The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 11, 1868, Image 6
38achia<£. 825! 825! THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE S E WING MA CFTIN E I retailed at a price within the reach of aii. This Machine ate* a tr*igfc-. needle, make* the LOCKSTITCH alike on both side* ha* a **!f adjujting tension. and can do every variety of sewing. It *'!? hem, fell. bind. cord. braid, ieai. built, tack, raffie. and gather; aad will work eqnally well oo silk, linen, woolen, or cotton goods, with silk, lir.en. or cotton thread THE A MER jr. 1N S H VITL E5 K WING fMA CHINE Warranted for Flv® YPt rs '■ Oar Agents will fee supplied with duplicate parti of the Machine, in esse of accident It makes pre cisely the same stitch made by the Singer, Wheel er 4 WiUor, Howe, and Florence Machines It ha the Under-feed, like the best of high-priced Machines, and is the only lew-priced Shuttle Machine in the market that has this feed We are enabled to sell a first class SHUTTLE MA CHINE at a very low price, on account of its Sim plicity, and consequent low cost of Manufacturing, in comparison with Complicated Machines AGENTS. We wish to arrange with Agent*, ma'e or female, to represent the American Shuttle Bewmg Ma chine, in each State. County, and Town in the United States and Ontario. Extra inducement* to Experienced Agents. For fail particular*, as to Salary or Commission, address G. V. N. ANDREWS, General Ag't, Detroit, Mich. N. B —For the benefit o: our Agents we have ar ranged with parties who have goods soitab'e for Sewing Machine Agents to sell. We will send BOOK OF SAMPLES and full particulars on re ceipt of one red stamp. Address G. V N. AN- DREWS, General Agent, Detroit, Mich. nov6yl RIMIE GREAT AMERICA V CO MB IN A TloN But ten Hole Over-earning AND SEWING MACHINE Its Wonderful Pttj darity Conclusive Proof of it' Ore" fileri'. The increase in the demand for thi-t valuable machine has been TEN FOLD during the last seven months of its first year before the public. This strand and ' •rprising success it uvpre etdenled in the history of sewing-machines, and w* fee! fully warranto I in claiming that IT BAN NO EQCAL BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest. It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and the Overseamtne and Button-hole stitch, wi'b equal facility and perfection. It executes in the very best manner 'every variety of sewing, such as Hemming. Felling Cording. Tacking. Stitch lug, -tiMeir.(lathering and sewing on, (done at the same time,) and in addition, uver se.ims, Embroider? on the edge, aud makes beau tiful Button and Eyelet-boles in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agent?, 'ogiveentire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Maebtne, can be bad on appli cation at the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING AND SEWING MAC HI V E CO . S. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHKSTNCT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, PA Instructions given on the Machine at the rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. A(j E NTS WA N 1' ED. FRED'K PAXTON, President. W. B. MeNDENHALL, Treasurer. jau3."66 8. J. M.'CAUSLIN, Agent, Bedford. Pa. / \ U R N E W \ I FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The superior merits of the "Singir Machines over all others, for either v, in -,|y u-e or Manu favturing purp are o well established and so generally admitted, that an enumeration of their relative excellences is no longer considered neces " OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, which has been brought !o perfection regardless of time, labor, or expense, is cow confidently pre sided to the public ar incomparably the Best Sew ing Mach iue ii existence. The machine in ques tion is Simple, C mpact. Durable and Beautiful. It i quiet, light running, and CAI'ABLi UK PERFORMING A RANGE AND VARIETY OF WORK never before attempted upon a single Machine, — using either SILK, TWIST, LINES OR COTTON TnnEAD, and sewing with equal facility tbe very finest and coarsest materials, and anytbinx be tween tbe two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantia! manner. Its attachments f.,r Hem ming. Braiding, Cording, Tucking, Quilling. Fel ling, Trimming Binding, etc., are Novel and Prac tical. aud have been invented and adjusted es pecially for this Machine. New designs of the Unique. Useful, and Popular Folding Tops and Cabinet C ises, pecnliar to tbe Ma. :bines manufactured by this Company, have been prepared tor enclosing the new Machine. A faint idea, however, can at best be conveyed through tbe medium of a (necessarily) limited ad vertisement; and wo therefore urge every person in quest of a Sewing Machine, by all means to ex amine and test if they can possibly do so, all the leading rival Machines before making a purchase. A selection can tb'n bo made understandingly Branches or agencies for supplying the "Siuger" Machines will be found in nearly every city and towu throughout the civilized world, wocre Ma chines will he cheerfully exhibited, and any infor mation promptly furnished. Or communications may be addressed to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broad wa y, NBW YOEC. * j PHILADELPHIA <)FP®—tlOu Chestnut St. I Ly C. LOVER, Agent. Bedford, Pa 0ei9.60yl 4 RARE CHANCE IS < >FFERED rjL ALL PER-ONS Ti display their Good*, T' *!! their Go .ds To gather information; i To make ki.