asxoi Ncr.nEN TS. The following are our rates for announcements of candidates, which must be prepaid in ali cases : Auditor. SI.OO : Poor Director. $2.00 ; Commis sioner. $3 00; Treasurer, $5.00; Sheriff, SIO.OO ; Prcthonotary, $15.00. PROTHGNOTAKY. TV) the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for ppithcnotary, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the neat General Election. JAMES A. SILL.* To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County: After deliberate comndera ion upon the wishes of numerous friends, I offer myself for the nomi nation to the office of Prothonotary. Under the new system the PEOPLE do the nominating, and to you I appeal for support. Let the public patron age be divided that each man may have his share. I pledge myself !o support the whole Demtx-ratic Ticket at the neat General Election. R W BERKSTBESSER * To the Democratic Voters of lied ford County : I respectfully announce myself for you r support for the nomination to the office of ProthoDotary. Register, ftc , and trust that you will sso proper to honor me with your suffrages. I pledge my self to support the whole Democratic Ticket at next General Election. A J. NNI\EL\ t To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : ID accordance with the request of my numerous friends, I announce myself as a candidate for the nomination for the office for Prothonotary. The eighteen years, during which I have voted, are a sufficient guaranty of my fidelity to tbe party, and, in accordance with the revised rules. I pledge my self to support the whole Democratic Ticket, whether my name be thereon or not. JOHN B. FLUCK* Pattonsville, Pa., Mar. 18th, 1860. /•V Hose Democrats of Bedford County : At the solicitation of many friends, an-I in ac cordance with my own desires. I announce myself to you for the nomination to the office of Prothon otary, Register. Ac Give ia your support now and no man will more faithfully serve you than your tried friend. I pledge myself to support tbe whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Elec tion | Feb. 24,"69. j vNO. P. REED.* TREASURER. To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. JOSIAU RITCHEY. South Woodbury tp. To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer. Give me your support now and no man will more faithfully serve vou thaa your tried friend. I pledge myself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. HIGH MOORE * To the Democratic Votorsof Bedford County . The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic Domination for Treasurer, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Tieket at tbe next General Election J. E. BLACK. Scheilsburg. 7r the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself ;.s a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General E ieetion. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER.* To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces him self as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. H. F. IRVINE.* To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Tieket at the next General BNOK JOHN B a candidate for the Democratic nomination for j .--heriff. and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Eleciion. I. D. EARNEST To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County The undersigned respectfully announces himself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for t-beriff. and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. PHILIP BUZZARD * To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County The undersigned respectfully aunounces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Sheriff, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Eleetion \VM KEYSER To the. Democratic Voters of Bedford County The undersigned respectiully announces nim self as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Sheriff, and pledges hiinsGf to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next Geuerai E lection. DANIEL L DEFIBAUGH COMMISSIONER To the Democratic Voters of Berlford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Commissioner, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. GEORGE ELDER.* Harrison tp. Ti the Democratic Voters of Bedford County The undersigned rcsrectfally announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Commissioner, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. JAMES M. SLEEK * Union tp. To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County • Tbc undersigned respectfully announces him self a- a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Commissioner, and pledges himself to support tbc whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Elcc'ion. I K REIT HARD. T'i 'he Democrat!e Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself a- a candidate for the Democratic nomination for U. ner, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Lie tii,n. W.M. P. MICKEL * , Bedford tp. 1 o the ham,erotic Voters of Bedford County : Hie undersigned respectfully announces hiinsolf as