111? § cftfortl felii Home and Around. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD Tor R.R. —WISTBE A*EAHG*W*WT.—TIMTABLB.— Onand after Sept. 16th, passenger trains will arrive and depart as follows: Mail Train leaves Mt. Dallas at I.lft p. in • ar rives at Huntingdon at 421 p.m.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 9.05 a. m., and arrives at Mt. Dallas at Aecmmodation Train leaves Saxton 7.30 a. m., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9 20 a.m.; leaves Huntingdon at 4.35 p. m.. and arrives at Saxton at 6.27 p. m. Changeable—the weather. Very tight—the money market. The place to get bargains is at Berk stresser's. The poultry punished during the Holidays was immense. FOR full proceedings of the Legisla ture, see Morning Patriot. FOR SALE— Several good Buffalo Robes. Inquire at this office Go to the Bedford Clothing Empori um for gents' furnishing goods. FOR the latest telegraphic news read the great central daily, the Morning Patriot. Riots or rows caused by drunken ness, are now called benzine explosions. Buy your ready-mado clothing of R. \V. Berkstresser. Folks talk, of the bad effects of hoard ing gold. We should like to make the experiment. If Carl Schurtz iselected Senator from Missouri, he will be the dirtiest Schurtz in the Senate. R. W. Berkstresser is selling off all his fall and winter clothing at greatly reduced prices. FOR the latest and fullest cattle, pro duce, oil and money markets, read the Morning Patriot. Getting desperate—the fight for the Post ()ffice. "The combat deepens, on, ye brave!" The corn crop of ISG9 promises an immense yield. Cause—the high heel ed boots worn at present. There are some pavements not far distant that need the attention of the borough authorities. The owners thereof seem very indifferent as to their condition. A. B. Cramer & Co. are determined to reduce their large stock of goods, and offer great inducements to buyers. See their advertisement in another column. THE Morning Patriot is delivered to subscribers in Bedford, on the same day on which it is printed, twenty four hours in advance of other city dailies. FOR SALE— a desirable building lot on Richard Street, in the Watson ex tension. Inquire at this office. tf. ISAAC LIPPEL has just received a large supply of new goods. Call and see for yourselves. Goods to please and priees to suit. G. R. Oster & Co. keep decidedly the best Family Store in Bedford. No misrepresentation to effect sales. Good goods marked in plain figures and at one low price. When the thermonietor trembles l>e low zero, don't forget to pour water on your pavements. Slippery pavements are the delight of the boys, and they show off to great advantage the skill of those who have gained a high pro ficiency in dancing. Heels up! Quite a number of prominent Rad icals, from this place, have gone to Har rishurg to "assisf'the Legislature which convened on Tuesday. No use, gen tlemen, our "assembled wisdom" has already gained a notoriety for "gob bling up" things that is quite refresh ing to honest men. THE shelves of G. It. Oster <£• Co's spacious new Store are filled with cheap and attractive new winter goods that soon make you feel for your purse and hid good bye to your Greenbacks for articles that please you better, and are more useful. THE POOR HOUSE QUESTION.— At the Jam term of court a petition from a number of citizens was presented, ask ing the court to issue a preliminary in junction to restrain the County Com missioners from incurring any further expense in the erection of the proposed new Alms House. This the court re fused to do because complainants had not filed the necessary bond of $lO,OOO to indemnify the contractor, &c. Bills in Equity were duly filed, and upon these the court—Judge Rowe on the bench—ordered the injunction to issue. This, of course, stops all elforts to erect a new alms house. The case may be Liken to the Supreme Court, and if the opinion of the court below be reversed, the work will go on, otherwise not. CEMETERY CONCERT. —The concert and festival for the benefit of the Bed ford Cemetery Association, which was held last week, was a successful affair. Those who were fortunate enough to be present aver that it was decidedly the best entertainment ever given to the good people of Bedford. About $230 were realized for beautifying the Bedford Cemetery. Miss FANNY M. HALEY will give an entertainment in the Lutheran Church, Sehelisburg, on Friday eve ning, January 15th, to consist of Head ing and Recitations. This entertain ment will give to the Sehellsburgers a rare treat and they must not fail to at tend. Admission 25 cents. Doors op en at 64—Reading at 71. PRIM ELY PORKERS. —Mr. Joshua J. Shoemaker, of the Bedford House, killed his pen of hogs on the 29th ult. Their nett weight was as follows 502;. 