IFHC BEDFORD (§^£FTTC. <" rriilny Morning. DocfmWcr 11. lts. THE PEOPLE TO BE CHEATED. Congress assembled on Monday last. This is the same old rump which un dertook to impeach and remove Presi dent Johnson, which invented recon struction and which is the parent of all the deviltries foisted upon the country since the fourth of March, 18G7. Its existence is fast drawing to a close. Three months more will finish its ca reer of infamy. What it may be ca pable of in its hours of doting senility, remains to be seen. It is given out that it will attempt to "amend" the Constitution by proposing to the legis latures of the States the insertion in that instrument of a clause conferring suffrage upon all "men," irrespective of race or color. Sumner is ready with a proposition of this character, as is al so Ivelley, of Philadelphia, and, doubt less, there are other radical tinkers who are anxious to be the first to put this black patch upon tiie Constitution. We have no doubt that this will be at tempted, and we, therefore, call upon the people to prepare to resist, by ev ery legal means, this threatened inva sion of their reserved rights. The right to regulate the suffrage is one which neither people nor States delegated to the federal government in the Constitution. It is one of the rights which was reserved to them. No one can dispute this truth. Even the Chicago Platform, upon which Grant was elected, acknowledges this fact, by declaring that the people of the "lo.vai states" must be permitted to settle the question of suffrage for themselves. But, now, a Congress, elected without reference to this mat ter, and upon the special denial of the radical party that it was its intention to establish negro suffrage, is about to introduce a scheme by which the peo ple are to be defrauded of this sacred right. The amendment regulating the suffrage, is to be proposed to the legislatures already elected, the mem bers of which were chosen without a thought on the part of the voters that the persons whom they were selecting to represent them would be called up on to decide a question of this charac ter. These Legislatures are to vote away forever this dear and cherished pop ular right, and (he people themselves are not to be consulted in regard to it at all. Such is the present programme of the radical leaders. In our judgment the member of the legislature who votes for the ratifica tion of this amendment, is no better than a highway robber and ought to be summarily dealt with by his con stituents. He deliberately robs the people of their undelegated right to settle the question of suffrage for them selves. If he be a radical, he know i ugly violates his pledges to his own party, made in his endorsement of the Chicago Platform. Neither statute nor common law provides for the pun ishment of such a criminal, because his offence is against a natural right, reserved by the people, and uncon trolled by any written law. A coat of tar-and-feat hers would, however, an swer tile ends of justice. Meanwhile, let men of all parties, who would not sell their birth-right for a mess of pottage, demand of their representative* in the State legislature, that they submit this suffrage ques tion to the people for settlement. If suffrage is to be conferred upon the Negro, or the Chinaman, or the Indi an, let the people, and not the politi cians, do it. Who will dare to advo cate the contrary? A XI I rK LI rz. The Radical speakers and newspa pers boasted throughout the late ean v ass that the poor man paid no taxes, but that the burdensof the government fell only upon the shoulders of the rich, who were able to bear them. No one persisted more in this mendacious doctrine than the editor of the Inquir er. On several occasions we exposed this fallacy through the columns of the GAZETTE. We knew—as well as ev ery intelligent man in the country knows—that we were right, and that the Radical cry that the poor man paid 110 taxes was but an electioneering dodge. For the benefit of the would be "poor man's friend," we commend the following to the philosopher of the Inquirer. At Richmond, Virginia, oa Tuesday last, Mr. Chase, in his charge to the Grand Jury of the District Court said : "We admonish you, gentlemen, to exercise your utmost vigilance on the subject. Frauds in revenue are an evil which the whole land cries out upon, and frauds upon the revenue are frauds upon the whole body of taxpayers, and no one who eats, drinks, wears, or is sheltered under any roqf, however hum ble, note escapes from taxation." It is thus seen that Chief Justice Chase takes the same views of the op pression of the present system ot taxa tion, brought about by the "rings" and the nionied aristocracy of the country, as the Democratic party holds on this subject. These combinations are pow erful, and can, nay, have already shift- j od too large a "proportion of the taxes oft he country ujon the laboring class es. It is to remedy, so far as can be done by the courts, this great wrong