a vr, lidate for the Democratic nomination for Commissioner, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. JNO. 8. BRUMBAUGH. r nth Woodbury tp. T tie Democratic Voters ~f Bedford County The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Commissioner, and pledges himsslf to support tbc whole Democratic Ticket at the next General K lection. II P DIKfIL * Col era in tp. POOP. DIRECTOR. To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectiully announces himself as a candidate for the Demoiratic nomination tor Poor Director and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General E- DAVID ZIMMERS. Bedford township To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undeisigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Poor Director, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election MILWARTi MOORiIEAD* To llu Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate tor the Democratic nomination for P -r Director, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General ELECTION ADAM K .PENCIL.* To the Democratic Voters of Bedford County : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Poor Director, and pledges himself to support tbe whole Democratic Ticket at tbe next General E leetion GEORGE BEEGLE St. Clair tp. To the Democratic Voters of Bedford Comity : The undersigned respectfully announces himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Poor Director, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election FREDERICK SCHNABLY# Bedford township. AUDITOR To the Dr mocratie Voters of Bedford County : The undcrsigaed respectfully announces him self as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Auditor, and pledges himself to support the whole Democratic Ticket at the next General Election. JOHN D. LUCAS. Bloody Run. SPECIAL NO TICKS. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED TO CLOSE OUT WINTER STOCK OF MENS, YOUTHS', AND ROYS' CLOTHING. STYLE, FIT, AND WORKMANSHIP of our ready made garments unequated t,y any stocl in Philadelphia. PRICES ALWAYS GUARANTEED loicer than the lowest elsewhere, and full satis faction guaranteed every purchaser, or the safe canceled and money refunded. Half way between ) BENNETT A Co., Fifth and ■ TOWER HALL, Sixth Streets, ) 518 MARKET ST., PBII.ADEf.PBia, AND 600 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OctlGy 1 BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.—Essays for Voung Men on the interesting relation of Bridegroom to Bride, in the institution of Mar dag#,—a Guide to matrimonial felfcity, and true happiness. Sent by mail in seeled letter envel pes free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box I*., Philadelphia, Pa. aug23'6Syl DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, ami (A TAKKH treated with the utmost success by J. ISAACS, M D., and professor of Dmeases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Penn sylvania. 12 years experience , (formerly of Leyden, Holland), No. 805 Arch £treet Pbila. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medi cal taculty are invited to accompany their pa tients, as he has no secrets in his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. july3,'6Byl 9 EMPLOYMENT AT YOUR OWN HOMES. EITHER >EX —Suitable For steady hands. Pays large profits.—Address for particulars at once, "COSTAR," No. 10 Crosby St., N. Y. HOUSEKEEPERS ! HOUSEKEEPERS! Men—Women—unci Children ! Men—Women—and Children ! READ—READ. "Cooling to Scalds and Burns." "Soothing to all painful wounds, Ac." "Healing to all Sores, Ulcers, Ac." 'COSTARS' BUCKTHORN SALVE la the most extraordinary SALVE ever known Its power of Soothing and Healing for all Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Chapped Hands and Skin, for Sore Nipples, for Piles, Ac., Ac—is without a parallel. One person says of it, I would not be without a Box in my House, if it cost $5.00, or I had to travel all the way to New York." [N. Y. Evening News, Sept. 5.) All Druggists in Bedford sell it. "That Cough will Kill you." Try "CostarV Cough Remedy. "Colds and Hoarseness lead to death," Try "CostarV Cough Remedy. "For Croups—Whooping Coughs, Ac ," Try "CostarV Cough Remedy. "Custar says it is the best in the wide world— and if be says so—its True —its True—its True; and we say Try it—Try it—Try it." ( Morning Paper, Aug. 26.J f Druggists in BEDFORD sell it. "COSTAR'S" STANDARD PREPARATIONS AUK HI.S BEAUTI P I E R ! THF. Bitter-Sweet and Grange Blossoms J_gF*one Bottle, $1 Oil—Three for 82.00. IIIS "CostarV Rat, Roach, Ac., Exterminators. "CostarV Bed Bug Exterminators. "CostarV (OSLY PURE) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known " "IS years established in New York." "2,0110 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." ' I Beware ! ! ' of spurious imitations." "All Druggists ia BEDFORD sell thorn " Address "CO-STAR," 10 Crosby St., N. Y., Or, JOHN F. HENRY, (Successor to; DEMAS BARNES A CO., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Sold in BEDFORD by H. HBCKERXAS A Son. feb!9yl MA II 111 