Fridny Hdrnlnc. Jmir 11, ISO 9. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. Srnntor, ,T. ir. NRCKTRSOY, o/ {S-rthjeCt to decision of District Conference.) JZepreserttqiive, fr. C. SCHAFFFPIt, of llrrtfor*t ro. (Strhjert to decision of District Conference.) Prothouotary, .rOHX HI I'll, o/ Hertford Horourjh. Sheriff. WILLIAM KEYS Kit. of Jrtniatn tj>. Treasurer. UFO It MOO It*:, of Hertford tp. Commissioner, ti FX tit OF Li re Fit, of Tfnrrtmn tp. Poor Director, tI>AM h. PKy-CYT.. of Hrdfrerd tp. Auditor. OI!F\ MrO I Hit. of Ilctlfard tp. Coroner. •I. H. Ht ITS'. of Sunlit WoosKrerry tjr. FOR THE CAMPAIGN! RAI.LV l.\ VOI R HIGiIT! Read. Think and Act ! Our appeal is to the intelligent, the canjid and the independent. We ask only that people shall understand the issues betore them, and that, un derstanding them, they reflect upon their duty in (ho premises and then discharge what, they be lieve to be (hat duty when they come to cast their bailotn. Iu order that the questions to be voted upon at the coming eleclion, may be fairly and fully presented to the public, the BEDFORD G AKETTE w'll be furnished for the campaign, at the following low rates : One copy $0.50 Three copies 1.20 Five copies 1.75 Ten copies 3.00 Twenty copies... 5.00 In all cases the cash must accompany the order. We respectfully ask the active men of our parly to get up clubs for the campaign at every post office in the county. Iu no other way can the good cau-e he mure itfectively supported than by tho circulation of Ilemocrntie itewspap .re It ought to he rn easy matter to raise a clnh of twenty at any post office. Address Msvmts A MENOKL, Bedford, Pa. T HE Tl< HET. We place at our mast-head the ticket nominated at the Democratic Primary Flection lu ld on the 2hth ult., and call on ail true Democrats, as well as hon est and discriminating men hitherto opposed to ns in politics, to give it their support. The candidates were fairly nominated, after a full and thorough canvass, and therefore, have a perfect claim upon the support of every man who calls himself a Demo crat or who professes to act in opjw> sition to the radicals. For Rrothonotarv, JOHN P. REED, ESQ , is a candidate of whom the Democracy may well be proud. We doubt whether any man iu the county is better qualified to discharge the duties of this important office than Mr. Reed. He served a term in the same office before and during his for mer incumbency gave entire satisfac tion to itench, bar and people. He is an affable, courteous, liberal-minded, christian gentleman, a man beloved by iiis neighbors and respected by all who know him. We predict his elec tion by an overwhelming majority. For {Sheriff, WM. KEVrfElt, ESQ., merits the esteem and cordial support of the party. He is an intelligent, moral, upright man, has always been a zealous, hard-working Democrat, and will make a most excellent officer. Mr. Keyser is a self-made man, one who has worked ids way from poverty and obscurity, beginning life as a poor farmer's boy. He deserves great cred it for his energy, courage and probity, which, we doubt not, will be fully ap preciated when his fellow citizens come to make choice of a sheriff. Mr. Keyser, when a Senatorial con feree on a certain occasion, was offered a thousand dollars to vote for a certain candidate, hut spurned the bribe. We refer, to Oils incident iu his life toshow the sterling character of the man.— ijaeh n candidate cannot fail to he suc cessful by a large majority. For Treasurer, IIUGTI MOORE, ESQ., was nominated fiy a very flut tering vote, lie was once Sheriff of the county, and has many friends a mong the "Republicans" as well as Democrats. He is an honest and ca pable man and will be elected by a m&- ' jnrity that will astonish some people. For Commissioner, GEORGE EL DER, ESQ., for Poor Director, AD AM K. PKNGVE, for Auditor, OW EN McGIRR, and for Coroner, .1. B. BUTTS, are first rate nominations. No better men could have I icon selec ted. They are of the hone and sinew of the party and the county. And now, with fliis excellent ticket in "nomination, we ask the Democracy to lay aside personal feelings and indi vidual preferences, to forget the strug gle in which they engaged at the Pri mary Election, to let the dead past pury its dead, aud look to he future with one undivided purpose, with a united determination to elect the can didates by a larger majority t! an any that has been given by the i ty for years. us be men, not mice. Anorr these times keep a sharp look-out for disorganizers. The people '< made the nominations at the head of j this paper. The will of the people ; must be obeyed. . - ; ST.VWIF FROK I NDCR ! The Democratic party is getting ready for a mighty wrestle with the giant corruptions that tug at the vitals of the nation. Radicalism, with all its monstrous fallacies, its grinding exac tions, its horrible despotism, is to be overthrown. To this end the Democ racy are rallying as one man ; to this end we are to be a united party, frown ing upon every effort to disorganize and closing our ranks in solid phalanx to inarch against the common