The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 11, 1869, Image 3
flit flctlfovtl (biixrtit. Homo and Around. .- -- HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP H.R. —St MMEH Anr.ANQf.MRsr. —TIMRTABLK. —On and after May 24th, passenger trains will arrive and depart as follows : . Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. m , ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 20 p. in.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 8.40 a. in . and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 11 52 a. in. Express Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 6.35 a.m., aud arrives at Huntingdon, at 10.10 a. tu : leaves Huntingdon at 5.55 p. m., and arrives at Mt. Dal -1 a? at 9 26 p. m. Cool—the weather o' nights. Going up— the court house steps. 0 Coining down—flour. Let 'er come. Juliana street has the Grecian Bend. The "city fathers" ought to take it out. The Messrs. Hartley are erecting a new stack at the Crystal Mills. Fourth of July is coming. Will Bedford celebrate? Hon. Jeremiah S. Black had his arm crushed by a railway accident near Louisville, Kentucky, recently. Our lawyers are doing a very sneak ing business at the court house just now. They all slip in at tiie back door. John T. Richards, Esq., late member of the House, is announced as a candi date for Senatorial honors, in this dis district. Where's Boon? Andrew Bulger—not Furry as pub lished in last week's GAZETTE—com mitted suicide in S. Woodberry. Mr. Furry was no doubt surprised to learn that he had committed so rash an act. A soldier stands a poor chance in the Democratic ranks. — Inquirer. But he is all right in the "Republi can" ranks, especially if he fought on "the other side." lor instance, Long street, Crowe and other colored indi viduals. SEVERE STORM.— A severe storm of hail and rain visited a portion of Ful ton last Monday week. Barns and trees were blown down, horses killed windows smashed and the crops, in the track of the storm, were completely destroyed. CHILD LOST.—A daughter of James Staley, about eight years of age, was lost in the Mountains near Mercers burg on the 20th ult. Up to this time no trace of the lost one has been dis covered, although the mountains have been scoured fur miles around by crowds of people. Horse thievesare still plying their vo cation in Fulton county. Last week two more tine horses were earried a way, one from John Fore of Todd tp. and the other from Henry Wilson of Dublin. An attempt was made to en ter the barn of J. M. Sloan of Todd tp., but the rascal was diseovered.before he had accomplished his pilfering pur pose. ARRANGE BANK PAPER.— The Fourth of July falling on Sunday this year, the 6th is by statute designated a legal holiday. Paper falling due on the 6th is therefore payable the Gth, and paper falling due the 4th must be paid the 3d. Some embarrassment may be saved to business men by noting this fact. TRY IT. —A cup of coffee is a sure ba rometer, if you allow the sugar to drop to the bottom of a cup and watch the bubbles arise without disturbing the coffee. If Ihe bubbles collect in the m iddle, the weather will be fine, if they adhere to the cup, forming a ring, it will be rainy, and if the bubbles sep arate without assuming any fixed posi tion changeable weather may be expec ted. Trv it. DEATH OF THE "OLDEST INHABI TANT."—Mrs. Mary Amick who diet! in Monroe township, on Saturday the 29th ult., was no doubt the oldest in habitant of this county. She was born in Loudoun county, Virginia, in Oc tober, A. I). 1762, and would have been one hundred and seven years old in October next. Deceased was a mem :ber of the Lutheran church of which de nomination she was a regular commu nicant for a period of eighty five years. CORUEOION.— An error has appeared in the Statement of Receipts and Ex penditures of JBedford borough, which was made bv the omission of the Audit ors to give the Treasurer credit for i tems amounting to $1,228.11. The cor rected statement was handed to us last week, but we overlooked it. This week the account appears as it should be. Justice to all concerned demands this explanation, otherwise a reflection might be made on the Treasurer, Mr, Rush, than whom no more honest or correct officer can be found. FASHIONABT.E WEDDING.— Mr. Es py L. Anderson, late of Itedford Springs, and Miss Rebecca Johns of this city, were married by Rev. Dr. Coiton, in the P. E. Church, at It o'- clock. P. M., last Thursday evening. This marriage excited a good deal of interest and a large number of persons attended the church, to witness the cer emony. There were six gentlemen and six lady attendants. The bride was dressed in white silk with illusion over.— Mountain City Time .l. A WORD TO THE LADIES.