BY MEYERS & MENGEL. tlru-(f>oo(!$, etc. / 1 OOD NEWS \ J FOR TIIE PEOPLE! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just received a arnl varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and whi' - h he is determined to sell CHEAP. They consist in part of Dry tfooda, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing. Hats and Caps. Fresh (Jroceries, Buckets and Broom*. Qaeensarare, Tobacco. Segars. Ac. (live him a call and see for yourselves. nv6th,'6s J M. SHOEMAKER. I SOS. I AIX - WK G. R. OSTER A- CO. Have ju-t received a large and Attractive Stock of new and ■ F A I, L G Of) 1)S, Cottl'RlSlXi; I.a lies ilress goods. Cloths, ('assimeres, Satinet's. Tweeds. •leans. Flannels. Iteadv-made clothing. lint*. Caps, Boots, Sh- Fresh Family Groceries, Tobaccos. .- gars. I) EC I DKDLV CHEAP. Bedford oetlft.'fiK JJ EN DEi iSOX'S < > -1 >ra • •<! Frrsh Ground. Extra Fami'y Flour constantly in .-'••re and lor -ale by <> K. OSTER A CO net 16, i P. CRAMER A ( O. Have now opt o, and offer tor -ale, AT JiKDCt i.l> PRICES, tl> largest and in t elegant st.-ek of FALL and WI N'T IK GOOD* to He found IN BEDFORD COUNTY! 11. assorttucnt is compiirt''. n l GREAT BAR GAIN- in every depart"" will be offered. ijovß,'t)d. A. if. CRAMER A CO. V"EW GOODS!! NEW GOODS I he undersigned h:;* just re 1 ived fro": the East a large and varied stock of New Goods, which are now open for examination, at MILL-TOWN, two miles West of Bedford, composing everything usually found in a first-class country store consisting, in part, of Dry-Goods, Delaines, ( alicoes, Muslins, Cassimers, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Ac., via*. AH of wtiich will be sold at the u.ost reasonable prices. . v Thankful for past favors, we a.licit a con tinuance ot the public tronage. I %■' Call and cxaiu r goods. uiay24.'67. <)■ Y EAGER IN at M. C FETTERLY'S FANCY STORE, Straw Hats mid Bonnets. Straw Ornainents. Kii>- bons Flowers, .Ylillinery (foods. Embroideries, Handkerchief-. Bead-tritumirigs. Button*. Hosiery iad Olovw, White Goods. Parasols and .—nn-l 'n brellas. Balmoral-and 11-ajp Skirts. Fancy G ' ••!* and Notions, Ladies' and Children's .-hoes Our as- .rtnient contains all that is new and desirable. Thankful for former liberal patronage we hope II be able to merit a continuance from • II our cus tomers. Please call and see our new stock. igay3l |JARI)W ARI; A BTO V ES! BAI'GHMAN,GL'MP A CO . Bloody Run, P:t. DEALERS IN Dealers in Iron, Nails, Horse .Shoes, Springs, A\les, Thimble Skeins, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Sleigh Runners, Sleigh Bells, Forks, Shovels, Saws, Axes, Spoons, Cutlery, Cooking and Heating Stoves for coal or wood. Glass, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Wooden ware, Ac., Ac. They manufacture Tin and J?heet Ironware and have on hand an assortment of TINWARE and STuVE PIPE. All goods kept by them will be sold at the low est prices. iictffmfi r JM 11; iIOU3EHI)LDGAS Machine ! FoR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS. STORES, FAC TORIES. CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH GAS ' Generate* Gas without Fire or Heat ' The simplicity and ease by which this Machine is managed, as al-rn its economy and great merit, recommends it to public favor Call and see ma chine in operation at the store ! Manufacturer and Sole Agent. DAVID.TONES. TIN FURNISHING STORE, No 7.'I3GREEN ST.. PHILADELPHIA for illustrated Circular. aug2lm>> jj W. CHOUSE, DRALER IS ALL KINDS OF SEGA RS, TOBACCO, PIPES, And a general assortment of Smokers and Chew ers' articles, BEDFORD, Pa. julJi.esyl G~ ItDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to. Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE Bed ford, Pa. itooftaiul'si (folmniL yOU ALL UAVK HEARD OF HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia Their introduction into this country from Ger many occurred in 1825. THEY CURED YOUR FATHERS AND MOTHERS, ! And will cure you and your children. They are j entirely different from -j- w the many preparations now in the country cal I—l led Bitters or Tonics. They are no tavern A-Jt preparation. or any thing like one ; but good, honest, reliable medi eincs. They are The greatest hi own remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debilitv, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, and all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, stomach, or IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles. Fullnes of Blood to the Head, Acidity of t lie Stomach, Nauea. Heartburn, Disguat for Food. Full nesg or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the . v Heart, Cnoking <<r Suffocating I 1 tions when in a Lying Posture. Dimness of V ' Vision, Dots or Webs before the -igbt. Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Che-t. Limb*, etc.. Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh. Constant Imagi nings of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits. All these indicate diseases of the Liver or Ih o. .:i r. Organs, combined with impure itoml. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS is entirely vegetable ati l contains no liquor. It i- a compound of Fluid Extracts. The Roots, Herbs, and Barks from which these extracts arc ma le. are gathered in Germany. All the medi cinal virtueus are ex .*. traded from them by a scientific Chemist f ft These extracts are then forwarded to this country to be used ex prcs-iy far the manufacture of these Bitters. There is no alcoholic substance of any kind used in compounding the Bitters, hence it is the only Bitters that can be used in esses where alcoholic stimulants are not advisable. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bit ters. with pi RE Santa Cruz Hum. Orange, etc. It is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in case where some pure alcoholic stimulus is required. Y'ou will hear in mind that these remedies aroen tircly different from any others advertised for the cure of the diseases named, these being scientific preparations of medicinal extracts, while the oth er- ire mere decoctions of rum in some form. The TttNIC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agn i able remedies ever offered to the public Its i.i- i is exquisite. It is a pleasure to take it, while iis life-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal quali ties have fau*ed it to be known as the greatest of ail trmics DEBILITY. There is no me lieine equal to Hoofland's Ger man Bitters or Tonic ; in cases of Debility. They impart a tone Id and vigor to the wile >y mil. -trengthen I the appetite, cause an e? j rent of the food, enable the stomach to di gr it. purify the blood, give a go >l, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge from the eyo impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change the patient from a short-breathed, emaci ate 1. weak, and ncrvou* invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vigorous person Weak and Delicate Children are made strong bv using the Bitters or Tonic In t ?t, they are Family Medicines. They can be administered with perfect safety to a ehil 1 three m net s old, the most delicate female, or a man of ninety. These rent'dieare the heat Blood Purifiers ever known and will cure all diseases resulting from bad blo-.1. Keep blood pure; keep your Liver in order. keep your digestive organs in a sound, I healthy condition by th us ■of these reuse A-J dies, and no diseases will ever a-sail you. The best men in theeountry recommend them. If years of honest reputation go for anything, you must try these preparation-. I K"M HON GEo W WOODWARD, Chief Justice ot the Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia. PHILADELPHIA, March Iff, 1867 I find that • Hoofland's German Bitters'' is not all intoxicating beverage, but is a good tonic, use ful in disorders of the digestive organs, ami of great benefit in cases of debility and want of ner vous a 'thin in the system. Yours Truly. GEO. W. WOODWARD FROM HON. JAMES TAOMPSON. Ju lge of the Supreme Conrt of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, April 28, 1*66. I consider ''Hoofland's German Bitters" a valua ble medicine in case . of attack.-of Indiges tion or Dyspepsia I \ can certify this from mv experience of it. T~\- Y'ours. with respect, JAMES TIIOMP.-M.Y FROM REV JOSEPH H. KENNAKD. D. D.. Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Dr. JACKSON—DEAR SIR: —I have been fre quently requested to connect my name with rec ommendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the piactice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in a'lcases declined; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in uiy own family, ot the usefulness ot Dr. Hoof land's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and es pecially for Liver Com plaint, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail; hnt usual 1 ' ly, I doubt not. it will lie very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Y'ours, very respectfully, J H KENNARD, Eigth, below CoatesStreet. CAUTION. Hoofland's German Remedies are counterfeited. The Genuine have the signature of C M. JACK i SON on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and the name of the article blown in each j bottle. All others are counterfeit. Price of the Bitters, $1 