the frJtefl Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOPR.R. j SPRING ARKAJMJEMIENT.—TIME TABLK.— On and I after April 29th. passenger trains will arrive and , depart as follows: Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at 1.00 p. m., ar- j rives at Huntingdon at 4 20 p. m.; leaves Hnnt in 'don at 8.40 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 1 fo2 a. m Accmmodation Train leaves Saxton 8.20 a. m., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 10.10 a. tu.; leaves Huntingdon at 5.55 p in , and arrives at Saxton at 7.41 p. m. Exceedingly fine--the weather. Remarkably dull —the marrying bu- , siness. Hay is selling for S2O a ton and is ; scarce at that. Bonnets, this season, are reduced in size and increased in price. Read the new advertisements in to day's GAZETTE. A special court will be held com mencing on Monday, July 19th. The only sure remedy for gaps in young fowls, is Heekerman's Poultry Cure. The organ-grinder was in town the other day. His occupation's nearly gone —ausgespeilt. A number of houses have received a new coat of paint ami are looking as bright as new. H. Heckerman & Son have a sure cure for the gaps in young fowls. 25 ets a box. New three cent stamps after passing through post-offices, look like pugilists after a prize fight —both black and blue. May parties are now the spring fash ion among all our youtv folks who j are fond of fields, forests, fragrance and flowers. Ladies are to wear silver and gold dust in their hair this summer—and any one who don't get up and dust will be ruled out of fashionable circles, j Brass and Porcelain kettles, all sizes, at the new Hardware and House-furn ishing Store of Juo. F. Blymyer, next door to G. It. Oster & Co. 9 ~ If your young chickens have the ■ gaps, go at once to Heekerman's drug store and buy a box of their Poultry Cure. A convention, to be composed of del egates from the different lodges of Good Templars in the West Juniata j District, will be held at Bedford on the 18th of May. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS.—J. B. Holland has been elected County SU perintendent in Blair county: W. 11. Sanner in Somerset, and W. P.Gordon in Fulton. A law was passed by the Legislature, requiring all persons who sell patent rights, to get a license from the Com- j missioners of each county. A heavy j penalty is incurred by disregarding the law. We saw the other day a car load of corn brought to this place by a train of ten wagons. It had been shipped to j Mt. Dallas from Pittsburg. This is ra ther bad for Bedford with plenty of corn in her graneries. lfvou desire to purchase a first class article of goods, at a price to suit the times, go to Hartly A Metzger's store. None but the best of goods sold, and no misrepresentations made. V, e know this to be so. J. M.Cooper, Esq. of the Chambers burg Valley Spirit, dropped into our sanctum on Monday morning, looking as hale as in the days of "Auld Lang Syne." May he long live to do battle against radicalism !" The Bedford Gazette rejoices in the occupancy of a three story brick office. The rnqiiirer office, immediately ad joining, has more stories in it than you can shake a stick at.— Hollidaysburg Standard. Jos so, Bro. Traugh. Call and see us. Soda water for two. IT FADES.—The beautiful violet ink so much in vogue at present eventu ally disappears entirely. Persons should be careful not to use it in wri ting notes, bonds, mortgages or any thing that is to be preserved any great ienght of time. For these purposes gooil black ink is always the best. Our readers should remember that Irvine's store, No. 2 Anderson's Row, is the place to buy good boots and shoes and buy them, too, at reasonable prices. Irvine drives his business and does not suffer his business to drive him. Call and see him. ROBERRY. —The store room of Mr. Richard Langdon, at Riddiesburg, was robbed last week by some villian who gained entrance by breaking open the bars which secured the ceilar-door. The money drawer was opened and a pocket-book containing about $56, the most of it in notes, were stolen. LARGE TAPE WORM. —Sometime since a little girl living in the family of Mr. Hertz Keiser, manifested fre quent evidence of indisposition. A few days ago Dr. Brubaker was called to see her and from the symptoms pro nounced it tape-worm, and prescribed accordingly. About twelve hours af ter taking the medicine, she was re lieved of a tape-worm 18 feet in length, and is now doing well.