Ikt fesrttt.! v. x; I'riilny tioruiui:. April 1I. HALF SHEET.—TLIE removal of our office to the new GAZETTE BUILDING precludes us from issuing more than a half sheet this week. Our patrons must pardon this, as we do not intend the like shall occur soon again. J. H. Longenecker, Esq., H. It., will please accept our thanks for a copy of Hinull's Legislative Hand-book for ISGt). # ■ —— - Not a single commonwealth ease was brought before the Grand Jury of Fulton county at last week's court. A great many persons "saw toe ele phant" as he passed through our town, last week, eastward bound. Dogged Doggerel—the Inquirer's local on McCauslin's mast ill and lloher's butchery. _ _ _ Winter has set in again. The moun tains around us look white as in Janu ary. 4 J— • Several old dilapidated stables, front ing on Richard st reet, have been re moved. It improves Dick's appear ance muchly. A man in Chambersburg had a leg broken trying to ride a velocipede. We think that next to base ball, the velocipcd is the greatest bone bruiser out. A neighboring county is having a law passed taxing dogs for school pur poses. In that case the bar/: as well as the birch will assist the "young idea." Jacob Householder, a young man from McConnellstown, was-killed at the .Broad Top depot, in Huntingdon, lust week, by being struck by a pass ing engine. T). S. K. Brumbaugh, Esq., former ly from Middle Woodberry, this coun ty, now a resident of Bell vi lie, has been admitted as a practising attorney in the courts of the state of Illinois. Any business is more respectable than what is termed loafing. A young man had better sell soft soap by the pail ful than hangaround public places, mur dering time and his own reputation. Huntingdon has her surfeit of veloc ipedes, and pronounces the "critters a humbug. We hope Bedford will not be called upon to pass through the ve locipede inauia. There is a firm in Huntingdon that say, through the new spapers, that the "meanest man" resides in that place. We are satisfied that "ye ancient bor ough" shall retain that honor. Invalid pensions due parties on the Ith of March last, has not been paid yet, on account of the removal of the Pension Agent at Philadelphia,— Tho "bread and butter brigade" have disjointed things generally. Huntingdon county has a law that no tavern license shall bo granted un less the jretitiou for the same is signed by a majority of the voters of the dis trict, in which such hotel is to be kept. Rather severe on "mine hosts." REPEAL !—The cry of Repeal of the Ratification of the Fifteenth amend ment is heard from one end of the state to the other. A Governor and mem bers of the Legislature are to be chosen upon t!ds issue. Get ready for Repeal! Buyers look to your interest, and buy your boots and shoes, queensware, glassware, groceries, etc., at the Regu lator Siore, No. 2 Anderson's Row. Irvine's assortment of these articles, is the largest, and most varied, in Bed ford county. Call and see. "VIGILANCE," ATTENTION !—The regular meeting of the "Vigilance Fire Company" will be held in the Court House, on Tuesday evening, April 20. A full attendance is reques ted. By order of the President. J. N. Alsip, Sec'y, The Legislature has passed an act val idating the contract for the the erec tion of the new Poor 1 louse. Accor ding to its provisions the building is to be erected upon the site selected by the architect. The bill has been sign ed by the Governor, and is therefore a law. A correspondent from St Clair in forms us that Mrs. Sarah A. Davis, living near Plcasantville, shot a hawk that measured 20 inches in length, and -1J inches across the wings. The shot was made without a rest. Where is the lady that can beat this ? DEVILTRY. —We had flattered our self with the thought that when we were once snugly ensconced in our new and beautiful office, our troubles would be mostly o'er, but were doomed to disappointment sore, for scarcely had we closed our sanctum door, than round came that abominable "bore," the "devil's cry for "copy," more. "The d-euee take you," said we, but no heed took he, yet fearless and free, gave an unearthly yell for "more cop-co!" He got it. EXTENSIVE SALE OK TOWN LOTS. —We call attention to the extensive sale of town lots which is advertised in opr columns this week. The sale is to take place at Meyers Mills, Somer set (Jo., cu the 28th of this mouth. Here is a line opportunity to purchase luts in a place where, in a few years, a young city will spring up. Meyers Mills is on the Hue of the Piltsburgand Conuellsvillc Railroad, is situated in a tine agricultural region, with inex haustible fields of coal and minerals of every description around, and will, in a short time, be a place of no small im portance, when the railroad is comple ted. Lots will double in value as soon as the road readies that point. As the P. & C. R. It. is a fixed fact, we know of no safer and more profitable invest ment. Utry your cigars* aud tobacco at Grouse's Resort. THE OLD SONG.