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $5. Price of the Tonic, SI 50 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $7 50. The tonic is put up in quart bottles. Recollect that it is Dr. Hoofland's German j Remedies that are so universally used and so ' highly recommended ; w- *. and do not allow the Druggist to induce I ftyou to take anything ! else that he may sayis just as good, be- ' cause he makes a larger profit on it. Thsc Kerne- j | dies will be sent by express to any locality upon ! application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, At the German Medicine Store. No. 631 ARCH STREET. Philadelphia. CHAS. M. EVANS, PROPRIETOR. Fjrmerly C M. JACKSON I Co. These Remedies are for sale by Druggists, Store keepers and Medicine Dealers everywhere. Do not forget to rxtuiine the article you buy in order to get the genuine. mayWfldyl TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THE BEDFORD GAZETTE is published every Fri day morning by METERS K. MRSUEL. at SI.OO per annum, if paid strictly in advance ; $2.50 if paid within six months; $3.00 if not paid within six months. All .subscription accounts MUST be settled annually. NJ paper will be sent out of the State unless paid for IN ADVANCE, and all such übscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which they aro aid. All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than three months TEN CENTS per line for each In sertion. Special notices one-half additional All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited "r individual interest, and notices of mar riages and deaths exceeding five lino-, ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line. All legal Notices of every it nil .and Orphans Court and Judicial Sales, are required by law t he pul\ shed in both papers published in this place All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows : 3 mouthr. 6 months. I year ♦One square - - - $4 50 $6 00 $lO 00 Two squares - 600 000 16 00 Three squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00 Quarter column - - l-l 00 20 00 3a 00 Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 15 00 One column - - - - 30 00 4 > 00 80 00 ♦One square to occupy one inch of space JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with neatness and dispatch. THE GAZETTE OFFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing lino can bo execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates —TERMS CASH. Uir" A1 ters should be addressd to MEYERS A MENGEL, Publishers. I'A 1.1. CAKE 411 t.AKIIt.NN. Wo have more than once spoken of the tendency which so often prevails among farmers to neglect proper at tention to their gardens at all seasons of the year. The farm appears so much more important in the extent of it pro ductions, and in the amount of labor required to keep it in proper condi tion, than the household part of the grounds. The garden is too often left to take care of itself, or left to the care of those who are unable to work it properly. In the season of planting, the comparatively trifling work that is required to make a good garden is | withheld, on the plea that there is more pressing work in the field. The farmer who acts on this principle does as much injury to himself and to his friends ; for nothing contributes more to the supply and the comfort of the social board than a productive garden. It may be made almost half the sup port of a family, and, with its small fruits, its roots and its vegetables of every description, it adds immensely to the good cheer of a country home. On the supposition that this part of a farmer's duty has not been neglected at the proper season for raiding the crops, we would remind our readers that the time is at hand when the frui Is of such labor are to be eared for.— And many of our readers have no oth er farm than their garden, so that it stands thein in hand to reap the ad vantage of their summer toil by care fully gathering and storing the pro duct. The value of all kinds of vege table- depends, in a great measure, up on the condition in which they are gathered and stored away. Many garden roots will not require to be taken up before the dose oi the month, and some of them not until Oc tober, but we give these timely hints and would especially advise all who have such crops to store to have places provided for them in season, that they may not sutler by being left out too long. After all the crops are garnered, the garden itself should be put in complete order; all weeds and useless bushes re moved, and everything made ready for another season. This will both invite and facilitate labor in the Spring. —New York Sin. AN ELEPHANT'S MEMORY'.