foe. Wo be to the man who would bring discord where unanimity and concord should and must prevail ! "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out!" If there be traitors in the camp, if there bo men who gained the confidence of Democrats only to betray thein, if there be those who violate their pledged word, let their treason be proclaimed from the house-tops, let all men know them and beware of them. Verily, their places shall know them no more forever!" There is no middle ground. He that is not for us is against us. He that gives aid aud comfort to the enemy, commits the overt act which places him beyond the pale of the party. He is felo tie ne: he has cut his own politi cal tiiroat and those who approve the act are accessory to his self-murder. We are led to these reflections by the muttering and grumbling of those dis coniented spirits who are never satis tied with party nominations. For years their complaints found a sub ject for their querulous tongues in what they sty led the "Borough Clique." They howled and raged until their tle niands for the "Crawford County Sys tem" wero coin plied with, and now, after the very first trial of the system they clamored for, they murmur and fret as much as ever. Nothing hut of fice can satisfy such men. They care nothing for principle. It is only the spoils they are after. Stand from under, ye growlers and grumhiers! The Democracy cannot wait to listen to your tales of wo. We have other work to perform. We are tearing down tiie temple of Dagon erected by the radicals, and if you are buried beneath the rubbish it will be because you stand on dangerous and forbidden giound. Stand from under! If you will not help us, get out of the way or expect to he crushed ! KEfiKOES I.V OFFICE. President Grant lias appointed a number of negroes to fill important of fices, among others a Philadelphia Af rican named Elienezer D. Basaett as Minister to llayti. Secretary liout well has appointed several blacks to clerkships in the Treasury Depart ment, in the room of white men who had served honorably in the federal army, removed. These things are done in order to hold the "colored" vote in the South, as the field-hands in the kingdom of Reconstruction are getting tired of the deception of the carpet-bag gers and are fast ranging themselves on the side of their former masters. But as the appointment of every ne gro, disappoints at least half a-dozen white expectants, it is difficult to see how the administration will gain vo ters by this policy. It serves to show, however, to what miserable shifts men are compelled to resort, who dare not rely on the justice of their cause and the good sense of the people. Had the President adopted a liberal and gener ous policy toward the Southern people, had lie withdrawn the mailed hand of military rule and permitted the civil law to have its course, had he assured the |>eople of the "loyal" states that they should he protected in their right to regulate the suffrage question for themselves, instead of asking them to surrender that right, and had he select ed his olfice-holders from among the upright and worthy members of his party, lie could have trusted tb the in telligence and patriotism of his coun trymen to sustain him in every emer gency. Rut he ohos* to do otherwise, and now he is forced to temporize and make terms with all sorts of dirty tricksters and cannot even obtain the support of the negroes without paying for it by appointments to office. Veri ly, ho ware the mighty fallen ! Democrats should growl and grum ble and murmur and mutter about their nominations us much as possible. It will do their political opponents so much good. Wb Demcrats were drafted and hunted and disfranchised and mobbed and now the negro is to- he made our equal and we degraded to the level ofthe mgro. Of course we ought quarrel now, jusi to let radicals get more power and scourge us still more severely. Adversity makes philoso phers orlome people. It ought to have its lesson for disappointed Democrats. Some of the radical politicians are very busy trying to stir up dissensions among the Democrats. They talk up "independent" candidates quite elo quently. They want a monkey to pu 11 their chestnuts out of the fire. We put Democrats on their guard against these tricksters. Whenever a man says ' independent candidate" jto you, set him down as an emissary of these fellows. Lirtiforfo CM**** e pit* "A© POLICY."* Grant, in his letter accepting the radical nomination f>r the Presidency, declared that he would have "no pol icy.'' He is fulfilling his promise in this regard. He has 110 financial pol icy. He lias no foreign policy.— lie has no "reconstruction" pol icy. His Secretary of the Treasury is at his wits end trying to find a policy. But the more he seeks a clew by which to escape from the financial laby rinth, the more he becomes entangled in its mazes. And the country be comes entangled with him. Gold goes up. Greenbacks depreciate.