— During the last j twelve years the Ihquirer has annually sung the self-same song of abuse of the j Democratic county officials, so that with the return of spring we expect it just as surely as we do the hoarse notes of the rest of Iho croaker family • Of course this croaking never amounts to anything, because the people know that it is only the whine of a beggar who wants the crumbs that falljfrom the tables of office. Lust week the Inquir er, with its usual pious cant, complain ed of the County Commissioners be cause of the "Poor Ilouse muddle," as it styles the building of the new Poor House. Now, th 6 least the Inquirer says about the Poor House matter the better for its party. Its own politi cal friends have had quite as much to do with it, as anybody else. We do not understand why the Inquirer talks so much about this Poor House busi ness, unless it editor moans to dam age MH. LON<; EN KCKEP.'S chance for melection, for if there is any "mud dle" about the Poor House now, Mr. ! LO.XGEXECKKR and Mr. STI TZMAX and a Republican Legislature are to blame, and not the County Commissioners. The act just passed by the Legislature • authorizes and directs the building of the Poor House upon the site selee ted by the architect, Mr. Haviland, and makes theCommisftiouers mere agents to , execute the wili of the Legislature. If therefore, the Inquirer man de sires to defeat Mr. Longenecker, let him ! keep on growling. CLEAN I r.—During the winter sea son there invariably collects around the premises of even the most particu lar housekeepers a lot of rubbish and garbage, which, with the approach of spring, should be at once removed. — Aside from the mere measure of clean liness, this inattershould receiveatten t ion more particularly as a matter of health, for there is no better fact estab lished than that filth and dirt arouie' a dwelling is one of the most frequer. causes of sickness and disease. There are persons, however, who, notwith standing they feel this to be true, yet through carelessness or some other feel ing allow filth of all kinds to accumu late around their premises, and never think of removing it until they are so compelled, either by the complaints of their neighbors, who are sufferers, or by the enforcement of those laws relative to the matter, which have been enact ed by the authorities of every proper ly governed municipality. We trust therefore, that our people will kindly accept the invitation of the borough authorities, and carry out the sugges tions made, by each one "sweeping clean before his own door." IT WILL be remembered that the proposed fifteenth amendment, as it passed the House of Representatives, allowed the negroes the privilege of holding office as well as of voting, and that the Senate altered the resolution to it-present shape, which does not con fer this honor upon the negro. This, as matter of course, is not by any means consistent, nor is it at all corn- plimentary to the negroes. If the ne groes have the right to vote, they have the right to hold office. If they are lit for the one they are fit for the other. Rut it is not a question of fitness—but of right, according to human and di vine law—and So the democracy under stand it, and so they wish to treat it. But President Grant seems to take quite a d'liferent view of the situation. He is not inclined to await the adop tion of the fifteenth amendment guar anteeing suffrage to the negro, but he goes a step further and places him in office at once—having appointed two negroes as Justices of the Peace in the district of Columbia, another as Post master of Columbia, South Carolina, and another as register of the Land Office at New Orleans. "Put none but Americans on guard." — - It is said that the proprietors of the celebrated Plantation Bitters rent no less than nine pews from tin* different denominations in New York city for all those of their employees who will occupy them regularly, free of charge. This is certainly praiseworthy, and it is to be hoped that others who employ a largo number of people, will follow the example. The above fact, accompa nied with the belief that a firm who would look so closely after the welfare and morals of their employees, would not undertake to impose upon t he pub lie, has induced us to give Plantation Bitters a trial, and having found them to be all that is represented, we cordi ally recommend them as a tonic of rare merit. — Observer, July LA MAGNOLIA WATER.