The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, October 30, 1868, Image 4
flru-ftoods, tU. VEW GOODS ± 1 AT THE CASH PRODUCE STORE ! J. M. SHOEMAKER HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE CITY. HE HAS BOUGHT A LARGE AND CHEAP STOCK OF GOODS. JUST AT THE BIGHT TIME. AT REDUCED PRICES. WHICH HE WILL SELL VERY CHEAP GIVE HIM A CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. Bedford, Pa., June 12th. 1868 READY-MADE CLOTHING. r F you want a cheap *uit of clothes, 1 call at J M Shoemaker's cheap Store, Bed- j lord, Pa. junl2 j DRESS GOODS. \T7"hen you are in search of good Vf dress goods, and cheap at that, call at J. M Shoemaker's Store. jonl2 HATS. If you want a cheap and nice hat, go to J M. Shoemaker's and you will be sure to get it. junl2 MEN'S WEAR. Avery large assortment of men's wear just received at J. M Shoemaker's store. junl2 MUSLINS. A full line of bleached and unbleach /\ ed muslins for sale at J M Shoemakers jua!2 H<X)P SKIRTS. A complete line of Ladies' late style Hoop Skirts, just received at J M Shoe maker's store. jnn!2 TOBACCO. If you want good tobacco, go to J. M. Shoemaker's store junl2 j GROCERIES. \\ J lien you want nice and cheap gro- W ceries. call at Shoemaker's stor- junl2 j BED-TICKING. I f you Want a No. 1 article Of bed ticking or hickory check, goto J. M. Shoe maker's store junt2 HOSIERY, GLOVES. AC. IT 7 " hen you want good hosiery, VY gloves, handkerchieis, neck-ties, collars, Ac call at Shoemaker's store junl2 SALT. iia Itags ground alum ?alt, just re- j • ill ceived at J M Shoemaker'- junl2 1868. —■ G. R. OSTER A CO. Have just received a large and Attractive Stock of new and CHEAP FALL GOO DS, CoMPRISISO Ladies dress goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Satin etts. Tweeds, Jeans, Flannels, Ready made clothing. Hat". Caps. Boots, Shoes, Fresh Family Groceries. Tobaccos, •Segars, Ac.. DECIDEDLY CHEAP. Bedford 0ct16,'68 JJ EN PERSON'S Celebrated Fresh Ground, Extra Family Flour constantly in Store and for sale by G, R OSTER A CO. 0ct16,'68 TkTEW GOODS!! NEW GOODS The undersigned has just received from the East a large and varied stock of New Goods, which are now open for examination, at MILL-TOWN, two miles West of Bedford, comprising everything usually found in a first-class country store consisting, in part,'of Dry-Goods, Delaines, Calicoes, Muslins, Cassimers, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Notions, Ac., Ac. All of which will be sold at the most reasonable prices. |5F* Thankful for past favors, we solicit a con tinuance ot the public tronage. fOjf Call and exam r goods. may24.'fi7. G. V EAGER SPRING G<K4DS. —A. B. CRAMER A CO are now receiving the LARGEST and MOST ELEGANT STOCK of GOODS, ever opened in Bedford. GREAT BARGAINS on hand, in every depart ment TERMS —cash, or six months approved credit. May 18, '6B. \TE\V ARRIVAL.—Just received IT at M C FETTEKLY'S FANCY STORE, Straw Hat* and Bonnet*, Straw Ornaments, Rib bons, Flowers, Millinery Goods. Embroideries, Handkerchiefs. Bead-trimmings, Buttons. Hosiery and Gloves, While Goods, Parasols and Sun-Um brellas. Balmorals and Hoop Skirts. Fancy Goods and Notions. Ladies' and Children's Shoes Our assortment contains all that is aew and desirable. Thankful for former liberal patronage we hope to be able to merit a continuance from all our cus omers. Please call and see our new stock, may 31 rpERMS for every description of Job j PRINTING CASH! for the reason that for every article we use. we must pay cash; and the c ash system will enable us to do oar work a* low as it can be done in the cities srji-©ood[s, &(. T)£MOVED to the COLONNADE BUILDING! MILLER A BOWSER, ,At the Old Colonnade, - - Bedford, Pa , j OFFER GREAT BARGAINS, | iin order to reduce their stock, before making their spring purchases) in Ready-Made Clothing, Fancy Goods, Notions, Cotton Yarn, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Wooden ware, Tobacco and Cigars, Brooms, Baskets, Ac., Ac., Ac. LOOK AT SOME OF THEIR PRICES: CALICO, at 8, 10, 12, 15, 16. GINGHAM, at 12i, 15, 18, 20. MUSLIN, at 10, 12, 14, 15,18, 20. Iw' Cassimeres, Cloths, Satinetts and j Ladies' Sacking, at very low prices ffieU Ladies', Gents' and Misses' J - Shftes, Sandals and Over-Shoes, in great variety JtetT Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots, ftajf' Best Coffee, Tea, Sugar and Syr ' up in the market. Prices low toC Feed, Flour, Ac., for sale at all times gtaWe invite all to call and see our ■ goods and compare prices before buying elsewhere. I Our motto is, Short Proffit!