flit gictlford tlnicltf Home and Around. HUNTINGDON* AND BROAD TOP R.R. WINTER ARRANGEMENT —TIM k TABLE —OU and after Sept. 16th, passenger trains will arrive and depart as follows : Mail Train leaves Ml. Dallas at 1.10 p. m . ar rives at Huntingdon at 4 21 p. m ; leaves Hunt ingdon at 9.05 a m.. and arrives at Mt. Dallas at 12 18 a ui. Accmmod*tin Train leave; Snxton 7 30 a. in., and arrives at Huntingdon, at 9 20 a m ; leaves Huntingdon at 4.35 p m , and arrives at Saxton at 6.27 p. m. WOULD'NT REJOICE.—' The grand jollification that was to come off in tliis place Just week, because of Grant's elec tion, was the most complete failure we have ever witnessed. The boys who watched all night to see tbe hea ven- illuminated by the meteors the night offer the phenomena really did take place, were equally gratified with those of our citizens who expected to see our streets dazzle with the torches of the admirers of the successful "no policy" candidate. The torches were not brought forth tor the people did not come out to carry them. The h,,u --s s were not illuminated for gold had gone up, and the sperm candle market was unsteady. The meeting was slim for the people remained at home con juring what to do with the elephant they had won at the late raffle. Why don't the people rejoice? Let us see. The farmer cannot male merry over toe heavy decline in wheat and every thing he produces ; the laboring man does not feel glad in the prospect of a reduction in the price of labor, and the moneyed man trembles at tbe unset tled condition oftheeouutry and theun misfakable symptoms of a near ap proaching financial crash. Could you expect the people to rejoice, to "eat, drink and be merry," with such a pros pect before themlt is hardly to be expected. They see the predicament they have voted the.u-*ives into ami would gladly reverse it if they could. They sec heavy breakers ahead, and when the old ship is driven among tin in, and our radical friends rai-e the cry of distrc—, then, "Let us have peace!" THE WEATH K. —For several days we have had winter \vi;h all itsstcrn re ality. Wecould exclaim in the language of the song, "It snows! it snows! from out the sky, The little feathered fiakis do fly," a- these sure premonitory synitoms of the iu ar approach of w in ter wire fanta-ticady dancing through tiie air. Alter an absence of a few day- old So! again made his apj ear am e and -piril of improvement. A western editor thinks if the pro per way of spelling tlio i-> "lliotiyh," and bo "beaux," the proper way of spelling potatoes must be "poughteigh txux." 'i'Jie new way of sj>ellH)g soft ly is "psoughtliegh." E. K. KERR, Eati-, offers a lot of vtil uable real estate lor sale. 6ee his ad vertisement in another column. fpj.? 33?tifofti* ;p& TIIE PITTSBURGH FEMALE CO - ! LEG K is dosing a prosperous l'all J Term. Young ladies, representing nearly one-third of the States in the Union, are present, and the boarding department iss j full that there are but four vacancies. The buildings are thorough! v furnished and fitted up in good style. Every department is sup plied with able and accomplished teachers, amounting in all to upwards I of twenty. In all the facilities for ob i taining a thorough, solid and orna ! mental education, the college has no rival in the State, and hut few in the Union. The Winter Term commen ces December 0. We must heartily commend the Collage to all who have daughti rs to educate, and who desire for them thorough culture, combin ed with careful oversight and the in fluences of a ('hristiun home. Send to the President, Hev. I. C. Pershing, Pittsburgh, Pa., for a catalogue. "ONE OF THE HOYS."—A youngster came home after having a glorious iine io tbe puddles, his face all aglow, and his rubber boots full of water. — The puni-hinent of -laying in the hoc. -e for the remainder of the day did not -com very hard at first ; but as his little heart warmed up with the recol | lection of the triumphs of the morning when he had waded deeper than any of his playmates dared to, he could hear the restraint no longer, and went to his mother, saying, "Please, mother, whip me, and let me go out again." REGISTERED LETTERS.— Under the new system, which went into effect June Ist, registered letters are a very safe means of sending small sums of money where post-office money or ders cannot easily be obtained.— The registry fee, as well as pos tage, must he paid in stamps at the of fice where the letter is mailed, or it will be liable to be sent to the dead letter office. Buy and affix the stamps, both for the postage and registry, put in the money and seal the letter in the j.■ res en ee of the postmaster. CAUSAYA BARK.— It is said tha. Mts-srs Diake & Co., (proprietors of the Plantation Bitters) are the largest iat portersot Calisaya Bark in this coun try, to I that, with the exception of an or.i- o: a! sale, all they import ii used in the compounding of their celebrated Plantation Bitters,—to which they un doabtedly are indebted for their won derful health-restoring properties. As a Tun c and Appetizer they are notsur pa.