—IN one of our exchanges we find the following directions for preserving boquets, in their original freshness and beauty for r. long time. "First sprinkle it lightly With fresh water. Then put it in a vessel contain ing soap-suds; this will nutrify the roots keeping the flowers as bright as new. Take the boquet out of the suds every morning, and lay it side-ways the stalk entering first into the water; keep it there a minute or two, then take it out and sprinkle the flowers lightly by the hand with water. Re place it in the soap-suds and it will bloom as fresh as when gathered. The soap-suds need changing every three or four days. Ry observing these rules%trietly, a boquet can be kept beautiful for at least a month, and wilJ last longer in a very passable .state." BARNES BROCUIIT BACK. —It. Barnes, a dusky American citizen, late a it)ember of the House at Allegheny, has announced hi-s intention to "run over the track" again. lie thinks the thieves at Allegheny are fully as re spectable as the thieves at Hairisburg, hence he longs for the soup bowls of the no We instititution beyond the "city of smoke." Barnes has Deen there and tasted the sweets of solitary life—that isolated nook where pugnacious politi cians enter not and where the "bred reri"are not tempted by the bewitching inducements of the fifteenth Amend ment. lie would rather view theyrafe nessof the country from another stand point. To make his election sure. Barnes proceeds to the Mills and ap propriates various and sundry articles to his use, without the consent of the owners, and contrary to the Acts of As sembly in such case made and provi led. Flour he taketh—for the soul and hotly must be kept together—and the sacks thereof lie eonverteth into neth er garments. To show what a bore he has deter mined to be to thecommunity, hegob bieth a two-inch auger. He saw a saw and the owner saw it no more till justice dragged it forth. His appreciation of the "flight of time" was beautifully illustrated in that he aud a watch disappeared sud denly together one morning. All these things were taken at the Mills, yet not one mill did he leave to recompense the owners thereof. Yet he pretended to act "on the square," tor that article, too, was found in his possession. Barnes lias grievously sinned in the light of the Freedmen's Bureau. He is now reflecting on the weakness of his race, in the county jail. For the Bedford Gazette. A FEW WORDS ABOUT PAINT.— In China when a man is convicted of stealing they paint his house black. Is there a similar rule in operation here, and has Bedford township been convicted of stealing ? 1 f not, why are the new School Houses of the town ship painted black, or what is worse a mongrel shade between brown and black ! Did anybody in the world ev er see a more detestable color than that which disfigures the tine new School Iloase near Chenoweth's?" Burns styled the tooth-ache "the hell of all diseases." What the tooth-ache is to ail other diseases, the color of this school house is to all other colors. There is a nice new school house out near Jacob Fetter's, four miles north east oftown, which had not yet been painted when I saw it last, a couple of weeks ago. I hope the Directors, or the eon tractor, or the painter, or whoever may have the matter in hand, will see that this building gets a coat of paint whose color will not stand as a re proach upon the taste of the people of the towship. As samples of well-selected color i would refer to the Men gel House and to Judge Hartley's barn in Snake Spring township. Can't our School Directors or the contractors who build our school houses, display like good taste with Hartley and Mengel? Our School Houses should present a a cheerful and tasteful appearance, and not (like the one near Chenoweth's) stand like dirty scabs on tiie beautiful face of nature. PAINTBRUSH. Written Expressly tor the Bedford Gazette. SKETCHES or ItEVI IKKAISI.E CHAR ACTERS. BLOODY RUN, June Ist, 1369. EDlTT t its G AZETTE : —Messieurs : Since it has become the custom of many writers to ventilate brief "biog raphies" of "our members of the bar,' through the columns of one of the "or gans" of the county, I have ventured (with trembling) to pen a few brief sketches of "well-known characters," hoping that your readers may feel that deep interest, in them which we all do in the subjects of the aforementioned screeds. My remarks shall not he con fined to any particular profession, and my characters will probably be recog nized by nearly every reader of your valuable sheet. To begin with, we will Consider, briefly, the career of HANS VON SUIIPIUKLEHECK-" Tramp er," who, at the ripe old age of fifty-five, don't "versteh Inglis,' " but ekes out a comfortable livelihood by passing through various parts of the world and making observations. Hans don't "trink Berliner 'weiss-bier,"oh, no! but when the night comes on, seeks out some deserted tenement, where he builds his fire and leisurely composes himself for his "nacht-lage." Morn ing comes and discovers him accident ally burned to such an extent that he is obliged to be the "borough's guest" for two or three mouths, when he go eth on his way rejoicing. Mr. Von S is a promising citizen, and we un derstand intends seeking the nomina tion for Protbonotary. GIUSEPPE BATlllSTA—' "Musician" is a well-known and admired charac ter. Being of a very charitable dispo sition, ids concerts are given "free of charge but a minute specimen of hu manity (?) almost invariably accompa nies him, and succeeds in increasing his master's store of pennies, by his winning ways. The admiring crowd which surrounds him, listen to his "me lojus stranes" with open mouths and "auribus erect is." The most singular thing connected with Mr. B —— ? s melody, is the fact that it isall contained in a small cubical box, and requires but one crank to produce many tunes. We understand that he carries on a thriving business, but his stay, in one locality, is limited according to public patronage. S.MUH.Y MUULT RAL — the Pugilist, is a most eloquent debater, although his argument is nearly always of tin "knock-down" order. He is a gradu ate of the lleenan and Mayers" school, and although somewhat averse to for ensic pleadings, is yet a "rehiiner at the