fit? pdfed ferttc. Home and Around, —— . * ID NTINGDOX AND BROAD Tor R.R. — WINTER ARRANGEMENT.—TIME TABLE.—-On and after Sept. 16th, passenger trains will arrive and depart as follows: Mail Train leaves Mt Dallas at 1.10 p. in., ar rives at Huntingdon at 421 p. in.; leaves Hunt ingdon at 9.05 a m., and arrives at Mt Dallas at 12.18 a. m. Accmmodatim Train leaves Saxton 7.30 a. EI . aud arrives at Huntingdon, at 9.20 a.m.; leaves Huntingdon at 4.35 p in., and arrives at Saxton at 6 27 p. m. VENTlLATlON. —Ventilation is as essential to life as victuals. Dr. Hall, in his Journal of Health , advocates the airing of the physical body, and the other Doctor Hall, of Eehoiiale, which our readers must know is within echo ing distance of our fair town, medita ting over this matter, wonders why the body politic should not have a ven tilating, and whether it was not high ly important that lie should do so, in order to keep all its functions in heal thy action. The only question that troubled his brain was, "Can 1 venti late, can I give an airing without put ting on airs?" He imagined himself equal to the occasion but the sequel s iows how sadly he was mistaken. — The emergency arose before him, lie gazed on it with his "classiceye" and— flickered. He soon rallied, however, on his old hobby, and declared that the Democratic party were the allies of Slavery. He might have a hied in the language of the showman, "of which I have too, myself," been an earnest advocate, going about the country "seeking whom I might devour"— some abolitionist. We felt pained to notice that he again neglected to bring with him the book he used to carry, to prove the divinity of slavery. But the whole affair was a complete water -haul, and the empty benches echoed hack his bowlings as the valley does at Echo-dale. But he could not pass the occasion by without giving vent to the indignant feelings he has harbored ever since he made a raid on a gentleman's carriage and found an empty demijohn, for if there be any thing in the world that he entertains a mo-t intense hatred for, it is a spirit less bottle. He subsided and made way for that screech-owl of freedom, little Johnny, whose "immense popularity" caused IDs voters of his own party in tlii- C'on gre--ional District to forget him on the day of election. He said nothing that lie has not been heard to say a thous and times. He tried to get off an o riginal joke on a man who voted the Democratic ticket in October, which he considered wry witty, but the ben efit- wouldn't laugh, so after selecting one of the lesser iights to write the his tory of the late election in this county, whieii is to embrace the exact amount of the corruption fund used for his e leetion, which little episode he iniagin e 1 would be of incalculable benefit to the coming generation, he-truck an at titude, and vanished. Again the benches failed to applaud, and the mu -v- <\f tho silver horns was heard no more. JuRiLEE---The Seventh Jubilee of the Lutheran Uhurch was duly cele brated by the congregation under the charge of Rev. B. H. Hunt, at SchelLs burg, last week. The services com menced on Thursday and closed on Sabbath eve. The church was taste fully decorated with evergreens, and mottos pertinent to the occasion were hung about the walls, the most promi nent one, from Martin Luther, half en circling the Great Reformer's portrait, was placed behind the pulpit:—"Ein Ft -to Burg ist Unsor Gott." The Pastor announced that he de sired to raise the sum of one hundred dollars, in order to liquidate the in debtedness of the church. Considera ble above that amount wasat once sub scribed and paid. The services through out, in which the teachers and scholars of the Sabbath School connected with lhe church participated, were full of interest, and will long be remembered by all who were present. But with the jubilee were mingled thoughts of sadness when Mr. Hunt announced that with these services his relation as pastor must cease. For ten years he has ministered to the spiritual wants of this people, and by Divine blessing the church has prospered as it never did before. Many a tearful eye was beheld as the Pastor was about to separ ate from his congregation, and as the parting words came his heart became too fill 1 fYttr> a^e^forti) ilnr STRAY HEIFER. ('nine to toe premises of the undersigned in Union twp , Bedford county, Pa., (luring the month of Jane last, a red anil white spotted heifer, supposed to be two years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take it away, or otherwise it will be disposed of according to law. (no\-6w3| JOSIAH 0. BURKKT STRAY BILL. —Takon UP TRESPAS sing. upon the premises of the subscriber, in Liberty township, some time in the month of Au gust last, a red bull, about two and a half ytar. old, with left ear marked. The owner is desired to come, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be disposed of according to law. nov6w3 S. S. FLI CK. STRAY BULL.