-- d and we cheerfully recommend them. All first-cla-s Druggists keep them for sale. MAGNOLIA WATER.— Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. STOVES ! Sxov ES ! ! Everybody should call at the mammoth Stove es tahlishment of B. M. Blytnyer Jt Co., ami see the large assortment of all kinds of Stoves, healers, there on exhi bition and for sale. And we purlieu luflv cull uttctitii/n to 111 v cdt bitrtt "Revolving Light" perpetual-burner for p trior, office or store; also to Spear's celebrated Cook Stove for coal or wood. Call and examine these Stoves before purchasing any other.-. MANY per-ons coming to town, to attend conrt next week, will want school books; renie:nl>er that the In quirer Book Store is the best place in the county to get them. It is also-up plied with a fine a--ortment of elegant h -ok- suitable for Christina- presents, Ac. Don't forget to call and examine them. Qi VEITY ANI> STY I.I For the true tc si of cheapness, in getting your boots and shoes for the coming winter, you should call at "the Regulator's," and get a pair of his excellent made boots or shoes, guaranteed to give satisfaction. EPISCOPAL SERVICE ON THANKS GIVING DAY. —There will la* a Service at the Court House, on Tnauksgi ving morning tocommence at half pu-t ten o'clock. A GOOD INVESTMENT— For your daughters is in a good education. In telligence pays. Ilollidaysburg claims i to have the best building for a Female Seminary in Pennsylvania. SCENTEDSHOWERS. —When drops of PUALO.V'S "FLOIt DE MAYO," the * new Perfume, fall in aromatic show ers on thousands of handkerchiefs eve ry day, who can deny that it is the reigning perfume? Sold by all drug gists. novl3w2. * - A SHAW AND CLARK §25 Sewing Machine (in good order) for side. Eu quire at this office. juhltf. Paper Flour and Buckwheat sacks coiissuiitlv instor** and for sale bv novUmi G. R. OSfER CO. SI2OO VND ALL EXPENSES PAID! — S'• A i.a rtGi-ni 'iit af AVSSKJUI S->ITTI.K SSWIXA M acatNE, iu nur advertising velum us. novfiy 1 iUtf (.Vlm'tiß'inefito. I ALU ABLE REAL ESTATE AT > PRIVATE SALE Xo. 1 contain* 81 acres in Ensi i'rovidence tp.. we 1 timbered, j mile from tlie Pike at Kays Hill. No. 2. 200 acres, 75 acres cultivated, balance well timbered, good mill site, 6 miles south of Bloody Hun Xo. 112 acres. 80 acres in good state of culti vation. good buildings, 3 miles south of Bloody Ku n. Xo 1 134 acres. 80 acres cleared. 2 milts from Bloody Hun. Xo 6 123 acres. 50 acres cleared, balance well timbered, underlaid with Iron Ore, 4 miles south of Snxton. Xo. 6 lliuseaDdlot on Main street, Bloody Hon, in a good business part of the town Xo. 7 1 lots on Spring street, Bloody Run, near Kail Koad Station All of tbe above are valuable properties anil will be sold on reasonable terms, or will be trailed . for good propertv here or in the west, by EDW ARD F KERR. nov27ui3 Bedford, Peun'a. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue oiauordirot the Orphan's Couit of Bedford C unty, the undersigned will ■ ft r at public sale, on the premises, on Friday, the 18 b uny of De cember. IS.is, the following Valuable Real Estate, via: A tract of laud, iu Juniata tuwuslup, ad joining lands of Francis iiamau. George Halkei. Juhu Latuau and Daniel Harrier, containing Iti'J acres, neat measure, ahout 10d acres cleared ant under fence, about 15 acres ut which isg-'o I tuea I . in. The improvements urea story-ami- i-halflog house, spring house, double lug b.ru and tribe, necessary buildings A.so an apple orchard thereon. A !-u the one undivided half of tbe following dc i scribed trac. of land, adjoining lands of Francis Hauiiur, Daniel liarner and Daniel Bbmyer. c n laiuitig 70 acres, neat measure, having a saw i all lb rem erectad. Sale lo eourmeuee at 10 o'o. -ck of said day. N A I'll AN KEG .4, 1i u- eo for the sale of the Juwwl t-lale of J >hri ) Kcgg, dee d. BQVh/u 1 A 2lcur I MMPLuYMLNT! 100,000 COPIES j of the NEW WORK by Jrxirs HENRI BROWNE. will be told by Agents during tbe next \ fen months THE GREAT METROPOLIS, I A MIRROR OF NEW YORK, i. creating a urore wherever seen, unequalled in 1 rbe book trade It is destined to an immense sale, j 100(1 AGK N T s \V A X T ED.! One agent reports 24 names in 4 hours. One a gent 29 in 1 day. One 89 in 3 days. One writes "I can sell 1000 in a month.' Ladies, invalids, disabled soldiers, teaehers, young men and women and others are invited to send for information j The work is just announced, and good territory can be see a red by prompt application. Xo tree Greenbacks but extra Commissions paid upon this took Ador—* lii.ISS X . Newark. New Jersey i wanted for the i, C It E T S E R V I C E, BY GEN L L C. BAKER The astoundii g revelations and startling dis elosnrr s made iu this work are creating the most intense d --ire in tae mints of the people to ob tain it. lis official character and ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make it j the bched. Send tor Cifeilnrs and see our terms, and why it sells faster ilian any other work Address JOXES BROTHERS d 00 , Philadelphia, Pa., or Ch ea gmllb Vss GREENBACK Of ftdf vn/ne sent freeto any 800/. Agent, BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR MATTHEW HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK "Suu-liim* iuiti .Shadow iu New York." A work of Abs irbing Interest. Replete with An ecdotes and incidents of Life in 'lie Great Me tropolis. Our Agent in Hartford sold 80 in one day ; one agent in X J ;old 227 in 15 days ; one agent in M iss, sold 25(1 in one woek ; one agent in Conn soli 301 in one week Xo book published that sell.