bar," of which he is a liberal pui rua. We do not know whether Me. McU—— will ever attain a very high position in the political world, but hope that if he ever does "we may be there to see." Other Characters will he duly noticed hereafter, as they rise or fall in public esteem. Yours with tremor, ICONOCLAST. #se itettfaeti Ufeawf*tr > a&rSjfor'CL gta> A distinguished Methodist Minister and prominent Temperance Lecturer once remarked that go where he would, from one end of the country to theoth er, he hardly ever failed to find PLAN TATION BITTTRS, and while he con demned the practice of using these Bit ters too freely, he could not conscien tiously say that he would discard them from the side-board, for he had him self experienced beneficial rbsults from their use, and that, from a long and close observation, he was convinced that when used moderately, and as a medicine exclusively, they were all that was recommended. At the same tirno he warned bis hearers not to pull the cork too often, for they were far too pleasant a tonic to trifle with. MAGNOLIA WATER. —Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. Corrected every week. PHILADELPHIA, June 8. FL() U R.—The quotationsare— Northwest superfine, $5.0005.50 Northwest extra, G. 0006.25 Northwest extra family, 7.25(0)8.25 Penna. and West'n sup., 0.0007.00 Penna. aud West'n extra, 7.0008.00 Penna. and West'n family, 8.50010.50 Penna. and West'n fancy, 9.00010.50 Rye flour, 7.0008.00 GRAIN. —We quote- Pennsylvania red, per bus., $1.6001.60 Southern " California, " White, " 1.80@.1.85 Rye, " 0.0001.45 Corn, for yel., " 0.8700.88 Oats, " 075 c MA FRIED. CLAYCOMB —ICKES—On the 3rd inst., by the Kev. C. U. Heilman, at the Keforuiod parsonage, in St. Clairsville, Mr. Thaddeus Clayeomb Mod Miss Catharine lokes, both of this county. MENGES—FELIX—On Suuday eve, 7 o'clock. May 30th, at the residence of the bride's father, by tho Rev. ,f A. Dunlap, of New Paris, Pa , Mr. Emanuel S Menges, of Napier tp., Bedford Co., Pa., to Miss Kate S. Felix, of Somerset eo.. Pa. York papers please copy. CKISMAN—SLEEK—At the residence of the bride's father, in St Clair twp., May 3fith, by Rev. A. W. Decker, Mr. Andrew Crisinan to Miss Elizabeth Sleek, both of Bedford county. LASHLEY—WHrLT— On the 27th of May, 1869, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. G. C. Probst, Mr George Lsshlcy, of Flintstone, Md., and Miss Kebeeca 11. Whilt, of Bedford co., Peun'a. DIED. WHETSTONE—On the 2nd inst., in St. Clair tp , Mrs. Catharine Whetstone, aged i>2 years, 10 months and II days. gUvmiscmfuti 4 UDITOH'S NOTICE.—The under- J\ signed appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford County to report a distribution of the money in the hands of John L. Huffman and Christian L Huffman, Administrators of the Estate of Christain Huffman, late of Middle Woodburry Township, dee'd, and to ascertain advancements, and state an account between the administrators and the heirs, will attend to the duties of bis ap pointment, on Tuesday, the 22d day of June, inst., at his office in Bedford, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, when and where all parties interested can attend, JNO. P. REEO, jnnellwi Auditor. TWPOTICE TO TRESPASS ERS.— X x All persons are hereby cautioned against tres passing upon the property of the undersigned, by hunting, fishing, or otherwise, as the law will be enforced against all who may violate it in this respect. JOSIAH KOONTZ. WILLIAM OTT. JOHN .STONE, ABRAHAM WEISEL. junll w3* HERBET SHOEMAKER, NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT J. M SHOEMAKER'S BARGAIN STORE NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. NEW" GOODS just Received at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store NEW GOODS just Received at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store NEW GOODS just R'voived at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing. Hats, Boots and Shoes, Qaeen.-ware, Fish, Notions. Leather, Tobacco, Ac., at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, liat*. Boots nni Shoes Queens ware, Leather. Fish. Notions, Tobacco, Ac., at J M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Quceuswuro, Notions, Leather, Tobacco, Pish, Ae.. at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Queeesware, N Jtione. Leather, Tobacco, Fish, Ac., at J M Shoemaker's Birgain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Ilats, Boots and Shoes Quoensware, Notions, Leather, Tobaeco, Fish, Ac., at J. M. Shoemaker's Bargain Store. BUY your Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Ilats, Boots and Shoes, (jueensware. Notion*. Leather, Tobacco, Fish Ac., at J. M Shoemaker's Bargain Store. Bedford, Pa., June 11, 139. lUuj TJUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE t REAL ESTATE - -There will be sokl at pub lie sale, on Friday, July 2nd, 1869, the MANSION FARM of Abraham Blackburn, dee'd. The farm is situated in Napier tp., near New Paris, is in a first rate settlement, convenient to Churches, Schools, Ac. Contains 112 acres, SO of which are cleared and in good condition, 15 acres is good meadow, the balance well timbered. There is a good well of water near the house. The improve ments are a large two-story house, bank barn and other outbuildings There is a good orchard on the firm. Reasonable terms will be given, which will be made known on day of sale. G. W. BLACKBURN, A. F BLACKBURN, junllwl Executors. £U>LBUKN'S PATKNT RED JACKET AXE. Is better than our regular shaped Axes for these reasons. First—lt cuts deeper. Second—lt don't stick in the Wood. Third —lt does not jar the hand. Fourth—No time is wasted in taking the Axe cut of the cut. Eifth-—With the same labor you will do one-third more work than with regular Axes. Red paint has nothing to do with the good qualities of this Axe, for all our Axes ars painted red. If your hardware store does not keep our goods, we will gladly answer in quiries or fill your orders direct, or give you the name of the nearest dealer w ho koem our Axes. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWKLL, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sole owners of Colburn's and Red Jacket Patents. I .TIRE ! FI RE ! ! F1 RE !! ! 1 GLOBE' FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO., No 4 Dey Street, New York I Great reduction in price. No. 1 $35; No. 2 | $10: No. 3 $45. First-class Agents wanted.— ; Address as above. S ! TEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. FROM 4 to 350 Horse Power, including the cel ] ebratod Corliss Cut-off Engines. Slide Valve Sta . tiouery Engines. Portable Engines, Ac. Also, Circular. Mulay and Gang Saw Milts, Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., Lath and ShiDglo Mills, Wheat aud Corn Mills, Circular Saws, Beltiug, Ac. Send t for descriptive Circular and Price List. WOOD A MANN STEAM ENGINE CO . I tic a, N. Y. ; \ITANTED, AGENTS, $75 to S2OO | \ j per month, everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Gonuine Improved Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. This maebine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, hind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only $lB. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay SIOOO for any machine that will sew . a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic senra ! than ours. It makes the "Elastic Look Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the clo'h cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that u mouut can be made. Address SKCOMB A CO., PITTSBURGH, PA., BOSTON. MASS., or ST. Locis, Mo. Caution.— Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. With the COTTAGE I'KESS and EVERY 'k® P r ' nt ' n g material accom panying it, every man can do ins own printing neatly, quickly and cheaply. They are so simple MAX in construction, that a boy ten years old can easily manage the largestsiic. Printed instructions tlI , are sent with each office, ena -1 i bling the purchaser to get at work without a previous knowledge of printing A circulars contain OWNT ln ® description, prices, testi monials, Ac., sent free to all.— Our specimen Sheets of type, cuts, Ac., ten cents. Address PRINTER. ADAMS PRESS CO., 53 Murray Street, New York. ])ATENTS.— Mi'sx A Co., Editors Scientific American, 37 Park Row, New York. Twenty three years' experience in Ob taining AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PATENTS. Opinions no charge A pamphlet, 108 pages of law and information free. Address as above. TWJ A T c II E i Y V ALUMINIUM BRONZE A OROIDE WATCHES, with American, English and Swiss Movements Chains and Jewelry of every style. Price List sent free. Address OROIDE WATCH CO , 93 Washington street, Boston. U. S. I OCAL AND TRAVELING A- I i GENTS can make large commissions on the sale of several compact articles, universally used. Address E. N. GBATTAX A Co., 337 Chostnut st Phila., Pa rrtEN PER CENT MICHIGAN BONDS for sale by A WILKINS. DETROIT, MICH. O 10 00 PER DAY GUARANTEED O Agents to sell the "Home Shuttle" Sewing Machine. It makes the LOCK STITCH, a like on both sides, has the under-feed, and is e qual in every respect to any Sewing Machine ev er invented. Price $26 Warranted for five years. Send for circular. Address JOHNSON, CLARK A CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, l'a., or St. L mis, Mo. L!* 3000 Salary. Address U. S. PIANO fit) Co., N. Y_ _ A Klv your Doctor or Druggist for SWEET QUININE—it equals (bitter) Qui nine. Is wade only by F. STEARNS, Chemist, Detroit. mar!9w4 \\T ANTED —AQENTB —To Sell YV AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE Price $25. The implest, cheapest and best Knit ting Machine every invented Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to Agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO , Boston Mass , or St. Louis, Mo. X' E U It A EG I -V.— Nervousness and Female IVealuess Cured. —A Clergyman's Widow suffered for years with the above diseases, and for the benefit of like sufferers will send the means of her own cure free. MRS. DIXI FRANK LIN, Jersey City, New Jersey. / 1-C-CM'-C-C --\_y OUR new terms to agents beiore sending to any other firm. We give agents 105 yards sheetingfor finis of 100. if nit returned, and at the same rata for clubs of thirty, forty and sixty Recollect our Dollar Sale is the oldest and largest in this city, and perfect ly reliable, all orders and letters being answered the same day they are received. Don't pay the high prices charged at the stores, but save your money by sending to us, and don't condemn our club system of selling goods before yon try it Male and female Hgents wanted in all towns and villages, where prices are high. In sending clubs, send lOcts. for each name. Circulars sent free by mail. EASTMAN A KENDALL, 25 Hawlcy St., Boston, M tut. rpiIIRTY YEARS' Experience in X the Treatment of Chronic and Sexual Disea ses,—A Physiological View of Marriage.