*. traef TERMS —Cash, Note or Produce. apt3.'6B \I T AR! WAR!! WAR!!! ?▼ Among the DRY-GOODS MERCHANTS ' FISHER A BURNS Have just received from Philadelphia, New York j and Boston, a well selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Queensware, Ac., all of which will be sold below 'Mow water mark,'' for cash or approved country produce Their Room is in the old Post-office Building, (formerly owned by C Loyer) 1 door west of the j Bedford Hotel. jun26m6 j flcntistry. C 1 N. HICKOK, /. DENTIST, Office at the old stand in BANK BUILDING, Julian na Street, BEDFORD, Pa. AH operations, pertaining to Surgical and Me chanical Dentistry, performed with care, and WARRANTED. Anaesthetics administered .when desired. Ar tificial teeth inserted, per set. $8 00 and upward 15C As I am determined to do A CASH BUSINESS or none, I have reduced the prices of ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the various kinds, 20 PER CEST. and of GOLD FILLINGS 33 PER EENT. This reduction will be made only to Btrictly CASH PATIENTS, and all such will receive prompt attention. feb7,'6Btf !| TVR. GEO. B. KELLEY, I / having permanently locate:! in ST CLAIRS VILLE, tenders his professional services to the citizens of that place and vicinity nov2'66yl 117 W. J AMISON, M. IX, BLOODY i yy ■ BUS, Pa., tenders his professional servi ces to the people of that place and vicinity. Office one door west of Richard Langdon's store Nov. 21. '6s—ly bankers. ! JACOB REED, | J.J. ST'HKLI,. REED AND SC H ELL, Banters and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BEDFORD,PA , DRAFTS bought and sold, collections made and money promptly remitted, j Deposits solicited. OE. SHANNON, BANKER, S BEDFORD, PA. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. | COLLECTIONS made for the East, West, North ' and Sonth, and the general business of Exchange transacted. Notes and Accounts Collected and j Remittances promptly made. REAL ESTATE I bought and sold. janl7,'6B P U M P S! ! ! 1 am engaged in selling the ERIE PUMP— certainly the only pamp well adapted to this climate Persons in need of a GOOD PCB P, will do well to give me a call. Disorders from all parts of the county attend ed to with promptness. ADDRESS : WM. C SNIVELY, Schellsburg Aug. I, '6s—ly FA IRB AN K'S 8T ANI) AR D SCALES, , of all kind*, also, Baggage Barrows, Ware house Trucks, Copying Presses, FAIRBANKS, MORSE 4* CO., 1 Corner Wood if Second Sts., Pittsburg, Pa. careful to buy only the Genuine Scales. Repaired promptly. mar27m6. SELLERS & FOLWELL, WHOLESALE ! CONFECTIONERS and FRUITERERS, No. 161 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. 1 (ebjlm-l Orders promptly attended W- <Ka?ewt> pa> Jbf Brgulator's tfolumn. rjIHE REGULATOR takes pleasure in informing his friends that he has taken The Old Store all to himself, and tends as formerly, keeping nothing but the best goods at J REASONABLE PRICES. Kemember always to call at No 2 ANDERSON'S Row, where you will alw&vs find H. F. IRVINE ; prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest BOOTS AND SHOES. Everybody in search of Boots, j Shoes and Gaiters, should ! call at Irvine's Regulator, j GLASSWARE. Everybody in search of Glass ware, should call at Ir- i vine's Regulator QUEENSWARE. Everybody in search of j Queensware, should call at j Irvine's Regulator SPICES. Everybody in want of Spices of any kind, should not fail to call at Irvine's Reg ulator. GROCERIES. Everybody in search of Su gar, Tea or Coffee, should not fail to call at Irvine's Regulator. TOBACCO. Men loving good Tobacco, should call at Irvine's Regulator, as he keeps the best. I NOTIONS. Everybody wanting good Neck-ties, Collars, Ac., should call at once at Ir vine's. mayl,'6B. if lathing, tU. j KM OVA L! RE M OVAL!! THE BEDFORD CLOTHING EM PORIUM Has been removed to SHUCK'S ROOM, one j door West ot the Washington House. The undersigned would beg leave to inform their friends and many customers that they have res moved their store to the above named place, where we are prepared to exhibit the largest stock of READY-MAI)E CLOTHING ever brought to Bedford, consisting in part of Over-Coats, of every quality and price, Dresa Coats, Business Coats, Cassimere Pants, Cloth Pants, Caasinet Pants, Cassimere Vests, Cloth Vests, Cassinet Vests. We have a lot of Army Clothing, Very Cheap: Blouses, $2 50 Overcoats, 6 00 Blue Pants, 3 50 (& 4 00 Currying Shirts, 1 50 Our NOTION department is full and complete. CASSIMERE SHIRTS, WHITE SHIRTS, WOOLEN SHIR TS, at all prices. The largest stock of PAPER COLLARS in Bedford, Cloth-lined, Linen