456, 433, 3594, 354', ; total, 2,1104. We challenge the county "and the re gion round about" to heat this nest of porkers. isaiali Morris, Esq., of St. Clair tp., killed a hog on the 22d ult. that netted 5374 lbs. St. Clair is determined not to be behind on the hog question. Cm'KTII DEDICATION. —The new Re formed Church, at Pieasantviile, this county, will be dedicated on the morn ing of the 16th inst. The public are respectfully invited to attend. CARRIER'S ADDRESS to the patrons of the BEDFORD GAZETTE, January 1, JSCS): Dear friends, you'll not expect me, In my very juvenile verse, Much of the past year's doings At this time to rehearse. For to your doors I've weekly Brought all the current news, And if you didn't read it 'Twas that you didn't choose. You certainly do remember Events within a year That did befall the tenants Of this sublunar sphere. I'll only jog your memory Concerning a very few ; 'Tis well to think on the Old Year As we begin the New. I've read in Peter Parley, Of many cruel wars, Of fire and blood and carnage That mark'd the world with scars. These things in times barbaric The human race befel, Turning God's beautiful foot-stool Into a raging hell. Since then the christian era, lias dawn'd the storm to still, With Peace the ruling principle, And toward men Good Will. Now, look you through the year that's gone, And tell me, does the age Fulfil the Christian doctrine, Or repeat old Parley's page? From where the bright LaPlata His silver billows rolls, To where the waning Crescent Gleams o'er the Cretan knolls ; From Erin's emerald headlands, To faction-rent Japan ; How much of man's humanity Is there toward his fellow man ? Alas! the same old story Of battle, spoil and rage, Of Lust and Fraud and Tyranny, Mar the historic page. In the Old World king-craft struggles To hold its blood stain'd thrones, The Eastern gales are laden With the suffering people's groans. The bayonet props the power Of monarchies effete And the people toil and perish To support the bayonet. But Spain has burst the shackles That bound her far too long, And the Castilian valleys Now ring with freedom's song. Old Ireland, too, is giving Her enemies hot work, And Crete is springing from the wave To free her from the Turk. Anil in this Great Republic, This proud land of the free, The vampire Reconstruction Kills the bird of Liberty. Beneath the once broad segis Of the fundamental law, Whereat the nations wondered As its perfectness they sew, Millions of people languish, In civil slav'ry bound ; So that their shameful bondage May to party ends redound. Five hundred thousand whito men, American citizens born, Of every right they hold most dear By usurpation shorn! Five hundred thousand white men, Americans as we, Denied the right of the ballot, 'Neath the banner of the free! Whilst in the halls where Pinckney And Jefferson gave laws, And Washington and Henry Upheld a righteous cause, Half-barbarous negroes sit and rule The now degraded state, Whilst Federal bayonets execute The Radical's vengeful hate. Oh ! shame, where is the face of brass That wears no mantling blush? Oh ! Justice, where the coward heart That does not burn to crush The infamous cabal that sways So hold the tyrant's rod ? Look down upon a people's wrongs, O just and righteous God ! Now, let the New Y'ear bring us, A new and bright regime ; An era that shall grandly Tiie gloomy Past redeem. Now, let our strifes be buried, Our prejudices cease, Our bick'rings and heart-burnings Give place to perfect peace. Let Winter's falchion icy Smite cold the heart of Hate ; And from this blessed morning, Let Love's dominion date. Then may ye answer truly, Amen ! as ye shall hear The pleasant, hearty greeting Of a happy, glad New Year. THE CARRIER. NEW LAMP TOP. —lrvine, the en terprising man of the Regulator estab lishment, has just received a large sup ply of beautiful coal oil lamps with new and improved tops and chimneys, which far surpass anything we have ever seen in the lamp line, together with a new style of lamp shades. Ev erybody should have one. Call and see them. Tops and shades to fit all sizes of kerosene lamps. CORN CAPTURED.— Corn theives ap pear to be operating successfully in the upper end of the county. A number of farmers about Schellsburg report heavy losses lately, as high as twenty and thirty bushels having been taken in a single night. Farmers, secure your grain, as there is a prospect of a long winter ahead. From the army hospital; the bloody battle-field, the mansion of the rich and humble abode of the poor—from the of fice and the sacred desk ; from the mountain-top, distant valley and far off islands of the ocean—from every nook and corner of the civilized world, is pouring in the evidence of the astonishing effects of Drake s Plan tation Bitters. Thousands upon thou sands of letters like the following may be seen at our ofiice : * * * * i have been in the Army Hospital for fourteen months, speech less and nearly dead. At Alton, ill., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. Three bottles have made me a well man. C. H. FLAVTE. MAGNOLIA WATER.— Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. % asrlfwSi irKfwti) ii HUNTINGDON, Dec. 30, 1868. EDITORS GAZETTE:— We notice in the Inquirer , some lying remarks made by its editor in reference to one of our agents who is now canvassing your county, not in the interest of the Dem ocratic Party, but of humanity. He says first this agent is a New England er, which would benocrime, (although it is not true) except that he was a member of the Radical Party. V e are astonished at the impudence of this editor to cast reflections upon a section of country from which emanate all the ideas of Radicalism and from which he and all such silly mongrel editors receive their political instruc tions. He says further that "the agent, though an entire stranger in the com munity, is thoroughly posted as to the whereabouts of every disciple of the lost cause" and can readily distinguish the object of his search