- so rapidly. H, You wi.-h to know how Fortunes are ma le 4 and lost in a day ; how Ministers are m ined in IV all Street. how ••Countrymen'' arcswindl d by Sharpers; bow Ministers and Mer chants are Blackmailed ; how Dance Halls and Concert Saloons are Managed; how Gambling Hemes and Lotteries are conducted ; bow Stock Companies Originate and bow the Rubbles Burst, read this work. It tells you about the mysteries o, New York, and coutain* biognp ical sketches of its noted Millionaires. Merchants, Ac. A large Octavo Voi., 72(1 pages. Finely Illustrated. Tiie large-t cuuiuis ion given Our 32-pige circular and §5 Greenback sent Free on a;i| Mention. For full p iriiculnr* and t 'rin*. a I Iress (he Publishers. J. 1! BURR ,t CO.. H.ir;f..rd. Conn H ANS ANDERSEN AND TilK it 1V FItS I D E MAGAZ I N E S FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. H \NS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN, die Greatest Living S •rv !• Her. will send new articles direct to die Lit i:itsiDß Then w \oluinc begins Jan., I-O'J. at. : wid l>; brighter and fr -her than ever. SPLENDID PREMIUM We will give to every subscriber for 1369 who sends s2.."•'.the regular price) directly to us, a col v of (he elegum Chmmo. THE QLACK DOCTOR, Rv HKXUV L. STKPHKNS, repro due -1 in ricii colors, for our subs-libera only. Size |i; x _'i) i the.- auJ well worth $5. Copies wi I h • "nt by mail, pre-paid, iu the order ol subscription. lll'RU J. HOUGHTON, Publihers. 1 .9 Rraome Street. New York Samples t f Magazines siat for 25 cts. Prospectus free in )RN EY'S WEEKLY PRESS. THE GREAT RADICAL PAPER. The m -t ex ten-ire md freshs! Political News— To to ,-t Agricultural Department—The latest Markets—And the best original Reading Matter. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRESS : One copy, one year, §2 01) Five copies, 9 00 Ten copies and one e py to the getter-up of (he club), 16 00 Twen y copie* aid one copy to the getter-up oftheclLb), 27 00 Fifty copies (and one copy to the getter-up of the club), 55 00 Ten conies, to one adthe, .<, (and one copy to the getter-up "f the club), 14 00 Twenty copies to one odd re*, (and one copy to the getter-up ot (ho club.) 25 00 Fifty cm ic- to one address (and one oopy tub nut: r.iin of the ejub.) 50 00 One hundred copies, fo one mi,, • 01, (and one copy of the Tri-WESKI V Press to the gel 1 er-up of the club). 10uld be addressed to JOHN 6 . FORNEY, Elitorand Prop'r. S. W. cor. Seventh and C. esti.ut Streets. Philadelphia, Pa. ~ir 'Send for a sample enpv of TilH LADY'S FRIFND and THE s.VTI RDAY EVEN IS i POST, and see the untqu iied in luceoi mts offered. BAM TLI: ('••Ties "f both are sent grot s. Price fur each $2 50 avoiror 81 for both. Address HEX KY PETERSON t CO.. No 3PJ Walnnt Street. Phil olelpbia, Penn SO UTH EK X iiO M E JOURNAL FOR 1569 TERMS:—S3 per annum. F >ur copies for 810; Eight copies for S2O, an 1 an extra copy to the getter-up of t'*e club. A 810 Silver Watch for 20 Sulncribers. A -S'j Sewing .Machine for 25 Subscribers. A S'o GJ 1 M atch for 4 ' Sub-cribers. A SIOO Gold VVatchfor7s Sub-cribers. If you do n ' t get enough to secure one of the pre miums. we will allow you 0!) cts. on each yearly subscriber at si. SAMPLE COPIES free. Early in th • euiog volume we shall commence A SPLENDID NEW STORY, by Alexander Du ma- which will b- printed fi m advance slieeis, furnished only to this piper JOHN Y SLATER, Publisher, B Ut iraore, M L $20,000 MOX E Y ■GIVEN AWAY! THE HOME WEEKLY. This favorit'-j -urual is not only one of the oldest nnd one of the best, but it is Tin cheapest family pvper iu the United Slates ' The following names are selected from among tlie very extensive lists of ur contributors: —Lewis Gtyltnd CUrk, Mrs. E F Ellet. Orpheus C K' : r. P. H'Uiilton Myers, M try A. Deuison, T. S. Ar hitr, Catharine Earnshaw. Lottie Br-iwn, John S. C Abbott. II m. Robert Dale Owen, Edivaril S Ellis. Mrs A L Phelps. The contents wtl consist of hrilli mt Novelettes. Romances, lit.-:ortcal, Biographical ar-d Scientific .-ketcfes. Ess.ys, Poetry, Choi'-e Aitieles on Ag rieultur.