snrtng $25! $25! IHL AMEii IU AN SIIUT TL E SEIVING MACHINE Is retailed at a price within the reach of all. This Machine uses a straight needle, makes the LOCK STITCII (alike on both sides), has a self adjusting tension, and can do every variety ol sewing. It will hem. fell, bind, cord, braid, scam, built, tuek. ruffle, and gather; and will work equally well on silk, linen, woolen, or cotton goods, with silk, linen, or eotu n thread THE 4 MF.Rn ' 4,Y > UVTTI.E SEWING MA CHINE Warranted for Five Year-! Our \genr? will be supplied with duplicate ports of the Ma hi. l in ease of accident-. It makes pre cisely the same stir-ii made by the Singer Wheel er A iVilejß, Howe, and Florence Machines. It has the Undo;-feed. lik th<- bet f high-priced Machine- and i- the . .ly 1< w-priced Shuttle Machine in the market that hue this feed We ■ are enabled to sell a first class SHUTTLE MA CHINE at a very low price, on account of its Sim plicity. and consequent lowest of Manufacturing, , in comparison with Complicated Ma: nines AGENTS. We wish to arrange with Agents, male or female, : to roj res -at tho American Shuttle Sewing Ma chine, in each Stato, C .unty, and Town in the j United States and Ontario. Extra inducements to Experienced Agents For full particulars, as to Salary or Commission ad Ire l ' G. V. N. ANiiRKWS, General Ag't. j Detroit, Mich N E.— For the benefit of our Agents wo have ar ranged with parties who have goods mitab'e for Sawing Machine Agents to sell. We will send BOOK OF SAMPLLB an l full particulars ou re ceipt of one red stamp Address G V N AN DREWS, General Agent, Detroit. Mich, uov6yl rjIHE GREAT AMERICA V COM HI MA TION Button I loin Oversea tiling 1 and SEWING MACHrXE. 11l Wna.lerft/l Popularity Cone'om ve /' oof of a ? Great Mertt. The increase in the demand I >r Ibis valuable machine has been Tun FOLD during the is.-l seven month- of its first year before the public This grand ami surprising sucee** is unpre cedented iu the binory of sewing-ujacLine? and we feel fully warrantel in claiming that ir it as so etjt an. BEING AIS.vtLL'TELi THE BESI FAMILY MACHINE IX THE WORLD And Intrinsically the Cheapest. It is really two machine-•tombined in one. ,'.>y a .-ituple and cutiful i. -.l'll :ui,:'t nrrang-* tii'Or . making both the shuttle or L -ck-stitch. and tjio Overseaming and BitHn.i-bole stitch, with equal facility and perfection It executes in the very btii vi titH' f every varioty .>!' sewing, eu.ih as Hemming i'• Cording. Tucking, ditch ing, Braiding and Quilting. Gathering and sew ing on. i lone at the - me time.) an ! in nidition, Over •etims, Embroiders ou the edge, and makes beau tiful Button en i Eyclet-holes in .11 ftrbin- Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, c-A L . etuire t . li-ldct..•!), Circulars, with full particular- ami samples of work done on this Machine, c ut be 'm-t on appli cation at the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE OVEKeEAMING .-Ml SEU 'IXG M. 1 C HI XF C O , 3. W. CUR. Ki.era.vrti AND Cuo-.m r.Sr: r • ■ ?. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Instructions given on the Machine nt the room- ' of the Company gratuiton-ly to j. i jure : AGENTB WAN i Lit. FKED'K PAXTON, P M i it. W. B. Mnsnsvit ALL, Treaaaier. jan3,'6S 3. J MeCAUSLIK, Agent, Bedford, Pa 0~~ U R N E W FAMILY SEWING MA' JIiNE. The superior un rit- Tif A' 7 Machine over all others, for either u mily i;-e r M uu- . facluring purjj'O o, aro so well established and so generally admitted, that a : ebuuu-rati >;i of :..eir j relative excellence.- is no longer con idere t nt - ?- j sarv. OUR NEW FAMILY' MACHINE, which has been brought to perl ;i.m i -gai I',-sof time, labor, or expense, is now ieotly pre. sentod to the public asiueomp irabiy the B<>ew ing Machine in existence j'he t. ehti eia que?- . tk.n is -hmpie. uiptx.-:. itorab' • and ib-iuomi. It is quiet, tight running, and CAPABLE OF PERI'dRMINU A RANGE \XD YAKIETY OF WORK never before attempted upon a single Machine. - using either, T.-IST, LINKS OR ( >rr<>> TBIILAD, and sewing with equal t.ieiiity t. e Very finest and cosr ••- in "-ii i . I ar; •Ln.e t ween the two extretn -. in the most be,.u' it ol ati.i substantial manner, i att.i-hn -.nts lor ilem mitig Braiding Cording i'ucki: ' Quilting. Fel ling. Trimming Liuding etc.,areN ve and Prac tical, and have been invented and adjusted e— pecialiy for this Machine. New de-igiis of the Unique. ! it, ar, 1 Popular Folding Tops and Cabinet <':■ ■ peculiar to tin- Machines n i.-mi" ■ tnrcd by tin- Company, have been prepared lor enclosing the new Machine. A taint idea, t •st-o r. can at h.