from a Radi cal Republican, and this editor seems astonished at this fact. We would just say here that we would not em ploy a man to work for us, who we j thought could not readily distinguish j an honest man and Democrat from the editor of the mongrel sheet of Bed ford. This dirty mongrel, w hose patri otism was first strong enough to give liiiu rheumatism of the hip joint, which prevented his shouldering a musket and marching to the front, as he no doubt was anxious to do, seems to be greatly disturbed for fear too many of the honest people of Bedford, who are anxious to read truth, may patronize our agent, and, therefore, sounds the alarm, by calling their attention to the conduct of an eastern gent, who some time since, it is represented, swindled the good people of yourcounty,and who (as we are informed on good author ity) was a full blooded Black Republi can, and, therefore, had just honor enough to take advantage of the people. He further calls our agent "the Negro Supremacy book man," forgetting the fact that Radicals like himself alone I advocate the supremacy of the Black Race, whilst Democrats believe ] in the superiority of the Caucasian over I all other races and especially over the Negro Race; and for this reason, ad vocatejust what our hook advocates, white supremacy and Negro subordi nation. Of course, we do not contend j that some niggers are not just as intel ligent, and many of them more hon orable, than this Radical editor. He says further that our agent was defrauding the government by "doing business without license." Our agent supposed that he was not liable to take out license, and telegraphed us on this point. We are quite sure lie is honest, even if lie does not fully understand all the requirements of the Abolition revenue swindle. We presume that the §lO.OO paid by our man, goes to wards paying off the §2,21)0,000 given to our Radical Representatives in con gress for tiieir votes and influence in making the Alaska appropriation, and toward hundreds of other items, equal ly villainous, perpetrated by our Rad ical congress and which have swelled the debt to its enormous size. But even if our agent did try to swindle the government, he did no more than this same Radical editor, who cheated the government out of his loyal services, which were needed in the front, during the war, by limping | along the streets of Bedford, making i the citizens believe that he was afflic ted with Chronic Rheumatism, and he did no more than Radical Bondholders, who coined all their money out of the blood and sufferings of the people, and by their fraud and villainy helped heap up this enormous debt, and now have the brazen impudence to exact an exorbitant interest on their bonds, while they sit carelessly looking on, | and not paying one cent toward light j ening the burden of an oppressed peo- I I>le- This editor further states that the Democrats of Bedford county have re alized that their doctrines are false, by the ignominious defeat of their candi dates; he means, of course, because the Radical Party polled a few more votes, through fraud, than the Democratic Party polled. This same argument, if argument it is, proves that the teach ings of the Bible are false, because the great majority of the people, including this Radical editor and our Radical congress serve the Devil instead of worshiping God. We wish further to inform this small editor (for such we have always considered him to be) that the people of Bedford county don't seem at all likely to take his advice, as our agent's reports show, either because they don't read his paper,or if they do because they can have no confidence in anyad vice giv en by a Radical Republican, who will shirk duty by feigning Rheumatism, knowing full well that men who have done so much to overthrow the consti i tution of their country, and to destroy and trample on the rights and liberties of the people, are not safe advisors un der any circumstances. Please, Mr. Radical Editor, give us another p iff in your able paper; some of your friends are already patronizing our agent, and many more will seek "Democratic Literature" in less than twelve months. E. W. MILLER A CQ. CLOTUINU LOWER THAN FOR TEN TEARS. OVERCOATN. —Fine ail-wool Chinchilla ami fur Beaver reduced to $lB.OO Of the newest and most stylish material, cut and make, which have been sold at..525.00 A great variety of all styles, upwards lroin $3.00 SKATINO JACKETS. —The best assoitment in the city, Belling off very low. PANTALOONS, all-woo! Cassimere, reduced to $.1.00 VESTS.— Fine, all-wool Cassimere, reduced to $2.00 EFSINESS COATS, in great variety, at prices equal ly low. BOYS' CLOMHING. very low indeed. Our whole stock of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children s Clothing to be sold out at a great Reduction of Prices, which are in all cases guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, or ttte sale cancelled and money refunded. CALL ASO EXAMINE our goods after having exam ined those of the "sacrificing" houses before purchasing, A FAIR TEST IS ALL WE ASK. Half way between J BENNETT A Co., Fifth ami !- TOW ER lIALL, SixthStreef, J 518 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 600 BROADH-AT, NEW YORK. octl6yl $l2OO AND ALL EXPENSES PAID!