The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 13, 1868, Image 2

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    She itlcdfcr<l (Oilseftr.
t ri<laf Httrniag. A %-•!* r IX.
TO HI %tVI SS Ml \
We Isa\< a few word- to -ay ill ur
own \* half, w loch wi; think will be
n fn'iai •like to j drons and pubthher.
The eh - lion- prove that a very large
majority of the voter- who represent
the 'immunity tiiat transacts its- bu-i
--- -in IP-dford. .re D moerv'*. Take
Bedford tow: ip end B-df >r<i bor
ough, the upper end of *vjake Spring,
the lower end of Oil' raia, the northern
part of Cumberland Vafky and the
ea-bm end of Napier, and you have
over CSO D"rnocratie voter-, whilst in
the K-rte region of eouti ry. **i-rr ar
not more than 3-50 K.=dl- a! voter-,
Now,it i? generally <-ti mated that there
is one voter to every five person.?. Ac
cording to thin ratio, tie -o Democratic
vo'*T- rep re--n* 1,250 people whilst the
Radical voters represent hut 1,750.
ilent* • al>out la.') third- ol tie* peop'e
who tran-act bu-iyess with the tit*, r
ehant-. mauufa'tuM-rsand other t rati'--
n.ctt of B -df <rd, ar- IoneT This
being thorn-**, i* it not reasonable to
conclude that tlx- <t>lt> > hV/i't/i' of any
lietlf /fd m riiant or trad sitian in tin
i tohi'h uta'-h to (ht
a f,y ; ' tco'tUt t,<- f print*'! in tin})
other jxtjjerT ft i- among 1 K-oooerats.
of f our-e, that our jaiper fifel it- prin
cipal circulation, and it #'*** into ai
med 1 very household i;i the region • f
wliieh w< -j.' ,ik. \\'* make no Ijoast ;
we imply -' ' e what i-a fart, if ad
vertisers rhoo-e to addn -- !,7 jO people
rather than 3,250, it i- tle ii atl'air, not
our-. The Gaxkiti. < not v.ait the
patronage of any body -<• stupid.
I'lUStlllM. OK ItlM.
l'lie broad and palpable difference
between absolutism and democracy,
consists, ft" everybody know-, in tin*
fart that the former i- the rite of a
-ingle individual, with unlimited
sway, over the people who are Id- sub
ject*, whilst the latter i- self-govern
ment by the people.
.Sometime-, a> in Great Britain, only
certain prerogatives are allowed the
individual ruler, and he i-, by the
very tenure bv which lie hold the -ccp
tre, made lad n /turf of the coveni
Sometime-, nay in almo-t every
modem instance, governnient by tlit
people is regulated by a written < oii
stitution, adopted by the people them
selves, as in the cn-e of our own coun
We have thus reverted to elementary
principles, in order to lix upon the
mind of the reader the foci that there
is not and cannot be ,my fundamental
distinction between the absolute de—
poli.-m of Ru —ia and our own republi
can system, save thi-: The will of the
Czar is the supreme law of ltu-sia ;
tbe Constitution is the supreme law
of the Cuited State*. Now, if Gen. I .
8. Grant, as President, -et up his own
will instead of and in opposition to the
Constitution, he becomes ab-olute, just
a- he of Ilussia i- absolute, or, if he
substitutes for the terms of tin* Con-ti- |
tution, what he believes te be "the will
of the jH-ople," he make- him.-elf an j
autocrat, for he cannot alter or violate
the Constitution, even at the bidding
of the majority. The Constitution can
he altered only by the concurrent ac
tion of three fourths of the States, or
through the instrumentality of a popu
lar convention constitutionally con
Ceu. Grant will lake a solemn oath
to maintain and defend the Constitu
tion. If he is the patriot many people
think he is, he will fulfil that oath to
the very letter.
I tut here la the rub! lie lias been
willing to assume dictatorship over the
people of ten States ; will he not extend
his dictatorship over the remaining
twenty-seven? Ile has ruled ten mil
lions of people with th- bayonet; will
he not govern tin* lliirty million- at
whose iiead be will soon stand, by the
same process ?
Time w ill answer these questions.
Jlut two things are certain. Grant,
President, will be a JJemwraf; Grant, :
King, will be a Jiiitlieyit.
so MICH.
The Radicals will not have, a two- '
thirds vote ill the 41st Congress. The
Democrats, have elected s:; members,
the Radicals 132. So much gained.
Radical legislation may now be check
ed, at hrast to some extent. Some of
tile ablest Democrats in the t'nioii,
among them S. S. ( "ox, ./aon s (irooks,
I). W. Voorlie- s, \V. S. Holiuau, M.
C. Kerr and A. Kidridge, have been
elected to this Congress.
Whkk John-(Txsna iieard that be
was beaten 211 in Franklin county, he
got the "Grecian Bend" so badly that
he lias not even yet lawn able to assume
a perpendicular position. It is sup
posed, however, that his conceit is
worse broken than bis back, and that
he may be able to straighten up when
Gov. Geary olliciaily gazettes him a
member elect of the next < 'Ongre——
Valley Spin'/.
I? it worth cur while to remind "Re
pobii in-"' of what the Democrats
prophesied would <*oiiie to pas- in the
event of Grant's election? It hardly
pay- for the waste of ink and paper, to
appeal to the treacherous memory or
the hard* ned con-**ienee of such -lave
to party a- "Republicans" have proved
themselves -; neverthc-ie--. it is
our duty to do. and we -ball jc r
form our duty, ever, t<ward -u<*h -yl
den a—>- and contemptible knavt- as
vote for the dr-t ruction of the Consti
tution and the civil <ppre-s.ion often
millions of their fellow citizen-.
Well, Mr. Republican, we told you
before the election, that if Grant were
chosen President, the Radicals would
claim his election as an endorsement
of their doctrine- in regard to the Ne
You did not believe u-.
Or, if you did believe u-, you voted
a tie, for you d" !ar*-d that you would
not vote for* Negro Suffrage.
