JT Ijc lit fetor* BY MEYERS & MENGEL. £fgat ilotifesi. /10 URT PRO CLAMATIOX —To j \_y the Coront), the Justice* of the Peace, and ' C ''stable* in the different Township* in the j County of Bedford, Greeting: KNOW YE, that J in pursuance of a prcoept to me directed, under j the hand and seal of the Hon. ALEXANDER j KINO. President of the several Courts of Common i Pleas, in the 16tb District, consisting ef the conn- j tie? of Franklin. Fulton, Bedford and Somerset, | and bv virtue of his office of the Court of Oyer and j Terminer and General Jail Delivery for the trial of j •apital and other offenders therein, and the Gen eral C>urt of Quarter Sessions of the Peace; and ,■ W (} C Mp and WILLIAKG. EICHOLTZ. Judges of the a mf Court in the same County of Bedford. You and each of you. are hereby required to be and appear in your proper persons with your Re •( rds Recognisances, Examinations, and other Remembrances, before the Judges aforesaid, at Bedford at a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery an-J Owewl Quarter Ses sions of the peace therein to be holden t>r the coun ty of Bedford, aforesaid, on tfte Zrd Monday of S'or . the,e the 16/A day,) 1868, at 10 O clock the forenoon of that Jay, there and then to do ; th.oe things to which your several offices appertain _ Given under mv hand and seal the -3rd day ot : Oct., in the year of "°^ K^KCKM VN -. SBKBIPE'S OFFICE. 1 sheriff. Bedford. Oct. 2d. UN 1 * 4 I I IST OF CAUSES, put down for J trial, at Nov. Term, 1868. 16th day. Oath DannakerV Ex r vs Christ. A. Dannaker . A C Vanghan K. M Trout, et al Mieh L Ritchey " S S FI" in and for said coun'V. on Tuesday, the 17th day ! of Nov . next, at the Court House, in Bedford, ■ for confirmation : The administration account of 1 rancis DI-nahoe, Adtn'r. O. t A of the estate of Valentine Weirtck, tatcofCumb Valley township. Bedford county, deceased" The administration account ot 1 rancis Dona- ; HOT Executor of the Inst Will, Ac., of Samuel | F.ohasson, late of Southampton township, Bedford | county, deceased. The account of Daniel H Cornell and Gideon W illiams. Executors of the last Will and Testa ment of William Cornell, late ot Monroe township, Bedford couuty, deceased. The first and final account of John S. luiler, administrator of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Margaret luiler, late of Bedford twp., dee'd. The first administration account of Daniel Cy phers, Executor of the last W ill, Ac., of Jacob Cy= phers. late of Liberty township, Bedford county, dec d. The administration account of Joseph luiler, administrator of the goods and chattels of Martin Imler, late of Union township. Bedford county, deceased. 0. E. SHANNON, Reg r. oct23w4* riXWERX LICENSE. —Xotiee is f hereby given that the following named per sons have made application for Tavern and Res taurant license, at Nov. Sessions, 1868: Barnhart A McMullen Restaurant. oct23w4* 0 E SHANNON, Clerk SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs ofVend. Exponas to me directed, t here will he exposed to public sale, at the court house, in the borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of Nov., A. D. 1868, at It) o'clock A. M , the following real estate, viz: One tract of land containing 321 acres, more or less, with atout 12 acres cleared and partly under fence, with a tan house 56 feet long and 20 feet wide, adjoining lands of the defeudant on the East, Josiah Miller and Levi Carpenter on the West, Solomon Brown on theSouth. and Barclay S heirs OU the North, situate in Harrison township. Bedford county, and taken in Execution as the property of John H. Wertz. ALSO— AII the defendant's interest in and to a tract of land containing 128 acres, more or less, 60 acres, more or lees, cleared and under fence, with two smalt log houses, blacksmith shop and orchard thereupon, adjoining LANDS of M-trtia \ ... OIIRO Uendnckson ana Thomas Leasure, situate in Cumberland Valley township, and taker in execution as the property of Jacob Boor. ROBERT STECKMAN, Sh'FF Sheriff's office, 0at23'68,w4 1 EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL E- J STATE.— The undersigned. Executor of the LAST Will. Ac., of Thomas J Blackburn, late of Napier Township, deceased, will sell at public sale, on the premises, in Napier Township, on Monday, the 23 day of November, next, the real • -late of which said deceased died seized, to wit The Mansion Farm, adjoining lands of Wm. Rock, Robert Blackburn. Thomas P. Studebaker and Andrew Hiner, containing sixty-six acres, about fifty aeres under cultivation, with two dwelling houses, bank barn and other out buildings there in erected. There is a well and springs and two apple orchards of choice fruit thereon ; also, 8 or i< acres of meadow and more can be made : also, a -mall sugar camp thereon. Also, ono other tract of ten asres, timber land, adjoining John B Blackburn, Edmund Blackburn and others; lies convenient to mansion larm This property lies in a pleasant neighborhood. •nveuient to roads, school? and churches, about three miles north east from Sehellsburg Terms One-third purchase money in hand, balance in tw equal annual payments thereafter without in terest. POSSESSION will be given on the first day • ■l' April next, when first payment must be made, and notes or bonds and mortgage for the remain ing payments be delivered, when ALSN deed will be delivered JXO W. LIB LL, oct23w4 Executor. IftUBLIU SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.