that the Chief Justice so earnestly calls the attention of the Grand Jury to the frauds that are daily committal in revenue. It is not for the benefit of the rich and opulent that these evils are to he ferreted out but for the good of the humblest citizen, for no one "however humble, note escapes taxation." Put this in your pipe, Mr. Lutz, and smoke it at your leisure. A NEGRO OFFICE-HOLDER. It seems that Gov. Geary has deter mined not only to carry the load which his Deputy Secretary of the | Commonwealth, Gara, laid upon his ! shoulders in his letter to the reeent Af rican convention in llarrisburg, but to weight himself even more heavily by | issuing a commission of office to a ne gro, in defiance of the constitution : which he is sworn to support. One Peter Smith, an African, has re ! cenlly been com missioned by the Gover nor, as a constable, or policeman, for the town of ITetfenstein, Schuylkill county. The Governor, by this action, has set ; at naught the constitution of Penusyl | vania, which, as every one knows, does not recognize the negro as quali fied either to vote or hold office. He i has deliberately broken his solemn oath to maintain that constitution, as I well as insulted every white man in the state, by issuing this commission. > Doubtless, the Governor imagines that the course lie has seen fit to pursue, ; will recommend him to the radical j party for re-nomination. But we are much mistaken if there be not men, even in that party, to whom such a bid for the favor of the ultra radicals will bring nothing but disgust. Per i haps the Governor will find out, some j day, that the white men of Pennsylva nia are not, after all, so very anxious to take the negro into political partner ship. If the coining legislature dare I to cheat the people out of the right to settle the suffrage question for them selves, the Governor will learn, to his heart's content, what it is to stand up | on a Negro Suffrage Platform in the Keystone State. NOW IS TIIE TIME. Next year there will be a most im portant political canvass. The Demo cracy, taught in the severe school of experience, will nominate their strong est men, determined to win the fight. In view of the coming struggle, it is highly important that efforts to in crease our vote should be made at j once and kept up until the election. Now is the time to work. At present their are some cool heads in the coun- i try. Don't wait until radical false hoods heat them. During the quiet of j winter, people will read and reflect.— j Will Democratic politicians see to it that the proper kind of reading is fur nished, so that the people may not be led | to indulge in reflection that is false and j baneful? A little effort would place a ■ good Democratic journal in the hands j of such intelligent, thinking "Republi cans," as possess the honesty and inde- j pendenee to do right in spite of their j party. Shall this be done? THE SESSION OF CONGRESS.—' The rolls of the House of Representatives WlilCtl assembled Oil Monday lu.it bear the names of 233 Representatives, in cluding the delegations from Georgia and Alabama. Four members of the present House have died namely: Messrs. Finney and Steveus of Penn sylvania, Mann of Louisiana, and Hinds of Arkansas. The death of neither of these has been announced officially in the House, and one of the first features of this session will he the passage of the customary resolutions and the delivery of the usual addresses by the colleagues of the deceased mem bers. Mr. Finney was able to occupy his seat only about a week. Ile is suc ceeded by S. Newton Pettis. Mr. Ste vens is succeded by C. J. Dickey, and either Jones or Menard will succeed Mr.Mann, tiieeiectiou being contested. Menard is a colored man. The Senate rolls contain the names of 00 members, including Messrs. Hill and Miller of Georgia, and Messrs. Spencer and War ner of Alabama, being an increase of 13 since the vote on impeachment.— Of this number the terms of office of 22 will expire on the Ith of March next, namely : Messrs. Bayard of Delaware, Buekalew of Pennsylvania, Chandler of Michigan, Conness of California, Dixon of Connecticut Doolittle of Wis consin, Edmunds of Vermont, (re-elec ted,) Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, Henderson of Missouri, Hendricks, of Indiana, Morgan of New York, Mor rill of Maine, Patterson of Tennessee, Ramsey of Minnesota, Sprague of of Rhode Island, (re-elected,) Stewart of Nevada, Sumner of Massachusetts, Tipton of Nebraska, Van Winkle of West Virginia, Welch of Florida, Whyte of Maryland, and Wade of <)- hio. A respectable and wealthy citizen of lowa is in New York trying to dispose of his property with a view to leaving his State. He says he will not live in a State where the white men do not think themselves any better than ne groes. He thinks that striking the word white out of the constitution must cause a reduction in the value of property in that State. The (tapers say, "the Radicals are not quite sure whether they can trust Grant." It is only the natural suspi cion which thieves must have of each other. mjt mimwvst CM?