Now, whereare you ? Your leailing
new -paper- ale c.dy ' amor for the i-ii
franchis<-meet of the blae*ks in all tin*
•Stab*-. Forney's Per- now -ay- yon
mnet give the negr'*-- tiie ballot every
where. You have elected Grant and
you ha forc< d N'*gro Suffrage upon
IVniisylvanit*. un'e-- you go to w-,ik
and cheek your own leteiers.
Ii<l we dwive you? Wn- our pre
diction not true? ' ome, now, if you
have any manhood left within you, ac
knowledge that your party ha- - id
you again, a- it ha-every tiim it got a
a new lease 'if power.
I)KMo'i:.\'i -of Ik If /.ai county ! Y t
have* done* aobly ; a gloi i u- future i
la*fore you ; slacken not your e*flTrt- iu
tle can a* you love. "It i-a le .e*
that ba- no turn," and there i- a turn
in the Radical lane which will be
reached before long. "Hope springs
eternal in the human breast!"
Wt fe-gl it our duty to cirnjiliment
tin- Democrats of .Monroe, Na]ier,
Scheihhurg, Sax ton and We-■-d berry
borough, <n the hand-ome gains made
in their districts over the • > tob r elec
tion. Well done, friends, and thank
you for your devotion to prineipie.
JoJi \ ( Es, i -aid to la "tearing
triad" ta-cau-e be run b-bing the Rad
ical candidate for Surveyor in Bedford
county. We advise him to take ".Mr-.
Win-low"- Soothing Syrup," which
"redue' - iiiilammation, runs wind
colicacl corrc-ctsacidity." ( c//<*y S/tii -
Joliv I". Hoi i max ha- t>e n elect' i
Governor of New York, by upward- of
:U,(H io majority, which i- tin real Dem
ocratic majority in that State, -cy
tnour ha 1-5,000 majority.
mi: ia:\t:KU, KKsi'i.r.
ltr nioxr.
Sidles, lJi /ltyi . M/ij.
Alahama *7,:>7G I)r-m. dis
franchised,) - in.nyn
. rkansH.-. (JiH,onu Dem.di--
f ranch is*<l,j ■> o,<XK)
(alifornia (probably,; l.tioo
i>. law arc, :]
G*orgia (!i6,kg) Hem. di--
franchised,) !> ;A,OiM)
Kentucky, li 75,o<xi
l.oui-iana :ii,o!- Hem. di--
franclii-isi, ti .'ia,imiu
Maryland, 7 15,000 j
New Jersey, 7 g,sot
New York, l_',oo(i
N.Carolina ?A,;{ob Hem. dis
franchi-cd, :t
Gregon, ;J 1,000
Total, Jixi 220,500
Slalrs lor ttrmit.
Connecticut, 0 3,04!
Florida (by legislature, un
lawfully,! 3
Illinois, 10 40,000
Indiana, 13 12,u00
lowa, 8 10,000
Kansas, 3 5,000
Maine, 7 25,000
Ma-.-achu.-i tt-, 12 7n,05S
Michigan, 8 25,0tt0
Minnesota, 1 10,000
Missouri 05,000 ifenioerats
disfranchised, i II 15,000
Nebraska, 3 1,000
Nevada, 3 1,000
New Hampshire, 5 0,000
Ohio 21 :J5,000 !
Penu-syKania, 2(> 20,(too
Rtuxle Island, t 0,455
Soutti Carolina !B,oou Hem.
disfranchised,) 0 5,(t00
Tennessee (11 t,xoo Detn. dis
franchised,) Kt 20,(Ht0
Vermont, 5 25,00(i
West Virginia (20,000 Dem.
disfranehistsl,) 5 0,o(to
Wisconsin, s 12,000
Total, IS7 380,154
Slates lilsfranetilsed l>> I'on^rcss.
Mississippi 32,830 Dent, dis
franchised,) 7
Texas (24,351 iH'mocratsdis-
I'ranchiscd, 0
N'irginia (57,883 Denmerats
disfranchised, in
Total, 2:1
TilK 1 itKKi'RKssini.H. —The Kssex
(Mass) district has repudiated with in
diguant emphasis the aspirations of
Mr. Dana, a gentleman of decorum
and virtue, to Is* it- representative
man, and by a vote of ten to one pro
claimed that the irrepressible Butler
is the true type of its idea- and taste-,
it was to no purpose that (he whole re
publican pres.-, of Boston, and the New
York Times, Nation and Post sought
to keep Hutler bottled up; that Grant
was quoted against him, and that Kil
patrick made a savage raid into hi
iinoH, vainly seeking to emulate hi- ;
own energy and unclemme-sof vituier
ation. Butler has come out of hi* bot
tle with the explosive force ol au earth
quake, and the Ksscx distiict is iu a
blaze of exultation over the failure of
the audacious experiment to secure an
exponent of what is creditable and mo
derate to repre, eut it.
I'riiic Alfred, of England, has start
ed In a steamship to make a voyage
around the world. The voyage will
consume two year-' time, i! is said,
: ii I (wrhapa thrii'.
tTfjr 33rtifo*% 53A-
(aov f our Indian War*.
J' is not alw *,ys >a-y to g* t satisfac
tory evident- upon the qu -stion as to
who i? to blame, the white man or the
Intjian. for the constantly mtirring
difficulties and war.? between thein.
Perhaj>-. however, there i* no on* more
competent. by military experience and
[x rsooal ob-servatlon, to form an inteli
gent opinion of that qn* -1 i n than < Jen
era! Sherman, and In- has espr-—<-d
the belief t!; it tie ntifomi injuries, to
the Indian-, and the many outrage
pr pet rated agaii -t them by the whites
have been the chief can-*- of the war?
which have caused the lo— of many
thousand- of live- and millions of
treasure. A meeting was lately heid
in New York upon the-object, at which
a memo! ial to Congre-- was adopted,
which -av?:
Among the chief. iu-< -of th -<* war-,
which have entitled the lo?- of many
live? and been the pretext upon which
of tn it : Snip? have
. b-en r ■ ,1c d of miilions of bird earned
treasure,jwe enamerate the following:
1. The d; • • t i -: 1 • lon of the Indian?
:- <-on-equet<ee of having -ometiines
been betrayed into the ion of gotxl
land- by | retendeb tr ate -.