— By virtue of the last will aud testament of Joseph Riddle, late of I nion TP., Bedford county, dee d . the undersigned will oner at public sale on the J. remise- in said township, on Tuesday, the loth day of November next, the following Heal E-tate, viz —One tract of land, being me mansion place of said dee d., containing about 116 acres, nett measure, of patented lime - ne land about ninety-six acres of wbieh are 1 cared and under fence, and in a good state of cultivation. The improvements are a two story . • dwelling hou-e. LUG barn and other out build ing-. with a well of good water under the kitchen porch, the water from which during part of the year, runs through the cellar. Inert is also a good apple orchard ON the place, and between tour and five acres of good meadow The land not cleared is well timbered. This farm lies on LIORH sides of the road leading from Bedford to iioHidavsburg, and I- about a mile norm of Akes' Mill. It adjoin* lands of Joseph 8 Riddle. AH in M -es and other- ALSO. The undivided halt I art of the farm now occupied by Josiah Sill. HI-ISD as the creek farm, situate on Bobb s Creek, aij lining Frederick Oster. Jacob Acker and oth er This farm is all bottom land, contains about . O'y-one acres nett measure, and is all cleared and IN cultivation but about eight acres. The improvements are a good two story log and plank dwelling house, barn and other out buildings, with a good well ot water before the door. This place is about a mile from ST Clairsvtlle and is in •igiit of Henderson ? Mill The terms wiil be for each piaoe, one-third of the I'URIAIU-" money at the time possession is given and title deltvcred, April next, and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter without interest, to HI se cured by judgment or mortgage All gtsin .N the ground reserved, BALE to commence at it) 0 clock, -A M , on the Mansion tarin. WILLIAM BERKHEIMER, oct23w3 Executor. i'L uk ACRES OF EXCELLENT |)UU FARM LAND FOR SALE -ONE TRACT obtaining 252 ACRES, with good b>g h<.u.-e and barn thereon also a good SAW -MILL, w rth a rental of S2OO per annum About half of -hi? tract is excellent bottom anl the balance upland About 100 ACRES CLEARED, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Balance well timbered. The whole tract is well watered, and is situate on Dunning's creek, in St Clair tp., adjoining lands of John Alaladt, Jacob Andrews and Jacob Beckley. The mill and farm will be sold separately, or together, to suit purchasers. At.so, one tract containing 153 acres, having a good log house and barn and out buildings there on About 65 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber—well watered and situate neak PleacantviUe, in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of John Alstadt, Jacob Bowser. Jacob Beckley arid Joseph Smith. At.so, OBe tract containing I<7 aeres. about 2b acre? cleared, well fenced and in a good state of cultivation; balance covered with an excellent growth of valuable timber: well watered and situate in St. Clair Township, adjoining lands of Jacob Beckley Joseph Smith and Christian Mock These lands formerly belonged to the estate of Nicholas Lyons, deceased, and are in a neighbor to.. A well supplied with schools, churches, stores, Ac bach of these tracts will be sold as a whole or in parts, to suit purchasers, and will be < Tered at private sale until SATURDAY, the 14th of Nov. next, when, if not disposed of, they will be sold to the highest and best bidder at public sale, of which timely notice will be given. E r further particulars, address personally, or bv letter, J. W DICKER SON, Attorney-at-Law, "ily3?f Bedford Pa $ (folumn. You ALL BATE HEARD OP HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AX HOOPLAXIPS GERMAN TONIC. Prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia Their introduction into this country from Ger many occurred in 1325. THEY CURED YOUR FATHERS AND MOTHERS, And will cure you and your children They are entirely different fromw-the many preparation? 1 now in the country cal I—l led Bitters or Tonics, j They are no tavem-I--ft-preparation, or any i thing like one; but good, honest, reliable medi- j cine? They are The greatest known remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, aDd all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver, stomach, or IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD Constipation, Flatulence. Inward Piles. Fullnes of Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Full ness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eruc tations. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Harried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the y—y Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensa I ft tions when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight. Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciencyof Perspiration, Yellowness ofthe Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imagi nings of Evil and Great Depression of Spirits. All these indicate diseases of the Liver or Di gestive. Organs, combined with impure blood. HOOFLAXD'S GERMAN BITTERS is entirely vegetable and contains no liquor. It is a compound of Fluid Extracts. The Roots. Herbs, and Barks from which these extracts are made, are gathered in Germany All the medi cinal virtueus are ex y traeted from them by a scientific Chemist. I ft These extracts are then forwarded to this country to be used ex pressly far the manufacture of these Bitters. There is no alcoholic substance of any kind used in compounding the Bitters, hence it is the only Bitters that can be used in cases where alcoholic stimulants are not advisable. HOOFLAND S GERMAN TONIC is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bit ters, with pfRE Santa Cruz Rum. Orange, etc. It is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, incase where some pure nlcobolie stimulus is required. You will bear in mind that these remedies are en tirely different from any others advertised for the cure of the diseases named, these being scientific preparations of medicinal extracts, while the oth er- are mere decoctions of rum in some form The TONIC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Its taste is exquisite. Itisa pleasure to take it. while its life-giving, exhilarating, and medicinal quali ties have caused it to be known a? the greatest of all tonics. DEBILITY There is no medicine equal to Hoofland's Ger man Bitters or Tonic in ca.ses of Debility. They impart a tone |4 and vigor to the whole system, strengthen A the appetite, cause an enjoyment of the food, enable the stomach to di gest it, purify the blood, give a good, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tinge from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change the patient from a short-breathed, emaci ated, weak, and nervous invalid, to a full-faced, stout, and vigorous person. Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using the Bitters or Tonic. In fact, they are Family Medicines. They can be administered with perfect safety to a child three months old, the most delicate female, or a man of ninety. These remedies are the best Blood Purifiers ever known and will cure all diseases resulting from bad blood. Keep your blood pure; keep your Liver in order, -y keep your digestive organs in a sound, I healthy condition by the use of these reme J— J dies, and no diseases will ever assail you. The best men in thecountry recommend them. If years of honest reputation go for anything you must try these preparations. FROM HON. GEO W WOODWARD. Chief Justice ofthe Supreme Court of Pennsylva nia. PHILADELPHIA, March 16, 1867. I find that -Hoofland's German Bitters'' is not an intoxicating beverage, but is a good tonic, use ful in disorders of the digestive organs, and of great benefit in cases of debility and want of ner vous action in the system. Yours Truly. GEO W. WOODWARD FROM HON. JAMES TAOMPSOX. Julge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA. April 28, 1866. I consider "Hoofland's German Bitters a valua ble medicine in case . of attaeks of Indiges tion or Dyspepsia. I \ can certify this from mv experience of it. zA Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPSON FKOM REV. JOSEPH H. KENNARD, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. DR. JACKSOS—DEAR SIR I have been fre quently requested to connect uiy name with rec ommendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice as out of my appropriate sphere. I have in al'case3 declined; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in my own family, of the usefulness ot DR Hoof land's German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for general debility of the system, and es peciallv for Liver Corn m t it ** a and valuable prepare jV tion. In some cases it may fail, but usual It ly, I doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those whosuffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. H KEN N AKI>, Eigth, below CoatesStreet CAUTION. Hooflind's German Remedies are counterfeited. The Genuine have the signature of C. M. JACK so* on the front of the outside wrapper of each bo'tle, and the name of the article blown in each bottle All others are counterfeit. Price of the Bitters, $1 per bottle; Or, a half dozen for $5. Price of the Tonic, *1 50 per bottle; Or, a haiftlozen for $7 50. The tonic is put up in quart bottles. Recollect that it is Dr Hoofland's German Remedies that are b universally used and so highly recommended, ~w—. and do not allow the Druggist to induce I lyou to take anything else that he may say-l-'is just as good be cause he makes a larger profit on it. These Reme dies will be sent by express to any locality upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, At the German Medicine Store. No. 631 ARCH STREET, Philwlelphia CHAS. M. EVANS, PROPRIETOR. Fjrmerly C. M. JACKSON A Co. These Remedies are for sale by Druggists, Store keepers and Medicine Dealers everywhere. Do not forget to examine the articlejyuu buy in order to get the genuine. ro*y'4Byl TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THI BEDFOBD GAZETTE is published every Fri day morning by MEYERS A MBEOEL, at $2 00 per annum, if paid strictly m advance ; f 2.50 if paid within six months; *3 00 if not paid within six months. All subscription accounts MUST be settled annually No paper will be sentout of the State unless paid for ix ADVANCE, and al! such übscriptions will invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time for which they are aid. All ADVERTISEMENTS for a less term than three months TEN CENTS per line for each In sertion. Special notices one-half additional All resolutions of Associations; communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of mar riages and deaths exceeding five line?, ten cents per line. Editorial notices fifteen cents per line All legal Notices of every kind, and Orphans Court and Judicial Sales, are required by lair t be. published in both papers published in this place. All advertising due after first insertion. A liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: 3 months. 