***** Ib|tl of Oil. CiiHf fr with • !* SavnitM— l (he Indian* and Bwlnifliiin ol Tlu ip Villttui'K—rasualtio*. ■{<•- Fx TIIK FIELD, INIMAN TERRITORY, November 28, ria I lays City, Dec. 1. — The Cheyenne village of Black Kettle's band was captured yesterday morning at daylight by the Seventh Cavalry Regiment, under Gen. Custer, on the north fork of the Witchela river. One hundred and fifty Indians were killed and the bodies left in our possession, and 53 taken prisoners. An immense amount of property was destroyed, consisting of 51 lodges, nearly 1,000 horses and mules, arms, ammunition, horse equipments, robes, provisions, etc. Captain Louis Hamilton was killed in the first charge. Brevet Lieut. Col. Harriet/., was seriously if not mortally wounded. Major Elliott is missing. One man of the 7th was killed and 1-1 wounded. The tribe is badly crippled.—The Indians, includ ing women and boys, fought with great desperation from the cover of bushes and grass. When driven out of the village many of the wounded effected their escape. The victory was complete, and will be a wholesome lesson to the Cheyennes. Black Ket tle, the principle chief, was killed. The casualties are Major George L. H. Elliott, Captain Louis M. . amilton and 19 enlisted men killed* and the wounded are Brevet Lieut. Col. Al bert Harriet/, Captain Seventh Infan try, supposed mortally ; Brevet Lieut. Col. T. W. Custer and Second Lieut. J. M. Marsh, slightly, and 11 enlisted men. Col. Benton had a horse shot under him. Gen. Custer returns here, will refit, and again take the field. Two white children were re-captur ed. One white woman and one boy ten years old were brutally murdered by the Indian women when the attack commenced. St. Louis, Dec. 2. —Gen. Sheridan has issued field orders No. (J, in which he thanks his troops and congratulates General Custer on his recent victory over the Indians. The following prop erty was captured at Indian Village, viz: 875 ponies, 1,123 buffalo robes and skins, 535 pounds powder, I,osopounds lead, 4,000 arrows, 700 pounds tobacco, besides rifles, pistols, bows, lariats, and an immense quantity of dried meats and other provisions. HORRIBLE AFFAIR NEAR CORNING, NEW YORK.— A Girl Murders a Child, then Roasts it on a Stove. —We have re ceived the particulars of a horrible af fair which occurred about a mile from Corning, Wednesday last, November 25th. At the place indicated there re sided a family named McCullough, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. McCullough and their three children, aged, respec tively five, three and one and a half years.—The husband is represented to be a shiftless, indolent fellow, and his wife has been compelled to labor to support the family. She lias lately been selling sewing machines, and on Wednesday hist started on a trip through the surrounding country for that purpose, leaving her children in charge of a girl named Barber, aged eighteen years, whom she hired for the purpose. In the evening the youngest child cried and was fretful, when, it is said, Barber threw it upon the floor and stamped upon it until it was al most lifeless. Then taking the little one up she held its hands upon a hot stove until ihey were terribly burned. The child was too far gone to utter more than a faint scream while it was being roasted. Barber then threatened to throw it into a well, when the oth er children, who had witnessed the whole thing, told her that if she did they would tell their mother. The girl then wrapped the child in a blank et or bed-quilt, and placed it in a bed, where it was found by the mother, who returned home Wednesday night, dead. The marks of brutality were plainly visible on its little body, and, after questioning the children, infor mation was given the coroner.—After an investigation lie ordered the arrest of Barber, called a jury, and an inquest was in session yesterday. The inquest will be concluded to-day, and it is said there can be no doubt as to the finding of the jury.— Rochester (N. Y.) Union 2Sth ultimo. ANOTHER TENNESSEE HORROR— Butchery of an Entire Family. —A lit tle over a week ago a frightful tragedy was enacted in Fentress county, Ten nessee, near the Kentucky line. There lived in that section a family composed of an old iady, some eighty years of of age, and her three grandchildren one a young lady, another a boy of twelve and the third a small girl. In the neighborhood was a man named Logsdon, ill-favored of face and of lit tle character, who in some way became cognizant of the fact that the old lady had in her possession a considerable a mount of money, the back pay of her dead son, who had been a soldier, and he resolved to secure it at all hazards. Proceeding one night to the house she occupied, Logsdon, with knife and re volver, murdered the grand-daughter, and left the boy for dead also. All the money he found, however, was $75, and with this he fled. The boy, who fortunately survived, next day told the tale of the bloody work of the night, and the sheriff of Fentress county, as soon as he could be notified, started im mediately in pursuit of the murderer with a warrant. He passed through Clinton county, in this State, where he was joined by the sheriffof Clinton, and together the two sheriffs made their way to Hustoaville, Lincoln connty. Here they captured the murderer at the house of his father, even ta fore he had changed hisclothing he wore when he committed the terrible crime, and which bore the blood-stains of the cru el murder.