2. Th - con?; unt failure of t. e gov*rn
ment to fultlil in good faith • treaty
obligation- with thetrib .
■>. The frequent tad unprovoked
outrage- and murd* rs of Indian? by
-ofilier-aud white ciii/a a-.
i. The i upo? i bilitv of obtaining jus
tice in ioca! courts, or of puni-bing
white crimiual?. for ; r --.on that the
to? Uniony oi''lndian.- i- not allow d 1:i
those court-.
■". '1 i;e unlawful a ap i ... by the
whites, of land- not ced* <\ nor treated
ij. Ihe ?hanteful fact, ti:at of ail tlx*
appropriation? made by t ougn- tor
es them.
At the-anie me? Bishop Whip
ple, of the Episcopal Church in Minne
sota, made a SJK? ch and A report, which
latter, tii meeting, on motion of Mr.
Ib ' •!■('< 'per, re-ol\n d to petit! n Con- ,
if'' •> to allow Bi-hop WLippl to read
before them.
idshop VVhipj'l - >i Bar* i in his
speech that the treatie■-mad' vviii: the
lo<li.ii~, though o-O'ii ib!y for tlieir
ci viiization, are merely mean- to till
the |>ockets of plunderer?, and the run
du *t of tlx employer- of the govern
ment, who are often tempted to steal
by the .small pay they r< vivo, *lriv< -
the Indian? to Tic B;-i q> then
sjroke of the recent war, for which he
thought tlx- Indians 1,.: d :n pie ground-,
and which wo :ld have h(-eji con-idered
?o by every ej viiized peoplec-n the earth.
Not only th. r lands, but their annuities,
Were taken away, their wive? and
daughter? outraged, and other direct
wrong- inflicted on them. The :-p ak
er (on'' ixfi d tii.n tlx Indian Bureau
must la- reformed and a cabinet officer
put at the head of it : all the employees
to be men of good moral character, and
the peace C"Oinmi--ion et iurged by ad
ding to it the best men in the country
to carry out that object. Bishop Kem
per, of Wisconsin, a vt nerable man,
eighty years ol age, -aid that tlx- rem
nant of the famou--ox Nations, remov
ed from tlx- S'ate of New York many
years ago, wore ;> - !on a rc-erve in
hi di< • **.-*■, and i was gratifying to
perceive how they had Improved in
They lived, lib • the wni in house?,
and many of them were ( hri.?tiun?,
over one hunt! re : being communicants.
Yet still the white man pursued them,
and already the demand for their lands
\va- so clamorous that they were likely
to succumb to the wo- c ut politician?,
who, for the mo-t part, filled the po
sition- of Indian agent?, statements
like these, coming from impartial and
well-informed-ourc* -,ca!l for thorough
investigation by Congre. sand a reform
of ex . abuses, thus much i? <i j<-,
ti not to the public c. n?ei**uee, which
may or may not trouble itself about
alleged oppr* ssion.s of the weak, at
least to the public treasury, which
ought to l>e -aveil the drain of these
Indian war?, if they cart lie honorably
avoided.— / Jail. Sun.
nam: rut lis < am no.
The very reverend Ilenrv Ward
Beech it, who is writing the Life of
Christ, and -uppo- - himself imbued
with a -pirit which til? bint for that
holy ta-k, hit- just given -ome evi
dence 011 that point. The very rever
end Henry made a politico-religious
speech in Bo?ton last week, and de
clared that "the work of his party must
go on, cost what it may, even at the
sacrifice of lives by the thousand- or
tens of thousand-. Blood is cheap.''
Well and good, most reverend and
holy butcher; if that should turn out
the game that you and your political
conj'rtes desire to play, the Democracy
are able to take a hand at it, and when
the first spark i- kindled, woe unto
you and your? in the North. We thank
you for the threat. You cannot say
that you did not invite the carnage,
with the Bible in one hand, and the j
sword in tHe other, bellowed biood !
blood ! more blood ! What a precious
follower of the meek and lowly Saviour,
who taught "peace on earth, good will
to men !"— Day
iiiiitorluiil ItrrlKluu.
An important decision hasjust birit
rendered by the New York ( 'ourt of ap
peals between the American Mutual
Life insurance('oinpatiy and tlx* wid
ow of an assured party, l ite payment
of the insurance was refused on the
ground that Iter husband had invalida
ted his policy by committing suicide, i
This <'ompaiiy also attempted to prove
that the insured man wa-ait atheist or
infidel, and therefore that the- suicide j
was intentional, the deeea-ed not hav- ;
ing the fear of God before him; but the :
court ruled out this its h.Levant, i
and held that in an action to recover j
for an insurance upon the life of thed:- is not competent to inquireinlo \
his religion? fiiitli witii ;i view of inllu
enring thoquest ion whet her,insuch case,
death was occa-iotx d by an intent of I
sell-destruction or of accident. The
Court of Appeals therefore idHrmed the
judgment of the lower court by gi v- j
ing jtidgnieiit for the respondent; thus j
virtually establishing the principle
| that a life jtaunnice policy i? not of ne
| cesMity invalidated by the suicideof the
j insured person.
! Genera) McClellan is to have a sala
; ry of ten thousand dollars a year from
the executors of the will of the late
Edwin A. Stevens, for superintending
the completion of the famous Stevens
Itatlerv at llohoken. I
Tbf ljlr lti; Mrooo i'toed? In Snii/>r-
An • jijoaf tor tt< |i<T.
YVe have r- •■elv-d from 3lr. John
Hitch. Boliti'ai Agent and Consul a n~
eral of Switzerland, at Wa-hiugton, a
circular de-srihing the r< jt unparal
leled ealaruity which has iiefuilen a
large portion <>{ Switzerland, and in
voking the aid of the pre— in behalf of
measure- pr tie relief of the survi
ving victim- of the disa-ter.
Tlx- cantons of Te??in, Valoi.?, Dri—
on.?, St. Gall at.d I'ri, haveb<? n dev-a—
tat'.d. "on the g7fh of Septemts.-r rain
eoritiitenced tofail in tom tit- along the
northern and -outturn slope- of the
Ai{r?, and continued to d'? end, with
hut little intermi-sion for eight day-.