—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. LET everybody remember that they can buy Bibles, hymn-books and relig ious books—in fact books of all kinds cheaper at the Inquirer Book Store than anywhere else in the county and much cheaper than of any traveling agents. All kinds of books furnished to order on short notice at city retail prices. - - • THE Inquirer Book Store is the place to buy cheap stationery, paper, pens, inks, envelopes, Ac. Best black car mine and purple inks always on hand Call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. MICHIGAN is tire Stab' for ladies.— The Senate of that State has passed a bill providing that if any JKTSOIV shall hereafter willfully insult or wilifuiiy or indecently annoy any female by any obscene or indecent word or words, act or acts, such person shall he deemed guilty of a misdomeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than six months, or by a fine not exceeding SIOO. Encouraging accounts of the crops are received from all parts of Califor nia. The yield of wheat and barley promises to bo largely in excess of any former year. Hon. J. B. Gara, Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, having been nominated and confirmed as Postmas ter of the city of Erie, will soon resign his position in the Executive Depart ment. __ J-ill. . mm*!—. ... „_ - i^.—"..-:- ■..- - ipfje aSsW®#® IH II.A MSU> 111 A. eaee of the Bedford Gazette. J PHIL' A., April 7, 18C9. CHORAL SOCIETY. We attended the second complimen tary concert of the West Phila. Choral .Society given in Morton Hall last week. The Cantata of "The Morning' by Ferdinand Ries was superb. We speak not only of the rendering of it but also of the exquisite power of the composer. Is Ries sick or lazy ? We seldom hear from him: ami do say that one who has such melody in his soul and pen should devote every hour of his life to a science of which he is so great a master. The overture, "Stra della," was by the Germania Orchestra. We need scarcely say that it was encor ed, but Germania never repeats, 'the last was "Schiller's Say of the Bell" by Romberg. The poetry runs twelve S vo. pages and occupied one hour in execu tion. This line composition was in "linked sweetness long drawn out" and gave the highest satisfaction to every lover of pure music. The society has made itself a great name and deserves the highest meed of praise. THE REIGN OF CRIME We have had in this city, in the last j few mouths, the open flood gates of crime. Every day has its chronicle of death in some fearful form, manslaugh- j ter, suicide or murder. Scarcely has j the blood of one murdered man dried on the floor, till we are appal ,cd by a . horrible butchery in which a husband, without cause or provocation, takes up an axe and crushes in the skulls of his loving wife and two beautiful and in nocent children, and then casts himself into the Delaware. When we hear j that this was not the work of rum, nor j domestic infelicity—for he was a tem perate man and a devoted husband and father—the question naturally arises, ; How can we account for such an act? and the answer is easy. The love of money lies at the bottom of this bloody • and inhuman deed. Six tenths of the capital cases in the criminal dock are j there for this very reason. It was so in the Hill murder, aud at Girard ; Hall, and in this case. Here is a man, Blaekstone, who,because his business does not prosper, becomes despondent, forgets the supreme love he owes his family; Anally, thro' this mania for gain, loses his senses, is transformed into a fiend, and then blackens the calenders of crime with a deed so atro cious that humanity revolts at the thought. Surely the evidence is as painful as true that the love of money is the root of evil. It overleaps the highest dictates of our moral nature, crushes out the noblest impulses of our manhood aud culminates at last in an iniquity that makes the blood run cold. Society will be secure and our family circles happy only when we learn that true pleasure consists, not in the multitude of riches but in the practice of the principles of virtue and Religion. HOT-CAST PORCELAIN. This is a recent invention, and one that will work a great reduction in the price of that expensive commodity. This elegant Chinese art will now losfe il*prestige ; for we have it American ized. thro' the laborious study and pecuniary sacrifice of Mr. Chequey of this city, and the secret art will now work as many wonders as the mythical Phyiosopher's Stone. We were shown some elegant specimens recently rival ing the most costly imported articles, and which, the inventor told us, could | be sold for one half the amount de manded for the la' ter. It is not, how ever, confined to the ornamental, but combines the useful with it, and is i susceptible of every conceivable for | illation. At the solicitation of Mr. C. we propose visiting the manufactory ! when we shall be able to give you some intelligible account. Neither the date nor the discoverer of the art of j making porcelain is known. The man ufacture has been carried on in China iat King-te-cliing since A. D. 142. It is first mentioned in Europe in 