Jive 'itfilfortl feettf. Home and Around. 111 XTINGIH4X AND BROAD TOP It.II. -WINTER ARRANGEMENT.— TIWBTABL*.—On and • tcr enefit of the Cemetery Association. These entertainments are very amusing and will give our people a rare treat, as the Professor is considered a No. 1 p Hornier in the art of prestodigita ! ion. CITIZENS of the county, attending court next week, are invited to visit G. R. Oder's spacious new store and examine their inmien.se stock of new winter Goods. They are now offering great inducements to cash buyers. febsw4 Appeals from the assessment for ISGp will be held the week commencing March 1. James Steel, the oldest member of the Huntingdon bar is dead. The regular term of Court will com mence next Monday. 1200 AND ALL EXPENSES PAID!— See Advertisement f AUKUICAN SHUTTLE SKWINL AUcmss, in our advertising columns, novtijrl MARRIED. TRIPOLETT—MORTIMORE—On the 19th ult , by the Rev. 11 Heekerman. Mr. Thomas M Trip olett to Miss Mary Jane Morlitnore, both of Friends Core. DIED. McCLINTOCK—John McClintock va born near Harrisburg, Pa., August 2nd, 1782. Helived in Chambersburg about 70 years, and in all the Tarious relations of life showed forth serling in tegrity. His Christian life was of a high and no ble order. It commenced in early life, and throughout his entire course, he kept tie Prize in view He read his Bible through in r < iTII'E <>F A J'l'EAL£ -Notice is | hereby given that appeals lioui the asses i merit for the year 1830, will be bear! at the Com missioners' Office, in Bedford, for he several dis tricts of the county, as follows, vii: i For Juniata, Schellsburg Be r , Harrison, Napier, | St. Clair and St Clairaville Bir., on Monday, March Ist. | For Londonderry, Cumberland Valley. Colerain, j Rainsburg Bor., Southampton. Monroe and East Providence, on Tuesday March 2d. For West Providence, Bloody Km Bnr., Hope well, Snake Spring. South Woodborry, Mid dle Woodberry and WoodVerry Bor., on Wednesday, March 3d. For Broad Top, Coaldale Bor., Üborty, Saxtuu Bor , Union, Bedford Bor., aid Bedford Tp., on Thursday, March 4th No subsequent appeals will be leard except in cases where it is shown that persens were unable i to attend at the time ami place above indicated. Attest : DAVID HOWSARE, j J. (i. FISHER, PETER M. 3ARTON, Cl'k DANIEL P. BEEGLE, feb6w4 Commissioners. 17 X lit I' T< > RS a A JLEOF VALUA BLE REAL ESTATE—Os SATL-ROAV. FEB ; 27th, 1869, on the premises at Bridgeport, in Londonderry township, Bedford county. Pa., con taining 2*4 acres, 160 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, having thc-eon erected two I good dwelling houses, a barn anl other out-build ings ; also a saw mill with unsurpassed water pow er and in good running order. The Second Containing 130 acres, 50 aoresclear ed, with a good dwelling house and splendid water power thereon. These properties are at the juuetion of the Bedford and Connellsville Rail Roads, the latter of which is now under contract and is expected to be completed within one year ; a depot isexpeeted to bo erected upon the larger i tract. These farms cannot fail to become very - valuable, and capitalists and speculators are in vited to visit them and see for themselves N. B. Widow's Dower to remain in both prop erties until her death. Sale to begin at 1 o'clock, P. M., when further j terms will be made known. IIENRY MILLER. SAM I EL MILLER, Executors of the will of John Miller, dee'd. JOHN ALSIP, Auctioneer. fobsw3 J et every one read this NOTICE! On the first day of April, next, we shall change our manner of doing busi ness. After that date we will sell no goods except for CASH or PRODUCE, and hope no one will ask us for credit. We are satisfied that we can make it to the interest of every Farmer, Me chanic and Laboring man to sustain us in the change. Wo shall make it our constant aim to show that goods can be sold CHEAP ER FOR READY PAY. than on time. J. B. WILLIAMS. Blooody Run, Pa., Feb. 5,'69tn2 VX XUA l - ItE P<) RT OFTIr EA U DI TORS OF BEDFORD COUNTY. ISAAC