—Came to the prem ises of the undersigned, in Union tp., about tb'e last of August, 1558. a red and white spotted BULL, about two years old, the left ear off and a slit in the right ear. The owner is requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges and take him away, or he will be sold according to law [uov6w3| JOHH KINO. FIBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Bedford county, the undersigned will offer at pub lic sale, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY . 25th ot November next, a TRACT OF LANI>. in I men township, adjoining lands of Samuel Whitaker, Joseph Taylor. Geo W. Points, Christian Ling, and Amos Edwards, containing i 2 acres neat measure, about 50 acres cleared unit under fence, about Bof which is good meadow. The improve ments are a two story Log House, double Log Bam and other buildings. Also an Apple Orchard. Sale to commence at 1(1 o'clock A. M. of said day when the terms will be made known. J W. LIXGENFELTER, Trustee for the sale of the Real Estate of Alex. Mdiregor. Esq , dee d. m \ow.. B. CRAMER & CO. llav'e now open itnd offer for sale, AT REDUCED PRICES, the largest and most elegant stoek of FALL and WINTER GOODS to he found IN BEDFORD COUNTY! Tho assortment is complete, and GREAT BAR GAIN'S in every department will be offered. nov6,'6S. A B. CRAMER A CO. / 10OD NEWS U FOR THE PEOPLE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER Has just received a targe and varied assortment of FALL and WINTER GOODS, of all descriptions, which have been bought at UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES, and which he is determined lo -ell CHEAP. They consist in part of Dry Goods, Roots and Shoe-. Ready made Clothing. Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, Buckets and Brooms. •Jueer,sware, Tobaeeo, Segars. Ac. Give him a call and see foT yeueeelvea. nev6th,'63 J M. SHOEMAKER $25! $25! THE AMEIt IC A N 811 I' TT L E SEWING MACHINE ' Is retailed at a price within the reach of all Tbi- Machine uses a straight needle, makes the LOCK STITCH ,a!ike on both sides), has a self adjusting tension and can do every variety of sewing It will hem, fell bind. cord, braid, eaiu, built, tuck, rulffe, and gather; and. will work equally well on silk, linen, woolen, or cotton goods, with silk, linen, or cotton thread THE AMERICAN SHUTTLE SEWING MA CHINE Warranted for Five Years! Our Agents will be supplied with duplicate parts of the Machine, in case of accident. It makes pre cisely the same stitch made by the Singer, Wheel er A Wilson, Howe, and Florence Machines. It has the Under-feed, like the best of high-priced Machines, and is the only lew-priced Shuttle Machine in the market that has this feed We are enabled to sell a first-class SHUTTLE MA CHINE at a very low price, on account of its Sim plicity. and consequent low cost of Manufacturing, in comparison with Complicated Machines. AGENTS. We wish to arrange with Agents, male or female, to represent the American Shuttle Sewing Ma chine, in each State, County, and Town in the United States and Ontario. Extra inducements to Experienced Agents. For full particulars, as to Salary or Commission, address G. V. N. ANDREWS, General Ag't, Detroit, Mich. H. B. —For the benefit of our Agents we have ar ranged with parties who have goods suitab'e for Sewing Machine Agents to sell. Wo will send BOOK OF SAMPLES and full particulars on re ceipt of one red stamp. Address G. V N. AN * DREWS. General Agent. D droit, Mich, novfiyf TtUit' AtUcrfisnncntsi. VGinrrLTUILYL I M 1' L E M E N T S. MERCHANTS or FARMERS desiring any of the above for tbeir FALL or WINTER trade or use. should address R 11. ALLEN A CO., P. 0. Box 376. New Ycrk VNKW PLAN for tho formation of Libraries, both public and private, for towns and villages, at a small cost the details will be made known in a CireuUr, now ready A lln D APPLE TON A 00 . N. V." <; F N T S W A N T K 1) F> R "THE BLUE-COATS," Aud halo they Lived, Fought, and Died for the Union, irith Scenes and Incident* in the Great Ri net/ion lt contains over 100 tine engravings and 500 pages, and is tlie spiciest and cheapest war book published. Price only 82.50 per copy. Send for circulars and see our terms, and full de scription of the work Address JONES BROTH ERS A CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. ; Cincinnati, Ohio; Chicago, 111., or St. Louis. Mo. vt r A N T E D. Y T Clergymen. Teachers, ar.d Superinten dents of Sabbath Schools, and others to net as Agents for tho HOME BOOK OF WONDERS A work of great interest fully illustrated also for the COTTAGE BIBLE, AND FAMILY EXPOSITOR, in two volumes, containing nearly 150(1 pages, comprising the Old and New- Testaments, with practical expositions and explanatory notes, by Taos. WILLIAMS. A few of the many recommendations: From the late Rev. Joel Hawea. D. D , Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Hartford, Ct.