BY MEYERS & MENGEL. TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THB BEDFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri day morning by METERS A MUSSEL. at $2.00 per annum, if paid strictly * advance ; $2 50 if paid within six months; $3.00 if not paid within six months. All subscription accounts be settled annually. No paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for ix ADVA.VCE, and all such übscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for whieh they are aid. All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than three tenths TEN CENTS pier line for each in sertion. Special notices one-half additional All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of mar riages and deaths exceeding five liner, ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. Alt legal Notices of every Lind.arid Orphans' Court and Judicial Sales, are required by lav t be published in both papers published in this place. ti*" All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: 3 month:. 6 months. 1 year. *One square - - - $4 50 $8 00 $lO 00 T-xo ... 6 00 9 00 16 00 Three squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00 Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 Half column - - - 13 00 25 00 45 00 One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 One square to occupy one inch of space JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing iine can be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates.—TERMS CASH. Alters should be addressd to •SIEYERS A MENGEL, Publishers. #ob printing. rjpHE BEDFORD GAZETTE POWER PRESS PRI N TIN G EST AH LTSH M ENT, BEDFORD, PA. MEYERS & MENGEL PROPRIETORS. Having recently made additional im provements t< our office, we are pre pared to execute all orders for PLAIN AND FANCY JO B EIIINT IN a , With dispatch and in the most SUPERIOR STYLE. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, CHECKS, CERTIFICATES, •LANKS, DEEDS, REGISTERS, RE CEIPTS, CARDS, HEADINGS. ENVEL OPES, SHOWBILLS, HANDBILLS, IN VITA TIO VS, LABELS, Are. Arc Our facilities fer printing POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, Ac., FOR CONCERTS AND EXHIBITIONS, ARE UNSURPASSED. "PUBLIC SALE" RILLS Printed at short nottee. We ran insure complete satisfaction j as to time and price r rilE INQUIRER II O OK S T O 11 E, opposite the Mengel House, BEDFORD. PA. The proprietor takes pleasure in offering to the üblie the following arti lea belonging to the ilk Business, at CITY RETAIL PRICES : MISCELLA N EOUS BOOKS. N O V E L S. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, AC.: Family Bibles, Bibles, M"Jium Bibles. Lutheran Hyuin Books, Methodist Hymn Books. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. History of the Books of the Bible, Pilgrim's Progress, Ac . Ac , Ac. Episcopal Prayer 'looks. Presbyterian Hymn Books, - IIOOL BOOKS. TOY BOOKS. STATIONERY, '. .-re • Legal, L- rl, Foolscap, Congress Letter, -. rinj.n Commercial Note, L , lit. (Ijlt. Ladies' Octavo, M turning, French Note. Damask Laid Note, Lai-i Note, Envelopes, Ac. WALL PAPER. Hundred Different Figures, the Largest •er brought to Bedford county, for *a!e at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD in Bedford. BLANK BOOKS. k Ledgers, 1 -Books, Cash Books. Ledgers. Time Books, k Memorandums. Pass Books, Money Books, Pocket Books, Judgment Notes, drafts, receipts, Ac INKS AND INKSTANDS. ' r Inkstands, "'a P-rnha, -' .•it. and -M roeco Spring Pocket Inkstands, '•lass anil Ordinary Stands for Schools, Flat Class Ink Wells and Rack. Arnold's Writing Fluids, Hover's Inks, Carmine Inks. Purple Inks, Charlton's Inks, Eukolon for pasting. Ac. PENS AND PENCILS. s, Cohen's, "rbush A Carey s, Payaoo, on. and Scribner's Pens, irk ■ Indellible, Faber s Tablet, en's Eagle, "i.-e, Faber's 'kneeht's Carpenter's Pencils. PERIODICALS. 'Untie Monthly. Harper's Magazine. Madame Demorest's M ; rror of Fashions, Electic Magazine. Godey's Lady's Book, Galaxy. Lady's Friend, Ladies Repository, Our Young Folks, Nick Nax. Yankee Notions, Budget of Fun, Jolly Joker. Pbunny PUeilow. Lippineott's Magazine, Riverside Magazine, Waverly Magazine, Bullous Magazine. Gardner's Monthly. Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Chimney Corner, New York Lciger. New York Weekly. Harper's Bazar. Every Saturday, Living Age, Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Arthur's Home Magazine. Oliver Optic's Bays and Girl's Magazine Ac. C ustantly on hand to accomodate those who want t.i purchase living reading tnauter. •inly a part of the vast number of articles por t.lining to the Book and Stationery business, which we are prepared to sell cheaper than tlio cheapest, are above enumerated. Give us a call We buy and sell for CASH, and by this arrange ment we expect to sell as cheap as goods of this class are sold anywhere. jan29.'yl gLEC T R I C TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THE EAST INDIA TELEGRAM COMPANY'S OFFICE, Nos. 23 & 25 Nassau Street, NEW YORK. Organized under special charter from the State of New York. CAPITAL $5,000,000 50,000 SHARES, SIOO EACH. DIRECTORS. HON. ANDREW G. CURTIN, Philadelphia. PAILS. FORBES, of Russell A Co., China. FRED BI'TTERFIELD, of F. Buttcrfield A C New York. ISAAC LIVERMORE, Treasurer Michigan Cen tral Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer American Express Company, New York. Hon JAMES NOXON, Syracuse. N. Y. O. H. PALMER, Treasurer Western Union Tele graph Company. New York. FLETCHER M ESTRAY, of Westray. Gibbs A Hardcastle, New York. NICHOLAS MrCKLES, New York. OFFICERS. A. G. CURTIN, President. N. MICKLES, Vice President GEORGE ELLIS (Cashier Nitional Bank Com monwealth,} Treasurer. HON. A. K. MeCLURE, PhiLdelphia, Solicitor. The Chinese Government having (through the Hon. Anson Burlingame) conceded to this Com pany the privilege of connectng the great sea ports of the Empire by submarine electric tele graph cable, we propose commencing operations in China, and laying dowr. a line of nine hundred miles at once, between the following port s, viz : Population. Canton 1,000.000 Macoa 60.000 Ilong-Kong 250,000 Swatow 200,000 Amoy 250.000 Foo-Chow 1.250,000 Wan-Chu 300.000 Ningpo 400,000 Hang Chean 1.200.000 Shanghai 1.000.000 Total 5,910.000 These ports have a foreign commerce of $900.- 000.000, and an ent.-moug domes lie trade, besides which we have the immense nterna! commerce of the Empire, raliating from these ooints, through its canals and navigable rivers The cable being laid, this company proposes erecting land lines, and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which must a..., m |i,,, tbe commu nications of the Governmont. of business, mi social life especially in China She has no postal system, and her only means uowofeummauicating information is by couriers on larl, and by steam ers on water. The Westerr WoTld knows that China is a very large country, in the main 'ecsely peopled ; but few yet realize that she contains more than a third of the human race. The latest returns made to her central authorities for taxing purposes by the local magistrate make her population Foi r hun frsd and Fourteen millions, and this is more like.'v to fce under thau over the actual aggregate. Nearly all of ihese. who are over ten years old, Dot only can hut .'• anii write. Her civili zation is peculiar, but her literature is as exten sive as that of Eurene. Cu.' na 18 11 ' lash ers aud traders ; and the laf r exceedingly quick to avail thems 'lves of et try proffered facili ty for procuring early information it 18 observed in California that the Chinese make grea. n,e the telegraph, though it there transmits aaeSsf g 3B in Englisu alone. To-day great numbers of •teamers are ow ed by Chinese merchants, tnu used by them exclusively for the transmission of early intelligence If the telegraph we propose connecting ail their great seaport*, were now in existence it is believed t K at its business would pay the cost within the first two years of its suc cessful operation, and would steadiiy increase thereafter No enterprise commends itself as in a g-eater degree renumerative to capitalists, and u> our people. It is of vast national importance commercially, politically and evangelically. lyThe s{ook of this Company has been un qualifiedly recommended to capitalis.s and busi