MENGEL, Esq., Treasurer of Bedford ! county, in acoount with said county, from Janu ary 8. A D., 1358, to January 7 A. D., 1869. TREASURER, DR. To Balance in Treasury §624 97 To amount of tax received froru collec tors J. A. Osborne, Broad top 1357 50 00 U H. Akers, Bedford borough, IS6I 261 04 Samuel Bcckley, St. Clair do 22 76 J. C Black, Bloody Run. 1665 4 60 Jacob Bowser, Colerain 1566 200 00 J. II H. Sparks, Prov. West do ]yo 55 I. D Earnest, Bedford Tp 1867 451 00 Alex. Tate, Bb ody Run do 139 60 J 0 Figard, Broadtop do 1141 93 David Itiehl, Cloeratn 385 49 Tobias Boor, Cumberland valley... do 456 06 Win Egolf. Harrison do 157 13 James Fink. Hopewell do 163 13 Jacob Evans, Londonderry do 250 00 J T Shirley, Liberty do 357 47 George Nycuin, Monroe do 66 95 James Taylor, Napier do 378 00 Jacob Chamberlain, Prov. East.... do 219 12 Joseph Wcaverling, Prov. West.... do 150 II S S Flock, Saxton borough do 61 65 PeterDeoralt,Schellsburg bor do 125 65 Harriaon Hartley, Snake Spriugs.. do 241 00 Henry Bennett. Southampton do 528 75 Joseph Clear, Union do 269 38 Solomon Barley, Woodbury Middle, do 937 67 Josiah Rite hey, Woodbury South., do 905 00 Samuel W Sleek, St Clair do 528 93 To amount of tax received on duplicates Napier Township 1368 2339 97 Snake Spring Tp do 1095 88 St Clair Tp do 2110 53 Cumberland valley Tp do 1815 12 Providence East Tp do 974 55 Providence West Tp do 1021 08 Hopewell Tp do 1136 94 Rainsburg Bor do 317 23 Colerain Tp do 1913 93 Londonderry Tp do 1254 43 LibertyTp do 658 60 Southampton Tp do 1205 98 Schellsburg Bor do 375 09 Broadtop Tp do 1971 64 Woodbury Middle Tp do 3223 12 Woodbury South Tp do 3600 03 Harrison Tp do 850 89 Union Tp do 1247 18 ***** spa.> *\cw Mmtteemrnt*. Coledale Tp , do 128 80 Juniata Tp do 1207 17 Bloody Run borough do t>79 78 Bedford borough do 2110 17 Bedford Tp do 2078 20 St Clairsvillc do 129 02 Saxton borough do 220 09 Monroe Tp... do 1284 47 To amount of ten day taxes received... 52 2.1 To money received from Good Templars, for rent...i 5200 To money received for Hucksters' Licen 80S ' To taxes received on unseated lands... • 1278 10 Total charges 466 ' H 86 TREASURER, , „ 9 R : On sundry checks drawn by the Commissioners, as follows, viz . , Paid Grand Jurors. February Term.... 190 44 Petit Jurors. February Term ••• 2' r > "9 Petit Jurors, adjourned court, March.. 344 ho (rand Jurors. April Term 121 21 Petit Jurors, April Term „ 7, Grand Jurors, September Term 169 64 Petit Jurors, September Term 304 SI Grand Jurors, November Term 175 80 Petit Jurors, November Term 353 20 Petit Jurors, adjourned court, Novem ber 384 36 William Kirk, Jury Commissioner—.. 69 00 Isaac Kensinger. .Jury Commissioner. 34 48 J G Fisher,clerk to Jury Commissioners 33 50 Court-crier 143 31 Tip-staves -44 96 Sealpg 81 Expenses of Spring elections ••• 291 09 Expenses of General elections, October and November Expenses of special e1ecti0n5......... - 23 _0 David Howsare, services as commission er ; 181 55 Peter M. Barton 420 25 Michael Ritchey 50 Daniel Beegle 23 00 J G Fisher, clerk to commissioners, sal- Hry 350 00 J VV Diekorson, Att'y 400 00 Costs in commonwealth cases 818 24 Erectingbridgeat Hopewell 1965 26 Erecting ice-breakers and repairs at Hopewell bridge 4(>9 00 Erecting bridge at Sweet Root 100 00 Erecting and roofing bridges in StClair township 2060 40 Ereeting bridge in Southampton Twp.- 50 00 Part pay on Stonerstowu bridge 1000 00 Stone work, Hopewell bridge 519 16 Flooring bridge at Bloody Run 174 00 Erecting bridge at lioades. Liberty tp. 508 43 Bridge views and expenses 382 86 Constables' returns 542 78 Road views 307 00 Expenses holding county Institute 74 41 Assessors making assessments 571 15 MeyersA Mcngel, advertising anil print ing blanks 885 85 Durborrow A Lutz, advertising 408 00 John Lutz, advertising ' 447 00 Charles Merwine. services as Janitor.. 89 42 Joshua Mower, cleaning and scrubbing court house •••• 49 50 Mary Morris, cleaning and scrubbing Court Horn 39 00 Robert Steckman, boarding prisoners and summoning jurors 825 84 Robert Steckman, conveying prisoners to Western Penitentiary 240 00 Enroling militia and holding militia ap peals? 