6 months. 1 year •One square - - - $4 50 $6 00 $lO 00 Two squares ... 6OA 000 16 00 Three squares - - - 8 00 12 00 20 00 Quarter column - - 14 00 20 00 35 00 Half column - - - 18 00 25 00 45 00 One column - - - - 30 00 45 00 80 00 •One square to occupy one inch of space JOB PRINTING, of every kind, done with neatness and dispatch THE GAZETTE OPFICE has just been refitted with a Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing line can be execu ted in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates —TERMS CASH. Lxf Alters should be addressd to MEYERS A MENGEL, Publishers. REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF BED FORD T"OCSTY TEACHER'S ISSTI TL'TE. Monday October 12— Morning Session. Pursuant to a call of the County Supt. the Institute met in Union School Hall and was called to order by Prest. Session was opened with music by Prof. R. A. McClure. The County Supt. then delivered an address of wel come to the teachers. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted, after which a number of teachers became members of the Insti tute. An election of officers was held which resulted as follows; Vice Pres., VV. S. Lee; Sec. A. Stayer; Treas., G. C. Long:—Cor. Sec., Mis 9 Amanda Leany: Bus. Com., Messrs. H. B. Ziin- ; merman, F. B. Berkheimer and Miss ! Maggie Mower. A\fternoon Session. Institute met and was called- to or- ! derby the Brest., minutes of previous • meeting read and adopted. Instruc tion was given in Vocal Music by R. A. McClure. An essay was read by ! Miss Maggie Mower, Subject:—"Du ties of the Teacher ." Exercise in Or thography bv County Supt. Class drill 111 Reading by Miss F. M. Haley. Institute adjourned to meet at 7 o'clock, P. M. Evening Session. Convention was called to order by j County Supt., minutes read and adopt ed. Business Committee reported a 1 programme for the next session which j was received. The exercises of the ! eveuing consisted of I>ecture on As tronomy by Professor 11. B. Zimmer man. On motion the Institute ten dered the Lecturer a vote of thanks and adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock A. 1 M. on Tuesday. Tuesday.—Morning Session. Institute met, County Supt. in the j chair. Exercises were opened with j prayer by Rev. J. Q. McAtee, Minutes of previous meeting read and approv | ed. An essay entitled " Sacrifice " was | read by S. D. Middleton. A class drill i in Grammar was conducted by 11. B. i Zimmerman after which a lecture on Elocution was given by Miss F. M. , Haley. An essay entitled " Teaching " was! read by Miss Ettie Irving. Class drill | in Vocal Music was continued by R. i A. McClure. Report of Business Com- I I mittee was received, and Institute ad- ' i journed to meet at It o'clock P. M. Afternoon Session. County Supt. called the convention to order, minutes of previous session read and adopted. An essay was read by W. S. Lee, Subject: The Flu cation of the Heart." An exercise in Vocal music was continued by R. A. i McClure. The Institute was then fa- j vored with a lecture upon "The Culti vation of the mind" by D. St. George F razor, who afterwards received the ! thanks of the Convention. Orthogra phy was continued by H. W. Fisher. I Business Committee reported, and In stitute adjourned to meet on Wednes- ; day at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday.—Morning Session. Convention was called to order by County Supt. Exercises opened with prayer by Rev. 11. Rizer, Minutes read aud adopted. Class drill in Vocel mu sic by R. A. McClure. An essay enti tled " Common Schools" was read by J. VV. Deitrieh. Class drill in Mental Arithmetic was conducted by J. M. Reynolds. Miss F. M. Haley then gave a lecture upon the methods of Teaching Reading. An essay upon "Novel Reading," was read by Miss Annie Arnold. The discussion of the essay was postponed till afternoon Ses sion. Convention adjourned till lj o'- clock P. M. Afternoon Session. Convention was called to order by Vice President, minutes read and ap proved. Gn motion the Vice Presi dent and Secretary were appointed a ; Committee to revise the list of Honor ary Members, and report only those who were friends of education. The essay read at the morning session was taken up and discussed by H. W. Fish er and J. M. Reynolds. 