-t be convey. -I through the medium of a .necessarily) limited ad vertisciuent; and we ihei fore urge every per- u in quest of a Machine, by ill m ius to ex amine and lest, if they can p. - sibly do so, all the leading rival Mncbini s hi t .re making a purcba- . , A selection eau then be made under s taujiiigly Branches or agencies fir supply ! ig tl ■ ' -inge. Machines will lie fouud in nearly . very eity rt. 1 town throughout the civilized ivoiid, w.cie >1 ■ ebiues wi.i ou cheerfully exhibited, and any inlor matiou promptly furnished Mr commntucxti . - may be nildr,.- -id to THE SINGER MANII-A< ti KINO < 153 II ro d d \v ay, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-llho Chestnut 3t C. LOVER, Agent, Bcdfo, 1. P i oett),'6By 1 4 RARE CHANCE LS OFFERED ALL PERSONS . Jo display their Goods; T< veil their Goods To gather information: To make known ifc"ir wants; i Ai>., Ac. Ac. Ae-, Ac., Ac., Ac , Ac., i by edverfiainrir, the columns of me Gr/.itTTt -81 sI i* BILLS, PROGRAMMES FOSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatne > and despatch, atTHR OXZXTT* office WAGONS FOR SALE AT I i I KNOX' t'HOPB, met Heifer p faprltftf - 1 1 --J-ii! '■— -- my? snt-ootlsi, &r. J> KMOVKR " to the C( )LONN A1 >E BUI LI )I NG! MILLER & BOWSER, At the Old Colonnade, - - Bedford, Pa . OFFER GREAT BARGAINS, (in order to reduce their stock, before making their spring purchase?: in Ready-Mtule < 'lothing, Fancy G od-, Notions. < 'otton Yarn, 1 Lit- and Caps, Bonis and Shots, <; roeerics, < itttfttswarc, Wooden ware, Tobacco and < 'igars, Brooms, Btt.>keto, Ac.. Ac.. Ac. j LOOK AT SOME OF THEIR PRICES CALICO, at 8, 10, 12, 15, 10. GINGHAM, at 121, 15, IS, 20. MUSLIN, at 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20. £ea.Y- Cassimeres, Cloths, Satinettsand Ladies" Packing, at very low prices. G3F Ladies', Gents' and Misses' Shoes, Sandals nt;! Over-Shoes, in great variety. Stay" Men's, Boys'and Youths' Boots, fifty Best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Byr up in the raa<-k*t Pri.*cs low fitit" Feed, Flour, At-., for -ale at all j i time? tfcfp We invite ali to call anil -ce our good? und compare prk-e- before buying elsewhere. 6&P Gur motto, is, S/ioi f I'ratjit:-. TERMS Cash, Note or I'rodnee. Hp>r3,'6B pk'uti^tru. / t N. HICK4E, V . DENTIST. Office at the old stand in li.vs'K Bt ILIUM;, Julian na Street. BEDFORD, Pa. All opcratirr.. pertaining to Surgioal and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with c*re. and \V M|R VSTEiI. An itsfketirx adm when . and all such will r ;ve prompt a'tentiot. feb",'6fltf Vhu.'Sirinns. nix. G J Al. B. KELL E\ , having permanently I tie lin ST. CL.YIRS VILI.E, tendei? hi- pr.'fe- ■i. .. rervict -to the citizens nt th.-tt place and vi b.ity nsv2't6yl k*' W..IAMISO.V M. 1)., Bl..lODY" v j in, F . ces to the people of that plate and vicinity. "Sice one door west of Richard l. uig.iow ? store Nov. 2-1, fio—ly ; J.tCOB KEEU, I J.J. icUKLL. 1 > E K D A N D S C II E EE. j JLV Pan Iris and ! DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, ! BEDFORD. PA., DRAFTS bought and an! i ••olieotions otade and uiotiey promptly remitted. Deposit? solicited. OF. -i IA N N ON, BA X K ER, BKHFORU. P< BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. < i ELECT It tN"S urn ic for the East, West. North and South, and the general busi. -k of Exchange : i'jin.s.icted. V . < and AeeoiiUta Cbiiectvd and ttitaiti .i. - i r mptly REAL ESTATE ; bought and Id. jal7,'t>B T) U M P S ' lam engaged i -A! -g the ERIE POMP— ' eertaiidy thi only {.amp well adapted to thi? climate Person- iu need of a G.von P 11-, Will do well to give n.e a call. lif Ord -r - t in ! par' ..f the e. :. y .-! " .- ed to with prouspr. An ns es a : IVM. 0. SNIVEL)", Schellsburg Aug I, 'll—ty i?.\ IKB \ X K'B ST A N DA R t> 1 SCALES. of till at ji J V r f/sij. //' r , 'Nt ii • lltjV". ii konsf Trt> (.'ojg 'P■ (' n . \-f FAIUBA .V/iN'. MOPS E \ CO., (Jor.oer li'oos/ if S* cotul Sis.. PitlP. is. P.t i w De careful ID lutv tlic iieuuiue S -; I . Ilujuiired promptly. inar27ioi>. jAELLKKS & FOLVVELL, WHOLESALE CONFEf 'T[OXERS IGKI FEUITEP.EK'?, N Jf.l North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA feb2tiii3 Jv" Orders promptly, attended to. I UMBER. -60,006fcet Oak, White J j and Yellow I'ine Lumber on hands and fo s.- Is by J. B WILLIAMS A CO , Jawk'Wtf Bloody Run. Pa LETTER HEABB AND BILL HEADS, and EN Y'ELOPEHfor busineaa men printed iu the beat style oi'theart. at THKGAZETTK Jot OrrtfE. IJ AMMQTH SALE priiti.