253 58 Expenses holding appeals 329 00 Expenses auditing account 160 00 Money over-paid on duplicates and tax refunded 259 01 Wood, coal and pine for Court House and Jail 389 86 Goods furnished for Court House and * Jail... 147 18 Lumber for court house 8 89 Bounty to volunteers 109 70 J G Fisher, services at special court and making out tax duplicates 54 00 O. E. Shannon, fees as Prothonotary... 350 00 Revenue stamps, postage, stationtion ery, Ac...... ? 148 16 Expenses holding inquests 76 2t Medical attendance upon prisoners. 30 00 Costs iucollecting unpaid taxes 13 58 Advertising proposals for new Poor House 77 60 Edward Havillnnd, plans, drawings. specifications, Ac. for i.ew Poor House. 700 00 John Sproat A Co. briek for new Poor House 500 00 Jo.shua Shoemaker, part pay for erect ing new Poor House 4000 00 F. M. > immcll, services as counsel.,.. 20 00 *. L. Russell, services at Harrisburg.. 100 00 J W Diekorson, fees and percentage on collections 87 39 Daniel Washabugh, auditing accouutof OE Shannon 20 56 James B Farquhar, costs of deeds of un seated lands 87 97 J W Lingenfelter. salary as attorney lor 1363, swearing commissioners and e leetion boards, and road views 108 50 Irvine A Statler. lamps and brooms 5 00 Reward money for the arrest of John Brown not collected by subscription 19 50 R W Berk A Co. canvass for duplicates 2 40 *B F Meyers, services at Harrisburg.. 150 00 Certified copy tax-law 3 25 Lime 80 II W Ressler. conveying prisoners to jail 7 72 Letter case for commissioners office.... 5 50 Witnest chair 6 00 Keeping prisoners in Western Peniten tiary 1037 03 Insurance of Court House and Jail 73 50 Wm. M Hall, services in Poor Houso in vestigation 60 00 Jury box 2 75 Pipes. Ac. for Court House 5 40 Costs Incase of Wertz vs. Bedford Coun ty ... 9 47 Wm. Dibert, hoarding jurors in Com monwealth vs. buter 55 00 E M Als'p, services in Poor House in vestigation 5 00 Joshua Mower, work done at Court House 9 75 P M Barton, interest on money 1 27 M S Ritchey, interest on loan 13 00 John Kemery, interest on loan 163 00 John Sill, interest on loan 180 00 David Gouchnouer, tax exonerated by order of Commissioners 12 47 Road tax on unseated lands, paid to sundry supervisors 125 06 School tax on unseated lands, to sundry School Boards 94 96 Money paid J T Shirley 66 91 Amount paid over to the Poor Houso Treasurer 6000 00 Treasurer's salary 300 00 Stamps, postage and Stationery 35 00 Ctiarles Merwine, attending Auditors,. 8 00 $35093 55 Charges $16696 86 Credits 35093 55 Balance in county treasury.. $11603.31 Amount due and owing Bedford County from Collectors for 1867 and previous years 2609 49 Amount due from the several Townships for 1868 1408 62 Total due county S4OIB 11 Money owed hy Bedford County. John Sill, on note 3000 00 John Kemery, on note 2000 00 John Mowry. on note 800 00 Total indebtedness SSBOO 00 Bedford County SS. The undersigned auditors of said county, do certify, that, in pursuance of the Acts of Assem bly, in such easi s made and provided, they met at the Court House in the Borough of Bedford and di 1 audit and adjust the accounts of Isaae Mengel, Treasurer for said county, for the year, A. D., 1363, as ascertained in the foregoing statements, and that they have examined the foregoing ac counts due to and owed by said County and that they have found the same to be correct. Witness our hands this 7th day of January, A D., 1869. JOHN D. LUCAS, S. WHIP. M. A. HUNTER, W. C. ScitAKKKKR, Clerk, Auditors, To the Auditor General of Pennsylvania : ISAAC MENGEL, Esq . Treasurer of Bodfird county in account with the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, from January 9, 1863 to January 8, 1369. Treasurer, I)r. To amount of Tavern Lieense assessed for the year 1863..... 