—A re cent traveler in India relates a singu lar incident of a tame elephant that j escaped during a stormy night, and rambled oil'to his native jungle. Af ter two years, an elephant hunt hav ing taken place, a considerable num ber of animals were trapped in an en closure, called a keddah. It happened that one of the hunters was the keeper of the runaway elephant, and, to his surprise, he thought he recognized him among the wild herd that was captured. His companions laughed at ; the idea. But calling his old favor ite by name, it at once came forward and showed such signs of good will that the man, thoughtless of his dan ger. climbed over the barrier, and the elephant kneeling to receive him, he rode away to liis pickets triumphantly j upon him. HQ\V ABOUT IT!— lf some unseen individual could pass around from house to house anout ten o'clock, on a Sunday morning, he would be likely to hear a list of excuses for not attend ! ing church, something like the fullow j ing: Overslept myself. Could not dress in time. Too cold. Too hot. Too windy. Too dusty. Too wet. Too damp. Too j sunny. Too cloudy. Don't feel dis posed. No other time to myself. •Look over my drawers. Put my pa pers to rights. Letters to write to my friends. Mean to take a walk. Going | ' to take a ride. Tied to business six 1 | days in the week. No fresh air hut on | Sundays.—Can't breathe in church, al- ' ways so full. Feel a little feverish. I Feel a little chilly, Feel very lazy. Expect company to dinner. New bon net not come home. WHERE would the party of univer i sal -uffrage be without disfranehise | meat? Just figure it up: All Vir ginia disfranchised, 170,000 votes; all j Texas, 65,000 ; all Mississippi, 70, nun; in Missouri, 50,000; in Tennessee, luo -000; in the so-called reconstructed i States, 170,000—total, 605,000. Then i when they have taken this out by dis j franchisemeut, they by negro suffrage, juggle in 750,000 making in all a differ ence of 1,355,000 votes. Can an election so carried be considered a fair one ? is | this the voice of the people? BEDFORD. PA., FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1868. A HII.EMSA. Many years ago a young Uuiversal ist clergyman started westward to at tend a convention of his brethren. He took the precaution to carry a vial of cayenne in his pocket, to sprinkle his food with, as a preventive to fever and ague. The convention met, and at dinner a tall Hoosier observed the par son as he seasoned his meat, and ad dressed him thus. "Stranger, I'll thank you for a leetle o' that 'ere red salt, for I'm kind o'- cur'ous to try it." The Hoosier took the proffered vial, and feeling himself proof against any quantity of raw whisky, thought that he could stand the "red salt" with im punity, and accordingly sprinkled a junk of beef rather bountifully with it, and forthwith introduced it into his capacious mouth. It soon began to take effect, lleshut his eyes and his features began to writhe, denoting a very inharmonious condition physical ly. Finally he could stand it rio long er. He opened his mouth and scream ed "tire!" "Take a drink of cold water from the jug," said the parson. "Will that put it out?" asked the martyr, suiting the action th the word. In a short time ilie unfortunate man began to recover, and turning to the parson, bis eyes stiil swimming in water, exclaimed: "Stranger, you call yourself a 'Var sellist, 1 believe?" "I do," mildly answered the parson. "Wall, 1 want to know if you think it is consistent with your belief to go about with hellfire in your breeches pocket ?" TIJSXGS THAT i HAVE SEEN. I have seen a farmer build a house so large that the sheriff turned him out of doors. 1 have seen a young man sell a good farm, turn merchant and die in an in sane asylum. I have seen a farmer travel about so much, that there \va- nothing at home worth looking after. I have seen a rich mau's son begin where his father left off, and end w hero his father began—penny less. I have seen a young girl marry a young man of dissolute habits, and re pent of it a* long as she lived. I have seen the extravagance and folly of children, bring their parents to poverty and want, and themselves to disgrace. 1 have seen a prudent, industrious wife, retrieve the fortunes of a family, when her husband pulled at the other end of the rope. I have seen a young man who des pised the counsel of the wise and ad vice of the good, and end his career in jnivertv ami wretchedueSs. I have seen a man spend more in folly than would support his family in comfort and independence. I have seen a man depart from the truth, when candor and veracity would have served him a much better pur po-e. I have seen a man engage in a lav suit about a trifling affair that cost him more in the end, than would have roofed til! the building- on his farm. "A "GROWING" ITEM. —A woman in Detroit has been arrested for smug gling tea in her stockings.