ness men. as a desirable investment by editorial articles in the New York Ileraid, Tribune, World, Times, Post, Express, Independent, end in the Philadelphia North American, Press, Ledger, Inquirer, Age, Bulletin and Telegraph. shares of this company, to a l'mited nut, ber, inav be obtained at SSO eath, $lO payable dow , sls" on the Ist of November, and $25 payable in monthly instalments of $2 50 each, commencing December 1, 1868, on application to DREXEL & CO., 34 Svuth Third Street, PHILADELPHIA Shares can be obtained in Bedford by applica tion to Reed A Sohell, Bankers, who are author ized to receive subscriptions, and can give all ne eeasary information on the subject. sept2cyl I yyr R combine style with neatnoas of fit. And moderate prices with the beet warimanskip. j JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING MOUSE 604 MARKET STREET, | GEO. W NIEMANN. PHILADELPHIA. [epll,'Bß,yl | YOUR NOTIONS of dec 4 R. W BERKSI RESSER. I)LASTER. —The subscriber would respectfully inform the public that be has J just received from the city 80 tons of "best Nova Scotia j ROCK PLASTER, and will continue to receive, as his stock diminish es. until the first of April, which he will grind, and have for sale at Hartley's Mill, and will sell t as cheap as can be bought for cash. Wheat, rye, or corn, at the highest cash prices taken in ex change for Plaster Remember, only until Jhe Ist of April. Thankful for pas' furors he solic its a i continuance of the same declsm3 ANDREW J. JIILLE^U £ciiat REGISTER'S NOTICE.—AII per , sons interested, are hereby notified that the following accountants have filed their accounts in j the Register's Office of Be lford county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court, in and for said county, on Tuesday the 9th day 1 of Feb , next, at the Court House, in Bedford i for confirmation : The final account of John W. Sams, Esq.. Tras ! tee for the sale Real Estate of Valentine Wertz, late of Broad Top tp . dee d The account of Jacob Snook, administrator of j the estate of Emanuel Snook, late of Napier tp., ! dee d. The account of Wesley M. Akers, administrator of the estate of Nathan Liyton, late of Monroe j township, dee'd. The account of John B. Amos and Samuel B j Amos, administrators with the Will annexed, of John Amos, late of Bedford township, dee'd. The account of David L Keagy, administrator of I the estate of I. F. Hoover, late of Middle Wood ; bury township, dee'd. ! The account of Wm. U. Dasher an l John B. Flack. Esq., administrators of the estate of John ! Dasher. late of If >pewell township, dee'd. The final account of George 11. Sleek, Executor of the last Will. Ac., of Joseph W. Sleek, late of Napier township, dee'd. The account of Henry Rose, executor of tho last Will, Ac., of Arthur Rose, late ot Cumberland Valley township, dee'd. The account of Wm. W Cuppet. Executor of the ! last Will, Ac., of Isaac Cuppet, late of St. Clair township, dee d. The account of John W. Knox, administrator of the Estate of Thomas Kaox. late of Bedford twp., dee'd. The account of John Reininger and Jacob Dull, I Executors of the last Will, Ac., of Jacob Dull, late I of Napier township, dee'd. 0. E. SHANNON, Reg'r. janlsw4 lIST OF CAUSES, put down for _j trial, at Feb. Term. 1869. Bth day. Joziab Holsinger vs Mary J. Holsinger, Isaac L Snider rs S Kochendarfer A wife, Sophia Hook et al rs Thomas Growden et al, A C Vaughan. End , Ac.vs Russeli M Trent et al, Henry Bridenthal et al vs Richard Haslett Isaac L Fickea vs Geo T MuCorraiek et al, B W Garretson vs Philip Little et al Same vs 0 E Shannon. A B Cramer A Co vs Same, Ann C Danaker's Ex'rsvs Christ A Danaker. Certified Jan'y 9,1809 0. E. SHANNON, janlsw4 Prothonotary. I BEDFORD COUNTY, S3:—At an J Orphans Court, held at Bedford, in and for ' -- the County of Bedford, on tho 16th day { SEAL {of November, A D , 1863, before the j —Judges of the said court, on motion of i John Cessna. Esq . the court grant an alias rule ; upon the heirs and legal representatives of Henry j Brant, late of Cumberland valley township, dee'd, ! to wit : Grorge Brant, residing in Alleghany i county, Md., Jacob Brant, w hose alienco is