11. A. McClure continued the class drill in vocal mu sic, after which an essay was read by Miss Maggie McCleery, Subject:— "Friendship ." A class drill in Mental Arithmetic was continued from morn ing session by J. M. Reynolds. Pro fessor Stevens, of Pittsburgh, was then introduced and briefly addressed the convention. Report of business Com mittee was received, and Institute ad journed to meet in the Court House at 7i P. M. BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1868. Evening Session. Convention met in Court Room and was called to order by the President. Preliminary business having been dis posed of, D. St. Geo. Frazer was intro duced and delivered an interesting lec ture upon "Poetry and the Drama." The thanks of the Convention were tendered the lecturer and on motion adjourned to meet on Thursday at 9 o'- clock A. M. Thursday.—Morning Session. Institute was called to order by County Superintendent. Exercises opened with prayer by Rev. B. G. W. Reid. Minutes of previous session read and adopted. An essay upon the "Beauties of Nature" was read by J. G. Ake. A lecture upon the methods of teaching the elements of vocal music was given by R. A. McClure. Class driil in Arithmetic was continued from previous session by J. M. Reynolds. A lecture on Elocution was given by Miss F. M. Haley. The morning exercises were concluded with instruction in Penmanship, by Professor Stevens. Report of business committee was re ceived, and Institute adjourned to meet at II o'clock P. M. Aftornoon Session. County Superintendent called the Convention to order. Minutes of pre vious session read and adopted. An es say was then read by Miss Jennie Bay lor, Subject: No success in teaching with out Labor." The question; "Doesthe study of rules in arithmetic, have a tendency to make mechanical think ers," was taken up and discussed by H. Winter, I). St. G. Frazer, H. W. Fisher, and J. M. Reynolds. Class drill in Penmanship was continued by Pro fessor Stevens. An essay was then read by Miss Maggie Mower. Orthog raphy was continued by county Supt. Convention adjourned to meet in the Court House at fiij P. M. Evening Session. Preliminary business having been disposed of, the exercises were opened with music by "Normal School Glee club." Several selections consisting of Readings and Recitations, were given by Miss. F. M. Haley. The exercises were interposed with choice music by Prof. R.;A. McClure. On motion In stitute adjourned to meet on Friday at 9 A. M. Friday Morning Session. Institute met and was called to order by President. The exercises were o pened with prayer by Rev. H. Hecker ermau. Minutes read and adopted. The following named persons were then elected a commit tee on Permanent Certificates: Misses Maggie Mower, Jen nie Smith, Maggie McCleery, Messrs. S. D. Middleton and J. M. Reynolds. A lecture upon Elocution was given by F. M. Haley. Professor Stevens was then Introduced and continued his lecture upon the subject of penman ship. County Superintendent then an nounced the following as the result of the contest in Orthography, Ist prize ; Miss Jennie Baylor, 2d, 3. D. Middle ton, 3d Josiah Amos. The following were then appointed a committee to draft resolutions, J. M. Reynolds, D. St. G. Frazer and J. M. Deitrich. The election of Honorary Members was then taken up, and on motion the Pres ident of each School Board in the county, with other friends of education were elected. Institute adjourned to meet at U P. M. Afternoon Session. In stitute was called to order by Pres ident, minutes of morning session read and adopted. Instruction in the anal ysis of Letters was given by Prof. Ste vens. The Institute elected the fol lowing named persons acommitte on Convention, Miss Maggie Mower, Sal lie lluzzard, Messrs. S. Burnes, J. S. Metzgar, and J. P. Smouse. The chairman of Committee on Res olutions then offered the following re port which was unanimously adopted : Resolutions. Relieving the advancement of the in terests of Common Schools of Bedford County and the elevation of the pro fession of teaching, demand that the school term should be lengthened and ; the Salary of teachers increased, There- i fore, we Resolve, Ist. That it is the duty of teachers and friends of education throughout the County to use all hon- j orable means in their power, for the j accomplishment of said object. 2d. That now separating from each j other for the purpose of engaging in our school duties, we feel it incumbent upon us to acknowledge the great ad vantages and assistance we have deri ved from our attendance at the pre sent session of the institute, and would earnestly recommend all teachers in the County whose names have not al ready been enrolled upon our books, that they become members thereof at its next meeting. 3d. That the teachers who absented themselves from the Convention with out just cause merit and receive our censure. 4th That it is the duty of the teach ers and directors of each School dis trict to create a fund for the purpose of establishing a library for the use of the members of the Institute. sth That we endorse the Resolution passed at the previous session of this Institute recommending the adoption of Payson Dunton and Scribner's Na tional Sysleic of Penmanship. 6th That we are in favor of introdu cing Vocal Music into our schools, for the purpose of imparting life, energy, and reaction to the same. 7th. That we tender our thanks to Prof. Stevens for his instruction in Penmanship during the session. B.h. That we tendar our thanks to Miss Haley, Messrs. McClure, Winter, and Frazer for their services during the sitting of the Convention. yth That the Directors of Bedford Borough and the County Commission ers accept our thanks for the use of the Union School and Court House. 