During all thi- tine a powerful ?uuth
w if'd raged furiously amid the masses
of-now and ice which had lain undi--
turfssi for centurie-in their ina<?*e—i
bl- Alplrx strong hoM?. E'.'-ry moun
tain rivulet -w Ihsi into a ru-hing
stream, every -tresuu iutoa torrent, car
rying appalling destruction in it?
■"our-<. Theriver-ofTe—iu,the ithone,
lite Ken-?, the Hhint- and the inn. in
their relenti<— power obliterated ma
ny ot the choi' est beauties of nature, in i -
poveri-hed thousands of families and
hurri'-d hundr'd- to a watery gr, v •.
"Whole fon--'-. vineyards and
meadow.? ,-tacked with grain, have dis
appeared, and in many place? not a v> --
, tige of road-, J.-ridg; -and f •- i- left ;
houses, mill and faetorie- are torn
froui fix ir foundatioi:?. ami e .a a cefn
et< ries and charnal h<u~i-- have bis.Tt
invaded, and thousands of our fciiow
tx-ing? are red act-1 to abj> . j")Verly.
Along the Hhi •• vii'-tg • u)>on village
lie- half hurried in inud and <i< bri-, and
every article of bedding and wearing
apparel has either been - wept away or
render* iu? ;• - in Lou-*- •>).<:• •• ■m
fort and evert plenty retgrie*!. while
t!x-;r v-re - it! n.etxlows. Pr >d or
ehards and beautiful gardens are one
ma— oTgrayi?h mild. Sixty mliiion
•>' itaix'? wtii tall far -hmt the io—
-' -a i."
After thi- \ i vid 'lescrip.: nof adi
a ter which must be cla--c*l with tlx
torii.x.ioi -. the \ • attic erup'.ion.-, tlx
'•ajtli-j i: i (t; iter terrible convul
-ion- of nature w hlelt have but lately
] >ii ad coii? ief' ait ion, tin ?>*ry and d at It
, among th -inhabitants of both bemi?-
Pit"r . Mr. Hit/, detail? tie- getx rou
und speedy measure? of relief adopted
by tlx* federal govertuix at and theilif
f< rent canton? of Hwii/.erls n 1, a- w< li
a? I.; tit ruler- and tlx* people ; t f adja
cent isxantrie-, andearm -lly app*-;ils to ;
the numerous .sub-- em 'grants who
ha •<- .-ettied in the Unite*! - ate?, atxl
to Amerieans who an in in<|- of Sw i./.
erlatid, to aid in relieving tlx sufferer?.
Ituu I<;uti-al I'romlsts are Vi-rlliHl.
Those who were silly < nough to be
lieve the liudleui a—- tti >u, made prior
to tlx-ei*H tion, that with Grant'- -ac
cess would come such a happy time in
bttsim— a- the country ha- not -e< n
for titilf a century, have, we pre?ume,
h artx I to know the vain ■ of promises
from such a -ource. To-day the -trin
gency in tlx morx-v market I- more
severe than it has been for year-. Gov
ernment securities have d< clitx-J at the
following ruinous rates, a i-ompared
with lie- quotation- three day? since :
"Tlx- long six*-.? and the 'policie.-'
have fallen oil three per cent ; the oxl
five-twenties, three eighths; tho-e of
lsfii, two atxl three eighti ; of |
two and a half; of I*o7, three- and a
•juarter ; ot lstw t w<> mnl -*veu ejgfitti?,
ami the ten-forties two p*-r ee.ut."
A panic prevails, mo.-; -weeping in
its character, and which threatens to in
volve thousand- of bu-in* - men in ru
in. We advert to thi- fact in no spirit
of congratulation, nor with a .desire to
aggravate the evil but simply to -how
how egregiously trusting men have
been deceived l>y Radical promise-,
and upon what foundation were based
the assurances given the peoj.l*-, that
with Grant's election would come pros
perity as we'll a? pa 1.. ■ ///,c/ //</•-
W. '
rrivotM rs ol War.
"In reply to a resolution of the
House ot Hepreseutative-," .-ay- the
Washington / nio/i, "calling upon the
Secretary of War k>r the number <.('
prisoner-of either side heid, and that
died during the war, he muk*- the loi- -
lowing rej.ort : Number of Federal
prisoner? South, 2ijU,!lU, numtier of
Confederate prisoner.-, North, gnu tHm.;
number of I'cdcral pri?oner- died, g_',-
~)'M ; number of (.'on f*'derate prisoners- 1
died, kfi.-fild." Upon thi- tlx* Peters
burg Index -ays:
"We find the in the
Washington ('nion, ofTu*-?day evening
and take it for granted tlx* editor ;
speaks from the record. What a com- !
iix-ntary these simple, -ever** -t distil- I
present on the loyal falsehoods ol Con- |
gre?siona! huncomhe and Harper's '
Journal of Civil and political /."'•>■*/-
lion ! After all tlx-'barbariti-s,' of All
- villa and Salisbury ; after all the
= hired perjury with which Wirz was
murdered ; with all the unbounded ap
pliance? for health, comfort and cure
which the humane, Christian enlight
ened and civilized North j.*.??*-?e*l ; I
with all the utterly infamous character
if Washington official testimony where
•rebels' were concerned; withevery mo
tive for, with constant |.ractic*- of, and
unblushing notoriety in lal-ifying r*---
ords to suit their case, what are the '
facts? Out of 2(11,000 I'ufi.n prisoner.?, '
22,.")iMidied. ()ut *.l 200,(HW ('onfederat.
prisoners 2U,0(J0 died. The Union pris- I
oners excee*led the Confederate priso
ners sixty-one thousand; yet the death?
of Union prisoners fell below those of
confi-derate prisoners six-thou-uud.
T wo'Yankee'jirisoners died out of every
twenty-three in Southern pens. Two 1
'ltebel' prisoners <li**d out out of every '
fifteen in Northern pens. But that in •
your moral pipe?, ye whitest ?cpul- I
eh res."
They don't like tlie Chinese on the
Pacific cost. A bill ha? been intro- ;
ducesl into the Oregon Legislature
c<jinj>eliing Chinamen to pay a license I
fee of sls per month before engaging
in any employment, their employers
to be responsible.