-d Sutj t-. Reviews. F isaions, Anecdotes, News. E liloi tils Markets, and all that is calcu lated to instruct and entertain the entire family circle—the whole being free from all Political and eet riin bias 'l'iie iliustr.iii ns will ho there in each mumber, ! an 1 frtim the r • rv tble-t artists in the country. GREAT INDUCEMENTS 10 CLUBS ! ' $20.otll) IN MONEY GIVEN AWAY ! ! In addition ur tbe other prizes offered below, the following will be p.ttd to the getter up or gct teis up ut the I irges clubs sent iu between No ! vendor Ist., Is lis. and April Ist, 1569 Prizes will be paid ou or before April 10th, 1369. The Getter up of the 1. trg*-' l '' Club sent us between the dales mentioned above will I receive $500.00 in Greenbacks Second L rgost olub 400.00 do Third largest club 3uU 00 do Fourth largest club 200.00 do Fifth largest club 100.00 tio Tbe getter up of each Club of 100 Subscribers will receive 10.00 do The getter up ot each Club of 60 Subscribers will receive 5 lit) do The goiter up of each club of 40 Subscribers will bo entitled to select a book or books, the price of which is $4.00 The getter up of each club ut 25 Subscrib er.- will be entitled to select a book or books, the price of which is 2.50 The getter up of each club of 15 Subscrib ers will ba entitled to select a book or books, the price of which is 1.50 The gelling up ot each club ot 10 Subscrib, er> will he entitled to secleot a bo-k or books, the price of wiiiob is 1.00 The getter up ot each club ot 5 Subscribers will be entitled to select a book or books, the price of which is 50 A Catalogue from one of the largest publishing houses in ilie United States will be turuished, from which - lections can bo made and the book' Wl.i u -n.nl to tuo par ies • ttitlc lto them, P'i-t.ige Free. 'FIRMS.' Single espies, Five Cents. One copy, one ye ir, $2 Ol) I wro copies, oue ye ir, 3 aO Five copies, one year, 9 00 Ten copies, one year, and one extra to the getter up of the elub, 17 00 Futeeu c I pies, on.; year an 1 one axirw, 25 U0 Twenty.five cop es, and oue extra, 40-00 Forty copies, and one extra, 64 00 F Ity Copies, and one extra, Stl.OJ Due Ituudre t copies, an i one extra. 15J.0U 'l'iie t'oo age ou tlie liame Weekly is 20 cenis a year. Fust masters and others who get up cl .bs, can nf < r.vards aid names al the same rates, and the names will t> counted, up to April Ist, as part of (lie original club. Specimen copies sent, free of postage, on re ceipt ot a trice lit note. . Baud f>i specimen.-, and commence sending in your Uiub.- ourty. An Uoinmut.i.-ations mast be atldiessed to JUSEFIi A NriXES, i'ubltshcr A l'r.qi'r, 121 BO T'uird St., i'liilaidolptria, Pa. iUir npHE PRACTICAL FARMER. S i NOW IN ITS SIXTH YEAR! PUBLISHED IN I'LL I LA DELPH I A, MONTH f.i at $1.50 per annum, tn advance, • by P ASCII ALL MORRIS, la No. 13th St., Phila dclphia- -20 copies for S2O Is chiefly made op of origi- I nal matter, in relation t<> every Department of I Agriculture. Horticulture AND Rum! Economy. I Large 11111110010001." and liberal premiums offered ' to agents and canvassers. Sample copies furnish- J ed on application. I , A GENTS WANTED FOB THE OFFI C I A L HISTORY OF TIIE WAR Its Causes, ('haraeter, Conduct and Re- , suits, 1 By HON. A. 11. STEPHENS. Its ready sale, COMBINED with an inereasea coin- j mission, make it llie best subscription book ever ( published. ! 1 Send t(>r circulars and see our terms, and a full • 1 description f the work Address NATIONAL , PUBLISHING CO.. Philadelphia, Pa., or Cincin- j j nali, Ohio. MrOORE'S RURAL NEW-YORKER* 1 1 the Orent National Rural and Family J Weekly, commences its TWENTIETH Year, Jan. 2. . on a M niimoth Sheet, comprising sixteen Large i ; Double Quarto Pages of Five Columns each, and also Greatly Improved. This will make the Pa- • per ab' Ut Double its Former Site. with no In- ! , crease in PRICE ' Vol. XX. for 1869, will excel j j in all the essentials of a Progressive. Tiuioly ard I Uuseful Rural, Literary and Family Newspaper,— j ] manifesting the true spirit of its .Motto, ••Excel *inr,' and Objects. ■•Progress and Improve- ! 1 men!,'' and making the BKST WEEKLT IS ASEKI- j CA ! • ! The IU RAL is not H Monthly, but n Large and i Beautiful WEEKLY — superior in Value, Purity ! and Variety of Coutent". and Adapted to the Wants of All. i ' TERMS:— $3 A Year: Five copies, #11: Seven 1 1 for PJ ; Ten fer #25. c. Now is the time to Sub- I , -'rib : ar. L T'LRM Club- ' Liberal inducements to J | C'ub Agents. SR.ocimens. Show Bills. Ac, sent I ' free. I). D T. MOORE, II Park Row, N. Y. V GENTS WANTED for our IL LUSTRATED BIBLE HISTORY. over 400 en- I gravings. Photograp ic Bibles as low A? s.l 00. I Send stump for terms. AE GREEN A CO., 413 j Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. 0)X A DAY.—Aleuts wsiut'd. Address, with stamp, BL'RT A CO., j Biddeford, ME J AGENTS WANTFD.—MaIe amd V female, f>r our superior assortment of Sta tionery Gift P eknges. Can be sold in every I household. NO better investment. Circular i free Ad Iress ILAA.