Swing $25! $25! THE AMHR IC AN SIIITT TL E 5 Ell'J NO MACHINE ' Is retailed at a price within the reach of all. This Machine uses a straight needle, makes the LOCK STITCH (alike on both sides), has a self adjusting tension, and can do' every variety ol sewing. JD will hem, fell, bind, oord, braid, seam, brnlt, tuck, ruffle, and gather; and will work equally well on silk, linen, woolen, or cotton goods, with silk, linen, or cotton thread. * THE A MERWA V SHUTTLE SEW INC MA CHINE IS Warranted for Five Years! Our Agents will be supplied with duplicate parts of the Machine, in case of accident. It makes pre cisely the same stiteli made by the Singer, Wheel er & Wilson, Howe, and Florence Machines. It has the Under-feed, like the best of bigh-priccd Machines, and is the only lew-priced Shuttle Machine in the market that has this feci. We aro enabled to sell a first-class SHUTTLE MA CHINE at a very low price, on account of its Sim plicity, and consequent low cost of Manufacturing, in comparison with Complicated Machines. AGENTS. We wish to arrange with Agents, male or female, to represent the American Shuttle Sewing Ma chine, in each State, County, and Town in the United States and Ontario. Extra inducements to Experienced Agents. For full particulars, as *to Salary or Commission, address G. V. N. ANDREWS, General Ag't, Detroit. Mich. N B.—For the benefit of onr Agents we have ar ranged with parties who have goods suitab'e for Sewing Machine Agents to sell. Wo will send BOOK OF SAMPLES and full particulars on re ceipt of one red stamp. AlJressG. V. N. AN DREWS, General Agent, Detroit, Mich, novfiyl OU R N E W FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The superior merits of the '-Singer" Machines over all others, for either Family use or Manu facturing purposes, ere so well established and so generally admitted, that an enumeration of their relative excellences is no longer considered neces 1V OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, which has been brought to perfection regardless of time, labor, or expense, is now confidently pre sented to the public as incomparably the Best Sew ing Machine in existence. The machine in ques tion is Simple, Compact, Durable and Beautiful. It is quiet, light running, and CAPABLE OF PERFORMING A RANGE AND VARIETY OF WORK never before attempted upon * single Machine, — using either SILK, TW'IIT, LINEN OR COTTON THREAD, and sewing wi'h equal Futility the very finest and coarsest materials, and any thine be tween the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for Hem ming. Braiding, Cording. Tucking, yuiiting. Fel ling, Trimming, Binding, etc , are Novel and Prac tical, and hav been invented and adjusted es pecially for tnis Machine. New designs of the Unique, Useful, and Popular folding lips and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Macbii.es manufactured by this Company, have been prepared for enclosing the new Machine. A faint idea, however, can at best be conveyed through the medium of a (ueeessarily) limited ad vertisement; and we therefore urge every person in quest of a Sewing Machine, by all means to ex amine and test, if they can possibly do so, all the leading r.val Machines before making a purchase. A select on can then be made Branches or agencies for supplying the "Singer Machines will be fuund in nearly every city and town throughout the civilized world, where Ma chines will be cheerfully exhibited, and any infor maiion promptly furnished. Cr communications may be addressed to Tut oa SOKK MANUFACTURING CO., 40S Broad w ay, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE—IIO6 Chestnut St. C. LOY'ER, Agent, Bedford, Pa. oct'J,'6Sy 1 npYRONE} PL A MM. .MILLS. MCCAMANT, ELLIOTT A CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in Oasli, Doors, Blinds, Flooring, Brackets, Mouldings, Stair Railing. Plastering Lath, Shingles. Common and Fancy Pickets, Frame Stuff. AND ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, Tyrone, Pa. S. MCCAMAST, ! JOUN ELLIOTT, D. T CALDWELL, J M. HARPER, WILLIAM STOKE. mar26mIMOTH SA LK BILLS, print! X. A d at short notice Large Bills make large •ales. We know ii to he so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay th b extra, c rpea.se of print in Call at Tfk (Imrit Jos Oae J NO. G. FISHER, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, BmroitD, PA. Fire Insurance effeotod perpetually or lor any term. Life Insurance ou the Interest Bearing Plan. Losses speedily adjusted and promptly paid JQ W. CRM SK. Dealer i* All Kerns or SEGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, And a general assortment of Smokers and Chew ers' articles, EEDFORL, Pa. ju131,"63y! _ | LETTER HEADS "AND BILL HEADS, and EN VKLOPESfor business men printed in the best style of the art. at TUX GAS KITE JOB OFFICE a*m * iPrU-O'tOQllS, &f. |> EMOVED to the COLONNADE BUI EDI NG! MILLER & BOWSER, At the Old Colonnade, - - Bedford, Pa , OFFER GREAT BARGAINS, (in order to reduce their stock, before making their spring purchases) in Ready-Made Clothing, Fancy (i and Caps, Boots and Shoes, (1 roceries, Qm eusware, Wooden