A New Orleans lady with five daugh
ters, three of tlieiu grown up, and all
dressed in hla k, just arrived from Par- I
is, attracted much attention at the '
Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York. They
claim to have lost a beautiful span of
horses under Butler's administration in
New Orleans.
A secret has arisen within tiie Rus
sian dominion?, whose adherents seem j
to be "Deists" pure and simple. They j
acknowledge a Divine Being, but have
abolished every other dogma and ev
ery other token and sign of religious 1
belief whatsoever, such as prayer, 1
church, saints, etc.
A man in Lyndon, Vt., while dig? i
ging a well io his cellar recently,
struck a fine sulphur spring.
A Mississippi lady recently -hot and
killed a truly loyal negro .* a,, attempt
ed an outrage upon h*-r.
Tur Nt.w York Mi ?i< ai.Gazkttf,
edited by Theodore F. Seward, i? i
- -don the fir-t of each month. Each
number contain? twelve quarto page?,
four of which equal to eight *wo. j.a
--- are filled with Music. The- Ga
zette is prepared with a view to me.t
the want? ■ .f the many rat Iter than of any
-ehct few, aiming to give from month
to month whatever i? of most inter
est either in n-w-. hi?tory, recr<-ation,
or instruction. The facilities of it?
publisher? enable them to enlist the
best mu-ieai talent in the country in
the im-partion of it- page-, and tii**y
de?ign to make it a popular journal,
winh \\ 111 be interesting a?id u- ' fu! to
every one having any intere-l in mu
-d-. The mu-ie i? of a varied character
ar.d mostly original, imludiug v.--al
aixi ii;-truineutal, -acred and secular,
but i- more especially adapled to meet
the wants of choir-, -inging-? Ix'ol? and
mu-i<-al S(,? ieti - throughout the coun
try. One copy, per annum,one dollar;
Five' opies, Four dollar-; Ten copie?,
-• ..a *j*>iir?. T-rux? always it. a*l
vai ce.
BalijOu's Monthly Maoazixb.—
Th* DAE in 1 x.-r nuuiber of this pop
ular Mag.ziix i- it-ceiv* *l. We find it
fiiit-d with that charioiug vari< iy of
illustration and interesting ;* tter-j.r?-?
?<i w.-ll calculated to keep ii at Be
head of the cheap Magazine? of tlx*
Country. Shillaber treat? u- to otie of
hi- mo-t mu-ical iilu?trated poems;
Wiiiintii L. William? gives th-.* young
folk? .T ex ding -ioj*y, while Jan -G.
Au? in. Jam* - Franklin Pit!-, Cathar
ine Earu.-bnw, W. H. Marcy N. I'.
Daring . :i l - v -ral oth writer? of
m .re or It-- n-m* furnish -a ha - q.ita!
.story o; poem. i'.-. * kusiioroa- jd :u* *•?
ar uncommonly good.
The pubii?!x.-r? announce for 1-b: a
n* w i*-i by tlx* charming Mi.— ( a
rniila Wiliian, ui-o an '.riginal -dory
for boy? arid Ari-, to run through the
:ix -t popular wliter.- f*.r tlx young.—
fney a!- j roiniseincrea- dattra -.ion?
1:. - . ie-and illu-tration?, for the com
ing y*ir over tho—ofatiy jtrevi*. o:x .
It A -eiit to substTi:>'-r- at j r
y* iir, or in clubs for E!ii*>:t,
Tbonx- & T;tibo!, Publisher?, 80-ton,
Ma-. ____________
11; a;.ill 11 om K —a Rural atxl
Family Pajrer—will la i--ued by P.-t
--t' ngill. Bate? A* Co., on or before the
first of January next and will !><• de
v> ■ ■ d to ai 1 that perbt'i - t<> Country
Life, in it? broad.-t-en?e. w iil Is* neith
ler j.artizan nor -< ctarian. Fr*.m Ba
il igh reputation *.f the proprietor?, and
large *orj.- of associate editor-, thi?
publication will be worth a phtcein *-v
--ery hcu-ehol*l in the land.
How often do we hear, a- though
from the grave, a voice rejrroHtdiing
u- for ix'giecf 1 oj.jiortuniti* -. The
bright b .y -uddeuly recalled from <•*. -
-yo uig lady cotnpelled to ar
r*—t her education -the homesteal -old
untie, tlx* hammer of the sheriff —the
hearthstone wlu re liappin* -? and * :n
--fort dwelt. *l—ol.tie from tix* a'.-.-nee
*.f th 1 >v 1 pr .-.ftor, and ilreary by
the presence of unwonted and unnm—
siiry p "* rly. Death may come in .
moment to the fair, -t and mo?t ; .-om
i-ing lie.*, and -with or without it. ja
coniary di-as'e-r. Y* t all thi- might
have been avoided had the father taken
a small ri-k in a company like tlx* Na
tional Life Insurance t'ompany, which
our reader? will find adverti?. d in an
other column. Read tlx- scheme of
tin- Coinj.a iy, and remember tit it tlx*
iie-n \vh . plan it, and who n■ ,\
ag * ti. • bu?:nc*-?, ai among th? irxj-t
honorable, the most etiterjiri-i; g, and
the ino?t widely-known in Vnx ric .
At it? head we fitxi Mr. Jay *
the tnanag* r of the great national
loan- a man win ?** genius wa- alu.o-t
a- u-eftil in sujq.rt ??ing r<*hel!ion as
tlx.-** who controlled great armies. A
dollar invested with tlx-e men i- as
.safe as though it were locked in the in
nermost vault of the Bank of England.
The Company has One Million of Dol
-1 tr- fully paid in. It is a National
Company. It offers a large -eeurily
atxl propose? low rates of premiums.
It furni?he? larger insurance? than oth
er companies, and represents the full
est results of the ?ci**nee of Life In.-ur
an■••*?. One of it? teatnr* ? i? esj.eeially
attractive. We mean that by which
one-tenth of the policy i? paid annual
ly, after a term of year?. This is not
only an insurance, but an annuity—in
come during life and support to tlx*
family after death.
lib Lispkxakd Sr..
Nkw York, Octohku id, i?ii7.