— Sec Advertisement of AMERICAS SHUTTER SEWING MACHINE, in our advertising columns. nov6y l MARRIED. WRIGHT—SLEEK—On Wednesday evening, the 2;sd ult.. in Si Clair tp.. by J W. Bowen, Esi., Mr. Rufus Wright to Miss HJlen. youugeat daughter of Joseph and Isabella Sleek, of Na pier tp. IMLER—RITCHEY—On the 25th of Dec., by the Rev. C. U. Heilman, Mr. George Imier, of Blair eo., and Miss Caroline Ritchey, of Bedford co.. Pa. H(KVER—HOOVER—On tbe 27th of Dec , by the same. Mr. Thomas G. Hoover, of Oentreville, lowa, and Miss Fanny Hoover, of Bedford county, Pa. ROSE—McFERREN—At tho residence of the bride's father, on the 22d ult , by Rev. James Thompson, Mr George W. R.se to Miss Hannah McFerren. all of Cumberland Valley tp. HOOVER—CUPPET—On the 24th ult., in Sebellsburg, by Rev. N. H. Skylcs, Mr. William A. Hoover and Miss Mary Rebecca Cuppet. both of Bedford eo.. Pa. BOOR—COOK—On the 24th ult., by Rev. E Buhrman, Mr. Baltrer F. Boor and Miss Mary C. Cook, both of Bedford county. £cu* Advertisements. 4 LL persons knowing themselves J\_ Indebted to the undersigned will please call ane settle at once either by noto or oasn. A word to the wise is sufficient, jm'y Bth w4 J - M. SHOEMAKER. TTOUSE AND LOT Foil SALE.— 1 1 The undersigned will offer at public sale, upon the premises in the borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY. JAN. 9th. 1869, his House and Lot. fronting on John street fifty feet, aDd running back to an alley two hundred and twenty feet. The house is a good frame, with cellar. There is also a brick smoke-house, stable, earriage house, corn crib, Ac., upon tbo premises. Terms will be made kuowu on day of sale. Sale to commence at one o clock of said day. janSwl 6. G. Bl RNS. ASS ESS<) RS, TA K L N< >TICE !- The Assessors of tho several districts of Bed ford county are requested to meet at the Commis sioners' Office, on Tuesday, January 26th, to re ceive the books, instructions. AC., to make the as sessment for 1569. A full attendance is desired By order of the Board. janSwS JNO. G FISHER, Clerk. TUT< ITICE !—The under.-igned adm: n xA istrator of tho estate of William Bonnall, late of Londonderry township. Bedford couut v, dee d., will apply to the next Orphans' Court, to be holden at Bedford, on the Bth lay of February, 1869, for a discharge from bis said office. jnnSw2* JACOB TROUTMAN. ASTRAY BULL.— Came Trespass ing on the premises of the subscriber, resid ing in Liberty township, Bedford co., Pa , one mile below Itiddlesburg, on or about the loth of December, 1868, a small dark red inuley bull, with some white spots. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take him away, oth erwise be will be disposed of according to law. janBw3# ALEXANDER McDONALD. 17 STATEOF JOl IN RBI LEY, J DEC'D. —Letters of administration having b en granted to tho undersigned, by the Register of Bedford county, upon the estato of Juo. Reiley, late of Juniata township, Bedford county, dee d., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them proper!? authenticated for set tlement. JOHN REILEY, JOSEPH II MULLEN, janSwp, Adm'rs. BLACKSMITH SHOP for RENT. —The Blacksmith Shop at Lyons' Tan Yard, in Bedford tp., is offered for rent on reasonable terms. There is no other shop within four miles. For further information, inquire of T. 11. AN. J. LYONS, janBm2 Bedford, Pa. IX) R SALE OR RENT.—The tin dersigned offers for sale or rent, his mill property, situated near Hamilton Station, on the Bedford Railroad. The mill is in good re pair has a never failing water power, with no ice to cut and tho land belonging tothe property (about 37i acres) is well improved, having all necessary out-buildings erected thereon, with two good meadows. The property lies near one of the best markets in the State, and will be rented for not less than 2 nor more than 3 years. My only reason for making this offer is ill health. For further information, address H. F. ROHM, janSts Bloody Run, Pa. iQcn In order to reduce our I O ' ) *J • Stock, we will offer for CAS H, All kinds of Wintor Goods AX OOFLT! Great Bargains can now be had in CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. FLANNELS. MERINOES, DELAINES. HOSIERY, CARi'ETINGS. SHAWLS, Ac., Ac. Come wilh the CASK, you can buy cheap, as we are determined to reduce our Stock to one-half its present size. J*nB,'W-tf A. B. CRAMER A CO. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF A FARM !—The undersigned, Guardian of the minor children of John J. Dibert, dee'd.. by vir tue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, will sell at publie sale, on the premises, ON TUESDAY, THE 2D DAY OF FEBRUARY, next, the real estate of which John J. Dibert died seized, consisting of a farm of 96 acres, situate in West Providence tonawhip, Bedford county, ad joining lands of O'Neal, David Calhoun. Si mon Kara, and others, about 76 acres undeTCulti ration, haviug thereon erected a frame dwelling house, double log barn, and other outbuildings, with an orchard and an abundance of cherry trees thereon, watered with running water. This is a very DESIRABLE FARM in a pleasant and fast improving neighborhood. Terms, one-third in hand at confirmation of sale, and the remainder in two equal annual payments thereafter, with in terest. Sale will be opened at 12 m. jan.Swf JNO. P, REED, Guardian. I >UBLK' SA LE OF VALUABLE J REAL ESTATE. —The undersigned, residing iu'the borough of Rainsburg. will offer at public outcry in said borough, on FRIDAY , the 29th day of JANUARY, 1869, tho following real estate : A tract of