Wm Blair. John Brant, now dead, leaving issue, whose names and residences are unknown, Andrew Jack son Brant, residing in Cumberland Valley town ship, Bedford county, Catharine, inter-married | with George Leasure. residing in Cumberland. Alleghany county, Md., and Rebecca Brant, now deceased, leaving no issue, to be and appear t an ! Orphan's Court, to be held at Bedford, on the 2d Monday, Bth day. of February, next, to accept or refuse to take the real estate of said Henry Brant, deceased, at the valuation which has been valued i and appraised, in pursuance of a Writ of Parti- '' tionor valuation, issued out of the Orphans' ! Court, and to the Sheriif- f cuid county for that purpose directed, or show cause why the same should not be sold by order of the said Court" Intestimony whereof. I have hereunto sot my ' hand and the seal of said Court, at Bedford, the day and year aforesaid. Attest, O. E. SHANNON, ROBERT STECKMAN, Sh'ff. Clerk. 1 janlsw4 QHERIFFS SALE.- —By virtue of I VJ Sundry writ* of Vend Exponu. and Levari Facias to me directed, there will be exposed to I Public Sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Bedford, on Saturday, February 6tb. A D. 1869, at 10 o'clock, A M., the following real Es tate, viz: One lot of ground fronting 6.1 feet on Mill street and running back to an alley 160 feet, with a two- i story tog rough-cast homo thereon, adjoining lands or John B. Lonrenecker on the East and West, situate in Middle Woolbury township, and *.i.... ... •< rh. property of Jacob 1 Stroek and John B. Longenecker te, ,* Also, one lot of ground, containing 16 acre*, partly all cleared and under fence, with a two story log house and log barn thereon erected ; also a young apple orchard thereon, adjoining lands of Alexander Shoemaker on the cast, Joseph Ling oa the west, Daniels on the north, situate in Ju- , data township, and taken in execution as the property of Ellen Showman Also,"one tract of land containing 295 acres, mora or less, with about 24fl acres cleared and un derfence, with a two-story 'ell' log house plastered, double log barn, with tenant house and other aut buildings thereon erected, with two apple orchards thereon, adjoining lands of Philip Shoemaker, de ceased, on the west, Abraham Weisel on the north-west, Simon Stuekey on the South, Christian Hetriek on the east, situate in Coleraiu township, and taken in execution as the property of Sam'l Stuekey. Also, two lots of ground, with one story plank house thereon, adjoining lots of John M Walter on the south and north, Sehellsburg road on the west, situate in Union township, and taken in ex ecution as the property of John G. Seder and j wife. A'so. a certain tract of land, situate in Harrison township, containing one hundred and eight aud one-fourth acres, more or less, being the same ! tract of land which P. F. Lehman, and Mary Ann. j his wife, sold and conveyed to John II Wertz and Sophia Wertz, his wife—you cause to be ievi ;d as well a certain debt of two hundred aud nine dol- j lars and ninety thrcecents, which Samuel Heffner, 1 lately in our County Court of Common Pleas. 1 aforesaid, by the consideration of the said Court, recovered of ..ohn H Wertz and Sophia V ertz. his wife, to be levied of the said lot of ground, as also the interest thereon from 18th December, 1867, and also the sum of SIOO7 which accrued thereon according to toe form and effect of an act of As sembly of the Commonwealth in such case made and provided, and have you those moneys before our Judges, at Bedford, at our County Court of j Common Plana, there to be b'"ld on the 21 Mon- | day ot February, next, there to render unto the sai l Samuel Heffuer, use of 0 E Shannon, for the Debt and Intere-t and costs aforesaid, and taken | in execution as the property of John 11. Wertz and Sophia Wertz, his wife. Also, all the defendant's interest in &nd to a tract of lac 1 containing 100 acres, more cr less, about fifty acres cleared and under fence, with a double log house and grist mill and frame tank barn thcr on erected, with an apple orchard there on, adjoining Leaner and Hall on the west, Val entine Riseling. on the eart. Hiram Biaekburu on the North, Joseph L. D.iugherty on the South ; al so one tract of wood land, containing 10 acres, more or less, adjoining Jesse 1. Smith, on the west, and James Tay'or on the n->rt.h and others on the east, situate in bt. Clair township, and ta ken in '".xeeutson as the property of Joseph C. Blackburn. ROBERT STECKMAN, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Jan- 15,w4 INSTATE OF JOHN BARLEY, DECEASED.