— Hard times,dull times, come. The far mer finds no market for hisgrain. The merchant sells but few goods. The mechanic is at a loss for a purchaser of the products of his skill. The laborer is thrown out of employment or works for reduced wages. The wheels of business stand still. Then the Secre tary of State gives instructions to Min ister Motley, but nobody knows what they are. The United States Senate "breathes out threatenings and slaugh ter" against England, and the fiery t'ulniinations of Sumner and Chandler shake the continent to its foundations. War is the word, but Grant accepts an invitation to the "National Peace Jubilee" at Boston, anil the oracles give out the pacific intentions of the administration. "Grim visaged war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front."— Thus peace or war with England is to remain an open question, for Grant has "no policy" 011 the subject. Next come committees from the Southern states who represent to Grant that the condition of these states is thus or so, and these are followed by other com mittees who contradict the statements of those who preceded them. The Pres ident had promised the first to do cer tain things, but after hearing the last, he is in doubt whether he will keep his promises or not. Like a certain Justice of the Peace of whom we have heard, he could decide the case very easily when but one side of it was be forehim, but when both sides were pres ented to him he was exceedingly puz zled. A cabinet council is called. The result is that Grant's pledges are repu diated, for, you see, he has "no policy." And in this wise the Ship of State flounders on, without rudder or com pass, her master trusting blindly to luck to carry her safely through the storms and breakers which threaten. Much ado was made about the policy of Andrew Johnson ; perhaps it will yet he found that it is better to have a President whose administration of the affairs of government is directed by well-defined principles than one who has "no policy," and so little princi ple that he cannot ever keep his pledge of honor. THE question now at issue before the people of Pennsylvania is not merely whether twenty thousand ne gro ballots be added to the radical vote in this State, but whether the ignorant field hands of Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana shall make laws for the in telligent white men of Pennsylvania, The question is whether the ignorant and brutal Voodoo worshippers of the .South, ignorant of the ballot, and careless of its privileges, driven to the polls in herds by carpet bag mas ters, whom they have exchanged for their overseers, shall dictate constitu tions and forms of government for Pennsylranians. It is not so much whether negroes shall vote in Pennsyl vania, as it is whether the voice of.her citizens shall by overwhelmed and their constitution abrogated by hurl ing the ignorant blacks of the recon structed States on the ballot box - , at the bidding of their radical owners. If republican government can stand this shook, in conjunction with the corruption of the legislature, who shall say that our political institutions*ean not defy every assault? One of the schemes by which the enemies of free government seek its destruction is to degrade the ballot by putting it into the hands of ignorant negroes, who are at the mercy of the designing und cor rupt. When the people shall grew weary of the evils thus engendered, the radical enemies of the republic will be ready to proclaim the failure oi pop ular government. Those who seek to destroy the Constitution of Pennsylva nia by invoking thenid of the Negroes of the South, are not the friends of equal suffrage, but they are the enemies of free government. WKcall attention to the prospectus for the GAZETTE for the campaign, printed elsewhere in this issue. The terms are so low that our friends throughout the country will find no difficulty in giving the paper a wide circulation among those who are at present without it. There are sighs of a tierce buttle in this county at the coming election. Every Democrat is expected to be at his post and hun dreds of recruits ean and will be made from the other side. But thorough, vigorous, and effective work must he done, and in this the GAZETTE will do its usual part. Sixteen officers belonging to Palacio's rebel army have been shot by the Mex ican General Parra, in Sonora. V (HEATED PEOPLE. Is Grant's Secretary of the reasury, BoutwclJ, an honest man? pertinent ly asks the /V. }'. Lkiy Honk. If he is, he is a very foolish one, for in making up a statement of the present public debt, he neglects to add the interest to the principal, a very considerable item, and which is just as much a part of the public indebtedness as the princi pal itself. The actual debt 011 the first of March was: P rinci Pal $2,618,541,382 o4 Interest 45,431 ;500 08 T? 4 ?' $2,665,032,888 12 Cash in Treasury 116,235,407 03 Actual debt $2,548,797,391 09 Debt on the Ist of April 2,525,196,461 74 Increase $23,600,029 35 Now in Secretary Bout well's report, he deceives the public to the amount of thirty million* of dollars. Or, shall we charitably say that lie was him self deceived? If o, then he is an un fit man for his