ware, Tobacco and Cigars, Brooms, Baskets, Ac.. Ac., Ac. LOOK AT SOME OF THEIR TRICES: CALICO, at 8, 10, 12, 15, 10. GINGHAM, at 12], 15, IS, 20. MUSLIN, at to, 12, 11, 15,18, 20. Cassimeres,Cloths, Satinetts and Ladies' Sacking, at. very low prices. -Ladies', Gents' and Misses' Shoes, Sandals and Over-Shoes, in great variety. Men's, Boys'and Youths' Boots. Skif- Best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Syr up in the market. Prices low Stir Feed, Flour, Ac., for stile at all times. We invite all to call and see our goods and compare prices before buying elsewhere Dgr Our motto is, Short ProffUs. fete TKKMS— Cash, Note or Produce. apr3,'63 GOODS!! NEW GOODS The undersigned has just received from the East a large and varied stock of New Goods, which are now open for examination, at MILL-TOWN, two miles West of Bedford, comprising everything usually found in a first-class country store consisting, in part, of Dry-Goo (is, I )• laines, Calicoes, Muslins, Cussimers, Boots and Shoos, Groceries, Notions, Ac., Ac. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. ISP Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuance oi the public tronage. LifT Call and exam r goods. may24,'f>7. G. YEAGEK -scntistrw. / 1 N. HICKOK, V7. DENTIST, Office at the old stand in BANK BI'ILDIMG, Julian na Street, BEDFORD, Pa. All operati-ns, pertaining to Surgical and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with care, and WARRANTED. Anaesthetics administered, when desired. Ar tificial teeth inserted, per set. $3.00 and upward. IV As I am determined to do A CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the prices cf ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the various kinds, 20 PER CENT, and of GOLD FILLINGS 33 PER KE.NT. This reduction will be made only to strictly CASII PATIENTS, and all such will receive prompt attention. fcb?,'6Btf gaafcrrs. JACOB REED, | J.J. BCHELL, L> E E D AND SC II E L L , U Bankers and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD, PA., DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and money promptly remitted. Deposits solicited. A EL SHANNON, BANKER, \ /, BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North and South, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Account? Collected end Kemittanees promptly made. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. janl7,'RTATL< >N -ISO!', RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ARMSTRONG, CATOR A CO., 217 A 23S Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF BONNET AND TRIMMING RTBBONS, VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, BONNET CRAPES, SILKS AND SATINS, Bin lions, Blonds, L ien, Ruches, Nett s and Velvets. French Flowers and Feathers, STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES' IIATS TRIMMED AND USTRJMMED, SUNDOWNS and SHAKER HOODS, The largost Slock of Millinery Goods in this Country and unequalled in choice variety, which we offer at price that will defy competition ORDERS SOLICITED. apr!6iu3* iSSflpUfiert* &***<** . SHARI'K. K F. KERR. QHARPE IT KERR, ATTORNEYS 17 AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana st„ opposite the Banking House of Reed A SeheH. j March 2, 'BB. T 11. D IT gB ORR<) W, t) . ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to his care. Collections made on the shortest no tice. lie is. also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent and will give special attention to the prosecution of cluims against the Government for Pensions, Rack Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands. Ac. Office in t.be second story of J. W. Lingenfelter's New Building, adjoining the --Mangel House." aug2l ii.B JOHN P. REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA Respectfully tenders his services to the pnblic. Office second door North of the Mongel House. Bedford, Aug I. Ijjfil. IHSSPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining countios. Military laims, back pay. bounty, A a., speedily collected. Office with Maun A Spang, on Juliana street, t io doors South of the Mengel flouso. Jan. 22. 1884, ' T. M. KIKMKLL. I J- W. LING EN FELT KK. IT IMMELL & LING EN FELTELI, IV ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BEDFOPvD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law. Office on Juliana street, two doors South ofthe "Mengei House," / I 11. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT \JT, LAW BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, one door south of the Court House. May 13, 1884. B. F. MS reus ) J. W. niCKEBSoN. MEYERS & DICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, DV, office same as formerly occupied by Hon. S L Russell, a few doors south of the Court House, will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and Lack pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. mayll, '6B. HAYS IN VINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bloody Run, Pa. Office in Harris' New Building. " mar!3'6B rjMIK GREAT ZING Alt I 111 T Ti: 11 S. A Safe Pdood Purifier, A Splendid Tonic, A Pleasant 1 leverage, A CERTAIN CURE AND PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES. The ZINGAEI BITTERS are compounded from a prescription of the celebrated Egyptian physi cian DR. CHEOPSI S, who, after years of trial and experiment, discovered the Zingnri Herb—the uc-'St rem rkalle vegetable production, the enrth, perhaps, has ever yielded—certainly the most ef fective in the cure of disease. It, in combination with the other valuable properties of which the Zingnri Bitters is composed, will cure Dyspepsia, Feci and Ague, Dillons Lever, C nolle, Colds, Bronchitis, Cons urnplio s in its first stage, Flatulency, Atr vons Dtbihty, Female Com plaints Rheumatism, Dys entery, Acute arul Chron ic Diarrhoea, Chol era Morbus. Cholera, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Yellow Lever, Scrofula, Diseas es of the JKidneys, Habit uil Cost it ness iVfl , 4 r - In the PREVENTION and CURB of the above dis eases, it has never been known to fail, as thous ands of our most prominent citizens throughout all parts of the coumiy will testify. Let the afflicted send for circular cuntarnirig testimonials and cer tificates of those who have been cured after their eases have been ptonounced hopeless by our best physicians. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, F. RAIITER A GO., No. f! X. Front street, Philadelphia. RECOMMENDED BY Ex. Gov , David I. Porter, of Pennsylvania. Hon. Robert J Fisher, " " Hon Edward McPiterson, " " Hon. Joel B. Banner, " " Hon. Win. McSherry, " " and others. SKND FOR CIRCULARS. febl2,'&9yl jMI '< >RTA NT TO F ARM ER S J CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY. We furnish Farmers with the BEST SEED WHEAT IN THE WOULD. Perfectly free from inscctiforin or other iinpuri lies ; grown from Australian and Chili Seed, yield ing, on good soil, SIXTY BUSHELS TO THE ACRE, And Weighing G5 Pounds to the Measured Bushel. The EARS OF WHEAT, when mature, are usu ally ELEVEN OR TWELVE INCHES LONG. LirP ut up and securely tied and sealed in lin en bags, and sent by mail free to all parts of the country, on receipt of price. PRICES. Samples... If) Cts Each | Bags. ..50c and $1 Each Or in larger quantities at reasonable rates. Address— California and Oregon SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, feb!2tf California. \V. IT.AKK A ( 0., 15 A N K E R S, No. 35 Third Street, Philadelphia, GENERAL AGENT FOR TUB NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF TUB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR SHE States of Pennsylvania arid Southern New Jersey. Tho NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY is a corporation Chartered by Special Act of Congress, approved July 25, 18(58, with a Cash Oupital of One MILLION Dollars, and is now thoroughly organised and prepared for business. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our "ffico, located in the second story of our Banking House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fuliy de scribing the advantages offered by the Company, may be had. 1. 8. RUSSELL, Manager. AGENTS —John G. Fisher and WM. A. Edwards' S. S. Fluck, Saxton, Bedford county, Pa. nug2l'6B,yl 4 RA RE CHANCE IS OFFERED J\_ ALL PERSONS To display their Goods; Tt sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their want he., As. Ac. he., ho., he., he., he., by adv-rtisinjjlo the columns of THE GiTT JA I LI A KS, SI IA FTS, Poles, Spukes t I aud Hubs, are sold by HARTLEY A METZ GEK at manufacturer's prices. aprJtf VER S HAIR V] (i O 11, FOR THE RENOVATION OF TITB HAIR TUB GREAT DESIDERATUM OF THE AGE. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color and the gloss and freyhness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair cheeked, and baldness of ten, though, not always, cured by its use. Noth ing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Rut su-h as remain eau he saved lor usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigor ous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or fulling off. and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a 11A 111 DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts loDgcr on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS, Price $1 00. ang2l'6Byl D. F. HARRY, Agent. YES'S CATHARTIC IMLES, For all the purposes of a Laxative Medicine. Perhaps no one Medicine is so universally re quired by everybody as a cathartic, nor was e -- er any.before so universally adopted iuto use, in ev ery country and auiong all classes, ns this mild but efficient purgative Pill. The obvious reason is, that it is amort reliable and far move effectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them ; those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and ail know tbat what it does once it does always —that it never fails through any fault or neglect of its composition We have thousands upon thou sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the folio wing corn plaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them Adapted to all ages and conditions in ail climates; containing neither calomel or any dele terious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ev er fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful infiuonce on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action —remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring tbeir irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, snub derangements as are the first origin of disease. directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these Pills rapidly cure : For DVM'KPSIA or ImtiGCSTion, LISTLESHNESS, LA NO COB and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and ; restore its healthy tone and action. For LIVER COHCLAINT and its various symptoms, UiLLtot s HEADACHE. SICK HEADACHE, JAUNDICE or Green SICKNESS, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fe- i vers, they should b ■ judiciously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For DV&ENTKRY or DtAßitatEA, but one mild dose is generally required. For KIIKI MINSM, GOI T, GRAVEL, PALPITATION OF TUB JIBART, PAIN IN TUB SIDE, BACK and LOINS, they should be continuously taken, as re quired. to change the diseased action of the sys tem. \5 ith such change those oouiplaints disap pear. • For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For SI PPRESSION a large dose should be takeu as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a DINNER PILL, take one or two pills to pro mote digestion ami relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy nction. restores the appetite, and invigorates the system, lionee it is often ad vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who '.eels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these PILLS makes him leel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. DR. J. C. A YRR A CO , Practical CisMtif t, LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. aug2l"t>3y 1 B. F. HARRY, AGENT. If J A T E R S' T T NEW SCALE PIANOS, With Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass and Agraffe Bridge, MELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS, The bes' manufactured; Warranted for 6 years. Fifty New and Second-hand Pianos. Melodeons and Organs of six first-class makers, at low prices for Cash, or, one-third cash and the baiauce in ! Monthly Instalments. Second hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustrated Catalogue mailed. Warerooms, 4-il Broadway, New York ' HORACE WATERS. TESTIMONIALS. The Waters' Pianos are known as among the VCTy best.— N. Y. Evangelist. We can speak tf the merits of the Waters' Pi anor front personal knowledge as being of the very best quality.— Christian Intelligencer. The Waters' Pianos are built of the very best and most thoroughly seasoned material.— Advocate and Journal. Our friends will find at Mr. Waters' store the very best assortment of Piunos, Melodeons and Or gans to bo found in the United States.— Graham's Magazine. MISIUAL DOINGS,- Since Mr. Waters gave up publishing sheet music, he has devoted his whole capital and attention to the manufacture and sale of Pianos and Melodeons. lie has just issued a catalogue of his new instruments, giving a new scale of prices, which shows a marked reduction from former rates, and his Pianos have recently been awarded the First Premium at several Fairs. Many people of the present day, who are attract ed, if not confused, with the darning adeertise mentsof rival piano houses, probably overlook the modest manufacturer like Mr. VVaters; but we happen to kbow that his instruments earned him a good reputation long before Expositions and "hon ors" connected therewith were ever thought of; indeed, we have one of Mr Waters' Pianofortes now in our residence (where it has stood for many years.) of which any manufacturer in the world might well be proud. We have always been de lighted with it as a sweet-toned and powerful in strument, and there is no doubt of its durability ; more than this, some of the best amateur players in the city, as well as several celebrated pianists, have performed on the same piano, and all pro nounce it a superior and first-class instrument. Stronger endorsement we could not give.— Home Journal. jaals,'69. g P. IIARBAUGH Jl SON, Wholesale Traveling Dealers in FANCY DRY GOODS AND NO TIONS, will visit their friends and tbo public generally, in Bedford county, once every two months. They sell their goods at city prices. Also, agents for Chamborrburg Woolen Manufacturing Co. aprill,l363yl I ) 11. HI PES' MARBLE WORKS. JLW. R- 11. BIPES still continues the manu tuciery of Monuments, Tombstones, Table-Tops, Counter Slabs, ,tc., at Bloody Run, Bedford coun ty, Pa., and having on hand a wull selected stock of Foreign aud Domestic Marble, is prepared to till all orders promptly and do work neat and in a workmaulik c stylo, and on the most reasonable terms. All work warranted. Jobs delivered to all p*rts of this and adjoining counties without ox tra charge. _ aprlfi, 68y t r I "VERMS for every description of Job 1 PRINTING CASH I for tho reason that for every article we use. we must pay cash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low as it nun be done In the eitiea. JJFY YOUR IIATS AND CAPS