land, containing about three acres, hav. ing thereon erected a new two-story frame dwel ling house 26 x 26 with an excellent oellar, also a large, two-story frame Tan House entirely new, having attached thereto 21 vats; also Bates, Limes, Pool, Ac., ail underdrained on the latest and most approved plan, with very superior water power, sufficient to run the whole machinery bv water if necessary, Everything conneotod with the yard is in line working order with suffioiarit facilities to tan from 1000 to 1500 hides a year. Also a good Saddler Shop adjoining tho yard. There is also on tho premises a fine selection of choice Fruit, consisting of Apples, Peaches, Cher ries and Grapes. Tho above property is situated in one of the finest Bark regions in the county, and is very convenient to Churches, Schools, Mills, Stores, Post offices, Ac. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on day, when terms will be miide known by janBw3 J A 41 MP. 17*1 RST NA TI ON A L WHITE LEAD, the best purest and cheapest! Satisfaction guaranteed far whiteness, dura bility and brilliancy. It has no equal. F Bold by all dealers in Paints I throughout the country W R T Morris Perot A Co., II S 8010 Proprietors, I X Phil'a., Pa., T dealers E \ in all kinds A X Drugs, Paints, Oils, E r Ulass, Dye-Stuffs, Ac. A 0 CAUTION: D jy Owing to the popularity of A our First National Lead, other L partios have been induced to offer a Spurious article under the same name thereforeijf*Beware of counterfeits. -T| The genuine is put up in Extra Heavy Tin Paint Pot with patent Metalic Wire Handles, and the name of T. MORRIS PEROT A CO. on each Label. janS.'B'Jyl AR It I V A L! The undersigned has just received from the Eastern cities, a large stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRY UOODS, GROCERIES, Ac., which he will dispose of at the lowest rates. MEN'S and BOYS" SUITS, OVER-COATS. UN DER-SHIRTS, DRAWERS, etc., etc., of various styles and qualities. LADIES' BALMORALS at $1.25 The best of Coffees and Sugars, at prices to suit the times The public are invited to call and examine our goods. Bcdford.janStf ISAAC UPPEL. iltw Q ECRETS OF THE GREAT 1/ CITY—A Work desoriptiveof the VIRTUES and the VICES, the MYSTERIES, MISERIES and CHIMES of New York City. If you wish to know how Fortunes are made and lost in a day ; how Shrewd Men are ruined in Wall Street ; how countrymen are swindled by gharlers ; how Mimsters and Merchants are black mailed; how dance halls and eoncert saloons are managed ; how gambling houses and Lotteries are conducted ; how Stock and Oil Companies origi nate and how the bubbles burst, read this work. It contains over 30 fine engravings, tells all about the mysteries and crimes of New York, and is the spiciest and cheapest work of the kind published. ONLY $2.60 PER COPY. Send for circular and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address JONES BROTH ERS Si CO., Philadelphia, Pa. HUNTER'S GUIDE AND TRAP PER'S COMPANION. —How to hunt and trap all animals, to tan furs, make traps, boats, Ac. Worth $lO to any farner or boy. Beware of bogus "receipts.'' Well printed anil bound. 61 pages. Only 25 cents; 6 for $l. Address D. HUNTER A CO., Hinsdale. N. 11. ipIFTY YEARS OF FIDELITY! Oldest and Livest Democratic Paper South. —THE MOBILE WEEKLY REGISTER. JOHN FORSYTH, Editor. 12 Large Pages Weekly, Full of Politics, News, Agriculture, Literature. Poetry. Ac. The Agri cultural Paper of the South. Hon. C. C. Lang don. the well-known editor and practical farmer, conducts this department. Only $5.00 to Janu ary, 1870 and $1.25 fur three months TRY IT A QUARTER YEAR 1 Address "REGISTER," Mobile, Ala. wide-awake Democrat and every in telligent Farmer should take ONE standard South ern Political and Agricultural Newspaper. rim E AMERICAN UNION PRICE REDUCED' $2.50 A YEAR. This favorite Family Journal will hereafter be sent to subscribers for 52.50 per year. A gratis copy sent one year to any person who obtains six names and forwards them with the money to us. In other words, we will send seven copies for $15.00 This makes the UNION The Cheapest Story Paper in America. Its columns arc filled with CAPITAL STORIES by the best writers, and that charming variety in poe try. wit and general miscellany, so well calcula ted to please all lovers of good reading. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! Single copies, six cents. All dealers sell it Address ELLIOTT, THOMES A TALBOT, Boston, Mass. RATIONAL AGRICULTURIST AND— PENNSYLVANIA FARM JOURNAL. DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Economy. PUBLISHED AT PITTSBURGH, PA. J. M. A G. D. KUESTER, Editors. ASSISTED nv A CORPS or PRACTICAL CONTRIHITORS. TERMS :—sl 00 per annum ; Ten Copies, 7.50. [ Advertising 25 eta. per line for each insertion. 4 GENTS WANTED FOR "THE BLUE COATS, And briw they Lived, Fought and Died for the Union, with Scenes and Incidents in the Great Rebellion." It contains over 100 fine Engravings and 500 pages, and is the spiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only $2 50 per copy Send for circulars and sec our terms, and full description of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISH ING CO., Philadelphia, Pa , Cincinnati, Ohio, or Chicago. 