jhf 'iVctlfonl (Sa?ctte. Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP R.R. -WiNTRR AMI AUG KM EST. —TlllTAiA. —On and after Sept. 16th. passenger trains will arrive and depart as follows: Mail Train leaves lit. Dallas at 1.10 pm . ar rived- at Huntingdon at 4.21 p. m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 9 05 a m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 12 13 a.m. _ Yocir.modationTrain leaves Saxton and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.20 a.m.; leaves Huntingdon at 4.35 p. m., and arrives at Saxton at 6.27 p. m. PAY UP! —Our friends who have paid their subscriptionshaveour hearty thanks. Those who have not yet paid, will receive our thanks if they will call at our office and pay on Court week, or send the money by friends at tending Court. ehave,also,accounts for job work, estate advertising, Ac., which mwsl be settled. We need mon ey. Come, friends, you know that we have been indulgent. Let us see now whether you appreciate our leniency. Commenced operations—the work men on the Court House steps. Everybody wants and nobody seems to have— money. Brisk —the dunning business, the re ceipts falling far short of the demands. The Democratic Band was heard from on Monday night. "\e crags and peaks ! lam with you ouce again." "Out of darkness cometh light," as our "devil" said when he looked in the ink keg. The Fulton Democrat proposes Hon. F. M. Kimmell, of Chambersburg, for Supreme Judge. Alaska has a base ball club. Procopi Kiokak is first base and Mr. Komoi peehusattrigoo is pitcher. .Huntingdon county paid £3,US BOOKS. NOVELS. BIBLES, HYMN BOOKS, AC.: Large Family Bibles, Small Bibles. Medium Bibles, Lutheran Hymn Books. Methodist Hymn Books. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. History of the Books of the Bible, Pilgrim's Progress, Ac . Ac., Ac. Episcopal Prayer Books, Presbyterian Hymn Books, SCHOOL BOOKS. TOY BOOKS. STATIONERY, Congress. Logs!, Record, Foolscap, Letter, Congress Letter, Sermon, Commercial Note, Ladies' (jilt, La diet' Octavo, .Monrning, French Note. Bath Post, Damask Laid Note, Cream Laid Note, Envelopes, Ac. WALL PAPER. Several Hundred Different Figures, the Largest lot ever brought to Bedford county, for sale at prices CHEAPER THAN EVER SOLD m Bedford. BLANK BOOKS. Day Books, Ledgers. Aeconnt Books, Cash Books. Pocket Ledgers, Time Books, Tuck Memorandums, Pass Books, Money Books, Pocket Books, Blank Judgment Notes, drafts, receipts, As INKS AND INKSTANDS. Barometer Inkstands, Gutta Pereba, Cocoa, and Morocco Spring Pocket Inkstands. Glass and Ordinary Stands for Schools, Flat Glass Ink Wells and Rack, Arnold's Writing Fluids, Hover's Inks. Carmine Inks, Purple Inks, Charlton's Inks, Eukolon for pasting, Ac. PENS AND PENCILS. Gillot's, Cohen's, ilollowbush A Carey s, Parson. Dunton, and Seribtiers Pens, Clark's Indellihle, Paber's Tablet, Cohen's Eagle, Office, Faber's Guttknecht's, Carpenter's Pencils. PERIODICALS. Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Magazine. Madame Demorest's Mirror of Fashions, Eleetic Magazine, Uodey's Lady's Book, Galaxy, lady's Friend, Ladies Repository, Our Young Folks, Nick Nax. Yankee Notions, Budget of Fun. Jolly Joker. Phanny Pbellow, Lipp'incott- Magazine, Riverside Magazine, Waverly Magazine, Ballou's Magazine, Gardner's Monthly, Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie's Illustrated, Chimney Corner, New York Ledger, New York Weekly, Harper's Bszar, "gyery sa;urda r , Living Age. Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Arthur's Home Magazine. Oliver Optic's Boys and Girl's Magazine As. Constantly on baud to accomodate those who went to purohasa living reading matttor Only a part of the vaxt number of articles per taining tu the Bcok and Stationery busine s, which we are prepared to sell cheaper than 'be chespest, are above enumerated. Give ui a call We buy and sell for CASH, and by this arrange ment we expect to sell as cheap as goods of tii is class are sold anywhere. jan29,'yl fJfW mentis. rrUIE GREAT NOVELTY! THE ILLUMINATED WE S T E It N w G It L 1) PRINTED IN OIL COLORS! A Marvel of Beauty and Cheapness! CONTAINS