EI). AKE—KELLEY—On the 2nd of April, by Rev. J. W. Planne t, Mr. S. B. Ake, of Williamsburg, Blair county. Pa., and Miss Fannie Keiley, of CoalmoDt, Huntingdon county, Pa OBER—CRO USE—April sth. 1869, at the resi dence of the bride's Uncle, J G. Reimund, of this place, by Rev. K F. Wilson, Mr Ed. K. Ober of Stoystown, and Miss Ella C. Crouge, of Bedford. BKKULE—WERTZ—In Union township, Bed ford county. Pa., April 11, 1869, by the Rev. J Peter. Mr. Joseph S. Beegle to Miss Elisabeth Wertz. both of Union township. SHI LL—il< KINNEY—On the 16th inst., Uv Rev. N H. Styles, Mr. Willi en Shull and Miss Sophia McKinney. both of Bedfud county, Pa. DIED. DARR—Near Schelbburg, on the 2nd inst., George Darr, aged 56 years, t> months and 14 days 2Utc Jji'trtistauttts. f|M> THE SCHOOL DIRECTORS I OF BEDFORD COUNTY Gentlemen : In pursuance of the forty-third section of the act of the 9th of May. 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in convention, at the court house in Bed ford, on the first Tuesday in May. A D , I9t>, being the fourth day of the month, at l-.W, p m., and select viva voce, by a majority of the whole number of directors present, one person of literary and scientific acquirements, and of skill and ex perience in the art of teaching, as county Super intendent, for the three succeeding year a ; deter mine the amount of compensation for the same ; and certify the result to the State Suprintendent, at Harrisburg. as required byte thirty-ninth aud fortieth section ot said act. U. W FISHER, aprl6w4 Co. Sup't- of Bedford co. FOR SALE-R DESIRABLE building lot OQ Richard Street, iu the W atsou ex tension. Inquire at this office. tf. ®|M[ Mvmwefip JXtw UNSEATED LANDS FOR SALE. —Five tract#comprising 946acres, 113pereh es. situate in Broad lop town hip. Bedford county, adjoining lauds of Henry Rinard, .John Ford. Al exander C.ivan and others, and all tracts adjoin ing each other. Terms very low Inquire of or addre.-s MEYERS A DICKERSON. _ aprl6ni3 Bedford, Pa CAUTION :—My wife, Rachel Bark man, having left me without any just or reasonable cause, all persons arc hereby noti fied not to har.bor or trust her on my account, as I m determined not to pay snv debts of her con tracting IIEZKKIAH BASEMAN, aprlflw.'! Southampton township. i FDITOR'S NOTICE. —Haying / \ been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bedford county to examine and report the facts and state aecoani iu the matter of the citation a guinst Hcury J. Bruner, Guardian f the Growdeu minors, I will attend to the duties of said appoint m* nt at my office, in Bedford, on Tuesday, the 20'h day of April, iust . whore all interested may attend if they desire. J. R. DURBORROW, aprlfiw 1 Auditor. gPRING IMPORT ATILON—ISRD. ft I B ft O JN S , MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ARMSTRONG, CATOIt A CO., 2:17 A 23'J Da It i more Street, BALTIM O 11 E, IMPORTERS AND JOMIEKS or BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, VELVET AND SASH RIBBONS, BONNET CRAPES, SILKS ANI) SATINS, Illusions, Blumh, Licet, Racket, Nett< and Velvets. French Flowers and Feathers, STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES" 11ATS TRIMMED AND VNTRIMUKD, RUNDOWNSamI SHAKER HOODS, The largest Stock of Millinery Girls in this Country and unequalled in choice variety, which we offer at prices that will defy competition. ORDERS SOLICITED aprlW* IJVAVN LOTS FOR SALE. WE will sell at Auction on the premises on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 th, 18GD, THREE HUNDRED TOWN LOTS —AT— Meyers' Mills, Somerset County, Pa. On (he Route of the Pittsburgh A- Con nettsvilte Railroad. At the junction of the projected Railroad through Western Maryland, connecting with the Baltimore mad Ohio Railroad, about 105 miles east of Pitts burgh, 45 miles west of Cumberland, 45 miles east of Connellsville, 15 miles south-east of Somerset, 3 miles west of Sand Pa'ch Tunnel, at the conflu ence of the Flaugherty Creek and the Casselman River, in the midst ol the best AGRICULTURAL MINERAL AND TIMBER Region, and in the heart and garden-spot of Som erset county. Iron, Coal, Limestone, Fire-clay and other Minerals are abundant, making this the most advantageous point on the route for the erec tion of FURNACES, ROLLING MILLS, FOUNDERIES, TANNERIES. MACHINE SHOPS. and Manufactories of all kinds. It has al so the advantage of the best water power in the country for manufacturing on a largo and econ omical scale It will be the center of trude and business for a large scope of country. These lota are laid nut on a part of the "Olingcr Farm,' 7 most beautifully sttuated. on ground slo ping gently to the river, on both sides of the Kail road and near the Depot. Every lot cau be abundantly supplied with good water from ever flowing springs near the town. Property here is in great demand. Long before the beginning of the new-year, every dwelling in the town for rent was engaged. Mechanics of all kinds have special inducements to locate here, and in fact, all who seek business or pleasure will find this a most de sirably place. TERMS OF SALE : —lO per cent, in hand, one third, including tho 10 per cent, on delivery of deeds, balance in two equal annual payments, with interest, secured on the premises. Sale to commence at 10 o 7 clook. A. M JOHN M OLINGER, SAM EEL GAREY. JOBI AH M HAY. CATHARINE GAREY. PHILIP HAY, PETER S. HAY, W.M. P HAY. Guardian of the JOSEPH KEIM, Miner children of ELIZA KEIM, ANNIE HAY, dee d. apr!6w2 4 GENTS WANTED for GOLDEN xl SHEAVES.