—Letters Testamentary having been granted to the undersigned, fcac-ator of the lasr Will an 1 IV-lament of John Jiarley, late of Middle Woodberrv township, deceased, by ;he Register of Bedford County, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make imme diate payment, and all having claims against the estate are reouented to present them properly au thenticated for settlement. DANIEL BARLEY. Exeeutor of the last Will and Testament of John Barley, dee'd. dec!Bw6 rpAVERX LICENSE.-—Notice is I hereby given that the following named per sons have made application for Tavern and Res taurant license, at Feb. Sessions, 1H69 : O'Donnell A Manly, Bridgeport,Lond'y tp., Tav. John Reighart, Union township, Lewis A May, Rainsburg, Daniel llitchey, West Pr,v Twp., Restaurant. John Harris, Bedford borough, Adam B. Cars. Bedford borough. '• Henrv Rose. Centreville. Cumb. Valley tp., Tav. Wb. G. Eieboltz. Woodberrv borough, Isaac Mengel. Bedford borough, Jno B. Amick, St Clairsville borough, Wb. Crisman, Napier twp., Michael Ott, Bloody Run, D. M Jones. Saxton, William Weiiner. Clearville, " S. R Bottomfield, Bloody Run, " Aaron Grove. St. Clairsville borough, Restaurant. Isaac F. Grove, do do The following persons have made application for Tavern and Restaurant Licouse, at Feb. Ses sion. (22d day) 1559. Win. Long, Londonderry twp., Tavern. Geo. Troutman. Juniata twp.. Tavern, janluwd 0 E SHANNON, Clerk. rpHE ANNEAL MEETINGof the £ Stockholders of the Hunting ion and Broad Top Mountain Rail Road apd Coal Company, will be held at the office of the company. No. 117 Wal nut street, Phil'a., on Tuesday, February 2nd, at 11 o'clock, a. in., when an election will be held for a President and twelve Directors to serve for the ensuing year. I- P AERTSON, janlow3 Sec'y. N< (TICK! NOTICE! NOTICE! The Books of the Regulator are now ready for settlement. All persons indebted to said firm wili please call and square their accounts of last year by cash or note. H F. IK\ INE. janlowd I7ILLIEB, SHAFTS, Poles, Spokes, L and Hubs, are sold by HARTLEY A METZ , y£K at manufacturer's prices. apr3tf BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5, 1869. The following passage from the in augural address of Governor Palmer, of Illinois, should be re*d and ponder ed by every Republieai. Radical as Governor Palmer is, he has still too much respect for the position he occu pies, and for the State which has placed him in it, to let the aggressions of Con gress go unrebuked. "Now that the war is ended, and all j its proper objects attained, the public welfare demands a recurrence to the true principles that underlie our sys tem of government, and one of the best established and most distinctly recog | nized of these is, that the federal gov ; ernment is one of enumerated powers. ! It is one of the enumerated powers of the federal government to regulate j commerce among the several States, and from this grant ot* power an at tempt is made to infer that of creating corporations with the power to enter ! any of the States, take private proper j ty as for public uses, and prosecute ev | ery corporate enterprise, regardless of j State authority. The correctness of this inference is not admitted, but if it were conceded to be just in view of the j embarrassments it would create, the power ought not to be exercised. Such ! j corporations would em harass the oper- \ j ations of those already created by the ; States, they would be exempt from taxation by State authority—iu short j the Stale would have no power, by ; taxation or otherwise, :o retard, bur ! then, or in any mannei control the op- | erations of such incorporations. It is ; essential to the usefulness of the State j government that their just authority should be