finished, Lockwood, Enamelled. Cloth imitation, Glazed, of all sizes, for ladies and gents S USPENDERS, NECK- TIES BOWS, ire. Ladies and Gents Linen and Paper Cuffs Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., of every description Our CASBIMERES and CLOTHS will be found suitable for old and youi.g, rich and poor. TRIMMINGS of all qualities We would call the special attention of gentle men to our line of HATS, which we boast on in price, quality and style There is no style but what we have Calicos, Delaines, Muslins, Tickings, As., Ac. CASH BUYERS should call and ex amine, as oar terms are cash or produce. P ovß/67 R. W, RERRSTRESSKR A 00. £tationirii, &(. T)OOKS AND STATIONERY! BOOKS AND STATIONERY > .' INQUIRER BOOK STORE, (opposite Mengei House,) BEDFORD, PEXN'A. j The Proprietors take pleasure in offering to the I public, almost every artiele belonging to the Book Business, and that too at City RETAIL PRICES. Miscellaneous Books, consisting of POETRY, by the leading Poets, all the late and standard NOVELS, by the best authors. Bibles, Hymn Books, Ac.' Large family Bibles, Lutheran and Methodist Hymns, ftnj a selection of Religious Beoks. School Books, Being a complete series of the Books now used in , our Common Schools. Stationery, i of all kinds, and quality, from the smallest Note | to tlie largest Cap. Wall Paper, the cheapest, best and largest stock ever brought to town. Blank Books, Day Books, Ledgers, Time Books and Pass Books. Inks and Ink Stands, ' j various kinds, all convenient and dura Pens and Pencils, ' of twenty-five different varieties, good in kind and quality. Also, all the very latest and leading Periodicals, j always on hand, at publisher's prices. 15^Any article called for and not on hand, it ! desired, will be ordered promptly. Give us a call, opposite the Mengei House, and , one door South of the INQUIRER OFFICE. mar 27 DURBORROW A LUTZ. at Xau\ S. L. RUSSELL. J. H. LONG KNECK F.R RUSSELL A LONGENECKER, I ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., i Will attend promptly and faithfully to all busi- I ness entrusted to their care. Special attention j given to collections and the prosecution of claims for Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions, Ac OFFICE, on Juliana Street, south of the Court j House. aprs,'B7tf J. HCD. SHARRK. E. F. KERR. CJHARPE A KERR, ATTORNEYS j AT LAW. BEDFORD, PA., will practice in the courts of Bedford and adjoining counties Of fice on Juliana St., opposite the Banking House of Reed A Schell. [March 2, '66. J R. DURBO RR6 W, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA., Will attend promptly to all business intrusted to tis care. Collections made on the shortest no tice He is, also, a regularly licensed Claim Agent and will give special attention to the prosecution of claims against tbe Government for Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, Bounty Lands, Ac. Office in tbe second story of J. W. Lingenfelter's New Building, adjoining the "Mengei House." aug2lm6 JOHN P.REED, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Respectfully tenders his services to the public. Office second door North of the Mengei House Bedford, Aug, 1, 1861. 17 SPY M. ALSIP, ATTORNEY AT JJ LAW, BEDFORD, PA. Will faithfully and promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Military •laims, back pay, bounty, Ac., speedily collected. Office with Mann A Spang, on Juliana street, t to doors South of the Mengei House. Jan 22, 1864, F. M. KIMMELL. I J W LLTLQS.TELTER. KIMMELL A LINGENFELTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-, BEDFORD, PA., Have formed a partnership in the practice of the Law Office on Juliana street, two doors South ofthe "Mengei House," /S H. SPANG, ATTORNEY AT Ijr. LAW BEDFORD, PA. Will promptly at tend to collections and all business entrusted to his care in Bedford and adjoining counties. Office on Juliana Street, three doors south of the •Mengei House," opposite the residence of Mrs. Tate. May 13, 1864. B F. METERS. | J W. DICKERSON. MEYERS A DICKERSON, AT TORNEYS AT LAW, Bedford, Pa , office same as formerly occupied by Hon. S. L. Russell, a few doors south of the Court House, will practice in the several courts of Bedford county. Pensions, bounty and back pay obtained and the purchase and sale of real estate attended to. mayll,'66. HA YS IRVJNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bloody Run, Pa. Office in Harris' I New Building. marl3'6B lUIANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW I*l RESTORED. Just published, a new edi tion of