- i 1 el at short notice. Large Bills make largo ! sales. We know it to be HO. TRY IT! It will j : much more than pay the extra nrpenteii pri-t i ing Call a' Thk GAzarr* JOB Oer ahr itfi]u!atov's (foUimn. rjiHE, REGULATOR takes pleasure in informing his Liend? that he has taken The Mid Store all to himself, and tends as formerly keeping nothing bjt the best goods at REASON A BLE PRICES. Remember always to call at N.o 2 ASDERSOV'S Row, where you will always find 11. F IRVINE prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest Bo< ITS AND SHOES. Everybody in search of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, should call -it Irvine's Regulator. GLASSW A RF. Every body in search of Glass ware. ..tiocM call at Ir vb e*; Regulator QUEENSWARE. Every tody in search of Queensware, should call at Irvine's Regulator. SPICKS. Everybody in want ot Spices of any kind, should not fail to call at Irvine's Reg ulator ' GROCERIES. Everybody m search of ;-u --gor. Tea or Coffee, ebould not tail to call at Irvine's Kegtti.i tor TOBACCO. Men loving good Tobacco, -doubt call at Irvine's Regulator, a; ho keep? tbo best NOTIONS. Everybody wanting good j Neck-tics. Collars, Ac., should .-till at once at Ir vine's. mayl.'fiS (nothing ctr. j)EMOV -V L ! REMO VA L! ! THE BEDFORD UL< >TI 11 N< i KM IN )R1 CM Has been removed t Sill CJ\ S ROOM, one door W "t of the Wa-bitigfon House. The undersigned would t eg leave to infoitn tbeir friend- and many customers that they have re moved their store to Mo above named place, where we are prepared to exhibit the largest stork of READY-M \DE CLOTHING ever brought to RidiWd. consisting in pari of Ov<-r-CotUa, ;f every quality and price. J tress C'uats, Bu.sintew touts, ( assiutere Pants, Cloth Pants, Cassinpt Pants, Uassiraere Vests, Cloth Vests, Cuss;net Vests. We Itave a lot of Army I lotlting, Very Cheap: j Blouses, i 2 50 Overcoats, fi OD , Blue Panto, 3 50 (a 4 00 j Currying Hiiirls, 1 50 Our NOTION department i- full and complete. ( ASS !MER E SHIR TS, il HUE SHIRTS, WOOLE V SHIR TS, j at all jiriccs. The large ' -tick of PAPER DOLLARS in Bcdiord. Oioth-ttaed, Lian bbbad, JUMkvruod, INHMBUI, ; Cloth imitation, Glazed, of all sizes. fr ladie? and gouts N I'S RENDERS, X EC /'- T / ES i:o ws.\e ; Ladies ami Gent.- Linen aud I'aper Cuffs. Gloves, HU T; , ,tr .of every i - criptinn Our CASS IME RES and CLOTHS will be found suitable for old and young, rich and j poor. TRIMMINGS of all qualitit" We WOQM ail the special attention of gentle men lo our line of HATS, which r;e boast on in • price, quality and There is no ftyle but what wo have Calicos, Delaines, Muslins, Tickings, Ac., Ao CASH BUYERS should call and ex amine, as our terms are eash or produce. novS.'7 F W BERRSTRESSER A CO. &r. JJOOKS AXl> ST A TIG N KIIY ! HOOKS AND STATIONERY ' INQUIRER BOOK STORE, (opposite ilengel House,) BEDKORD,'A. The Proprietors take pleasure in offering to the j public, almost every article belonging to the Book j Business, and that too at City RETAIL PRICES. Miscellaneous Books, ! consisting of PoaTnr, by the lending Poets, all the late and standard NOVELS, by the be.n authors. Bibles, Hymn Books, &c.' Large family liib'c?. Lutheran and Methodist Hymns, and a selection of Religious Beoks. School Books, Being a complete series of the 1! "Iks now used in our Common hools. Stationery, ' of all kinds, and quality, from the smallest Note to the largest Cap Wall Paper, the cheapest, best and largest stock ever brought to town. Blank Books, Day Books. Ledgers. Time Books and Pas- Book?, Inks and Ink Stands, various kinds, all convenient and dura Pens and Pencils, of twenty-five different varieties, god in kind and : j quality. Al*> all the v ry Inte.-t >nd leading Periodicals, always on hand, at publisher's prices tjf Any article called for and not on hand, il desired, will be ordered promptly Give us a call, opposite the Meugel flouse and one door South of the IttQt IUER OFFICE mar 27 DURBORKOW A LI'TZ ■ __ ——■ — JUtorncp at 8. L. RUSSELL. J. 11. LOSOP.NKCKEP. I > CSSELL a L()NGENECKER, 1\ ATToRXEI > AND COL .VSEI.LOi.S AT LA W, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to their cars-. .Spe -ial attention given to collections and the prosecution of claims ; for Back Pay, Bounty Pen.-: as. A • : OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court i House. aprs,'67tf J. MCI). SBARI'B. E r IvtßlC. LillAllPi; & KERR. AT'i >UNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, I'a . oil! pr. tie:- in the warts of Bedford ami ah .g -.... Of i fice on Juliana St.. opposite : Banking Hou.-e of I Reed A Sehell. [March 2. '66 I I R. DrRBOR R() w, f) . Y AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., : Will attend promptly to all busitt -s intrusted tu j • his care. CoUeetiors made on the shorte-' no- j ! tiee Ha is. also, a rtgitlarly iici teed Claim Agent | and will give special attention to the prosecution | S of claims against the (1 jvernmont for Pensions, 1 i Bwit Pay. Bounty, Bounty Lands. Ac Office in the second story ol J. W. Lingenfeltcr's j New Building, iolj-.ini g b- j:.