--.wa their watts; j Am., Ac Ac Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac , Ae., Hy iii>w-'oiiT,.; tba nelnmns of visa 'iuTV £IJLJP BI LLS, I'RIMIRAMMES * POSTERS, and ail kinds of PLAIN AND j FANCY" JOB PP.INTING, done with neatness j and deipatcii, atTBeGIXRTT* offlce j k>r WAGONS FOR SALE AT } KNOX' SHOPS, Dorr Bed for p [aprlVrf. | t Hnt-6oods, &c. J) EMOVED to the COLONNADE BUILDING! MILLER A BOWSER. ■At the Old Colonnade, • Bedford, Pa . OFFER GREAT BARGAINS, i (in order to reduce their stock, before making their spring purr basest in Ready-Made Clothing, Fancy GuOls, Notion-, Cotton Yarn. Hat- and Cap*, Boot* and Shoes, Groceries, Queens ware, I . \\ ooden ware, Tobacco and Cigars, Brooms, Baskets, Ac., Ac., Ac. ! LOOK AT SOME OF THEIR PRICES: CALICO, at 8, 10, 12, 15, Ifi. GINGHAM, at 12J, 15, 18, 20. MUSLIN, at 10, 12, 14, 15,18, 20. ar- Cas*imeres,Cloths, 8a 1 inettsand Ladies' Sacking, at very low prices. £&* Ladies', Gents' and Misses' i Shoes. Sacda'.s and Over-shoes, in great variety , Usee Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots. Best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Syr j up in the market. Prices low Staffs Feed, Flour, &c., for -ale at ali times to?" We invite all to call and see our goods and compare prices before buying elsewhere fcs?- Our motto is, Short Proffit*. tev" TERMS—Cash, Note or Produce. *pr3,6B pentistru. f < s. IIICKOK. v. . DENTIST, Office at the old grand in BAMC BI ILDING Julian na Street. BEDFORD, Pa. Ail operation". pertaining to Surgical and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with care, and W ARRANTED Anaesthetics administered, when desired. Ar tificial teeth inserted. pet set. 00 and ttpwird. iy As I am determined to do A CASH BUSINESS , or none. I have reduced the prices of ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the various kinds. 20 PER CENT and of GOLD FILLINGS 33 FKR EENT. This reduction will he made only to strictly CASH PATIENTS, arid all such will receive prompt attention feb7,'6Stf i l iiusicians. DR. GEO. B. KKI.LKV. having perißApently ID ST. CLAIKS VIIAUBV his profAsi<ml MrvUea to the ! citixeni of that place and vicinity nov2'Jlfty) WT v.". JAMISON, M. I>.. BLOODY Ff • Rt:a. Pa., tenders his professional servi ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office | one door west of Richard Langdon a store. Nov. 24, '6s—ly #auufrs. I ZACOB REED, j J. J. SCUELL. REED AND SCH ELL. Hunters and NE A LEIi S 1 N EXCIIA NG E, BEDFORD.PA., DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and money promptly remitted Deposits solicited. OE SIIA N N ON] BAN K E P., • BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North end South, ami the general business ->f Exchange | transacted Notes and Accounts Collected and Kemittanees promptly made. REAL ESTATE bought and sold. jn17,'68 p . U M P 8! ! ! I m engaged in selling the ERIE PUMP— certainly the only pamp well adapted to this cltmate Persons in need of a GOOD PIMP, will do well to give me a call. LVOrders from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : WM. C SXIVELY, Schellsburg Aug. 1, 'Bs—ly UA IRB A N K'S 8T ANI>A ii D JP SCALES, of all kinds, also, Baggage. Barrows, Ware house Trucks, Copy: ne Presses, fir. FAIRBANKS, MOUSE 4- CO., Corner Wood fi Second Sts., Pittsburg, Pa. I ly B careful to buy only the Genuine Scales Repaired promptly. mar27n>6. SELLERS ,T- FOLWELL, WHOLESALE CONFECTION EKSand FKUITERERR, No. 161 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA feh2im2 is* Orders promptly attended to I UMBER.- -60,000 feet Oak, White and Yellow Pino Lumber on bands and fo sale by J BWILLIAMS A CO , juni4. 67tf Bloody Run. Pa LETTER IIKADH AND ~BILL HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men fruited in the beat style of the art. at TUEGXZITTV OR Oar ice NAMMOiiI SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large salea. Wc know it to he so. TRY IT! It will much more than pay the extra evpens* ot prist j inf. Call at TBR GA*RVTI Jul Orr ®|>e SGCk!JfOTtT ti£r&f Vttt* ipa* <Tfcc Srplator's Column. rjpHE REGULATOR take* pleasure in informing hia friend* that ha hat taken The Old Store all to himself, and tends as formerly, keeping nothing but the best goods at REASONABLE PRICES. Remember always to call at No 2 ASBXBBOS'S Row, where y.o will always find H. F IRVINE prepared to sell at cheap, as the cheapest BOOTS AND SHOES. Everybody in search of Eoots, Bh-.cs and Gaiters, should call at Irvine a Regulator. GLASSWARE. Everybody in search of Glass c should call at Ir vi •' Regulator QUEENS WARE. Everybody in search of Queensware. should call at Irvine's Regulator SPICES. Everybody in want of Spices of any kiDd, should not fail to call at Irvine's ulator. GROCERIES. Everybody in search of Su gar. Tea or Coffee, should cot fail to call at Irvine's Regulator. TOBACCO. Men loving good Tobacco, shouia call at Irvine's Regulator, a- he keepa the beat. NOTIONS. Everybody " wanting good Neck-ties. Collars. Ac., should call at ones at Ir vine'*. mayl.'HS, VATI'IiK'S GREAT RESTORER. S C ll EKr z' s CKLEBBATED BITTER CORDIAL. This medical preparation is now offered to the public as a reliable substitute fur the many worth less compounds which now fl awl the market It is purely vegetable, c tup -ed of various berl. gathered from the great storehouse of nature, and selected with the utmost care It is nut recommended as a CCRE ALL. but BY its direct and salutary influence up-.u the Heart. Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Stomach and Bowels, it acts both as a preventive and cure for many of the diseases to which those organs are subject. It is a reliable Family Medictuc, and can be taken by either intant or adult with the same beneficial re sul's It is a certain, prompt mod apeedv retnedv for DIAKRHGSA DYSENTERY BOWEL COM PLAINT, DYSPEP.-JA. LOW X ESS OF SPIRITS, i FAIN" TINGS. SICK-HEADACHE. Ac. For Chills and Fevers of all kinds, it is far better and safer than quinine, without auy of its pernicious effects. It creates an appetite, proves a powerful digester of foel. an J will counteract the eff -ets of liquor in a few minutes. PREPARED BV JACOB SCHEETZ, So'e Proprietor, N W. Cor. Fifth and Rice Sts., Piitlad'a, Pa SOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS novl3.'6s.yl : mRE RIVERSIDE F<i 18®. Ibis favorite magazine for the young announc es the following as amomg the noticeable features of the c miiig volume : 1. New Stories. contributed especially to the Riv erside in advance of their publication in Den mark. Jy Hans Christian Andersen 2. A Serial. -White and Red,'' of thrilling ad venture and humorous scenes amongst our North west Indians. By Mrs Weeks, author ot -Ains | lee." 3 Stories from Spenser and Chaucer 3y the I author of the ponular stories from Shakespeare 4 Papers on Invention and Art: how statutes are made, how telegraphs are worked, how a boy Can make photographs, etc., etc 5 Hunting in South Africa : Streets of Con stantinople. American Ciiies. New Orleans. Balti t inure. Philadelphia. New York. Boston, etc.. etc. A. Life on the Prairie Porte Crayon's Young Virginians. 7. Exquisite Fairy Pictures and Poems Grace ful tale- by popular writers. 8. Illusi rations of the Bible. History, Natural History, Biography, Curiosities, etc. V Fun an t Frolic in all sorts of forms. The list of writers tor the ' Riverside" includes the names of Jacob Abbott, Hans Christian An dersen. Alice and Phoebe Cary. Nellie Eyster, F. K. Goulding, Paul H Hayne, Horace E Scudder, Helen C. Weeks, Vieux Moustache, Author of 'Susy's Six Btrtnday's," Author of "Seven Little Sisters," etc. A full-page Frontispiece and a number of large illustrations in every number. A BRILLIANT ILLUMINATED COVER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $2 50 a year in advance ; three copies, SO 50 ; five copies, flit.oo; ten copies. $20.00 and an ex tra copy GRATIS. Price to clergymen and teach ers. s.' 00 per year. Single copies, 25 cents. A primpeetus containing a full account of the plan for ihe coming volu.uc. rates of clubbing wiih other magaziues, special premiums, etc , etc . will be sent promptly on application to the Pub lishers. HURD A HOUGHTON, Publishers, dec44 450 Br<-iiie > ■'' V V rlr \V. CHOUSE, DRALER IN ALL KINDS or SUGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, And a general assortment of Smokers ami Chew erg' articles, BEDFORL., Pa. j131,'68yl \\T P. SCHELL. J J GENERAL AGENT or TBR National Life In-urance Company of the United Statesof America, for Blair. Bedford, Cambria. Huntingdon and Somerset counties. and effi-ient loeal agenta wanted in every town and township. Apply to W. P. SCUELL, *ep4tf. Bedford, Pa A UCTIO EEit.— Che undersigned having renewed his license as an auctioneer offers his servtoes to the public generally. Post office audress Cumberland Vley mar2om2 JOHN DICK EN YOUR ( ASSIAILRjus deed R. W. BRRKSTRBBcER, £tatiflnrrg, &c. I AN LV STATiONERY ! BOOKS AXD STATIONERY ' ' INQUIRER ROOK STORE, (opposite! House,) BEDI&RD, PRSS'A. The Proprietors take pleasure in offering to the public, almost every article belonging TO the Cook Business, andthat too at City RETAIL P*ICE. Miscellaneous Book-, consisting of POZTRT. by the leading Poets, all the late and standard NOVELS, by the best authors Bibles Hymn Books, <Sxv Large family Bible-. Lutheran and Methodist Hymns, and a selection of Religions Beoks. School Books, Being a complete series of the Book* now used in our COMMON Schools Stationery, of all kind", and quality, from the smallest Note to the largest Cap. Wall Paper, the cheapest, best and largest stock ever brought to town. Blank Books, Iay Books, Ledgers. Time Books and Pass Books. Inks and Ink Stands, various kinds, all C venient and dura Pen- and Pencils, of twenty-five different varieties, good in kind and quality Also, all the very latest and leading Periodicals, always on hand, at publisher's price*. LJFF*°Any article called for and not on hau l, it desired, wiil be ordered promptly. ; Give us A call, OPPOSITE the Afengel House and one door SOUTH of the [vqrtaga OFFICE. mar 27 Lit RBORROW & LUTZ j — r — at £au\ , . L. RCSSELL. J. B LONO EVECKER I> UsS-SELL A LOXGENEf KEli, I 1 ATTOEVETS A*D CorxsELLOf.s AT LAW. BEDFORD PA Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their care. Special attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions. AC OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court House aprs,'67tf | J VCD. SBAEL-E, E F RSBR. OHAItPE A KERR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., will pr ice IN the courts of Bedford end adjoining con: ties Of fice on Juliana sr.. opposite the Baokicg House of Reed A Schell. | March 2. ON. J" R. 1) U R ii <> R 11 OW, . ATTORNFY AT LAW, ! BEDFORD, Pa., Will attend promptly to all BUSIN. -S intrusted to Lis care. Collections ma le on the shortest no | tiee. He is. al-o, a regularly licensed Claim Age-T 1 and wili T. attention to the prosecution I ofolaiu.l # GAINS: the U •vernme..t for PEU ions. Ba K Pay, Bounty. Bounty Lmds A; Office in the sec .: 1 story UT J W. Lingenfelter'* i New Budding, adjoining the "Met gel H USE aug2ltiifi ; IOHNP. RKEI>, ATTORNEY AT FJ LAW. BEDFORD. PA Respectfully readers Hl* services to the public. Office second door North of the Met gel LL .ns - Bedford. Aug. 1. IDFIL. {[NSPY U. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT 2a LAW, BEDFORD, PA Will faithfully and promptly attend to all BUSINESS entrusted TO bis ! care in Bedford an 1 adjoining counties Military Iim, back pay, boucty, Ac., speedily collected. 1 Office with Mann IT Spang, on Juliana street, t o doors South of the MONGOL House Jan. 22, ItKW, R. V. KIX V ELL ! J W. LIVOEVVVLTER. rr IMMELL & LINGEXFEEI EK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD. PA Hare formed a partnership in the practice of Ihe Law OS Eon J uliana .-'reet. two doors SSUTU of the Mengel House.' 1 / IK SPANG, A ryoHNEY AT \JF . LAW BEDFORD. PA Will promptly at tend to CoUOL TW -ULD IT T<iir, 8.-ni Ililosci SO hie OUR*, in Bedford artl adjoining counties Office on Juliana Street, three do*is south of the Mengel House opposite the residence of Mrs Tate May 13, 1364. B F X EVER S J. A. DI KF.RSOS. MEYERS a- DICKERSOX, at . TORNEYS AT LAW. Bedford, Pa., office same AS formerly occupied by Hon S. L Russell, a few doors south OT the C' Ort House, will practice in the several court* of Bedford county Pensions, bounty and rack pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to may 11,' fill. HAAS IKVINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bloody Ran, Pa Office in Harris' New Building. inarlo'6- IyiANHOOIJ: HOW LOSE HOW Iwl RESTORED. Ju.-t published, a new edi tion of DK CRTVEKWELL ' CKLKBK.VTI n Kit-AT on th* radical cure .without mediein- of M-KII RATOBRB<F.A. or Seminal Weakness. luvo'.wtarj Seminal Losses. IID potency. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impoti.iiiHcnts to Marriages, en; : also. CuSSCWPTtoS, KPILKPST and firs, induced by sell-ic itilgeaee or sexual extravagance. .jfPrice in a sealed envelope, only Scents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essy, clearly demonstrates from a thirty year- sueee.-.-- ful practice, that the alarming consequence* or self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous u-e of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knite : poii.ting out a m-le of curt at once simple, certain, and effectual, by meai.- of which every sufferer, no matter what his eon- diiiun may be, may cure bimselt cheaply, priva tely, and radically 1 bis Lecture should be in the bands of every youtb and every man in the land •sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, ou receipt of six cents, or two (tost stamps Also, Dr Culverweil Marriage Guide,' price 25 eeua Address the Publishers, CHAs. J 0. KLINE t CO., 127 Bowery, N. V. Post Office Box 45SK. aug23, v.7—ly DANIEL BORDER, PITT STKEET. TWO DOORS WEST OF THE BED POKI) HOTEL, BxnroßO. PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL KY, SPECTACLES, AC He keeps on hand a siock ot fine Gold and Sii er Watches, Spectacle* of Brilliant Double Re ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Kings best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply i order any thing in bis line not ou bund. 'Jet. 2U, 1&65- IjR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITT E R 8 . A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC AND CARMINATIVE BITTERS. E x TB A CT E D entirely from Merits and ROOTS. Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite ; and an excellent CORRECTIVE foi persons suffering from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, Ac. SOLD Everywhere Depot, No. 413 Market St., Philada. J. K. TAYLOR & CO. (•plltg.'yl CWNB AND LOCKS.—The under J signed respectfully tender* his service* to the people of Bedford and vicinity, a* a repairer Gun* and Locks. Ail work promptly at ended WAIW LWJHAOM, 3Urdtral. H AIR V I G O R, FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HAIR THE GREAT DE.-H DERATEM OF THE AGE. A dressing which is at once sgreuabie. healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon res hired to its original color and tba gloss ar.d freshness of youth Thin hair is thickened, falling hair cheeked, ami baldness of ten. though not always, eared by its use Noth ing ea.i restore the bair where the follicle* are de stroyed. or the glands atrophied ami decayed. But 'ueb as remain can be saved tor usefulness by thi application. Instead ot fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it wili keep it clean and vigor ous Its occasional use will prevent the hair I from turning gray or falling off and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substance* which make -oiuc preparations danger oa* and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a IIAIR DRESSING, nothing eie can be found >-> desirable. Contain ing neither oil cor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co., | PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CBEXISTS. LOWELL, MASS, Price $1 00. Mg2l'fißyl