Jhr ilnitovd (iqurttc. Home and Around. HCNTINGIMN AXD BROAD Ton R.R. —W;irr.R AsatXflHEJT —Twi Table —'"a and after sep*. tAth, funsger tniH arrive and der art ** f Glows : Mt\\ Traic leaves M Dallas a! 116 p m, ur - v.s Huaiingl-s a: 42t r. sc. leav - HUM • ;I sst 955 a -J> . *2 J arrives at Mi Dalies as 12 lis E Areaaeltn>i Train !rst Svxi-a 7-30 . *.. and arr res at Huntingdon. a: 5 . am; leaves Buntiagdrn at 4.3d ; at . uul arrive* at sa*:-. n *. 6ST p sc. S -Alt*— good I< Wii-. N ir\* —the -fieigh Ix-i'.r. liehifj gatherev!—the ice iUniytotio UaaWWOfcOOIBHO. Imtle —£he r*.\Hl- in the cjan ty. The vtttihef h.tr been intensely cold f r a Wtxk pa-:. In -eat u—huvkw heat cake*. |K>rk ai.'l rdtt-dgie#. An .. -irbiri,' tuestion -who will gvi the r -t office? I nia:i. notice—Advertlse ns* i.> the \ avenietii. To pwnteOßTty rising—Take a iupi;ur.=. Mr. Suoer, of Somerset, killed a • j • rkef h-.-t we*?k, that weighed -*j. • in if- -• L.at. The editor of the Hoii. Jay-burg - 'ispining t r aCbrtstnaas:u:k- V. A Ki- _r-fisi =er ./j '. ! -uit him bet- ItT. Vv'e "c.ve" : • > lOtf-et. Thitjlae toe ..vest !••• gs. £;id lio -,i jb; : ;.e i;_. It-*. -Uih .g ■■•.**. Xuf ced. The Johnstown Iron Company par ol - -d the L property for the I ur* .'-a? o: aeetir. ug irva ore. i:ai. - Hit. Pd-at : _• in S onerset -juty, was avoided a banner by John Cessna. "1. .- .- t..e ■ y '■ vn-hp in this dis trict where negroes wen* v ;ed. ami of tvurae they all cast thc-Ir ... > for the Radical Congressman. >ae go -i turn I -vrve? another. i„c A.: -i.i tju .i drtver.- ..re t >a.-_- ing of splendid editorial chairs lately I: wealed to ifilim BaA luxuries are unknown iu this region. We'ii ex ; h.g U-tt'.-r any i.y. ac.-.i tip our 1 ! —Sjr-. : V OMITTEI'.—In the pr-.-gediags of • \ lj vrned O ort, | at Frtvlaline Smith et al vs John Caven .i r-r Ejectntent. Jury find f--r I* - * TaAttßPKßStap UEALKSTATI:.—C.C. - . iAr'.i to Geo. G. Burr - f r^MJK. The lHjfT P r -perty, :. Pitt street, was purchased at public on last Saturvlay. by John Cessna, E~j., for ?-. >. a:.*i <*>. . . ml .a* ami : - lt:h. when K*. Ki.rx.—We ;uv vrakei up a ng . K t K jx- r. lie ? i-k- in the WHWhiM of wpo—in the beautiful vii- r IfIBII -' : :J. .-iV it I . SHU 111- n-irne i- Vriiz What-vou-m■ly-eali iii.-n. IF - a poelle cuss, too. for the his c aie rv. Ssen -- i ■ y SdafcUoflto! Do it mne mom -. A WANT ~ : PLIKU.— In pa-: y-.-ar- I • nipaQi >n-. traveling b hanging basket-, hyacinth - • I _• mes.and a thousand oth er -uitable for persona of al! 1 1 -- - - *lt& I r ** •' ••V . * h • V CL. -r.No OuT.—il. \V. Perk stressor, of t:. Bovifyrd Clothing Km;->rium, l ut C- er.sin ■:.< A i>ver < bats, Goate, Pants. Vest-, Han, Cape, i Geato* Furnishing Goods, and Notions, ! a* greatiy SEDUCED PRICES, in or . -r :• ■ it ake room f ?r the spring trale. 'l. - who want bargains in Clothing I go to It. W. B. te'-fore purcha -ir.g wit* re. BASOAIHB ar.'l shoes, glass ir*. ■ ju-s-n-war- . and everything else .-.•?* at the Ib-gnlator* establishment. Ire. hi- purchases direct from t tßai.afaetur-r-. In large quantitie-, a el i- thus enabbd to s*Sl < tir.\p. HKAM.N V ILL-T >AV OF THE CP.EAT RK.MLIOX.-Any person in v- mt of eich-T or both volumes of this w rk can obtain them by leaving their orders at the in juir-r Book -Store. FINE PI ;.-s and Hymn Ux>k-. -ult a .'e for Christmas presents tan be bought cheap -it the lo'juirer Boik **tore. gt. A fine a.-*orimeat of Alburns, latest -tylf-s. at the Jiif jirvr Book Sto.e. cheap for cash. gt. Go to the Inquirer Book store to buy fine iyK>ks for Chri-tmaa presents, gt FOR SALE-a desirable building lot on Richard Street, in the Watson ex t- ision. Inquire at thi- office. tf. A SffAW AND CLARK fJo Sewing' 1 lone in good order foraaie. En quire at this office. juF'ttf. 11l • VKD xOI B Dtt:i-. —We have no dout'i that many jersou? in this coun ty are holding oiir.vvnleti dvxsi- whirh it would be well fur them to have r*> txvrdtsl, as dirmixl by the provi-i.Hi of tin act of A—* mbly which rev]uires that "all deeds or conveyances for real estate in the Commonwealth, shall !•<- recorded in the offii.xe for recording of d eds in the county where the lae.us lie, tci'hi,t sir mo'itAs after the execu tion of such deeil ami enveyance and every such deed and c nveyance not re c rded as aforesaid, shall be judged ul'.T'fit an*i roul against any sab-e --qucnt purchaser bra valuable eonsid erati n. unless -a a dtxsls IK recorded before the recording of the deed or c r.vcyauce under which such -üb-e - qucnt pun baser or iu =rt>g-agt-e -hall claim." This isa very imjsjrtant no tiee, and th-se holding unrt<*orded deeds will see the imp.irtam*e of hav ing them recorded without further de lay. M. -sr-. D. A H. W. Smith, of tlii city, the well known manufacturers of the American Or.*; AN>, have recently a Mod to their :y:M. very powerful and attractive Organ- f.