place. And if his mis leading the public is intentional, he is certainly unfit for the post. There is but one of the two conclusions to which we must come—either he is a fool or a rascal. But this system of deceiving the people in relation to the public indebtedness has been persis tently practiced ever since the Mongrel party came into power. Every year without exception there has been im mense disparity between theappropria tions andtlie actual expenses, and this difference has always been made up by new appropriations in the gentle name of defiicency hills. There has always been u head and a tail to these appro priations, and the tail is sometimes the largest. But the people are all the time cheated, with a public reference to the head only. That is whenever the expenses of the government have been referred to, only the figures of the appropriations are given, while those of the enormous deficiencies are carefully left in the backgrounds. And this "honest" Secretary Bout well be gins the administration of the same system of cheating which has marked the whole career of the party. His very first act is an attempt to hide $30,- 000,000 of interest, so as to make the debt just so much smaller than it ac tually is. And, that the people may be the muie thoroughly fooled, Con gress cunningly reduced the appro priations thirty millions below Bout well's estimates. Now, watch for the end of the fiscal year, and see repeated the old dodge of bringing up the rear of this financial 'tomfoolery" with a prodigious defiency bill. And these hold rogues treat the people as though they were fools. They have been a ble to do this as through the discipline of the party rule. Their papers and their leaders unblushingly lie to the people; and then all the throng of the party stoutly swear to the truth of the falsehood. It has been held even dis loyal" not to lie for the party. Nay to tell the truth about any measure has been to "sympathize with rebellion" for the last eight years. Every man who lias not either been a fool or a scoundrel has had to confront this sort of persecution. And the outlook is not much better for the immediate fu ture. A dolt sits in the Presidential chair, surrounded with a cabinet of rogues or fanatics, all backed by a Con gress infamous enough to shame the devil himself. O, for a few active, brave and honest men to rush to the front now, and say to the disgusted, and al most discouraged, massses—"Come 011, let us have an end to all this!" The awakening of the people will be like the shock of eurthquakes, whenever the true issues are boldly put before them. Horace Oreeley 'n Al ice to the KaUical* of West Virginia. NEW YORK TRIBUNE, | NEW YORK, NOV. 18, 1868. J My Dear Sir: I have yours of the 16th. Its leading "positions have long been understood and appreciated in this quarter. Now hear me. Every year one thousand of your rebels die, and one thousand or more of their sons become of age. You can't disfranchise THEM. YOU have now five thousand majority. Six years at furthest will convert this into a rebel majority of one thousand. Then the rebels will be enfranchised in spite of you, and the black will be left under foot—and you underestimate these at two thousand. Go your own way, and see if the rebels don't have you underfoot in less than six years. i Speak from a Wide experience when i tell you that your house is built on the sand, it cannot stand.— Every year will see the passions of the war cool and the demand for amnesty strengthened. Now you can amnesty the rebels. Soon the question will be, Shall they amnesty you f Look at Kentucky and Maryland, and read your certain fate in theirs. Yours, HORACE GREKEKV. To the Editor of the W/ieeliny lutetli- y enter. Greeley is about right, in a few years it will be a question whether the Radicals shall be amnestied in the South. Some twenty or thirty persons have been murdered, and half as many wo men and children have been carried oif in Western Kansas, during the past week by ludiau guerilla bands, Many Mexican States have refused to execute the law of their Congress for the suppression of party demonstra tious. BKIEF SEWN ITEMS. The Wheeling lit;; Liter has published an extra tilled with the details of the hailstorm on Friday afternoon last, in that city. According to the account giveu it was certainly one of the most severestorms that has ever occurred. The paper computes the loss at $250,000 in property, and gives a list of ueeideuts resulting from its fierceness. It tells of one man who was so terribly cut about the face and head that his life is despaired of, another who was caught in the storm and pounded nearly into a jelly. His life is also in great jeop ardy. One man was 011 an island near the city holding his horse when an immense hail struck* his and another the man, at the same time, knocking them both down, the horse him, breaking his collar bone. Another person put his hands up to protect it, when they were cut by the hail so badly that he cannot use them. The train 011 the llempfiekl railroad was stopped by the storm. The loss to the vineyards