— Sannerset Dem ocrat. Somerset has a sensation—nobody killed, nobody runaway—its only a Veloeipede. Say, you Bedford fellovya, arc you ever going to get a velocipede? —Somerset Democrat. Not if we can help it. We are too busy, just now, hunting up our spare change to build a' railroad, lu the moan time your folks may get astraddle, paddle ami skedaddle. Liter—by Velocipedegram. The Pinashecn" has "arrive." The little boys "laugh to see the sport" of over grown youths tumbling over the moon shaped means of locomotion pf the vil lainous veiocipedQ. Everybody is ex cited, and we can't write locals. A CARD. — To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County. Gentlemen :—I hereby respectfully withdraw my name as a candidate for nomination for County Tresurer. To my friends who have seen proper to urge my claims for that office, I arn very thankful; and if at some future time I shall otfer ruj self as a candidate, I trust to merit their support. H. F. IRA INE. BEDFORD May 11. ,SPRING ELECTIONS ABOLISHED. — The 15th section of the Registry Act, published on the first page of today's pajer, changes the time of electing ci ty, ward, borough, township and elec tion officers; and hereafter, those officers will be ha!lotted for on the same day in October on which the general election is held. No election, however, will be held for assessor a"e who were his strongest will entirely ignore him. One of the strongest supporters Mr. ( essna had last fall was Jere Cook of the 'Reposi tory' and his strongest foe previous to the nomination was Ed Scull of Soin erset. Yet the other day, Ed Scull, was supplied with a good fat office, if he tvould support him in 1870, iff suppose, and Mr. Cook was left out in the "cold." We do not know that Mr. Cook was an applicant, but he should have received the appointment without asking for it. . ! If Mr. Cessna desires a re-nomvnation we know of no better way of yet/atg it 1 than carrying out the expressed will of the people, but if he thinks he can do it by any other course he is perfectly wel | come to try it. — Fulton Republican^. The town of Bedford affords a strik ing example of the manner in which the radical office-holders regard the will of the people, even the radical people. The people of Bedford held an "election for postmaster at that place, and the choice resulted in a Mr. Russell, former clerk in the office, by nearly two hundred majority. It was therefore considered by all parties that Mr. Russell's appointment was a fore gone conclusion. But Cessna, disregarding the expressed will of his own party friends, had a Mr. \\ asha baugh appointed. Cessna's record is known to ail, and the people who vo ted for him should not complain if he ignores them in the distribution of his ofiicial patronage.— Somerset Demo crat. The Bedford Gazette charges that somebody else than the Postmaster at Bedford, outside of the Post Office al together, is to receive three hundred dol lars per annum out of the proceeds of the office. Who is the lucky fellow ? Is it some vigorous rival of the win ning man ? Or have the Post Offices in the District been farmed out?" It cannot be the latter, for our Congress man is too pure for that. At any rate, twelve hundred dollars for the term on one Post Office, is a sum "not to be sneezed at." — Valley Spirit. THE NEW NICKEL COINS. —The de nomination of the new coins are to be