of the said last will and testament, and Trustee for the Real Estate of said deceased, will expose to sale by Public V endue. d:i Saturday. the 21if day of August, \ D.. Ic6t>. upon the premises, all the following described Farm and trsctof land, situate in said tp.. to wit : all that certain tract of j land, adjoining lands of Philip Snyder on the East. Mountain Survey onthe West. John Bunard on the North and John Mench and others on the South, containing 192 Acres, more or less, about fit) acres cleared and under fence and the balance is well eovered with choice timber. The improvements consists of a Good two story Log Dwelling House. Log Barn and other out Build . ings. There is a never tailing Spring of excel i lent water near the Dwelling House and there is ! also an Orchard of choice fruit upon the premises. This property is favorably located, in a pleasant . neighborhood.convenient to Schools and Churches, and is within three miles of the terminus of the Bedford Kail Road, at Mt Dallas Sale to begin at 1 o'clock. P. M., of said day. when due attendance will be given and Term? made known by JOHN sPARKS. Executor and Trustee for the Sale of the Real Estate of Daniel Buzzard, dee'd. (juUfiwi I^X ECUTOB'S SALE OF REAL _J ESTATE.—The undersigned, Executor cf i the last will, Ac., cf John Miller, late of Cum | berland Valley Township, dee d . will by virtue of j the power given him by the said Will, soil at public sale, on the premises in said Township, on 1 Votings, day. the 2itk day oj August, inst. at 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, all the Real Estate of said de ceased. situate in said township, consisting of a : TRACT OF LAND containing fi7 acres, more or less, part improved, with an orchard and never I failing spring f water thereon ;—adjoining lands j of Lorenzo D, Cessna, Henry Miller and Henry i -Miller, Jr's heirs, Adam Zembower. Thomas [ Growden and Jacob Miller, Jr. Tnis tract would make a snug farm and is in a pleasant neighbor j hood. Terms,—Oae third cash, and balance in two ■ <>huj,l annual payments to be secured bv bonds I and mortgage, or jugments. JAS. CESSNA. Executor, TWO FARMS AT PRIVATE 1 SALE Now is tub Time to Bev Cheap Real Estate A FARM IN MORRISON'S COVE. A SPLENDID FARM WITHIN TWO MILES OF BEDFORD The subscriber will sell at private sale, on very ! very reasonable terms, and at reduced prices, the ; following described, very valuable real estate, viz A TRACT OF LAND situated in Morrison's j Cove, about one mile from Lafayettsville, and four miles from Woodberry, in Middle Woodbcrry twp., containing 102 acres, more or less, about 45 acres cleared and under fence, with one and a half story log house, log barn, blacksmith shop and other outbuildings, adjoining lands ef Jack son Stuekey on the east, Christ. Kochendcrfer on the north, John Kesgy on the west, and Ignatius Brant s heirs on the south This can be made one of the neatest and most pleasant little farms in the Cove with very little expense. There is an abund ance of water, plenty of fruit and splendid timber upon it—all that is necessary to mak3 it desira | ble. ALSO, | A MOST EXOELLENT TRACT OF LIME STONE AND RIVER BOTTOM LAND, within ■ two miles of Bedford, containing 22S acres, about j 150 ycreg of which are cleared and in a high state ! of cultivation and the halanoe well timbered. There are excellent new building erected thereon J with a well of never failing water at the door, j There are two orchards of choice fruit upon it. 75 acres of meadow, (River Bottom) can be cultiva ted with trifling expense. The upland is in a good state ot cultivation, well set with clover and under good fence There is sufficient timber upon it to pay for the farm several time* if thrown into the Bedford market. Apply to J- R. DL'RBOKROW, Attorney at Lew, - Bedford, Pa. PRINTERS' INK has made many a business man rich We ask o to try it in the Hilumae of tsi Uajwtb &r. XTEW GOODS JUBT RBC FJ vn, 13 AT i. M CIIOFIJFAKJBP. S T*H I, PtORE ALS •MKHPUHKUatssffiAv, •" v- ' .;&■■ KEW GOODS just Rrinivn] ai i ' If. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW GOODS just Recri vctl at J | M Shoemaker s Bargain Store I NEW GOOi>S just Received a: J, M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store NEW IS just Itwi-ivwl at J M Shoemaker Bargain Store I NEW GOODS just Rereiveil at J. i M shoemaker s Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Grof*ri<-. r Clothing Hats, Bot/tr and Sboe= Q*ee; a r . Fish, Notions. Leather, Tobseso. Ac. at j y Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groct-rifs, Clothing H*tr Boots and Leather. Fxah, SotMBA. Tobacco Ac . at J M ' Shoemaker"? Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, , Clothing, flats, Boat/ and .-hots. Quctn-ware Notion?. Leather. Tobacco, Fish. Ac., at ,! .M Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Ha;?. Boot* and Shoes. Queen-ware Xstione Leather. Tobaeco. Fish Ac . at J M ( Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries. Clothing Hats. Boot* and Shoes Queen-ware. Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ac., at J M ' Shoemaker's Bargain Store BUY your Dry Goods, Grocerift-, | Clothing. Hats. Boots and Shoes. Queensware Notions. Leather. Tobacco. Fiph Ac , at J -M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. Bedford. Pa , June 11. 1369 R. OSTER & CO. READ AND SPEAK OF IT! COME SEE AND BE CONVINCED " We are now receiving onr usual extensive azsi well ai sorted STOCK OF NEW AND C II E A P SuM ME R GOO 1) S, And are now prepared to offer SMASHING BIG BARGAINS TO CASH B U Y E R S , In Sieiple ami Fancy Dry Goods. Notions, C ft'is, Oil Cloths. Cotton Yarns, Carpet Chant*. Hats, Boot*. Shoes, Clothing, Brooms, Baskets, Wall ami Window Palters, Groceries, Queens ware. Tobacco*, Cigars, Fish, Salt,