DR CULVKBWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPER MATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impendiments to Marriages, etc.; also, CONSUMPTION, EPILEPSY and FITS, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, ty Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli cation of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure himself cheaply, priva tely. and radically {jyThis Lecture should be in the hands of overy youth and every man in the land Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, Dr Culverwell's'MarriageGuide,' price 25 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO.. 127 Bowery, N. Y. Post Office Box 4586. ang23,'67—ly DANIEL BORDER, PITT STREET, TWO DOORS WEST OF THE BED FORD HOTEL, BEDFORD, PA. WATCHMAKER AND DEALER IN JEWEL RY, SPECTACLES, AC He keeps on hand a stock of fine Gold and Sli er Watches, Spectacles of Brilliant Double Re ined Glasses, also Scotch Pebble Glasses. Gold Watch Chains, Breast Pins, Finger Ringß. best quality of Gold Pens. He will supply to order any thing in his line not on hand Oct. 20, 1865- I JQR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITT E R S . A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC AND CARMINATIVE BITTERS. EXTRA C TED entirely from Herbs and ROOTS. Highly beneficial in DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, and Loss of Appetite; and an excellent CORRECTIVE for persons suffering from Disorders of the Bowels, Flatulence, Ac. SOLD Everywhere ' Depot, No. 413 Market St., Philada. J. K. TAYLOR A CO. sepll6B,'yl Cl' UNS AND LOCKS.—The under- X signed respectfully tenders his services to the people of Bedford and vioinity, as a repairer Guns and Locks. Ail work promptly attended TO L. DEFIBAUGH sep 28, '66-tf 4 YE res HAIR VIGOR, FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE HAIR THE GREAT DESIDERATUM OF THE AGE. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color and the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness of ten. though not always, cured bv its use. Noth ing can restore the hair where the follicles are de stroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved lor usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigor ous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off. and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations danger ous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Contain ing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts longer on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., PRACTICAL AXD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS, Price $1 00. aug2l'6Byl B. F. HARRY, Agent. CHERRY PECTORAL^ For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in tne whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and so deep ly upon the confidence of mankind, as this excel lent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher in their es timation, as it has become better known. Its uni form character and power to cure the various af fections of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a reliable protector against them While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dangerous affectiops of the throat and lungs As a provision against sudden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in ev ery family, and indeed as all arc Bometime sub ject to colds and cougds, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still great numbers of cases where the disease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When nothing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pectoral they subside and disappear. Singers and public Speakers find great protec tion from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cur ed by it. Bronchitis Is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure tho public that its qualities are fully maintained. AYEK'S AGUE CUII E. For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Peri odica! or Billions Fever, ifC., and indeed all , the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. As its name implies it does Cure, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bis muth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in no wise injures any pa tient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague districts, are literally beyond account, and we believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other reme dies had wholly failed. Unacclimated persons, either resident in, or traveling through miasmatic localities, will be protectee! by