— Louisville Courier. If all the legal white votes in this country had been polled, and no illegal negro votes had been polled, the popular majority against Grant would be over a million. Let Grant put that in his pipe and smoke it. The editor of the Culpepper (Va.) Ob server hns received an ear of corn con taining 1,280 grains grown on land that has been in corn for eight successive years without any manure. TStc Kccciit !)isi< rs In lin ilzcrlniul. An official account of the terrible disas ters which have rrcently happened in Switzerland, the losses from which can lie counted by millions, has been re ceived from the American legation at the State Department, at Washington. By a fearful rainfall which succeeded an unusually dry season, much of the cantons of Orisons, Tessin, the Valais, Glaris and St. Gail and Uri have, in consequence thereof, been literally des olated by inundations. The mountain rivulets and cascades suddenly swelled to torrents swept villages, hamlets, cattle, roads, bridges, dikes, earth and stone as debris upon the tields below, which are thus rendered forever hope less wastes. The appeal of the authori ties of the Canton of Tessin to their more fortunate fellow countrymen of ficially sets forth the effects of the storm, and this description may be ta ken as applicable, in a greater or less extent, to the other cantons named : "In the night of the 27th and 23th .September, our canton was struck by a frightful catastrophe. A volume of water percipitated itself as a deluge in to the valleys ofßleuio, of the Levan tine, the Riviera, he Vernaseo and the Maggia. This scourge was accompan ied by the destruction of buildings and by the fall of trees, by earth and rock slides in such a manner as if all the ele ments had combined to rival each oth er in the work of devastation. All the beautiful country that extends from Giornice and Olivone to Biasca, unrec ognizable to-day. is nothing but a mass of debris. Roads, bridges and dykes are destroyed; houses, mills and stables have been swept away; the rich forests, the fertile fields and vineyards, but yesterday nourishing, have disappear ed ; cattle have perished by the thou sands, and that which adds to the con sternation is the loss of more than fifty persons, some surprised in their sleep, and others the victims of their devo tion, while attending to rescue ami as sist the drowning. Fathers and moth ers of families have been crushed un der the falling houses, and their bodies swept off by the rushing waters. The disaster surpasses ail that imagination can picture. Thousands of fam ilies have been struck by the calamity, and many of them have been reduced to the last extremity—without roof, without clothes, without bread, and several deprived of their fathers." Appeals have been made to the be- J nevolent for aid to the despoiled peas- j an try of Switzerland, whose foresight j could not have evaded the terrible blow j which has fallen upon them, and their cry of distress goes up not only to their own countrymen in the United States, but with equal force to the benevolent among Americans and residents here of whatever origin or nationality they may be. A lictisitli'iil Colored Liuly. A preacher in one of the most fash ionable churches of this city said in Ids sermon last Sunday: "I once babtized a colored lady in the Atlantic Ocean, ; and although she was as black as she j could eouvoui- utly ix*> n-he looked beautiful." "Colored lady" is a phrase in harmony with what are called the advanced idea.s of the age, and with the Africanized religion of the majori ty of our churches. This wench also "looked beautiful" to the admiring j minister, lie held her in his arms as j the cold Atlantic wave struck her vel- j vety skin, no doubt she clung to him j with hope, if not with tenderness. ; Then it was that she looked beautiful. 1 Then it was that the radiant "colored j lady" won the admiration of the rev- i ercud gentleman. The impression 1 was so strong that it survived the ! ° i shock of time, and so indellibiy stamp ed his memory, that he makes it the subject of a sermon, long years after wards. An admiring throng of refined white people, of old men and young maidens—are treated to the meritsofa ; beautiful black wench, as something exceeding all ordinary human excel lence. The object of this kind of ne gro preaching, is to educate the people in the political doctrines of the .Mon grel party. Hardly a prayer is now offered, or sermon preached, in which some admiring reference is not made to the negro. His name is oftener spoken in the pulpit than the name of Jesus Christ, and the ribald iulidel is j less condemned than the doubter in : the especial excellence of the negro, j Such vile political sinks are th"su ne gro-worshipping pulpits.