B. F HARP.Y, Agec VYER'S CATH ARTIC PI EES. For all the purposes ola Laxative Medicine Perhaps no one Medicine is so universally re quired by everybody a cathartic, nor was e-er any before so universally adopted into use. in ev ery c untry and among all classes, r* this mild but efficient purgative Pill. The obvious reason is. that it is a rnurt reliable and far more effectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know 'hat it cured them ; those who have not. know that it cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what i' does once it does always —that it never fails :hr >ugh ar.j fault or neglect of its composition We have tbinsinds upon thou- I sands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following omplahits. but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them Adapted to ail ages and conditions in at"; climates; containing neither ealotuel or any dele terious drug. ib-y UJ ty be taken w.rfi s.itety by anybody. Their sogar coating preserves i h<-in ev - j er Iresh and makes tncui pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable uo arui can arise from their use in any quitiitiy. They operate by their powerful influen e on the internal viator* to purify the blo-i and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and otherorg&i -of the body, restoring tneir irregular action to health, ami by correcting, wnerever they exist, sash jer ingementa as are the first origin of di ease. Minu'e directions are given m the wrapper on • he hox. for the following com pi . nts. which these Ptils rapidly cure:— For DrspEPstA or INDIGESTION. LISTI.*>SV£ISS LANOCOR and Loss of Appetite, they -ftout 1 1-E lake* moderately to srituul ne the stomach ami laitaM Hi healthy tone and action For DIVER C IUPL AIXT and us various symptoms. CILLIOI s HTA."ACUI .-II K HEADACHE. vt NDICE or tJrecu EN KSKSS. Bilious Colic and Bilious Fe vers. tbey *h <uld be judi. lous.y tekeu for each Case, to correct he dima-e l action or r u. ae he obstruction* which cause it. Fur DVSENTKKV or DIARKBO.A. but one mild dose is generally required. Fir K I Kt MvvisM, RDOLT. GRAV N. PALPITATION ur THE Htittr. PAIN IN THE BACK ami LOINS, they should be continuously 'akeu. as re quired to change the diseased action of the -ys tetii. With such Change those complaints disap pear. For DROPS V and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS they should be taken in large and frequent d se to produce the effect of a drastic purge. Fur SCPPRESSION a large dose -h -uld be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy As a DINNER PILL, take oue or two , nls to pro tnate ingestion and relieve the stomach. Au oceaaini a! dose stimulates the stomach and b wci- into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigoni:.- the sy-reiu Hence it is oueD ad vantageous. where no serious derangement exist- One who leels tolerably well, often hod-that a dose oi these PILLS makes him leel deel edly better, from their clean-in and renovating eflfect ou the diges i ve apparatus Litl. J. C . A I blii A CO . Practical C/tnnt LOh h LL. MAPS., V. S. A. augJl'tiayl is. f. HAKitSf, AGENT. V* . ' ... Villa A < , B A N K E It S, No. ;{-> Third street, Philadelphia, GENERAL AGENT FOB THE RATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. FOR THE Mates of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY i- a Corporation Chartered T>y Special Act of Congress, approved July 25, IStSS, with a (..'ash Capital of One MILLION Dollars and is now thoroughly organized and prepared for business. Liberal terms, ffered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited toapply at our office. bull particulars to be had on application at our office, located ir the seeoud story of our Banking tiou-e. where Circulars an 1 Pamphlets, fully de scribing the advantages offered by the Company, may be had. Applications for Central and Western Pennsyl vania to be made to B 5 KCSSKLB, Manager. Hurrisburg. Pa. E. W CLARK A CO.. No. 35 South Third St.. Phil* . Pa AGENTS —John G Fisher and Wm. A Edwards S. S I'luefc. Saxton. Bedford eouuty. Pa. uug2l 'fiS.y I 8 I'. iiAltlJAL'iili A SON, • II hote.iale Traveling Dealers in FAXt'V ititV <iouiS AN i ) N()- TiONS, will visit iheir friends and the public generally, u. Bedford county, once every .wo months. They aeli their goods ut city price's. Also, agents for Chumbersburg Woolen Mauufacturtug Co. apr.ll, IStWy I | m PRESIDEN I'IAL l FLA US, BAN NK I ts, TRANSPARENCIES And LANTERNS, Campaign Badges, Medals and Pins, OF BOTH CANDIDATES. Ten different styles sent on receipt of Oue Dollar and Fifty Cents. Agents wanted everywhere. Flags in Muslin, Bunting and Silk, all sizes, wholesale and retail. Political Clubs 6tted out with everything they may require. Call ou or address W. F. BCHEIBLE, No. 49 South Third Street, aug2lni2 PHILADELPHIA R 11. SI PES' MARBLE \Vuß,v>. • R. H SIPES still continues the manu fac.ery of Monuments. Tombstones, Table-Tops Counter Slab., Ac., at Bloody R un , Bedford coun ty. Pa., and having on hand a well selected sto k of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to till all orders promptly and do work neat and in a workuiatil'ke stylo, and ou the most reasonable terms. All work warranted. Jobs delivers i o all p rts of this and t.liotoing counties with u< x tra charge. apriy. Sy t VARIETY AND STYLE JOP JOB PRINTING NEAT iv STOTUTSD at I • *E* at THE BEUFOAN QuitTl oMoe. Call AND iMTd jaiir order* yhiladMpliia Jrndf. /-is H or>p'skirts m ' ) tt) < ORSETS, CORSETS. VM T HOPKINS. Xo. 