THE SPPXBB BOHANOK THE FIGURE EIGHT. By the Author of the ''Dead Letter. ' THE CLOUD ON THE HEART. Bv the ever popular A. S. ROE. Also, Complete Stories. Graphic Sketches, Poetry, Ac-, Ac Each number, besides other illustrations, con tains a SPLENDID CARTOON, in Oil Colors, well worthy of framing. TERMS :—s3 per Year (52 Numbers.) For sale by all News dealers. Sample copy sent free. FRENCH A WHEAT, 122 Nassau st., N. Y. QEC RETS OF THE GREAT CITY —A Work descriptiveof the VIRTUES and the VICES, the MYSTERIES, MISERIES and CRIMES of New York City. Ifyouwishto know how Fortunes are made and lost in a day ; how Shrewd Men are ruined in Wall Street ; how countrymen are swindled by sharpers; how Ministers and Merchants are black mailed ; how dance halls and concert saloons are managed ; how gambling houses and Lotteries are conducted ; how Stock and Oil Companies origi nate aud how the hubbies burst, read this work It contains over 30 fine engravings, tells all about the mysteries and crimes of New York, and is the spiciest and cheapest work of the kind published. ONLY $2.50 PER COPY. Send for circular and see our terms, and a full description of the work Address JONES BROTH ERS A CO., Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTlON.—lnferior works of a similar character are being circulated. See that the books yu buy contain over 30 fiue engravings and sell at $1.50 per copy 4 GENTS WANTED FOR flow to HAKE THE FAII M PA Y. How to double the value of land and the profits on stock, and how to raise three times the quanti. ty of all farm crops to an acre. 750 pages and 140 beautiful and useful illustrations Farmers, young men and experienced agents find it pays to canvass for this book. SIOO to S2iHJ per month, according to ability and energy. For full partic ulars. address Z EIG LE R, McCUKDY A C 0 , Phil'a. Pa 4 GENTS WANTED for our new /-\ book of 1,000 pages, profusely illustrated with elegant Engravings. Maps, Ac. : The People's Edition of the Life and Epis tlea of ST. PAUL by Rev. Messrs. COXYBKARK A ! liowtox. A vivid picture of the times of the | great Apostle. Warmly commended by clergy men of all denominations. Superior to the Eng lish edition, and sold at one-third its price. Notes and references in the English language. Com missions to Agents larger than ever before offered. Circulars free to all Address the Publishers, R | VY\ BLISS A CO., Newark, Bw Jersey 4 GENTS WANTED FOR THE j\ OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR. Its CAUSES, CHARACTER, CONDUCT and RESULTS. By HON. A. 11. STEPHENS. Its ready sale, combined with an increased com, ! mission, make it the best subscription book ever published. send for circulars ami see our terms and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL ; PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa., or Cin ! eiunati, Ohio. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., Sept. 10, 1868. LIPPJSCOTT A BAKEWELL ; The people seem to be crazy alout your RED JACKET AXES. Please send me twenty dozen i tnore. Yours truly, W. D. F. | Til K RED JACKET. j CAUTlON.—Unprincipled dealers are selling Axes painted red, as the KeJ Jacket Axe. The good qualities of this Axe consists in its superior cutting qualities not in the Red Faint. The "Red Jacket" is for sale by all responsible hardware dealers and the manufacturer*. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa, Sole owners of Colburn's and Red Jacket Patents. "VTOYV is the Time to Subscribe X 1 for THE NEW YORK WEEKLY, THE PEOPLE a FAVORITE JOURNAL. THE MOST INTERESTING STORIES Are always to be found in the NEW YORK WEEKLY. At present there are FOUR GREAT STORIES running through its columns ; and at least O.nr Storv is Begcx Kveev Month. New subscribers are thus sure of having the commencement of a new continued story, no mat ter when they subscribe for the NEW YORK WEEKLY, Each number of the NEW YORK WEEKLT contains Severe! Beautiful Illustrations, Double the Amount of Reading Matter of any Paper of its class, and the Sketches. Short Stories, Poems, etc are by the ablest writers of America and Europe. The N. Y. WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS have attained a high reputation from their brevi ty. excellence, and correctness. " The Pleasant Paragraphs are made up of the concentrated wit and humor of many minds. The Knowledge Box is confined to useful infor mation on al! manner of subjects. The News Items give in the fewest wqrds the most n itable doings all over the world- The Gossip with Correspondents contains an swers to inquir.es upon ail imaginable subjects. An unrivalled Literary Paper IS TIIE NEW YORK WEEKLY. gsoh Is.