— '■l know of no eommmtary so cheap that contains so great an amount of valuable matter.'' From the Rev. N. 11 Eggleston, D. D., Pastor of Plymouth Church. Chicago, 11!. —•• I cheerfully recommend it as the best commentary on the Scriptures for general use." For terms and cir culars, address A. BRAIN A RD, Hartford, Conn r)OOK AGENTS ttro meeting with ) rare success in selling Sir S. IV. Baker's Explorations and Adventures among the Nile Tributaries ot Abyssinia, to which is now added an account of the Captivity and Release of Eng lish Subjects, and the career of tho late Emperor Theodore. No book is received among all classes of people with such unbounded favor, or so fully combines thrilling interest with solid instruction. Agents, male and female, sell it rapidly. An admirable record of scientific exploration geo graphical discovery, and personal adventure N. T. Tribune. '-It is issued in a very attrac tive term, and is as entertaining as a romance."— Boston Journal . Full particulars sent on appli cation to 0. D. CASE & C ensure permanency to his publica tions. Club Agents wanted eve-ywhore, who are paiu a very liberal compensation. Samples of pa per, blank subscription lists, Ac., free. Address T B MINER, New Brunswick, New Jersey. RAILROAD COMPANY'S Seven per cent, fir-1 MortgHge Bonds. February and Augu-t Coupons. The earnings of the completed road to : Pilot Knob are now more than the interest on the ; entire mortgage. The proceeds of these bonds are ; adding to the security every day. Over $8,000.- 000 have been spent on the property, and not ov : cr $2,000,000 of bonds issued thus tar. The con stantly increasing frame of -arryirg ore, with the • prospect of coutroling all the travei from -St. Lou is to the Southern States, insures an enormous revenue The Directors own 8-10 of the stock for investment, and are interested to enrich the prop erty a; well as to economize its expenses. THOS ALLEN. President, St. Louis. Mo. We, the undersigned, cordially recommend these seven per cent mortgage bonds, of the St. Louts and Iron Mountain Railroad, as a good se curity. The revenue of the road will be large, and the administration of the affairs of the Com pany is in capable and experienced hands, and is entitled to the greatest confidence of the public. JAMES S THOMAS, Mayor of St. Louis. JOHN J ROE. Pres't St L-uis Chamber of Com merce E W FOX. Pre- t St Louis Board of Trade. BARTON BATES, Pres't North Mo. Railroad. J. il BRITTOX. Pres't Na\ Bank of the State of Mo W.M. L. EM'ING. Prea't of the Mer. X. B. of St Louis. GEO 11. REA. Pres't Second Nat. Bank of St. Louis. JAS. B. EADS, Chief Eng. St. Louis A 111 Bridge j GEO. W TAYLOR. Pres't Pacific Railroad (of Mo ) M M. TASSIG. Pres't Traders' Bank. St. Louts. JOHN R LIOXBEROER, Pres't T X. Bank. St ! Louis. AI'OLPIILS MEIER, Vice Pres't I . Pacific Rail way ROBERT BARTA, Pres t German Savings Insti tution. Coupons payable in the city ot New York. A j limited number of the abou- named Bonds for j sale at Eighty-fire Parties living oat of the city can remit by draft or express, arid the bonds will tie returned by express free of charges. M'e in \ite the attention of capitalists and others to them, as, in our opinion, a very desirable investment, destined to rank us a first-class security. Descrip tive Pamphlets, Maps and information can he had on application to TOWNSEND, M'HELEN A CO., No, 389 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Agents of the St Louis and Iron Mountain K. R. Co. Philadelphia references : —CAMBRIA IRON CO.; (JAW, BACON & Co ; Tuos. A. LIIIULR A Co. / 1 < iODSI'EKD'S Golden Fountain \ H PENS. —6O lines written with one pen of ink Xo blotting. One dozen assorted samples sent for 2."> cts Agents make $lO a day. Address (JOODSPEKD A CO . ii" Park Row. New York. > o, ~ Xr COLBURN S PATENT. PATENTKII JULY 9, 1867. RE-ISSCEI> Arc. 181808. Extracts from Letters and Reports of the work ing qualities of the Axe : I Your Axe is Bound to be THE AXK II [t will cut 25 percent, better 111. My brother lost an arm in the war. but | with your Axe he can out as well as any one else i can. IV If 1 could not get another, tiventy-five ,'825) dollars would not buy it V. It will cut hoop-poles better than any other Axe. VI. I would not bo without it for anything. VII. The only objection is it goes toi far into the wood. VIII. MeD who chop for a living universally ap prove of it. Ac., Ac., ad infinitum. For sale by all responsible dealers in the United \ States LIPPINCOTT A EAKKM'ELL. PITTSBURGH. P.