1531. | Shortly after it was known in Eng -1 land. WHAT MY WIFE TELLS ME. She says, female lips are to be very pale. (One good trial will spoil that fashion) Cedar-berry and Green Tuscan . kids are neat and proper, but the | putty-color is taking the lead. Narrow striped goods are the leading tiling for j ordinary wear. Small bonnets are stilt worn because the doctors say the head must be kept cool. (And high j heeled boots to keep the feet warm, | eh?) "Stella" cloth is a great admi i ration. Very short dresses are worn j with pretty feet. (We can't say that of j tight pants.) A new silk plaid and ; fine days are the ladies' delight. (And ! windy < ays for the men, don't you ! see?) That last remark blows up this i article, and so we subscribe for a calm ; day. LINDEN. - ■ j AMONG the appointments made by ; President Grant, and confirmed by the | Senate, is that of one Pinchbeck, a | Louisiana negro, a-s Land Register for 1 that State. This negro, on the fid of September, ISGB, in the Senate Chuiu | ber of that State, rose to a question of j privilege, and delivered himself as fol ' lows: "I want to tell them (the whites) to i beware. I want to tell them that they ! have nearly reached the end of their j string. The next outrage of the kind which they commit will be the signal for the dawn of retribution—a retribu tion ot which they have net dreamed; a signal that will cause ten thousand torches to be applied to this city, for patience will then have ceased to be a virtue, and this city w ill be reduced to ashes." What the outrage complained of re ally was we do not now remember, but : suppose that they (the whites) preferred men of their own color to legislate for j them, instead of lazy, ignorant, and ! indolent negroes.— Sunday Mercury. 1 Two government service men have j been arrested in Cincinnati, at the in stance of a German engraver, who j charges them with engaging him to make what he now believes to be a i counterfeit tobacco brand, and for threatening his life for refusing to give : up the brand. A colony will start from New York j on Tuesday to settle In Nebraska. PI;KIOO(AVS. MEKCKRSBURG REVIEW.— This j quarterly sustains its reputation for freshness and thoroughness its discuss ions. The April number, which is now before us, is fully up to its prede- j eessorsin this res|>oct. The following iu an outline of its contents; 1. Nomiu- ! alism aud Realism, by Rev. J. H. Dubbs, A. M., Pottstown, Pa.; 2. Lu ther's Translations of the Holy Scrip tures.—The New Testament, by Charles P. Krauth, D. I)., Philadel phia; 3. The Christologic Problem, by Rev George N. Abbott, South New bury, Vermont; i. Reply to Dr. Dor tier's Criticism on "Mereersburg and Modern Theology Compared," by Rev. Samuel Miller, Pottsville, Pa.; 5. the Catholic Church Movement, by The Editor; o. The Wisdom of God in a Mystery, by 1). 11. Riddle, 1). 1)., Martinsburg, W. V.; 7. Preach ing, liy Rev. George L. Staley, A. M., St. John's, near Petersville, Mil.; | S. The Unity of the Apostles' Creed, by | Jonn W. Kevin, I). 1)., Lancaster, Pa.; 9. New Publications. Published by | S. R. Fisher & Co., 54 N. G St. Phila delphia, at $3 per year in advance. ! They are prepared to furnish the two preceding volumes at the same price. I PETERSON'S MAGAZINE.— The April number contains a large amount of ex cellent reading matter, aud is hand somely eifibellfshed with fashion plates, | and other engravings, among which latter is one entitled "Grandfather's I Pipe," a very pretty domestic picture. Address C. J. Peterson, JOG Chestnut st., Philad'a. i GoHEY's LADY'S BOOK.— This, tiie favorite periodical of the ladies, pre sents a capital number for April. The fashions are copiously and beautifully illustrated and there are several other ; very line engravings. The letter-press is excellent, as usual. Address L. A. i Godey, Philadelphia. BALLOU'H MONTHLY.— The May 1 number of this magazine is on our ta ble. It contains much interesting aud j useful matter. A Youths' department ;is embraced in its contents. Address Elliott, Tiiomes and Talbot, Boston, ! Mass. ONWARD. —Capt. Mayue Reid's new magazine, "Onward," is now an estab lished institution. We read it with pleasure and profit. Address Carletou, publisher, New York. GALAXY.— Among our favorite pe riodicals is the "Galaxy." We would not exchange it for a dozen Atlantic Monthlies. It has originality.and in dependence and eschews fanaticism. It should be read by everybody. Ad dress "GALAXY," New York. Cuban Rob-llion. HAVANA, April 12.