-ue contains from EIGHT to TEN STOR IES ami SKETCHES, and IHLF A DOZEN PO EMS in ADDITION to the FOUR SERIAL STORIES and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. The Terns to Sibscribers One Year —xingle copy, Three Dollars. '• " Four copies ($2 50 each). Ten Dollars. " " Eight copies, Twenty Dollars.' Those sending S2O for a club of Eight, all sent at one time, will be to a copy free. Geticrs-up of clubs can afterward add single copies at $2 50 each STREET A SMITH. Proprietors, No. 55 Fuiton St , New York. CENTS-yj A year for a valuable eight page paper, "The Merchant a Monthly containing Articles show ing How to do Business, Means of Success, Dal ings and Operations sketches of Business Life and Business Men. Commercial Uaw, Pohtiea} E oonotny . Business Intelligence , also, interesting Stories, Poetry, Essays on Social Life and Man ners. Anecdotes. Miscellany, A:. Only Fifty Cents a year. Clubs of Seven, $7; Twelve, $5 For Ten names and $5 we will send The Crittenden Commercial Arithmetic and Busiues. Manual Price $1.50. Address S. II Critte.ndss A Co., 637 Chestnut t., Phd* . Pa. W" ANTED, AGENTS, ST", to s-J"" y y per month everywhere, male and female, to iutroduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only sl3 Fully warranted lor five years. We will pay SIOOO for any machine that \riil sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the Elastic Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per month and ex panses, or a commission from which twice that a inount can he made. Addrr3s SECOMB A CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Boston, Mass . or St. Louis, Mo. Caption —Do not he imposed upon by other parties palmiug off worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise Qurs is the only genuine arid really practical cheap tnaQhine manufactured- ___ rpilE PATENT MAG IC COMB | Will color gray hair ermanent black or brown. Sold everywhere. ent by mail for sl.-. 35. Address WM PATTON, Treasurer. Magic Cotub Co.. Springfield. Mass. DA NIELWEBSTER,wrote: "The longer I live, the more highly do I estimate the Christian Sabhath. and the miifc grateful do I feel toward those tbo impress its importanoeon the community."—No 1. 17ARLY ROSE POTATO—Ameri j can and Foreign Spring Wheats, Oils. Bar. 10,, Corn, Clover, Seeds, Grass Seed. H 'gs. Fowls, Best Fodder Cutter. SeDd for the Experimental Farm Journal, onlv 30 cents. Address GEO, A DLITZ, ChambersWg- Pa If fir A GENTS, FARMERS, GARDEN- J\ ERS ami KRI IT GROWERS.—Send for particulars of "Best's Improved Fruit Tree and Vint Invigurator ar-d Insect Destroyer Sam pies to test will be forwarded to any part of tbe United States and perfect satisf action guaranteed. Good Agents are wanted in every county in the United States. Address J. AIIEARN, 63 Second street, Baltimore. Md DEAFNESS, CATARRH, S UGF ULA. A L.vnr who has suffered for years from Deafness, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by a simple remedy Her sympathy and grati tude prompts her" to send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly afflicted. Address Mr. M. C L , Hobcken, N. J. 1.T RUING BUT NOBLE.