DeauHik: —It i? with much pleas
ure that 1 say to you that I eon.-ider
the Plantation Bitters of untold value.
In the fall of 1567 1 was tak* 11 with
Chills and Fever, with the most se
ven* pains in my chest an*l head. It
vas with great difficulty that I could
breatlx*. My lungs were greatly *li.?-
trcssf'ii, and there was severe pain in
my right side, by sjiells. I could hard
ly get up from my b **l. I called a
Doctor, who attended me all winter
without the least benefit. About the
first of August I commenced using
your Plantation Bitters—a wine-glass
full three times a day—and have used
it most of the time since, and I am
now well and strong, able to *l< all my
own work and the care of a large fami
ly. Yours, <fcc., Si'san Wilson.
Magnolia Water. —Superior to the
best imported German Cologne, and
sold at half the price.
S. I). 11. W. Smith'S American
Ouga.v?.— -All our leading musicians j
are unanimous in their testimony re- I
lative to the excellence of the fine niu- '
sicul merits of these beautiful and pop
ular instruments, manufactured by
Messrs. Smith, of Boston. Their quali
ty of tone is much admired, being reso
nant like the pipe organ, full and
sweet, containing rich and expressive
variety for Home music, and great
depth and volume of tone for churches,
Sabbath schools, <(•**. The manual nub
bass has remarkable strength, and is j
truly organ-like in effect, excelling in
this respect all other reed organs,
while the addition of the siiper-ortov
coupler , gives double the power ol'oruj- j
nary instrument?.— Cony rep at ionu tint.
GRANT. —In a -jw>eeh rcade Ja-t ue<k
at Urt'.-tiira. Ohio. Mr. Vallandijrhitii.
"Now. rny republican friend-, ] hav<
nt -.sid anything against Gen. Grant
in thi?-campaign. I have not done it
for—a purpose. If be i- lit to Pfe-j
--dent. long before hi- term expire- 1
will be found supporting him, honest
ly ami cordially, against the leader- of
lite party which expect- to elect hint
in November. Loud cheer-. And
you w iil have no right to cry out 'trai
tor' again-t him: you will have no
right to talk about hi- Tylerizing, or
hi- Fii'titoreizing, or hi- Johns nizirtg
you. You nominated him in Ch : ago;
you put api itform— aii"thing tiled
a platform—into his hand; you a.-ked
him f >r tu a -ceptance of it. and be ac
cepted, and 1 daresay lie would have
accepted the democratic nomination
too. Laughter. But he took tare in
hi- letter of acceptance to say that he
woukl not proclaim any policy, lie
did not eon-ider it advisable to do -o in
advance of the election—to say what
h-would do when he was elected.
Now, i pray you to remember that I
to ft voft on fid- 136 th of OetOlKT. that
Gen. ! ir .tit will reject the load, ' - . \ -
cal. revolution try radical leaders f tie
organization which put him for-. ..rb.
if he proves true to the constitution
and the Uni uof >ar fathers. Loud
ehes.; -. If he will restore to thisg-v
ortim* itiMt-harniftuy. anil give wk
to the jw-ople tl<-ir rights, North e.d
South, I will la* found among his ■■■>■;•
dial -upjetrler-, beeau-e 1 will l<e found
in opposition to the radical party "
Yotxo 1. WKSHKWAKE.—'The New-
York i- -ever-- oil whet it Call- the
-illy fashion which our young ladit -
- enetim -s employ in writing their
Ctui-i; tit ti; me-. To iiiu-tra'- :
"A detailed report of a fashionable
wedding conveys the information ti at
a young gentleman who bear- tii to
ted in wedlock to a lovely maiden
named Jennie, and that among the
bride-maids ui the interesting oci-a
sion time were named respectively,
Lettie, Annie and Gertie. The I-.tdit
wep all dre—ed in the height of the
fashion, and -otne of the most ;popular
p->: formed. The y ung Indie- who
tiiu- give to public notoriety the pet
name-; conferred on them while tiey
y.-t bloomed in the seclusion of the
nur-ery. do n t tn -an, of cour- *. to be
guilty of vulgarity -and imp- rtinence,
but hey are; and we speak of their
fault beea'J-'- it is -■> general. -je -ially
among ignorant and thoughtless peo
ple. It j- very proper for .-i to ud
flr<>-his brid bv the sweet, aib-Hnut
ate appellation of Jennie, but that i- a
privilege of his situation to which the
general public can not be admitted
without a violation of propriety.—
Wiu-n the name of the young woman
come- to be printed on her v;-iting
card or in a newspaper, it should be
none decorously and simply as Jane,
-a of her brio--maid-: their rigiit are Letitia, Anne and Gertrude,
and it is nobody'.- husine— by what
tender a: dreviatiou- and expanshu:-
of tho-oappeiatives they may be named
by their mother- or their future hu—
At fort Scott, the inhabi
tants procure ail their coal by grading
th" .-treats, where it is f>> ind in ; un
i la ru-e.
South -rn papers are fill d with out
rage- by negroes.
There are 1,678 billiar i njoms m N \v
York ci v and Br- oklyn.
Lawrence, :t i.- repc. |, eu.ji; .-
•TgUtt'i factory girl-.
Large chromium bed- have been
found in M try land and Pennsylvania.
Corrected every tree /. .
I*lll LADELPHI Nov. It!.
FfJ Hfß.—The quotations are—
Northwest -uperfine, 0.60
Northwest extra, a.To
Northwest extra family, 7.2" •# V 25
Pcnna. and We-t'n sup., 0.0< ! 7.n0
I*ei:na. and We.-i'n extra. 7.' • • -.00
P< liiia and'n family, s.-Vi • M.oO
Puna. and We.-t'n fan-y* 11a a - l ',. to
Rye flour. s.eo / -,. vi
Git AIN. We quote—
Pennsylvania red, per hu-., -la. . <t2.10
Southern "
California, "
White, "
Rve, " 11.< m'< Loo
Corn, for yel., " 1,26 ' 1.21
Oat-, " (JI 7uc
PR< >\'is|t >vs.—We quote—
Me-- Pork, per bbl., 82>5..">0 26.00
liacon Hams, per lb., 2b(" 21e
Salt Shoulders, " J2e
Prime laird, " I7 t .