cannot be re paired for years. Hail stones fell larg er than a man's fist, one weighing three-fourths of a pound. In Sheridan, Kansas, on the 27th ul timo, Charles Davis went into Enoch Reynold's dance-house, and, without any words, shot Reynolds, slightly wounding him in tlie* side. Davis was taken into custody by the committee and while the case was being examined Reynolds, walked in. Going up to Da vis, he said, "S ippose I should act the coward, as you did, an 1 shoot you?" at the same time drawing his pistol and shooting Davis in the head. The next morning Reynolds was found hanging by the neck. Davis was not expected to live. Mrs. Eliza Ogdon, aged forty years died last week at her residence near Manayunk, of suffocation from exces sive corpulence. At the time of her death her weight wrs Gun pounds. When she died, which was suddenly, she fell to the floor and it required six stout men to lift her. It required ten men to remove her to the ground floor. Hercoflin was six feet four inches long, three feet wide over the hroart and two feet one inch deep. W. R. Bramburg, was shot and kill ed on the 25th ult., on the road from Tusealusa, Ala. It appears that Bram burg had a wife and several children, whom he had deserted. He made the acquaintance of a respectable young girl, only fifteen years old, succeeded in seducing her, and was carrying her off when her friends, who set out in pursuit of him, overtook, and as lie showed tight, shot him. Some two weeks since, Jerome E. Burns, of Chillieothe, 111., recieved a note warning him to leave town im mediately. Not heeding the warning he died suddenly, and was buried by his family two hours thereafter. His body has been disinterred, and pre sents evidence of having been poisoned. Suspicion rests upon his family. A few weeks since a little child in St. Joseph Mo., was bitten by rats in the arm. Although the wound was slight and soon healed, the arm has since become diseased, anil fears are en tertained that it will have to l>e ampu tated.- Some two years since two chil dren died in St. Joseph from virus poi son caused by being bitten by rats. About midnight 011 Saturday last three unknown men, two whites and a negro, eame to the residence of a harmless, aged, and infirm man nam ed John Kuthey, living in Grenada, Miss., and obtaining admission, drag ged him from his bed and whipped him to death with rawhides. * The dee. 1 ase of the public debt, ac cording to the official statement, turns out greater than we expected. Since March Ist the decrease has amounted to more than twenty millions; and during the month of May it footed up $13,384,777,97. A strong party of Cheyennes surpris elan unprotected settlement one hnn dred and fifty miles from Topeka, Shawnee county, Kansas, Sunday morning, and massacred thirteen men, women and children, after committing other horrible outrages. Elliot's Mills, several adjoining in dustrial establishments in Woonsocket, It. 1., were destroyed by fire Wednes day night, involving a heavy loss to the owners, and throwing two hundred hands out of employment. A new conundrum has been pro pounded to the Internal Revenue Bu reau : Can Pennsylvenia authorize the manufacture ofsegars by convict la borers? The Bureau has not yet repli ed but doesn't give it up. CI'B.I. Tle Army of the New Republic InereiiKcil by t ivo Thousand America lis. The New York Su/i of the Ist inst., says: The friends of Cuba are using every precaution to evade the little host of Spanish spies who have been employed to watch their movements and report them at a certain office on Broadway, and it is matter of sincere congratulation that they kept their op perations a mystery until publicity ceased to be injurous to their cause. They have according to a report pre sented yesterday by the agents of the Spanish Government sent thirteen ex peditions to Cuba, all f which have been safely landed. The largest num ber of men on one of these expeditions was lot) and the smallest;}(). The materials of war shipped in these vessels including six batteries of artillery und an immense supply of Spencer rifles ; and the whole number of men which they carried is estimated at b.OJU. This full brigade of veterans -the gift of the American people to Cuba—is to day part of the army of Cespedes, and we may soon expect to hear from them in a desperate if not decisive battle with the Spaniards. The above facts, which come from a Spanish source, coroborated by one of Cuban patriots who estimates, howev er, the accession to Cespedes' army from the United .States at eight thou sand men. Seven of the expeditions sailed from New York, three from Baltimore and three from Florida. It is said that all the volunteors who left New York for Cuba are in the cav alry arm of the service. The use of sabres has been discontinued, the Spen cer rifle being deemed more effective. Another expedition is on foot and the veterans, of which it will be mainly composed, will consist of ex officers of the United States army. SPECIAL NOTICES. 