\. Manufacturers of tb" RED JACKET AXES, SAWs. SHOVELS ami SCOOPS, and all approved Shapes nnd Styles of AXES. Sole owners of OOL BI R.N S PATENT. CLUB SMOKING TO -1 BACCO Is everywhere pronounced, by com petent judges, to be superior to others for the fol i lowing reasons : It is made of the finest stock grown. It has a mild and agreeable aroma. It is anti-nervous in its effects, as It i-- free from drug s , the Nicotine Having also been extracted. It leaves no acrid, disagreeable aftertaste. Does not sting or burn the tongue. Leaves no offensive odor in the room. Orders for elegant Meerschaum Pipes Are daily packed in various bigs. It is of a bright golden color Being very ligh'., one pound will last Two to three times as long as others. Buy it, try it, and convince yourself. If Your dealer does uot keep it ask hitu to get it. EUREKA SMOKING TOBACCO Is also a very good article, and makes an excel lent smoke, it is much lower in price and of heavier body than theformer, and itssile. wherev er introduced, is not only permanent, hut con stantly on the increase. Orders for elegant Meer schaum Pipes are also placed in tiro various bags j of this brand daily. Bo sure you get Lorillard's. M'e are still packing slit) daily iu Century ' Cbewiug Tobacco, and have lately improved its quality very much 2Utr 3drfrtisfmrnts. S*>nno A YKAR ANl> KX ' " '' ' RENTES TO AGENTS to intro duce the Wilson Sewing -Machine. Stitch alike en both sides. Samples u two weeks trial. Ex i tra inducements to experienced agents. For j further particulars, addres- the Wilson Sewing Machine Co.. Cleveland. 0 ; Boston, Mass., or St Louis, Mo. I SOMETHING NEW.—LadlfH and kt Cents—Just patented. It must be seen to he appreciated ; therefore, we send sample and illus trate.! circular tree. -Agents wanted SI'ESCE A CO., I I l'ark flaw, New York. rail lis IS No HUMBUG !—By sentl- X ' n l? ct - u stamp, with age, height, col ! or of eyes and hair, you will receive by return uriil a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage Addres W FOX P. O. Drawer Xo. 8, Fultonville. N. V. IYLOOD. MANHOOD- —Nothing so ) important Send two stamps for sealed 72 pages on the whole subject Da. WHITTIER. eonfi { dentin! physician, 617 St. Charles St.. St. Louis, I Mo , stands pre-eminently above all others in his ! speciality. No matter who failed, state your case. Patients treated bv mail in every State. A. B I ('. WE are prepared to supply the public with use ful and Ornamental Articles. Goods for Winter Wear, Ac. Ac., from our MAMMOTH ONE DOLLAR SALE HOUSE, {Licm■'eil by the U S. Authority,) | for the staudard price of ONE DOLLAR for each ! article. Having been engaged in this business for some ' time past, and clearly knowing the wants ol' the people, we have enlarged our Exchange List over I OxE HIMIKKI" articles, (both useful and orna -1 mental) more than any other house in the trade, I and we feel confident an agent once gained will I be retained. Besides our Mammoth Exchange List, our in ducements to agents excel that of any other house j in the business. ! Any lady or gentleman, by spending a few of ; their leisure moments, can obtain a Gold Watch, | Silk Dress pattern. Sewing Machine, Ac., : of cost. Goods ordered trom our house will be sent C. 0. D when desired. Send for Circular, givitig full particulars Cir cular and sample sen; free to any address. AT WOOD, BATES, & CO., "i Limlall St., Boston, Mass. * j • PElt CENT. SAVED To Ilouse- /* * keepers and others who order their gn.ids from our GREAT ON E DOLL Alt SALE of Dry Goods Fancy Goods Plated Ware, Cutlery. Ac . Ac. We send Circular free ot expense to any part ! of the ( nited States ; send for one. and see our i terms ion will save tuonev by addressing GEO DRV DEN A CO.. 10 Milk St . Boston, Mass. Agents wanted in every town in the country. V<:, GREENBACK Of full ralvc *e,/t frertc aw Jiooi Agent. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR MATTHEW HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK. "Sunshine and Shadow in New York." A work of AY- rliing Intend. Replete with An ecdotes and Incidents of Life iu the Great Me i tropolis. Our Agent in Hartford sold 80 in one j day ; one agent in X J. sold 227 in 15 days ; one : agent in Mass sold 250 in one woek ; one agent in 1 Coun sold 301 in one week No book published that sell- so rapidly. II You wish to know how Fortunes are made Is and lost iu a day ; how Ministers are ru 1 ined in Wall Street, how '-Countrymen are swindled bv Sharper- : how Ministers and Mer chants are Blnckinaile'i how Dance Halts and Concert Saloons are Managed; how Gambling II m.