-r churches, with .. iiitiful upright cases, having gilded imitation plp--s making them tine or namental instruments for the choir gal ! *ry orchapel. Alt musicians. U{on Inw> ing them,expresstb.i'irsurpris<-at thea roonntof pure and full tone which they are capable of pr lucing. These new - *y!. e >ntain the deep m anu al -ub- Uiss, and -uper -1 ever gad Ague Medicines by iutMiigeatdoe- " :-TS. Calisaya Ik.rk is used extensive ly in the tn m jfact are of P.antati n Bitters, as well as quinine, and we dare say th y owe their popu lar i;. v.. -tiy t " . fact. We can re- COQIU icn • 1 t .a : ii. MAGNOLIA WATER. —Oapcriortothe —*st . .i- rt.nl German C'ol >gne, and s .■. al na.i I'.tti price. ML. > IIKETZI i have U---I tlu* B.t- T- r- I -'.ti-ined fr.am y a:T r-l me - - I - erabS- relief. I feel as though I can not do \NTV well with at them under my present state of health Lb MEX IGE, No 141 South Sixth St. Phila. • Pus* r liip'.ic Passyu.ik < "hurch. SCHEETiJ'S standing ad ver:M-emerit in an-Mncr I'iaaiii, X£U'* IN BRIEF. Wi.-.-n L-- - acaat i Rlchm .nd, in i- :L -My *il ■ r lered the de ti . . : r within the city 11.;.1t5. V.. : r rder a'- tit 3,000 barrels -A w ;uky vere d? -1r >yed. by - ene of the owners, the Richmond : Circuit c' .;:*. n Saturday, gave judg .A against t: -ity i r s!■'>. < *>. The other owners will J u * •-- now recov er in like manner. T.. foriun - A h - late John L. M - Knight of Bordentown, X. J., is c-sti *a "ol at $_ -.• i. IF* !. :* Fe"" to the Odd FMlows for charitable purpei — ;n*i th-.* r -t of hi- property goes to hi- lamily. A rich grotto of topaz, fr-?n which I.'tv ecu • vtra tcl - weighing fr 11 tw to three hundr-d pound-, ac i valued at nearly il. "*J, has been foun 1 in Switzerland. Raneli'a planing mill, in f'hicagn, a -.- bufij. i on V\Vir. -.Jay night.— Lots Two bandied and fif ty m.-n were thrown out of employ ment. i it. ( har>- Feiiim re. of Mt. Pleas ant tows.- Ip, W. -hingt .n c anty Pa., w N - hot and killed,* firwdajS -ince, by hi- Uep-acn. J -hi) smith Achi- >n, iu a*, aitercatiori :-itween the two. 'M.fr B -ton Post thinks we might *J .a rc-ura-i specie payin--nt from the i3i'>.Tof**;iivfcr weddings" announc ed. At JLiine, the other day, a litlic girl of ten years was finer! ten dollars for stealing, and was oommit- L- i for want of the money. A number of ''elegant and refined young guntleinen" in Missouri, it ii -Aid. advertise for situation- a- v>ns-in law in w -althy fainilie-. The Sour d--a!ers of Portland Me., had on i.a . i >n Saturday Last a -rock of three handr&l thousand barrels. One firm at Ilu isrjn, Wisconsin, ha • hipped ■',,(**> [m,uml-s of wool and 4,450 I u:M- of h .-p.-? this season. Vermont, during the last five years, he- had one divorce for every twenty : marriages. An ex laange wants to know if Mr-. Bloomer -till ''pants" for fame. She live- at Council Bluffs, lowa. John W. Garret? ha- been re-elected President of the Btdtimore and railroad. Whalen. the of D'Arey Me- G* ~ ha-, been r^spited until Fiecember Afth. I>~paU;hess from various points aii nounce the cio-ing of navigation. IIJOAXD Ai.f, KXPEN-S.- PAID!— Air' .tau*. ■.{ Awisc ■ Sa- rrt-n sisjio M*- n:*t £ oar *dr*rtMMg r. /At 1 —— MA IIRIEIK -;ARR—BER)/f.E On th' !ftrh 'ttj the ii'.} J Q i' Atee Xr. tor t V, M j So ' Beef" " ,tr ' 'dley Rr4fvr! RRf.-LfNO— fl /FF-HAS —Os ,*.e er'.f the *•!- by *6-war.', Mr J H*i*!ir,g Mi* U-tfimum bos;. .rW.r> ajctifovti, ipn. IU ED. IMLKR—the sth in.-; . in K--dforJ township. Mr. Siawt LiiiScr. r*l -I year-" 2 m aths en i 11 -.U J s. liar \I.I. THE WORLD and the rest of atokiDj are re.-pi-.-tfaliy iof.>re*i that I have a* the Warehouse, at B. ■ iy Ban Mat: n. Fresh tiroani Plasur. ani Stoce Fi ;-*.er; :. Livery- ->l and Aasericar. Salt dort-xS JOHN XV BARN DOLLAR J ,kit ACRES OF TIMBER LAND I'M* LAND FOR SALE —Fakass Tvk NOT;C "—I fer f-.r sale a tr*e! of tin;her'.and. containing !-X' arree. r-nre or !<-#=, in St CUir v-weshsp. sit 'r : ng lnd -f H enjsine'.- heir*. Kinfsr: R-:t-hs- t H l Jerbsuts. an i other* The lae-i t* weii Simbered with pi oe white osk. choetsnt •k I.* .of the Lest qoality There sre three )w mill-frm within one-half to one sod a half lilies of she lasvi. sni the timber is ea--ify et '.ten to the milts. On'-balf the lani can be farate-i when cleared. Th : f is a desirable prop ert*. Per-:r.- ariahing to rorehase ean vddress S. si STATLEK. declSus3 SrhelSsburg. Pa. 4 FFLT< IK'S NOTB E.-Thc sub y\ --ri *' r art- "ted by the Orphans Court ' Redf ri e.iauty to make liinribtiii a of she miftgyi in the hxsi- f J an W. Licgenfeltar. ier i.. an: th e entitled to the siste by law. aad t-t examine aai settle any except: r.s that may be fiMi auxins: the a*.-.- ant of sai l adminis trator. wiU attend to the duties f his app.ist mentor. Saturlw. the 21 lay f Janaary*. 1- 9. at his S.*e in Belt" >ri, at L' o'rlt 'k. A 34 . of , aaid IST. when &J a here r cash. Wheat, rye, ore 'at *he —: ea-' : - - taken in vx chsEge f■: P!v.