one, three and live cents, and they are to be composed of one-fourth nickel and three fourths copper. The one cent coin is to weigh a grain and a half, and will l>e about the size of the five cent silver coin, which some of the existing inhabitants of the United States will recollect to have seen. The three and five cent pieces are to be about the size of the one and two cent coppers now in use, and will weigh respectively three and Jive grains. The new coin is to be legal tender for a dollar, except for du ties on imports, and all the existing nickel and copper coins will he with drawn. WHO CAN CAST THE FIRST STONE ? —lt is a great misfortune to have a. dis position that carries cold and damp ness wherever you go; hut unless some-body tells you of it, and you are put upon an examination of yourself, and led to say, "is my taste so exac ting, is my pride so exacting, that when I go where people are it is as if a frost had fallen on them?" you will never suspect it, nor take steps to remedy it. MARRIED. BROWN—BROWN—On the 29th of April, by W. B. Lambrigbt, Esq., Mr. David L. Brown and Mi.-- Nancy Brown, both of this county. ICKES—BLACKBURN —On the 4th inst., at the Lutheran parsonage, in Sehellsburg. by the Rev. J. 11. A. Kitzmiller, Mr Conrad lekes to Miss Mary Blackburn, both of this county, DIED. FRAZIER—fn Sehellsburg. on the 25th of April, 1569, Mrs. Elizebeth Frazier, aged 74 years, 2 months and 12 days. jfctvc Mcfrtiscmfuts. I ET EVERY MAN, WOMAN J AND CHILD It EA I) T HIS! Their own interests are at stake in this matter. Everybody has suffered so much from the accursed CREDIT SYSTEM, if system it can be called, that I intend to offer to every body a panacea for the evil in the future. On and after the first day of June, 1869, I will sell goods EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH OR PRO DUCE. No doubt some customers may be lost to me, but I flatter myself that it will be only those from whom I cannot collect present accounts. All goods will be sold at about one-half the profit now pa'd by consumers. The people often complain of Bedford prices being higher than else where, and it is doubtless true, to some extent, for the reason that good customers have had to pay for others' goods with an additional profit on their own. Let an intelligent community sustain me in this enterprise anil they WILL SAVE FROM lEN TO FIFTEEN PER CENT ON EVERYTHING THEY CONSUME. mayl4m3 H. F. IRVINE. "VfOTICE.—AII accounts not settled by the first day of June, 1869, either by cash or note, will be put in the hands of an officer for oollection. Friends will please take notice, and by so doing will save trouble and costs. mayl4w3 II F IRVINE. J .EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on e estate of Matthew O'Brien, late of Juniata tp.. deceased, have been granted the undersigned All persons knowing themselves indebted to id estate are required to make immediate payment, and those haying claims will present tkein prop erly authenticated for settlement. ANDREW CLEVENSPIEOE Adm'r., inayllwfi, near Bedford. Pa INSTATE OF JOHN CORLEY.JB., DEC'D —TO the heira and legal representa tives of John Corley, Jr., late of Bedford county, dec d : TAKE NOTICE—That, by virtue of a Writ of Partition and Valuation issued out of the Orphaus' Court of Bedford county and to me di rected, I will hold an Inquest to make partition and valuation of the Real Estate of said deceased, on the premises, which is situate in Juniata town ship, on Tuesday, Ist day of June, A. D., 1869, at 10 o'clock, a. w.. wheu and where you may at tend if you see proper. ROBERT STECKMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff"s c-fficc, may!4w3 CIOMMON SENSE.