-es and Lotteries arc conducted : how Stock Companies Originate and how the Bubbles Burst. , read this work it telUyou about the mysteries i ot New York, and contains biographical sketches of its noted Millionaires, Merchants. Ac. A large Octavo Vol., 72tl pages. Finely Illustrated. Ttte i largest commission given. Our 32-page circular and $5 Greenback sent Free on application. For full particulars and terms, address the Publishers. J. B BURR A CO., Hartford, Conn VI "ANTED—AN AGENT in each town, to take the Agency for the sale of BKADSTREET'S HI BBER MOULDING AND M'EATHER STRIPS, applied to the sides, bottom, top and cen tre of doors and windows. The sale is beyond anything ever offered to agents Front Ten to Twenty-five Dollars per day can be made. Send for agents' circular. First who apply secure a bargain. J. R. BKADBTKEET A CO . Boston, Mass Oct3ow4. MONEY EASILY MADE, WITH nur Complete .Stencil and Key Check Out fit Small capital required Circulars free.— STAFFORD .MAXFG. CO., ti6 Fulton Street, New York octviOwf VVTANTED -AGENTS- In every town j for CUSHMAN A CO S GREAT ONE DOLI.AP. STORE. Descriptive checks slu per hundred. Con sumers supplied direct from the manufactories, and all goods warranted. Circulars sent free.— Address CUSHMAN A CO., 10 Arch St. B i. ton | oct3ow!2 FL^IIE SUCCESS £ OP OUR ONE DOLLAR SALE HAS CAUSED st CB A COMPLETE REVOLU T I <) N /.V TRADE. That in order to supply the demand occasioned by our constantly increasing patronage, wc have recently made importations for the fall trade, direct from European Manufacturers. AMOUNTING TO NEARLY $500,004, So that we are prepared to sell every description of Dry and Fancy Goods, Stiver Plated Ware, Cutlery, M'atebes, Albums, Jewelry, Ac. Of hrtter quality thin any other ran rem in the rountn/ ia, the uniform prtre.i of ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. r The best of Boston and New York refer ence- riven as to tbo reliability of our house, and \ that our business is conducted in the fairest and most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value for the money than can be obtained in any other way All* Goods damaged or broken in transportation replaced without charge. • Cheeks describing articles sold sent to ag ents in Clubs at rates mentioned below. M'e ! guarantee every article to eost less than if bought at nitv Boston or New York wholesale House. OCR COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS Exceed those of every other establishment of the i kind,—proof of this can he found in comparing ; our premiums with those of others FOR CLUBS OF THE S\MK SIZE, in addition to which we claim to ri\ e better goods of the same character. lU<- trill *end tu Agent* frrt. of charge. FOR A CLI-B or 30 AND'THREE DOLLARS— I doz. | good linen Shirt Fronts 1 set Solid Gold Studs. All Wool Cassitnere for Pants. Fine white Coun terpane, large size. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt. 2o yards brown or bleached Sheeting, good quality, yard wide, 1 elegant I (it) Picture Morocco-bound Photo. Album. 1 double lens Stereoscope and 12 Foreign Views, I silver plated engraved 5 bottle Castor. 1 elegant Silk Fan, with Ivory or Sandal M'ood Frame, feathered edge and spangled. 1 Steel ! Carving Knife anil Fork, very best quality ivory balanced handle 1 handsome beaded and lined Parasol-20 yds. good Print. 1 very fine Damask Table Cover 1 1 pair best quality Ladies' Serge ' Congress Boots, t do/, fine Linen Towels, j doz. Koger's best Silver Dessert Forks. 1 Ladies" large real Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 fancy dress pattern, j doz. elegant Silver plated engraved Napkin Rings. 1 doz' Ladies' fine Merino or Cotton Stock ing- Gents' heavy chased solid Gold King. I pr. Ladies' high cut Balmoral Boots. 1 elegant Delaine Dress Pattern. 1 violin and Bow, in box complete. I set Jewelry, pin, ear drops, and sleeve buttons. FOR A CLI B OP 5(1 AND FIVE DOLLARS— 1 black or colored Alpacca Dress Pattern. 1 sot Laced Curtains. 1 pr. all Wool Blankets. Engraved Sil ver plated 6 bottle Revolving Castor. 1 beautiful Writing Desk. 1 solid Gold Scarf Pin. 3i yds. very fine Cassimere, for Pants and Vest. 1 set ! Ivory balanced handle Knives with silver plated Forks I elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded : and lined with silk. 1 pr. gents Call Boots. 30yds ; good Print. 30 yds. good brown or bleached Sheet : ing yard wide or 40 yds, I yd. wide, good quality. : 1 ladies elegant Morocco Traveling bag. 1 square Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Poplin Dress pat- j tern. 1 ; yds, dou. width cloth for ladies' cloak. Elegant engraved Silver plated Tea Pot. 3 yds double width water proof cloth for cloaking FOR A CLUB OF 100 and T F.N DOLLARS —1 rich Merino or Thibet Dress pattern. 1 pr. fine Damask Table Cloths and Napkins to match. 1 pr gents French Calf Boots. I heavy, silver plated engraved lee Pitcher Very fine all Wool Cloth for Ladies Cloak 1 web very bc"t quality brown or bleached Sheeting. 71 yds line Cassimere for suit. 1 elegant English Borage Dress piattern, 1 beautiful Engli>h Barage Shawl. 