-:er Rein-:. Mr nlj until the Ist of April Thar kt s! tkr pas' far rs'he soheita a e n.iaotn-e . f the same Mo'-uM ANDREW J. MILLER. ; XT'ARM AND TAVERN STAND I FOR SALE The subsar ber will sell at , *:r *.* sa'-- j.: Farm and Tavern Stand, titaxte in A b gLsny: wr.shit:, S- ser--: r.-unty, Pa on the - -scereet s: i BedtVri Ta.aj-ike mile* e-.ss i tee: rater an-i 2, s. :ux-:i p :f the attar place, •" -- .-'Mi f.. ; ACHES "F LAND. 1 a.-rean -*r cLMs: a liar:-.vemonts— large Hoasa, li'ii L'r ve Stable. n--v Bars Barn and otfier satbaili:r.gi Tbe lani it ®ir!i a iaptea to grata growing or grating, wr it *<:-red. cocren ent to •-•Lnr.-hes and -'h> : TL.e 1 .***;:n : the Soa*i.- ern Penr.*r!rsci. Kailrosi ems.--- one end of this Fvren t\ .tt given en the fir-*, day of April. M.'i Tern;, r-.- - r.ahle. If 'he above t-rot '';y r. •! •'.! by the 1-* lay of Jsnuary. 1- it will be rente! The sabscribsr cm be MHtelat his r r it- -- M* 1! t, in A. c .--iy tp . rby letter at West End P 0 . Pa It -wj .-A.MI'EI. WALKER. "VOTiCE <>F I NITH)X.— jA Wherea*. James W. frasier did present bis petit:., nt :: n that : - fa:;.cr W:-.ssa Frii r ii :;f ited ir 'eat?.:- • taring a wid, w. Ca-harice Preiser, ari is-ue c_."lren ,ur riv'rghia to wi; Henry Frailer, residing in Somerset eo.. Pa., Jirur Petit..ner ret.iing ts Be if ri coaatr an-i Be:} •.•am as-j J 'hn Fr-• ■in r--"i ;r. the State vf Indiana. That H)4 intestate died -eirc i ;f a tract vf land, situate in th. -..ihip :f"url.-.-j in-ail •. ui.ry f E-df r-i. r.ntai-Mig t.f a trr': of par.iti :n •rv.-Lt.'i at" ne ,i - I -vii. Pr -reed to h . 1 xti Inq -:i> •r. en the rr .i. jzi J is the M it ; Ju ry- A I' '-•'.* it V w. a a:, i where t-us . > may at;-. :, iif :r.-v proper, decicw fcOBERT STE KM AN hh S XAEARFFL B R E A K D O W N ! I L: r. my t-.-iog greasy needed sr the p-rec ent t:-sr. it is the duty i all to bay wu CAr-U buyer-. 1- th wh M-ale and retail, at a-h lower prices thsc the :se kinl can be bought rin Bedl' rl e un*y C actry > . : seerers w:':l f.ai a: 'pror tur.;*y f -vrilr r *.::eir -* 'k- if .iy a sing: ■ pieee is wante-l at wh-dejaic prites. SpM.lal Extra >r iinary IndueeL^nt?. Is hi. a'hair, strip- I, r ail shat aai chene p.-plies in tiiangeahie effect- f rsu.ts an! wLk:ng Iresses. aii that look at -liein say thev are cheap —Extra heavy mixed melange poplins ac l ne p'os ultra Repeitxr - fir nits Empress .J" . Ecg'iru serge-. EpicgUnas and e .rled poplins, in brown. s*ee' rio'rt. purple, wine graee, games and KDmirk. They are besu'iea. All you have to lo 1, :. -k at thetc. ar.i y ar can jaigaent will uy buy Fren-h Merine-. - -hargs w delaines ar.i al p all * . r. ■ v - : ring- ' -* American •-]. la: :■ in 1 Artnur?? in the new stripes and palka dots, Tery desirable. I. "• yarl-: )f beautiful calico pr M- - that wont fade, at r 5 - lv. 12. 14. Si ar.i 15 cents. Pile- of b eache i an 1 cnbleaehei auslins. a*, f, - 19.12. 14. 15. 16. Is and 20 cec*s Toa hare all bear! c . doubt of cheap 3 vanels. It is all over town Toe Salter ta k ahja: it as inach as f the romiag h >!May- al! *. S 9anna's at 25 4 41. f : ar.i 6i> cents. Ladies Furs, sr.iw's Oracl Dutches. Lady Beiie, pretty balat.ra! ar.i h stand enough of pressure to break a rib every week Lv ies hrotkfast -.is*!-. Mer ino vests, soois gloves tnl ao*iery. Met. wool aai rneriio omer "birts and draw er? Woolen aai white over shirts, cotuf.rts. neek-tiee. seirfs cciiar. Ac A large an I varied a*e*r;ment ' f cloths easai meres, tee ff ; Choice ?•< >-, Imperial. Young Ily-or.. Ooi /ag and Japan Tea A fa:i line of sugar? ar.-l syrap A choice as sortment of tobaccos aai segart In a word every thing you want AH are invDe-l to caii an-d see for then.selves No trouble to show goods wheth er yoa wish ti bay or not Terms cash sales* oth erwise specified O B. OSTER A CO. ; Bedford, Pa t doe lb '•Ua i 1/ 'Til A Y 11 EI I Kit.—' ame to t hT- I j prem.sesof the saf.-criber re*tl--ngir. I. erty Tp.. about the Ist Nov. last, s black end i white -potted Heifer between two and ibrec years old. with a-raall erop ,ffthe right ear Tbeowner is r* .. *.*'*■ i •/, e ■ rr.s forwari prove property, pay Charge* and ?**■• per ssay r -i-.e w.lldisposed of ece&rdirig to Saw HENRY' B<)W.-fcK dec l ew! lieu* INSTATE OK JOHN PARLEY*, 4 j DECEASED —Letters Teslamaotary having heei; granted to the umlarsigaed. Executor of ihe !'l Witt and Testament of John BITIIT, late ot Middle Woodberry township by the Register of Bedford County. all peraou indebted to said estate arc here!'* notified to ic.fco iaime diate payment, and ail having claim.' again*: the estate are requested to prexent them properly au thenticated for settlement. DANIEL BARLEY. Executor oi* the last Will and Testament of J: he Barley, dee'd, deciSwA |>UBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE I REAL ESTATE —Bv rirtne of an order #f the Orphan's Court of Bedford county the under signed, Administrator of the Estate of Christian Huffman. Sate of Middle Wood be try township, de' d will ffiT for sale, at public outcry, on Fri'hr, th* Si day of .laEuary. A I>.. ! - "d. upon the premise*—All that certain Tact of Tim ber Land, adjoining lands of Benjamin Loo gen- { eeker. George Croft. Martha K. Duncam* heirs. Da*id St-.'