—This work abounds in thrill ing sketches, moral tales, strange occurrences, gems of thought, strains of eloquence, stirring in cidents, rich repartees and choicest specimens of the purest literature. Pleases all. offends none. Prices very low Address ZEIGLER. MeCURDY A Co., Philadelphia. Pa. aprl6w4 rpu E D O L A R 8 UN. _| CHARLES A DANA'S PAPER. The cheapest, neatest, and most readable of New York Journals. Everybody likes it. Three editions. DAILY, SKMI-WEKKLT, and WEEKLY at ?2, and 81 a year. Full reports of markets, agriculture, Farmers' and Fruit Growers' Clubs, and a complete story in every Weekly and Semi- Wqekly number A valuable present to every subscriber Send for specimen, with premium list I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher Sun, New York. Ill<> N C 1 T Y COLL EG E, PITTSBURGH, PA. THE OLDEST, most extensive, best appointed, and cheapest practical Business College in tho United States. Patronized by the sons of Farm ers, Merchants, Bankers, and business men from every seetion of the Union. For large illustrated quarto circular, containing full information, fac similes of Premium Penmanship, Ac., send this notice to SMITH A COWLEY, PRINCIPALS. Pittsburgh, Pa LOCK HAVKS, PA. MESSRS. LIPPINCOTT IT BAKEWELL, Pittsb'g. Pa. Gents: —We have been using your make of Gang Saws in our Mill, and find them, in point of quality, superior to any we have ever used. Yours. Ac., SHAW, BLANCHAUDA CO ( LIPPINCOOT A BAKKWELL'B) Patent Ground, > Patent Temper, \ —STAMP— ( LIPPTNCOTT A CO. j j Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. j JAMESTOWN, N. Y. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL. — :—We have no trouble with your Saws : they don't need to be lined up with paper ; we put them on the Man drel and they go right along. Temper perfectly uniform and quality unsur passed. Respectfully, CIIAS. J. FOX. LIPPNCOTT A BAKEWELL. Manufacturers of Circular, .Mulay. Mill Gang and Cross Cut Saws. Chopping Axes, all shapes. Col burn's Patent Axe. Shovels, Spades and Miles' Patent Covered Scoop. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. FROM 4 to 350 Horse Power, including the cel ebrated Corliss Cut-off Engines Slide Valve Sta tionery Engines, Portable Engines, Ac. Also, Circular, Mulay and Gang Saw Mills. Shafting. Pulleys, Ac., Lath and Shingle Mills, Wheat and Corn Mills, Circular Saws, Belting, Ac. Send for descriptive Circular and Price List WOOD A MANX STEAM ENGINE CO., Utiea, N. V ritHE FRANKLIN BRICK MACHINE. M tKKS 2.500 to 3,500 Elegant Brick per Hour, WITH ONLY EIGHT MEN AND TWO HOUSES, or 4,500 to 5,000 per hour by steam power Has no complex machinery to be getting out of order or breaking down. I defy the world to equal it. No pay required until after the machine has per formed as above on the yard of the purchaser J H. RENICK, Room 23, 71 Broadway, New York City. rt HEAT IMPROVEMENTS IN \J ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, ARMS AND LEGS. Pamphlets sent free. Address KIMBALL A CO., 030 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Y\TANTED, AGENTS, $75 to *201) X X per month, everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only sl3. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay SIOOO lr any machine that will sew a stronger, mure beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch. Every second stitch can be cut, and still the olo'h cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that a mouni can be made. Address .3KCOMB A CO., PITTSBURGH, PA.. BOSTON, MASS.. or ST. Loins, Mo Caution. —Do not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. I / V A DAY to agents selling SIL OJ V/ VERS' PATENT ELASTIC BROOMS Hor ajt! Greeley says : "I predict its success." CLEGG A CO., 38 Cortlandt st , N. Y- ilea* 3uU'frtt.s?mcnts. A GENTS WANTED for the only f\ steel engravings of Oon. Grant and his fam ily. published with their approval Six# 15x10. Address GGODSPEED A CO , 37 Park Row, New York (2>3oofiahury. Address I*, s. Piano r) * Co., if, Y NO SUPERINTENDENT OR TEACHER should be without the SUN DA Y-SCHOOL TL MES. The best paper in the world on this subject. John S. Hart, LL.D., Senior Editor. Sample copy free on application. Address.!. C. UAKKIGUES A CO , Publishers. Sabbath School Emporium, 608 Arch street. Philadelphia, Pa. £*\K \ S S To TUB W ORKINO Ci,ASS .