—With Pleasure / we beg permission to inform the public that the "EXCELSIOR SEWING iIACIIINE' ean be bought of us, In any quantities, for the Low Price ot $25. "Tho Excelsior" is no Cheap "Single Thread" hand machine, but a "Double Thread, Lock Stitch"' Machine with table and treadlp, for s2o, and is capable of doinj as work, and niually M strong ar any otnct Sewing Machine r/Uhont tagtrd 8> prjoe- The "Ereelaior" is as large and an strong aa the "Singer " We use no "cog wheel.*,therefore it will Last twin? a l"Pt( a. the • Singer". Prioe of the t'hla eleior' }2S Send all orders to J Csiey, l|onar 4get t lofris town, Ha. P. K Olorgjonjn or othere oiqorioft * ntachMM, will receive a fourth free of charge. Wanted maj-14wl* iICH? 4 GENTS WANTED FOR SEC RETS OF THE GREAT CITY, j A Work descriptive of the A IRTUBS. and the VICES, the MYSTERIES. MISERIES and CRIMES .f New York City. It contains -35 fine engravings ; and is the Spic iest. most Thrilling. Instructive, and cheapest work of the kind published. Agents are meeting with unprecedented suc cess" One in Marlborough, Mass, reports 36 sub scribers in a day. One in Luzerne fco., Pa., 44 in a day. One in Meriden, Conn.. 68 in two days, and a great tniwiy others trom 100 to — V AMERICAN EMITTING MACHINE.— Price $25. The implest, cheapest ami best Knit ting Machine every invented. Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to Agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTINU MA CHINE CO , Boston Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. __ 4 GENTS WANTED for "WOMEN f\ or NEW YORK " Complete expose of Female Lite in the Great Metropolis. Sensational Beau tifully illustrated. Sample copy post-paid lor $2. Address New York Book Co , 145 Nassau St., NY. City. SELAT— More Valuable than Gold. For particulars send two 3-cent stamps to AYOUSTK DUPIN, BOX 1027, Cincinnati, 0 /"CONSUMPTION. O ABBOTT'S INHALING FLUID for the cure ot Consumption, Bronchitis and Asthma For list of questions, mode of treatment, ami other infor mation, call on or address Dr Q. VAN HUMMELL A Co., Prop'rs, No. 16 West 14th St., (bet. sth A 6th avenues,) N. Y ASK your Doctor or Druggist for SWEET Ql'lMNE—it equals (hitter) Qui nine. Is made only by F. STEARNS, Cbeiqist, Detroit. marl9w4 17 BRING BUT NOBLE.—SeIf-help for Young Men, who having erred, desire a better manhood. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, freo of charge If benefitted return tho poatnge. Address PHFLANTUROS, BOX P, Phila'phi*. Pa. rpiIIRTY YEARS' Experience 111 X the Treatment of Chronic an l Sexual Disea ses.—A Physiological View of Marriage. —The cheapest book ever published—containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human organs in a state of health and disease, with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body with tl(e author's plan of treatment— Qje only rational and successful mode if cure, a; shown by a report f t.vvted A truihful adviser to the u;at;ieU apt those contemplating marri-ur who eiJertain doubts of their phvsiefj condition. Sent free of postage to "py address on receipt of ?3 cents, in stf.Sips or postal curronCJ, Syi addressing Dr LA CROIX, Ha. 11l Altcny, 3 Tite anRiV sv V Y.FftS W8? jMjbn which book; troVi "RfeSf tj{y or tty seftt tc hj twft of tlu wojd ' _ mav '4*4 _ AND ALL EXPENSES 4'AIIJ ! See AdvQTtisemeqt yf AJD"iqcA3 MACUISS, ip uur advertising columns. novOy I 2Uif JUmtiseincuts. rpWO FARMS AT PRIVATE 1 SALE. Now is iui Timb 10 Bey Cheat Reai. Estate. | A FARM IN MORRISON S COVE A SPLENDID l'A KM WITHIN TWO MILES OF BEDFORD. The subscriber will sell at private sale, on very very reasonable terms, and at reduced prices, the following described, very valuable real estate, vii : A TRACT OF LAND situated in Morrison's Cove, about one mile front Lafaycttsville, and four miles from Wood berry, in Middle Woodberry twp , containing 102 acres, more or less, about 45 acres cleared and under fence, with one and a half story log house, log barn, blacksmith shop and other outbuildings, adjoiuing lands cf Jack son Stuckey on the east, Christ. Kochenderfer on the north, John Keagy on the west, and Ignatius I Brant's heirs on