of deel R. W. BERKSTRE3SER. ORDERS from a distance for any ! kiadof JOB PRINTING promptly attonded to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed i ford. Pa. r whiteness, dura bility and brilliancy. It has no equal. F Scld by alt dealers in Paints I throughout the country W R T. Morns Perot A Co., II S Sole Proprietors, I T PbiPa., Pa., T dealers E N in all kinds A of I, T Drugs, Paints, Oils, E I Glass. Dye-Stuffs, Ac. A 0 CAUTION: D N Owing to the popularity of A . our First National Lead, other L parties have been iuduccd to offer a Spurious article under the same name of counterfeits.,^7The genuine is put up iu Extra Heavy Tin Paint Pot with patent Metalic Wire Handles, and the name of T. MORRIS PEROT A CO. on each Label. janS,'6'Jy 1 I ytrARTMAN & ENGLEMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGAIi MANUFACTORY, No, 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second Door below Wood, P II I L A I) E L P II I A. 1. W. WARTMAX. 11. V. EXGLEM AN. apr2. ? 69— yl ! r A CO., j W II oLE S A L E GiiOC E K S AND TEA DEALERS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, AND No. 139 Arch Street, Pit I LA DEDPIIIA. mar2iiy 1 QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOA I > QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. I . QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. For doing a family washing in the best and j elieapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in i the world lias all the strength of old rosin soap : with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine S Castile. Try this splendid Soap. Sold by the j A LI) E N CHEMICAL WORKS, 43 North Front Street, Philadelphia. sep4'63,yl | I G. GARDILL • , WITH . BTILZ .% MELICK, WriOL ES ALE CL( )T HI ERS, No, 32, i Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. | inarl.'lyl J lIENRV HUTTON, WITH A. A. SI lUM WAY, & Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, | 221 Market and 219 Church Streets, PHILADELPHIA. our patronage is respectfully solicited, j Aug3o,'7. ; RPHE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON A CO., 126 MARKET STREET. PIJILAD'A,, Is the largest Manufa. luring Confectioners and Wholesale Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, Alt I|L LA, FOR PURIFYTNG THE BLOOD. The reputation this excellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous dis ease, where the system seemed saturated with corruption, havo becu purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and disorders, which were aggravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radical ly cured iu such groat numbers iu almost every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one ot the most destructive enemies of oar race. Often, this unseen and un felt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fital diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence Again, it seeuis to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favora ble occasion, rapidly develops into one or other of Its bilovuo lOAAA IC, LiiLer oca Ux aurl>to OP lunong the vitals In the latter, tubercles may be sud denly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed iu the liver, or it shows its presence by o ruptions on the skin, or tout ulcerations on some part ot the body. Hence the occasional use of a bolide of this Sarsaparilla is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the foliowing complaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this Sanapirilla : St. Anthony s Fire. Rose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other erup tions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Drop sy, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cured by it, though along time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medi cine. But loug continued use of this medieiue will cur the complaint. Leucorrhoea or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations and Female Diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Di rections lor ouch case are touud in our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Com plaints, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising, as they of ten do, from the rankiing poisons in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. 'lhose who are Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, aud troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or F'ears, or any of the affection* symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief and convincing evi dence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY Dll J. C. AVER 4 CO., Lowell, Massachusetts. I'r art teal and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. sep-lyt B. F. HARRY, Agent. / \ UNS AND LOCKS.