taking the AGUE CURE daily. For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints, it is an excellent remedy, producing many truly re markable cures, where other medicines had failed Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER A Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Lowell, Mass , and sold all round tbe world. PRICE , SI.OO Per BOTTLK. sepll'yl B. F. HARRY, agent. P W. CLARK A CO., BANKER S, No. 35 Third Street, Philadelphia, GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR THE States of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. Tbe NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY is a corporation Chartered by Speaial Act of Congress, approved July 25, 1868, with a Cash Capital of One MILLION Dollars, and is now thoroughly organized and prepared for business. Liberal termsoffered to Agents and Solicitors, who are invited to apply at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our office, located in the second story of our Banking House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully de scribing the advantages offered by the Company, may be had. Applications for Central and Western Pennsyl vania to be made to B. S. RUSSELL, Manager, Harrisburg, Pa. E W. CLARK A CO., No. 35 South Third St., Phil'a., Pa. aug2l'6B,yl P. H ARB A UGH A SON, Wholesale Traveling Dealers in FANCY DRY GOODS AND NO TIONS, will visit their friends and the public generally, in Bedford county, once every two months. They sell their goods at city prices. Also, agents for Chambersburg Woolen Manufacturing Co. aprill,lß6Byl J PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST. FLAGS, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIES And LANTERNS, Campaign Badges, Medals and Pius, OF BOTH CANDIDATES Ten different styles sent on receipt of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. Agents wanted everywhere. Flags in Muslin, Bunting and Silk, all sizes, wholesale and retail. Political Clnbs fitted out with everything they may require. Call on or address W. F. SCHEIBLE, No. 49 South Third Street, aug2!m2 PHILADELPHIA. LI VER Y ST ABLES, in rear of THE "Mengei House," BEDFORD, PA., MENGEL A BURNS, Proprietors. The undersigned would inform their friends, and the public generally, that they are prepared to furnish HORSES AND BUGGIES. Carriages, Sporting Wagons, or anything in the Livery lino of buaineaa, in good style and at moderate charg es. Terms : CASH, unless by special agreement. janlO'fißtf MENGEL A BURNS. 3?hiladfl))fcta £radr. f*2B HOOP SKIRTS 628 ! ') AXD CORSETS, CORSETS. WM. T. HOPKINS, : No. 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia. MANUFACTURER OF THE j CELEBRATED ' CHAMPION HOOP SKIRTS FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, The largest assortment, and best quality and | styles in the American Market. Every lady should try them as they recommend themselves by wearing longer, retaining their shape much better, being lighter and more elastic than all otk | ers—WARRANTED in everv respect, and sold at verr low prices. Ask for lIOPKINS' "OH AMPI ON SKIRT Superior Hand-made Wbale-bone CORSETS in : Fifteen different grades, including the "Imperial" and THOMPSON A LANGDOX'S "GLOVE FITTING" ' CORSETS, ranging in prices from SI Cents to $5.- 50 : together with Joseph Beckel's CKLEBRA : TED FRENCH WOVEN CORSETS, superior shapes and quality, ten different Grades, from sl.lO to $5.50 They are the finest and best goods ! for the prices, ever imported The Trade sup plied with HOOP SKIRTS and CORSETS at the i Lowest Rates. Those visiting the City should not fail to call i and examine our Goods and Prices, as we defy 1 ! all competition. septll,'6Bcbms ' ! | jpiRST NATIONAL WHITE LEAD. This Paint is Manufactured of the BEST AND PUREST MATERIAL. WARRANTED Equal to any made, for durability and brilliancy 61VE IT A TRIAL AND TOO WILL NEVER CBE ANT 1 OTHER SOLD IS Y ALL DEALERS IN PAINTS j THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY T. MORRIS PEROT & CO., Wholesale dealers in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, j Ac.. 621 Market, and 612 Commerce Sts. PHILADELPHIA, Pa CAPTION. —Owing to the popularity of our First , National Lead, other parties have been induced to | offer a spurious article. Beware ! of Counterfeits The Genuine is put up in Ex | tra Heavy Tin Paint Pots, with Patent metallic j wire handles, and the name of T Morris Perot A Co. on eaeh label. dec6,'67yl QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOATJ I QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. A# QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. For doing a family washing in the best and i t cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in j j the world ' Has all the strength of old rosin soap ; i with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front I Street, Philadelphia. sep4'6B,yl JO. GARDILL . WITH I STILZ & ME LICK, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, No. 325 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. j marl.'jyl J HENRY HUTTON, # WITH A. A. SHUMWAY, & Co., Wholesale Manufacturers and DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 221 Market aad 210 Church Streets, PHILADELPHIA. j 13" Tour patronage is respectfully solicited, i Aug3o,'67. ; HP HE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, I 1 J.J RICHARDSON A CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PHILAD'A,, | Is the largest Manufacturing Confectioners and 1 Wholesale Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, Ac., in the United States, j marfiyl i MAUI BICBSOS S. S. CAMPBELL. JJ. RICHARDSON & CO , # Manufacturers of PLAIN AND FANCY CANDIES. and Dealers in FOREIGN FRUITS AND NUTS, No 126 Market St., Bet. Front A Second, dec6.'67yl PHILADELPHIA. PA A. B. CUNNINGHAM. | J. H. LEWIES. | 3. B. GLKIX. | CI UN NINGHAM, GLEIM & CO., ! / WHOLESALE DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Ac.,! No 408 Market Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA dec6.'67yl String pifliitj. j rpHE GREAT ' AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Hole Over-ieaniing AND SEWING MACHINE, It.s Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof | of its Great Merit. The increase in the demand for this valuable 1 ! machine has been TEN FOLD during the last I seven months of its first year before the public . This grand and surprising success is tin pre. | cedented in the history of sewing-machines, and j we feel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL. BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, And Intrinsically the Cheapest. It is really two machines combined in one, (by ' a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement.) \ making both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, and j the Overseaining and Button-hole stitch, with ; equal facility ana perfection It executes in the i very best manner every variety of sewing, such ! as Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitch- j ing, Braiding and Quilting, Gathering and sewing on. (done at the same time.) and in addition, Over- j seams. Embroiders on the edge, and makes beau- j tiful Button and Eyelet-hole# in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, j or its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of s work done on this Machine, can be had on appli- ! cation at the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING AND SE WING MACHINE CO., S. W. COR. ELEVENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. PA. Instructions given on the Machine at the rooms ! of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXTON, President. j W. B. MENDENBALL, Treasurer. jan3,'6B S. J- McCAUSLIN, Agent, Bedford, Pa. 0~ UR N E W FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The superior merits of the "Singer" Machines over all others, for either Family use or Manu facturing purposes, are so well established and so generally admitted, that an enumeration of their relative excellences is no longer considered neces- * OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE, which has been brought to perfection regardless of time, labor, or expense, is now confidently pre- ) sentcd to the public as incomparably the Best Sew ing Machine in existence. The machine in <pies- j tion is Simple, Compact, Durable and Beautiful. It is quiet, light running, and CAPABLE OF PERFORMING A RANGE AND VARIETY OF WORK never before attempted upon a single Machine, — j using either SILK. TWIST, LINEN OR COTTON 1 THREAD, and sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, and any thin it be tween the two extremes, in the most beautiful and | substantial manner. Its attachments for Hem- j ming, Braiding, Cording, Tacking, Quilting. Fel ling, Trimming. Binding, etc., are Novel and Prac tical, and have been invented and adjusted es- i pecially for this Machine. New designs of the Unique, Useful, and Popular j Folding Tops and Cabinet Cases, peculiar to the Machines manufactured by this Company, hare j been prepared for enclosing the new Machine. A faint idea, however, can at conveyed | through the