-frvV and others, cents-.: >rg 51 acres and 145 perches, nets measure, known as the i Csi'ner r M-.-Faxtond tract This property is i el.gibiv 1,-csted ab-ut one mile from Woodberry and is sreil covered c ith chestnut oak and other I timber, and will be s 11 in lota or altogether to suit the convenience of purchasers Persi a* ue string to purchase should examine the premises bef-. rc sale Sale to ccumenee at 10 o'clock. A M fxaid day. when due attention willie given ar.l terms insie known bT C L. HOFFMAN. J. L HUFFMAN, declrwt Admnistratere. SETTLEMENT OP THE BOUN TY ACCOUNT F MIDDLE WOODBTRY Tv'WNBHIP FOR THE YEAR lvM —The Audi tors of Middle Woodbury t unship met at the hotel of Hon Willi am G Ficholti in Woodbury, s the 12th day c-f Decearber. A D . 1-eiS, at IC o'cloak. arid proceeded to audit the bounty ac cout;: ■ f Epkraim L- nge::-. ker ar i Ja - .bS, Bass ".er. -uperv :* r* and e lectors of the Bounty Tax f r the year i-'L with th fdl-.-wiag result, vit: Ephraim Longene.-ker Dr. T wh !e amount of his share of tax and duplicate S33SI 98 Cb By an; Must of uncollecte d tax s7'.- >BS By amount paid vert Treas urer i-'T bounties 2 i 97 By amount of escape Sis; 2>."i 10 ! By amount of p-er c outage at ft pereeat S4 55 .K-tg. "CAPTAIN 1- n a.- F THE HORSE MARINES Others to .lour rat iiv. Price. 5 cts a;h. Your News .:r ha,-" it or will get it fry a. Mailed on re - 'O f-r. - Address BEN/ W HITCHCOCK. Pu-.'-her Sr-rjng atreeb Xw York dec's* • . F R-' TH! WORKING CLASS.—! 1 AM now prepared to furnish c-snstant etn- F vsaect t j all classes at their h.mes, tor their *1 ire is: aenu Bu-ineat new. light an I pr- flta t r:e Firry o- nts TO yo rrfr-evaitrwgrveaHir esr:.e 1 s.ni the t at i ifi'l* aara &*rlv a- muoa as men Orea: indaeetaents are offara 1 All who tie this notice pie use *end use their address a: I test the r-oainc- rthemseives Ifn t well ss'.U -sed I w:;; ser. Isl to pay pr the tr able - f wri ting tae Full t-irtisnlars sent free Sample sent by mail for I- cents A i-ir-.s --declSwf B. C. ALLEN. Angssta. Maine. i GEN I>, \\ AN I EI). To strii a new ■ Fl. M pertaining to Agriculture ar.l the Mr- ; .iaxii. Arts, Eiite-i by TIRO. E. WARISO. h- M ■ ' -N-w Y A Central Park Stkia| .ke it ever puvlishei 2.-- E"graving*, .-ells a: • git: • FarmMe-chani.-s aod Workiagaen of ad . iJrv? A tiv jaen and women are coining m : y Send f r Cireulari. E. E TREAT A 00 . Publi.-hers. 634 Broadway N V. declSwd \ I o N E V K ASIL Y .MaT UK, J.TJL Y- arc -'.n-ril and key che k to fit Small capital required. Circular* free, 'i A. Foi'.D MANr i (S 1 )., 66 Fulton Street, N * - " deal -w4 \\"M AHE COMING, AND WILL PRESENT To ANY PERSON S<:n iiDg us a Ciub in -ur Great Oil' I > Liar Suk- (if Iry an-1 Fancy -G O O D S, A WATCH p re of SHEETING. SILK DKErS PATTERN.A: A:. FREE OF COST. Our ;r iucentia's during the past few years have beet. large- WE NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES r 6-.x'r Y'ear* Care-i Price, i fifty cent* p .*t free A treatise on the injurious ! e£ -'a of Tooaceo. with lists of references, teati- : monial*. Ac *ent free. Agents wanted Ad-ire** ' Dr T K ABB >TT. Jersey City. N. J S-,ld by j i all DruggisU. del9wl2 I,* | / W u j PER YEAR tfuararitwr I ' •J) J *" 'I ' and steady employment. We want a reliable sgentin every coanty to sell oar j Patent Whi'e Wire Clothes Line* Everlasting Addre-s W HITE WIRE 00 ,75 William at., N Y j or 16 Dearborn s' , Chicago. 111. delß*4 CIARI'ETS —Don't Fay the Hisrh | I Prices I —The NEW ENGLAND CARPET s €< of Boston M*..s .established nearly a qoirter j of a ■'■-.-■iij -g in their pre.tent h/catlon. in Halit err 71 73, 75. 77 7k, 41. c-> and H7 II to-over ■Street bare probably furnished more houses with • carpets than any other house in the enquiry. In ■ order to afford those at a di-tacee the advantages 1 of their tow prices, they propose to send, on re- j ceipt of the price, 20 yards or upwards of their I b* i j'if i' Cottage carpeting, *t s(t cent* per yard, with samples of ten*, rs. varying in pnee from 25 I cents to f ; per yard, suitable for furniabing every | part of any house. dec 1 a a 4 lieu* zVivntisnncnts. I EMPLOYMENT! CXR'IKS j f the NEW WORK by Jt-sirs llavui BK *>E. will BE wdd by Agents during the next few months THE GREAT METROPOLIS, A MIRROR OF NEW YORK, i treating a ;ur re wherever seen, uucjualled in the biK-k traiie It is destine i to an immense sale. ItkNl A(.K NT > NV ANTE I> . One agerd rcp-rt* 24 names ir. 4 hours. One a gent 29 in ! dsv One S9 tn i days One writes •'I can sell 16-iO in a mouth " Ladies, invalids, disabled soldiers, teachers, young men and w .men and others are invited to send lor information. The work is jest announced, and good territory ean be secured by prompt application No free Greenback* but extra Coin miss.,>n* paid upon this . Sox k Address BLISS * CO.. Newark. New Jersey 4 GENTS watite-l for the sEC R E T S E P k V I C E, BY GEN L L C. BAKER. The astounding revelaii ::s and startling .ii ' ' s -v rk are creatine the u. I intense desire i- use minis of tbe people to ob -1 tain it. Its vffi.