-IS & LL'BRECHT, Empire ! M p. Chart an T Stationery Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New York. R T N J v J: LI 8"A L | CLOTHES WRINGER. IMPROVED WITH HOWELL'S NEW PATENT i DOUBLE-GEAR. The only wringer which can ! use the STOP." or fastniug above theC >gs, which is absolutely necessary to pievenf the Cox from j playing out of gear, and the Rubber Rollers from ! being strained or broken in wringing large arti- ! eles. Sold by dealers generally. A supply al was • kept on hand tor -biptnent at Clcvland, ; Chicago and St. Louis. R. C BROWNING, GENERAL Agents, St CORD in It street. N. Y. SJ j Y.B 1 ?R COLGURN'S PATENT. PATENTED JN.v 9. IS IT REISSUED ACO 181968. Extracts from Letters and Reports of the work ing qualities of the Axe: 1 Your Axe is Bound to he THE AXE. 11. It will cut 2-> percent, belter. 111. My brother lost an arm in the war, but with your Axe he can cut a? will as any one else CAN IV If I could not get another, twenty-five ;$25) dollars would not buy it V It will cut hoop-poles better than any other AXE VI. I would not bo without it for anything VII The only objection is it goes toa far into the wood. VIII. Men who chop for a living universally ap prove of it. Ac.. Ac., ttd infinitum For sale by all responsible dealers in the United States. LIPPINCOTT A BAKEWKLL. PITTSBURGH. PA. Manufacturer? of th" BED JACKET AXES, SAW.-. SHOVELS and -C')OPS. aud a 1 approved Shapes and Styles of AXES Sole owners of COL- ' WLL'L P.LTKVR PE W HA T RAC K. County Rights. Send for circulars to E. S. BLAKE, I'itt-burgh, Penn. nRFXKENXErfSimd all love or j dc"ire for intoxicating liquors, safely aud | positively cured by DR. CLARK'S -SALVATION J POWDERS.' They can be administered if necessary : without tbe KNOWLEDGE of tin person, in Ale. Wine : Tea. or any other B-eer GC Sent hv mail on ro ot ipt of price. ONE DOLLAR. Address DR JAMES L. CLARK, 4-8 Hudson S'reet, N Y Cut This Out For Kef rence. 0~ XE DOLLAR! ONE DOLLAR! MKSERVE A CO . 35 Sudbury St , Boston, are sole pmpriett rs and manuf iclurcr" of the new ly invented Peerless Double Pen Fountain A ger.ts wanted everywhere With eaeh fountain sold whether single for specimen or to olubs. they send a slip. Without Charge, describing some ar ticle they will sell fur One Dollar They sup- | ply families with TH >us inds of useful, ornamental, and necessary article- of unequalled quality, tie- : fying competition in this trade. Commissions SI to SSOO. according to ze of CLIO. Many agents make S2U per day. Circulars sent free r <) O K ! LOO K! J The magnitude of our busines" has enabled us to make the INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS FOR OUt ONE DOLLAR SALE, especially in the line of CGTTiiN GOODSf LARGER THAN EVER! Send for circulars, with NEW PREHIFM ' RATES. before sending your clubs elsenhero. : Address S: C. THOMPSON & CO s 18$ ft L raj St., Boaton. j I AHI Erf! LADIES! LADIES!— J The Patent Empress Garter and the Eugenie, two of the most useful articles ever invented for ladies' use. Ciiculars gratis. Samples mailed for#! 50. Agents wanted everywheie Address EMPRESS GARTER Co.. 148 Fultonst ,N. Y P. O. B x 2438. 1 IS YCIIO LOGIC Fitstviitatioii, cr Soul Charming. H-nv to fascinate and gain the love of anyone become wealthy and prosper in business. An elegant book containing also a rich French novel. Pascal Deviuo, with a thousand b isioess chance? for agents never before published. Price 25 cts. by mail Address T. WILLIAM A Co., Book Publishers. Philadelphia. DO B II INS' ELECTRIC ROOT POLLS!I MAKE- A LASTING SHINE. Thus : who black their lr.otson Saturday night with ordinary blacking, don't have much shiueun Sunday as the polish fades off. but the shine of ' DOBBINS' BLACKING Lasts Saturday NijiDt ami all day Suti day. ll beats any other hlarling made Manufactured only hy J. B. Dobbins, at bis im mense Soaj. and Blacking Works. Sixth Street and Gerinnntowu Av enue Philadelphia. Pa. For EAK by 11 F. IRVINE, the Regulator, uov2"N I Btdlbrd, Pa. I gents Wanti-l to Take Orders for RC-'illectb AS and Private Memoirs of Wash ington. ITV ins vnoPTKD SON, GEORGE WASHINGTON PARKE CL'STLS, With Dlustralvd tiud Explanatory Motets liy BEN'SON J. Loss I NO. A b -ok for all sections and all parties, contain ing the minute details of Washington's Private Life, as well "8 his public career, (which general histoiy d< ©" not reveal 1 This book is written by a member of Washington's own family — one who lived with him from infancy, and must prove pe culiarly acceptable to the American Public. The great demand for this woik, tts ready sale, and an increased commission makes it the best book tor Agents ever public'ie 1. The most liberal terms to agents, and exclusive sale in the territory us-igued. Send for de-oripGve -1R uiar and terms to ITG'ts. Addre-S, WILLIAM FLINT. NO. FFTSONTFC 7th Btnet, Psitsdelpiu*, Pa 1 0~ RDEKS frttm a dislamt! for any kind IT JOB i'KINI LNG promptly attended to. .-end to iII E GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Bed ford. Pa for vvt-ry iK'scription of Job J[ PRINTING CASH! for the reason that fur every article we use, we must pay cash; and tue cash system wilt enable us to do our work as low as it can b done in the cities. I "MLLILS, rfiiAFTrf, Poles, rfpokes, | ' and Hub", are .