respected by that of the na tion. Already the aithority of the States is in a manner piralyzed by a growing conviction that all their pow ers are in some sense derivative and subordinate, and not original and in- j dependent. The Stat* governments j are a part of the American system of government. They till a well defined | place, and their just mthority must ! be respected by the Federal Govern- ! ment, if it is expected that their laws will be obeyed. "A frequent recur- j reneeto the fundamentil principles of government is essentia to civil liber ty," and in this view I have thought it proper to invite your attention to these subjects. It is the clear duty of the national j government to decline the exercise of all doubtful powers when the neglect to do so would be to bring it into fields . of legislation already occupied by the j States, and thereby raising embarrass ing question-,, and presenting a singu lar and dangerous instance of jurisdic tions claiming (he right to control the same cla - of subjects, and creating ri val corporations vritK ,>: • • Arguments may be found for the exer cise or this class of powers by Congress, but they are greatly overbalanced by j the evils it would produce." THE NUMBER of pounds of sugar im ported into tho Uni ed States during the year 1868, as staed in the report oi Commissioner Wills, was 1,693,500,- 000, valued at $49,613,327. The aver age amount of dutycharged under the {•resent tariff was fur cents per pound, and aggregated the sum of §67,740,000, which, ad led to tie original value makes $117,356,827, a the actual cost of thesugarconsumed ir the United States for the year 1868. Bit this does not include the profits anl charges of the importer, the whoesale and retail merchants, which .mount to many millions more. Sugar is an article that enters into general -onsumption, en joyed alike by rich aid poor, and can not fairly be classed imong the luxu ries. The tax, therdbre, of over sixty seven millions of dollars —or nearly one-and-a half timesthe original cost— is, to a very great *xtent, an actual tax upon the industiy of the country. GETTING THE WCRST OF IT.—"DO you want to buy ary .berries to-day?" said a little boy to ne one afternoon. I looked at the litle fellow, and saw that he was poorly dressed. In his hand he held a baskdfuli of ripe rasp berries. I told him I shoull like some ; and taking the basket fmm him, stepped into the house. Hedid not follow me. "Why don't you iome in and see if I measure your be tries rightly ?" said I. "How do you know but I may cheat you and take more than I agreed for ?'' The boy looked up at me and smiled. "I am not afraid,'' said he, "for you would jet the ivorst cf it, ma'am." "Get the worst of " I said "what do you mean?" "Why, ma'am, I should only lose my berries, but you would be stealing.— Don't you think tlat would be the worst for you." Let us think of tnis when we are tempted in any way to cheat another. How often do you lear persons pity any one who had ther property stolen from him. Yet, although a man lose all, and keep honest le is rich indeed, compared with the mm who has rob bed him. A lady asked a vry silly Scotch man how it happenel that the Scots, who aime out of their own country, were, generally spealing, men cfinore ability than those vho remained at home. "O, madam" said he, "the reason is* obvious. At every outlet there are persons staioned to examine every person leaving the country, and for the honor of the :ountry no one is permitted to leave, vho is not a man of understanding." "Then," said she, "I suppose you wer "the devil and his works" are past ! praying for—"having eyes, they see j not; having ears tliey hear not." j They are ossified—impervious; they j are Dead sea apples x full of ashes. WHAT KILLED IIIM!