—The cheapest book ever published—coutaining nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human organs iu a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the miud and body with the author's plan of treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by a report of cases treated A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address on receipt of 25 cents, iu stamps or postal curroncy, by addressing Dr LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. > . The author may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon which his hooks treat, either person ally or by mail, and medicines sent to Hoy part of the world. juuilwt HORRIBLE! J—l HAVE suffered with CATARRH for 30 years; it had de stroyed my voice aud smelling—impaired my sight and hearing. In six weeks I have been en tirely cured. For humanity's sake I will send the reoept for the simple remedy, postage free, to all afflicted. Address REV. T. J. MEAD, Draw er N. 176, Syracuse, N. Y. \ 1 AN T EI) —A GEN TS Eur I'rof. YY Parson's Laws of Business With futl Directions and Forms for all Transactions in ev ery State, by TiiEurniU'S PARSONS, LL.D , Pro fessor of Law in Harvard University. A saw Boog POR HVHEVBODV. Explaining every kind of contract and legal obligation, and showing how to draw and execute them. The highest arid Ijest authority in the land. Scud for our liberal terms ; alto for OHI Patent Bible Prospect 'S. SENT ERE*, PAR.MELEE ACO , Phila., Penn. fjn II E BE S T LIG II T . I THE Meridian B' tr "e.r for Kerosene, adapt edeithor for Sun or ooinrncm ehimnay. Agent* wanted in every town in the country. Samples sent by mail prepaid on receipt of 30c. Every va riety of Kerosuno Lamps, BraobeU, Chandeliers, etc., for private houses, halls and onurebea, oog jtaptly op hand. Orders lor sample cases uf our latest style# oj lamps, filled promptly at lowest prises. COULTER, JoJ}l?s $ CQ., juuliwl 702 Arch Street, Philadelphia, SI2OO AND ALL EXPENSES I'-GO!-- See Advertisement of AUEIUCAX SUUTTHI SRWINS MACHINE, in our advertising columns. ov6yl £e#al 2lotircs. ADM IN IST & AT() IIS' NO TK Mv- Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Henry Coliedge. Ute of East Providence township, dee d., have been granted to the undersigned All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims are requested to preeent them, proper ly authenticated, for settlement. JOSEPH R COLLEDGE, JOHN COLLEDGE, may7w6 Administrators. inn x i:<' vmms noti c• & - Noti< k JL J hereby given thai letters testamentary on the estate of Matthew O'Brien, late of Juniata tp , deceased, have been granted the undersigned All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present tkern prop erly authenticated for settlement. ANDREW CLEVENSPIECE Adm'r., uisyldwG. near Bedford, Pa. ASSIGNEE'S NOTlCE.—Notice D hereby given, that John B. Furry, of Mid dle Woodberry township, Bedford county, has as signed all his property to the undersigned tor the benefit of his creditors. All persons are therefore notified to present their claims, and persons in debted to said Assignor to make immediate pay ment to the Assignee. JOHN B. FLL'CK, may2lw6 Assignee. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. f\ The undersigned appointed to make diitri bution of the balance ir. the hands of Jacob Beck ley, Administrator of Hiram Davis, late of St. Clair township, deceased, would respectfully give notice to creditors and all persons interested, that he will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his ofifi ic in Bedford, on Thursday, Juac 17, 1869, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when all persons interested can attend if they see proper. may2Bw3 M A POINTS, Auditor. ESTATE OF JOSEPH obek, DEC'D.—The Register of Bedford county having granted letters of Administration upon the estate of Joseph Obcr, late of South Woodberry ty., Bedford county, dee'd., to the undersigned, residing in said township, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate are re quested to make known the same to her without delay, and all person? indebted to said estate arc hereby notified to make immediate payment ANNA OBER, may2Bwfi Administratrix. 1> KAI >! BEAD!! BEAD !I! X MIDDLETON'S W O X D E R FV L PAT X C V Ti E s A sure remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Lum bago, Growing Pains, Sprains, Bruises, StiS'nes, of the Joints and all similar diseases This wonderful remedy is composed entirely of vegetable ingredients. There are 110 injurious substances used in its manufacture. For assurance of its excellent propertic s, read the following certificates : Bkdford, May 8, 18S9. I take great pleasure in giving my testimony to the value of • Middleton s Wonderful Pain Cure." I have been a martyr to Rheumatism For two mouths previous to Feb. 25th, last, I was suffering intensely with pain so severe, that during all that time I had not one night of comfortable sleep. I could not. put my hands to my face, could not comb my own hair, nor feed myself; but after having the Pain Cure applied once, I found relief enough to give me comfortable sleep, and with its steady use, I continued to get better, and now at the end of ten weeks from its first application, I have comparatively free U3E of my bands, sleep well and car. attend to business. It has done me more good than all other medicines I have ever used put together, and I cheerfully give this cer tificate of its value. ELf M. FISHER BEDFORD, April 14, 1869. Mr. W. W. Middleton, This is to certify that I was taken with Rheu inatisiu, in my