1 set Ivory balanced handle Knives and Forks. I ladies or gents, Silver liunt ing-case M atch. 1 Bartlett Hand, Portable Sowing Machine. Splendid Family Bible, steel engravings, with record and photograph pages 23 yds. go id Hemp Carpeting, good colors. 1 pr good Marseilles (juilt. 1 good t> oarrel Revolver I elegant fur muff and cape 1 single barrel Shot Gun. I fdlver plat ed, engraved, ti bottled Revolving Castor, cut glass bottles. 1 very fine Violin and Bow, in ease, i set Ivory balanced Knives and Forks. Presents for larger Clubs increase in the same ratio. SEND MONEY BY REGISTERED LETTER I Catalogue of Goods sent to any address PRKIS. PARKER & CO. No-, 98 and lwSumner St., Boston. ?epllwl2 Sales. jpoil SA LE OH TRADE. 2 tract*, of KM) acres each. within throe mile* of a depot on the Union Pacific Railroad. hack of Omaha. i tract of bottom land, timbered end prat re. two miles from Omaha city. One-third of 7.000 acre.? in Fulton county. Pa., ' including valuable ore, mineral and timber lands, near Fort Littleton Over 4.001! acres of valuable ore, coal and tim ber lands in West Virginia Also—32o acres of land in Woodbury co., lowa. A LSO— Twenty-five one acre lots, adjoining the borough of Bedford, with limestone rock for kiln or quarry, on the upper end of each ALSO 320 acres in Reynolds Co.. Missouri 4HO do do Shannon do do 270f do do Bollinger do do HO do do Franklin do lowa. At. so. 5 lots o! ground, in Bedford, 00 by 240 It . former ly part of the Lyons' estate. 0 E. SHANNON, jan2l,'67yl Bedford, Pa. VTALI'ARLE LAND FOR SALE : _ f —The undersigned offers for sale the follow itig valuable bodies of land : THREE CHOICE TRACTS OF LAND, containing 160 acres each, situated on the Illinois Central Railroad, in Champaign county, State of Illinois, 8 miles from the city of (Jrbana, and one mile ftoui Kent us 1 Station on said Railroad. Two of the tracts adjoin, and one of them has a never failing pond of wateruponit The city of Urbaca contains about 4.000 inhabitants. Champaign the greatest wheat growing county in Illinois. ALSO— One-fourth of a, tract of land, situated in Broad Top township, Bedford county, contain ing about 45 acres, with all the coal veins of Broad Top running through it. ALSO— Three Lots i a the town of Coalitiont, Huntingdon county. Jan 20 . 00-tf F. C. REAMER 1)UBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE —By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford couuty, the under signed, Administrator of the estate of Jeremiah Morris, dee'd , will sell at public outcry on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of No vember, A. D., 1868. all that certain farm and tract of land, situate in Monroe township, Bedford county, late tbe mansion property of said dee\l., adjoining lands of Jacob Stockman, on the North, John Snider on the South. Horatio J Means on j the West, and Elizabeth O'Neal and others on the : East, contaiuing 240 acres and allowance, about 100 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story bg dwelling house, a durable log barn and other outbuildings therein erected. The remain der of the tract is well covered with chestnut, oak, pine and other timber, and there is alsoan orchard j of choice fruit upon the premises This property j is distant about 7 miles from the termination of the Bedford Rail Road and Bloody Run, and is formally loouled in a pleasant neighborhood con venient te school- and churches. Sale to com mence at I o'clock P. M., of said day, where j terms will be made known. oet2 i,'6Hwl HORATIO J MEANS, Adm r. I)U 11 AS CHOUSES" Jti TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT • Unpre cedented Roth for the New CROtsi s S O A P. The washing powers of this Soap are truly mar velous. No person who has ever tried it will do without it Its recommendations are perfect PURITY, utter lIARMLESSNESS and wonderful EFFICIENCY. Warranted to contain more washing power to the dollar's worth than an./ other soap in the market—therefore the CHEAPEST Try it. Satisfaction guaranteed, (if used according to directions) or MONEY RE FUNDED A-k any grocer for it. Manufactured only by UfKCKLEY A HALL, {masses SOAP WORKS,) No SIS York Ave., (Old York Road.) Philad'a aug7m6 r p<>B ACCO ANTiDOI E, I WARRANTED to remove all desire for Tobac co. This great remedy is an excellent appetizer. It ponj if • the blood, invigorates the system, pos sesses great nourishing and strengthening power, enables tbe stomach to digest the hearties! food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. .SJIOKLRS and CHEW tens for Sixty Years Cared. Price, Fifty Cents post free A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonial? Ac., sent free. Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. R. ABBOTT, Jersey City. N J. fjMIE CHAMPION. I IIICKOK'S PATENT PORTABLE Keystone Cider and Wine Mill OVER 16,000 /.V USE AXD APPROVED Thin admirable machine is now ready fur tlic fruit harvest of 1863, ia made in the most perfect manner, with two tubs, and is worthy tho atten tion of all persons wanting sacb a machine. It has no superior in the market, and is the only mill that will properly grind grapes. This is the original mill, much improved and the best in the United States FOR SALE BY ALL RESPECTABLE DEALERS. I also make two sizes "f superior Presses for Berries, <£e. IV. 0. HICKOK. Harrisburg. Pa. HARTLEY A MET7.GER sola agents for Bed ford co., w ill sell to dealers on liberal terms. A full supply kept at their store in Bedford. scpfmd | OOK HERE! BOOK FOR THE MILLION !! USEFrr. and IXTER ESTTXG ' ' ' How to Woo and Win. 10 cts ; How to T rain and Doctor Horses, till cts : Ready Reckoner, Fur Farm ers and Tradesmen. 00 cts : The New .Marriage tiuide, 20 cts ; The Lovers' Letter Writer, Illus trated, 15 cts, Science of Telling Future Even' 10 cts 000 New Puzzles. 00 cts. Fancy Phm graphs, Male and Female. 2 for 20 cts; 12 Fi: Album Photographs, $1.00; Fireside Games. On cts Boxing and Wrestling made Easj', 20 cts, Yankee Farming, $2.00, Farming made Easy. $1.20; Ac.. A• . Ac. Books on all subjects, size; and styles, for sale at lowest rates. Ail the above books sent post-paid on receipt of priec. or any book published in the U S. sent post-paid n receipt of ptibL her- prices. Send 10 cts for Catalogue and circular Address THOMAS A CO., Buck Publishers Agent, octli'.iul It v SBB, Pittsburgh. Pa. rpHE FALL CAMPAIGN of Moore's J[ Rural New-Yorker, the Leading and Larg est-Cirnilating Rural. Liter iry and Family News, paper, begins a Quarter Oct. 3, and hence Xotc ii tin Trni' to Snh.:rrihf ' Eight Large Double- Quarto Pages. Illustrated, with over a dozen dis tinct Departments, each ably c inducted, the Best Tallent being employed. Elc tion will soon be over, when everybody, in both Town and County, will want the most Progressive. Timely, Entertain ing and Useful Weekly of its Class MOORE'S RIRAL, The 13Numbers of this Quarter (Oet. to can ) sent. Ox TRIAL, for OXLT FIKTV cents' Try tho Trial Trip'( Address D. D. T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, New York, or Rochester, N. Y 1 EMPLOYMENT.—The only work j which settles, by documentary evidence, what has been said, written, thought or done, by (htr X'xt President, is A D Richardson's Per sonal History of U. iS. Grant. The Republican Union committee at Washington, recognize its authenticity and use it as an authority, sending for copies of it for that purpose. The press uni versally discard all others. We want Agents for it in this county. Send furcircular, terms, Ac., to BLISS A CO., Newark. N J INRE SELL FOR ONE DOLLAR, yf GOLD and Silver Watches, Sewing Ma chines. Silk Dress Patterns, Carpetings, Domes tic Goods. Ac. CIRCULARS SENT EREI-1. sTj giving full Particulars, or ten cheeks for One Dol lar describing ten different articles which we will sell for ONE DOLLAR EACH. Splendid inducements offered to Agents sending us Clubs Address LABONTE A BABBITT, - No. S3 Sudbury Street, Boston. Mass rpiIEOREtiAX BEND. p WHAT IT IS, how it grew into a national calamity. Iris SOT A NEW THING. Symptoms and Treatment. A small volume profusely illus trated Ncnt by mail on receipt of 25 cts. Ad drcss tii ertan lh .nl Pnhl'% co . P. O. Box 672. N. Y Trade supplied by AMERICAN NEWS C" , 117 Nassau at., N. Y. KEYSTONE CIDER MILLS— Best in the market. Separators, Horse Pow ers, Food Cutters, Corn Shelters, and alt kinds of latest improved Farm Implements. THIMBLE SKEINS and a full assortment of Carriage bolts, Clips, Hobs, Spokes. Felloes, Shafts/Bands, Axles. Spring- Ac., at manufactur er's prices. Shoe findings and all kinds of leather A Com plete stock of builders' Hardware, Barn Door Hangers. Uinges, Oils, Paints, Iron, Nails, Brass Kettles. Apple Parers, Water Pipe and every thing else needed in the llarware line, including the celebrated Cbambcrsburg Cook Stove, all of which we now sell at eastern prices, for cash- HAKTLEY A METZGER, Sign of the Red Pad Lock. ORDERS from a distance for any kind of JOB PRINTING promptly attended to Send to THE GAZETTE JOB OFFICE, Red frd Ps K L *P T * 1 ' TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S OFFICE, Nos. i':i & Nassau Street, NEW YORK. Organized under special charter from the State of New York CAPITAL $5,000.00(1 50 000 SHARES, SIOO EACH I> I H E (J T O R 8. HON. ANDREW (I. CI'RTIN, Philadelphia. PAUL S FORBES, of Russell A Co.. China FRED. BI'TTERFIELD, of F Butterfield A C New York. ISAAC LIVERMORK. Treasurer Michigan Ct-n tral Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer American Express Company, New York. Hon. JAMES NOXON, Syracuse, N. Y 0. H. PALMER, Treasurer Western Union Tele graph Company, New York. FLETCHER WESTRAY, of Westray, Gibbs A Hardcastle. New York. NICHOLAS MICKLFS, New York