575 00 To amount of Restaurant License assess ed for the year 1868 155 00 To nmount of Retailers License assessed for the year 1863 1030 50 $1760 50 Treasurer, Cr. By receipt of State Treasurer, Sept. 1, 1803 500 00 By receipt of State Treasurer Dec. 23, 1863 1081 OS By Treasurer's percentage.... 88 02 1669 10 Balance due S.ate s9l 40 Boil ford County, SS. The undersigned auditors of said county, do hereby certify, that, in pursuance of the act of Assembly, in such cases made and provided, they met at the Court House in the borough of Bedford and did audit and adjust the accounts between Isaac Mengel, Treasurer of said county and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as ascertained in the foregoing statement. Witness our hands this 7th day of January, A. D., 1869. JOHN D LUCAS, S. WHIP, M A. HUNTER, W. C. SCHAEKPER, Clerk. Auditors ♦Through the efibrtsof Messrs. Meyers and Rus sell, attorneys for tho Commissioners, the county was relieved of the payment of the five per cent penalty under the Act of April 30, 1864, imposed for the non-payment of the indebtedness to tho State iu the year 1866, amounting to $1,045.68. and prevented the same troin being imposed for the year 1867. Febsw4 Admtiscmcutsi. npHE GREAT NOVELTY! THE ILLUMINATED WE S T E It N W O It L I) PRINTED IN OIL COLORS! A Marvel of Beauty and Cheapness! CONTAINS THE SUPERB ROMANCE THE FIGURE EIGHT. By the Author of the "Dead Uetter. THE CLOUD ON THE HEART. Bv the ever popular A. 8- BOfc. Also, Complete Stories, Graphic Sketches, 1 oetry, Ac., Ac. Each number, besides ozner illustrations, con tains a SPLENDID CARTOON, in Oil Colors, well worthy of framing. t . T , TERMS $3 per Year (52 Numbers.) For sale by all News dealers. Sample copy sent free. FRENCH A VV HEAT, 122 Nassau at-. N Y. SECRETS OF THE GREAT CITY. —A Work descriptive of the VIRTUES and the VICES, the MYSTERIES, MISERIES and CRIMES of New York City. If you wish to know how Fortines are made and lost in a day ; how Shrewd Men are ruined in Wall Street ; "how countrymen rc swindled by sharpers; how Ministers and Merchants are black mailed ; how dance halls and concert saloons ore managed ; how gambling houses aid Lotteries are conducted; how Stock and Oil Ctmpanies origi nate and how the bubbles burst, read this work It contains over 30 fine engrnving--, tells all about the mysteries and crimes of New York, and is the spiciest and cheapest work of the kind published. ONLY $2.50 PER COPY. Send for circular and see our tonus, and a full description of the work. Address .(ONES BROTJi- EliS A CO.. Philadelphia, Pa CAUTlON.—lnferior works of a similar character are being circulated. See that the books you buy contain over 50 fine engravings and sell at"sß.so per copy. A GENTS WANTED FOR li O W to MAKE THE ? ARM PA Y. How to double the value of laid and the profits on stock, and how to raise three times the quanti ty of all farm crops to an acre. 750 pages and 140 beautiful and useful illustrations. Farmers, voung men and experienced agents find it pays to canvass for this book. SIOO to S2OO per month, according to ability and energy For full partic ulars, address ZEIGLER, McCURDY A CO . Phil'a., Pa. V GENTS WANTED for our new book of 1,000 pages, profusely illustrated witn elegant Engravings. Maps, Ac. The People's Edition of the Life and Epis tles of ST. PAUL by Rev. Messn. CONVBBARK A llowsoN. A vivid picture of the times of the great Apostle. Warmly commended by clergy men of all denominations. Superior to the Eng lish edition, and sold at one-third its price. Notes and references in the English language. Com missions to Agents larger than e'er before offered. Circulars free to all. Addras the Publishers, BLISS A CO., Newark, New Jeisey. A GENUS WANT El FOB THE J\_ OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR. Its CAUSES, CHARAOTZR, CONDUTT and RESULTS. By HON. A. H. STEPHENS. Its ready sale, combined with an increased com mission, make it the best subscrption hook ever published. Send for circulars and soe ourterms and a full description of the work. Adiress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa., or Cin cinnati, Ohio. DUN ItflM, MICH..Sept. 10, 1863. LIPPINCOTT A BAKKWKLL : The people seem to bo crazy about your RED JACKET AXES. Please send tie twenty dozen more. Yours truly, VV. I). F. j THE linn JACKIT I CAUTION* —Unprincipled toilers are selling Axes painted red, as the Ked Jacket Axe. The good qualities of this Axe con.