-old by IiARILEY A .ML'i'Z- GjF.R at manufacturei'sprices. apK'U rpm: SITCESB of our one Hollar Sale ha? caused such A COMPLETE H E V () L 1' T I <> S IX TRADE, That in order to supply the demand occasioned by our constantly increasing patronage, wo have recently made importation* for the Fall Trade, di i reel from European Manufacturers, AMOUNTING TO NEAKLY S->00,()00. So that we are prepared to tell every description! of Dry and Fancy Goo is Silver Plated Ware, i Cu lcry, Wal-hes. Allmtus, Jewelry, So., Of better quality than any of her concern . in the country for th< luiifortn price of . ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE, With privilege of exchange from a large variety : of useful articles, not one of which could be j bought for TWICE THE AMOUNT in any other wav Lit The best of Boston and New Vo.k reforcn eeg given as to the reliability of our house, and • that our business is conducted in the fairest nrd i most legitimate manner ft -ible. and that we give greater value for the money than can be obtained j in any other way. All Goods damaged or broken in transportation j ' replaced without charge. ijs'Cheeks describing article- sold sent to a- ] gents in clubs at rates mentioned below We ; guarantee every article to co-t less thMti if bought , at any J) ston or New Vork Wholesale House. Otir Comminsions to Agents Exceed those of every other establishment of the i I kind, proof of this e u u he found in comparing our ' • prein urns with th' ss i others FOlt CLUBS OF ; THE SAME SIZE, in addition to which we claim j to give belter goods of tho same character. i ' .Yr ;/•/// send to Agents free of charge For a Club of HO and Three Dollars—One of the ; following articles 1 do/ good linen Shirt Fronts, i i 1 set Solid Gold Studs AH Wool Cassimere fir Pants. Fine white Counterpane, large sire. 1 : elegant Balmoral Skirl 20 yards brown or blench- i ' ed Sheeting, good qualify, yard wile. I elegant : 100 Pictuie Morocco bound Photo. Album. 1 j double lenß Stereoscope amPI 2 Foreign \ iews. 1 i sliver plate*, engraved 5 battle Castor. I elegant ; ' Silk Fan, with Ivory or Sandalwood Frame, j feaibered edge and spangled. 1 Steel Carving j Knife and Fork, very In s' quality, ivory balanced j handle. 1 handsome beaded and lined Parasol | 20 yardsg'toil Print 1 very Rue Damask Table Cover. 1 pr bestqutlity Lidies' Serge C mgrcss Boots. 1 doz. fine Linen Twe's i doz. Rogers best Silver Dessert Forks. 1 Ladies' large real Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 fancy dregs pattern. j doz. elegant silver plated engraved Napkin , Kings 1 doz. Ladies fine Merino or Cotton Stockings Gents'heavy chase i solid Gold King. Ipr La lies' high cut Bain.- ral 11 ot* 1 elegant ; Delaine Dress Pattern. 1 Violin an 1 Bow. in box : c< mplete. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drops and sleeve ' batons. For a Club of 50 and Five Dollars—l black or ; colored Alpacca Dress Pattern. 1 set Lace Car- j tains Ipr ull Wool Blankets. Engraved stiver ; plated 6 bottle Revolving Castor 1 b-autifu! writing desk 1 solid Gold .Scarf Pin 3£ yards ' very fine Caseitnere, for Pitits and Vest. 1 set j ivorv balanced handle Knives with silver plated Forks. I elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded j and lined with silk 1 pr. gents' Calf Boots. 30 ; yds. good Print. 30 yds. good orown fir bleached ! Sheeting, yard wide, or 40 yds J yd. wide, good : quality. 1 ladies' elegant Morocco Traveling Big. 1 square Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dress Pattern. 1$ yds. double width cloth for ladies' Cloak Elegant engraved silver plated Tea Pot. 3 yds. double width water-proof cloth for cloaking. For a Club of 100 and Ten Dollars —I rich Me rino er Thibet Dress pattern, 1 pair fine Damask ; table cloths and napkins to mateh I pair gents' j French calf-skin boots; 1 heavy silver plated en graved ice pitcher; very fine all wool cloth for La- j dies" cloak; 1 web very best quality brown or j bleached sheeting; 71 yards fine eassimere for suit; j I elegant poplin dress pattern; 1 elegant English barege dress pattern: 1 beautiful English barege shawl; 1 set ivory balanced handle knives and forks; 1 ladies'or gems'silver hunting-case watch: i Bartlett band |>ortable sewing machine; splen did family bible, steel engravings, with record and photograph page.-. 25 yards goo i hemp earpictiug. good color; 1 pair good Marseilles quilts; 1 good fl barrel revolver; 1 elegant fur muff and cape; I stugle barrel shot gun; 1 silver p ated engraved 0- bottls revolving c stor, cut glass bottles; 1 very tine violin and bow, in case; 1 set ivory balanced knives and forks. Presents for larger elubs increase in the s.inse ratio. St ud Money by Registered Letter. SEN!" I'OR OL'IL XKW CIRCULAR. PA UK Ell A CO. ; nov2ow4i.-D Nog. 98 A 100 Sumner st., Boston. C< ARRETS—Don't Pay the High / Prices -The NEW ENGLAND CARPET Co.. i f Boston, Mass . established nearly a qu trier i of a century ago. it, their present location, in Halls j over 71. 73. 75. 77. 7y. SI. S3. S5 and 87 Hanover Street, hive probably furnished more houses with cuipeis than any other house in the country. In • order to aff-r ' those at a distance the advantages of their low prices, they propose to fend, on re- j ceipt of the ptiee. 