O FFICERB. A. (i. CI'RTIN. President N MICKLES, Vice President GEORGE ELLIS (Caahier National Rank Com monwealth,) Treasurer. HON A K MoC'LI'RE, Philadelphia, Solicitor Tbe Chinese Government having (through the Hon. Anson Burlingame) conceded to this Com pany the privilege of connecting the great sea ports of the Empire by submarine electric tele graph cable, we propose commencing operations in China, and laying down a line of nine hundred miles at once, between the following port ?. viz Population. Canton 1,000.000 Macoa 60,000 Hong-Kong 250,000 Swatow 200,000 Amoy 250,000 Foo-Chow 1,250,000 Wan-Chu 300,000 Ningpo 100,000 Hang Chean 1.200,000 Shanghai 1.900,001) Total 5,910,000 These ports have a foreign commerce of SOOO, 000,000. and an enormous domestic trade, beside* which we have the immense internal commerce of the Empire, radiating from these points, through its canals and navigable rivers. The cable being laid, this company proposes erecting land line*, and establishing a speedy and trustworthy means of communication, which rnnst command there, as everywhere else, the commu nidations of the Government, of business, and ot social life especially in China. She has no postal system, and her only means nowofcommnuicating information is by couriers on land, and by steam ers on water. The Western World knows that China is a very large country, in the main densely peopled; but few yet realize that she contains more than a third of the human race The latest returns made to her central authorities for taxing purposes bv the local magistrate make her population Four han dled and Fourteen millions, and this is more likely to bo under than over the actual aggregate Nearly all of these, who are over ten year* old. not only can but do read and write Her civili zation is peculiar, but her literature is as exten sive as that of Europe. China is a land of teach er* and traders and the latter are exceedingly quick to avail themselves of every proffered facili ty for procuring early information. It is observed in California that the Chinese tuake great use of the telegraph, though it there transmits messages in English alone. To-day great numbers of Heat steamers are owned by Chinese merchants, and used by them exclusively for the transmission of early intelligence. If the telegraph we propose connecting all their great seaports, were now m existence it is believed that its business would pay the cost withiu the first two years of its suc cessful operation, and would steadily increase thereafter No enterprise commends itself as in a greater degree renumerative to capitalists, and to our whole people. It is of vast national importance commercially, politically and evangelically LiTThe stock of this Company ha* been un qualifiedly recommended to capitalists and busi ness men, as a desirable investment by editorial articles in the New York Herald, Tri/urie, World, Times, Post, Express, Independent, and in tbe Philadelphia North American, Press, Ledger, Inquirer, Age, Bulletin and Telegraph Shares of this company, to a limited number, may be obtained at SSO each, $lO payable down, sls on the Ist of November, and $25 payable in monthly instalments of $2.50 each, commencing December 1, 1868, on application to DRF.XEL & CO., :!1 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA Shares can be obtained in Bedford by applica tion to Reed A Scbel). Bankers, who are author ized to receive subscriptions, and can give nil ne cessary information on the subject. sept2syl ITTILLOUGHBY'S PATENT t;l M SPRING GRAIN DRILL—ChaI lenges competition I? the only drill that will sow regularly Has no pins to break and can lo used on rocky and stumpy fields and on tbe hiil side with the same advantage a* on the level ground. As the supply is limited and the de mand greater than ever, engage what you want soon of HARTLEY A MKTZGER, the only an thorized agents for this part of Penn'a julJltf s x I i | £ X £ k t 'n > 3 Q 2 "2. Os C |3 i | > -* §* 3 C j x — 1 £ X * 5 ~ 1 r- v N 3 "* £ = X i QTOVES! STOVES! B. M BLYMYER A CO. have added to their large assortment ef Stoves i several improved Patents. SPEAR'S improved Anti dust COOKING STOVE is one of the greatest inventions of the age. i SPEAR'S Revolving Light Anti-dust PARLOR STOVE, which is a perpetual burner, and is war ranted to need replenishing with coal but once a i day. and after once being filled will burn 24 hour*. Also, Agents for Spear's Parlor and fire-place stoves We have also the Oriental Parlor and Heating | Stoves, which has given universal satisfaction j In addition to the above we have in store the celebrated Wellington, Prince Royal, Oriental, i Noble and o her Patents of Cooking Stoves. We have a fine assortment of Tin, Copper and i Sheet-iron ware. Brass aitd Porcelain Kettles, nil of which we will sell low for cash. tutg2Sm2