10th That we tender onr thanks to Mr. Fisher tor the manner in which be has performed the duties of his of fice, aud that we favor his re-election. On motion the Convention adjourned to meet at the call ofthe committee. J. M. Reynolds, S. M. Barclay, S. I). Middleton, Com. on Publication. The following named teachers were present during the session of the Insti tute. Gentlemen —Ake J G, Amos Josiah, Akers James, Anderson J F, Berkhei mer F B, Bowser X' A, Burns S, Bitt nerSW, Barley N S, Burkett A L, Biddle J, Carpenter G S, Clouse W H, Cowan A, Diehl Adam, Diehl S F, Deitrich J M, Exline A, Findley J E, Feather M, Frazer I) St G, Grazier W A, Grimes W W, Gillespie F J, Garber Aaron, Gates M., Huston O H, Ilarkle B F, Hoover J. E. Kagarise E L, Keith David, Keagy F M, Leo W S, Lee George, LongGC, Metzgar J S, Mul lin J A, Middleton S D, Oster Frank Potts FB. Penrose W, rice Geo, Pep ple James, Reil.v Chas, Reynolds J M, Rhodes Thomas, Smith W C, Smith John, Smith RF, Smouse J P, Stayer A, Snider Geo, Stuckey J, Stoler I) W, Stouffer J W, Stoler J C, Sams D M, Tomlinson S, Topper Ambrose, Wil liams W, Williams O, Williams B A, Wade A F, Weisel A, Zook D. B. Zim merman H B. Ladies. —Arnold Annie, Arnold Julia, Allison Ella, Baylor Jennie, Bagley Annie, Bagley Margery, Connelly Lydia, Clark Mary, Devore Charity, Griffith M L, Hughes M A, Hoffman Allio, Huzzard Sallie, Irving Ettie, Ir ving Beekie, Leany Amanda, Louder baugh D, McCleery M, McCleery D, Mower Maggia, Miller Emma, Mc- Girr Rosa, Mock Mary, Xaugle Sophia, Pierson Lizzie Penned Annie, Ritchey M L, Robinson M, Replogle L, Sher man C, Schenebly E, Studebaker A C, Studebaker A, Steven S A, Sanson! A manda, Smith Loretta, Smith M J, Shaffer Annie, Tomlinson M J, Wills Josie. INTERESTING FKOF ALASKA. HOW THEY LIVE—WHAT THEY DO. A letter dated St. Paul's Harbor, Rodrack's Island, from an officer of the U. S. Revenue steamer Wayanda, says: We examined, on our way to this place, all the harbors of note on the coast; have found several places where coal could be mined at a profit on a small capital. In fact this coun try is full of coal, but a great deal of it of an inferior quality—the only good feature that I have seen so far in Al aska. Upon the whole, I think the Government has an elephant in this seven million purchase. The Indians who inhabit this coun try are a most indolent race, particu larly the southern tribes ; but as we advance to the northward and west ward their dispositions appear to change, owing, no doubt, to their in tercourse with the Russians, as many of them have been converted to the Catholic faith. Far as we have gone the natives seem to be delighted by the change of Government; but I fear it will do them no good, as the traders are introducing "rum" among them, which has proved a curse to all men. During the winter months the natives are employed trapping the fur animals which abound in this country. The natives live in a most miserable manner, their principal food being whale meat, seal and salmon; their houses are filthy, and they are filthy in person : their clothing consists princi pally of furs of the poorest quality, ;.s they sell all the best skins to the traders. I find but very few old persons among them, most of them dying under forty, principally with consumption. It' is constantly raining during the summer months Rnd snowing during the win ter. At this place, on an island in the harbor, ice is collected to supply the Han Francisco and China markets, the only business that pays in these re gions. The weather, during the sum mer months, is anything but pleasant, raining most of the time, hut very lit tle wind; during the winter months it is very cold, and the winds are very se vere, ice forming about three feet still : water. I am told by parties living j here it is hardly safe for a person to j venture out during a gale. We are now waiting the arrival of our coal, when we will proceed west ward to Ounalaska, Bristol Bay, Northern Sound, and through Behring Straits to the most northern part of our possessions in the Arctic ocean. We i are in hopes of getting South before ! the winter sets in, as it is fearful to [ think of spending a winter so near the ! north pole. JF.RCSAI.EH. IProg of (IK- Excavations ; Important developments. A correspondent of the New York | Times writes from Jerusalem : The discoveries made hitherto may he summed up briefly. The south wall of the sacred area, Herain El Shereef, within which stood the tem : pic, has been explored to the very j foundations. It is found that in one place the wall was not less than 180 feet high. At the lowest point of the wall, which is now determined to be also the lowest point of the Tyropseon Valley, he discovered a small passage which he explored for some 150 feet, of very ancient construction, and evi dently intended to carry off super fluous water. Previously to this dis covery it had been supposed that the lowest point was the southwest angle of the wall, where was the great arch, known as Robinson's Arch. Visitors to Jerusalem will remember the spring of the old arch, at the point. They will be gratified to learn that all the