81- hellc k' 1' it lino nj c Syr u p.., Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, will cure Con sumption, Liver Complaint, and Dyspejsia, if ta ken according to directions They are all three to be taken at tho same time. They cleause the stomach, relax the liver, and put it to work : then the appetite becomes good ; the food digests and makes good blood; the patient begins to grow in ttcsh ; the diseased matter ripens in the lungs, and the patient outgrows the disease and gits well. This is the ouly way to cure consumption To these three medicines Br J. H. Sehenek, of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the treatment of pulmonary consumption. Tho Pul monic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws it off by an easy expectora tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a slight cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills must be freely used to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the food will make good blood Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstructions, relax fhe ducts of the gall-bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved ; the stools will show what the Pills can do ; nothing has ever been invented ex cept calomel (u deadly poison which is wry dan gerous to use unless with great care), that will unlock the gall-bladder and starts the secretions of the liver like Schenck's Mandrake Pills Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the Alkali in the Seaweed, which this preparation is made of, assists the stomach to throw out tho gastric juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, and it is made into good blood without fermentation or souring in the stomach. The great reason why physicians do not cure consumption is, they try to do too much ; they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestivo powers, locking up the secretions, and eventually the patient sinks and dies. Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chills, or fever. Re move the cause, and they will all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Consump tion, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Cataarh, Can ker, Ulcerated Throat, unless the liver and stom ach are made healthy. If a person has Consumption, ofeourse the lungs in some way are diseased, either tubercles, ab scesses, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a mass of inflammation and fast de caying In such cases what must be done ' It is not only the lungs that arc wasting, but it is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of food. Now the only chance is to take Schenck's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easi ly and make good blood : then the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body begins to grow the lungs commence to heal up, and ttic pa tient gets fleshy an! well. This is the only way to cure consumption. When there is no lung disease, and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient ith"ttt the Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Bills freely in all billious complaints, as they are per fectly harmless Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted health for many years past, and now weighs 225 pounds, was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption, his physicians having pronounced his ease hope less and abandoned him to his fete. lie was cured by the aforesaid medicines, and since his recovery many thousands similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenck's preparations with tho same remarkable success. Full directions accompanying each, make it DO! absolutely necessary to personally see Dr. Schenck, unless the patients wish their lungs examined and for this purpose he is professional ly at bis Principal Office, Philadelphia, every Saturday, where all let ers for advice must be ad dressed. Ho is also professionally at No. 32 Bond Street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover Street, Boston, every other Wednesday. He gives advice free, but lor a thor ough examination with his Respirometer the price isss Office hours at each city from 9A. M to 3 P. M. Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each per bottle, or $7.50 a hvlf-dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists. DR. J. II SCHENCK, may2Byl 15 N. 6th St., Philada , Pa. WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS, ? ▼ With. Iron Frame. Overitnai deons and Organs of fi" first class makers, At Low Prices For Cash, or one quarter cash and the balance in Monthly Instal ments. Second-hand Instrument at great bar gains. fllustrited Catalogue mailed Ware rooms, 481 Broadway, New York. HORACE WATERS. HOUSEKEEPERS ! HOUSEKEEPERS ! Men—Women—and Children ! Men—Women—and Children ! READ—READ •Cooling to Scalds and Burns." "Soothing to all painful wounds, Ac." "Healing to all Sores, Ulcers, Ac. ' 'CO-STARS* BUCKTHORN SALVE Is the most extraordinary SALVR ever known. Its power of Soothing and Healing for all Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Chapped Hands and Skin, for Sore Nipples, for Piles, Ac., Ac—is without a parallel. One person says of it, 'I would not be