-ial character and ready sale. c mbined with an increased commissi-.n. make it the bit subscript:, ti b. k ever published. Send for Circular# and see cur terms and why it sells I faster than any other work AiJress JOBS BROTHERS A CO . Philadelphia. Pa . or Circa- I go. 11l _ j Vss GREENBACK Of full value ; >rk." A c-rk tAW rbiag Interest, Replete wuh An e.d ttj and Incidents of Lite in the Great Me tr p ~.* Our Agent in Hart:- : 1 • Id - in one day : no agent iu X J sold 227 in 15 days ; one agent in Mas. s -i-i 2.-C in iae w ek ; one agent iu Conn s id 3t)4 it .nc week. No book published that sell- *■ rapidly. Y" u wish to know h >w F rtunes are ma ie s ar.d S.ist in a day ; how Ministers are ru invd in II all Street. how "Countrymen" are swin il 1 by Sharpers; h.-w Ministers and Mer chants are Blackmailed; how Dance Halls SEd c •-: cert Sal. r-s are Managed; L .v Gambling II."-u-'fand Lotteries are conducted: b >w Stock Ct iiij antes Originate and how the Bubbles Burs - , read this wrk It tells you ab.ut the mysteries ot New York and contains biographical sketches . t its Dote-i Millionaires. Merchants. A • A large i Octavo Vol., 72J pages. Finely Illustrated. The ; larg'-st c mmis-iou given Our 32-page circular ar-i fi Greenback sen: Free r. application. For full particular- an i t.-rtn*. s i ire-* the Publishers. J B BVBJB A C >.. Hni'fn 11. C- un H ANS ANDERSEN ~ XXll TtiE KiV ERs 11) 1; MA G AZINES FOE YOI'NG I'EOPLE HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN, tbe Greatest Living S'ory Teller, will send new articles direct to'he Rivtiismu. The new v- iume begins Jan., !569. and wi:l be brighter and fresher than ever. SPLENDID PREMIUM We wiil jive to every subscriber for 1539 who send* $2 50 the regular pries lireetly to us. a e.-.r-v of the Cbromo. THE yI'ACK DOCTOR, Bv JdrvßT L- SlEpHS**. repr laced ia rl .hc-.d--r*. i r our sub--ribers o-.ly. 16 x L iaches, and well worth $5. Copies wi-l he s-nt by mail, pre-paid, in the order ol HERD A HOUGHTON, Publishers, 459 Broome Street. New York. ! Samp-lcs of Magasine* sent lor 25 ets. Prospectus i I^ORNEY'S YYEEKI.Y PRESS. THE GREAT RADICAL PAPER The liVnst extensive ar,d rreshest Political New*— The beet Agricultural Department—Tbe i lates' Markets—And the best original Reading Matter. TUBUS THTL WECCLT PRE"3 One ■•- r r. one year, $2 f) Five copies, 9 lH> Ten : iet -an J one copy to the getter-up of the clubi, ' 15 00 T we:, v copies and one copy to the getter-up of the el lit- , 27 00 Fifty c -pies slid one copy to the getter-up of the clubi. 55 00 Ten copies, fo our Aod one copy to the g-tt-t-up "f the club,. 14 00 Twenty e pies, f - o n*addrt**. iindoaeoopv t the getter-up ol the club,) 25 00 Fifty copies, to our addrt&s, (and one copy to h* getter-up of the club.) * 50 00 Ocehiir. ireie-.pies.ro a, . * oddrttt, and cr.e R py of the TI-WEXKLV PRESS to the getter-up f the club'-, 100 00 AH - r-ier* *!. u!d be a IdreA-ed to JOHN tt . FvKNEY. Editor and Prop'r. S. W. cor. seventh an s C. '.-stent r'ree:* Philadelphia, Pa. ijf Fetid f- r a specimen copy. / i HEAT INDUCEMENTS a I TO SUBSCRIBERS I LIT tt, wli-i war.: a firs%-•'.ass LADY'S iI.AGA ZINE an-i a tirst-class WEEKLY' PAPER, send a: once for a -ample copv of THE LADY'S FRIEND, ar. l THE FAT! RD.AY EVEN IN * POST, i and see the unequaled inducements offered. SAM- 1 PLE C -PiBS of b -'h are —at gratis. Price for each $3 50 a Tear or §4 f-r b th Address UEN j RY PETERSON A CO., So 319 Walnut Street. Philadelphia. Per.n Pa rTH ER N II <> M I-: JOUR NA L FOR 1869 TERMS —$ per an: am. Far c pies f r $10; Eight copies for S2O; anl an extra copy to the getter-up 4' the club. A ?i Silver Watch far 30 Sub*'ribers. A $ Sev. r.g M.i jfiics f-.r 25 Subscribers. A s•'• G -li Watch fir 4" Subseriberi. A flc G M Watch f->r 75 Sab-cribers. If you i ' get er. -ugh t- secure one of the f-re miarr.-:. we will si! w you *. on each yearly su' -criher at SSAMPLE COMES free. Early In tbe ■■ --nir.g vslumc we *h ill commence - A SPLENDID NEW .-TORY, by Alexander Da ms:- .-• . a will bs printe-1 from a lvance sheets, furr.i-hei nly v. to..- psfesr. J"HN Y. SLATER. , < Publisher, Baltimore, Md. $20,000 MONEY GIVEN AWAY: THE II 'ME WEEKLY. This favorite journal i. not only one of the oldest and one of the be?t. but it is The cheapest Gorily piper in the United State* ! Thef di .wing names are selected ftotn am .ng the very extensive lists of <>ur oontiibutors:—Lewis Giylorl Clark, Mr*. E F EI let. Orpheus C Kerr. P. Hamilton Myers. Mary A. Denis-.n, T. S. Amur. C itharine Eiroshaw. Lottie Brown, John S C Abbott. Hon. K .bert Dale Owen. Edward S. Eill*. Mrs. A L Piielps. Tne contents will consist of brilliant Novelette*. Romance* Hiatorira), Biographical ar*l Scientific Sketches. E-.