the south This can be made one : of the neatest and most pleasant little farms in the Cove with very little expense. There is an abund ance of water, plenty of fruit and splendid timber upon it—all that is necessary to raaka it desira ble. ALSO, A MOST EXCELLENT TRACT OF LIME STONE AND RIVER BOTTOM LAND, within ! two miles of Bedford, containing 228 acres, about i 15U ycres of which are cleared and in a high state i of cultivation and the balance well timbered. ' There are excellent new building erected thereon ! with a well of never failing water at the door. There are two orchards of choice fruit upon it. 75 acres of meadow, (River Bottom) can be cultiva ted with trifling expense. The upland is in a good state ot cultivation, well set with clover and under good fenee. There is sufficient timber upon it to pay for the farm several times if thrown into the Bedford market. Apply to J. R DURBORRUW, Attorney at Law, inayltniG Bedford, Pa. / 1 E T T II E II E S T . \ | WEBSTER'S Unabridokd DICTIONARY. 3000 Engravings; 1840 Pages Quarto. Price sl2. 19,1100 Words and Meanings not in other Diction aries. Viewed as a whole, we are confident that no oth er living language his a dictionary which so fully and faithfully sets forth its present condition as this last edition of Webster de3 that of our writ ten and spoken English tongue.— Harper's Mag azine. These three books arc the sum total of great libraries: the Bible, Shakespeare, and Webster's Royal Quarto — Chicago Evening Journal THE NEW WEBSTER is glorious— it is perfect— it distances and defies com petition—it leaves noth ing to be desired —J. II- Raymond, LL D . Pres t Vassar College. Tbe most useful and remarkable compendium of human knowledge in our language —W. S. Clark, President Mass. Agricultural College. Webster's National Pictorial Diction ary. 1040 Pages Octavo. 600 Engravings. Price $6. The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, just the thing for the million "—American Education al Monthly. "In many respects, this Dictionary is the most convenient ever published."— Rochester Demo ' As a manual of reference, it is eminently fitted for use in families aud schools ' —(V. Y. Tribnnt. "It is altogether the best treasury of words of its si/.e which the English language has ever pos sessed.''— Hartford Preis " Published by G. A C. MERRlAM,Springfield Mass tuayl4 \\T ATERSIDE WOOLEN FAC \V TORY '-30,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED ! The undersigned having leased the Large New Woolen Factory, a' Waterside, for a number of years, respectfully inform the old customers ol the Factory and the public generally, that they will need at least the above amount of wool. They have on hand a large lot ot Cloths, Cassimcres, Tweeds, Satinetts, Jeans. Blankets, Coverlets, Flannel, Ac . which tbey will exchange for wool, as has been the custom heretofore. Carpets will he made to order, at all times. Stocking yarn of all kinds always on hand. Our Peddler, Thomas Border, will call on all the old customers, and the public generally, in duo time, for the purpose of exchanging goods for wool. The highest market price will be paid for wool in cash. N. B. Wool carding spinning and country Full in-' will be done in the best manner and at short nolice. JOHN I. NOBLE A BRO , mayl4m3 Waterside, Pa \i r ANTED.—First class traveling Vl salesmen, to sell by sample ; good wages or a liberal per cent, and steady employment. Address, with stamp, B. F. HOWE, 639 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. apr3ow4^ HY NOT .MAKE MONEY with \\ our STENCIL AND KEY CHECK OUTFIT, and by selling Novel and attractive articles ' Circu lars free STAFFORD MFG . CO., 66 Fulton St., New York. apr3ow!2 Salesmen wanted by Manufac turing Co., to travel and sell by sample a new line ot goods Situations permanent; wages good. H. H RICHARDS A CO., 413 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. apr3l)w4 rrvms IS NO HUMBUG ! By Senn it ine 35 cents, with age, height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a cor rect picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. 0. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. apr3ow4. ijIBL Es. - pji to 1 'IIES ENTEI > $3.00 X) To Agents to sell Bibles in any field with other Books. A Patent Pocket Prospectus Free. PARMELEE A CO., 738SansomSt., Philadelphia. apr3ow4. 4 GENTS WANTED FOB THE J\_ SIGHTS AND SECRETS OF THE NA TIONAL CAFITAL, a work descriptive of Washing ton City : Inside and Outside Unmarked and Ex posed. The spiciest, most thrilling, most enter taining, instructive, and startling book of the for Circulars, with terms. Ac.— Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO , 411 Broome St., Now York City. apr3ow4._ 4 GENTS WANTED FOB THE J\ BLUE-COATS And how they Lived, Fought and Died for the Union, with Sceues and Incidents in the Great Rebellion. Comprising narratives of Personal Adventure, Thrilling Incidents. Daring Exploits, Heroic Deeds, Wonderful Escapes, Life in the Cauip, Field, and Hospital, Adventures of Spios and Seouts, with the Songs, Ballads, Aneoiote and Humorous Inoidents ot the War. It contains over 100 fine Engravings and is the spiniest and cheapest war lawk published. Price only $2.50 per copy Send for circulars and see our terms and full description of tbe work Ad dress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Pliiladel phia, Pa. aprw4 TyOTJCE TO TAX PAYERS.—In XT pursuance of an Act of A*etlsL!y, to Pro vide for the collection of State. Oounty, Poor and Military Taxes in tbccounty of Bedford, approved the I3th day of April, 1868. the undersigned will attend at the times and places below named, be tween the hours of 9 o'clock, a. m., and 4 o'clock, p. in., for the purpose ot receiving sueh Taxes, for the year 1869 : Monday and Tuesday, 34th and 35th, at W'mdber, ry, for Middle Wuodberry tp. and Wood berry bor. Wednesday, May 2n. at Pattonsville, for South Woodherry. Thursday, May 27. at Bloody Run. for Bloody Run bor and West Providence tp. Friday. May 28. at Joseph Mortiuiore's, for Snake Spring tp. Monday, May 31, at Daniel Fletcher s store, in Monroe tp. Tuesday, June 1, at Wis. Adams' mill, in South ampton tp. Thursday, June 3. at Rainsburg, for Rainsburg bor andColerain tp. Fiiday, June 4, at D. A T. Blackssfor East Provi dence township Saturday, June 5, at Joseph Cessna's, fur Harrison township- Monday and Tuesday, Juno 7th and Bth, Mowry's mill, for Union township. Wednesday. June 9, at Pleasant*ille, for St. Clair township. Thursday, June 1(1, at St. Clairsville, for St. Clairsville bor. and township Friday and Saturday, June II and 13, at Sohells burgbor for Sohellsburg bor and Napier tp. Monday, June 14, at Bridgeport, for Londonderry township. Tuesday, June 15, at Bedford for Bedford bar. Weduesday, June 16. at Centreville, tor Cumber land Valley township Thursday, June 17, at Buena Vista, for Juniata township. Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19, at Bedford. f"r Bedford township. Monday, June 21, at Saxton, for Saxton bor Tuesday. June 22. at Stonerstown, for IJharty tp. Wednesday, June 23, at Coalilule, for' Ooaldalo bor and Broad Tup township Thursday, June 34, at Cwpt. Jno. Eiunelberger's, fur Hopewell tp. "All persons In said oounty who shall, on or be fore tbe 28th day of July, aforesaid, p*y to StiiJ Treasurer the amount of hi; of h Monroe Tp. 14 J R O'Neal store 7 00 14 Daniel Fletcher do 7 00 Saxton Borough 's 12 J. A. AE. Eichelberger store 12 50 - J 12 Little A Stoler do 12 50 a | 14 David M Jones confections 700 Liberty Tp. 14 John V Besser store 7 00 Coat dale Borough. "l 14 Mrs Annie Prince store 700 14 Richard Langdon do 7 00 3 SchelUburg Borough. '• 1.3 Conley A Hull store 10 00 13 Egolf A Son do 10 00 13 Black and Morbourg do 10 00 | 14 John S Sehell do 7 00 43 J E Colviu do 10 00 13 J A Songster Hardware 10 