20 yards or upwards of their beautiful Cottage carpeting, at 50 cents per yard, j with samples of ten sorts, varying in price from 25 cents to S ; per yard, suitable for furnishing every ! part of any house. nov2ow4f-t> SJ* I ( W Uk PER YEAR guaranteed • jJ'M '' I and steady employment. We want a reliable agent in every county to sell our Patent White Wire Clothes Liucs (Everlasting). Address WHITE WIRE CO . 75 William sr.. X. V ■>r 16 Dearborn st , Chicago. 11l nov2ot4c-D ' IMIE SUCCESS f OR otn ONE DOLLAR SALF. HAS CAUSED sire a A COMPLETE P,EVOL U T 1 O N IX TRADE. That in order to supply the demand occasioned j by our constantly increasing patronage, we have • recently made importations for the fall trade, direct from European Manufacturers. AMOUNTING TO NEARLY $500,000, So thai we are prepared to sell every description of Dry and Fancy Goods. Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. Watches. Albums, Jewelry, &o. Of better quality than any other eon rem in th i country for the uniform prices of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. * i/'The best of Boston and New York refer enof s given as o the reliability of our house, and that our business is conducted in the fairest and most legitimate manner possible, ami that we give •greater value for the m uiey than can be obtained in any other way. All Goods damaged or broken in transportation replaced without charge, i t Cheeks dcscri -ing ar tif sold sent to ag ent! in Clubs at rates mentioned below. We '• ,'uur tntco every article to cost lr- . th t: if bought j at any Boston ot New York wholesale House. * OUR COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS Exceed those, of every other establishment of the kind.—proof of this can be found in comparing j our premiums with those of others PUR CLCUS ot i THE SIMU SIZE. in FOL iitiou to which we claim t< i give better goo is of the same character. We icill send to Asreuts frer of charge. I FOR A CLUB OP 30 A so'THREE DOLLARS—I doz | good linen Shirt Fronts. 1 set Solid Gold Studs . ! All Wool CasMtnere for Pants. Fine white Couu l terpane, large size. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt. 20 ; yards brown or bleached .Sheering, good quality. yard wide, 1 elogant 1"0 Picture Morocco-bound j Photo. Alburn. 1 lioublo lens Stereoscope and 12 1 Foreign Views, 1 silver plated engraved 5 bottle I Castor 1 elegant Silk Fan, with Ivory or Sandal , ' Wood Frame, feathered edge and spangled. I Steel - Carving Knife anil Fork, very host quality ivory ; hala: ced handle. I handsome beaded and lined • Parasol • 20 yds good Print. 1 very fine Damask j Table Cover. 1 ! pair best quality Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. I doz. fine Linen Towels i doz tvoger's best Silver Dessert Folks ! Ladies' large real Morocco Traveling Bag, : fauc . dress pattern. j doz. elegant Silver plated engraved Napkin Rings. I doz' Ladies' fine Merino or Cotton Stock ings Gents' heavy chased solid Gold Ring. 1 pr. Ladies' high cut Balmoral Boots. 1 elcgHnt Delaine Dress Pattern. 1 violin ami Bow. in box complete. 1 set Jewelry, pin. ear drops, and sleeve buttons. FOR A CLUB or 50 AND FIVE DOLLAR'S— 1 black or colored Alpacca Dros- Pattern. 1 set I. iced Curtains. 1 pr. all Wool Blankets. Engraved fail ver plated ft bottle Revolving Castor. 1 beautiful Writing Desk. 1 solid Gold Scarf Pin. 3} yds. - very fine Cassimere, for Pants and \ est. 1 set Ivory balanced handle Knives with silver plated Forks. 1 elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded and iiued with silk. 1 pr. gouts -alt Boots 30 yds good Print 30 yds good brown or bleached Sheet ing yard wide or 40 yds I yd wide, go d quality. 1 ladies' elegant Morocco Traveling bag. 1 square Woo! Shawl. 1 plain Norwien Poplin Dress pat tern. 1 j yds, don. width cloth for ladies' cloak Elcgai t engraved Silver plated Tea Put. J yds. double width water proof cloth foreloaking. FOR ACUB OF 100 an 1 Tex DOLLARS —I rich Merino orTnibet Dress pattern. I pr fine Datuask Table Cloths and Napkins to match. 1 pr. gents French Calf B >o:s 1 neary. silver plated engraved 100 Pitcher Very fine all Wool Cloth tor Ladies Cloak I w-b very best quality brawn or bleached .Sheeting. 