right shoulder, on the evening of the Bth inst., so that I was unable to raise my hand to my ficc. I got some of your Pain Cure and applied it twice, and was entirely relieved. I would recommend to every one who suffers with Rheumatism to give it a trial and be cured. Yours Ac., A F.MILLER. Btn FORD, May 17, 18<V Mr. Middleton, DEAH feiß — I have used several bottles of your medicine in my family, and find it to be all you claim for it. Yours, truly, JOHN IIAFER. BEDFORD, May IS, 1869. This is to certify that I have used "Middleton's Pain Cure," for Rheumatism, and was very much benefited by it. JOHN HARRIS. BEDFORD, May 13, 1369 This is to certify that I have used Middleton's Liniment, fur the Rheumatism which I had in my right shoulder so bad that I could not get my hand to my head without great pain, and after a few applications was entirely relieved. L F. DART. BEDFORD, May 1, 1869. Mr Middleton. Dear Sir : Mrs. Bowser was in much suffering for some four weeks with Rheumatism, and got some of your Pain Cure, and the first night I applied it it eased the pain; and after keeping on using it for two weeks, she was restored to health. I feel it to be my duty, as it is a pleasure, to write this recommendation for the benefit of others. JACOB BOWSER. BEDFORD, May 16 1869. Mr W W Middleton : sir—l procured a bottle of your Liniment for Rheumatism, and it gives me great pleasure in saying that after using it for two days, my rheuma tism was completely relieved My sister was suffering, at the same time, with Inflamatory Rheumatism in her right baud and wrist—after using it for several days she was relieved. I consider it the best remedy I ever heard of. JOHN KEEFE BEDFORD, May 24, 1869 This is to certify that I have used one bottle of Middleton's Liniment for Rheumatism, and think it a good eure, and would recommend it to all per sons that are afflicted with the above disease AUGUSTUS CARVER. BEDFORD, May 26, 1559. Mr. Middleton : Sir—l procured one bottle of your medicine and nsed one-half of it for Rheumatism, which effect ed a permanent cure up to this time. I cannot hesitate in saying that it is the best remedy I ev er used. A. B. CAitN. This excellent PAIN CURE is prepared only by \Y W. MIDDLETON, Bedford, Pa . to whom all orders for the medicine should ho addressed. juu4'o9yl ITTI'i Y NOT MA ICE MONEY 1 T With our STENCIL AND KEY CHUCK Oi T ] Fir, and by selling Novel and attraotive articles ' ; Circulars tree j STAFFORD MFG. CO , 66 Fulton at., New York { _j un T I Y IT ANTED AGENTS. ''Wont lor | Vf of the World;" is warranted to cure . Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Bobl on the pack age system. Not to be paid for until tested. I pay S6O per month aud commission to distribute packages. J C. TILTON, Pittsburg, Pa. may 21 w4 <£loo TO S2OO Per Month Guaran tfjp teed.—SURE PAY —Salari as paid weekly to Agents every where, selling our Patent Everlast ing White Wire Clothes Lines Call at or write for particulars to the GIRAKD WIRE MILLS, 281 North 3d at., Phila. 4w 4 CENTS WANTED FORTHE SE C II E T II I S T O E Y OF THE CONFEDERACY The astounding rovolations and startling dis closures inado in this work, are creating the meet intense desire in the minds of the people to obtain it The secret political intrigues, Ac , of Davis and other Confederate leaders, with the Hidden Mysteries from "Behind the Scenes in Rich mond," are thoroughly ventilated Send for Circulars and see our terms and full description lof the work Address NATIONAL PUBLISH : ING CO., Phila . Pa. I.Ml'l 111 I'A NT to FAR Mi: Its AND MECHANICS! BLOODY RUN HARDWARE STORE the place to buy to save money. BAUGIIMAN, GUMP &CO., have the genuine QREEXCASTLE GRAIM CRA DLES with silver-steel Scythes, and a variety of Grass and Grain Scythes, Snaths, Ac., together i with a complete stock of Hardware, Wocden Ware Tinware, Stoves, Ac , Which they offer AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Iran of all kinds constantly kept on hands. may23m3. Q BED WHEAT! SEED WHEAT !! i WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF OUR I Farmer? to Geo A. Deitx's large list of the beet : Winter iieod Whe.>i in this eofintry. Mr Beit* ! has selected twenty varieties out of oyer one hun dred cn his Seed V?hoat Experiments.! Barns, near Ohambcrsburg, PH., and now offers them for sale. We advise every farmer to send for the Expuri (j)9otal farm Journal in widen a description and j price list is given. Mr. Delta will send opo copy \ free U) all wqo fiend for it, AddfMS DEO. A- DBITZ, Chamberaburg, Pa. junto. 2 .)X WAGONS FOR SALE AT j KNOX' SHOPS, near Bedfor p |apr!9tf JJ<) USK-FU RNISIII NO G G O D S, HARDWARE, Ac- JNO. P. BLYMYER has opened a full stock of HARDWARE, HOUSE-FTJRNISIIIG GOODS, WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, OILS, PAINTS, NAILS, GLASS, BUILDERS, HARDWARE, SIIOEM AKEE'S FIXDI NGS, SADDLERY. COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, POCKET BOOKS, CUTLERY, CHURNS, BUCKETS, TUBS, AC., &G\, AC., He hopes, by striet attention to business, and fair prices, to merit a share of public patronage Store in same room as occupiod by B. M. Bly myer A Co., as a Stove and Tin Store apr9tn3 O V. LEO A- CO., VA BIS ET MA KERS, Bedford, Pa, respectfully announce to the public, that they keep constantly on hand and manufacture to or der, FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, Of every grade of quality and price, including SOFAS, PARLOR TABLES, PARLOR CHAIRS, DRESSING BUREAUS, BOOK CASES, BEDSTEADS, DINING TABLES, COMMON CHAINS, WARDROBES, <tt\, Ac., <C-c. i-ipCOFFINS, made to order on the shortest notice and a bcarse in constant readiness to attend funerals. Particular attention is given to this department. J. IL RUSH & GO'S MARBLE WORKS. The undersigned, announce that they are pre pared to furnish TOMB-STONES, of the finest quality of marble and ot superior workmanship, MARBLE MANTLES, SLABS FOR TABLES, and everything in the mrrble line. Orders may bo left at either of the shops of J. H- RUSH A CO., or May7,'69lyr. _ R V. LEO A CO. / 1 E T THE BEST. ■ J WEBSTER'S U.xabridgkd DICTIONARY. 