—Express. in North Carolina the women carry nail- in their stockings.—Raleigh Pro gress. Nothing wonderful. The ladies of Forsythe carry calves in their stock ings.—Salem Observer. And one of our ladies carries her corn j in hers. —Rome, Ga., Com. The ladies in this section who sym pathize with Andy Johnson in his light with the Radicals, carry V-toes in theirs, which are very seldom passed over their heads.—Yinceunes Sun. All the women down our way carry splendid elegies (legs,) in their stock ings.—Kentucky News. The ladie- here all carry'eels (heels,) j in their stockings.—St. Joseph Vindi cator. Down this way some of them not j only carry calve- in their stockings, but they also carry bran to fatten ! them.—Mexico Messenger. Almost all the ladies hereabouts car ry JiungatTs works in their stockings. We consider this a "sock-dolager !" The ladies of Scrunton are not very particular what they put in their stockings—keeping their souls there— j and are so awkward that they often "get their foot in it."—Register. A TOUGH FOG STORY. —A very heavy fog once visited an Eastern State, which wo think somewhat beats the fog of London. A youug man was sent out to a meadow to nail a few courses of shingles on a barn, the roof of which was nearly finished. "At dinner," continued the farmer, who is responsible for the story "the fellow comes up and sez:" "That'sa mighty long barnofyourn." "Not very long," sez I. "Well sez he, "I've been to work all tiiis forenoon, and have not got one course laid yet." "Well," sez I, "you'er a lazy fellow ; that's all I have got to say." "So after dinner I went down to see what he had been about, and I'll be thundered if he hadn't shingled out more than a hundred feet right out on the fog." LIFE. —For every one life ijas some blessing—some cup that is not mixed with bitterness. At every heart there is some fount of pure waters and all men at some time or other taste their sweetness. Who is he that has not found on his path of life some fragrant rose-bush, scenting all the air with it s sweet perfume ? AN irritable man, having been dis appointed in his boots, threatened to eat the shoemaker, but compromised j by drinking a cobbler. lI4RSES IN RATTLE. The extent to which a charger can apprehend the perils of a battle field may he ea-ily underrated by one who confines his observation to horses still carrying their riders; for, as long as a troop hor-e in action feels the weight and hand of a master his deep trust in man keeps him seemingly free from great terror, and he goes through the fight, unless wounded, as though it were a field day at home; but the mo ment that death or a disabling wound deprives him of his rider, he seems at once to know what a battle is—to per ceive it* real dangers with the clearness of a human being, and to he agonized with horror at the fate he may incur for want of a hand to guide him. Careless of the mere thunder of guns, he show* plainly enough that he more or less knows the dread accent that is used by missiles of war while cutting their way through the air, for as often as these sounds disclose to him the near passage of bullet or round shot, he shrinks and cringes. His eyeballs pro trude- Wild with fright, he still does not most commonly gallop home into camp. His instinct seems rather to tell him, that what safety, if any, there isfor him must be found in ranks, and he rushes at the first squadron he can find, urging piteously, yet with violence," that lie, too, by right, is a troop horse —that he, too, is willing to charge hut not to be left behind—that he must and he will "fall in." Sometimes a riderless charger thus beutou aligning with his fellows, will not be content to rang himself on the flank of the line, but dart at some point in the squadron which he seemingly Judges to be his own rightful place and strive to-force himself in. Riding, as it i- usual fur the com mander of a regiment to do, some way in advance of his regiment, Lord Geo. I'aget was especially tormented and pressed by the riderless horses which chose to turn round and align with him. At one time there were three or four horses advancing close abreast of him on one side and as many as five on the other. Impelled by terror, by gregarious instinct, and by the habit of ranging in line, they "closed in up on Lord George so as to be-smear bis overalls with blood from the gory flanks of the nearest intruders, and o blige him to use his sword." — Kingtake Invasion of the