medium of a (neoessarily) limited ad vertisement ; and we therefore urge every person in <juest of a Sewing Machine, by all means to ex amine and test, if they can possibly do so, all the leading rival Machines before making a purchase. A selection can then be made understanding^. Branches or agencies for supplying the "Singer" Machines will be found in nearly every city and town throughout the civilized world, where Ma chines will be cheerfully exhibited, and any infoT uiation promptly furnished. Or communications may be addressed to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., ; 458 Broadway, NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE-1106 Chestnut St. C. LOYER, Agent, Bedford, Pa. oet9,'6Syl A RARE CHANCE IS OFFERED ! ALL PERSONS isplay their Goods; Tc sell their Goods: To gather information; To make known their wants; : 4e., Ac. Ac Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ao., by adveriisingin the columns of TBB GAZETTE. fotel. TTTASHINGTON HOTEL, BED TV FORD. Pa.—This large and commodious ; house, having been re-taken by the subscriber, is i now open for the reception of visitors and board i ers. The rooms are large, well ventilated, and | comfortably furnished. The table will always be i supplied with the bust the market can afford The ' Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors. In short, it is my purpose to keep a FIRST-CLASS HOTEL Thankirg the public for past favors, I respectful i !y solicit a renewal of their patronage. X. B Hacks will run constantly between the i Hotel and the Springs mayl7,'67yl W DIBERT. Prop r BED FO R D HOTE L.—The un dersigned having take charge of the Bed j ford Hotel, formerly kept by Col John Hafer, ao j Bounces to the public that he wilj be able to af ; ford the best accommodations. b<th to the travel \ ing public and home custom. The house will be i improved and re-fitted, and the Bar will always be I well supplied with choice liquors. His table will be supplied with the choicest edibles of the season, and he will spiare no pains to make it ;u : 'able for all. His stable is one of the best in B . .otd, and a good hostler will always be in attendance. LB s "Boarders taken by the week, month or year. Terms reasonable. The pnblic are respectfully in vited to give him a call. JOSHUA J. SHOEMAKER. Jan. 15, '64 rp HE MEN GE L HOU SE, Juliana Street, Bedford, Pa. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform ' the travelling public that he has recently enlarged, ! improved and refitted his house, both (or the ac commodation of travelers and boarders, as well as | country customers Persons coming to this place ! for the purpose of visitiDg the Bedford Springs, will find this house pleasantly located. Ample and convenient Stabling is attached to this Hotel, which will always be attended by a ; careful hostler. Also a safe and convenient car j riage house. All are invited to give him a call. ISAAC MENGEL, Proprietor. I April 15, '64. 1 EXCHANGE HOTEL, j HUNTINGDON, PA. j This old establishment having been leased by I J. MORRISON, formerly propriety of the Morri : eon House, has been entirely renovated and re furnished and supplied with all the modern im provements aad conveniences necessary o a first class Hotel. The dining room has been removed to the first floor and is now spacious and airy, and the cham bers are ail well ventilated, ar,<l the proprietor will endeavor to make his guests pertectly at home Address J MORRISON, EXCHANGE HOTEL, 1 jun!9tf Huntingdon, Pa I U N ION H O T E L WEST PITT ST., BEDFORD. PA . V. STECKMAN, Proprietor. This excellent hotel is now prepared toaccom modate the public in the best manner and on the most liberal terms. May 9, 'B2 PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, WOODBURY. PA The undersigned has refitted this house, and is i prepared to accommodate bis customers aQd the | traveling public in a manner that will give satis ; faction to all. HENRY FLUCK. Proprietor. | janl2m3* Miscellaneous. I>UMP'! PUMPS'! PUMPS!!! i SYLVESTER G. MASON'S j DOUBLE-ACTING. NON-FREEZIN FORCE PUMP, | Patented August 28th, 1866, and awarded the i PREMIUM at the Pennsvlvania, Ohio, and New York State Fairs, in 1866. The advantages claimed for this pump over all j other patent pumps are as follows, vu: The valves, i are composed entirely of cast iron, rendering it : the most durable of any pump yet patented : This pump is so constructed that it never freezes, the water dropping back to the level with the water in the well. It is easily worked, and can be used, by attaching hose, in