111. STAR SPANGLED BANNER— A large 40 column paper. Rich, rare, and racy. Pull of eharming reading, fun, fact and fancy. "Evaxgelise," a splendid steel plate, "free" to every subscriber. Only 75 cts. a year. "Evangeline" sells at §2. Subscribe NOW. Speoimeus 5 ots. Address Banner Office, Hinsdale, N. H. 4 GENTS WANTED TO SELL THE xL "PENN LETTER BOOK," For Copying Letters Without Press or Water. This Great Time, Labor and Saving In vention fills a long-felt want, bringing a really ind ?! cnsable feature of business within the reach of all.—Price, $2.25 and upward None see it hut to praise its simplicity and con venience, and a skillful agent has only to show it properly, as it recommends itself, and sells at sight. It is equally suitable to Women as Men, and adapted to every kind of business. It does not play out, as the first sale is only a beginning, for testimonials, terms, &0., address P. GAR RETT A CO., 703 Chestnut at., Philadelphia, or 122 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Vir ANTED, AGENTS, $75 to s£oo f J per month everywhere, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner, Prico only SIS. Fully warranted for five years. Wo will pay $lOOO for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the-'Elastic Lock Stitch."" Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from $75 to $2OO per month and ex penses, or a commission from which twice that a rnount can be made. Address SECOMB A CO., Pittsburgh, Pa., Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. Caption —J)o not be imposed upon by othor parties palming off worthless east-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. 4 GENTS WANTED To sell Geo. J\_ P. Rowell A Co s AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY. A handsome Octavo Volume of 300 pages bound in cloth- Prico $5.00. It contains accurate lists of all the Newspapers and Periodicals published in the United States and Territories, and the Do minion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America ; together with a Description of the towns and cities in which they are published. Every Business Man wants it. Every Professional Man wants it. Every Advertiser must have it. Largest Commissions paid. A town oan be canvassed for this hook in one or two days, and from $lO to $5O secured in commis sion. Advance sheets showing the style of the wurk now ready and will be sent on application together with terms to agents. Address NELSON CHESMAN, No. 40 Park Row, New York. Gband Rapids, Mich., Sept. 10, ISfiH. LIPI'ISCQTT A Bakkwki.l : Tho people seem to be crazy about your Run Jacket Aaes. Please send me twenty dozen more. Yours truly, W. D. F. | TUB ItKD JACKET. J CAUTlON.—Unprincipled dealers are selling Axes painted red, as the Red Jacket Axe. The good qualities of this Axe consists in its superior cutting qualities not in the Red Paint. The "Red Jacket" is for sale by all responsible hardware dealers and the manufacturers. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, Pa. WANTED— AGENTS—To sell the American Knitting Machine. Price $25. Tho simplest, cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20-000 stiohes per min ute. Liberal inducements to Agents. Address American Knitting Machine Co , Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. T "e American NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY WILL BE ISSUED JAN. 1, 1369. SUBSCBIPTION PRICE. $5 WILL CONTAIN . A List of the Newspapers and other Periodicals in each State, Territory, Province and Colony, ar ranged Alphabetioaily by Towns, giving the Name, Days of Issue, Size, Subscription, Price, Politics or General Character, Circulation, Editcrs and Publisher's names, Date of Establishment, and other information. A list of Towns and Cities in the United States and Territories, and the Dominion of Canada and Britisn American Colonies in which Newspapers or other periodicals are published, arranged al phabetically by Counties, giving Population, Lo cation, Branch of Industry from which it derives its importance, and other Information. As the edition will be limited, persons wishing copies will do well to send in orders at onoe. A Handsome Octavo Vol., of 300 pages, bound in Cloth, price $5. Address orders to G P HOWELL & CO , Publishers, 40 Park Row, New York. ■r/Y PER CENT SAVED.—To •)\ / Housekeepers and others who order their goods from our GREAT ONE DOLLAR BALL of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Plated Waro, Cutlery, Ac", Ac. We send Cireuli r free of expense to any part of the United States ; send for one, and sec our terms. You wilt save money by addressing GEO. DRYDEN A CO., 10 Milk St.. Boston, Mass. Agents wanted in every town in the country. doc2sw4 T\r ANTED—A Teacher for tne col \\ ored School, near Thomas Spear's, in Bed ford toweship. By order of tne Board, d(c24wl THOMAS GILCHREST, See y. 3rtt-&o0clss, dr. I I7IEARFUL 11 R E A K I) () W N ! _ Economy being greatly needed at the pres ent time, it is the duty of all to bay where they can buy the cheapest, hence G. R. OSTKR A CO. wish to notify the public that they are now re ceiving and opening the most extensive and varied assortment of new and cheap WINTER GOODS ever opened in Bedford, purchased under favora ble circumstances since the great breakdown in prices, and will now offer them to CASH buyers, both wholesale and retail, at much lower prices than the same kind can be bought for in Bedford county. Country Storekeepers will find an oppor tunity of sorting up their stocks, if only a single piece is wanted at wholesale prices. Special Extraordinary Inducements. In ladies dress goods, such as striped and chcno mohair, striped, plaid, shat and chone poplins in changeable effects, for suits and walking dresses, all that look at them say they are cheap.