-iig--l House aug2lmt> JOIIN P. RELI), ATTORNEY AT fj LAW, BEDFORD. PA Respectfully tenders j h - service? to (be pnbhe. Oifioe second door North >1 "ile:.gel Hons-. Bedford, Aug. 1. 1861. TT'SPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT , \ j LAW, BEDFORD, PA Will faithfully and | promptly attend to all bu-in ? entnu 1 to his ; care in Bedford ar; i adjoining countie? Military laims, back pay. bounty. Ac., -peedily collivtcd. Office with Mann A B(ing, on .Juliana street, t ,o drsirs South of the Mengel II use Jan. 22, 1864. P. M. KIMMELL. | J. W. LiMJLVFRLTFR |/ IMMELL & LiNGENFKLTER, 1\ ATTORNEYS AT LAW BEDFORD, PA., ilave formed n partnership in the practice of ( j the Law. Office on Julian :■. tAO d-.'-r? ? isortL;r? of tin , ' Bowel*, I-Lit . ivi*. i ■ SO f t f) I *verif v*hf re Depot, No, UG Market St., I'hilada. ,f. K. TAYLOR & CO. , J epll63,'y 1 | /A UNS AND LOUIvS.—The under- ' VJ signed respectfully tenders his services io : the people of Bedford and vicinity, as a repairer ' Gums and Locks. Ail work promptly attended ! to L. lor iBAUGH sep 28. fi't-tf ! j HUctllfaL YE IPS HAIR VI G O R, FOR THE RENOVATION OF TIIE HAIR THE GREAT Desideratum OF THE AG E. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded >r gray hair is soon restored to it? original color and the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness of ten, though not always, cured by its uso. Xotli -1 ntg can restore the liair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. . Bui such as remain can he saved tor usefulness by thi? application. Instead ot fouling the bair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigor ous Its occasional use will prevent the hair I from turning gray or filling off, and consequently prevent baldu- Free from those deleterious iubstartce-: -,vhi h rrtak' - cue preparations danger ■' - r.d ii.yuriou- to the Lair, the Vigor can only i benefit but not barm it. Il' wanted merely for a IIAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it does not ?il white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giv'ng ;i a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared l.y Dr. J. Ayer A Co., PRACTICAL A.M> ANALYTICAL C/AKVISTS, LOWELL, MAS.? Price -31 00. aug2l'6Syl B. F. HARRY, Agent YER'.S ( ATiIAKTK PiI.LS, For all the purpose? of a Laxative Medicine Perhaps no one Medicine i? - • universally re quire 1 by everybody as n cathartic, nor was e r er •my before - , universally adopted into u.-'-, iu ev ery country and among all cla?-cs. cs this mild nut efficient purgative Pill. The obvious reason is, that it i? amort reliable ami far more effectual j remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, ; know ihat it cured tbern ; tfco? ■ who have not, j know that it cures their neighbors aud friend-, . and all know that what it doc? once it docs always —that it never fails thr ;tigh any fault or neglect of its composition We h.ot thou- iud? upon ibuu . s inds of certificates of their remarkable cures of ; the following complaints, but such cures are known j iu every neighborhood, and we need not publish ! them Adapted to all ages and conditions in all : climates; containing neither ■■:.! miel or any dele terious drug. they uiuy be taken with s iiety by anybody, fheir sugar coating pre : rv, ? tbem ev er fresh and makes toem pleasant to take, while ' boitig purely vegetable no .rariu can arise from their use in any quantity They operate by their per ol ii.ilu-nce on tii - internal viscera to purity tao blood and stimulate i' into healthy a - ion—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of tho body, restoring tbeir irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of disease .Minute directions are given in the wrapper ou the box. for the following complaints, widen these Pills rapidly cure:— For DrspKrsiA or IMDIORSTIOX. LIXTLRSSSESS, LANGUOR ami Loss of Appetite, they should he taken moderately to stimulate the stomach and restore its healthy tone and action. For LIVER COMFLAINT and its v irioussymptom-. BILLIOI a ÜbaDAUUE. Mil JlUAllAl IIE, JA< XDICE or G reen .SICKXLSS, Bilious Colic and Bilious FE- I vers, they should be judiciously taken for each cast', to Correct .he diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. !• "J > r %HiX3 llllt'l dm e is generally required. F-.r Rheumatism. GOUT, GRAVFI.. P.VLFITATIOS OF THE HKAUT i'.'.lN |N THE 3ll)K, B.AI k and LOIN-, they should ie continuously taken, a? re quired. to charge the disc; - I action of the -y.*- ; let.. With suit, change tho.