—I am now prepared to furnish alt classes with constant employment at their homes, the whole of tbe time, or for thoapare moments. Business new. light an 1 profitable. Fifty cents to $5 por eveniug. is easily earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements are offered those who will devote their whole time to the business; and, that every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for themselves, I make the following uu paralleled offer : To i-ll who are not well satisfied with tho business. I wilt send $1 to pay for tbe trouble of writing mo. Full particulars, directions, Ac., sent free. Sample sent by mail fur 10 cents Address E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Mc marl 9*4 "VT K BRA SKA, its soil, climate, peo i_X pie, Ac. A pamphlet for 25c. Address Cuoxi'KY A BAIN, Lincoln, Neb. A SK your Doctor or Druggist for fx. SWEET QUININE—it equals (bitter) Qui uiue. Is made only by F. STEARNS, Chemist, Detroit. marl9w4 \\T ANTED-AGE.XT.S-TU .sell the >T AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE. Price $25. The simplest, cheapest and best Knit ting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20,000 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to A gents. Address AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO., Boston, Mass , or St. Louis, Mo. HOW TO INVENT A DOLLAR. . To invest a dollar profitably, send 25c. for a Certificate IN PACKARD A Co's HOLIDAY DISTRIBI TIOX Of Pianos. Melodeons, \\ atcLes, Jewelry, Ac., VALUED AT - - $750,000. Every article disposed of on the $1 plan, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to re ceive. Certificates md circulars sent on receipt of 25c. or 5 for sl. PACKARD A CO., 58 West Fourth St., Cincinnati. 0. DURNO'S CATARRH SNUFF cures Diseases of the head and Throat, the worst forms of CATARRH 1 Druggists keep it • or, a box will be sent prepaid by m til for thirty cents, or four for one dollar, by the proprietor, J . DURNO, No 1,235, P. 0.. New York City. DEAFNESS, CATARRH, SCROF ULA. A lady who had suffered for years frotn Deafness, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by a simple remedy. Her sympathy and grati tude prompts her "to send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly afflicted. Address Mrs. M. C. Leggett. Uobokon, N. J. 4 VALUABLE MEDICAL Book! f\ CONTAINING IMPORTANT PHYSIO LOGICAL INFORMATION to young men contem plating marriage, sent free on receipt of 25c. Ad dress the CHEMICAL INSTITUTE, 43 Clinton Place, N. Y. A STAR IN THE EAST ! ! i\ A new star has appeared in the literary circles, called THE "ILLUMINATED WESTERN WORLD." Its illustrations arc all printed in beautiful oil colors, from one to seren, at a single impression. IU this feature alone TUB "ILLUMI NATED WESTERN WORLD" stands forth the tore- most of the age. Aside from its magnificent illus trations, however, its columns will teem weekly with Fiction, Solid Prose, Charming Poetry and Glowing Romance. It is a fit companion of every fireside—the magazine ot every branch of litera ture —the champion of noble industries—the sup port tf the farmer, merchant, artisan, and the ed ucation of the masses. Send for specimen copies. Sold by all news dealers. Subscription, $3.00 per annum. Address THE WESTERN WORLD CO., Cor. Park P'ace and College Place, P. 0. Box 4,929, New York AGENTS WANTED FOR Dr. Cane's.Great Pictorial Work, "ARCTIC EX PRORATIONS," AN elegant volnme of rarest mcritand instruction and of great interest for all readers, WITH 300 BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS and a sketch of the Auther, by Prof. C. W. SHIELDS, D. D., of Princeton College. Exclusive territory given and large commissions. For circulars and agency, address the Publishers, BLISS A CO., Newark, N.J. - aprlfiwl TN THESE HARD TIMES YOU X Cannot afford to pay throe or f BO sure to send all money byKegistcred Let ter. SEND FOB CIRCULARS. Send your address in full, Town, 0 uuty and State DARKER & CO., Nos 9t> and 100 Summer street, Boston, aprltlwd. £fpt iartirri I IST of causes |>ut down for trial at JLi April Term 1869-26tb day. ™' S- Mock vs Josiah Burk. '• s*'. ct vs ./nines Bowser. Ruldlesburg C Jt I Co vs Broad top C A I Co. JOM*M C. Burk vs Paul S. M^k. Paul S Mock rs Josiah C Burk Joseph Garlick vs Abr'm Garlick. Mills A Hogue vs Ihos. Johns. Wm. Slates A Co vs Martha S. Tate. Thus Growdeo vs Arch Blair, et al. same vs same S 8. Fluck vs L. Eu'helberger A Co. Frederick Miller vs John Mcllwaine Diebl A J>ibert vs Barclay A Shoemaker. Sam 1 Mixel vs East Prov. Twp. A. J. Wisegarver vs Kudolph Hoover, same vs Jas. Lee. Certified .March 29, 1869, O.K. SHANNON, Prot. (P< > u IIT I R(HLAMATiON."—7b V_y the Coroner, the .Tnstieea of the Pen re, and (Joas tobies 1/1 the different Tuttmships in the County oj Bmlford, Greeting: KNOW ve, that tn pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER. KING, President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the 10th District, consisting of the coun ties of Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer ami Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen era! Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; aud U W. GUM i>, and WILLIAM G. KICHOLTZ. Judges of the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You aud each of you, are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with vour Re cords, Recognizances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to beholden for the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the 4th Monday of April, (being the, 28 tk day.) 1869, at t U) o'eloei, in the forenoon of that day, there and*then to do those things to which your several offices appertain. Given under my hand and seal the 2d day of April, in the year of our Lord, 1869. ROBERT STEt'KMAN. SHEBIFF'S OFFICE, ) Sheriff Bedford, Apr 2d, 1869. j w4 rPAVEKN LICENSE.—Notice is JL hereby given that the following named per sons have applied for Taveru and Restaurant Li cense, to be granted at April Sessions, 1869 William Long, Londonderry twp , Tavern. Aaron W. Reed, South Woodbury tp., do Joseph Ling, Juniata (p., * Res't. B F Edwards, North Point, Tavern. Catharine Trieker, Stonerstown, do Joseph Poller, Beuna Vista. do Geo W Figard, Could ale, do Wm li Allen, Mt. Dallas Station, Res't. Geo Weimcr, Bloody Run. Tavern. Joseph Mortimore, Snake Spring tp., do Wm. Dibert, Bedford bor., do John Alstadt, Ploasantville. do Bernard O'Neil, Cheney ville, do Jno G Minnich, Bedford bor., Res't. Kaehae! Naugle. St. Clairsville, Tavern. Valentine Steckinan, Bedford bor., do Joshua J Shoemaker, do do do Christian Snell, Bloody Run, do A. G. Allen, Bedford Twp., do Henry Fluek, Woodbury, do Burton Ed sail, Bedford bor. Res't. Sebastian Wolf, Juniata Tp., Tavern Goo. Troutman, Juniata Tp., do Henry Sutcr. Juniata Tp.. do Cbas. W. C"lvin, Sehellsburg bor., do Geo. M. Colvin, do do do Joseph Cessna, Harrison tp., do Atirou Grove, St. Clairsville, Res t William Crisman, Napier tp., Tavern. Certified, aprZwl 0. E. SHANNON, Clerk. REGISTER'S NOTICE,—AII per sons interested, are hereby notified that the tot lowing accountants have filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court, in and'for said county, on Tuesday the 27th day of April, next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation : 1. The administration account of Daniel Harsb berger, administrator of M iry Harshborger, late of Snake Spring township, dee'd. 2. The account of Jacob Beekley, esq , Execu tor of the last Will and Testament of Hiram Dio vis, late of St. Clair township, dee'd. 3. The necount of George A. Smith, administra tor cum testaincnto nsDexu of George Muith, late of Bedford township, dee'd. 4. The account of Abraham Ritebey, one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of Abra ham Ritchey, Senior, late of Snake Spring town ship, Bedford county, dee'd j. The administration account of A. J. Burket, administrator of the estate of Samuel Burket, late of Union township, Bedford county, deceased. 6. The account of A. B. Crsmer, administrator of the estato of Mrs. Jane Kcan, late of Bedford borough, dee'd. 7. The first auj final account of John L. Hoff man, aDd Christian L Huffman, administrator of the estate of Christian Hoffman, late of Middle Wood berry township, Bedford county, Pennsylva nia, deceased. 8. The account of Stephen W. & Jeremiah M<- Creary, Executors of the last Will, Ac. of Amos McOrenry, late of Napier township, deceased. 9. The account of Nathan RobUon, Ex or of the last Will Ac. of Joseph H. Snider, late of South ampton township, deceased. II). The account of Christian Fulton aud George Nycum, administrators of the estate of John L. Nycum,Hwte ot Monroe township, deceased. 11. The account of Samuel Uoenstine and Henry llocnstino, Executors of the last Will and Testa ment of John Uoenstine, late of the township of St Clair, in the county of Bedford, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased. 12. The account of Daniel Barley, administra tor of the estate of Peter Wagner, late of Middle Woodbcrry township, deceased. 13. The account of John P. Reed, administrator of the estate of I)r. 11. V. Bramwcll, late ot Kan sas, dec d. 14. The account of Jacob Beeklcy, Executor of the estate of Hiram Davis, late of St. Clair town ship, Bedford county, deceased, who was adminis trator of the estate of Helen Hinton, late of St. Clair township, deceased. Jo. The account of J W. oo£ls, etc. Ip EARFUL B It E A K I) O \V N ! Economy being greatly needed at the pres ent time, it is the duty of all to bay where they can boy the cbeapeat, hence G. It. OSTER & CO. wish to notify the public that they are now re ceiving and opening the most extensive and varied assortment of new and eheap WINTER GOODS ever opened in Bedford, purchased under favora ble circumstances since the great breakdown in prices, and will now offer them to CASH buyers, both wholesale and retail, at much lower prices than the same kind can be bought for in Bedford county. Country Storekeepers will find an oppor tunity of sorting up their stocks, if only a single piece is wanted at wholesale prices. Special Extraordinary Inducements. In ladies dress goods, such as striped and chene mohair, striped, plaid, abat and chene poplins in changeable effects, fur snits and walking dresses, all that look at thetn say they are cheap.