—The Diario re ports insurgents at Fagnaua. They decapitated a young girl and shot two others. Brigadier General Sitionia, of the Spanish army, has arrived at Havana. Captain General Dulee, at a recent meeting of officers, made a speech, in which he highly complimented the vol unteers for their courage and zeal. The Diurio says the woods surround ing Puerto Principe have been set on fire, and adds that troops will soon clear that vicinity of rebels. Many small bands of insurgeuts are operating near CinovilJas. Their num bers are increasing in the vicinity of Santiago, and it is supposed they are going to Ci no villas, where they will mass their forces. This movement, it is thought, explains the recent disap pearance of the rebels from the juris diction of Juagar. Key West, April 12.—A private let ter lias been received from a reliable source in Havana, which says the gov ernment there intends to confiscate the property of ail suspected parties. The writer urges the Cubans now in the United States to lose no time in placing their property in tlie hands of foreign ers. Havana, April 9.—Francisco Leon and Augustiu Medina were garroted to-day, in the presence of a vast crowd. Both maintained their composure and firmness to the last. Leon, in mount ing the scaffold, shouted " Viva Inde pendencin There was great excite ment among tiie spectators, and some parties uttered seditious cries, and the volunteers who guarded the scaffold faced about and fired some twenty shots into the crowd. Six men were killed and many wounded. Organization of ttir Indiana la-xialnt ure Poatpoin-nient of the Amendment. INDIANAPOLIS, April, 12.—The bolt ing members of the House appeared this afternoon and were sworn in. The House continued their organization by a resolution continuing the officers and employees of the regular session. Af ter the passage of the resolution, Speak er Stanton tendered his resignation as Speaker of the House, and Hon. Geo. A. Bu-.kirk, republican, of Monroe county, was elected Speaker. On mo tion of Mr. l'ieree, republican, the Porter county resolution was adopted, postponing action on the fifteenth a mendment until Tuesday, the 11th of May. In tiie Senate there was no quorum until after tiie passage of the resolution in the House postponing action on the amend men t question, when the democratic members apjiear ed and qualified, and the regular busi ness of the session was commenced. INDIANAPOLIS, April 9.—Legislative matters remain unchanged. The House, to-day, held three sessions, and the Senate one, without quorums. It is thought now that the newly-elected meaib rs will appear to morrow and be qualified. Hon. A. P. Stanton, Speaker of the last House, declined a re-election, aud Mr. Buskirt, of Mon roe county, has been nominated by the Republicans. The Democrats held a caucus to-day, but their action has not been made public. Only fifty-two miles of track remain to be laid to complete the Pacific rail roads. General Butler is maturing a bil', which he hopes to get through the House to-morrow, reconstructing Geor gia. BRIEF SEWS ITEMS. The excitement attendant upon ev ery phase of the tragedy which eotn meuced in Mrs. Hill's death, was re vivid the other day, in Philadelphia, ; and became greatly increased when it was known that the man who feared not to attack and kill his mother-in-law, was too much a coward to face death before the people. The murderer of Mrs. Hill, harassed by the fear of a shameful death, and worried by the constant remembrance of tlie crime committed by him,ended his existence by suicide. This was accomplished by prussie acid which some friend had smuggled into the felon's cell. This is the last scene of this horrible tragedy. The Boston Journal says it has been requested to state that the sailors who comprised the crew of the United States steamer Kersagoat the time of the de struction of the rebel cruiser Alabama, are now entitled to the "head" money under the old law of Congress, which | is payable 011 application to the proper department. The bodies of two human beings 1 which were recently found between the walls of the inquistional Convent of San Domingo, City of Mexico, which are in a perfect state of preservation | and tire supposed to be those of achris i tian martyr and bis child assassinated at the Inquisitions in IS">9, are on ex hibition in New York. < )n .Saturday night last a body of sev ty-five armed men visited the jail of Edmonds county, Ivy., and took from thence Thomas Lancaster, who killed Dr. (latewood at Rock Hill, last Sep tember, and hung him. Lancaster was tried last week, but the jury failed to agree, standing eleven for hanging and one for acquittal, on the ground of insanity. During the first battle of liull Run a brigadier general discovered a soldier concealed in a hole in tHe ground and ordered him to join his regiment. — The man, looking him full in the face, placed his thumb upon his nose and replied "No you don't, old fellow; you want this hole yourself." On last Sunday as two children of Mr. Martin, of Ebensburg, Dutler co., were playing together, the older one, aged about nine years, got on a chair, when the younger one, aged about five years, told him to get off, which here l'used to do, when the younger struck him with a knife inflicting such a wound as to cause his death in two hours. Asingular case is reported in one of our exchanges: "Forty years ago a blooming young girl of 16 married an old man of SO for his money, expecting that he would soon die and leave her a wealthy young widow. 