-o cmuplaiut.? disap pear. lor i-sv at 1 DROFSIUAI. SV. ELLIXUS thoy should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. 1 or ,-UFFRESSION a large dose should be taken a? t: produces ibe desire effect by syurjiathy As a Din-kb RILL, take one or two r>Us io pro u rtc dtgestiou ami relieve the stomach. At. u.'.tsional doses the stomach and bowels into beaitt.y action, res ores the appetite, and invigorates the t stem Hence it i.? oi.eii ..d --v.tiir igeous where • serious deraugeuieut exists Uue who It-els tolerably well, often finds that a dose • i the.-e PILLS IU .... ?S; n. ; el dect .edly better, from their uteansin and rt . ova ting efl t on the dige - ive appa: ,iu Dil. J. O. ,4 1 LR A CO . P. • C/r mists, I.OU LI.L. MASS ,U.S. A. augdl'Coyl B. i HARRY. AGENT. 1 Y\ . f. LA K!\ ,v 1 ' L< Ii A N K E il 8, No. 25 Third Street, rhiladeiphia, GENERAL AGENT ron TJIR A A TJO AA ft LIFE IXS UK AXC K CO. DF tiib CNITKD STAThf OF AMERICA. FOR TIIE State? "f Pennsylvania and Southern New .Jersey ' The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY is a corporation Chartered by Special Act | of Congress, approved July 2i, 1868, with a Ua h Capital ol Dae MILLION, and is now thoroughly organized and prepared ! for business. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our office. full particulars to be had on application at our j office, located in the second story of our Banking j lloose, whore Circulars an l Pamphlets, fully de- | scribing the advantages offered by the Company, i may be had. Application? for Central and Western Pennsyl I van to to be made to B. S. RUSSELL, Manager, ! Uarrisburg, l'a E. W CLARK & CO., No. 36 South Third St., Pbil'a . Pa. Anr. XTS —Jnlui (< Fisher aud Win. A. Edward* S.? I-'luck. Saxtoii. Bedford county. I'm. aug2l 68,y1 Wholesale Traveling Dealers in FANCY DRY GOODS AND NO TIONS, will visit their friend? and the public generally, ii. iji liord county, once every two mouths. They Mil tbeir goods nt eity prices. Also, agents for Cbaiubcrsburg Woolen Manufacturing Co. aprill.lStiSyl }H('X ' A I, CtINTI'LST. I, ~ i I' LAGS, I.ANN'Kits, PR A XSPA R E XCIES And LAX TERNS, Campaign Badges, Medals and i'ius, OF BOTH CANDIDATES Ten different styles eenf on receipt of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. .Agents wanted everywhere. Flag? in Muslin, Bunting and Silk, all sizes, whole-ale and retail. Political Clubs fitted out with everythin• thev may require. ' ; Call on or address W. F. SOU KI BLE, No. 49 South Third Street, aiig2lm2 run ADELFIIIA I EVERY STABLES, 1 J in rear of Hie "Mengel House," BEDFORD. PA.. MP2NGEL & BURNS, I'roprietors. The undersigned would inform their friend.?, and the public generally, that they are prepared to furnish HORSES AND BUGGIES, Carnage?, Sporting Wagons, or anything in the Livery hue j ol business, iu g. od style and at moderate churg- i es. Tims : CASH, unless bv special agreement. jat.lO'ffStf MFNGEL A BURNS. 1,1 VERY VARIETY AND .STYLi. J A g OF -•'•12 PKIN'IING ne-rlv ecuted at ' w ates at THR BRDFOHD GAZBTTK office. Call and I-ave y*ur orders i'Uiladflphia avadc. /28 HOOP SKIRTS 628 ' **T> (ORSETS, CORSETS. V.M T HOPKINS, No. 623 Arch Street, Philadelphia. MANUFACTURF.FI OF THE CELEBRATED "CHAMPION" HOOP SKIRTS FOR LADIES, MIBBKB AXD CHILDSF.N, The largest assortment, and best quality and styles in the American Market. Every iady should try them a? they recommend themselves by wearing longer, retaining tbeir shape niueb better, being lighter and more elastic than all oth ers—WARRANTED in every respect, ai d sold at very low prices. Ask for HOPKINS' "CHAMPI ON" SKIRT Superior Hand-made Whale-bone CORSETS in Fifteen different grade.?, including the''lmperial" and Tttoni'sos A LAXGDOX'B "GLOVE FITTING" CORSETS, ranging in prices from 81 Cents to 86.- 50 ; together with Joseph Deckel's CELEBRA TED FRENCH WOVEN r CORSETS, superior shapes ami quality, ten different Grades, from g! .10 to $6.60 They are the finest and best goods lor the prices, ever impor ed The Trade sup plied with HOOP FKIKXS and CORSETa at the Lowest Ratea. Those visiting the City should not fail to call arid examine iur Good* and Prices, as we defy ail competition. 6eptll."6Bchms jjUBST NATIONAis WHITE LEAD. j This Paint is Manufactured of tbe BEST AND PUREST MATERIAL WARRANTED Equal to any made, for durability aud brilliancy. I GIVE IT A TRIAL AMD VOtT WILL SEVER USE ANY OTHER ! SOLD 11Y- ALL DEALERS IX PAINTS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTR Y T. MORRIS PEROT & CO., Wholesale dealers in Drug?. Paint.?. Oils, Glass, Ae 621 Market, and 612 Commerce .3;? PHILADELPHIA, Pi CAPTION —Owing to the popularity of our First National Lead, other parties have been iuduced to "ff'er a spurious article. Therefore Beware of Counterfeits.,! 