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia. MASLFACTEHER OF THE CELEBRATED CHAMPION HOOP SKIRTS FOR Lames. BIASES -BILDRKS. The largest *--or'mrnt, and best quality and •fyles in fie American Market. Every lady should try them *- thev roconitn pd themselves by wearing longer, retaining their shape much better, being lighter and more elastic than all oth er? —WARRANTED in every respect an ! sold at very low priced. Ask for HOPKINS' --Ci: VMPf- OS SKIRT Superior Hand-made Whale-bone OR SETS in Fifteen different grade- including 'he ••Imperial" ami TnostF&os A LASSPOX'S otLOYE FITTING" CORSETS, ranging in price- from i! Cent- to $> . ot'i ; together with J>—-ph Beckel'a CELEBKA -lED FRENCH WOVEN CORSETS, r shape* and quality, ten different Grade*, from j! 10 to $5.50 They are the fioe-t end bert g tor the price*, ever inip-.r e i The Trade sup plied with HOOP i KIRT> end CORSETo pa the Lowest Rates Those visiting the City -houid not fail to call and examine, ur Hooi* and Price*, a* we defy all competition. sept! l.'tp-chmj piR-I NATIONAL. WHITE LEAD. This Paint is Manufactured of the BEsT AND PUREST MATERIAL WAREASTED Equal to any made, for durability and brilliancy. , fiIVK ir A TEiAL ASD VOC WILL ygVEB CSE AST OTHER SOLD BY ALB DEALERS /V PAINTS Til ROVG HO V T TH E CO UN TR Y T. MORRIS PEROT & < 0., Wholesale dealers in Drug*. PaicL*. Oils. QIASS. Ac . 021 Market, and 612 Commerce Sts PHILADELPHIA, PA. C lfTioM Owing to the popularity of our First National Lead, other parties have been induced to i offer a spurious article Ljr~ Therefore Beware ! ot Counterfeits.. jflF J The (ienuiiie is put up in Ex tra Heavy Tin Paint Pots, with Patent metallic wire handle;, and the name of T Morris Perot A j Co. on each iabel. dee6,'67yl QLLLX or ENGLAND SO A J ) '•TEEN OF ENGLAND SO AP. 1 . QUEEN UP ENGLAND SO AP. For doing a lamily washing in the be-t and cheape.-t manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world Has all the strength of old rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid Soap Sold bv the AI.DEN CHEMICAL WORKS. 4- North Front | Street. Philadelphia. ?ep4Y*yl f (; GABDiLL f) 9 WITH STILZeV MELICK, WHOLKSALE CLOTHIERS, No 325 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA lnarl-ly! I HENRY HCTToX, tf • A. A. SHUMWAY, A Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. 221 Market and 210 Church Street*. PHILADELPHIA Ljf' Your patronage i? re-pec:fully solicited Arg3#,'67. f ITIIE1 T IIE OLD EBTABLISHED FIRM, J.J RICHARDSON & CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PHILAD A,, [- .he largest Manufa- turiug Cunfeeiioner* and Who! sale Dealer* in Fruits, Nut*. Ac., iu tb* United State* \ marry! MART RICBSWILO S. S. CAMPBELL 1 .]. Kit'll A lil >SO X dc (O , of # Manufacturer* of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES, and Dea'era in FOREIGN FRUITS AN D NUTS. N" 126 Market st . Be', Front A Second. dec6,'67yl PHILADELPHIA. PA. \. P,. t! -SViVGHAM. I J. H LBWARS. ■<. S. GLEiM. / ILXXIXOUAM, GLEIM & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS I> TOBACCO, CIGARS, etc., No fiG Market Street above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. dec6,'67y 1 Y KR *S 8A RSAI AR I.L LA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. The reputation thw excellent oie licine enj y*. is derived from i's cure*, many of which -re truly uiarvell -us. Inveterate cases of Scrofulou- dis •asc. where the system seemed saturated with : ( 'rruption. bavo been purified and curd by it. Scrofulou* affection* and disorders, which were aggravated by the scrofulous contamination until they were pniutully afflicting, have been radical ly cured ir. *uch great numbers in almost every section of the eoun ry, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses Scrofulou* poison isoueot the most destructive enemies uf our race. Often, this unseen and un felt tenant of the organism undermine- the coc ati'uiioß. and iuvite* the attack of enfeebling or fital di-ea-es. without ex iting a suspicion of its preseuce Ag-'io, it seem? to breed infection throughout the b >4y. an 1 then, on some f.ivara ble occasion, rapidly develops into one or other of it- hideous forms, either on the urtace or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be sud denly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver ov it shows its presence by e ruptious on the skin, or toui ulcerations on some part ot the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is advisabie. even when uo active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with me following complaints generally fi id immediate relief, and. ai length cure, by the u-euf this Barsa pari lia : St. Autbony s Fire. R -c or Erisipels*. Tetter, Salt Ulieum. S aid Mead, Ringworm. Sor- Eyes, Sore E irs. and otber erup tions or vi.-ibte forms of Scrofulous disease, Ai-o iu the more concealed form*, as Dyspepsia, Drop sy, Heart Disease. Fits. Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affection* of the muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Disease? are cured by il. though a long time is required for subduing these ob-tiaate maladies by any medi cine. But long continued use uf this medicine w ill cur the c-onolaint. Lcueorrhoea or W litcs. I teritie Ulcerations and Female Disease-, are commonly soon relieved aud ultimately cured by it? purifying aud iuvigorating effect. Minute Di*- reciitms for e-n-h • ase arc Sound in our Almanac, supplied gratis Rheumatism and Gout, wbcu cau-ed by accumulations of extraneous mi'tor* ib the blood, yield quickly to it, a- also Liver Com plaints. Torpidity, Congestion or luflatnination of the Liver, and Jaundice, when arising, a- they of ten do. from the rankling poisons iu the blood. Inis S \RSAFA<IILLA s a great restorer for the streugth and vigor of the -ystem. Ihose who are Languid and Listless, 1 sp-'ndent. Sleeple - • 1 troubled with Nervous Apprehension- or Fear*, or any uf the uffeclioug symptomatic *>f Weakuc, will fiu i immediate relief and eoLvmcing cvi denoe of iis re-tor stive power upon trial. PREPARED BV DR J. 0. AY Lit <T CO.. Lowell, Massachusetts. Practical and Analytical Ckrmat.s. SOLD BV ALL DRUaulal'a KVERVH HERE p4yl B F. IIARKV, Agent ONKYB A v E D. Wo are - r isltirt'ty purchasing for ca-a in the New York Mid B 'Stun Markets', all kinds of DRV AND FANCY GOOD-, .-ILK.--, COTTONS BOOT.- AND SHOES, WATCHES, MS.VIXG MACtfiNE-. CI ILERV DKE-SG< IOD.- DOAIESiIC GOODS. Ac , Ac. Which we are actually selling at an average price ot One Dollar tor tj-k article. <)ar sale* being strictly for cash, aud our trade much larger tuan that ot any other similar concern, enables us to give belter bargains than can be obtained of any otber hou-e. THE LADIES Are especially invited to give us a trial. SEND FOB A CIRCC LAR AND EXCUANOK LIST Our club system ol selling is as follows: For $2 we send 20 patent pen fountain* and chocks de scribing 20 different articles to be sold for a dol- i lar each :40 tor $4 : S i for 6; 100 for $lO, A- Sent bv mail Commissions to r?er than those off- red by >t/.er firm, according to size of club single fountain and check. 10 cts Male and fe male agent* wanted. Send money in Registered Letter*. Send us a trial club, and you will ac knowledge that you cannot afford to buy good* of any other house thereafter. EASTMAN A KENDALL, octl6m2 65 Hanover St , Boston, Mass j J X(). G. FJBHER, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, BEDFORD, Pa. Fire Insurance effected perpetually or lor any term. L ie Insurance on the Interest Bearing Plan. Losses speedily adjusted aud promptly paid. iictei. \\ " HOTEL, I'.KI)- T T FORD. P*.—Thit large and eomumd ~w bosM. having txca re-taken by the eb-cribe r no* mora for the reception of visitor! and board er? The mora* are large. well v ntilated an; j combi rtab y fum.--.ed The table will ai*?. il4 *ut plie 1 aiih ihe beat the market can aff-.r.j Trie B ri* s'oeked with the choicest liquors. Insh-rt' it i* my purpose t>. ke'p* FIRST-vLASS HOTEL Tl htski % the public for past favor*, I reap?, iy solicit renewal of their patronage N 8 Slack* will run constantly between :.fa Hotel and the Spring*. uiayl7,'7yl W DIBERT. Prop E DF o ft D HOT E U—The o 11- ) ienigr.e l baring take charge of the Bed ford Hotel, formerly kept bv Cl Mt Ifof. sn . nou. ; - to the public that be will be able to af. ford the best accommodations, both to the travel iag public and home custom. The house will b improved and rt fitted, and the Bar will always I,, well supplied with choice liquor*. His tabb will be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, ami he wilt spare no pains to make it suitable for all ifi- -table is one of the best in Bedford ..• a good hostler will always be in attendance. is/ "Boarders taken by the week, month or year Term- reasonable. The public are respectfully i ( . vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J SHOEMAKER Jan. 15. <54 rn il E MEX GE L II OI*S E, J[ Juliana Street. Bedford. Pa. The subscriber respectfully- begs leave to inform the travelling public that he has recent! ▼ enlarged, improved a.t<l refitted his house, both for the eommodarion of travelers and boarders, a? wei u country customers Persons coming to this : . for the purpose of visiting the Bedford -pr: i will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this U<>'el, which wilt always be attended by a careful Iwatler Also a safe and convenient car riage bouse. All are invited to give hiin a call ISAAC MEXGEL. Proprietor April 15. 64 12 XCH A X(i E HOTEL. j HUNTINGDON. PA. i'uis old establishment having been le.-ed by J. MORRISON. f<rmerly propriety of the M -rn *ot> Mouse, has been entirely reaovafed ari l re • furnished and supplied with all the modern in.- provcoent-s aud conveniences necessary >o a fir-'- class 11 del The dining nodi has bter. r m ved to -he fir- 1 6<or and is now spacious and airy, and the chani* hers are all well ventilated, a-. ■ ibe proprietor will endeavor p. stake bis go -*• perfectly a: fc .me Address J jiMltlil,' Ex< ti-SCB HOTEL, jualStf Huutiugdor.. Ha | T N 1 O X H O T E L WEST PITT ST . BEDFORD. PA V. BTECKMAX, Proprietor. This excel lent hotel is now prepared toaoc ... modate the public in the best tranrer and or the most liberal terras May S. >l2 1) EX X BYLV A XIA li< >1 SE, WOODBURY, PA The undersigned has refitted this house, and is prepared to accommodate hi- customers and the trn eling public in a raaoner that will give sati-.- faction to all. HEN"KY FLL'CK, Proprietor. jaj>l2m-3* CHERRY RE' TORAL, For Di-eases of the Throat and Luitu -ueh it- Cough*, Old-, Whooping Cough, Bro!!i.