'Hopd deferred maketh the heart sick,' and bust week the lady died at the respectable age of 06, leaving a husband aged 100 and four children to mourn her Joss." A negro was drowned by a catfish in Lake Concordia, opposite Natchez, Miss., a few days since. The negro was trying to haul the cattish out. but the lish hauled him in, and he was drowned before assistance could be rendered. Jolin C. Clark, a Texan millionaire, died recently without leaving a will, and his immense estate was sold for the benefit of the State Treasury, there being no known heirs. Several parties are now attempting to prove however, that they are his heirs. A Cleveland (Ohio) woman has hau seven husbands in eight years. One was killed in the army, another was killed in a street fight, and the balance are alive, four of them having been di vorced. A seventeen years' old daugh ter of this woman has been twice mar ried and divorced. The New Gait House in Louisville K.v., erected and furnished at a cost of over $1,000,000, will be opened on Mon day. It is said to be the largest hotel in the South or West. Lynch law in Kentucky is made to apply to lazy husbands. An indolent blacksmith was recently tied to a tree ami given sixty-two lashes because he didn't support ins family. A paper in Chicago, recording thesale of pews in a new church, calmly cat alogues "No. 1:10" as knocked down "to l)r. E. M. Hale, the abortionist, at the extraordinary low sum of sl years old, and attempted to starve them. A Toledo paper mentions a young Indian there who considers himself in lull dress, when he has a red tlannei string around his neck. A Mrs. David Well, about 28 years old, living in Dubuque, lowa, having quarreled with her husband, revenged herself by attempting to starve her ba by to death. Three whales have lately been taken in Long Island Sound, from which the captors obtained $3,000 worth of oil and SI,OOO worth of bone. A contemporary complains of the lack of enterprise of the wealthy men of Cincinnati and St. Louis, and says: "The great want of each city is about thirty-live first-class funerals. Governor Curtin has been agreed up on in Cabinet meeting for the mission to St. Petersburg. Horrible .Hliriler— A Hn Kllbhb Wife mill i'oiir Chllitrrn. ST. PAUL, April B.—A terrible tragedy, which shocks the communi ty and freezes the blood with horror, took place yesterday morning, in Oak- j dale township, Washington county, j about ten miles from St. l'aul, and j half a mile southeast of the Half-way j House, on the Stillwater road. A far- i mer, named James B. Gray, well known to many in this City, in a tit of insanity killed his wife and four chil dren, the particulars of this horrible tragedy being as follows : The perpetrator of this horrible deed, J. B. Gray, is a man about 40 years of age, an American by birth, a native of Harrisburg, powerfully buiit, six feet j in height, with line form, long black j hair, and blue eyes. His wife, Alice, ! was 33 years of age. About daylight, yesterday morning | James Armstrong, a near neighbor, heard loud yells coming from the di rection of Gray's house. llissuspicions were aroused, and he walked over to : wards Gray's place, ami when near e -1 not-gh to hear, distinguished Gray's I screams to be the exclamation "Oh j j come and hang me" continually re peated. He walked near and saw ; ! Gray sitting on the steps of the grana ! ry, with a rope in his hands, alternate- . ; ly whistling >nd screaming. Arm-! j strong ran at once to the residence of j Mr. E. M. Gray, the father of the uu i happy man, and gave the alarm. The startled father took the nearest way a- j cross the field, while Armstrong and j j one of the brothers followed the mad, | to Gray's house. The aged father ar j rived first, and repairing to the house, pushed open the door, and horror of i horrors, what a sight met his eyes! His four little pratling grandchildren lay upon the flour, side by side, cover ! Ed with a quilt, their throats cut from ear to ear, and their faces gashed | and cut in a horrible manner. Turn- I ing from the sickening sight, almost frozen with horror, he staggered back to meet the gaze of his maniac son, who was advancing toward him with a rope in his hand. Closing him at once, : the agonized father would have added another to the ghastly list of victims, but for the timely arrival of Armstrong and the son Henry. Alter a desperate i struggle the frenzied maniac was se- I curely bound. In answer to their inquiries regurd ing his wife, he said : "I killed them j all with the axe, and they have gone to heaven. Oh, hang me! lie finally told them his wife was in the granary. ■ Repairing thither, their worst fears were realizea. The body of Mrs. Gray was found on the floor, also covered with a quilt. The children were two boys and two girls as follows : Mar ; garet, aged nearly lb; James 8., jr., a | ged 8; David, aged 5, and Nellie Jane, •! 