1 *"! The Genuine is put up iu Ex tra Heavy Tin Paint Pots, with Patent metallic w ire handles, and the nameo'T. Morris Perot A \ Co. on eaeh label. dec6,'67yl UUKKN OK ENGLAND 8()A 1 ) ()i KEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. I . QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. For ff. big a tainily washing in the best and cheapest manner, t'iuaranteed equal to any in the world ' Has all the strength of old ro?in soap with the mild and lathering qualitie? of genuine Castile. Try this splendid Soup. Sold bv the ALLIEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia. sep4"63.yl J W. GARDILL tf . WITH STILZ & MELICK, WIIOLESALE UL')TI i IKRS, No -'526 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA marljy i r HENRY H OTTON, rp , WITH A. A. SIIUMVVAY, & Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 22! Market and 210 Chur"h Streets, PHILADELPHIA. £5/ our pstroDage i? respectfully solicited Aug3l),'S7. qpHE OLD ESTABLISHED ÜBS, J J. RICHARDSON B A ceo, CKi AR 8, Ac., No 4(iS Market Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. decfi,'67yl q YER' 88 A 118 AP A R I.L LA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Tie rcputiitior. thi? excellent medicine enjoy?, is derived from Us cures, many of which .re truly t..arvell .us- Inveterate ease* of Scrofulous dis " where the system seemed saturated with corruption, havo been purified and cured by it. Scrofulous affections and disorders, which wore aggravated by the scrofulous contamination ua;i! they were painfully afflicting, have been radical ly cured in such great numbers in almost every se tioii of tbe coumrv, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one ol the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, tbis unseen and ttn felt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution, aud invites tbe attack of cufeebting or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion oi its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection : throughout the body, and then, ou some favora ble occasion, rapidly develops into one or other of it? hideous torms, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tubercles uiuy be sud denly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, o • i: shows its presence by e ruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerations on some part ot the body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this Sarsapariita is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons ali! eted with the following complaints generally , find immediate relief, and. at length cure, by the use of this tsarsaparilla : St. Authony s Fire. Rose •>r Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eye?, Sore Ears, and other erup tions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Drop sy. llecrt Disease. Fit?. Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscular aud nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cured by it, tl...ugh a long time is required for subduing theso obstinate maladies by any medi ■ cine. But long continued use of this medicine ; will cur- the complaint. Leucorrhoea or W li'es, : Uterine Ulcerations and Female Diseases, are | commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by ; its purilying and invigorating effect. Minute Di- I rec.ions tor each c .se arc touud iu our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Coin pi ..n:.?, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflammation of the l.iver, and Jaundice, when arising. .? they of- I ten do, from the rankling poisons in the blood, i .ii? S i R.BAPARILLA IS a great restorer for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who arc Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fear.?, or any ofthe affections symptomatic Weakness! will find immediate relief and convincing evi dence of ; ? restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY Dii. .1. U . AY i.R A CO., Lowell, Massuetiusctis Pearltvat and Analytical Chemtst.s. ! 30LD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. sep4yl B. F. HARRY', Agent. '\ ! O N E Y 8 A V E D. lU j We arc constantly purchasing for ca?h in the I New York and Boston Markets, all kinds of DR) AND FANCY GOODS, SILKS, COTTONS BOOT.-? AND SHOES. WATCHES, aE.V INd ' MAC 111 NEs. OF LEERY". DRESS GOODS DOMESTIC GOODS, Ac, Ac Which we are actually selling at tin average price ol One Dollar /or each article. Our sales beiii" strictly for cash, and our trade much larger than that of any other similar concern, enables u? to give better bargains than can be obtained of any ' other house. THE LADIES Art.. specially invited lo give us a trial. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR AND EXCHANGE LIST. Our club system of selling is as follows: For $2 s\p end 20 patent pen fountains and checks do scribing 20 different articles to be sold for a dol lar each ; 40 tor $4 ;60 for 6; 100 for $lO, A, Sent by mail. Commission* larger than thus, offered t-y any other firm, according to size of club . Single fountain and cheek, 10 et.: Male and ft-, male agent.? wanted. .Send money in Kegistere 1 Letter,? Send us a trial club, aud you will ac knowledge that you cannot afford to bay goods of ! ! any other house thereafter, EASTMAN A KENDALL, octlffm2 66 Hanover St , Boston, Mass J NO. QT 1 iSiiER, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, BCDFORD, I'A. Fire Itisurar,co effected perpetually or iur any term. Life Insurance ou the Interest Bearing PI. n. Losses speedily adjusted and promptly paid. 2'iotcl. i \\T AKHJ NGTON HOTEL, BKI>. W FORD P.~This large and flommodio,,, house, having been re-taken by tbe sobserim • now open for the reeeption of visitors and t > :ir ( ere. The rooms are large, well ventilated til j eomfortab'v famished. The table will a t „ supplied with the best tbe market ean afford. The Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. Irish.,-, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-CLA.SS HOTKI Thaukii g the public lor past favors, I rtspe, tfj. ly solicit a renewal of their patronage X B Hacks will run constantly between Hotel and the Springs. - tnayl7,'H7yl W DIBKRT. Prop'r EDFOfiD HOTEL.—The un } dendgned htiving take charge of the bi-j. 7 ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col John Hafer. a-. * nounces to the public that he will he able to f. It ford the best accommodations, both to the travel. ing public and home custom. The house will i,e t improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will alwav. tjrßoarders taken by the week, mo .!, r Rr Terms reasonable. The public are respect!., ,v r vilcd to give hiui acall. A JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER Jan. 15, '54 e;rp 11 E ME N(i E L li OU H 1., J Jut tuna St ret Bedford, Pa. 1 The subscriber respectfully begs leuve to ir l.,ra f the travelling public that he has recently eiilar,/. i improved and refitted his bouse, both for the • eommodarion of travelers and boarders, a, ne)| a country eus'omers Persons coming to this p;i, e for the purpose of visiting the Bedford Spring,, will find this house pleasantly located Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by & y careful hostler. Also a safe arid convenient car riage house, v AH are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGKL, Proprietor >' April 15. '64. HOTEL, J j HUNTINGDON", PA. J tiis old establishment having been leased by J. MORRISON,, formerly propriety of the NI -rr" { -or House, his been entirely renovated and , furnished and supplied with all the modern in, proveuients and conveniences necessary 'o a }j,. . class Hotel. The dining room has been r-iuoved to the ti r .- floor and is now spacious and airy, and the chain hers, ure all well ventilated, and the proprietor ; will endeavor to wake his guests perfectly ar home Address J. M'RRIiSON, , Ex- hasgb HOTEJ., j juul9ti Huntingdon, p ;i > | X 1 ON HOTEL ! WEST PITT ST. BEDFORD, PA 3 ! V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared to & m | mod ate the public in the best manner and or tit in--st liberal terms. May >, '62. |)KNNSY LVA Nf A HO IJS J J. H OODBUUV. i'A The undersigned has refilled this house, a . t .. prepared to accommodate his cu'toroers and • . traveling public in a manner that will give su'i faction to all. HEXIVi' FLUCK, Pronrie" 2m 2* piscrtUnuous. Eli'S (TIERHY PECTORAL. pur Diseases of thu Throat and Lungs, - licit a- Coughs, Cold.-, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, ami t "iisuiiiption. i'r hnblv never before in the whole hisror medicine, has anything won so widely and ■ jeep, ly upon the c-afidence of mankind, as this ex; lent remedy fir pulmonary complaints Thr ign it long series of years, and among most of the - ' of men it ha- risen higher and higher in their e>- timation, as it has become better known Its tir J :• form character and power to cure the varum- si j feet ions of the lungs and throat, have nut io , i known as a reliable protector again-: them While adap ed to '011.16.- forms of disease ar.d ; young children, it is at the same time tho tn-.-t effectual remedy that can be given for incipient , . cou.