without a Box in my House, if it cost fi 00, or I had to travel all the way to New York." IN . T. Evening News, Sept 5. j All Druggists in Bedford sell it, "That Cough will Kill you," Try "CostarV Cough Remedy. "Colds and Hoarseness lead to death," Try "Co-star's" Cough Remedy. "For Croups—Whooping Coughs, Ac.," i'ry "Costar'a" Cough Remedy. "Costar says it is the best in the wide world*— and if he says so—its True- its True—its True ; and we say Try it—Try it—Try it." \Morning Payer, Aug. 26.J Druggists in BEDFORD sell it. "COSTA R"8" STANDARD PREPARATIONS ARE HIS BEAUTI F I E R ! TJIK Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms Liff"oue Bottle, ft 00-Three for $2.90 IDS "Costar's" Hat, lloaeh, Ac., Exterminators. "Costar's ' Bed Bug Exterminators. "Costar's" (ONLY PURE) Insect Powder. "•Inly Infallible Remedies known " "18 years established iu New Y'ork." "2,000 Boxes aud Flasks manufactured daily " "! ! ! Beware )! of spurious imitations." "All Druggists in BEDFORD sell them " Address "COSTA It," 10 Crosby St., N. Y., Or, JOHN I<. HENRY, (Successor to) DEMAS BARNES A CO., 21 Park Row, N. Y Sold in BEDFORD by 11. IIUCKKRMAN A Sox fob 1 Dy 1 DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success by J. ISAACS. M D , and professor of Disease* of the Ey and En, m the Medical College of Penn sylvania. 12 years experience, (formerly of Leyden, Holland), No. 805 Areh Street Phila. Testimonials can be soon at his office. The medi cal faculty are invited to accompany their pa tients, as he has no secrets in his praeltee. Arti ficial eyes inserted without iiain. No charge for examination Jnly3,'6Byl BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.— Essays ftir Young Men on tho interesting relation of Bridegroom to Bride, in the institution of Mar riage,—a Guide to matrimonial felicity, and true happiness Sent by mail in sealed letter envel pos free ofoharge. Address, HOWARD "ASVSQ OIATION. Box P., Philadelphia, Pa, an§2B'63jl Men'*, Youth's, Boys'arid C||ji,j >( ~ , SpRISa ASnSI MWBR Cuj TBINfI Obk AtaouKEit ii now full u,i coin: p-i have every desirable style, kiii.J, „■ EVERY CAN HZ SUITED from the have all the different style of cut, „ | ' . ''' all tastes, including the medium ami. ! preferred by many, as well as the >„(. moat fashionable style OUR LAKOB STOCK enables us to keep AT „|j a full a-sorfmcnt, so that all ei„ i, c ' once without delay. *' Ol'R I URCHASES ALWAYS RETXO UADr FOR arid having purchased largely of i at( , the decline in woolens, our customer? *: the advantage we have thos secured. OUR SALES bkisc FOR CASH EXCLI sn K i have no bad debts to provide for. and , obliged to tax the paying customer up losses through those who do not nay Ot'K RBAIIT-MADB GARMEHTR are superior t 3 other Stock oi Ready-Made goods i B p) 1 I delphia. any one CSD Ire as well fitted t" r them as hy garments made to order any a |,. they nrc as well made, and njusl i r j -1 respp.-t, and much cheaper Bein" , fured BY THE Hi XI.RKDS AKI> THOUSANDS, they .... sold cheaper than when made up srnjh . . 9 for the accommodation of those who pre)' I have also a CuSTO* ItKI'ARTM EST TO MAKE Ur To ORDER I a choice selected stock of Piece 1 prising all styles and qualities. Foreign HI Domestic, which will be made up to mes hy competent and experieaeed Cutter . | 1 Workmen in a style equal to the best SPECIAL NOTICE -Style, fit, and make of our g ttr - I rnents surpassed by none, equalled hy f.. 8 J All prices guaranteed lower than the' low t .. 1 elsewhere, and full satisfaction guaranty,-j 9 every purchaser, or the sale canceled an I I money refunded. Half way between i BEX.VETT A Co Fifth and \ TOVVEE HAI.i. Sixth Street*, ) 518 MARKET ,- r | PHILADELPH; i M AID 600 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Octlfiyl I To CONSUMPTIVES.— The Ail vert is- 1 er. having been restored to health in a few week by a very simple remedy, after having sutler j 1 several years with a severe lung affection, and that I dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to make a known to his fellow-sufferers the means of curt To all who desire it, he will send a copy the 1 prescription used (free oi charge ) with the dir t il tions for preparing and using the sauie, -which a they will find a sure cure for Consumption, A.-ih- § me. Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advi-rti.-er 9 in sending the Prescription is to benefit the j- 9 flicted, and spread information which he con . 9 to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will ■ try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, ui.j 1 may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will ple<- : d i; dress REV EDWARD A WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings County. New Y rk maylt r 1 ERRORS OF YOUTH.—A gentleman If who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, 9 Permature Delay. and all the effects of youthful 1 indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humar,- j ity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and | directions for making the simple remedy by which \ he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the 1 advertiser's experience, can do so by addre.