conjectures with reference to what formerly stood there have been abun dantly verified. Not only was there A a splendid arch crossing the Tyropieon Valley at lois point—the span of which was forty feet across—and the voussirs ruins of which now lie buried in the debris, but beneath this old arch, cov ered over with a pavement, built, : presumably to cover these ruins, lie the stones of an arch older still, per- ; haps the arch built by Solomon him- I self. The complete investigation of this arch has been a long and a costly undertaking, but its importance is j very great. On the east side of Hiram wall lies the Valley of the Hedron. Lieuten- i ant Warren, by a series of shafts and j borings, has ascertained that the pres- J ent bed of the stream is no less than ! forty feet higher than the old bed— the bed having been raised by the enor mous masses of debris and ruins that ' have been hurled over into the valley. By the last letter from Jerusalem we j received a plan of the system of cham bers discovered at "Wilson's Arch," ; higher upon the western wall, near the "Wailing Place" of the Jews. — : Lieutenant Warren has discovered, at a depth of some fifty feet below the surface of the ground, a vast system of ; chambers and passages. These eham- ; hers, whose use lias not been decided, j are mostly about twelve feet square, ; vaulted aud filled up with rubbish or ! with water. About eighteen have j been opened, of which it is conjectur- j ed that two or three are of Saracenic | origin and the rest of Jewish. They j branch off right and left along a great passage. This has been followed up for a distance of 250 feet, its destina tion being yet uncertain, and its use problematical. Perhaps, however, it was a secret passage for troops. The discovery is intensely interesting, and may lead to singular and most impor tant results. THE NEW POSTAGE STAMP. THE Postmaster General lias just a warded the contract for the supply of stamps to the department for the ensu ing four years to the National Bank Note Company of New York. Thenew stamps will be somewhat smaller than those in use at present, but they are of a superior style and finish, with a nov elty in design. The two cent stamp contains an engraving of a post boy ou horseback in full speed. The three cent has a locomotive under full head of steam, the great carrier of our dornes | tic service. The five cent stamp con | tains a head of Washington. The ten | cent, the finest of all in design and ex j ecution, has a miniature engraving of j the Declaration of Independence, exe | cuted with such delicacy and precision i that the picture suffers nothing under a | magnifying glass. The twelve cent j stamp has an ocean steam ship, and the | thirty cent has a finely executed engra ving of the zoirreiider of Burgoyne.—r When It is considered that over a mill ion stamps are issued daily, theimpor tanceof this contract is at once evident. A GOOD CHARACTER. —A good char acter is to a young man what a firm foundation is to the artist who propos es to erect a building on it; he can well build with safety, and all who behold it will have confidence in its solidity— a helping hand will never be wanting ; but let a singe part of this be defective and you go on a hazard, amid doubting and distrust, and ten to one it wiil crumble down at last, and mingle all that was ever built on its ruins. With out a good character, poverty is a curst with it, scarcely an evil. Happiness cannot possibly exist where a got d character is not—where it is not a fre quent visitor. All that is bright in the hope of youth, all that is Calm and blissful in the sober scenes of life, all that is soothing in the vale of years, centres in, and is derived from a good character. Therefore, acquire this as the first and most valuable good. ONLYBELIEVE.— Let me entreat you to look to the word of God's testimony, and think not that anything else than a simple reception of these words,'that the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin,' is necessary for the purpose of be ing cleansed from your sin. It is the idea that something more is necessary which obstructs this reception. It is the imagination of a great personal work to which you have hitherto sat down in listlessness and despair, that keeps you at a distance from God. He approaches you with tidings; and what yon have to do is to give cridit to them. This is doing the work of God, that you belteve on Him "whom He hath sent; and could this transition be accomplished, then would you be trans lated into a habit of cheerful and pro gressive obedience, which in a war of le galism, or in the attempt to establish a righteousness of your own, you never can attain. — Dr. Chalmers. A TOUGH STORY.— Miss Mary Hul burt, from whose body physicians have extracted during the past ten years at least one thousand needles and pins, was found dead in her bed, at susque h>> jna, N. Y., last week. She wonld never give any account of the manner in which they were introduced, wheth er she swallowed them or thrust them directly into her flesh, nor did her friends, by watching her, ever find out. They were found at different times working on the surface of almost every part of her body, but chiefly on the limbs. A lady who refused to believe the stories about their removal, states that she went to satisfy herself, and saw a physician extract nearly fifty from one one arm. The girl seemed to be very little affected by the opera tion. —mammm If a few civil words will render a man happy, he must be a wretch who will not give them to him. Let anoth l er man light his candle by yours, and I yours loses none of its brilliancy by j what The Roman Catholics are building a $3,000,000 cathedral in Canton, China. VOL. 64.