SEEDS.—We quote
Cioverseed, per bus., at $7.2507.75
Timothy. " 2.M1 .• 2.66
11:1 \-eed, " 2.8.7 12.50
-A' oyltso/ Full Clothing
Wo invite special attention to our
assortment of clothing tor the
1 \LI. A\D WINTER SI:ASO\ We have an unusu
ally full ami complete assortment new in
store. to which we are making large addi
tions each day of new styles, as they arc
received. He have also a
GOODS, which will be made up to order in
C'fMoM Dt-ti'ABT ykxt in unsurpassed style.
SI E> I u. Xuiii E. —Style, fit. and workmanship of
our garments surpassed by none—equalled
by few. Ail prices guaranteed lower than
the lowest elsewhere, and full satisfaction
guaranteed every purchaser in all cases, or
the sale canceled and money refunded.
llatj ir.ty between i BENNETT A Co.,
Fifth and TOWER HALL,
Ststk Streets, 1 018 MARKET ST .
TAKRH treated with the utmost success b}* J.
ISAACS. M D.. aud professor of Distate* of the
Fy" and Far rn the Neiicil College of Venn,
•y Ifa nit IU yearn experience, (formerly of
Leyden, Holland), No. SOS Arch Street Phila.
Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medi
cal taeulty are invited to accompany their pa
tients, as he has no seerets in his practice. Arti
ficial eyes inserted without pain. No eharge for
examination. julylVfiSyl
A CARD.—A Clergyman, while r<-
siding in South America as a missionary, discover
ed a sate and simple remedy for the cure of Ner
vous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the I'ri
nary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of i
disorders brought on by baneful and vicious hab
its. Great numbers havo been cured by this noble '
remedy Prompted by a desire to benefit the af
ttieted and unfortunate, I will send the reeipo fur i
preparing and using this medioine, in a sealed j
envelope, to any one who needs it, FREE OK I
CUAROE. Address,
Station b, Bible House,
seplbm.'i* Yew- I'nrl City.
KE- —Yovel, Practical and awfully Sharpen Fo
gies. Quacks, Pharisees and Politicians, '■horivr
them right th ongh !" Only 50 Cents a year in
advanco. Send 3 et. Stamp for Jample. Address
Dr S. M. Landis Philadelphia. Pa ang2!ml
Retires, &f.
i TO BUILDERS.—fy-alcd j r
1 for the fff. .-. ri three f •
t'.wti.itlp fl ieifrt ij?: rs---i ve>i
defrined. until .-aterday, Soi 2-
T tuiiucon bo-.1, one for the Brash I. r,
and for the Reweek'ed PIL- and ■
■ - • sr. • • j ;-
The material to tee foaod by the j-ur .i. . -
r of the B JD of D;nr'(>tr
- •24 .4 TH - GILCHP.IE-T. -
CAVE COSTS!—AII per.-'o- t .
- on *t b-.-ks
G I! AW O-' e r are r " -pe.- ■fu llj r evi
call at on- e and settle the -stne by Car:, r S
i otherwise waste wtli be added witb'ou' re
f- •- t.- G B A W O'TL
it/if-.ri P Aug 14 ! -4- i.:>
x lie- - tie?-sty by fa* uo-t- r- .-
pen -ue tnA U trespass on any &I y,, . r ,_.
tire proper' let. or any property in th-:r
p .es9v r, by leare or otherwijse. by I.
fi -:og. ring, r in any manner wfa. tv. -
(if 1 Iktj will tu )intmilel to the f. ..
eitent of the law. without re-peet to persons
p or pe-- .es. <- .nght "E any - f the a
t:.-'..'d ;; --r"with gun. tc. .'a! et taytbi; >
whatever. ? erleiaieg '> tre-; as- shall betake:
ei i donee.
Thomas Kos* . huiel SwarutwcMer, -.'
P-;t.r, J iil; Pent' 11. I-- • Black ley. P
tger (taeraa V Sbflw,J<Mfk M n
- • i J. II J A ■ O w MrSI.- 7
P -is. A J -twkmac A B. y Peaucll, L v
at; j J- in JJ rrt- sepl ■
. \ X its :e i> given that the -
&!• 'akvn --at Letters -.f Amini-'ration u;.
e- : ■ f ■ LI-- L Prince, late of the
- ; .. :- . 1 a)i • cr- indebte .
eetate are rer(ue:e>i t uisiie paymetit imme
It. ;:id tu'ise pel. :,? having clatins ageinv
e- • • v. ;1 presot the :•••!> u'lv
ts , : - tries-!-'.' ANN PKINCE. adu- rt
.)•. .Saitv-n, Bedford vo., P
OTR.VY < Al"i'LEL—Came to t!.--
0 premises of the subscriber, in St. Clair tf
red. ind one brtoiie. with bs k and bead *
AS! , ipfi-j- Jto be about two years old. ii
off of the left ear aad hole ia the same. Tt
r is requested ;ae. prove property
ekatges '-nd take them sway, or "bey will i;
aoeotding's ia*. liENi-i M' IktXAL:
J j i.eti'-y g'.vi :. • •- '
1-: .gr r ; . . -■ : ; :• :: : :
rest ling in td Town- hip. that th-.-
elafaat'-n said Plstste are notified t
for settlement. Bed tb'se indebt- i -
make immediate payment
. : .
A l GCi-Tl'S r BLACKBt K.V
Ir. t the : let gi.-d it i
Bedford • unry. Pa., during the ao-nth
la-r, a red and white apnUeti heifer, sup:
tw y< vrs Id The owner 6r qi:-■ t
forward, prove property, pay charges. r.d t.
away, r therwi-eit v. rl! be disp ■■
DTRAY BULL.—Taken up *•<-
it on* upon the pvemi.-e.- I'the
Liberty town-hip, s- me tiir.e in the mo . b
gut last. red bull, at ••at tv . scl a 1
, Jd, with left ear marked. The owner i.- r
t * e-'ine. Irve pr rty. pay vh.irg-- m
la s 1 - . I Ii ' i,
: :
t 1 ises of thetici 1. in L'nl-ti
th- list of August. l-> - B rei and white
BI LL about two year- >ld. the left ear
siit in the right enr. The owner is ic j..
come forward, prow property, pay ct r_-
law foovfiwd} JOHN KI ■
I CTiIA Y N< )TlCE.—Came t
j premises of the undersigned, i: t
xi-.- ;me in i l -toiier or Nvvembw. 1 - 7
brindie sTEEIt, at .at two years old
crop* white face and white stwt on left : :
The owner js rtqueste l to come at. i pr- ■ : pr
ty. pay charges and t ke him away, or k- v
add aeetuding to law JACOB CI.AAi.