-sir „• | iu perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN No. 42 Cedar street. New Y'ork. mayllyl Words of Wisdom for Young uutu. 1 On the Ruiing in Youth and Early .1!,: hood, with SELF HELP for the erring n i u r tuuate. sient in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Pbila., Pa. mayiu-.'il.iv] £ales. f i RIST MILL AND'FARM FOR | V.J SALE —The mi'l has two pair of Fren- h 1 Burrs, and two pair of Chopping Stones, is in ej- 'j cell cut repair, and capable of doiDg a very lar- T -- *1 business, a never failing water puwer, is in 3 good settlement, and no mill nigber than fix uiles. for further particulars inquire of declltf -PUBS GAZETTE. ITNSEATED LANDS FOR SACK. 1 J —Five tracts comprising 946 acres. 113 perch- I es, situate in Bro-idtop township. Bedford eour.x adjoining lands of Henry ltinard, John F.,rd A exaßder Cavan and others, and all tract* ni: : ing each other. Terms very low. Inquire of ~r ' address MEYERS A DICKERS' >\ aprlflmS Bedford. Pa • SALE OR RENT.—The tin- I . dersigned offers for sale or money rent bis ■ | mill property, situated near Hamilton Stat! II the Bedford Railroad. The mill is in go- I |a pair has a never failing water power, with n- - v |i |o cut and the land belonging to the property a.--.: | 371 acres) is well improved having all ne-s— irv I out-buildings erected thereon, with to _• 'i I meadows. The property lies near one of the •: I markets in the State, aud will be reDted fort' V less than 2 nor more than 3 years Mv . ;ly .* reason for making this offer is ill health' 1" P further information, address H F. ROHM. janSts Bloody Run. Pa VTAEUABLE LAND FOR SAIF | . Y —The undersigned offers for sale the follow 1 ing valuable bodies ot land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LA .YD. I containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illin - I Central Railroad, in Champaign county. State -t | Illinois, 8 miles from the city of IJrhana. ami -ne 1 mile ftom Rentu-il Station on said Railroad Two > of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of wafer upon it The city of Urban* contains about 4.000 inhabitants. Chamva.j the greatest wheat growing county in Illinoi* ALSO — One-fourth of a tract of land, -itunted in Broad Top township. Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad j Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots in the town of Coalman'., Huntingdon county. Jan 26, '66-tf F. C. REAMER poll SALE OR TRADE. 2 tracts, of 160 acres each, within three miles o, s a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, back of | Oinaba. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire. tw miles from Ouiaha city. One-third of 7,000 acres iu Fulton county. Pa., including valuable ore. mineral and timbcr'lau I*, near Fori Littleton. Over 4.000 acres of valuable ore, coal and tim bcr lauds in West Virginia. Also—32o acres of land in Woodbury CO., lowa ALSO—Twenty-five one acre lota, adjoining the borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each. ALSO 80 acres in Frankliu Co., lowa. ALSO. 5 lots of ground, in Bedford, 60 by 240 It , former ly part of the Lyons' estate. ALSO —The Amos Farm of 109 acres, adjoining $ Bedford. ALSO —A Farm of 107 aeres in Harrison town p. ■ - - I and brick yard. 0. E SHANNON, jnn2l,'67yl __ Bedford, Pa "j r r\VO FARMS AT PRIVATK 1 SALE. Now isihk Tihk TO BUY CIIKAP REM. Estate A FARM IN MORRISON'S COVE I SPLEXHIII FARM WITHER TWO MILES OF BEDFORD The subscriber will sell at private sale, on very very reasonable terms, and at reduced price*, the following described, very valuable real estate, vis A TRACT OF LAND situated in Morrison * Cove, about one mile from Lafayettsville, m i four miles from Woodberry, in Mi-Idle Woodberry twp , containing 102 acres, more or less, about !• acres cleared and under fence, with one and 1 ' half story log house, log barn, blacksmith sl.-p f and other oarbuildings, adjoining lands ef Ja--k --son Stuckcy on the east, Christ Kochenderfcr oa the north, John Kengy on the west, and Igii.-.uus Brant's beirs on the south This can be made -i - of the neatest and most pleasant lit tie farm* in I'" Covo with very little expense. There isan abund ance of water, plenty of fruit and splendid timber upon it—all that is necessary to make it dc-ir.-i- ALSO, A MOST EXuELLKNT TRACT OK LIME STONE AND RIVER BOTTOM LAND, wiilna two miles of Bedford, cor.tiiining 22s acres, about 150 ycrcs ot which are cleared and iu a high stnf" ot cultivation and the balance well timbered There are excellent new building erected there a with a well of never failing water at the d- -j' There are two orchards of choice fruit upon it . aeres of meadow. (Rivor Bui torn) can be cullies- I ted with trilling expense. The upland is iu I good state at ouliivaiion, well set with clover ni'.u I under good fence. There is sufficient timber up'l it to pay for tho farm several times if thrown iuto j the Bedford market. Apply to J. R. DUKBORROW, AUornev at La. inaylfmfi Bedford, F#