* .y.*, P-.etry, Cii- i-.-e Articles on Ag ric j'tur d Suject. Review*. F abknu, Anecdote*, New- Edit rials. Mirke**. an 1 all that i* calcu late 1 to in*tract and entertain the entire family circle—the whole being free from all Political and sectarian bia* The illustrations will be there in each mumbcr. ar.-i fr.tn the verv ablest artist* in the country. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS I I S2O.MM IN MONEY GIVEN AWAY I ! In addition to the other p.riteg offered below, the following will be paid to the getter up or get ; ter* up of the largest clubs sent in between No- j veinber Ist., ivic. ar.l April l*t. IsY.s Prii<-.s ; will be paid on or before April 10th. 1569. Tbe Getter up of the Largest Club sent us between the date* mentioned ab.ve will ! receive $500.00 in Greenbacks. : Second U rgeat club 400 00 do Third largest club 300.09 do Fourth iargest club 2<>0.00 do Fifth largest club 100.00 do I Tbe getter up of each Club of 100 Subscribers will receive 10.00 do The getter up of each Ciub of 50 subscriber! will ree ive 500 do The getter up of each elub of 4o.subscribers will be entitled to select a book or books, the price o( which ia S4.DO | The get tor up of each club of 25 Subscrib ers will be entitled to select a book or book.', the price of which is 2.50 j Tbe getter up of each club of 15 Subscrib ers will be entitled to select a book or b-nks, the price of which is 1.50 j The getting np of each club of 10 Bubaerib, UTr will be entitle-l to seclcct a h>,k or books, tbe price of which is 1.00 ; The getter up of each club of 5 Subscribers will be entitled to select a book or books, i the price of which is 50 ■ A Catalogue fr -ru one of the largest publishing hous'-s in the United .States will he tarnished. j from which selections can be made and the i I books will be sent to the parties entitled to them. Postage Free. ; TTRMS; Single espies, Five Cent*. • > One copy, one year, $2 00 ; Two copies,one year, 3 no ; ■ Five eopies, one year, 9.U0 j i Ten copies, one year, and one extra to the getter up of the club, 17 09 j j Fifteen e .pies, one year an 1 one oxtra, 25 90 j ( Twenty-five cop e*. an-l one extra, 49 90 I Forty copies, and one extra, 64 90 j • Fifty copies, end one extra, tit) 09 • | One hundred copie*. and one < xtra. 155.09 The Postage on the Home Weekly 20 cents a j year. Piiaf-.t-'rotero and - Tiers who get up cl jbi, can | afterwards al l names at the -tsuae rates, and the ! 1 names will be counted, up to April Ist, as part ' ' of the original club. Specimen copies sent, free of postage, on re- f . eeiptof a five cent uote lend for ipecimens. and commence sending in jour Club* early All C .mm inications must be : I addrcased to JOAEPH A. NUNES, Publisher k j | Prop i, 121 .So Third St., Phiiadtipbia, Pa. j iktv f rm-: PRACTICAL FARMER. NOW IN ITS SIXTH YEAR - PURLL>HKB IX PHILADELPHIA. Aft>STlll.at $1.50 r r ii>H>MN. m adnnee, ty PASCHALL MORRIS. IS NO 13th St., Phila delphia 20 .•■'■pie* fugr ' If chiefly made up of origi nal matter, in relation to every Department of Agriculture. Horticulture and Rural Economy. Large inducement* as- J liberal premium-: offered !to agents and canvasser* Sample c< pie* furnish ed ON application. A GENTS WANTED KDU TIIK OFFI C I A L HISTORY OF THE WAR. Its C,UI s, Character, CONmprising Sixteen Large Double Quarto Pages , R Five Columns each, and als Greatly IMPROVE 1. This will make the PA per about Double T>F nner Stze. with NO In crease in PRIOR 1 Y.-L. XX. for IVVJ. will excel J sn alt the essentials OF a Progressive. Timely and 1 useful Rural. Literary and Family Newspaper, — manifesting the true spirit of its Motto, ■ H.rrd sior,"and Objects. ••Progrt > ami Improre me t, and making the BKST W KKKLY IN AVKKI CA ' The Rt TUT is not a Monthly, but a Large and Be tutifu! WTI Vl.V— su peril rin Value. Purity and Variety of Contents, and Adapted to the Wants of All. TERMS $3 a Year: Five > pies sl4 : Seres for 19; Ten ivr $25. Ac. N \s is the time to Sub scribe and F-rm Clubs '. Libera! inducements to J Cub Agents Specimens, Sh-w Bills. Ac , sent free 1 1. T MOORB, TL Park Row. N. Y. 4 RENTS WANTED UR our II- j . V 1-rsTRATEit JBIELK HISTORY, OVER 400 en- j G ravings. Photographic B.bles as low as $:! 00. J ; tsend stamp for terms. Ac. GREEN' A CO., 418 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa. A DAY.—Agents wanted. o— Address with stamp. BURT A CO.. Bldieford. Me. 4 GENTS WANTED.