71 vis. ftue Cass meru for suit. 1 elegant English Borage Dress pattern, I beautiful English Borage ,->ha.vl I set Iv Na-sau Street, NEW YORK. Organized under special charter from the State of New Y'ork. CAPITA I Sa.OOO.OOtI 50.0tt(t SHARES. SIOO EACH. DIP. E C TOR s. HON ANDREW G. CURTTN. Philadelphia PAULS. FORBES, of Russell A Co-, China FRED. BUTTEItFIELD. of F. Butterfield .1 0 New York. ISAAC LIYERMOKK. Treasurer .Mi hignri Otn • tral Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer American Express Company. New York. Hon JAMES XOXON, Syracuse, N. Y 0 H PALMER. Treasurer Western Uniou Tele graph Company. New York FLETCHER WESTKAY ,of Westray. GibLs h Ilardcastle, New York. NICHOLAS MICKLFS, New York. OF F1 CER 8. A. G. CURTIN, President N MICKLE3, Vice President GEORGE ELLIS (Cashier National Bank Com monwealth,} Treasurer. HON A. K. McCLURE, Philadelphia. Solicitor The Chinese Government having (through the Hon Anson Burlingume) conceded to this Com pany the privilege of connecting the great sea ports of the Empire by submarine electric tele graph cable, we propose commencing operations in China, and laying down a line of nine hundred miles at once, between the following port • \ v Population Canton 1.000.000 Macoa 60,000 Hong-Kong 250 otto Swatow 2CO nuo Atnoy 250.000 Foo-Chow 1.250.000 Wan-Chu 300,000 Ningpo 400,000 Hang Chean 1.200,000 Shanghai 1.000.009 Total 5 910,000 These ports have a foreign commerce of 5900.- 000,000. and an enormous d rr.estic trade, beside' which we have the immense internal commerce o.' the Empire, radiating from these points, through its canals arid navigable rivers. The cable being laid, this company proposes erecting land lines, and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which must command there, as everywhere else, the commu nications of ihe Government, of business. ar.J oi social life especially in China. She has no postal system, and her only moans now of communicating information is by couriers on land, and by e'earo ers on water The Western World knows that China is a very large country, in the main densely peopled; but few yet realize that she contains more than n third of the human race The latent returns made to 1 her central authorities fo- taxing purposes hv the local magistrate make her population Four hun dred an-l Fourteen million*, and this is more s likely to be under than over the actual aggregate ] Nearly ull of these, who arc over ten years old, ' not only can but do read and write Her civiii zation is peculiar, but her literature is as extern sive as that of Eurepo. China is a land of teach ers ami traders; akd the latter are exceedingly quick to avail themselvc-s of every proffered iucili ty for procuring early information, it is observed in California that the Chinese make great use of the telegraph, though it there transmits messages in English alone. TV-Jay great numbers of fleer steamers are owned by "Chinese merchants, and used by tbein exclusively for the transmission of early intetligcuoe. If ihe telegraph we propose connecting all their great seaports, were now tii existence, it is believed that its business would pay the c- st within the first two years of its suc cessful operation, and would steadily increase thereafter No enterprise commends itself as in a greater degree remunerative to capitalists, and t > our whole people. It is t f vast national importance commercially, politically and evangelically. stock of this Company has been un qualifiedly recommended to capitalists and bus: ness men, as a desirable investment by editorial article* in the New Y'otk Herald. Tribune. World. Times, Post, Er/ire-s, Ia dependent, and in the Philadelphia Xor'.h Amen tcan. Press, Ledger, Inquirer, Age, Bulletin and Telegraph. Shares of this company, to a limited number, ntay be obtained at SJU each, $11) payable down. sls on the Ist of November, and $25 payable in monthly instalments of $2.50 oaob, commencing December 1, IBSS, on application to DREXEL A CO., 34 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA Shares can he obtained in Bedford by applica tion to Reed .t Sohell. Bankers, who are author ized to receive subscriptions, and can give all ne cessary information on tl c subject. sept2syl yyr K combine style with neatness of fit. AnJ moderatr print vith the If si tforhnvm ship. .|(i\KS" ONE PRICK CLOTHING Hol'SK, 604 MA UK KT STHKET, GEO W. NIEMANN. I'UILADKLPHIA. fepll,'6B.yl ] I nTOVES! STOVES! B. M BLYMYER A CO. have added to their largo assortment of Stoves several improved Paterns. SPEAR'S iiuproved Ami dust COOKINU STOVE is one of she greatest inventions of the "SPEAR'S Revolving Light Anti-dnst I'ARLOR STOVE, whioh is a perpetual burner, and is war ranted to need replenishing with ooal hut once a day, and after once being filled will barn 24 hours Also. Ageuts for Spear's Parlor and fire-place stoves. We have also the Oriental Parlor and Heating Stove- which has given universal satisfaction In addition to the above wo have in store the celebrated Wellington, Prinoo Royal, Oriental, Xoble and >■ her l' i erns of Cooking Stoves. We have a fine assortment of Tin, Copper and Sheet-iron ware. Brass and Porcelain Kettles, all of which we will anil low f" r o-h alio?*" •< I) TITSIT'ErS' MARBLE WLiVivi-. R. 11. SI PES still continues the manu factory "f Monuments. Tombstones, Table-Tops, Counter Slabs, ,te., at Bloody Run. Bedford coun ty. Pa , aud having an hand a well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Marble, is prepared to till all orders promptly and do work neat and it. .1 , workmanlike style, and on the most reason*! e terms. All work warranted. Jobs delir ere to all p rts of thi: auiaijoiEiP£"oautiMitbvm ts 1 tn charge apr!9, fifiyi • v