00 14 A ilamaker store 700 15 J L Long confections aOO 14 Henry Sellers do 7 00 e St. Clair Tp. 14 M Walker store 700 ' 14 NII Wright do 7IW 14 Simon Hershman do 7 uo J 14 G D Trout do 700 14 B F H"rn do 700 e 14 Thos. Beck ley do 700 14 lokei A Son do 7 00 14 Mary Blackburn Aoo do 7 00 St. Clansvtllr. a 14 J B Aiuiek store 700 |l 14 T D Beegle do 700 , 14 Isaac Hahn do 700 3 14 S Oster ACo do 700 Union Tp. e 14 J M Waiters store 7-00 8 14 John Latnburn do 700 e Notiee is hereby given that an appeal will be held at the commissioners office at the court house, in Bedford,on Tuesday, the 18th day of May, . iB6O. JOHN A. CESSNA, Mercantile Appraiser. 1 N. B. Persons whose names are not contained in the above list.who have commenced business I since the Ist of April, 1800, will please intbrui the 1 undersigned of the same. Also any who have dis ' continued. JOHN A. CESSNA. ■ | apr 23*4. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Letters of administration upon the estate of Jacob Kauffman, late of Middle Woodbury twp., dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county, all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby no tified to present thein, properly authenticated for settlement, and all pewons indebted, are request ed to make immediate payment aprl66 JOHN P HOOVER. Adm'r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Notice is hereby given that letters ofadmin istration have been granted to the undersigned, by the Register of Bedford oounty, upon the es tate of Susanna pephart, late of Napier tp., dee d. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present themi properly authenticated, for settlement. PETER GEPHART, apriifiwfi Administrator. SUA M I'GONING, HAIR DRES SING AND SHAVING, t am determined to fight it out on this line all summer and will warrant entire satisfaction ID all my patrons. I am also prepared to weave hair, make switches and curls on the shortest no tice 'and most improved styles Room on Juliana St , one door north of the Express Office. apr:U)m3. H. F. CRA\VLEY._ 4 1)M INISTRATI) KS' NCSTIOE- Notice is hereby giyep, that Letters of Ad ministration un the estate ot Henry Colledge, late of East Providence township, dee d., have been granted to the undersignod. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims are requested to present thetn, proper ly authenticated, for settlement ' JOSEPH OOLLEDGE, JUHN COLLEDGE, K", ay Administrators XTOTICET—ACCOUNT IN COMMON i\ Pi RA —The account of S L. Russell, Eaq , Trustee of J as. II Beeler. W. Scott Beeler, Mar garet A Beder, now Margaret A Trout and Mary E. Beeler. now Mary E ftuty. children of John W. Beeler. deo'd , kae boan exhibited end filed in the PrUbunutary's oftoe, and will b* al t|e court of Cuuamou Plea* ** Eedfufu lAaiinry nt adfoqrned court to ie held at Bed }Ji, Ui Thursday, t h e let day of July, next un ies oapse be shown why aaid aocount should not be allowed. By direction of the court 0. E, SHANNON, Froth'jr. may Two* |jr| &oods, tU. ITiEA RFUL BREAKDOWN! Economy being greatly needed at the pres ent time, it is the duty of all to buy where they can buy the cheapest, hence U. R. OSTER A CO, wish to notify the public that thay are now re ceiving and cpening the most extensive and varied assortment of new and cheap WINTER GOODS ever opened in Bedford, purchased under favora ble circumstances since the great breakdown iu prices, and will now offer them to CASH buyers, both wholesale and retail, at much lower priee* than the same kind can be bought for in Bedford county. Country Storekeepers will find an oppor tunity of sorting up their stocks, if only a single piece is wanted at wholeeate prices. Special Extraordinary Inducements. In ladies dre?.-- goods, such as striped and cbene mohair, striped, plaid, shat and chene poplins in changeable effects, for suits and walking dresses, all that look at them say they are cheap.