—SeIf-help j for Young Men, who having erred, desire a bet'er manhood. Sent in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. If benefitted re urn the postage. Address PHIL ANTHKOS, Bex I'. Philadelphia. Pa. \YTANTED —AGENTS —To sell the \\ American Knitting Machine. Price $25. The simplest, cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20.000 stiehes per min ute. Liberal inducements to Agents. Address American Knitting Machine Co , Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, 3*o. _ \\ T E BEAT TIIEM ALL Our Great One Dollar Sale is the best in the oountry. We give more and better goods than can be obtained of any other house in the business or from any store in the country. Our terms to Agents exceed all others. Agents wan ted everyw here. Send for circular Address R. II FLINN A CO., 81 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. mCONTHLY T R ADK CIRCULAR. FOR JANUARY, 186 D. CONTAINING a list of valuable and useful ar ticles for sale at ONE DOLLAR each ; also, liber al inducements for forming Clubs. It also contains Information, which, we think, will be important to any person sending money to the Gift Enterprise One Dollar Concerns. It is the opinion of some of our City and State officials, thai if this circular is circulated in all parts of the country, it would be the means of saving a great deal of money, which is now lost bv sending to these uulawful concerns. On ac count of our immense trade, and of the depreci ation in Merchandise, we are now offering to Agents better inducements than ever before offer ed. Copies sent lree to any address ANDREWS A CO., at Elm St., (formerly ll)6 Suebury St ,( Boston. Mass. 4 GENTS WANTED FOR THE AMERICAN YEAR BOOK and NATION AL REGISTER for IS6. Astronomical, Histori cal, Political. Financial. Commercial, Agricultur al. Educational, Religious. This work contains a vast fund of late and valuable information re specting tbe United States and Foreign countries, including every department of the General and State Goverments, which all classes will find in valuable for daily reference. Addresso. D. CASE A CO., Pub'rs. Hartford, Conn. S 1 1 1 .? ? | Sr tp jjS V 1 fills iSIII iL (I V3H iliNO (I IMPORTANT! INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS LARG ER THAN EVER ! 100 PER CENT SAVED . by clubing together and baying Cotton Cloth' Dress Goods, Woollen Goods, Hosiery, Blankets, I Shawls, Ac., Ac., together with Boots and Shoes, j Books, Cutlery, Silver-Plated Ware, Castors, Fancy Goods. Ac., of EASTMAN A KENDALL. 65 Hanover Street. Boston, Massachusetts. Licensed Wholesale Dealers by the U. S. Estab lished 1864. The goods sold by us are described in printed I slips or checks, which are sent to any address at ; the rate of ten cents each, in clubs of ten, twenty, | thirty, forty, sixty, one hundred, one hundred ; and fifty, two hundred. Ac. For a dollar the re i ceiver can buy the article described in the check, i or exchange it for any one of two or three hun | dred other articles in our circular. Asa guaran | tee of the worth of svery article sola by us, any article on our checks can be cxhanged for a \\ hue Bed Quilt or a Silver Plated Revolving Table i Castor, with Five Bottles Read what the great paper of the Northwest, Toledo Blade (Nasby's paper), says of us : "What We Saw atThe Hub —Curiosity led us, ; while recently in Boston, to visit the dollar estab lishment of Messrs. Eastman A Kendall. Their I trade has become so immense that they now oc cupy four stories in the elegant block No. 65 Hanover Street. The name of this firm ha; be ! come as familiar as household words' throughout i the Middle and Western States, while as prompt | and honorable business men they are endorsed by ; tbe best firms in their own city. Their Club sys i tern of selling goods has done more. we believe, i during the past few yet rs to keep down tbe prices I ol domestic articles in every day use, than all j other influences combined- Most of their goods i are manufactured expressly for them. as. for in, I stance, cutlery made to their order in Sheffield, 1 England, and imported in large quantities for ! their dollar irade alone." Now is the time to get signers and send in clubs. ! Ladies specially wanted as agents. Partial list of articles allowed as commission to any one sending in clubs : Club Of Thirty |$3.J 21 yards of elegant bleached or unbleached cotton cloth. Photo graph album, 100 pictures, elegint morocco bind ing. revolving oval band, silver plated table eas ! tor. 5 bottled, ladies 1 dross pattern, a ladie'srich i ly-ornamented black walnut writing desk, fancy | eassimere pants pattern, large white all linen ; table cover, white lancastcr counterpane, 20 yards I calico, alhambra red quilt, ladies* liiorocoo ahop j ping bag, good cottage clock, j Club Of Sixty. [ss.] 42 yards bleached or un ! bleached cotton cloth, fashionable dress pattern, i -i 1-2 yards woo! eassimere for pants and vest pat ; tern, fashionable woolen shawl. White marscil i les counterpane, lady's large genuine morocco ! shopping bag. lady's fashionable cloak pattern, pair goo i white woolen blankets, black alpaca dress pattern, 4 yards double width waterproof i cloaking, 6 yards farmers' good wool frocking, s?