-ists in its superior cutting qualities not in the Red Paint. The "Red Jacket - ' is for sale by all responsible hardware dealers and the manufacturers. UPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL. Pittsburgh, Pa, Sole owners of Colburn's and Red Jacket Patents. "VTOW is tle Time to Subscribe _J_YJ FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE PEOPLE S FAVORITE JOURNAL. TIIE MOST INTERESTING STORIES Are ulwnys to be found in the NEW YORK WEEKLY. At present there are FOUR GREAT STORIES * running through its colnnns; and at least ONE STOUT IS BEGUN EVERT MONTH. New subscribers are thus sure of having the commencement of a new continued story, no mat ter when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY. Each number of the NEW YORK WEEKLY contains Several Beautiful Lustrations, Double the Amount of Reading Matt r of any Paper of its class, and the Sketches, Skirt Stories, Poems, etc., are by the ablest writes of America and Europe. The N. Y. WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS have attained a high reputalon from their brevi ty, excellence, and correctnee The Pleasant Paragraphs a-e made up of the concentrated wit and humor >f many minds. The Knowledge Box is eomned to useful infor mation on all manner of subjets. The News Items give in tlo fewest words the most n (table doings all overthe world. The Gossip with Corrospoidents contains an swers to inquires upon all imaginable subjects An unrivalled Library Paper IS Till NEW YORK VEEKLY. Each issue contains from Hu HT to TEN STOR IES and SKETCHES, and JI\LF A DOZEN PO EMS, in ADDITION to he FOUR SERIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. TUB TUBUS TO SUISCUIBKBS : One Year—single copy, Three Dollars. " " Four copies ($2 51 each), Ton Dollars. << " Eight copies. Twenty Dollars.' Those sending S2O for a clibof Eight, all sent at one time, will bo entitle! to a oopy I RKE. Getters-up of clubs oaa ifterward add single oopies at $2 50 each. STREET A SMITH, Proprietors, No. 55 Fllton St , Now York. A year for a valuable eight page paper. "The Merchant s Monthly," containing Articles show ing How to do Business, Moms ot Success, Dal ings and Operations, sketch's so.— Male an.l female agents wanted as usual. SEND MONEY IN REGISTERED LETTERS in every instance, and wo guarantee that it will come perfectly safe N. B. Our sale should not be classed with dol lar jewelry sales and gift enterprises. Send to us fur decision respecting our business by the Com missioner of Internal Revenue, dated Washington, Nov. 4, 1868. If you want prompt returns for your money, send your clubs to EASTMAN & KENDALL, P. O. Box K. 65 Hanover St., Boston. Ms. DON'T READ THE ABOVE! i I ft I i I I Nr O N EX Pi OS I V E! The New Light Petroleum Fluid gives twice the light of Carbon oil, and safe under all circumstances. CANNOT BE EXPLODED. The undersigned are now manufacturing and have for sale the now petroleum fluid made by distillation without the aid of compounds, which is gradually taking the plaoe of carbon oil in all plages where introduced. Agents wanted in every town. Send for circu lar. Address J. J. PALMER A CO., jan22m3 No. 6 Hand St., Pittsburgh. T LL THE WORLD and the rest of f\ mankind are respectfully informed that I have at tho Warehouse, at Eloody Run Station, Frosh Ground Piaster, and Stone Plaster; also, Liverpool and American Salt. deeltenS JOHN W. BARNDOLLAR. ST .TP BILLS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and al! kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness and despatch, atTUK Gazbtvk office G1 UNS AND LOCKS.—The under { signed respectfully tenders his services to tho people of Bedford and vicinity, as a repairer Guns and Locks Ail work promptly attended to L DSFIEAUGH sep 28, '66—tf J T STB AY NOTICE.