— Mate and J A'V. FEMALE, for - ur SUPERIOR ass rttuent of Sta- ' tionery Gift Packages Can be sold in every J hcusel LD. NO b.ter investment. Circular free. Address HA AS IS A LUBRECHT, Empire! M .:]■■■. Char: and .Stat: nery Establishment, 107 | Liberty street. New York. R N 1 \- E R ~S A L | CLOTHES WRINGER. i MP ROVED WITH ROWELL'S NEW PATENT DOL BLE-GEAR T)ie cm! J wringer which can use the ••STOP." cr fastning above the Cogs, which 1- absolutely necessary to prevent the Cog from i playing out of gear, and the Rubber Rollers from being .trained OR broken in wringing large arti- I cles Sold by dealers generally! A supply at- I ways kept on hand for shipment at Cleveland, i Chicago sr. I St I, ;LS R C. BROWNING, 1 General Agents. 22 "itttllllll street. N. Y. > ~ Xr COLBURNS PATENT. PvTeNTt D J' t.R 9. UK-ISSCKD Are 181843. Extracts fr M Letters and Reports of the work ing Qualities fthe Axe : I Your Axe is Bound to be THE AXS. II IT will cut 25 per cent, better 111. My brother 1 st an arm in the war. but with Y ar Axe he can cut as well as any one else can IV If I E uldr.ot get another, twenty-five .$25; dollars would not buy it V. It will cut hoop-poles better than any other Axe VI. I W aid not BE without ii for anything VII. The only objection is it goes tos far into the wood. VIII. Men who ehop for a living universally ap prove of it. At.. Ac., a 1 infinitum. For sale by all responsible dealers in the United States. UPPINCOTT A BAKE WELL, PTTTSBTBGH. PI. Msr.UF AC rarer* of th* RED JACKET AXES. > \W. SH IVELS ai d SCOOPS, arid ail approved Shapes and Styles of AXES. Sole owners of COL iiks's PATENT. J) E W HA T It AC K. J C unty Rights Send for circulars to E. S. BLAKE. Pittsburgh, Peun DRUNKENNESS AND ALL love or desire f r intnx: -iting li-iuors. safely and : T- -itlv-ly cured by DR. CLARK'S 'SALVATION ; PIUVLIRBS." Tbty CAN be administered if necessary with AT the knowledge OF the person, in Ale, Wine j Tea. or any other beverage. SENT by mail on re c-ipt of pri -E. ONE DOLLAR. Address DK. I JAMES L CLARK. 43a liaison S'reet, N. Y. Co: This OU F For Reference. J |NE DOLLAR! ONE DOLLAR! \ / MESERVE AC). 35 Sudbury St . Boston, are ■ ie pr-prietc rs and manufacturers of the new , !y invent--"! Peerless Double Pen Fountain. A gente wanted everywhere With each fountain : sold, whether ingle f>r specimen or to elubs. they ?er. 1 a -lip. Without Charge, describing some ar ticle they will sell for Cno Dollar. They sup- i ply families with thousands of useful, ornamental, j A i: 1 DCCT -.iry ertl Ie- of unequalled quality, de- . fyicg competition in this trade. Commission*#! F to 8500. according to size of clut-s. Many agents make S2O per day. Circular? sent free. I O O K ! L O O IV ! j The magnitude of our business has enabled ns to make the INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS . FOR OCR ONE DOLLAR SALE, especially in the line of COTTEN GOODSf LARG Elt TII A X EVE R ! [J,; Seel for circulars, with NKW PRBXII'M RATES, be!ire sending your clubs elsewhere. Address S. C. THOMPSON I CO s | LJFI Fel-.ral ttt., Boston. ¥ AIRES! LADIES! LADIES!— I J The Patent Empress 0 irterand the Eugenie TWO of the MOST useful articles ever invented for 'adit*' use. Circulars gratis. SAMPLES inaib 1 for s2.s®. Agents wanted everywhere. Addre-- ERI EESS GAUTBR CO., 1 IdFultou st ,N. Y. P. 0 IB x 2LT3. Ijs YCIP) LOGIC Fascination, or Soul J Charming. How to fas -iaate ar.l gain the : ndav as tbe polish fades off. but the shine of DOBBI NS' BLACK ING Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sun day. It beat.' any other blaetin•> m i lt. Manufactured only by J B. Dobbins, at bis im- I mense Soap and Blacking Works. SIXTH Street and i Germantown Avenue. Philadelphia. Pa. For sale by 11. F- IRVINE, the Regulator, nov27tn3 Bedford, PA V gents Wanted to Take Orders for Recollections and Private Memoirs of Wash ington. BY HIS AIIOPTEK SOX, GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE CCSTIS, With Illustrated and Exjilanatory notes by BENSON J. LOSSIXG. A b -ok for all sections and ail parties, contain ing tbe minute details of Washington's Private Life, a* well as his public career, (which general I history does not rcv-a!.; This book is written by A member of Washington's own family— one who lived with him from infancy, and most prove pe culiarly acceptable to the American Public. The great demand for this work, its ready sale, and an increased commission makes it the best I book for Agents ever pablktbed. The RU ST liberal terms to agents, an L exclusive ! 1 sale in the territory assigned SEA-I FOR descriptive cir-ular AR. I term* to ag'ts. Address, WILLIAM FLINT, No. 20 South 7th .vreet, Philadelphia, I'a. f ADDERS from a distance for any A J kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Bend to THE QASETTJC JOB OFFICE Bed ford. PA FpERMS for every deHC-ription of Job PRINTING CASII; for the REAF/N that for EVERY article ire use. we most pay oash; and the cash system will enable us to do our work as low AS it car: be done in the cities. : WAGONS FOR SALE AT • W) KNOX* SHOPS, near iiedfor p lapriiitf | pLEC T R 1 V TELEGRADII IN CHINA. THE EAST INDI A TELEGRAPH COMPANY $ OFFICE NIG. 2i> A 'S> Nassau Street, NEW YORK. Organised under special charter from the Slate of New York CAPITAL $5,000,000 50 0(H) SHARKS, SIOO EACH D I It E C T O It S. HON. ANDREW G. CI'RTIN. Philadelphia. PAULS FORBES, of Ku-ellA Co , China. FRED. BUTTERFIELD, of F. Butterfield i C New Y'ork ISAAC LIVERMORE, Treasurer Michigan Cen tra! Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND. Treasurer American Express Company, New York. Hon JAMES NOXON, Syracuse, N. Y". , 0. 11. PALMER, Treasurer Western Union Te! graph Company. New Y'ork. FLETCHER WESTRA Y, of Westray. Gitb* A Hardcastle, New Y'ork. NICHOLAS MICKLF.S. New Y'ork. O F FIC E R S. A. G. CURTIN, President. N. MICKLES. Vice President GEORGE ELLIS Cashier National Bank Com monwealth.: Treasurer. 1 HON. A. K. McCLURE, Philadelphia. Solicitor. The Chinese Government having (through the Hon Anson Burtingamei conceded to this Com pany the privilege of connecting the great sea | ports of the Empire by submarine electric tele graph cable, we propose oommencing operations iu China, and laying down a liue of nine hundred miles at once between the following port s. via : Population. ; Ganton 1,000,000 i Maeoa 60,000 ! Hong-Kong 250.000 | Swatow. 200.000 ! Am0y..... 250.000 ; Foo-Chow 1.250.000 Wan-Chu 300.U0# Ningpo 400.M0 Hang Chesa 1,306.000 Shaus-hai 1.010.000 Total 5 010.000 These ports have a foreign commerce of $900.- 000.000. and an enormous domestic trade, besides ; which we have the immense internal commerce of the Empire, radiating from these points, through its canais and navigable rivers. The cable beiDg laid, this company proposes erecting land line?, ai d establishing a speedy tied trustworthy means of communication, which must command there, as everywhere else, the eommu nirations of the Gorernmont. of business, atid of social life especially in China. She has no [-ostal system, and ber only means now of commuuicating information is by couriers on land, and by steam ; ers on water. | Tbe Western World knows that China is a very large country, in the main densely peopled; but few yet realize that she contains more than a third of the human race The latest returns mude to her centra! authorities for taxing purposes by the local magistrate make ber population Four hun dred and Fourteen millions, and this is mora likely to be under than over tbe actual aggregate. Nearly all of these, who are over ten years old, not only can but do read and write Her civili sation is peculiar, but her literature is as exten sive as that of Eurepe. China is a land of teach ers and trader? ; and the latter are exceedingly quick to avail themselves ct eTcry proffered facili ty for procuring early information. It ie observed in California that the Chinese make great use of tbe telegraph, though it thero transmits messages in English alone. To-day gteat numbers of fleet steamers are owned by Chinese merchants, and used by them exclusively for the transmission of early intelligence. If the telegraph we propose connecting all their great seaports were tow in existence, it is believed that its business would ; pay the cost within the first two years of its suc cessful operation, and would steadily increase thereafter. No enterprise commends itself as in a greater I degree renumerative to capitalists, and to our whole people. It is of vast national importance commercially, politically and evangelically. I_jf""The stock of this C-ouipauy has been uu qua.itii.diy recommended to capitalists and lusi uess men. as a desirable investment by editorial ar'ieles in the New Y'ork Herald. Trtlum, It orld. Times, Post, Kxpreis, ludejiendent .and j in the Philadelphia North American, Press, ! Ledger. Inquirer. Age. put let in and Telegraph. Shares of this company, to a limited number, may be obtained at ssu each, $lO payable down, sls on the Ist of November, and $25 payable in m- ntbly instalment? of $2 5o each, commencing : December I, 1563, in. application to ' DREXEL i CO., 34 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Shares can be obtained in Bedford bj applica tion to Heed & Schell, Bankers, who are author ized to receive subscriptiono, and can give all no cessarjr inforinatiou on the subject. sept2syl 1 $ •W- ' T; iTj O ; X § * C- I s ) r\ 5 NC © X su J I— l f V 'T © c ■3 - * . r -2 _ r s ~<£ ~ I K Q ? o me T 2 5 - w H 2 CD 'Z >-3 M 2 £ -e? 5- M Mk • % T 1 S M J 2 X 2 > *? \\ r AN I LI)—AGENTS—In every town IT for (TSIIMAN & GO'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR STORE. Descriptive check? $lO per hundred. Con sum sumers supplied direct from the manufactorte*, and all goods warranted. Circulars sent tree. ADDRESS) CUSHMAN A CO., dectw9 10 Arch St., Boston. QELLING OFF AT O0BT!! Ready-made cb/thing, Cussimere, Huts and Cap? AT COST. doo4tf R. W. BERKSTRKSSEK. SLID BILLS, PROGRAMMES POSTERS, and ail kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PP.INTING, done with neatness : and despatch, at rag Oaten* oUlee