—A few years ago, when Judge Gould of Troy, lately deceased, was holding court in the city of New York, a prisoner was being tried before him for willful murder, in causing the death of a man by a pistol shot. An eminent physician and sur geon was on the stand as a witness for the defence. The prisoner's counsel, an adroit law yer, attempted to show that the man, who lived some little time after being shot, might have died froi>> utiier couse. s- • —vainined his witness after .viis style: "Doctor, would not sucii ami bul-u j. "O, yes sir." "Well, doctor, might not this man have died from such and such causes ?" "O yes, he might." "That is quite sufficient for us," exclaimed the defendant's counsel, with an air of triumph, tvvirlling his eyeglass. Judge Gould turned on his seat, bent his large, keen, penetrating black eye full on the witness, and said, a lit tle sharply: "Doctor, you have now told us what might have caused this man's death ; now will you be so kind as to tell me what did cause his death ?" "The bullet, sir," answered the wit ness. This ended the case. A LESSON FOR TEACHERS. —A dis tinguished teacher writes: After I saw Mr. liarey breaking a colt I learn ed the secret of governing my boys. I found it v:as not by irritating appeal.-, and nervous commands, but by being calm and resolute. The calmer I got, the more perfect self-possession, the more I governed and controled my school. Many teachers spend nearly the whole time in trying to govern his sch.ool, and does not succeed then, ! because he has not learned the great truth that Rarey taughtjusso impress ively, that you can govern a horse's legs by getting hold of his brain. They should know that the controlling pow er is in the mind, the will, and not in I the whipping power, or the scolding i power. ELOQUENCE.— A certain political speaker closed an address in behalf of his party, with the following florid per oration : "Build a worm fence around a winters supply of summer weather ; skim the clouds from the sky with a teaspoon ; catch a thunderbolt in a blad der; break a hurricane to harness; ground sluice an earthquake; bake h—ll in an ice house; lasso an avalanch ; pin a diaper on the crater of an active vol cano ; hive all the stars in a nail keg ; hang the ocean on a grapevine to dry ; put the sky to soak in a goard ; un buckle the belly-band of etrenity, and paste 'to let' on the sun and moon, but never, sir—never for a moment, sir, de lude yourself with the idea that any ticket or party can beat our candi dates." A late Judge, whose personal ap pearance was as unprepossessing as his legal knowledge was profound and his intellect keen, interrupted a female witness—Humbugged you ! my good woman, what do you mean by that?" said lie sternly. Well, my lord," re plied the woman, "I don't know how to explain exactly ; hut if a girl called your lordship a handsome man, now she would be humbugging you." A Montana paper recounting the shooting of a catamount found prow ling in a hotel near Helena, points to the humorous moral that "this should be a lesson to iuiposters trying to pass them selves oil* as members of the press." "1 tell you what sir," said a Yankee of his opponent, "he don't amount to a sum in arithmetic ; add him up, and there's nothing to carry!" VOL. 64.—WHOLE No. 5.477 IIOrSE A.YD FARM. Spiced Href, —Take a piece of beef : from the fore-quarter, weighing ten I pounds. Those who like fat should select a fatty piece, those who prefer lean may take the shoulder clod, or upper part of the fore leg. Take one pint of salt, one teacup of molasses or brown sugar, one tablespoon ful of ground cloves, allspice and pepper, and two tablespoonsful of pulverized saltpetre. Place the beef in a deep pan; rub with this mixture. Turn and rub each side twice a day for a week. Then wash off the spices ; put in a pot of boiling water, and as often as it boils hard, turn in a teacupful of cold water. It must simmer for five hours on the back part of the stove. When cold press under heavy weight, and you will never desire to buv corn ed beef of the butcher again. Your pickle will do for another ten pounds of beef, first rubbing into it a handful of salt. It can be renewed and a piece kept in preparation every day. This has been used many years by the writ er, and is good to pickle tongues fresh from the market. Adulterated Vinegar. —A very large portion of the Vinegar retailed at tho stores and shops is the vilest compound immaginable. The Scientific Ameri can coutions the public against the use of vinegar made from sulphuric and other acids, as very injurious to persons, and destructive of pickles and other articles intended to be preserved by it. A gallon, compounded of sul phuric acid, can be made for a cent or two, the acid proving the cheapest substitute for the alcohol, which in some form is the proper ingredient.