—Tho under signed respectfully tenders his services to the people of Bedford and Tieinity, as a repairer Guns and Looks. Ail work promptly attended to L DKFIBAUGH sop 28. WAGONS FOR SALE AT [ eC't) KNOX' SHOPS, near Ued'or p (aprliitf s lorn. \\T ASII INOTON IIOTEL, El]J,, v T FORD, Pa—ThU large and connnodioo, bouse, having been re-taken by the (subscriber i, now open for the recaption of visitors and board er The room* are large, well v< iitilated. and coinfortah'y famished The table will alway, |, e supplied with the beat the market can afford The Bur ia stocked with the choice#! liquor#. Ineh<>rt it i# rnjr pnrpoae to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOI f.I, Thnnkng the public for past favors, I renpectful ly solicit a renewal <>f their patronage. N. B. Hocks wilt rua constantly between ih e Hotel and the Spriugs. mayl7,'67yl W. DIBERT, Prop r T) EI) EH ED HOTEL. —The un- J ) dersigned having take charge of the Red ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col. John Onfet an jounces to the public that he will be able to af ford the best accommodations. both to the travel ing public Dd home custom. The house will improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always he well supplied with choice liquors. Hi# tahle' will be supplied with the choicest edibles of the wagon and he will spare no pains to make it suitable for all. Ilia stable is one of the best in Bedford, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. t taken by the week, month or year Terms reasonable. The public are respectfully in vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER Jan. J5, 'fid rn H E MEN(J E L II OU S E J Juliana St rest, Bedford, Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform the travelling public that ho has recently enlarged, improved and refitted his house, both to r the "ac commodation of travelers and boarders, as well as country customer?. Persons coming to this place for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Springs will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by a careful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car riage bouse. AH arc invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENUEL. Proprietor. April 15, '64. hotel, 1/J HUNTINGDON, PA. Ttil old establishment having been leased by J. MORhIUON, formerly propriety of the Morri son House, has been entirely renovated and re furnished und supplied with all the modern im provements and conveniences necessary to a first class Hotel. The dining loom has been removed to the first lioor and is now spacious and airy, and the chain bera are all well ventilated, and the proprietor will endeavor to make his guests perfeolly at home Address J. MORRISON, EXCIIAKOB HOTBL, junlktl Huntingdon, Pa. |J N I <) N II O T E L WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD, PA : V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to accom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9, '62. CHERRY PECTORAL, Fur Diseases of the Throat and Lungs,, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history- of medicine, has anything won so widely andaodeep ly upon the confidence of mankind, as this excel lent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and among most of the raifec of men it has risen higher and higher in their es timation, as it has become better known. Its uni form character and power to cure the various af fections of the lungs and throat, have made u known as a reliable protector against them While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dangerous affections of the throat and lungs. As a provision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in ev ery family, and indeed as all are sometime sub ject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restore! to s mnd health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing else could reach theoi, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. Singers and public Speakers find great protec tion from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cur ed by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking tho Cherry Pectoral m small and frequent do3es. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities arc fully maintained. AYE R' S AGUE CUR E, l'ur Fever and Ague. Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague. Pert■ odieal or Billions Fever, uny lion a vote in controlling the funds of the company and has an equal share in the funds. The amount of money paid isso little that every one can insure. This Company is purely a HOME Company. OFFICERS: Hon. SAMUEL L. RUSSELL, I- tS (. J. It. DURBORROW, Vice Prest. E. F. KERR, Secretary. O. E. SHANNON, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: J. M. Shoemaker, J. B. Williams, T. 11. Lyons, J. W. Diekerson, D. R. Anderson, Gen. Agent, W. A. EDWARDS. Circulars, Pamphlets and full partic ulars given, ou application to the Secretary of the company, or to W. A. EDWARDS, tnarl9,'69yl) Gen. Agent, Bedford, Pa. JJAILEY,'FAIiRELL & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF LEAD AND BLOCK-TIN PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD AND ALL KINDS OF Plumbers', Gas aud Steam Fitters Materials, NO. 167 SMITHFIELDSTREET, Send for a Price List. PITTS BURO, Pa. apr2V6Syl BLIP BILLS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and all kinds of PIALN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done wiih neatnew and despatch, atTUK UAXKTTI office.