—Extra heavy mixed melange poplins and ne plus ultra ltepeltanls for suits, Empress cloth, English serges, Epinglines and corded poplins, in brown, steel, violet, purple, wine green, garnet and bismark. They are beauties. All you have to do is look at them, and your own judgment will say buy French Merinos, coburgs, wool delaines and al pacas in all the now colorings, best American de laines and Armures in the new stripes and palka dots, very desirable. 10000 yards of beautiful calico prints that won't fade, at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 16 cents. Piles of bleached and unbleached muslins, at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18 and 20 cents. You have all heard no doubt of cheap flannels. It is all over town. The ladies talk about it as much as of the coming holidays; all wool flannels at 25,"30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 60 cents. Ladies Furs, shawls, Grand Dutches, Lady Belle, pretty balmoral and hoop skirts. Corsets guaranteed to stand enough of pressure to break a rib every week Ladies breakfast shawls, Mer ino vests, hoods, gloves and hosiery. Men's wool and merino unaer shirts and draw ers. Woolen and white over shirts, comforts, neck-ties, scarfs, collars, Ac. A large and varied assortment of cloths, cassi mcres, tweeds, satinets; velvet cord, blankets, ginghams, checks, tickings, shirting stripes, table diapers, napkins, doylies and towels, decidedly cheap. Don't our ready-made olothing, hats, caps, boots and shoes strike you as cheap, a whole rig ; at our store from tip to toe and won't cost you much. Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths. "Wool filling and all wool ingrain carpets, venitian entry and stair carpets, aud floor oil cloths. FRESII FAMILY GROCERIES. Choice Java, Laguayra and Rio coffee. Cboioe Fresh Imperial, Young Hyson, Oolong and Japan Tea. A full line of sugars aud syrups. A choice as sortment of tobaccos aud segars. In a word evory ! thing you want. All are invited to call and see for themselves No trouble to show goods wheth ! er you wish to buy or not. Terms cash unless oth ! erwisespecified. G. 11. OSTER A CO. Bedford, Pa., declB,'6Bml / 1 OOI) NEWS FOlt TIIE PEOPLE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just reaelvcd a large and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and which ho is determined to sell CHEAP. Thoy consist in part ol Dry Uoods, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Jlats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, Buckets' and Brooms, Queensware, Tobacco, Segars Ac. Give him a call and see for yourselves. nvfith,'6B J. M. SHOEMAKER. B. CRAMER <£• CO. Have now open and offer for sale, AT REDUCED PRICES, the largest and most elegant stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS to be found IN BEDFORD COUNTY! Tho assortment is complete, and GREAT BAR GAINS in every department will be offered. novrt/fIS. A. B. CRAMER A CO. VTEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS The undersigned has just received from the East a large and varied stock of New Goods, which are now open for examination, at MILL-TOWN, two milos West of Bedford, comprising everything usually found in a first-class country store consisting, in part, of Dry-Goods, * Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins, Cassiiners, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Notions. Ac., UY YOUR HATS AND CAPS of doc 4 R W. BERKSTRESSER. TAILLIHS, SHAFTS, Poles, Spokes, jP and Hubs, are sold by HARTLEY A METZ GEK at manufacturer's prisss. pr3tf Qll w j A MONTH can be made r) I'M/ by male and temale Agents. We have nothing for curiosity-sucker*, but reliable, steady, profitable employment, for those who mean business. Addrcf-. with 3-cf. stamp C. L Van Ellen A Co., 4S New St., New York. 4w SOMETHING NEW AND I'SE FI'L -A New Era in Music. Popular .Mus at Popular Prices. "Hitchcock's Hair Dime Se ries ot Music for the Million." No. 1 now ready Music and word? of the Conolo Song, ••"CAPTAIN JINKS OP THE HOUSE MARINES.' Others to follow rapidly. Price, acts each. Your News dealer has it or will get it for you. Mailed on re ceipt of price. Address BEN.I. W. HITCHCOCK, Publisher, 89 Spring street. New York. declSwl rp<) THE WORKING~CLASS.—I JL AM now prepared to furnish constant em ployment to all classes at their homes, lor their spare moments. Business new. light and profita ble. Fifty cents to $5 per evening is easily earned, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements are offered. All who see this notice please send mo their address and test the business for themselves If not well satis fied, I will send $1 to pay ior the trouble of wri ting me. Full particulars sent free Sample sent by mail for lflceuts Address, declBw4 E. C. ALLEN, Augusta, Maine. AGENTS WAN TED. TO sell a new book pertaining to Agriculture and chanic Arts, Edited by UKO. E. WARISO, ESQ , the distinguished Author and Agricultural En gineer of the New York Central Park. Nothing like it ever published. 200 Engravings, ."