3009 Engravings; 1340 Pages Quarto. Price sl2. 19,000 Words and Meanings not in other Diction aries. Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no oth er living language has a dictionary which solully and faithfully sets forth its present condition as this last edition of Webster does that of our writ ten and spoken English tongue. — Harper's Mag azine. These three books are the sum total of great libraries : the Bible, Shakespeare, and Webster's Royal Quarto — Chicago Evening Journal. The New Webster is glorious—it is perfect— it distances and defies comjietition—it leaves noth ing to be desired —J. H. Raymond, LL.D., Pres't Vassar College. The most useful and remarkable compendium of human knowledge in our language.—W. 3. Clark, President Mass. Agricultural College. Webster's National Pictorial Diction ary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Price $6. The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, just the thing for the million " —American Education al Monthly. '•ln many respects, this Dictionary is the most convenient ever published.''— Rochester Demo crat. ' As a manual of reference, it is eminently fitted for use in families and schools."— N. I*. Trib ' "It is altogether the best treasury of word? ..1 its size which the English language pos sessed ." — Hartford Press.'' Published byG AC. MKKKIAM. Springfield Muss may 14 TIT" ATERSIDE WOOLEN FAC \ Y TORY 1—30,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED ! The undersigned having leased the Large New Woolen Factory, a' Waterside, for a number of vears, respectfully inform the old customers of the Factory and the public generally, that they will need at least the above amount of wool. They have on hand a large lot of Cloths, Cassimercs, Tweeds, Satinetts. Jeans, Blankets, Coverlets, Flannel, Ac , which they will exchange for wool, as has been the custom heretofore. Carpets will be made to order, at all times. Stocking yarn of all kinds always on hand. Our Peddler, Thomas Border, will call on all the old customers, and the public generally, in duo time, for the purpose of exchanging goods for wool. The highest uiatkot price will be paid for wool in cash- Jf- B Wool carding spinning and country Full ing will be done in the bast manner and at short notice. JOHN I. NOBLE A BRO . mayl4m3 Waterside, Pa. J ET EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD li EA D THIS! Their own interests are at stake in this matter. Everybody has suffered so much from the accursed CREDIT SYSTEM, if system it can be called, that I intend to offer to every body a panacea tor the evil in the future. On and after the first day of Juuc, 1869, I will sell goods EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH OR PRO DUCE. No doubt some customer* may be lost to mo, but I fiatter myself that it will bo only those from whom I cannot oolleot present accounts. All goods will be sold at übout one-half the profit now paid by consumers. The people often complain of Bedford prices being higher than else where, and it is doubtless true, to some extent, for the reason that good customers have had to pay for others' goods with ap additional profit on their own. Let an intelligent community sustain me in this enterprise and they WILL SAVE FROM TEN TO FIFTEEN PER CENT. ON EVERYTHING THEY CONSUME MAYUIMI 11. F. IRVINE. "VTOTICE.— AII accounts not settled J_ a by the first day of June, 1369, eithevby cash or note, will be put in the bauds of an officer for collection. Frieud* will please take notice, and by so doing will save trouble and oosts. Uiay l4WD H F IRVINE ARCHITECTURE. —General and detailed plans aud drawings, for Churches and 6tlier Pubho Buildings, Private Residences, Ac., furnished at short notice and at reasonable prices. C. N. IIICKOK. jan29tf Bedford, Pa. a#otirfs, sr HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALE.— The subscriber offers for sale his house and Jot, plenseatly situated in the Borough of Sax too, on K. R. Avenue, opposite the Depot, surrounded by all the modern improvement* of the day There are on the lot a good cistern, wood and smoke house; also 6 choice dwarf pears, 4 cherries. 2 apple, 2 plumb and 8 choice peach trees ; also 6 choice grape vines, aU bearing; also a choice lot of raspberries, goose barries and currants. Any one desiring such a home will call at this office, or ap ply to the subscriber at Saxtcn. tnay23ml. C. S FAXON. Refer to 0. E. SHANNON. _ I ) ECEIPTB and EXPENDITURE# JLV Of BEDFORD BOROUGH.—John II Ruab, Esq., Treasurer, in account with said borough, frota April 21st, 1868, t" May 7th, 1869 : Treasurer, (jr. To balance due on bounty fund last settle ment $lB3 ie From Circus License, " 13 00 From M Milburnfor Cement, 12 M From weigh master Reimnnd, 42 25 To tapping water pipe, 29 00 From II Nioodemus, collector of bounty an duplicate of 1865, 705 39 From J. W. Dickerson collector for 1866 , 68 54 To money loaned of H. Moses, .WOO 00 To amount collected on borough duplicate of 1869, . 