Crimea. GUARS* AGAINST VULGARITY. We especially commend the follow ing extract to the thoughtful study of the young. Nothing is so disgust ing and repugnant to the feelings of the noble and the good, as to hear the young or even the old, use profane or low, or vulgar language : "We would guard the young against the use of every word that is not st rief iy proper. Use no profane language allude to no sentence that will put to blush the most sensitive. You know not the tendency of habitually using indecent and profane language, it may not be obliterated from your heart. When you grow up you will find at your tongue's end some expres sion which you would not use for any money. It was once used when you were quite young. By being careful, you will save yourself a deal of mor tification and sorrow. Good men have been taken sick and became delirious. In these moments they use the most vile and indecent language imaginable. When informed of it. after restoration to health, they had no idea of the pain they had given their friends, and stat el that they had learned and repeated theexpression in childhood and though years had passed since they had spok en a bad word, they had been indelibly stamped upon the heart. Think of this, you who are tempted to use im- | proper language, and never disgrace yourselves." PLAIN SPEECH TO MOTHERS.— Pro- fessor Simpson, of Edinburg, who has had large experience in the Medical treatment of mothers and children, gave a public address lately on matters of hygiene. He spoke most plainly to mothers who sent their children to the grave by exposing arms and legs, while other parts of the body are waimly dressed. Mothers,hecontinued,commit child murder, and then wonder how God could be so unkind as to take a way their darling. They not only murder their children, hut in his opin ion, commit suicide themselves by ex posing their own necks to the cold air. It was a puzzle which he could not un derstand, that women should cut off the top of their dresses and appear with bare bosoms in refined society, while that part of the dress which should protect the heart and lungs, and other vital organs, is trailing in the mud. Not to speak of health at the present moment, we would remark that the exhibition of a semi nude bust seldom approaches to the classical standard of harmonious proportions of parts and fullness of outline, and is rarely sug gestive of beauty and loveliness. The inquisitive observer feels himself quite at a loss as to the precise line of division between the part which fashion claims for exposure and the rest which mod esty would conceal. The boundary is too changeable. More ought to be left to the imagination and less to he con demned by good taste. But if mothers and full grown daughters insist on be ing the victims of fashion, children ought to be exempt from its insane and cruel requirements. What has fashion to do with children, or they with fashion ? A GOOD newspaper is like a sensible and sound-hearted friend, whose ap pearance on one's threshold gladdens the mind with the promise of a pleas ant and profitable hour. CURKAN was asked by a brother lawyer, "Do you see anything ridicu lous in this wig?" "Nothing but the head," was the reply. <avr OD HIS i> AV. Reader do not he a robber. He that steals breaks God's eighth command ment. Above all do not rob God's property. Give God his day. I do entreat you for your soul's sake, not to profane the Sabbath, but to keep it holy. Do not buy and *ell or idle a way your time on Sunday. Let not i the example of all around you, let not the invitation of companions, let none of these things induce you to violate the settled rule, that God's day shall ; be given to God. The Sabbath is one of the greatest blessings which God has given to man. j Do not make bad use of this blessing. He that cannot give God his Sunday is unfit for heaven. Heaven is an eter nal Sunday. Oh, while you live, give I God his day. once give over caring for the Sab ' bath, and in the end you will give ov er caring for your soul. The steps which lead to this conclusion are easy and regular. Begin with not honor ing God's day, and you will soon not honor God's house. Cease to honor God's house, and by and by you will give God no honor at all. Let a man lay the foundation of having no Sab hath, and I am never surprised if he finishes with the topstone of no God. It is a remarkable saving of Judge Hale, "Of all the persons who were convicted of capital crimes while he was upon the bench, he found only a few who would not confess on inquiry, that they began their career of wicked ness by a neglect of the Sabbath." Reader, resolve, that by God's help you will always remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Honor it by a regular attendance at some place where the gospel is preached. Settle down under a faithful ministry, and once settled, let your place in church never be empty. Give God his day.