— X. Y. Ihiy- JSook. Kit Halo "levins' North, Buffalo in unusual numbers have dur ing the past month, crossed the rail road track on the Union Pacific lioad> E. -J., between Fort Harker and Hays City, mostly in the vicinity of Bunker llill. A gentleman just from Hays City says tiie train was detained three times in order to allow of the passing uf the uncounted bellowing herds which sweep over the Plains. The herds this season are moving north, a fact quite unusual, as generally at the approach of winter these animals, obeying the laws oi instinct, migrate southward, where the climate is milder and grass more plentiful. The cause of the buffalo mo ving towards the north this season is said by old hunters and ranchemen to be the presence of great numbers of troops and Indians on their accustom ed feeding grounds. However this may be, there is promise of fine hunt ing the coming winter in the territory watered by the Republican fork, be tween the Piatte and Smoky llill routes, where they will be undisturbed by the Indians, as the latter have mostly been forced to evacuate that re gion. A handsome California gold nugget, thickly veined, and nearly one-halfcov ered with gold, was found recently in the Lincoln tunnel, Butte county, 2,500 feet below the top of the hill. It contained about live pounds of gold, worth $lB per ounce, and its value was about SI,OBO. The tobacco inspections in Lynch burg, Virginia, from January Ist to December Ist, ISGS, wore 5,701 hhds., averaging 700 pounds each, and 8,457,- 100 pounds loose tobacco; total pounds, 18,141,800. NEWS IS 1181 EE. In Marathon county, Wisconsin, alone, one hundred logging camps, averaging ten men each, will be in full operation by the first or middle of De cember. Each camp will average 1,500,000 feet of lumber, making in the whole 150,000,000 feet as the lumber product of one county. All the operatives under fif'een years of age in the knitting factory in New Britain, Conn., have been dis charged fur three months, in accor dance with the statute forbidding their employment more than nine months in the year. It is stated that there are now over three hundred graduates of female medical colleges in active practice in the United States, some of whom are in receipt of SIO,OOO per annum from their profession. A few nights since T. F. Tinunons, a cattle-dealer, while passing a bridge near west Jefferson, ()., was thrown from his horse by a cord thrown across the bridge, and robbed of 5 57,500 by two highwaymen. In excavating for the foundation of the dome of the new State House at Springfield, Illinois, recently, the workmen struck a bed of coal IS inch es in thickness, at a depth of about 15 or 18 feet below the surface. Captain Allen B. Snow, a veteran sea captain, died in Boston on Satur day. He had long been engaged in trade with Cuba, and had made one hundred and thirty-one voyages in suc cession to the por of Cienfuegos. The proprietor of tiie Charleston Mercury announces that his paper, suspended, is not xtinct, and will be revived on a substantial basis. The other day thirteen head of cat tie were killed by grazing in a corn field near Melrose, Wisconsin, in which several smut cars had been left. The costumes of the ladies who promenade Broadway now surpass those of the theatre in gorgeousness. Such brilliancy in colors was never be fore witnessed on the arena of fashion. All the Congressmen elect from In diana, including Julian and Voorhees, have received their certificates of elec- Miss Fannie Price, daughter of Gen era! Sterling Price and Belle Boyd are about to fill engagements at the Gal veston theatre. The Rev. Dr. Chapin says that a man living in the activities of the nine teenth century is a condensed Methu saleli. On the Union Pacific railroad the cry is "look out for the Indian," in stead of "look out for the engine." A pretty waiter girl in New Orleans sues one of the young bloods of that city for breach of promise of marriage. The newspapers having announced everything else about fteverdy John sou, now say he has forty grandchild ren. Travelers say railway traveling is slower and less comfortable in Italy than anywhere else in the world. Exciting Humors front France. Gold advanced to 1363 at New York on Saturday, attributed in the gold room to alleged private dispatches from Europe which represent the con dition of all'airs in France as being very alarming. It is stated that two such dispatches report serious trouble in Paris between tlie people and the government, and it was even rumored that Napoleon is dead. This latter re port, however, is likely to have arisen