*liLL, Asthma, arxl Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history meii.ine, has anything wen so widely and sodee-. , ly upon the confidence of mankind, a* this ei ■*.- lent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a i eg series of years, and among most of tee rates of men it has risen higher and higher in the ; r es timation, as it has become better known. Its uni form character an i power to cure the vari us af. factions of the lungs aud throat, have made it known a- a reliable pro'ector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that car, he given for incipient consumption, and the dangerous affections ot the thr ■ an I lungs. As a previa; u agsinst sudden a't.acks o; Croup, it should be kept on band in ev ery f itaily. and indeed as ail are sometime sub j.-ct to coldsct. lc ugt.- all should be- provided wnh this antidote fur th-rc. Although se tied Consumption is thought it.- i curable. -,ill great nun bers of cases where the di.-> ase -eeuil settled, have been eotup-eie'.v cured, and tie patient restored to s >ucd health by the Cherry Pectoral, do complete is it* mastery over the disorder* of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them vteli to it. When nothing el.-c could reach tbe'm. under the Cherry Pecto-al they subside and disappear. Singers an t public Speakers find great protec tion irota it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cur ed by it -Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cheny Pectoral in -mail atid frequent doses So generally are us virtues Known that <va need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are tuily maintained. -v Y i-. it ' 8 A G U E CU R E, I r Frrera I Agv. I itemittetit Fever. Ckil•' i- if ennttrnt pre,,. Bitrtih Ague, Pen nrltcal or Bit/to - Fear. Ac , and Indeed all the affection* mkieh arae from trial aria t<e. in !'SH, or m-i lent ilic poison*. As i.s uatne nuplies tt does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, liuiutoe. Bis muth. Zinc. Uor any other mineral or poisonous subs.unce whatever, it in no wise injures auv pa tient. the number an t imj ortauee of its cure- iu the ague districts, are literally beyoud account, and we believe w ithout a parallel tu the history ot Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in ob-tiaate cases, and where other reme uies had wholly failed L uaccliuiated persons, either resident in, or traveling through miasmatic localities, will bo protected by taking the All UK CCKE daily. Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity or" the L: ver. it is an e.vceUent remedy, stimuiaticg the Liver into healthy activity t'r Bilious Disorders and Ltver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cur-s. where other medicines had failed. Prepared by Dk. J. C. Arse Jt Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Lowell. Mass., and sold all rouu.i ibe world. PtilCli. SI.OO Per BOTTLE. scpll yl B F. U.lfiltf. agent. BOOK AGEX i\s WAX TEL? ro.-oii cit orders f-.r Dr. WILLIAM fsiTß's DIG it 'NALV "!- lilt, BIBLF. The Only Editio Published In America, Condensed By Dr. fuiith - Own Hand, lu one large Octavo volume, illus trated with over 125 steel and w ".1 engravings Agents and subscriber? -ee that you get th'- flenuine Edition By Dr. fmith. ibe Bp'tagfie I ti'p -',</■ \n says. this edition published oy Messrs Burr it Co. is tbp geuuiae taiug. ine Vautrregatioualtsi 0 a s, whoever wishes to get in the cheapest firm, the best Dictionary of tue Bible sh.iul i buy THIS. Agents are meeting with unparalleled success t\ it employ in, (ieuerat Agent- and offer extra inducements to Cauvas-ers. Agents will sec the r. ;vantage ol ieaiiug utrefltly with the PI BLlSil- LK- For descriptive ireutars with full particu lars and ttruis. a i li . -s the Publishers, .1 B BL tiK A CO.. Hartford, Cona. may2JmS i )EDt'Oßi > 'A L Si Hi H tL. II Fontided by P. >v'd J hr. !.' " 1> PKLDLtfiOL. WOODS t'Ki.sciPAL- A fir- -cm-- s.-h •: , r the instructton of y utu ol both sexes in a clas.-ictl aud Engli-b educa t -a, including tirvk. f.eiitii, Ueruian. Maiheuiaiiea and she or.tiuary English orauciies iVruta moderate biudetiis irom a distance cau oi.Hiti b tard in town at r- a- aabie rales Kl. t RL>V I. - Hoti A King, Jacob Reed. ll"U. John ni. il .rticy, John P. Keeu, rtm. Hartley. il. Nioodemus, U. fc. aim ii"n, K B Lewis, i'res't Broad Top K. R >V H Watson. M. D. C N. liickok, B t Harry, .VI D. Heo Btymyer, cam 1 L iVUssetl, id. D. r-tiuek, B F.Meyers. C. Colfelt, John Lu z. Boss Anderson, M. 1) j-mltf bsyl VV in Lyon. D AIUSV, FAHHELL A CO., MAXCFACTI'RERis OF LEAL) AXD BLOC'K-TIX PIPE, SHEET AXD BAB BEAD AND ALL KINDS OF Pit-mhers'. Gas and Steam Fitter* Aln.'erials, NO. 10.7 SMITH FIELD STREET, Scud far a Price List. PITISBI RS, Pa apr24'fiby 1 r pilE LIKHI circulation of the BED- A roßr> OAZETTK is larger than that of auy other paper iu this section ol country, and Ibereiure til ers tho greatest inducements to business men to fdveriiae in its columns I j j| j PER CENT SAVED. 5,1)00 I'M' AtIENTS Wanted for the Mammoth Ixdl.LVlt &ALE Full particular- in circular address Daxrau. EAVKS -t Co.. 1055 W'aehing'u St., Boston, Mass. IJORATIO J. MEAXS, Licensed 11. Auctioneer, tenders his services to all per - >iis having -les. ~t vendues, tlive btui a call. II d lone B1 .a Yalley, Monroe .p., -MA .. .1o south of Bloody BUB " novSmS