Cfrwl ilcfirrs.
, |~lOU RT i'RO< LAMATIUN. .
t n I ■ r,f tin Ft
Con .table*.' in the different Vow ,: ehi j'.
I '
the har. l and -e: 1 of the lion ALEX IN
KING. President f the several C-'UTt- of C
PP -.i! 'he I'iih I'l-tiict. consisting of
Terminer a; 1 Gene <1 .LulDe'iv try for
capital and other offenders therein, and "
eral C art of Quarter S--sitof the I'-
G W. Grvp, uiidWiixiAMit. EICSOLT; JU .
the -ame Court in the same County t-f B
You and each of you, are hereby requir
au 1 appear in your proper persons with >
Kcmenibratiees. before the Judges ui'orese
Bedford, m a C-urt of Oyer arid T-rmim ■
Ger;-ml J 'il Dvllv rv .-md tienenrt Quvr- -
ston-" ol the "" the:- t-.tbeholden for '
,Y or., {being the 1 ntit to.) Im>S, at 111
tn the I tnoon d' th ■! day, there and then ?■
th • e tilings to which your several offices appert.
Given under niy hand and seal the 23rd <ll
in the vear of <•; r I.or 1. 133b
Sunai PF's OFFI: E. | Sheriff
Bedford, Oct. 2-"h 1833 1 u4
V IST OF CAUSES, j.ut (low .
i J trial, at Nov Term. l-o-. loth day
Cuth. Dancaker*- Ex'r vs. Christ A Dat.n :
A C Yaugban •• K M. Trout, eta
Mi h i Kitchey S S F'.ack
I P J Shoemaker'a Et'ri Jonathan Bowser
•Joseph M'Cormiek '• Gates A D ish
\Y:i X Hogue " Thus John?
Mi -h'i Hiteuey ■ Homer Nei
M ry Am 11: uitnond Win. K lit*
II VV G irreu-on 0 E Shann ..
Wm. Snel! t:t al '• tleo. Gump
Certified Oct 19. fo - 0. E -HANNGN.
\ sons interested, ere hereby nolifi
t"6 oving au'OUK-Miits have filed th r
the Legist- r -'iiliee - 1 Bedf-nl coun
the same will he presented to the Orphan- C< nr.
in and for s.-tid county, on Tue-lay the 17.
of N>v next, at the Court Hou.-e, in Hi
for eonfirmation :
The admit:!-, ration account of Francis D -na
Adm'r c. t a of the estate of Valentine Wei -
late of Com!). Valley township, Bedford c- .
Ihe s-dniii i-itaiiou account of Fran-is D
hoe Executor of the ln?t Will, Ac., of •id
Pobusson. late - l Southampton tewaahip, Bedfoi I
county! deceased.
The -cci-unt of Daniv-i If. Cornell and • . >u
Williams. Executors of the last Will and Testa-
merit of H illiam Cornell, late of Monroe towu-i::;
Bedfor 1 county, deceased.
The first ami final account of John S lu.Kr,
administrator of all and singular th'- goods a* i
chattels, right.- ait en-lit-which wore t'Marg::
Imler, late of Bedford tivp.. dee'd.
The first administration account of Dauii i Cy
phers, Executor of the last Will, Ac., of Jacob Cy
pliers, rate of Libert v towrshin, Bedford cou
dec -1
The administration Kcccur.t of Joseph link:
atluiitiisirator of the goo Is and chattels of Ma
Imler. late of Fuiou tewnsbto. B -Iford coun- )
deoeaaed. 0. S. SHANNON, Reg'r.
8 hereby given that the following nameil pt-r
--: sous have made application for Tavern and ll'
taurant license, at Nov. Sessions. l-tSS
Bamhart A MoMullen Restaurant.
00taw4 O K- SHANNON, Clerk
OHERIFF'S SALE. -By virtue ■
1 ' sundry writs of Vend. Exponas l- me dir
there will be exposed topubliesale, at the com:
house, in the borough of Bedford, oil
j >V IT KDAY. the 14th day of Nov., A. D. I "
at 19 O clock A M the following real estate. .!
One tract of laud containiug 321 acres, men- - r
less, with atout 12 acres cleared and partly ui i- 1
fence, with a tan house sfi feet long and 20 tcet
wide, adjoining lands of the defendant < n :!
East, Josiah Miller and Levi Carpenter on
West, Solomon Brown on tbeSouth. aud Bar -y -
heirs on the North, situate in H irrison tow
Bedford county, and taken in Execution as the
property of John H. W'ertz.
ALSO —AII the defendant's interest in and
ft tract of land containing 12S acres, more or L "
I 60 acres, more or less, cleared and under I'
with two small log houses, blacksmith shop aai
orchard thereupon, adjoining lands of M :
Dicken, Win. Mason, Oliver Hendrick- : '
| Thomas Leasure, situate in Cumberland \ Ty J
township, and taken in execution as the pr rl . v '
of Jacob Boor. ROBERT Si Ft KM AN". >a'tl
Sheriff s office, oct23T>S,w4
r for every description
_|_ PKINTINU 0ASII! for the reason that for
every article tre use, we must pay eash: and the
cash system will enable us to do our work as 1' w
as it can he done in the cities
tor 1 oung Men on the interesting relation ' '
Bridegroom to Bride, in the institution o!
riage,—a Guide to matrimonial felicity, and 'f llo
happiness. Sent by mail in sealed letter envel
opes free of charge. Adlrc-s, HOWARD ASSO
CIATION, B;\ P., Philadelphia, Pa.
aug2S'tt->y 1