from the alleged failure of the Emper or's strength, bodily and mental, with in the last two weeks. All of the stor ies, however, it is since learned, are groundless, as is evinced by cable dis patches from London. The sensation has probably served its purpose in cre ating a panic in commercial circles in London and a shiver in New York. CRIME IN LIVERPOOL. —MajorGreig, head constable of Liverpool, in his an tral report, just made, says the increase of juvenile offenders is this year very marked, and drunkenness has greatly increased, while education is much less. The whole number of indictable offenses, however, is less than last year, being -1,657 against 4,762 in 1867. Of 27 cases of murder, 23 were for the murder of infants. To check the in crease of infanticide, a reward of §IOO was offered for the arrest and convic tion of any person guilty of this crime, but without avail. The record of drunkenness is the highest ever made, being an increase over the proceeding year of 2,519 cases. The constable says he is unable to account for this increase. The two blackest hours in the week for producing drunkenness are from ten to twelve on Saturday night. The en tire number of persons who were drunk when apprehended was 16,770, or 2,847 more than last year. The eases for drunkenness alone were 14,451. A comparative statement for the last eight years of persons dealt with by the justices shows that education has been growing less ;of the 26,702 persons apprehended during the year, only 222 could read and write well; tiiere were 10,901 who could neither read nor write. Extensive . ire ill PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 3.— At 6 o'- clock P. M., a tire broke out in the lower story of a large building on Mar ket street, about Sixth, occupied as a wholesale drug store by T. Morris Pe rot & Co. Almost instantly the flames enveloped the whole building, and in less than a quarter of an hour not a particle of it remained except walls.— The Are then extended east and west, destroying on either side large build ings, occupied by dealers in bats, shoes, hardware, furniture, etc. The losses are very heavy. It is reported that a fireman fell from the roof of an adjoining building into the flames. Tiiis was the most destructive fire that has occurred here for some time. The following are the sufferers by the tire: Morris Perot & Co., drugs, total loss; Kilburn A Gates, furniture, total loss; Gellers & Bros., cloth, total loss; Win. W. Paul, boots aud shoes, and Graff £ .Jarden, damaged by water; E. A. Eagle & Co., wholesale grocers, and Doyle, Supplee & Walker, do. The stock of Perot Co., was val ued at 5250,600. The total loss will pro bably reach $500,000. rr.Kio>H<\j/j. Ballou'h MaoaCIN'E. The Janua ry number of this excellent monthly is received. The tahty of contents is unu sually interesting, cently. The New York Times thinks that ; "popular lecturing is not half as profi table a business as bricklaying or car driving." REVIEW OF THE MARKETS. Corrected every weed. PHILADELPHIA, Pec. 8. FLOUR.—The quotationsare— i Northwest superfine, I Northwest extra, G.50(5G.75 ! Northwest extra family, 7.25( 8.25 | Penna. and West'n sup., G.00("7.00 : Penna. and West'n extra, 7.09 ' 8.00 i Penna. and West'n family, 8.59 " 10.50 i Penna.and West'n fancy* 1 1.00(5'.13.00 i Bye flour, 8.00@8.50 GRAIN. —We quote— ! Pennsylvania red, per bus., $1.90@2.10 i Southern " J California, " White, Rye, " 0.00(51.50 Corn, for yel., " 1.20(5 1.21 Oats, " (a 70c PROVISIONS.—We i note— Mess Pork, per bbl., $28.50(a 29.00 Bacon Hams, per lb., 20(5 21c Salt Shoulders, " 12c Prime Lard, " 17c SEEDS.—We quote Cloverseed, per bus., at $7.25(57.75 Timothy, " 2.50(5 2.G0 Flaxseed, " 2.55(5 2.85 SPELT A L NOTICES. Newsty/es of Fall Clothing. We invite special attention to our assortment of clothing tor the I' ALI, AND \\ INTER SEASON. WC have an unusu ally full and complete assortment now in store, to which we are making largo addi tions each day of new styles, as they are received. WC have also a CHOICE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP PIECE OOODS, which will be made up to order in our CPSTOM DEPARTMENT in unsurpassed style. SPECIAL NOTICE. —StyIe, fit, and workmanship of our garments surpassed by none—equalled by few. All prices guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, and full satisfaction guaranteed every purchaser in all cases, or the sale canceled and money refunded. Halfway between 1 BENNETT A Co., Fifth and T TOWER HALL, Sixth Streets, ) 51s MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND (500 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. betlfiy 1 DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success by J. ISAACS, M. P., and professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the. Medical College of Penn sylvania. 12 years experience , (formerly of Leyden, Holland), No. 805 Arch Street Phila. Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medi cal faculty are invited to accompany thair pa tients, as he has no secrets in his practiee. Arti ficial eye- inserted without pain. No charge for examination. july3,"6Byl A CARD.—A Clergyman, while re siding in South America as a missionary, discover ed a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Ner vous Weakness. Early Decay, Diseases of tho Uri nary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious hab its. Groat numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the af flicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who noed.i it. FREE or CHARGE. Address, JOSEPH. T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House seplßm3* .W York City. BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM.— ESSAYS for Young Men on the interesting relation of Bridegroom to Bride, in tho institution of Mar riage, a Guide to matrimonial felicity, and true happiness. Sent by mall in sealed letter envel £atcs. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE COAL PROPERTY.--The un- I dersigncd, adroiliistrafor of the estate of Or, || : V. Brainwell, dec' l, will sell at public sale, the premise#, on Tuesday, the 20th day of bc ! cember next, the undivided bn!f of a valuable J farm and coal tract combined, situate in the ; len nship of Broad Top, county of Bedford. Pt, : on 6 Mile Run, about one half mile from Huii j ltoud, containing 114 acres and 66 porches of land, adjoioining lands of the Hunt, ana Broad Tor, \[ j R. It. and Coal Company, in rigid of T J. ij„ r . j ton, 'and of Cunningham A Co., Phelps A Co., Ah i ner S. Horton and VVm. Anderson. This is a Vat : uublc coal tract, having thereon all tbo seams of : coal on the mountain, besides an abundance of ! Iron Ore—bolh crop out; land smooth and ii. j provements good, with an orchard of choice fruit i thereon. Lying in close proximity to the rail road, it is a valuable property for Coal miniu j Should purchasers so desire, the whole can be?,lit j together and the Executors of the lion. Peter ' Si-belt will join in a conveyance upon receiving a ; reasonable bid, and if desirable, will give the u?u al Orphans' Court terms. Terms of the Bratflwejj' Moiety, cash. The undersigned will meet ?.y I persons desiring information at the house of Gee ! W. Figard, in CoaMale, on the _'6th and 29th of I December. Sale will be opened at 1 o'clock, P u. Title indisputable. dee4,'63wi4 JNO. P. REED, Adin'r. j / vIIPHANS' COURT SALE.—By ' \ / virtae of an order ->f the Orphans' Court Ih,- j undersigned, executor of the lst will ! ment of Jacob Hippie, late of Middle H'„ 0 i'berry township, dee d, will sell at public Vcudue. on the j premises, on Tuesday, the 2bth day of December. . IS3B, the following describe 1 valu tide real estate, j vis : A tract of land situate in said township! known as the Mansion tract of said decedent, con ! tuining eighty-one acres, more or less, ah mt i twenty acres of which arc cleared and in a g.,,1 ! state of cultivation ; well fenced, the balance well timbered, with a story and a-half log dwelling : house, a small substantial bank barn and other ; necessary outbuildings thereon erected. There is i excellent running water at the doer; also gome I floe fruit trees. The above will be sold .in lots, or all together, ! to suit purchasers. Terms—cash, unless pur ha I cr. prefer payments with interest. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M. FREDERICK CARPER, i deoiwf Executor of Jacob Hi op!'-, b ■'•! "TTALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT j > PRIVATE SALE. No. 1 contain? 81 acres in East Providence tp . well timbered, J mile from the Pike at K tys 11111. ; No. 2. 200 acres. 75 acres cultivated, balance j well timbered, good mill site, 6 miles south of t Bloody Run No. 3. 112 acres, 80 acres in good state of culti ; vatioi), good buildings, 3 miles south of Bloody [ Run. No. 4. 134 acres, 80 acres cleared, 2 miles from j Bloody Run. No. 5. 123 acres. 50 acres cleared, balance well I timbered, underlaid with Iron Ore. 4 miles south of Sexton. [ No. 6. House and lot on Main street, Bloody ! Run, in a good business part of the town. No. 7. 2 lots on Spring street, Bloody Run. near Rail Road Station. All of tbo above are valuable properties and will be sold on reasonable terms, or will be traded I for good property here or in the west, by EDWARD F. KERR. nov27u;3 Bedford, Penn'a. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bedford | County, the undersigned will ofier at public sale, on the premises, on Friday, the 18;h clay of De cember. 1668, the following valuable Real Estate, : viz: A tract of land, in Juniata township, ad joining lands of Francis Hainan, George Walker. ; John Luraan and Daniel Harrier, containing loj ; acres, neat measure, about IOU acres cleared and I under fence, about 15 acres of which is good mead ow. The improvements area stury-and-a-halflog i house, spring house, double log barn and other ! necessary buildings. Also an apple orchard j thereon. Also the one undivided half of the following de scribed tract of land, adjoining lands of Francis Hainan, Daniel Harrier and Daniel Sbroyer, con ! taining 70 acres, neat measure, having a saw mill | thereon erectvd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day. NATHAN KEGG. 1 Trustee for the sale of the Real Estate of John Kegg, dee'd. nov26w4 \ BARGAIN!