( misses furs muff and collar. ClubOf One Hundred, j JlO.| 66 yards good ! bleached or unbleached cotton eloth. one yard wide, lady's or gent s new silver hunting case 1 watch, fashionable tbibet dress pattern, elegant ; black alpaca dress pattern, one pair of good white woolen blankets, large siie, ladies' fashionable double woolen shawl, two large, fine, bleached i linen tahlo oovers, with one dozen large sized dinner napkins to match, 25 yards hemp carpet ing. 4 1-2 yards fine cassimere for suit, one dozen ivory handled steel bladed knives and forks, one dozen Rogers' best silver plated forks on white metal, portable sewing and embroidering machine. 7 1-2 yards double width waterproof cloaking, set of furs, muff and collar It is impossible to give a complete list of goods, j but agents desiring articles not named above, will please mention them, and we will accommodate ; them if possible. If you have a club ready, or ir. ; tend to raise one for any other house, don't fail I to send it to us, and at the same time ask for our ; New Circular and Mammoth Exchange List. Par ' acting as agents for other dollar houses in this tiescity, will please send us their address, and that I of a dozen cr so of their male and female friends, | as we can make it for their advantage to do so.— ; Male and female agents wanted as usual. SEND MONEY IN REGISTERED LETTERS in every instance, and we guarantee that it will come perfectly safe. N. B. Our sale shonld not he classed with dol \ lar iewelry sales and gift enterprises. Send to us ! for jeeision respecting our business by the Com missioner of Internal Revenue, dated Washington. Nor. 4, IS6S. If you want prompt returns for ! your money, send your clubs to EASTMAN A KENDALL, i P. 0 Box E. 65 Hanover St., Boston, Ms. DON'T REAP THE ABOVE! & £ £ St E _ -v- o n e x I* i. O s i \' e: The New Light Petroleum Fluid gives twice the light of Oarhon oil. and safe under all circumstances. cannot be exploded. The undersigned are now manufacturing and have for sale the new petroleum fluid made by distillation nwthout the aid of compounds, which is gradually taking the place of carbon oil in all places where introduced. Agents wanted in every town. Send for circu lar. Address J.J. l'A LMEK A 00,, j:iu22tu3 No- 6 Hand St., Pittsburgh. 4 LL THE WORLD and the rest of f\ mankind are respectfully informed that I have at the Warehouse, at Bloody Hun Station, Fresh Ground Piaster, and Stone Plaster; also. Liverpool and American Salt. decl3m3 .J 'U.N W IHUN'DOLLAH CLIP BILI.-v PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatnew and despatch, atTB Gazwtte office f 1 UNS AND LOCKS.—The under \JT signed respectfully tenders hla services to the people of Bedford r ( d vioiuity, as a ropairer Guns and LccEa. Ail work promptly attended w L. DKFIBAUUH aep 26. *M-tf A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED ALL PERSONS To display thoir Goods; Ti sell their Goods: To gather Information; To make known their wanw Ae., Ac. Ac. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac.. Ac., by adrertisinri" 'he columns of tb* 4 LL persons knowing themselves Indebted to the undersigned will please cali ane settle at once cither by note or cash. A word to the wise is rufiicient. jan'y Bth wl J M. SIIOE.MAKKK. |)ri(-l'Y YOUR lIATS AND CAPS of dec 4 H W. BERKSTRESSER. IAII A1 LUES, SHAFTS, Poles, Spokes, 1 an 1 Hubs, are sold by HARTLEY 4 MKTZ GEK at HtEUtafacturer'sprices. aprSU sCesat I) EG ESTER'S NOTICE. All jx-r --\ sons interested, arc hereby notified that the following accountants have filed their accounts in the Register's Office of Bedford county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court, in and for said couniy, on Tuesday the 9th day of Feb., next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation : The final account of John W. Sams, Esq.. Trus tee for the sale Real Estate of Valentine Wertt, late of Broad Top tp.. dee'd The account of Jacob Snook, administrator of the estate of Einnnuel Snook, late of Napier tp., deed. The account of Wesley M. Akers, administrator of the estate of Nathan Layton, late of Monroe township, dec'U. The account of John B- Araos and Samuel B. Amos, administrators with the Will annexed, of John Amos, late of Bedford township, dee'd. The account of David L Keagy. administrator of the estate of I V. Hoover, late of Middle Wood bury township, dee d. The account of Win. U. Dasher and John IS. Flack, Esq . administrators of the estate of John Dasher, late ofliopcwell township, dec'd The final account of George H Sleek. Executor of the last Will, Ac., of Joseph W. Sleek, late of Napier township, dee d. The account of Henry Rose, executor of the last Will, Ac., of Arthur Rose, late of Cumberland Valley township, dee'd. The account of Win. W Cuppet. Executor of the last Will, Ac., of Isaac Cuppet, late of St Clair township, dec <1 The account of John W. Knox, administrator of the Estate of Thomas Kaox. late of Bedford twp , dee'd. The account of John Reininger and Jacob Dull, Executors of the last Will, Ac., of Jacob Dull, late of Nupier township, dee'd. 0. E. SHANNON, Reg'r. janlsw4 C1 0 rRT PRO ( LAM ATK)N\— To / the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables m the different Townships in the County of lied ford. Greeting: KNOW rr.. that in pursuance of a precept to me directed, under the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER KING. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the 16th District, consisting of the coun ties of Frankiin. Fulton. Bedford and Somerset, and bv virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer aud Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of capital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and G W. GIMP, and WILLIAM G. EICHOLTZ. Judges of the same Court in the same County of Bedford, You and each of you, are hereby required to he ami appear in your proper persons with your Re cords, Kecuguizauces, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the.Judges aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer aud Terminer and General Jail Delivery and' General Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to be bolden for the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on the 2 d Monday of Feb., (being the B tit day,) 1869, at 10 o'rtoch in the forenoon of that day, there and then to do those things to which yoWr several offices appertain. Given under my hand and seal the 15th day of Jan.. in the year of our Lord. 1869. ROBERT STECKMAN. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) Sheriff. Bedford, jan. 15, 1869. i w4 BEDFORD COUNTY, ss:—At an Orphans' Court, held at Bedford, in and for -—a— the County of Bedford, on the 16th day SEAL }of November, A. D , lb6B, before the —„ Judges of the said court, on motion of John Cessna, bsq . the court grant an alias rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of Henry Brant, late of Cumberland valley township, dee'd, to wit : Grorge Brant, residing in Alleghany county, Md., Jacob Brant, whose alienee is Wm. Blair. John Brant, now dead, leaving issue, whose names and residences are unknown, Andrew Jack son Brant, residing in Cumberland Valley town ship, Bedford county, Catharine, inter-married with George Leasure, residing in Cumberland. Alleghany county, Md., and Rebecca Brant, now ! deceased, leaving no issue, to be and appear a t an Orphan's Court, to be held at Bedford, on the 2i Monday, Bth day. of February, next, to accept or refuse to take tbc real estate of said Henry Brant, deceased, at the valuation which has been valued and appraised, in pursuance of a Writ of Parti- I tian or valuation, issued out of the Orphans' 1 Court, and to the Sheriff of said county for that ; purpose directed, or show cause why the same should not be sold by order of the said Court. Intestimonv whereof, I have hereunto set mv ! hand and the' seal of said Court, at Bedford, the ■ day and year aforesaid. Attest, O. E. SHANNON, ROBERT STECKMAN, Sb'ff. Clerk, j janlowl riiAVE&N LICENSE.