3 years. Murslgr in Sew York. BINOIIAMPTON, April 12. —This | morning Warren Bianchard was found dead in his house in this city. The ! usual inmates, consisting of his wife and two girls, had fled. All the doors I and windows of the house were fas ten -1 ed from the inside except one from which the woman and giris escaped. Bianchard's head was found in a brass kettle, and bore marks of a pistol ball. The neighbors heard the disturbance at three o'clock yesterday morning and the report of a pistol, when a man : then ran out of the house and the noise ceased. As the house was classed as disorderly, no attention was paid to the proceedings. The woman, before leaving, washed away all traces of blood, and there were no indications of the manner in which the deed was performed. A mountain of salt is reported in southeastern Nevada, five miles in length and six hundred feet in height John Brown an eccentric eolorcd bar ber of Akron, Ohio, died on the 30th ult., leaving property valued at $25,000. At Leesburg, N. C., a negro school teacher got drunk and whipped his ! whole school, consisting of sixty little negroes. Flora Stewart, aged 103; Samue Briggs, nearly 102, and Mary Hanson, 100, died iu New Hampshire bust year. Three families are reported down with the small-pox in the 10th ward, New York city. One of the largest distilleries in Ten nessee, located on Big Creek, iias been burned. Loss $60,000. Female "notaries public are coining into fashion in Missouri as well as in lowa. KKYIKU OF THE MARKETS. Corrected every week. PHILADELPHIA, April 12. FLOUR.—The quotationsare— Northwest superfine, $5.1)0(55.50 Northwest extra, 6.00(^6.25 Northwest extra family, 7.25@8.25 Peuna. and West'n sup., 0.00(a7.o<) Penna. and West'n extra, 7.00(58.00 Penna. and West'n family, 8.50(ooks wbst or tub bbd ruRD hotbl, Bbdvord, Pa. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER £H JEWEL RY, SPECTACLES, AC. He keopson hand a stock of fine Hold and fill er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply te order any thing in his line not on hand Oct 20. 1885- £lcas. J-IRIBT MILL AND FARM F( H \ J SALE —The ini'l has two pair of f Bu is. and two pair of Chopping Stone,!, j, m reliant repair, and capaWe of doing a very !„ r , . business, a never failing water power, i e j # 8 good settlement, and no mill nigher than £ ve ■kites. For further particulars inquire of dwlltf PUBS GAZETTE \VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT \ PRIVATE SALE—The eabeeriber lIS , n for sale that valuable property, known Wiliy t HA La eitnated in E Providence Township, e jo, miles east of Bloody Run, on the turnpike thoceDtreof the township, in a desirablesituation containing 310 acres, with 120 acres cleared aoj in a good state of cultivation; the balance w.q timbered with white and yellow pine, convenient to saw mills. The improvements arc ft large thr< e story bouse, large stable, two tenant 1k, u ,,,' wagon maker and smith shops Churches, Schoei Houses. Post office, fitore and Mills convenient Terms reasonable and possession given on the first af April, 1802. D. A. f BLACK, mar stf. IX)R HALE OR RENT.—The un~. dersigned offers for sale or money rent, (j, mill property, situated near Hadtllton Station <,, the Bedford Railroad. The mill is in good re . pair has a never failing water power, with r,o i ce to cut and the hind belonging to the property . ihout 37i acre*) is well improved, having all necessary out-buildings erected thereon, with two g„5 meadows. The property lies near one of the markets in the State, and will be rented for not less than 2 nor wore than 3 years My I reason for making this offer is ill healthppr, r further information, address U F ROHM. jinSts Bloody P.un, Pa. XT ALU A BLE LAND FOR SALE \ —The undersigned offers for sale the follow nig valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAM). containing 1150 Reres each, situated on the Illinois Central Kuilroad. in Champaign county. State '< Illinois, 8 miles from the city of Urbaria, and one mile fiorn Rcntual Station on said Railroad. T wo i of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of water upon it The city of Urbaiss contains about 4,001) inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illiuois Also— One-fourth of a tract of land , situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, Co tit sic ing about 46 acrc-s, with all the coal veins of Bri-ad Top running through it. Alo— Three Lots in the town of Coalmont. Huntingdon county. Jan 26, '66-tf P. C. REAMER JJOR SALE OR TRADE. 