-WHOLE No. 5,467. VARIETY COLUMN. Seward has a free pass over the Erie Railroad, engraved on silver. The London post office delivers one million seven hundred and thirty thousand letters per week. Some of the jewelry of the unfortu nate Empress C'arlotta is for sale in Washington. A man in Massachusetts has lost the sight of an eye from being bitten by a spider. There is reported to be one mission ary in China to every four million of people. A rhetorical schoolmaster calls his pupils buds of promise on the branch es of education. The heart of a coquette, like the tail of a lizard, always grows again after she has lost it. An Irishman remarked of a lady who had been very kind to him, "Bedads she's a perfect gintleman." A cow in Nashville, the other day, ate a farmer's coat with S2OO in green backs in the pocket. A negro shot*a New Orleans car driver the other day, because the driv er requested him not to smoke in the car. A mountain of magnetic iron has been discovered in Lapland. It is suffi cient to supply the world with mag nets. Minnesota expects a crop of about fifteen million bushels of wheat this season, worth twenty million dollars. The State is ten years old. The gingerbread and peanut venders of New Orleans all congregrate before the Capitol and do big business among the colored legislators. Olive Logan thinks that any woman who can protect herself in a horse car i is qualified to vote, and exclaims, "now girls, be men 1" Rather a difficult command to obey. "You are at the very bottom of the hill," said a physician to a sick patient, "but I shall endeavor to get you up again. "I fear I shall be out of breath j before I reach the top," was the reply. "THERE are depths of love in Christ beyond what we have seen; therefore, dig deep, and labor, and take pains for Him and set by so much time in the day for Him as you can. He will be won with labor.—Rutherford. Is Great Barrington, at a large par ty the other evening, while a young lady was playing the piano with a pe i euliar touch, a bystander remarked, "I'd give a world for her fingers." He was greatly taken aback by her : prompt reply that he might have the whole hand—for his own. Three cheers for leap year. | It is a prevalent but mistaken idea in the Eastern States, that there are but few factories in the West. The fact is, that the cities and villages of the West are teeming with busy work j shops. For instance, of the cities, St. Louis has over 300 factories and pro duces nearly $-30,000,000 worth of goods j annually, and of the villages, Moline, 111., among other things, makes 50,000 plows of various kinds a year, and has $120,000 invested in shops where a log enters one end of the building and e | merges from the other in the shape of | tubs, pails, and churns. Womis FOR BOYS TO REMEMBER.— Liberty is the right to do whatever you wish, without interfering with the rights of others. Save your money and you will find it one of the most useful friends. Never give treuble to your father or ! mother. Take care of your pennies and they | will grow to dollars. Intemperance is the cause of nearly | all the trouble in this world ; beware of strong drink. The poorest boy, if he be industrious, honest and saving, may reach thehigh est honor in the land. Never be cruel to a dumb animal; remember it has no power to tell how much it suffers. - -j- Once a Week says: Here is a row of ! ordinary capital letters and figures : ! SSSSXXXXZZZZ3333BBBB | They are such as are made up of two I parts of equal shapes. Look carefully ; at these and you will perceive that the i upper halves of the characters are a very | little smaller than the lower halves—so little that an ordinary eye will declare themtobeof equal size. Now turn the page upside down, and, without any careful looking you will see that the dif j ferenee in size is very much exaggera | ted—that the real top half of the letter is very much smaller than the bottom half. It will beseen from this that there I is a tendency in the eye to enlarge the | upper part of an object upon which it j looks. We might draw two circles of > an unequal size, and so place them that j they should appear equal. A highly estemcd German citizen of | Charleston, 8. C. while bathing a day or two since, overheard a discussion ' among some negroes in regard to na turlized citizens. One of the negroes said that it was a shame that these ' foreigners were "lowed to stay here and vote same as we what be born here and lib here all our libes." Another said : "Yes.dese Irishmen and Dutch men and Frenchmen, dey don't know 1 nothing, they can't even speak Eng ' ligh; I don't tink dey ought to be al ' lowed to stay yer, much less to vote, 1 like we Americans." A third said: 7 "Well, you jis wait till General Grant's lected, aud he will fix dat for we; I i bet you he don't let none vote 'eept dem what born yer."