-ells at sight to Farmers, Mechanics and Workingmen of all classes. Aotive men and women are coining money. Send for Circulars. E. B TREAT .t CO , Publishers, 631 Broadway. N. Y'. declBw4 MO N B V EAS I L Y M A D E, With our complete stencil and key check outfit. Small capital required. Circulars free. STAFFORD, MANFG CO., 66 Fulton Street, New York. declSwd YY E ARE COMING, AND WILL PRESENT TO ANY PERSON Sending us a Club in our Great One Dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy (i O O D S, A WATCH, piece of SHEETINO, SILK DRESS PATTERN, Ac., Ac., FREE OF COST. Our inducements during the past few years have been large. WE NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES OF PREMIUMS. We have made many important additions to our Winter Stocks, and have largely extended our Exchange List, and we now feel confident to meet the demands of our extensive patronage. iS aid for New Circular. Catalogue of Goods and Samples sent to any address free. Send money by registered letter. Address all orders to J. S. HAWES A CO., 15 Federal St., Boston, Mass. P. O. Box C. Wholesale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Cut lery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leather Goods, Ac., Ac., declBwl2 4 WATCH FREE. Given gratis I~\ to live, energetic Agents. male or female, in a new. light and honorable business, paying thir ty dollars per day sure. No gift enterprise, no humbug. Address R. Monroe Kennedy & Co., Pittsburg, Pa. declBw4 Burton's TOIIA CC 0 ANTIDOTE WARRANTED to remove all desires for Tobacco. It is entirely Vegetable and harmless. It Puri fies and enriches the Rlood, Invigorates the Sys tem. possesses great Nourishing and Strengthen ing power, is an excellent Appetizer, enables the Stomach to Digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. Smok ers and Chewers for Sixty Years Cured. Price, fifty cents, post free A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobaceo, with lists of references, testi monials. Ac., sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. R ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J. Sold by all Druggists. declBw!2 I ( )( ji \ PER YEAR guaranteed F and steady employment. We want a reliable agent in every county to sell our Patent White Wire Clothes Lines (Everlasting) Address WHITE WIRE CO., 75 William St., N Y. or 16 Dearborn st , Chicago, 111. declBw4 CIARPETS —Don't Pay the High / Prioeal—The NEW ENGLAND CARPET Co., of Boston, Mass . established nearly a quirter of a oentury ago, in their present location, in llalls over 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85 and 87 Hanover Street, have probably furnished more houses vviih carpets than any other house in the eountry. In order to afford those at a distance the advantages of their low prices, they propose to send, on re ceipt of the price, 20 yards or upwards of their beautiful Cottage carpeting, at 50 cents per yard, with samples of ten sorts, varying in price from 25 cents to $3 per yard, suitable for furnishing every part of any house. deelSw-l ANTED—AGENTS—in every town IT for cry lIMAN & GO'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR STORE. Descriptive checks $lO per hundred. Consum sumers supplied direct (roan the manufactories, and all goods warranted. Circulars sent tree. ADDRESS CUSUMAN A CO., dee4w9 10 Arch St., Boston. 4 GENTS WANTED KOR OUR NEW GREAT STANDARD WORK, CHAMBERS' INFORMATION FOR THE PEOPLE, The largest, best and cheapest subscrip tion book ever published, and en dorsed by all Literajy People in Europe and America. As well to supply a much needed want in our own country by diffusing corroot information in a form best adapted to our people, as to gratify re peated solicitations from friends to issue an Amer ican edition of this valuable work, the Publishers have undertaken the enterprise. The vast amount of illustrated trash that has flooded the country for some years past demands a book of this char acter, for the benefit of thoso who wish to read for instruction and entertain went, instead of cheap pictures and sensational newspaper clippings bound up in form of and sold for nooks. This great work is of itself a complete and se lect library for every family. Containing over 3.000 elosely printed pages, on all subjects of pop ular interest, from the best authors, ami especial ly adaptod to tho wants of the people. Tho daily inquiries received as to date of issue give assur ances of an extraordinary sale. By applying at once, agents will secure a choice of territory for a book that will sell to everybody, regardless of sect, party, or section. Sond for circulars, and see our terms and a full description of this mammoth work. Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING Co. 411 Broome St., New York. nov2ow6 GELLING OFF AT COST !! Ready-made clothing, Cassiuiere, JUats and Caps AT COST. dec4tf R. W. BERKSTRBSSER. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.— Essays for Young Men on the interesting relation of Bridegroom to Bride, in tho institution of Mar riage,—a Guide to matrimonial felicity, and truo happiness. Sent by mail in sealed iotter onvel pes free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSO CIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. aug2S'6Byl EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE OF JOB PRINTING neatly executed at low (atesat THE BBDFORD GAZETTE office. Call and leave yur orders SLI P BI L L S, PROGRAMM ES POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatnesl J and despatch, at THE GAZETTE office.