—A Farm of 12-3 acres T\ one mile northeast of Bedford, with SO acre? : cleared, balance in good timber, 20 acres recently j limed, 25 acres of fine clover sod. two never-faif ing springs and an abundance of other running . water, a good fruit orchard, new barn, leg house I and outbuildings, well adapted to grazing or grain growing, will be sold at a bargain Enquire ot JOHN S. SPKOAT. or J. W. DICKER:-OX. | novl3wa Bedford, Pa. ; ¥7' ARM FOR SALE.—We offerlor ; JL Sale, a farm in Napier tp , containing 108 acres. 60 cleared, under fence anil in a goo Iftate "t cultivation, the balan ;e is well timbered with : good bark timber. The improvements are a new ; two story house, (wcather-bonr ied), a good log house, stable and other outbuildings. There is an j orchard of choice Fruit Trees on the farm. This i farm adjoins lands of John Shurtzer, David Bor der uud Asa Stuekey. This farm must be 5..1.1 | between this and the first of January. Term.- : j one-third in hand, and the balance in two eaus! | annual payments. MEYERS A MENGEL. novl.ltf | jpOK SALE OR TRADE. 2 tracts, of 160 acres each, within three miles of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad, lurk of j Omaha. 1 tract of bottom land, timbered and praire. two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acres in Fulton county. Pa., including valuable ore, mineral and timber lands, i near Fort Littleton. Over 4,000 acres of valuable ore. coal and tins ! bcr lands in West Virginia. Also—32o acres of land in Woodbury co., lows j ALbO—Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the j borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln i or quarry, on the upper end of eaeh. ALSO 80 acres in Franklin Co., lowa. Also. 5 lots of ground, in Bedford. 60 by 210 ft . fornier- I ly part of the Lyons' estate. 0. E. SHANNON. jun2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa XT ALU ABLE LAND FOR SALE T —The undersigned offers for sale the follow I ing valuable bodies of land : I Tim EE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND. containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois ! Central Railroad, in Champaign county. State of Illinois, 8 miles from the eity of Urbana. and one : mile fn-m Rentual Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin and one of them has a never | Idling pond of water upon it The city of Urbana I contains about 4,060 inhabitants. Champaign j the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. Also — One-fourth of a tract of land, situated I in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain i ing about 45 acres, wit h all the coal veins of Broad I Top running through ; r. Also — Three Lots m the town of Coalmoat, I Huntingdon county. Jan 26, '66-tf F. C. REAMER t GENTS WANTED X jL for OUR NEW GREAT STANDARD WORK, CHAMBERS' INFORMATION FOR THE PEOPLE, The largest, best and cheapest subscrip tion book ever published, and en dorsed by all Literajy People in Europe and America. As well to supply a much needed want in our own country by diffusing correct information in a form best adapted to our people as to gratify re pented solicitations from frieuds to issue an Amer ican edition of this valuable work, the Publish' rs have undertaken the enterprise. The vast amour: of illustrated trash that has flooded the eountrv for some years past demands a book of this char acter, for the benefit of those who wish to ret iter instruction and entertainment, instead of cheap pictures and scusntiotsal newspaper clipping bound up in form of and sold for books. Ibis groat work is ot itself a complete and se lect library for every family. Containing over J.OOO closely printed pages, on all subjects of p -t ul.-ir interest, trom the best authors, and cspceiai ly adapted to the wants of the people. The daily inquiries received as to date of issue give assur ances of an extraordinary sale. By applying at once, agents will se-uro a choice of territory Pw a book that will sell to everybody, regardless of sect, party, or section. Send lor circulars, and see our terms and a tull description of this mammoth work. Address UNITED STATES PUBLISHING Co. 411 Broome St., New York. nov2ow6 jL)UY YOUR HATS AND CAPS of dccl R. W. BERKSTRESSIR A RARE CHANCE IS OFFEKKD . ALL PERSONS apt ay their Goods; Tt sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants, Ao., Ac. Ac. Ac.. Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., by advertising!!' the columns of run OezarrK SLID BILLS, PIIOUiRAM-MKS POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AN" FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with ncatuetf and despatch, at run Gazbttß office.