— To detect sulphuric acid in vinegar, pour a few drops of the chloride of barium, or nitrate of baryta into a small quantity of vinegar in a glass.— If the liquid becomes cloudy in appear ance, it should all be turned into the gutter ; the sulphuric acid is present in injurious quantity. Spice Vinegar for Pickles For every pint of spiced vinegar it is intended to make, take one ounce of black pepper, half an ounce of salt, half an ounce of ginger, quarter of an ounce of allspice and if desired to be hot, add a quarter drachm of cayenne, or a few capsicums. Bruise the whole of these materials, and put them into a jar or wide-mouthed bottle, with the best vinegar, tie over with a bladder, or cork the bottle close. Shake the bottle occasionally, and in a week or two the spiced vinegar will be ready for use, either as a relish to cold meats, or for pickling. Eggs and Potatoes. —Remove the &&P 3. 1 1 same bp i 1 T in small pieces about the size of a grain of corn, and season with salt and pepper. To a quart of potatoes thus prepared take the yolks of six eggs and the whites of three, and beat them well together; have some butter in a frying pan, and when it is melted put in the potatoes; when they are quite hot stir in the eggs, and continue stir ring, so as to mix them well with the potatoes; and until the eggs are set; then pepper and send them to the table in a hot dish. To relieve from the terrible effects of running a nail in the foot of a man or horse, take peach leaves, apply them to the wound,confined with bandage, and the cure is as if by magic. Renew the application twice a day if necessary, and one application geuerally does the work. This remedy has cured both man aud horse in a few hours, when they were apparently on the point of having lock-jaw. Young Cattle should have as good treatment and quarters as the cows and oxen. The rapid growth they are making when they come in from grass should be kept up by good hay and roots. The bog hay and frozen huts, I on which they are so often starved, are ! better used for bedding and the ma nure heap. Give them full, generous feed, and they will astonish you by their rapid growth. In a recent lecture on the breeding of the horse, delivered at Manchester, N. 11., Col. Lang said the finest gentle men's horses he had ever seen were in ; France. There breeding is carried as near yerfectiou as possible in this class as well as in the sporting horses, in which the Frencli people seem to be much interested, and bid fair to beat j the world. A Hamburg, N. Y., farmer, who has had large experience in feeding cabbage and turnips to cows, says his practice is to feed immediately after milking— i never before —and he has never been troubled with the milk being flavored, lie also says he feeds turnips whole with the tops on, as there is no danger .from choking when fed in this way. Some one says that when mechanics have land they generally give better cultivation than farmers; they have I more grapes, pears, strawberries, and water-melons, and earlier potatoes and j cucumbers. They devote more care and labor to the small space, and so reap a larger profit from it. Roast veal and ekicken bones make a very nice soup, boiled with vege tables ; but, add a handful of macaroni; break it up fine and boil the soup half |an hour after it is put in; color the soup with catsup. Milch Ones should have a succulent food, and meal, if you wish them to show all their good qualities. Feed generally,and keep the flesh increasing, as well as the milk. A Minnesota farmer says: "We raise four hundred bushels of potatoes to the acre here, which would be a big thing it we didn't also raise bugs o nough to eat 'em all up." Fowl culture is receiving attention in Paris. 'l've got a hennery,' latelysaid a great lady to her cousin. 'LKar me, said the cousin.'l thought his name was Charles.'