— Rev. J. C. Itgle. TEKHIHI.E SCENE AT A M VEEOI.R. A terrible scaffold scene recently took place at Tambow, in Russia. Young Gorski a pupil at the high school of that place, and eighteen years of age, was to be executed for having murdered a family of seven persons. The young criminal was conveyed to the place of execution on a wagon, and was escor ted by a company of dragoons. The gallows was surrounded by ten thou sand persons. After the doomed lad had alighted from the wagon, the sen tence of death was read to him. He was deadly pale, and fainted before the warrant was read through. The exe cutioner then branded him, after he had been restored to consciousness ; the boy struggled voiolently and uttered heart rending screams when the red hot iron was applied to his forehead. He was then whipped, receiving about thirty lashes. The executioner there upon undressed him and wrapped him in a long white blanket, tied his feet together, attached the rope to his neck and drew the blanket over his head. He then lifted him on top of a step ladder, and was about to push him from it, when the Secretary of the Criminal Court stepped forward, and told the executioner to stop. The ex citement of the crowed had reached the highest pitch by this time, and it seemed as if all the ten thousand per son* around the gallows were holding their breath. The executioner lifted the lad from the step laadder, remov ed the blanket front his face, which was lived and distorted with fear; and then the Secretary read to him a let ter from the Emperor changing his sentence to hard labor for life. The ex ecutioner then untied his feet, gave him thirty more lashes—the sentence hav ing ordered that he should receive six ty lashes—and then clad him in the convict dress and chained Ids legs. lit was thereupon taken back to his cell, and two days afterward sent 1 o Siberia. STRONG 31 EN. Strenth of character consists of two things—power of will and power of self restraint. It requires two things, there- ; fore, for its existence—strong feelings and strong command over them. Now we all very often mistake strong feel- ; ings, and strong command over them, j Now we all very often mistake strong teelings for strong character. A man who bears ail before him, before whose frown domestics tremble, and whose i burst of fury makes the children of the household quake, because lie has his ' way in all things, we call him a strong man. The truth is, that he is the j weak man; it is his passions, that are strong; he mastered by them, is weak, j You must measure the strength of a j man by the power of feelings he sub- 1 dues, not by the power of those - that subdue him. And hence compos ure is very often the highest result of strength. Did we ever see a man re ceive a flagraut injury, and then reply quietly? This is a man spiritually strong. Or did we ever see a man in anguish stand as if carved out of solid rock, mastering himself? or one hear ing a hopeless daily trial remain silent and never tell the world what cankered his home peace? That is the strength. He who with strong passion, remains chaste; he who, keenly sensitive, with manly powers of indignation in him, can be provoked and yet restrain him self, and forgive, those are strong men. A SCHOOL in Massachusetts was un der examination, when one of the ex aminers said : "If I had a mince pie, and should give three-twelfths to John, three twelfths to Isaac, and should keep half the pie nivself, what would there be left?" There was a profound study among the scholars, but finally one lad held up his hand as a signal that he was ready to answer. "Well, sir, what will there be left? Speak up loud, so that all can hear,,, said the examiner. "The plate," shouted the hopeful fsllow. VOL. 64.