1455 86 From J W. Dickerson Com. as collector of bor for 1866, 39 oft To J W. Dickerson. Exonerations. 23 07 To cash from J. W. Dickerson, 50 00 To cash from John Boor, former weigh master, 9 00 $4630 33 Amount due Treasurer, 55 00 Treasurer, dr. By Amounts paid out on sundry checks as follows : By amount due Treasurer on last year's settlement, $l5B 96 James Corboy for work done on streets, 50 00 " " " " ' new Res ervoir, 113 3# James Corboy canceled check, Ac., 359 12 Win. and Samuel Boher, hauling and breaking stones on Juliana street, 85 90 M'in. and Sam'l Boher hauling gravel, 20 00 Watson Lentx, work done on street, 129 87 A. J. Middleton, for hauling stone, 101 66 T. It. Getiys. for 'ocust posts, 5 24 J Reed Yeager, for auditor and clerk fees, 1867, . 15 00 Jno. Minnich, for salary as Water Master and work on Reservoir and laying pipes, 120 85 Wm Minnich, for cleaning reservoir, 1 50 Jao. Harris, for services as High Consta ble and putting up hog pen, 25 38 Daniel J. Shuck, for carting stone and dirt, 12 75 0. E Shannon, for bill paid Perry \ly ant, expressago, Ac., 1H 43 Durborrow A Lutz, for printing, 82 94 Meyers A Mengel. for printing, 43 io J. W. Dickerson, for bills paid Jacob Di bert, 6 00 Peter Steckman, for work on streets, 24 60 A B. Carn.for carting, 2 50 Jacob Smith, for carting, 2 50 H. Nicodemus, for salary as clerk aad In terest paid on two bor. bond 9, 19*j 18 Phillip Iluzzard, for putting cement in engine house, 2 00 K R. Sill, for hauling stone on streets, 10 00 Wm. Cook, for making Wrpnch, 2 50 Samuel Waters, services as High Consta ble, 12 75 Michael Dibert, for bill of boards, 10 88 Jonathan Brigbtbill, tor blaekemithing, 9 75 C. Ake, Lumber for Reservoir, 24 18 Jno Shoemaker, Interests on bor. bonds. 180 4 5 Walter Brown, for bill of work on street and digging street for pipe, 19 05 Geo. W. Robertson, for bill of hydrants, 48 53 Wm. Troutman, for work on Penn street, 825 John Davidson for work at Reservoir 39 66 Eben Pennel, Sleepers for bridge 1,50 Norris A Perry, for large bolt for Hay Scales 50 A. W Mower, for hauling stone and sand, 72 50 J M. Shoemaker, for amount paid John Spr at for hauling lumber, 16 40 Geo. D Shuck, for repairing hose and en gine- 900 T. 11. Lyons, for freight on casting, 4 97 Danial Border, for attending town cloek, 25 00 B. M. Blymyer A Co. for bucket, pan, Ac., for use at reservoir 10 25 Mm Agnew. for bill work at reservoir, 36 50 Jno L. Lessig, for cutting holes for pipes in reservoir, 3 99 Amount paid on sundry out standing checks. 331 94 Reed A Sohell Bounty bonds, 1000.00 J. W. Dickerson, col. for 1866, com. and Exonerations. 62 13 Error in for settlement, 165 9s $3685 63 By amount due Treasurer, 55 30 Statement of Money due to Bedford Borough : Amount due trom J. W. Dickerson. 70 09 Amount due from Sol. Reimond. 64 00 Amount due from J. H. Rush, collector for 1868, subject to exonerations and commission ; gjg gg $752 89 Statement of Money due by Bedford Borough : Out standing checks 3293 92 Borough Bonds, John Shoemaker 1000 00 " " Henry Moses 1000 00 $5293 9 2 We, the undersigned. Auditors of Bedford Borough, do certify that wo met and did audit and ajust the toregoing account of John 11. Rush, Treasurer of said Borough, for the year ending May 7, A D.. 1860, as contained in the above statement and founi the same eerreot. Witness our hands this seventh day of May, A. D . 186 S. Attest. H. F IRVINE. S. C. STIVER. B R MIDDLETON, Clerk D. M. SHUCK, may23w3. Auditors NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just received a large and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and which he is determined to sell CHEAP They consist in part ot Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing. Hats and Caps. Fresh Groceries, Buckets and Brooms, Queens ware, Give hint a call and sec for yourselves nsv6th,'63 J. M. SHOEMAKER Q A Ii ~' p ~E T S . ALL PEOPLE of Central Pennsylvania will SAVE MONEY by going to Brown's New C A R P E T STORE, Huntingdon, Pa., to buy all their Car pets from 30 ets. per yard, to tine # INGRAIN and BRUSSELS —ALSO— MATTING. OIL CLOTH, RUGS. CARPET CHAINS, Ac i srDealers can buy of me by the roll at whole sale prices. apr3otu2 JAMES A BROWN. JJP WITH THE TIMES! ! ! Russell Reapers and Mowers. Excelsior Reaper and Mower*. Farmer Mowers. Gum Spring and Roller-Grain Drills. Horse ltakes Keystone Cider Mills. Tho old genuine Ureen Castle Grain Cradles. AU kinds Grain and Grass Scythes. And the largest assortment of general Hardware and labor saving Machines ever seen in a country store. Having determined, that for the cash, we will tell goods as low as they can be bought in the United States, wo have this day marked our goods down and only ask the Farmer, Machanio and House Koeper to call and price our goods. HARTLEY A METZGEIt, may2Btl. Sign °f the Red Pad Lock. CRYSTAL STEAM M 1 LLB."-Our / Mill Wagon will deliver Flour, Feed, Ac , every afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in Bedford, and re ceive grists. All work warranted. Terms cash JNO G. A WM. HARTLEY Orders may by left at Mill or Hartley A Metx gar's Hardware Store. apr3otu3. IOSf.-A pair of STEELYARDS, _j by loaning them to a party, some time last fail or winter, who have neglected to bring theui hack. The undersigned would be thankful to such person if they would return them immediate ly, T. H. A N. J. LYONS. may2Bw3.