—Extra heavy mixed melange poplins and ne plus ultra Repellants for suits, Empress cloth, English serges, Epinglines and corded poplins, in brown, steel, violet, purple, wine green, garnet and bismark. They are beauties. All yon have to do is look at them, and jmr own judgment will say buy French Merinos, oobuvge. wool delaines and al pacas in all the new colorings, best American de laines and Aruures in the new stripes and palka dots, very desirable. 10000 yards of beautiful calico prints that wou'b 1 fade, at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 16 cents. Piles of bleached and unbleached muslins, at 6, 3, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20 cents. You have all heard no doubt of eheap d annals. It is all over town The ladies talk about it as much as of the coming holidays; all wool flannels at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 cents. Ladies Furs, shawls, Grand Dutches, Lady Belle, pretty balmoral and hoop skirts. Corsets guaranteed to stand enough of pressure to break a rib every week Ladies breakfast shawls, Mer ino vests, hoods, gloves and hosiery. ' Men's wool and merino under shirts and draw ers. Woolen and white over shirts, comforts, neck-ties, scarfs, collars, Ac. A large and varied assortment of cloths, cassi meres, tweeds, satinets; velvet cord, blankets, ginghams, cheeks, tickings, shirting str.peg, table diapers, napkins, doylies and towels, decidedly oboap. i Don't our reedy-made elothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes st rike you as cheap, a whole rig at our store from tip to toe and won't cost you much. Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths. Wool filling and all wool ingrain carpets, Tenitian entry and stair carpets, and floor oil eloths. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. Choice Java, Laguayra and Rio coffee. Choice Fresh Imperial, Young Hysor., Oolong and Japan Tea. A full line of sugars and syrups. A choice as sortment of tobaccos aud segars. In a word every thing you want. All are invited to call and see for themselves No trouble to show goods wheth er you wish to buy or not. Terms cash unless oth erwise specified. G. R. OSTER A CO. Bedford, Pa., declß,'6Sm4 Q/IOD NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just received a large and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and whieh he is determined to sell CHEAP They consist in part ot Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, Buckets and Brooms, Queensware, Tobaeco, Segars. Ac. Give him a call and see for yourselves. n*v6th,'6B J. M. SHOEMAKER. jet every one read this NOTI C E ! On the first day of April, next, we shall change our manner of doing busi ness. After that date we will sell no goods except for CASII or PRODUCE, ana hope no one will ask us for credit. We ant satisfied that we can make it to the interest of every Farmer, Me chanic and Lalniring man to sustain us iu the change. We shall make it our constant aim to show that goods can be sold CHEAP ER FOR READY PAY, than on time. J. B. WILLIAMS. Bloody Run, Pa., Feb. f>,'69w2 THE BEDFORD G AZETTE is the best Advertising Medium n Southern Pemn sy Irani* f— - •- - •- - IK'ENSED BY THE J UNITED STATES Authority. S. C THOMPSON A CO S. GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE or Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Linens. Cottons, PANCY GOODS, Albums, Bibles, Silver-PUted Ware, Cutlery, Leather and German Goods of every description, Ac. These articles will be sold at the uniform price of ONE DOLLAR EACH, and not to be paid for until you know what yon are to receive. The most popular and economical method of do ing business in the country The goods wo have for sale are described on printed slips, and will be sent to any address at the rale of 10 cents each, to pay for postage, print ing, Ac. It is then at the option of holders wheth er they will send one dollar for the article or not. Br PATRONIZING THIS BALB you hare a ebance to exchange your goods, should the article men tioned on the printed slip not be desired The Smallest Articles sold for ONE DOLLAR can be exchanged forSilTer-Plated, Five-Bot tled Revolving Castor, or your choice ot a large Variety of other Articles upon Exchange List, com prising over 250 useful art iclcs, not one of which could be bought at any retail country store for nearly double the amount. TERMS TO AGENTS. We send as commission to Agents : For a Club of Thirty, and $3.00, one of the following articles : a musket, or shot gun, or Austrian rifle, 20 yards cotton, lady 's fan cy square wool shawl, Lancaster quilt. Acoorde on, set of steel-biadod knives and forks, violin and how, fancy dress pattern, pair ladies' extra quality cloth boots, one dozen large size linen towels. Alhambra quilt, honeycomb quilt, cottage clock, white wool blanket, 15 yards best quality print, 12 yards delaine, one dozen liuen dinner napkins. Ac. For a Club of Sixty, and $6 00, one ot the following articles : Revolver, shot-gun or Springfield rifle. 