—Extra heavy mixed melange poplins and ne plus ultra Kcpellants for suits, Empress cloth, English serges, Epinglines and eorded poplins, in brown, steel, violet, purple, wine green, garnet and bismark. They are beauties. Ail you have to do is look at them, and your own judgment will say buy French Merinos, coburga, wool delaines and al pacas in all the new colorings, best American de laines and Armares in tbe new stripes and palka dots, very desirable. 10000 yards of beautiful calico prints that won't fade, at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 16 cents. Piles of bleached and unbleached muslins, at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 13 and 20 aenls. You have all heard no doubt of cheap flannels. It is all over town. The ladies talk about it as much as of the coming holidays; MI wool flannels at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 cents. Ladies Furs, shawls, Grand Dutches, Lady Belle, pretty balmoral and hoop skirts. Corsets guaranteed to stand enough of pressure to break a rib every week Ladies breakfast shawls, Mer ino vests, hoods, gloves and hosiery. Men's wool and merino under shirts and draw ers. Woolen and white over shirts, comforts, neck-ties, scarfs, collars, Ac. A large and varied assortment of cloths, cassi meres, tweeds, satinets, velvet cord, blankets, ginghams, cbcoks, tickings, shirting stripes, table diapers, napkins, doylies and towels, decidedly cheap. Don't our ready-made clothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes strike you as cheap, a whole rig at our store from tip to toe and won't cost you much. Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths. Wool filling and all wool ingrain carpets, venitian entry and stair carpets, aud floor oil cloths. FRESII FAMILY GROCERIES. Choice Java, Laguayra and Rio coffee. Cboioe Fresh Imperial, Young Ilyson, Oolong and Japan Tea. A full line of sugars and syrups. A choice as sortment of tobaccos aud seg&rs. In a word every thing you want. All are invited to call and see for themselves No trouble to shot? goods wheth er you wish to boy or not. Terms cash unless oth erwise specified. U. R. OSTER A CO. Bedford, Pa.,dec!3,'6Sm4 Q/X)D NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just received a large and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and which he is determined to sell CHEAP They consist in part ot Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, Buckets and Brooms, llamnsware, Tobacco, Segars, Ac. Give bim a call and see for yourselves nev6th,'6S J M. SHOEMAKER. nARP E T S . ALL PEOPLE of Central Pennsylvania will SAVE MONEY by going to Brown's New CARPET STORE, Huntingdon, Pa., to buy all their Car pets from 30 ct-s. per yard, to tine INGRAIN and BRUSSELS. -ALSO MATTING, OIL CLOTH. RUGS, CARPET CHAINS, Ac Ijj^"Dealers can buy ol me by the roll at whole sale prices. apr3om2 JAMES A. BROWN. TTf C. SCHAEFFER, A TTORNEY A T LA IK, BEDFORD, PA Orrics with J. W Dickkrso.m, Esq. apr9o,'69yl _ (CRYSTAL STEAM MILLS." Our J Mill Wagon will deliver Flour, Feed, Ac , every afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in Bedford, and re ceive erists All work warranted. Terms cash. JNO. G A WM HARTLEY Orders may by left at Mill or Hartley A Meti gar's Hardware Store. apr.WmS. I UMBER.—6O,OOU feet Oak, White i and Yellow Pine Lumber on hands and fo sale by J B WILLIAMS A CO , junl4,'#Ttf Bloody Run, Pa. THE Local circulation of the BEI>- vobdUaietti is larger than that of any other paper in this section at country, and therefor# of ersthe greatest inducements to bueinew nscn ta fdvertise in its columns MERCHANTS AND MECHANICS, and Business men generally will advance their own interests by advertising in the columns of Tits Gsssrvs. • SOMETHING NEW!--Every oue their own Artist. Desirable for ladies or gentlemen. Address BELTZ A JOHNSON, aprllLud Lonaconing, Md _ THE BEDFORD GAZETTE is the Wet Adverting Medium n Sou then PeW sylvaada.