2 tracts, of 1(50 acres each, within three mile? 0, S a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, ha-k t Omaha. I tract of bottom land, timbered and praire. two miles from Omaha city, i One-third of 7.000 acres in Fulton county Pa., , including valuable ore. mineral and timber lauds. ; near Fort Littleton. Over 4,001' acres of valuable ore, coal and tin; ber lands in West Virginia. Also —320 acres of land in Woodbury Co.. lowa Al.SO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining ttie borough of Bedford, with limestone rocs for t „ or quurry, on the upper end of each. ALSO SO acres in Franklin Co., lowa. Also. a lots of ground, in Bedford. (5(1 by 210 It . forn.cr | ly part of the Lyons' estate. Also—The Amos Farm of Ht9 acres, adjoining j Bedford. Also—A Farm of 107 acres in Harrison town p. Also, 6 acres near Bedford with 2 bouses lble i and brick yard. 0. E. SHANNON, jun2l,'67yl Bedford, l'a | JJO USE- FURNISH ING G OO D S, HARDWARE, Ac. JNO. F. BLYMYER has opened a full stock of | HARDWARE, HOUBE-FURNISIIIG GOODS, WOODEN WARE, BRUSHES, OILS, PAINTS, NAILS, GLASS, BUILDERS, ! HARDWARE, SHO EM A K ER'S FIN DJ NGS, SADDLERY, COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, POCKET BOOKS, CUTLERY, CHURNS, BUCKETS, TUBS, AC., AC'., AC., lie hopes, by strict attention to business, and fair prices, to merit a share of public patronage. Store in same room as occupied by B. M. Bly- I myer A Co., as a Stove ami Tin fitore. pi9m3 1 AST ATE OF JAMES BLACK- J BURN, DECEASED.—Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned. Executor of the last will and testament of Janaes Blackburn, late of St Clair township, deceased, by the Regis ter of Bedford eoontv. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay. meat, ami ail having claims against theestateare requested to present them properly authenticated for settlement. AZARIAII BLACKBURN. marlSwg* Executor. INSTATE OF JOHN HULL, DK- J CEASED.—Letters of Administration upon the Estate of John Hull, late of Napier township, i in the eounty of Bedford and the State of Penn sylvania, having been granted to me, bv the Reg ister of said County, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those navingclaiuis against the same are requested to present them, properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH GARYEK, Adm'r. 4 DM INISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— i\ Letters of Administration upon the estate of Frederick Bortz, late of Cumberland Valley town ship, dee'd., having been granted to the under signed, by the Register of Bedford county, all per sons having elaims against said estate, are here by notified to present them, properly authentica ted, for settlement, and all person* indebted, are requested to make immediate payment. SAMUEL WHIP, MARTIN H BORTZ, niarl2n6 Adm Vs. INSTATE OF PAUL WERTZ, _J DEC'D.—Letters testamentary having been granted by the Register of Bedford county, to the undersigned, Executor of the last Will and Te.-is raeut of Paul Wert t, late of Cumberland Valley tp., dee'd., all persons kuowing themselves in debted to said estate are hereby notified to nisks immediate payment, and all havingclaimsag iinsi the estate are requested to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement, to D. R. Andersen. Centreville, or uiar2tsw6* _ JOSEPH WERTZ, Ex r. JGEDFORD COUNTY, SS: —. At an orphans' Court, held at Bodford in ( Seal J and for the county of Bedford, on the Sth —-v- day of February, A. D , 18(59, before the of the said Court, on motion of John P- Reed, Esq., the Court grant a Rule 011 the heirs and legal representatives of William Frazier, late of Juuiata township, dee'd., to wit: Cathe rine, widow of Henry Frazicr, residing in Somer set oounty, Pa., James Frazier, residing in BeJ couuty, Benjamin and John Frazier, residing i" the State of Indiana, to be and appear at an Or phans' Court, to be held at Bedford, in and f-r the county of Bodford, on the 26th day of April, next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said deceased at the valuation which has been valued and appraised in pursuance of a writ of Partition ou valuation issued out of our said Court, and to the said Sheriff ol said county, directed, .or show cause why the same should not be sold. Iu testi mony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Court, at Bedford, the Bih day of February, A. D., 1869. Attest: 0. S. Shsxnos, Cl'k. ROBERT STECKMAN, Sh'ff. apr2w4 ARCH ITEGT URET— General and detailed plans aud drawings, for Churches nud other Public Buildings, Private Residences. Ac., furnished at short notice and at reasonable prices. C. N. UICKOK, jau29tf Bedford, Pa SI2OO AND ALL EXPENSES PAID ! See Advertisetneut of Amkkicax Shi ttlk Swi l| Machine, in our advertising columns, uovtiyl