42 yards sheeting, pair honey comb quilts, cylinder watch, 4 yds. double width waterproof cloaking, lady's double wool shawl, Lancaster quilt, aipacca dress pattern, engraved silver-plated six bottled revolving castor, set of ivory handled knives, with silver-plated forks, pair of all-wool blankets, pair of Alhambra quilts, 30 yards print, or a marseitles Quilt, double eight keyed aceordeon, Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary (600 engravings, 900 pages), Si yards doeskin for suit, Ac. For a Club of One Hundred, and SIO.OO, double barrel shot-gun, rifle cane, or sharp's ri fle, 65 yards sheeting, fancy cassimere coat, pants and vest pattern (extraquality) splendid rose blankets, fancy plaid wool long shawl, 25 yards hemp carpeting, splendid violin and bow, splen did alpaoea dress pattern, silver hunting-cased watch, single barrel shot gun, Sharp's revolver, one pair fine damask table covers, with one dozen dinner napkins to match, Worcester's illustrated Unabridged Dictionary, (1800 pages). additional list of commissions, see Circular. COMMISSIONS FOR LARGER CLUBS IN PROPORTION. Agents will please take notice of this. Do not* send names, but number your clubs from one up ward. Make your letters short and plain as pos sible. Take particular Notice of this: stlre and send money in all cases by reg istered letter, which can be sent from any Posl- Otfice. This way of sending money is preferred to any other method whatever. We cannot be responsible for money lost, unless some precautions are taken to insure its safety. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Send your address in full, Town. County and State. S. c. THOMPSON & CO.. 136 FEDERAL STREET, 4w Boston, Mass. YY R I: ARE COMING, ONCE MORE WITH A NEW SPRING STOCK in our great One Dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy GOODS, CUTLERY AC., AC. PREMIUM RATES OF SHEETING: For Club Thirty, 21 Yds. Sheeting. " '• Sixty, 42 " " " " One Hundred, 65 " " All other premiums in same ratio. Enlarged Exchange List, with new and useful articles. See new Circular and sample. Sent to any ad dress free. send your Money by Registered Let ter, addressed to J. S. HAWES A CO., 128 A 130 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P. 0. Box C. w6. A gents Wanted for the LIFE and J\_ TIMES OF ST. PAUL, .... &J.OO Complete Unabridged Edition, as arranged by CONYBEARE A HOWSON, with an introduction by Bishop SIMPSON. In consequence of the ap pearance of mutilated editions of this great work, we have been compelled to reduce the price of oir Complete Edition from $4.50 to $3. E. B. TREAT A CO., Pub's , 654 Broadway, N. Y. 4w ANCERS —TU MORS—ULCERS. PROF KLINE, of the Philadelphia Univer-* sity, is making astonishing cures of Cancer and all tumors, by a new process. A Chemical Cancer Antidote that removes the largest of cancers and tamers without pain or the use of the knife ; with out caustic, eating or burning medicines, and with out the loss of a drop of blood. For particulars, calloraddressß.il KLINE, M. D., No. 931 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. mar26w4 V GENTS WANTED FOR THE A SIGHTS AND SECRETS OF THE NATION AL CAPITOL. The most startling, instructive, and entertaining book of the day beDd for circulars, and see our terms. Address U. S. Publishing Co., No. 411 Brooine-st., N. Y. mar26w4. XT A It D WARE & STOVES! BAUGHMAN,GUMP A CO., Bloody Run, PH. DEALERS IN Dealers in Iron, Nails, Horse Shoes, Springs, Axles, Thimble Skeins, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Sleigh Runners, Sleigh Bells, Forks, Shovels, Saws, Axes, Spoons, Cutlery, Cooking anil Heating Stoves for coal or wood, Glass, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wooden ware, <£t\, &c. They manufacture Tin and Sheet Ironware and nave constantly on hand an assortment of TINWARE and STOVE PIPE. All goods kept by them will be sold at the low est prices. oct2m6 DISSOLUTION.— THE PARTNERSHIP heretotore existing between the subscribers under the name of John N. Shuck A Co., has this day been dissolved by uiotual consent. The busi ness will bo carried on hereafter by Daniel M. Shuck, who will pay the debts of the said firm of John N. Shuck A Co., aud all indebted to said firm are rcquosted to pay to him. JOHN N. SHUCK, DANIEL M. SHUCK. April sth 1869, w3 ADMIN ISTRATRIX NOTICE.— Notioe is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Cadwalder Evans, late of Cumberland Valley township, dee'd .have beeD granted to the undersigned, all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate, will pleas* make immediate payment, and those having claims are requested to present them properly au thenticated for settlement RHODA EVANS, apr2w6 Administratrix. XYUY YOUR CASS 1 MERES of dec 4 R. W. BERKSTRKSSKR L UMBER —60,000 feet Oak, White and Yellow Pine Lumber on hauds and fo sale by J. B WILLIAMS A CO , junl4,'67tf Bloody Ran, Pa. rpHE Local circulation of the BEI>- I FOKDGAZ*TT is larger than that of any other paper in this section ot country, and therefore of ersthe greatest inducements to business men to fdvertise in its columns.