washing wagons, horses, wat ering gardens, and in case of fire is of valuable service, as water may be thrown to the distance of from sixty to seventy feet in the air from it by the use of a small section of hose This valuable pump is now offered to the public at the following prices . Three-quarter in. Pump. Inch Pump. From 7to 10 ft. sls 00 From 7to 10 ft. sl7 00 From 10 to 15 ft 17 00 from 10 to 15 ft 18 00 From 15 to 20 ft 20 00 From 15 to 20 ft 22 00 I'rom 20 to 25 ft 25 00 From 20 to 25 ft 26 00 From 25 to 30 ft 30 Oo From 25 to 30 ft 30 00 From 30 to 35 ft 95c pr ft From 30 to 35 ft 35 00 From 35 to 55ft90eprft From 35 to 40 ft 40 00 1 From 55 to 60 ft 85c pr ft' F'rom 40 to 50 ft 95c pr ft A liberal reduction from the above prices will I be made to parties sending us several orders from ! ene place at the same time. In sending orders please give the depth of the well to the top of the platform. County rights for sale in Somerset, Fulton, Huntingdon, Franklin, Blair and Centre counties Address J. W. ROHM A W. W. SHUCK, | julyl7.3m Bedford. Pa. BOOK AGENTS WANTED To soli cit orders for Dr WILLIAM SMITH'S DIC -1 TIONARY OF THE BIBLE The Only Edition ; Published In America, Condensed By Dr. Smith's | Own Hand. In one large Octavo volume, illus : trated with over 125 steel and wood engravings. Agents and subscribers see that you get the Genuine Edition By Dr. Smith. The Springfield Republican says, this edition published by Messrs Burr A Co. is the geuuine thing. The Constegationalist says, whoever wishes to i get in the cheapest form, the best Dictionary ot ! the Bibie should buy THIS. Agent# are meeting with unparalleled success. We employ no General Agents, and offer extra ; inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see the I advantage of dealing directly with the PUBLISH ERS. For descriptive circulars with full particu ! lars and terms, address the Publishers. J B. BURR A CO., Hartford, Conn. in ay 29 rati BEDFORD CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Founded by Rev'd John Lyon, 1859. FREDERICK WOODS, PRINCIPAL A first-class school for the instruction of youth ! ot both sexes in a classical and English educa ; tion, including Latin, Greek, French, German. Mathematics and the ordinary English branches. { Terms moderate. Students from a distance j can obtain board in town at reasonable rales. REFERENCES. ! Hon. A. King, Jacob Reed, j Hon. John G. Hartley, John P. Reed, j \\ m. Hartley, 11. Nicodemus, j O. E. Shannon, R. B. Lewis, Pres't Broad Top R. R jW. fl. Watson, M. D. C. N. Hickok, j B. F". Harry, M. D. Geo. Blymyer, ! Satn'l L. Russell, G. D. Shuck, | B. F. Meyers, C. Colfelt, i John Lutz, Ross Anderson, M. D janlo'6Byl Wm. Lyon. | JJAILEY, FARRELL & CO., LEAD PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD MANUFACTURERS, ALSO Pig Lead. Iron Pipe, Rubber Hose, Steam Gauges Whistles and Valves, Iron and Copper Sinks and Bath Tubs, Steam Pumps, Farm Pumps and F'orce Pumps. And every description of goods for WATER, GAS & STEAM. NO. 167 SMITHFIELD STREET. Send for a Price List. PITTSBURG, PA. apr24'6Byl | j NO. G. FISHER, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, BEDFORD, PA. Fire Insurance effected perpetually or lor any ! term. Life Insurance on the Interest Bearing Pian. Losses speedily adjusted and promptly paid. july3,'6B rpiiE Local circulation of the BED- I FORD GAZETTE is larger than that of any other j paper in this section ot country, and therefore of j ersthe greatest inducements to business men to | fdvertise in its columns lan PER CENT SAVED. 5,000 | / AGENTS Wanted for the Mammoth | DOLLAR SALE. Full particulars in circular i Address DEXTER, EAMES A Co., 1055 Washing'n { at., Boston, Mass HORATIO J. MEANS, Licensed Auctioneer, tenders his services to all per sons haviug sales, or vendues. Give him a call. Residence, Black Valley, Monroe tp., six miles South of Bloody Bun. novßm3 LUMBER. —60,000 feet Oak, White and Yellow Pine Lumber on hands and fo sale by J. B WILLIAMS & CO., junl4,'67tf Bloody Run, Pa O LIP BILLS, PItOGRAMM ES j O POSTERS, and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING, done with neatness j and despatch, at THK GAZETTE office LETTER HEADS AND BILL HEADS, and ENVELOPES for business men J rioted in the best style of the art, at THE GAZETTE ob OFFICE. NAMMOTH SALE BILLS, print ed at short notice. Large Bills make large I sales. We know it to he so. TRY IT! It wul I much more than pay the extra expense of print ing Call at THE GAZETTE JOB OFF | .)K WAGONS FOR SALE AT pejfj KNOX' SHOPS f near |aprl9tf