—Came to the J premises of the subscriber, living in Juniata township, iu November last, 8 head T sheep. The owner is requested to come forward, prove prop erty and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. nn22w3pd. JOSEPH COOK. I) L.YI "KSMiTH Slid!' for RENT. J—The Blacksmith Shop at Lyous' Tan Yard, in Bodtord tp . is offered for rout on reasonable terms. There is no other shop within four miles. For further information, inquire of T. H. A N. J LYONS, janSm2 Bedford. Pa, rtr. IBREAK D O W N ! _ Economy being greatly needed at the pres ent time, it is the duty of all to buy where they can buy the cheapest, henco G. R. OSTER & CO. wish to notify the public that they are now re ceiving and opening the most extensive and varied assortment of new aud cheap WINTER GOODS ever opened in Bedford, purchased under favora ble circumstances since the great breakdown in prices, and will now offer them to CASH buyers, both wholesale and retail, at much lower prices than the same kind can be bought for in Bedford county. Country Storekeepers will find an oppor tunity of sorting up their stocks, if only a single piece is wanted at wholesale prices. Special Extraordinary Inducements. In ladies dress goods, such as striped and chene mohair, striped, plaid, shat and chene poplins in changeable effects, for suits and walking dresses, all that look at them say they are cheap.—Extra heavy mixed melange poplins and ne plus ultra Kepellants for suits, Empress cloth, English serges, Epinglines and corded poplins, in brown, steel, violet, purple, wine green, garnet and bismark. They are beauties. All you have to co is look at them, and your own judgment will say buy French Merinos, coburgs, wool delaines and al pacas in all the now colorings, best American de laines and Armures in the new stripes and palka dots, very desirable. •* 10000 yards of beautiful calico prints that won't fade, at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 16 cents. Piles of bleached and unbleached muslins, at 6, 8, 10,12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20 cents. You have all heard no doubt of cheap flannels. It is all over town. The ladies talk about it as much as of the coming holidays; all wool flannels at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 cents. Ladies Furs, shawls, Grand Dutches, Lady Belle, pretty balmoral and hoop skirts. Corsets guaranteed to stand enough of pressure to break a rib every week Ladies breakfast shawls, Mer ino vests, hoods, gloves and hosiery. Men's wool and merino under shirts and draw ers. Woolen and white over shirts, comforts, neck-ties, scarfs, collars, Ac. A large and varied assortment of cloths, cassi meres, tweeds, satinets; velvet cord, blankets, ginghams, cheeks, tickings, shirting stripes, table diapers, napkins, doylies and towels, deeidedly cheap. Don't ou- ready-made clothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes strike you as cheap, a whole rig at our store from tip to toe and won't cost you much. Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths. Wool filling and all wool ingrain carpets, venitian entry and stair carpets, and floor oil cloths. FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. Choice Java, Laguayra and Rio euffee. Choice Fresh Imperial, Young Hyson, Oolong and Japan Tea. A full line of sugars and syrups. A choice as sortment of tobaccos aud segars. In a word every thing you want All are invited to call and see for themselves No trouble to show goods wheth er you wish to buy or not. Terms cash unless oth erwise specified. G. B. OSTER A CO. Bedford, Pa., declß,'63tn4 /TOOJ) NEWS VI FOR THE PEOPLE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just received a large and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and which ho is determined to sell CHEAP. They consist in part o( Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, Buckets and Brooms, Queensware, Tobacco, Segars, Ac. Give