—Notice Is J hereby given that the following named per sons have made application for Tavern and Res taurant license, at Feb. Sessions. 1869: j O'Donneli A Manly. Bridgeport, Lond'y tp., Tav. ; John Reighart. Union township, " ! Lewis A. May, Rainsburg, " Daniel Ritchey, West Prov. Twp., Restaurant. ; John Harris, Bedford borough, " ; Adam B. Cam, Bedford borough, '• ■ Henry Rose, Centreville, Cumb. Valley tp.. Tav. j Wm. G. Eicholtz, Woodberry borough, " j Isaac Mengel, Bedford borough. " i Jno. B. Araick, St Ciairsville borough, " ! Wm. Crisman, Napier twp., u i Michael Ott, Bloody Run, it I D. M. Jones, Saxton, a \ William Weimer, Clearville, " I S. R Bottomfield, Eioody Run, " Aaron Grove, St, Ciairsville borough, Restaurant. I Isaac F. Grove, do do The following persons have made application for Tavern and Restaurant License, at Feb. Ses sion, (22d dayl 1889. Wm. Long, Londonderry twp., Tavern. Geo. Troutman, Juniata twp.. Tavern janlSwd O E. SHANNON, Clerk I IST OF CAUSES, put down for J trial, at Feb. Terra, 1869, Bth day Josiah ilobinger vs Mary J. Holsioger. Isaac L Snider vs S Kochendarfer A wife, ! Sophia Hook et al vs Thomas Growden et al, A C Vaughau, End., Ac.vs Russell M Trent et al, : Henry Bridentha! ct al vs Richard Haslett Isaac L Fickes vs Geo T McCormick et al, | B W Garretson vs Philip Little et al : Same vs O E Shannon, i A B Cramer A Co vs Same, ; Ann C' Danaker's Ex rsvs Christ A Danaker. Certified Jan'y 9,1869 . 0. is. SHANNON, I janlstv4 Prothonotary. {REGISTER'S NOTICE.—AII per -ons innterested, are hereby notified that the following accountants have filed their accounts in ; the Register's Offi ?e of Bedford county, and that i the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court, in and for said county, on Tuesday, the 23d day of Feb., next, at the Court House, in Bedford, for confirmation : The aocounl of Ab'rrn Ritchey one of the Ex'ra. of the last will and testament of Abraham Ritchey, late of Snake Spring township, doe'd. The final account of John Zeller, adin'r. of the estate of John S. Zeller, late of Juniata tp., deed. The account of Henry A Samuel Miller, Exeoutors of the last Will, Ac., of John Miller late of Lon docdeorv township, dee'd jan22w4pd. Certified O. E. SHANNON. Register. 3tUsttUaucou& E ARE COMING, AND WILL PRESENT TO ANY PERSON Sending us a Club in our Great One Dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy G O O D S, A WATCH piece of SHEETING, SILK DRESS PATTERN, 4c., 4c., FREE OF COST. Our inducements during the past few years have been large. WE NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES OF PREMIUMS. We have made many important additions to our Winter Stocks, and have largely extended our Exchange List, and we now feel confident to meet the demands of our extensive patronage. Send for Neto Circular. Catalogue of Goods and Samples sent to any addross free. Send money by registered tetter. Address all orders to J. S. HAWES 4 CO., 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass P. 0. B'>x C. Wholesale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cut lery. Plated Ware. Albums, Leather Goods, 4c., 4c., dee]Sw!2 I \r. Burton's TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. WARRANTED to remove all desires for Tobaceo. It is entirely Vegetable and harmless. It Puri fies and enriches the Blood, Invigorates the Sys tem. possesses great Nourishing and Strengthen ing power, is an excellent Appetixer, enables the Stomach to Digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health Smok ers attd Chewers for Sixty Years Cured- Pf'' o, fifty cents, post free A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobaceo, with lists of references, testi monials, 4e., sent free. Agents wanted. Addross Dr. T 11 ABBOTT. Jersey City, N J y all Druggists. declswl-