—WHOLE No. 5.468. ikh.H [>:>: HI \ (.oMi. We have heard a funny -torv told of a young fellow residing in one of the tobacco growing counties of Vir ginia, who recently made his fu -t vis it to Richmond, the eapitol of the "Old Dominion," for the purpose of selling his crop, seeing the sights, and nib bing off some of the rust which his back woods "fetching up" had thrown upon ! his manners. lie reached Richmond about the middle of the forenoon, and was fortun : ate in selling his crop at an advanta geous rate and almost immediately. Meeting with an old school-fellow— ! one who had lived in the city long e nough to know its ways—he was ad ! vised to take up his lodgings at Roy den's, the crack house of the place; and thither he at once went with his hag gage. Just before dinner his friend called to see him, and found him com fortably located in a room just at the head of the stairs. It was close upon dinner time. "Suppose we take something to start an appetite," said the chap who had Just come down." | "Agreed," rejoined the city friend, ; "a glass of wine and bitters for me." "Let's go down to the bar and get it —dinner's most ready," continued the tobacco-grower. "We might as well have it up hero," was the rejoinder. "Good lick; but how are we to call for it ?" "Ring that bell there." "What bell ?" "Pull that rope hanging there." The young man laid hold of the roj e and gave it a jerk, and just at that mo ment the gong sounded for dinner. Never had he heard such a sound be fore, and the rumbling crash came up on his ear with a report that stunned him. lie staggered back from the rope, raised both hands in horror, and ex claimed : "Great Jerusalem what a smash ? I've broke every piece of crockery in the house! There ain't a whole dish left! You must stick by me, old fel low," addressing his friend, "don't leave nie in this scrape, for my whole crop won't half pay the breakage.— What did you tell me to touch that cursed rope for!" But before his friend, who was all but bursting with laughter, could an swer, a servant entered the room with "Did you ring the bell, sir?" "Bell? no, d—n your bell; I never touched your bell in my life; what bell ? I never saw your bell." "Somebody rang the beli of this room, that's certain," continued the servant. "No they didn't. There's nobody here that ever saw a bell"—and then turning to his friend, exclaimed aside, "let's lie him out of it; I shan't have a cent to go home if I pay the entire damage. What do they get such ras cally traps as that for, to take folks in from the country." Altera violent fit of la lighter, the friend was enabled to explain that it was only the gong sounding for dinner—a sim ple summons "to walk down to soup," got up on the Chinese plan. They made their way to the dining room, but it was some time before the young tobacco grower could get over the stun ning and awful effects of that dreadful gong. "It was a God-send," lie said, "that the crash did not turn my hair gray on the spot." ALL A "SETTING."—OKI fanuor Gruff was one morning a tugging away with all his might and main at a bar rel of apples, which he was endeavor ing to get up the cellar stair and calling at the top of his voice for one of his boys to lend him a helping hand, but all in vain. When he had,after an infin ite amount of sweating, accom plished the task and just when they were not needed, of course, the boys made their appearance. "Where have you been, and what have you been about, I'd like to know; couldn't you hear me eail?" inquired the far mer, in an angry tone, addressing the eldest. "Out in the shop, settin' the saw," replied the youth. "And you Dick?" "Out in the barn settin' the ben." "And you sir?" "Up in gran ny's room, settin' the clock." And you, young man ?" "Up garret settin' the trap." And now, Master Fred, where were you settin '?" asked the old farmer of his youngest progeny, the as perity of his temper somewhat soften ed by this amusing catalogue of an swers. "Come, let's hear." On the doorstep, settin' still," replied the young hopeful seriously. "A remar kable set, I must confess," added the amused sire, dispersing the grinning group with a wave of his hand. VAIN MAX. —Whilst thou art build- ing castles, the carpenter is build ing thy coffin. While deceitful in fluences are gilding thy future pros pects, the painter is leisurely putting the varnish upon the casket that is be ing fitted for thy reception. While thou art striving hard to distinguish thyself among thy fellows, the marble worker is Hitting the slab that shall mark thy grave. While you are querj - ing as to the wherewithal you shall be clothed, the materials for your burial suit are upon the tradesman's shelf. You add field to field, and anxiously reach out for more; but go to the grave yard and stake out the lot to which death will soon assign you. "Then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided ?" A country doctor being out for a day's shooting, took his errand boy to carry the game bag. Entering a field of turnips, the dog pointed; and the boy, overjoyed at the prospects of bis master's success, exclaimed, "there's a covey; if you get near 'em, won't you physic 'em?" "Physic them.' you young rascal, what do you mean?" said the doctor. "Why, kill 'em, to 1 e sure," replied the lad.
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