him a call and see tor yourselves. nov6th,"6B J. M- SHOEMAKER. |Onn In order to reduce our oDil, Stock, we will offer tor C A S H, All kinds of Winter Goods AT COST! Great Bargains can now be had in CLOTHS, CASSrMERES. FLANNELS, MERINOES. DELAINES, HOSIERY, CARPET INGS, SHAWLS, Ac., Ac. Come with the CASH, you can buy cheap, as we are determined to reduce our Stock to one-half its present size. jnS,'t>9-tf A. R. CRAMER A CO. IVTEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS The undersigned has just received from the East a large and varied stock of New Goods, which are now open tor examination, at MILL-TOWN, two miles West of Bedford, comprising everything usually found in a first-class country store consisting, in part, of Dry-Goods, Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins, Caaslmers, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Ac., Ac. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. Thankful for past favors, we solioit a con tinuance of the public tronago. JiU Call and exam r goods, may24,'B7. G. YEAGEK 117"ANTED—AGENTS—in every town for CUSIIMAN & GO'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR STORE Descriptive checks sl6 per hundred. Con3um sumers supplied direct trow the manufactories, and all goods warranted. Circulars sent tree. ADDRESS CUSIIMAN A CO., dec4vv9 10 Arch St., Boston. Stoofland's (totumn. you ALL HAVE HEARD OF HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AXD IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. Philadelphia. TheiT introduction into this country froui tier many occurred in 1825. THEY CURED YOUR FATHERS AND MOTHERS, And will cure you and your children. They are entirely different from -j -j- the many preparations now in the country cal I—l led Bitters or Tonics. They are no tavern-1 8 preparation, or any thing like one; but good, honest, reliable medi cines They are The greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDIOE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, stomach, or IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Pullnes ot Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stoinaeh, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Pood. ru ness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the s>. Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensa I I tions when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Dutl Pain in the Head, Defi ciency oi Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Limbs, etc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagi nings of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits. All these indicate disrates of the Inver or Di gestive Organs, combined, with impure blood. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is entirely vegetable and contains no liquor. It is a compound of Fluid Extracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks from which these extracts are made, are gathered in Germany. All the medi cinal virtueus are ex y—. tracted from them by a scientific Chemist. | I These extracts are then forwarded to this \ J country to be used ex pressly for the manutacture of these Bitters. There is no alcoholic substance of any kind used in compounding the Bitters, henee it is the only Bitters that can be used in esses where alcoholic stimulants are not advisable. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bit ters, with PCRB Santa Cruz Kuui. Orange, etc. It is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in case where some pure alcoholic stimulus is required. You will bear in mind that these remedies are en tirely different from any others advertised for the cure of the diseases named, these being scientific preparations of medicinal extracts, while the oth ers are mere decoctions of rum in some form. Tho TONIC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Its taste is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, while its life-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal quali ties have caused it to be known as the greatest of all tonics. DEBILITY. There is no medicine equal to Hoofland's Ger man Bitters or Tonic in cases of Debility. They impart a tone and vigor to the tvholo system, strengthen the appetite, cause an enjoyment of the food, enable the stomach to di gest it, purify the blood, give a good, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change the patient from a short-breathed, emaci ated, weak, and nervous invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vigorous person. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using the Bitters or Tonic. In fact, they are Family Medicines. They can be administered with perfect safety to a child three months old, the most delicate femaio, or a man of ninety. These remedies are the best Blood Purifiers ever known and will cure all diseases resulting from bad blood. Keep ycur blood pure; keep your Liver in order, -j keep your digestive organs in a sound, I healthy condition, by the use of these remc -Li dies, and no diseases will ever assail you. The best men in the country recommend them. If years of honest reputation go for anything, you must try these preparations. FROM HON. GEO. W. WOODWARD. Chief Justice ot the Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia. PHILADELPHIA, March 18, ISB7. I find that ''Hoofland's German Bitters" is not an intoxicating beverage, but is a good tonic, use ful in disorders of the digestive organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility and want o£ ner vous action in the system. Yours Truly, GEO. W. WOODWARD. FROM HON. JAMES TAOMPSON. Judge of the Supreme Conrt of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, April 28, 1888. I consider "Hoofland's German Bitters" a valua ble medicine in case • of attaeks of Indiges tion or Dyspepsia. I A can certify this from my experience of it. xJL Yours, with respect. JAMES THOMPSON. FROM REV. JOSEPH H. KENNARD. D. D„ Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. DH. JACKSON—DEAR SIR I have been fre quently requested to connect niy name with rec ommendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the piactice as out of ray appropriate sphere, I have in all cases declined; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in uiy own family, of the usefulness ol Dr. Hoot land's German Bitters. I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and es pecially for Liver Com *-m T~ plaint, it is a safe and valuable prepara [Xj tion. In some cases it may fail ; bnt usual it ly, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer from tho above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J II KENNARD. Eigth, below Coates Street. CAUTION. Hoofland's German Remedies are counterfeited. Tho Genuine have the signature of C. M. JACK SON on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and tho name of the article blowiAu each bottle. All others are oounterfeit. Price of the Bitters, $1 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $5. Price of the Tonic, *1 50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7 50. The tonic is put up in quart bottles. Recollect that it is Dr. Hoofland's German Remedies that are so universally. used and so highly recommended and do not allow tho Druggist to induce I lyou to take anything else that ho may say ■L'is just as good, be cause he makes a larger profit on it. These Reme dies will be sent by express to any locality upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, At the German Medicine Store. No. GUI ARCH STR EET, Philadelphia. CIIAS. M. EVANS, PROPRIETOR. Formerly C. M. JACKSON A Co. These Remedies are for sale by Druggists, Store keepers and Medicine Dealers everywhere. Do not forget to earimme the articilfou bttjt order to gel the genuine. uayV'%l A BARE CHANCE IS OFFERED A ALL PERSONS To display their Goods; Tt sell their Goods; To gather information; To make known their wan Ac., Ae. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by ad vertisingin the columns of TH* G AXXTTK