-uwptioi', aud the dangerous affections ui si throat and lungs. As a pr-vifi -n against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in ev ery i'. miiy, and iudeed as ail are sometime sub j-ct to colds umj coughs. all should be provide, wiih this antidote for them. Although se'tled Consumption is thought curable, still great numbers of oases where tha disease seemed settled, have been cornp e'- cured, and the patient restored to s >und health the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over toe disorders of the Lungs and Throat tt. • the most obstinate of them yield to it. Whs. mailing else could reach them, un ier the Caerry Pectoral they subside and disappear. >ir.ger- and public Speakers Cud great ••• tiou truui it. Asthma is always relieved and often wh.d.y ur - I ed by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking a r Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent dost so generally are its virtues known that w I • not publish tho certificates of them here. r i i more man assure the public that its quail tic sr. ' tutly maintained. AY Eii ' 8 AG U E CUR E, Fur per, / md Agar, [dermiltent Fever, C/v I'em, Freer, Dumb Ague, Pi otitcul or Bißtous Fever, See., and i >tdr i al the nfirrtton - which arise from maljnuu* t iis/i, or mi is m iter poisons. ' As its name implies it does Cure, and does no: fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine. Bis , math, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisouou -1 substance whatever, .in no wise injures any pa lient. Tbe number and importance of its cures ii tue ague districts, are literally beyond account and wo believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cure effected in obstinate ca- s. and where other reme dies had wholly failed Unacclimated persons, either resident in. : traveling through miasma tic localities, will bt | protected by taking the AGUE CURE daily. . | fcer Liver Complaints, arising trom torpidity : the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating 1 : tho Liver int" healtliv activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly i - mnrkaule cures, where other medicines had failed Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER A Co.. Practical and Analytical Chemists. Lowell, Mass., and ail round the world. PR ICR. SI.OO Per BOTTI.E. sopll yl B F. HARRY. agent. BOOK AGENTS WAN LED r..*•.;- cii orders f>r Dr WILLIAM SMITH'S DIE HON ART OF THE BIBLF. The Only Edit; u Published In America, Condensed By Dr. Sin tb j Own Hand. In one large Octavo volume, illas | trated with over 125 steel and wood engravings Agents ami subscribers see that you get tht j Genuine Edition By Dr. Smith. Tbe Sjirtrtg-feid Republican says, this edit;- : published by Messrs Burr & Co. is the geuuiitc ! thing. The Cngrrgationalist savs, whoever wishes tt get in the cheapest form, the be>t Dictionary nl | the Bible should buy THIS. Agents are meeting with unparalleled success tt e employ no General Agents, and offer extra : inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see the ; advantage of dealing directly with the PI BLit? 11- i Fit - For descriptive circulars witb full particu | larsand terms, address the Publishers, J is Bt KK A CO.. Hartford, Conn. | mayffhinti | OEliFORI) CLASSICAL SCHOOI.. : J.JI Founded by Rev'd John Lyon, ISalt. FRRDEKICK. U OODS, Pni.M IPAL. A first-class school for the instruction of youth : ot both coxes in a classical aud English educu } Uon, including Litin, Greek, French, German Mathematics and the ordinary English brauches lerms moderate. Students irom a dis'ancu can obtain board in town at reasonable rales UEKKBENCMS. I Hon. A. King, Jacob Reed, Hon.-Jobu G. Hartley, John P. Reed. Am. Hartley, II Xieodemu*, i 0. L. Sha noil, K. B. Lewis, j Pres't Broad Top R K |V\ H. tt atson, M. D. C. N. Ilickok, ; B h. Hurry, M. 1. Goo. Blymver, | riaui'l L. Russell, G. D. Shuck. I B T. Meyers, C. Culfclt. | John Lutz, Ross Anderson. M. D. j in In uSyl tt m. Lyon. FARRELL Js CO., MAM FAt'Tl KKKS OF LEAD AND BLOCK-TIN PIPE, X// L /•; T AXD li A R LEA D AND ALL KINDS OF ' Plnmbe s .(lis i„d Steam Fitters Al.itr ids, NO. in; SMITHFIELDSTREET, ; Sou l tor a Price List. PtTTSitrito Pt aprffl'tiSy 1 Ltx-al circulation of the RF.P foRD G AZETTR is latger than that of any other |>rtpcr in this section ol country, niiii thcif.oru ot orstho grcitic?! in-iucements to business in en *•" j iver.-iso in its eobiiuns j Is 111 PER C'ENT SAVED. r,DM> l i, i, I, tt anted for the Mammoth I DOLLAR SALE Full particulars in circular ; tiidross DiixrKK, Etuts A, Co., 1055 Washtng'u j st., Boston, Mass. I TOR A H<> J. MEANS, Liccii->c(l j •--L Au'tionaer, tenders his services to all per ~'u.i. naving sales, >r vendues. Givo him a call, fusidenc'' Black \ alley, Monroe tp., six miles j Xouth ol Lloody Bun ' uovSmS